Distribution-Sensitive Set Multi-Partitioning: Amr Elmasry

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2005 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms DMTCS proc.

AD, 2005, 353–356

Distribution-sensitive set multi-partitioning

Amr Elmasry
Computer Science Department
Alexandria University, Egypt

Given a set S with real-valued members, associated with each member one of two possible types; a multi-partitioning
of S is a sequence of the members of S such that if x, y ∈ S have different types and x < y, x precedes y in the
multi-partitioning of S. We give two distribution-sensitive algorithms for the set multi-partitioning problem and a
matching lower bound in the algebraic decision-tree model. One of the two algorithms can be made stable and can be
implemented in place. We also give an output-sensitive algorithm for the problem.

Keywords: algorithm analysis and design; distribution-sensitive algorithms; output-sensitive algorithms; lower bounds

1 Introduction
An output-sensitive algorithm is an algorithm for which the running time relies on the size of its output
in addition to its input size. For example, Kirkpatrick and Seidel [6] have shown that the complexity of
constructing the convex hull of a set of n points is Θ(n log h), where h is the number of hull vertices.
Alternatively, a distribution-sensitive algorithm is an algorithm whose running time relies on how the
distribution of the input affects the output. For example, Munro P and Spira [11] have shown that the
complexity of sorting a multiset of n elements is Θ(n log n − i ni log ni + n), where ni is the number
of elements with the ith largest value. Sen and Gupta [12] gave distribution-sensitive algorithms for some
geometric problems including the convex hull. P
To see that the latter paradigm is superior to the former, we note that n log n − i ni log ni is max-
imized at ni = n/h, where h is the number of distinct ni ’s, implying an O(n log h) bound for sort-
ing multisets.PFurthermore, in many cases, especially for very non-uniform distribution of the ni ’s,
Θ(n log n − i ni log ni ) can be much less than Θ(n log Ph). Consider the case where all ni ’s equal
1 except nh , and h ≤ n/ log n. In such case n log n − i ni log ni is linear, in contrast with n log h
which is O(n log n).
Consider a set S of n real-valued members, associated with each member one of two possible types. Let
S ′ be the set of n′ members of one type, and S ′′ be the set of n′′ members of the other type (n = n′ + n′′ ).
We define a multi-partitioning of S to be a sequence of the members of S such that if x, y ∈ S have
different types and x < y, x precedes y in this sequence; this results in partitioning S into alternating
blocks of maximal subsequences of members with the same type. In other words, for any two consecutive
blocks, the members of one block are of one type, and the members of the other block are of the other
type. Without loss of generality, we assume that if members of different types have the same value, the
members of S ′ appear before those of S ′′ .
In the next twoPsections, we give two distribution-sensitive algorithms for set multi-partitioning that run
in O(n log n − i ni log ni + n), where ni is the count of the members of the ith block. In Section 4,
we give a matching lower bound in the algebraic decision-tree model. In Section 5, we give an output-
sensitive algorithm that runs in O(n log h), where h is the number of blocks.
Assume that the members of S are sorted according to the corresponding values; this results in a multi-
partitioning of S into the required blocks. The basic idea of our algorithms is to produce such blocks in
sequence, without ordering the members within individual blocks.

2 A randomized divide-and-conquer algorithm

1. Assume, without loss of generality, that n′ ≥ n′′ .
2. Pick a member uniformly at random from those of S ′ , and call it x.
c 2005 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS), Nancy, France
354 Amr Elmasry

3. Partition the members of S ′′ into SL′′ and SR′′

. The values of the members of SL′′ are smaller than that
of x, while those of SR are larger than the value of x. Let y be the member with the largest value in
SL′′ and z be that with the smallest value in SR ′′
4. Partition the members of S ′ into SL′ , SM ′ ′
and SR . The values of the members of SL′ are smaller

than that of y, the values of the members of SM are larger than that of y and smaller than that of z,

while those of SR are larger than that of z.
5. Apply the algorithm recursively for the subsets SL′ and SL′′ , and output the corresponding blocks.

6. Follow these blocks by the block SM .
′ ′′
7. Apply the algorithm recursively for the subsets SR and SR , and output the corresponding blocks.

Indeed, the fact that the above algorithm correctly identifies the ordering of the blocks follows by noting

that the values of SM are larger than those of SL′ and SL′′ , and smaller than those of SR
′ ′′
and SR .
Theorem 1 The expected running time of the above algorithm is O(n log n − i ni log ni + n).
Proof. We say that the element x results in a good split if the rank of x within the sorted sequence of
S ′ turns out to be between n′ /4 and 3n′ /4. Hence, a good split, resulting from randomly selecting x,
happens with probability 1/2.

A crucial observation for the time bound analysis is that x belongs to SM . For a good split, the number
′ ′ ′
of members of SL is less than 3n /4 (i.e. |SL | < 3n /4). It follows that |SL′ | + |SL′′ | < 3n′ /4 + n′′ =

n − n′ /4. Since n′ ≥ n/2, |SL′ | + |SL′′ | < 7n/8. Symmetrically, |SR′

| + |SR′′
| < 7n/8.
The time spent in all the steps of the algorithm other than the recursive calls is linear. We charge a
constant cost for every member of the two subsets involved in each recursive call. Consider a member e of
a block of length ni of the resulting partitioning. Let Ce be the random variable representing the number
of recursive calls which involve e. This random variable obeys a negative binomial distribution, with the
success represented by a call resulting in a good split. Since the size of each of the two subproblems is
reduced by at least a factor of 7/8 with each good split, the number of good splits that e contributes to
is at most log8/7 (n/ni ) + O(1). Hence, the expected value forP Ce is at most 2 log8/7 (n/ni ) + O(1).
P follows that the expected running time of the algorithm is O( i ni log (n/ni ) + n) = O(n log n −
i n i log n i + n). 2

The above algorithm can be easily derandomized by choosing x at step 2 of the algorithm to be the
median of S ′ instead of picking it at random. This median-finding can be done in linear time, which
will not affect the overall bound. (For this deterministic version, we have |SL′ | + |SL′′ | < 3n/4 and
′ ′′
|SR |+|SR | < 3n/4, resulting in the members of the ith block contributing to at most log4/3 (n/ni )+O(1)
recursive calls.)
The algorithm can be implemented to run in place, only with a constant extra space, as follows. We
use the in-place median-finding of Lai and Wood [7] (in case we choose to implement the deterministic
version), and the standard in-place partitioning as in the Quicksort [5] algorithm. To avoid the recursion
stack, the same trick, based on stoppers, used by Ďurian [4] to implement Quicksort in place can be used.
After every partitioning phase we must employ an in-place transposition of the elements. The algorithm
can be further made stable (the order of the elements of a block is maintained as that of the input arrays)
while implemented in place, as follows. We use the in-place stable median-finding of Katajainen and
Pasanen [8], and their in-place stable partitioning [9] (here they allow integer packing).

3 A heap-based algorithm
Munro and Raman [10] gave a simple heap-based multiset sorting algorithm. We adapt their algorithm for
our set multi-partitioning problem. The first step is to build a heap on the members of the the given set
S, ordered by their corresponding values. It follows that all the elements of the first block of the multi-
partitioning of S form a sub-tree rooted at the top of the heap. Let ni be the count of the members of
this block. This makes it easy to locate these elements in O(ni ), using a depth-first search from the root.
Every time a member of the other type is encountered the search retreats to the parent node. Instead of
discarding the root as in normal Heapsort, we start deleting the ni elements in decreasing distance from
the root. Recall that if an element is at distance d from the bottom of the heap, then deletion and the
Distribution-sensitive set multi-partitioning 355

subsequent restoration of the heap takes O(d) time. Munro and Raman show that the maximum number
of comparisons are required when the ni elements form a balanced tree, which yields a running time of
O(ni log (n/ni ) + ni ) for this process. We repeat the same process by deleting the elements of each of
the next blocks, block after block, in sequence. The running time of Theorem 2 follows.
Theorem 2 The total running time of the heap-based algorithm is O(n log n − i ni log ni + n).

4 The lower bound

We use the following general result of Ben-Or [1].

Ben-Or’s Theorem Let W be a subset of Rd and let #W represent the number of disjoint connected
components of W . Then, any algebraic decision tree that correctly determines the membership query
x ∈ W has Ω(log #W − d) height.

Consider the following decision problem, which is linear-time reducible to our set multi-partitioning
problem: Given two sets S ′ of n′ members, and S ′′ of n′′ members, and a distribution vector (n1 , n2 , . . . ).
Determine whether this distribution vector resembles the sizes of the blocks of the corresponding set multi-
partitioning problem.
Each vector of the n real values of the input sets can be considered a point in Rn . Consider the number
of ways of assigning n′ members of the first type and n′′ members of the second type to consecutive
alternating blocks whose sizes have the distribution vector (n1 , n2 , . . . ). All such assignments correspond
to YES instances. We show next that each such assignment corresponds to a disjoint component in Rn .
Consider any two distinct assignments corresponding to YES instances. Pick a point in Rn for each of
these instances, and call the two points p1 and p2 . Then, there are at least two indices of p1 and p2 whose
corresponding members appear in different blocks. Let the kth block be one of these blocks. Hence, any
continuous path between p1 and p2 in Rn must necessarily pass through a point that corresponds to an
input vector resulting in the kth block with count 6= nk , which is a NO instance.
′ ′′
The number of such assignments corresponding to disjoint components is nn1 !n!n2 !... !
. Hence, #W >
n1 !n2 !... .
By simplifying using Stirling’s approximation and applying Ben-Or’s theorem together with the
natural Ω(n) lower bound, the following theorem follows.

Theorem 3 Any algebraic computation P tree for the set multi-partitioning problem with distribution vector
(n1 , n2 , . . . ) has height Ω(n log n − i ni log ni + n).

5 An output-sensitive algorithm
1. Split S ′ and S ′′ into ⌈n′ /m⌉ and ⌈n′′ /m⌉ arbitrary groups each of size at most m (m is a parameter
that will be determined later).
2. Sort each of these groups using any O(m log m) sorting algorithm.
3. Repeat at most m times alternating between the two sets S ′ and S ′′

3.1. Find the member with the smallest value among the groups of one of the two sets.
3.2. Use binary search to find and remove all the members with a smaller value within each of the
groups of the other set.

Lemma 1 The above procedure is designed to run in O(n log m).

Proof. There are O(n/m) groups altogether. The sorting of step 2 takes O(m log m) per group, for a
total of O(n log m). Finding the smallest member at step 3.1 requires checking the minimum of each of
O(n/m) groups. This takes O(n) time for all the m iterations. The binary search at step 3.2 requires
O(log m) per group, for a total of O((n/m) log m) per iteration. This takes O(n log m) for all the m
iterations. 2
356 Amr Elmasry

Let h be the number of blocks of the required multi-partitioning of S. If we set m to h, this procedure
partitions the given set correctly in O(n log h). This follows from the fact that every iteration of step 3
correctly produces one of the blocks of the required multi-partitioning in the correct order.
Unfortunately, we do not know in advance the value of h. To overcome this problem, we use a standard
technique that is used, for example, in [2, 3]. We call the above procedure repeatedly with m = 22
(i = 1, 2, . . . ), every time checking if the procedure terminates after partitioning the input sequence
or not. This check can be easily done, for example, by counting the number of elements of the blocks
produced so far. We stop the execution once the partitioning is completed.
Theorem 4 The running time of the above algorithm is O(n log h)
Proof. Using Lemma 1, the running time of the ith call to the above procedure is O(n log 22 ) = O(n2i ).
It follows that the running time of the algorithm is

⌈log log h⌉
O( n2i ) = O(n log h).

[1] M. Ben-Or. Lower bounds for algebraic computation trees. 15th ACM STOC (1983), 80-86.
[2] T. Chan, Output-sensitive results on convex hulls, extreme points, and related problems. Discrete and
Computational Geometry 16 (1996), 369-387.
[3] B. Chazelle and J. Matoušek, Derandomizing an output-sensitive convex hull algorithm in three
dimensions. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 5 (1995/96), 27-32.
[4] B. Ďurian. Quicksort without a stack. 12th MFCS, LNCS 233 (1986), 283-289.
[5] C. Hoare. Quicksort. Computer Journal 5(1) (1962), 10-15.
[6] D. Kirkpatrick and R. Seidel. The ultimate planar convex hull algorithm. SIAM J. Comput. 15(1)
(1986), 287-299.
[7] T. Lai and D. Wood. Implicit selection. 1st SWAT, LNCS 318 (1988), 14-23.

[8] J. Katajainen and T. Pasanen. Stable minimum space partitioning in linear time. BIT 32 (1992),
[9] J. Katajainen and T. Pasanen. Sorting multiset stably in minimum space. Acta Informatica 31 (1994),
[10] J.I. Munro and V. Raman. Sorting multisets and vectors in-place. 2nd WADS, LNCS 519 (1991),

[11] J.I. Munro and P. Spira. Sorting and searching in multisets. SIAM J. Comput. 5(1) (1976), 1-8.
[12] S. Sen and N. Gupta. Distribution-sensitive algorithms. Nordic J. Comput. 6(2) (1999), 194-211.

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