Genistein: Richard A. Dixon, Daneel Ferreira
Genistein: Richard A. Dixon, Daneel Ferreira
Genistein: Richard A. Dixon, Daneel Ferreira
Richard A. Dixon
*, Daneel Ferreira
Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, 2510 Sam Noble Parkway, Ardmore, OK 73401, USA
NCNPR, School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississipi, University, MS 38677, USA
Received 10 March 2002; accepted 26 March 2002
Genistein (4
,5,7-trihydroxyisoavone) is a common precursor in the biosynthesis of antimicrobial phytoalexins and phytoanti-
cipins in legumes, and an important nutraceutical molecule found in soybean seeds. Genistein is a phytoestrogen with a wide variety
of pharmacological eects in animal cells, including tyrosine kinase inhibition, and dietary genistein ingestion has been linked,
through epidemiological and animal model studies, with a range of potential health benecial eects. These include chemopreven-
tion of breast and prostate cancers, cardiovascular disease and post-menopausal ailments. In spite of an extensive literature on the
eects of dietary genistein, questions still exist as to its potential overall benets as a component of the human diet. Genistein can be
synthesized chemically via the deoxybenzoin or chalcone route. Genistein is synthesized in plants from the avanone naringenin by
a novel ring migration reaction catalyzed by the cytochrome P450 enzyme isoavone synthase (IFS). IFS genes have recently been
cloned from a number of plant species, and production of genistein can be now achieved in non-legumes by recombinant DNA
approaches. #2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Genistein; Isoavone; Glycine max; Leguminosae; Phytoestrogen; Antioxidant; Cancer chemoprevention
1. Introduction
Genistein (1) is biosynthetically the simplest of the
isoavonoid compounds of the Leguminosae. It is a
central intermediate in the biosynthesis of more com-
plex isoavonoids with roles in establishment or inhibi-
tion of interactions between plants and microbes. Its
many biological activities have made it a subject in over
3600 published studies (listed in Biological Abstracts) in
the last 10 years. Most of these studies have focused on
the pharmacological activities of genistein as a tyrosine
kinase inhibitor, its chemoprotectant activities against
cancers and cardiovascular disease, and its phytoestro-
gen activity. Genistein is a major subject of discussion in
the context of nutraceuticals and functional foods, and
may soon provide a case study for evaluating the deliv-
ery of health-promoting compounds through genetically
modied plants. We here review the biological activities
of genistein in relation to its eects on plant and animal
health, its chemical and biological synthesis, and the
rst attempts to genetically engineer this compound in
transgenic plants.
2. Distribution of genistein and its metabolites
The isoavonoids enjoy a restricted distribution in the
plant kingdom, and are mostly limited to the subfamily
Papilionoideae of the Leguminosae. Their structural
variation is surprisingly large and involves not only the
number and complexity of substituents on the 3-phe-
nylchroman framework, but also dierent oxidation
levels of the heterocycle and the presence of additional
heterocyclic rings. The number of known isoavone
glycosides, e.g. genistin (genistein 7-O-b-d-glucopyr-
anoside) is, however, small when compared to the vast
range of known avonoid glycosides. O-Glycosides
predominate but a considerable number of C-glycosides
has also been documented. Natural sources from which
isoavonoids have been isolated, including genistein
and closely related analogs like biochanin A (3) and
their glycosides are listed in an excellent review by
Dewick (1994).
0031-9422/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PI I : S0031- 9422( 02) 00116- 4
Phytochemistry 60 (2002) 205211
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-580-224-6601; fax: +1-580-224-
E-mail address: (R.A. Dixon).
3. Genistein and plant health
Many isoavonoids exhibit broad-spectrum anti-
microbial activity and are therefore believed to help the
plant ght microbial disease. Antimicrobial iso-
avonoids can be classied as pre-formed phytoantici-
pins or inducible phytoalexins. Genistein may
function both as a phytoalexin and as a phytoanticipin.
Derivatives such as the prenylated genisteins of lupin,
which are synthesized during seedling development,
may also act as phytoanticipins. The best-characterized
isoavonoid phytoalexins are the pterocarpans, iso-
avans and isoavanones of bean, alfalfa, pea and soy-
bean. Most have the A-ring substitution pattern of
daidzein (4
,7-dihydroxisoavone) (2), and genistein is
therefore not an intermediate in their biosynthesis.
However, a small number of 5-hydroxyisoavonoid-
derived phytoalexins derived from genistein have been
reported in the Leguminosae, the prenylated iso-
avanone kievitone from Phaseolus vulgaris perhaps
being the most studied example.
4. Genistein as a phytoestrogen
Genistein shares structural features with the potent
estrogen estradiol-17b (4), particularly the phenolic ring
and the distance (11.5 A) between its 4
- and 7- hydroxyl
groups (Fig. 1). These features confer ability to bind
estrogen receptors and sex hormone binding proteins,
and genistein can thus exert both estrogenic and anti-
estrogenic activity, the latter by competing for receptor
binding by estradiol. Structural similarities have also
been noted between genistein and tamoxifen (5) (Fig. 1),
a synthetic anti-estrogen that has been clinically tested
as a chemopreventive agent in women with high risk of
breast cancer. The potent estrogen equol (6) (a major
metabolite of dietary isoavonoids formed by the gas-
trointestinal ora) (Fig. 1) and genistein can displace
bound estrogen and testosterone from human sex ster-
oid binding protein. Thus, genistein and other phytoes-
trogens could potentially aect clearance rates of
androgens and estrogens and therefore the availability
of the hormones to target cells. It should be noted that
genistein binds dierentially to human a and b estrogen
receptors (Barnes et al., 2000), and this should be care-
fully considered when extrapolating the results of phy-
toestrogen administration experiments in animals to
hormone-related diseases in humans.
The major dietary sources of isoavonoids for
humans are soy products. One gram of powdered soy-
bean chips contains nearly 800 mg of daidzein and over
500 mg of genistein (primarily as glycosides), whereas
one gram of soy protein has approximately 150 mg of
daidzein and 250 mg of genistein. Highly processed
soy products such as miso and soy sauce contain
lower levels of genistein than does tofu, the major
source of isoavones in the Asian diet. In humans eat-
ing a soy-rich diet, ingested isoavone levels can be very
high, as determined by urinary excretion. Their levels
of urinary equol can be approximately 100-fold higher
than those observed in adults who consume little soy
products in their diet. A high dietary consumption of
genistein has been linked to a number of potential
health benets, as summarized in Fig. 2 and discussed
5. Genistein as a cancer chemopreventive agent
Signicant correlations exist between an isoavone-
rich soy-based diet and reduced incidence of breast
cancer or mortality from prostate cancer in humans. An
early epidemiological study of Singapore Chinese
women that included 420 healthy controls and 200 with
histologically conrmed breast cancer indicated that soy
consumption was directly correlated with reduced risk
of cancer (Lee et al., 1991), and the eects appeared to
be dietary rather than genetic. Similar observations
have been reproduced in many, but not all, subsequent
studies undertaken up the present day. Based on
knowledge of diet and urinary excretion levels of daid-
zein, genistein, and equol in Japanese as compared to
American or European subjects, the isoavonoids found
in soy products were proposed to be the agents respon-
sible for reduced cancer risk.
When administered neonatally, genistein eectively
protects against chemically-induced mammary tumors
in rats (Fritz et al., 1998). The protective eects include
increased latency, reduced tumor incidence and mul-
tiplicity, and more rapid maturation of undier-
entiated end buds to dierentiated lobules. Biochanin
A (4
-methoxygenistein) (3), a major isoavone compo-
nent of chickpea, is likewise active as a cancer chemo-
preventant in animal model systems. Genistein may
Fig. 1. Structures of isoavone phytoestrogens in relation to estradiol
and tamoxifen.
206 R.A. Dixon, D. Ferreira / Phytochemistry 60 (2002) 205211
induce early mammary gland dierentiation resulting in
a less active epidermal growth factor signaling pathway
in adulthood that, in turn, suppresses development of
mammary cancer (Lamartiniere, 2000). Although no
clinical trials have been reported documenting eects of
controlled dietary supplementation with genistein on
breast cancer incidence in humans, a high soy diet con-
taining up to 45 mg of isoavones per day can cause
changes in the menstrual cycle that may help reduce
cancer risk.
In addition to eects on breast cancers, genistein and
related isoavones also inhibit cell growth, or develop-
ment of chemically induced cancers, in stomach, blad-
der, lung, prostate, and blood. Inhibition of the growth
of human stomach cancer cell lines in vitro by genistein
and biochanin A apparently involves stimulation of a
signal transduction pathway leading to apoptosis
(Yanagihara et al., 1993). When these cancer cells were
transplanted into mice, biochanin A, but not genistein,
signicantly inhibited tumor growth. Genistein strongly
inhibits growth of leukemia cells when targeted to them
by linkage to a monoclonal antibody (Uckun et al.,
1995), and a prenyl isoavone derivative (ipriavone)
has been developed as an oral treatment for acute leu-
In spite of the large number of studies supporting
cancer chemoprevention by genistein, some studies have
suggested a potential for opposite eects. These include
increased numbers of carcinogen-induced aberrant crypt
foci in the colons of rats fed genistein and induced
structural chromosome aberrations in human peripheral
6. Genistein and cardiovascular disease
Results of epidemiological studies have suggested that
high dietary intake of isoavones and/or avonols may
contribute to a low incidence of heart disease in Japa-
nese women. These eects may result from inhibition of
low density lipoprotein oxidation by isoavones, an
eect that may be enhanced by food sources rich in
vitamim C (Hwang et al., 2001). Genistein also appears
to improve plasma lipids, resulting in lowered LDL
cholesterol, the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cho-
lesterol, and the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol, in
pre-menopausal women (MerzDemlow et al., 2000). In
rats, the hypocholesterolemic eect of a soy diet may
involve interactions between the isoavones and soy
protein (Peluso et al., 2000), whereas, in cholesterol fed
rabbits, attenuation of atherosclerosis by isoavones
does not require the presence of soy protein.
7. Genistein and post-menopausal problems
Estrogen deciency in post-menopausal women can
lead to unpleasant symptoms such as hot ushes and
vaginal dryness, with a long-term increased risk of bone
loss in addition to cardiovascular disease. Soy iso-
avones positively help maintenance of bone mass in
ovariectomized rodents, although daidzein may be more
ecient than genistein in this respect. One study has
indicated that isoavone-rich soy protein may attenuate
bone loss in the lumbar spine of post-menopausal
women, and that this eect is due to isoavones rather
Fig. 2. Proposed targets for benecial eects of dietary genistein or a high soy diet on human health.
R.A. Dixon, D. Ferreira / Phytochemistry 60 (2002) 205211 207
than to soy protein (Alekel et al., 2000). An isoavone-
rich diet may help approximately two thirds of post-
menopausal women to better cope with hot ushes, in
addition to potentially reducing the risk of cardiovas-
cular disease, which is elevated post-menopause.
Estrogen replacement therapy has been shown to
improve episodic and semantic memory in post-meno-
pausal women and, remarkably, a high soy diet
improves memory within weeks in both young male and
female volunteers (File et al., 2001). Understanding how
phytoestrogens aect cognitive function will be an
exciting goal for the future.
8. Pharmacological activities of genistein
Not all the eects of isoavones on human health are
necessarily associated with their estrogenic activity.
Genistein also inhibits DNA topoisomerase and tyr-
osine protein kinase (Akiyama et al., 1987), as well as
possessing antioxidant and cell cycle inhibitor activity.
Kinase inhibition is generally regarded as being specic
for tyrosine kinases, such as epidermal growth factor
(EGF) receptor, although at higher concentrations gen-
istein also inhibits protein histidine kinase. Other iso-
avones such as daidzein do not inhibit tyrosine kinase
activity, and are therefore used as controls in pharma-
cological experiments utilizing genistein.
Genistein blocks EGF-mediated tyrosine phosphor-
ylation in vivo in human epidermal carcinoma cells.
When specically targeted to the B-cell-specic receptor
CD-19 by conjugation to a monoclonal antibody, gen-
istein selectively inhibited CD-19-associated tyrosine
kinase activities, resulting in death of human B-cell
precursor leukemia cells (Uckun et al., 1995). However,
in several cell systems in which genistein inhibits
growth, it does not appear to induce phosphorylation of
EGF receptors or other tyrosine kinase substrates; in
such cases, it has been suggested that the isoavone
might inhibit cell growth by modulating transforming
growth factor (TGF) b1 signaling pathways.
Unlike other isoavonoids, genistein exerts toxicity
only at concentrations greatly in excess of those at
which it rst exerts its biological and pharmacological
eects, making it a potentially important molecule for
dietary cancer chemoprevention.
9. Bioavailability of dietary genistein
Most avonoids exist in the plant as glycosidic con-
jugates, generally located in the cell vacuoles. Bioavail-
ability of these dietary components depends on relative
uptake rates of conjugated and free forms, hydrolysis of
glycosides by gut bacteria or gut wall enzymes, further
metabolism, for example to glucuronides within the
liver, and excretion rate. The malonyl glucosides of
daidzein and genistein found in soybean are labile and
readily degraded to the non-acylated glucosides follow-
ing cooking. The free aglycones, but not the glycosides,
are absorbed from rat stomach. However, once in the
small intestine, brush border lactase phlorizin hydrolase
can eectively hydrolyze isoavone glucosides. Never-
theless, in humans, isoavones appear in blood plasma
at a more rapid rate, and at higher levels, following oral
administration of aglycones as compared to glycosides,
and genistein and daidzein, but not their glycosides, are
readily transported across human intestinal epithelial
cell monolayers (Steensma et al., 1999).
10. Chemical synthesis of genistein
The synthesis of isoavones remains an important
adjunct in the classical sense of structural elucidation of
natural analogs. Isoavones are typically the primary
synthetic targets due to the potential of their facile con-
version into most of the other classes of isoavonoids.
Recently the emphasis of the synthetic protocols has
shifted to increasingly address the needs of the chemistry-
biology interface, i.e. the stereoselective syntheses of
enantiopure derivatives [e.g. isoavone epoxides (Walde-
mar et al., 2002), isoavanones (Vicario et al., 2000), iso-
avans (Versteeg et al., 1999), and pterocarpans (Van
Aardt et al., 2001)], and the synthesis of isotopically
labeled isoavonoid estrogens (Whalley et al., 2000).
The two traditional approaches to the synthesis of
isoavones involve the deoxybenzoin (2-hydroxyphenyl
benzyl ketone) and chalcone routes. Other methods like
rearrangement of avanones, rearrangement and cycli-
zation of chalcone epoxides, palladium catalyzed cross
coupling of 3-halochromones with arylboronic acids,
organolead-mediated arylation of chroman-4-ones, etc.
are less general and were reviewed by Dewick (1994)
and Balasubramanian and Nair (2000).
The deoxybenzoin route involves the base catalyzed
condensation of the 2-hydroxyphenyl benzyl ketone
with a reagent containing an activated C1-unit. This
approach is still routinely employed and uses a plethora
of C1-reagents under a variety of reaction conditions
(Dewick, 1994; Balasubramanian and Nair, 2000). Its
utility is demonstrated in Scheme 1 for a recent synthesis
of genistein (1) (Balasubramanian and Nair, 2000). Thus,
treatment of deoxybenzoin (9), available via Houben
Hoesch acylation of phloroglucinol (7) with p-hydro-
xyphenylacetonitrile (8), with N,N-dimethyl (chlor-
omethylene)ammonium chloride [(Me
in situ prepared by reaction of N,N-dimethylformamide
(DMF) and PCl
, gives genistein in 90% yield. This
method is high yielding, may be used under mild condi-
tions in a one pot procedure, and is suitable for scale-
up to ton quantities.
208 R.A. Dixon, D. Ferreira / Phytochemistry 60 (2002) 205211
In the other main approach, isoavone synthesis is
achieved by oxidative rearrangement of chalcones.
Chalcones are readily accessible via base catalyzed con-
densation of acetophenones and aromatic aldehydes,
and are hence more readily obtainable than deox-
ybenzoins, particularly where complex substitution pat-
terns are involved. The principles underpinning these
metal catalyzed chalcone rearrangements are illustrated
in Scheme 2 which is adapted from the method for the
synthesis of alkylpolyhydroxy- and alkoxycoumar-
onochromones recently published by Tsukayama et al.
(2001). Thus, base catalyzed aldol condensation of the
O-protected acetophenone (10) and aldehyde (11) fol-
lowed by the relevant deprotection/reprotection of the
-hydroxyl group, aord the protected chalcone (12) in
ca. 70% yield. Oxidative rearrangement of (12) with
thallium(III)trinitrate in methanol aords an inter-
mediate acetal (13) via a biogenetic-type aryl migration
mechanism (Ollis et al., 1970). The acetal may then be
transformed into the isoavone derivative by either base
of acid catalyzed treatment, thus permitting consider-
able exibility when acid- or base-sensitive groups are
present. Genistein (1), is then generated by deprotection
under appropriate conditions, e.g. debenzylation using
hydrogenation over a Pd/C catalyst.
11. Biosynthesis of genistein
Isoavonoids are formed by a branch of the avonoid
biosynthetic pathway, and originate from a central
avanone intermediate [naringenin (14) in the case of
Scheme 2. Synthesis of genistein via the chalcone route.
Scheme 1. Synthesis of genistein via the deoxybenzoin route employing DMF/PCl
as source of (Me
R.A. Dixon, D. Ferreira / Phytochemistry 60 (2002) 205211 209
genistein] that is ubiquitously present in plants. For
entry into the isoavonoid pathway, the avanone rst
undergoes abstraction of hydrogen radical at C-3 fol-
lowed by B-ring migration from C-2 to C-3 and sub-
sequent hydroxylation of the resulting C-2 radical. This
reaction requires NADPH and molecular oxygen, and is
catalyzed by a microsomal cytochrome P450 enzyme (2-
hydroxyisoavanone synthase or 2-HIS, loosely termed
isoavone synthase or IFS). IFS is stereoselective, and
(2R)-avanones are not substrates. The resulting 2-
hydroxyisoavanone (16) is unstable and undergoes
dehydration to yield genistein or daidzein [the latter is
formed by IFS from liquiritigenin [4
avanone] (15)], as shown in Scheme 3. The dehydration
reaction can take place non-enzymatically in vitro,
although the reaction may be enzyme catalyzed in vivo.
Because of the lability and low abundance of IFS, it
eluded molecular characterization for many years.
However, cDNAs encoding IFS have now been cloned
from soybean and other species (Jung et al., 2000; Steele
et al., 1999), largely aided by functional genomics
approaches. One form of the enzyme from soybean,
CYP93C1v2, converts liquiritigenin or naringenin
directly to daidzein or genistein, respectively, in the
presence of NADPH when expressed in insect cells
(Steele et al., 1999). It is not clear whether dehydration
of the putative 2-hydroxyisoavanone intermediate
occurs on the enzyme, or results from an endogenous
dehydratase activity present in the insect cell micro-
somes. In contrast, when IFS from licorice (Glycyrrhiza
echinata) or soybean is expressed in yeast, the 2-hydro-
xyisoavanone intermediate can be recovered.
12. Engineering genistein synthesis in transgenic plants
IFS is the entry point enzyme of isoavonoid bio-
synthesis, and therefore the key step for engineering
isoavone production into plants (non-legumes) that
lack the pathway. To demonstrate proof of principle for
the genetic manipulation of isoavonoid natural pro-
ducts for human health enhancement, IFS has been
introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana, corn and tobacco
(Jung et al., 2000; Yu et al., 2000). Free genistein does
not accumulate in Arabidopsis expressing soybean IFS.
Rather, the isoavone is converted to glucose-rham-
nose-genistein, rhamnose-genistein, and a yet to be char-
acterized genistein glucoside (Liu et al. 2002). This
glycosylation pattern reects that of the endogenous leaf
avonols of Arabidopsis, kaempferol and quercetin,
although the genistein appears to be conjugated through
the 7-hydroxyl of the A-ring whereas the avonols are
glycosylated at the 3-position. It is not known whether the
same glycosyl transferases are involved in glycosylation
of endogenous avonols and the foreign isoavone.
The level of genistein conjugate production in trans-
genic Arabidopsis is in part dependent on the IFS activ-
ity level (Liu et al., 2002), but may also be determined
by substrate availability, substrate channeling, or pro-
duct turnover. Glycosylation does not appear to be rate
limiting. Up-regulation of avonoid synthesis in maize
BMS cell cultures expressing soybean IFS by expression
of a chimeric transcription factor containing the maize
C1 and R coding regions leads to low levels of genistein
production, from undetectable levels in the absence of
CRC expression (Yu et al., 2000). Over-expression of
chalcone isomerase in Arabidopsis expressing IFS leads
to a 3-fold increase in avonols, but to no increase in
genistein conjugates. Likewise, genistein production is
not increased in the pap1-D genetic background in which
anthocyanin production is strongly up-regulated (Liu et
al., 2002). Thus, there appears to be metabolic channel-
ing through the endogenous pathways of avonoid bio-
synthesis in Arabidopsis that results in limitations to ux
through the introduced IFS. It is clear that we do not yet
understand how to engineer high levels of genistein, such
as will be required for potential disease chemoprevention,
in transgenic plants. Solving this problem will require a
better understanding of the regulatory architecture of the
avonoid pathway in the various target plants.
We thank Cuc Ly and Desmond Slade for artwork.
Work in the authors laboratories was supported by the
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and the United
States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service Specic Agreement No. 5864087-012.
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