DCS Architecturdse

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The document discusses the architecture of a distributed control system including components like the field control unit, microFCU, SCADA data server, engineering workstation and operator workstation.

The main components discussed are the field control unit, microFCU, SCADA data server, engineering workstation, operator workstation and process historical archiver.

The engineering workstation is used for project development and configuration while the operator workstation provides the operator interface with graphics, alarms, logging and trends. The engineering workstation also includes an operator workstation for testing.

Distributed Control System Architecture

Here is an example of the highly flexible UCOS distributed control system

architecture. Click any component in the architecture to learn more about it.
Distributed Control
System - DCS
Regulatory Control
Master Station SCADA
Master/Remote Control
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Engineering Operator !orkstations
The Engineering !orkstation "E!S# is for project development, including
configuration of graphics, logic, alarms, security, etc. Typically, the EWS is a PC running
Windows 2!"P.
The Operator !orkstation "O!S# provides the operator interface, including color
graphics, faceplates, alarms, logging, trends, diagnostics, etc. The EWS includes an #WS
for testing and trou$leshooting. Typically, the #WS is a PC running Windows 2!"P.
$rocess Historical Archi%ers
The $rocess Historical Archi%er "$HA# stores and retrieves historical data collected $y
the %C&, micro%C&, S'S, or any other intelligent device in the system. The P() can run
standalone or can share an #WS wor*station. Typically, the P() is a PC running
Windows 2!"P.
he Field Control Unit (FCU executes sequential an" regulatory logic an"
"irectly scans #/$% &e!en"ing on the 'C()s con*iguration+ you can scan multi!le
,ran"s o* #/$ *rom one unit% he 'C( runs -N.+ a real/time o!erating system+
an" is ty!ically a P0C or a rugge"i1e" in"ustrial com!uter availa,le in a variety
o* *orm *actors%
he I!" Subsystem su!!orts #/$ *rom all the stan"ar" in"ustry su!!liers% #n a
(C$S con*iguration+ you "on)t necessarily nee" P0Cs 2 3ust P0C #/$%
he SCADA Data Ser#er (SDS inter*aces (C$S to P0Cs+ 'iel",us
technologies+ R(s+ P0C #/$+ an" other thir"/!arty "evices%
he S&S can execute sequential an" regulatory logic an" "irectly scan
su!!orte" #/$% #t can also act as a "ata gate4ay allo4ing (C$S to 4or5 4ith
3ust a,out any "evice you can thin5 o*%
y!ically+ an S&S is a rugge"i1e" in"ustrial com!uter running 6in"o4s
7888/.P+ although "irect #/$ scanning is run un"er -N.+ the lea"ing real/time
o!erating system%
he (C$S microFCU is a small+ lo4/!o4ere" P0C that executes sequential
an" regulatory logic an" "irectly scans on,oar" #/$% #t can re!lace R(s at a
signi*icant re"uction in cost an" !o4er consum!tion 2 !lus it can !rovi"e local
intelligent control o* "evices+ 4hich R(s can)t "o%
&et'orking and Communications
&C#S supports redundant and non+redundant fi$er optic and Ethernet local net'orks
using the TCP!,P networ*ing protocol for standardi-ed, advanced application
The .)/!W)/ can $e e0tended to other sites inside or outside the plant using such
remote communications technologies as satellite, radio, microwave, and dial+up running
such standard protocols as TCP!,P, 1od$us, #PC, ''E, etc.
(acility or $rocess )
This area illustrates a process that re2uires significant monitoring and control. ) local
operator uses the color graphic Operator !orkstation "O!S# to monitor and control the
process, and the (ield Control Unit "(CU# e0ecutes se2uential and regulatory control
Exception*based technology is used to transfer only data that needs to $e archived or
shared with other nodes, thus minimi-ing communications traffic.
.ocal monitoring and control also helps insulate this site from failures elsewhere in the
system. )n optional redundant configuration ma*es even local shutdowns rare.
(acility or $rocess +
(ere &C#S serves as a true data concentrator. The process at this site does not re2uire a
local operator, $ut does $enefit from local control.
The SCADA Data Ser%er "SDS# interfaces &C#S to P.Cs, %ield$us technologies, 3T&s,
P.C ,!#, and other third+party devices.
The S'S can e0ecute se2uential and regulatory logic and directly scan supported ,!#. ,t
can also act as a data gateway allowing &C#S to wor* with just a$out any device you can
thin* of.
4ust li*e facility or process 5, the configuration at this location minimi-es communication
traffic, isolates the location from failures elsewhere, and is availa$le in a redundant
Typically, an S'S is a ruggedi-ed industrial computer running Windows 2!"P,
although direct ,!# scanning is run under 6/", the leading real+time operating system.
(acility or $rocess ,
This area re2uires local control $ut does not necessarily need an on site operator.
The &C#S micro(CU is a small P.C that e0ecutes se2uential and regulatory logic and
directly scans on$oard ,!#.
The &C#S micro%C& can replace 3T&s at a significant reduction in cost and power
consumption 7 plus it can provide local intelligent control of devices, which 3T&s can8t
/ow let8s ta*e a loo* at regulatory control concepts in &C#S.
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