Vessel of Nature

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Many people, misunderstanding the unity of the stone, put in a vessel which they

call a philosophical egg, just one subject of their choice, they keep it over a light
fire or another of their imagining, and expect dissolution in vain. Others make
amalgams, and are not better informed. They make no progress for many reasons
but the main ones are:

1) - They work on dead matter, and even when it is the real subject of philosophy,
the vessel and the fire are not proportionate.

2) - They do not know that from the beginning to the end of work, our material is
double - I mean it has an agent and a patient - without which there would be no
action in the vessel. The action of the agent is male, and of the patient is female,
and both these together, although separated by their nature, constitute a single
body that is identified for this purpose as Rebis or two things in one.

3) - Finally, their work is quite the opposite to that of Nature, for they can neither
dissolve nor putrify, nor distill, nor sublimate, nor do any of our operations.
However, they do not leave off this undertaking, saying to themselves: this work
is that of Nature, in which we only need to lend a hand, it is up to her to finish.
And walking in blind, and with so much confidence, they are bound to crash with
every step they take in such a dark maze.
We read in the Gospel that one does not get Lys on brambles, nor figs instead of
raisins. If this is the seed, then this will be the fruit. Now, a bad tree cannot
produce good fruits, and for this reason it must be cut and thrown into the fire.
But these reasons do not affect them, and they are no less confident of success.
But seeing the end of their work going wrong, they should mend their ways and
acknowledge their fault; but far from it, they attribute it to some accident they
could not foresee, and head off with even more courage to their foolish work. But
let these ignorant folk puff vain fumes at their leisure; we will concern ourselves
with the choice of proper matter and with its preparation.
It is not just to review all the substances of the three kingdoms, but also to
examine their composition, in order to know that of which they have been
formed. At first sight, this difficulty seems insurmountable. It is great, indeed, but
not as much as you might imagine, because:

1) - We do not need for this work neither Alembic, nor Retorts, much less salts,
fiery spirits, acids or corrosives etc..

2) - We know, moreover, that all things of this world have the same origin, and
they differ only by the mixture of elements, as I have outlined above.

It only remains for us in the third place to find the exact point of their formation.
Consider the Heavens and the Earth which first existed - that Heaven, serving as
the agent or male, and the Earth, as patient or the female, gave birth to all things.
However they were not distinct from one another and they formed first a dark
and abominable mass. But the light having been separated, and both having been
established, the mass was shaken and gave signs of life. The elements were
formed, the universe and everything in it appeared afterwards, and this order of
things, so admirable, remains since then and will remain so until it pleases the
Supreme Mediator to change it.
Life, as we see it, is a battle of two substances, or a continuous exchange of light
and darkness. One of these substances alternately takes the place of the other. It
is sometimes based on the male and sometimes the female, so that when it
pleases the divine Author, everything changes into a pure light or all returns into
the Cimmerian darkness. This shows that light and darkness are one and the same
thing, changing shape and value through the development or the strengthening of
the substance, that there comes a mutual attraction from which appears, with the
movement, the reversal of the primary substance.
Now consider that in the same way and by the same matter out of which the
world was created, the work of the wise is revealed, and that is why it has been
called the little world or microcosm. So, I told you in a few words all you need to
do for this great endeavor.

So take the first earth that is only pure light surrounded by darkness, and reduce
it into its principles with the stone snatched from the top of the mountain without
hands, in order to recognize in it three distinct substances which are salt, sulfur
and mercury, which being skillfully joined with the two of which the matter is
composed, namely the Heaven and Earth, they form a wonderful Quintessence
whose virtues are infinite and incomprehensible.

This wonderful stone appeared in a dream to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,
and it came to crush and pulverize a large statue he saw standing before him,
whose head was of purest gold; whose chest, shoulders and arms were of silver;
its belly and thighs of brass; and its legs of iron and clay. There it was mixed with
the human seed, but it was not at all fitting for them, any more than iron cannot
be mixed with clay .
Nebuchadnezzar, rightly frightened by this sight, summoned all the wise men of
his realm, and demanded from them, under pain of death, that they discern his
dream and give a correct interpretation, but none of them could figure it out.
There was in the whole realm only one young man named Daniel being filled with
the spirit of God, who could satisfy his request (Daniel 2:18).

This dream can be fully applied to the Work of the wise, and serve as a Parabolic
figure. It will be seen, for example, in the Magi of Babylon, the crowd of false
scholars who strive in vain to understand the science, nevertheless wanting to
convince people that possess it, and leading those who rely on them too much
down dead end pathways. Put good faith in Daniel, a son of wisdom, to which all
the secrets of Nature are known and which can provide a proper explanation.

The statue will be our metallic tree from the top to the root in which are still
confused Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury as primary original metals. The iron and
clay mixed with semen represent the Work of Nature done with human hands,
and the Stone cut from the top of the mountain without hands, that is to crush
the foot of the statue and reduce it to fine powder, would be taken either for that
lightning which Jupiter launches or for the scythe of Saturn that you
must exchange skillfully with the trident of Neptune, (by means of a certain key
that I will give you) until Pluto showing jealous and blowing from the bottom of
caves, in turn, shows his power by draining the water, and reducing the tree to
ashes and dust which you shall sow, and of which will come precious stones.
The ancients, jealous of their secret, discussed the matter in its various aspects, in
order to deceive the credulity of greedy and ambitious people who dream only of
power and devastation. They were mistaken about the philosophic first matter
which one can only obtain after considerable time and long work. By no means
sharing their jealousy, I wanted to let you become familiar with this much sought
after subject and purposefully make it completely naked before your very eyes in
order to provide you with a longer look at it. I hope you will thank me for my
openness, and that you'll get the greatest advantage possible, however, Im
advising you to add to my words a little grain of salt, so that you can make them
more sensible.
The dissolution is the first thing you need to undertake, because you have to
release the bodies in order to make the enemies face each other. So the fire and
water will be greatly needed here, especially since these elements are already
enemies by their Nature and are just waiting to try out their strength.

The spirit which I mentioned above, is a fire overcome by the water which you will
use for this purpose.

You fill the Vessel of Nature and you distill on a slow fire for dephlegmator. You
will find at the bottom something that is fixed which you will keep for reaping.
You will pour the new spirit on top to the same extent as before, and so continue
distilling until the vessel cannot hold any more, and that everything else remains
fixed to the bottom. By continuing the fire to the same degree, you will soon see
within your vessel some agitation caused by a gentle Southwest wind that will be
followed by a rain very pleasant to view. As the wind and rain continue to
increase, you will no longer see the ship; its like a sea that will be more and
more agitated until the elements are finally pacified, and everything is back in the
order of nature. However, the day has given way to night, darkness grows and the
ship is a perfect black. This is the fiftieth night, and she appeared to the sailors
three times (triple) who have suffered due to fatigue. The day begins to dawn, the
horizon is clear and cloudless, the day will be beautiful.
This manner of expression is common to nearly all ancient writers, and it is not
uncommon to find readers who take these statements literally. The wind and rain
are realities for them, and their credulity extends for them to the smallest details
of the allegory. This one, I'll put in the right direction, so as to facilitate the
understanding of others.

The vessel / ship of Nature is the prepared earth which must drink its spirit. It is
called a vessel, and indeed it is, since it contains (something). The spirit that is
added is not a foreign thing because everything originated from it, and it is that
from which our earth is formed, so as it is said the child goes back into the
womb: which can only be done by tearing the entrails. It is also necessary that
our earth be divided into its smallest parts to reveal its great wealth, and for this
to happen you should soak it often with the spirit and let it dry out just as often.
In this operation, phlegm will evaporate, but the spirit remains and becomes
incorporated with that salified earth until such time as the saturation is complete;
then the added spirit can no longer be contained. That which was set on the earth
reacts and forces it to dissolve. The salt would be [dissolved] as well, and that is
why this dissolution is compared to a sea. Now because the spirit which was
added is joined to an altering and corrupting moisture, there appears from the
fermenting mixture a movement, which is followed by putrefaction, and
consequently regeneration, since fermentation changes the bodies of Nature, and
in putrefaction, they only exchange their clothes for new ones, and all the more
rich and brilliant, because the Spirit of original engine is more elevated. What the
Matter may contain of moisture, without pouring outside, this is the measure to
be observed for the imbibitions, and what we call the weight of Nature.

That which is being used as a vessel, also serves as an oven, as the spirit that you
introduce is a natural fire which cooks and Although we do not use any vulgar fire
for our Work, it is nevertheless certain that we need a temperature high enough
so that evaporation can take place and that the matter does not languish, and be
lost. It is therefore useful and necessary during the winter, and in the workplace,
to make a little fire, but not enough so that the matter is overheated, which
would be worse than having none - because the spirit would be cast out and could
not be replaced. It is not necessary for the temperature to rise above fifteen
degrees of Raumur.
When one has done the work well and the matter dissolves, it turns black by
degrees. We did add in at various times the spirit to maintain its fermentative fire,
and when the matter begins to ferment, it must abandon its own fire until
perfectly white, where it happens by itself.

The matter is not a liquid like broth, but thick and black as pitch or boot-black
polish; it swells, rises in the bowl, and produces bubbles which may be compared
with fish eyes which we should not burst because they contain the animating

After fermentation, the matter collapses and is at this point shining like pitch, and
this most beautiful black is the sign of putrefaction known as raven's head. It then
dries slowly and goes to a gray ash. Soon a halo (circular hair) of the most dazzling
whiteness appears on the circumference of the vessel. This circle will widen more
and more until everything is perfectly white.
Before the whiteness comes, there appear some colours on the matter, of which
the green dominates, but they are not very pronounced and are only transient
and of short duration. They may be compared to Iris or rainbow trout. Only in
subsequent operations do they have a very strong character.

You have reviewed, without noticing, our different kinds of fire; the first, up until
the fermentation, is called a Bain-marie, or sea, because it operates in some way,
like a saline solution. The second is called the heat of manure, and you now know
why. The third is called the fire of ashes, and finally the fourth the reverberatory
fire. We have other kinds of fires, but the one who knows the first certainly knows
all the others. In fact, we will mention them in passing.

Notice here that this work resembles that of gardeners who water their gardens.
What happens in this instance? Topsoil, as I have already observed from the
beginning, is formed as remnants of the body, altered, broken down by drought
and damp recessive conditions, provides a salt and a spirit which feeds Plants by
the means of the water it absorbs, and that is the driver.

Let us return to the whitened matter, which is still far from the end to which you
have to lead it. However, the main lock is open, and you just have to enter the
sanctuary, but always proceed with caution in order not to fail and be forced to
stop half-way.

This white powder or regenerated matter is Mercury, though still a child, and to
whom we must give the wings of an eagle at head and heel, that is to say, from
head to foot, so that she can fly and soar to the highest region which is heaven.
We must sublimate it many times so that, in its dissolution in the astral spirit, it
will leave behind an earth which will precipitate which you must collect that with
great care. Philalethes calls these sublimations eagles, especially since each time
the mercury acquires greater subtlety; it is like comparing the earth that the
Mercury casts back to the tail left behind by the common mercury, until it is
sufficiently purified. "Wash, he says your mercury and purified by salt and vinegar
until it leaves no tail behind him, running on a flat surface." We will soon know
what he meant by salt and vinegar, though we have an idea already.
When one dissolves the mercury in the astral spirit, and one has separated the
earth by decantation and washing, in order to lose nothing, we put the solution in
a cool place, and it makes a deposit of three salts namely: a fluffy one, which
floats on the surface and is mercury; the second which is needle and nature of
Nitre, and that is between two waters; and the third is a fixed salt and mineral
that is deposited in the bottom.

In the state shown here the Mercury would extract the tincture of plants, and
would make a medicine. It is itself a medicine, because if we put the value of a
grain at the foot of a tree almost dead and watered it, it would have a renewed
vigour - but it would eat its seed corn and stop there, but we must continue the
As for the other two salts, they are reduced into mercury similar to the first,
continuing the operation. To this end, while the salts are separated, dissolve the
second species [kind] in the astral spirit in order to irrigate [water] the fixed salt,
then dissolve it, do fermenting and putrefaction: and since it would not be in
sufficient quantity to complete the operation, we complete the imbibitions with
the Mercury dissolved, and we proceed as before, by the weight of nature.

The weight, if we pay attention, here is different from the first, for the earth
needed only to be watered, but here it is necessary that salt be dissolved and
fixed until it can no longer receive any moisture; it ferments, it putrefies and gives
the same results as above, that is to say, a Mercury that you wash and from which
you separate the earth in order to join it with the first.

To sublimate the Mercury, you separate it into two, you dissolve one half by the
astral spirit, and you will do this by using its ablutions on the fixed part - as I have
just taught you. You will continue your ablutions until perfectly dissolved, and
then you will leave to ferment and putrefy as before.

You have here the mercury of the second eagle. If you go up to the seventh,
inclusive, the mercury will be very clean [suitable] and able to dissolve gold, and it
will dissolve it without heat or boiling similar to the way ice melts in hot water.
You take it up to the ninth inclusive, and you give it all the excitement of which it
is capable in order for it to be able to make for greater things. But I warn you that
if you want to go further it will dissolve to the flint [silica] just by casual contact
and you will no longer be able to find a vessel to hold it.
For each sublimation or eagle, you separate the black feculent earth like you did
the first time, and you will join it to the first to make some use of it - as I will show
you in the second work - because the first was used entirely in the production of
our mercury, but it [the second work] is one that requires more time. It is also the
most difficult. This is why it is compared to the labors of Hercules, and this, to be
sure, is a fair application: but when it [the second work] is finished, the rest is
regarded only as womans work and child's play. It is no more an effort, in fact,
than those who wash brass, or make IMPAST [dough], which is quite applicable,
or to women who take care of laundry, or children who make dumplings and clay
dolls out of soggy ground.

The time of this great and important operation is about two common years. And
when it is completed, this apprenticeship of our masonry, because is it quite true
that this apprenticeship ends, it gives way to a guild-fellowship with tests that are
much shorter and less severe.

You have finally in your hands the Universal Mercury concerning which wise men
have said so much, and by its means, you may attack the core of Nature, and
extract the medicines or tinctures of the three kingdoms by giving them at the
same time fixedness and perfection that otherwise they could not have. This
Mercury is truly the force of all forces referred to by the learned Hermes
Trismegistus, the fiery dragon that destroys everything, the spirit of wine, or
rather the water of life of Raymond Lulle, and the Cosmopolitan vinegar. It
dissolves and fixates at the same time, because it comes from the union of two
fires in opposition to each other, although having the same origin. The first is an
acid fire and cold. It is that which dissolves and produces fermentation, while the
second is alkaline and hot, it produces putrefaction and fixates the compound.
This is why Basil Valentin at the end of his Twelve Keys warns you to distinguish
between the cold and the hot in the application of your fires.

It is not, however, that the heat comes from fermentative alkali rather than acid,
since it is a mere effect of the movement, as you may have noticed at the
beginning of this treaty, but because the presence of this alkali determines it and
conserves it during the putrefaction.

Mercury being only half the generation, we must now proceed to the exaltation
of Sulphur. As did Flamel and Trevisan, you can take the gold leaf and extract the
tincture by projecting it in your Mercury which you have previously dissolved. This
path is not the most noble, but it is the shortest; it is only a special tincture which
is obtained, but the mercury universalizes it in the work and it yields the same

It is much nobler, no doubt, to take from the matter this Universal tincture. So
you take all your earth derived from eagles, and you will proceed with them by
new imbibitions with the astral spirit, until they turn red and are a reddish brown.
This is what philosophers call the calcination. The Mercury dissolved and
projected overtop will extract the Tincture by means of which you can proceed
with the Philosophical marriage that will make the perfection of the work, and
complete the works, except that of the multiplication - which is only a short

This Tincture is the crown of the King that you have to pull from the ashes; this is
why the sage Pythagoras and many after him have repeated "Do not despise the
Ashes, because the crown of King is contained therein." From there comes the
custom to keep the ashes of the dead. This is why BV said without preface that
"the crown of the King is pure gold" and elsewhere he says: "It is a crown taken
from the ashes.
You also need to know that the Mercury which effects the extraction of this
Tincture is called Dry Water which does not wet the hands, because, although it is
a salt that wets not at all, it alone has the power to dissolve all bodies, just as
water does to salts and gums. On the surface, the water is called a solvent, but in
fact it only divides. Dissolution takes place in all of nature only by means of
fermentation, and Mercury works in the same way, but in the higher things where
the presence of water is of no effect; there, it performs these functions, and as it
does, it separates bodies or substances working to put them in their place and
make them undergo fermentation, only because of dissolution. Moreover
dissolution is itself only a more extensive division of the bodies, or an absolute
disjunction, and the exact mixture of all their parts. It happens in this
circumstance that the separate parts, with natures opposite to each other, collide
and are engaged in a kind of battle which we have given the name of
fermentation, after which they unite again, but only after being purged of that
which was foreign to them, which causes corruption, and prevents the union
being perfect; but after their complete separation, the union is so intimate that all
the efforts of Nature to separate them would be null and insufficient. So will the
bodies and souls of the righteous be after the judgment and their purification.

After the extraction of the Tincture, there remains behind a refractory earth that
we call damned earth, because, just like sin, it is the cause of death and
suffering. We must reject it carefully because this is what prevents the ingress of
the Tincture, and which causes here below the antipathy and enmity between

The boiling action which usually accompanies fermentation is figured in our books
as a struggle between two champions, one of which must overcome the other,
and put him to death, but no one should take this literally . This boiling must be
attributed only to the release of the gases which are looking to be balanced,
either by mixing or by extension.

Similarly, when we talk about the Hermetic Seal, do not interpret it as the exact
closing of the vessel: a foolish closure which would do more harm than good, due
to the fact that that it would prevent the manipulation, as well as the separation
and conjunction, of the substances in due time and proportions. We therefore
call it the union of several substances in one, in a way that they can no longer be
separated , because for us, or in our language, to open is the same as dissolve,
and to close is the same thing as fixing. We have seven seals corresponding to
seven planetary bodies, and who knows one, knows all the others.

We also use a lot of terms familiar to vulgar chemistry, therefore you must know
once and for all, that distillation cohobation, sublimation, calcination,
reverberation, waxing, etc., are for us, from the beginning to the end, one and the
same operation, which is to dissolve and coagulate, which is the same as wetting
and drying, and that is something any apprentice can do.

Now that you have the solution of the principal Enigmas that obscure our
language and prevent or at least delay the intelligence, I will explain what is our
philosophical marriage between Gabertin and Beya,_ You must know by now that
the red Tincture, which is the fixed Sulphur of the philosophers, and which they
sometimes call Lion, and sometimes spirits of wine, or very sour vinegar and
sometimes orpiment, has the function of the male here and is called Gabertin.
The Mercury or the white Tincture, which they call Moon, silver, Water of Life,
vinegar, arsenic, magnesia, leafy Earth, etc. has here the office of female and is
called Beya.
You should know that these two substances, Sulfur and Mercury, that the little peasants call the
two flowers, together constitute a single Mercury, the said hermaphrodite, or rather
androgynous, meaning male and female. In the operation that I will describe, they are doing
the functions alternately, consequently they have often given to one another the same names,
but particularly that of Mercury, yet still making a small difference essential to know. So they
put before the name of Mercury the first term to express the white tincture. They call it the
Green Lion; the Sulphur - Red Lion. If they name the Mercury as: water-of-life, vinegar, arsenic,
magnesia, Moon, silver; then they name (by an accurate comparison and proportion) the Red
Tincture as: Spirit-of- wine, very sour vinegar, orpiment, realgar, lively gold, the Sun etc.

For final comment, let me just note that the Mercury is only a salt inverted in this mercurial
substance; the Sulphur itself is never without salt, nor is the salt without Mercury, which makes
you see clearly three substances in one - substances which we have named for our

To proceed with the philosophical marriage you separate your Red Tincture into two, and you
let some dry out, putting the other part aside for need. How many people failed as a result of
having ignored this precaution! They believed that to whiten the red, and redden white, was
just the ordinary and necessary result of the progress of the Great Work, and that all this was
done by itself. Thus, they know that red is nourished by the white and the white by the red -
and that white is taken for the milk used to feed the newborn child, or for the virginal dress. As
for the red, it expresses either the increase of the fire, or the change of clothing - it is taken by
some for the Royal Coat.

So you will proceed to the imbibitions on the half of your Sulphur which you have left to dry
out, with the white Mercury, following the weights and measures which you have already used,
and will continue like this until fully saturated so that the material remains liquid at the bottom
of vessel, that is to say a slurry. If you have operated well, in forty days you will get the
dissolution of the body after which will come the fermentation and the putrefaction.

In the fermentation, the matter swells, rises and makes a little noise like an anthill, and when
the putrefaction does happen, the matter collapses and turns black. It is only when it has
reached perfect darkness, called head of the Crow that it is in full putrefaction. This is only the
first matter of our work, matter not found anywhere in the land of the living, which we do not
create, however, but it is said to have flown over our heads, because that mercury having been
sublimated nine times, the Sulphur is still high above.

The philosophers take the dissolution for the reign of Mercury; it is during this Reign that our
metallic principles combine with each other, but it is only here like an appetizer; it is here only
for the Reign of Saturn or during the blackness that they start to count, or that they take the
beginning of the work, because the three principles are linked in an irrevocable manner and
that the Seal of Hermes is accomplished.

This is the vessel of Nature which has to be closed, and not a crystal egg or any other matter,
and the closure does not include the throat of a vessel so that the air cannot penetrate there,
but as the intimate conjunction of Salt and Sulphur and Mercury, so that we can no longer
separate them with any art whatsoever.

There is no need for external fire to reach the white, the matter by drying out arrives there of
itself. First, it takes the color of gray ash which we compare to Tin, which we call the seal of
Jupiter, then it comes by degrees to the whiteness, but before you get there you can see
circularly on the matter various colors - reds, yellows, blues and greens which we compare to
the iris or the rainbow, and which others call the tail of the Peacock.

These colors, which do not last very long, are replaced by a film of a blackish brown which
streaks on drying and allows us to see the matter under a gray color: soon after, you can see on
the edges of the vessel a circular capillary [halo] of a great whiteness; then, the reign of Jupiter,
that was foretold in the gray, and which the philosophers compare to the fire of ashes,
eventually will give way to that of the Moon.

This circle expands successively until the perfect whiteness of the matter with which
philosophers call with reason Moon or Silver, since the weight of this white medicine projected
onto 10 of silver, and then onto 100 of another imperfect metal , transmutes it into silver more
pure that which comes from mines.

The silver that would be used in this circumstance, taking here the place of ferment, and
without it there would be no transmutation. It is in this sense is to be understood that saying of
the Sages: that without gold , no gold is feasible; they hear of the ferment.

This whitened earth has the appearance of a powder glittering with diamond and is divided into
small plates: this is the reason why the sages have named their leafy earth in which they
recommend to sow their GOLD. It is seen as only one half-generation, which is why we must
continue the work if we want to reach perfection.

We must give this earth the cultivation needed before planting the gold otherwise it will not
bear fruit at all. We start again therefore the imbibitions with the white mercury, according to
the measure previously observed. By means of a well observed fire, the matter spirits
away/subtlizes more and more, covers itself with greenery, after which it begins to go yellow
and it takes on an orangey color which it could not exceed further if the fire was not increased.
This greenery as sung by the poets, and thus recommended by all philosophers, is the reign of
the beautiful Venus, which is followed by that of Mars which is the color orange. You remember
having two parts of your Red tincture: you just whitened the first, it must now blush. Take the
Tincture in reserve, dissolve it by projecting over the philosophical mercury and proceed with
this Tincture to the imbibitions, until the matter comes to a beautiful red and dark purple

Such is the medicine of the first order, both to the White and to the Red, which cures any
diseases when we use it without addition of metal, in a vehicle suited to the evil, according to
the required caution, and which with the addition, as ferment, both perfect metals, transmutes
into gold or silver all the imperfect metals, such as the copper, lead, tin etc.

Prior to attempting a projection, it is necessary to test the matter on a sheet of red-hot copper.
If it melts without smoke it is in the desired state, otherwise we must continue the fire.


Multiplication is nothing but a repetition of all the work, from the philosophical marriage. It is
only necessary to have the care of sharing in two its matter in the circle of whiteness and in
that of the redness, to be able to proceed to the imbibitions on the remaining half with parents
of the same blood. The Mercury as well as Red tincture in their first state, would be too
imperfect here to be able to join with our medicine.

You will be careful, for each dissolution by the Mercury, to separate a damned earth which is
precipitated, which you will reject with less hesitation, which is absolutely refractory, and which
prevents the ingress of the matter in the metals.

With all the conditions I described above, without omitting anything, you will surely arrive at
the end so desired by Philosophy. However, do not try to override the sacred number nine,
because the matter, if it is fixed, would have acquired such a great fluidity and expansion, that
no vessel could contain it, it would be entirely lost.

On this, my brother, thank God for the favour which he has given you, and I thank him for
having been useful for you in your intentions, if they are upright, and that you remained in the
paths of the good.

The End

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