Cesis Newsletter (Nov 2007)
Cesis Newsletter (Nov 2007)
Cesis Newsletter (Nov 2007)
M I S S I O N N EW S LE T T ER 2 0 0 7 — 2 0 0 8
Youth Service—November 25
The next big push for our youth Riga, student-led Bible-study and most of their parents and grandparents
will be a city-wide youth night to music from some of our members. did not practice Christianity during
be held at Cesis Baptist on No- We are glad they are taking such an Soviet times there is usually no family
vember 25. We have tried to let active role in getting this type of tradition of attending church. We have
the youth organize and plan the meeting started. Being a Christian in been encouraging our youth to become
service the way they think it Latvia is very much different from more open in their Christian walks and
would appeal to other Latvian being one in the US. Most young we hope this will be another good step
young people. There will be a people will not admit to their peers for them.
Christian band from a church in that they even attend church. Since
The elderly and the poor suffer in This kitchen is a joint-effort between the think they understand we don’t speak
Latvia for a variety of reasons. For Lutheran Church and the Cesis Baptist Latvian very well but most of them love
the elderly, some of Church. to chatter just like we knew the lan-
the problem is There is a guage. We just nod and smile!
that they ex- core-group The soup is nearly always beet or cab-
pected to have of elderly bage based, not our favorites but they
a pension after and down- seem to love it. They only get soup and
working for so on-their black bread … no tea, coffee or desserts.
many years luck people Laura has been making cookies to take
under Soviet that are and they love them. We have also tried
rule. Since there every to buy fresh fruit at least once a week
Latvia became week. They and distribute to them. They are so
a free nation, are ex- thankful for it. We wish we knew the
the pensions tremely nice language better because a lot of them
that the elderly to us and probably have had interesting lives.
receive are very low. try to talk Some are battling alcohol problems or
A few of our soup-kitchen with us at
It has been our privi- have had other difficulties but we are
lege to help serve in a friends . . . every oppor- never more appreciated than when we
local soup kitchen. tunity. I serve there.