This document provides an overview of the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system. It describes the system's core functionalities which include HR structure management, policies and procedures management, personnel administration, payroll management, loans management, end of service settlements, and recruitment management. The system allows for customized configuration to accommodate a company's specific HR needs, processes multiple payrolls in different currencies, and facilitates tasks like personnel data management, payroll processing, employee loans administration, and end of service settlements.
This document provides an overview of the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system. It describes the system's core functionalities which include HR structure management, policies and procedures management, personnel administration, payroll management, loans management, end of service settlements, and recruitment management. The system allows for customized configuration to accommodate a company's specific HR needs, processes multiple payrolls in different currencies, and facilitates tasks like personnel data management, payroll processing, employee loans administration, and end of service settlements.
This document provides an overview of the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system. It describes the system's core functionalities which include HR structure management, policies and procedures management, personnel administration, payroll management, loans management, end of service settlements, and recruitment management. The system allows for customized configuration to accommodate a company's specific HR needs, processes multiple payrolls in different currencies, and facilitates tasks like personnel data management, payroll processing, employee loans administration, and end of service settlements.
This document provides an overview of the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system. It describes the system's core functionalities which include HR structure management, policies and procedures management, personnel administration, payroll management, loans management, end of service settlements, and recruitment management. The system allows for customized configuration to accommodate a company's specific HR needs, processes multiple payrolls in different currencies, and facilitates tasks like personnel data management, payroll processing, employee loans administration, and end of service settlements.
Optimum Solutions E-ERP 1 OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system covers all aspects of HR required by any organization. It has a multi-company, multi-branch structure that permits unlimited departments. It is bi-lingual so you can logon in the language of your choice (Arabic- English). OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll is totally parameterized so it can accommodate the laws, rules, policies and procedures of any country or organization. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll is fully document-driven with a multilevel workflow and approval system. All forms are available in the system in electronic format, and are stored in the employees files after approval for easy access and retrieval. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll allows setting up many payrolls templates in multi-currencies and many payroll generations. Core OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll functionalities: HR Structure Management Policies & Procedures Management Personnel Administration Payroll Management Loans Management End of Service Settlement Recruitment Management Appraisals & Forms Management Training Management Document Management Self-Services Management Staff communication Inquiries & Reporting Human Resources Structure Management 2 E-ERP Optimum Solutions OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll has a totally parameterized Organization and Administration structure. It allows you to set unlimited organization levels and relate employees to any level defined. Each level may be related to a number of titles from the Title Structure to make a position. Each Position can be related to a number of grades from the grading structure. Each grade is related to the payroll structure which defines all the policies, procedures, benefits, and accruals for that particular position. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll also relates the required training courses to the created positions from the training structure and the type of appraisals and their frequency from the appraisal structure. It has the capability to link the job description and any related documents to that particular position such as desk instruction, job requirement and so on. Another main feature that gives OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll a competitive edge over its rival software its capability to set a structure position requirements which can manage and control the recruitment processes from the opening the position till final selection. The system helps the user to streamline the entire HR structure of the company by defining and managing the following: Employment types y Security segments y Titles categories y Titles y Grading of employees, with steps within each grade y Number of position in each department y Job Description for each job y Position Requirements for each job y Training Courses associated with each job y Any other special requirements of your company y MANAGE YOUR HR STRUCTURE SYSTEMATICALLY Organization Structure Administration Structure Title Structure Grading Structure Payroll Structure Position Requirement Structure Training Structure Appraisal Structure Human Resources Structure Management Optimum Solutions E-ERP 3 OPTIMUM makes it possible to publicize any information such as: Company Policies on various matters y Company Circulars y Announcements y Standard Operating Procedures y Accounting Policies y Personnel Policies y Maintaining the policies and the procedures of the whole organization and making them a available for each required staff at any level is a major task that OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll takes care of. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll allows setting unlimited tree structure for your policies, attaching any type of documents to each level of the structure; be it word, pdf file etc. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll also allows setting the security levels for viewing and updating documents in each level of the tree, and the type of documents that can be uploaded to that particular level. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll also allows sending group circulars for any updates of the policies and procedures to inform the concerned employees about these changes. Policies And Procedures Management MAKE INFORMATION EASILY ACCESSIBLE Policies and Procedures Structure Policies and Procedures Security Management Polices and Procedures Circulars 4 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Personnel Administration The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system maintains and manages all information you need to keep about your employees in the employees database, reducing paper files in your office considerably and saving up storage space. All these information can be retrieved through user-friendly reports and searches. The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system keeps employees personal data such as CV copies, personal information, family information, qualification details with scanned copies of certificates etc. The system manages an employees company-related data such as the employment information, attendance information, leave information, loan information etc. The users can obtain the complete employment history of an employee with a few mouse clicks; whether it is the date of joining, professional certificates, loan balance or terminal benefits. Personal Data Employees Personal Data Management Employee Qualification and Experience Management Employees Scanned Documents Management Employees CV Management Company Related Data Employment Information Management Attendance Information Management As the system is highly parameterized, the user can decide the details to be maintained by the system, in the System Setup section. Optimum Solutions E-ERP 5 The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system makes your payroll processing easy and accurate. The user can create customized payroll templates and define payslips and its contents. Thereby the user gets absolute control on the entire process, which ensures the accuracy of the calculations. OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll allows setting up many payrolls templates in multi- currencies and many payroll generations. Batch processing facilities take away the tedium of individual postings, and the workflow system ensures data authenticity and integrity at all times. Payroll Management Customized Payroll Templates creation Payroll Generations Management Deductions Management Accruals Management Accounting Entries Management Once the payroll has been generated, the system will be locked in the sense that no changes are possible on any data that may affect the payroll. This is for ensuring data integrity. 6 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Automatic Bank Transfer of Payroll The system provides a facility to distribute and transfer the net salary of each individual employee to his/her bank account according to the formulae given in the bank setup. The bank transfers can be made in three ways: In all these cases, it is possible to set up one or more conditions. In addition, form letters to the bank with details of individual amounts may be generated, taking away a lot of paper work in your accounts department. Transfer the total amount to one bank account Transfer a fixed amount to one account and the remaining part to another account Transfer a fixed percentage to one account and the remaining part to another account. Optimum Solutions E-ERP 7 Loans Management Many a time employees might approach the management for loans and advances for various purposes. Many companies make it a policy to grant such requests whenever possible; as such a gesture would create a sense of security in the employees, thereby enhancing their loyalty, commitment and motivation. The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system helps you manage all aspects of employee loans. The system facilitates the user to define loan granting criteria such as the length of service required, maximum amount, recovery period etc. The approval process will pass through the workflow and once the loan is granted, all necessary accounting entries will be passed by the system. Also, the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system takes care of the monthly loan recovery, and maintains up-to-date loan accounts for each employee. Loans Setup management Approval procedure management Recovery procedure management Production of up-to-date status reports Sub-Ledger and Accounting Entries Management 8 E-ERP Optimum Solutions End of Service Settlements Employees leave the service of a company due to various reasons such as termination, resignation, end of contract etc. In each of these cases, the entitlements of the employee will vary, according to the Labor Law prevailing in the country. The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system handles the preparation of final settlements for employees who leave the service of the company, based on the rules and policies mapped into the system. The system manages the non-financial elements of the process as the handing over of responsibilities, returning of company assets etc. Also, the system prepares other documents such as Experience Certificates, Letters to bank and Insurance companies etc. Final Settlement Preparation Handing Over Procedure Management End of Service Documentation Management Accounting Entries Management With OPTIMUM preparing the final settlement for any employee leaving the service is not a tedious task. The system produces the final settlements taking into account all elements such as: Leave y settlement Indemnity settlement y Other Entitlements y Loans and Advance y Other Deductions y Non-financial aspects such as handing over formalities y and returning of company assets. INSTANTANEOUS FINAL SETTLEMENTS Optimum Solutions E-ERP 9 The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system handles each and every aspect of the recruitment process so that the best suited applicants are selected. The system takes care of all tasks such as receiving CVs, short-listing candidates, matching them to various vacancies, scheduling Interviews, processing appointment papers for selected candidates etc. The system works perfectly in conjunction with other modules of OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system such as Personnel and Administration, Payroll, Organization Structure etc. so that all the information is shared avoiding the need for posting them again. The major functionalities are as follows: Recruitment Management Vacancies management CV and Applicants data management Recruitment process management Interview and selection management Hiring process management An added feature of OPTIMUM is that it provides global visibility to the vacancies in your company by publicizing them in the Internet, and facilitates candidates all over the world to submit their applications online. At the same time, the system allows the traditional method of receiving applications directly from the candidates. 10 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Each and every company has got its own particular performance objectives and criteria. Hence the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system module facilitates the users to manage the performance appraisal process based on criteria that are unique to the organiza- tion. The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system lets you design your own appraisal form, for each category, with the criteria. The evaluation forms will move from desk to desk based on the workflow. The system compiles the final score based on the formula given by the user and generates Performance Appraisal Reports for each and every employee. Appraisals and Forms Management Customized appraisal form Generation Evaluator Assignment Appraisal process monitoring Final Score compilation Employees Performance Report Generation Reward the Deserving: Take your decisions based on facts! With OPTIMUM the entire procedure is fully automated once the forms have been designed, and it will move from evaluator to evaluator, as defined in the workflow. Reports on historical data are available so the company can always appraise and compare an employees performance level. Optimum Solutions E-ERP 11 Training Management The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system Training Management module will help your company to manage the training needs of your employees. It actually creates a development plan for each and every employee, taking into consideration their present level of skills and the future demands. The system stores all the information regarding the training needs, training institutes, training courses and the trainers. As the system is fully parameterized, you can map your companys unique needs into the system. Also it helps you match the courses with the requirements and to monitor the progress individually and in groups. Recruiting the best employees is a real challenge; but maintaining them at their best performance level is an even greater challenge. The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system- Training Management module is your reliable partner in the development process of your employees and it helps you manage this crucial area with ease and professionalism. Training Institutions data management Course data management Employees Training management Certificates and other documents Management 12 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Document Management OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system-Document Management section helps you maintain and manage all types of employee documents in the system. The user can first define which documents are to be stored in the system; and then proceed to define the details to be stored for each document. The system can display a list of documents which are expiring during a particular period, so that action may be initiated to renew them. The user may also view a list of documents which are under the renewal process. Once the documents are renewed scanned copies may be uploaded to the system for easy retrieval. Document Data Management Document Scanned Copy Management Document Expiry Date Monitoring Renewal Process Management Form Letter Creation Document Printing All the renewed documents may be viewed and printed by the user, whenever necessary. Also, emails may be sent to those employees whose documents are due for renewal and/or renewed. Optimum Solutions E-ERP 13 Self Services Management The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system- Self Services module, sometimes referred to as Request Forms, is a cost effective solution to companies enabling forward- thinking to go beyond the traditional models of HR practice and provide managers and staff with a single point of access to vital HR information. Employees can be given an opportunity to upload or change personal information, apply for leave, submit training requests, request for documents through this module, and all request are passed through the predefined workflow system. Employees Personal Data updating Employees Requests Management Employee-Management communication Approval/Rejection of Employee requests OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system-Self Services module reduces administration costs and improves efficiency. Its dynamic information flow allows you to streamline processes, save up valuable time, and to reduce costs, while increasing employee productivity and improving communication across the organization. 14 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Staff Communication Another notable feature of the OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system- is that it has a built-in communication tool that allows sending: 1. Individual, or 2. Bulk mail for the employees Once these mails are sent, they will be part of the employees files and they can be retrieved anytime required. An electronic confirmation of receipt can also be generated and filed once the employee opens the mail. This tool can be used for sending circulars, warning letters, notices and any other types of the internal correspondences between the company and its staff. The lack of efficient inter- personal communication leads to bureaucracy within an office. OPTIMUM helps you to avoid this situation by providing a fast and reliable desk-to-desk communication system which can be easily monitored by the Management. Employees Internal correspondence Employees Bulk Mail Management Individual Mails Optimum Solutions E-ERP 15 The system allows the user to produce advanced formatted reports using Microsoft PivotTable that is linked with the system. Inquiries and Reporting The OPTIMUM Human Resources & Payroll system has powerful inquiries and report generation facilities. Searches can be done on various criteria, and the system allows drill down to the basic entries pertaining to any information. Customized reports based on any number of parameters may be generated at any time with a few mouse clicks! A multitude of filtering criteria including a data range can be applied to the following inquires and reports: Admin Inquiries Payroll Inquiries Training Inquiries Contact Info of employees Recruitment reports Admin reports Attendance reports Payroll reports Training reports Structure reports 16 E-ERP Optimum Solutions Powerful Workflow System OPTIMUM- Human Resources & Payroll system features the concept of work groups and workflows for all employees. The desk-to-desk movements of documents are pre-defined based on the organizational hierarchy and the nature of the documents. This helps to avoid bureaucratic delays and enhances system security. Staffs at various levels are given varying access rights, and the system administrator can monitor and regulate the data entry and access to the system. This ensures confidentiality of the documents as they are accessible to the authorized staff members only. Data integrity is ensured by giving greater authority to the system administrator in terms of user management. Users Access timing Management Real time system users monitoring Exchanging messages among system users REGIONAL OFFICE HEAD OFFICE BAHRAIN AL-AMTHAL GROUP, P.O. Box 2949, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel. +973-17-29-7227, Fax. +973-17-29-7337, E-mail: SAUDI ARABIA AL-AMTHAL AL-KHALEEJI, P.O. Box 3674, Al Khobar,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel.+966 3 8890022, Fax +966 3 8898085, E-mail: BAHRAIN SAUDI ARABIA QATAR QATAR AL-AMTHAL GROUP, P.O. Box 31122, Doha, State of Qatar Tel. +974 4913232, Fax +974 4913231, E-mail: