The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard (VMRS) provides a universal language for fleet maintenance, manufacturers, suppliers and others to communicate about vehicle maintenance. Developed in 1970, VMRS establishes standardized numeric codes to classify vehicle systems, components, repair reasons, and work completed in a concise format. The Technology and Maintenance Council, an arm of the American Trucking Associations, maintains and updates the VMRS code library to reflect current vehicle technology and user needs.
The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard (VMRS) provides a universal language for fleet maintenance, manufacturers, suppliers and others to communicate about vehicle maintenance. Developed in 1970, VMRS establishes standardized numeric codes to classify vehicle systems, components, repair reasons, and work completed in a concise format. The Technology and Maintenance Council, an arm of the American Trucking Associations, maintains and updates the VMRS code library to reflect current vehicle technology and user needs.
The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard (VMRS) provides a universal language for fleet maintenance, manufacturers, suppliers and others to communicate about vehicle maintenance. Developed in 1970, VMRS establishes standardized numeric codes to classify vehicle systems, components, repair reasons, and work completed in a concise format. The Technology and Maintenance Council, an arm of the American Trucking Associations, maintains and updates the VMRS code library to reflect current vehicle technology and user needs.
The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard (VMRS) provides a universal language for fleet maintenance, manufacturers, suppliers and others to communicate about vehicle maintenance. Developed in 1970, VMRS establishes standardized numeric codes to classify vehicle systems, components, repair reasons, and work completed in a concise format. The Technology and Maintenance Council, an arm of the American Trucking Associations, maintains and updates the VMRS code library to reflect current vehicle technology and user needs.
Si nc e 1970, t he pur pose of VMRS has been t o pr ovi de a vi t al c ommuni c at i on l i nk bet w een mai nt enanc e per sonnel , c omput er s, and management . I t est abl i shes a " uni ver sal " l anguage f or f l eet s, or i gi nal equi pment manuf ac t ur er s (OEMs), i ndust r y suppl i er s, c omput er s, and t hose w hose r esponsi bi l i t y i t i s t o spec i f y, pur c hase, oper at e, and mai nt ai n equi pment . What is VMRS Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standard Developed by and for Equipment Users under the auspices of the ATA,
VMRS provides the discipline necessary for different industry segments to communicate. VMRS is the shorthand of maintenance reporting.. VMRS can be used by all levels of maintenance/management Technicians Parts personnel Purchasing Shop Managers VP/Director of Maintenance CFO VMRS is becoming the standard for OEMs. To meet the ever-changing needs of the equipment industry, (TMC) -Technology & Maintenance Council- of the American Trucking Associations serves as the official custodian of VMRS. TMC provides OEMs, MFGs, part suppliers, and equipment users with updated codes on an "as needed" basis reflective of current equipment design and the informational needs of the VMRS user. 15 Distinct Advantages to VMRS VMRS is Easy to Use VMRS is Cost Effective Follows Accounting Enables Budgeting Helps Control Cost Facility Management VMRS Tracks Labor
VMRS Tracks Parts Supports Warranty Improves PM Program Enables Benchmarking Component Comparison Reporting Requirements Equipment Replacement Software Compatible
VMRS Code Keys 1 = Equipment Vocation 14 = Reason for Repair 15 = Work Accomplished 18 = Parts Failure Code 31 = System Code (3 character) 32 = Assembly Code (3 character) 33 = Component Code (3 character) 34 = MFGs/Suppliers/Brands 79 = Position Code (tires)
19 Rewire / Wire 20 Towing 21 Fabricate/Weld/Burn 24 Repair 25 Remove 30 Work Incomplete 98 In Frame Overhaul 99 Out of Chassis Overhaul A PM Level A B PM Level B C PM Level C D PM Level D E PM Level E
17 Insufficient Lubrication 18 Leaking 19 Loose 20 Lubrication or Oil Soaked 21 Misadjusted 22 Misaligned 23 Not Connected 24 Not Drilled 25 Out of Balance 26 Out of Round 27 Overheated 28 Part Improperly Installed 29 Part Omitted 30 Poor Fit, Wrong Size 31 Poor Metal Finish 32 Porosity 33 Registers Incorrectly 34 Rough
Key Code 31 - System 001 A/C, Heating, and Ventilating System 002 Cab and Sheet Metal 003 Instruments, Gauges 011 Axles FrontNon-Driven 012 Axles RearNon-Driven 013 Brakes 014 Frame 015 Steering 016 Suspension 017 Tires 018 Wheels, Rim, Hubs 021 Axle DrivenFront 022 Axle DrivenRear 023 Clutch 026 Transmission - Manual 027 Transmission - Automatic 041Air Intake System 042 Cooling System 043 Exhaust System 044 Fuel System 045 Power Plant 046 Electric Propulsion System 047 Filter Kits (Multi-Piece) 051 General Accessories (All) 052 Electrical Accessories (All) 053 Expendable Items (All) 054 Horns and Mounting 071 Body (except bulk carrier body) 072 Rear Wall and Door 073 Tank Vessel, inner shell 074 Tank Vessel, outer jacket
Code Key 32 Assembly Air Condition Assembly Heating & Ventilation Auxiliary Heater Heater & A/C Sleeper Tire Pneumatic Tire Solid Valve Assembly Code Key 33 - Component Door Grill Dust Tube Seal Radial Rib Radial Lub Recap Reports by System Codes Search by using system code assembly code component code. OEMs and Manufactures use VMRS So, What Does This Mean To You? IF You are a user all parts pertaining to Brakes = 013 All 013-Front Brakes =013-001 All 013-001-Brake Shoe =014 Therefore all parts that are VMRS code 013-001-014 will be a Front Brake Shoe. You are a parts provider tracking 013-001-014 will make it easy to; Manage your Front Brake Shoe inventory Track usage/ sales Compare pricing by manufacture If you are a manager using VMRS will allow you understand all your usage, cost and evaluations. Here is the Bottom Line Using VMRS Codes Where did I spend the most money? Run the report that shows all System Codes. Include the Assembly and Component codes to be precise. Why did I have to make repairs? Run the Repair Reason report What did I have to do to repair my assets? Run the Work Accomplish Code report Why did the part fail? Run the Failure report to understand why the parts failed. By using VMRS codes all maintenance and parts tracking can be reduced to simplified numeric codes.
VMRS Q & A More Information can be found at;