DHEP Tendoc PCD 11
DHEP Tendoc PCD 11
DHEP Tendoc PCD 11
(A joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. H.P.)
(Dhaula-Sidh Hydro Electric Project)
To be submitted by 1300 hrs. on 14.12.2009.to the Manager (PCD), DSHEP, SJVNL, Hamirpur.
Tender shall be opened in presence of tenders who may be present at 1500 hrs. on 14.12.2009 in the
office of the Manager (PCD), DSHEP, SJVN Ltd., Hamirpur.
Issued to
M/s ..
1-1 to 1-4
II-1 to II-2
III-1 to III-30
Security Deposit
Commencement of work
III-2 to 3
Determination of Contract
III-3 to 4
Default by Contractor
III-4 to 5
Extension of Time
Completion Certificate
III-5 to 6
Payment on Account
Submission of Bills
III-6 to 7
III-7 to 8
Price Variations
III-8 to 11
Work to Specifications
III-11 to 13
III-13 to 14
III-14 to 15
Covering of Work
III-15 to 16
19 (a to f).
Female Labourers
III-17 to 19
III-19 to 20
III-20 to 21
III-21 to 22
Changes in Constitution
III-22 to 23
Patents Rights
III-23 to 24
III-24 to 25
Water Charges
Electricity Charges
III-25 to 26
& 31A.
Asphaltic Work
Technical Staff of the Contractor
III-26 to 27
III-27 to 28
Advances (Deleted)
III-28 to 29
IV-2 to 4
IV-6 to 7
IV-8 to 10
V-1 to 7
Annexure-A: Safety Code
VI-1 to 4
VI-5 to 7
VI-8 to 18
VII-1 to
(A joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of HP)
Dhaula-Sidh Hydro Electric Project
H.No.-113, Ward No.-1, Krishna Nagar,
Hamirpur, Distt. Hamirpur (HP), Ph. No: 01972-223236
period on
Last Date
25.11.09 to
02 month
No./ Enlistment with Govt. or Semi Govt. organizations, PAN, EPF Code No. and Sale tax
No. along with their bids.
2. After the award of work, the successful bidder will have to obtain valid labour license from
authority concerned before start of work during mobilization period and the same shall be
submitted to Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) of this work.
3. The tender shall comprise of two parts in the following manner :
Part-I EMD, cost of tender document and Techno-commercial bid, Tender document, NIT.
Part-II- Price bid.
4. The bidder must submit the bid through e-tendering/e-procurement as explained in the
information & instructions to bidder. The bid is to be submitted in the schedule as uploaded
alongwith the tender document. The schedule is to be first downloaded and after filling the
required information is to be again uploaded for submitting of the bid through e-tendering/eprocurement. The schedule to be filled is as under:
(i) Schedule-1 (page 1 of 1) Price Bid
5. The offer must be accompanied with an Earnest money amounting to Rs.3,435/- (Rupees
three thousand four hundred thirty five only) and tender cost of Rs.500/- (non-refundable) in
the form of separate Bank Draft/Bankers cheque/Pay order in favour of SJVN, DSHEP
payable at PNB Hamirpur, Distt. Hamirpur (H.P.).
6. The bid is to be submitted through e-tendering/ e-procurement and hence the EMD and cost of
tender document is to be sent to the undersigned by speed post so that it should reach in the
office of undersigned up to 13.00 Hrs. on scheduled date of opening. The scanned copies of
the EMD & cost of tender document are to be uploaded on website while submitting bid
through e-tendering /e-procurement system. Tender without EMD will be outrightly
7. The bidder shall fulfill the following minimum qualifying requirements and shall upload the
scanned copies on website as documentary proof in support of the same:(i) The Average Annual financial turnover audited by chartered accountant during the last three
(03) years ending 31 March of the previous financial year should be at least 30% of the
estimated cost (i.e. Rs.51,512).
(ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last seven (07) years
should be either of the following:(a) Three similar works completed each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the
estimated cost (i.e. Rs.68,682).
(b) Two similar works completed each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the
estimated cost (i.e. Rs.85,853).
(c) One similar work completed costing not less than the amount equal to 80 % of the estimated
cost (i.e Rs.1,37,364).
Techno-Commercial bid comprises of Registration certificate, Sales Tax No., PAN No., EPF
Code No., authenticated financial turnover and duly issued performance/ work done certificates &
an undertaking to the effect that he has read all the documents uploaded along with the NIT and
there is no deviations from the standard terms and conditions of the tender documents & NIT etc.
Also the bidder shall certify that all the documents as uploaded by the bidder are as per original
documents. The bidder has to upload the scanned copy of above documents on the web site.
11. The contractor is liable to pay penalty as decided by EIC for non-adhering of safety code
under section-VI and clause 19C of tender document.
12. The bidder will submit undertaking to abide by all labour laws as enclosed at annex-A of
GCC at section-VI of volume-1. The bidder shall also abide by any other labour laws
enforced from time to time by State/Central Govt. during execution contract.
13. Discount offered if any shall be indicated at the place where prices have been quoted. The
discount offered anywhere else shall not be considered.
14. Conditional/telegraphic/e-mail tenders or tenders without earnest money shall not be
15. If it happens to be holiday on the date of opening of the tenders, the same shall be opened on
the next working day at the same time.
16. Qualifying requirements, requirement regarding EMD, Time for completion and other
detailed terms and conditions and data required to be submitted with Techno-commercial bid
are elaborated in detailed NIT of this work. For detailed NIT please visit at SJVNs website
www.sjvn.nic.in, www.tenders.gov.in and www.tenderwizard.com/SJVNL.or may contact
Manager (PCD) DSHEP, SJVN, Hamirpur on phone numbers 01972-223236.
17. SJVN Ltd. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any
reasons thereof.
Manager (PCD)
The tender documents will state the work to be carried out as well as the date of submitting
and opening of tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the work, the amount of earnest
money to be deposited with the tender and the percentage at which the security deposit shall
be deducted from the bills of the successful tenderers.
In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by
each partner thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must signed on his
behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so, such power of
attorney to be produced with the tender, and it must disclose that the firm is duly registered
under the Indian Partnership Act.
Receipt for payments made on account of work, when executed by a firm, must also be
signed by the several partners, except where the contractors are described in their tender as a
firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners,
or by some other person having authority to have affactual receipts for the firm.
The firm who submits a tender shall fill up the schedule of quantities annexed at page VII-1.
of tender documents, stating at what rate they are willing to undertake each item of the work.
No single tender shall include more than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for
two or more works shall submit a separate tender for each work. Tenders shall have the
name and tender reference number of the work to which they refer, written outside the
The rates and/or amounts must quoted in decimal coinage upto two places of decimals.
Incharge PCD or persons duly authorized by him will open tenders in the presence of any
intending contractor who may be present at the time and will enter the amount of the several
tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form.
The officer inviting tenders shall have the right of rejection of all or any of the tenders
without assigning any reason there of and will not be bound to accept the lowest tender.
The memorandum of work tendered for the schedule of material to be supplied by the Satluj
Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited and their issue rates shall be filled in and competed before the
tender document is issued. If a form is issued to an intending Tenderer without having been
so filled in and complete, he shall request the officer to have this done before he completes
and delivers his tender.
8. i) The tender shall abide by all the terms and conditions contained in the tender documents
and quote their rates accordingly. The conditional tenders shall not be accepted and
shall be summarily rejected.
ii) Tenders without required amount of earnest money shall be summarily rejected.
iii) The security deposit of the successful tenderer will be forfeited if he fails to comply with any
of the condition of the contract and any stipulation thereof.
In case of ambiguities in rates and amount in the tender, the rate shall prevail and the
amount shall be corrected. In case of ambiguities in the rate in figures and the rate in
word, the rate quoted in word shall prevail and the amount shall be corrected
accordingly. The SJVNL reserves the right to adjust arithmetical or other errors in any
tenders in the way which it consider suitable.
Tenders shall be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes, one containing the Earnest
Money and an undertaking to the effect that there is no deviation from the standard terms and
conditions of the tender document and the other containing the Price Bid. The first envelop
shall be opened on the date fixed for opening of tenders and the second envelope containing
price bid shall be opened only if earnest money and an undertaking regarding terms and
conditions as stated above are enclosed with the tender.
Tenders are to be submitted in duplicate only in respect of schedule of quantities i.e. Part-II
Price Bid.
Tenders shall be submitted as per Sr. No. 10 above with the name of work written on the
The site for the work is available.
A tendered should quote in figures as well as in words rate(s) tendered. The amount for
each item should be worked out and the requisite totals given special care shall be taken to
write rates in figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures shall be written only in
such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount shall be written both in
figures and in words. In case of figures the words Rs should be written before the
figure of rupees and the words paise after the decimal figures e.g. Rs.2.15 p and in case of
words the words Rupees should precede and the words Paise Should be written at the end.
Un-less the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the word only it should invariably be up
to two places of decimal.
Earnest money amounting to Rs.3,435/- in the form of demand draft in favour of SJVN,
DSHEP payable at PNB Hamirpur, Distt. Hamirpur (HP) should be enclosed with the bid
in a separate envelop. The offer not accompanied with EMD will be out rightly rejected and
Part-II (Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid) will not be opened.
Note:-In this condition, Sr.No.(a) to (e) deleted .
Call deposit receipt or pay order or demand draft.
Post office National Defence deposit Certificates.
Bank guarantee from a nationalized bank irrevocable and operative till 30 days after the
validity of the offer (as per appendix-IV).
Beyond the date of issue of computation contractor fixed deposit receipt issued by scheduled
banks situated at Hamirpur endorsed in favour of SJVNL Ltd. Hamirpur.
Cheque duly certified by the banks on whom it is drawn.
The earnest Money deposit at call shall not attract interest from the Satluj jal Vidyut Nigam
EMD submitted by the contractor may be forfeited on the following grounds:On revocation of the tender or revision in rates after opening of the tender but before
the validity of the quotation expires.
b) On refusal to enter into a contract after the award of contract.
c) If the work is not commenced after the work is awarded to a contractor.
The tenderer, whose tender is accepted (unless exempted) will be required to furnish by
way of security deposit for the due fulfillment of his contract, an amount of security
deposit at the rates mentioned below:
50% (fifty percent) of the total amount of security deposit, as per (a) above, including earnest
money, shall have to be deposited as Initial Security Deposit by the tenderer within 30 days
after signing the contract and the remaining 50% will be deducted from his running account
bills at the rate of 2% (two percent) of the amount of bill or at proportionate rate by which the
balance security deposit bears of the contract value, whichever is higher towards the
Additional Security Deposit, provided that the total amount of deductions including the
aforementioned Initial Security Deposits shall not exceed the amount arrived at as per (a)
Initial Security Deposit may be paid in any one of the forms indicate at Sr. No. 15 above.
Proforma Bank guarantee in lieu of security deposit is attached as per Appendix-V (d). The
Security Deposit shall not attract interest from the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited.
The Security Deposit shall be valid for a period of six months beyond the date of issue of
completion certificate.
The Chairman SJVN Ltd. or his official representative/nominee who has been assigned with
the job shall be the Accepting Authority of this tender.
The Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. does not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender
or to give any reason for their decision.
The Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. reserves to themselves the right of accepting the whole or
any part of the tender and tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates.
Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and tenders submitted by the
contractor who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.
All rates shall be quoted on the proper form of the tender alone.
Item rate tenders containing certain percentage below/above the rate indicated in the retterant
a will be summarily rejected.
On acceptance of the tender of the name of accredited representative (s) of the contractor who
would be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-In-Charge shall be
communicated to the Engineer-In-Charge.
Sales tax or any other tax on material in respect of this contract shall be payable by the
contractor and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this
The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd.
if his near relatives is posted as Accountant, Divisional Head Draughtsman or as an officer in
any capacity between the grade Superintending Engineer and Assistant Engineer (both
inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any
capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relative of any Gazetted
officer of any responsible post in Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. Any breach of this condition
by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors
of the corporation.
The contractor shall give a list of non-Gazetted Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. employees
related to him.
Tender for works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the
date of opening of tenders.
The tender for the work shall not be witnessed by a contractor or contractors who himself/the
themselves has/have tendered or who may have quoted for the same work. Failure to
observe this condition would render tenders of the contractor, tendering as well as witnessing
the tender liable to summary rejection.
I/We hereby tender for the execution, for the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd., of the work
specified in the under written memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum is
accordance, in all respects, with the specification, designs, drawings and instructions in writing
referred to in rule 1 hereof and in clause 11 of the conditions of contract and such materials as are
provided for by and in all other respect in accordance with such conditions so far as applicable.
Estimated cost:
Security Deposit as per Sr. No. 16 of information and instruction for tenderers.
Time allowed for the work from the fifteenth day after the date of written order to commence
six months.
To abide by and fulfill all the terms and provisions of the said conditions annexed hereto and
all the terms and provisions contained in notice inviting tenders so far as applicable and/or in
default thereof to forfeit and pay to the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. or its successors in
office, the sum of money mentioned in the said conditions. A sum of Rs. 1540/- is hereby
forwarded as Earnest Money. If I/We fail to commence the work specified in the above
memorandum, I/We agree that the said Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. or its successors in office
shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest
money absolutely, otherwise the said Earnest Money shall be retained by it towards security
deposit mentioned against clause (d) of the above mentioned Memorandum.
To execute all the work referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered upto a
maximum of twenty percent at the rates quoted in the tender documents and those in excess of
that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in clause12A of the tender document.
(Rupees )
(Designation of Officer)
The Contract means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof and the
formal agreement executed between the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd., and the contractor,
together with the documents referred to therein including these conditions, the specifications,
designs drawings and instructions, issued from time to time by the Engineer-In-Charge and all
these documents taken together shall be deemed to or one contract and shall be
complementary, to one and another.
In the contract the following expression shall unless the context otherwise requires, have the
meanings hereby respectively assigned to them.
The expression work or works shall, unless there be something either in the subject or
context repugnant to such expressions, be construed and taken to mean the works by or by
virtue or the contract, to be executed, whether, temporary or permanent and whether original,
altered, substituted or additional.
The Site shall mean the land and /or other places on, into or through which work is to be
executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street, which may be allotted or used
for the purpose of carrying out the contract.
The Contractor shall mean the individual or firm or company whether incorporated or not,
undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal representative or such individual or
the persons composing such firm or company, or the successor of such firm or company and
the permitted assigns of such individual or firm or Company.
The word Engineer /Engineer-In-Charge means the Engineer nominated by Satluj Jal
Vidyut Nigam Ltd. under whose supervision the work shall be carried out.
Rebates offered, in any form other than BOQ or the forwarding letter, shall not be taken
cognizance of under any circumstances.
CLAUSE-1: The person whose tender may be accepted (herein after called the contractor) shall
permit Corporation, to deduct such sum (s) toward Security Deposit after considering the Earnest
Money already deposited.
Such deductions shall be held by Corporation towards the Security Deposit as mentioned at
Sr. No. 16 of Information and Instruction for Tenders provided always that the corporation for this
purpose shall be entitled to recover 2% (two percent) of the amount of RA bill or at proportionate rate
by which the balance Security Deposit bears to the contract value whichever is higher.
Any compensation or other sums payable by the contractor in terms of this contract may be
deducted from or paid out of the Security Deposit and in the event of Security Deposit being reduced
by reason of any such deductions, the contractor shall within 10 days make good either by depositing
cash or Bank Draft.
CLAUSE- 2 : The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be strictly
observed by the Contractor and shall be deemed to be essence of the contract on the part of the
contractor and shall be reckoned from the 15th day after the date on which order to commence the
work is issued to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be bound in all cases in which the time
allowed for any work exceeds one month (say for special jobs) to complete 1/8th of the whole of the
work before 1/4th of the whole time allowed in the contract has elapsed, 3/8th of the work before of
such time has elapsed and 3/4th before 3/4th of such time has elapsed. However for special jobs, if a
time schedule has been submitted by the Contractor and has been accepted by Engineer-In-Charge,
the Contractor shall comply with the said time schedule. The work shall throughout the stipulated
period of the contract be proceeded with all due diligence. If the Contractor fails to maintain the
required progress to complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date
of completion he shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Corporation on account
of such breach, pay as compensation an amount calculated as stipulated below or such smaller
amount as may be decided by the contract approving authority on the contract value of the work for
every week that the work remains uncommenced or unfinished after the schedule dates or the
progress remains below than the progress rate specified above.
This will also apply to items or groups of items for which separate period of completion has
been specified.
For this purpose the term Contract value shall be the value at contract rates of the work as
Completion period (as originally stipulated) not exceeding 6 (six) months : @ 1% per week.
Completion period (as originally stipulated) exceeding 6 (six) months and not exceeding two
years @ 1/2 % per week.
Completion period (as originally stipulated) exceeding two years : @ % per week.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this condition shall
not exceed the under noted % age of the contract value or of the contract value of the item or group of
items of work for which a separate period of completion is given:
Completion period (as originally stipulated) not exceeding 6 (six) months : 10%
Completion period (as originally stipulated) exceeding 6 (six) months: and not
exceeding 2 years : 7.5%
Completion period (as originally stipulated) exceeding two years: 5%
The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set off against any sum payable to the
contractor under this or any other contract with the corporation. If the liquidated damages are
levied on any item of work on account of delay in some milestone and if the contractor
achieves the next milestone within specified time, the liquidated damages already levied for
that item of on shall be refunded.
CLAUSE-3: The Engineer-In-Charge may without prejudice to this right against the contractor in any
respect of any delay or inferior workmanship or otherwise or to any claims for damage in respect of
any breaches of the contract and without prejudice to any right or remedies under any of the
provisions, of this contract or otherwise and whether the date for completion has or has not elapsed,
by notice in writing absolutely determine the contract in any or the following cases:
If the contractor having given by Engineer-In-Charge a notice in writing to rectify,
reconstruct or replace any defective work or that the work is being performed in any inefficient or
otherwise improper or unworkman like manner, shall omit to comply with the requirements of such
notice for a period of seven days, thereafter or if the contractor shall delay or suspend the execution
of the work so that either in the judgment of the Engineer-In-Charge (which shall be final and
binding), he will be unable to secure completion of the work by the date for completion or he has
already failed to complete the work by that date.
If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or manager on behalf of a creditor shall be
appointed or if circumstance shall arise which entitle the court or creditor to appoint a receiver or a
manager or which entitle the court to make a winding up order.
If the contractor commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of this contract.
When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the
Engineer-In-Charge on behalf of the DSHEP shall have powers.
To determine or rescind the contract as aforesaid (for which termination or rescission notice
in writing to the contractor under the hand of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be conclusive evidence).
Upon such determination or rescission, the Security deposit of the contractor shall be liable to be
forfeited and shall be absolutely at the disposal of SJVNL.
To employ labour paid by the SJVNL and to supply materials to carry out the works or any
part of the work debiting the contractor with the cost of the labour and the price of the
material (of the amount of which cost and price certified by the Engineer-In-Charge shall be
final and conclusive, against the contractor) and crediting him with the value of the work done
in all respects in the same manner, at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the
contractor, under the terms of the contract. The certificate of the Engineer-In-Charge as to
the value of the work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor, provided
always that action under the sub-clause shall only be taken after giving notice in writing to the
contractor. Provided also that if the expenses incurred by the SJVNL are less than the amount
payable to the contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be paid to the
After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to take such
part thereof as shall be unexecuted out of his hands and to give it to another contractor to
complete in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which
would have been paid to the original contractor, if the whole work had been executed by him
of the amount of which excess (the certificate in writing of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be
final and conclusive), shall be borne and paid by the original contractor and may be deducted
from any money due to him by SJVNL under this contract or on any other account
whatsoever or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sales thereof or a sufficient part
thereof, as the case may be.
In the event of any one or more of the above courses being adopted by the Engineer-InCharge, the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason
of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any arrangements or made any
advances with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of contract. And in case action
is taken under any of the provisions aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be
paid any sum of any work thereto or actually performed under this contract unless and until the
Engineer-In-Charge has certified in writing the performance of such work and the value payable in
respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
CLAUSE -4 : In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Engineer-In-Charge by
clause-3 hereof, shall have become exercisable and the same shall not be exercised, the non exercise
thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall not-with
standing be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the contractor and the liability of
the contractor for compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Engineer-In-Charge
putting in force all or any of the powers vested in him under the preceding clause he may, if he so
desires after giving a notice in writing to the contractor, take possession of or (at the sole discretion of
the Engineer-In-Charge which shall be final) use as on hire (the amount of hire money being also the
final determination of the Engineer-In-Charge) all or any tools, plant, materials and stores, in or upon
the works or the site thereof, belonging to the contractor, or procured by the contractor and intended
to be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same in
account of the contract rates or in the case of these not being applicable at current market rates to be
certified by the Engineer-In-Charge whose certificate thereof shall be final, otherwise the EngineerIn-Charge by notice in writing may order the contractor or other authorized agent to remove such
tools, plants, material or stores from the premises (within a time to be specified is such notice) and in
the event of the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Engineer-In-Charge may
remove them at the contractors expense or sell them by auction or private sale on account of the
contractor and at his risk in all respects and the certificate of the Engineer-In-Charge as to the
expenses of any such removal and the amount of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be
final and conclusive against the contractor.
Force Majeure, or
Civil commotion, local commotion of workman strike or lockout affecting any of the
trades employed on the work, or
Breakdown of tools and plants to be supplied or supplied by the Corporation under the
provisions of the contract, or
Any other cause which, in the absolute discretion of the Corporation is beyond the
Contractors Control.
Then upon the happening of any such event causing delay, the Contractor shall immediately
give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer-In-charge but shall never the less use constantly his best
endeavors to prevent or make good the delay and shall all that may be reasonably required to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge to proceed with the works.
Request for extension of time, to be eligible for consideration, shall be made by the
Contractor in writing within 14 days of the happening of the event causing delay on the prescribed
form giving full particulars and satisfactory evidence in support of such cause. The contractor may
also, if practicable, indicate in such a request the period for which extension is desired.
CLAUSE-6 : Within ten days of the completion of the work the contractor shall give notice of such
completion to the Engineer-In-Charge and within ten days of the receipt of such notice the EngineerIn-Charge shall inspect the work and if there is no defect in the work, shall furnish the contractor with
a certificate of completion, otherwise a provisional certificate of completion indicating defects (a) to
be rectified by the contractor and or (b) for which payments will be made at reduced rates, shall be
issued , but no certificate of completion, provisional or otherwise shall be issued, not shall the work
be considered to be completed until the contractor shall have removed from the premises on which
the work shall be executed, all scaffolding surplus material, rubbish and all huts and sanitary
arrangements required for his/their work people on the site in connection with the execution of the
work as shall have been erected or constructed by the contractor (s) and cleaned off the dirt from all
wood work ,doors, windows, walls, floors or other parts of any building in upon or about which work
is to be executed, or of which he may have had possession for the purpose of the execution thereof
and not until the work shall have been measured by the Engineer-In-Charge. If the contractor shall
fail to comply with the requirements of this clause as to removal of scaffolding, surplus materials and
rubbish and all huts and sanitary arrangements as aforesaid and cleaning off dirt on or before the date
fixed for the completion of the work, the
Engineer-In-Charge may at the expense of the contractor, remove such scaffolding, surplus materials
and rubbish etc. and dispose of the same as he thinks fit and clean off such dirt as aforesaid and the
contractor shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid
except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof.
N. B. Ten days will apply in the case of work at the headquarters of the Engineer-In-Charge and
thirty days will apply in case of works at a station other than the headquarter of Engineer-In-Charge.
CLAUSE-7 : No payment shall be made for a work estimated to cost Rupees ten thousand or less till
the whole of the work shall have been completed and certificate of completion given. But in the case
of work estimated to cost more than Rupees ten thousand, the contractor shall on submitting the bill
be entitled to receive a monthly payment proportionate to the part thereof then executed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge whose certificate of the sum payable shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor. But all such intermediates payments shall be regarded payments
by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payments for work actually done and
completed, shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilled, work to be
removed and taken away and reconstructed or re-erected or be considered as an admission of the due
performance of the contract, or any part thereof, in any respect or the accruing of any claim, not shall
it conclude, determine or effect in any way, the powers of the Engineer-In-Charge under these
conditions or any of them as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in
any other way vary or affect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within
one month of the completion furnished by the Engineer-In-Charge and payment shall be made within
three months if the amount of the contract plus that of the additional items is upto Rupees 2 lacs
(Rupees two lacs) and in 6 months if the same exceeds Rupees 2 lacs (Rupees two lacs) of the
submission of such bill. If there shall be any dispute about any item of the work, than the undisputed
item or items only shall be paid with in the said period of three months or six months as the case may
be. The contractor shall submit a list of the disputed items within thirty days from the disallowance
thereof, and if he fails to do this his claim shall be deemed to have been fully waived and absolutely
extinguished. Final bill of the contractor must accompany the certificate of the completion by the
CLAUSE-8 : A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the
Engineer-In-Charge for all work executed in the previous month and the Engineer-In-Charge shall
take or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same verified, and
the claim, as far as admissible, adjusted as for as possible, before the expiry of ten days from the
presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill within the time fixed aforesaid, the
Engineer-In-Charge may depute within seven days of date fixed as aforesaid, a subordinate to
measure up the said wok in the presence of the contractor whose counter signature to the
measurement list will be sufficient warrant; and the Engineer-In-Charge may prepare a bill from such
CLAUSE-8A : Before taking any measurement of any work as has been referred to in clause 6,7,8
hereof, the Engineer-In-Charge or a subordinate deputed by him shall give reasonable notice to the
contractor. If the contractor fails to attend at the measurements after such notice or fails to countersign or to record the difference within a week from the date of measurement in the manner required
by the Engineer-In-Charge then in any such event, the measurement taken by the Engineer-In-Charge
or by the subordinate deputed by him, as the case may be, shall be final and binding on the contractor
and the contractor shall have no right to dispute the same.
CLAUSE-9 : The contractor shall submit all bills on the printed forms to be had on application at the
office of the Engineer-In-Charge and the charges in the bills shall always be entered at the rates
specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of these conditions and
not mentioned or provided for in the tender at the rates hereinafter provided for such work..
CLAUSE-9A : Payments due to the contractor may, if so desired by him be made to his bank instead
or direct to him, provided that contractor furnished to the Engineer-In-Charge (1) an authorization in
the form of a legally valid document such a power of attorney conferring authority on the bank to
receive payment and (2) his own acceptance of the correctness of the account made out as being due
to him by SJVNL or his signature on the bill or other claim preferred against SJVNL before
settlement by the Engineer-In-Charge of the account or claim by payment to the bank. While the
receipt given by such bank shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge for the payment, the
contractor should, wherever possible, present his bill only duly receipted and discharged through his
Nothing herein contained shall operate to create in favour of the bank any rights or equities
vis--vis the SJVN.
CLAUSE-10 : Store supplied by the SJVNL: If the specifications or schedule of items provide for
the use of any special material to be supplied from Engineer-In-Charges store or if it is required that
the contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-In-Charge as shown in the
schedule of materials hereto annexed, the contractor shall be bound to procure and shall be supplied
such materials and stores as are, from time to time, required to be used by him for the purpose of the
contract only; and the value of the full quantity of the materials and stores so supplied and the rates
specified in the said schedule of materials may be set off or deducted from any sums then due, or
thereafter to become due to the contractor under the contract, or otherwise, or against or from the
security deposit, or the proceeds or sale thereof if the same is held in Government securities the same
or a sufficient portion thereof being in this case sold for the purpose. All materials so supplied to the
contractor shall remain the absolute property of SJVNL and shall not be removed on any account
from the site of the work, and shall be at all times open to inspection by the Engineer-In-Charge.
Any such materials, remaining unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of the completion
or determination of the contract, shall be returned to the Engineer-In-Charge at a place directed by
him, if by a notice in writing under his hand, he shall so require, but the contractor shall not be
entitled to return any such materials unless with such consent, and shall have no claim for
compensation on account of any such materials so supplied to him as aforesaid, not being used by
him or for any wastage in or damages to any such materials; provided that the contractor shall in no
case be entitled to any compensation or damage on account of any delay in supply or non-supply
thereof of all or any such materials and stores; provided further that the contractor shall be bound to
execute the entire work if the materials are supplied by the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam within the
scheduled time for completion of the work plus 50% thereof (scheduled time plus 6 months if the
time of completion of work exceeds 12 months) but if a part only of the materials has been supplied
within the aforesaid period, then the contractor shall be bound to do so much of the work as may be
possible with the material and stores supplied in the aforesaid period.
For the completion of the rest of the work, the contractor shall be entitled to such extension of time as
may be determined by the Engineer-In-Charge whose decision in this regard shall be final.
CLAUSE-10 A : The Engineer-In-Charge shall have full powers to require the removal from the
premises of all materials which in his opinion are not in accordance with the specifications and in
case of default the Engineer-In-Charge is to be at liberty to employ other persons to remove the same
without being answerable or accountable for any loss or damage that may happen or arise to such
materials. The Engineer-In-Charge shall also have full power to require other proper materials to be
substituted there or and in case of default the Engineer-In-Charge may cause the same to be supplied
and all costs which may attend such removal and substitution, are to be borne by the contractor.
CLAUSE- 10B : The contractor on signing an indenture in the form to be specified by the EngineerIn-Charge, shall be entitled to be paid during the progress of the execution of work, 75 percent of the
estimated value of any materials which are in the opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge non perishable
and are in accordance with the contract and which have been brought on the site in connection
therewith and are adequately stored and /or protected against damage by weather or other causes but
which have not a the time of advance been incorporated in the works. When materials on account of
which an advance has been made under this sub clause are incorporated in the works, the amount of
such advance shall be deducted from the next payment made under any of the clauses of this contract.
If during the progress of the works, the price of any materials incorporated in the works, (not
being a materials supplied from the Engineer-In-Charges stores in accordance with clause 10 hereof)
and or wages of labour increases decreases as a direct result of the coming into force of any fresh law
or statutory rule or order (but not due to any changes in sales tax), the amount to be paid/recovered to
from the contractor shall be adjusted for each quarter of calendar year for increase or decrease in the
rates of labour and material as under:
Price variation in labour cost shall be computed by the following two methods viz; (i) & (ii).
The amount payable to recoverable from the contractor will be the amount computed either under (i)
or under (ii) which ever is higher.
(i) If during the currency of the work, the minimum daily wage of unskilled labour
increases/decreases as a direct result of coming into force any fresh law or statutory rule or order, as
applicable to District Shimla (HP) a corresponding increase or decrease in payment to the contractor,
shall be computed on the basis of the following formula:V
25% x R x (W-Wo)
The above adjustment will be allowed only after taking a certificate from the contractor that
revised wages referred to above have been actually paid to the labour by contractor.
(a) (ii) If during the currency of the contract, there is an increase or decrease in the consumer price
index number, for industrial workers in HP (General Index), a corresponding increase or decrease in
the payment to the contractor shall be computed for each quarter on the basis of the following
25% of R x 1-1o
Where V= Amount of variation payable to/recoverable from the contractor during the quarter under
1o= Average Consumer Price Index Number for industrial workers in HP (General Index)
fro the quarter in which the tender had been submitted.
Average Consumer Price Index Number for industrial workers in HP (General Index)
for the quarter under review.
Price indices indicated above shall be those published in Indian Labour Journal, Labour
Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India.
The contract is based on the prices including tax levies etc. of P.O.L. as prevalent on the date
of opening the tenders. Variation, if any, these rates including taxes, duties or levies etc. shall be
adjusted on the following basis.
The base price of high speed diesel oil, petrol, lubricants (viz. mobile oil grade SAE 30 and
40) shall be as per prices list of Indian Oil Corporation, Chandigarh. These commodities referred to
above will be treated as representatives of all POL. The value of these commodities shall be taken as
equivalent to 5% (five percent) of the total value of work put to tender.
Percentage of these three items constituting the P.O.L. will given as under.
High speed Diesel Oil..75%
Main Lubricants...15%
Price variation i.e., increases or decrease in any of the above three items of P.O.L. will be
adjusted on the above basis as illustrated below:
(Say) with (+) 10% variation in price of
High speed diesel oil
Therefore, increase in price payable to the contractor will be 9.75% x 5% i.e. 0.4875% of the
value of work done after the date of increase in rates of HSD, Petrol and Lubricants referred to above.
If during the currency of the contract, there is an increase or decrease in the cost of POL
carried to above, a corresponding increase or decrease in the payments to the contractor shall be
computed as illustrated above for the work done in the quarter following the date of such increase or
If during the currency of the contract, there is an increase or decrease in the cost of material as
reflected by the Index Number of whole sale price in India, all commodities (New Series base: 199394=100), a corresponding increase or decrease in the payments to the contractor shall be computed
for each quarter on the basis of the following formula;
Vm = 15% of R (m-mo)
Where Vm= Amount of variation payable to /recoverable from the contractor during the
quarter under review.
The price variation shall remain operative for contract period as stipulated in this contract and
authorized extension (s) thereof in case, the work is delayed due to contractors fault or
negligence, the contractor shall not get any benefit under this clause for the period of such
No adjustment for variation in price except those included in this clause shall be admissible.
The price variation clause of 10C (a) to 10C (d) shall not apply to contract having completion
period of less than one year.
CLAUSE-10D : The contractor shall treat all material obtained during dismantling of structure,
excavation of the site for a work etc., as SJVNL property and such materials shall be disposed of to
the best advantage of SJVNL according to the instructions in writing issued by the Engineer-InCharge.
CLAUSE-11 : The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most
substantial and workman like manner and both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in
strict accordance with the specifications. The contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and
faithfully to the designs, drawing and instructions in writing in respect of the work as signed by the
Engineer-In-Charge and the contractor shall be furnished free of charge all such designs, drawings
and instructions as not included in the latest C.P.W.D. specifications or any other printed publication
or General specifications referred to elsewhere in the contract matters not covered by the
specification given in this contract as a whole shall be covered by relevant and latest Indian Standard
Codes. If such code on a particular subject has not been framed then relevant British standard code
shall be followed, if such codes for a particular subject have not been framed, the decision of the
Engineer-In-Charge will be final and binding.
CLAUSE-12 : The Engineer-In-Charge shall have power to make any alterations or omissions from,
additions to or substitutions for the original specification drawings, designs and instruction that my
appear to him to be necessary during the progress of the work and the contractor shall carry out the
work in accordance with any instructions which, may be given to him in writing signed by the
Engineer-In-Charge and such alterations, omissions, additions, or substitutions shall not invalidate
the contract and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be directed to
do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the
same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work. The time for completion of
the works shall be extended in the proportion that altered, additional and substituted work bears to the
original contract,
work and the certificate of Engineer-In-Charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion over and
above this, a further period to the extent of 25% of the time so extended shall be allowed to the
contractor. The rates for such additional, the altered or substituted work under this clause shall be
worked out in accordance with the following provisions in their respective order.
If the rates for additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the contract for the
work, the contractor is bound to carryout the additional, altered or substituted work at the
same rates as are specified in the contract for the work.
If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided in the
contract for the work, the rates will be derived from the rates for a similar class of work as are
specified in the contract for the work.
If the altered, additional or substituted work includes any work for which no rate is specified
in the contract and cannot be derived from similar class of work in the contract, then such
work shall be carried out at the rates entered in Himachal Pradesh Schedule of Rates 1999 for
building and 1993 for water supply and sanitary installations or the latest revised HPSOR
based on which the estimate has been prepared minus/plus percentage which the total
tendered amount bears to the estimated cost of the entire work put to tender.
If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner
specified in clause (i) to (iii) above, then the rates for such work shall be worked out on the
basis of the schedule of rates of the district specified above minus/plus the percentage
which the total tendered amount bears to the estimated cost of the entire work put to
tender. Provided always that if the rate for a particular part or parts of the items is not in
schedule of rates, the rate for such part or parts will be determined by the Engineer-InCharge on the basis of prevailing market rates when the work was done.
If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in the manner
specified in sub/clause (i) to (iv) above, then the contractor shall within 7 days of the date of
receipt of order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer-In-Charge of the rate which it is
his intention to charge for such class of work, supported by analysis of the rate or rates
claimed and the Engineer-In-Charge shall determine the rate or rates on the basis or prevailing
market rates, and pay the contractor accordingly. However, the Engineer-In-Charge by notice
in writing will be at liberty to cancel his order to carryout such class of work and arrange to
carry it out in such manner as her may consider advisable. But under no circumstances the
contractor shall suspend the work on the pleas of non settlement of the rates of items
falling under this clause.
Except in case of items relating to foundation, provision contained in sub/clause (i) to (v)
above shall not apply to contract or substituted items as individually exceed the percentage set
out in the tender documents (referred to here below as deviation limit; as mentioned under
clause-12A hereof), subject to the following restrictions:
The deviation limit referred to above is the net effect (algebrical sum) of all additions and
deductions ordered.
In no case shall the additions/deductions (arithmetical sum) exceed twice the deviation limit.
The deviations ordered on items of any individual trade included in the contract shall not
exceed plus/minus 50% of the value of that trade in the contract as a whole or half the
deviation limit, whichever is less.
The value of additions of items of any individual trade not already included in the contract
shall not exceed 10% of the deviation limit.
Note: Individual trade means the trade sections into which a schedule of quantities annexed to the
agreement has been divided or in the absence of any such division, the individual sections of the
Himachal Pradesh Public Work Department schedule of rates specified above, such as excavation and
earth work, concrete, wood work and joinery etc.
The rate of any such work except the items relating to foundations which in excess of the deviation
limit shall be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in Clause-12 (A)
For the purpose of operation of Clause-12 (A) the following work shall be treated as work relating to
For building, plinth level or 1.2 metre (4feet) above ground level which ever is lower
excluding items of flooring and D.P.C. but including base concrete below the floors.
For abutments, piers, retaining walls of culverts and bridges, walls of water reservoirs the bed
or floor level.
For retaining walls where floor level is not determined 1.2 meters above the average ground
level or bed level.
For roads all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub-base and soling work.
For water supply lines, sewer lines, under ground storm water drains and similar works all
items of work below ground level except items of pipe work, proper masonary work.
For open storm water drains, all items of work except lining of drains.
CLAUSE-12 A : The Unit Rate entered in the bill of quantities for the individual items shall apply
for the quantities or work increased or decreased by not more than twenty percent (20%) for each
item. Should the quantity of work actually executed under any item except the items relating to
foundation work exceed by more than twenty percent (20%) or the quantity provided in the Bill of
quantities for that item, the rate for excess over 120% quantity under the item may be revised in
accordance with the procedure indicated under Clause-12 hereof. In such an event, the contractor
shall, with in seven (7) days from the receipt of order, claim revision of the rates supported by proper
Should the quantity of work actually executed under any item, get reduced by more than 20%
of the quantity provided in the Bill of Quantities for that item, the rate for that item may be revised in
accordance with the procedure indicated in Clause-12 hereof.
The Engineer-In-Charge shall, however, be at liberty to cancel his order to carry out such
increased quantities of work by giving notice in writing to the contractor and arrange to carry it out in
such manner as he may consider appropriate. But under no circumstances the contractor shall
suspend the work on the plea of non-settlement of rates of items falling under this clause.
CLAUSE-13 : If at any time after the commencement of the work the SJVNL shall for any reason,
whatsoever, not require the whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, the Engineer-InCharge shall give notice, in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to any
payment of compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have
derived from the execution of the work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of the full
amount of the work no having been carried out, neither shall he have any claim for compensation by
reason of any alterations having been made in the original specifications, drawing, designs and
instructions which shall involve any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated.
Provided that the contractor shall be paid the charges on the cartage only of materials actually
and bonafide brought to the site of the work by the contractor and rendered surplus as a result of the
abandonment or curtailment of the work or any portion thereof and then taken back by the contractor
provided however that the Engineer-In-Charge shall have in all such cases the option of taking over
all or any such materials at their purchase price or at local current rates which ever may be less. In
the case of such items having been issued from SJVNL stores, supervision charges and storage shall
be refunded in addition to the issue rate of materials.
CLAUSE-14 : If it shall appear to the Engineer-In-Charge or his subordinate in charge of the work
that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with
materials of any inferior description or that any materials or articles provided by him for the
description of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted for or otherwise not in
accordance with the contract, the contractor shall, on demand in writing which shall be made with in
six months of the completion of the work from the Engineer-In-Charge specifying the work, materials
or articles complained not withstanding that the same may have been passed, certified and paid for,
forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part, as the case may
required or as the case may be, remove the materials or articles so specified and provide other proper
and suitable materials or articles at his own proper charge and cost and in the event of his failing to
do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-In-Charge in his demand aforesaid, than the
contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent on the tendered amount for
everyday not exceeding ten days while his failure to do so shall continue and in the case of any such
failure, the Engineer-In-Charge may rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove and replace
with others the materials or articles so complained of as the case may be, at the risk and expense in all
respects of the contractor.
CLAUSE-15: All work under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall
at all times be open to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-In-Charge
and his authorized subordinates and the contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours
and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-In-Charge or his
subordinate to visit the work shall have been given to the contractors, either himself be present to
receive orders and instructions, or have reasonable agent duly accredited, in writing present for that
purpose. Order given to the contractors agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they
had been given to the contractor himself.
CLAUSE- 16 : The contractor shall give not less than seven days notice in writing to the Engineer-InCharge or his subordinate-In-Charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the
reach of measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and correct dimensions
there of be taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach or measurement and
shall not cover up and place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the consent in
writing to the Engineer-In-Charge or his subordinate-In-Charge of the work who shall within the
aforesaid period of seven days, inspect the work and if any work shall be covered up or placed
beyond the reach of measurement without such notice having been given or the Engineer-In-Charges
consent being obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the contractors expenses or in default thereof
no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or the materials with which the same was
CLAUSE-17 : If the contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface injure or destroy
any part of the building in which they may be working or any building, road curve, fence, enclosure,
water pipe, cable, drainage electric or telephone post or wires, trees, grass or land or cultivated
ground continuous to premises on which the work or any part of it being executed or if any damage
shall happen to the work while in progress, from any cause whatever or if any defect, shrinkage or
other faults appear in the work other than road work costing Rs.20,000/- and below after a certificate
final or otherwise of its completion shall have been given by the Engineer-In-Charge as aforesaid
arising out of defective or improper materials or workmanship, the contractor shall have upon a
receipt of a notice in writing in that behalf make the same good at his own expense, or in default the
Engineer-In-Charge, may cause the same to be made good by other workman and deduct the
expenses from any sums that may then or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor or
from his security deposit, except from the portion pertaining to asphaltic work, which is governed, by
sub-para (ii) of clause 35 or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient portion thereof. The security
deposit of then contractor except the portion pertaining to asphaltic work, which is governed, by subpara (ii) of clause 35 shall not be refunded before the expiry of 6 months (three months in the case of
any work other than road work costing Rs.20,000/- and below) after the issue of the certificate final
or otherwise of completion of work or till the final bill has been prepared and passed, whichever is
later, provided that in the case of road work if in the opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge Half of the
security deposit is sufficient to meet all the liabilities of the contractor under this contract half of the
security deposit will be refundable after 3 months and the remaining half after 6 months of the issue
of the said certificate of completion or after the final bill has been prepare and passed, whichever is
CLAUSE-18 : The contractor shall supply and provide at his own cost all material (except such
special materials if any, as may in accordance with the contract be supplied from the Engineer-InCharge stores) plant, tools, appliances, latters, cordage, tackle, scaffolding and temporary works
requisite or proper for the proper executing of the work, whether original, altered or substituted and
whether included in the specification or the documents forming part of the contract or referred in
these conditions or not, or which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with
the requirements or the Engineer-In-Charge as to any matter as to which he is entitled to require
together with carriage therefore to and from
the work. The contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of persons with the
means and materials necessary for the purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing and
assisting of the measurement or examination at any time and from time to time of the work or
materials, failing his so doing, the same may be provided by the Engineer-In-Charge at the expense
of the contractor and the expenses may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under the
contract and/or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient portion thereof.
CLAUSE-18A: In every case in which by virtue of the provision of section 12, sub-section (1) of the
workmans compensation Act,1923, SJVNL is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed
by the contractor in execution of the work. SJVNL will recover from the contractor the amount of
compensation so paid and without prejudice to the rights of the SJVNL under section 12, sub-section
(2) of the said Act, SJVNL shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting
if from the security deposit or from any sum due by SJVN to the contractor whether under this
contract or otherwise. SJVNL shall not be bound to contest any claim made against if under section
12, sub-section (1) of the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and upon his giving
to SJVNL full security for all costs for which SJVNL might become liable in consequence of
contesting such claim.
CLAUSE-19: No labourers below the age of fourteen years shall be employed on the work.
19 (a) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed on the work for performance of the
contractors part of the agreement the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with the
Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited, Contractors Labour Regulations made by the Government from
time to time in regard to payment of wages, wage period, deduction from wages, recovery of wages
not paid and deductions unauthorisedly made, maintenance of wage books or wage slips, publication
of scale of wages and other terms of employment, inspection and submission of periodical returns
and all other matters of like nature.
The Engineer-In-Charge shall have the right to deduct, from the money due to the contractor
any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or
workers due to reasons of non-fulfillment of the conditions of the contract for the benefit of the
workers, non-payment of wages or of deductions made from his or their wages which are not justified
by their terms of the contract or non observance of regulations.
Under the provision of the minimum wages Act, 1948 and Himachal Pradesh Government
Minimum Wages Rules, 1959 and any subsequent amendment the contractor is bound to allow or
cause to be allowed to the labourers directly or indirectly employed in the works, one days rest for
six days continuous work and pay wages at the same rate as for duty. In the event of default the
Engineer-In-Charge shall have the right to deduct the sum or sums not paid on account of wages for
weekly holidays to any labourers and pay the same to the persons entitled there to from any money
due to the contractor.
Vis--vis the SJVNL the contractor shall be primarily liable to all payment to be made under
and for the observance of regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from
his sub-contractors.
The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be part of this contract and any breach there of
shall be deemed to be a breach of this contract.
The contractor shall ensure that no amount by way of commission or otherwise is deducted or
recovered by the Jamadaras from the wage of the workmen.
Leave: (i) In case of delivery, maternity leave not exceeding 8 weeks, 4 weeks upto and
including the day of delivery and 4 weeks following that day.
(ii) In the case of miscarriage upto 3 weeks from the date of miscarriage.
Pay (i) In case of delivery leave pay during maternity leave will be at the rate of the womans
average daily earnings, calculated on the total wages earned on the days when full time work
was done during a period 3 months immediately proceeding the date on which she gives
notice that she expects to be confined or at the rate of minimum daily wages whichever is
(ii) In case of miscarriage leave pay at the rate of average daily earnings calculated on the
total wages earned on the days when full time work was done during a period of 3 months
immediately preceding the date of such miscarriage.
Conditions for the grant of maternity leave: No maternity leave benefit shall be admissible to
a woman unless she has been employed for a total period of not less than 6 months
immediately preceding the date on which she proceeds on leave.
The contractor shall maintain a register of maternity benefit in the prescribed form as shown
below and the same shall be kept at the place of work.
Name of employee
Nature of
Date of delivery/
Period of actual
Date of which
notice of
In case of miscarriage
In case of miscarriage
Amount paid
Amount paid
Specimen from the register regarding maternity benefit admissible to the contractors labour.
Name of work.
Name of contractor.
Date of appointment.
Date of delivery/miscarriage/death.
Date with the amount of maternity/death benefit paid in advance of expected delivery.
Name of the person nominated by the woman to receive the payment of the maternity
benefit after her death.
If woman dies, the date of her death names of the person to whom maternity benefit
amount was paid.
CLAUSE-19F: In the event of the contractor (s) committing a default or breach of any of the
provisions of the H.P. Govt/Central Govt./Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited. Contractors Labour
Regulation and Model rules for the protection of Health and sanitary arrangements for the workers as
amended form time to time or furnishing any information or submitting or filling any statement under
the provisions of the above Regulations and Rules. Which is materially incorrect, he/they shall
without prejudice to any other liability pay to SJVNL a sum not exceeding Rs.50/- for every default,
breach or furnishing, making, submitting, filing such materially incorrect statements and in the event
of the contractor (s) defaulting continuously in this respect, the penalty may be enhanced to Rs.50/per day of default subject to a maximum of 5% of the estimated cost of the work put to tender. The
decision of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding on the parties. Should it appear to the
Engineer-In-Charge that contractor (s) is/are not properly observing and complying with the Model
Rules for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for work people employed by the
Contractor (s) (thereinafter referred as the said rules) the Engineer-In-Charge shall have power to
give notice in writing to the contractor (s) requiring that the said rules be complied with and the
amenities prescribed therein be provided to the work people within a reasonable time to be specified
in the notice, if the contractor (s) shall fail within the period specified in the notice to comply with
and observe the said rules and to provide the amenities to the work people as aforesaid, the EngineerIn-Charge shall have the power to provide the amenities herein before mentioned at the cost of the
contractor (s) The contractor (s) shall erect, make and maintain at his/their own expense and to
approved standards, all necessary huts and sanitary arrangements required for his/their work people
on the site in connection with the execution of the works and if the same shall not have been erected
or constructed, according to approved standards, the Engineer-In-Charge shall have power to give
notice in writing to the contractor (s) requiring that the said huts and sanitary arrangements the
remodeled and/ or reconstructed according to approved standards and it the contractor shall fail to
remodel or reconstruct such huts and sanitary arrangement according to approved standards within
the period specified in the notice, the Engineer-In-Charge shall have the power to remodel or
reconstruct such huts and sanitary arrangements according to approved standard at the cost of
contractor (s).
CLAUSE-19G: The contractor (s) shall at his/their own cost provide his/their labour with sufficient
number of huts (hereinafter referred to as the camp) of the following specification on suitable plot of
land to be approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
1. (a) The minimum height of each hut at the eye level shall be 2.1 m and the floor area to be
provided, will be at the rate of 2.8sq meter for each member of the workers family staying
with the labourer.
(b) The contractor (s) shall in addition construct suitable cooking places having minimum area of
1.8 x 1.5m adjacent to the hut for each family.
(c) The contractor (s) shall also construct temporary latrines and urinals for the labourers on the
scale of not less than four per each one hundred of the total strength, separate latrines and
urinals being provided for women.
(d) The contractor shall construct sufficient number of bathing and washing places, one unit for
every 25 persons residing in the camp. The bathing and washing places shall be suitably
2. (a) All the huts shall have walls of sun-dried or burnt bricks laid in mud mortar or other suitable
local materials as may be approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. In case of sun dried bricks the
walls should be plastered with mud gobri on both sides.
The floor may be katcha but plastered with mud gobri and shall be at least 15 cm above the
surrounding ground. The roofs shall be laid with thatched or any other materials as may be
approved by the Engineer-In-Charge and the contractor shall ensure that throughout the
period of their occupation the roofs remain water tight.
(b) The contractor (s) shall provide each hut with proper ventilation.
(c) All doors windows and ventilators shall be provided with suitable leaves for security
(d) There shall be kept an open space of at least 7.2 m between the rows of huts which may be
reduce to 6 meters according to the availability of site with the approval of the Engineer-InCharge, back to back construction will be allowed.
For & on behalf of SJVN Ltd.
Water supply: The contractor (s) shall provide adequate supply of water for the use of
labourers. The provision shall not be less than 2 gallons of pure and wholesome water per
head per day for drinking purpose and 3 gallons of clean water per head per day for bathing
and washing purpose. Where piped water supply is available, supply shall be at stand posts
and masonary, shall be provided. The contractor(s) shall also at his/their own cost make
arrangement for laying pipe lines for water supply to his/their labour camp from the existing
mains, wherever available and shall pay all fees and charges therefore.
The site selected for the camp shall be high ground, removed from jungle.
Disposal of excreta: The contractor (s) shall make necessary arrangements for the disposal of
excreta from the latrines by trenching or incineration which shall be according to the
requirements laid down by the local health authorities. If trenching or incineration is not
allowed the contractor (s) shall make arrangements for the removal of the excreta through the
Municipal Committee/Authority and inform it about the number of labours employed so that
arrangements may be made by such committee/authority for the removal of the excreta. All
charges on this account shall be borne by the contractor and paid directly by him to the
Municipal Corporation. Then contractor shall provide one sweeper for every 8 seats, in case
of dry system.
Drainage: The contractor (s) shall provide efficient arrangement for draining away sullage
water so as to keep the camp neat and tidy.
The contractor (s) shall make necessary arrangements for keeping the camp area sufficiently
lighted to avoid accidents to the workers.
Sanitation: The contractor (s) shall make arrangements for conservancy and sanitation in the
labour camps according to the rules of the local public health and medical authorities.
CLAUSE-19H: The Engineer-In-Charge may require the contractor to dismiss or remove from the
site of work any person or persons in the contractors employment on the work who may be
incompetent or misconduct himself and the contractor shall forthwith comply with such requirement.
CLAUSE-20: The contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act. 1948
and rules framed there under and labour laws affecting contract labour that may be brought into force
from time to time.
CLAUSE-21: The contractor shall not assign or sublet the entire work or part thereof without the
written approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. And if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contract
or attempt to do so or become insolvent or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any
composition with his creditors or attempt to do so or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite,
reward or advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly, be given promised or
offered by the contractor or any of his servants or agent to any public officer or person in the
employment of SJVNL in any way relating to his office or any way directly or indirectly interested in
the contract, the Engineer-In-Charge on behalf of the corporation shall have power to adopt any of
the courses specified in clause 3 as he may deem best suited in the interest of the corporation and in
the event of any of these courses being adopted; the consequences specified in the said clause 3 shall
CLAUSE-22: Any sum (s) payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be
considered as reasonable compensation (to be applied to the use of SJVNL) without reference to the
actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.
CLAUSE-23: Where the contractor is a partnership firm the previous approval in writing of the
Engineer-In-Charge shall be obtained before any change is made in the constitution of the firm.
Where the contractor is an individual or a Hindu Undivided family business concern such approval as
aforesaid shall likewise be obtained before the contractor enters into any partnership agreement
where under the partners of partnership firm would have the right to carry out the work undertaken by
the contractor. If previous approval as aforesaid is not obtained, the contract shall be deemed to have
been assigned in contravention of clause-21 thereof and the same action may be taken and the same
consequences shall ensure as provided in the said clause.
CLASUE-24: All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and
subject to the approval in all respects of the Engineer-In-Charge who shall be entitled to direct at
what point or points and in what manner they are to be commenced and from time to time carried on.
CLAUSE-25: Except where otherwise provided in the contract all questions and disputes relating to
the meaning of the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions hereinbefore mentioned and as
to the quality of workmanship of materials used on the work as to any other questions, claim, right,
matter or thing whatsoever, in any way arising out of or relating to the contract designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions otherwise concerning the work or
the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after
the completion or abandonment thereof, shall be referred to the single arbitrator of the person
appointed by the G.M. (P) SJVNL. It will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator
so appointed is a Government/SJVNL servant, that he had to deal with the matters to which the
contract relates, and that in the course of his duties as Government/SJVNL servant, he had expressed
views on any or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The arbitrator to whom the matter is
originally referred being transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reason, the
G.M. (P) SJVNL at the time of such transfer, vacation of office or inability to act shall appoint
another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such person shall be
entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is also
a term of this contract that no person other than a person appointed by the G.M. (P) SJVNL should
act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter is not to be referred to arbitration
at all. In all case where the amount of the claim in dispute is Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand)
and above, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
Subject as aforesaid the provision of the Arbitration & Reconciliation Act, 1996, or any
statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder and for the time being
in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
It is also a terms of the contract that the party invoking arbitration shall specify the dispute to
be referred to arbitration under this clause together with the amount of amounts claimed in respect of
each such dispute.
It is also a term of the contract that if the contractor(s) does/do not make any demand for
arbitration in respect of any claim in writing within 90 days of receiving the intimation from the
SJVNL and the bill is ready for payment, the claim of the contractor(s) will be deemed to have
waived and absolutely barred and the SJVNL shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under
the contract in respect of these claims.
The arbitrator (s) may form time to time with consent of the parties extend the time for
making and publishing the award.
CLAUSE-26 : The contractor shall fully indemnify SJVNL against any action, claim or proceeding
relating to infringement or use of any patent or design or any alleged patent or design rights and shall
pay any royalties which may be payable in respect of any article or part thereof included in the
contract. In the event of any claims, made under or action brought against SJVNL in respect of any
such matters as the aforesaid, the contractor shall be immediately notified thereof and the contractor
shall be at liberty, at his own expenses, to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation that may arise
there from provided that the contractor shall not be liable to indemnify the SJVNL if the infringement
of the patent or design or any alleged patent or design right is the direct result of an order passed by
the Engineer-In-Charge in this behalf.
CLAUSE-27: When the estimate on which a tender is made includes lump-sum in respect of part of
the works, the contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the items of work involved or the
part of the work in question at the same rates, as are payable under this contract for items not
susceptible of measurement the Engineer-In-Charge, may at his discretion pay the lump-sum amount
entered in the estimate and the certificate in writing of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor with regard to any sum of sums payable to him under the provision
of this clause.
In the case of any work or item of work for which here are no specification indicated in the tender
document relating to technical specifications drawings appended to the tender, such work of items of
work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements
prescribed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The rates for such work shall be determined by the EngineerIn-Charge which shall be final and binding on the contractor.
CLAUSE-29: 1) Whenever any claim, against the contractor for the payment of a sum or money
arises out of or under the contract, SJVNL shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in
part or whole, the security deposit of the contractor and to sell any Government promissory notes etc.
forming the whole or part of such security. In the event of the security being insufficient or if no
security has been taken from the contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case
may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due
from the contractor under this or any other contract with SJVNL should this sum be not sufficient to
cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to SJVNL on demand the balance
remaining due.
SJVNL shall have the right to cause an audit and technical examination of the works and the
final bills of the contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstract, etc. to be made after payment
of the final bill and if as a result of such audit and technical examination any sum is found to have
been over paid in respect of any work done by the contractor under the contract or any work claimed
by him to have been done by him under the contract and found not to have been executed, the
contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over payment and it shall be lawful for SJVNL to
recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in sub clause (1) or this clause or in other
manner legally permissible, and if its is found that the contractor was paid less than what was due to
him under the contract in respect of any work executed by him under it, the amount of such under
payment shall be dully paid by SJVNL to the contractor.
Provided that SJVNL shall not be entitled to recover any sum overpaid, not the contractor shall be
entitled to payment any sum paid short where such payment has been agreed upon between the
SJVNL on the one hand and the contractor on the other under any term of the contract permitted
payment for work after assessment by the Engineer-In-Charge.
The work (whether fully executed or not) and all material machine, tools and plants
scaffolding, temporary buildings and other things connected therewith shall be at the risk of the
contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-In-Charge and certificate from him to
that effect obtained, in the event of the work or any material property brought to the site for
incorporation in the work being damaged or destroyed in consequence of hostilities or war like
operations the contractor shall, when ordered in writing by the Engineer-In-Charge remove any
debris from the site, collect and properly stack or remove in store all serviceable material salvage
from the damage work and shall be paid at the contract rates in accordance with the provision of this
agreement for the work clearing the site of debris, stacking or removal of serviceable material and for
the reconstruction of all work ordered by the Engineer-In-Charge, such payments being in addition to
compensation upto the value of the work originally executed before being damaged or destroyed and
not paid for. In case of work damaged or destroyed but no already measured and paid for the
compensation shall be assessed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor shall be paid for the
damage destruction suffered and for restoring the material at the rates, based on the analysis of rates,
tendered for in accordance with the provision of this agreement. The certificate of the Engineer-InCharge regarding the quality of material and the purpose for which they were collected shall be final
and binding on all parties to this contract.
Provided always that no compensation shall be payable for any losses in consequence of
hostilities or war like operation (a) unless the contractor had taken all such precautions against air
raids as deemed necessary by the air officer or the Engineer-In-Charge (b) for any material etc. not on
the site of the work or for any tools, plant, machinery, scaffoldings, temporary buildings and other
things not intended for the work.
In the case of contractor having to carry out reconstructions as aforesaid he shall be allowed
such extensions of time for its completion as is considered reasonable by the Engineer-In-Charge.
Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor including the security deposit returnable
to him under this contract may be appropriated by the SJVN and set off against any claim of the
SJVNL for the payment of sum of money arising out of or under any other contract made by the
contractor with the SJVNL.
The contractor shall not employ coal mining or controlled area labour falling under any
category whatsoever on or in connection with the work or recruit labour form area with a radius of 20
miles of the controlled area. Subject as above the contractor shall employ imported labour only i.e.
depot imported labour imported by contractor from areas from which import is permitted.
Where ceiling price for imported labour has been fixed by state or Regional Labour
Committee not more than that ceiling price shall be paid to the labour by the contractor.
The contractor shall immediately remove any labourer who may be pointed out by the
Engineer-In-Charge as being a local mining or controlled area labourer. Failure to do so shall render
the contractor liable to pay to SJVNL a sum calculated at the rate of Rs.10 per day for labour. The
certificate of the Engineer-In-Charge about the number of coal mining or controlled area labour and
the number of days for which they worked shall be final and binding upon all parties to the contract.
It is declared and agreed between the parties that aforesaid stipulation in this clause of one in
which the public are interested within the meaning of the execution of section 74 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872.
Explanation: Controlled Area means the following areas:
Bihar: District of Manbhum, Hazaribagh, Jamtra Sub-Division of Santal Parganas.
West Bangal: District of Bankura, Birbhum, Burdwan.
Madhya Pradesh: District of Bilaspur.
Any other area which may be declared as Controlled Area by or with the approval of the
Central Government.
Water required for the execution of work may be supplied to the contractor(s) at the direction
of the Engineer-In-charge on the following conditions:
Payment by the contractor(s) @ 1.5% of the total cost of the entire work done under the
The contractor(s) shall make his/their own arrangement for water connection and laying of
pipe line from existing main or source or supply it would be clearly understood that SJVNL do not
guarantee to maintain the uninterrupted water supply and it will be incumbent on the contractor(s) to
make alternative arrangements for water on his/their own cost in the event of any temporary break
down in the SJVNL water mains so that progress of his/their work is not held up for want of water.
No claim of damage or required water charges will be entertained on account of such breakdown.
The contractor shall make his own arrangements for power supply and charges payable for the
same shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned authorities.
CLAUSE-32: (i) Where there is no piped water supply arrangement and the water is taken by the
contractor form the wells or hand pumps, constructed b the Government/SJVNL, no charge shall be
recovered from the contractor on that account. The contractor shall however draw water at such
hours of the day that it does not interfere with the normal use for which the hand pumps and wells are
intended. He will also be responsible for all damage and abnormal repairs arising out of his use, the
cost of which shall be recoverable from him. The Engineer-In-Charge shall be the final authority to
determine the cost recoverable from the contractor on this account.
(ii) The contractor shall be allowed to construct temporary wells in SJVNL land for taking water for
construction purpose only after he has got permission of the Engineer-In-Charge in writing. No
charge shall be recovered from the contractor on this account, but the contractor shall be required to
provide necessary safety arrangement to avoid any accidents or damage to adjacent building, roads
and service lines. He shall be responsible for any accidents or damage cause due to construction and
subsequent maintenance of the walls and shall restore the ground to its original condition after the
wells are dismantled on completion of work.
CLAUSE-33: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any or all the clause of this contract,
where any material for the execution of the contract are procured with the assistance of SJVNL
either by issue from SJVNL stocks or purchase made under orders or permits or licenses issued by
SJVNL, the contractor shall hold the said material economically and solely for the purpose of the
contract and not dispose off them without the permission on the SJVNL and return, if required by the
Engineer-In-Charge, all surplus material that may be left with him after the completion of the
contract or at its termination for any reason whatsoever on being paid for or credited such prices as
the Engineer-In-Charge shall determine, having due regard to the conditions of the materials. The
price allowed to the contractor however shall not exceed the amount charged to him excluding the
storage charges, if any. The decision of the Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and conclusive. In the
event of breach of the aforesaid condition, the contractor shall in addition to throwing himself open to
action for contravention of the terms of the licenses or permit and /or for criminal breach of trust, be
liable to SJVNL for all moneys, advantages or profits resulting or which in the usual course would
have resulted to him by reason of such breach.
CLAUSE-34: The contractor shall be responsible to return the plant and machinery in the condition
in which it was handed over to him and he shall be responsible for all damage caused to the said plant
and machinery at the site of work or elsewhere during the operation or during transit including
damage to or loss of parts and for all losses due to his failure and return the same soon after the
completion of the work for which it was issued. The Engineer-In-Charge shall be the sole authority
to determine the liability of the contractor and its extent in this regard and his decision shall be final
and binding on the contractor.
CLAUSE-35: (i) The contractor shall collect the total quantity of tar or bitumen required for the work
as per standard formula, before the process of printing is started and shall hypothecate it to the
Engineer-In-Charge. If any bitumen or tar remains unused on completion of the work on account of
lesser use of materials, in actual execution for reasons other than authorized charges of specification
and abandonment of portion of work, a corresponding deduction equivalent to the cost of unused
materials as determined by the Engineer-In-Charge shall be made and the materials returned to the
contractors. Although the materials are hypothecated to SJVNL, the contractor undertakes the
responsibility for their proper and safe custody and protection against all risk. The materials shall not
be removed from site of work without the consent of Engineer-In-Charge.
(ii) The contractor shall be responsible for rectifying defect noticed within one year from the date of
completion of the work and the portion of the security deposit relating to asphaltic work shall be
refunded after the expiry of this period.
CLAUSE-36: The contractor shall employ the following technical staff during the execution of this
Two graduate Engineer when cost of work to be executed is Rs.4.00 Crores and proportionate
increase in number with increase in quantum of work.
In case the contractor fails to employ the technical staff as aforesaid, he shall be payable to
pay a sum of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) for each month of default.
CLAUSE-37: Sale tax or any other tax on materials in respect of this contract shall be payable by
contractor, and SJVNL shall not entertain any claim, whatsoever, in this respect.
CLAUSE-38: In pursuance to or under any law, such notification order, any royalty, cost fee or the
like becomes payable by the SJVNL and does at any time become payable by the contractor, to H.P.
Government Local authorities in respect of any material used by the contractor in work, then in such
case it shall be lawful for the SJVNL and it will have right and be entitled to recover the amount paid
in the circumstances as aforesaid, from the dues of the contractor.
CLAUSE-39: Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this contract, if the contractor
dies, the Engineer-In-Charge on behalf of the SJVNL shall have the option of terminating the
contract without compensation to the contractor.
CLAUSE-40: The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works if any of his near relative
who is employed as Accountant or Officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending
Engineer and Assistant Engineer (both inclusive ) and responsible for award and execution of
contract in the Corporation. He shall also intimate the names of the persons who are working with
him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives of any officer
the Corporation.
Note: By the terms relatives is meant wife, husband, parents, children and grand children, brothers
and sisters, uncles and cousins and their corresponding in laws.
CLAUSE-41: No Engineer of gazetted rank or other gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or
Administrative duties in a Engineering Department of Himachal Pradesh Government/SJVNL or the
Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of two years of his retirement
from Government service without the permission of Himachal Pradesh Government or Government
of India. The contract is liable to be cancelled if either of contractor or any of his employee is found
at any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of Himachal Pradesh
Government or Government of India as aforesaid, before submission of the tender or engagement in
the contractors service as the case may be.
CLASUSE-42: (i) The contractor shall see that only the required quantities of material are got
issued, any such material remaining unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of completion
or determination of the contract shall be returned to the Engineer-In-Charge at a place as directed by
him/by a notice in writing under this hand, he shall so required. Credit for such material will be given
at the prevailing market rate not exceeding the amount charged from him, excluding the storage
charges levied at the time of issue of materials to him. The contractor shall also not be entitled to
cartage and incidental charges for returning the surplus materials from and to the stores where from
they were issued.
(ii) Over this theoretical quantity of cement shall be allowed a variation upto 5% plus/minus
for work upto the estimated cost of which as put to tender is not more than Rs.2 lacs: upto 4%
plus/minus for work, the estimated cost of which put to tender is more than Rs.2 lacs but upto Rs.5
lacs and upto 3% plus/minus for work, the estimated cost of which put to tender is above Rs.5 lacs.
The difference in quantity of cement actually issued to the contractor and the theoretical
quantity including authorized variation, if not returned by the contractor, shall be recovered at twice
the issue rates including storage charges, without prejudice to the provision of the relevant conditions
regarding return of materials governing the contract. In the event of its being discovered that the
quantity of cement used is less than the quantity ascertained as hereinbefore provided (allowing
variations on the minus side as stipulated above), the cost of the quantity of cement not so used shall
be recovered from the contractor on the basis of stipulated issue rates including storage charges and
cartage to site.
(iii) The provisions of the foregoing sub-clause shall apply in the case of steel reinforcement or
structural steel section, except that the theoretical quantity of steel shall be taken as the quantity
required as per design or as authorized by the Engineer-In-Charge including authorized lappage plus
5% wastage due to cutting into pieces. Over this theoretical quantity, plus 5% and minus 4% shall be
allowed as variation due to wastage being more or less.
After the completion of the works, the actual quantity of cables (other than underground
cables), wire, GI/MS sheets used in various items of work shall be calculated on the basis of the
measurements recorded in the measurement books for the purpose of payment and for the assessing
the consumption of materials used on work over this quantity variation of 5% plus shall be allowed
for wastage of materials during execution in case of cable (other than under ground cables), wire,
conduit pipes, GI pipes and 10% plus in case of GI/MS sheets. The difference in quantity of materials
actually issued to the contractor(s) and the quantity recorded in the measurement book including the
authorized variation as stated above, if not returned by the contractor shall be recovered at twice the
issue rates including storage charges and carriage to site without prejudice to the provisions of the
relevant conditions regarding return of materials governing the contract.
If required by the contractor, Advance for the execution of works, whose tendered value in more
than Rs.100 lacs the following cases:
Advance against preliminary and enabling works. Advance to the extent of 5% (five percent)
of the value of the contract can be granted for the following preliminary and enabling works.
Overhaul, dismantling and transportation of contractors plant and machinery to the site of
work including procurement of spare parts.
Mobilization of Labour.
The release of this advance shall be regulated and governed by the following conditions:
The advance shall be interest bearing at a rate to be decided by SJVN at the time of award of
work payment.
The advance to the extent of half of the total value admissible shall be released within one
month of the date allotment of the contract. The rest of the advance may be released in two
equal installments commensurate with the progress of above cited preliminary and enabling
works on the certificate of the Engineer-In-Charge.
The advance shall be disbursed on production of irrevocable Bank Guarantee form the State
Bank of India or any other scheduled bank of India on Performa at Appendix-I
The advance is recoverable and the recovery of the principle and interest thereon shall start
after 20% of the value of the contracted work is paid and shall be affected, billed in such a
way that the full advance and interest thereon are recovered by the time 80% (eighty percent)
of value of the contract work is billed for.
Machinery Advance: Advance to the extent from 1% of the value of the contract can be
granted against new machinery/equipment acquired by the contractors for bonafide use on the
work on the following conditions:
The item of machinery for which advance is required shall be approved by the Engineer-InCharge.
The advance shall be interest bearing at a rate to be decided by SJVNL of the time of a work
of work/payment.
The advance against indigenous equipment shall be released after the equipment has reached
the site of the work and is duly hypothecated in favour of SJVNL on Performa at Appendix-II
The advance against imported equipment shall be released when the equipment reaches Indian
port of destination and on production of documents as a proof thereof provided the equipment
is fully insured form the port to the site of work and hypothecated in favour of SJVNL.
The plant and machinery, so purchased shall not be insured for its full value by the contractor
on the Performa at Appendix-III
The plant and machinery, so purchased shall not be removed from site without the written
permission of the Engineer-In-Charge.
The machinery and equipments, so purchased, shall be maintained in good working condition
during the entire period of hypothecation.
Schedule showing materials to be supplied by the SJVNL under clause 10 of the conditions of
contract for work contracted to be executed and the rate at which they are to be charged for:
Steel (Mild)
Steel (Tor)
Steel (structural)
M.S. Angles of
All sizes
M.S. Plate
C.G.I. Sheets
Gelatine 80%
or equivalent Kg.
Long Delay
Detonators with
3m lead wire
Fuse Coil
Place of delivery
Or any other Magazine
in the project area.
Note: The person or firm submitting the tenders should see that the rates in above schedule are filled
up by the Engineer-in-Charge in the issue of the form prior to the submission of the tender.
In consideration of the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (hereinafter called the principal) having
agreed to make advance payment to (*)
...(hereinafter called : the said contractor (s)
Whose tender for
(a) . has been
accepted and to whom the acceptance of tender, other tender documents and the letter of acceptance
have been communicated for execution of formal agreement on condition of production of a Bank
Guarantee for Rs.
(+) .
day of
Here affix the common seal of the
Bank for.
Bank Ltd.
Herein state the name and full address of the contractor.
Herein specify the name of the work.
The amount should be specified in figures and in words.
of Luhri Hydro Electric Project in Himachal Pradesh as per stipulation contained in the SJVNL item
rate tender and contract for works for the guidance of the contractors the contractor submitted a
tender dated .. and the SJVNL acceptance the contractors
said tender and awarded the work to the contractor under..letter No.
The SJVNL at the request of the Contractor agreed to make advance to the contractor upto a
limit to Rs.
against hypothecation of unencumbered machinery to the extent of 1% of the value of the contract for
bonafide use on the said work on the terms and condition hereinafter appearing SJVNL this indenture
witnessed and it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties here as follows:
That in consideration of the Sum of Rs. .
agreed to be advanced by the SJVNL to the contractor, the
plant and machinery and equipment of the contractor fully described in the schedule hereto, which
the Contractor declares as his absolute and unencumbered and unused property, having fully and
wholly paid the cost thereof and which has been brought to the site work, shall be hypothecated by
way of first and specific charges as security for the repayments the SJVNL on demand, of the said
sum of Rs. . or so much thereof as from time to time removal due and
outstanding, with cost and expenses thereof.
The above advance shall bear a simple interest of 12%. The recovery of the advance shall start
after 20% of the value of work under the said agreement is paid and shall be effected on prorate
percentage basis to the value of work billed in such a way that the full advance is recovered the time
80% of the value of work is billed for.
(iii) That during the continuance of this security the SJVNL shall be entitled to deduct from the
contractors running bills prorate (as para-(ii) above) from each bill for the works executed by the
contractor and appropriate the same towards payment of the contractors dues to the SJVNL within
the stipulated period as para (ii) above.
That the contractor has insured that plant and machinery and equipment listed in the schedule
for their full value at this cost, against loss or damage with an Insurance Company, approved
by the SJVNL and that the Insurance Company has been notified that the SJVNL has interest
in the said policy the contractor undertakes to maintain this insurance Policy in force till such
time as the advance is fully repaid to the SJVNL.
That the contractor hereby undertakes not to remove the plant and machinery and equipment
described in the schedule form the site of work without the written permission of the SJVNL.
That the contractor hereby undertakes that the will not sell, transfer, convey pledge or
otherwise encumber or part with the said plant and machinery and equipment described in the
schedule untill the aforesaid sum of advance in fully repaid to the SJVNL.
That the contractor shall keep and maintain the plant and machinery and equipment in good
working condition and shall not do anything to impair the value of the said plant and
machinery and equipment except for normal depreciation and wear and tear and in the event
of many loss or damage arising out of causes other than normal wear and tear during the
period of hypothecation, the contractor shall make good such losses or damage to the
satisfaction of the SJVNL, failing which the SJVNL shall be entitled to recover the cost of
such loss or damage from the Security Deposit or from any money due to the contractor by
the SJVNL.
(viii) That in the event of the Contractor not repaying the aforesaid advance on demand on the
event of the contractor discontinuing or not completing the works entrusted to the contractor
by SJVNL in terms of the said Agreement in the event of the contractor becoming insolvent
the SJVNL shall be at liberty to take immediate possession of the said plant and machinery
and equipment and sell or otherwise dispose of the same either by public auction or by private
contract and appropriate the sale proceeds thereof, after meeting the expenses of such sale
towards payment of outstanding advance without prejudice to the SJVNLS other rights and
remedies under the said Agreement.
That the SJVNL shall also be entitled without prejudice to the SJVNLS other rights and
remedies under the said Agreement, to relies the amount advanced or so much thereof as shall
remain due and outstanding from any dues and security deposits of the contractor in respect of
the Agreement or any other contract/agreement with the SJVNL.
That the contractor hereby agrees to pay any stamp duty that may be assessed on this deed.
Engine Chassis/
Tot. cost
90% of
of machinery
Name No.
No. Plant/No.
as per the
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties have hereunder set and subscribed their respect
hands hereinto the day and year first above written.
In presence of:Signed for and on behalf of the SJVNL.
Sear Sir,
I am to inform you that the SJVNL is interested in the Insurance Policy No. secured in your
company and to request that you will kindly interest a clause to the following effect in the
(the owner of the plant and machinery and equipment, hereinafter referred to as the insured in
schedule to the policy) has hypothecated the plant and machinery and equipment to the SJVNL as
security and it is further declared and agreed that the SJVNL is interested in any money which but for
the endorsement be payable to the said insured in respect of the loss or damage to the said plant and
machinery and equipment (which, loss or damage is not made good by repaid reinstatement or
replacement) and such money shall be paid to the SJVNL as long as the SJVNL is the mortgage of
the plant and machinery and equipment and its receipt shall be full and final discharge to the
company irrespective of such loss or damage.
Save as by this endorsement expressly agree nothing herein shall modify or effect the rights of
liabilities of the insured or the company, respectively, under or in connection with this policy or any
term provision or condition thereof.
Yours faithfully
Bank Gurantee No. ..
Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited
Himfed Building
New Shimla (HP)
Dear Sir,
In accordance with your Notice Inviting Tenders for .under your specification
No. Dated . M/s .
(Hereinafter called the tender) with the following directors on their Board of Directors/Partners on
the firm .
Constituted under the Bank the Contractor Companies Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings Act,
1969 and having a branch office at (Herein after referred to as the Bank) do hereby
undertake and agree to pay on demand in writing by the Corporation, the amount of Rs. ..
(Rupees ) to the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited without any
demur, reservation or recourse.
We, the aforesaid Bank, further agree that the Corporation shall be the sole judge of and as to
whether the tenderer has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms and conditions of the
tender and the extent of loss, damage, costs charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or that
may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation on account thereof. The extent of the Earnest
Money required to be deposited by the Tenderer in respect of the said Tender Document and the
decision of the Corporation that the tenderer has committed such breach or breaches and as to the
amount or amount of loss, damage, costs charge and expenses caused to or suffered by or that may be
caused to or suffered by the Corporation shall be final and binding on us.
We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee therein contained shall remain in full force
and effect untill it is released by the Corporation and change in the constitution, liquidation or
dissolution of the Tenderer, shall not discharge our liability guaranteed herein.
It is further declared that is shall not be necessary for the Corporation to proceed against the
Contractor before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be
enforceable against the Bank not with standing any security which the Corporation may have
obtained or shall obtain from the contractor at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank
for whatever amount may be outstanding or unrealized under the guarantee.
The right of the Corporation to recover the said amount of Rs. (Rupees
) from us in the manner aforesaid will not be affected
by reason of the
fact any dispute or disputes have been raised by the said M/s
(Tenderer) and /or that any dispute or disputes
are pending before any authority, officer, tribunal or arbitrator (s) etc.
Not with standing anything stated above, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted
to Rs. . (Rupees ) and out guarantee shall remain in force
upto and unless a demand or claim under the guarantee is made on us in writing
within three months after the aforesaid date i.e. on or before the all your rights
under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relived and discharged from all liabilities
Signature ..
Banks Common Seal.
Authorization No. ..
In presence of:
Expiry of the Defect Liability Period as provided in the said contract or from the date of cancellation
of said contract, as the case may be unless a notice of the claim under this Guarantee has been served
on the Bank before the expiry of the said period for years in which case the same shall
be forceable against the Bank not withstanding the fact, that the same is enforced after the expiry of
the said period of years.
The Corporation shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the
bank under this Guarantee or indemnity, from time to time to very of any of the terms and conditions
of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the said contractor or to postpone for any
time and from time to time any of the performance by the said contractor or to Contractor and either
to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions governing the said contract or
securities available to Corporation and the said Bank shall not be released form its liability under
these presents by any exercise by the Corporation of the liberty with reference to the matters
aforesaid or by reasons of time being given to the said contractor or any other forbearance, act or
omission on the part of the Corporation or any indulgence by the Corporation to the said contractor
or any other matter or things whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this
provision have effect of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
It shall not be necessary for the Corporation to proceed against the Contractor before
proceeding against the Bank land the guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the
Bank, not withstanding any security which the Corporation may have obtained or shall obtain from
the contractor at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank for whatever amount be
outstanding or unrealized. We, the said Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing and agree that any change in
the constitution of the said contractor or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder. If
any further extension of this Gurantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period
on receiving instruction from M/s on whose behalf this
Guarantee is issued.
In the presence of:
The above Guarantee is accepted by the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited.
While tendering for the work the contractor is supposed to have seen the site of work and no
special claims on account of difficulties arising due to the situation of the site will be
The work shall be carried out as per the drawings supplied by the department and as per the
instructions of the Engineer-In-Charge. The General specification shall be latest central public
works department standard specification with upto date correction slips except where
otherwise specified in description f items given in the schedule of quantities.
The work shall be carried out in manner complying in all respects with the requirements of
relevant by laws of the local bodies in whose jurisdiction the work is situated.
Hard stone and other materials shall be obtained from approved quarries, royalties, taxes,
municipal Octroi, other incidental charges in connection with their supply to the site of work
shall be borne by the contractor himself.
When any surplus earth is to be dispose doff the site where the earth would be disposed off
should be got approved from Engineer-In-Charge in writing before undertaking the work.
The disposal of rubbish and debris due to construction work will be the contractors
responsibility and nothing shall be paid extra for this disposal.
Owing to difficulty in obtaining certain material in open market, the SJVNL have undertaken
to supply materials specified on page III-30 of the tender from at the rates stated therein there
may be delay in obtaining the materials by the department and the contractor is therefore to
keep himself in touch with day to day position regarding supply of materials from EngineerIn-Charge and so adjust the progress of work that his labour may not remain idle.
It should be clearly understood that no claim whatsoever shall be entertained by SJVNL on
account of delay in supplying materials.
The contractor must ensure before taking delivery of materials from stores that these are good
condition and on claim on account of the material being defective will be entertained later on.
If these are delivered at any other site than specified in the agreement, the difference due to
carriage will be adjusted accordingly.
The cement shall be stacked by the contractor in a separate godown built by him at his cost
having water proof roof and wall and floor consisting of layer of dry bricks/stone laid on well
consolidated earth at least 300 mm above ground level. These stacks shall be in rows of 2
bags deep and 10 bags high and with minimum 600 mm clear space around, the bags shall be
placed horizontally continuous in each line. Nothing extra will be paid for this.
The contractor shall be required to make double lock arrangement for other valuable materials
at the site of work. One key will remain in the custody of Engineer-In-Charge
of the work and the other with the representative of the contractor an locking arrangement
should be such that godown cannot be opened unless the contractor and junior Engineer-InCharge.
No hand mixing of the concrete will be allowed. The contractor will have to arrange for
concrete mixers himself.
The contractor shall also be responsible for watch and ward of other materials issued to him.
If contractor fails to provide sufficient fencing, lighting and watch to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-In-Charge, the later after notice to the contractor will provide sufficient fencing,
lighting and watching staff. The cost of doing so shall be deducted from the contractor but
such action on the part of the Engineer-In-Charge in providing sufficient, fencing and lighting
shall not relieve the contractor from responsibilities for damages caused by failure on his part.
No payment shall be made to the contractor for any damages caused to work or material
rains/snow or floods or due to any other cause, whatsoever, during the execution of the work
and no such claim on this account shall be entertained. He will have to make good all such
damages at his own cost.
The contractor shall not deposit material on any site which will seriously cause inconvenience
to the public. The Engineer-In-Charge may require the contractor to remove any material
which is considered by him to be a danger or inconvenience to the public caused at his cost.
Recovery for damaged material due to defective storage of material issued by the department
will be recovered from the contractor at double the issue rate. No claim on this account shall
be entertained.
The contractor should obtain permission from the Engineer-In-Charge for extracting stores
from road sides or approved quarries and amount of royalty to be deducted on this account
shall be fixed by the Engineer-In-Charge in consultation with the concerned department.
The contractor shall be responsible to make good the damage caused to the lands and
buildings of private persons which are continuous or otherwise to the premises on which the
work or any part of it is being executed and on his failure to do so. The same will be made
good by the Engineer-In-Charge at the cost of contractor.
Any damages during the execution of work will be the responsibility of the contractor. He
will have to restore such damages at his own cost and nothing will be paid by SJVNL on this
Sample of all materials to be used on the work be submitted for approval to the Engineer-InCharge before hand. The same principle will hold good for all the items of work.
All reinforcement has to be placed in the position as shown in the drawings. In case any
All jungle clearance such as shrubs etc. will be done by the contractor at his cost but the trees
big or small shall not be felled without prior permission. Cost of damage to the forest or to
some other Government or private properties will be made good by the contractor at his own
cost or recovery shall be made from his bill.
The contractor shall produce a labour clearance certificates from the labour inspector
concerned, before final payments are released to him.
The contractor shall himself remain or keep his duly authorized representatives at site during
all working hours of executing to receive instruction from Engineer-In-Charge or his
subordinate officer to carry out the work accordingly.
All material brought to the site or work during the time of execution should be stacked
properly as per instructions issued by the Engineer-In-Charge.
The Engineer-In-Charge will be at liberty to debit the contractors account with any dues
outstanding against him in respect of some other wok entrusted to him by SJVNL.
In case the contractor obtains route permit for plying his own or hired truck for the carriage of
materials to the site of work, he shall tender full account of the carriage work done by him
duly supported with the log book of the vehicles weekly, failing which he will be liable to pay
fine at the rate of Rs.5 per day for extra days that the truck has plied.
The rates of different items are for all heights, depths and widths unless otherwise specified
against the items.
For testing the strength of concrete cubes shall be prepared by the contractor under
supervision of an officer of the department not below the rank of sub-division officer. Sample
of concrete and its testing shall be done as per relevant specification and also as per relevant
I.S. Codes of practice and tested in recognized laboratory approved by the Engineer-InCharge. The cost of making cubes and carriage to laboratory shall be borne by the contractor.
The contractor shall, however, abide by the decision of the Engineer-In-Charge. In case the
result of test shows the work not being upto the specified standard, contractor will carry out
any order necessitated thereby at his own cost.
The contractor shall get frames and other items of wood work approved by the Engineer-InCharge before fixing the same. All wood work shall be done out of properly seasoned wood.
The wood work should not be painted or treated in any other way until it is approved by the
The samples of iron fittings and other fitting i.e. fan clamp, hooks, rings wooden hand rail,
iron railing, paints of different shades, marble , chips etc. shall be approved by the EngineerIn-Charge before fixing and laying.
In case where brick work is exposed and is required to be finished with pointing or otherwise
selected brick should be used and nothing extra will be paid to the contractor on this account.
In case of brick masonry items, the classification of bricks brought by the contractor shall
strictly confirm to the relevant specification referred to above irrespective of the classification
shown on the permit if any issued to the contractor by the supply department. The contractor
shall have no claim whatsoever on this account.
The contractor shall clear the site properly after the completion of the work.
The contractor shall maintain in good condition all works during execution till completion of
entire work allotted to the contractor.
The contractor must take all precautions to avoid all accidents by exhibiting day and night
necessary sign boards, speed limit, boards, red flags and red lights and providing barriers. He
shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused due to negligence on his part. No
hindrance shall be caused to traffic during the execution of work.
Any departmental officer is authorized to have access to the godown for purpose of inspection
of materials at any time. Any material which inspecting officer may point out as being below
the required standard will be removed entirely at once from the site of work by the contractor
and no used on SJVNL work. No claim on this account shall be entertained.
Wherever pipes are to be fixed to wall or R.C.C. surface the contractor may be required to use
raw plugs for which nothing extra shall be payable. The contractor shall ensure that vertical
pipes are truly vertical and horizontal pipes are truly horizontal.
In the event of dispute of any kind arising out of this contract the law court at the district
headquarter of the Engineer-In-Charge or high Court of Himachal Pradesh Shimla, shall have
the jurisdiction.
The contractor shall allow deduction of income tax at source as required under section 194
(C) of the income Tax Act, 1961.
The material shall be issued to the contractor at the place of delivery as mentioned in the
schedule showing materials to be supplied by SJVNL under clause 43 (B). If these are
delivered at any other site, the difference due to cartage will be adjusted accordingly. The
contractors have to carry at their cost the material to the site of the work as soon as these are
issued. The contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody
of materials.
The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining electric and water connections
and make necessary payments direct to the deptt. concerned. SJVNL will only help in
recommending the same to the concerned department.
To ensure that equipment and services under the scope of this contract whether manufactured
or performed within the Contractors Works or at his Sub-Contractors premises or at the owners site
or at any other place of work are in accordance with the specifications, the Contractor shall adopt
suitable quality assurance programme, to control such activities at the points necessary. Such
programme shall be outlined by the Contractor and shall be finally accepted by the Engineer after
discussion before the award of the contract. A quality assurance programme of the contract shall
generally cover the following:a)
His organization structure for the management and implementation of the proposed quality
assurance programme.
The procedure for purchase of materials, parts components and selection of Sub-Contractors
services including vendor analysis, source inspection, incoming raw material inspection,
verification of materials purchase etc.
System for shop manufacturing and site erection controls including process controls and
fabrication and assembly controls.
Inspection and test procedure both for manufacturer and field activities.
A quality plan detailing out the specific quality control procedure adopted for controlling the
quality characteristics relevant to each item of equipment furnished.
The Engineer or his duly authorized representative reserves the right carry out quality audit
and surveillance of the system and procedure of the Contractor/his vendors quality management and
control activities.
All non-destructive Examination procedure, stress relief and weld repair procedure actually
used during fabrication.
Welder identification list, listing Welders and Welding operators qualification procedure
and welding identification symbols.
The inspection plan with verification, inspection plan check points, verification sketches, if
used and methods used to verify that the inspection and testing points in the inspection plan
were performed satisfactorily.
Sketches and drawings used for indicating the method of tractably of the radiographs to the
location on the equipment.
Factory test results for testing required as per application codes an standard referred in the
The Engineer or his duly authorized representative the right to carryout quality audit and
quality surveillance of the system and procedures of the contractors/his vendors Quality
Management and Control activities.
The contractor shall have to manage a portable explosive magazine at the site of work at is
own cost.
Explosive material issued to the contractor will have to be used as per explosive Act and in
case no more than one days requirement will be lifted from the explosive magazine.
The contractors may have to do controlled blasting in some reaches of the roads as per the
directions of Engineer-In-Charge in order to avoid damage to the existing nearby structures.
The compressor, if required shall be provided by the department to the contractor, if available
and will be charged @ Rs . per hour. The contractor will have to run the
compressor minimum of five hour per day .
Serviceable stones from the excavation of foundation and road cutting available will be
stacked properly along site development road site, keeping width of the road clear by the
contractor at his own cost.
All trees failing in the alignment of road in the private and acquired for the construction of
road shall be felled/cut by the contractor and quantity of wood timber, so received shall
handed over to the department. No extra payments shall be made on this account. In case of
the contractor fails to handover the same to the department, the cost of trees shall be
recoverable from the contractors at the rate of acquisition of such trees.
One third (1/3 rd) useful stones as obtainable from the quantity of blasting work shall be
stacked properly at site being SJVN property by the contractor as per the instructions of the
Engineer-In-Charge, failing which recovery @ 170/- (Rupees one hundred seventy ) only per
cum will be made from the contractor.
No extraction of stone will be allowed surrounding the site of work/project area the contractor
should arrange stone himself from the approved quarry.
In case dewatering is required to be done by the contractor, it shall be done entirely by him at
is own cost. No claim in this regard shall be entertained.
Contractor shall have to produce M-forms for the material utilized such as stone, aggregated,
send etc.
Dozer (D-80) if available shall be provided by the deptt. and will be charged Rs
hour. Contractor shall have to ruin the Dozer fro minimum five hours a day.
Road Roller if available shall be provided by the deptt. and will be charged Rs.
..per hour. Contractor shall have to run the Roller for minimum two hours a
Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workman for all works that cannot safety be done
from the ground or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done
safety from ladders, when a ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well
suitable foot holds and hand holds shall be provided on the ladder and ladder shall be given
and inclination not steeper than to 1 ( horizontal and 1 vertical).
Scaffolding or staging more than 3.6 m above the ground or floor, swung or suspended form
and overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have a guard rail properly
attached bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least 90 cm high above the floor or platform
of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends
thereof with only such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of the materials, Such
scaffolding or staging shall be son fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building of
Working platform, gangways should be so constructed that they should not sag unduly or un
equally and if the height of the platform or the gangway or the stairway is more than 3.6 m
above ground level or floor, they should be closely boarded, should have adequate with and
should be suitable fastened as described in (ii) above.
Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform be provided with suitable
means to prevent the fail of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing
whose minimum height shall be three feet.
Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platform and other working place every
ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9 m in length while the
width between side rails in hung ladder shall in no case be less than 20 cm for ladder upto and
including 3 m in length. For longer ladder this with should be increased at last 20 mm for each
additional metre of length. Uniform step spacing shall not exceed 30 cm. Adequate
precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials on any
of the sites of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any
person or the public. The contractors shall provide all necessary fencing and lights to project
the public from accident and shall be found to bear the expenses or defence of every suit,
action or other proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained
owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and cost which may be
awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to any such persons or which may with the
consent of the contractor be paid to compromise any claim by any such person.
All trenches, 1.2 m or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied with at least on ladder for
each 30 m in length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the trench to
at least 90 cm above the surface of the ground. The site of the trenches which are
1.5 m or more in depth shall be stopped back to give suitable slops or securely held by
timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides to collapse.
The excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 m of the edges of the trench or half
of the depth of the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom.
Under no circumstance under mining or under cutting shall be done.
Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process of the work:
All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site small either be closed or suitable
All practical step shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk or fire
or explosion of flooding No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be so over loaded
with debris or materials to render it unsafe.
All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer-incharge should be kept available for the use of the person employed on the site and
maintained in condition suitable for immediate use and the contractor should take
adequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipment by those concerned.
Workers employed on mixing asphaltic material, cement and lime mortars shall be
provided with protective footwear and protective goggles.
Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any material
which is injurious to the eyes shall be provided with protective goggles.
Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welders protective eye sight lius.
Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and
seated as sufficiently safe intervals.
When worker are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use the Contractor shall
ensure that the manhole covers are opened and are ventilated at least for an hour before
the work are allowed to get into the manholes and manholes so opened shall be cordoned
off suitable raining and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent accident to the
The contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 years and women on the work of
painting with products containing lead in any form. Whenever men above the age of 18
are employed on the work of lead painting the following precautions should be taken.
No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or
ready made paints.
Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint is applied in the
form of spray on a surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped.
Overalls shall be supplied by the contractors to the workman and adequate facilities shall be
provided to enable the working painters to wash during the cessation of work.
When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drawing, all necessary
equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for
prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provision should be made for prompt
first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course or the work.
Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, encourage and supports shall
conform to the following standards or condition.
1. a) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and
free from patent defect patent defect and shall be kept in good repair and in good working
order. (b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means or suspension shall
be or durable quality adequate strength and free from patent defects.
Every crane or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no person under the
age of 21 years should be incharge of any hoisting machine including any scaffold or which
given single to operator.
In case of every hoisting machine and of every crane ring hook, shackle survival and pully
block is used in hoisting or as means suspension the safe working load shall be as curtained
by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly;
marked with the safe working load in case of hoisting machine having variable safe working
load each safe working load of the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly
indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall be
loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of testing.
In case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified by the Electrical
Engineer-in-Charge. As regards contractors machine the contractors shall notify the safe
working load of the machine to the Engineer-in-Charge whenever he brings any machinery to
site of work and get it verified by the Electrical Engineer concerned.
Motors Gearing, Transmission, Electric wiring and other dangerous part of hoisting
appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards, hoisting appliances should be
provided with such mean as will reduce to minimum the risk of any accidental descent of the
load, adequate precaution should be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part of
suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When worker employed is on electrical
installations which are already energized insulating mates, wearing apparel, such as gloves
and both as may be necessary should be provided. The workers should not wear any rings,
watches and carry keys or other material which are good conductors of electricity
All scaffold ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in safe condition and scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed
while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near places or work.
These safety provision should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a
notice board be at prominent place at work spot. The person responsible for compliances of
the safety code shall be named therein by the contractor.
To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions,
the arrangements by contractor shall be open to inspection by the labour officer/ EngineerIn-Charge of the department or their representative.
Not-withstanding the above clauses from (i) to (xiv) there is nothing in these to exempt the
contractor from the operation of any other Act/ Rule in force in the Republic of India.
Application: These rules shall apply to all building and construction work in charge of SJVNL.
Work place means a place at which at an average fifty or more workers are employed
connection with construction work.
Large work place means a place at which, at an average 500 or more workers are employed in
connection work.
First Aid: (a) At every work place, there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place first aid
appliance including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing and sterilized cotton wool. The
appliances shall be kept in good order and in large work place, they shall be placed under charge
of a responsible persons who shall be readily available during working hours.
b) At large work places, where hospital facilities are not available within easy distance of the works,
First Aid posts shall be established and be run by a trained compounder.
c) Where large work places are remoter from regular hospitals, and indoor ward shall be provided
with one bed for every 250 employees.
d) Where large work places are situated in cities, towns or in their suburbs and no beds are
considered necessary owing to the proximity of city or town hospitals, suitable transport shall be
provided to facilities removal or urgent cases to the hospitals. At work places conveyance
facilities such as a car, shall be kept readily available to take injured persons suddenly taken
seriously ill to the nearest hospital.
4. Drinking water: (a) In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable places,
easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for drinking.
b) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall
be provided with storage where such drinking water shall be storage.
c) Every water supply source or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 15mtr. from any
latrine, drain or other source or pollution. Where water had to be drawn from an existing well
which is within such proximity of latrine, drain or any other source of pollution, the well shall be
properly chlorinated before water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be entirely
closed in and be provided with a trap door which shall be dust and water proof.
d) A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well, the trap door shall be kept locked
and opened only for cleaning or inspecting which shall be done at least one a month.
5. Washing and bathing places: (a) adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided,
separately for men and women.
b) Such places shall be kept in clean drained condition.
6. Scale of accommodation in latrines and urinals. These shall be provided within the precincts or
every work place, latrines and urinal in and accessible place and the accommodation separately
for each or their shall not be less than the following scale.
(a) Where the number of person does not exceed 50
2 Seats
(b) Where the number of persons exceeds 50 but does not exceed 100
3 Seats
In particular cases, the Engineer-In Charge shall have the powers to very the scale, where
Latrines and urinals for women: If women are employed separate latrines and urinals screened
from those for men and marked in the vernacular in conspicuous letters For Women only shall
be provided on the scale laid in rule 6. Those for men shall be similarly marked For Men only.
A poster showing the figures of a man and woman shall also be exhibited at the entrance of
latrines for each sex. There shall be adequate supply of water close to the urinals and latrines.
Latrines and Urinals: Except in work places provided with water flushed, latrines, connected with
a water borne sewage system, all latrines shall be provided with receptacles on dry earth system
which shall be cleaned at least four times daily and at least twice during working hours and kept
in a strictly sanitary conditions. The receptacles shall be tarred inside and outside atleast once a
Construction of latrines: The inside walls shall be constructed of masonary or some suitable heat
resisting nonabsorbent material and shall be cement washed inside and outside atleast once a year.
The dates of cement washing shall be noted in a register maintained for this purpose and kept
available for inspections. Latrines will not be of a standard lower than bore hole system and
should have thatched roof.
10 Disposal of excreta: Unless otherwise arranged for by the local sanitary authority, arrangements
for proper disposal of excreta by incineration at the work place shall be made by means of a
suitable incinerator approved by the Assistant Director of Public Health or the Municipal Medical
Officer of Health, as the case may be in shoes jurisdiction the work place is situated.
Alternatively, excreta may be disposed off by putting a layer of night soil at the bottom of pucca
tank prepared for the purpose and covering it with 15 cm layer of waste or refuse and then
covering it up with a layer of earth for a fortnight (when it will turn into manure).
11 Provision of shelters during rest: At every work place there shall be provided, free of cost, two
suitable sheds one for meals and the other for rest separately for men and women for the used of
labour. The height of the shelter shall not be less than 3.3 m from the lowest part of the roof. The
sheds should be roofed with at least thatch and mud flooring will be provided with a dwarft will
around not less than 75 cm. sheds should be kept clean and the space should be on the basis of
atleast 0.46 square meter per head.
12 Crches: (a) At every work place, at which, 50 or more women workers are ordinarily
employed, there shall be provided two huts for the use of children under the age of 6 years,
belonging to such women. One huts shall be used for infants, games and play and the other as
their bed room. The huts shall not be constructed on a lower standard than following:
(i) Thatched roofs
(ii) Mud floors and walls
(iii)Planks spread over the mud floor and covered with matting.
The huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light and ventilation. There will
be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the place clean. There shall be two days in attendance.
Sanitary utensils shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Health Officer of the area concerned.
The use of the hut shall be restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of the children.
b) Where the number of women workers are more than 25 but less than 50, the contractor shall
provide atleast one hut and one day to look after the children of women workers.
c) The size of crche shall very according to the number of women workers.
d) The crche or crches shall be properly maintained and necessary equipment like toys etc. shall
be provided.
13. Canteen: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers
wherever it is considered expedient.
14. The above rules shall be incorporated in the contractors and in notices inviting tenders and shall
from an integral part of the contracts.
Definitions: In these regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated, the following words
and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them respectively that is to say.
(i) Labour means workers employed by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam contractor directly or
indirectly through a sub-contractor or other persons or by an agent on his behalf on a payment
as per rules of H.P. Govt. will not include supervisory staff like Overseers etc.
(ii) Fair Wages means wages whether for time or piece work notified at the time of inviting
tenders for the work and where such wages have not been so notified, the wages prescribed by
the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam for wages the district in which the work is done. It will be notified/
prescribed by the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam in consultation with the officer of the industrial
Relations Machinery located in the respective areas and will not be less than the minimum rates
of wages fixed by the Government for the class of employed engaged on the same type work in
the same area.
(iii) Contractor shall including every person whether a sub contractor or headman or agent,
employing labour on the work taken on contract.
(iv) Wages shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of wages Act and includes
time and piece rate wages.
(a) Normally working hours of an employee should not exceed 9 hours a day and in case of a
child 4 hours a day. The working day shall be so arranged that inclusive of interval for rest,
if any, it shall not spread over more than 12 hours on any day.
(b) When an adult worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on any day or for more than
48 hours in any week he shall be paid overtime for the extra hours put in by him at double the
ordinary rate of wages. Children shall not be made to work extra hours.
(c) Every worker shall be given paid weekly holiday normally on Sunday. In accordance with
the provisions of Minimum wages Central Rules, 1950 as amended from the time to time
irrespective whether such workers to be governed by the Minimum wages Act, 1948 or not.
Payment of wages:
(i) The contractor shall fix the wages periods in respect of which the wages shall be payable.
(ii) No wages period shall exceed one month.
(iii) Wages of every worker employed on the contractor shall be paid (a) in case of
establishments in which wages period in one week within 3 days from the end of the
wages period and (b) in the case of other establishment before the expiry of the 7th day
from the end of the wages period according as the number of workers employed in such
establishment does not exceed 1,000 or exceeds 1,000.
(iv) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor, the wages
earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the day succeeding the on which his
employment is terminated.
V) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day except when the work is completed
before the expiry of the wages period, in which case final payment shall be made within 48
hours of the last working day at work site and during the working time.
Note: The term working day means day on which the labour is employed, is in progress.
Wage book and wages slip etc: (I) The contractor shall maintain a wage book of each worker in
such from as may be convenient at the place of work, but the same shall include the following
(II) The contractor shall also issue a wage slip containing the aforesaid each work employed by
him on the work at least a day period to the day wages.
(III) The contractor shall issue an Employment Card in the prescribed Form-III to each worker on
the day of work on entry into employment. If the worker has already any such card with him
from the previous employer, the contractor shall merely endorse that Employment card with
relevant entries. On termination of employment the Employment Card shall again be endorsed
by the contractor and returned to the worker.
(IV) Wage book and wage slip etc: The contractor shall issue an attendance-cum wage card as per
Form-IV o each worker on the day of work or entry into his employment.
Card No .. Dated .
Name of contractor .
Name of worker ...
Name of work ..
Address .
Designation ..
Rate of Wages
Signature of person
Marking attendance
Register of unpaid wages: The contractor shall maintain a register of unpaid wages in such
forms as may be convenient at the place of work but the same shall include the following
Full particulars of the labourers whose wages have not been paid.
Reference number of the muster roll and wages register.
Wages period.
Rate of wages.
Total amount not paid.
Reasons for not making payments.
How the amount of unpaid wages was utilized.
Acquittance with dated.
For & on behalf of SJVN Ltd
Register of accidents: The contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such from as
may be convenient at the work place but the same shall include the following particulars:
Rate of wage.
Amount paid with details of the persons to whom the same was paid.
The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except
the following:
List of acts and omission for which fine can be imposed:
Habitual negligence.
Smoking near or around the area where combustible or other material are stacked.
Habitual indiscipline.
Causing damage to work in progress or to property of the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam, the
Sleeping on duty.
Bad wok man ship in construction and maintenance by skilled workers which is not
approved by the Deptt. and for which contractors are penalized.
Collection or canvassing for the collection of any money within the premises of any
establishment unless authorized by the employer.
Holding meeting inside the premises without previous sanction of the employer.
Deductions for absence form duty i.e. from the place or the places where be the terms
of his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in
proportion to the period for which he was absent.
Deduction for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed persons
for custody, or for loss of money or any other deduction which he is required to
account where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default.
Any other deduction which the Central Government or Himachal Pradesh Govt. or
SJVNL may from time to time allow.
No fine should be imposed on any workers save in respect of such acts and omission
on his part as have been approved of by the Chief Labour Commissioner or any other
person authorized by the Himachal Pradesh Government.
No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be
made from his wages untill the workers has been given an opportunity of showing
cause against such fines or deduction.
The total amount of fine which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker
shall not exceed an amount equal to three paise in a rupee of the wages, payable to
him in respect of that wages period.
No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installment or after the
expiry or sixty days from the date on which it was imposed.
Every fine shall be deemed to have been imposed on the day of the Act or omission in
respect of which it was imposed.
Register of Fines etc (i) The contractor shall maintain a register of fines and a register of
deductions for damage or loss in forms No. 1 and 2 respectively which should be kept at the
place of work.
The contractor shall maintain both in English and the local Indian Language a list
approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner or any other persons authorized by
Himachal Pradesh Government clearly stating the act and omission for which
penalty of fine may be imposed on a workman and display it in a good condition in a
conspicuous place of the work.
Preservation of register: The wage book, the wage slips, the register of unpaid wages, the
register of accidents, the register of fine, deduction required to be maintained under these
regulations shall be preserved for 24 months after the date of last entry made in them and shall
be made available for inspection by the Engineer-In-Charge Labour Welfare Officer or any
other officer authorized by the Ministry of W.H. & S. or Himachal Pradesh Government or
SJVNL in this behalf.
Power of labour welfare officer to make investigation enquiry: The labour welfare officer or
other person authorized by the Central Government of Himachal Pradesh with a view to
ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the fair wage clause and the
provisions of these regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding the default
made by the contractor sub-contractor in regard to such provision.
Report of labour welfare officer: The labour welfare officer or other persons authorized as
aforesaid shall submit a report of result of his investigation or enquiry to the Executive
Engineer concerned indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed,
with a note that necessary deduction from the contractors, will be made and the wages and
other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. In case an appeal is made by the contractor
under clause 14 of these regulations actual payment to labourers will be made by the
Executive Engineer after the Regional Labour Commissioner has given his decision on such
The Divisional Engineer shall arrange payments to the labourers concerned within 45 days
from the receipt of the report from the labour welfare officer or the regional labour
commissioner as the case may be.
Appeal against the decision of labour welfare officer: Any persons aggrieved by the decision
and recommendations or the labour Welfare Officer or other person so authorized may appeal
against such decision to the Regional Labour Commissioner concerned with 30 days from the
date of decision. Forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the Executive Engineer
concerned but subject to such appeal, the decision of the officer shall be final and binding
upto the contractor.
An officer of a federation of trade unions to which the trade union referred to in clause
(a) is affiliated.
Where the workers is not a member of any registered trade union, by an officer of an
registered trade union, connected with or by any other workman, employed in, the
industry in which the workers is employed.
Submission of Returns: The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified
from time to time.
Amendments: The Central/H.P. Govt., SJVN may, from time to time, add to or amend the
Fathers Sex
Depart Nature
and day
of the
fine or
no, if so,
enter date
amount which
of fine
imposed realized
Register of Deductions for Damages or loss caused to the
employer by the neglect or default of the employed persons.
of loss
Date No of
installamount ment
dedu- any
Name and sex of the worker .
Age and date of birth
Fathers Name Identification mark ..
Address .
Particulars of next of his kin (wife and children, if any) or of dependent next of kin, in case the
worker has no wife and child.
Name ...
SI Name &
No. Address of
whether a
contractor or
sub contractor)
Particulars of
work site and
description of
work done
Total period
for which
the worker
is employed
Leave taken (number of
number of
days should be specified)
days worked
Total wage
earned by
the worker
during the
period shown
under column
Sign of
If the worker is employed both in piece and the rate, relevant entries in each case should be
made separately.
Name of work: Providing and fixing Guide Pillars at EL. 530 meters from 500 meters below dam axis to the lip of reservoir on both sides of
river Bias.
Description of Items
In figure
In words
In figures
In words
a) The contract & procurement process through e-tendering/eprocurement system is in process at DSHEP, SJVN, Hamirpur and hence
this tender is to be processed through e-tendering/e-procurement system.
The bids are to be filled and submitted online. To participate in etendering/e-procurement, it is requested to register with our website
www.tenderwizard.com/SJVNL. The bidder should also have the Digital
Signatures for security purpose. The detailed procedure for the
registration is as under:
i) Go to url:-www.tenderwizard.com/SJVNL
ii) In the home page click on vender Registration.
iii) In the vender registration form vender has to fill up the company details
and DD details.
iv) After submission of the form, the user ID and password are generated
in the form of Acknowledgement.
v) The DD should be made for an amount of Rs. 2,206/- in the favour of
ITI Ltd. Delhi, Payable at Delhi and send it to the following address.
Rajesh Kumar, Manager (BD),
ITI Limited, 495-496,
Main Madhuban Road,
Near Ambedkar Polytechnic College,
Ganesh Nagar - II, Shakarpur,
New Delhi- 110 092
Ph. No: 011-2201 2146, Fax No: 011-22023084
e-mail: services dli@itiltd.co.in
For Registration in E-tendering Systems Digital Signature is
This Procurement shall be done through E-Tendering Process
i) The user ID and password would be activated after receipt of the DD
at the above mentioned address.
b) The complete bid document alongwith the schedule can be
downloaded by the bidder through www.tenderwizard.com/SJVNL
only after registration as explained above. The bid is to be filled only in
the schedule available on the web.
Technocommercial Bid
The link vender assistance manual and help for submission of bids is
also available on the website. For any assistance / clarification for
registration. submission of bid through e-tendering, bidder may contact the
following persons:Er. Jai Prakash: Mob. 9418749877 (e-mail ID:
Prakash Chand : Mob No. 09418377600
Mr. Sathish NS, Mobile No. 09999716225 (e-mail ID:
Manager (PCD),
Hamirpur (H.P.)