This training program was designed for executives experiencing stress at their workplace. Based on a questionnaire completed by 11 participants, 4 executives were identified for a stress management training session. The training aimed to help participants identify and analyze their stress, understand its symptoms and causes, and learn stress management techniques. The one-day training would cover stress types, causes, symptoms, an analysis of participant questionnaire responses, stress-related health issues, and stress management techniques. Activities included brainstorming stressful situations and games to apply stress management skills.
This training program was designed for executives experiencing stress at their workplace. Based on a questionnaire completed by 11 participants, 4 executives were identified for a stress management training session. The training aimed to help participants identify and analyze their stress, understand its symptoms and causes, and learn stress management techniques. The one-day training would cover stress types, causes, symptoms, an analysis of participant questionnaire responses, stress-related health issues, and stress management techniques. Activities included brainstorming stressful situations and games to apply stress management skills.
This training program was designed for executives experiencing stress at their workplace. Based on a questionnaire completed by 11 participants, 4 executives were identified for a stress management training session. The training aimed to help participants identify and analyze their stress, understand its symptoms and causes, and learn stress management techniques. The one-day training would cover stress types, causes, symptoms, an analysis of participant questionnaire responses, stress-related health issues, and stress management techniques. Activities included brainstorming stressful situations and games to apply stress management skills.
This training program was designed for executives experiencing stress at their workplace. Based on a questionnaire completed by 11 participants, 4 executives were identified for a stress management training session. The training aimed to help participants identify and analyze their stress, understand its symptoms and causes, and learn stress management techniques. The one-day training would cover stress types, causes, symptoms, an analysis of participant questionnaire responses, stress-related health issues, and stress management techniques. Activities included brainstorming stressful situations and games to apply stress management skills.
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Tata Institute of Social Sciences
EPGDHRM 2012 2013
Stress Management Training Nee !nal"sis Re#ort Moule $% HRM 11% &earning an De'elo#ment Professor% !()is)e* +umar Partici#ants% !la*sa Mu*aam ,EPGDHRM02-. !meet Po*)arni*ar ,EPGDHRM01$. Datta S)ine ,EPGDHRM01/ 2011 0atc). Dr S)a*ira !lauin ,EPGDHRM011. S)efali Para( ,EPGDHRM012. Monali Sa)are 2ana(an)u ,EPGDHRM022. TN! Re#ort on Stress Management at 3or* Place This training program is designed for EPGDHRM executives; experiencing stress at their workplace !tress produces numerous s"mptoms which var" according to persons# situations# and severit"; ultimatel" affecting the Performance of the individual !tress can lead to ph"sical health decline as well as depression The process of stress management is one of the ke"s to a happ" and successful life in modern societ" $lthough# life provides numerous demands that can prove difficult to handle# stress management provides a num%er of wa"s to manage anxiet" and maintain overall well&%eing at individual level as well as at organi'ational level Training Nee H"#ot)esis% H"pothesis( !tress is an integral part of work&life and it affects performance !tress at workplace could impact an individual negativel" or positivel" !tress that is controlled can %e used in an effective manner to %oost the performance positivel" However# over a long term period if one fails to control the stress; it could lead to negative impact thus affecting the performance negativel" eg !portsmen use stress in order to perform %etter; at the same time if the" are overstressed then the same stress could result in lack of performance )e are focusing on stress at workplace and its impact on performance Training Nee !nal"sis% !tress at workplace pla"s a ma*or role in an individual+s overall productivit" People have different views,opinions a%out the importance and conse-uences of stress at a workplace !tress itself is a ma*or concern that needs timel" attention and solution Refer the flow chart on T.$ for stress management at individual level TN! 4lo5 c)art for Stress Management at Ini'iual &e'el $s shown in the a%ove flowchart# following are the steps in T.$( / Ste# 6ne% ! 7oncern The ma*or concern is stress at workplace that is experienced %" the people working at organi'ations 0f these stress issues are not addressed at the right times then it can impact the organi'ation negativel" in the long run Ste# T5o% Im#ortance The issue of stress among the emplo"ees in an important concern that needs immediate attention 0t+s affecting the performance of the emplo"ees as well as the team d"namics and eventuall" affecting the organi'ation Ste# T)ree% 7onsult Sta*e)olers Emplo"ees were informed and consulted as part of the T.$ process The emplo"ees were explained the importance of the rationale for the need anal"sis The emplo"ees agreed to provide the relevant information as re-uired Ste# 4our% Data 7ollection 8 Person !nal"sis The data was collected from the emplo"ees through a -uestionnaire The surve" -uestionnaire was circulated to 11 EPGDHRM students Refer the -uestionnaire %elow; The o%*ective of this -uestionnaire is to understand stress 2if an"3 related to work and work place 1 Do "ou feel stressed at workplace4 a 5es % .o c Don+t 6now / How often do "ou feel stressed at work place4 a $lwa"s % !ometimes c .ever 7 )hich da" of the week is usuall" stressful4 a Monda" % Tuesda" c )ednesda" d Thursda"s e 8rida" f !aturda" g !unda" 9 )hich month of the "ear is usuall" stressful4 a :anuar" % 8e%ruar" c March d $pril e Ma" f :une g :ul" h $ugust i !eptem%er * ;cto%er c .ovem%er d Decem%er < The stress that 0 experience is due to= a .ature of work % >ack of skills c ?oss d !u%ordinates e @olleagues f 8amil" issues g Health issues h Don+t know A !tress at workplace has resulted in= a 0ncreased Performance % Decreased Performance c >oss of $ppetite d H"pertension e ?od" ache f Hair fall g >ack of concentration for prolonged hours h $ddiction 2!moking# Drinking# To%acco# @offee# Tea3 i @ompulsive eating 7 * 0nsomnia k 0ncreased use of !ocial sites,@hat applications B 0 manage stress= a Through prescri%ed medicines % Through 5oga c 0gnore the pro%lem and "ou ignore the stress d $ccept the pro%lem and "ou manage the stress !urve" Respondent .ame( Gender( $ge( 1 )ould "ou like to undergo stress management session4 a 5es % .o Person !nal"sis9Data Summar"% ?ased on the data collected# the information was anal"'ed ;ut of 11 emplo"ees who responded to the stress management -uestionnaire# < emplo"ees are identified as trainees for the stress management session %ased on their response Refer the pie charts for the data summar"( Do "ou feel stressed at workplace4 1CCD 5es .o Don+t know 9 How often do "ou feel stressed at work place4 1BD E7D $lwa"s !ometimes < )hich month of the "ear is usuall" stressful4 1BD ED ED ED ED ED 97D :anuar" 8e%ruar" March $pril Ma" :une :ul" $ugust !eptem%er ;cto%er .ovem%er Decem%er The stress that 0 experience is due to= 11D 11D 11D //D 9<D .ature of work lack of skills ?oss !u%ordinates @olleagues 8amil" issue Health issue A !tress at workplace has resulted in= /CD 1CD 1CD 1CD 1CD /CD 1CD 1CD 0ncreased Performance Decreased Performance >oss of $petite H"pertension ?od"ache Hairfall >ack of concentration for prolonged hours $ddiction 2!moking# Drinking# To%acco# @offee# Tea3 @ompulsive eating 0nsomnia 0ncreased use of !ocial sites, @hat applications 0 manage stress B1D /FD Through medical help Through 5oga 0gnore the pro%lem and "ou 0gnore the stress $ccept the pro%lem and "ou manage the stress B Partici#ants 9 !uience% The audience is identified from EPGDHRM course itself Executives feel different t"pe of stress in their work and famil" life ?" -uestioner surve" method < Participants have %een identified for the training 0nstructor( 0n House Trainers >ocation( Training Room Training 6(:ecti'es% ;n completion of the !tress management training program# the participant will %e e-uipped to 1 Determine if the" are undergoing stress / 0dentif"# $nal"se their stress t"pe 7 Distinguish the stress s"mptoms and the factors causing it 9 Detect the conse-uences of stress < Gisualise the situations that could create,induce stress A 0nternalise the learning to design a suita%le plan to avoid,manage stress B Practice the learning+s to eliminate stress &earning 6(:ecti'es% This training program will identif" the stress experienced %" participant and guide the participants for stress management techni-ues This will help in improving efficienc" at workplace and %alancing work life @lassroom Re-uirement( @lassroom have am%ient environment with half circular !eating arrangement Training Material( ;verhead pro*ector# >aptop# Decorative material# 8lower and chocolates Trainee Hand&outs( @ourse ;%*ectives and ;utlines @ourse Material Program Sc)eule% Sr No Time allocation To#ic 1 < min ;verview# o%*ective and Different t"pe of stress / < min @auses of stress 7 < min !"mptoms and signs of stress 9 < min Huestioner anal"sis as per each stake holder < < min !tress related Health Pro%lem and Techni-ues of stress management A 7< min $ctivities E 7ourse 6utline% 1 ;verview# o%*ective and Different t"pe of stress & Define# identif" and anal"'e the stress t"pe Discuss the s"mptoms and etiolog" of stress @onse-uences of stress at ph"sical and mental level @reating a strateg" to *udge# anal"'e and manage stress Practice the learningIs to eliminate the stress )hat is stress4 / @auses of stress & ?od"# Mind Emotions and ?ehaviour !tress at workplace 7 !"mptoms and signs of stress J Ph"sical signs of stress Mental signs of stress Ps"chological signs of stress 9 Huestioner anal"sis as per each stake holder J How do "ou feel stressed at workplace4 How often do "ou feel stressed at work place4 )hich da" of the week is usuall" stressful4 )hich month of the "ear is usuall" stressful4 The stress that 0 experience is due to which factor4 !tress at workplace has resulted in to 0 manage stress %" which means < !tress related Health Pro%lem and Techni-ues of stress management J !tress related health pro%lem How can 0 manage stress Techni-ues of stress management F TR!INING DESIGN ;SING G!GNE 0RIGGS M6DE& Ste#s Instructional Met)o Met)o Details of Training Met)o 3)" c)osen t)e Met)o 1 Gain $ttention 0ce & ?reaker 0ntroduction of team mem%ers & name & )ork experience & Education & Ho%%ies To know each other well 8ormal 0ntroduction of an individual / 0nform the participant goal of conducting training Ger%al 0nformation Explain to the participant what the" will learn %" the end of the session Eas" for the participant to comprehend 7 !timulating ?rainstorming $sk participant to share their experiences a%out stressful situations How participant reacted to different situations 9 Present stimulus material Training Material Training Material contains the screen shots of the topics to %e covered )ill enhance recall as it covers the entire topic with screen shots < Provide learning guidance ;pen discussion ;pen discussion on the stressful situations To react with participants A Elicit Performance $ctivities Game and role pla" To know a%out the participant a%ilit" to appl" the stress management techni-ues B Provide 8eed%ack Ger%al The trainer provides feed%ack to each one %ased anal"sis Participants know what the" are experiencing E $ssess performance $ction Each participant act on the stress management techni-ue To test and assess the participant on their learning F Enhance Retention and transfer ;n the *o% roles Kse of stress management techni-ues at work place To evaluate if the participant have taken the learning and are appl"ing at workplace 1C