In The Peshawar High Court Peshawar

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CMNO ____________/2014 In High Court Decision No. 17 & 19

Appe!te "i#e NA$ Cri%in! Appe!
Appe! !g!inst the or#er o& 'u#ge Account!(iit) Court No. 1 N.*.+.,
,esh!-!r ./" /2 o& NA Or#in!nce
D!te#0 291/12010
Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si 2" Director 3ener!
1. Mr. A)!4 Housing O&&icer 5H67 ,DA H!)!t!(!# ,h!se 48 ,esh!-!r
2. Muh!%%!# "!i% Director 3ener! o& ,DA ,esh!-!r
/. Director 9st!te M!n!ge%ent A(#u H!ee% ,!r!ch!
4. +t :t. &or Director I*1II N!tion! Account!(iit) $ure!u $oc;1II8
,DA Co%pe<8 ,h!se = 28 H!)!t!(!# >o-n ,esh!-!r
"u(?ect0 Co%p!int o& this court or#er p!sse# () ,esh!-!r High Court
,esh!-!r !n# non co%pi!nce o& the !(o@e Dep!rt%ents
Aespect&u) "he-eth8
1. >h!t the !ppic!nt -!s con@icte# () N!tion! Account!(iit) Court
No. 1 Bh)(er ,!;htun;h-! ,esh!-!r &or possession o& !ssets (e)on#
source o& inco%e. An !ppe! (e&ore this honour!(e High Court
!o-e# the !ppe! the con@iction !n# sentences !-!r#e# to the
!ppic!nt () the :e!rne# Account!(iit) Court No. 1 Court @i#e
?u#g%ent 291/12012 !n# set ! si#e !n# !ppic!nt h!@e (een eCuite#
&ro% ! the ch!rges !g!inst the !ppic!nt si%i!r) the e!rne# court
-!s pe!se# th!t !ppe!e# &ie () the NA$ &or enh!nce%ent o&
sentence -!s #is!o-e# in this correction ! re&erence in@ite# #!te#
1110112012 cop) encose#.
2. >h!t the Court ?u#g%ent h!@e (een co%pie# -ith the ree@!nt
org!ni4!tion e<cept ,DA ,esh!-!r in -hose ?uris#iction pot No.
,ot No. 74 "ection N 4 H!)!t!(!# ,esh!-!r.
/. >h!t the !ppic!nt -!nte# to #ispose o& s!i# properties (ut the ,DA
h!s i%pose# ! (!r on the groun#s th!t NA$ h!s i%pose# restrictions
on h!n#ing o@er the s!i# propert) to the !ppic!nt.
4. >he !ppic!nt person!) %et D3 !n# other concerne# o&&icers o& ,DA
into correspon#ence the s!i# !n# to# the% e@en in so %!n) -ritten
!ppic!tions th!t the e!rne# High Court h!s !re!#) !o-e# the
!ppe! !n# !(so@e# the !ppic!nt &ro% ! the ch!rges !n# there&ore8
i%posing restrictions on the properties %entione# !(o@e -i !%ount
to ! ce!r conte%pt o& court (ut ! in @!in !n# o& no use. A the
ree@!nt copies correspon#ence !re encose#.
D. >h!t the %!in o(?ection o& ,DA o& non co%pi!nce the :e!rne# High
Court Or#ers is th!t the NA$ ,!;htun;h-! h!s !re!#) &ie# !n
!ppic!tion !g!inst the !cCuitt! or#er in "upre%e Court !g!inst the
High Court 'u#g%ent.
E. >h!t the !ppe! is so c!e# Fe!@e to !ppe! h!s not (een gr!nte#G
7. >h!t the respon#ents h!@e not (een !(ee# to pro#uce st!) or#er &ro%
the honor!(e "upre%e Court8 -here in &!ct NA$ itse& !ppie# &or
!#?ourn%ent i.e. Fe!@e to !ppe!G &ie# () the NA$.
H. >h!t si%p) &iing !n !ppic!tion e!@e to !ppe! is o& no eg! e&&ect
uness ! st!) or#er is pro#uce#.
In this connection it is %ost hu%() pr!)e# th!t conte%pt procee#ings
%!) ;in#) (e initi!te# !g!inst the respon#ents8 the) %!) pe!se (e
#irecte# to re%o@e the ieg! restrictions i%pose# on the #ispos! o&
the propert) () the !ppic!nt.
D!te# ___________ Appic!nt
Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si
A/O. House No. 21/ $i! :!ne8 Ar(!( Ao!# Ne!r $i! M!s?i# .ni@ersit)
>o-n ,esh!-!r
5Aetire# "uperinten#ent o& Custo%s7
!t present ! pr!cticing !-)er FA#@oc!te ,esh!-!rG
I8 Moh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si #o here() soe%n) #ec!re !n# !&&ir% th!t the
contents o& this !ppic!tion !re true to the (est o& %) ;no-e#ge !n#
(eie& !n# nothing h!s (een ;ept hi##en &ro% the honour!(e Court.
Muh!%%!# H!%i# Ai A((!si

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