ProfEd9 Module 9
ProfEd9 Module 9
ProfEd9 Module 9
Module No. 9
TPACK as a Framework for Technology-Driven Teaching and Learning
Course Title Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Course Code ProfEd9/EDUC206
Instructor Rina Joy B. Fantolgo, LPT Term and AY 1st Sem, AY 2020-2021
I. Overview
As you prepare to be a teacher, how do you assess your content Knowledge or your specialization? In
terms of your teaching skills, what strategies or techniques do you know will work if you use it when teaching?
If you will consider using a technological tool when teaching, what would it be?
Shulman's (2008) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is a framework which involves the teachers
competence in delivering the concepts being taught by simplifying complex ones if needed or leading the
students to study a concept more deeply and extensively. This is made possible due to the teachers
understanding of the amount and the content structure of knowledge. Mishra and Koehler (2006) continued to
build upon Schulman's PCK and incorporated technology hence, TPACK.
Teaching can be associated with soldiers who go to war. Soldiers are being trained and they make a lot
of preparations. Before going to war, they plan for the tactics and strategies to be done, they make sure that they
are complete with their stockpile of ammunition and protection. No soldier will go to a war without enough
bullets in his pockets. Same with teaching, teachers are trained on how to teach and manage a class. Before
stepping inside the classroom, they have made their lesson plans on what to teach and how to teach, they make
sure that they have all the materials needed tor the lesson. The use of technology is one of the materials that
teachers make use to deliver the lesson successfully to their learners. However, sometimes the use or technology
becomes ineffective because of insufficient knowledge on the true purpose and proper use of such technology.
This is why the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) by Mishra, P. & Koehler, M. and
Technology Integration Planning (TIP) by Roblyer, M.D. & Doering, A.H. came into existence, to guide
teachers on how to
integrate technology into teaching.
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What is TPACK ?
TPACK is a framework that combines the teacher 's three knowledge areas: technological knowledge,
content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. This framework shows the interconnectedness of content
knowledge with pedagogical knowledge and the integration of technology in making teaching more engaging.
relevant and effective. It looks at how these knowledge areas intercept or work together to increase students
motivation and make the content more accessibly engaging to students. This framework has significantly
influenced practices in teaching as a result of research.
According to Mishra & Koehler (2006), the TPACK Framework which is shown in the figure,
"emphasizes the connections, interactions, affordances, and constraints between and among content, pedagogy,
and technology. In this model, it shows that content (C), pedagogy (P), and technology (1) are the three main
components of teacher's knowledge. Looking at the model closely, it shows the interactions between and among
the bodies of knowledge: PCK (pedagogical content knowledge), TCK (technological content knowledge), TPK
(technological pedagogical knowledge), and TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) which are
significant in making teaching and learning with the use of technology a success.
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A teacher with profound pedagogical knowledge facilitates student's construction of knowledge and
acquisition of skills, and helps students in developing habits of mind and positive dispositions toward
Therefore, understanding of cognitive, social, and developmental theories of learning and how they
apply to students in the classroom are requisites of pedagogical knowledge.
This is the outer-dotted circle which highlights the understanding that technology, pedagogy, and
content do not exist in a vacuum, but rather, are represented in specific learning and teaching contexts.
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V. Learning Activities
On a sheet of paper, draw your TPACK state, explain and exemplify the meaning of your model.
Heraclitus once said that nothing is permanent in this world except change. But, some people resist to
change things that they are used to doing because according to them they still able to deliver well using the old
method even if there are new better approaches to achieve the task. However, change may be acceptable if they
would understand the advantages of the new method over the old one. This is seeing a "relative advantage" as
mentioned by Everett Rogers (Diffusion of Innovation, 1995). Below are the measures to see relative advantage
1. Compatibility - Methods consistent with their cultural values and beliefs and others adopted in the
past. For example, teachers see using technology as compatible with their views of being an updated teacher.
2. Complexity - Easy enough for them to learn and to carry out on a frequent basis. Teachers who use
technology-based methods feel no fear and find no difficulties in understanding and learning something new.
3. Triability - Being able to try out a little before making a final decision. Teachers have the courage to
try using and applying technology-based methods than saying no to it outright.
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4. Observability - Seeing others they respect or emulate using the new method successfully.
Observation is one of the many ways to help teachers decide whether technology-based method will be helpful
or not or if it is effective or not.
At this phase, teachers do curriculum review and assessment of teaching methods, then, they determine
problems in instruction and find out which technology may be helpful to remedy the problem.
Teachers have to be proficient in content, pedagogy and technology before the day
of instruction comes. The teacher has to spend time in understanding all the components of knowledge to have a
better and successful delivery of the lesson. Being knowledgeable of the content, pedagogy and technology will
make the teacher confident in the entire process of teaching and learning. This Tech-PACK helps to emphasize
technology contribution to teaching. (Review the Tech-PACK discussed earlier in this chapter.)
VII. Assessment
Illustrate through a diagram your own understanding of the different phases of Technology Integration
Planning Model. Explain why you have designed your diagram that way.
VIII. Assignment
As a future teacher, think of a topic related to your specialization that you wish to deliver in a class.
Using the diagram below, design a plan on how technologies will be integrated for a successful teaching and
learning experience. Write your answer below.
How will I use the How will my selected How will my selected
selected technologies in technologies support technologies support
class instruction? students’ learning? students’ learning?
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