M.Tech Degree I Semester Examination in Electronics: (Signal Processing)

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Tech Degree I semester Examination in Electronics

(Signal Processing)

SP 106-Multirate Signal Processing
Model Question Paper
Maximum Marks: 50
Time: 3 hours
1. a) State and Prove the Noble Identities in Multirate Signal Processing. 7 marks
b)Write short note on multistage systems in multirate signal processing. 3 marks

2. a) Show that the downsampling by M followed by upsampling by L and vice
versa are same only when L and M are mutually prime.
6 marks
b) Describe decimation and interpolation in multirate system. 4 marks

3.a) Explain band pass sampling. Hence show that the anti-aliasing filter for decimation of
band pass signals is a complex band pass filter. 5 marks
b) Describe Memory Saving Structures for FIR Poly-phase Decimators and Interpolators,
5 marks
4. a) Show that the transpose of a factor of M decimator is a factor of M interpolator if the
transpose of a factor of M down sampler is a factor of M up sampler. 5 marks
b) Let H(z) be a causal FIR transfer function of degree N-1 with N even,
H(z)= h[n]


Show that H(z) can be expressed in the form H(z) = (1+z
) + (1-z
Express H
(z) andH
(z) in terms of the coefficients of the polyphase components E
and E
(z). 5 marks

5. a) Design a polyphase realisation of the FIR filter employed for conversion of the
sampling rate from Fx=48 Khz to Fy= 32 Khz. 7 marks
b) Describe computational efficiency of FIR interpolators and decimators 3 marks


6. a) Discuss the direct implementation structures for FIR decimators and interpolators.
5 marks
b) Consider the following IIR filter transfer function, H(z)=(1-2z
). Write down
expression for the type 1 polyphase implementation of the IIR filter with two polyphase
5 marks

7. a) Show that the following FIR transfer function is a power symmetric function.
i) H0(z)= -z
+21/2 z
- 27/2 z
- 5z
- 5/2z
ii)H0(z) = 1+3z
. 6 marks
b) Define i) Delay Complementary filter pairs
ii) Magnitude Complementary filter pairs
iii)All Pass Complementary filter pairs
iv)Power Complementary filter pairs 4 marks
8. a) Define Lth Band FIR Filters and discuss their properties. 5 marks
b) Establish the relation between Nyquist filters and power complementary filters.
5 marks
9. a) What is Perfect reconstruction QMF filter banks? Give a 2 channel one and discuss.
6 marks
b) Consider a three channel filter bank with the synthesis filtersF0 (z) = 1, F1(z)= 2+ z
F2 (z)= 3+ 2z
+ z
. Find a set of analysis filters such that the prefect reconstruction
property is satisfied. 4 marks


10.a) Write notes on
i) Uniform DFT analysis and synthesis filter banks
ii) Tree structured Multi-channel filter banks.
6 marks
b) Consider the two channel filter-bank below. Write down the analysis and synthesis filters.
Check whether the filter bank is PR.

4 marks


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