Performance Analysis of High-Performance File Transfer Systems For Grid Applications

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Performance analysis of high-performance le transfer systems for

Grid applications
Cosimo Anglano, Massimo Canonico
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit a del Piemonte Orientale
Alessandria, Italy
Data-intensive Grid applications require the avail-
ability of tools able to transfer very large les in the
shortest amount of time. Many le transfer tools,
based on solutions aimed at overcoming the limita-
tions imposed by the TCP protocol, have been re-
cently developed. In this paper we experimentally
compare the performance of some of these tools in
various network scenarios by running experiments on
PlanetLab, an open platform for the development,
deployment, and access of planetary-scale services,
that comprises hundreds of hosts scattered across the
globe. Our results show that solutions based on UDP
and adopting rate-based algorithms result in better
performance than other alternatives in most cases,
while solutions based on TCP achieve similar perfor-
mance only under specic circumstances.
Data-intensive applications are increasingly become
commonplace in the Grid. The scientic exploration
in many disciplines, like High Energy Physics, Cli-
mate Modeling, and Life Sciences, requires indeed the
processing of massive data collections. For instance,
the amount of data that must be processed in many
High-Energy Physics experiments is in the order of
Terabytes (and sometimes even Petabytes) [5, 6, 7],
while typical climate modeling applications gener-
ate output datasets whose size is in the order of
hundreds of Gigabytes [11]. To achieve satisfactory
performance, data-intensive grid applications require
the availability of a system able to transfer poten-
tially huge les in the shortest possible amount of
time [11], as their completion time is often domi-
nated by the time taken to transfer data [26]. An
apparently straightforward way to reduce data trans-
fer times is to increase the bandwidth of the net-
works interconnecting the resources in a Grid. Re-
cent advances in communication technology are in-
deed enabling the deployment of Gigabit-per-second
networks on geographic scale at a reasonable cost,
and a few testbeds of this type have been already
deployed. These networks, that are often called high
Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) networks, are char-
acterized by very high round-trip latencies because of
the distances covered by their links. Despite the very
high capacity provided by high BDP networks, em-
pirical and analytical evidence shows that the perfor-
mance achieved by le transfer tools based on TCP,
the de facto standard transport protocol used in the
Internet, is rather unsatisfactory. As a matter of fact,
the windowing mechanism used by TCP imposes a
limit on the amount of data sent before waiting for
an acknowledgment. This in turn implies that, given
the typically large delays of high BDP networks, the
sender will spend an inordinate amount of time wait-
ing for acknowledgments, with the consequence that
only a small fraction of the available network capac-
ity is actually exploited. Therefore, simply increas-
ing the available network bandwidth not necessar-
ily translates into proportional improvements in data
transfer performance, unless optimized TCP versions
are used.
Of course, by properly setting the TCP window
size to a value matching the BDP of the network, it
is possible to exploit a large fraction of the available
network capacity [13, 25]. Unfortunately, this opera-
tion not always can be performed by users with stan-
dard privileges [10] (for instance, in many Unix vari-
ants, the maximum buer size is a system-wide value
that can be modied only by the superuser). More-
over, it may be necessary to dynamically change the
window size, since both the bandwidth available on
a given network path, and the corresponding latency,
may greatly vary over time because of the dynamic
nature of the cross trac usually present in produc-
tion networks (like the Internet). These limitations
make manual tuning of TCP parameters inadequate
for the purpose of achieving very high le transfer
performance over production networks.
In response to the need of overcoming these limita-
tions, new transfer techniques, working either at the
system or at the application level, are being devel-
oped. System level solutions, that usually require
modications to the operating system of the ma-
chines, of the network equipment, or of both, include
automatic tuning of TCP window sizes [1], (some-
times complemented by other sophisticated mecha-
nisms [8]), and the development of new TCP ver-
sions (e.g., Selective Acknowledgment TCP [24], High
Speed TCP [17], and Scalable TCP [23]). This ap-
proach can yield very good performance, but usu-
ally requires signicant updates of the networking
infrastructure, so its practical applicability seems, at
the moment, rather limited. Conversely, application
level solutions do not require any modication to the
networking infrastructure, since they attempt to cir-
cumvent TCP problems by exploiting techniques not
needing any special privilege, and are therefore read-
ily usable in current networks. Application-level solu-
tions can be classied according to the transport pro-
tocol (TCP or UDP) they use to transfer data among
machines. TCP-based solutions (e.g., GridFTP [28],
bbFTP [4], and bbcp [20]) use TCP connections to
move data, and attempt to circumvent TCPs win-
dow size problems by using parallel streams, so that
an aggregate congestion window matching the BDP
of the network path used to carry out the transfer,
is obtained. Conversely, UDP-based solutions (e.g.,
FOBS [15], Tsunami [29], UDT [18], and SABUL [19]),
use UDP to move data, and employ rate-based con-
trol algorithms to match the transmission speed with
the available network bandwidth, sometimes coupled
with congestion and ow control algorithms in order
to keep as low as possible the loss rate during trans-
Given the relatively large number of application-
level high-performance transfer tools that have been
developed in the recent past, the question about the
eectiveness of each of them arises naturally. How-
ever, although prototypes of many of the above sys-
tems have been around for a while, an experimen-
tal study aimed at comparing them is still lacking
in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, the
only study of this type has been carried on Lambda-
Grids [22], whose peculiarities make the correspond-
ing results inapplicable to more conventional Grid
networking infrastructures, like those considered in
this paper. This paper aims at lling this gap by
presenting the results we obtained in an experimental
study aimed at answering the following questions con-
cerning application-level high-performance le trans-
fer tools:
1. Are TCP-based and UDP-based solutions equiv-
alent, or one approach yields better performance
than the other one, when production networks
are used?
2. Is there a data transfer tool that works better
than the other ones?
3. How do these tools work for production networks
with relatively low BDP values?
Our study was performed by selecting, among the
tools mentioned before, those that are, in our opinion,
representative of their class, and by repeatedly using
them to transfer rather large les among machines
belonging to the PlanetLab [14] infrastructure. The
results we obtained indicate that, while for relatively
low BDP networks both TCP-based and UDP-based
approaches achieve similar performance, for higher
BDP networks UDP-based tools are denitely the
only viable option.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we briey describe the main characteristics
of the tools we compared. In Section 3 we discuss the
experimental methodology we used, report the results
we obtained, and highlight the dierences among the
various tools. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
As anticipated in the Introduction, many high-
performance application-level le transfer tools have
been developed in the recent past. To the best
of our knowledge, the exhaustive list of these sys-
tems includes FOBS [15], Tsunami [29], SABUL [19],
UDT [18], RBUDP [21], GTP [30], GridFTP [28],
bbcp [20], bbFTP [4], and PSockets [27]. In our study,
however, we considered only a subset of the above
tools, namely FOBS, UDT, RBUDP, and bbFTP, for
the following reasons. Tsunami seems to be a very
promising tool, but its current implementation suf-
fers from a bug [12] that makes it hang (and slow
down also other processes) from time to time, mak-
ing it hard to perform an extensive experimentation.
UDT is the successor of SABUL, so it should exhibit
higher performance, while GTP is specic for Lambda
Grids and focuses on multipoint-to-point transfers.
Among the TCP-based tools, we selected bbFTP as
representative of the whole class, since we believe that
all of them oer similar performance. Furthermore,
GridFTP requires the installation of various Globus
components, we did not have access to any PSockets
implementation, and bbcp posed us some problems in
using it through scripts, so these tools were not con-
sidered in our evaluation. In the rest of this Section,
we will describe in more detail the tools we considered
in our study.
2.1 bbFTP
bbFTP is a le transfer system that uses multiple
TCP streams between the same endpoints to speed-
up data transfers when the maximum TCP window
size is lower than the BDP of the network path used
to transfer data. The rationale of using N indepen-
dent TCP streams, each one characterized by a max-
imum window size of B bytes, lies in the fact that
it roughly corresponds to using a single TCP stream
having a windows size of N B bytes. Therefore, by
properly choosing the number N of parallel streams,
it is possible to match the BDP of the network. Of
course, the larger the number of streams, the larger
the overhead experienced by the sending and receiv-
ing machine, so N should be set to the highest value
that makes the aggregate window size smaller than
(or equal to) the path BDP. It is worth to point out
that bbFTP does not provide any automatic means
of choosing the number of streams, whose responsi-
bility is entirely left to the user. In order to fur-
ther speed up data transfers, bbFTP uses several ag-
gressive optimization techniques, like on-the-y data
compression and automatic sizing of individual TCP
windows. Finally, bbFTP provides a set of advanced
functionalities concerning authentication and inter-
facing with various I/O subsystems. We tested ver-
sion 3.0.2, downloaded on Jan. 27th, 2004.
2.2 Reliable Blast UDP (RBUDP)
The Reliable Blast UDP system (RBUDP), a part of
the Quality of Service Adaptive Networking Toolkit
(QUANTA) [3], belongs to the family of UDP-based
solution. With RBDUP, hosts exchange data packets
via UDP, and control packets via TCP. More speci-
cally, a transfer is carried out in the following way. In
the rst data transmission phase, the source machine
sends the whole le, at a constant, user-specied rate,
to the machine requesting it. At the end of this phase,
the receiver sends back (via a TCP connection) a
list of lost packets, that are retransmitted again as
a blast. This process is repeated until no more
packets need to be retransmitted. RBDUP requires
the user to specify the rate at which data are sent,
and this rate is kept constant for the whole transfer
duration. RBUDPs authors recommend to specify a
sending rate not larger than the bandwidth of the
bottleneck link of the path connecting the two hosts,
that must be determined prior to the transfer by us-
ing a suitable tool like Iperf [2] (or its extended version
app perf developed as part of RBUDP). We tested the
version distributed with QUANTA 0.3, downloaded
on Feb. 18th, 2004.
2.3 FOBS
FOBS is a user-level, UDP-based data transfer mech-
anisms in which, unlike RBUDP, there is some degree
of interaction between the sender and the receiver
during the transfer. More specically, the sender
works by transmitting (as fast as possible) a batch
of xed size data packets, that includes both unsent
and retransmitted packets. Periodically, the receiver
sends acknowledgment packets to the sender, contain-
ing a list of unreceived packets, that is used by the
sender to decide how many lost packets will be re-
sent in the the next batch. The version of FOBS used
in our experiments includes also a congestion control
mechanism [16] used to adjust the senders speed to
the conditions of the network. We tested the version
downloaded on Jan. 12th, 2004.
2.4 UDP-based Data Transfer proto-
col (UDT)
The UDT protocol, the latest version of the Simple
Available Bandwidth Utilization Library (SABUL) [19],
uses UDP to transfer data between pairs of hosts,
and combines rate-based, window-based and delay-
based control mechanisms to deliver high through-
put and low loss data transmission. UDT implements
slow start and AIMD control schemes for ow con-
trol (which makes it more TCP friendly than the
other rate-based schemes), and window-based control
for controlling the number of outstanding packets in
ight. UDT employs also rate adjustment based on
delay monitoring, providing improved performance
over classical AIMD schemes. More specically, the
sender calculates the inter-packet time, which is up-
dated by the rate-control algorithm. Packets are
sent out every inter-packet time, but the number of
outstanding packets cannot exceed the threshold im-
posed by the window size, that in turn is dynamically
adjusted to match the current network conditions.
The receiver reorders, if necessary, the packets it re-
ceives, and uses selective acknowledgments, sent at
a constant rate, to request lost packets. We tested
version 1.1, downloaded on Jan. 12th, 2004.
As anticipated in the Introduction, the goal of our
study was to compare the above tools from the per-
spective of a user that has the need of transferring
large les over production networks. Therefore, in
our evaluation we considered only user-perceived per-
formance indices, and in particular the throughput
achieved during the transfer, and not other gures of
merit (e.g., fairness w.r.t. other trac ows, fast ad-
justment to network capacity, etc.) that could give
insights into the behavior of each tool.
3.1 Experimental testbed
In order to carry out our comparison, we set up a
testbed comprising a set of machines belonging to
the PlanetLab infrastructure. All these machines use
the Linux 2.6.x kernel, suitably extended with the
functionalities needed to run the PlanetLab services,
and have the same software conguration (the hard-
ware characteristics may instead be dierent from a
machine to another). In order to compare the various
tools in a variety of scenarios, we used both machines
connected by paths with a relatively high BDP value
(from 2.5 to 3.75 MB), and machines connected by
paths with lower BDP values (from 250 to 800 KB).
The machines included in our testbed are listed in
Table 1, where we report both their Fully Qualied
Domain Names and the corresponding short names
we used in order to keep the various tables within
the page margins.
3.2 Evaluation methodology
Our evaluation has been carried out by repeatedly
transferring rather large les among pairs of ma-
chines, and by measuring the throughput achieved
during each transfer. In order to evaluate the per-
formance of the various tools in dierent opera-
tional condition, we performed experiments transfer-
ring both 100 MB and 500 MB les. Since the perfor-
mance of tools using parallel TCP streams strongly
depends on the number of TCP connections used to
Table 1: Machines belonging to the testbed
Short name Fully Qualied Domain Name Location
Mont Montreal (Canada)
Otta Ottawa (Canada)
Atla Atlanta (USA)
Hous Houston (USA)
LosA Los Angeles (USA)
Sidn Sidney (Australia)
Taiw Taiwan
Kais Korea
carry out the transfer, for bbFTP we ran experiments
using 5, 10, 15, and 20 parallel streams.
Performing a comparison based on measurements
collected on production networks is not an easy task,
since the presence and the variation of cross trac
may dierently aect the various tools, thus biasing
the results. In order to minimize these eects, we
organized our experiments in rounds, each one con-
sisting in the execution (in a back-to-back fashion)
of all the le transfers between the same pair of ma-
chines. The rationale of this choice lies in the con-
sideration that dramatic changes in the cross-trac
between the same pair of machines are unlikely to oc-
cur during relatively short periods of time (in our ex-
periments, the duration of each round was less than
30 minutes). In order to take into account longer
term variations of the cross trac, we performed a
sequence of rounds, spanning about two weeks (for
the 100 MB le transfers), and used the the mea-
surements collected during the various download to
compute, for each tool, its average throughput for
each machine pair. In order to quantify the possi-
ble eects of cross trac ows, we computed also
the standard deviations of the measured values. In-
tuitively, higher standard deviations indicate larger
variations of cross trac, while smaller values indi-
cate a relative stability of network conditions across
the various rounds we performed.
For the evaluation involving 500 MB les we
adopted the same approach, but, in order to reduce
the total amount of trac transferred over the Plan-
etLab infrastructure, we performed less transfer ex-
periments than in the 100 MB case. If the number
of experiments had not been scaled down, the result-
ing amount of generated trac would have violated
the PlanetLabs Acceptable User Policy. There-
fore, for 500 MB les we considered a smaller number
of machine pairs, and performed a smaller number of
As stated in Section 3.1, PlanetLab machines may
dier in their hardware and software conguration.
In order to avoid possible biases in our results be-
cause of these dierences, the results obtained from
the various machine pairs considered in our evalua-
tion have been kept separated. Since the hardware
and software congurations of the machines did not
change across the various experiments, the results ob-
tained for the various tools do not depend on specic
characteristics of the involved hosts.
3.3 Experimental results: 100 MB
The results obtained with 100 MB les are reported
in Table 2, where each row corresponds to a particu-
lar < sender, receiver > pair and reports the average
throughput value (expressed in Mbit/s.), and the re-
spective standard deviation, for each of the tools we
considered. For each row, the tool that achieved the
best performance is highlighted by using bold fonts
for the corresponding throughput value. For each
< sender, receiver > pair we report also the cor-
responding Bandwidth-Delay-Product (BDP) value
(expressed in MB), computed as the product of the
Table 2: Experimental results for 100 MB les. Average throughput values are expressed in Mbit/s.
Sender Receiver BDP Avg St. Avg St. Avg St. Avg St. TCP
(MB) Dev. Dev. Dev. Dev. Streams
Hous Atla 0.25 9.34 0.47 86.29 2.47 84.28 3.3 87.94 0.51 5
Mont Otta 0.29 9.71 0.22 77.74 19.77 90.4 5.59 89.4 1.76 15
Otta Atla 0.6 8.82 0.81 86.25 3.63 81.03 3.06 79.70 3.29 10
Atla Otta 0.61 9.17 0.43 75.87 19.24 86.02 3.17 80.37 5.15 15
Mont Atla 0.61 9.66 0.2 86.71 1.64 82.31 2.86 86.04 0.14 10
Hous Otta 0.8 9.27 0.4 76.15 19.13 82.96 4.49 81.35 5.11 5
Hous Taiw 2.77 7.18 2.48 21.73 8.71 10.06 1.87 1.65 0.26 15
Atla Taiw 2.78 7.1 2.56 22.36 9.28 11.17 1.85 1.78 0.22 15
Taiw Taiw 2.85 7.17 0.51 10.34 1.82 10.11 1.43 9.62 0.56 15
Mont Taiw 2.92 6.48 2.98 25.29 6.93 10.65 2.98 1.72 0.2 15
Otta Taiw 3.75 5.7 2.8 25.06 8.78 11.18 2.1 1.63 0.29 15
Taiw Otta 3.64 7.24 0.42 10.58 0.98 9.98 1.64 9.34 0.92 15
path capacity (measured by means of pathrate [9]
and properly scaled to take into account possible
bandwidth limitations on PlanetLab nodes) and the
As shown by the results in the table, the best tool
for paths characterized by a relatively small BDP
value (from 250 to 800 KBytes), was either RBUDP
or UDT. More specically, RBUDP provided better
results when the receiver was Atla (its throughput
was from 2% to 6% higher than those obtained by
UDT), while UDT achieved better performance when
the receiver was Otta (its throughput was from 8.9%
to 16.2% higher). The performance of bbFTP for
these paths can be considered quite good as well,
as indicated by the respective throughput values we
measured. However, as indicated by the values re-
ported in the TCP Streams column, it is rather hard
to properly choose the number of parallel streams
that result in the best performance for a given ma-
chine pair. Network paths with similar BDP values
required indeed a dierent number of TCP streams
(for instance, 5 for the < Atla, Hous > pair and 15
for the < Otta, Mont > pair). Finally, the perfor-
mance of FOBS on lower BDP paths was quite disap-
pointing, as in these cases it achieved a throughput
8 or 9 times smaller than UDT, RBUDP, or bbFTP,
showing that UDP-based solutions that do not adopt
a rate-based approach in order to match the trans-
mission speed to the available network bandwidth (as
instead done by RBUDP and UDT) may fail to achieve
adequate performance. The small values for the stan-
dard deviations computed for these paths indicate
also that the results were not polluted by cross-trac
For paths with larger BDP values (i.e., from 2.77
to 3.75 MB), the results are dierent. In particular,
when Taiw was the sender, RBUDP and UDT exhib-
ited very similar performance, while the other tools
obtained a smaller throughput, but were more or less
equivalent to each other. However, when Taiw was
the receiver, the dierences among the various tools
became very evident. In particular, the best tool was
by far RBDUP that, with 25 Mbit/s., showed im-
provements from 124% to 137% w.r.t. UDT, from
219% to 394% w.r.t. FOBS, and from 1156% to
1437% w.r.t. bbFTP. We hypothesize that this be-
havior is due to the eects of the bandwidth-limiting
mechanisms used on some PlanetLab nodes (for the
Taiw machine a 10 Mbit/s. bandwidth limit was set
for each account). This hypothesis seems to be sup-
ported by the fact that, not considering RBUDP, the
throughput achieved by all the tools is very close to
the bandwidth limit of 10 Mbit/sec. imposed on the
Taiw machine. These mechanisms seem to be eective
only for those tools that employ some form of conges-
tion control (in practice, all the tools but RBUDP),
while they appear ineective for RBUDP that, as al-
ready discussed, does not encompass any congestion
control feature and hence might be able to unhinge
them. As additional evidence to this hypothesis, con-
sider that for all the tools the observed standard de-
viation was quite low, indicating the stability of the
network conditions across all the experiments, while
for RBDUP was considerably higher, possibly indi-
cating that sometimes the limiting mechanisms had
some eects also on RBUDP, but that in most cases
they were ineective.
3.4 Experimental results: 500 MB
In order to verify whether the results obtained with
100 MB les allow one to draw general conclusions
about the performance of the tools we considered,
we ran a set of experiments in which the size of the
transferred les was set to 500 MB. In these experi-
ments, however, we did not consider all the tools men-
tioned before, as we excluded (for dierent reasons)
FOBS and RBUDP. FOBS was not included since, as
shown by the results obtained with 100 MB les,
it is much slower than the other tools, so it would
have probably taken too much time to transfer a 500
MB les, thus increasing the likelihood of signicant
cross-trac variations during the execution of indi-
vidual rounds. RBUDP was instead excluded from
this set of experiments because of its inability to com-
plete the transfers, probably due to a memory alloca-
tion problem. More precisely, we have experimentally
observed that, especially for network paths charac-
terized by lower BDP values, the resident memory
size of the RBUDP receiver process quickly grows un-
til the available RAM is saturated, and this makes
it crash. We suspect this problem may be ascribed
to the Selective Acknowledgment mechanism used by
RBUDP, that forces the receiver process to keep into
its buer a packets until all its predecessors have been
correctly received. This eect did not show up for 100
MB les, as in that case a smaller buer was su-
cient to store these packets, while for 500 MB les
the amount of memory required to buer packets ex-
ceeded the memory limit associated with the receiver
The results obtained with 500 MB les are reported
in Table 3, whose structure is identical to that of the
table shown in the previous section. The results we
obtained conrm the conclusions we draw from the
experiments involving 100 MB les. In particular, we
observe that, while for network paths characterized
by a low BDP value bbFTP achieves performance sim-
ilar to, or better than, UDT, for higher BDP values
UDT represents a better choice. Again, it is worth to
point out that it is rather hard to choose the optimal
number of TCP streams to be used with bbFTP, as
indicated by the fact that for the highest BDP value
the best performance were obtained with 10 streams,
while 20 were required in all the other cases.
In this paper we presented a comparison of avail-
able high-performance data transfer tools for data-
intensive Grid applications. Our results indicate
that, while for relatively low BDP networks both
TCP-based and UDP-based approaches achieve sim-
ilar performance, for higher BDP networks UDP-
based tools are denitely the only viable option.
However, simply using UDP does not automati-
cally result in good performance, as demonstrated
by FOBS that, not using any rate-based mechanism,
was not able to achieve performance comparable with
those attained by the other UDP-based tools. As a
nal consideration, we note that using UDT is de-
nitely simpler than using RBUDP (not requiring any
estimation of the available bandwidth) and bbFTP
(not requiring any estimation of the proper number
of TCP streams). Moreover, UDT has proved to be
stable even for 500 MB les, while in this case RBDUP
did not allow us to complete the transfer experiments.
Although these tools have been developed for very
high BDP networks (characterized by BDP values
much higher than those considered in this paper),
and hence when used on relatively low BDP networks
may show unexpected and unplanned behaviors, we
Table 3: Experimental results for 500 MB les. Average throughput values are expressed in Mbit/s.
Hosts UDT bbFTP
Sender Receiver BDP (MB) Avg St. Dev. Avg St. Dev. TCP Streams
Sidn LosA 0.23 5.07 0.9 9.98 0.23 20
Sidn Atla 0.27 4.34 1.35 9.75 0.44 20
Atla LosA 0.64 83.11 1.14 87.7 1.15 20
Atla Sidn 2.43 10.76 1.94 8.34 0.68 20
Atla Kais 3.25 17.52 0.75 13.55 1.91 10
believe that our comparison makes sense from a prac-
tical point of view. We indeed believe that the vast
majority of Grid users will not have access to very
high-speed networking infrastructures, so a compar-
ison of available high-performance transfer tools on
production networks may provide them with valuable
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