Tpack Development

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TPACK Development

Emily Csernyanski
EDU 210
Prior to taking EDU 210, I was unaware of the TPACK framework and its
importance to educators. The TPACK framework explains how the three types
of knowledge are interconnected. The three main types of knowledge are:
Technological, Pedagogical and Content. TPACK is the knowledge and
understanding of all three.
Evidence of Understanding
As a future teacher, an understanding of TPACK will be important, as I
will be developing and using these three types of knowledge on a daily
basis. I will have my own methods of teaching (Pedagogical), I will
know the material I am teaching (Content), and I will know and use
different types of technology (Technological).
Evidence of Growth
My TPACK diagram on
May 18
, 2014
At the beginning of the
course, my TPACK diagram
showed that I felt I had high
technological knowledge,
medium pedagogical
knowledge and lower content
knowledge. There was also a
significant distance between
all three types of knowledge.
Evidence of Growth
My revised TPACK diagram
As you can see, my present TPACK diagram is a
bit different now that I have learned more
about technology and education.
I moved the three types of knowledge closer
together because I now feel that I am closer to
understanding Technological, Pedagogical,
Content Knowledge.
I made my technology circle smaller because
even though I know more about technology
than I did at the beginning, this course has
made me realize how vast the world of
technology is, and how much I still have to
learn. So I feel a smaller circle is more
accurate in comparison with my knowledge of
pedagogy and content.
I didnt really change the size of the other two
circles, but I did move them slightly closer
together because I have gained more
knowledge, but I dont think they will be
overlapped until I have put some of this
knowledge into practice.
New Learnings
As a result of learning about the TPACK framework, I have been able to make
further connections with some of the other material I have learned.
I now realize that the three types of knowledge are fluid and always changing
as teachers learn new things. As well, within each knowledge, there are many
different types of sub-knowledge. For example, within pedagogical knowledge
lies the teaching theory that a teacher connects with, whether it be
behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, connectivisim, or a combination.
I also believe that no two teachers will have the exact same types of
knowledge within their diagrams because it is the accumulation of years of
experience, personal strengths, background knowledge, inclinations,
personality type and much more that dictate the intricate TPACK web.
TPACKs Impact on My Teaching
My knowledge of the TPACK framework will promote continuous awareness
and reflection of my personal knowledge as a teacher.
When I am planning lessons, I will try to incorporate elements of all three
types of knowledge. I think it will be easier to use just my pedagogical and
content knowledge at first, but once I become more comfortable with
teaching I will be able to implement technology into my lessons. Also, as
technology becomes more and more a part of the classroom I think it will soon
(if it hasnt already) be second nature for a teacher to use technology in their
daily practice.
In conclusion, the TPACK framework is a new way of thinking for me. I
knew teaching included pedagogy and content, but I hadnt really
considered the importance of the use of technology tools to enhance
teaching and learning. I am looking forward to developing my own
balance of pedagogy, content and technology.

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