CoCom Lists - 1966
CoCom Lists - 1966
CoCom Lists - 1966
Munitions List
M.L.l. SmaH arms and machine guns, as follows:
(a) Rifles, carbines, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols and machine
Consolidated list of goods subject guns;
(b) All specially designed components and parts therefor.
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
licences to export snlall quantities of srn,all arms such as rifles, shot..
to strategic embargo guns, carbines or pistols designed for sporting or ornalnental purposes
and amlnunition there/or.
M.L.2. Artillery and projectors, as follow-s:
{a) Guns, howitzers, cannon, mo~uars, tank destroyers, rocket
ETE LIST of goods subject tJ strategic em,bargo is set out launchers, military flame throwers, recoilless rifles;
(b) Military sm,oke, gas and pyroteahnic projectors;
THE COMPth~ supersedes the list published lin the Board of Trade (c) AB spe'ci'aUy desi'gned components and parts for tlhe foregoing.
below; IS
n June 12, 1964. M.L.3. Ammunition, and all specially de&igned com,ponentJs and
JournaI O
parts thereof, for the weapons enumerated under Items 1 and 2.
tegic emba'rgo applies to those goods which, for reasons See Note to Item 1 above.
The stra .. I
of national security, are subject to he~Phor~ lIcensmg controh° .b~edmost M.L.4. Bomb'S, torpedoes, rockets and missiles (guided or un..
e guided), as follows:
. t' ns and the export OJ. w lC IS normall y pr 1 It to
destma 10 • • (a) Bombs, t011'edoes, grenades (including smoke grenades), smoke
'b . Bulga,pia, ChIna, Czechosiovak:la, the Eastern Zone of canister,s, rockets, mines, missiles (guided or unguided), depth
Al aDla, HungaJry MongolIa,. North Korea, N orth V'letnam,
ny chaJ:1ges, fire bOffi1bs, incendiary bombs; and all specially
Germa , ' designed components and p'arts therefor;
Poland, Rumania, Tibet and the USSR. (Ib) Apparatus ,and devices speciaNy designed for t!he handling,
control, activation, ,launohing, 1aying, sweeping, discbargiug,
Manufacturers are reminded that the purpose of these strategic detonation or detection of items enumerated Iin sub-item (a);
ois will be defeated if technical information or technical and all 'Specially designed components and parts therefor;
tr (c) Military fuel thickeners specially formulated for the purpose
know-how concerning embargoed equipment • • revea led to the
IS of producing materials whicih, when added to petroleum pro"
abovt countries. Great care should ther~fore be taken t~ ~reveDlt ducts, provide a gel-type incendiary material for use in bombs,
this happening. A particular danger arises when techniCians or projectiles, flame throwers or otlher implements of war.
students from these countries are visiting or are being trained at M.L.5. Fire control equipment and range finders, as follows:
Ca) Fire control, gun laying, ni,ght sighting, missile tracking and
British factories. guidance equipment;
<,b) R'ange, position and height finders, and spotting instruments
The scope of the embargo has been reduced. Items 1380 (centri- !specially des'igned for military purposes;
Cc) Aiming de"ices, electronic, gyroscopic, acoustic and op,tiool,
fugal and axial flow compressors and blowers), 1410 (tankers) and specially de,signed for military purposes;
1744 (pentaerythritol tetranlitrate) have been deleted 'and there are (d) Bomh sights, bombing computers, gun sights and periscopes,
relaxations on other items including 1088 (gear making machinery), ~pecial1y des'igned for military purposes;
(e) Television Slighting units speciaHy designed for military pur·
1145 (liqUJid' gas containers), 1526 (communication cable), 1545 poses, and inertial p1atlfonns;
(transistors), 1572 (recording and/or reproducing equipment), 1584 (f) Components, parts, accessorie,s, and 'attaohments specially
(oscilloscopes), 1715 (boron), 1754 (p.t.f.e.) and 1781 (lubricants). designed for the articles enumerated in sub-items (a), (b), (c),
(d) and (e) above.
Items 1360, 1530 and 1566 have been amended and are now incor-
porated in the new definition of item 1355 (valve making and semi- M.L.6. Tanks, and vehicles specially designed for military purposes,
as follows:
conductor making machinery). The overall effect has been to reduce (a) Tanks and se1f-propeUed guns;
the coverage of these four items. Item 1255 (diesel engines) has Ch) Military type anned or armoured vehicles and vehicles fitted
been transferred to the Munitions List (M.L.9) and item 1106 has with mountings f.or armiS;
(c) Armoured railway trains;
been transferred to the Atomic Energy List (A.E.l9). Only one new (d) 'MHitary 11alf tracks;
item has been added to the list covering p.t.f.e. extrusion machinery (e) Military type' re'cove,ry vehicles;
~f) Gun carriers and tractors spedally designed for towing artillery;
(1306). For ease of reference all amendments have been sidelined. (Ig) Trailers .SJpeaially designed to carry ammunition;
(h) Amphibious and deep water fording military vehicles;
The list is published for the general information and guidance (i) Military mobile rep'air shops specially designed to service mili-
tary eqU1ipment;
of traders and does not itself have force of law; it is not a com- (j) Am other speciaHy designed military vehicles;
plete List of goods subject to licensing control. Traders should (k) Pneumatic tyre c'asings (excluding tractor and farm implement
refer to the Export of Goods (Control) Order, 1965, as amended, types) of a kind speci al1y constructed to be bullet proof or to
Isotopes. .
re terium and compounds, not elsewhere specified, mixtures
A.EJ· peu ontaining deuterium, including heavy water and heavy Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
and solutJ~ns :hidh the ratio of deuterium atoms to hydrogen atoms licences for the export of gas centrifuges specially designed for indus-
paraffins, ~~ 000 by number. . . . . trial use and not suitable for atomic energy production use.
exceeds. lih~ Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for A.E.30. Blowers and compressors (turbo, centrifugal and axial .flow .
Note. he export of: . . types), wholly made of or lined with aluminium, nickel, or alloy con-
licences f)o~ dt'v/'dual shipments con1talnlng up to 1 kilogram of t1aining 60 per cent or more nickel, and having a eatpacity of 60
deuterium, except as Iml e by SU b-I'/em (b) 0 f A .
(1 I1l I 1· ·t d E.35;
cubic feet per minute (1,700 Htres per minute) or greater.
2) subsequent shipments of deuteriuln for use in reactors
( exported under A .E.36. A.E.31. Electrolytic cells for the production of fluorine with a
production capacity greater than 250 grams of fluorine per hour;
&8 Zirconium metal, alloys cont~ining. more tha~ 50 per ~ent major components thereof.
A. .• b weight and compounds, In whIch the ratio of hafnIum
zirCOnIU~ Jrconiu~ content is less than one part to 500 parts by A.E.33. Heat exchangers suitable for use in gaseous diffusion
co~ten~ 0 d manufactures wholly thereof.
plants, i.e. heat exldhangers made of aluminium, copper, nickel, or
weIght,. a.the Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for alloys containing more than 60 per cent niokel, or combinations of
. N~:; for the e:rport of i.n~ivi~ual shipments containing up .to 5 these metals as clad tubes, de'signed to operate at sub-atmospheric pres-
sure, with a leak rate of less than 10~4 atmospheres per hour under a
I,cen of hafnium-free Zirconium.
kilograms - pressure differential of 1 a tmosplhere.
.E 11 Nickel powder witlh a p'article size less than 200 microns. A.E.34. Artificial graphite, in the form of blocks or rods from
~ t~. ·The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for wlhich a cube of 2 inohes side or greater can be cut, and having a
. 0 . for the export of nickel powder not made by the Carbonyl
licences . boron content of less than, or equal} to, 1 part per million, the
process. total tlherm1al neutron absorption cross section being less than, or
AE.12. Beryllium metal' and ~anufactures wh911y thereof (exc1ud~ equal to, 5 milliharns per atom.
. 'beryllium windows for medIcal X-ray machInes); beryl (exc1ud- Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
~ng em grade) and ores; alloys containing more than 50 per cent licences for the export of subsequent shipments of artificial graphite
tng nium by weight; oxides and other compounds. for use in reactors exported under A.E.36.
beJJ te' The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for A.E.35. Lithium, as follows:
I' e:Ce; for the e.tport of individual shipments of the above pro- (a) Metal;
d~cts containing up t o . . (b) Hydrides, in which lithium, whether normal, depleted or en-
(1) 500 grams of beryllium of a purzty of 99 per cent or less, riched in the 6 isotope, is compounded with hydrogen or its
or isotopes or complexed with other metals or aluminium hydride;
(2) 100 grams of beryllium, except single crystals, with a (c) Alloys, as follows:
purity greater than 99 per cent, or (1) Magnesium-based alloys containing 10 per cent or more
(3) 5 kilograms of beryllium contained in compounds with lithium;
a purity of less than 99 per cent. (2) Containing 50 per cent or more of lithium either normal
or depleted in the 6 istotope; or
A.E.14. Fluorine. (3) Containing any quantity of lithium enriched in the 6
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
licences for the export of individual shipments containing up to 25 isotope; or
(d) Any other material containing lithium enriched in the 6 isotope,
kilograms of fluorine. including compounds, mixtures, and concentrates.
A.E.IS. Chlorine trifluoride. Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications fo,
Note: The Export Licensin,:: Branch will consider applications for licences for exports of shipments containing up to one kilogram of
licences for the export of individual shipments containing up to 5 lithium metal not enriched in the 6 isotope or up to 10 kilograms
kilograms of chlorine trifluoride. of lithium hydride, either complexed with other metals or not, in
which the lithium is not enriched in the 6 isotope and is not com-
A.E.17. Fluorinated hydroca,rbons, as follows: pounded with the heavier isotopes of hydrogen.
Dichlorotetraftuoroethane. A.E.36. Nuclear reactors, Le. reactors capable of operation so as
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider; applications for to maintain a controlled, self-sustaining fission chain reaction; major
licences for the export of individual shipments of up to 5,000 kilo- components designed or intended for use in a nuclear reactor such
grames of each of the above fluorinated hydrocarbons. as reactor vetssels, core support structures, coolant pumps, fuel element
handling equipment, heat exchangers and control rod drive mechan-
A.E.18. Equipment specially designed for ~he separation of isotopes isms; power generating and/or propulsion equipment not elsewhere
of uranium and/or lithium. specified, specially designed for use with nuclear reactors.
Note: The Export Licensin,:: Branch will consider applications for
A.E.19. Any matchines, materials or equipment specially designed licences for the export of civil research and power reactors to
for use in the processing of irradiated nuclear materials in order to countries that support the International Atomic Energy Agency
Isolate or recover fis'Sion1able materials. System of Safeguards.
A.~.20. Personal radiation monitoring instruments enabling direct A.E.37. Hafnium metal, and alloys and compounds of hafnium
readmg on a graduated scale: containing more than 15 per cent hafnium by weight.
(a) Dosimeters where more than one-f.ourth of the total single Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
a:bsorbed exposure range fans between 15 and 500 rads or licences for the export of individual shipments containing up to 10
roentgens; grams of contained hafnium.
(b) Dose f1ate mete-ns wlhere more than one-J'ourth of tlhe total
range falls be'tween 1 and 80 rads or roentgens per hour. A.E.38. Calcium containing both less than one-hundredth (0.01)
. Note: (1) Instruments de~igned specially for use with medical radia- per cent by weight of impurities other than magnesium and less
'1 n ~qllipment and processing equipment such as used for food' and
pasUcs are not covered by this definition.
than 10 parts per million of boron.
A.E.39. Tritium, its compounds, not elsewhere specified, and their
(2) Thhe Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for licences mixtures in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogen by atoms exceeds
/Ob' t e export of shipments containing up to 20 instruments as defined
a ove. one part in 1,000.
Note: (1) The only compounds and mixtures excluded from the
A.E.22. Mass. spectrographs and speotrometers, as follows: embar,::o by this definition ore those where the separation of the
(a) All J?1ultl-focus type's (including double focus, tandem and tritium from its compounds cannot result in the evolution of an
cfclolda1); isotopic mixture of hydrogen in which the ratio of tritium to hydro-
(b) Smgle focus typeis pos'sessing a radius of curvature of 5 inches gen by atofflS exceeds one part in 1,000.
or more' (2) The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
(c) ~pecial~Y' designed assemblies, oomponents and parts for the licences for the export of individual shipments containing up to 100
lOregomg. curies of tritium, except as limited by sub-item (b) of A.E.35.
lic~e:es fThe Export LicenSing Branch will consider applications for A.E.40. Neutron geneTator tubes designed for operation without
certain .or the export of single equipments covered by sub-item (b) ir. an external vacuum system, and utilizing electrostatic acceleration
czrcumstances. to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction. '
seat·~~7'l1Valves, 3 centimetres or greater in diameter, with bellows, A.E.41. Process control instrumentation, not elsewhere specified,
taining ~O Y made of or lined wivh aluminium, nickel, or alloy con- specially designed or modified for monitoring or controlling the pro-
ally I\'n t dPer cent or more nickel, either manually or automatic- cessing of irradiated fissionable or fertile materials or irradiated
"'}Iera e and with other than metal to metal seats. lithium.
Iv BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL 19 AUGUST 1966 product as extractable gas in liquid form; /:':',',.'
(b) Equipment for the production of liquid hYd~o&e,
plants with a capacity of less than one-and-a-baIf
Industrial List 24-hour day and not designed for, or capable of, the ft1'~
of hydrogen slush; 1""\1\1
Group A. M'etal-Working Machinery (c) Liquid fluorine producing equipment;
1016. Grinding heads and spindle assembles (consisting of spindles (d) Equipment for helium as follows:
and bearings as a minimal assembly) designed Of rated for operation (1) Equipment for the separation of helium from
gases; and na~
at speeds in excess of 120,000 revolutions per minute and machines
specially designed for the utilization of such grinding heads. (2) Equipment for the production of liquid helium :
Note: T his definition does not cover hand-held drills. equipment which has a capacity of no more than 120~
~~~ ~
1072. Presses and specialized controls, accessories and parts
therefor-, as follows: 1112. Plant and equipment specially designed for the prod .
(a) ~resses (stabilized equipment using rams) for applyip.g high and for concentration of deuterium oxide. Ud10t
Impact energy work forces through use of explosives or com- 1118. Equipment for the production of military explosiv
pressed gases including air; solid propellants, as follows: CS &Id
(b) specially designed or redesigned for the working or forming (a) Complete installations;
of metals, alloys or other materials with a melting point (Ib) Specialized components;
exceeding 1,900 Centigrade;
0 (c) Nitrators: continuous types.
(c) Presses, mechanical and hydraulic, not elsewhere specified, with
total rated forces of over 10,000 tons; 1129. Vacuum pumps, as follows:
(d) Control equipment, accessories and parts which are specially (a) Ion vacuum pumps (Le. those using the principle of io .
designed for the above presses. tion), except those having pumping speeds of less than1lJZc.
Note: The Export Licensing Branch, provided they are satisfied litres 0'£ hydrogen per se'cond at a pressure of 1Q-6 millim!!
of mercury or more (Le. 10-.5 , 10-4 , etc.); ~Q
that the presses are not specially designed for use in forming air-
craft, missile, or space vehicle parts, or for use in powder metallurgy (b) Turbo-molecular pumps having a higher capacity than ~OO)
or ceramics production, will consider applications for licences for litres of nitrogen per second;
exports of vertical presses haVing a total rated force less than 15,000 (c) Diffusion pumps rated for unbaffled pumping speeds of mort
tons and for licences for the export of normal amounts of' equipment than 50.000 litres of nitrogen per second at pressures et
covered by part (d) above to service presses exported under the first 10-4 millimetres of mercury or less;
part of this Note. (d) Cryopump systems, not elsewhere specified (i.e. systems in
which the circulation of liquefied gas is used to achieve 1
1075. Spin-forming machines, except those with a spindle drive vacuum, either static or dynamic, by lowering the temperatul!
motor of less than 50 horse power. of the environment);
(e) Specially designed parts, controls and accessories for the above
1080. Machines and equipment specially designed for making or pumps.
measuring gas turbine blades.
1131. Pumps (except vacuum pumps) capable of delivering liqui.
1081. Machinery for use in the manufacture of aircraft, as separately or in. com1bination. vyith solids and/or gases and havint
follows: any of the follOWIng charactenstlcs:
(a) Machinery specially designed for the working or forming of (a) Designed to move molten metals by electromagnetic forces:
aircraft sheet, plate or extrusion; (b) Specially designed for operation at temperatures below -2W
(b) Machinery specially designed for the milling of aircraft skin. Fahrenheit (-170° Centigrade), except pumps with a flow rak
of 100 gallons per minute or less which are not designed for
1086. Machines specially designed for the manufacture of jet operation at temperatures below (-328° Fahrenheit) -200'
engines, the following: Centigrade; ,
(a) Jet engine cornpressor case boring ma,chines; (c) ·Having all flow contact surfaces made of any of the followlllI,
(b) Jet engine compressor or turbine disc turning machines; materials:
(c) Jet engine rotor grinders. (i) 90 per cent or more tantalum, titanium or zirconiUlll.
1088. Gear making and/or finishing machinery, as follows: either separately or combined; ,
(a) Gear grinding machines, generating type, capable of accepting (ii) 50 per cent or more cobalt or molybdenum, eltoo
gear blanks of 36 inches work diameter or more; separately or combined;
(b) Gear grinding machines, generating type, capable of accepting (iii) Polytetrafluoroethylene; polychlorotrifluoroethylene.
gear blanks of 9 inches work diameter or more for the pro- 1133. Valves, cocks and pressure r((gulators, not elsewhere s~'
duction of helical or herringbone gears; fied, as follows: '~4l
(c) Capable of the production of gears of a module finer than (a) Specially designed to operate at temperature bel?w -"I,
0.5 millimetres and meeting a quality standard better; than Fahrenheit (-170° Centigrade), except of 2 Inches dIa-
DIN 3963 Class 7. meter or less specially designed for operatIon at tempera~.
Note: If rated in AGMA or Admiralty standards and not rated from -274° Fahrenheit (-170° Centigrade) to -328° Faw~ll'
in DIN 3963, AGMA 10 or Admiralty Class 11 shall be considered heit (-200° Centigrade), or 'i
to be the equ"valent of DIN 3963 Class 7. (b) having all flow contact surfaces made of any of the folloWIlI
1091. Numerical control systcms, as follows: materials: ., . 'um.
(i) 90 per cent or more t~ntalum, tItanIum or ZlrcoUl
(a) Numerical control systems specially designed for controlling either separately or combIned; 'lner
co-ordinated simultaneous (contouring and continuous path) (ii) 50 per cent or more cobalt or molybdenum, el
machining movements in a machine tool in two or more axes; separately or combined; .
and machine tools designed for or equipped with such controls; (iii) Polytetrafluoroethylene; polychlorotnfluoroethylene.
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
licences for the export of two-axis systems having normal resolutions See also A.E. 27.
of .0004 inches (0.01 millifnetres or coarser, and machine tools designed 1142. Pipe and tubing made of, lined v/ith or covered with polJ'
for or equipped with such controls, including systems of more than tetrafluoroethylene or polychlorotrifluoroethylene.. l' (ons"
two axes providing not more than two axes are simultaneously' co- Note: The Export Licensinf,? Branch will conszder apt: lea Ine inc'
ordinated. . . . . licences I?r shiPlrfents of pipe and tubinR, ?I greater t a~l 0 er cerJ
(b) Numerical control servo-dnven measunng or gaugIng machInes (2.54 centzmetres Inner dlafneter and containing less !han ~terfals.
specially designed for measuring at any point of the contour of graphite, carbon-black or other electrical conductzng m ,
the dimensional shape and contour characteristics of two- or t ansportaU OO
three-dimensional objects including objects of revolution. 1145. Containers, jacketed only, for the storage °hf f heit (_170'
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for of liquefied gases at temperatures below - 274° Fa ren
licences for the export of two-axis measuring or gauging machines centigrade), including mobile units, ~s follows: .
specially designed for measuring at any point 01 the contour of the Ca) With multi-laminar type insulatIon u~der vacl!Ufl?d capacity cl.
objects produced with machines of the type and characteristics I
(b) With other insulating systems, haVIng a l!qli designed flt
described in the Note to sub-item (a). . 250 gallons (946 litres) or more, and specIa Yb iling bel'
use with liquid fluorine or for liquefied gases. 0 an e\'a~'
Group B. Chemical and Petroleum Equipment -328° Fahrenheit (-200° Centigrade), and havmg dete
ation loss rate of less than 3 per cent per ?ay a~ ee
1110. Gas liquefying equipment, as follows: at an ambient te,mperature of 75° FahrenheIt (24
(a) Equipment specially designed for the production in liquid without exposure to direct sunlight; f liquid oxYf
foml of air, oxygen, nitrogen and/or argon and producing one (c) With other insulating systems designed only or
ton or more per day of gas in liquid form, except plants not nitrogen or argon: . . tons or mOl'
capable of producing more than 2S per cent of their total daily (1) Fixed storage tanks haVIng a capaCIty of 500
bile equipment having a capacity in excess of 1,200 19 AUGUST 1966
(2) M (4 542 litres) and an evaporation loss rate of less
gh nons1 5 Per cent per day as determined at an ambient
(ii) Work roll contour control achieved by concurrent
~ ~per~'ture of 75° FaJIrenheit (24 Centigrade) wi,thout
dielectric (condenser tissue) or as magnetic recording tape, as follows: (v) Provisions for determining and electrically transmitf
(a) Stenters (tenters) specially designed for stretching film of the ship's level reference data (roll, pitch) in addition to ~
kind used for recording media subject to embargo under ship's course data;
Item 1572(c); (b) Integrated flight instrument systems for aircraft which include
(b) Stenters (tenters) specially designed for stretching film of the gyro-stabilizers and/or automatic pilots;
kind used in the dielectric (condenser tissue) subject to embargo Notes 1: An integrated {light instrument system is a primary insrr.
under Itern 1920; ment display systenz of altitude and azimuth with facilitin
(c) Vacuum metallizing machinery specially designed for the for giving manoeuvre guidance information to the Pilot
continuous coating with metallized sheathing of polyester di- and often inte/?rated with an auto-pilot to the extent of
electric film for condensers; and specially designed parts embodying a common unit for setting up the require4
therefor; demands. '
(d) Equipment specially designed for the continuous coating of 2. The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for'
licences for equipnlent covered under sub-item (b) provided'
polyester base magnetic tape intended for the equipment subject (i) They are of types and series which have been ~
to embargo under Item 1572(c). normal civil use for more than two years and art
standard equipment of aircraft excluded from contr~
Group E. Transportation Equipment under Item 1460.
(il) The equipment is to be installed in civil aircraft.
1415. Warships (whether or not converted to non-military use and (c) Gyro-astro corn passes and other devices which derive position
regardless of current state of repair or operating 'condition); and and/or orientation by means of automatically tracking celestial
hulls, or parts of hulls, for such ships. bodies;
See also M.L.9. (d) Gyro-stabilizers used for other purposes than aircraft control
except those for stabilizing an entire surface vessel;
1416. Vessels as follows: (e) Automatic pilots used for other purposes than aircraft contrcl.
(a) Fishing vessels, and hulls therefor, designed for speeds of 17 exc,~pt marine types for surface vessels;
knots or over when in full load (design) condition; (f) Accelerometers with a threshold of 0.005 g or less and/o~ a
(b) Hydrofoil vessels not elsewhere specified; linearity of less than 0.25 per cent of output over the operatlDg
Note: The Board 0/ Trade will consider applications for hydrofoil range, which are designed for use in inertial navigation system!
vessels not possessing significant rough water capability or amphibious or in guidance systems of all types;
qualities provided the vessels are for nornzal civilian use and do (g) Gyros and gyro-compasses, as follows:
not incorporate advanced techniques. (i) Gyros with a rated free directional drift rate (~ated free
(c) Sea-going vessels including coasters and hulls therefor, not precession) of less than 0.5 degrees per hour III a 1g
elsewhere specified, designed for speeds of over 22 knots when environment;
in full load (design) condition, taking into consideration hull (ii) Gyro-compasses which incorporate gyros in (i) above or
form (configuration) as well as power plant; which, when operated in a gyro-compass mode, h~ve a
Note: For passenger-carrying liners having at least 4 decks and conlpass error, before compensation, due to gyro dnft of
whose specifications, as far as hull construction is concerned, corres- less than 1/30 of a radian (6/7t degrees) at 0 degrees
pond to the Conventions on the Safety of Human Life at Sea in latitude; . . d I
force at the tinze of their construction, this cut-off is 25 knots. (h) Specially designed parts, components and test, caltbratIOn,fic
(d) Vessels with hulls and propulsion machinery made wholly or alignment equipment for the above, except for the spec
primarily of non-magnetic materials; equiplnent exported under (b).
(e) New ships with de'cks and platforms specially designed or
strengthened to receive weapons.
Note: The Board of Trade should be consulted about any vessels Group F. Electronic Equipment including Communicat~ons aood Ra: :
which contain any elnbargoed item or have arrangements for de- 1501. Communication, navigation, dire<;tion findmg an ra
magnetization. equip-ment, not elsewhere specified, as follows: .' et and
(a) Airborne com,munication equipment and specl::lltzed pa s
1430. Buoyant electric conducting cable suitable for sweeping components therefor; . ' . ns for
Note: The Export Licensing l~ill consldel: applzca~~ded to
magnetic mines.
1450. Automotive vehicles, tractors, lift trucks, not elsewhere
licences for the export of commerclal alrborne equipment tandard
equip civil aircraft of the Sino-Soviet Bloc or as normahStollow'
specified, possessing or built to current military specifications differ- equipment for civil commercial use, and containing none of t e
ing materially from their normal commercial specifications. ing characteristics: than H6
(l) Designed to operate at frequencies greater
1460. Aircraft and helicopters, aero-engines and aircraft and megacycles per second; .
helicopter equipment, as follows: (it) Designed for Single Side Band OperatiOn;
(a) Helicopters over .10,000 lbs. empty weight and power trans- (Ul) Incorporating facilities for: * h nnels per
mission systems therefor; (a) the rapid selection of more than 200 c a
(b) Aircraft and helicopters. not elsewhere specified, except those equipment, or . outpuJ
not c0ntaining or incorporating any' Munitions List items (b) providing a multiplicity of alternatlve number
and which: carrier frequencies controlled by a le.sser mulri~'
(i) are of types and series which have been in bona fide normal of piezoelectric crystals and not formmg
civil use for more than one year, or of a common control frequency;
(ii) which are powered by piston engines; (iv) Pressurized throughout; f am bitN
Note: Exporters are advised to consult the Ministry of Aviation (v) Rated for continuous operation over a rqngce ~tigrodt ID
about any proposals to sell aircraft to the Sino-Soviet Bloc. temperatures extending from below -55 e ,
+ 55 0 Centigrade,· 19 AUGUST 1966
abo~e d for modulating methods employing any form
(vi) Ded1!n.~ I modulation using time and frequency redund-
of 19l ach as 'Quantised Frequency Modulation' (QFM); licences for the export of this type of equipmtnt when "
ancy SU • . • • h (a) the equipment is to be installed ot civilian airports or
. ns for licences for equipment operating In t e
. at10 for use on civil air routes in the Sino-Soviet Bloc a!'d
•Appltc e 108-136 megacycles per second incorporating (b) the equipment is designed to operate at frequencIes
frequency ra~le rapid selection of 560 channels or fewer at not between 5· megacycles per second and 157 megacycle,
facilities fSO kilocycles per second c~annel spacin.g. will be con- per second, excluding single side band equipmen.t, tmd
l~ss than./ the equipnlent has been In normal civil use for at (c) the equipment employs a loop syster:n or ~ syste"!
sldered I employing a number 0/ spaced vertzcal aerzals unI-
Ieas.t two. ~vears.
nd direction finding equipment,. not els~~ere formly disposed around the circumference of B .circle,
Cb) Nav~ga~on(a:d specialized. parts and acc~ortes, sJ?CClalt~ed excluding electronically com"!utated types. • .
sp~Ifie calibrating equIpment and traInIng or sImulatIng (c) Radar equipment, not elsewhere specIfied (and speclahzed part!
test~ng o~ not elsewhere specified, therefor), as follows: and accessories, specialized testing or calibrating equip~ent
equIAP~~~r~e navigation equipment and direction finding equip- and training or simulating equipment, not elsewhere specified,
therefor), as follows:
(1) s follows:
ci)nb:signed to make use of 'Doppler' frequency pheno- (1) Airborne radar equipment;
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
(") Utilizing the constant. ~eI '
OCIty and/ or t het:ect'I'lInear licen'ces to export radar equipment for use in civil aircraft
11 rcpagationcharactenstIcs of electromagnetIc waves of the Sino-Soviet Bloc provided the equipment:
having frequency less than 4 x 10 cycles per second (a) has been in normal commercial service for at least three
(0.75 microns);. . , . . (b) is specially designed for use as a commercial weather
Th Export Licensing Branch wzll consider appl,catzons for
Note: etl export of standard c01nmercial airborne equipment radar;
licences for zp civil aircraft of the Sino-Soviet Bloc or as normal (c) is a normal and reasonable equipment for such civil
needed qeCJ.Ul~ent incorporated in civil aircraft being exported to the
st~nda" .e UBIP[OC for civil commercial usage, provided that such
(2) Ground and marine radar equipment having one or more
Smo-Sov1e t of the following features:
equipment: d d d (i) operating at a frequency not in normal civil use in the
(a) is in confornlity with I.C.A.O. s~an af, an assures Western World, or Cllt a frequency of more than 10,500
no funotion exceeding those resulting from such stan- megacycles per second; .
dards; . to ma k e use 0 f h yper b0 l'IC grz'ds at f re- (H) having a peak output power from the transmItter
(b) is not designed greater than 160 kilowatts; . .
quencies f?reater than 3 megacycles per second*; (iii) having an 80 per cent or better cumulative probabIl-
(c) is equivalent in all characteristic.s and perfo~mance to ity of detection * of a 20 square metre target at a free
equipment used as standard equipment of azrcraft not space range of 50 nautical miles on an aircraft having
subject to embargo. an eauivalent echoing area of 20 square metres;
*Applications for lic.ences for standard commerciql (iv) utilizfng other than pulse modulation with a constant
airborne equipment deSigned to make use of hyperbolic pulse repetition frequency, in whioh the frequency of
grids at frequencies of les~ than 3 meK,acycles .per secon,d the trans'mitted signal is not 'changed deliberately
and which include co-ordinate conversion equipment Will between groups of pulses, from 'Pulse to pulse. or
be considered if the equipment within a single pulse; ,
(a) has been in nornlal civil use for more than two years, (v) utilizing a doppler technique for any purpose, other
and than M.T.!. systems using a conventional double pulse
-(b) does not incorporate equipment embargoed by Items delay line ,teohnique;
1545(a), 1564 or 1565. (vi) including signal processing techniques which have been
(iii) Radio altimeters, the following: in normal civil use for a period of less than 4 years;
(a) Pulse modulated; (vii) having been in com,mercial use in the Western World
(b) Frequency 'modulated having an electrical output for a period of less than 2 years;
, accurac~' better than ± 3 feet over the whole range Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
'between 0 to 100 feet or ± 3 per cent above 100 licences to export radars not exceeding 1 megawatt peak out-
feet; put power fronl the transmitter and a maximUln (free space)
Cc) Frequency modulated which have been in normal 80 per cent cumulative probability of detection* range of
civil use for less than four years. 120 nautical miles on a target having an echoing area of 10
Note: The Export Licensinf? Branch will consider applications for square 'metres and operating at a frequency of less than
licences for the export of standard cOlnmercial frequency modulated 3,500 megacycles per second and having a pulse r~petition
radio altimeters needed to equip civil aircraft of the Sino-Soviet Bloc, frequency in excess of 500 pulses per second, prOVided the
or as normal standard equipment incorporated in civil aircraft beinl? equipnlent is to be installed at airports operating scheduled
exported fo the Sino-Soviet Bloc for civil commercial use, provided conlmeroial f/il?hts to countries outside the Bloc and is not
that such altimeters have been in normal use for 1nore than two years. embarl?oed by sub-items (l) or (iv) to (vii).
(iv) Direction finding equipment operating at frequencies * The cumulative probability of detection is determined
greater than 5 megacycles per second other than equip- according to the following parameters:
ment designed for search and rescue purposes provided (1) Radial closing velocity of the target 2,000 feet per
that the receiver operates on a crystal controlled fixed se.oond~
frequency of 121.5 megacycles per second and that the (2) Probability of false alarm 10-8 ;
determination of the D.F. bearing is not independent (3) Operator factor 3 dB;
of the 'heading of the, aircraft and provided that the (4) Flucltuation of the target in aocordance with Rayleigh
D.F. antennae array is designed for operation at a distribution.
fixed frequency of 121.5 megacycles per second; 1502. Communication. detection or tracking equipment of a kind
(v) Pressurized throughout; using ultra-violet radiation, in/fra-red radiation or ultrasonic waves;
(vi) Rated for continuous operation over a range of ambient and specialized parts thereof.
te:mperatures extending from below -55 Centigrade Note: This item is not intended to cover industrial equipment
to above + 55 Centigrade;
by this item. quency is defined as the aritlhmetic me-an between ean fre-
quencies at which the power amplification is one-h lithe !re-
1517. Ra.dio. transmitters and. components,' not elsewhere specified, maximum value); . a, of ib
(except radIo lInk and relay equIpment) as follows: . (c) Untuned amplifiers having a 'bandwidth, as defined in "
(a) Transmitters or transmitter amplifiers designed to operate at (b) above, which exceeds 10 megacycles p-er second' Sub-Item
output frequencies greater than 235 megacycles per second (d) Direc.t current amplifiers, amplifying 'by. wh.atever ~eans h .
other fban
(i) television broadcasting transmitters and amplifiers therefor
' a nOIse level (referred to the Input CIrCUIt) of 10-16 W ilng
less and/or a zero drift in 1 hour corresponding to a ch a ts ~
.. operating between 470 and 960 megacycles per second; Input power of 10- 16 watts or less; ange In
(n) frequeno/-~odulated. and amp~ltude-modulated ground (e) Parametric amplifiers with a noise figure of merit of 5 decl'be
communlcatlons eq~llpment reqUIred for use in the land or less measured at a temperature of 17° Centigrade. Is
mobile service and operating in the 420 to 470 mega- magnetic amplifiers; other amplifier or oscillator devic~s para-
cycles per second band, with a power output of not more as Masers, La~ers and Irasers, wrhich .amplify or oscillat s~
than 25 watts for mobile units and 100 watts for fixed means of stImulated ele-ctromagnetIc radiation' spe e,U'
units; designed parts therefor; any e,quipment containing CIa bY
(iii) amplitude-modulated radiotelephone equipment used for a1mp I ifiers, oscillators or devices. sue
search and rescue work operating on a frequency of 243
megacycles per second with a carrier power not exceeding
100 milliwatts. 1523. C0t:nmunicatio.n trans~ission equipment, as follows:
(b) Transmitters or transmitter amplifiers designed to provide any (a) Ter~Inal and ~ntermedIate repeat~r or amplifier equipment
of the following features: deSIgned to delIver, carry or receIve frequencies higher th
(1) Any system of pulse modulation (This does not include 150.kilocycles iI?-to,. or in, a. communi.cations system, eXcludi~
amplitude, frequency or phase modulated television or c!1rner commun~catl0n termlna~s speCIally designed for powJ
telegraphic transmitters); hnes and operatIng at frequencIes below 1,500 kilocycles'
(2) Rated for operation over a range of ambient temperatures (b) Sing~e. and m.ulti-channel telegraph .terminal transmitti~g and
extending from below -40° Centigrade to above + 55° receIVIng eqUIpment excluding eqUIpment whkh is designed
Contigrade; , or rated for ~peration a~ a rate (for either. the channel or anv
(3) Designed. to provide a multiplicity of alternative output sub-dhannel In a multI-channel system) In bauds (bits pir
frequencIes controlled by a lesser number of piezo-electric second) numerically. less. than 60 per cent of the channel (or
~rystals, except equip-ments in which the output frequency sub-ahannel) bandWIdth In cycles per. second and which is:
IS selected only by manual operation either on the equip- (i) equipment with a bandwidth per channel of not more tMn
ment or on a remote control unit and: 240 cycles per second and with a rated speed of not more
(i) those forming multiples of a common control frequency, than 100 'bauds (or 134 words per minute) per channel
or designed to C.C.I.T. standards;
(ii) those in which the output frequency is a multiple of a (ii) equipment used with telemetering, telecommand and teleo
si.l~nalling equipment designed for industrial purposes, in
common frequency which is not. than 1/1 ,000th part which the operational aggregate speed of the telegrapn
of the oscIllator frequency and IS In steps of 1 kilocycle
per second or greater~ equipment is less than 1,200 bits per second (bauds);
(c) ~ompone.nts and sub-assemblies, including but not limited to (Hi) time-division multiplex syste-ms up to 6 channels with a
Intetmedlate-frequency ~nd pow<:r amplifi~rs and their parts, maximum aggregate speed of 300 bauds and/or 72 words -
modulator and modulatIon amplIfiers, aerIals, their filters and per minute per channel, provided that they do not con'
their connecting devices, control equipment placed in racks tain an automatic error detection and correction system
and maintenance equipment, specially designed for transmitter~ using a multiple check~
covered by sub-items (a) and (b) above, except quartz crystali (c) Specialized cOffi1ponents, accessories and sub-assemblies for
which are covered by item 1587. the aJbove equipment.
Note: In cases where the equipment is to be installed in circuits
.1518: Telem<:tering anq telecontrol equipment suitable for use directly connectinl? densely populated industrial areas of Sino-Sovitt
WIth aIrc~aft (pIloted or ptlotless), space vehicles or weapons (guided Bloc countries with communication systems of countries outside the
or .unguIded), and test equipment specially designed for such Bloc, the Export Licensinl? Branch will consider applications for
eqUIpment. licences for the export of communication transmission equipment
havinl? the followinf? chara~teristics: .
1519. Telegraph equipment, as follows: Ternzinal and intermediate repeater or amplifier equipment deSlgnf~
(a) Equipment (machines), mechanical, electro-mechanical or to deliver, carrv or rece;ve not more than 60 voice channels 0
electronic, used to translate the information contained in' writ- kilocycles per second each.
ten or printed text into electrical waveforms suitable for trans-
mission over communication circuits at 'any speed greater than 1525. Coaxial-type communications ca,ble, as follows: -
500 words per minute or 375 /bauds, whichever is the less' (a) Containing substances covered by Item 1754 (Group I) of thiS
(b) Equipment designed to accept such electrical wave forms ';ithin list;
t'~e limits laid qow!,! .in sub-item (a) and display the informa- ~b) Using a mineral insulator dielectric;
tIon from them In Vlslible form; Cc) Using a dielectric aired by discs, beads, spiral, screW or any
(c) Terminal equipment, not elsewhere specified, capable of trans- other means; . din
mitting and/or receiving digital data at a rate in excess of (d) Designed for gas pressurisation for the purpose of wlthstan tin~
2,000 bits per second (bauds) or at a rate (applicable to single external overpressure or for raising the ,maximum voltage ra
channels or to each sub-ehannel in a multi-ohannel system) in of the cable;
bits per second (bauds) numerically in excess of 75 per cent of (e) Intended for submarine laying. , . nf for
the channel (or sub-channel) band-width in cycles per se,cond' Note: The Export Licensinl? Branch will consider appllca)tlO~ (~
(d) Specialized component parts and accessories for such equip: licences for the export of cables covered by sub-items (c a onthJ
ment. . provided the delivery contracted for does not extend beyond 12 m
1520. Radio relay communications equipment and specialized com- from the date of contract.
ponents and sub-assemhlies thererfor, designed for use:
(a) at frequencies in excess of 300 me-gacycles per second but not 1526. Com,munications cable containing more
exceeding 470 megacycles per second and having any of the conductors, as follows:
following characteristics: (a) Submarine cable; n~
(i) a power output exceeding 5 watts; or (b) Cable containing materials covered by Item 1754 (Group
(H) a s-ignal bandwid\th at the input to the modulator exceeding this list.
· machines, cryptographic and/or cOding device~ a:nd 19 AUGUST 1966 BOARD OF TRADE JOURNA.L
152'1. All cypher ocia'ted equipment, usable on any transmISSIon
Wptnent, andh asstelephony facsimile, video, data), that is designed
:;Stem (telegrap y, ecy of c~mmunications and thus prevent clear two opposed anodes with shapes resembling .flattened hemispheres,
o ensure the sec~han the intended receiver. and with one or more triggering probes placed approximately in.
~ption by Jt.he~te is intended to cover all the related equipment the centre of one anode. The structure is sealed and contains a
mixture of gases, principally nitrogen under less than atmospheric
Notes. 1. T liS I~r machines and cryptographic and/or coding pressure.
for. CYP s ecialized assemblies, sub-assemblies and com-
devlces 2. Sub-ite'm (b) covers gas krytron tubes, vacuum krytron tubes
ponen ts' , 1:td equipment containing components em.bargoed and similar tubes. .
TI this
b)' item. Licensing
Export . B ranc h Wl'11 COnsl'der app1"lcatlons
1544.' Semi-conductor diodes, including rectifier diodes and switch-
2. fo~e lic~nces to expor.t simple cQding d.evir::es or equipment ing diodes, but excluding photodiodes (see Item 1548), as follows:
only ensuring the przvacy of communications. (a) Any semi-conductor diodes in which the bulk m~terial is other
ic ,measuring, testing, or calibrating instruments, not than silicon, germanium, selenium or copper-OXIde;
1529. Eleetr<?fied having one or more of the following characteris- (b) Signal diodes in which the bulk material. is silic0ll: or
elsewhere speCI , , germanium (including mixer, frequency-changIng and SWItch·
tics: . ne d for use at frequencies in excess of 1,000 megacycles ing diodes): .
(a) Deslg · nd except radio spectrum' analyzers (see Item 1533); (i) Point contact type diodes designed for use at frequencIes
per .secoinstruments rated to maintain their specified operating in excess of 1,000 megacycles peT second; .
(b) Testlllg hen operating over a range of ambient temperatures (ii) Junction type diodes designed for use at input frequenCIes
data dV!'IIIg from below -25
Centigrade to above + 55 0
greater than 300 megacycles per ~econd or whIch. are
Centigrade. designed for switching rates (repetitIon frequency) hIgher
than 1 megacycle per second;
33 Radio spectrum analyzers (being appara~us capable of i!1di- Note: This sub-item will normally include switching type diodes
1.5 ·the sI'ngle-frequency components of multI-frequency oscIlla-
eating halJiing a recovery time less than 0.1 micro-second. The recovery
tiora~ D~i~~ds~o operate at frequencies over 1,000 megacycles per time is to be specified for a decrease of reverse current to a value of
100 microamps or less and measured with a forward current and a
second; to operate at f ' 300 megacycIes .per reverse voltage which are typical for the diode in q.uestion.
(b) Designed requencIes over. (c) (i) Power diodes in which the rated maXImum recurrent
second and using int~rc~angeable heads .(~.~., R.F. tunIng reverse voltage exceeds 1,000 voJtts per junction at 25 0
systems) and incorp(}ratIn~ Inte~ral sweep facIlItIes; Centigrade under any conditions of coolin~, ex~ept those
(c) Having a display bandWIdth In excess of 12 megacycles per in whioh the rated forward current per JunotIon under
second; . h f continuous operation exceeds 200 amperes, and the rated
(d) Specialized components, aocessones and part '1 ere or. maximum recurrent reverse voltage does not exceed 1,300
volts per junction;
1537. Electromagnetic waveguides and components therefor, as Note: T he maximum recurrent reverse voltage is the maximum
d f or value of the periodic overvoltage impressed across the cell
follows: .
(a) Rigid and flex~ble. waveguI'des and components d '
eSIgne or rectifying element in the reverse direction, including
use at frequenc~es In excess. of 12,~OO megacycles per second; circuit effects such as commutation, but excluding random
(b) Wavegu!des haVIng a bandWldth ratIO grea1:e~.than 1.5 : 1; . transient overvoltages (defined in sub-clause 133.2.2 of the
(c) WaveguIde components, not .elsewhere s~clfied,. as follows. International Electrotechnical Commission publication 146.)
(i) Directional couplers haVIng a bandWIdth ratIo greater than (ii) Controlled diodes, i.e. semi-conductor multiple-junction
1.5:1 and directiv.ity over the band of 15 decibels or more; devices for applications similar to those of grid-controlled
(ii) Rotary joints capable. of transmi~ting more than one gas-filled tubes, designed for use at switching rates (repeti-
isolated channel or haVIng a bandWIdth greater than 5 per tion· frequency) higher than 100 kilocycles per second;
cent of the centre mean frequency; (d) Tunnel diodes, not elsewhere specified.
(iii) Magnetic, including gyro-magnetic, waveguide com-
ponents; 1545. Transistors and related devices (or related semi-conductOT
(d) Pressured waveguides and specialized components therefor; amplifying devices such as fieldistors, spacistors and technetrons) and
(e) TEM mode devices, using magnetic, including gyro··magnetic, specialized parts therefor, as follows:
properties; , (a) Of any type using semi-conductor material havi~g four or
(f) TR and anti-TR tubes and components therefor, except those more active junctions within any single block of senlI-conductOT
designed for nse in waveguides operating at a peak power not material;
exceeding 100 kilowatts and in frequency bands between 1,300 (b) Of any type using a bulk semi-conductor material other than
and 1,660 megacycles per second, between 2,700 and 3,900 germanium or silicon; .
megacycles per second or between 8,500 and 10,000 megacycles (c) Using germanium as t~e bulk seIl!i-~onductor matenal and
per second, provided those tubes do not include a control having any of the follOWIng charactenstIcs:
electrode permitting the control of ionization by means of an
external voltage. (i) An avemge fT of 40 to 24.0 megal~les per .scc<?tld
and designed to have a maXImum collector dISSIpatIon
1541. Cathode-ray tubes, as follows: greater than 150 milliwatts;
(a) With a resolving power of 500 or more lines per inch (20 lines (ii) An average fT greater than 240 megacycl~s per seeo.nd.
per millimetre), using the shrinking raster method of measure- (d) Using silicon as the bulk. semi-conductor matenal and ~avIng
ment; any of the following characteristics: .
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for (i) An average fT of up to ~OO kIlocycles pe! .sec,?nd
licences for the export of tubes with a resolving power of up and designed to have a maXImum collector dISSIpation
to 800 lines per inch (32 lines per millimetre) which have greater than 5 watts; .
been specially designed for commercial television, cinema or (H) An average fT from above 500 ~Ilocycles per secoo~
photographic applications. to 3 megacycles per seoond and deSIgned to h~v~ a maXI-
(b) WIth writing speeds of more than 3,000 kilometres per second; mum collector dissipation greater than 500 mdhwatts;
(c) ":'i~h three or more electron guns, except thre'e-gun colour tele- (iii) An average fT from above 3 to. 20 megacycles. p~
VISIon tubes designed for entertainment use; second and designed to have a maXImum collector dISSI-
(d) A.lpha-num~ric and similar data or information display tubes, pation greater than 250 milliwatts;
dIspla~ beIng obtained either by scanning .or other means (Iiv) An avemge f~ greate.r tha~ 20 ~egacY'cle'S Per: s~nd;
eXcludIng those tubes in which the displayed position of each (v) Majority earner deVIces, IncludIn~ but n~t bmIted to field
character is fixed. effect translis~ors and m,etal OXIde seml",oonduotor tran-
1~2. ~old cathode tubes and switches, as follows: (vi) A modulus of the current gain in the common emitter
( ) Tnggered spark-gaps, having an anode delay time of 15 micro- configura1tion of 10 or more for collector currents of 1()()
seconds or .less and rated for a peak current of 3,000 amps or microamperes or less.
m~re; speCially designed parts therefor equipment incorpor- 'Notes: .
atmg such devices' '
(b) ~Old cat~o~e tUb~s, whether gas-filled or not, operating in a
1. This item covers all devices incorporating a semi-conducting
crystal of any material with thr~e or more electrical connectio.ns
t a~ner SImIlar to a ~park-gap, Icontaining three or more elec- or .with on Iv two such connections where four or more active
fj es and having all of the following characteristics: junctions exist within a single block of semi-conductor material,
(fi~ ~ated for an anode peak voltage of 2,500 volts or more; which are used as amplifiers, oscillators, trigger devices, etc., or
C") ated for peak currents of 300 amps or more; combinations thereof in electronic circuits. For photo-transistors
(~11 An anode delay time of 10 microseconds or less; see Item 1548.
Notes: IV) An envelope diameter of less than 1 inch' (25.4 millimetres). 2. The maximum collector dissipation is defined as the continuous
1. Trigl?e d dissipation measured at an ambient tentperature of 25 0 Centigrade
re spark-I?aps are tubes with a structure consisting of under any cooling conditions.
BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL 19 AUGUST 1966 tetrodes, pentodes, etc., in which the velocity of
is ,utilized as one of the functional parameters in
3•. tr is defined as the prvduct 01 the modulus of hie (the small not limited to klystrons, travelling wave tubes a~d
signoJ current gain in the common emitter connection) and the except :fixed frequency pulsed magnetrons designed
Irequency at which it is measured, provided the modulus 01 hie at frequencies in the range from 9.3 to 9.5 gig
is substantially less than its low Irequency value. second with a maximum peak output power not grea
4. The average fr is defined as the iT at which the major produc- 25 kilowatts;
tion of a particular type of transistor occurs. Notes: 1. The Export Licensing Branch will consid'
Where the average IT is not quoted or known, this value shall be tions for licences lor .fixed frequency continuer apPiita."
taken as 1.5 times the minimum fr. magnetrons designed to operate at a frequency of 2.4So~ .,.,,::
. 5. Where I alpha (the frequency at which the modulus 01 the per second ± 0.025 gigocycles per second with a glg~,
current gain in the comnlon base connection has decreased to power output not greater than 5 kilowatts which are'ntlxi'""e:'
0.707 of its low Irequency value) is qUQted instead 01 tr, iT may designed for industrial heating or cooking purposes. sPt~
be regarded as 0.8 times f alpha. reflex klystrons having all the follOWing characteristic;' and tt,
6. Where f1 (the frequency at which the modulus of the current (I) Operating at frequencies in the range from 8S ;
gain in the common emitter connection is equal to 1) is quoted gigocycles; . to lOJ
instead of tr, tr may be regarded as equal to 11. (il) An output power of 200 milliwatts or less·
(iil) A metal envelope; ·
1546. Dendritic produced forms of any semi-conductor material, (iv) A probe output;
or combinations thereof, suitable for use in diodes or transistors. ' (v) Mechanical tuning accomplished by distortion
'Note: The term 'dendritic' signifies a ribbon-like product of semi- diaphragm situated at one end of the tube and on ot~~
conductor material which may be drawn in various w'idths, thicknesses the reflector voltage connection is mounted. w'lIl.l
and lengths and which may represent processing stages from a rela- 2. The Export Licensing Branch will consider apP[;cati l
licences for the export of valves covered by (a) and (bt ~~ ns
tively pure form of the material through advanced stages of treatment.
are specially designed for television purposes and are to bwhiQ
1548. Photo cells, as follows: in television transmitters, the precise locations of whi:h Ulti
(a) Photoelectric cells, photo-conductive cells (including photo- known, for civil tele-casting to C.'C.I.R. or O.l.R. standardltl1t~
transistors and similar cells) with a peak sensHivity at a wave- (c) Indirectly heated valves of a kind that can be passed thrl\lI~'
length longer than 12,000 Angstrom units or shorter than 3,000 a circular hole of 7.2 millimetres in diameter; ......
'Angstrom units; (d) Valves designed to withstand acceleration of short durati
(b) Photo-transistors (photo-conductive cells including photo-diodes) (shock) greater than 1,000 g; 01
with a response time constant of 1 millisecond or less measured (e) Valves constructed with beryllium oxide ceramic;
at the operating temperature of the cell for which the time (f) Valves designed for operation in ambient temperatures exceed
constant reaches a minimum. ing 100 Centigrade;
Notes: 1. The time constant is defined as the time taken (g) Vacuum tubes specially designed for use as pulse moduIatOll:
from the application of a light stimulus for the for radar or for similar applications, having a peak anor,
current increment to reach a value of 1-1/ e times voltage rating of 100 kilovolts or 'more; or rated for a peat
the final value, (Ii.e., 63 % of the final value). pulse power of 2 megawatts or more.
2. The above embargo is not intended to apply to
germanium photo devices with a peak sensitivity at 1559. Thyratron and modulator gas-discharge tubes, as follows'
a wavelength shorter than 17,500 Angstrom units. (a) Those rated for continuous operation with peak current ~
peak voltage exceeding 100 amperes and 9,000 volts at a pm.
1549. Photomultiplier tubes as follows: repetition frequency of 200 or more pulses per second; ;
(a) For which the maximum sensitivity occurs at wavelengths (b) Hydrogen thyratrons as follows:
longer than 7,500 Angstrom units or shorter than 3,000 (i) Rated for a peak pulse power of 2 megawatts or more or
Angstrom units; or (ii) Of metal-ceramic construction. '
(b) having an anode pulse rise time of less than 2 nanoseconds. Note: A 'thyratron' is defined as any hot cathode gas-filled tUht
containing three or more electrodes in which anode current flow U,
1550. Thermal detecting cells, i.e. bolometers and thermocoupler initiated by a control electrode.
detectors, radiant energy types only, with a response time constant of
less than 10 milliseconds measured at the operating temperature of 1560. Components and parts used as resistive, inductive a1k1
the cell for which the time constant reaches a minimum. capacitive elements in electronic circuits, not elsewhere speci~
designed for and/or capable of reliable performance in relation to
1553. Flash-discharge type X-ray tubes. their electrical and mechanical characteristics and maintaining thett
1555. Image intensifiers, image converters and specialized com- design service lifetime while operating: '
ponents, including fibre optic plates specially designed optically (a) over the whole range of ambient temperatures from below'
therefor, electronic storage tubes including memory transformers of -45 Centigrade to above + 100 Centigrade; or
0 0
radar pictur,es and ruggedized vidicon-type tubes (excluding commer- (b) at ambient temperatures of 200 Centigrade or higher.
cial standard television broadcasting camera tubes and commercial 1561. Materials specially designed and manufactured for useas
standard X-ray amplifier tubes). absorbers of electromagnetic waves having frequencies greater than
1558. Valves (tubes) electronic, and specialized parts as follows: 2 x 10 8 cycles per second, and less than 3 x 10 12 cycles per second.
(a) (i) Valves rated for continuous wave operation over the fre- 1562. Tantalum and niobium electrolytic capacitors, not elsewhere
quency range 300-1,000 megacycles per second and for specified, as follows:
which (at any part of this frequency range and under any (a) All types designed to operate permanently at temperaturu
condition of cooling) the product of frequency of operation exceeding 85° Centigrade; . .
in me:gacycles per second squared and the power output (b) Sintered electrolytic capacitors, except those havlllg a casUl&
in watts from the anode(s) of a single envelope at this made of epoxy resin or sealed with epoxy resin;
frequency exceeds 10 8 , when the valve is operating in Class (c) Electrolytic capacitors constructed with foils.
C telegraphy key down conditions or in Class C frequency
modulated telephony conditions, or, if performance under 1564. Electronic equipment and components, not elsewhere s~',
these conditions is not known, the product of declared fied, as follows: func.
maximum frequency of full ratings in megacycles per (a) Assemblies and sub-assemblies constituting one or 01°75 rarts
second squared and the maximum rated anode dissipation tional circuits with a component density greater than 'pmei'
per valve in watts exceeds 5 x 107 ; per cubic inch (4.575 parts per cubic centimetre) and eqUl :
Note: When the above criteria are applied to external anode containing such an assembly or sub-assern:bI~~ circui!4
tubes rated without a radiator, multiply the power ratings so given Note: Sub-item (a) is intended to include zntegrated fuM"'~
by twenty. When applied to external anode tubes rated with radiators i.e. assemblies and sub-a~semblies containing one or mo;J inlt1'
and optimuln cooling procedures (as recommended by the manu- tional circuits in which there are both comp?~ents/ materil',
facturer) multiply the power ratings so given by two. connections formed by the diffusion or depOSitiOn 0 nt detUit1
(H) Valves rated for operation above 1,000 megacycles per into or on a common substrate and having a compone
second; greater thqn that specified i,! sub-.item (a). tin suf
(Hi) Valves rated for pulse operation above 300 megacycles (b) Modular Insulator panels (Including wa!er~) mou~s ~erefCl.~
per second; or multiple electronic elements and speclahzed ~r emb;"J~
(iv) Valves constructed with ceramic' envelopes and rated for Note: Circuit boards and panels which do not C?~tam of su/ri1t1
operation above 300 megacycles per second; components and which do not contravene the provISIO~ey are (1#,
Note: Sub-iteln (a) of the definition is not intended to embargo (a) above are not embargoed by sub-item (b) unlessnolics,~.
any single-ended glass envelope tube which has a standard 7-pin structed of insulating materials other than paper bas.e pheaterials;';:
miniature or 9-pin Noval base and is in standard use in civilian cloth melamine, glass cloth epoxy resin or of !nsu[atzng rn, the tJbot;
electronic equipment. an operating temperature range not exceeding that 0
(b) Valves, other than conventional types such as diodes, triodes, mentioned materials.
G Sdentiftc In~nts and Apparatus, Servomechanisms 19 AUGUST 1966
~toJl'8Phic EqUipment
Electronic computers and related equipment, not elsewhere are designed to operate below -55 0 Centigrade or above + 125·
$~'aio~~~o:~puters with one or more of the following (tb) Synchros and resolvers (and special instruments rated to have
the same characteristics as synabros and resolvers in (i) and (H)
(a) An teristics: .
ch~rac taining a summer wIth a rated accuracy better than below, such as Microsyns, Synchro-Tels and Inductosyns).
(1) f~rt in 5,000 parts, or a multiplier or arbitrary q.djustable possessing any of the following cbaracteristics: .
f nction generator with a rated accuracy better than 1 (i) A rated electrical error of 10 minutes or less or of 0.25 per
~rt in 1,000 parts; . . cent or less of maXImum output voltage;
' ') "tontaining or capab~e of Inc9rporatI~g.a total of m?re
(11 than 75 summers, Integrators, multIplIers or functIon
(ii) A rated dynamic accuracy for receiver types of 1 degree or
less, exce·pt that for units of size 30 (3 inches in diameter) or
larger a rated dynamic accuracy of less than 1 degree;
generators; '1" f ." 1 (iii) Multi-speed from single shaft types;
C") Incorporating facllt1es or automatIc InsertIon or a tera-
III tion of problem set-up;, ' (iv) Of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and smaller;
(iv) Incorporating any unIt desIgned to function solely as a (v) Employing solid state Hall effect;
(vi) Designed for gim-bal mounting;
logue computers d
A,memory; '
eSIgned or m od'fied
I f or use ,
In .
aIr b orne (c) Amplifiers, electronic or magnetic, specially designed for use with
(b) ~~ cles n1issiles or space vehicles and rated for continuous resolvers, as follows:
ve ~ati~n at temperatures from below -45 Centigrade to
0 (i) Isolation types having a variation of gain constant (linearity
~~ve + 55 Centigrade; equipment or systems incorporating
0 of gain) of 0.2 per cent or better;
(ii) Summing types having a variation of gain constant (linearity
such computers; of gain) or an accuracy of summation of 0.2 per cent or
(c) Other analogue comp~ters; , , better;
(d) Digital co~puters USIng drum or dISC type prImary memory (iii) Employing solid state Hall effect;
and possessIng; , . (d) Induction potentiometers (including function generators and
(i) A total rated directly addressable storage capaCIty In excess linear synchros), linear and non-linear, possessing any of the
of 1 million bits (the same li~it defines both the maximum following characteristics:
capacity a single storage eqUIpment may possess and the (i) A rated conformity of 0.5 per cent or less, or of 18 minutes
combined capacity where multiple equipments are used); or less;
(ii) X capability of' storing in excess of 250 bits per linear
inch of single track (this limitation applies to each storage
(ii) Of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and s'm'aller;
(iii) Employing solid state Hall effect;
(iv) Designed for gim'bal mounting;
equipment involved); (e) Induction rate (tachometer) generators, synchronous and asyn-
(e) Other digital computers. and digital di!Ierential anal~zers.(incre- chronous, possessing any of the following characteristics:
mental computers) deSIgned or, modIfied for use In al~borne (i) A rated linearity of 0.5 per cent or less;
vehicles, missiles or space vehIcles and rated for c~ntInuous
(ii) Temperature-compensation or temperature-correction;
operation at temperatures from below -45 CentIgrade to (iii) Of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and smaller;
above +55 Centigrade; equipment or systems incorporating
(iv) Employing solid state Hall effect;
such computers or analyzers; (f) Servo motors (gt:ar-head or plain) as follows:
(f) Digital differential analyzers (incremental computers), as (i) Designed to operate from power sources of more than 300
follows: cycles per second (except those designed to operate from
(i) Incorporating more than 50 integrators; or power SO:Irces of over 300 cycles per second up to and not
(ii) Incorporating integrators with any increment cycle time of exceeding 400 cycles per second with a temperature range
less than 1 millisecond (or an iteration rate in excess of of from -25 Centigrade to + 100 Centigrade);
0 0
1,000 per second); Oi) Designed to have a to:r:que-to-inertia ratio of 10,000 radians
(g) Digital computers and digital differential analyzers (increnlental per second per second or greater;
com,puters) other than those in (d), (e) and (f) above; (iii) Incorporating special features to secure internal damping;
(h) Specialized parts, conlponents, sub-assemblies and accessories, (iv) Of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and smaller;
. not elsewhere specified. (v) Employing solid state Hall effect;
Notes: 1. The Export Licensin~ Branch will consider applications (g) Potentiometers (and special instruments rated to have the same
for licences for the export to the Sino-Soviet Bloc of (i) computers characteristics as potentiometers in (i) and (ii) below, such as
covered by sub-items (c) and (g); and (i,l) specialized parts, components, Vernistats), as follows:
sub-assemhlies and accessories therefor, not elsewhere specified, (i) Linear potentiometers having a constant resolution and a
covered hy suh-item (h), subject to certain conditions. The principal rated linearity of 0.1 per cent or less;
conditions are: (ii) Non-linear potentiometers having a variable resolution and a
(A) that the equipment is primarily used in non-strate~ic applica- rated confor,mity of:
tions; (1) 1 per ,-:ent or less when the resolution is inferior to that
(B) the equipment will be used in the Sino-Soviet Bloc primarily for obtained with a linear potentiometer of the same type .
the specific non-strategic applications for which the export and of the same track length;
would be approved and that the number, type and charac- (2) 0.5 per cent or less than the resolution is better than or
teristics of such equipnzent are normal for the approved use; equal to that obtained with a linear potentiometer of the
(C) the number of etnbargoed nzemory or stora~e equipments in- same type and of the same track length;
~luded in equiplnent covered by sub-item (g) does not exceed 12; (iii) Designed for gimbal lnounting;
(D) 111 the case of parts, conlponents etc. covered by sub-item (h), Note: This sub-item does not embargo potentiometers usinR only
that .the equipment is for use with a computer concurrently or switched elelnents.
previOusl" exported which is not covered by and would not (h) Direct current and alternating current torquers, Le. torque
thereby become covered by sub-items (a), (b), (d), (e), and (f), motors specially designed for gyros and stabilized platforms;
and does not have and would not thereby have one or more (i) Electro-optical devices designed to monitor relative rotation of
of the foliowing: - remote sUl'lfaces;
(l) a read-lvrite cycle time of less than 3 microseconds; (j) Synchronous motors, as follows:
(2) a memory bus rate in excess of 14 million bits per second (i) Of size 30 (3 inches in diameter) and smaller and
(memory bus rate equals nunlber of bits per word times having synchronous speeds in excess of 3,600 revolutions
number of overlaps tilnes number of read-write cycles per per minute;
second): (ii) ,Designed to operate from power sources of more than 400
(3) an. internal lnemory with a capacity in excess of 1.8 million cycles per second;
bits; and 0
(iii) Designed to operate below -25 Centigrade or above
(4) Wher~ ~he capacity of a conlputer is being expanded, char- + 100 Centigrade;
actenstlcs which would preclude it from consideration (iv) Of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and smaller;
2 WI under the foregoing principle conditions. (k) Ball-and-disc or cylinder-and-iball mechanical integrators; mech-
isti~s a le[.e the word 'rated' is used it refers to the rated character- anical ball resolvers;
been,;:gdfi d by th~ nlanufacturer; however, where the equipment has (1) Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue converters, as
definition ItJed ,to Improve the rated characteristics specified in the follows:
gOverning, le unproved characteristics of the equipment shall be (i) Electric-input types possessing:
(1) A peak conversion rate capability in excess of 50,000
.. ,3, All references t b
complete conversions per second;
"ynchromzing, etc, 0 nlon ers of 'bits' includes those for checking,
(2) An accuracy in excess of 1 part in more than 10,000
1568. Contr 1 ' of full scale; or
(a) All I 0 eqUlpme,nt, as follows: (3) A figure of 1T.iCfi1t of 5 x 106 or more (derived from the
tifieJ i~s~s bOf deVIces, regardless of other characteristics, iden- number of complete conversions per second divided by
U -Items (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (1) below, which accuracy);
BOARD OF TRADE JOURNA.L 19 AUGUST 1966 for which the equipment was approved.
Equipment primarily designed for the recording
(i) Mechanical in,put types (including but not limited to shaft ducing (read-out) ot: .
(I) sinusoidal information on a continuous unidirectiOnal
position encoders and linear displacement encoders but ex-
cluding complex servo"lfollower systems) as follows: and having an aggregate direct recording and/or rep
bandw'idth capability not exceeding 50 kilOCYcles Pe' kCiltt
(1) Rotary types with an accuracy. or maximum incremental
accuracy better than ,± 1 part in 10,000 of full s'cale or with the tape running continuously at maximum rat ~8ecoll4
of size 11 (1.1 inches in diameter) and smaller; irrespective of the number of tracks; e lPtttl,
(2) Linear displacement types having an accuracy of better (iz) coded data having a maximum direct recording and/
ducing bandwid!h of les~ than 100 kilocyc.zes per seco'"Je~
than ± 5 microns;
(Hi) Employing solid state Hall effect; the tape running .contlnuously at maxImum rated WIth
(m) Semi-conductor Hall field probes, as follows: irrespective of the number of tracks, provided that t~Pee(
(i) Made of indium-arsenide-phosphide (In As P); transport is not controlled by the read-in or read-Out dtapt
(H) Coated with ceramic or ferritic materials (e.g. special field or connected to the latter by means of a computer- eVICt
probes such as tangential field probes, multipliers, modula- for equipment having one of the follo~ing h
teristics: C arac.
tors, recorder probes, etc.);
(1) Ruggedized;
(iii) With an open circuit sensitivity greater than
0.12 Volt (2) Rated for continuous operation in ambient tempe
from below -100 Centigrade to above +55 Cent~aturer 0
grade). .;enlt·
pounds per square inch or higher.
1tlote: Yield strength is defined as the standard 0.2 per cent offset. 1715. Boron, the following:
(a) Boron ele~ent, boron ~ompounds and mixtures in which the
1649. Niobium (colum'bium), as follows: boron-IO Isotope compnses more than 20 per cent of the t tal
(a) Metal and niobium-based alloys containing 50 per cent or more boron content; 0
niobium or 60 per cent or more niobium-tantalum in combina- (b) Boron element (metal). all forms;
tion; .
(b) Scrap forms of the metal and alloys covered under (a) above.
(c) Boro.n .compounds and ID:ixtures, excluding pharmaceutical
speclaltles packaged for retaIl sale. the following:
1654. Magnesium base alloys having a content of 0.4 per cent or (1) boron trifluoride and its complexes;
more of zirconium, or 1.5 per cent or m'ore of thorium, or 1 per cent (2) 'boron carbides, hydrides and nitrides;
or more or! rare earth mevals (cerium mis'chmetal), and scrap forms of (3) alloys, compounds and mixtures containing
the foregoing. (See also Atomic Energy List Item 35 (c) (1»). more of boron, free or combined, except
(i) boron minerals, crude or refined;
. 1658. Molybdenum, as follows: (ii) boric oxides;
(a) Metal and molybdenum-based alloys containing' 50 per cent or (iii) boric acids; boric acid esters and inorganic berates'
more molybdenum; (iv) lboron trichloride and its complexes; ,
Notes: 1. Sub-item (a) does not cover clean wire of a diameter (v) peTlborates;
not exceeding 500 microns and which, after having been fully (vi) fluoroboric acids and fluoroborates;
annealed, has an elongation factor not exceeding 5 per cent for (vii) enamel and glass-making compositions or mixtures'
diameters up to 200 microns and not exceeding 10 per cent for (viii) feITo-boron. '
diameters of between 200 and 500 microns.
2. The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications 1721. Diethylene triamine of a purity of 96 per cent or higher.
for licences for the export of clean wire of a diameter not 1746. Polymeric substances and manufactures thereof not else-
exceeding 1,000 microns and which, after having been fully where specified, as follows: '
annealed, has an elongation factor not exceeding 12 per cent. (ia) Polyimides;
(ib) TU'bing and platinum-clad tubing. (Ib) Polybenzimidazoles;
1668. Tungsten metal and tungsten-hased alloys not elsewhere (c) Polyimidazopyrrolones;
specified, except: (d) Aromatic polya1mides;
(i) ferro-tungsten; (e)Polyparaxylylenes.
(H) tungsten carbide; Note: It is not intended that this item shall include manufactured
(Hi) tungsten powder; articles where the valu,e of the polymeric component together with
(iv) crude and semi-fabricated pressed-sintered forms weighing less m'oterials embargoed by other items is less than 50 per cent of the
than 20 lib. or forms made therefrom except sheet with a width total value of the article.
12 inches or more; 1754. Fluoro cartbon compounds and manufactures, not elsewhere
(v) wire made from pressed-sintered tungsten. specified, as follows:
1670. Tantalum, as follows: (a) M·onomers. homopolymers and co-poly'mers, as follows:
(a) Metal and tantalum-based alloys containing 60 per cent or more (l) Tetrafluoroethylene and pO'lytetrafluoroethylene;
tantalum or 60 per cent or more tantalum-niobium in comibina- (2) Chlorotrifluoroethylene and polychlorotriftuoroethylene;
tion; (3) Polyvinylideneftuoride; .
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications (4) Co-polymer of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene,
for licences for exports of tantalum in surgical forms. (5) Co-polymer of :tetrafluoroethylene and chlorotrlfluoro-
(b) Scrap forms of the 'metal and alloys covered under (a) above; ethylene; .
(6) Co-p~lymer of chlorotrifluoroethylene and vinyltdene-
1671. Titanium, as follows: fluonde; 'de'
(a) 'Metal and titanium~based alloys containing 70 per cent or more (7) Co-polymer of hexafluoropropylene and vinylideneftuort ,
titanium; (8) Polybromotrifluoroethylene; 'ft ora-
('b) Scrap forms of the metal and alloys covered under (a) above. (9) Co-polymer of bromotrifluoroethylene and chlorotrt U
Note: The Export Licensing Branch will consider applications ethylene;
for licences to export shipments, which are intended for and are (l0) Dibromote;trafluoroe;thane;
appropriate to a specified civil use, of the following forms of (b) Manufactures made wholly of the materials in (a) ~bove; fthe
unalloyed commercially pure titanium metal: (c) Electric wire and cable coated with or insulated WIth any 0
(A) Titanium in crude forms with a Brinell hardness number of m'aterials in (a) above.. .. . l' atioM:
120 or greater,· Note: The Export LIcenSing Branch will conSIder app le "
(B) Semi-fabricated forms, including wrought bars, as follows: for licences for the export of:
1 olytetra/luoroethylene in any form and manu- 19 AUGUST 1966 BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL
(1) granu a; %ot elsewhere specified, fabricated therefrom except
f~tude tape of a thickness of 0.005 inches or less,·
~b) Bs;ters of trimethylO:I propane or trimedlylol ethane' or penta-
sk!ve ents of up to 150 kilograms dry-weight of: erythritol·with saturated monobasic acids containing more than
(2) Shlpm eous dispersions of non-granular po lytetrafluoro-
six carbon atoms;
(1) aihylene which have been stabilized with an alkali metal (c) All fluoro-alcohol esters and per:ftU'oro-alkyl ethers;
;alt of a sulphated alcohol !ype emulsifier; and . (d) All polYlPhenyl ethers containing more than 3 phenyl groups.
'j\ 01 'chlorotrifluoroethy!ene In any form except olly and Notes: 1. Excepted from parts (a)-(c) above are those oils and
(ll) ~aIy modifications thereof. . greases containing by weight either not less than 50 per cent of
.. fluids and Igre'ases, as follows: neutral castor oil; or not less than 5 per cent of neutral castor oil and
1755. Slh~on~d silicone fluids and chlorinated silicone fluids; not less than 50 per cent of castor oil and petroleum oil together.
(a) F~~ormaiubricating greases capable of operating at temperatures 2. ! he Export Licensing Branch 'will consider applications for
(0) Slh356~ Fahrenheit (180
Centigrade) or higher and having a licences for the export 0/ certain lubricants embargoed by sub-item
of int (method of test being ASTM or ITP) of 428
(a) for use in civil aircraft provided viscosity at -40 Fahrenheit is
talit-e%~eit (220° Centigrade) or higher. greater than 8,000 centistokes and viscos<ity at +210° Fahrenheit is
not less than 7.5 centistokes.
C pounds and metallic m·a'terials, as follows: 3. T he Export Licensing Branch will consider applications for
1757·'1' om of a purity of 99.99 per cent or m<>re, and aB mono- licences for the export of certain other lubricants embargoed by sub-
(a) SI ICon ., . items (a) and (b) for use in civil aircraft previously exported.
crystalline sl1!con, . . .
M crystalline gallIum compounds .In any form, Fuming nitric acid. (See M.L.8.)
(b) ono r" stalline indium compounds In any form. Deuterium and co,mpounds. (See A.E.5.)
(c) Monob_l~eI7H Cb) and (c) above do not include electronic grades Fluorine. (See A.E.14.)
Note: Su stallin~ materials, containing less than 1. per cent of either Chlorine trifluoride. (See A.E.15.)
0/ monocry. ' Fluorinated hydrocarbons. (See A.E.17.)
gallium or zndllllll. Artificial graphite. (See A.E.34.)
60 Compounds of tantalum, niobiuf!1. (columbium), and tan- Lithium compounds. (See A.E.35.)
17 n·I'ohI'um
ta 1um- .'.,
excluding compounds containIng less than 20 per cent
of tantalum or nIObIum. Group J. Synthetic Rubber and Synthetic Film
1801. Synthe<tic rublber, the following:
1763. Continuous yarns,. rovi.ngs and tapes consisting of monofila- (a) Alkyl polysulphide liquid polymers;
ments 12 microns or less In dIameter for filament wound structru~es, Note: The definition is intended to cover polymers which are
h'ch after having been on a roll, have all of the follOWIng in themselves liquid. Water dispersions,' otherwise called latices,
~;ra~teristics when measured at a te1!1peratu~e. of 68 Fahrenheit