Speaking - Part 1

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Your Work or Your Studies

Do you work or are you a student?
1a) Your Work
What work do you do?
Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
Was that an easy choice to make?
Have you always wanted to do that type of work?
Do you like you job?
s it very interestin!?
Do you think you are more efficient (or, productive) in the mornin!s or the afternoons? (Why?)
Do you plan to continue doin! that work? (or, that type of work " or, that job)
(possibly the #uestion above is this) Do you intend to chan!e your job in the near future?
($ossibly) Do you miss bein! a student? %
1b) Your Studies
&ote' (or hi!h school students or recent hi!h school !raduates who have not yet started university, the word )school) or
the words, )hi!h school) or )secondary school) will be used instead of )university)* f you are no lon!er a student now
and have not yet started to work, the #uestions will be about the last time you were a student, either hi!h school or
university, and the #uestions will be asked in the past tense* (or hi!h school students (or recent hi!h school !raduates),
the word )subjects) (plural) will be used* (or university students, the word )subject) will be used, which has basically
the same meanin! as the +merican, )major)*
What subject(s) are you studyin!?
Why did you choose to study that subject? " Why did you choose to study those subjects? (,ee Note)
Was that an easy choice to make?
Have you always studied that subject? (,ee Note)
($ossibly the #uestion above is this) Have you always wanted to study that subject?
Do you like your subject? (Why?"Why not?)
s it very interestin!?
What was"is your university like?
((or hi!h school students - recent H, !raduates) What was"is your hi!h school like?
((or hi!h school students - recent H, !raduates) What was "is your favourite subject at hi!h school?
($ossibly) What was "is your most useful subject in
hi!h school?
(.ontinuin! from the #uestion above) Will you continue studyin! that subject?
Was there"is there any hi!h school subject that you didn/t like?
Do you prefer to study in the mornin!s or in the afternoons? (Why?)
((or non0hi!h school students - non0recent H*,* !raduates) What are you !oin! to (or, plannin! to) do in the
((or university students) What do you think you will do after you !raduate?
($ossibly) +re you lookin! forward to startin! work? %
2. Your Hometown
Note: f you are not livin! in your hometown at the moment, the #uestions below are about the city or place that you are
livin! in now*
Which city or town are you livin! in (or, do you live in)?
s that a bi! city or a small place?
$lease describe that place a little*
How lon! have you lived there (or, here)? (or, How lon! have you been livin! there (or here)?)
Do you like it? ()t) 1 the place where you are livin!*)
($ossibly) Do you like livin! there? %
What do you like (most) about that city"town?
s there anythin! you dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue livin! there (or, here) for a lon! time?
(,imilar to above, but sli!htly different) Would you like to leave your hometown? (if you are still livin! in
your hometown)
(,imilar to above) Do you plan to continue livin! there (or, here)?
($ossibly) Where would you like to live? %
3. Your Home (2r, 3our +ccommodation)
No questions yet. It looks like this topic is not bein used in the !"n#$pr 2%1& testin period.
&. 'iction"ries N
4his topic has never been used before, or at least not since late 5667*
Do you often use a dictionary? % (,ee Note) (f yes, how often and what for? f no, why not? f not very often,
say how often and why not very often*)
Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper? (,ee Note)
f someone !ave you a dictionary as a !ift, how would you feel?
(. )"in N
Do you like rainy days? (Why?"Why not?)
(4he #uestion above mi!ht simply be, )Do you like rain?)
(,imilar to above) Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
Does it rain much in your hometown? (nclude how often)
n what season does it rain the most?
Would you like to have more rain or less rain (in your hometown)?
What do you usually do when it rains?
*. +r"in +r",el N
s train travel very common in your country?
Do you often travel by train?
Do you like travelin! by train?
What do you usually do when (you are) travelin! by train?
What do you think are the benefits of travelin! by train?
s there a subway system in your city?
Do you ever travel by subway?
(,imilar to above) Have you ever traveled by subway?
-. .omputers N
How often do you use a computer?
What do you use a computer for?
($ossibly) How often do you use a computer for work " study?
When did you first use a computer?
What are the benefits (for you) of usin! a computer?
Do you think computers are useful for the education of children?
Do you think computers have helped improve people/s lives?
(,imilar to above) Do you think the invention of computers has helped improve people/s lives?
Do you think there should be restrictions on (or, controls on) the use of computers"the internet by children?

/. 0unctu"lity N
Do you think it/s important to be on time (1 be punctual)?
How do you feel when others are late?
+re you, yourself, late very often?
How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?
Do you wear a watch?
1. $nim"ls N
Did you ever visit a 8oo when you were a child?
What was your favourite 8oo animal?
Do you think it/s important for children to visit a 8oo?
Do a have a pet?
($ossibly) Have you ever had a pet?
Why do (you think) some people have a pet?
1%. 2usic N
,o far, this looks like a new topic, separate from the ,in!in! topic*
Do you like music?
What/s your favourite (type of) music?
($ossibly) Would you like to try a different type of music? %
Has your preference in music (ever) chan!ed? (,ee Note)
s there any music you dislike?
Do you (or, can you) play any musical instruments?
($ossibly) f you had the chance to learn a musical instrument, which instrument would you (choose to) learn?
11. +ele,ision N
Do you like watchin! television?
How much 49 do you (usually) watch? (,ee Note)
What/s your favourite 49 pro!ram?
What (types of) pro!rams did you watch when you were a child?
Do you still like to watch those pro!rams?
What influence does 49 have on children?
Did you watch much 49 when you were a child? (How much?)
How much 49 would you like your children to watch? (,ee Note)
Do you think children/s television has chan!ed (much) since you were a child? (,ee Note)
12. 3"nu"es N
What lan!ua!es do you speak?
Which lan!ua!e do you use the most?
How did you learn :n!lish? (2r, How do you study :n!lish?)
Do you think that :n!lish is difficult to learn?
How lon! have you been studyin! :n!lish?
Do you think learnin! lan!ua!es is important?
(,imilar to above) Do you think there is any need for (some) people to learn another lan!ua!e?
What other lan!ua!es would you like to learn?
13. .lothes N
4here mi!ht be some different #uestions here, compared to the ,ep0Dec, 561; topic
What clothes do you usually like to wear?
Do " did you wear the same clothes at school and at home?
Will you chan!e your clothes when you !o home today?
Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child?
Did you like them?
Do you think clothin! today is very different to clothin! in the past? (e*!*, 160;6 yrs* a!o)
($ossibly) s the clothin! that people wear in your country today very different to the traditional clothin! of
your country?
1&. .ookin N
4hese seems to be different #uestions here, compared to the ,ep0Dec, 561; topic
).ookin!) involves the use of heat* )$reparin! a meal) mi!ht or mi!ht not involve usin! heat*
Do you ever do any cookin!? (f yes, include how often*)
Do you like cookin!? (Why?"Why not?)
What cookin! e<perience have you had?
Who tau!ht you to cook?
When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal?
Do you think children should help their parents prepare meals?
($ossibly) Do you think children should learn to cook?
1(. Shoppin N
Do you like (!oin!) shoppin!?
Do you spend much (money) when you !o shoppin!?
What do you usually buy when you !o shoppin!? %
Where do you !o shoppin!?
Would you like to work in a shop?
Do you like buyin! thin!s online?
Would you like to work in a shop?
1*. We"ther "nd .lim"te N
What/s the weather (or climate) like in your hometown?
Would you say the weather in your hometown is !enerally !ood, or bad weather?
Would you say there have been any chan!es in the weather (in your hometown) in the recent past?
1. 4irthd"ys
How do people in your country celebrate birthdays?
How did people celebrate birthdays when you were a child?
(,imilar to above) How how did you celebrate your birthdays when you were a child?
Do you still feel that celebratin! your birthday is important?
(,imilar to above) Do you think that celebratin! your birthday is important now?
What do you do on your birthday now?
($ossibly) How do people celebrate children/s birthdays today?
What/s the most important birthday for people in your country?

2%. 0"rties
Do you like parties?
(,imilar to above) Do you like !oin! to parties?
s there any kind of party that you would not like to !o to?
How often do you !o to a party?
Who do you think likes parties more, youn! people or old people?
($ossibly the #uestion above is this) Who do you think likes parties more, youn! people or older people?
($ossibly) Do youn! people and older people like the same kinds of parties?
21. Sunshine
Do you like sunny days?
(,imilar to above) Do you like sunshine?
Do you like !oin! (or, bein!) outside on sunny days?
What do you like to do on sunny days (or, when you !o outside)?
What benefits can (or do) people !et from sunshine?
(,imilar to above) What benefits can (or do) we !et from the sun?
($ossibly) Do you think there are any downsides (or dan!ers) from sunshine? %
What do you do (when you are outside) and the sun is too stron!?
f you wanted to !o to a place that has lots of sunshine, where would you !o?
Would you like to !o, as a tourist, to a place that has little sunshine?
(,imilar to above) Would you ever !o, as a tourist, to a place that has little sunshine?
22. 4icycles
=ake sure you understand the difference between )common) and )popular)* ,ome common thin!s are also popular but
other common thin!s, such as air pollution, are not popular* t is not clear which word is used in these #uestions*
$ossible neither word is used*
Do you like ridin! a bicycle?
How often do you ride a bicycle? %
When (or, why) do you ride a bicycle?
Do you (or, did you) ride a bicycle to school?
(,imilar to above) Did you ride (or, did you have) a bicycle when you were a child?
Do many people ride bicycles in your country?
(,imilar to above) +re bicycles very popular in your country?
($ossibly) +re bicycles very common in your country?
(,imilar to above) s ridin! a bicycle very popular in your country?
Do many people ride bicycles in your country?
Do you think bicycles will still be popular in the future?
(,imilar to above) Do you think many people will still ride (or, will be ridin!) bicycles in the future?
23. 0oliteness
Would you say you are a polite person? %
Who tau!ht you to be polite?
Do you think people should be polite? (Why?)
How do people in your culture show (politeness or) !ood manners (towards others)?
(n your country,) Have there been any chan!es in politeness in the past few decades?
2&. 0hotor"phy
Do you like takin! photo!raphs?
What types of photos do you usually take?
When do you take photo!raphs?
What are the benefits of takin! (or havin!) photo!raphs?
Do you keep (all) the photos you take?
Would you like to work as a professional photo!rapher?
($ossibly the #uestion above is this) Would you like to take photos like a professional photo!rapher? (>nclear)
2(. History
Do you like (to learn about) history?
What historical event do you find most interestin!?
(,imilar to above) What historical event do you think was most important?
Do you think history is important?
Do you like to watch pro!rams on 49 about history?
How (or, from where) do you !et information about history?
Do you think you (1 one) can (really) learn history from films and"or 49 pro!rams?
Do you think the internet is a !ood place to learn about history?
(,imilar to above) Do you think learnin! about history on the internet is !ood?
(,imilar to above) Do you think studyin! history on the internet is !ood? ,ee Note
.an you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?
Why would you like to learn more about him"her?
2*. )el"ti,es
Do you often visit your relatives?
What do you do when visit them?
Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives, or your friends?
($ossibly the #uestion above is this) Do you prefer visitin! your relatives, or your friends?
(,imilar to above) Who is the more important to you, your relatives " your family, or your friends?
When was the last time you went to see your relatives?
Do you take anythin! when you visit your relatives?
(,imilar to above) (4he ne<t time you visit your relatives **) will you take anythin! to !ive them
2-. 0l"nts
Do you like plants?
What plants do you like?
Have you ever !rown any plants? ( 1 Have you ever planted any plants?)
Did you !row any plants when you were a child?
Do you know how to !row plants?
(,imilar to above) Do you know how to take care of plants?
Would you like to receive a plant as a !ift?
(,imilar to above) Would you be happy if someone !ave you a plant as a !ift?
2/. Sinin
Do you like to sin!?
How often do you sin!?
Did you like to sin! when you were a child?
(,imilar to above) Did you sin! at primary school?
Do you prefer to sin! at home or at a place such as a karaoke bar (or a ?49)?
Who/s your favourite sin!er?
What/s your favourite son!?
+re the lyrics (1 the words) of son!s important to you?
Have you ever been to a concert?
21. 3eisure +ime
What indoor and outdoor leisure activities do you do?
Do you prefer indoor or outdoor leisure activities?
($ossibly) Do you have any hobbies? %
($ossibly) What hobbies do you have? %
($ossibly) How do you usually spend your evenin!s?
n your country, where do youn! people !o for entertainment?
s there any difference between entertainment for children and for teena!ers?
What did you do for recreation (or, leisure) when you were a child?
Did you play any !ames when you were a child?
(,imilar to above) What !ames did you play when you were a child?
Do you think think children/s !ames today are different to those in the past? (e*!*, 160;6 yrs a!o)
Do you think children today have the same interests that you had when you were a child?
Do you think men and women do the same leisure activities?
Do you like to travel in your holidays?
3%. +he News
+re you very interested in the news?
Do you think it/s important to keep up0to0date with the news?
How do you keep up0to0date with the news?
(,imilar to above) How do you usually !et your news?
Do you read newspapers?
How do you often (or, usually) read a newspaper?
Do you prefer to !et news from the internet or from newspapers? (Why?)
When you watch the news on 49, do you usually watch it alone or with others?
Do you ever discuss the news with your friends?
Who do you think is more interested in the news, youn! people or old(er) people?
Do you think youn! people today are more interested in the news than youn! people were in the past (e*!*, 560
;6 years a!o)?
What kind of news is most interestin! to you?
Which news is more interestin! for you, international or domestic news? (Why?)
Would you like to be a (news) reporter (a journalist)?
31. W"lkin
Do you like walkin!?
(,imilar to above but different) Do you like !oin! for walks?
How often do you !o for a walk?
Would you prefer to !o for a walk in the countryside or the city?
Would you say walkin! is important?
What do you think could be done to make it easier to walk in cities?
(,imilar to above) What do you think could be done to make it easier to walk in your hometown?
,imilar to above) What do you think could be done to encoura!e people to walk more in cities?
Do you think you will (continue to ) have walkin! as part of your routine in the future?
%* +he 5our I.'. checkin questions. (&ot really part of $art 1)
1. Your Work or Your Studies
2. Your Hometown
&. 'iction"ries N
(. )"in N
*. +r"in +r",el N
-. .omputers N
/. 0unctu"lity N
1. $nim"ls N
1%. 2usic N
11. +ele,ision N
12. 3"nu"es N
13. .lothes N
1&. .ookin N
1(. Shoppin N
1*. We"ther "nd .lim"te N
11. 4irthd"ys
2%. 0"rties
21. Sunshine
22. 4icycles
23. 0oliteness
2&. 0hotor"phy
2(. History
2*. )el"ti,es
2-. 0l"nts
2/. Sinin
21. 3eisure +ime
3%. +he News
31. W"lkin

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