Color Object Detection

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Fast, Robust Techniques for Colored Object

Detection in Variable Lighting Conditions

Brett Browning and Dinesh Govindaraju
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA,

Abstract In this paper, we present two new algorithms,

Histogram Threshold Vector Projection (HTVP) and Histogram
Threshold Ellipsoid Distance (HTED), for fast color-based
detection of objects under variable illumination. We have
developed these algorithms for the purposes of robot perception
in an adversarial multi-robot task, where the competing needs of
fast processing and robustness must be balanced. The adversarial
environment combined with the high speeds of the robots places
constraints on the computational resources any algorithms can
use. We examined the performance of these algorithms in a
number of realistic settings and compared their performance
against the benchmark of CMVision [3], a publicly available fast
color segmentation library widely used in the task of robot
soccer. Our results demonstrate comparable computational
performance to CMVision, with the added robustness to
changing illumination.
Keywords--Robot vision, color object recognition, multi-robots,
adversarial robots.

In this paper we present two new techniques for the
problem of colored object detection by autonomous robots
operating in dynamic, adversarial environments under variable
lighting conditions. Concretely, we examine the problem of
colored object detection in an outdoor environment by an
autonomous robot using a monocular color camera. We
investigate this problem using the new Segway RMP platform
for operating in the task of Segway Soccer, where teams of
Segway riding humans and robots compete in a soccer-like
game outdoors. Hence, the environment is adversarial, and
highly dynamic, the combination of which presents many
interesting and unique challenges to perception.
The combination of variable lighting conditions, dynamic
environments, and autonomous robots makes object
segmentation and recognition challenging due to the competing
needs for fast, computationally tractable algorithms that are at
the same time able to adapt or overcome changes in lighting.
Here, fast means that the algorithm runs as close as possible to
the camera's full frame rate of 30Hz, while still leaving
processing resources available for robot autonomy algorithms.
Such speed requirements are necessary when the domain is
adversarial, and robots are able to achieve speeds of 3.5m/s
(8mph) and operate in close proximity to one another.
This research was sponsored by the United States Army under Grant No.
DABT63-99-1-0013. The content of the information in this publication does
not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the US Army or the US Government,
and no official endorsement should be inferred.

There have been numerous investigations into vision based

scene segmentation, object recognition, and/or tracking that
provide a wealth of potentially useful techniques for this
problem (e.g. [1, 5, 9,10]). However, the competing needs for
fast vision and robust adaptation to lighting changes presents
unique challenges that, to our knowledge, have not yet been
addressed within the literature. On one hand, the stringent need
for fast algorithms precludes many approaches that have been
developed within the computer vision community that might
otherwise be effective. Likewise, the need to handle variable
lighting conditions precludes direct use of the fast color
segmentation techniques that have been developed. Of the
latter, the algorithms that have grown out of the RoboCup
research including predominantly colored region based
approaches (e.g.[2,3,6,7]) but also including edge based
approaches [8], and arc fitting techniques [4]. These algorithms
are well suited to adversarial tasks due to their impressively
fast processing speeds. The common use of fixed color
threshold maps means that these algorithms are not well suited
to variable lighting conditions, however. We attempt to extend
beyond these limitations whilst retaining the computational
efficiency needed for an adversarial robot.

Figure 1. Segway RMP

In the following section we concretely describe the problem

domain and the needs for the task. In section III, we describe
the two new techniques we have developed to address this
problem. Additionally, we provide a brief description of the
CMVision algorithm used as a benchmark for the experimental
results described in section IV. We then conclude with a
discussion on the relative merits of the three approaches.

The camera also views objects on the playing field in real

time and so it is imperative that vision processing is optimized
to run in a dynamically changing environment. Higher-level
algorithms that rely on vision processing to generate strategies
and tactics also demand that raw vision data is interpreted
quickly so that they can issue effective commands to the robot.
With this limitation in mind, any highly accurate but
computationally intensive algorithms and operations prove to
be unfeasible when implementing the vision system.



We now describe the three approaches compared in this

paper for the vision problem outlined above. We begin with the
fixed-threshold CMVision [2,3] based approach, followed by
the new techniques proposed here; Histogram Threshold
Vector Projection (HTVP), and finally the Histogram
Threshold Ellipsoid Distance (HTED). We finish this section
by presenting the high-level filters used to identify the ball
object from labeled blobs. We use this technique for all three
algorithms compared in this paper.
A. CMVision with Fixed Color Thresholds
Bruce et al. developed CMVision [2,3] for the task of
performing fast color blob tracking for multi-robot teams in
adversarial environments. Since its inception, it has gained
widespread use and has been used as a benchmark for
comparing new techniques (e.g. [6]). It is freely available at Much of CMVisions
capability resides in its very efficient, cross platform
implementation. In terms of operation, the algorithm first
segments an image using a pre-fixed color threshold map and
then collates connected regions through an efficient connected
component analysis. Users then build high-level object
detection algorithms using the resulting labeled blobs.
More formally, the algorithm takes an image consisting of
N pixels drawn from a color space C. Here we consider only
YUV pixels, such that each pixel pj is a vector (yj, uj, vj,)T. In
other words, C={(y, u, v) | y, u, v [0,1]}. During the initial
segmentation process, CMVision maps each pixel in the image
to a symbolic label drawn from the pre-defined set of symbolic
labels L={l1,, lM}. The threshold map, T:CS, is
implemented as a look up table for speed purposes. Thus, we
derive a set of symbolic pixel labels as:
s j = T ( p j ), s j L, p j C , j = 1

Figure 2. View from Camera Mounted on Segway RMP in the afternoon

sunlight during the early autumn. A size 4 orange soccer ball and a human
ruding a segway are visible in the image.

Dynamic and uncontrollable field lighting conditions are a

natural consequence of operating the robots outdoors and this
causes certain factors to be taken into account when designing
the vision processing system. Initial calibration to determine
color threshold values cannot simply be adopted from previous
such systems without some amount of adaptation as the amount
of light on the field of play is not adjustable and may not be
consistent among different games resulting in the need for
robust calibration to be implemented on a per game basis.
Color threshold values may also not be consistent throughout a
particular game as lighting conditions constantly change such
as when the ball rolls into shadowy areas. Due to this, some
manner of dynamic calibration, utilizing constantly changing
threshold values, might also be beneficial to the
implementation of an efficient algorithm.


The problem involves autonomously running a team of
Segway RMPs in a game of outdoor soccer. The RMPs have on
board laptop computers to handle all vision and motion
processing and obtain raw vision data from a Philips 690 USB
webcam. The camera is a monocular color camera with a frame
rate of 30Hz, a field of view of 110 degrees and will be used in
the detection of various types of objects during the game,
namely the ball, other robots and field markers. The camera is
mounted at the front of the robot, roughly half a meter off the
ground and is tilted at an angle of approximately 50 degrees
above the vertical. Due to the mobile nature of the robot, a
bulkier but more accurate camera which might have been
suitable for static mounting (such as above the field if the game
was played indoors), is not practical in this situation and as a
result, variances in observed color values of the USB camera
may be higher resulting in more challenging vision processing.


Upon labeling each pixel, blobs are formed in a two-step

process. First, contiguous horizontal runs are compressed via
Run-Length-Encoding. Vertically contiguous runs are then
connected to form regions, or blobs. Once a list of regions, or
blobs, is extracted high-level filtering techniques can be used to
detect the desired object. We describe these techniques further
in Section D.
To calibrate CMVision one must generate the threshold
map T(.). [2] developed GUI tools to generate T(.) by hand,
while [3] use a supervised learning technique to generate T(.)
from hand labeled images. In either case, operator expertise is
required and there are no algorithms for adapting T(.) as the
lighting conditions change. For outdoor environments
adaptation is critical due to the high variability in lighting
conditions. We now describe the second technique, which
incorporates adaptation into the initial segmentation process.
B. Vector Projection with Histogram Based Threshold
Our second technique builds from the work of CMVision,
but incorporates adaptation as a key part of the segmentation
process. The key to the approach is to first transform the raw




a+ b + c

Here Sj is the resulting intensity for pixel j, and (a, b, c)T is

the prototype vector used for projection. The projection is
partially normalized and in practice bounded to the limits of [0,
255]. With good choices for the projection vector, the resulting
intensity image will be bright for pixels on the object and dark
for non-object pixels. If so, one needs to choose a suitable
threshold to determine if for pixel j, Sj is sufficiently bright to
be an object pixel or not.
The color space mapping takes no account of variations in
luminance. If the sun should go behind a cloud the choice of ,
which may otherwise have been a good value, will suddenly
become a poor value. Our approach to addressing this problem
is to use a histogram-based technique to determine an adaptive
threshold. Histogram-based approaches have long been used to
determine dynamic thresholds for gray scale images. Our initial
color space mapping is chosen to ensure that the object in
question becomes the brightest part of the local image. Thus,
the problem resolves to determining the threshold for segment
the brightest peak in the image. In other words, detecting the
peak in the histogram and selecting the threshold from this.
Figure 3 shows an example processed image and the resulting

Pixel Frequency

Snapshot of Histogram






Histogram Index

Figure 3. A sample image and the resulting peak detected from the
histogram of the vector projection image.

We developed a fast, constraint based algorithm for finding

the peak and determining the desired threshold. The algorithm
works by processing the resulting histogram in two steps; one
to find the peak and one to find the trough. Constraints based
on the expected size of the ball are enforced during each step.
Thus, the algorithm is:

Starting from m = p, find m such that


H ( m) min H (i ), m < p
i =m

Where m and p are intensity values constrained to lie in

[pmin, NH], where NH is the maximum possible intensity value
(255 in practice), and H(x) is the value of the histogram at x. In
practice, the histogram value H(x) is a local average over a
window of size w, thus:
H ( x) =

h( i )
w x w 2 i < x + w 2


where h(.) is the raw histogram function. The peak found

by the algorithm is only accepted if the area under the peak,
Apeak, is within the range [Amin, Amax]. The area is defined as:
Apeak =

j =i


H ( j)

The trough value, m, is chosen as the threshold value for the

image. Each pixel is then labeled using this threshold. The
resulting binary image is passed through CMVision to extract
the blobs from the image. The blobs are then filtered using
the high-level filters described in Section D.
C. Ellipsoid Distance with Histogram Based Threshold
The approach just described works well for a range of
single color classes. The color class must be one for which a
suitable vector can be chosen to produce a histogram with a
recognizable peak consisting of the color class in question. For
multiple, more widely useful colors, a better approach is
desired. Our last approach attempts to address this issue. We
reuse the technique of histogram-based adaptive threshold and
CMVision for blob extraction, but modify the initial color
mapping process to first populate the histogram.
Using each pixels color values as a three-dimensional
color vector, we now generate scalar intensity values by first
defining an ellipsoidal region in the color space that
encapsulates most or all of the color values found in the object
we wish to detect. This can be achieved by taking a sample
screenshot of the object and finding the mean color values of
the pixels in the object, as well as maximum difference for each
color dimension, Dy, Du, Dv, from the mean for that color as:
D = max i

i { N }, = y, u, v


Here the mean has its usual meaning as

=n-1aj for
a=y,u,v. This would result in an ellipsoid characterized by:



b c ) (y j

i= p



H ( p ) > pmin , H ( p ) max H (i )

Sj =

Starting from p = NH find p such that

The first part of the process, mapping the input image to a

single dimensional color space follows standard tracking
techniques (e.g. [11]) with the use of vector projection. Thus,
we have the input pixel pj=(yj, uj, vj)T, which is transformed by:


image from the input color space to an intensity space where

color of the object in question dominates the local
surrounding. A histogram-based technique can then be used to
derive a suitable threshold for segmenting the image. After
segmentation, the same connected component analysis and
high level filtering used for CMVision can be applied to detect
the desired obstacles.






We then find the scalar value Si, of each pixel, by

determining the distance of the pixel from the center of our
ellipsoid while accommodating for the different axial
deviations. These deviations are taken into account due to the
different color variation in each dimension of an object. For
example, the range of values of the Y component are usually
much wider that those of the U and V components. This makes
object detection more accurate. These constants can be
calibrated off-line using hand-labeled sample images to
estimate the values of Dy, Du, Dv, respectively. The resulting
color space mapping is given as:

vi v




ui u

Si =

yi y


Performing this computation for each pixel can be a time

consuming task. However, we can once again vastly improve
the speed of the technique through a pre-calculated lookup
table as per CMVision. The resulting image can then be
processed using the histogram threshold technique described
above, region extraction with CMVision, and high level
filtering. We now describe the high-level filtering techniques
used before proceeding on to the results of the approach.

Figure 4. The left image shows the raw output from the camera in a lab
setting. The right image shows the results after processing. Ball pixels are
shown as orange (shown in gray here), a bounding box is drawn aroun the
resulting region, and its centroid is marked with a +.

A. Performance
Object detection accuracy was measured by running the
three vision algorithms on three image sequences focused on an
orange, size 4, soccer ball. All sequences were recorded from
the Segway RMP platform and run through the different vision
systems separately. The high-level filters were identical for
each approach. The color table for the complete CMVision
approach was created by hand using sample images from each
domain. The histogram parameters for the remaining two
techniques were identical and were found by hand calibration.
The mean and distance estimates for the ellipsoid approach
HDET, were found from sample images in each setting. Figure
5 shows a sample snap-shot from each testing domain. The
three test sequences were:

D. High-level Object Detection

In this framework, high-level filters are used to filter the
regions segmented by whichever color segmentation process is
used. The filters are based upon known geometric constraints
derived from the object to be found. For the ball, we essentially
utilize the same techniques developed by [12]. In particular, we
run a number of parallel confidence estimators that report a
value in the range [0, 1], based on the match quality for that
particular constraint. The product of confidences produces the
overall confidence estimate. For the ball, these estimates are
the expected bounding box size, given the location of the blob
in the image and knowledge of the cameras projective
geometry and a ground plane constraint. A second filter
matches the expected pixel count within the boundary box
given its size, a last filter analyzes the bounding box shape.
To gauge the feasibility and efficiency of the three methods
of object detection in variable lighting conditions, we
performed a number of tests examining the recognition
performance as well as the examining the processor usage of
the algorithm. The latter is critical to the task in question,
where an algorithm that runs too slowly, even if it works
perfectly, is of little value. Figure 4 shows the typical
segmentation result for finding the orange ball in an indoor
environment. The image on the right shows pixels labeled in a
uniform color and the bounding box and + around the found

Indoors, stationary robot, stationary ball


Indoors, stationary robot, moving ball, lights

changed during sequence


Outdoors, moving robot, moving ball

Figure 5. A snap-shot from each image sequence.

The first evaluation consists of constructing a confusion

matrix displaying the correctness of the detection algorithms.
For ground truth, a human operator for each frame of the
sequence recorded the presence or absence of the ball. Thus,
the confusing matrix represents the detection results of each
algorithm when compared to this hand labeled sequence. The
following table shows the resulting confusion matrix for each
technique for the outdoor image sequence.
% Frames in which
Object is Detected
in Image
in Image

% Frames in which
Object is Undetected













% Frames in which
Object is Detected




From these results, we can see that ellipsoid, HDET

technique is clearly superior. We attribute the lack of type II
errors to the histogram-based threshold technique correctly
identifying a useful threshold if the ball is truly visible.
Although we report no explicit results, we note that the type I
errors occur mostly due to shadows, for which none of the
approaches is particularly good at handling.
The second evaluation comprises of gauging how object
detection varies with changing luminance values one of the
major goals of this work. Using the second test sequence, the
ball was placed in front of the stationary robot in an indoor
environment (a cluttered laboratory). We varied the lights by
enabling/disabling some overhead lights independently. All
three detection algorithms were calibrated using the initial
luminance values. Figure 6 shows the results of the ball
identification for each algorithm along with a plot of the
average luminance value of each frame.

Detected Object Positions (Moving)

X Coordinate





Figure 7. Detected X Coordinate using Hand Labeling of Color Thresholds

Detected Object Positions (Moving)

X Coordinate

in Image
in Image

% Frames in which
Object is Undetected

For the outdoor sequence, where both robot and ball were
in motion, we show the reported x image coordinate as a
function of time. Also shown in each graph is the ground truth
as labeled by a human operator.




Ball Detection Under Varying Luminence

Figure 8. Detected X Coordinate using Vector Projection



Luminence Value
Fixed Co lor Threshold

Detected Object Positions (Moving)



Figure 6. Identification performance under variable illumination.

From these results it is clear that employing a dynamic

threshold mechanism improves the detection of the object
when the luminance of the scene varies.
The final set of accuracy evaluations we report here consist
of monitoring the reported position of the ball with respect to
its actual position. Using the same calibration procedure as
above, for the first test image sequence where no motion was
involved, the reported locations for hand labeling had a mean
distance error from the hand chosen location of 6.2 pixels (2
=22.3) for CMVision, 3.8 pixels (2 =4.0) HTVP, and 4.9
pixels (2 =14.6) for HTED. Clearly, each technique is
reasonably accurate at reporting the correct region centroid.

X Coordinate


Detection Flags

Average Y Value





Figure 9. Detected X Coordinate using Ellipsoid Distance

Examination of these graphs, in which the X coordinates

are in pixels reveals that all three object detection methods
perform fairly well in tracking an object in outdoor conditions
but also that the ellipsoid distance algorithm performs slightly
better in this task.
B. Processor Test
We now examine the computational requirements for each
technique. Processor performance comparisons among the
three methods of object detection were carried out by sampling

the register clock during the execution of the object detection

portion of the algorithms and the results of this evaluation can
be seen in Figure 11. These results are for the Pentium IV,
17GHz processor. For gauging each algorithm, three sequences
were used, namely one with a stationary ball and robot, moving
ball and stationary robot, and finally one with a moving ball
and robot. From the results of the evaluation, it can be seen that
processing done by the vector projection and ellipsoid distance
algorithms requires roughly the same amount of time and that
they are slower than the hand labeling algorithm by
approximately six times. This can be attributed to the fact that
for the hand labeling algorithm, marking object pixels is done
using an immediate lookup without the need for calculations on
a per pixel basis as carried out by the vector projection and
ellipsoid distance methods.

appears that the ellipsoid HTED technique provides the best

performance in domains with variable lighting. Moroever,
although additional computation resources are required, the
needs of this technique compare favorably with CMVision
using current processing technology.
The authors would like to thank Manuela Veloso, Paul
Rybski, Jeremy Searock, Michael Sokolsky, and David Rozner
for their support in this project. Additionally, the authors would
like to thank Dr. Douglas Gage and Segway for making this
project possible.

Time / ms

Processing Time Taken by Different Object

Detection Methods
Hand Labeling

Vector Projection

Ellipsoid Distance

Figure 10. Processor Usage Statistics

Clearly, the CMVision based approach has the best

computational usage, but clearly lacks the ability to adapt to
changes in lighting. Of the two adaptive techniques presented,
the ellipsoid technique represents the best combination of
processor usage and adaptability. Moreover, it can be adapted
to a wider range of color classes than the HTVP approach.
Thus, we conclude that it is the algorithm of choice for this
particular task.
In this paper we have presented two new approaches for
robustly, and efficiently, detecting colored objects in variable
lighting conditions such as those expected in Segway Soccer.
We examined the performance of each of these algorithms in
comparison to the performance of CMVision, a popular
technique within the domain of RoboCup robot soccer for fast
color segmentation. Based on the resulting performance, it

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