Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall: Timeline Archive: A Personal Collection of Curiosities
Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall: Timeline Archive: A Personal Collection of Curiosities
Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall: Timeline Archive: A Personal Collection of Curiosities
facebook wall
timeline archive:
a personal collection
of curiosities
Stefano Mirtis
facebook wall
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale
Basic Design
Yesterday I was with Giovanni Anceschi, Nunzia
Coco and Vanni Pasca at ADI, to discuss about
"newbasic" issue of "il verri" mag.
Anceschi, very special, as usual
What is basic design? Here a dialogue I had few
years ago with ms Coco (in Italian): http://www.
Another way (again in Italian), is to find the issue
n. 43 of "il verri". Monographic on this theme with
articles and essays by Anceschi, Argan, Albers,
Maldonado, Lupton, Coco, Ferraris, etc.etc.
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Piazza Cinque Giornate
Do not disturb. Master at
Yesterday I went to Cini Boeri office with
Confindustria Ceramica people.
We spent an hour there, for this invite, and after a
second, ms Cini started to design a new tile. Very
special and very exciting.
More images of our little meeting at: http://www.
Of course, since she is so cool and so "one-step-
beyond", she doesn't need a website or silly things
like that. Henceforth, not easy to find a link for
the people who are curious about her fantastic
works. Here a short bio in English: http://www.
In case you want to know how ms Cini crosses
Blade Runner movie, here is the link:
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Bocconi University - Universit Commerciale "Luigi
Bocconi", Milan
Petter Neby & Punkt.
Yesterday with had Petter Neby (together with
Marcia Caines and mr. Lorenzo) at my design class
in Bocconi.
Petter explained how you invent a fine design-
based company from scratch. Very inspiring and
very fascinating
Here the link to Punkt.: http://punktgroup.
And here the link to an article where you get all
the necessary info on Jasper Morrison's alarm clock
(one of Punkt. products:
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Genk, Belgium
The Machine
This is a very nice project. The simplest thing to
do is to give you the link where you can get all the
needed info:
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Mong Kok
Mong Kok
It's a Chinese restaurant, were they give you Hong
Kong food. The thing is run by a Dutch, in Milan,
Great food, fantastic interior design (one of the
few places in Milan where I feel envious of who
designed it).
In the picture, the sink in the ladies' loo
Thanks to Nat Ascia for taking me there for the
first time some time ago...
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
My Weakness
Vedovamazzei installed their "My Weakness" piece
at DDR new contemporary bar in Turin.
More about this piece at: http://vedovamazzei.
More about Vedovamazzei at: http:
Image above, courtesy of @vedovamazzei (aka
Simeone Crispino on Instagram).
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Los Angeles, CA, United States
The other day, i received a tweet (thanks to
@RubenBolling @deppey @delong and Molly Wright
Steenson), with a great link: http://superelectric.
The caption says: These are fictional magazine
covers from Blade Runner. They were created by
production illustrator Tom Southwell in 1980-1981
and appeared in the background on a magazine
stand in the city streets. (!!!!)
Here the link to the folder with all the various
Fictional Magazines
(for Blade Runner Movie)
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Paris, Grand Palais
Very nice work by Daniel Buren in Paris.
Here you can read about it: http://www.
Here you can see some more images: http://www.
And here you get the link to a very nice interview
with him:
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Montreal, Canada
Route Mapping
Students in Quebec were asked to send their
march route to the cops. They replied to the
request with the above diagram.
(Twitter, via @PWeiskel08 and Molly Wright
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Zrich, Switzerland
Globe / Hedron is a great project developed by
Antonio Scarponi and Conceptual Device people.
They need a lot of support to get the first 15.000
dollars to make the first working prototype. There
are only 17 days left to support them, and some
9.000 dollars still missing.
What to do?
A. Make your donation at: http://www.indiegogo.
B. Spread the news around
Thanxthanx + good luck to Antonio and friends
Here some more about Conceptul Device's
17 Days to Go... (Please
Support Globe / Hedron)
Stefanos facebook timeline 21/52 2012
Anaffective Love
Represented on the x and y axis.