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1. a) Define continuous time unit impulse and unit step functions.

b) Explain orthogonal vector space.

c) What are dirichlets conditions? State them.
d) Find the Fourier transform of δ(t-t0)
What is the relation between rise time and bandwidth of a linear
f) State sampling theorem for band pass signals.
g) Prove that R12(τ) = R21(-τ).
h) Compare ESD and PSD.
i) Find the final value of x(t ) with X(s )= .
s +5
j) Write the time-reversal property of z-transform.
2. a) What are the basic operations on signals? Illustrate with an example.
Examine the continuous time system y(t)=3x(t)+5 for linearity, time
invariance, causality and stability.
Define a signal? Classify the signals under different categories and
3. a)
A rectangular function f(t) is defined by f(t) = 1 for 0 < t < π
-1 for π< t
Approximate this function by a waveform sin(t) over the interval
(0,2π) such that mean square error is minimum.
Find the trigonometric Fourier series expansion of a Half wave
4. a)
rectified cosine function with fundamental time period of 2π.
b) State and prove the convolution property of Fourier Transform
Find the Fourier transform of the following signals:
5. a)
i) Signum function, ii) Rectangular function.
Derive the relation between trigonometric and exponential Fourier
series coefficients.
Draw the ideal filter characteristics. What is the condition for
6. a)
realizability of these filters?
Find the Convolution of x 1 ( t )=e−2 t U ( t ) and
b) −4 t
x 2 ( t )=e U (t)
Obtain the impulse response of an LTI system defined by dy(t)/dt +
7. a) 2y(t) = x(t). Also obtain the response of this system when excited by
b) Explain in details about Theorems of Convolution.
8. a) Explain detection of signal in the presence of noise using correlation.
Write about the types of Sampling and compare the Impulse
Sampling, Natural and Flat top Sampling methods.
9. a) State all the properties of Auto correlation function.
Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and Nyquist sampling interval
b) for the below signals. i) x(t) = 3cos(4π500t) cos(2π300t).
ii) x(t)= 6cos5πt + 3cos10πt
10 Find the Laplace Transform of the signals
. i) x (t )=U (−t ) ii) x (t )=2 e−t U ( t ) +5 e−4 t U ( t ) and find their ROCs
Find the inverse Laplace transform of X(S ) = ) with
b) ( S +2 ) (S+3)
ROC Re(S )>−2
11 State and prove the following properties of Z transform:
. (i) Time shifting, and (ii) Differentiation in z- domain
b) Find the inverse of Z transform of X (Z) = Z / (3Z2 - 4Z+1).

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