This memorandum of agreement establishes a scholarship program between Representative Antonio Tinio and Pangasinan State University. The representative will provide PHP 165,000 in scholarship funds for undergraduate and graduate students. Pangasinan State University will advertise the scholarships, process applications, and administer the program. Scholarships will support 16 students for two semesters, prioritizing those from poor families and sectors involved in community organizing.
This memorandum of agreement establishes a scholarship program between Representative Antonio Tinio and Pangasinan State University. The representative will provide PHP 165,000 in scholarship funds for undergraduate and graduate students. Pangasinan State University will advertise the scholarships, process applications, and administer the program. Scholarships will support 16 students for two semesters, prioritizing those from poor families and sectors involved in community organizing.
This memorandum of agreement establishes a scholarship program between Representative Antonio Tinio and Pangasinan State University. The representative will provide PHP 165,000 in scholarship funds for undergraduate and graduate students. Pangasinan State University will advertise the scholarships, process applications, and administer the program. Scholarships will support 16 students for two semesters, prioritizing those from poor families and sectors involved in community organizing.
This memorandum of agreement establishes a scholarship program between Representative Antonio Tinio and Pangasinan State University. The representative will provide PHP 165,000 in scholarship funds for undergraduate and graduate students. Pangasinan State University will advertise the scholarships, process applications, and administer the program. Scholarships will support 16 students for two semesters, prioritizing those from poor families and sectors involved in community organizing.
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The memorandum of agreement establishes a scholarship program between Representative Antonio Tinio and Pangasinan State University to provide financial assistance to poor and deserving students.
The memorandum establishes a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to poor and deserving students enrolled at Pangasinan State University using Representative Tinio's PDAF funds.
The first party agrees to provide PHP 165,000 in scholarship funds and select scholars. The second party agrees to advertise the scholarships, process applications, and provide reports.
This agreement entered into by and between: The HONORABLE ANTONIO L. TINIO, ACT Teachers Party-List Representative, duly elected and holding office under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at Room !" #outh $ing, %ouse of Representative, &atasan %ills, 'ue(on City, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY -and- The PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY, a state university created and e)isting under Philippine law, with principal address at Lingayen, Pangasinan and represented by its President, VICTORIANO C. ESTIRA, Ed. D., herein referred to as the SECOND PARTY $*T+,##,T% that: WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY, in its continuing concern for and commitment to an educational system responsive to the needs of the country for progress and social development, would li-e to provide scholarship grants to poor and deserving students enrolled in BACCALAUREATE, Mas!"a# and D$%$"a!, offered by the #,C.+/ PART01 WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY desires to help and provide educational opportunities to economically challenged but deserving students1 WHEREAS, through the efforts and representation of the FIRST PARTY, an appropriation in the amount of ONE HUNDRED SI&TY'FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (PHP )*+,,,,.,,- covering financial assistance to the #,C.+/ PART0 to provide scholarship grants to poor and deserving students has been included in the 2*R#T PART03s Priority /evelopment Assistance 2und 4P/A25 as reflected in the #pecial Allotment Release .rder 4#AR.5 BM B'G'))'T',,,,,)*., released last 6une 7", 78!89 WHEREAS, an active partnership between the 2*R#T PART0 and the #,C.+/ PART0 is needed for the effective implementation of the 2inancial Assistance Program for :ndergraduate and ;raduate #tudents in Pangasinan #tate :niversity or herein referred as the #C%.LAR#%*P PR.;RA<1 NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, the parties have agreed on the scholarship program under the following terms and conditions: A. OBLIGATIONS OF THE FIRST PARTY: !9 Provide the #cholarship 2und in the amount of ONE HUNDRED SI&TY'FIVE THOUSAND PESOS 4PhP!=,8889885 for the implementation of this #cholarship Program for the two 475 school terms: 7 nd #emester of academic year 78!!-78!7 and ! st #emester of academic year 78!7-78!>9 The fund allocation per school term shall be 2*?, T%.:#A+/ P,#.# 4Php=,8885 per scholar@beneficiary for <A or Ph9/9 and for &accalaureate9 Page 1 of 4 79 Provide scholarship to four 4A5 students for <A or Ph9/9 and twelve 4!75 students for &accalaureate courses for the 7 nd semester of academic year of 78!!-78!7 and ! st semester of academic year 78!7-78!>, plus another one 4!5 student for &accalaureate course for the 7 nd semester, academic year 78!!-78!7 only9 >9 ,valuate and select scholars to the #,C.+/ PART09 A9 Recommend another applicant in lieu of a grantee who is unable to continue his@her scholarship, and@or recommend applicant4s5 to fill in the unavailed slot4s59 B. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SECOND PARTY !9 Ta-e charge of the advertisement of the scholarship grant through the .ffice for #cholarship and #tudent Affairs office9 79 Accept and process applicants for scholarship endorsed in writing by the 2*R#T PART09 >9 *nform the 2*R#T PART0 of any vacancy should the grantee be unable to continue his@her scholarship9 A9 2urnish the 2*R#T PART0 a periodic narrative and financial report on the e)penses incurred and the operational status of the #cholarship program1 and =9 ,nsure the efficient administration of the #cholarship Program9 /UALIFICATIONS AND RE/UIREMENTS FOR GRANTEES A .Ba%%a#a0"!a! !9 <ust come from a poor family9 79 <ust have passed the #chool3s Admission Test 4if any59 >9 <ust carry the regular load prescribed by the curriculum9 A9 <ust pass all academic subBects9 =9 <ust be of good moral character and must not have been subBected to disciplinary action by the school due to misconduct or misbehavior committed by him individually1 and 9 <ust not be a recipient of any other scholarship9 C9 ;rantees are encouraged to Boin student organi(ations of their choice and participate in e)tra-curricular activities to enhance their all-rounded development and increase their social awareness9 "9 Priority shall be given to students with strong social commitment and involvement in socio-cultural activities and to the sons and daughters of full-time community and sectoral organi(ers, wor-ers, peasants, indigenous peoples9 The urban poor and fisherfol-s9 2or this purpose, an endorsement letter from their parent3s organi(ation shall be reDuired9 Page 2 of 4 B . Mas!"a# a1d D$%$"a# D!2"!! !9 <ust be public or private school teacher9 79 <ust not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant9 >9 <ust be currently enrolled in any master3s or doctoral program A9 <ust be enrolled in second semester #0 78!!-78!79 =9 <ust submit a completed application form 9 Certification of employment for his@her school9 C9 <ust provide a copy of P#: registration form from 7 nd #emester, #0 78!!-78!79 "9 #ubmit 7 copies of 7)7 */ picture E9 ,ndorsement letter from ACT coordinator in their area or from ACT Teachers Regional Coordinator for Central Lu(on C. RECISSION3CANCELLATION OF GRANT: *n order for a ;RA+T,, to be retained in the scholarship program, he@she must: a9 %ave no failing grade in any of the academic subBects9 b9 +ot drop any subBect without a valid reason and without prior approval of the #,C.+/ PART0 1 and c9 #hould the #,C.+/ PART0 subBect the grantee to any disciplinary action, the #,C.+/ PART0 together with a representative of the 2*R#T PART0 shall decide if the merits of the case should warrant the termination of the scholarship9 d9 2ailure on the part of the grantee to meet the abovementioned guidelines will be sufficient ground for terminating the assistance9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto set their hands and affi)ed their signatures on this document the FFFFFFFFF day of FFFFFFFFFF 78!! in the City of FFFFFFFFFFFFF, Philippines9 2*R#T PART0 by: #,C.+/ PART0 by: REP. ANTONIO L. TINIO VICTORIANO C. ESTIRA, Ed. D. ACT T!a%4!"s Pa"5 P"!s6d!1 Pa12as61a1 Sa! U167!"s65 $itnesses: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Page 3 of 4 Republic of the Philippines5 <unicipality of Lingayen 5 #9#9 Province of Pangasinan 5 &efore me, a +otary Public for and in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, Philippines, this day of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF personally appeared the following: +ame *dentification /ate@Place of *ssue R,P9 A+T.+*. L9 T*+*. Congress */ C"C! 6uly !, 78!8 /R9 ?*CT.R*A+. C9 ,#T*RA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -nown to me and to me -nown to be the same persons who e)ecuted the foregoing instrument and who ac-nowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed and of the entities they respectively represent in this instance9 $*T+,## <0 %A+/ A+/ #,AL, on the date and at the place first above written9 +otary Public /oc9 +o9 FFFFFFFFFFF Page +o9 FFFFFFFFFFF &oo- +o9 FFFFFFFFFF #eries of 78!! Page 4 of 4