v5 7746JAP Facade
v5 7746JAP Facade
v5 7746JAP Facade
Off-site prefabrication
Design matters
Innovation in production methods and
significant investment in labour and plant
resources enable architectural precast
Chairman of the ACA, Stephen Maddalena considers the concrete panels to be provided in an
advantages of precast cladding increasing range of finishes and facings,
shapes and sizes to suit the requirements of
lthough topical in consequence of the Latham-inspired initiatives and individual projects.
increasingly recognised as being a merited solution to the challenge of providing Finishes and facings
optimum value, off-site prefabrication is not a new concept. Architectural
precast concrete panels have been produced off-site for many decades and are A comprehensive range of cladding finishes
increasingly being specified to clad a wide range of new buildings including commercial and is available ranging from lightly textured
civic office schemes, residential, retail and leisure developments as well as hospitals and reconstructed stone and polished concrete
schools. Despite this trend, there are many building projects that fail to benefit because finishes to coarser washed exposed aggregate
the advantages of precast cladding construction are not fully considered early enough. surfaces. Aggregates and cements can be
selected to suit colour preferences. Precasting
The direct and incidental advantages of to enhancing quality and safety, to improving
precast cladding construction are many and efficiency and productivity and to providing
varied. Importantly, they valuably contribute programme and price certainty.
continued on page 2
held at the London Marriott Hotel on
rent Concrete recently of deeply profiled natural Portland stone, and 4 November. The judge’s commented
completed its £2.3m 8.5m long spandrels with projecting Portland “Viewed from the front, the building is
cladding contract at Belgrave stone sills. Trent was also responsible for striking: indeed its innovation is in the
House, a high-profile office 600m2 of handset in-situ Portland stone appearance. Low rise, precast, pigmented
development at the rear of Victoria Station cladding. In addition, 1000m2 of matching concrete units have been differentially
on Buckingham Palace Road in London. reconstructed stone cladding for the service etched and are of various lengths to
The contract was awarded following a provide a bomb-resistant screen with
core and plant room were produced.
two-stage tender process, with Trent’s unspectacular but effective windows. The
previous successful cladding work with This combined natural and reconstructed building is unobtrusive and entirely in
contractors Sir Robert McAlpine (on the stone approach provides a high-quality, cost- harmony with the surroundings.”
new Bull Ring development in Birmingham) effective solution. Natural stone is used on Architect for the project was Sheppard
proving influential. the main elevations, whilst reconstructed Robson, main contractor Bowmer &
Trent designed, manufactured and erected stone is used elsewhere and provides an Kirkland Ltd and the precaster Trent
350 units in total. In the main these were extremely good imitation of the natural stone Concrete Ltd.
two-storey mullions, 7.5m high, with a facing in both colour and texture.
With such prestigious projects as the European Parliament Building in This is evident, not only in the extensive range of finishes and colours
Strasbourg and the Hilton Hotel in Paris to its credit, it was not long available, but also from the substantial investments made in production
facilities, equipment and people.
before the company’s expertise and flair became recognised by many
leading UK architects and contractors. This year, alone, a new finishing building, covering an additional
3500m2 has been opened in Mouscron, Belgium, where all production
An impressive portfolio of completed projects, this side of the Channel,
is undertaken. A new office building and showroom is also planned for
built up over the last six years, is something Decomo UK Ltd is now construction next year.
rightly proud of. Amongst these are the Guinness Headquarters in
London, the Fenwick Store in Canterbury and the Royal Academy of In the UK, offices have recently been opened in London, where Paul
Desmet has been joined by Andrew Tyrrell, formerly with Histon
Music in London.
Concrete Products Ltd, to provide closer client support as the
Currently, three major projects are being undertaken, at Wembley company realises its targets for continued growth in a market which it
Park Station, Chesham House and the University College, London. believes holds much potential.
Member Companies
Decomo UK Ltd, 180-186 Kings Cross Road, London, WC1X 9DE. Tel: 0207 689 8058. Contact: Paul Desmet.
Redland Precast Concrete Products Ltd, 15/F Kai Seng Commercial Centre, 4-6 Han Kow Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. A product association of British Precast
Tel: 00852 2590 0328. Contact: Trevor Gregory.
Techrete (UK) Ltd, Warren Court, Feldspar Close, Warren Park Way, Enderby, Leics, LE4 5SD. Tel: 0116 275 0785. Contact: David Kennell.
The Marble Mosaic Company Ltd, Winterstoke Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 3YE. Tel: 01934 419941. Contact: Stephen Maddalena.
Trent Concrete Ltd, Colwick, Nottingham, NG4 2BG. Tel: 0115 987 9747. Contact: David Walker.