Section 1: Ecosystems: Everything Is Connected: Homo

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Section 1: Ecosystems: Everything is Connected

Distinguish between the _____________ and ____________ factors in an ecosystem.
Describe how a population differs from a _______________.
Explain the process of __________________ by natural selection.
Explain the concept of __________________.
Defining an Ecosystem
_________________= all of the organisms living in an area together with their physical
omposed of many _____________________ parts that often interact in complex ways
________________ !re onnected
Ecosystems _____ ________ have clear boundaries" they can move from one ecosystem
into another
#he omponents of an ______________
____________ $ ___________ %actors
&iotic factors= the living and ______________ living parts of an ecosystem
'ncluding all of the plants and animals and the _________________ parts of organisms
__________________ factors= the _______________ parts of the ecosystem
'nclude _______( ___________( _____________( sand( light( $ _________________
_______________= an individual living thing
_______________= group of organisms that are closely related and that can mate to
produce fertile offspring
)umans are members of )omo _______________
*opulations= all the members of the ___________ species that live in the same place at
the same time
ommunities= a group of ____________ species that live in the same place and interact
with each other
+ost obvious difference between communities is the type of ____________ they have.
_______________= the place an organism lives
Organisms live as ________________ of one species in communities with other species
Section 2: Evolution
Evolution by ,atural -election
________________ ______________= the une.ual survival $ reproduction that
results from the presence or absence of particular trait
Evolution= a change in the ________________ characteristics of a population from one
generation to the next
,ature -elects
_____________ thought that nature selects for certain traits because organisms with
certain traits are more li/ely to _____________ and reproduce
Organisms produce more offspring than can ________________.
#he environment is _________________ and contains limited resources.
Organisms differ in the _________________ they have.
-ome _________________ traits provide organisms with an advantage.
Each generation contains proportionately _________ organisms with advantageous traits.
____________________= process of two species evolving in response to long0term
interactions with each other
Evolution by _______________ -election
!rtificial selection= the ___________________ breeding of organisms by humans for
specific characteristics
Evolution of __________________
1esistance= the ability of one or more organisms to __________________ a particular
chemical designed to /ill it.
___________________ 1esistance
-ection 2: #he Diversity of 3iving #hings
,ame the __________ /ingdoms of organisms and identify two characteristics of each.
Explain the importance of ___________ and ____________ in the environment.
Explain why _____________ are such successful animals.
)ow do scientist organi4e this variety of life into categories that they can understand5
_________ /ingdoms
&!#E1'!= ______________( singled0celled organisms that usually have cell walls $
reproduce by dividing in half.
3ac/ ___________
#wo main types: _______________________ $ ______________________
3ive in __________ habitat on Earth
an cause ___________________
_________________= an organism whose cells have nuclei( cell walls( $ no chlorophyll
____________ food from their surroundings
*lay a role in _________________ by brea/ing down bodies and body parts of dead
an cause disease 6athlete7s foot" ___________________8
!dd ___________________ to food 6blue cheese" yeast8
__________________= diverse group of organisms that belong to the /ingdom *rotista
!moebas( /elp( diatoms( _____________
__________________= many0celled organisms that ma/e their own food using the sun7s
energy and have cell walls
__________________________= plants whose seeds are not enclosed in fruits
*ine trees are also called ______________ 6bear cones8
*roduce ___________ $ seeds
____________________= flowering plants that produce seeds in fruit
_________________ is the reproductive structure of the plant
Examples: wheat( ________( beans( __________( cotton( etc.
_____________________= cannot ma/e their own ___________" they ta/e food from
their environment" have no cell wall
'nvertebrates= lac/ a __________________
*lan/ton( ____________( various worms( mollus/s( s.uid( ___________( insects( etc.
9ertebrates= have a _________________
#oads( frogs( $ salamanders
#urtles( li4ards( sna/es( $ crocodiles
warm0blooded vertebrates with feathers
:arm0blooded vertebrates that have fur $ feed young mil/

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