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Reckta Arlin Permadani
Muhammadiyah University of Jember
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
English Department
Jember, East Java Indonesia


Key words: Vocabulary mastery, hangaroo game

Vocabulary is the basic one that must be mastered before mastering the other
English skills. Noticing the important of vocabulary in learning English, the
researcher was interested in conducting the research.
The research is quasi experimental design and conducted at SMP Satya
Dharma Balung. The problem of this research is: is there any significant effect of
using hangaroo game on the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP
Satya Dharma Balung in the 2012/2013 academic year and the purpose of this
research is to verify whether or not there is significant effect of using hangaroo game
on the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma Balung in
the 2012/2013 academic year. Two classes which consisted of 64 seventh grade
students were taken as the control and the experimental group.
After establishing pretest in both groups, the students in experimental group
were taught by using hangaroo game as media to know whether or not there is
significant effect on the students vocabulary mastery that covers noun, verb, and
adjective. Whereas, the teaching and learning process in the control group was done
without using hangaroo game. After three meetings, posttest was given to students in
both groups. The result of the pretest and posttest were then calculated using t-test.
The result showed that the t-value is 9.50 with 62 degrees of freedom. By
using level of significance 0.05 or t
gives the result 1.67 and it showed that the t-
value is higher than the t-table (9.50 > 1.67). From the calculation using t-test
formula, it was found that there is significant difference between students vocabulary
mastery of group taught by using hangaroo game and group taught without using
hangroo game. Thus, it can be inferred that there is significant effect of using
hangaroo game on the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya
Dharma Balung in the 2012/2013 academic year.


Kata Kunci: Penguasaan kosakata, permainan hangaroo

Kosakata adalah salah satu dasar yang harus dikuasai sebelum mempelajari
kemampuan bahasa inngris yang lain. Mengigat pentingnya kosakata dalam
pembelajaran bahasa inggris, peneliti tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian ini.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan desain quasi experiment dan
diadakan di SMP Satya Dharma Balung. Masalah yang diteliti adalah; adakah
pengaruh yang berarti antara penggunaan permainan hangaroo terhadap
penguasaan kosakata murid kelas tujuh di SMP Satya Dharma Balung tahun
ajaran 2012/2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan ada
tidaknya pengaruh yang berarti antara penggunaan permainan hangaroo
terhadap penguasaan kosakata murid kelas tujuh di SMP Satya Dharma Balung
tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Dua kelas yang terdiri dari 64 murid kelas tujuh
digunakan sebagai kelas kontrol dan eksperimen.
Setalah mengadakan pretest pada kedua kelas, para murid di kelas
eksperimen diberikan permainan hangaroo sebagai media untuk mengetahiu ada
tidaknya pengaruh yang berarti terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa yang
mencakup kata benda, kata kerja, dan kata sifat. Sedangkan proses belajar
mengajar di kelas kontrol dilakukan tanpa menggunakan permainan hangaroo
sebagai media. Setelah tiga kali pertemuan, posttest diberikan kepada siswa
dikedua kelompok. Hasil dari pretest dan posttest kemudian dihitung
menggunakan t-test.
Hasil dari t-test menunjukkan 9,50 dengan derajat kebebasan 62. Dengan
menngunakan taraf kepercayaan 0,05 atau t
memberikan hasil 1,67 dan ini
menunjukkan bahwa hasil t-test lebih tinggi dari t-tabel (9.50 > 1.67). dari
perhitungan tersebut ditemukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang berarti penguasaan
kosakata antara siswa di kelas yang menggunaan permainan hangaroo dengan
siswa di kelas tanpa menggunakan permainan hangaroo. Sehingga dapat
disimpulakan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang berarti antara penggunaan
permainan hangaroo terhadap penguasaan kosakata murid kelas tujuh di SMP
Satya Dharma Balung tahun ajaran 2012/2013.

English become an important thing in this era. Now, English to be
international language that learn by everyone in each country so we have to
understand English well for communicate with other people in different country.
In education side, Indonesia has curriculums that organize about the teaching
and learning English in schools. English is second language that learns after
Indonesian language in our country. Brown (2007:1) states that learning a second
language are long and complex undertaking, so English already learn from the
elementary school to university in Indonesia, even in kindergarten also started to
learn English.
To fulfill students requirement in learn English, it needs a teacher that has a
good skill. A teacher must build an interactive and interesting class to make students
still active in learning English. In this case, the teacher should be able to use an
interesting technique to avoid the students boredom.
Before learning English, we have to know the basic one that will make
students are easy to understanding English well, and vocabulary is the important one
in language learning. Without sufficient vocabulary students can not produce many
words, can not communicate with others, and difficult learning English as the second
language. Learning vocabulary is one of the first steps in learning a second language,
begin from vocabulary we will know a new word and learning a new meaning. The
use of vocabulary in every level of school is very important because vocabulary is the
basic knowledge of someone to master all language skills in a higher study for the
further knowledge and it depend on the each teacher in every school to teach
vocabulary as interest as possible. There are many techniques which help someone to
acquire new vocabulary, and game is one option that always makes students attracted.
Pibilov (2006:24) claims many games can be looked at as drill exercises but they
have an added fun and competition element.
Agoestyowati (2007: xi) states that games help and encourage learners and
participants to sustain their interest in English. Therefore learning English
vocabulary using games has an important role for teachers and students. The first, as
students, they have strong and good motivation to learning English. The second, they
are easy to accept the English material because they learn by playing games that
nowadays has been grown and developed in Indonesia. The third, teaching English
vocabulary using games can help teacher in teaching learning process.
As we know that there are many words game which have been made and
designed for vocabulary learning, and one of them is hangaroo game. Hangaroo is just
like hangman - guess the hidden phrase to complete a level. Hangaroo game is filled
with quite a large number of phrases and terms, the aim should be to make correct
guesses. Amaan (2011) claims the uniqueness of hangaroo game lies in the fact that
you are not just playing for fun and thrill but to test your ability and skill too. Here
we have to guess a word that supplied based on the clues that given.
Hangaroo game is a kind of word game which is interesting and may help to
increase vocabulary too. The most interesting aspect of the hangaroo game is that if
we run out of words and phrases, we can easily create our own lists in text files
following the conventions detailed in the help file, because hangaroo is a game with
endless possibilities, as it is limited only to our imagination. Prasetiawati (2011:35)
describe in her research that using hangaroo games in teaching vocabulary mastery
is effective enough particularly in junior high school, because it can make students
remember the vocabulary and can be used to add vocabulary easily. The students
have to think of a word and try to guess it by suggesting letters, until either the word
is completed.
Based on the theories explained above, the research about hangaroo game is
important to conduct. So this thesis is entitled The effect of using hangaroo game on
the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma Balung in the
2012/2013 academic year.

The participants of this research consisted of 64 seventh grade students of SMP Satya
Dharma Balung. In each group, there were 32 students.

The instrument which was used to collect the data needed in this research was
vocabulary test. The test was objective test in form of multiple choices and consisted
of 40 items. Regarding with the validity, the researcher used content validity which
means that the researcher made the test based on the curriculum where the research
was conducted. While the reliability of the test was analyzed by using Spearman
Brown (Split Half Odd-Even Technique). The researcher found that the reliability of
the test was 0.95.

Two classes were taken to conduct this research. One group was treated as control
group and the other was treated as experimental group. Before the treatment was
given, a pretest was established to both groups. And the posttest was given after 3
meetings of teaching and learning process. Each meeting lasted in 80 minutes. Both
groups were taught with exactly the same way of teaching; the only difference was
that the experimental group was taught by using hangaroo game during the teaching
and learning process.

In general, to collect the data of the research, pretest and posttest were given to both
experimental and control group. The result of pretest and posttest of both groups can
be described with the table below.

Table: Comparison of the control and experimental groups scores
Pretest Posttest
Sum of
Experiment (X) 703 21.96 968 30.25 265 8.29
Control (Y) 690 21.56 800 25 110 3.44

Based on the calculation of t-test formula from the score of pretest and posttest
on vocabulary mastery test, the value result of t-test is 9,50. And then the result of the
degree of freedom (df) is 62 compare with t-table by using significance 5% or t
gives the result 1.67. It is clear that the value of t-test is higher than t-table
There are two kinds of hypothesis that used in this research, namely null
hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is rejected if the t-value is
higher than the t-table. While the alternative hypothesis is rejected if the t-value is
lower than the t-table.
The null hypothesis is that there is no significant effect of using hangaroo
game on the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma
Balung in the 2012/2013 academic year, while the alternative hypothesis is that there
is significant effect of using hangaroo game on the seventh grade students
vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma Balung in the 2012/2013 academic year.
Because the result of the calculation showed that the t-value was higher than
the t-table (9.50>1.67), the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis
is accepted. It means that there is significant effect of using hangaroo game on the
seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma Balung in the
2012/2013 academic year.

Based on the problem and purpose of the research, result of the data analysis
of t-test is 9.50 and df is 62. In this case, the degree of freedom (df) of 62 compare
with t-table by using significance 5% or t
gives the result 1.67. Remembering two
kinds of hypothesis that used in this research, namely null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis with certainty the null hypothesis is rejected if the t-value is higher than
the t-table, while the alternative hypothesis is rejected if the t-value is lower than the
t-table. Then the result was showed that the score is higher than t-table (9.50>1.67),
thus the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. So
it can be concluded that there is significant effect of using hangaroo game on the
seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya Dharma Balung in the
2012/2013 academic year.

The result of the research shows that there is significant effect of using
hangaroo game on the seventh grade students vocabulary mastery at SMP Satya
Dharma Balung in the 2012/2013 academic year. The suggestion gives for the
English teacher, the students, and the other researcher.

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