Energy density and volumetric efficiency will impact the size and weight of the product. This paper describes a compact, integrated boost converter that delivers up to 500mW of peak power from a l-Volt battery source. For many applications, such as two-way pagers, the average load on the alkaline battery is low but the peak load can be over 500mW.
Energy density and volumetric efficiency will impact the size and weight of the product. This paper describes a compact, integrated boost converter that delivers up to 500mW of peak power from a l-Volt battery source. For many applications, such as two-way pagers, the average load on the alkaline battery is low but the peak load can be over 500mW.
Energy density and volumetric efficiency will impact the size and weight of the product. This paper describes a compact, integrated boost converter that delivers up to 500mW of peak power from a l-Volt battery source. For many applications, such as two-way pagers, the average load on the alkaline battery is low but the peak load can be over 500mW.
Energy density and volumetric efficiency will impact the size and weight of the product. This paper describes a compact, integrated boost converter that delivers up to 500mW of peak power from a l-Volt battery source. For many applications, such as two-way pagers, the average load on the alkaline battery is low but the peak load can be over 500mW.
Low Power Boost Converter for Portable Applications
By Eddy Wells and Mark Jordan
influence the choice of converter topology. Energy density and volumetric efficiency will impact the size and weight of the product. In applications where the average discharge rate is high, the initial cost of a rechargeable solution may be justified over the life of the product. Table 1 compares performance parame- ters for rechargeable battery chemistries commonly used in portable devices. Nickel Cadmium Lithium-Ion 1.2 Volts Nickel Metal Hydride 1.2 Volts 12.5-4.2Volts Operating Volta!!e Energy den- sit (Wh/k ) Volumetric efficiency -(~~ 45 55 100 150 180 1225 I Cost ($/Wh) 10.75-1.5 I 1.5-3.0 -~ Table 1. Rechargeable Battery Chemistry Comparisons Nickel Cadmium batteries are popular because they have a relatively low cost and offer a mature technology. Nickel Metal Hydride batteries have im- proved volumetric efficiency and have less environ- mental concerns than Nickel Cadmium. Lithium-Ion batteries are emerging as a leader in the portable market due to their high energy density. Lithium-Ion batteries have the highest initial cost, however, and their cell voltage decays significantly during dis- charge. Disposable Alkaline Cell Performance For many low power applications, the cost and inconvenience of rechargeable batteries are undesir- able. Alkaline is the disposable battery of choice be- cause of a low self discharge (about 5% a year) and a higher energy density than other disposable chemis- tries. For many applications, such as two-way pagers, the average load on the alkaline battery is low but the peak load can be over 500m W .This can equate to peak currents of more than 500mA from a single cell. Figure 1 shows the voltage of an AA battery dis- ABSTRACT The trend in Portable equipment such as Pagers and PDAs is improved peiformance with reduced real estate, while new features have increased the peak power demands on the battery. This paper de- scribes a compact, integrated boost converter that delivers up to 500mW of peak power from a l-Volt battery source. Maximum battery utilization is real- ized by integrating an adaptive current mode control scheme, low on-resistance switches, and synchronous rectification. The converter develops multiple output voltages from a single inductor using a multiplexing technique. INTRODUCTION The rapid growth of portable equipment has been fueled by strong customer demand that has resulted from significant advances in digital and RF technolo- gies. Features such as E-mail, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and two-way communications are making handheld portable instruments more versatile, while many of these new features increase the power demands on the battery .Although battery perforrn- ance is improving with the introduction of new chemistries, it has not kept pace with the increased functionality found in today's portable equipment. Switch mode power conversion can offer efficiency improvements when compared to linear techniques, increasing battery utilization. Unique challenges ex- ist, however, in implementing a switch mode solution for a battery-powered system. Portable devices have a wide dynamic load range that can vary from a few milliwatts, to hundreds of milliwatts. Many portable devices require the converter to operate off the volt- age of a single cell, which depending on the power level of the application can pose a significant chal- lenge. Battery Selection The selection of a battery to be used in a portable application will depend upon several factors includ- ing initial cost, cell voltage, energy density, and dis- charge rate. The operating voltage of the battery will 2-1 charged at 500mA. Open circuit voltage was meas- ured by removing the load for 10 seconds each min- ute. Discontinuous Mode Efficiency An analysis of the converter losses can provide insight into detennining a control scheme that will operate efficiently. Figure 2 shows a low voltage synchronous boost converter along with the equiva- lent circuit elements that are major contributors to power loss. Switch capacitance has been reflected to the gate for simplicity. Figure 2. Synchronous Boost Converter and Equivalent Circuit Elements In order to support a wide dynamic load range with a reasonably small value of inductance, the boost converter needs to operate in discontinuous conduction mode at medium and light loads. Figure 3 shows inductor current in discontinuous conduction mode. Figure 1. AA Alkaline Battery Voltage at a SOOmA Discharge Rate Battery Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) is shown in Figure 1 to have a large influence on the actual voltage measured at the terminals. A battery with 1.1 volts at no load, for example, will drop to 0.9 volts with a SOOmA load. The power conversion circuitry will need to handle the low voltage droop during these peak power durations. This can often be the limiting factor in the ability to deliver sufficient output power to the application. ACHIEVING HIGH EFFICIENCY OVER A WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE Regardless of the battery chemistry selected, the converter efficiency will influence the run time of the device. Portable equipment may require lOO's of milliamps when the device is fully functioning. In standby mode, where the device spends a majority of time, the equipment may require less than lmA. The amount of time the device spends in various modes is heavily dependent upon the user. Because it is diffi- cult to predict how the device will be used, it is im- portant that the converter operates efficiently over a wide dynamic load range. Figure 3. Discontinuous Mode Inductor Current Discontinuous mode efficiency can be calculated from the input and loss energy for a single conversion cycle. Based of Figures 2 and 3, Table 2 gives ap- proximate energy values and the resulting overall efficiency. 2-2 Table 2. Input and Lost Energy for a single Conversion Cycle in Discontinuous Conduction Mode These equations can now be used to detennine The reason this occurs can be seen by looking at the optimum peak inductor current for the converter the equations in Table 2 that detail the energy of a in discontinuous conduction mode. Figure 4 shows single conversion cycle. Input Energy is related to the losses and overall efficiency versus peak current peak current and, for a given value of peak current, is of an integrated boost converter with a 1.5V input fixed with no dependence on the load current. The and a 3.3V, 5mA output. conduction energy lost during a single conversion cycle is also fixed for a given peak current regardless of the load. The switching energy lost is only related to gate capacitance and gate drive voltage. The IDD energy lost during a single conversion cycle is af- fected by the conversion period (T I ) which is a cyc e function of load current. As T I increases at li g ht cyc e loads, the IDD energy lost will also increase, thereby reducing efficiency. IDD losses (ErnJEIN) show up as an offset in efficiency however (see Figure 4), which means that IDD will change the efficiency with respect to load current, but not the optimal peak current. Since discontinuous mode efficiency (for a given converter) is optimized at only one peak current, a control technique that maintains a constant peak cur- rent should be selected. With a fixed frequency con- trol technique, the amount of energy delivered to the load is adjusted by keeping the cycle time fixed and controlling the peak current in the inductor. Because peak current is varied, this technique does not offer good efficiency over a wide dynamic load range. With pulsed frequency modulation (PFM) the cycle Figure 4. Boost Converter Efficiency -vs- Peak Currentfor a SmA Output As shown in Figure 4, conduction losses domi- nate with large peak currents, where switching losses dominate with small peak currents. The optimum peak current in this case is around 250mA. It is inter- esting to note that if the load current is increased to 20mA, or decreased to 1 mA, the optimum peak cur- rent is still 250mA. In fact, in discontinuous conduc- tion mode, the optimum peak inductor current is independent of load current. 2-3 a given switch geometry and silicon process. By gen- erating an 8V supply (V GD) for the gate drive, rather than using the main output voltage (VOUT)' conduc- tion losses are lowered by a factor of 2-3. Eight volts achieves the best overall efficiency compromise be- tween switching and conduction losses for the con- verter. The 8V output can be used to support an additional IOmA of load current for applications re- quiring an auxiliary output. By lowering conduction losses, the converter can deliver more current to the load at low battery voltages. time, rather than the peak current, is adjusted to ac- commodate load variations. This allows an optimal peak current to be .chosen that will maximize effi- ciency in discontinuous conduction mode. The UCC3941 Synchronous Boost Converter The UCC3941 is a 500mW boost converter that incorporates a PFM control technique. The part is available in 3 versions, depending on the voltage of the main output: 3.3V, 5V, or adjustable. Figure 5 shows a simplified block diagram of the UCC3941 's internal control circuitry along with a typical appli- cations circuit. All necessary control circuitry is integrated into an S-pin chip along with synchronous MOSFET switches. Few external components are required, minimizing the board area for the converter. Low quiescent currents are achieved by turning off sec- tions of control circuitry during periods of inactivity. Conduction losses are minimized through the use of low Rdson switches. Equation 6 describes the rela- tionships that determine the Rdson for a MOSFET . Figure 6. Output Current Capabilities of Boost Converters with 3.3V Outputs Figure 6 shows the output current capabilities of several low power boost converters with integrated MOSFETs. As the graph indicates, the load current capability of most converters decreases significantly at low battery voltages. Converter number 1 operates Figure 5. UCC3941 Simplified Block Diagram and Application Circuit 2-4 ous/discontinuous mode boundary has been eliminated. A detailed description of how the con- verter transitions between modes and controls the current in the inductor is given in the section titled "Multiplexed Waveforms". Efficiency Curves Continuous conduction mode allows increased output power, while discontinuous PFM mode deliv- ers optimal efficiency at light loads. The modes of operation are controlled with an internal state ma- chine that adjusts charge times and current limits. By providing efficient conversion over the usable battery voltage in both modes, operation time is maximized. Figure 8 shows UCC3941 efficiencies over a 200:1 load range. in discontinuous conduction mode and has limited current capabilities. Converters number 2 and 3 in- crease their output current capabilities with continu- ous mode operation, but their ability decreases at low input voltages. The UCC3941 achieves improved capability by combining low Rdson switches with continuous mode operation. Continuous Mode Operation Discontinuous conduction mode results in a sim- ple control scheme, however, the average load cur- rent (reflected to the input) is limited to less than half the peak current. If the peak inductor current is in- creased, efficiency and the output voltage ripple will suffer. In order to provide increased load current, the UCC3941 is allowed to transition into continuous conduction mode (see Figure 7). In order to keep the control scheme simple, while providing the ability to generate multiple outputs, a pseudo continuous con- duction mode is implemented. Figure 7. Adaptive Current Mode Control Referring to Figure 7, if a single discontinuous mode energy pulse is not sufficient to bring the main output into regulation, the current in the inductor is allowed to increase until a maximum current (Imax) is reached. The Imax level is programmable for the load requirements of the device, so that conduction losses can be minimized. The best continuous mode effi- ciency is achieved when lmax is set just high enough to provide for the peak load current of the particular application. In order to maintain constant input power capability, lmax is automatically varied when battery voltage decreases as follows: 1 I- oc - max V; bat (7) By using a hysteretic control technique, the sta- bility problem of crossing the continu- Figure 8. Efficiency as a Function of Load Current, Input and Output Voltage The upper curve is typical of a Lithium-Ion input and a 5V output. The lower curve is typical of a sin- gle cell Alkaline input and a 3.3V output. The con- verter can deliver 200mA to the load, while maintaining good efficiency down to lmA. GENERATING MULTIPLE OUTPUTS In many portable applications, multiple output voltages are required. The additional voltage may be needed to drive a LCD display, interface logic cir- cuits with a higher voltage driver, provide bias volt- age for op-amp circuits, or to generate a trickle charger for a back-up battery. The design challenge is to provide additional outputs without increasing board real estate or compromising efficiency. Traditional Choices When multiple output voltages are required from a switching regulator, the circuit designer has tradi- 2-5 When either output requires service, S .turns maIn on and current ramps up in the inductor to the dis- continuous or continuous peak value. The chip then determines which output will be charged. When Vout is charged, S t is closed at the instant S is opened. ou maIn When V d is charged, current is forced through D 9 pos when S is opened. Due to the presence of large maIn peak currents in the inductor, low ESR capacitors should be used to maintain low ripple voltages on the outputs. Arbitration A priority scheme is required to accommodate multiple supply voltages, while providing effective start-up and servicing of the outputs at various load conditions. The arbitration rules for the 3.3V version are as follows: .If V gd < 7 .6V , V gd will get priority for service. (start-up) .If V gd > 7.6V and Vout < 3.3V, Vout will get prior- ity for service- .If V gd < 8.7V and Vout > 3.3V, V gd will get prior- ity for service. In order to guarantee an orderly start-up with in- put voltages below 1 V, the gate drive supply (V gd) is given priority during start-up. Figure 10 shows os- cilloscope waveforms of current and voltage during startup. VOUT 1V/DIV tionally been limited to a small number of topology choices. A multi tap transformer solution in a forward or f!yback configuration can provide multiple posi'- tive or negative outputs. This solution generally re- quires custom magnetics with the associated design, cost, and purchasing headaches. Typically, a single output is chosen for regulation, while the remaining outputs will have some level of cross-regulation de- pendent upon the loading. If more accurate regulation is required, a magnetic amplifier or post regulator can be used, but the additional board real estate and cost are usually prohibitive for portable applications. A linear regulator is generally employed if regulation on the secondary outputs is required. At low power levels, charge pump circuits are often utilized to generate additional output voltages. Voltage doublers and triplers, as well as voltage in- verters can be implemented with inexpensive diodes and capacitors. Designed with discrete components, parts count can escalate with only a few additional outputs. Efficiency is generally compromised with this technique, due to the presence of large currents during the charge transfer process. If the output volt- age is not an integer multiple of the source voltage, some sort of regulation is needed to bring the charge pumped voltage to a desired value. Integrated charge pump solutions exist where the voltage is regulated and the charge current is controlled, thereby improv- ing efficiency, however a separate IC is generally required. Multiplexed Coil Technique The UCC3941 incorporates a unique multiplexed coil technique to generate multiple outputs from a single inductor. Energy pulses stored in the inductor are time shared between the outputs depending upon loading. Figure 9 shows a simplified schematic of the basic topology. VGD 5V/OIV IL OSA/DIV T, T' T3T4 2msIDIV Figure 10. Start-up Waveforms At time to, an internal 200kHz oscillator toggles the main switch at 50% duty cycle and V gd starts to rise. V gd gets to a sufficient voltage at time tl to run the IC in a normal mode. At time t2, V gd has reached Figure 9.UCC3941 Topology 2-6 wavefonns of the converter servicing two outputs. At time tl, Vout drops below its lower threshold, and the inductor is charged for 12uSecNin. At time t2, the inductor begins to discharge with a minimum off time of 1.7uS. Under lightly loaded conditions the amount of energy delivered in this single pulse would satisfy the voltage control loop, and the converter would not command any more energy pulses until the output again drops below the lower voltage threshold. At time t3, the V gd supply has dropped below its lower threshold, but Vout is still above its threshold point. This results in an energy pulse to the gate drive supply at t4. However, while the gate drive is being serviced, Vout has dropped below its lower threshold, so the state machine commands an energy pulse to Vout as soon as the gate drive pulse is completed (time t5). Time t6, represents a transition between light and heavy loads. A single energy pulse is not sufficient to force the output voltage above its upper threshold before the minimum off time has expired, and a sec- ond charge cycle is commanded. Since the inductor does not reach zero current in this case, the peak cur- rent is greater than O.5A at the end of the next charge on time. The result is a ratcheting of inductor current until either the output voltage is satisfied, or the con- its lower threshold of 7.6V and the arbitration allows VOUT to get started. VOUT has reached 3.3V at time t3, and V gd is allowed to charge to 8. 7V .At time t4, both outputs are in regulation and the converter operates normally, servicing the outputs as the load demands. Multiplexed Waveforms The UCC3941 converter develops a hysteretic control technique by monitoring the output voltages with comparators. If an output falls below its voltage threshold, the converter will deliver a single or multi- ple energy pulses to the output until the output comes into regulation. The inductor charge time is con- trolled by: Ton=12uSecNin. In discontinuous con- duction mode, this results in a constant peak current, regardless of the input voltage. For a 22uH inductor, the resulting peak current is approximately SOOmA. The on time control is maintained, unless the inductor current reaches the I limit. The inductor discharge max time is fixed at Toff=I.7uSec, unless the output rises above its voltage threshold. The short off time allows the inductor current to transition to the lmax limit if a single pulse is not adequate. If the output voltage is satisfied after the 1.7uS off time, the charge switch will not be activated, and the inductor current will decay to zero. Figure II depicts typical voltage and current : Vgd ' : : 50mV Voltage ; --L.J'.:P , Ri pple: typical : !2 13 ti Vout Voltage Ripple Imax u Inductor Current Figure 11. Multiplexed 1nductor Servicing Two Outputs 2-7 D Figure 12. Single 1nductor Servicing 4 Outputs The UCC394I addresses these issues by incorpo- rating an adaptive control scheme that extends the battery's usable voltage range. High efficiency over a wide dynamic load range is achieved with a constant power continuous current mode and a fixed peak cur- rent discontinuous mode. A unique power conversion topology is used, where multiple outputs are gener- ated from a single inductor, resulting in efficient use of board space. REFERENCES [I] "Make the Right Battery Choice for Port- abIes" Dan Pnina, Tadiran Electronic Industries. [2] "UCC394l 1 Volt Synchronous Boost con- verter" Data Sheet, Unitrode Integrated Circuit Corporation. verter reaches its programmed current limit. At time t7, the gate drive voltage has dropped below its threshold but the converter continues to service Vout because it has highest priority, unless Vgd drops be- low 7 .6V . Between t7 and t8, the converter reaches its maximum current limit that is determined by the pro- grammed power limit and VIN. Once the limit is reached, the converter operates in continuous mode with approximately 200mA of ripple current. A time t8, the output voltage is satisfied, and the converter can service V gd, which occurs at t9. Topology Extensions The multiplexed coil topology can be extended to produce additional outputs. Figure 12 shows a single inductor providing energy to 3 positive outputs and a negative output. The generation of the main output (Vou,) and gate drive output (V gd) has been explained. The V nicd output is a trickle charger for a Nickel Cadmium battery back-up. In order to produce a fixed, low current, trickle charge the converter deliv- ers low peak current pulses to the V nicd output at fixed intervals of time. A negative voltage (V neg) is produced by using a fly-back technique with Vout and V bat. Negative cur- rent is generated by back-charging the inductor through the Sou, switch. When the inductor current reaches some negative peak, Soot is open. Current is then pulled through D , charging the V output. In neg neg order for the flyback technique to operate correctly, the charge stored in the Vout capacitor should be sev- eral times larger than the charge stored in the V neg capacitor. CONCLUSION When selecting a power management solution for a portable application, it is important that the con- verter operates efficiently over a wide dynamic range. In order to get the most energy from a low voltage power source, the converter should be able to start up and operate below IV during peak load de- mands. When additional outputs are required, issues relating to converter efficiency and board real estate can often be critical. 2-8 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. TI warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TIs standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Customers are responsible for their applications using TI components. In order to minimize risks associated with the customers applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such products or services might be or are used. TIs publication of information regarding any third partys products or services does not constitute TIs approval, license, warranty or endorsement thereof. Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations and notices. Representation or reproduction of this information with alteration voids all warranties provided for an associated TI product or service, is an unfair and deceptive business practice, and TI is not responsible nor liable for any such use. Resale of TIs products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service, is an unfair and deceptive business practice, and TI is not responsible nor liable for any such use. Also see: Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for Semiconductor Products. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments Post Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright 2001, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Deisch, C. W. (IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1978 Record, Pp. 300-306) - Simple Switching Control Method Changes Power Converter Into A Current Source