Branding in Health Marketing
Branding in Health Marketing
Branding in Health Marketing
2 - 2011
Series V: Economic Sciences
Key words: public health branding, brand equity, the Truth, health
behaviour, social imagery.
1. Introduction
The brand has been one of the key
concepts in commercial marketing in the
past decades. It has played a key role in
marketing strategies and it has been
defined by the American Marketing
Association as it follows: a brand is a
name, term, design, symbol, or any other
feature that identifies one seller's goods or
service as distinct from those of other
sellers. The legal term for brand
is trademark. A brand may identify one
item, a family of items, or all items of that
seller. If used for the firm as a whole, the
preferred term is trade name."[14].The
definition is not an over encompassing
one. According to the literature [4] it lacks
one key element without which the
implementation of any brand strategy
would be in vain. That element is
There are three underlying constructs to
branding in general. In order to increase
the value of your range of products,
services or even health behaviours the
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011 Series V
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011 Series V
The Truth
Social imagery.
This is not the case of the next public
health campaign that will be discussed.
3.2. Spune nu drogurilor
The public health campaign Spune nu
drogurilor is one of the most visible
initiatives of this kind in Romania.
Nevertheless, most of its brand awareness
was relying on the participation of some
well known Romanian singers and TV
stars. As it proved out, in the end, the
results in the long and medium term were
not significant. This was mainly due to its
superficial design. One can easily say that
it was mainly a health communication
campaign and not a well grounded public
health marketing initiative. This statement
can easily be supported if one analyzes the
campaign from the branding perspective
used before.
Some of the key-elements that made the
Truth campaign so successful are clearly
missing. Starting from the very beginning
the brand awareness is rather low. In spite
of the fact that no scientific research was
undertaken to account for this, the
empirical analysis of the literature should
be significant.
The campaign enjoyed some recognition
in 2009, due to the association between its
name and the name of a song. This is one
positive aspect since the song was created
in order to support the campaign by a
famous Romanian pop band. The positive
association that was created in this way has
lost its power because of its being misused.
The tours and concerts around the country
have raised the awareness level but they
havent been followed by something
concrete. In order to support and further
develop the strong relationship [16]
between brand and target audience,
achieved on the short term, some
additional activities should have been
In my opinion, the weakest point of the
campaign is the lack of an achievable
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011 Series V
Taking drugs
Spune nu
Fig. 3. Spune nu drogurilor positioning (Source Evans et all 2010, own calculations)
In my opinion, the anti-drug campaign
Spune nu drogurilor is a classic example
of a traditional health communication
initiative. Considering all the elements
discussed before together with the lack of
social marketing tools one could say that
the campaign has failed to reach its
purpose. The importance of using
marketing techniques and strategies in
public health becomes obvious. Applying a
branding perspective to this campaign
would have brought about great benefits.
To sum up, one can say that the Romanian
anti-drug campaign Spune nu drogurilor
has failed to reach its intended objectives.
This was mainly because of an inefficient
design that failed to meet the branding
criteria in public health. Moreover, its
positioning was also ineffective. This
could have been easily avoided by taking a
health marketing approach to the issue,
including a formative research.
4. Conclusions
Public health branding is a rather new
but highly important approach to public
health campaigns. It offers a good
perspective on the profile of the target
audience, therefore enhancing its chances
of success. The presence of the three pillar
structure of public heath brand can be
indicative of a campaigns success.
Nevertheless the relation between these
three pillars has to be a strong one and one
that is understandable and reachable by the
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011 Series V
September 29-30 2008.
4. Evans, D., Hastings, G.: Public health
branding-Applying Marketing for
Social change Oxford University Press
5. Douglas Evans, W., Gerard Hastings
Oxford University Press 2008.
6. Evans, D.: Public Health brand
research. The George Washington
1. Blair-Stevens, C., Allison, T.: Social
Marketing for Health and Specialised
Health Promotion, Royal Society for
Public Health, 2008.
2. Donovan, R., Henley, N.: Principles
and Practice of Social Marketing: An
International Perspective Cambridge
University Press, New York. 2010.
3. Evans Douglas, W.: How Brands
Work in Public Health World Social
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