1. The applicant was convicted by an accountability court for possessing assets beyond his known sources of income but was later acquitted by the Peshawar High Court which set aside his conviction and sentence.
2. All relevant organizations have complied with the high court order except the Peshawar Development Authority, which has imposed restrictions on the applicant disposing of certain properties due to an appeal filed by the National Accountability Bureau against the high court's judgment.
3. The applicant requests that contempt proceedings be initiated against the respondents for not complying with the high court order and continuing to impose illegal restrictions on disposing of his properties, as no stay order has been produced from the Supreme Court.
1. The applicant was convicted by an accountability court for possessing assets beyond his known sources of income but was later acquitted by the Peshawar High Court which set aside his conviction and sentence.
2. All relevant organizations have complied with the high court order except the Peshawar Development Authority, which has imposed restrictions on the applicant disposing of certain properties due to an appeal filed by the National Accountability Bureau against the high court's judgment.
3. The applicant requests that contempt proceedings be initiated against the respondents for not complying with the high court order and continuing to impose illegal restrictions on disposing of his properties, as no stay order has been produced from the Supreme Court.
1. The applicant was convicted by an accountability court for possessing assets beyond his known sources of income but was later acquitted by the Peshawar High Court which set aside his conviction and sentence.
2. All relevant organizations have complied with the high court order except the Peshawar Development Authority, which has imposed restrictions on the applicant disposing of certain properties due to an appeal filed by the National Accountability Bureau against the high court's judgment.
3. The applicant requests that contempt proceedings be initiated against the respondents for not complying with the high court order and continuing to impose illegal restrictions on disposing of his properties, as no stay order has been produced from the Supreme Court.
1. The applicant was convicted by an accountability court for possessing assets beyond his known sources of income but was later acquitted by the Peshawar High Court which set aside his conviction and sentence.
2. All relevant organizations have complied with the high court order except the Peshawar Development Authority, which has imposed restrictions on the applicant disposing of certain properties due to an appeal filed by the National Accountability Bureau against the high court's judgment.
3. The applicant requests that contempt proceedings be initiated against the respondents for not complying with the high court order and continuing to impose illegal restrictions on disposing of his properties, as no stay order has been produced from the Supreme Court.
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CMNO ____________/2014 In High Court Decision No. 17 & 19
Appe!te "i#e NA$ Cri%in! Appe! Appe! !g!inst the or#er o& 'u#ge Account!(iit) Court No. 1 N.*.+., ,esh!-!r ./" /2 o& NA Or#in!nce D!te#0 291/12010 Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si 2" Director 3ener! 1. Mr. A)!4 Housing O&&icer 5H67 ,DA H!)!t!(!# ,h!se 48 ,esh!-!r 2. Muh!%%!# "!i% Director 3ener! o& ,DA ,esh!-!r /. Director 9st!te M!n!ge%ent A(#u H!ee% ,!r!ch! 4. +t :t. &or Director I*1II N!tion! Account!(iit) $ure!u $oc;1II8 ,DA Co%pe<8 ,h!se = 28 H!)!t!(!# >o-n ,esh!-!r "u(?ect0 Co%p!int o& this court or#er p!sse# () ,esh!-!r High Court ,esh!-!r !n# non co%pi!nce o& the !(o@e Dep!rt%ents Aespect&u) "he-eth8 1. >h!t the !ppic!nt -!s con@icte# () N!tion! Account!(iit) Court No. 1 Bh)(er ,!;htun;h-! ,esh!-!r &or possession o& !ssets (e)on# source o& inco%e. An !ppe! (e&ore this honour!(e High Court !o-e# the !ppe! the con@iction !n# sentences !-!r#e# to the !ppic!nt () the :e!rne# Account!(iit) Court No. 1 Court @i#e ?u#g%ent 291/12012 !n# set ! si#e !n# !ppic!nt h!@e (een eCuite# &ro% ! the ch!rges !g!inst the !ppic!nt si%i!r) the e!rne# court -!s pe!se# th!t !ppe!e# &ie () the NA$ &or enh!nce%ent o& sentence -!s #is!o-e# in this correction ! re&erence in@ite# #!te# 1110112012 cop) encose#. 2. >h!t the Court ?u#g%ent h!@e (een co%pie# -ith the ree@!nt org!ni4!tion e<cept ,DA ,esh!-!r in -hose ?uris#iction pot No. /21/2. ,ot No. 74 "ection N 4 H!)!t!(!# ,esh!-!r. /. >h!t the !ppic!nt -!nte# to #ispose o& s!i# properties (ut the ,DA h!s i%pose# ! (!r on the groun#s th!t NA$ h!s i%pose# restrictions on h!n#ing o@er the s!i# propert) to the !ppic!nt. 4. >he !ppic!nt person!) %et D3 !n# other concerne# o&&icers o& ,DA into correspon#ence the s!i# !n# to# the% e@en in so %!n) -ritten !ppic!tions th!t the e!rne# High Court h!s !re!#) !o-e# the !ppe! !n# !(so@e# the !ppic!nt &ro% ! the ch!rges !n# there&ore8 i%posing restrictions on the properties %entione# !(o@e -i !%ount to ! ce!r conte%pt o& court (ut ! in @!in !n# o& no use. A the ree@!nt copies correspon#ence !re encose#. D. >h!t the %!in o(?ection o& ,DA o& non co%pi!nce the :e!rne# High Court Or#ers is th!t the NA$ ,!;htun;h-! h!s !re!#) &ie# !n !ppic!tion !g!inst the !cCuitt! or#er in "upre%e Court !g!inst the High Court 'u#g%ent. E. >h!t the !ppe! is so c!e# Fe!@e to !ppe! h!s not (een gr!nte#G 7. >h!t the respon#ents h!@e not (een !(ee# to pro#uce st!) or#er &ro% the honor!(e "upre%e Court8 -here in &!ct NA$ itse& !ppie# &or !#?ourn%ent i.e. Fe!@e to !ppe!G &ie# () the NA$. H. >h!t si%p) &iing !n !ppic!tion e!@e to !ppe! is o& no eg! e&&ect uness ! st!) or#er is pro#uce#. PRAYER: In this connection it is %ost hu%() pr!)e# th!t conte%pt procee#ings %!) ;in#) (e initi!te# !g!inst the respon#ents8 the) %!) pe!se (e #irecte# to re%o@e the ieg! restrictions i%pose# on the #ispos! o& the propert) () the !ppic!nt. D!te# ___________ Appic!nt Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si A/O. House No. 21/ $i! :!ne8 Ar(!( Ao!# Ne!r $i! M!s?i# .ni@ersit) >o-n ,esh!-!r 5Aetire# "uperinten#ent o& Custo%s7 !t present ! pr!cticing !-)er FA#@oc!te ,esh!-!rG A&&i#!@it I8 Moh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si #o here() soe%n) #ec!re !n# !&&ir% th!t the contents o& this !ppic!tion !re true to the (est o& %) ;no-e#ge !n# (eie& !n# nothing h!s (een ;ept hi##en &ro% the honour!(e Court. Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si