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3 Shooting/5 Combat Phase (Commands) Start of Battle Round (Priority Roll)

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The Battle Round

• Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit.

• Heroes can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
• Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
• Totems can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them. 3 Shooting/5 Combat Phase (Commands)

Start of Battle Round (Priority Roll) All-out Attack: You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly
unit to shoot in your shooting phase or fight in the combat phase. That unit
must receive the command. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit
If you go first 1CP If you go second 2CP until the end of that phase.

1 Hero Phase All-out Defence: With consummate skill, these cunning warriors protect
themselves from attack. You can use this command ability when a friendly
unit is picked as the target of an attack in the shooting or combat phase. That
+1 CP if your general is alive unit must receive the command. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that
unit until the end of that phase.

Heroic Actions

Heroic Leadership: Pick 1 friendly Heroic Willpower: Pick 1 friendly Hero 4 Charge Phase (Commands)
Hero and roll a dice. Add 2 to the roll that is not a Wizard. If it is the enemy
if your general has been slain. On a hero phase, that Hero can attempt to
unbind 1 spell in that phase as if they Forward to Victory: You can use this command ability after you make a
4+, you receive 1 command point were a Wizard. If it is your hero phase,
that can only be spent during that charge roll for a friendly unit. That unit must receive the command. You can
that Hero can attempt to dispel 1 endless
turn to allow that Hero to issue a spell in that phase as if they were a
re-roll the charge roll for that unit.
command. Wizard (you can still only attempt to
unbind or dispel the same spell or
endless spell once in the same phase). Unleash Hell: You can use this command ability after an enemy unit finishes
a charge move. The unit that receives the command must be within 9" of that
enemy unit and more than 3" from all other enemy units. The unit that
Their Finest Hour: Pick 1 friendly Heroic Recovery: Pick 1 friendly receives the command can shoot in that phase, but when it does so, you
Hero. Add 1 to wound rolls for Hero and make a heroic recovery must subtract 1 from hit rolls for its attacks and it can only target the unit that
attacks made by that Hero until the roll by rolling 2D6. If the roll is less made the charge move.
end of that turn, and add 1 to save than that Hero’s Bravery
rolls for attacks that target that Hero characteristic, you can heal up to D3
until the end of that turn. You cannot wounds allocated to that Hero. If the Monstrous Actions end of charge phase
carry out this heroic action with the roll is equal to that Hero’s Bravery
same Hero more than once in the characteristic, you can heal 1 wound
same battle. allocated to that Hero. Roar: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this Stomp: Pick 1 enemy unit within 3"
model and roll a dice. On a 3+, that unit of this model that is not a Monster
cannot issue or receive commands in the and roll a dice. On a 2+, that unit
following combat phase.
Hero Phase (Command) suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Rally: You can use this command ability at the start of the hero phase. The Titanic Duel: Pick 1 enemy Monster Smash To Rubble: Pick 1 faction
unit that receives the command must be more than 3" from all enemy units. within 3" of this model. Add 1 to hit terrain feature or defensible terrain
Roll 1 dice for each slain model from that unit. For each 6, you can return 1 rolls for attacks made by this model feature within 3" of this model and roll a
slain model to that unit. that target that enemy Monster until dice. On a 3+, the terrain feature is
demolished if it was defensible, and the
the end of the following combat scenery rules on its warscroll cannot be
phase. used for the rest of the battle if it was a
Realmsphere Magic faction terrain feature.

Metamorphosis is a spell that has a casting value of 5 and a range of 12” if 5 Combat Phase (Order/Commands) Also See step 3
successfully cast pick one friendly Hero that is not a Monster and that is
within range and visible to the caster. That Hero gains the Monster key word
until your next hero phase. 1. Start of combat phase abilities are Feral Roar: You can use this
used command ability at the start of the
2. Units with strike-first effects attack combat phase. The unit that
2 Movement Phase (Commands) 3. Units without strike-first/strike-last receives a command must be a
effects attack Monster. Until the end of the phase
4. Units with strike-last effects attack when you look up the value on that
At the Double: You can use this command ability after you declare that a 5. End of combat phase abilities are unit’s damage table, it is treated as if
friendly unit will run. That unit must receive the command. The run roll used it had suffered 0 wounds
is not made for that unit. Instead, 6" is added to that unit’s Move
characteristic in that phase. The unit is still considered to have run.

Redeploy: You can use this command ability in the enemy movement phase 6 Battleshock Phase (Commands)
after an enemy unit finishes a normal move, run or retreat. The unit that
receives the command must be within 9" of that enemy unit and more than 3"
from all enemy units. You can make a D6" move with the unit that receives Inspiring Presence: You can use this command ability at the start of
the command, but it must finish the move more than 3" from all enemy units the battleshock phase. The unit that receives the command does not
and cannot shoot later in the turn. have to take battleshock tests in that phase.
Score Sheet

Defender CP 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 Attacker CP 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲 🔲

Name: Name:

Army Subfaction: Army Subfaction:

Grand Strategy: 🔲 3vp Grand Strategy: 🔲 3vp

Round 1 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First Round 1 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First

Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp

Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points

Round 2 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First Round 2 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First

Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp

Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points

Round 3 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First Round 3 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First

Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp

Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points

Round 4 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First Round 4 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First

Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp

Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points

Round 5 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First Round 5 🔲 Priority 🔲 Went First

Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp Battle Tactic 🔲 2vp/3vp

Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points Monster Slain 🔲 1vp Objective Points

Total Points Total Points

🔲 Broken Ranks: When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 Battleline unit from your 🔲 Conquer: When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 objective marker on the
opponent's starting army on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if the unit is battlefield that your opponent controls. You complete this battle tactic if you control that
destroyed during this turn. If that unit was destroyed by an attack made by a friendly objective marker at the end of this turn.
Monster or an ability of friendly Monster, score one additional victory point.

🔲 Slay the Warlord: You complete this battle tactic if the model chosen to be your 🔲 Furious Advanced: When you reveal this battle tactic pick 3 different units from
opponent's General is slain during this turn. If that model was destroyed by an attack your starting army on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if all of the units you
made by a friendly Monster or an ability of a friendly Monster, score one additional picked run in the following movement phase and finish that run within 3” of each other.
victory point. If all three of those units are Monsters, score 1 additional victory point.

🔲 Bring it Down: When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 enemy Monster on the 🔲 Aggressive Expansion: When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 2 objective
battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed during this turn. If that markers on the battlefield that are not wholly within your territory. You complete this
enemy Monster was destroyed by an attack made by a friendly Monster or an ability of a battle tactic if you control both of us at the end of this turn.
friendly Monster, score 1 additional victory point.

🔲 Monsters Take Over: When you revealed his battle tactic, pick 1 Monster from your 🔲 Savage Spearhead: You complete this battle tactic if there are 2 or more units from
starting army on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that Monster is your starting Army wholly within your opponent's territory at the end of this turn. If 2 or
contesting an objective marker that you control at the end of this term, and that objective more of those units are Monsters, score 1 additional Victory Pointe.
marker is not contested by an enemy Monster.

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