Conquest For The Dragon Isles: A 4 To 6-Player Campaign For Warhammer Fantasy Battles V 1.0
Conquest For The Dragon Isles: A 4 To 6-Player Campaign For Warhammer Fantasy Battles V 1.0
Conquest For The Dragon Isles: A 4 To 6-Player Campaign For Warhammer Fantasy Battles V 1.0
the map
The map shown on page one represents the islands where the campaign takes
place. It features a few symbols.
The nodes represent battlesites, the coloured ones being special (and as such
explained below).
The lines represent routes of march, which your armies use to get from one
battlesite to the next. The number next to a route of march is the number the
player has to roll on a d6 to be able to make the march, (some terrain is just
harder to cross than others)
the campaign focuses on conquest points. You need these to keep your
armies up and running and to eventually win the game. The player who gets 25
conquest points wins the campaign. This means you will have to spend your
resources wisely to be able to win, but also that being greedy could cost you.
How to score conquest points and how to play a campaign turn can be
found in chapter 2.
a campaign turn is a series of events which each player goes trough before
starting the next. This means that each player does phase 1, before any player
does phase 2. to determine who goes first, second and so on roll a d6, highest
score starts. Do this in both phase 1 and 2.
Redeploy armies
whenever one of your armies is defeated in a battle, it will retreat and will be
removed from the map. In your following redeploy armies phase, you may
pay one conquest point to redeploy your army on any node adjacent to one
you control, providing it is unoccupied.
Move army
in the move armies phase you may move your armies onto more preferable
nodes. Each move will cost you one conquest point. Pay the conquest
points BEFORE making the d6 roll needed for the route of march. If you fail the
roll, you lose your conquest point and stay at the node you previously
occupied. Only one army per player may move into occupied enemy territory,
so only one battle can take place per campaign turn because of this player.
Note : armies only occupy nodes when they're in them. Once they leave this
space, they become unoccupied.
Fight battles
first, write up your armylist for this campaign turn. You will use it in every battle
you have to fight.
second, roll on the weather table included in chapter 5. this result will affect all
battles (except the one at Karak Motan) fought during this fight battles
in the fight battles phase you fight the battles that came up during the move
army phase. Note that it may be possible that some players will have more
than 1 battle to play. Resolve them all before proceeding to the next phase.
Spoils of war
in the spoils of war phase you earn conquest points. You earn conquest
points as follows.
Count all victory points you scored in this turn's fight battles phase. You earn
one conquest point for each 1000 vp's. So :
first choose a race to play with, then follow the instructions below.
to start the campaign, take the campaign map and divide the territories as
written below, again using a dice off to determine who picks first (1 territory at
a time).
4 players :
leave the 6 special terrain features empty.
Then divide the other territories, giving each player 3.
the 4 territories that are now empty, stay empty and may become occupied by
armies moving in them.
5 players:
leave the 6 special terrain features empty.
Then divide the other territories, giving each player 3.
the territory that has now been left empty, stays empty and may become
occupied by armies moving in it.
6 players :
leave the 6 special terrain features empty.
Then divide the other territories, giving each player 2.
the 4 territories that are now empty, stay empty and may become occupied by
armies moving in them.
Now start playing campaing turns untill a player reaches the goal.
Chapter 4 : The special nodes.
Port Noiret
Overview : this scenario takes place on the shoreline of port noiret, when an invading
force arrives by boat and the occupying army tries to fend them off.
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook. The attacker may
spend 500 pt extra.
Battlefield : the battlefield is the same as for a pitched battle. However the attackers
deployment zone is completely made up out of water. Mark this area.
Deployment : the occupying army deploys as normal. The attacking army moves
onto the battlefield starting in turn 1. Roll a d6 at the start of each turn for every unit
on your roster. On a 4+ they arrive.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, is wiped out or the
limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
Borne aloft a boat
The attacker arrives by boat. Every unit (except aquatic units which just swim at their
basic M value) has one with the following profile :
M ws bs s t w i A Ld
2d6 0 0 4 5 3 0 d6 0 4+ armor save
The boat moves a random 2d6”, moving like a spawn. When their is a double rolled it
will make its random move in a direction shown by the scatter dice. This shows that
the sea is a treacherous thing. If it moves of the table threat is as having pursued an
enemy of the table.
The boat can only move inside the water area. As soon as it hits land, the unit is
assumed to move out of the boat and onto foot. Consider the boat destroyed from this
moment on. The unit may not move the turn it lands.
When hitting a unit on the shoreline resolve d6 s4 impact hits on the unit you have hit,
then consider the boat destroyed and the unit it carried as having charged.
Port Blanché
Overview : this scenario takes place inside the city of port noiret, when a small
raiding party infiltrates and tries to kill an enemy leader and the occupying army tries
to stop them.
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook. However. No
cavalry/flying units/ridden and unridden monsters (this includes a steam tank) may be
chosen. The attacker may not have any characters. The defender may have only one.
The armies will be 1000 pt armies. Every unit will act like skirmishers during this
Battlefield : the battlefield is half the normal size and littered with houses, making
narrow streets with a few larger market places.
Deployment : defender deploys his or her units in the center of the table. 12”x 12”
Area. Attacker enters during first turn by moving onto the table as having pursued a
unit off the table.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, the defender's
general dies, either player is wiped out or the limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
Night fight
the attack happens at night and eyesight is not optimal. At the start of every player
turn, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3. this is the number of inches any
given unit can see.
On a roll of a misfire the moon breaks free and lights the entire battlefield.
Should the attacker fail he will earn as many victory points as he would have scored by
normal rulings. The defender will then score 2000 victory points.
Karak motan
Overview : this scenario takes place in the depths of Karak Motan, where an enemy
army as used the mines to enter a dwarven hold, which has long since fallen into ruin.
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook to a point value of
2000 pts.
Battlefield : the battlefield is the same as in a pitched battle. However, in the center
of the battlefield there should be a piece of terrain, preferably rock or a volcanic
outlet. Make sure with the rest of the terrain that both armies will have to come close
to this piece of terrain to be able to get at each other.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, is wiped out or the
limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
seismic activity
the dwarven realm stretches deep and sometimes it stretches a little too deep. The
earth stirs at these depths and it is not unheard of that suddenly a piece of rock falls
down crushing all underneath or a chasm opens up. At the start of every player turn
roll on the following chart to see what happens :
2d6 effect
2 a chasm opens up towards the unit (friend or
foe) nearest to the terrain piece at the center. Roll
8d6. This is the length of the chasm, measured from the
centre of the terrain piece, over the nearest point of
the nearest unit. Each model touched passes an initiative
check or is removed from play.
3-5 cave in! Roll a scatter and artillery dice and resolve a
hit like a stone thrower as if the initial guess had been
the centre terrainpiece. Reroll hits and misfires. All
models hit by the small template take a s5 hit (s10 for the
centre) with no armour save allowed.
6-8 nothing happens.
9-11 molten lava erupts from the centrepiece. Roll 3d6. All
units within this number of inches from the centre
terrain piece take d6 S6 hits with no armour save
allowed, distributed as per shooting.
12 GOLD!the player who rolled this result adds +1
conquest point during the spoils of war phase.
Ragefire pass
Overview : this scenario takes place in ragefire pass. A narrow pass trough the
mountain range splitting the dragon isles in two. It is the only way trough and so it is
hardly fought for.
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook to a value of 2000
Battlefield : the battlefield is the same as for a pitched battle. However the middle
part of the battlefield and the defender's deploymeny zone should be a big bottleneck.
Deployment : the occupying army deploys completely as per the normal rules. The
attacking army may then deploy his complete force as normal.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, is wiped out, the
attacker moves his last unit of the table or the limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
The attacker needs to get his army trough ragefire pass. As such absolutely NO other
victory points will be awarded other then the following.
• The attacker earns vp's equal to the value of the unit if the unit in question exits
via the defenders table edge. (not by fleeing)
The defender needs to stop this and so will only receive victory points for destroying
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook to a value of 2000
Battlefield : the battlefield is the same as for a pitched battle. However the
battlefield contains a monolith in the centre of the defender's deployment zone and at
least 5 forests.
Deployment : Both armies deploy as normal, dicing off to see who goes first.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, is wiped out or the
limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
nature's blessing
at the start of each defender magic phase, the defending player rolls on the chart
2d6 Result
2 nature turns against you! All friendly units within 6” of a forest
suffer d6 s5 hits with no armour save allowed, distributed as per
3-4 the wind blows. All enemy shooting is at a -1 to hit.
5-6 know your roots! Some tree roots grab your enemies. You may
select one enemy unit that cannot march during its next movement
7 nothing happens.
8-9 something blossoms. You may immediatly cast any spell from the
lore of beasts or the lore of life as a bound spell level of 6.
Additionaly, a wood elf player could also choose to do this with any of the
spells from the athel loren spell list.
10-11 the trees live. All forest move d3+1 inch as you command them.
12 the gift of life. You may restore one of your characters to his
starting wound.
A magical place
Every spell from the lore of life, lore of beasts and lore of athel loren has its casting
dificulty reduced by 1.
Engineer's tower
Overview : this scenario takes place at an engineer's tower. A huge contraption of
fizzling devices and sparking accumulatorpacks. Both armies try to lay hands on it for
their own personal gain.
Armies : Both armies are chosen from their respective armybook to a value of 2000
Battlefield : the battlefield is the same as for a pitched battle. However the
battlefield contains a towelike building at the centre of the gaming area.
Deployment : Both armies deploy as normal, dicing off to see who goes first.
length of game : the game ends whenever one player concedes, is wiped out or the
limit of 6 turns has been reached.
special rules :
the engine is running!
Whenever a player controls the engineers tower, he may roll on the following chart at
the start of his magic pase.
2d6 Result
2 catastrophic meltdown. The tower is destroyed. Every unit, friend
or foe, take 3d6 s4 hits with no armour save allowed, distributed as per
shooting. Any unit taking casualties must take an immediate panic test.
3 overload. The general who controls the tower takes a wound, no
saves of any kind allowed.
4 klonk-klonk-klonk. The tower starts shaking and looks about ready
to collapse. Any further rolls on this chart are modified by -1.
5 Fizzzzzz... Roll 2d6 and a scatter dice. Measure from the centre of
the tower and place a large template at the appropriate range. Any
model touched suffers a S5 hit.
6-8 Zzaark! 1D6 bolts of lightning erupt from the tower striking a unit
within line of sight of the controlling general.
9-10 Surge of Power. The enemy suffers a -1 modifier to his dispell
11 power me up, scotty. The controlling player adds 1 powerdice to his
basic pool.
12 Djzzzt Djzzzt! During this magic phase every roll of a double is an
inresistable force. However, should a double 1 be rolled, the
miscast result will be d6-1.
An in-control roll will be done as follows. Take your basic power dice, add the dice of
any friendly wizards within 12” of the tower. Your opponent does the same with dispell
dice. Roll them and add them together, the highest score wins the in-control roll.
victory conditions :a player who is in control at the end of the game wins and
receives 2000 vp´s. The other will receive victory points as usual. if the tower is
destroyed for any reason, the normal victory points system will be used.
Chapter 5 : The Weather Table
3d6 Result
3 Storm of the century. All shooting is at -2 to hit. All flying movement is
halved. Additionaly, roll a d6 for each of your units on the table at the start of
your turn. On a roll of 1 they suffer d6 s4 hits, allocated as shooting, as lightning
strikes them.
4-5 Drizzle. All gunpowder orientated weapons only work on a roll of 4 + at the
start of the turn.
6-7 downpour. Like drizzle, but with the following exceptions. Gunpowder weapons
only fire on a 5+ and units may only march when passing a T test on a d6.
8-15 Clear. The weather is fine
16-17 blistering heat. Troops in Heavy Armor must pass a T test on a D6 in order to
charge an opponent more then 1/2 their charge distance away; otherwise it is deemed
a "Failed Charge". Characters riding Large monsters ignore this effect. Cavalry and
chariots use the lowest T between mount and rider, etc. should a unit carry a item that
extends their charge move, roll for it, see what ½ their charge distance is, then
take the toughness test. If failed, the item has still been used.
18 Heavy snow storm. Line of sight is reduced to 12”. When playing Prt Blanché
you must ignore this result.