Wysiwyg Web Builder Faq

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WYSIWYG Web Builder

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright 2011 Pablo Software Solutions. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. II
WYSIWYG WEB BUILDER FAQ ................................................................................................................ 5
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 6
How is WYSIWYG Web Builder different from a standard HTML editor? ........................................... 6
Are there any tutorials available for Web Builder? ............................................................................. 7
How do I remove the 'Built With' logo from a page? .......................................................................... 7
How do I name my pages? .................................................................................................................. 7
How do I select multiple objects? ........................................................................................................ 8
Can I fix my page to a certain width and height? ............................................................................... 8
How do I resize images and maintain the aspect ratio? ..................................................................... 8
Can I add HTML attributes that are not implemented? ...................................................................... 8
How to resize last column/row of a table with affecting other rows? ................................................ 8
Is there a Mac version of WYSIWYG Web Builder? ............................................................................. 8
How do I edit existing HTML pages? ................................................................................................... 9
Ive reopened my project, where are my pages? ................................................................................ 9
How do I center my page in the browser? ........................................................................................ 10
How do I create a transparent inline frame? .................................................................................... 11
How do I add Google Analytics to my pages? ................................................................................... 12
Parse Error: Script not closed ............................................................................................................ 13
Unexpected file format" error when loading file. ............................................................................ 13
Is it possible to build 'scalable' pages? .............................................................................................. 14
How can I use Inline Frames to implement a master border? .......................................................... 14
How to add full width header and footer to your pages? ................................................................. 15
How to restore the menubar/toolbar state layout? ......................................................................... 16
How to copy a project from one computer to another? ................................................................... 17
Where do I save custom buttons, clipart, stencils, themes etc? ....................................................... 18
How to create a News letter? ........................................................................................................... 20
Will an update or upgrade remove my project files? ........................................................................ 21
Do you have an Affiliate program? ................................................................................................... 21
PUBLISH AND PREVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 22
How do I publish my pages? ............................................................................................................. 22
Can I publish to any web host? ......................................................................................................... 22
How do I verify that my publish settings are ok? .............................................................................. 22
What value do I use for the remote folder? ...................................................................................... 22
Publish failed. What has happened? ................................................................................................. 22
All of a sudden publishing no longer works:( .................................................................................... 23
Publish was successful but I do not see the pages on my website. ................................................... 23
Publishing was successful but I still see my old pages. ..................................................................... 23
The page looks different than in local preview ................................................................................. 24
What to do if publishing times out? .................................................................................................. 24
Publishing takes a very long time ..................................................................................................... 24
Why do shapes and png images look bad in IE 6? ............................................................................ 24
Why aren't my images displayed on a published page? ................................................................... 25
Why do I need to resize online images? ............................................................................................ 25
Why do I get a yellow warning bar when I preview my pages? ........................................................ 26
How to prevent text from overlapping on FireFox/Safari? ............................................................... 26
How do I make a backup of my project file on the server? ............................................................... 27
How do I remove pages from my website? ....................................................................................... 27
Does WYSIWYG Web Builder support SFTP? ..................................................................................... 27
PHP code is showing on the page. .................................................................................................... 27
LINKS ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
How do I link pages together? .......................................................................................................... 28
How do I change the color of my links? ............................................................................................ 28
How do I remove underlining from my links? ................................................................................... 28
How to create a download for your websites visitors? ..................................................................... 29
FORMS ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
How do I create a form with the Form Wizard? ................................................................................ 30
How do I manually create a form? .................................................................................................... 30
Why shouldn't I use 'mailto' in the form action? .............................................................................. 30
How do I build my own form processor? ........................................................................................... 30
Is there an alternative for the built-in form PHP processor? ............................................................. 30
PHP code is showing on the page. What is happening? ................................................................... 31
Emails are not arriving in my inbox... ................................................................................................ 31
The email is sent but I do not see the success page. ......................................................................... 31
Should the success and error pages be PHP? .................................................................................... 31
How do I display the error on the error page? .................................................................................. 31
Not all form fields are in email message:( ........................................................................................ 31
How do I change the order of the fields in email? ............................................................................ 31
Validation does not work! ................................................................................................................. 32
CAPTCHA is not working! .................................................................................................................. 32
Where do I find more details about forms? ...................................................................................... 32
LOGIN TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................. 33
How do I use the login tools? ............................................................................................................ 33
How to create a user database for the login tools? .......................................................................... 33
How do I manually create a user database on the server? ............................................................... 34
Using a MySQL database to store the user information (for advanced users only!) ........................ 34
How to hide the Login Tools user database? .................................................................................... 35
EXTENSIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 36
What are extensions? ....................................................................................................................... 36
Where can I download extensions? .................................................................................................. 36
How to trouble shoot Web Builder Extension issues? ....................................................................... 36



This document contains a collection of frequently asked questions related to WYSIWYG Web
Builder. And although you can access the most up-to-date FAQ on the forum, sometimes it can
be useful to also have it as an offline document.

You can find the online version of this FAQ in the forum:



How is WYSIWYG Web Builder different from a standard HTML editor?
The idea behind this application is to hide HTML from the user and not having to deal with
tables to generate pixel perfect layouts. WYSIWYG Web Builder is not an HTML editor, but an
HTML generator. You don't even have to know there is HTML involved. Just drag & drop
images, text and other objects on your page and your page is ready to be published!

WYSIWYG Web Builder does not edit the HTML directly, but it uses its own file format (.wbs) to
store the information of the website. You can even store your complete website into one
single file! By not using HTML internally, Web Builder can do much more than just generate
standard HTML objects: it supports shapes, drawings, navigation bars, RSS feeds, blogs, photo
galleries, ready to use JavaScripts and much more advanced objects.

Tip: To export your pages to HTML you should use the built-in publish tool!

If you like you can insert existing HTML to your page using the HTML tools (Page HTML and the
HTML object. You can also insert custom attribute or other code to almost any object.

FrontPage, Dreamweaver etc use a document (word processor) method for layout, where you
can not pick up objects and drag it where you want it to go on the web page. In WYSIWYG Web
Builder you can drag and drop the objects anywhere you want, giving you full control over the
layout. You can even put objects on top (or below) other objects!

Traditional HTML editors use Dynamic Page Layout, which means that the first object on the
page will also determine the position of the second object. Resizing or moving the first object
will affect the complete layout of the page. You can't overlap objects when using Dynamic
Page Layout.

WYSIWYG Web Builder generates Fixed Page Layout. All objects have a fixed position which is
not affected by other objects. This also allows you to overlap objects and give you much more
control over the layout of the page.

What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get doesn't necessarily mean that the page will look exactly the
same in all browsers because each browser uses its own rendering engine and has its own
interpretation of the HTML specification. However WYSIWYG Web Builder will generate the
most optimal HTML code, to make it look as close as possible. We also constantly monitoring
the latest standards to make sure we're 99.9% compliant with the W3C standards.

Tip: For step by step instructions to the basic features of WYSIWYG Web Builder please visit
the online tutorials: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/getting_started.html

Are there any tutorials available for Web Builder?
To get started with WYSIWYG Web Builder we recommend visiting:
Here you will also find links to video tutorials and other useful resources.

The build-in help (F1) can also be very helpful!

How do I remove the 'Built With' logo from a page?
To be able to remove the 'Built With' logo from a page, you will need to activate the software
first: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1808
Once you have activated the software you can remove the logo from your pages by following
these instructions:

1. Select the logo on the page
2. Press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard

Q: But I can't find the logo on my page!
A: You may have 'hidden' the logo behind other objects. In that case please use the Object
Manager to locate the object and remove it from there.

Important notes:
You must republish your page to your website so the page is also updated on the server!
If the logo is still displayed then your browser may be caching the old page. In that case, clear
your browser's cache or refresh the page a couple of times to update the browser's display.

How do I name my pages?
While building your web site, Web Builder saves the project file with the .wbs extension. This is
a project file used by Web Builder to simplify the building process.
One project file can contain multiple web pages. Once your pages are ready you must export
or publish them as HTML. The name of the output HTML file is taken from the name you've
specified in the Site Manager. So if you've named the page index then the output file will be
called index.html. If the page needs another extension like .php, you can configure this in the
Page Properties.

Here are some guidelines how to name your web pages:
1. Do not add .html or .htm extension to the page name.
Web Builder will automatically add the .html extension (or .php, .asp) when it
publishes (or exports) the HTML code.
2. Always name your homepage: "index", this is the most common name for a
homepage. Do not call it "home" or "Index", it should be all lowercase!
3. Always use lowercase filenames, most webservers are case sensitive and might fail to
find your page if you have called it "Index" or "INDEX".
4. Do not use spaces, '&', '+', '-' or other special characters in the name, keep them simple
like: page1 or my_products.
5. Use underscores to connect words.

How do I select multiple objects?
Method 1
1. Select an item.
2. Hold download the SHIFT key on your keyboard.
3. Select another item.
Now you have selected multiple items. Repeat these steps if you want to select more
Method 2
Drag a rectangle around the items you want to select. When you release the mouse button,
the items within the rectangle will be selected.

Sometimes the group of items you wish to select is on top of another item (like a shape or
layer). In this case if you don't want to select the underlying object, hold down the CTRL key
before you click and start dragging.

Can I fix my page to a certain width and height?
Although you can specify the page width and height using the page properties, these values
aren't fixed. When you move an object outside the current page size it will automatically
adjust the settings to make everything fit. You can however enable Guide Borders so you can
make sure all objects stay inside certain limits.
Select Menu->Arrange-> Guide Settings and enable Show Guide Borders.

How do I resize images and maintain the aspect ratio?
Drag the bottom-right handle to keep the aspect ratio of an image.

Holding down the SHIFT key while resizing will keep the current aspect for all other objects.

Can I add HTML attributes that are not implemented?
Yes, if you want to add attributes to a HTML object for example the Image object, select the
object and choose edit HTML. Then to add an attribute click Inside Tag and type your code.
Your custom code is displayed in blue.

Related tutorial:

How to resize last column/row of a table with affecting other rows?
While resizing the table hold down the Ctrl-key.

Is there a Mac version of WYSIWYG Web Builder?
No, but you can run Web Builder on a Mac after installing bootcamp or Parallels Desktop.
How do I edit existing HTML pages?
You can't edit existing HTML pages using WYSIWYG Web Builder directly. WYSIWYG Web
Builder is not an HTML editor, but an HTML generator! See also: How is WYSIWYG Web
Builder different from a standard HTML editor.

But although WYSYWYG Web Builder is not an HTML editor, you can import existing HTML
pages. Select Page->Import->Import HTML Page from the menu to display the Import HTML
page window. You can either select an HTML page from your local drive or specify a URL of an
online website. Click OK to start importing the page. Web Builder will automatically copy all
images to your local drive.

Important notes about importing HTML:
1. WYSIWYG Web Builder is not an HTML editor, but an HTML generator! Web Builder
imports the HTML by rendering the contents of an existing page and then attempts to
convert the layout to Web Builder's internal object format.
2. The import feature currently only imports text, images, form elements and body
attributes (link colors, background images, meta tags). Tables, scripts, style sheets and
multimedia components are not imported. But in most cases this is good enough to
get you started.
3. Web Builder does not parse style sheets, so is some cases the text may look different
than the original page.
4. Web Builder currently doesn't support framesets. If you want to import a web page
that's using frames you'll have to import all individual pages separately.
5. It is very difficult to support all different types of HTML. Even the populair browsers
will interpret HTML differently, so don't expect miracles. If a page fails to be imported
it probably contains code that Web Builder doesn't understand and you still have to
start from scratch.
6. Importing web pages created with WYSIWYG Web Builder will give the best results!.

Ive reopened my project, where are my pages?
When you create a new project and add new pages they will automatically open in the
workspace. However if you reopen the project then only the first page will be opened (to
reduce the loading time of the project and limit the allocated memory).
To open other pages of the project you must use the Site Manager.

If you do not see also your pages then you may have added them as a child of another page.
Click the + sign in front of the page (or folder) to expand the tree.

Related tutorial:

How do I center my page in the browser?
Here are a few tips for the designing your web pages so they are displayed in the center of the
browser window:
Set the Page properties (for example) to 1024x768 (note that the height doesn't really
Enable the Guide Borders and set them to the same size.
Make sure all page contents stays between the guide borders
Enable 'Center to browser' in Page Properties

Note that all content of the page will be centered within the page width you've specified. So if
the content if wider than 1024 pixels then you should also increase the page width properties.

Take a look at our templates how to use this method:
Most of these templates stay centered in the browser window, no matter what window size or


How do I create a transparent inline frame?
Here's how you can create an inline frame with a transparent background.
This will allow you to create scrollable text with the background of your main page showing

Part A:
1. Create a page with the text your want to scroll.
2. Open Page HTML and enter this code in the Between Head Tag field:

<style type="text/css">

Part B:
1. Create a page with an IFRAME (Inline Frame)
2. Set the URL to the page above.
3. Open the Object HTML for this inline frame.
4. Enter this code in the Inside Tag field:


5. Preview or publish this page to see the effect.

The allowtransparency is not part of the official HTML specification, so this may not work in
future versions of browsers. Although it has been working for many years now

How do I add Google Analytics to my pages?
Analytics is Google's very own visitor tracking utility, allowing webmasters to keep tabs on
traffic to their site, including visitor numbers, traffic sources, visitor behavior & trends, times
spent on the site and a host of other information gathered via JavaScript embedded in the

More details:

Once you have setup your Google Analytics account, you should have received your tracking
code. Now all you will have to do is add this tracking code to all the pages you would like to

Select Menu->Page->Page HTML and click the Before </body> tab.

Insert your tracking code:
<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js"
<script type="text/javascript">

You'll need to replace the "xxxx-x" in the sample above with your own Google Analytics
account number.

You can access your personalized tracking code in its entirety by following the instructions in
Where can I find my tracking code?

Does WYSIWYG Web Builder support CSS styles?
Yes, WYSIWYG Web Builder is an HTML/CSS generator. It generates HTML and CSS code while
you drag & drop objects to the page. So for common web design tasks you do not have to
write any code yourself. To create common styles used by multiple object and pages you can
use the Style Manager to create global styles. Behind the scenes these styles are CSS classes
and they can be applied to text and other standard HTML elements.

In Menu->Tools->Options->HTML you can enable Generate external CSS style sheets for page
specific styles

Related tutorial:

Parse Error: Script not closed
Usually this error indicates that there is an error in code you have added manually (or was
added by an unofficial extension). This error will be displayed during the creation of the search
index. In order to generate the search index successfully the HTML code of the pages must be
100% valid.

Please verify all code you have manually added for errors. Or disable the search index to
prevent this error message (Menu->Tools->Search Index).

Note that in WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.5 and higher, the error will also include the page name
where the error occurred.

Unexpected file format" error when loading file.
"Unexpected file format" means that Web Builder is trying to load features that are not
implemented in the version you have installed. This will only happen if youre trying to edit a
document that is created with a newer version of Web Builder. In other words a file that is
created with for example version 7.5 and you are trying to open it with version 7.0.

Note that Web Builder is backwards compatible, so it should open your existing pages (from
previous versions) without any problems.

What to do when this error occurs?
Check if you are not accidentally using two versions of the program at the same time
(in different folders).
Make sure you have the very latest version of the program, when a bug is discovered
in Web Builder, most of the time the fix will available within hours/days.
Sometimes users accidentally try to load an HTML file into Web Builder, you cannot do
this directly, the program only opens .wbs (Web Builder Site) files! You must import
existing HTML using Page->Import->Import HTML Page.
Also verify if you have the latest versions of all extensions used by the project installed.

Always backup all your important files. Web Builder files (.wbs) are normally stored in your
documents folder.

Is it possible to build 'scalable' pages?
WYSIWYG Web Builder is a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get HTML generator, this means that
the page will take up the same amount of pixels no matter what screen size, browser,
resolution or DPI settings. In Web Builder you have total control over the layout, unlike
traditional HTML editors. But this means that all objects are positioned absolute using CSS (on
a fixed position and with a fixed size), so you will be able to overlap objects. Overlapping would
not be possible if the output was traditional (relative) HTML, because then the position of an
object is based on the objects around it, which makes it much harder to design pages.

Design all your pages to be centered in the browser for 800x600, just like the big companies do
(Microsoft, Apple, Google ...).

Related topics:
How do I center my page in the browser?

How is WYSIWYG Web Builder different from a standard HTML editor?

Dynamic Web Page Lengths

You can use layers to stretch parts of a page. For advanced users only!

How can I use Inline Frames to implement a master border?
The solution below describes a method to build a website that has one master border and
'switchable' content using an inline frame.
First download this example website:
This example includes one web site with 6 pages: index, page0, page1, page2, page3, page4
Page 'index' is the website's frame, and includes all static content of the website like banners,
menu and the navigation bar. It also has an inline frame area (name='Content') where the
dynamic content will be displayed. The other 5 pages are the dynamic part of the website.
Each page is linked to the index page using links in the navigation bar. Note that the target of
these links is set to 'Content' (the iframe's name).
To preview this example, make sure you have set the Preview Scope to entire website
(Menu->Tools->Options->Miscellaneous->Preview), then simply click preview to see the
example in action.

There is also an example template which demonstrates how to implement this concept by
using them tab menu.
Go to Menu->File->New Web Site from Template->Category->Demo->Tabs.


How to add full width header and footer to your pages?
Often users want to have a header and footer that use the entire width of the screen while the
rest of the content is centered within the browser window. Since WYSIWYG Web Builder
creates a fixed width container for your layout, you will have to do a little bit of extra work to
achieve this.

The trick is to use stretchable layers for the header/footer.

Step 1
Let's assume the width of your layout is 900 pixels (the page width is also set the 900 pixels)
and that you have selected 'Center this page in the browser window horizontally' (in Page
Properties) according to the instructions from: How do I center my page in the browser?

Step 2
Insert a layer and set the width to 900 pixels (the height doesn't really matter).
In the Layer's properties enable 'Relative horizontal resizing' and if you plan to add other
objects (like text, images) to the header then you probably also want to set the alignment to

Step 3
Insert another layer for the footer with the same properties.

The Header/Footer mode of the layer can be useful if you are using the layer as a header or
footer for your page usually in combination with the 'relative horizontal resizing' option.
Normally the 'relative horizontal resizing' (and the other relative options) will add the code
after the <body> container resulting in a higher z-index.
Selecting 'Header/Footer' mode will insert the code before the <body> container, so the layer
will be behind all other content.

Step 4
Preview the page to see the results. Notice that both the header and footer will stretch over
the full width of the browser window, while the rest of the page centers.

Using a background image
Another method to achieve the same effect is by using a background image with the repeat
property set to 'Repeat in horizontal direction' (Horizontal align: Center/Vertical Align: Top)
This way you can design more advanced headers in your favorite image editor.

You can download a template which demonstrates both methods here:

How to restore the menubar/toolbar state layout?
By pressing F11 you can display the current page full screen. This will hide all menus and
toolbars. By pressing F11 again you can unhide the menu/toolbars again.
However sometimes this may not work, for example it you closed the application, in which
case the menu/toolbars layout will be saved as the activate layout.

To restore the menu and toolbars right click outside the page to display the context menu
which allows you to unhide the menu/toolbars

Alternatively you can reset the menu/toolbar layout by removing this registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pablo Software Solutions\WYSIWYG Web Builder

How to copy a project from one computer to another?
Here are a few tips when copying files from one computer to another:
1. Copy all files, including the images they are referring to.
Normally the website files are stored at this location:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder

2. It's a good idea to enable the Let WYSIWYG Web Builder manage images and other files
used by a project option in Tools->Options->Folders, so you automatically have a copy of all
your images and other assets in your My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\ProjectName
folder. Where 'ProjectName' is the name of your project.

If you do not enable this option you will have to manually locate and copy the files used by
your project!

If you've selected this option all you need to do is copy the complete
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder folder to CD or USB stick and it should load ok on
another computer.

3. Another way to transfer a page is to save as template. A template is an archive of the page
including all images and other objects. Then open the template on the other computer.

4. If your project uses special fonts that are not part of the standard Windows installation, you
must also copy these to the other computer! If a font is not available on the computer then it
cannot be displayed.

Asset Manager
If the images (and other assets) are in a different location on the other computer then you can
also use the Asset Manager (Menu->Tools->Asset Manager) to quickly update the path.

Where do I save custom buttons, clipart, stencils, themes etc?
This section describes how to add customize WYSIWYG Web Builder so you can add your own
image buttons, themes etc.

WYSIWYG Web Builder saves all user specific configuration information in the folder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\ This makes it easy to backup all your files
and settings by copying all the files and folders in My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder.

For example if you modify the gradient styles through the Style manager the changes will be
saved to My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\gradients.dat

Publish settings will be saved in the file My Documents\WYSIWYG Web

You can download thousands of free dingbats fonts to use as ClipArt from the Internet. Search
for 'free dingbat fonts' to find all large collection of new shapes.
After you've downloaded one or more files you can copy them to the 'clipart' folder in the Web
Builder system folder: My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\clipart\
See also the ClipArt description in the help/manual.

Extensions (also called add-ons or plugins) are components which enhance the functionality of
WYSIWYG Web Builder. Extensions can be accessed through the Toolbox or via the Insert
menu just like the standard objects.
There are already more than 200 extensions available for WYSIWYG Web Builder! Check out
the website for more details: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/extensions.html
Although you can use the Extension Manager to install new extensions it's also possible to
copy the files manually to the My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\extensions\

Photo Gallery Frames
Frames can be applied to Photo Galleries and standard images.
Custom frames styles can be added to the folder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\gallery\
See also: Photo Gallery in the help/manual.

Templates you create will be saved to:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\templates
This means that if have downloaded templates from the website or another source these
should be place in this folder. See also the Template description.

Navigation Bar
To add your own button images for usage in the navigation bar place them in the
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\navbar folder.

Tab Menu
The themes for the tabmenu are stored in the folder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\tabmenu\
See also the Tab Menu description in the help/manual.
To create your own theme for the menubar you can use ThemeStudio.
These theme should be copied to My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\menubar\
For more details how to create your own menubar themes please read:
How to add a theme created with Theme Studio to WYSIWYG Web Builder in the

Theme Roller
Many of the jQuery widgets can be styled by using ThemeRoller themes.
New themes must be installed in the themeroller folder of WYSIWYG Web Builder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\themeroller\
You can easily create custom themes by visiting the ThemeRoller website:

Step 1
Go to the ThemeRoller website: http://www.themeroller.com

Step 2
Select one of the predefined themes or create your own theme.

Step 3
Download the theme to your computer.
Make sure you select 'All components' and version 1.8.x for jQuery 1.4+.
In 'Advanced Theme Settings' you can specify the name of your theme.
Let's call it 'MyFirstTheme'.

The downloaded file is in zip format and will be called something like:

Step 4
Unzip the files to a temporary folder on your harddisk.
There are a lot of files in the zip that you don't need.
You will find your custom theme in: development-bundle\themes\MyFirstTheme
(where MyFirstTheme is the name of your theme).

You will need to copy this complete folder to the Web Builder themeroller folder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\themeroller\MyFirstTheme
The new theme will now be available the next time you open the properties of the jQuery

It's important to understand that if you change the default document folder in
Menu->Options->Tools->Folder->Default Documents Folder that the system folder will also
change! So for instance if you've changed it to C:\My Web Sites\
then the system folder (and all sub folders) will be in
C:\My Web Sites\system\
and templates, extensions and other personal files will be in
C:\My Web Sites\system\templates
C:\My Web Sites\system\extensions
How to create a News letter?
Although an HTML Newsletter seems just another HTML page, this unfortunately is not
completely true. Unlike modern browsers, email clients only support a limited subset of HTML.
Most email clients do not support CSS and there for you will need to follow a few guidelines to
make sure your Newsletters can be displayed in all major email clients.

The most important step is to set the layout mode of the page to 'Table Layout'. You can do
that in the Page Properties (Menu->Page->Page Properties->Misc->Layout Mode).
Now WYSIWYG Web Builder will use (invisible) tables to position objects on the page. This has
one huge disadvantage: you cannot overlap objects! So your layout cannot have objects on top
of each other.

To work around this limitation you can use the 'Merge' option, to merge multiple objects into a
single image.

Here's a list of the most important limitations of HTML email:
You cannot put objects on top of each other. Overlapping is not supported. Merge
objects to bypass this limitation.
External CSS Style sheets are not supported.
(Disable in Menu->Tools->Options->HTML).
JavaScript (this includes navigation, events, jQuery based objects) is not supported.
Forms will usually be displayed, but they will not be functional!
Flash and other media files are not supported.
Background images are not supported.
Internal links will not work, always use absolute links.
(for example: http://www.yourwebsite.com/pagename.html)

Always test your emails before you send them out! Once an email has been sent out, it's
impossible to take it back.

Will an update or upgrade remove my project files?

WYSIWYG Web Builder will NEVER delete website projects you have created. All website
projects will be left alone in their original location.
By default your projects will be stored in the folder:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder
Web Builder will also automatically make a backup of your project before overwriting it in the
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\backups

Although WYSIWYG Web Builder will create backups of your projects, we also recommend
regularly backing up the files yourself to CD or another storage medium.

Do you have an Affiliate program?

Start selling Pablo Software Solutions Products on your website and earn a referral bonus for
every purchase made through your website!

Click here for more information:


Publish and Preview

How do I publish my pages?
Please read this tutorial: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/publish.html

Can I publish to any web host?
Yes, you can publish your website to any web host that supports FTP.
If the host does not support FTP then you must first publish the website to a local folder and
upload the generated files with your host's file manager.

How do I verify that my publish settings are ok?
Use the 'Test' button in the publish settings.
This command can help you determine if the specified host name, user name and password
are correct. It also verifies if your firewall allows the connection to the server. Note however
that it does not verify if data can be transferred. You will have to test that by using the
'Explore' option.

What value do I use for the remote folder?
The remote folder is the root of your website. This location is usually determined by the web
host. Common values are 'public_html', 'www', or 'html', but basically it can be anything.
Consult the documentation of your host for more details.

Alternatively you can try the following to determine the root:
1. In the publish settings select 'Explore', this will login to your website.
2. Look for the file 'index.html', if it's not in the current folder and try other folder.
3. If you found the file, click 'Make Home'. WYSIWYG Web Builder now set the current
folder as the root of the website.

Publish failed. What has happened?
Are you sure your publishing setting are ok? Please double check your settings.
Did you try 'test connection'? If you cannot connect there may be a problem with your
firewall settings.
Can you login to your website with the "Explore' option?
If 'Test' works but you cannot explore your website then this may be a problem in your
firewall settings.
Also try to enable or disable 'passive mode'.

Other common reasons for publishing failures:
website space is full -> remove unneeded files from the server.
there is a (temporary) problem with the host. Try again later or contact the host to
report the problem.
the files (images, mp3, video) are too large -> upload the file manually or reduce their
one or more file names are invalid. Names must contain only ASCII letters (a-z,A-Z),
digits (0-9), underscore, dot and dash. Names must not start with a dot (.) or dash (-).

Enable the publish log in Menu->Tools->Options->Publish and make note of the error message.
The log will be created the next time you publish! The publish log will be generated in your
documents folder: My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\publish.log

Note that WYSIWYG Web Builder uses the standard Internet connection of Windows (the same
on used by Internet Explorer).
For a list of all possible error codes and their descriptions go here:

All of a sudden publishing no longer works:(
If you did not change anything to your configuration then this is most likely caused by a
(temporary) problem on the server.
Try again later or contact the host to report the problem.

Publish was successful but I do not see the pages on my website.
Did you publish the pages to the correct folder on the server? Are you sure? The
number one reason for pages not showing up is because the files were published to
the wrong folder.
Did you make sure your home page is called 'index' (and not 'Index', 'INDEX', 'home'
Is your host account ok? Did you check if there are problems with the host?
If you website doesn't look to be updated, select 'Refresh' in your browser multiple
times or clear the browser cache.

Publishing was successful but I still see my old pages.
Did you publish the pages to the correct folder on the server?
Did you use the same page names?
Note that name are case sensitive so 'index' is not the same 'Index'
If you renamed the file extensions of the page (for example from .html to .php) then
you must remove the old page from the server.
Maybe the browser displaying a cached version of the old page? Select 'Refresh' in
your browser multiple times or clear the cache of the browser and also try another

The page looks different than in local preview
First keep in mind that there is no difference between the HTML generated for local preview
and a published page on the server.
So in general the pages should be exactly the same, if not then please check the following:
Did you publish all files?
Did you publish all files to the correct location?
Are you sure you are not looking at a cached version of the page?
Is there a conflict with other pages in the same folder? Perhaps you've used the same
image names for different images?

What to do if publishing times out?
If the transfer takes a long time then you've probably used (very) large images or other large
files. More details: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1918

Try to increase the connection timeout to 120 seconds or longer:

If your project is very large and 'Make backup of the project on the server' is enabled (In
Menu->Tools->Options->Miscellaneous) then the backup may fail.
In this case disable the auto backup and backup the file manually.

Publishing takes a very long time
If the transfer takes a long time then you've probably used large images, videos, pdfs
or other large files.
Perhaps 'Make backup of the project on the server' is enabled? (In Menu->Tools-
>Options->Miscellaneous). Projects can become very large over time.
If the option 'generate search index' is enabled then it may take a couple of minutes to
generate this index depending on the amount of text your website contains.
Even if you only publish one file this option will still generate an update index for the
entire website. Note that you can (temporary) disable the creation of the search index
in the publish settings (check 'Do not generate Search Index')
Other possible reason for slow publishing: slow internet connection, another
application is 'eating up' the bandwidth of your Internet connection or there is a
problem on the host.

Why do shapes and png images look bad in IE 6?
Internet Explorer 6.0 and older versions do not support transparency for png images. We've
implemented a workaround to make these images look good in older versions too. However
this option is disabled by default

Go to Menu->Tools->Options->HTML->Include pngfix.htc which allows IE to properly render
PNG alpha transparency to allow IE to properly render PNG alpha transparency.

Note that many of the Web Builder objects (like shapes, drawing tools, images, navigation
bars) generate transparent PNG files so if you want your website to be compliant with IE 5.5
and 6 you should enable this option.
Why aren't my images displayed on a published page?
Did you upload the images to the web server? Make sure you did not accidently enabled 'Only
publish HTML files' in the publish window.

By default Web Builder places all images in a sub folder called images, you can change
this through Tools->Options->Publish->Target Folder. If you leave this field empty, the
images will be published in the same folder as the published page.
Some web hosts do not support sub folders, so make sure you have permissions to
create folder on the server. If not, then you must tell Web Builder to publish the
images in the same folder as the HTML.
Make sure the image names are valid; most web servers are case-sensitive and/or do
not support special characters in the filenames of images.
Tip: Use lowercase filenames.
Do your image filenames contain whitespaces or other special characters? Image
names with spaces can cause problems in some browsers and/or web servers, use
underscores to connect words instead of spaces.

Why do I need to resize online images?
Depending on the quality and settings of your digital camera, your photos could be very large,
in terms of both screen size and file size. However large images don't look great on a web
page, especially if your visitors browser is set to a low resolution.

There's also the problem of finite web space and bandwidth. While broadband is becoming
more widespread, it's still not a good idea to assume that all your visitors are using it. Some
webhosts the amount of data transferred to and from a website too, and if your pictures are
unnecessarily large then each time someone views one it'll eat into your bandwidth allowance.
So it's a good idea to resize your images to more manageable dimensions.
You can resize pictures in any image-editing program, like Adobe Photoshop., Paint Shop Pro
or the free Paint.NET (http://www.getpaint.net/index.html)
In general you should make your images a big as you display them on your website. So for
example if the size of the image in your page is 100x100. You should resize the used image to
this size.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 6 has a new feature called Resample. Which resamples the image to
the current size in in the workspace. A (smaller) copy of the image (using a different name) will
be published to your website.
Note that this will not make the original image smaller!

Why do I get a yellow warning bar when I preview my pages?
This warning indicates that your local security settings are too strict.
Please note that this warning is usually only displayed for local preview, it will not be shown
when you have published your website to a server.

To change your local security settings follow these steps:
1) In IE select Menu->Tools->Internet Options->Security->Local Intranet
2) Disable the warnings you do not want to be displayed.

3) In IE select Menu->Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Security->Allow activate content to
run in files on my computer.
This will disable the warning for local preview.

Note that this warning will only be displayed for local preview.
Usually it does work ok once the page is been published to the web!

How to prevent text from overlapping on FireFox/Safari?
A common problem with Safari and FireFox based browsers is that they do not handle large
text blocks in combination with CSS absolute positioning very well.
This will usually result in the text block being larger than designed, so it may overlap other
objects in the layout.

Here are a few tips to prevent this from happening:

Use the 'Optimize text for FireFox/Safari' option in the text's properties
This option attempts to overcome this problem by breaking up the text into multiple <div>
elements. This will result in better layouts, but also increases the amount of generated code.

Split your text up into multiple (smaller) text objects
Also try not to use too any blank lines in the text. If you have more than 2 blank lines you
should consider putting the second paragraph in a separate text object.

Use web safe fonts only
Web safe (or "web safe", "safe for the web") fonts are fonts that are common among all
versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux.
It's recommended to use websafe fonts, otherwise the browser will substitute the font with
another font and this will affect the layout.

Give the textbox some extra space.
Some browsers show the text a little larger and others browsers show the text a little smaller.
It's usually not much but you have to leave some space at the end otherwise the last word in a
text line may jump to the next line.


How do I make a backup of my project file on the server?
Enabled 'Make backup of the project on the server' (In Menu->Tools->Options-
This will automatically upload the project file to the server each time you publish your website.
Note that if your project file is large then this may increase the overall publish time.

How do I remove pages from my website?
In the publish settings select 'Explore'. After you have been connected to the server you can
upload, download and remove files and folders.
Alternative you can log in using another tool like the FTP manager add on, FTP Wanderer or
another FTP client.

FTP Manager add-on:
FTP Wanderer (free tool from the makers of WYSIWYG Web Builder):
Smart FTP:

Does WYSIWYG Web Builder support SFTP?
No, this is currently not supported.
However you can publish your website to a local folder and then use an external tool to upload
the site to your website.
See also: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/publish.html

PHP code is showing on the page.
Is the page extension set to PHP (in Page Properties)?
Are you viewing the page in local preview? PHP does not work in preview. The page
must be published to a web server.
Does your website support PHP? Is it enabled? Contact your webhost for more details.

How do I link pages together?
Please read this tutorial: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/links.html

How do I change the color of my links?
By default all hyperlinks in your webpage use the default HTML link colors (link:blue,
visited:purple, active: red, hover:blue). Web Builder gives you the option to customize the way
hyperlinks will be displayed in the browser by introducing the Hyperlink Style Sheet Editor.

1. Select Format->Styles->Hyperlink Styles from the menubar
2. Click Add to add a new hyperlink style.
3. Customize the colors of the hyperlink by clicking on the appropriate link. A hyperlink
has four states (linked, visited, active and hover) so you may have to change the color
for all 4 states.
4. Give the style a nice name like 'cool_link'
5. Click OK to save.
6. Select a link and change the Style from the dropdown list to 'cool_link
7. Publish or preview the page to view the effect.

Link styles become active when you publish or preview your page. Web Builder will always
show links in blue.

How do I remove underlining from my links?
By default all hyperlinks in your webpage have underlines.

Web Builder gives you the option to customize the way hyperlinks will be displayed in the
browser by introducing the Hyperlink Style Sheet Editor.

1. Select Format->Styles->Hyperlink Styles from the menubar.
2. Click Add to add a new hyperlink style.
3. Create a new style and clear the underline checkbox for all 4 states (linked, visited,
active and hover).
4. Name the style 'no_underline'
5. Click OK to save.
6. Select a link and change the Style from the dropdown list to 'no_underline'
7. Publish or preview the page to view the effect.

Link styles become active when you publish or preview your page. Web Builder will always
show links in blue with underlines.

Related tutorial:

How to create a download for your websites visitors?
Sometimes you want your website visitor to be able to download a file from your website,
such as a .pdf, mp, .exe, .zip, etc.

This is very easy to do, please follow the below instructions...

1. When creating a file that is designed to be downloaded, it is extremely important that
you keep the file name as short as possible and do not use any capital letters, spaces
or punctuation marks.

2. Upload the file you want your visitor to be able to download into a folder on your
website. You can upload via FTP or (if your webhost supports this) through the File
Manager in the control panel of your website.

There's also a FTP Manager add-on available in the download section of this website.

3. Let's look at the example of the domain name www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com . We
want to provide WYSIWYG Web Builder as a download to our visitors...

a) We created a file zip file called webbuilder9.zip
b) We uploaded webbuilder9.zip to our website. Is this example to the root of the

The download link is http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/webbuilder9.zip , anybody who
clicks this link will download the WYSIWYG Web Builder.

Let's Recap....

Your Domain Name + File = Downloadable link

a) every valid http link starts with http://

b) www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com is the domain name

c) webbuilder9.zip is the file

d) we seperate the two with a slash /

e) and we get the downloadable link http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/webbuilder9.zip

Related tutorial:

If your website supports PHP then this may also be an easy solution for multiple files:


How do I create a form with the Form Wizard?
Please read this tutorial: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/form_wizard.html

How do I manually create a form?
Please read this tutorial: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forms.html

Why shouldn't I use 'mailto' in the form action?
Sending (client sided) forms from a PC works like this: Your browser creates an email message
and will use your default email client to send this message (using MAPI).

To configure your default email client:
Internet Explorer Menu->Tools->Internet Options->Programs->Email
Select your email client (preferable Outlook Express).

Also make sure it's the default MAPI client:
In Outlook Express->Menu->Tools->Options->General Tab
and click This application is the default Mail Handler ->Make Default

If you like, you can read the following internet articles for more details:

If you read the articles above you'll learn this method is not very reliable, it's better to use
some kind of server side script (like PHP) to collect the data.

Users of WYSIWYG Web Builder 6.x or newer can also use the built-in PHP form processor. In
that case no custom scripting is needed:

How do I build my own form processor?

Is there an alternative for the built-in form PHP processor?
Yes, Naval Design has created a very powerful alternative form processor!

PHP code is showing on the page. What is happening?
1. Is the page extension set to PHP (in Page Properties)?
2. Are you viewing the page in local preview? PHP does not work in preview. The page
must be published to a web server.
3. Does your website support PHP? Is it enabled? Contact your webhost for more details.

Emails are not arriving in my inbox...
1. Did the emails end up in spam?
2. Maybe the emails were blocked by your ISP (yahoo and others may block it on the mail
3. Does your host support PHP mail?
4. Does you host allow you to send email to the destination email address?
5. Is your host godaddy?

The email is sent but I do not see the success page.
1. Did you insert any other PHP code to the page? Please remove all other code from the
2. Is there more than one form on the page? You can have only one form per page.

Should the success and error pages be PHP?

How do I display the error on the error page?
Insert this text somewhere in the text ##error##
The form processor will replace it will the actual error message.

Not all form fields are in email message:(
1. Are all fields part of the form?
2. Do they have valid names? Spaces, commas, dots, dashes and other special characters
are not allowed in the names of form fields.
3. Did you use the same name twice?

How do I change the order of the fields in email?
The z-order determines the order of the fields in the email. You can change the z-order
through the Object Manager or by using the Arrange tools (Move to front/Move to back).
Alternatively you can select 'Arrange objects' in the context menu (right click) of the form.

Validation does not work!
1. Is JavaScript enabled in the browser?
2. Is there other JavaScript code on the page which causes a conflict?
Please remove all custom code.
3. Did you specify conflicting constraints?

CAPTCHA is not working!
1. Does your host support PHP's GD library?
2. The CAPTCHA object must be part of a form. And because it uses PHP, it can only be
used/tested on a web server with PHP support!
3. In some cases an error message may be displayed on your website. The message is will
look something like this:

Warning: imagepng(): Unable to open './captcha.png' for writing in /../../captcha.php
on line x

This problem may occur when the CAPTCHA script is placed in a folder on the website.
The solution is to change the properties of that folder after publishing. The correct
properties are 757 or 777. You can use the built-in FTP client to change the
permissions of the folder.

Some web servers that do not allow to set the GDFONTPATH option (used by the
CAPTCHA script) through scripting. You can disable this option in Menu->Tools-

Where do I find more details about forms?
A lot of information is available in the help and manual.
There is also a dedicated section about form on the forum:

Please browse through the existing messages to see if your problem has not been discussed
Login Tools

How do I use the login tools?
WYSIWYG Web Builder has a complete built-in (PHP) login system to password protect one or
more pages.
To get started please read this tutorial first:

How to create a user database for the login tools?
The login tools use a database file on the server to store the user information. The data will be
stored in a semicolon separated text file. The passwords will be hashed using md5 so they will
be securely saved.

The following login tools will use this database file:
Change Password
Password Recovery

You should set the same database name for all login tools!

How do I automatically create a user database on the server?
All objects mentioned above do have a button in their properties window called 'Create

1. Click the 'Create database'.
2. Enter a name for the database, for example 'usersdb.php'. Click Next.
3. Select the publish location where you are going to publish this website to. Click Next.
If you do not see any publish locations, then you should add them first in the Publish
window! You can only create the user database on a FTP server.
4. The wizard will make a connection with the server and show the folder structure.
5. Select the folder where the database should be created.
6. Click 'Finish' to create the file.

WYSIWYG Web Builder will automatically change the permission of the file so that it's
write enabled, so new users can be added. It may be useful to check if the file was
successfully created by logging in to your web account and check the permission.

There should be an option in your web hosting control panel to set write permissions.
If it's not present, you may can contact your web hosting service and request the write
permissions for the PHP code.

How do I manually create a user database on the server?
A user database is basically just a text file on the server. So if for whatever reason the
instructions above fail, you can try to upload the file manually yourself.

1. Open notepad or any other plain text editor and create an empty file named
2. Upload the file to the same folder as your protected pages. To upload the file you can
use then built-in FTP tool or any other FTP application.
3. After the file has been uploaded you must modify the permissions so that the PHP
script can write data to it. The correct permissions are 757 or 777.
4. Alternatively you can use the file transfer tool of your host's control panel. There
should be an option in your web hosting control panel to set write permissions. If it's
not present, you may can contact your web hosting service and request the write
permissions for the file.

Using a MySQL database to store the user information (for advanced users

As alternative for the plain text user database you can also choose to store the users in a
MySQL database. Each object has a special MySQL Database category, where you can
configure the properties of the MySQL database. However before you can use this option you
must create the table on the server.

1. Log in to your MySQL administrator utility.
2. Create the USERS table:

`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(50) collate latin1_german1_ci NOT NULL,
`fullname` varchar(75) collate latin1_german1_ci NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(50) collate latin1_german1_ci NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(75) collate latin1_german1_ci NOT NULL,
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
3. You can configure the MySQL settings in the properties of the login tools.

What to do if the login tools do not work?
1. Verify if the user database was successfully created.
2. Make sure that the user database has write permissions.
3. Make sure to have created a user by using the admin object.

The login tools will not work if the user database cannot be created due to permission
restrictions on the server. Please verify that the user database is write enabled!

How to hide the Login Tools user database?
By default the user database of the login tools can be accessed by anyone that knows the file
name. And although the passwords are encoded, the email addresses are not hidden.

So the first thing you should do is to make sure you give the user database a unique name that
cannot easily be guessed.
For example: A6gr8JDaTa.csv

To make the user database completely in accessible you can create a .htaccess file in the folder
on the server with the following content:

<Files "usersdb.php">
Order deny,allow
Allow from ***.***.***.***
Deny from all

where usersdb.php is the name of the database and
***.***.***.*** is your IP address.

See also:

What are extensions?
Extensions (also called add-ons or plugins) are components which enhance the functionality of
WYSIWYG Web Builder. Extensions can be accessed through the Toolbox or via the Insert
menu just like the standard objects. In the future we plan to release a wide range of extensions
to make WYSIWYG Web Builder even more powerful than it already is. Some extensions are
simply components with few parameters while others are almost complete applications by
themselves. There are currently over 250 extensions available!

See also:

Extensions are only available for registered users!
Extensions are not officially supported, they are made available as an extra service for the
users of WYSIWYG Web Builder that find them useful and the software is provided "AS IS".

Where can I download extensions?
Official extensions can be downloaded and installed through the Extension Manager:
Menu->Tools->Extension Manager. You can also find them on our dedicated extensions

Extensions created by users can be found here:

How to trouble shoot Web Builder Extension issues?
1. Make sure you have the minimum required version of WYSIWYG Web Builder.
2. Make sure you have the latest version of the extension(s). And only download the files
from our website!
3. Extensions should be installed (= unzipped) in the My Documents\WYSIWYG Web
However if you change the default document folder in
Menu->Options->Tools->Folder->Default Documents Folder
then the folder for extensions will also change!

So for instance if you've changed it to C:\My Web Sites\ then the system folder (and all
sub folders) will be in
C:\My Web Sites\system\
and extensions will be in
C:\My Web Sites\system\extensions

After you have restarted the software the extensions will be available in the toolbox:

Note that you do not have to load the extensions manually; they will automatically be
detected by the software! If not, then please carefully read the instructions again.

The current version of WYSIWYG Web Builder supports a maximum of 200 extensions. It is not
recommend to install unused extensions because this will take up unnecessary memory and
may slow down the application.

Since WYSIWYG Web Builder 7 you can also install, update and remove extensions through the
Extension Manager: Menu->Tools->Extension Manager.

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