Principles of Pharmacology
Principles of Pharmacology
Principles of Pharmacology
Introduction to Pharmacology, 2
Pharmacokinetics, 10
Pharmacodynamics, 28
Drug Development and Safety, 36
C H A P T E R 1
Introduction to Pharmacology
Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects on life
processes. It is a fundamental science that sprang to the
forefront of modern medicine with demonstrated success
in treating disease and saving lives. It is also a discipline that
drives the international pharmaceutical industry to billion-
dollar profits. This chapter reviews the history and subdivi-
sions of pharmacology and discusses, in detail, the types of
drugs, formulations, and routes of administration.
History and Role of Pharmacology
Since the beginning of the species, people have treated pain
and disease with substances derived from plants, animals,
and minerals. However, the science of pharmacology is less
than 150 years old, ushered in by the ability to isolate pure
compounds and the establishment of the scientific method.
Historically, the selection and use of drugs were based on
superstition or on experience (empiricism).
In the first or earliest phase of drug usage, noxious plant
and animal preparations were administered to a diseased
patient to rid the body of the evil spirits believed to cause
illness. The Greek word pharmakon , from which the term
pharmacology is derived, originally meant a magic charm for
treating disease. Later, pharmakon came to mean a remedy
or drug.
In the second phase of drug usage, experience enabled
people to understand which substances were actually ben-
eficial in relieving particular disease symptoms. The first
effective drugs were probably simple external preparations,
such as cool mud or a soothing leaf, and the earliest known
prescriptions from 2100 BCE included salves containing
thyme. Over many centuries, people learned the thera-
peutic value of natural products through trial and error.
By 1500 BCE, Egyptian prescriptions called for castor oil,
opium, and other drugs that are still used today. In China,
ancient scrolls from this time listed prescriptions of herbal
medicines for more than 50 diseases. Dioscorides, a Greek
army surgeon who lived in the 1st century, described more
than 600 medicinal plants that he collected and studied as
he traveled with the Roman army. Susruta, a Hindu physi-
cian, described the principles of Ayurvedic medicine in the
5th century. During the Middle Ages, Islamic physicians
(most famously Avicenna) and Christian monks cultivated
and studied the use of herbal medicines.
The third phase of drug usage, the rational or scien-
tific phase, gradually evolved with important advances in
chemistry and physiology that gave rise to the new science
of pharmacology. At the same time, a more rational under-
standing of disease mechanisms provided a scientific basis
for using drugs whose physiologic actions and effects were
The advent of pharmacology was particularly dependent
on the isolation of pure drug compounds from natural
sources and on the development of experimental physiol-
ogy methods to study these compounds. The isolation of
morphine from opium in 1804 was rapidly followed by
the extraction of many other drugs from plant sources,
providing a diverse array of pure drugs for pharmacologic
experimentation. Advances in physiology allowed pioneers,
such as Franois Magendie and Claude Bernard, to conduct
some of the earliest pharmacologic investigations, including
studies that localized the site of action of curare to the neu-
romuscular junction. The first medical school pharmacol-
ogy laboratory was started by Rudolf Bchheim in Estonia.
Bchheim and one of his students, Oswald Schmiedeberg,
trained many other pharmacologists, including John Jacob
Abel, who established the first pharmacology department
at the University of Michigan in 1891 and is considered the
father of American pharmacology.
The goal of pharmacology is to understand the mecha-
nisms by which drugs interact with biological systems to
enable the rational use of effective agents in the diagnosis
and treatment of disease. The success of pharmacology in
this task has led to an explosion of new drug development,
particularly in the past 50 years. Twentieth-century develop-
ments include the isolation and use of insulin for diabetes,
the discovery of antimicrobial and antineoplastic drugs,
and the advent of modern psychopharmacology. Recent
advances in molecular biology, genetics, and drug design
suggest that new drug development and pharmacologic
innovations will provide even greater advances in the treat-
ment of medical disorders in this century.
The history of many significant events in pharmacol-
ogy, as highlighted by selected Nobel Prize recipients, is
presented in Table 1 1 .
3 C H A P T E R 1 I Introduction to Pharmacology
Pharmacology and Its Subdivisions
Pharmacology is the biomedical science concerned with
the interaction of chemical substances with living cells, tis-
sues, and organisms. It is particularly concerned with the
mechanisms by which drugs counteract the manifestations
of disease and affect fertility. Pharmacology is not primar-
ily focused on the methods of synthesis or isolation of
drugs, or with the preparation of pharmaceutical products.
The disciplines that deal with these subjects are described
Pharmacology is divided into two main subdivisions,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics . The rela-
tionship between these subdivisions is shown in Figure
1 1 . Pharmacokinetics is concerned with the processes
that determine the concentration of drugs in body fluids
and tissues over time, including drug absorption, distri-
bution, biotransformation (metabolism) , and excretion .
Pharmacodynamics is the study of the actions of drugs
on target organs. A shorthand way of thinking about it is
that pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to the body,
and pharmacokinetics is what the body does to the drug.
Modern pharmacology is focused on the biochemical and
molecular mechanisms by which drugs produce their physi-
ologic effects and with the dose-response relationship , de-
fined as the relationship between the concentration of a drug
in a tissue and the magnitude of the tissues response to that
drug. Most drugs produce their effects by binding to protein
receptors in target tissues, a process that activates a cascade
of events known as signal transduction . Pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics are discussed in greater detail in
Chapters 2 and 3.
Toxicology is the study of poisons and organ toxicity . It
focuses on the harmful effects of drugs and other chemicals,
and on the mechanisms by which these agents produce
pathologic changes, disease, and death. As with pharmacol-
ogy, toxicology is concerned with the relationship between
the dose of an agent and the resulting tissue concentration
and biologic effects that the agent produces. Most drugs
have toxic effects at high enough doses and may have
adverse effects related to toxicity at therapeutic doses.
Pharmacotherapeutics is the medical science concerned with
the use of drugs in the treatment of disease. Pharmacology
provides a rational basis for pharmacotherapeutics by ex-
plaining the mechanisms and effects of drugs on the body
and the relationship between dose and drug response.
Human studies known as clinical trials are then used to
determine the efficacy and safety of drug therapy in human
subjects. The purpose, design, and evaluation of human
drug studies are discussed in Chapter 4.
Pharmacy and Related Sciences
Pharmacy is the science and profession concerned with
the preparation, storage, dispensing, and proper use of
drug products. Related sciences include pharmacog-
nosy, medicinal chemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Pharmacognosy is the study of drugs isolated from natural
sources, including plants, microbes, animal tissues, and
T A B L E 1 1 . The Nobel Prize and the History of Pharmacology *
Person(s) and Year Awarded Signicant Discovery in Pharmacology
Elie Metchnikoff, Paul Ehrlich (1908) First antimicrobial drugs (magic bullet)
Frederick Banting, John Macleod (1923) Isolation and discovery of insulin and its application in the treatment
of diabetes
Sir Henry Dale, Otto Loewi (1936) Chemical transmission of nerve impulses
Ernst Chain, Sir Alexander Fleming, Sir Howard Florey (1945) Discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious
Edward Kendall, Tadeus Reichstein, Philip S. Hench (1950) Hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects
Daniel Bovet (1957) Antagonists that block biologically active amines, including the rst
Julius Axelrod, Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler (1970) Transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for storage,
release, and inactivation
Earl Sutherland, Jr. (1971) Mechanisms of the action of hormones with regard to inhibition and
stimulation of cyclic AMP
Sune Bergstrm, Bengt Samuelsson, John R. Vane (1982) Discovery of prostaglandins and the mechanism of action of aspirin
which inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Hitchings (1988) Development of the rst beta-blocker, propranolol, and anticancer
agents that block nucleic acid synthesis
Alfred Gilman, Martin Rodbell (1994) Discovery of G proteins and the role of these proteins in signal
transduction in cells
Robert Furchgott, Louis Ignarro, Ferid Murad (1998) Recognition of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the
cardiovascular system
Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric Kandel (2000) Role of dopamine in schizophrenia and signal transduction in the
nervous system leading to long-term potentiation
* Selected from the list of recipients of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine; note that many other discoveries pertinent to pharmacology were
made by other Nobel Prize winners in this eld and in the eld of chemistry and that the original discovery was often made many years before the
Nobel Prize was awarded.
AMP = adenosine monophosphate.
4 S E C T I ON I I Principles of Pharmacology
minerals. Medicinal chemistry is a branch of organic chem-
istry that specializes in the design and chemical synthesis
of drugs. Pharmaceutical chemistry , or pharmaceutics , is
concerned with the formulation and chemical properties of
pharmaceutical products, such as tablets, liquid solutions
and suspensions, and aerosols.
A drug can be defined as a natural product, chemical sub-
stance, or pharmaceutical preparation intended for admin-
istration to a human or animal to diagnose or treat a disease.
The word drug is derived from the French drogue , which
originally meant dried herbs and was applied to herbs in the
marketplace used for cooking rather than for any medicinal
reason. Ironically, the medical use of the drug marijuana,
a dried herb, is hotly debated in many societies today.
Medication, and less frequently, medicament are terms that
are synonymous with the word drug.
Natural Sources of Drugs
Drugs have been obtained from plants, microbes, animal
tissues, and minerals. Among the various types of drugs
derived from plants are alkaloids , which are substances
containing nitrogen groups and give an alkaline reaction in
aqueous solution. Examples of alkaloids include morphine,
cocaine, atropine, and quinine. Antibiotics have been iso-
lated from numerous microorganisms, including Penicillium
and Streptomyces species. Hormones are the most common
type of drug obtained from animals, whereas minerals have
yielded a few useful therapeutic agents, including the lithium
compounds used to treat bipolar mental illness.
Synthetic Drugs
Modern chemistry in the 19th century enabled scientists to
synthesize new compounds and to modify naturally occur-
ring drugs. Aspirin, barbiturates, and local anesthetics (e.g.,
procaine) were among the first drugs to be synthesized in the
laboratory. Semisynthetic derivatives of naturally occurring
compounds have led to new drugs with different properties,
such as the morphine derivative oxycodone .
In some cases, new drug uses were discovered by accident
when drugs were used for another purpose, or by actively
screening a huge number of related molecules for a specific
pharmacologic activity. Medicinal chemists now use mo-
lecular modeling software to discern the structure-activity
relationship, which is the relationship between the drug
molecule, its target receptor, and the resulting pharmaco-
logic activity. In this way, a virtual model for the receptor
of a particular drug is created, and drug molecules that best
fit the three-dimensional conformation of the receptor are
synthesized. This approach has been used, for example, to
design agents that inhibit angiotensin synthesis, treat hyper-
tension, and inhibit the maturation of the human immuno-
deficiency virus in AIDS patients.
Drug Preparations
Drug preparations include crude drug preparations ob-
tained from natural sources, pure drug compounds isolated
from natural sources or synthesized in the laboratory, and
pharmaceutical preparations of drugs intended for admin-
istration to patients. The relationship between these types of
drug preparations is illustrated in Figure 1 2 .
Crude Drug Preparations
Some crude drug preparations are made by drying or pulver-
izing a plant or animal tissue. Others are made by extracting
substances from a natural product with the aid of hot water
or a solvent such as alcohol. Familiar examples of crude
drug preparations are coffee and tea, made from distillates of
the beans and leaves of Coffea arabica and Camellia sinensis
plants, and opium, which is the dried juice of the unripe
poppy capsule of the plant, Papaver somniferum .
Pure Drug Compounds
It is difficult to identify and quantify the pharmacologic
effects of crude drug preparations because these products
contain multiple ingredients, the amounts of which may
vary from batch to batch. Hence, the development of meth-
ods to isolate pure drug compounds from natural sources
was an important step in the growth of pharmacology
and rational therapeutics. Frederick Sertrner, a German
apothecary, isolated the first pure drug from a natural source
Biotransformation (Metabolism)
Receptor binding
Signal transduction
Physiological effect
Dose of drug
Drug concentration
in target organ
over time
Mechanism and
magnitude of
drug effect
Fi gur e 1 1. Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
5 C H A P T E R 1 I Introduction to Pharmacology
when he extracted a potent analgesic agent from opium in
1804 and named it morphine , from Morpheus, the Greek god
of dreams. The subsequent isolation of many other drugs from
natural sources provided pharmacologists with a number of
pure compounds for study and characterization. One of the
greatest medical achievements of the early 20th century was
the isolation of insulin from the pancreas. This achievement
by Frederick Banting and Charles Best led to the development
of insulin preparations for treating diabetes mellitus .
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Pharmaceutical preparations or dosage forms are drug
products suitable for administration of a specific dose of
a drug to a patient by a particular route of administration.
Most of these preparations are made from pure drug com-
pounds, but a few are made from crude drug preparations
and sold as herbal remedies.
TABLETS AND CAPSULES. Tablets and capsules are the most com-
mon preparations for oral administration because they are
suitable for mass production, are stable and convenient to
use, and can be formulated to release the drug immediately
after ingestion or to release it over a period of hours.
In the manufacture of tablets, a machine with a punch
and die mechanism compresses a mixture of powdered drug
and inert ingredients into a hard pill. The inert ingredients
include specific components that provide bulk, prevent
sticking to the punch and die during manufacture, maintain
tablet stability in the bottle, and facilitate solubilization
of the tablet when it reaches gastrointestinal fluids. These
ingredients are called fillers, lubricants, adhesives , and dis-
integrants , respectively.
A tablet must disintegrate after it is ingested, and then
the drug must dissolve in gastrointestinal fluids before it can
be absorbed into the circulation. Variations in the rate and
extent of tablet disintegration and drug dissolution can give
rise to differences in the oral bioavailability of drugs from
different tablet formulations (see Chapter 4).
Tablets may have various types of coatings. Enteric
coatings consist of polymers that will not disintegrate in
gastric acid but will break down in the more basic pH of the
intestines. Enteric coatings are used to protect drugs that
would otherwise be destroyed by gastric acid and are also to
slow the release and absorption of a drug when a large dose
is given at one time, for example, in the formulation of the
antidepressant, fluoxetine, called PROZAC WEEKLY .
Sustained-release products , or extended-release prod-
ucts , release the drug from the preparation over many
hours. The two methods used to extend the release of the
drug are controlled diffusion and controlled dissolution.
With controlled diffusion, release of the drug from the phar-
maceutical product is regulated by a rate-controlling mem-
brane. Controlled dissolution is done by inert polymers that
gradually break down in body fluids. These polymers may
be part of the tablet matrix, or they may be used as coatings
over small pellets of drug enclosed in a capsule. In either
case, the drug is gradually released into the gastrointestinal
tract as the polymers dissolve.
Some products use osmotic pressure to provide a sus-
tained release of a drug. These products contain an osmotic
agent that attracts gastrointestinal fluid at a constant rate.
The attracted fluid then forces the drug out of the tablet
through a small laser-drilled hole ( Fig. 1 3A ).
Capsules are hard or soft gelatin shells enclosing a pow-
dered or liquid medication. Hard capsules are used to
enclose powdered drugs, whereas soft capsules enclose a
drug in solution. The gelatin shell quickly dissolves in gas-
trointestinal fluids to release the drug for absorption into
the circulation.
SOLUTIONS AND SUSPENSIONS. Drug solutions and particle sus-
pensions, the most common liquid pharmaceutical prepa-
rations, can be formulated for oral, parenteral, or other
routes of administration. Solutions and suspensions provide
a convenient method for administering drugs to pediatric
and other patients who cannot easily swallow pills or tablets.
They are less convenient than solid dosage forms, however,
because the liquid must be measured each time a dose is
Solutions and suspensions for oral administration
are often sweetened and flavored to increase palatability.
Sweetened aqueous solutions are called syrups , whereas
sweetened aqueous alcoholic solutions are known as elixirs.
Alcohol is included in elixirs as a solvent for drugs that are
not sufficiently soluble in water alone.
Sterile solutions and suspensions are available for par-
enteral administration with a needle and syringe, or with an
intravenous infusion pump. Many drugs are formulated as
sterile powders for reconstitution with sterile liquids at the
time the drug is to be injected, because the drug is not stable
for long periods of time in solution. Sterile ophthalmic solu-
tions and suspensions are suitable for administration with
an eyedropper into the conjunctival sac.
Description Example
Opium poppy
Crude drug
Opium (dried
juice of the poppy
seed capsule)
Morphine sulfate tablets,
oral solution, and
solution for injection
Pure drug
Morphine (extract
of pure drug)
Fi gur e 1 2. Types of drug preparations. A crude drug prepara-
tion retains most or all of the active and inactive compounds contained
in the natural source from which it was derived. After a pure drug
compound (e.g., morphine) is extracted from a crude drug prepara-
tion (in this case, opium), it is possible to manufacture pharmaceutic
preparations that are suitable for administration of a particular dose
to the patient.
6 S E C T I ON I I Principles of Pharmacology
SKIN PATCHES. Transdermal skin patches are drug prepara-
tions in which the drug is slowly released from the patch for
absorption through the skin into the circulation. Most skin
patches use a rate-controlling membrane to regulate the
diffusion of the drug from the patch (Fig. 1 3 B). Such de-
vices are most suitable for potent drugs, which are therefore
effective at relatively low dosages, and have sufficient lipid
solubility to enable skin penetration.
AEROSOLS. Aerosols are a type of drug preparation administered
by inhalation through the nose or mouth. They are par-
ticularly useful for treating respiratory disorders because they
deliver the drug directly to the site of action and may thereby
minimize the risk of systemic side effects. Some aerosol devices
contain the drug dispersed in a pressurized gas and are de-
signed to deliver a precise dosage each time they are activated
by the patient. Nasal sprays , another type of aerosol prepara-
tion, can be used either to deliver drugs that have a localized
effect on the nasal mucosa or to deliver drugs that are absorbed
through the mucosa and exert an effect on another organ. For
example, butorphanol , an opioid analgesic, is available as a
nasal spray ( STADOL NS ) for the treatment of pain.
creams are semisolid preparations intended for topical ap-
plication of a drug to the skin or mucous membranes. These
products contain an active drug that is incorporated into a
vehicle (e.g., polyethylene glycol or petrolatum), which en-
ables the drug to adhere to the tissue for a sufficient length
of time to exert its effect. Lotions are liquid preparations
often formulated as oil-in-water emulsions and are used to
treat dermatologic conditions. Suppositories are products in
which the drug is incorporated into a solid base that melts
or dissolves at body temperature. Suppositories are used for
rectal , vaginal , or urethral administration and may provide
either localized or systemic drug therapy.
Some routes of drug administration, such as the enteral
and common parenteral routes compared in Table 1 2 , are
intended to elicit systemic effects and are therefore called
systemic routes . Other routes of administration, such as the
inhalational route, can elicit either localized effects or sys-
temic effects, depending on the drug being administered.
Enteral Administration
The enteral routes of administration are those in which
the drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. These
include sublingual , buccal , oral , and rectal routes.
In sublingual administration , a drug product is placed
under the tongue. In buccal administration , the drug is
placed between the cheek and the gum. Both sublingual and
buccal administrations enable the rapid absorption of cer-
tain drugs and are not affected by first-pass drug metabolism
in the liver. Drugs for sublingual and buccal administration
are given in a relatively low dosage and must have good solu-
bility in water and lipid membranes. Larger doses might be
irritating to the tissue and would likely be washed away by
saliva before the drug would be absorbed. Two examples of
drugs available for sublingual administration are nitroglyc-
erin for treating ischemic heart disease and hyoscyamine for
treating bowel cramps. Fentanyl , a potent opioid analgesic,
is available in an oral transmucosal formulation ( ACTIQ ) like
a lollypop for rapid absorption from the buccal mucosa in
the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain.
In medical orders and prescriptions, oral administration
is designated as per os (PO), which means to administer
by mouth. The medication is swallowed, and the drug is
absorbed from the stomach and small intestines. Because
the oral route of administration is convenient and relatively
safe and economical, it is the most commonly used route .
It does have some disadvantages, however. Absorption of
orally administered drugs can vary widely because of the
interaction of drugs with food and gastric acid and the vary-
ing rates of gastric emptying, intestinal transit, and tablet
disintegration and dissolution. Moreover, some drugs are
inactivated by the liver following their absorption from the
gut, called first-pass metabolism , and oral administration is
not suitable for use by patients who are sedated, comatose,
or suffering from nausea and vomiting.
Sustained-release tablet
Transdermal skin patch
Osmotic agent
Figure 1 3. Mechanisms of sustained-release drug products.
In the sustained-release tablet (A), water is attracted by an osmotic
agent in the tablet, and this forces the drug out through a small ori-
ce. In the transdermal skin patch (B), the drug diffuses through a
rate-controlling membrane and is absorbed through the skin into the
7 C H A P T E R 1 I Introduction to Pharmacology
Rectal administration of drugs in suppository form
can result in either a localized effect or a systemic effect.
Suppositories are useful when patients cannot take medi-
cations by mouth, such as in the treatment of nausea and
vomiting. They can also be administered for localized condi-
tions such as hemorrhoids. Drugs absorbed from the lower
rectum undergo relatively little first-pass metabolism in the
Parenteral Administration
Parenteral administration refers to drug administration with
a needle and syringe, or with an intravenous infusion pump.
The most commonly used parenteral routes are the intrave-
nous , intramuscular , and subcutaneous routes.
Intravenous administration bypasses the process of drug
absorption and provides the greatest reliability and control
over the dose of drug reaching the general circulation. It is
often preferred for administration of drugs with short half-
lives and drugs whose dosage must be carefully titrated to the
physiologic response, such as agents used to treat hypoten-
sion, shock, and acute heart failure. The intravenous route
is widely used to administer antibiotics and anti-neoplastic
drugs to critically ill patients, as well as to treat various types
of medical emergencies. The intravenous route is potentially
the most dangerous , because rapid administration of drugs
by this route can cause serious toxicity.
Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration is
suitable for treatment with drug solutions and particle sus-
pensions. Solutions are absorbed more rapidly than particle
suspensions, so suspensions are often used to extend the
duration of action of a drug over many hours or days. Most
drugs are absorbed more rapidly after intramuscular than
after subcutaneous administration because of the greater
circulation of blood to the muscle.
Intrathecal administration refers to injection of a drug
through the thecal covering of the spinal cord and into the
subarachnoid space. In cases of meningitis, the intrathecal
route is useful in administering antibiotics that do not cross
the blood-brain barrier. Epidural administration , common
in labor and delivery, targets analgesics into the space above
the dura membranes of the spinal cord.
Other less common parenteral routes include intraar-
ticular administration of drugs used to treat arthritis, in-
tradermal for allergy tests, and insufflation ( intranasal ) for
sinus medications.
Transdermal Administration
Transdermal administration is the application of drugs to
the skin for absorption into the circulation. Application
can be via a skin patch or, less commonly, via an oint-
ment. Transdermal administration, which bypasses first-
pass metabolism, is a reliable route of administration for
drugs that are effective when given in a relatively low dosage
and that are highly soluble in lipid membranes. Transdermal
skin patches slowly release medication for periods of time
that typically range from one to seven days. Two examples
of transdermal preparations are the skin patches called fen-
tanyl transdermal ( DURAGESIC ) used to treat severe chronic
pain, and nitroglycerin ointment that is used to treat heart
failure and angina pectoris.
Inhalational Administration
Inhalational administration can be used to produce either a
localized or a systemic drug effect. A localized effect on the
respiratory tract is obtained with drugs used to treat asthma
or rhinitis , whereas a systemic effect is observed when a
general anesthetic, such as halothane , is inhaled.
Topical Administration
Topical administration refers to the application of drugs to
the surface of the body to produce a localized effect. It is
often used to treat disease and trauma of the skin, eyes, nose,
mouth, throat, rectum, and vagina.
A drug often has several names, including a chemical name,
a nonproprietary ( generic ) name, and a proprietary name
(or trade or brand name).
The chemical name , which specifies the chemical struc-
ture of the drug, uses standard chemical nomenclature.
Some chemical names are short and easily pronounceable,
for example the chemical name of aspirin is acetylsalicylic
acid. Others are long and hard to pronounce due to the size
and complexity of the drug molecule. For most drugs, the
chemical name is used primarily by medicinal chemists .
The nonproprietary name , or generic name , is the
type of drug name most suitable for use by health care
[AQ1] [AQ1]
T A B L E 1 2 . Advantages and Disadvantages of Four Common Routes of Drug Administration
Route Advantages Disadvantages
Oral Convenient, relatively safe, and economical. Cannot be used for drugs that are inactivated by
gastric acid, for drugs with a large rst-pass effect,
or for drugs that irritate the gut.
Intramuscular Suitable for suspensions and oily vehicles. Absorption is rapid
from solutions and is slow and sustained from suspensions.
May be painful. Can cause bleeding if the patient is
receiving an anticoagulant.
Subcutaneous Suitable for suspensions and pellets. Absorption is similar to
the intramuscular route but is usually somewhat slower.
Cannot be used for drugs that irritate cutaneous tissues
or for drugs that must be given in large volumes.
Intravenous Bypasses absorption to give an immediate effect. Allows for
rapid titration of dosage. Has 100% bioavailability.
Poses more risks for toxicity and tends to be more
expensive than other routes.
8 S E C T I ON I I Principles of Pharmacology
professionals. In the United States, the preferred nonpropri-
etary names are the United States Adopted Names (USAN)
designations. These designations, which are often derived
from the chemical names of drugs, provide some indication
of the class to which a particular drug belongs. For example,
oxacillin can be easily recognized as a type of penicillin. The
designations are selected by the USAN Council, which is
a nomenclature committee representing the medical and
pharmacy professions and the United States Pharmacopeia
( see Chapter 4 ), with advisory input from the US Food
and Drug Administration. The USAN is often the same as
the International Nonproprietary Name and the British
Approved Name . International generic names for drugs can
vary with the language in which they are used.
The proprietary name, trade name , or brand name for
a drug is the registered trademark belonging to a particular
drug manufacturer and used to designate a drug product
marketed by that manufacturer. Many drugs are marketed
under two or more brand names, especially after the manu-
facturer loses patent exclusivity. For example, ibuprofen (ge-
neric name) is marketed in the United States with the brand
names of ADVIL , MOTRIN , and MIDO L . Drugs can also be
marketed under their USAN designation. For these reasons,
it is often less confusing and more precise to use the USAN
rather than a brand name for a drug. However, the brand
name may provide a better indication of the drugs pharma-
cologic or therapeutic effect. For example, DIURIL is a brand
name for chlorothiazide , a diuretic; FLOMAX for tamsulosin ,
a drug used to increase urine flow; and MAXAIR is the brand
name for pirbuterol , a drug used to treat asthma. In this
textbook the generic name of a drug is given in normal font
and its brand name(s) in SMALL CAPS font.
Review Questions
1. Which route of drug administration is used with potent
and lipophilic drugs in a patch formulation and avoids
rst-pass metabolism?
(A) topical
(B) sublingual
(C) rectal
(D) oral
(E) transdermal
2. Which one of the following routes of administration does
not have an absorption phase?
(A) subcutaneous
(B) intramuscular
(C) intravenous
(D) sublingual
(E) inhalation
3. Which of the following correctly describes the intramus-
cular route of parenteral drug administration?
(A) drug absorption is erratic and unpredictable
(B) used to administer drug suspensions that are slowly
(C) bypasses the process of drug absorption to give an
immediate effect
(D) cannot be used for drugs that undergo a high
degree of rst-pass metabolism
(E) poses more risks than intravenous administration
4. An elderly patient has problems remembering to take
her medication three times a day. Which one of the drug
formulations might be particularly useful in this case?
(A) extended-release
(B) suspension
(C) suppository
(D) skin-patch
(E) enteric-coated
5. Which form of a drug name is most likely known by
patients from exposure to drug advertisements?
(A) nonproprietary name
(B) British Approved Name
(C) chemical name
(D) generic name
(E) proprietary name
Answer and Explanations
1. The answer is E: transdermal. The topical, sublingual,
rectal (suppositories), and transdermal routes of adminis-
tration all avoid first-pass hepatic drug metabolism; how-
ever, only the transdermal formulation uses a patch with
potent and lipophilic drugs. Orally administered drugs
have the highest exposure to first-pass metabolism.
[AQ2] [AQ2]
I The development of pharmacology was made possible
by important advances in chemistry and physiology
that enabled scientists to isolate and synthesize pure
chemical compounds (drugs) and to design methods
for identifying and quantifying the physiologic actions
of the compounds.
I Pharmacology has two main subdivisions. Pharmaco-
dynamics is concerned with the mechanisms of drug
action and the dose-response relationship, whereas
pharmacokinetics is concerned with the relationship
between the drug dose and the plasma drug concentra-
tion over time.
I The sources of drugs are natural products (including
plants, microbes, animal tissues, and minerals) and chem-
ical synthesis. Drugs can exist as crude drug preparations,
pure drug compounds, or pharmaceutical preparations
used to administer a specic dose to a patient.
I The primary routes of administration are enteral (e.g.,
oral ingestion), parenteral (e.g., intravenous, intramus-
cular, and subcutaneous injection), transdermal, inhala-
tional, and topical. Most routes produce systemic effects.
Topical administration produces a localized effect at the
site of administration.
I All drugs (pure compounds) have a nonproprietary
name (or generic name, such as a USAN designation) as
well as a chemical name. Some drugs also have one or
more proprietary names (trade names or brand names)
under which they are marketed by their manufacturer.
9 C H A P T E R 1 I Introduction to Pharmacology
2. The answer is C: intravenous administration. Drug
absorption refers to the process by which drugs get into
the bloodstream. With subcutaneous, intramuscular,
sublingual, and inhalation routes of administration, drug
molecules have to cross membranes to get into the blood.
Direct delivery of drug into the blood by intravenous
administration therefore has no absorption phase.
3. The answer is B: used to administer drug suspensions
that are slowly absorbed. After intramuscular injection
of a suspension of drug particles, the particles slowly
dissolve in interstitial fluid to provide sustained drug
absorption over many hours or days. When a drug
solution is injected intramuscularly, the drug is usually
absorbed rapidly and completely.
4. The answer is A: extended-release. Using an extended-
release tablet or capsule, the patient could most likely
reduce the schedule of medication from three times a
day to once a day. A suspension, for oral administra-
tion, would not likely reduce the schedule; a suppository
would be difficult and reduce patient compliance; and a
skin-patch for transdermal administration would only
work in a few cases with potent and highly lipophilic
drugs. Enteric-coated may help absorption or drug sta-
bility but would not reduce the schedule of medication.
5. The answer is E: proprietary name. The proprietary
name, also known as the trade name or the brand name,
is the name trademarked by the manufacturer and pro-
moted on television, radio, and print ads. The chemical
name is rarely seen, being tedious and descriptive only to
chemists , whereas the generic name may be seen in the
fine print of the ad but is not usually promoted as highly
as the proprietary name. The nonproprietary name is the
same thing as the generic name, and the British Approved
Name is an official name that is usually the same as the
generic name.
Huxtable , R . J . , and S . K . W . Schwarz . The isolation of morphine: rst prin-
ciples in science and ethics . Mol Interv 1 : 189 191 , 2001 .
Loudon , I ., ed. Western Medicine: An Illustrated History . Oxford , Oxford
University Press , 1997 .
Rubin , R . P . A brief history of great discoveries in pharmacology: in celebra-
tion of the centennial anniversary of the founding of the American
Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics . Pharmacol Rev
59 : 289 359 , 2007 .
United States Pharmacopeial Convention . USP Dictionary of USAN and
International Drug Names . Rockville, Md. , United States Pharmacopeia ,
2004 .
[AQ3] [AQ3]