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id Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan

e-ISSN: 2579-8960 p-ISSN: 2460-2167 Volume 2, No. 1, June 2017

Diah Ayu Restuningsih1, Mhd. Nur2, Lusi Setyorini3

Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan

Abstract. Engliah cartoon movie is always associated with kids, Basically, cartoon is entertainment for kids, but
nowadays the adults are familiar with this term since some cartoon movies are made for the adults. Speaking is
one of the four skills that should be mastered by the students. Every student has different speaking ability, so it
is interesting to discribe the research about students’ speaking ability. The purpose of the study is 1) to know the
implementation of speaking class in the English Course of MTs NU Sugio Lamongan in the academic year at
2013-2014, (2) To know the students speaking ability in the English Course of MTs NU Sugio Lamongan in the
academic year at 2013-2014. The study was conducted in English course of MTs NU Sugio Lamongan. The
number of the subjects was 20 students. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data were
obtained from observation, questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data display
and conclusion drawing or verification. The result of the study showed that by using english cartoon movie and
the process of teaching learning speaking, that can give significance improvement to the students’ speaking
ability. They are communication games discussion, and role play. About the result of questionnaire in
percentage table, the responses of students to the teaching speaking are good. Most of them like to learn
speaking. They said English especially speaking can make them motivated, enthusiastic, and increase their
speaking ability. Moreover based on the result of students’ response, they like very much to the teaching of
speaking by using cartoon movie in the English course.

Keywords: speaking ability, English course

There are some reasons why students feel difficult to study English especially speaking
ability. Most of student often inhabitation about trying to say something a foreign language in
the classroom: worried about making mistakes, they cannot think of anything to say them
feels less exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue. So communication is very
important to get speaking well. Wherever and whenever communication is still used,
especially in the classroom (Richards 2002: 208) explains that communication is still
used,especially in the classroom is embedded in meaning focused activity.
There are some skills in English, speaking writing, listening and reading, In fact
speaking is very important because speaking is the goal of learn and understanding about
English department. They are teacing speaaking to the student becomes an important part of
the teaching learning process. From those statements, the writer tries to rolate them to english
course of MTs NU Sugio Lamongan, which has certain purpose, that is to progress to
improve the student’s language abiliyt or communication ability, and it means speaking
ability. The purpose of teaching English is to achieve the communicative competence. This
purpose become one season for Mts NU Sugio Lamongan makes the English course. It was
started in 2013, so it is the first period, the student of English course must joint test and they
must past the hard examination, this class is begun after finishing in the formal school, the
teaching is different with the other camp. The language used in the daily activity is especially
in english. Based on the statement above, most problems faced by the student are in speaking
In order to make this study clear the researcher wants to limit this researcher focuses
onteaching speaking by using cartoon moovie. This research conducted at the of MTs Nu
Sugio Lamongan. There are two research problems formulated here. The problems are as the
following: 1) how is the implementation of speaking ability by using cartoon movie in the
English Course at MTs NU Sugio Lamongan in the academic year at 2013-2014? 2) how is
the students speaking by using cartoon movie in English Course at Mts NU Sugio Lamongan

© Edulitics Journal 41 | P a g e
Available on Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan
e-ISSN: 2579-8960 p-ISSN: 2460-2167 Volume 2, No. 1, June 2017
in the academic year at 2013-2014? Based on the problems, there are two research objective
in this study; to know the implementation of speaking class in the English Course of MTs NU
Sugio Lamongan in the academic year at 2013-2014, and to know the students speaking
ability in the English Course of MTs NU Sugio Lamongan in the academic year at 2013-2014.
Research Design
This research is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive is the form of words, draw, and
number, ( Moleong 2004: 11 ) then qualitative research that is perception, interview, or
document observation. Methodologies qualitative as research procedure that result data
descriptive in the form of words written or oral form human and behavior which can be
observed (Moleong, 2004: 4). This qualitative research using natural background, for the
purpose interpreting phenomenon that happened and done by way to get involved exiting
method. In this research the researcher would be intended to describe speaking ability by
using cartoon movie in the English Course of MTs NU Sugio 2013-2014 academic year.
The subject of this study is 20 students joined the English course. The data collected
through interview and questionnaire. The classroom obeservation is used in this reasearch.
The reaseracher obeserved and noted the pehenomenom systematically, as it has mentioned
in the focus of this study. The purpose to conduct interview is to complete the primary data.
Interview means a dialogue between and interviewer and interviewee (Arikunto,2002:132).
The interview method used in this research it was conducted by the researcher on 2014-05-12.
In this research, the interviewer used a list of question prepared to get the information needed.
The Instruments in this used by the researcher were tape recorder, interview lists and
questionnaire. Tape recorder is used by the researcher to record the answer of the respondent
during the interview activity was running. It is very useful for the researcher in order to avoid
missing answer. In addition it also helps the research to analyze more comprehensively and
clearly. Interview is to complate the priary data and conducted at the school. Questionnaire as
one of the instruments that helps the researcher to collect the data by providing some choices
for the respondent could choose the appropriate choices from their point of view based on the
real condition that they experienced. The questionnaire will be subdevided into response and
Observational Result
The observation was conducted on 10 August 2014, and the learning process of
speaking the researcher came into the classroom, the writer greeted them and they replied the
greeting, she asked about student condition and then checked the student present list.
Researchers gave the type to talk to each student, the researcher explained the lesson, and
researcher gave the media in the form of audio-visual learning. After researchers provide
instructional media in the form of audio-visual students were asked to create a synopsis of the
theme according to the media that has been provided by researcher. and the students are
asked to make inquiries (if the explanation was not clear). As possible related to the presented
material then the researcher answered orally, the researcher would explain once more. In
analyzing the data, the researcher took same data in the process of teaching learning with
three instruments. Those are check list, field note. In this case, check list is used to observed
by using field note. The complete data is both activities between teacher and students. Here
the researcher did not observe the teaching learning by herself. She ask her friend to help to
get the data as a non-participant observer.
To analysis the data, the researcher described the result of observation in the class. In
this data the research was the data about teaching learning process, teacher activities, student
activities. In the teaching learning process there were three steps they were pre-teaching

© Edulitics Journal 42 | P a g e
Available on Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan
e-ISSN: 2579-8960 p-ISSN: 2460-2167 Volume 2, No. 1, June 2017
activity, whilst teaching activity an post-teaching activity. And of the three treatments or
activity the researcher was that into one teaching learning activity.
From the result observation the researcher found the methods used by the teacher in
teaching speaking were:
a. Communication Games
Communication games might be one of technique in teaching speaking that can be
very successful to motivate the student in speaking practice because the student will
be happy and have big motivation to speak naturally. It is designed to prove
communication between students frequently. In this activity the teacher should have a
student talk to their partner in order to solve puzzle, draw a picture (describe and
draw) put the things in the right order (describe and arrange) or find similarities and
differences between pictures.
b. Discussion
Discussion is very interesting way to teach speaking to the students. It will encourage
the students to express their own ideas or opinion creatively. To get the maximal
result of discussion, the teacher should choose a interesting and appropriate title in
order to the students are not reluctant to give an opinion in front of the class. In
addition the teacher should be able to interact the student interest by allowing a new
and update problems of discussion. So discussion will be more effective in developing
student speaking. In this class the discussion did in group, such as in pair.
c. Role Play
In teaching speaking skill, the teacher can also use role play to train the students to
practice their English as if they are in the real situation. The activity can be
implemented when the teacher introduce one technique which encourage the students
to act as someone else and play his action guided by the scribe of the specific
situation. When the teacher tought English Course in MTs NU Sugio Lamongan, he
used role play. The kind of role play that are used in teaching English Course at MTs
NU Sugio Lamongan are role play vocabulary.
d. Cartoon Movie
In teaching speaking skills Cartoon movie, the researchers use the cartoon movie to
improve the students ability in practice the English language, as if they are in a real
situation. These activities can be implemented when the researchers introduced one of
the techniques that encourage students to learn, observe, read and apply the language
skills of students in accordance with the material that is given and can apply
according to the imagination of the cartoon movie that has been observed by
researchers and students.

Result of Interview and Questionnaire

The interview was conduction on 12 agustus 2014, and the interview was the English
teacher of the English course student to obtain the sporting data about the teaching speaking.
The result of the interview was as follows. Firstly, according to the English teacher, the
approach that was used in teaching English was direct method. Direct method is not new, it is
principles have been applied by language teacher for many years. Most recently, it was
revived as a method when the goal of instruction become learning how to use a foreign
language to communication. The direct method has one very basic rule no translation is
allowed. The student learns how to communication in the target language, in order to do this
successfully, student should learn to think in the target language. Although the teacher directs
the class activities, the student role is less passive. The teacher and the students are more like
partner in the teaching learning process.

© Edulitics Journal 43 | P a g e
Available on Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan
e-ISSN: 2579-8960 p-ISSN: 2460-2167 Volume 2, No. 1, June 2017
Secondly, the interview result showed that the technique used in teaching speaking. In
the teaching speaking the teacher gave some explanation about the material for example
about daily activity. Then, the teacher asked the student to tell everything about daily
activities. The student did them in front of the class. Beside the teacher asked to make
conversation with other friends to asked about their daily activity. Furthermore, the teacher
was interested in the teaching the students thought repetition about the topic so this technique
makes the students more interested and understood.
The questionnaire was conducted on 13 August 2014 and the data obtained from the
questionnaire was processed the response of the student the teaching speaking to support the
data needed to complete the research. Here the students are given some question about their
opinion about in teaching speaking. They had been given 10 multiple choice questions
(closed questionnaire) and the one opened questionnaire about strong and the weakness of the
teaching speaking. The questionnaire had given by the researcher after treatment activity. The
result of data in percentage; the following were the result of the student answer in
questionnaire that is tabulated in the percentage, that the result was analyzed by tabulating the
students answer by using the formula
Table 1: Result of Questionnaire
No Question
Yes No
1 Do you like English lesson the English Course? 20 0
2 do you like teaching speaking? 12 8
3 do you have English book? 20 0
4 do you have English dictionary? 20 0
5 do you speak English in the area? 10 10
6 does you teacher given reward to students who answer question? 20 0
7 do your parents give motivation about join English course? 16 4
8 do you like study English speaking by using cartoon movie ? 20 0
9 do you like reading English book? 14 6
10 does your teacher give appropriate book in teaching English? 20 0

The observation result showed that process speaking teaching and learning was really
useful to stimulate student to speak by using check list, field note, picture and cartoon movie.
That was done in every meeting in giving treatments. Check list was used to observe the
teacher who was teaching in the class. Field note was used to observe the activity of students
when they get the teaching material in the learning process. Besides, the writer also takes
some picture of teacher and students activity to support and complete the data. And watching
cartoon movie is best media to increase the student’s vocabulary.
In this researcher interviewed the respond of English teacher of the English course to
obtain the supporting data about the teaching speaking. Here the teacher gave some questions
about their opinion in teaching speaking. They had given approach that was used in teaching
English was teaching learning process. The interview result showed the technique used in
teaching speaking. In teaching speaking the teacher gave some explanation about the material
for example about daily activity. Then the teacher asked the students to tell everything about
daily activities. The student did it in front of the class. Besides, the teacher asked the student
to tell everything about their daily activity. The teacher asked to make conversation with the
other friends to about their daily activity.

© Edulitics Journal 44 | P a g e
Available on Universitas Islam Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan
e-ISSN: 2579-8960 p-ISSN: 2460-2167 Volume 2, No. 1, June 2017
The data obtained from the questionnaire was the response of the student. Here the
students were given some questions about their opinion about the teaching speaking. They
were given 10 multiple choice questions (closed questionnaire) and the opened questionnaire
about strong and the weakness of the teaching speaking. The questionnaires were given by
the researcher after treatment activity. It described the students speaking ability by using
cartoon movie. Moreover the researcher used observation to know the process of teaching
learning. The researcher also used questionnaire. That aimed to at knowing the response of
the student to the teaching speaking known. Most of the students gave opinion that study
English speaking by using cartoon movie can made them motivated and increase their
The conclusion of the research is presented in accordance with the data that have been
analyzed in this previous chapter. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded as the
1. The process of teaching learning speaking can give significant increase to the students
speaking ability. They are communication games, cartoon movie, discussion and role
2. The result of questionnaire in percentage table, showed responses of student of the
teaching speaking like to learn speaking. They said English especially speaking can
make them motivated, enthusiastic, and increase speaking ability. Moreover based on
the result on student response, they like very much to the teaching speaking by using
cartoon movie.

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