Real-Time Detection of Colored Objects in Multiple Camera Streams With Off-the-Shelf Hardware Components

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Journal of Real-Time Image Processing manuscript No.

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Christoph H. Lampert Jan Peters

Real-Time Detection of Colored Objects In Multiple Camera Streams With O-the-Shelf Hardware Components
Received: date / Revised: date

Abstract We describe RTblob, a high speed vision system that detects objects in cluttered scenes based on their color and shape at a speed of over 800 frames per second. Because the system is available as open-source software and relies only on o-the-shelf PC hardware components, it can provide the basis for multiple application scenarios. As an illustrative example, we show how RTblob can be used in a robotic table tennis scenario to estimate ball trajectories through 3D space simultaneously from four cameras images at a speed of 200 Hz.

1 Introduction Many computer vision applications, e.g. in robotics or industrial inspection, make use of camera images as visual input. In particular, many interesting applications require a continuous visual input stream that has to be processed under real-time conditions. For example, vehicle driver assistance systems must observe street scenes [1, 2] or the driving person [3] in real-time. Similarly, gesture recognition systems or visual surveillance tools are most useful when they are able to process video material onthe-y, such as [4, 5, 6]. Real-time visual processing is also required for continuous environmental mapping and localization for robots [7] or for wearable computers [8]. Certain robotics applications, such as visual servoing [9], or throwing and catching of balls [10] can even require it to process 100 images per second or more as they have to react to very fast changes in their environments. In this work we study the eld of real-time localization and tracking of objects in natural environments. We introduce a new system called RTblob that is based on four design criteria that we believe need to be fullled for
Christoph H. Lampert Institute of Science and Technology Austria Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria E-mail: Jan Peters Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Spemannstr. 38, 72076 Tbingen, Germany u E-mail:

any vision system that wants to nd wide application in real-time and interactive scenarios. it has to be simple, high performing, adaptable and aordable. Simplicity is relevant, because one often does not trust a system if one does not fully understand it. Such systems are useful in isolated or academic applications, but they are typically dicult to integrate into actual production systems. High performance, both in speed and in quality, is clearly necessary, otherwise one has no benet from using such a system. Adaptivity is important, because every application scenario is dierent, and no black box setup will be able to fulll everybodys needs simultaneously. Finally, it goes without saying that a system that is too expensive in either its software or its hardware components will not nd wide application, either. RTblob is designed to fulll all of the four criteria simultaneously. It consists of a feed-forward processing pipeline for camera images that is illustrated in Figure 1. To achieve high throughput at low cost, the most computationally intensive tasks are executed on the GPU of a PC graphics card. In particular this is the central object detection module that localizes objects in images as the spatial maximum of a linear ltering operation [11]. The lter used can be changed with the same rate as the images are processed. This gives RTblob large exibility what objects to detect: simple shapes such as circles of xed size can be detected by a single ltering operation. For detecting not rotationally invariant objects in general positions a single ltering operation is not sufcient, because the lter response is typically rotation dependent. We can detect such objects by calling the ltering step multiple times with rotated version of the object lter and keeping the detection of maximal score. Objects that undergo signicant size changes can be handled analogously by applying lters of dierent size, but we also discuss a more elegant solution at the end of the paper. In the following, we will concentrate our description on the detection of uniformly colored balls. This is a particularly simple and robust task, since balls appear as circles in the image from every perspective viewpoint, and a uniform coloring allows the use of ecient color ltering

200 fps Camera 200 fps Camera 200 fps Camera 200 fps Camera
DeBayering DeBayering DeBayering DeBayering Vision Workstation Robot Workstation ColorFilter FFT Mult. IFFT argmax refine 3D Position Estimation Planning and Control

Fig. 1 Visual processing pipeline: The PC (central rectangle) receives image data through Ethernet connections (dashed lines) from the cameras. The image processing is performed in large parts on the PCs graphics card (gray rectangle), only the debayering step is performed in parallel threads on the CPU. The resulting object coordinates are passed on to a second PC (right rectangle) for further processing and robot control.

for preprocessing. As we will see from the experiments, RTblob can achieve over 800 frames per second throughput in this setup on ordinary PC hardware, and we use this to detect the ball in multiple camera streams in parallel. By triangulating the detections from overlapping camera view we obtain trajectories in three-dimensional space with high time resolution and low latency. We believe that RTblob has the potential to become the seed for a standard platform for interactive applications as well as a valuable teaching tools for GPU accelerated high-speed vision tasks. To support this, the source code of RTblob is available under a free software license that permits modication as well as redistribution. In the rest of this paper, we describe all relevant components of RTblob. We start by introducing related work, followed by an explanation of the design decisions that are necessary to make RTblob fast enough for performing real-time detection on o-the-shelf hardware. Subsequently, we explain the image processing steps that RTblob uses for object detection. To provide insight how RTblob works in a practical application, we demonstrate its performance on a task of ball tracking in 3D space, as part of a system in which a robot arm plays table tennis. At the end of the paper we give an overview of potential extensions and future work.

sitions of textures objects, as done e.g. in the Organic Motion 2 or Tyzx 3 solutions. Academic vision systems are typically software-based and therefore more aordable. For example, a software system for tracking a marked object has been developed in [12] for the task of robotics tweezer manipulation. The system identies a marker on the tip of the tweezer by thresholding an intensity image. By working in a region of interest only, this is possible at a speed of up to 500 Hz. For detecting more general objects, even generalizing to object categories, sliding-window based object detectors have proved very successful. These rst learn a classier function from training examples, e.g. by boosting [13] or with a support vector machine [14]. They then evaluate this function over many candidate regions in every image, which is possible eciently by adopting a cascaded approach. Thereby, they can detect the positions of objects as rectangular image regions. When even higher throughput of hundreds or thousands of frames per second is required, systems with additional hardware support has been devised, in form of FPGAs [15, 16, 17] or specially designed chips [18]. Such systems can process all pixel in an image in parallel, allowing them to estimate local motion with very high speed. The global object motion can then be inferred by integrating over motion paths. However, because of the high cost of custom hardware they have not found widespread use so far.

1.1 Related Work 2 RTblob Design and Hardware Because of the importance of the application, many commercial as well as academic solutions for localizing and tracking objects in image streams have been developed. Commercially available solution achieve high performance and robustness by the use of dedicated hardware, e.g. active illumination by pulsed LEDs and IR reective markers for the VICON systems1 . Marker-less systems typically rely on embedded hardware, e.g. a digital signal processor, to do full image stereo reconstruction. The resulting depth eld can be used to estimate the 3D po1

As explained in the introduction, we have designed RTblob with the goal of being simple, high performing, and adaptable. This leaves us with two software-based possibilities how we could perform object localization in image sequences: per-frame detection or tracking. In a per-frame detection setup, each image of the sequence is processed independently by applying a still image object detection algorithm. As the result, one obtains robust detection results, but this comes at a cost of relatively high
2 3

computational eort, because all image pixels need to be processed in every time step. Tracking aims at reducing the computational cost by searching for the object only in a region of interest, and this is updated from image to image based on an estimate of the object motion. For RTblob we choose a per-frame detection setup and we overcome the computational bottleneck by making use of the massively parallel architecture of the GPU in a modern PC graphic card. This way, we achieve high throughput while keeping the necessary computational resources to an acceptable level. The integration of a tracking module would still have advantages, e.g. for cameras with programmable region of interest, or to improve the detection quality by making the system adaptable to specic object instances. We leave this to future work. Because we also want to keep RTblob aordable, we avoid intelligent but expensive components such as cameras with built-in computing capacities, and we rely only on o-the-shelf components. Consequently, any modern PC can serve as the hardware basis of RTblob. In our setup we use a Dell Precision T7400 workstation with two 3.4 GHz Intel dual core CPUs. As we will see later, this alone would not be sucient for the necessary image processing tasks. Instead, we benet from the vast increase in compute capacities of PC graphics cards over the last years, and from the development of new programming languages that support general purpose computation on these platforms. Specically, RTblob relies on the CUDA framework for NVIDIA graphics cards [19] under GNU/Linux. The CUDA programming language integrates seamlessly into C/C++, thereby making it possible to write hybrid programs that run partly on the CPU and partly on the GPU. Additionally, NVIDIA provides an extensive SDK4 under a royalty-free open source license that, in particular, allows the creation and distribution of derivative works. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 graphics card, which we use as hardware platform, is available at a street price of less than $300. Most high frame rate digital cameras transfer their image data in uncompressed form, and this makes fast data transfer between cameras and PC a crucial aspect of any high speed vision system. Until recently, only costly frame grabber card, e.g. with the CameraLink interface [20] were able to stream images at high enough frame rates. The recently introduced GigE Vision standard [21] provides a more aordable alternative, allowing for the rst time to transfer several hundred full-sized cameras images (VGA or even larger) per second using only o-the-shelf networking hardware. In our setup, we installed an Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port gigabit Ethernet card ( $350) to which we connect four Prosilica GE640C cameras with Pentax 16mm lenses. We link the cameras with a simple hardware trigger cable that ensures that the camera exposures are synchronized, and we use alternating image buers, such that the next exposure can already be started when the

previous image is still transferred to the PC. At a perunit cost of approximately $1500, the cameras are the most expensive components in our setup. However, cheaper solutions can easily be thought of, e.g. when a throughput of fewer than 200 fps is sucient, or when only images smaller than 640 480 are required. In many such cases, consumer webcams with USB connectors will be sucient. Alternatively, the described setup can also be extended to systems with faster or more cameras, if necessary by using CUDAs capability to distribute computation between multiple graphics card.

3 Object Detection Even for the reduced class of objects that we chose as targets, many dierent detection algorithms have been developed, based, e.g., on binary contours [22], background subtraction [23] or the Hough transform [24]. Following our objective of simplicity and high speed, we use a feedforward architecture based on a linear shift invariant lter (LSI) [11]. This choice results in a pipelined approach (see Figure 1) in which we have divided the computation between CPU and GPU to achieve minimal latency and maximal throughput. Algorithm 1 (Object Detection Pipeline)
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: Transfer Image Data: Camera to Main Memory Apply Debayering Transfer Image Data: Main Memory to GPU Color Filtering Filter Response Maximization: Compute Fourier Transform Multiply with Transformed Filter Compute Inverse Fourier Transform Compute argmax of Response Rene to Sub-Pixel Accuracy Transfer Object Coordinates: GPU to Main Memory Triangulate 3D Object Position from 2D

The individual steps of the algorithm are listed in Algorithm 1. In the following, we will explain their implementation, concentrating on the steps that specic to our real-time system with GPU support, whereas for classical image processing techniques we will rather refer to existing textbook material. 1) Image Transfer from Cameras to CPU Transferring the images of four 640 480 cameras at a frame rate of 200 Hz to the computers main memory requires a network bandwidth of 234 MB/s plus minor communication overhead. By use of DMA-enabled network drivers and jumbo MTU packages, the chosen four port gigabit Ethernet card can sustain this datarate in a PCI Express slot with only low CPU load. home.html

of 703 MB/s, because the amount of image data has been tripled by the conversion from a Bayer pattern to a color image. Modern graphics cards with PCI Express interface can easily sustain this rate, e.g., our local setup achieves a throughput of over 5000 MB/s using so-called pinned memory transfer routines of the CUDA language.
Fig. 2 Debayering: One-sensor color cameras have a builtin grid of color lters such that each pixel captures either red, green, or blue light (left). From the resulting intensity image (middle) one reconstructs a color image (right) by a procedure called debayering.

4) Color Filtering The detection of objects with a characteristic color has the advantage that we can use fast, color-based preprocessing operations. In RTblob we can measure the interestingness of each image pixel by comparing its RGB value with the reference RGB tuple (Rref , Gref , Bref ). The result is a single-channel interest image I[u, v], which in our case is calculated as I[u, v] = 1 (gR R [u, v] Rref )1/ +(gG G [u, v] Gref )1/ +(gB B [u, v] Bref )1/ /3, where R[u, v], G[u, v] and B[u, v]) are the color channels of the image to be processed in oating point representation in the range [0, 1]. (gR , gG , gB ) = (1., 1.15, 1.3) are camera dependent gain factors and = 0.5 is a gammacorrection factor. Color ltering is a step that operates independently on each image pixel. This makes it very easy to parallelize on modern GPUs that can manage hundreds of thousands of threads with virtually no overhead: we simply start one thread for each pixel. Note that, because no quantities have to be precomputed for Equation (1), we have the choice to change the reference color instantaneously, and, e.g., search for a dierently colored object in each of the camera streams. 5) 9) Object Detection The step of actually detecting the most likely target object in an interest image is a two-step procedure: we apply a linear shift invariant lter, and we identify the position of maximal lter response. Figure 3 shows examples of the dierent processing stages for successful and unsuccessful object detections. To formalize this, let F be a w h sized lter mask that is constructed to have a high response at the object center. Examples of such lters will be discussed in Section 4. The task of object detection can then be written as nding the pixel position of maximal lter response in the image, i.e., [, v ] = argmaxu,v Fu,v I u (2) (1)

2) Debayering In order to save manufacturing cost and transfer bandwidth, aordable digital cameras for machine vision typically contain only one CCD or CMOS sensor chip, and can therefore capture only a single-channel intensity signal. To nevertheless obtain color images that have three channels (red, green and blue) from this setup, small color lters are attached to each sensor cell, such that each pixel measures only either the red, green, or blue intensity of incoming light. The results is a single channel image representation with reduced color resolution, called Bayer pattern. The process of extrapolating full RGB images from the Bayer patterned images is called demosaicing or debayering [25], see Figure 2. Bayer patterns come in dierent spatial arrangements and with lters of dierent spectral responses. Therefore, camera manufacturers usually provide debayering routines as part of their camera SDKs. In our case, we rely on the default routines provided by Prosilica. While in principle we could also perform the debayering on the GPU, this would require dierent CUDA routines depending on the Bayer pattern layout of the cameras sensor chip. In addition, the routines provided by the camera manufacturer typically produce higher quality color images, because the spectral response curves of the sensor chips are taken into account. Performing debayering on the CPU is a computationally expensive task, but it can be parallelized, such that the four camera streams in our setup are processed by four independent CPU threads. Note that another positive side eect of CPU-bayed debayering is that the total amount of computation is split between GPU and CPU, which leads to higher overall throughput than for a system where all computation is performed either only on the CPU, or only on the GPU. 3) Image Transfer: CPU to GPU Debayering alone already causes a CPU load of approximately 50% on each of the 3.4 GHz CPU cores of our system. Therefore, we perform the remaining image processing steps on the graphics card. Copying the image data from the PCs main memory to the graphics cards RAM requires a continuous memory transfer bandwidth

where is the 2D convolution operation, and Fu,v denotes the lter mask F shifted to the position [u, v] and

padded with zeros to be of the same size as I. While a naive implementation of the convolution requires four nested loops and has O(W Hwh) runtime complexity, a more ecient way of evaluation is available by use of the convolution theorem [26]: = argmaxu,v F 1 (F(F ) F(I)) [u, v] (3)

where F denotes the Fourier transform and F 1 the inverse Fourier transform. As long as the lter does not change between frames, F(F ) remains constant and can therefore be precomputed. Consequently, we can compute Equation (3) by only one forward and one backwards FFT operation, with a per-pixel multiplication in between, and a nal pass through all pixels to identify the maximum. This results in a computational complexity of O(W H log H + HW log W ), independent of the image contents. Note that the detection equation (2) is not invariant against rotation or scale changes. If such properties are required, one needs to perform multiple searches, typically with rotated or scaled versions of the same lters, and keep the best matching detecting. This is not required in our setup of colored ball, because balls themselves are rotationally invariant objects, and a single linear lter can detect them even under certain changes of scale. It is possible to modify Equation (2) to a template based maximum-likelihood prediction, such as [27]: given a w h sized template T of the expected object appearance and assuming Gaussian image noise, the maximal likelihood position [, v ] of best match of T within I is u given by [, v ] = argminu,v T u,v (I) u

them to change the image resolution basically free of computational overhead. Subsequently, we multiply the resulting Fourier spectrum with the Fourier transformed lter mask (also sized 512 512). As a per-pixel operation this again is possible very eciently by starting as many GPU treads as there are pixels. After the subsequent inverse FFT step, we need to identify the position of maximal lter response in the image. While on a sequential processor, no better solution exists than a linear scan through the data, the highly parallel GPU architecture can solve the task in time that is logarithmic in the number of pixels [29]: starting with the full image, each step runs multiple threads, each of which compares two positions of the output of the previous step and stores the position of larger response value. After log n iterations, the maximal value and its position have been identied. To achieve maximal eciency of such an argmax routine knowledge of the internal GPU hardware architecture is required in order to make optimal use of cache memory and to avoid read/write conicts. Luckily, nding the maximal entry of a matrix is a common enough that adjustable templates in the CUDA language are already available as open source software [30]. For RTblob, we adapted these to perform the argmax search instead of the max. In total, the necessary steps for detecting the object in a 640 480 images takes only little more than 1 ms on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 graphics card. Consequently, we achieve a throughput of over 800 frames per second, see Section 6. 10) Sub-Pixel Renement Computing the object position by a lter or template match results in integer valued object coordinates. We can improve this estimate by rening the solution found to sub-pixel accuracy. Using nite dierences to the neighboring positions, we expand the quality surface of Equation (3) or (4) into a second order Taylor polynomial around [, v ]. A better estimate of the object position u is then given by the coordinates of the extremal point of the resulting quadratic surface, and we can calculate these analytically, see [31]. 11) Transfer Object Coordinates: GPU to CPU In contrast to step 3) where we copied the image data from the CPU to the GPU, the task of transferring the detected 2D object position back to the CPUs main memory is of negligible eort, because it consists of only a few bytes of data. In our table tennis setup, we subsequently send the data via a real-time network link to a dierent workstation that is responsible for robot planning and control. In general, such a split between two PCs is not necessary, but we found that in our setup we had to avoid interrupt conicts between the CUDAenabled graphics driver and the CAN-bus interface for


where u,v (I) denotes the w h sized rectangular region in I around [u, v]. We can decompose this using T u,v (I)

= T

+ u,v (I)

2Tu,v I, (5)

where T denotes the mirrored version of T , i.e. the template in which left and right as well as top and bottom directions are swapped. Because the rst term does not depend on [u, v], we can disregard it for the minimization. The second term can be precomputed with constant time eort per pixel using e.g. integral images [28]. Consequently, the position of best template match can be calculated using a variant of Equation (3) using T as the lter mask. Clearly, computing several hundred Fourier transforms and inverse Fourier transforms of 640 480 images per second is computationally demanding. However, FFTs are also operations that can be parallelized well on the GPU. Because these implementations are most ecient for image sizes that are powers of 2, we perform the FFT on a version of the image that has been rescaled to the size of 512 512. All modern graphics cards contain hardware units for texture rescaling, which enables

[, v ] = (393, 353), val = 1.88 u

[, v ] = (372, 347), val = 2.26 u

[, v ] = (624, 42), val = 0.49 u

[, v ] = (4, 6), val = 0.28 u

Fig. 3 Example steps of the processing pipeline: camera images after debayering (rst row), color ltering (second row) and shift invariant ltering (third row). The last row contains the positions and values of the maximal lter score (Equations (2)), with (0, 0) being the top left corner, which are also visualized as boxes in the rst row. The left two images show a stereo pair where in both images the ball position is identied correctly and with high condence (green squares). In third column, a ball is also present in the image, but it is small and dark in the background (blue square). The argmax prediction results in a false positive detection (red square). The fourth column image does not contain a ball, so prediction with the maximal lter position (red square) also leads to a false positive. Note that the maximal lter value in the incorrect examples is lower than for the correct score. By correctly adjusting a threshold most misdetections will be avoided. (the images were gamma corrected and contrast enhanced for better visibility).

robot control, both of which make use of real-time privileges for hardware access. 12) Triangulation After having the 2D object positions from all cameras available, we can recover the objects position in 3D world coordinates by triangulation. For each camera pair (i, j) we use the cameras projection matrices (Pi , Pj ) to recover the lines of sight passing from the cameras optical centers through the image planes at the detected position ( [ui , vi ], [uj , vj ] ) using the projection equations X X ui uj Y Y Pi = i vi and Pj = j vj . (6) Z Z 1 1 1 1 where i and j are unknown proportionality factors. Ideally, the lines will intersect at the objects location (X, Y, Z) R3 . Because in practice numerical and estimation errors prevent this from happening exactly, we estimate the object position as the point of closest distance between the lines in 3D space, see [32]. This triangulation step is of negligible computational cost, so we

do not require GPU support for it. Consequently, it can be performed on the y either on the vision workstation or the robot workstation. If the object is in the eld of view of more than just one camera pair, we can obtain multiple estimates of (X, Y, Z). To increase the solution stability, we use the position for which the 2D object detectors had higher condence values. Alternatively, one could increase the solution accuracy by averaging over all detected position. We did not follow this approach, as the region where more than two cameras eld of view overlap is small in our setup, and we would like to avoid the risk of introducing outliers by averaging over misdetections.

4 Parameter and Filter Selection By choosing a linear detection model we made sure that the number of free parameters remains small. Apart from hardware dependent quantities, such as the camera projection matrices, camera gain and gamma factor, only two choices need to be made: the reference color (Rref , Gref , Bref ), and the lter mask F . Both have an important inuence on the quality of the detection process.

Fig. 4 Schematic visualization of the camera setup used for robot table tennis: the left camera pair observes the robot and part of the table, the right camera pair observes the rest of the table and the opponent. A central area of overlap allows easier camera calibration.

The reference color can typically be chosen as the dominant color of the object itself, e.g. a bright orange for the ball in the example of Figure 2. However, the tracking stability can sometimes be increased by adjusting the reference color in order to avoid high responses on background objects. Such adjustment are typically easiest to do in an interactive way, because the interest image of Equation (1) can be recomputed and visualized on-they. For setting the lter mask dierent approaches are possible. A classical setup for nding balls in images consists of applying a xed band-pass lter, e.g., a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) or dierence of Gaussian (DoG) lter. Both have been found to be reliable detectors for circular blobs of xed size [33, 34]. Alternatively, matched lters [35] or adaptive correlators [36, 37] can be used, which have the advantage that they can also detect more general patterns. Finally, when labeled training data is available, discriminative machine learning techniques can be used to compute an optimal lter mask [38]. In our setup, we have found a hybrid of manually designed and learned lters to yield good results: we rst learned a lter in an active learning setup [39]. Subsequently we manually constructed a weight vector based on the characteristics that the learned lter has identied. It consists of a central ellipse of positive value, surrounded by a larger elliptic annulus of negative value, such that overall the lter value sum up to zero. The decision to use ellipses instead of circles comes from the analysis of the learned lter weights: The learning system had identied that the object appearance is not fully rotationally symmetric, see Figure 2, possibly due to the non-isotropic illumination in our lab environment.

four cameras as two camera pairs, where each pair observes approximate half of the 3D space that has to be monitored. A small central area of overlap allows the calibration of one camera pair using estimates of object positions obtained from the other pair. Figure 4 illustrates the setup chosen: the four cameras are installed at the corners of a 3.2 m times 5 m rectangle in a height of 2.75 m. Together, they observe a non-rectangular working space that is approximately 2.7m long and 1.4m wide at the height of the table (0.76m), and that reaches a height of 1.3m above the ground at the position of the net. Alternatively, one could make all cameras observe the same working volume, which provides us with more independent measurements of the objects position, potentially increasing the systems overall accuracy. It would also be possible to utilize the higher GPU processing capacity with only a single camera pair, e.g. by ltering an image multiple times to detect objects that are not rotationally invariant, to track multiple objects of dierent color. The latter, for example, allows the implementation of a simple marker-based tracking for applications such as pole balancing that require not only the position but also the orientation of an articulated object.

5.1 Camera Calibration In the camera setup we chose there is only a small amount of overlap between of the eld of views of the camera pairs, because we aim for a large overall volume to be monitored. A disadvantage of this setup is that the robot arm itself is visible only in one of the pairs and a direct, ground truth based calibration of the other cameras is not possible. We overcome this problem by a two-stage calibration procedure: rst, we calibrate the internal and external parameters of those cameras that monitor the robots working space. This is achieved by mounting a calibration object, in our case just a table tennis ball, to the robots end-eector, and moving the robot along prespecied trajectories. With object positions [u, v] as they are detected in the images and the object coordinates (X, Y, Z) provided by the robot, the only unknowns in the projection equations (6) are the camera matrices Pi . Because we cannot be sure that the measurements are error free, we use least-median-of-squares (LMedS) estimation to determine Pi [32]. This technique is slower (it takes seconds to minutes) than a simpler least-square estimate (which takes only milliseconds), but it often superior in terms of the robustness of results achieved, because it allows up to 50% of outliers to be present. For the remaining cameras, which do not have the robot in their eld of view, we perform a similar, but indirect, procedure. We move a calibration object manually through the area of overlap between the eld of view the already calibrated cameras and the so far non-calibrated ones, and we record the detected positions in all camera

5 Camera Setup The computing power of our GPU based object tracker allows for the processing of over 800 2D image per second, which we currently utilize to process four 200 Hz image streams in an interleaved setup. We organize the

8 # of cameras 1 2 3 4 CPU load (user/system) 20% / 21% 31% / 21% 38% / 21% 46% / 22% detection speed 829 1 Hz 419 1 Hz 282 1 Hz 207 2 Hz

images. We do not need ground-truth world coordinates for these trajectories, because we can use the coordinates obtained by triangulation from the calibrated camera pair for world coordinates. Based on these, we solve Equation (6) for the remaining cameras using LMedS. A subsequent parameter renement would be possible using, e.g., bundle-adjustment [40], but in our tests this did not lead to improved overall accuracy. Of course, the RTblob setup is not specic to robot based camera calibration. Any classical self-calibration technique could be applied as alternative to the described setup, as long as it provides the camera matrices Pi as output.

Table 1 Processing speed when a varying number of cameras streams are processed. CPU utilization caused by RTblob itself (user load) grows roughly linearly with the number of camera streams to be processes. CPU utilization due to operating system calls (system load) remains stable.

6 Experiments In the following, we show how RTblob performs in realistic setups. In particular, we can use ground truth data of a robot trajectory to obtain quantitative results on throughput, latency and accuracy in a realistic tracking task.

6.1 Throughput We rst report the performance of the RTblob system in terms of processing speed. For this, we run RTblob on a system with four streaming cameras and we change the number of image streams that RTblob processes. Table 1 summarizes the resulting CPU load and detection frame rates. The main result is that using only o-the-shelf hardware, RTblob can perform close to 830 detection operations per second when processing a single 200 Hz image stream, while causing a CPU utilization of 20% (user load). An additional 21% CPU utilization occurs due to operating system activity (system load). The detection frame rate can be higher than the cameras xed capture speed here, because we do not enforce the GPUs image processing loop to be synchronized with the image capture process. This allows us, e.g., to lter the same camera image multiple times, either to detect multiple objects of dierent colors in the same camera stream, or to search for not rotationally invariant objects using dierently rotated lter masks. Alternatively, we can interleave the image streams from multiple cameras: as the table shows, the additional debayering required makes the CPU utilization increase up to 46% for four cameras stream. As the total GPU throughput remains roughly constant, the per-stream detection speed is linearly lower when processing multiple stream than when processing a single one. Note that during the measurement for Table 1 all four cameras are running, we only change if their image contents is processed or not. Consequently the system load, which mainly consists of network transfer overhead, is constant.

Fig. 5 Illustration of tracking accuracy. Left: detected 3D trajectory (blue) compared to ground truth as measured by the robot (green). Right: histogram of dierences between the curves.

6.2 Accuracy and Latency Another important aspect of a real-time system it its latency, i.e. the delay between the point of time that an event occurs, and the time its eect occurs in the systems output. For RTblob, we can estimate the total latency by attaching a trackable object directly to the robot arms and moving the arm in a trajectory that is an overlay of sinusoids with dierent frequency and phase. The latency can then be read o as the time oset between the trajectories as recorded by the robot, and the trajectories measured by the vision system. In our setup, latency is typically one, sometimes frame units, so not more than 10ms when the cameras run at their maximal speed. With the same experimental setup, we can also measure the tracking accuracy. For this, we calculate the mean distance between the trajectories after having compensated for the time delay. Figure 5 shows an excerpt of the resulting X-, Y - and Z-curves for a tracking run with 60 Hz. It shows that apart from an occasional overestimation of the x-coordinate (which is the depth direction and therefore most susceptible to calibration artifacts), the accuracy is generally below 20 millimeters in each coordinate. This is a very satisfactory result in our situation where the observed scene is located more than 5 meters from the cameras.

7 Extensions and Future Work

As explained in the introduction, it is part of RTblobs design decisions to provide a simple and modular base platform for object detection. Several possible extensions and methods for achieving increased performance and robustness come to mind. In particular, many camera setups support higher frame rates when using regions of interest. In combination with a tracking approach, this could yield even higher framerates support without increased hardware requirements. A problem of the current linear detection step is the dependence of the optimal lter mask to changes of the environmental conditions, in particular global illumination. Computer vision research has in- References vented a number of technique to overcome this, e.g. gradientbased features and these could also be integrated into 1. U. Handmann, T. Kalinke, C. Tzomakas, M. Werner, RTblob without sacricing too much of its simplicity and and W. Seelen, An image processing system for speed. Alternatively, the detection module could be exdriver assistance, Image and Vision Computing, changed for a Hough-transform based setup, which is vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 367376, 2000. known to be more robust to illumination changes, but 2. J. Miura, T. Kanda, and Y. Shirai, An active virequires more eort to parallelize on the GPU. sion system for real-time trac sign recognition, in A similar drawback of the chosen LSI detection is IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2000, pp. that a single ltering step only detects objects of xed 5257. size. While complete scale independence would not be a 3. D. Tock and I. Craw, Tracking and measuring desirable property, because the observed size is a valudrivers eyes, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 14, able cue to distinguish between the object and backno. 8, pp. 541547, 1996. ground components of the same color, a limited toler4. T. Kirishima, K. Sato, and K. Chihara, Real-time ance to scale changes is necessary in order to deal with gesture recognition by learning and selective conthe eects of perspective. Currently, the lter masks has trol of visual interest points, IEEE Transactions on to be chosen accordingly, which limits the object shapes Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 27, we can search for, or one has to process the image multino. 3, pp. 351364, 2005. ple times with lters that correspond to dierently sized 5. R. H. Liang and M. Ouhyoung, A real-time continobjects. A more elegant solution would be to work in uous gesture recognition system for sign language, a scale space representation, see [33]. Adapting the lin International Conference on Automatic Face and tering stage accordingly should introduce only relatively Gesture Recognition, 1998, pp. 558567. little overhead, because all modern graphics cards have 6. C. Stauer and W. E. L. Grimson, Learning patbuiltin routines to eciently rescale images. Introducing terns of activity using real-time tracking, IEEE rotation invariance in this way is more dicult, but at Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Inleast for subclasses of object, such as elliptic ones, we telligence, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 747757, 2000. consider steerable lters [41] a promising direction and 7. B. Williams, G. Klein, and I. Reid, Real-time we plan to explore this in future work. SLAM relocalisation, in International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007. 8. A. Davison, W. Mayol, and D. Murray, Real-time localisation and mapping with wearable active vision, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Tokyo, 2003. 9. A. Comport, E. Marchand, and F. Chaumette, Statistically robust 2d visual servoing, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 415421, April 2006. 10. U. Frese, B. Buml, S. Haidacher, G. Schreiber, a I. Schaefer, M. Hhnle, and G. Hirzinger, O-thea shelf vision for a robotic ball catcher, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2001. Proceedings, vol. 3, 2001.

more expensive hardware. RTblob is designed with the objective of nding an optimal compromise: on the one hand, it is fast and accurate enough for challenging realistic applications, as we have demonstrated by its use as visual input source for a robot table tennis player. At the same time, because it consists only of free software components and runs on standard PC hardware, it is inexpensive and almost eortless to set up. Consequently, we believe that RTblob has the potential to become the seed for a standard platform for interactive applications as well as a valuable teaching tools for GPU accelerated high-speed vision tasks.

8 Conclusion We have described RTblob, to our knowledge the rst software system for high-speed 3D object detection that requires only o-the-shelf hardware components and is publicly available. RTblob is not the most precise object detection system available. Commercial solutions, e.g. the Vicon MOTUS system achieve higher precision even for articulate objects, but they are also less exible and much more expensive. It is also not the overall fastest solution for object detection: some hardware-based solutions, e.g. [16, 18], achieve higher throughput, even though at a lower resolution and only by using much


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