Ripleys Vision Philalethes PDF
Ripleys Vision Philalethes PDF
Ripleys Vision Philalethes PDF
at the best none of them were but men, and described things according to
their apprehensions in Philosophy, none of them wrote in every thing the
naked truth; for then the Art would become so easie, that it would be
contemned. But what needs words? We know the Truth, and we know by a
secret Character, true Writers from Sophisters; and we need no Arguments
being eye-witnesses our selves, and know that there is but one truth; nor
but one path, even the beaten path in which all who ever have attained this
Art have trodden, nor can we be deceived our selves; nor would we deceive
Did drink the juice of Grapes.
This Toad is said to drink the juice of Grapes according to the Philosopher,
the body, saith he, is not nobler than Gold, nor yet the water more precious
than wine. This water they call sometimes Aqua Ardens, sometimes Acetum
Acerrimum, but most commonly they call it their Mercury; this
denomination I shall not insist upon; but shall assure you that it only
deciphers Mercury, even that Mercury, of which I writ in my little Latine
Treatise, called Introitus apertus ad occlusum Regis palatium; in that I
discovered the whole Truth fully and nakedly, and if not too plainly, I am
sure plain enough. I shall not here repeat; to that I remit the Reader.
This juice of Grapes this Toad is said to drink; that is not only in the gross
Conjunction, which is an Impastation of the Body, with the Water to the
temper of Dough or Leaven, which the Water readily doth: such affinity
there is between the Water and the Body; as the Philosopher saith, this
Water is friendly and pleasant to the metals. But over, and besides the
Water soaks Radically into our Body; being circulated upon it, according as
the Philosopher saith, When its own sweat is returned to the Body, it
perforates to marvelously. Thus the Body drinks I the Water, or Juice of
Grapes, not so much then when they are first mingled: but most especially,
when by decoction it pierceth radically to the very profundity of it; and
makes it to alter its Form; This is the Water which reareth the Bodies, and
makes them no Bodies, but flying Spirits like a Smoak, Wind of Fume, as
Artephius speaketh plentifully.
This operation is performed in a short while, in comparison of Subterraneal
operations of Nature, which are done in a very long time; therefore I is that
so many Philosophers say, that it is done in a very short time, and yet it is
not without cause, that so many of the Philosophers have complained of the
length of this decoction.
Therefore the same Artephius who had said, that this fire of the Water of
our Mercury, doth that in a short time above ground, what Nature was
performing in a 1000 years, doth in another place say, that the tincture doth
not come out at once, but little and little each day, and hour, till after a long
time the decoction be compleat, according to the saying of the Philosopher:
Boyl, boyl, and again boyl, and accompt not tedious our long decoction.
So fast.
So then this expression here, that the Toad doth drink in the Juice of Grapes
so fast, doth not imply but that this work must have the true time of Nature;
which is indeed a long time, and so is every decoction at least: so they will
seem to the Artist who attends the fire day by day, and yet mist wait for the
fruit with Patience, till the Heaven have showred down upon the Earth, the
former and latter Rain: yet be not out of heart, but attend until the
compleatment, for then a large Harvest will abundantly recompence all thy
Till over-charged with the Broth, his Bowels all to brast.
It follows in the Vision, that at length the Toad (over-charged with the
broth) did burst asunder; This broth is the same which the fair Medea did
prepare, and pour upon the two Serpents which did keep the Golden
Apples, which grew in the hidden Garden of the Virgins Hesperides.
For the Vinegre of the Philosophers being circulated upon the Body, doth
engender a substance like unto bloudy Broth, and makes Colours of the
Rainbow, to appear in the ascension and descension of your Lyon, until the
Eagles have at length devoured the Lyon, and all together being killed with
the Carion of the Carcasses become a venomous Toad, creeping on the
Earth, and a Crow swimming in the midst of the dead Sea.
The Juice of Grapes then, which is our Mercury, drawn from the
Chameleon or Air of our Physical Magnesia, and Chalybs Magical, being
circulated upon our true Terra Lemnia; after it is grosly mixed with it by
Incorporation, and set to our fire to digest, doth still enter in and upon our
Body, and searcheth the profoundity of it; and makes the occult to become
manifest by continual ascension and descension: till all together become a
Broth; which is a mean substance of dissevered qualities, between the
Water and the Body, till at length the Body burst asunder and be reduced
into a Powder, like to the Atoms of the Sun, black of the blackest and of a
viscous matter.
And after that, from poisoned bulk he cast his venom fell.
This Reduction of the Body, thus in this water ingenders so venomous a
Nature, that truly in the whole World there is not a ranker Poyson, or stink,
according as Philosophers witness: and therefore he is said to cast his fell
venom from his poisoned bulk; in as much as the exhalation are compared
to the Invenomed Fume of Dragons, as Flamell in his Summary hath such
an Allusion. But the Philosopher (as he adds in his Hieroglyphicks of the
two Dragons,) never feels his sink, unless he break his Vessels, but only he
judgeth it by the colours proceeding from the rottenness of the Confections.
And indeed it is a wonder to consider, (which some Sons of Art are eyewitnesses of) that the fixed and most digested Body of Gold; should so rot
and putrifie, as if it were a Carcass, which is done by the admirable Divine
virtue of our dissolving Water, which no Money can purchase. All these
operations, which are so enlarged by variety of expressions, center in one,
which killing the quick, and reviving the dead.
For grief and pain whereof his members all began to swell.
This venomous fume of exhalations returning upon the Body, cause it to
swell all over according to the saying of the Philosopher; The Body in this
Water puffet up, swelleth and putrifieth as a Grain of Corn, taking the
nature living and vegetable, therefore for this cause this Water is in this
sense called by the Philosophers their Leaven, for as Leaven causeth Past to
swell, so this fermenteth the body, and causeth it to tumefie and puff up; it
is also called venom, for as venom causeth swelling, so this Water by its
reiteration uncessantly upon our body.
This operation is uncessant from the first incitation of the matter, even until
compleat putrefaction; for the Toad doth always send forth his exhalations
(being rather called the Lyon,) till he be over-come in part: and then when
the Body begins a little to put on the Nature of the Water, and the Water of
the Body, ten it is compared to two Dragons, one winged, and the other
without wings: and lastly when that stinking Earth appears, which Hermes
calls his Terra Foliata, or Earth of Leaves, then it is most properly called
the Toad of the Earth; from the first excitation, even to the last of this
putrefaction: which exhalations are at the beginning for a time White, and
afterwards become Yellowish, Blewish, and Blackish, (from the virulency
of the matter) which exhalation hourly condensing, and ever and anon
running down like little veins in drops, do enter the Body marvelously, and
the more it is entred; the more it swells and puffs up, till at length it be
completely putrefied.
With drops of poisoned sweat, approaching thus his secret Den.
The following two Verses then are but a more ample description of this
work; of volatilization which is an ascension, and descension, or circulation
of the confections within the Glass. Which Glass here called the secret
Den, is else-where called by the same Author, a little Glassen-tun, and is an
oval Vessel; of the purest White Glass, about the bigness of an ordinary
Hen-Egg, in the which about the quantity of an ounce of 8 drachms of the
confection, in all mixed is a convenient proportion to be set, which being
Seald up with Hermes Seal, the Glass having a neck about 6 fingers high,
or thereabouts, which being thin and narrow; is melted together Artificially,
that no Spirits can get out, nor no Air can come in, in which respect it is
named a secret Den.
Also it is called a secret Den, because of the secretness of Ashes or Sand, in
which in a Philosophical Athanor it is set, the doores being firmly shut up,
and a prospect left to look I by a Window, either to open a little, as much as
s convenient sometimes, as occasion requires, or else with Glass put into it,
to admit the view of the Artist; together with a light at hand to shew the
His Cave with blasts of fumous Air, he all bewhited then.
Which Glass, Nest, and Furnace being thus secretly ordered, the Artist
must in the first place expect to be in Prison a long time, as Bernard
Trevisan saith, for the Concave of this secret place, will be so whitened
with the fumes which ascend, that an Artist rules his work more by skill
and reason, or the eye of the mind, then of the Body, for the Spirits arising
like a smoak or Wind, sticketh to the Concave of the Glass, which is above
the Sand or Ashes, and there by degrees, there grow drops which run down
and moisten the Body below, and reduce as much as they can of the fixed,
and so the Body by the Water, and the Water by the Body alter their
And from the which in space a Golden Humour did ensue.
In so much that at length, the whole Vessel will seem as though it were
over gilded with Gold, for the exhalations will be Yellow, which is a sign
of true Copulation of our Man & Woman together, but before this Yellow,
and with it there will be an obscuring of the White brightness of the Fume,
with the mixture of colours, Dark, obscure and Blewish.
The space is not long, for all the several passages are conspicuous before
40 days; for in that space from these Colours, are demonstrating Signs of
Corruption and Generation, which is given us by the biting, and fiery
Nature of our pontick Waters, and the resistance of our Bodies; in which
Fight the Body is over-come, and killed, and dying yields these Colours:
which is a Sign that the Eagles now are getting the Mastery, and that our
Lyon hath also a little infected them with his Carcass, which they begin to
prey upon. This Operation is by Ingenious Artists called Extraction of
Natures, and Separation, for the Tincture begins now to be separated from
the Body. Also Reduction to the first matter; which is Sperm or Seed,
which by reason of its double Nature, is compared to two Dragons. I shall
not enlarge in this Vision, but briefly unfold what is briefly laid down.
Whose falling drops from high did stain the soyl with ruddy hue.
These colours of the Mercury, do affect the subsident fixed Body, with
sutable colours and the Bodies from these exhalation, be Tincted with a
ruddy colour, which Flamel expresseth to this purpose, that these two
Natures, or Dragons do bite one another very cruelly; and never leave from
the time they have seised one upon another; till by their slavering Venom,
and mortal hurts, they be all of a gore bloud, and then being stewed in their
own Venom, are changed into a fifth Essence.
And when his Corps the force of vital breath began to lack.
But before the renovation of these Natures, they must in the first place pass
through the Eclipse, both of the Sun and Moon and the darkness of
Purgatory, which is the gate of Blackness, and after that they shall be
renovated with the light of Paradise.
This Allegorically is called Death, for as a man will resist violence, which
entrencheth upon his life as long as he can, but if his enemies are many and
mighty, at length they grow too mighty for him, and he begins to fail both
in strength and courage, and so Paleness, the Harbinger of Death, doth
stand as it were upon his lips, so our Body or Man the Sun, like a strong
Champion, doth resist long, till he be wounded, and bleed as it were all
over, and then dies, at whose death blackness doth begin to appear, as of
old the Ravens were foretellers of Mans death approaching: for this
Reiteration of Rotation of the Influences of the Heaven of it, together with
Heat still drying up and soaking in the Moisture as fast as it falls, brings it
at last naturally to die and corrupt, as any other thing doth.
And then the Corps begin to lack breath; that is, the Fumes begin to cease:
for with oft ascending and descending the Spirits are somewhat fixed, and
turned into Powder or Dust, and are now in the bottom of the Vessel,
drawing fast to Putrefaction: Nor do they for a time ascend, but remain
Wherefore govern your Fire, that your Spirits be no so exalted, and climb
so high that the Earth want them, and they return no more: For this
Operation is, as Morien saith, a drawing out of Water from the earth, and
again a returning of the same to the earth, so often and so long till the Earth
This dying Toad became forthwith like Coal for colour black.
This is the final end of the Combat, for herein in this Earth of Leaves all are
reconciled, and final Peace is made; and now one nature embraceth
another, in no other form but in the form of a Powder impalpable, and in no
other colour but black of the blackest.
From henceforth Natures are united, and boil and bubble together like
melted Pitch, and change their forms one into another. Take heed therefore
lest instead of Powder Black of the Blackest, which is the Crows Bill, you
have an unprofitable dry half red Precipitate, Orange-coloured, which is a
certain sign of the Combustion of Flowers, or Vertue of the Vegetative
Seed, On this very Rock I have stumbled, and do therefore warn you.
Thus drowned in his proper Veins of poisoned Flood.
It appears by all that hath been said, and by the undoubted Testimony of all
Philosophers who have been Eye-witnesses to this truth, that the work is
not so tedious, nor chargeable, but that in the simplest way of Nature the
mastery is to be attained: for when once the true body is impacted with its
true Leven, it doth calcine it self, and dissolve it self for the dissolution of
the Body into a black and changeable coloured Water, which is the sign of
egrettion of the Tincture, is the Congelation of the Spirits into this lowest
Period of Obscurity, which is this black Powder like unto Lamp-Black, this
is the Complement of Eclipsation, which Contrition begins soon after the
Colours, Yellowish, Blewish, &c.
For term of Eighty Days and Four he rotting stood.
This Calcination begins with these Variations in Colour about the two and
fortieth day, or fiftieth at the farthest, in a good Regimen: After which
comes putrefying Corruption, like to the Scum of boiling bloody Broath or
melted Pitch; but Blackness in part, to wit, Superficial, begins about the
fortieth day after the stirring up of the matter, in case of right Progress and
Regimen of the Fire, or about the fiftieth at farthest. But this drowning of
him in his own Poyson, and stewing him in his own Broath, is the intire
Blackness and Cimmerian utter Darkness of compleat Rottenness, which
according to the Author, is for the space of eighty four days. This time is
not certainly agreed upon by Authors: But in this they all agree, they
prescribe so long time until the Complement. One writes, That this blackest
Black indures a long time, and is not destroyed in less than five months.
Another writes, That the King when he enters into his Bath pulls of his
Robe, and gives it to Saturn, from whom he receives a Black Shirt, which
he keeps forty two days: And indeed it is two and forty days before he put
on this Black Shirt instead of his Golden Robe, that is, be destroyed as
touching his Solary Qualities, and become instead of Fixt, Citrine, Terrene,
and Solid, a Fugitive, Black, Spiritual, Watery, and Flegmatick Substance:
But Putridness begins not till the first Forms be put off; for so long as the
Body may be reduced into its former Nature, it is not yet well ground and
imbibed; grind therefore and imbibe, till thou see the Bodies to become no
Bodies, but a Fume and Wind, and then circulating for a season, thou shalt
see them settle and putrifie.
Saturn then will hold the Earth, which is Occidental, Retentive and
Autumnal, in the West; then proceed to the North, where Mercury holdeth
the Water, where the Matter is Watery and Flegmatick, and it is Winter,
and the North expulsive. But they who divide the Operation into Saturns
Rule, and after him succeeding Jupiter, ascribe to Saturn the whole of
Putridness, and to Jupiter the time of variety of Colours. After Jupiter, who
holds but twenty or two and twenty days, comes Luna, the third Person,
bright and fair, and she holds twenty good days, sometimes two over and
above: In this Computation it is good to count from the fortieth or fiftieth
day of the first beginning of the Stone, to the fourteenth or sixteenth day of
Jupiters Reign, wherein in the washing of Laton there is still Blackness,
though mixed with variety of gay Colours, which amounteth to the sum of
days allowed by the Author in Putrefaction, to wit, Eighty four days.
Accounting intire Blackness, with Augurellus, after four time eleven days
and nights, which make four and forty: Or, according to another
Philosopher, which saith, In the first Fifty Days here appears the True
Crow, and after it in Threescore and Ten Days the White Dove; and after
in Fourscore and Ten days the Tyrian Colour.
By Tryal then this Venom to expel I did desire;
For which I did commit his Carcass to a gentle Fire.
Which done, a Wonder to the sight, but more to be rehearst;
The Toad with Colours rare through every side was piercd.
And white appeard when all the sundry hews were past;
Which after being tincted, ruddy for evermore did last.
I shall add my own Sentence: Mix thy two Natures well, and if thy matter
by pure, both the Body, and the Water, and the internal Heat of thy Bath as
it ought to be, and the external Fire gentle, and not violent; yet so that the
Matter may circulate, and Spiritual Nature on the Corporal, in six and forty
or fifty days expect the beginning of intire Blackness; and after six and fifty
days more, or sixty, expect the Peacocks Tayl, and Colours of the Rainbow;
and after two and twenty days more, or four and twenty, expect Luna
perfect, the Whitest White, which will grow more and more glorious for the
space of twenty days, or two and twenty at the most: After which, in a little
more increased Fire, expect the Rule of Venus for the space of forty days,
or two and forty; and after it the Rule of Mars two and forty days more;
and after him the Rule of Sol flavus forty days, or two and forty: And then
in a moment comes the Tyrian Colour, the sparkling Red, the fiery
Vermillion, and Red Poppy of the Rock.
Then of the Venom handled thus a Medicine I did make,
Which Venom kills, and saveth such a Venom chance to take.
Thus onely by Deccotion these Natures are changed and altered so
wonderfully to this blessed Tincture. Which expelleth all Poyson, though it
self were a deadly Poyson before the Preparation, yet after it is the Balsam
of Nature, expelling all Diseases, and cutting them of as it were with one
Hook, all that are accidental to Humane frail Body, which is wonderful.
Glory be to Him the Grantor of such secret Ways;
Dominion and Honour both, with Worship and with Praise. Amen.
Now God only is the Dispenser of these glorious Mysteries: I have been a
true Witness of nature unto thee, and I know that I write true, and all Sons
of Art shall by my Writings know that I am a Fellow heir with them of this
Divine Skill. To the ignorant I have wrote so plain as may be, and more I
had written if the Creator of all things had give me larger Commission.
Now to Him alone, as is due, be all Honour, and Power, and Glory, who
made all things, and giveth knowledge to whom he listeth of his Servants,
and conceals where he pleaseth: To Him be ascribed, as due is, all Service
and Honour. And no, Brother, whoever enjoyeth this rare Blessing of God,
improve all thy strength to do him service with it, for he is worthy of it,
who hath created all things, and for whose sake they were and are created.
The End of Sir George Ripleys Vision, Canon of Bridlington.