The End-to-End Performance Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets On A Lossy Wide-Area Network

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The End-to-End Performance Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets on a Lossy Wide-

Area Network
Thomas J. Hacker Brian D. Athey
Center for Parallel Computing Cell & Developmental Biology

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI USA 48109
August 1, 2001

1 Introduction connections on the network is crucial for

application developers who need to increase
There are considerable efforts within the Grid the aggregate bandwidth available to their
and high performance computing communities applications, and for network engineers who
to improve end-to-end network performance need to ensure fair and efficient use of the
for applications that require substantial network.
amounts of network bandwidth. The Atlas In this paper, we will address several open
project [19] for example, must be able to questions concerning the use of parallel TCP
reliably transfer over 2 Petabytes of data per connections. The first question that will be
year over transatlantic networks from Europe addressed is how the use of parallel TCP
to the United States. connections increases aggregate throughput.
Recent experience [1, 2] has demonstrated The second open question is how to determine
that actual aggregate TCP throughput realized the number of TCP connections that are
by high performance applications is necessary to maximize throughput while
persistently much less than the end-to-end avoiding network congestion. Finally,
structural and load characteristics of the understanding the impact of parallel TCP
network would indicate is available. One connections on the network when they are
source of poor TCP throughput that has been used, and the problem of understanding under
identified is a packet loss rate that is much what circumstances they should not be used.
greater than what would be reasonably The purpose of this paper is to address these
expected [20]. Packet loss is interpreted by questions, and to suggest some practical
TCP as an indication of network congestion guidelines for the use of parallel sockets to
between a sender and receiver. Packet loss, maximize end-to-end performance for
however, may be due to random factors other applications while simultaneously minimizing
than network congestion, such as intermittent their effects on the network.
hardware faults [4]. The remainder of this paper is organized into
Current efforts to improve end-to-end five sections. Section two will discuss current
performance are taking advantage of the work. Section three will present a parallel
empirically discovered mechanism of striping socket TCP bandwidth estimation model and
data transfers across a set of parallel TCP the results of a series of experiments that
connections between a sender and receiver to validates the model. Section four will discuss
substantially increase TCP throughput. With the behavior of packet loss on the Internet and
the increasing popularity of this method, a its effect on TCP throughput. Section five will
sound understanding of the underlying present some specific conclusions and
mechanisms that explain how parallel TCP guidelines for using parallel sockets based on
connections improves aggregate throughput the results presented in this paper, and discuss
and the effects of using parallel TCP some possible avenues for future work.

transmissions over multiple TCP network
2.0 Current Work connections to deliver dramatically increased
performance on a poorly tuned host compared
Applications generally take two approaches to to the performance of a single TCP stream.
improve end-to-end network throughput that Measurements using the Psockets library for
effectively defeats the congestion avoidance striping network I/O demonstrated that the use
behavior of TCP. First, an application can of 12 TCP connections increased TCP
utilize UDP, which puts responsibility for both performance from 10 Mb/sec to approximately
error recovery and congestion control 75 MB/sec. Eggert [17] and Balakrishnan [18]
completely in the hands of the application. The have developed modifications to TCP that take
second approach used is to open parallel TCP advantage of the positive effects of parallel
network connections and to “stripe” the data TCP sockets. Lee [1] provided an argument
(in a manner similar to RAID) across a parallel that explains why network performance is
set of sockets. These two approaches, improved over multiple TCP streams
however, are considered to be aggressive and compared with a single TCP stream. The
do now provide for the fair sharing of network Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) network
bandwidth available to applications [5]. research group [16] has created an exhaustive
Recent work [2, 1, 6] has demonstrated that measurement infrastructure to measure the
the parallel socket approach greatly increases effect of multiple TCP connections between
aggregate network throughput available to an key sites on the Internet for the Atlas project.
application, but some experiences [6] have Several applications are using or are
demonstrated that the speedup is not planning to use parallel TCP connections to
consistent. increase aggregate TCP throughput for their
Many projects are working to address the application. The ubiquitous example of this is
problems of poor network performance and the the Netscape Web browser, which uses an
unpredictability of end-to-end network empirically determined value of four for the
bandwidth available to an application. To number of parallel TCP connections use by the
address unpredictability, the Network Weather client [25]. The GridFTP project [26] allows
Service project [21] is working to predict the the user to select the number of parallel TCP
network bandwidth available between two connections to use for FTP data transfer.
sites on the Internet based upon statistical Storage Resource Broker (SRB) [27] has
forecasting. Efforts to address poor network provisions to use multiple TCP sockets to
performance include Diffserv [22], Quality of improve SRB data transfer throughput. The
Service (QoS) Reservation [23], Bandwidth Internet-2 Distributed Storage Initiative (I2-
Brokering [24], and network and application DSI) [28] is investigating the use of parallel
tuning efforts [3, 6]. TCP connections to improve the performance
The work that has been done to date on the of distributed data caches.
use of parallel TCP connections is essentially All of the current work has focused on
empirical in nature and is generally from the investigating the effects of parallel TCP
perspective of an application. Long [8,9] connections from an empirical perspective.
describes some early work done to increase the Researchers have found that the optimal
transfer rate of medical images over the number of parallel TCP connections range
Internet. Allman [10] described work done to from 4 (Netscape) to 12 (Psockets) to a
increase the throughput over satellite links to number from 4 to 20 depending on the window
increase TCP throughput. Sivakumar [2] size (SLAC group).
developed a library (Psockets) to stripe data

Concerns about the effects of using multiple   (1)
 
W 
network sockets on the overall fairness and TCPBW ( p) ≈ min max ,
 3bp 
efficiency of the network have been raised in  RTT
2 bp

+ T0 min 1,3
8 
 p 1 + 32 p 2 ) 

  
the networking community [5, 28, 17]. In this equation, TCPBW (p) represents bytes
Mechanisms such as traffic shaping and rate transmitted per second, MSS is the maximum
limiting [29, 31] have been proposed and segment size, Wmax is the maximum
implemented to attempt to prevent aggressive congestion window size, RTT is the round trip
users from taking more than their fair share of time, b is the number of packets of transmitted
the network from other users. data that is acknowledged by one
Despite the demonstrated effectiveness of acknowledgement (ACK) from the receiver
using parallel sockets to improve aggregate (usually b=2), T0 is the timeout value, and p is
TCP throughput, little work has been done to the packet loss ratio, which is the number of
develop a theoretical model to validate the use retransmitted packets divided by the total
of these optimal values, to understand the number of packets transmitted.
underlying mechanisms that allow parallel Bolliger found that the Mathis equation [13]
TCP connections to deliver tremendously is essentia lly as accurate for packet loss rates
increased performance, or to understand the less than 1/100 as equation (1), but has a much
effects of using parallel sockets on the fairness simpler form:
and efficiency of the network and in what
conditions and circumstances they should be MSS C
used. BW ≤ (2)
The next section of this paper will develop a
theoretical model of parallel TCP connections
that will explain how they take advantage of In equation (2), p, MSS, and RTT are the same
random packet loss to improve aggregate variables used in equation (1), C is a constant
throughput, and present experimental results factor, and BW represents the number of bytes
that validates the theoretical model. transmitted per second.
To understand the underlying mechanisms of
3.0 TCP Bandwidth Estimation Models TCP throughput, it is useful to consider the
dynamic behavior of MSS, RTT and p and the
There are several studies that have derived degree of effect that each of these three
theoretical expressions to calculate single parameters have on overall TCP bandwidth.
stream TCP bandwidth as a function of packet Of the three factors, MSS is the most static.
loss, round trip time, maximum segment size, If both sides of the TCP session have MTU
along with a handful of other miscellaneous discovery enabled [30] within the host
parameters. Bolliger [11] performed a detailed operating system, both sides will attempt to
analysis of three common techniques and negotiate the largest possible maximum
assessed their ability to accurately estimate transmission unit (and thus MSS) possib le for
TCP bandwidth across a wide range of packet the session. The MSS setting selected depends
losses. The most accurate model is described heavily on the structural characteristics of the
in [12] as an approximation of the form1 network, host adapters, and operating system.
Most often, the “standard” maximum MTU
supported by networks and network adapters is
1500 bytes. In some cases, however, the data
link layers of routers and switches that make
Equation (1) is rescaled from the original form in [12] up the end-to-end network will support larger
to match the scale of equation (2) by adding the MSS
frame sizes. If the MTU of a TCP connection

can be increased from 1500 bytes to the If an application uses n multiple TCP streams
“jumbo frame” size of 9000 bytes, the right between two hosts, the aggregate bandwidth of
hand side of equation (2) increases by a factor all n TCP connections can be derived from
of 6, thus increasing actual maximum TCP equation (2), in which MSSi, RTTi, and pi
bandwidth by a factor of 6 as well. represent the relevant parameters for each TCP
The value of RTT during a session is more connection i:
dynamic than MSS, but less dynamic than p.  MSS 1 MSS 2 MSS n  (3)
BW agg ≤ C  + +L+ 
The lower bound on the value of RTT is the  RTT1 p1 RTT 2 p 2 RTT n p n 
transmission speed of a signal from host to Since the value for MSS is determined on a
host across the network, which is essentially system wide level by a combination of
limited by the speed of light. As the path network architecture and MTU discovery, it is
length of the end-to-end network increases, the reasonable to assume that each MSSi value is
introduction of routers and framing protocols identical and constant across all simultaneous
on the physical links between the two hosts TCP connections between the two hosts.
adds latency to the RTT factor, and other We may reasonably assume that RTT will be
factors involved with queuing and congestion equivalent across all TCP connections, since
can increase RTT as well. From an end host the entire network path traversed by packets
perspective, however, there is little that can be for each TCP connection will likely take the
done to substantially improve RTT. same network path and converge to
The final factor, packet loss rate p, is the equilibrium. At this point, note that since the
most dynamic parameter of the triplet MSS, TCP congestion avo idance algorithm is an
RTT, and p. The TCP congestion avoidance equilibrium process that seeks to balance all
algorithm [32] interprets packet loss as an TCP streams to fairly share network bottleneck
indication that the network is congested and bandwidth [15], that each stream must either
that the sender should decrease its rate of respond to changes in the packet loss rate,
transmission. In the operationa l Internet, the RTT, or a combination of both to converge to
packet loss rate p spans many orders of equilibrium. Since all of the streams on a set of
magnitude and represents a significant parallel TCP connections are between two end
contribution to variability in end-to-end TCP hosts, all of the streams should converge to
performance. It is important to note at this equivalent RTT values, as long as the network
point that the packet loss rate has been between the two hosts remains uncongested.
observed to fall into two regimes: packet loss For purposes of this discussion, C can be set
due to network congestion, and traffic aside.
insensitive packet loss. These two packet loss With these assumptions, equation (3) can be
regimes will be explored in more detail in modified to the form:
section 3.2.
The next section of this paper will present BWagg ≤  + +L+  (4)
the derivation of an expression for aggregate RTT  p1 p2 p n 
TCP bandwidth, describe some of the Upon examination of equation (4), some
characteristics of packet loss on the Internet, features of parallel TCP connections become
and describe how these characteristics affects apparent. First, an application opening n
the performance of single and multi stream multiple TCP connections is in essence
TCP sessions. creating a large “virtual MSS” on the
aggregate connection that is n times the MSS
3.1 Multi-stream TCP Bandwidth of a single connection. If we then factor MSS
out of equation (4):

MSS  1 1  stream begins to create congestion in the
BWagg ≤  + +L+  (5) network, any router or switch in the network
RTT  p1 p2 p n  path may begin to drop packets. The packet
It becomes apparent that given the relatively loss attributable to each TCP stream will
static nature of the values of MSS and RTT depend on the particular queuing discipline
compared with the dynamic nature of p, the used in the individual network switches and
packet loss rate p is a primary factor in routers, and on any phase effects that may be
determining aggregate TCP throughput of a present from the interaction of TCP senders
parallel TCP connection session. sharing a network bottleneck [39].
As a side note, there are four exceptions to
3.2 The Behavior of Packet Loss and its the assumption that packet loss is fairly
Effect on TCP Bandwidth distributed when congestion occurs. It has
been empirically determined [34, 7] that three
It is apparent from equation (4) that the pathological conditions exist. One condition,
increased virtual MSS of parallel TCP lockout, occurs when one stream dominates
connections is directly affected by the packet the queue in a router. The second condition,
loss rate p and RTT of each connection. RTT drop-tailed queues, arises due to queuing
has hard lower bounds that are structural and algorithms that unfairly targets a number of
difficult to address. Packet loss p, on the other flows through the queue with excessive packet
hand, is the parameter that is most sensitive to loss rates for newly arriving packets. The third
load on the network and is affected by a pathological condition manifests itself in the
number of factors. form of heavy-tailed transmission time
It has been observed that packet loss falls distributions for transmitting data over TCP
into two characteristic regimes: random losses connections due to congestion and high packet
not due to congestion, and congestion related loss rates [40]. Finally, Floyd [39] found that
losses. Paxson [14] found that packet losses multiple TCP streams that converge at the
tend to occur at random intervals in bursts of same congested bottleneck over network links
multiple packets, rather than single packet with differing round trip times can
drops. Borella[33] found bursty packet loss demonstrate phase effects in which one stream
behavior as well. Additionally, the probability unfairly dominates the queue and thus the
of a packet loss event increases when packets outbound link.
are queued in intermediate hops as the network It has been determined [31] that the unfair
becomes more loaded. Bolot[20] found that distribution of packet loss is an undesirable
packet loss demonstrates random condition in congested routers. To provide
characteristics when the stream uses a fraction mechanisms in routers to fairly distribute
of the available network bandwidth. packet loss, new queuing schemes, such as
As the number of multiple TCP connections Random Early Detection (RED) [31] are being
increases, the behavior of each packet loss designed and deployed to address the issue of
factor pi is unaffected as long as few packets fairly distributing packet loss across multiple
are queued in routers or switches at each hop streams. For the purposes of this analysis,
in the network path between the sender and we’ll assume that packet loss impacts parallel
receiver. In this context, in the absence of TCP streams to the same extent.
congestion, it is appropriate to assume that the For an illustration of the impact of multiple
proportion of packet loss will be fairly TCP streams in an uncongested network,
distributed across all connections. However, consider the following example.
when the throughput of the aggregate packet

If we assume that MSS = 4418bytes , better than the throughput obtained using only
1 one connection at the desirable packet loss
RTT = 70ms , and p i = for all connections, rate.
It is difficult to predict at what point the
and using
packet loss will become congestion dependent
MSS ( 4418bytes )  8bits / byte  1000m sec  as the number of parallel TCP connections
Κ=    ≅ 0.5
RTT (70m sec)  1000000bits / Mbit  sec  increase. There is, however, a definite knee in
the curve of the graph of packet loss that
The upper bound on aggregate TCP bandwidth indicates that adding additional network
can then be calculated using equation (5). sockets beyond a certain threshold will not
Table 1 contains the results of this calculation improve aggregate TCP performance. An
for a varying number of sockets. examination of figures 1, 2, and 3 presented in
the next section indicates that for a MTU of
1500 bytes, 10 sockets is the effective
maximum number of sockets; for a MTU of
1 Maximum
Number of ∑ pi
3000 bytes, 5 sockets is the effective
maximum; and for a MTU of 4418 bytes, 3 or
n Bandwidth
Using Equation 4 sockets is the effective maximum. The
(5) effective maximum presented in figure 3
1 100 50 Mb/sec (MTU 1500) roughly corresponds to the
2 100+100 100 Mb/sec
results of Sivakumar [2], who found that the
3 100+100+100 150 Mb/sec
4 4 (100) 200 Mb/sec
point of maximum throughput was at 16
5 5 (100) 250 Mb/sec sockets or less. Sivakumar did not mention the
MTU used in [2], but if the default system
Table 1. Effect of I.I.D. Packet Loss on Aggregate settings or MTU discovery were used on the
TCP Bandwidth system, the MTU used was probably less than
or equal to 1500 bytes.
Now, as the aggregate utilization of the
network increases to the point where queues
3.3 Validation of Multistream Model
and buffers in switches and routers on the
with Data
network path begin to overflow and packets
are dropped, the network becomes congested.
To validate the theoretical derivation of the
If the packet loss due to congestion is fairly
expression for parallel TCP connection
shared over all of the connections through a
throughput (equations 3 through 5), a series of
switch or router, the negative effects of packet
experiments were conducted across the
loss on the aggregate TCP bandwidth for a set
Abilene network from University of Michigan
of n simultaneous connections is magnified by
to NASA AMES Research Center in
a factor of n. For example, if the packet loss
California. Each experiment consisted of a set
rate from the previous example doubles, the
of data transfers for a period of four minutes
multiplicative packet loss rate factor in Table 1
from U-M to NASA AMES, with the number
is reduced from 100 to 70.71. For five
of parallel TCP connections varied from 1 to
simultaneous streams, the effect of this is to
20 for each transfer. Seven of the experiments
reduce aggregate bandwidth from 250 Mb/sec
were run with the maximum transmission unit
to 176.78 Mb/sec – a reduction of 30%. Even
on the Abilene network (4418 bytes). Two
with this reduction, however, the aggregate
experiments were run with a MTU of 3000
bandwidth of 176.78 Mb/sec using five
bytes, and two were run with a MTU of 1500
parallel TCP connections is still substantially

bytes. The host computer at U-M was a dual packets retransmitted (PktsRetrans), total
processor 800 Mhz Intel Pentium III server number of bytes transmitted (DataBytesOut),
with a Netgear GA620 gigabit Ethernet total number of bytes retransmitted
adapter, 512 MB of memory running Redhat (BytesRetrans), and the total number of
Linux 6.2 and the Web100 measurement congestion recovery events, which are
software (without the use of auto tuning) [35]. controlled by SACK (Recoveries).
The host computer at NASA AMES was a The following Iperf measurements were
Dell PowerEdge 6350 containing a 550Mhz extracted from the data collected from each
Xeon Intel Pentium III processor with 512MB experiment: bandwidth measured by Iperf for
of memory and a SysKonnect SK-9843 SX each TCP connection, and the number of TCP
gigabit Ethernet adapter card running RedHat sockets used for each experiment. Missing
Linux. The network settings on the host at U- observations in the figures are due to lost or
M were tuned for optimal performance, and incomplete measurements.
the default TCP send and receive socket buffer The statistical box plots in the following ten
was set to 16 MB. The host at NASA AMES figures are notched box and whisker plots [43].
was also well tuned and configured with a This method of statistical display is desirable
TCP socket buffer size of 4 MB. Each host had compared with other commonly used
SACK [41] and Window Scale (RFC 1323) statistical displays because it actually gives a
[42] enabled and the Nagle algorithm disabled complete graphical representation of the entire
[3]. Each data transfer was performed with the data set rather than a summary observation
Iperf utility [36] with a TCP window size of 2 that may not reveal the complete character of
MB, data block size of 256 KB and the Nagle the observations.
algorithm disabled. A traceroute was The parameters necessary to validate the
performed at the start and end of each run to theoretical model were extracted from the
assess the stability of the network path datasets gathered during the experiments: RTT
between sender and receiver. = SmoothedRTT, p = (Recoveries)/(PktsOut),
The Web100 software (without autotuning) and MSS was statically configured for each
was utilized on the sender to collect the values test. Figure 1 shows the relationship between
of all the variables that Web100 measures at the number of parallel TCP connections and
10-second intervals during the 240 second run. aggregate bandwidth for MSS of 4366 bytes.
The following Web100 parameters were Figure 2 shows the relationship for an MSS of
extracted from each experiment: round trip 2948 bytes, and Figure 3 shows the
time (SmoothedRTT), total count of the relationship for an MSS of 1448 bytes.
packets transmitted (PktsOut), total count of

Measured TCP Bandwidth vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 4366)

Measured Aggregate TCP
Bandwidth (Mb/sec)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20
Number of Parallel TCP Connections

Figure 1. Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets with MSS of 4366 Bytes.

Measured TCP Bandwidth vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 2948)

Measured Aggregate TCP

Bandwidth (Mb/sec)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Parallel TCP Connections

Figure 2. Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets with MSS of 2948 Bytes

Measured TCP Bandwidth vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 1448)

Measured Aggregate TCP

Bandwidth (Mb/sec)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Parallel TCP Connections

Figure 3. Effects of Parallel TCP Sockets with MSS of 1448 Bytes.

Since MSS is constant, and RTT is relatively packet loss however, the TCP sender
static, the packet loss rate p is essential for improperly throttles its data transmission
determining the maximum aggregate TCP rate. The knee in each one of these curves
bandwidth. Figures 4, 5 and 6 show p corresponds to the knee in the estimated and
(calculated from the ratio of SACK actual aggregate TCP throughput curves in
recoveries to the total number of outbound figures 1-3 and 7-9.
packets). When the knee in the packet loss rate and
In examining these figures, it becomes aggregate TCP throughput curves is reached,
apparent that there are two characteristic the benefits of adding additional TCP
regimes of packet loss. In the first regime, as connections are lost due to two factors. First,
the number of sockets increases, the packet the packet loss rate will increase for every
loss increases only slightly, and (with the additional socket added if the packet loss
exception of figure 6) the variation in packet rate is in the congestion regime. This
loss rate is low. At some point, however, additional packet loss will offset any
there is a knee in each curve where aggregate TCP bandwidth gains that might
congestion effects begin to significantly have been realized from additional TCP
affect the packet loss rate. After this point, connections. Second, and most importantly,
the packet loss rate increases dramatically, the bottleneck in the network between the
and the variability in packet loss rate sender and receiver simply has no additional
becomes much larger. TCP interprets packet network bandwidth to offer to the
loss as an explicit congestion notification application. At this point, the bottleneck in
from the network that indicates that the the network is too congested to allow any
sender should decrease its rate of additional streams.
transmission. In the random regime of

Median Packet Loss vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 4366)

Median Packet Loss






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Sockets

Figure 4. Packet loss rate for MSS 4366

Median Packet Loss vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 2948)

Median Packet Loss




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18
Number of Sockets

Figure 5. Packet Loss Rate for MSS 2948

Median Packet Loss vs. Number of Sockets (MSS 1448)


Median Packet Loss





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Sockets

Figure 6. Packet Loss Rate for MSS 1448

Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the estimated aggregate TCP bandwidth as a function of the parameters
gathered from the experiments. These parameters were used in equation (5) to generate these

Estimated Aggregate TCP Bandwidth vs. Number of Sockets
(MSS 4366)

Estimated Aggregate TCP
Bandwidth (Mb/sec)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Sockets

Figure 7. Estimated Aggregate TCP Bandwidth for MSS 4366

Estimated TCP Aggregate TCP Bandwidth vs Number of Sockets

(MSS 2948)
Estimated TCP Aggregate
Bandwidth (Mb/sec)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18
Number of Sockets

Figure 8. Estimated Aggregate TCP Bandwidth for MSS 2948

Estimated TCP Aggregate Bandwidth vs. Number of Sockets (MSS

Estimated Aggregate TCP

Bandwidth (Mb/sec)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Sockets

Figure 9. Estimated Aggregate TCP Bandwidth for MSS 1448

The round trip time (RTT) gathered from of bytes transmitted. The 90% confidence
Web100 measurements demonstrated the interval for the differences between
expected static properties and remained in estimated and actual includes zero if the
the range of 60 to 70 msec. measurements are statistically similar. It is
To determine the statistical difference apparent from figure 10 that the Mathis
between the estimated and actual TCP equation slightly overestimates aggregate
bandwidth as measured by Iperf, the method TCP bandwidth. This is in agreement with
described by Jain [37] that is used to equation (5), which puts an upper bound on
determine if two paired observations are aggregate TCP throughput. To more
statistically different with a confidence accurately predict aggregate TCP
interval of 90% was employed. Figure 10 throughput, a precise selection of the
shows the differences between the measured multiplicative constant C as described in
and estimated values for each experiment for Mathis [13] should be performed.
MSS 4366. The set of estimated values used
for this calculation was based on the number

Difference Between Iperf and Estimated Bandwidth

Estimated Bandwidth (Mb/sec)

Actual Bandwidth minus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Sockets

Figure 10. Difference between Actual and Estimated for MSS of 4366 Bytes

The measurements described in this section network would make a best effort to
demonstrated that the theoretical model maximize throughput on a single stream.
described in the previous section accurately There are however, sources of traffic
determines an upper bound on actual TCP insensitive packet loss in the network that
throughput as a function of MSS, RTT and are not due to congestion. In this random
packet loss rate p. packet loss regime, the use of parallel TCP
connections allows an application to
4 Why Parallel Sockets Work: The alleviate the negative effects of the
Effects of Multiple Network Connections misinterpretation of packet loss by the TCP
in Uncongested Networks. congestion control algorithm. This section
will give an explanation of why using
It seems counterintuitive that using parallel parallel TCP connections increases
TCP sockets would improve aggregate aggregate throughput.
throughput, since one would hope that the

The derivation of equation 2 in Mathis
[13] uses a geometric argument with
constant probability packet loss rate
2 2
1 W  1 W 
=  +   , where W is the
p  2 2 2 
congestion window size in packets. When a
loss event occurs every packets, the
slow-start algorithm will decrease the
congestion window by half. This leads to the
classic “saw tooth” pattern shown in figure Figure 12. Geometric Construction of the
Effects of Multiple Sockets
Given that the packet loss rates for all of
these parallel TCP connections are not
sensitive to traffic, and that packet losses
occur in each channel at the same rate (as
long as packet losses are not due to network
congestion), an interesting effect occurs. If
we combine the three streams in figure 12
into the aggregate representation shown in
figure 13, it is clear that the effect of using
multiple network sockets is in essence
equivalent to increasing the rate of recovery
Figure 11. Classic TCP Saw tooth from a loss event from one MSS per
Pattern. successful transmission to three times MSS.
Note that this increased rate of recovery is
If we slightly modify the assumption made theoretically and functionally equivalent to
that p is a constant probability with the using a larger MSS on a single channel with
the same packet loss rate p.
assumption that the constant probability p
As the number of simultaneous TCP
for an individual TCP stream is independent connections increases, the overall rate of
of the loss rate of other TCP streams from recovery will increase until the aggregate
the same sender on an uncongested network, network load begins to congest the network.
and that for each stream i , pi is from a At this point, the packet loss rate no longer
distribution identical to the other remains traffic independent and begins to
distributions for loss rate, the situation become dependent on the number of sockets
described in figure 11 can be used to and the amount of congestion in the
describe the effects of parallel TCP network. This change in packet loss rate
connections as shown in figure 12. truly indicates that the network is congested,
and that the TCP sender should reduce its
congestion window.
As the number of parallel TCP
connections increases, and the effects of
higher packet loss rates decreases the impact
of multiple sockets, the aggregate TCP

bandwidth will stop increasing, or begin to knee in the packet loss curve. The challenge
decrease. in selecting an appropriate number of
sockets to maximize throughput is thus the
problem of moving up to, but not beyond,
the knee in the packet loss curve.
Any application using parallel TCP
connections must select the appropriate
number of sockets that will maximize
throughput while avoiding the creation of
congestion. It is imperative that applications
avoid congesting the network to prevent
congestion collapse of the bottleneck link.
As shown by the measurements in the
Figure 13. Geometric Construction of the previous section, adding additional TCP
Aggregate Effects of connections beyond the knee in the packet
Multiple TCP Connections. loss curve has no additional benefit, and
may actually decrease aggregate
Given that the aggregate rate of congestion performance.
recovery across all of the parallel TCP Determining the point of congestion in the
streams is functionally equivalent to an end-to-end network a priori is difficult, if
increased recovery rate, there is an not impossible, given the inherent dynamic
interesting observation that can be made. nature of the network. However, it may be
TCP connections over wide area networks possible to gather relevant parameters using
suffer from the disadvantage of long round Web100 from actual data transfers, which
trip times relative to other TCP connections then can be used in combination with
that may have smaller round trip times. This statistical time-series prediction methods to
disadvantage allows TCP senders with small attempt to predict the end-to-end packet loss
RTTs to recover faster from congestion and rate p, RTT, and MSS, and thus the limit on
packet loss events than TCP sessions with TCP bandwidth. In addition to using
longer RTTs. Since the use of parallel TCP statistical predictions to predict the value of
sockets provides a higher recovery rate, host p, it may also be possible to use the same
with longer RTTs are able to compete on a techniques to collect and store information
fairer basis with small RTT TCP on the appropriate number of parallel TCP
connections for bandwidth in the presence of connections necessary to maximize
congestion in the network bottleneck. aggregate performance and avoid
congestion. The predicted values of p and
4.1 Selecting an Appropriate Number the effective number of parallel TCP
of Sockets connections can then be used as a starting
point for a simple greedy search algorithm
When the packet loss rate p transitions from that adjusts the number of parallel TCP
the random loss to the congestion loss connections to maximize throughput.
regime, the benefits from using additional
sockets is offset by the additional aggregate
packet loss rate across all of the channels. 5 Conclusion and Future Work
From the previous section, it is apparent that
the knee that is present in the TCP This paper addressed the question of
bandwidth curve directly corresponds to the explaining how parallel TCP connections

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