This document discusses considerations for selecting polymer bearing materials. The key factors that determine the appropriate material are wear requirements, friction, load capacity, temperature, pressure, and velocity. Proper material selection depends on testing under ideal operating conditions, as performance can vary with unknown parameters. The document outlines steps for determining bearing size, including calculating projected bearing area and unit load based on total load to ensure the design does not exceed the material's compressive strength. Lubrication can improve bearing life by reducing friction and wear. The overall validation process involves iterative calculations to select a material that provides an appropriate safety factor above stress requirements.
This document discusses considerations for selecting polymer bearing materials. The key factors that determine the appropriate material are wear requirements, friction, load capacity, temperature, pressure, and velocity. Proper material selection depends on testing under ideal operating conditions, as performance can vary with unknown parameters. The document outlines steps for determining bearing size, including calculating projected bearing area and unit load based on total load to ensure the design does not exceed the material's compressive strength. Lubrication can improve bearing life by reducing friction and wear. The overall validation process involves iterative calculations to select a material that provides an appropriate safety factor above stress requirements.
This document discusses considerations for selecting polymer bearing materials. The key factors that determine the appropriate material are wear requirements, friction, load capacity, temperature, pressure, and velocity. Proper material selection depends on testing under ideal operating conditions, as performance can vary with unknown parameters. The document outlines steps for determining bearing size, including calculating projected bearing area and unit load based on total load to ensure the design does not exceed the material's compressive strength. Lubrication can improve bearing life by reducing friction and wear. The overall validation process involves iterative calculations to select a material that provides an appropriate safety factor above stress requirements.
This document discusses considerations for selecting polymer bearing materials. The key factors that determine the appropriate material are wear requirements, friction, load capacity, temperature, pressure, and velocity. Proper material selection depends on testing under ideal operating conditions, as performance can vary with unknown parameters. The document outlines steps for determining bearing size, including calculating projected bearing area and unit load based on total load to ensure the design does not exceed the material's compressive strength. Lubrication can improve bearing life by reducing friction and wear. The overall validation process involves iterative calculations to select a material that provides an appropriate safety factor above stress requirements.
Choice of the correct bearing material is dependent on wear, friction requirements, load bearing capacity, temperature, pressure and running velocity. We recommend that a range of material is tested as the performance limits given are based on ideal operating conditions as each factor is independently tested. Unknown parameters or operating conditions could limit the validity of these performance limits. Specific material compatibility should be checked on each application. Selecting the Appropriate earing ! "s this service #otary, Static, $scillating or #eciprocating% ! What velocity and lubrication will be present% ! What are the desired temperature and load requirements% ! What is the shaft material and surface finish% ! "s the bearing faced with abrasive, erosive or chemically aggressive conditions% &oad Capacity An estimation of the load requirement can be made using a calculations based on the failure load of the weakest dynamic member. earing load depends on factors such as diametric tolerances, rod deflection, bearing deformation. 'irect e(ternal loads and other forces such as the weight of the component, non)concentric a(ial loads and rod deflection must be considered. "t is assumed that the bearing load distribution can be a constant load over the pro*ected bearing area. +he pro*ected bearing area is calculated as follows, earing "nside 'iameter-d. ( &ength of earing-b./earing Area-a. 'etermining the earing &oad An estimate of the load requirements must be made and are typically based upon several factors, ! 0ailure load of the weakest member of the structural design -this may be the thermoplastic bearing itself or other hardware constraints. ! 'irect e(ternal loads ! +he force due to the weight of the components ! Working side)load and deflection forces ! 1ccentric positioning "t is important to maintain the lowest possible unit loading on the bearing. We assume that the load distribution is constant over the pro*ected bearing area. +he pro*ected area is a function of the bearing contact diameter and the a(ial length whereby. earing Area-a. in 2 / earing "nside Contact 'iameter-d. in. ( earing &ength-b. in. $nce we determine the force load requirement and the pro*ected bearing area we can calculate the overall unit loading by dividing the total force load by the pro*ected area. +his gives us the compressive stress or load bearing pressure in psi required in the application. Advaned EMC Te!nologies P!one" 3)455)677)8995 ADVANCED EMC TECHNOLOGIES 3. 'etermining A(ial &ength of the earing 3. 'etermine the ma(imum total load to be supported by the bearing. 2. Calculate the pro*ected bearing area by multiplying the bearing diameter by an initial a(ial length. :. 'ivide the total load by the pro*ected are to arrive at the application compressive stress -also called load bearing pressure.. +he required compressive strength is calculated by the multiplying the compressive stress by a factor of safety -generally 2 or :is recommended.. 7. ;odify the a(ial length accordingly that will result in a required compressive strength that will not e(ceed the candidate materials available compressive strength. earing <= &imits 'ynamic applications require tribological properties that resist wear and the negative effects of frictional heat. >aving oil film lubrication, in the absence of particle contamination, will prolong the life of a dynamic load bearing system. "n design we account for ?worst case? wear conditions by determining the effect of running surface speed for a given load bearing pressure. +his relationship is referred to as ?<=? limits of a material, assuming ?dry? conditions. +he operational limits can be defined by <= as, <=/&oad earing <ressure -psi.( =elocity-ft@min.. earing ;edia the 0luorolon bearings have almost unlimited chemical compatibility, e(cept for with acids and strong o(idiAing agents. earing &ubrication <+01 bearings are designed to run without any lubrication, however lubricated bearings will e(hibit lower coefficient of friction and longer life. +hermoplastic and composite bearings can run without lubrication for short periods of time, but lubrication is highly recommended. ;aterial Selection and 'esign =alidation, $nce the application bearing pressure is calculated, a candidate bearing material can be selected that e(ceeds the stress requirements. We recommend a 0actor of Safety -0S. of 2 in design. +his 0S takes into account the creep and deformation under load characteristics of plastic materials and also accounts for the design ?unknowns?. "f the required load e(ceeds the capability of the available materials then the pro*ected bearing area in design must be increased. +his is accomplished by increasing the a(ial length of bearing as defined in point : of the ?'etermining A(ial &ength of the earing? section. #e)iterate the calculations until required safety load falls within the capacity of the candidate materials. <lease fill free to contact Advanced 1;C +echnologies engineering for detailed assistance at 3)455)677)8995. Advaned EMC Te!nologies P!one" 3)455)677)8995