Fall Sermon Series: August 31 - "My Boss Is A Jewish Tekton" (Mark 6:1-6)
Fall Sermon Series: August 31 - "My Boss Is A Jewish Tekton" (Mark 6:1-6)
Fall Sermon Series: August 31 - "My Boss Is A Jewish Tekton" (Mark 6:1-6)
Upcoming Sermons
August 31 – “My Boss Is a Jewish Tekton” (Mark 6:1-6)
We say Jesus was a “carpenter,” but does our image of that work match up to what Jesus
actually did? As our culture observes Labor Day, what do Jesus’ human labors have to
teach us about our own work?
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The Regional Assembly
October 16-18, 2008
First Christian Church, San Bernardino
Greetings to the Pacific Southwest Region Family!
This year First Christian Church of San Bernardino will be
hosting our October 16-18, 2008 Regional Assembly . Our theme this year is, “One Church,
New Church, Transformed” based on Romans 12: 1-2. The registration deadline is September
12. Registration forms are located in your church office or by visiting our website
See you in San Bernardino!
New feature this year! – Two golf pros for the Alta Vista Country Club staff on the driving
range to provide instruction prior to the shot-gun start at 11:00am. 2008 Opportunity Draw-
ing: First prize - 50” flat panel plasma TV. There will be a second & third prize, too! Tickets
for the Opportunity Drawing will be available through your church by early September and at
the Regional Assembly.
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Paul Crossman was feeling well Bible Study—10:00 a.m.,
enough to attend worship recently, but
still needs our prayers.
Choir—7:00 p.m., (Thursdays)
Arly Jahn (Jack Rogers’ sister and one Praise Team Practice—6:00 p.m., (Thursdays)
of our home-bound members) is back at Labor Day—Sept. 1, Church Office Closed
her care facility room after some time in Worship Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 2.
the hospital, but still needs our prayers. Trustee Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 2.
Kathi Koontz continues to gain strength Education Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 3.
after surgery, but more slowly than ex- New Hope—7:00 p.m., Sept. 4.
His Hands—12:00 p.m., Sept. 7.
Marlen Sanchez is back from Florida CYF—5:30 p.m., Sept.7.
where she was helping to care for her Amazing Gray’s—1:00 p.m., Sept. 8.
father, who is doing better, and who will Women’s Board Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 9.
be coming to California soon. Board Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 10.
Kick-off Sunday & Picnic—10:00 a.m. Sept. 14.
David Eldik is up over 5 lbs., but needs
a more consistent heart-rate before he Love Group—9:30 a.m., Sept. 16.
can go home. His grandmother Janie Faith Group—1:30 p.m. Sept. 16.
Fietz will be helping out in Las Vegas Elders Meeting—7:00 p.m., Sept. 16.
until his father, Mosbeh, comes home on CMF—8:30 a.m., Sept. 20.
paternity leave from Iraq in early Sep- Boutique Workshop—12:00 p.m., Sept. 21.
tember. CYF—5:30 p.m., Sept. 21.
Disciple Women’s Lunch—12:00 p.m. Sept. 28.
John & Phyllis King continue to enjoy
hearing about all the “goings-on” at their CYF—5:30 p.m., Sept.28.
church of 50 years. They wish they did-
n’t have so much smoke from the Cali-
fornia wild fires. Save The Date
For a Loch Leven Work Weekend,
Thanks… October 3-5! All will be gathering
to do a variety of jobs in the great
To Rich & Jimmy Koontz,
outdoors; Plenty of music and fun in the eve-
who recently waxed the floors
nings. Come on down!
in Sippel Hall and the
kitchen—looks great! For information, contact Tom Perring at
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September 2008
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursd
8:30 and 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
1 2 3
Worship Meeting Bible Study 10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. New Ho
Education Meeting 7:00 p.m
Trustees 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24
28 29 30
Disciple Women’s .
Lunch 12:00 p.m.
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day Friday Saturday
September Birthday’s
Jack Rogers 2
Matt Galyardt 2
Greg Oden 4
Walter Morrison 4
Susie Noble 4
4 5 6 Brandon Williams 5
Virginia Peck 6
Rich Koontz 9
ope Robert Fender12
Harding Peck14
m. Chal Strayer 16
Matthew Reeley17
Karen Jackson 19
11 12 13 Bobbi Lotrick 19
Dick Talley 20
Ashley Whobrey 20
Uy Vu 21
Regional Assembly Betsy Galyardt 22
Vicki Johns 22
Registration Deadline Janie Fietz 23
June Perkins 24
Kara Ryan 24
Jaryd Griego 25
18 19 20 Catherine Paour 25
Hilda Corless 26
Helen Williams 26
C.M.F. Gwen Jonas 27
8:30 a.m. Katelynn Rogers 27
Nneji Ibe 30
25 26 27
Charles & Catherine Bales 1
Jerry & Lynn Jonas 2
Harding & Virginia Peck 3
Chal & Helene Strayer 4
Bill & Ester Adams 5
Lee & Pat Sebaugh 7
Mike & Kel Henderson 7
Morrie & Virginia Gober 12
Grant & Betsy Galyardt 23
Mike & Toshiko Morotani 29
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Education Notes & News
Mark your calendars for our SEPTEMBER SUNDAY SCHOOL KICK-OFF.
All children and adults are invited to join in for breakfast goodies, singing (look
for some VBS favorites!) and a chance to meet your teachers. We will meet at
9:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 14th. Our blended service starts at 10:00 a.m. and
will be followed by the All-Church Picnic. What a day!
The Education Committee is looking for volunteers to help out with our Sunday
morning programs. One position that needs to be filled is that of the Worship and
Wonder Greeter. This person is responsible for bringing the children out of the
sanctuary after the Children’s Moment and taking them to the Worship and Won-
der room. The greeter would then support the Storyteller by helping the children
to listen and focus on the story.
We are also looking for adults to take our 3rd through 5th graders out of the sanc-
tuary during sermon time to meet with them and present a children’s sermon or
lesson that is at their level. Resources would be available to help plan this pro-
gram if needed. The commitment for both positions would be once a month,
with different adults taking a given Sunday a month. Please see Jill Foster or call at 310-378-
4981 if you are interested in helping and/or would like more information.
September 7th
12:00 Youth Adventure
(grades 3-5) (light lunch provided)
5:30 CYF (grades 9-12) at church with parents
September 14th
All youth invited to attend blended service at 10:00 a.m. and stay for fun at the
Kick-Off picnic immediately following.
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September 21st
12:00 Youth Adventure (light lunch provided)
5:30 CYF
September 28th
4:00 Chi Rho (grades 6-8)
5:30 CYF
Recycling Program
Most churches generate a fair amount of paper each week – worship
materials, class handouts, financial reports and so on. All of it is impor-
tant, but we don’t always use or keep everything. Knowing that we are called to be stew-
ards of God’s earth, it just doesn’t feel right to a lot of us to throw things away.
SO… we’re asking that you keep your eyes out for the humble boxes and other containers
that we’re beginning to use for leftover church paper. If you can’t find a recycling con-
tainer, feel free to leave leftover paper out where it’s visible, and someone else will get it
into recycling.
Please remember also that there is recycling for cans in our gym (thanks to
Don and Mary Jo Kohlmiller!)
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Outreach News
The Backpack Project was a great success. We filled 200 backpacks and they were
delivered to Love INC with the help of the Rogers Family. I want to thank everyone
who participated in this much needed project. You gave your time, your finances,
your donations and just a willing heart. Without the support of the church, this pro-
ject would not be possible. Upon completion, Love INC was able to distribute 1800
backpacks to underprivileged children in the South Bay area. What a great accom-
Also the Kids Kloset continues to reach out and help those mothers and children in
need. If you know a family in need of these resources, please contact Sherril
Wiechmann at 310-339-7649.
Blessings in Christ,
Sherrill Wiechmann
Outreach Chair
(Brotherly love is still the distinguishing badge of every true Christian.) -Matthew Henry
This coming fall, our worship themes will focus on our identity as a Disciples
of Christ congregation (see the article on the cover for more info). This is the
“Who are we?” piece—we may find that we don’t match all those identity prin-
ciples, but I’ll wager we fit a lot of them. Even more important: wherever we
land regarding the statements, it is essential and exciting to talk about them!
Early in 2009, we’ll begin a whole church focus on discerning our spiritual gifts.
We’re in the early stages on this, but it will involve elements of worship and
adult education, as well as some special events. Then, as we move into
spring, we’ll be prayerfully considering how our congregation and each individ-
ual in it can make best use of our gifts.
Throughout the coming months, we are asking that everyone who participates
at First Christian hold this process in prayer, asking and seeking God’s will for
our congregation. I would also add my personal request for your input – for
any suggestions, questions, or concerns you might have – and that we all keep
our spiritual knees flexed and ready for what comes!
Shalom, Steve
(Disciples of Christ)
Chair - Doug Crawford
First Christian Church
Torrance, CA 90503
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