Tiger Lillies

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Recently they returned from a tour of the Czech Republic, with wild stories about driving around in their

moss covered old car to

venues that ranged from roofess shacks in caravan parks to baroque theatres. At one place Jacques was accosted by a gypsy woman
who accused him of seducing her daughter, only to discover it was just a ruse to steal his wallet.
Like many of Britains artists and musicians, THE TIGER LILLIES live in poverty and obscurity whilst achieving international cult
status. Te nineties may prove to be a time of great fowering of culture, as human voices break out of the straightjacket of style,
fashion and commercial thinking that characterised years of conservative government. Te emergence of this band is clear evidence
that the times are changing.
KEN CAMPBELL has described him
as the criminal castrati, and with his
dickensian style of dress, long pigtail and
bowler hat, his corrosive lyrics and his
astonishing voice, all the while singing
with his eyes closed, he makes an indel-
ible impression. Jacques sings about life at
the bottom of contemporary Britain with
the voice of an angel.
extraordinary three piece band with a
large cult following in London. Tey are
fronted by singer MARTYN JACQUES
who trained himself as an opera singer
with a castrati style voice of heartbreaking
beauty, whilst living alone above a strip
joint in Soho for seven years. Accompa-
nied by drummer ADRIAN HUGE, whose
appearance was described by DAVID BYRNE
as James Joyce on drums, and double bass
player ADRIAN STOUT, Jacques plays ac-
cordion and sings savage and passionate
songs about prostitutes, drug addicts and
losers, his voice soaring and growling like
a man possessed.
Te music is a startling mixture of op-
era, gypsy song and lef bank Paris, but
what really marks out this band from
any other is the emotional charge and
raw passion of the delivery. Because
they are impossible to pigeonhole, the
band has not yet had a wide commer-
cial success, despite being picked up
by David Byrne, with performances
at the South Bank, as well as festivals
and foreign tours, but this cannot last
for much longer as their reputation is
spreading very fast in the art culture
the criminal castrati
Contra Bass, Musical Saw,
Theremin, Vocals.
Adrian Stout has played Bass with Errol Linton,
Pigmeat Pete Smith and Todd Sharpville, as
well as many other bands in every style of
music. He toured and recorded two albums for
Blues diva Dana Gillespie before being co-opted
by The Tiger Lillies for 1995s Edinburgh Festi-
val. This was only supposed to be for a week. 18
years later this once serious musician has since
then found himself dancing in leider hosen,
making love to inflatable sheep and dressing as
a cheap prostitute. Adrian has been adding an
arsenal of unusual musical instruments to the
Tiger Lillies sound, playing musical saw, Ther-
emin, jaw harps and nose flutes on recordings
and performances.
In 2007 Adrian co-wrote and produced a cd with
cult icon Sexton Ming called A Taste of Wood
that was released on their Crapping Clown la-
bel. He has played bass on 3 albums for Stuart A
Staples of Tindersticks Lucky Dog Recordings
03-04, Leaving Songs and Souvenir 06 and
toured with him throughout Europe for 2 years.
In 2009 he was invited by Danielle de Picciotto
to compose music for the Feedback Exhibition
that was shown in Berlin and Frankfurt and in
2010 he added saw and Theremin to the Urban
Voodoo Machine cd In Black N Red as well
as performing onstage with them on numerous
He has also been spotted as guest saw (or
Theremin) player with Amanda Palmer, Joe
Black, Sxip Shirey, Elyas Khan, Alex Hacke and
Marcus Reeves. Recently Adrian has performed
in a musical saw duo called The Weeping Saws
with David Coulter.
Adrian Huge
Adrian Stout plays an Eminance removable
neck bass. Available from www.gelbass.com. He
also plays the Clifton Frequent Flyer by Clifton
Vocals, Accordion
Martyn Jacques, the founder of The Tiger
Lillies, spent much of his early years living
above a brothel in Londons Soho. He is a self
trained musician and singer, playing mostly the
accordion, piano and ukulele. His hauntingly
beautiful falsetto has become The Tiger Lillies
trademark and combined with his dark and edgy
songwriting style has led to him being widely
known as the Criminal Castrato.
Martyn has composed music for and performed
in numerous shows all over the world and en-
joys working with artists of all disciplines: from
highbrow theatre to circus, and from experimen-
tal dance to burlesque and puppetry. He is very
proud that The Tiger Lillies have performed in
opera houses and rock festivals as well as circus
tents and smelly pubs. His music has been used
Drums and Percussion
Mike Pickering joined The Tiger Lillies in the
spring of 2012 when founding band member
Adrian Huge decided to take a leave of absence.
He has since played the drums, percussion and
all the other weird-sounding toys and instru-
ments inherited by his predecessor in all of
the bands live performances as well as in the
recording of The Tiger Lillies most recent
albums Either Or and Lulu A Murder Ballad.
Mike started playing drums when he was 12
years old. Widely regarded on the London jazz
scene as one of the tallest drummers in town,
he has played with many of the UKs finest jazz
musicians. From 1994, he has been a member
of Billy Jenkins Blues Collective, the Voice of
God Collective and, more recently, Trio Blues
Suburbia, touring and recording many albums
along the way.
in films (Plunkett & Macleane, Luftbusiness,
Drunken Sailor, Return to Nuke Em High) and
recently he composed music for The Cabinet of
Dr. Caligari, which he performed as a live ac-
companiment to the iconic silent film in his first
ever solo show.
Martyn has been commissioned by acclaimed
American photographer Nan Goldin to
compose an original score for her Ballad of
Sexual Dependency slideshow project and has
actually performed the piece with The Tiger
Lillies as a live soundtrack to Nans startling
images. Martyns work has been nominated for
a Grammy Award (The Gorey End in 1998) and
his memorable performance in cult hit musical
Shockheaded Peter won him an Oliver Award.
He plays in Trio WAH! with saxophonist Jason
Yarde and bass man Larry Bartley, still hoping
to release their first album after 14 years! Were
all very busy ...
He has recorded soundtracks for films includ-
ing Captain Corellis Mandolin, in which he
appears (briefly) and Charlotte Grey, in which
he doesnt.
He has played and recorded with house DJs
A Man Called Adam, rock band Strangeways,
Nigel Birchs Flea Pit Orchestra and country
musicians Bobby Valentino and Hank Wangford
and the Lost Cowboys.
Mike Pickering
Martyn Jacques
He plays what he feels and mainly plays Gretsch,
Sonor and Slingerland drums, assorted cymbals, toys
and percussion ... anything he can get a sound from,
even the great Mr Huges kit!!!
Martyn Jacques plays a 72 bass, 2 octive piano ac-
cordion custom-made by Fantini of Italy. These
are available from Allodi Accordions of London.
Martyn has two in Green and one in Grey
6 7
Te Tiger Lillies / Misery Guts Music
PO Box 10578
United KIngdom
Tim Whitehead
Sophie Seashell
For general queries:
Harula Hristopoulou
Merchandise and shop queries: Chris Allen
Licensing: Markus Stefen

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