Objectives Research Methodology Methods of Data Collection Scope & Limitation
Objectives Research Methodology Methods of Data Collection Scope & Limitation
Objectives Research Methodology Methods of Data Collection Scope & Limitation
1. Introduction:
Research Methodology
Methods of Data Collection
Scoe ! "i#itation
2. Discussion on te$t%
3. Data &nalysis ! Interretation%
4. 'indings%
5. Conclusion%
6. Reco##endation%
7. &nne$ure:
Over the years one of the great breakdowns in many of the small
businesses that Ive worked with lies in area of sales.
Now it might be tempting to conclude that what I referring to is a lack
of sales, but what Im really getting at is a misunderstanding theres
actually a distinction between sales and marketing.
Some of this might simply be semantics because the terms are widely
fumbled around in various places, but heres what I find to be true.
Business owners either fail to address the functions as separate or
choose to view selling as marketing. ither way, they end up limiting
the effectiveness of both.
!he trouble with this mindset is that social media and inbound
marketing has actually made the distinction even harder to
appreciate. !here was a time when marketing created brochures and
sales people delivered them. Now prospects can create their own
brochure of sorts using reviews, search engines and social
connections and they certainly dont need a salesperson for an
information dump.
In the most traditional view marketing is charged with lead
generation, lead conversion and customer e"perience. #ead
conversion, or what one might think of simply as sales, is a central
and separate function that must be wholly integrated into the entire
marketing framework.
!he tricky part is holding the view of separate and integrated
So often lead generation dominates the marketing mindset and sales
is either not addressed in any systematic manner or simply left to $the
sales guys% to do what they do. &'nd lets not even bring up how little
thought is given to the customer e"perience part of marketing.(
ver wonder why the greatest challenge most organi)ations face is
getting sales and marketing on the same page*
+eres my recipe for treating sales as function of marketing while
giving it the appropriate separation.
(ring sales into the #ar*eting lanning hase
,ield sales people often understand the needs, wants, stories and
personas of your best customers better than anyone else in the
organi)ation and yet they are rarely included in ideal client and value
proposition discussions. veryone involved in the marketing function,
yes this includes sales and customer service people, should play a
role in digging up research, crafting the message, outlining ob-ectives
and determining how the marketing game is played from .uarter to
Create an integrated sales rocess
If you follow step one then it makes logical sense that the entire
marketing department play a role in crafting an integrated sales
process and not -ust the sales manager. veryone involved in the
selling function should have a clear process for discovery,
presentation, nurturing and converting. !he process must be fully
understood and supported by marketing and everyone must be
taught how to conduct the process. +eres a tip, look to the most
successful salespeople in the organi)ation and odds are they have
your process ready to be mimicked.
+ire #ore educators and engineers
!he common belief is that good sales people are good relationship
builders. /hile relationship building is crucial, its often viewed in the
light of outward social skills. In sales today relationships are often
-udged not on the merits of likability, but on the merits of value. /hat
prospects need from a sales person is someone who can get them to
think differently about a problem or teach them how to do something
they dont yet understand. 0our tech people might actually be the
best people for this type of selling.
,ie- sales as an e$tension of lead generation
!odays sales people need to write and speak as well as network and
follow1up. Smart salespeople understand that they are also in the
brand building, reputation monitoring, community managing business
and marketing departments and sales managers need to enable
sales people to produce content, participate in social networks,
contribute e"pert articles and get to podiums as often as possible.
(lur the lines bet-een lead conversion and custo#er e$erience
Ive always contended that a sale isnt a sale until the customer
receives the result they are e"pecting. !his mindset suggests that the
sales staff should be intimately involved is measuring results,
introducing new ways to use old products, solving problems and
digging up referrals at significant moments of truth.
#argely what Im suggesting is that you make sales a separate
function by creating a separate process but you integrate it by
overlapping the function into lead generation and customer
234evelop sales plan 5 strategies for developing business.
637rovide detailed 5 accurate sales forecasting and tracking the
839ompile information and data related to customer and prospect
:3;onitor customer, market and competitor activity and provide
feedback to company.
<3'chieve desired market share in defined areas. =eep team
members highly motivated and support them to accomplish desired
>3/ork closely with marketing functions to establish channel and
partner programmer.
?3#ook after national sales set for products in terms of all aspects,
including achieving sales through distribution network.
@3stablishing strong customer base.
A3creating and managing list of prospects across various target client
segments. 9reate awareness and branding of services.
2B3 ;anaging key customer relations and participate in closing
strategic opportunities.
223 9ontacting client prospects across target client segmentsCmarkets
and systematic follow up with each prospect.
263 Dow and manage the sales teams, operations and resources to
deliver profitable growth.
283 9ontrol receivable management.
2:3 7roactively support each of the team member to achieve their
2<3 4efine and oversee incentive programmer that motivate the sales
team to achieve their sales.
2>3 4efine and co1ordinate sales training programmers that enable
staff to achieve their potential growth.
2?3 ;anaging, motivating and directing the team in achieve their
2@3 'chieving sales target in terms of value and units.
2A3 "ceed customer e"pectations and contribute to a high level of
customer satisfaction.
6B3 4evelop a strong key opinion leaders base.
623 Build relationship with customers undeveloped business in a
districtCterritoryCregion as per company policy and goals.
663 4evelop new territories and establish new dealer network.
683 4evelop and implement sales strategies and ob-ectives.
6:3 !hrough effective leadership, inspiration and lead, develop sales
team to achieveCe"ceed sales targets, due to in1depth knowledge of
customer needs 5 sharpen competitive knowledge and market
6<3 /ork with all levels of customer management, developing long
relationships, increase customer self1satisfaction and build loyalty
and confidence.
6>3 +ire and develop sales staff, have e"cellent man management,
communication and analytical skills.
6?3 /ork with operations and other teams for developing new service
6@3 7ut in place infrastructure and systems to support the success of
sales function.
6A3 !o increase market share at doctors level.
8B3 4eveloped ethical work culture, process and desire to get
success among team members.
823 !ravel for in1person meetings with customers.
Main Objective
!o know the best cement company in Dewa region with better
$Network promotional activities% for their brand promotion.
Sub Objective
a( !o identify the leading company.
b( !o identify best promotional method.
c( !o know current position of Dewa market.
d) To collect the suggestion of dealers and retailers for the improvement of Network
promotional activities conducted ! "a!pee Cement for their rand promotion#
Meaning of Research
!he term Eresearch is composed of two words ED and ESearch
which means to search again. Desearch is conducted to search for
new facts or to modify the e"isting facts. !he obvious function of
research is to add new knowledge to the e"isting store as well as to
remove the misconceptions and ignorance of mankind. !hus,
research is a process and means to ac.uire knowledge about any
natural or human phenomena. It is the pursuit of the truth with the
help of study, observation, comparison and e"periment.
Definition of research
$Desearch is the process of systematically obtaining accurate
answers to significant and pertinent .uestions by the use of the
scientific method of gathering and implementing information.%
-Clover &
$Desearch is a method of studying, analy)ing and conceptuali)ing
social life in order to e"tend, modify, correct and verify knowledge
whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in practice of
an art.%
Meaning of Research Design
Desearch design is a working plan prepared by the researcher before
the actual start of research work. It is the conceptual structure within
which research activity is conducted. It is a strategic plan of research.
Desearch design includes an outline of what the researcher will do
from writing the hypothesis and its operation to collection, analysis
and interpretation of data.
"ampleF ' house builder prepares a blueprint of the entire building
before commencing the actual construction.
Meaning of Sa#le
' part of the population which is studied for making -udgment about
the entire population is called a sample. 4ifferent ;ethods of drawing
a sample out of a given population have been developed by the
statisticians. !hese methods with the help of which a sample is drawn
out of a given population are called as a techni.ue of sa#ling%
Sa#le Design
23 Sa#le si4e : Considering the constraints5 it -as decided
to conduct the study based on sa#le si4e
of 266 resondents%
73 Sa#ling city : Re-a city ! its nearby areas 8Maihar5
&#aratan5 Ra#nagar5 9olga-an3%
:3 Sa#ling #ethod : Non;robability sa#ling5 Convenience
$) %ampling unit & Rewa distt#
!here are two methods of data collection G
2( 7rimary ;ethod F !hrough interaction with dealers 5
!hrough .uestionnaires filled from
dealers, retailers 5 consumers.
6( Secondary ;ethod F /ebsites, ;aga)ines, Boks etc.
Tools used for Data Collection
!here are several methods of collecting primary data, particularly in
surveys and descriptive research. Important are G
Observation method.
!hrough .uestionnaires.
Interview method.
In this pro-ect I have used .uestionnaire method.
!he scope of the pro-ect is .uite wider. It would help the company to
promote their cement brands in market through various $Network
promotional activities%. It also helps the company to build a strong
position of their productCbrand in the mind of dealers, retailers 5
!hough the present study aimed to achieve the above1mentioned
ob-ectives in full earnest and accuracy, it was hampered due to
certain limitations. Some of the limitations of this study may be
summari)ed as follows G
2. Hetting accurate responses from the respondents due to their
inherent problems were difficult. !hey were partial, and refused
to cooperate.
6. Since I did not had the privilege to work on a large scale, so
many findings and recommendations may not be as much in
tune with their ground realities as may be considered desirable.
8. #ast but not the least, the time constraint faced in the pro-ect
might have affected the comprehensiveness of its findings.
:. 's student only those things are written which were originally
<. 'ccuracy of 2BBI could be no guaranteed here in this report.
>. !he data is only primary data.
+istory Of Ce#ent
;anufacture of cement has a history, which traces back to millennia.
!he Domans who were prolific builders used burnt calcareous
&calcium bearing( rocks along with po))olanic materials in an era
Before 9hrist. !he structures built by them, like the 7antheon, are still
there for us to see proving the goodness of cementations materials
as input material for construction. 7ost industriali)ation and as
infrastructure development started globally, demands for cement has
been growing steadily both .uantitatively 5 .ualitatively.
India is the second largest cement producer in the world after 9hina
and cement consumption has been growing at a 9'HD of over @I
p.a. in the last five years.
!he group cement facilities are located in the Dewa cluster, which
has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.
+istory of /aira*ash &ssociates "i#ited
/ith a single minded focus in mind, to achieve pioneering myriads of
feat in civil engineering Shri. Jaiprakash Haur, ,ounder 9hairman of
Jaiprakash 'ssociates #imited after ac.uiring a 4iploma in 9ivil
ngineering in 2A<B from the Kniversity of Doorkee, had a stint with
Hovt. of K.7. and with steadfast determination to contribute in nation
building, branched off on his own, to start as a civil contractor in
Jaypee Hroup is the 8rd largest cement producer in the country. !he
groups cement facilities are located in the Dewa 9luster &K.7(, which
has one of the highest cement production growth rates in India.
Co#any <rofile
T!pe )rivate
Industr! Conglomerate
*ounded +,-.
*ounder/s) "aiprakash 0aur
1ead2uarters Noida3 India
4e! people "aiprakash 0aur /Chairman)
Revenue 56666 crore /56+78+$)
'mplo!ees Over $63666
9esite www#:alindia#com
!he Jaypee Hroup is an Indian conglomerate based in Noida, India. It
was founded by Jaiprakash Haur which is involved in well diversified
infrastructure conglomerate with business interests in ngineering 5
9onstruction, 7ower, 9ement, Deal state, +ospitality, "pressways,
Sports 5 ducation ¬1for1profit(. Jaiprakash Haur, ,ounder
9hairman of Jaiprakash 'ssociates #imited after ac.uiring a 4iploma
in 9ivil ngineering in 2A<B from the Kniversity of Doorkee
&now Indian Institute of !echnology Doorkee(, had a stint with Hovt.
of K.7. and branched off on his own, to start as a civil contractor in
2A<@, group is the 8rd largest cement producer in the country. !he
groups cement facilities are located today all over India in 2B states,
with 2@ plants having an aggregate cement production capacity of 6:
;illion !onnes and same is poised to become 8> ;illion !onnes
before October 6B22.
Jaypee is IndiaLs third largest cement producer, the largest private
sector hydropower company with 2,?BB ;/ in operation. JI#, the
group flagship, has an engineering and construction wing which
mostly supports Jaypee pro-ects. It also has the largest land bank in
IndiaLs National 9apital Degion &New 4elhi(. Jaypee has four thermal
power plants totalling <,26B ;/ under construction, and these are
slated to go on stream by 4ecember 6B2:. !he groupLs ma-or pro-ect
accomplishments in India includeF SardarSarovar over the Narmada
in Hu-arat, the largest concrete dam in the countryM !ehri over the
Bhagirathi in Kttarakhand, the largest rockfill damM Nathpa1Jhakri in
+imachal 7radesh, the largest underground powerhouseM Indira1
Sagar in ;adhya 7radesh, the second1largest surface powerhouse.
!he Hroup has successfully completed pro-ects in 2@ states of India,
and in Bhutan. Jaypee is the engineering and construction company
for IndiaLs 0amuna "pressway, e"pected to open by 4ecember 82,
6B22, over a year ahead of schedule.
Jaypee Hroup is one of the ma-or business groups in India. +ere is a
brief profile and history of Jaiprakash Industries #imited.
Jaypee Hroup is an infrastructure conglomerate with diverse
business interests ranging
fromngineering and 9onstruction, 9ement, 7rivate +ydropower, +o
spitality, Information!echnology, and Deal state 4evelopment to
"pressways and +ighways. !he founder of Jaypee Hroup is
Jaiprakash Haur, who started as acivil contractor in 2A<@. In 2A?A,
Jaiprakash 'ssociates 7rivate #td &J'7#( was
formed.In2A@BMJaypee Hroup entered into +ospitality sector and set u
p +otels Siddhartha and Nasant9ontinental. In 2A@8, Jaypee Deewa
9ement 7lant &JD9#( was established with an initialcapacity
of 2 million tones. In 2A@>, Jaiprakash Industries #imited &JI#(
was formed by amalgamating J'7# into JD9#.In 2AA>M Jaypee Bella
9ement 7lant &JB97( was established with an initial capacity of 2.A
million tones. In 6BBB, JD9# and JB97 were merged to form
Jaypee9ement #td. &J9#(. In 6BB8, Jaiprakash 'ssociates #td. &J'#(
was formed by merging JI# withJ9#. In 6BB<, shares of J+7# were
listed on BSCNS and J+7# became the first +ydropower 9ompany
to be publicly held and listed in India.
+istorical ;ilestones of -aypee group
0ear 2A<?9ompleted first work as contractor in =ota &India(.
0ear 2A?AJaiprakash 'ssociates 7rivate #td. & J'7#(
0ear 2A@8stablishment of Jaypee Dewa 9ement
7lant &JD9#( with an initial capacity of 2 million tones.
0ear 2A@B+otels Siddharth and Nasant 9ontinental set up.
0ear 2A@>,ormation of Jaiprakash Industries #imited & JI#(
by amalgamating J'7# into JD9#.
0ear 2AA6,ormation of Jaiprakash +ydro 7ower #td.&J+7#(
and Jaiprakash 7ower Nenture #td. &J7N#(
0ear 2AA>stablishment of Jaypee Bela 9ement 7lant &JB97(
with an initial capacityof 2.A million tonnes.
0ear 6BBB,ormation of Jaypee 9ement #td. &J9#( by merging
JD9# and JB97.
0ear 6BB8,ormation of Jaiprakash 'ssociates #td. & J'#(
formed by merging JI# withJ9#.
0ear 6BB< Shares of J+7# listed on BSCNS. ,irst +ydropow
er company to bepublicly held and listed in the country.
0ear 6BB> ;erger of Jaypee Hreens with Jaiprakash 'ssociate
s #td. & J'#(