1. Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP) in Ethiopia is inviting bids from eligible Indian companies for civil works on foundations of equipment and buildings for a new 26,000 ton per day sugar factory project to be implemented in two phases of 13,000 tons each.
2. Phase I is to be completed within 18 months and Phase II within 12 months of contract signing. Separate contracts will be signed for each phase with the same bidder.
3. Interested bidders can obtain the bid document by paying a non-refundable fee and submitting a bid security of $20,000 USD. Bids must be submitted by December 15th, 2007. Bids will be publicly opened
1. Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP) in Ethiopia is inviting bids from eligible Indian companies for civil works on foundations of equipment and buildings for a new 26,000 ton per day sugar factory project to be implemented in two phases of 13,000 tons each.
2. Phase I is to be completed within 18 months and Phase II within 12 months of contract signing. Separate contracts will be signed for each phase with the same bidder.
3. Interested bidders can obtain the bid document by paying a non-refundable fee and submitting a bid security of $20,000 USD. Bids must be submitted by December 15th, 2007. Bids will be publicly opened
1. Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP) in Ethiopia is inviting bids from eligible Indian companies for civil works on foundations of equipment and buildings for a new 26,000 ton per day sugar factory project to be implemented in two phases of 13,000 tons each.
2. Phase I is to be completed within 18 months and Phase II within 12 months of contract signing. Separate contracts will be signed for each phase with the same bidder.
3. Interested bidders can obtain the bid document by paying a non-refundable fee and submitting a bid security of $20,000 USD. Bids must be submitted by December 15th, 2007. Bids will be publicly opened
1. Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP) in Ethiopia is inviting bids from eligible Indian companies for civil works on foundations of equipment and buildings for a new 26,000 ton per day sugar factory project to be implemented in two phases of 13,000 tons each.
2. Phase I is to be completed within 18 months and Phase II within 12 months of contract signing. Separate contracts will be signed for each phase with the same bidder.
3. Interested bidders can obtain the bid document by paying a non-refundable fee and submitting a bid security of $20,000 USD. Bids must be submitted by December 15th, 2007. Bids will be publicly opened
1. Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP), Ethiopia, on behalf of the Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, intends to install one new sugar factory with designed total cane crushing capacity of 26000 tons per day (TCD) at Tendaho, located in the Lower Awash valley of the Afar Administrative region of Ethiopia. The project site is adjacent to the Addis-Djibouti tarmac highway with a convenient distance to the port of Djibouti and about 600 km from Addis Ababa in Northeast direction.
1.1 TSFP intends to implement the project in phase-wise manner as mentioned below:
Phase - I - 13000 TCD Phase - II - 13000 TCD Total - 26000 TCD
Phase - I of the project shall be completed with in 18 months from the effective date of contract to achieve cane crushing capacity of 13000 TCD.
Phase II of the project will start 12 months after effective date of Phase I of the project and Phase II of the project shall be completed within 12 months from effective date of Phase II contract.
1.2 Two separate contracts will be there for Phase - I & Phase - II programs and a clause will be added in Phase I contract stating that the Phase II contract will be signed between TSFP and the winning bidder on or before ten months after signing of the first phase contract.
1.3 The time gap will be maximum of 10 months for signing of Phase - I & Phase - II contracts and 12 months for completion of Phase - I & Phase - II programs of project.
1.4 In case, TSFP could not sign the Phase II contract as per time schedule mentioned in the Phase I contract, then the contract price for Phase II will be subjected to renegotiation between both parties.
2. The project is being financed by the Government of India and by other financial Institutions.
3. TSFP, now invites sealed bids from eligible Indian bidders for Procurement of Civil Works for foundations of equipment and plant buildings and foundations of equipment for Tendaho Sugar Factory Project.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the Competitive Bidding procedures specified in the bid document and is open to all the eligible bidders from India.
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Tendaho Sugar Factory Project and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 0900 hours to 1600 hours. J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD
Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP) P. O. Box. 2574, Salfaz Building, (in front of Atlas Hotel) Cape Verde Road Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Kind attn: Ato Gebre Asrat Factory Operations Manager
6. A complete set of Bid Document may be purchased, by any invited bidder on submission of written application to the above address and upon payment of non- refundable fee of Ethiopian Birr 5,000 (US $ 575 only) plus Ethiopian Birr 500 (US $ 58 only) towards postage/courier, in the name of Tendaho Sugar Factory Project (TSFP), Ethiopia, payable at Addis Ababa, by Demand Draft or Bankers cheque.
The bid document will be available at the following addresses
Address in Ethiopia Address in India Tendaho Sugar Factory Project P O Box 2574 Salfaz Building (In Front Of Atlas Hotel) Cape Verde Road Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Tel: + 251 11 618 2370 + 251 11 618 3591
Fax: + 251 11 618 3583
Email: tsfp@ethionet.et gebreasrat@yahoo.com
Kind attn: Ato Gebre Asrat Factory Manager
J. P. Mukherji & Associates (JPMA) Pvt. Ltd. Jyoti House, 172, Dahanukar Colony, Kothrud, Pune 411029 India
Bid documents will be available at TSFP, Ethiopia and JPMA, India from 15 th
October, 07 to Bid submission date. J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD
7. Bidders shall furnish, as part of the Bid, Bid security of an amount equivalent to United States Dollars Twenty thousand only [US $ 20,000] in a freely convertible currency.
8. Bids must be delivered to the address in Ethiopia mentioned above, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders on or before 15 th December, 07 at 1400 h at the office of TSFP, Addis Ababa.
9. Bids will be publicly opened on the same day at 1500 h at the office of TSFP, Addis Ababa, in the presence of available bidders or their representatives who may choose to be present. Any Bid received by TSFP after the dead line specified for submission of bids, will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
10. TSFP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The Office of Finance of Wolaita Sodo City Invites Sealed Bids From Eligible and Qualified Bidders For The Construction of Drainage Channel Package-1 at Three Different Sites