Master-Vol-I (B) - YTC

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The Technical Specifications contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other
tender documents as specified in volume I, (Part A (General conditions), Part
( Technical specifications) ! Part " (#rawin$s) and %olume II (Price id)&
The Technical specifications in accordance with which the entire wor' described herein after
shall be constructed and completed b( the contractor, shall comprise the standard
specifications of )*anual on +ater Suppl( and Treatment, published b( "entral Public -ealth
and .nvironmental .n$ineerin$ /r$ani0ation, 1ew #elhi, relevant specifications and $uide
lines of +orld -ealth /r$ani0ation, International 2eference "enter, The -a$ue, relevant
Specifications of ureau of Indian Standards, relevant specifications prescribed in Andhra
Pradesh Standard Specifications, "odes of practice and the relevant Specifications of Indian
2oad "on$ress&
The latest editions of all Specifications, Standards with Amendments 3 *odifications 3
Additions shall be adopted&
The terms I&S&, A&P&S&S& used herein means the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and
Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications with all amendments up to date of tenderin$&
All the +ater Suppl( structures should be desi$ned and constructed conformin$ to the
$uidelines and specifications as $iven in )*anual on +ater Suppl( and Treatment, published
b( "entral Public -ealth ! .nvironmental .n$ineerin$ /r$ani0ation, *inistr( of +or's and
-ousin$, Government of India&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 1
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
4& Specification for
a) /rdinar( Portland cement 5446 7 4858
b) 9ow -eat Portland cement 6:8 7 4858
6& Portland po00olana cement 4;58 48<:
=& -i$h Alumina cement for structural use :;>6 48<6
;& 2apid hardenin$ Portland cement 5?;4 48<5
>& +hite Portland cement 5?;6 48<5
:& -(drophobic Portland cement 5?;= 48<5
4& A$$re$ates (course and fine =5= 48<?
from natural sources for concrete
6& "oncrete a$$re$ates :;:4 48<6
(part I)
=& 1atural and manufactured a$$re$ates
for use in mass concrete& >4> 48>8
;& *ethod of tests for a$$re$ates for concrete 6=5: 7 48:=
(Part I to %III)
4& Sand for masonr( and mortars 644: 485?
6& Sand for plaster 4>;6 48<<
=& Standard sand for testin$ of cement :>? 48::
4& *ethod of test for determination of stren$th properties 4464 48<;
of natural buildin$ stones& (Part I to I%)
Part I @ "ompressive stren$th
Part II @ Transverse stren$th
Part III @ Tensile stren$th
Part I% @ Shear stren$th
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
Si$nature of the Tenderer 2
1 2 3
6& #etermination of durabilit( of 446: 48<;
natural buildin$ stones, *ethod of test
dressin$ of natural buildin$ stones 4468 48<6
=& #imensions and wor'manship of natural
buildin$ stones for masonr( wor' 446< 48<?
;& "oarse a$$re$ates for +ater bound *acadam :><8 4854
4& "ode of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ;>:76???
6& *ethod of test for stren$th of concrete >4:748>8
=& *ethod of samplin$ and anal(sis of concrete 4488748<:
;& *ethod of test for permeabilit( of cement mortar
and concrete =?5>748:>
>& 2ecommended $uidelines for concrete miA desi$n 4?6:674856
:& 2ead( *iA concrete ;86:748<:
<& Portable swin$ wei$h batch for concrete
(Sin$le and double buc'et t(pe) 6<66748:;
5& "ode of practice for installation of
joints in concrete pavements :>?8748<6
8& 9a(in$ in7situ "ement "oncrete floorin$ 6><4748<?
4& *easurement of buildin$ and "ivil 46??748<;
.n$ineerin$ wor', *ethod of earthwor' eAcavation ( Part&I)
6& *ethod of test for soils, determination of water content 6<6?748<?
=& #etermination of liBuid and plastic limit of soil 6<6?748:;
;& #etermination of specific $ravit( 6<6?748:;
>& Grain si0e anal(sis 6<6?748:>
:& #etermination of shrin'a$e factors 6<6?748<?
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
Si$nature of the Tenderer 3
<& #etermination of moisture content 6<6?748:>
dr( densit( relation usin$ li$ht compaction (Part&%II)
5& 7 do 7 7do7 heav( compaction 6<6?748:>
8& 9aborator( determination of permeabilit( 6<6?748::
4?& #etermination of linear shrin'a$e 6<6?748::
44& #etermination of p- value 6<6?748<=
46& #etermination of bearin$ capacit( of
shallow foundation& :;?=74854
4& "ommon burnt cla( buildin$ bric's 4?<<748<:
6& -and made common burnt cla( buildin$ bric's 644<748<>
=& urnt cla( buildin$ bric's, heav( dut( 645?7485>
;& urnt cla( buildin$ bric's, method of tests =;8>748<:
(part I to I%)
I& "ode of practice for bric' wor' 6646748:6
II& "ode of practice for rubble stone 4>8<748:<
(Part I)
4& -i$h stren$th deformed steel bars and 4<5:7485>
wires for concrete reinforcement
6& #eformed bar for concrete reinforcement, 44=8748::
hot rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel
=& *ild steel and medium tensile steel bars ;=674856
(Part& I)
;& 2ecommendation for detailin$ of >>6>748:8
reinforcement in reinforced concrete wor's
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
>& endin$ and fiAin$ of bars for concrete reinforcement 6>?6748:=
Si$nature of the Tenderer 4
:& "ode of practice for weldin$ of mild steel bar 6<>4748::
used for reinforced concrete construction
!. *ethod of samplin$ of steel for reinforced concrete& 4?<8?7485;
5& Structural steel 66:748<>
4& *ethod of measurement of buildin$ and 46??74886
"ivil .n$ineerin$ wor's (Part& I7CCIII)
4& +ire cloth test sieves ;:?7485>
(Part& I)
6& *ethods for dr( sievin$ 4:?<748:?
4& "ode of practice for desi$n and construction of 6844748<=
under reamed pile foundations (Part&III)
6& "ode of practice for desi$n and construction of 68>?748<=
raft foundations (Part&I)
=& #esi$n and construction of rin$ foundations 44?587485;
;& #esi$n and construction of machine foundations 68<;74856
>& Sub surface investi$ation for foundations 4586748<8
:& #esi$n and construction of simple spread foundations 445?7485?
<& "oncrete structures for stora$e of liBuids
a) General ==<?748:>
b) 2einforced concrete structures ==<?748:>
c) #esi$n tables ==<?748:>
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
A. P#$%& '() *+#(,#(- .',%/#'0&
4& Asbestos cement pressure pipes 4>8674858
Si$nature of the Tenderer 5
6& "ement "oncrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) ;>574855
=& -i$h #ensit( Pol(eth(lene pipes for ;85;7488>
potable water supplies, sewa$e&
;& Dnplasticised P%" pipes of potable water supplies ;85>74855
>& Prestressed concrete pipes <5;748<5
:& "entrifu$all( cast (Spun) Iron pressure pipes 4>=:74858
for water, $as and sewa$e
:a& centrifu$all( cost (Spun) #uctile Iron 5=687488;
pressure pipes for water, $as and sewa$e
:b& Glass 2einforced Plastic (G2P) pipes@ 2aw water 4;;?6
:c& Glass 2einforced Plastic (G2P) pipes@ "lear water 46<?87488;
<& -ori0ontall( cast iron double flan$ed pipes for <4547485:
water, $as and sewa$e
5& %erticall( cast iron pressure pipes for water, $as and sewa$e 4>=<748<:
8& "ast Iron fittin$s for pressure pipes for water, $as and sewa$e 4>=57488=
4?& "I Specials for use with Asbestos "ement pressure pipes >>=474855
44& *alleable "ast Iron Pipe fittin$s 45<8748:4
46& "aul'in$ lead <56748<5
4=& "ast Iron detachable joints for use with Asbestos 5<8;74855
4;& "ement pressure pipes&
4>& "ode of practice for la(in$ of Asbestos :>=?748<6
4:& 9a(in$ concrete pipes, code of practice <5=7485>
4<& 9a(in$, Eointin$ of -i$h #ensit( Pol(eth(lene pipes <:=;748<>
45& 9a(in$ and Eointin$ of unplasticised P%" pipes <:=;748<>
48& Surface boAes for sluice valves =8>?748<8
6?& 9a(in$ of "ast Iron pipes, "ode of practice =44;7485>
64& *ethod of tests for concrete pipes =>8<7485>
66& *anhole covers and frames, "ast Iron 4<6:74884
6=& +ater meters 6=<=74854
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
6;& #rin'in$ fountains 4<??748<=
6>& Ferrules for water services 6:86748<5
6:& *ethod of test for Asbestos "ement Products >84=74858
6<& #imensions for pipe thread >>;748<>
65& 2ubber 2in$ chords used in 2"" pipes T(pe76 of IS >=567485>
68& Sheet rubber jointin$ and rubber insertion jointin$ :=5748<8
=?& *ild steel tubes 46=87488?
Si$nature of the Tenderer 6
=4& -ot #ip 0inc coatin$s on steel tubes ;<=:7485:
=6& 2ubber Gas'et for use with Push7on Eoints
or *echanical joints for #uctile Iron Pressure Pipes& 4656?74858
4& Sluice valves for water wor's purposes <5?7485;
(>? to =?? mm si0e)
6& Sluice valves for water wor' purposes 68?:7485;
(=>? to 46?? mm si0e)
=& Swin$, chec' t(pe refluA (non return) >=467485;
;& #ouble Air valves G!G "atalo$ue
(#rawin$ -<)
4& Foot valves for water wor's purposes ;?=5748<8
6& +ater Suppl( in uildin$s, "ode of practice& 6?:>7485=
=& "ode of practice for selection, installation
and maintenance of sluice valves& 6:5>748<4
4& -ori0ontal centrifu$al pumps for 4>6?748<6
clear, cold, fresh water&
6& a) Submersible pumps 5?=;74858
b) Submersible motors 865=748<8
=& %ertical Turbine pumps for clear, 4<4?748<6
cold, fresh water&
;& Technical reBuirements for 2otod(namic >46?748<<
special purpose pumps
Sl&1o& Short Title I&S& "ode
1 2 3
4& %acuum feed t(pe "hlorination eBuipment 4?>>=7485=
4& Tube well construction, code of practice 65??748:;
6& Structural desi$n of sur$e tan's, code practice <=><748<;
=& Gre( Iron castin$s 64?748<5
;& 9eaded, Thin bron0e in$ots and castin$s& =45748:6
>& P%" insulated cables& :8;7488?
:& 2ecommended practice for -ot7dip
$alvani0in$ of Iron and Steel 6:68748::
Si$nature of the Tenderer 7
4& Structural safet( of buildin$s 5<>7 48:;
9oadin$ standards
6& Scaffolds, safet( code =:8:748::
=& 9adders, safet( code =:8:748::
;& Safet( code for eAcavation wor' =<:;748::
4& atch t(pe concrete *iAer 4<84748:5
6& Sheep foot roller ;:4:748:5
=& #&"& .lectric weldin$ $enerators 6:=>748::
;& "oncrete %ibrators7Immersible t(pe 6>?>748:5
2.1. S#,% W+/1
2.1.1.C0%'/#(- '() G/233#(-
The site for construction of head wor's and la(in$ pipe lines shall be cleared of all trees,
bushed, rubbish and other objectionable matter& Such cleared material shall be disposed off
in accordance with relevant I&S& and A&P&S&S& specifications& Sub7surface boulders either
loose or partl( embedded in $round will have to be removed, disposed7off as per the
directions of .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
2.2. P'4.%(,
Separate pa(ment will not be made for clearin$, $rubbin$ and removal of surface boulders&
The contractor shall include the cost there of in the price bid in the Schedule&
.arthwor' eAcavation for foundation of structures, under $round structures and pipelines shall
include in all t(pes of soils in wet or dr( conditions eAcept hard roc'& .arth wor' shall also
include refillin$ of trenches in successive la(ers of 4>? mm thic'& .ach la(er shall be properl(
compacted and consolidated, before the neAt la(er of earth or sand is put& 1o ballast or other
Si$nature of the Tenderer 8
hard material shall be allowed to be refilled& Surplus earth shall be disposed off and $round
leveled and dressed up as per instructions of .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
.arth wor' eAcavation and refillin$ for structures and pipelines should be done as per the
dimensions mentioned in the concerned drawin$s and with reference to relevant I&S& and
A&P&S&S& specifications&
If the pumpin$ or dewaterin$ of water is reBuired to be done at an( time durin$ eAcavation,
the contractor shall arran$e for such drainin$ b( eAcavatin$ channels, pumpin$ or other wise
and shall maintain such arran$ements to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer in char$e for
such a period as ma( be reBuired& The dischar$e of the dewaterin$ pumps shall be conve(ed
to drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinit( of the wor' site& All cost for such
arran$ements includin$ pumpin$ shall be borne b( the contractor and no eAtra pa(ment shall
be admissible for such operation
Si$nature of the Tenderer 9
5.1. S,+(% 6+/ M'&+(/4
The stones used for *asonr( shall conform to specification of clause ;&4 of I&S& 4>8< (part7I)
48:< in case of rubble masonr(& The stones of reBuired Bualit( shall be obtained from the
approved Buarries& The percenta$e of water absorption shall not eAceed >H b( wei$ht as
determined in accordance with I&S&446;748<;&
Samples of the stones from the stac's collected b( contractor will be tested for the standards
specified above and to other relevant I&S& and A&P&S&S& Sei$niora$e fee shall be recovered
from the bills of the contractor on the wor' done and measured with reference to Buantities
used in the wor's, if the contractor does not produce authori0ed proof of pa(ment of
sei$niora$e to the Government.
5.2. B/#71& 6+/ M'&+(/4
The bric's shall be hand or machine moulded& The( shall be sound, hard, and homo$eneous
in teAture, well burnt and shall $ive a clear rin$in$ sound when struc'& The( shall be clean,
free from warpin$, distortion, crac's, chips, flaws, stones and nodules of free lime& The
ph(sical characteristics should conform to I&S& =;8>748::& The bric's shall be of 6
Bualit( with a minimum compressive stren$th of ;? G$ 3cm6 and standard si0e&
5.3. S'() 6+/ M'&+(/4
Sand for mortar should conform to relevant specifications $iven in I&S&64::7485?& Sand
whose $radin$ falls outside the specified limits due to eAcess or deficienc( of coarse or fine
particles, ma( be processed to brin$ it to compl( with the reBuired standards&
5.5. C%.%(,
The cement used for constructions should be /rdinar( Portland "ement confirmin$ to
I&S&5?;4748<5& The "ement used should have been manufactured b( reputed companies
havin$ I&S&I& certification& .ach cement ba$ should contain the name of manufacture, I&S&I&
mar'in$ and date of manufacture& The cement shall be stored in accordance with I&S&;?567
5.8. W',%/
The specifications for water for use in mortar shall be as per clause 4?&6&
5.9. M+/,'/
"ement mortar miA of specified $rade should be used in the respective wor's conformin$ to
relevant I&S& specifications and A&P&S&S& *iAin$ shall be done thorou$hl(, preferabl( b(
mechanical miAer& +or'in$ consistenc( of the mortar reBuired should be in conformation to
clause 8&4&4 of I&s&66>?744854& Test of mortar cubes &:'00 3% performed as per AppendiA IA3
of I&S&66>?748:>& *ortar not conformin$ to standards, will not be allowed&
5.!. S,+(% M'&+(/4 W+/1
Stone *asonr( in $eneral, shall conform to the reBuirements of I&S&4>8<, code of practice for
stone masonr( and (part7I) 48:< for rubble stone masonr(, and I&S&4468748<6 specification
for dressin$ natural buildin$ stones& "urin$ should be invariabl( done as specified for a
minimum period of two wee's from the date of construction as per relevant I&S& specification
and A&P&S&S&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 10
5.;. B/#71 M'&+(/4 W+/1
ric' masonr( in $eneral should conform to the reBuirements of (I&S&46??7part&III) and
A&P&S&S Section > and shall be of $ood wor'manship&
5.<. C2/#(-
The curin$ shall be done as per clause 1o&4?&8&
8.1. C%.%(,
As per "lause :&;
8.2. W',%/
The water used in ma'in$ and curin$ of concrete, mortar and $rout shall be free from
objectionable Buantities of silts, or$anic matters, injurious amounts of oils, acids, salts and
other impurities, etc&, as per I&S& ;>:76??? and I&S& =?<>748:; in re$ard to permissible limit of
8.3. F#(% A--/%-',%
The sand used as fine a$$re$ate should contain clean, dense, durable, uncoated roc'
fra$ments and so much of coarser material as permitted in "lause ;&= of I&S& =5=748<? and
I&S& 6=5; (part7II) 48:= and most of which shall pass ;&<> mm I&S& sieve& All sand shall be
procured b( the contractor from an( approved sand Buarr(& Sei$niora$e should be recovered
from the bill, if the contractor does not produce the certificates of pa(ment of Government&
8.5. C+'/&% A--/%-',%
"oarse a$$re$ate desi$natin$ clear, well $raded a$$re$ate, most of which is retained on ;&<>
mm I&S& sieve, containin$ onl( such fin$er materials as permitted under "lause 6&6 of I&S, =5=
48<?& It shall consist of naturall( occurrin$ (crushed or uncrushed) stones and shall be hard,
stron$, durable, clean and free from veins and adherent coatin$ and free from injurious
amounts of disinte$rated pieces, ve$etative matter and other deleterious materials& It shall be
procured b( the contractor from an( of the approved source&
8.8. P/+7%&&#(- +6 R'= M',%/#'0&
It shall include screenin$, and washin$ as necessar( to produce sand and course a$$re$ate
conformin$ to the specifications mentioned in 4?&= and 4?&;&
8.9. C+(7/%,#(- W+/1
The batchin$ of concretin$ should be done b( volume batchin$ with due notice to the
.n$ineer7in7"har$e before 6; hours of batchin$&
The $radin$ of a$$re$ate will be controlled b( obtainin$ the coarse a$$re$ate in different
si0es and blendin$ them in ri$ht proportions with necessar( water cement ratio as per I&S&
;>:76??? to $ive the desired stren$th and water ti$htness& The miAin$, transportation,
placin$, finishin$ and curin$ shall be done accordin$ to the relevant specifications of I&S& ;>:7
6???, I&S& ==<?748:> (part I7I%) and A&P&S&S& Section ;& The contractor should provide,
maintain and operate the eBuipment as reBuired for batchin$ and miAin$ operations&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 11
8.!. F+/. W+/1
Form wor' should be used wherever necessar( to confine the concrete and shape it to the
reBuired line& The contractor shall $et and maintain concrete form, so as to ensure completed
wor' is within the applicable tolerance limit prescribed in clause 4? of I&S& ;>:76???& The wor'
shall be of steel, pl( wood or well seasoned timber lined with *&S& sheet& The form wor' shall
be removed at intervals as specified in I&S& ;>:76???&
8.;. R%#(6+/7#(- B'/&
2einforcin$ bars shall be placed in the concrete as detailed in the drawin$s and as directed
b( the .n$ineer7in7char$e& Dnless shown otherwise on the drawin$s, the reinforcement to be
used shall be -JS# or "T# bars of Fe ;4> conformin$ to I&S& 4<5:748<8& The bars shall be
bent and fiAed in accordance with the procedure specified in I&S& 6>?6748:=& 2einforcement
will be inspected for compliance, with the reBuirements as to si0e, shape, len$th, spacin$,
position placement and fabrication before bein$ covered with concrete& The bars shall be
cleaned of heav(, flac'(, rust, loose mill scale, dirt, $rease or other forei$n substance which
are objectionable before coverin$ with concrete& The contractor shall ta'e prior approval of
.n$ineer7in7"har$e on the Bualit( and suitabilit( of the bars dul( producin$ test certificate
from manufacturers units&
8.<. C2/#(-
The contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all wor' reBuired for curin$ concrete&
The curin$ should be done for at least 65 da(s for the time the concrete has attained
sufficient set and as per clause 46&> of I&S& ;>:76???&
9.1. S'() 6+/ P0'&,%/#(- '() P+#(,#(-:
Generall( sand shall conform to item 1o&:&= above in addition to the followin$ $radin$s&
P%/7%(,'-% +6 =%#-:, $'&&#(-
S.N+. S#%?% I.S. S#%?%
D%&#-(',#+( C0'&& A C0'&& B
4& ;&<> mm 4?? 4??
6& 6&=: mm 8? to 4?? 8? to 4??
=& 4&45 mm <? to 4?? <? to 4??
;& :?? *icrons ;? to 5> ;? to 8>
>& =?? *icrons > to >? 4 to :>
:& 4>? *icrons ? to 4? ? to 4>
Si$nature of the Tenderer 12
For the purpose of indicatin$ the suitabilit( for use, the sand is classified as class7A and class
in accordance with the limits of $radin$& "lass IAK sands shall be used $enerall( for
plasterin$ and pointin$, and when the( are not available, class IK sands ma( be used with
the approval of .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
9.2. P0'&,%/#(- W+/1
The plasterin$ wor' shall conform to I&S& 6=8;748:> and the A&P&S&S& sec&1o&8 for Bualit(,
wor'manship, etc& The plasterin$ shall be 46 mm thic' on even side and 6?mm thic' on
uneven side includin$ fine renderin$ for bric' masonr(& In case of stone masonr( 6? mm thic'
plasterin$ should be provided on both sides& Suitable approved water proofin$ compounds
shall be used, whenever water ti$htness is reBuired&
9.3. P+#(,#(- W+/1
The pointin$ wor' for stone masonr( shall conform, to A&P&S&S& section 8 and relevant I&S&
specifications& The t(pe of pointin$ wor' shall be in accordance with the specifications
provided in the tender schedule&
9.5. F0++/#(-
The floorin$ should be 5?mm thic' with * <&> $rade concrete and "" (4@6@;) ;? mm thic' laid
over it and plastered with "m (4@=) 46 mm thic' in all buildin$s and pumpin$ stations havin$
installation capacit( up to 4? -&P& pump sets& For hi$her capacit( pumpin$ station * 4> $rade
concrete of 4??mmthic'ness with nominal reinforcement of ?&46H cross sectional area shall
be provided& The plasterin$ over this concrete should be in "* (4@=) 6? mm thic' as per Item
< and "ement "oncrete bed as per Item 4?&
!.1. P'#(,#(-
All the wood wor's pipes, pipin$ eBuipment, steel doors, windows, rollin$ shutters, etc&, shall
be $iven 6 coast of best enamel paint of approved Bualit( and shade includin$ one primar(
coat of white lead in case of wood wor' and red oAide in case of *&S& surfaces& All
eBuipmentKs in the open shall be $iven 6 coast of best enamel paint or an( other paint of
approved Bualit( over primar( coat of white lead& All under water surfaces shall be painted
with anti7corrosive paints& The paints of wood and steel shall be done accordin$ to the
specifications of A&P&S&S& Section 1o&46 and relevant I&S& specifications&
!.2. C+0+2/ W'&:#(- '() W:#,% W'&:#(-
All "ivil Structures li'e buildin$s, treatment plants, 2einforced cement concrete reservoirs,
etc&, shall be coated with two coats of colour washin$ of approved Bualit( and shade or white
washin$ over a primar( coat of white colour as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e or as
mentioned in the contract&
The colour 3 white washin$ should be done in conformation to A&P&S&S&1o&8?5 and 8?8 as the
case ma( be and relevant I&S& specifications&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 13
!.3. M%'&2/%.%(,
The wor' paintin$, colour washin$ and white washin$ shall be measured in sBuare meters of
the surface treated&
;.1. S,%%0 S:2,,%/&
The doors, windows for pumpin$ stations, etc&, should be made of best Bualit( *&S& sheets of
suitable $au$e as directed b( .n$ineer7in7"har$e and frames with necessar( steel fiAtures,
tower bolts, hin$es, and aldrops, handles loc'in$ arran$ements, includin$ loc' and 'e(&
2ollin$ shutters shall be provided wherever necessar( as directed b( .n$ineer7ion7"har$e&
The doors and shutters should conform to A&P&S&S& of Section 1o&44?< and 44?5 respectivel(
and relevant I&S& specifications&
The wor' will be measured item7wise continuousl( b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e as per the
standard measurement procedures laid down in I&S& 46?? CCIII (6= parts), includin$ all
amendments up to and as on date of measurement&

1@.1. G%(%/'0
This clause should be read in conjunction with relevant clause in conditions of contract of
%olume 7 I& The contract shall include the cost of accessories tests to be carried out and all
incidental char$es as reBuired for enforcin$ strin$ent Bualit( control measures so as to ensure
the Bualit( of materials supplied as well as civil construction& Simultaneous Lualit( control will
be enforced b( the "hief .n$ineer (2+S), the %i$ilance cum Bualit( control win$ of
Pancha(ati 2aj .n$ineerin$ #epartment or Third part( as decided and appointed b( the
department& "learance authorit( for all the materials procured and supplied b( the contractor
for use on the wor' shall be decided b( the #epartment from time to time& "ontinuous control
measures will be enforced ri$ht from $roundin$ of the wor' to commissionin$& The standard
tests to ensure Bualit( of construction will be carried out both at field level and departmental
laboratories or at an( reco$nised laborator( at the cost of contractor& The materials
mentioned hereunder shall include cement, steel, form wor', a$$re$ates, bric's, stone, water
pipes, specials, valves, pumps, connections and an( other materials used in the
implementation of project&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 14
All materials incorporated, all methods adopted and all wor's performed shall be strictl( in
accordance with reBuirements of the specifications& The contractor shall set up a laborator(
and eBuip the same with adeBuate eBuipment and personnel to carr(out all reBuired tests and
Bualit( control of +or's as per specifications or as directed b( .n$ineer& The internal la(out
of the laborator(, and list of eBuipment shall be $ot approved b( the .n$ineer in advance& The
Bualit( control procedures, tests to be carried out as laid down in relevant I&S& specifications
hold $ood in this contract&
1@.2. T%&,#(- '() '$$/+?'0 +6 .',%/#'0
The contractor shall furnish test certificate from the manufacturer 3 supplier of materials alon$
with each batch of material delivered to site&
In case of pumps, he should plan the procurement of materials and notif( the "hief .n$ineer
(2+S) at least 4> da(s before date of dispatch of materials from the manufacturer 3 supplier
so that the Bualit( control win$ of the department or the deputies of "hef .n$ineer (2+S),
Pancha(ati 2aj will verif( the Bualit( of the material and onl( on issue of test certificate for the
whole batch of suppl(, the material should be lifted and delivered at site& The contractor
should arran$e all facilities of testin$ at the manufacturin$ firm dul( producin$ the written
concurrence of the producer for enablin$ the Lualit( "ontrol personnel to test the materials
with the help of manufacturersK testin$ eBuipment& In case of third part( inspection, the
contractor has to borne all the inspection char$es and other incidental char$es& The
procurement should be planned well in advance and dela( to wor's arisin$ from the dela( in
clearance of materials b( Lualit( "ontrol personnel will not be acceptable as a reason for
dela( in completion of wor's& The materials should not be utilised on wor' without prior
approval of .n$ineer7in7"har$e and the contractor should arran$e at his cost for testin$ the
material both at site and at an( reco$ni0ed laborator( if insisted b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e
even after clearance of materials b( Bualit( control a$enc(&
1@.3. S'.$0#(- +6 .',%/#'0&
Samples provided to the .n$ineer or his representative for their retention are to be in labeled
boAes suitable for stora$e& Samples reBuired for approval and testin$ must be supplied well in
advance at least ;5 hours to allow for testin$ and approval& #ela( to wor's arisin$ from the
late submission of samples will not be acceptable as a reason for dela( in the completion of
the wor'& For all materials brou$ht from abroad, the cost of samplin$3testin$ whether in India
or abroad shall be borne b( the "ontractor&
1@.5. R%*%7,#+( +6 .',%/#'0& (+, 7+(6+/.#(- ,+ ,:% &$%7#6#7',#+(&
An( stac' or batch of material(s) of which sample(s) does not conform to the prescribed I&S&
Specifications, tests, Bualit( and found shall be rejected b( the .n$ineer or his representative
and such materials shall be removed from site b( the contractor at his own cost& Such
Si$nature of the Tenderer 15
rejected materials shall not be made acceptable b( an( modifications& *aterials not
correspondin$ in character and Bualit( with approved samples will be rejected b( the
.n$ineer or his representative and shall be removed from site at the "ontractorKs own cost&
1@.8. T%&,#(- '() '$$/+?'0 +6 $0'(, '() %A2#$.%(,
All plant and eBuipment used for preparin$, testin$ and production of materials for
incorporation into the permanent wor's shall be in accordance with specifications and shall be
$ot approved b( the .n$ineer before use&
1@.9. M%,:+) +6 S,',%.%(,
The contractor shall furnish to the .n$ineer for approval a Imethod of statementK for all items
of wor' well in advance before the date of the commencement of wor', which shall include
the followin$@
a) The method of construction
b) The Buantit( and Bualit( of materials proposed to be used for construction&
c) *anpower and supervision to be deplo(ed&
d) The details of construction eBuipment includin$ the specifications and the number&
e) #etails of the form wor' includin$ materials, desi$n, erection and strippin$ time&
f) *ethods of preparation, transportation and placement of concrete includin$
proposed output per hour&
$) *ethod of consolidation of concrete7t(pe and number of vibrators alon$ with
standb( vibrators&
h) #etails of construction joints&
i) *ethod of bendin$ and t(in$ reinforcement includin$ surface preparation, if
j) The t(pe of surface finish reBuired&
') The period and method of curin$&
l) The t(pe of on7site tests and their freBuenc( and number of samples for each test&
m) SeBuence of operations with related time c(cle&
An( modifications su$$ested b( the .n$ineer shall be incorporated forth with& -owever, the
contractor shall be responsible for all wor'manship and timel( completion of wor'&
N+,%: The drawin$s for the foundation ! super structure of all structures are based on the
assumed bearin$ capacit( of soils& The contractor shall $et the foundation ! super structure
desi$ns of all structures approved b( the department as per the site conditions and eAecute
the wor' for an( variations in the Buantities in such approved desi$ns&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 16
11.1. G%(%/'0
The si0e of the Pump -ouse, dimensions, reinforcement details are as $iven in the drawin$s
of %olume I (P'/,C C) of tender schedule&
11.2. S'() 6#00#(-
=?? mm depth sand fillin$ shall be done beneath foundation concrete of column
11.3. F+2()',#+( C+(7/%,%
As per the item 4?&4 to 4?&< and 4?&8, the foundation concrete with P"" (4@;@5) usin$ ;? mm
si0e -G metal for columns and 22 masonr( wall&
11.5. R%#(6+/7%.%(, C+(7/%,%
As per item 4?,For footin$, "olumn, plinth beam, lintels, beams and slab M2@ $rade concrete
with 6? mm -G metal shall be used&

11.8. B/#71 M'&+(/4
As per item :&6 to :&:, and :&5 to :&8, ric' masonr( in "&* (4@:) shall be used for super
structure usin$ 6
class bric's&
11.9. D++/& '() W#()+=&
Fabricated *S door3S'0 W++) as directed b( the department of si0e 4&6? A 6&4? mm usin$
4mm $ua$e *S plate includin$ frame and shutters with all fiAtures and fastenin$s i&e&, tower
bolts confirmin$ IS 6?;748<; door handles conformin$ to IS 6?5748<6 with all drop and
approved t(pe of loc'in$ arran$ements as per IS specifications and painted with s(nthetic
enamel paint two coats over a primar( coat& Fabricated *S windows3Sal +ood as directed b(
the department of si0e 6&? A 4&>? mts includin$ frame and shutters with all necessar( fiAtures
and fastenin$s, hin$es etc&,
11.!. P0'&,%/#(- D P+#(,#(-
As per item <&6, Plasterin$ with "* (4@>) 46 mm thic' shall be done to super structure and
flush paintin$ with "* (4@=) for 2&2&*asonr( basement&
11.;. F0++/#(-
As per item <&;
11.<. P'#(,#(-
As per item 5, and the doors and windows are paintin$ with primar( coat of red oAide over
which two coats of enamel paintin$ shall be done&
11.1@. C+0+/ ='&:#(-
As per Item 5&6, and all the Super structure plastered walls and plastered basement shall be
finished with snow cem paint two coats over a primar( coat of white cement&
11.11 RR M'&+(/4
As per item ;&4 for the asement
Si$nature of the Tenderer 17
.arth wor' eAcavation should be as per the dimension specified in the drawin$ or b( the
.n$ineer7in7"har$e, and shall conform to SS =?5 of A&P&S&S&
In firm soils the sides of the eAcavation shall be 'ept vertical up to a depth of 6 meters and for
$reater depth the eAcavation shall be widened b( allowin$ steps of >?? mm around the
diameter at ever( 6 meters depth& +here the soil is soft loose or slush(, the width and depth
of the steps shall be suitabl( altered or the side slopes are shored up as directed b( the
.n$ineer7in7"har$e& .arth wor' is as per item >&
It shall be responsibilit( of the contractor to ta'e complete instructions in writin$ from
.n$ineer7in7"har$e re$ardin$ the steppin$, slopin$ or shortin$ to be done for eAcavation
$reater than 6 meters (APSS =?5&4&6)&+herever de waterin$ is necessar(, it should be done
as per the directions of the .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
If the pumpin$ or dewaterin$ of water is reBuired to be done at an( time durin$ eAcavation,
the contractor shall arran$e for such drainin$ b( eAcavatin$ channels, pumpin$ or other wise
and shall maintain such arran$ements to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer in char$e for
such a period as ma( be reBuired& The dischar$e of the dewaterin$ pumps shall be conve(ed
to drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinit( of the wor' site& All cost for such
arran$ements includin$ pumpin$ shall be borne b( the contractor and no eAtra pa(ment shall
be admissible for such operation
The Floorin$ for the Pump -ouse should be provided with Tea' wood plan's of si0e
?&:?C?&?;* Thic' section supported over 6 1os of IS* Girders of si0e as specified in
#rawin$s at the desi$ned spacin$ and also *&S an$les of si0e 4??A4??A5mm for supportin$
wooden plan's at ?&:?m c3c spacin$ as $iven in #rawin$s and as per ISI specifications&
%2""(4@4M@=) usin$ 6?mm -G metal and reBuired steel as per drawin$ and departmental
direction & Accoproof Plasterin$ with "&* (4@=) 46mm thic' shall be provided to the top slab &

This shall conform to relevant specifications of APSS& This is $enerall( constructed with
%ibrated 2einforced cement concrete of *6? $rade i&e& (4@4436@=) as per the #esi$ns and
drawin$s provided &This should have been fiAed with *&S door of si0e 4&6? A 6&4? mts and
*&S windows 6 1os of si0e ?&8 A 4&6? mts includin$ frame and Shutters usin$ 4mm $au$e
*&S&plate with all fiAtures and fastenin$s as per standard I&S& code and APSS& The door
should have loc' and 'e( arran$ement& The doors and windows should be painted with 6
coats of S(nthetic enamel paint over a primar( coat of red oAide&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 18
12.8. ROOF
The roof slab should be provided to a specified Thic'ness as shown in drawin$s with %ibrated
2einforced cement concrete * 6? $rade concrete and necessar( steel reinforcement, as per
standard I&S& codes and APSS& Full water ti$htness should be there without an( dampness or
lea'a$es& Accoproof Plasterin$ with "&* (4@=) 46mm thic' shall be provided to the top slab of
the Pump -ouse&
Plasterin$ in "* (4@=) 46mm thic' should be provided to superstructure of pumpin$ station
both sides, the inside and out side surface of the well steinin$ above the water level& The
plasterin$ should conform to item <, and the relevant specification of APSS& Snowcem
Paintin$ in two coats over a Primar( coat shall be provided to the Plastered Surface& And as
per item 5&
Aluminum 9adder as shown in #rawin$ shall be fiAed inside the Inta'e +ell&
13.1. GENERAL:
.arth +or' eAcavation in all t(pes of soils eAceptional to a depth as shown in drawin$ in wet
or dr( conditions and levelin$ course of "" (4@;@5) usin$ ;? mm -G metal with =?? mm
thic'ness over =?? mm thic' sand fillin$&
If the pumpin$ or dewaterin$ of water is reBuired to be done at an( time durin$ eAcavation,
the contractor shall arran$e for such drainin$ b( eAcavatin$ channels, pumpin$ or other wise
and shall maintain such arran$ements to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer7in7"har$e for such
a period as ma( be reBuired& The dischar$e of the dewaterin$ pumps shall be conve(ed to
drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinit( of the wor' site& All cost for such
arran$ements includin$ pumpin$ shall be borne b( the contractor and no eAtra pa(ment shall
be admissible for such operation&
2aft Slab with %2""(4@4M@=) concrete usin$ 6? mm -G metal with thic'ness as shown in
drawin$ with reBuired steel as shown in drawin$ shall be provided& -aunches with reBuired
steel as per desi$n and #rawin$s shall be provided&
Sidewalls to the Sumps shall be constructed with %2""(4@4M@=) concrete usin$ 6? mm -G
metal with reBuired steel to a specified thic'ness as shown in drawin$s&
13.8. COLUMNS:
%2""(4@4M@=) concrete columns shall be provided where it is found necessar( as per
desi$ns at specified interval with reBuired Buantit( of steel as shown in the #rawin$s&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 19
%2""(4@4M@=) concrete usin$ 6? mm -G metal the dimensions and steel details as per the
"ement mortar with (4@=) of 46 mm thic' is down for the outside eAposed portion&
"ement mortar with (4@=) of 46 mm thic' usin$ Accoproof powder if 4 G$ for one ba$ of
cement for the complete inside of the tan' includin$ top dome and annular slab&
Two coats of snowcem paint of approved colours over primar( coat of all eAposed portion of
the sump&
The inlet pipe connection consist of duc' foot bend, bell mouth, with reBuired len$th of "I #3F
pipe of dia as shown in drawin$&
*anhole covers as per Standard Specifications, %entilators, 2"" Phenol and adder as per
drawin$s shall be provided&
13.11. TESTING:
Testin$ structure for water ti$htness as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7char$e
The "ontractor shall Buote the rate for the complete wor' of constructin$ 2einforced cement
concrete Ground level service reservoir to be carried out as per departmental desi$n based
on above data i&e& he shall tender the rate in Schedule for construction of elevated tan' of
reBuired capacit( includin$ fiAin$ pipes specials valves and providin$ and fiAin$ li$htnin$
conductor, "&I& manhole frame and cover, water level indicator, ventilator etc&, complete& In
case of an( dama$e 3 failure either durin$ construction, testin$ or after commissionin$,
whether due to fault( desi$n or defective construction, all repairs or reconstruction of the
structure shall have to be carried out b( the contractor, entirel( at his own ris' and cost&
1o claim for such repairs 3 reconstruction shall be entertained&
The contractor at his own cost shall provide necessar( housin$ accommodation and the
sanitar( arran$ement for his staff and labour and shall pa( direct to the authorities concerned
all rates, taAes, ro(alties and other char$es& The contractor shall also compl( with the
reBuirement of the -ealth #epartment as re$ards antimalaria measures etc& The wor' order
boo' shall be maintained on site of wor' and the orders $iven b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e shall
be si$ned and carried out b( the contractor& The contractor shall construct a temporar( shed
of about 6? sB&m for use as an office for inspection of wor's within =? da(s of wor' order& The
Si$nature of the Tenderer 20
contractor shall also furnish the office with furniture which shall be the propert( of the
+ater reBuired for the eAecution of wor' and for the water ti$htness test of the reservoir shall
be supplied b( the contractor at his own cost in manner satisfactor( to the .n$ineer7in7
"har$e of wor'&
All materials to be used shall conform to the relevant specifications as per the latest version of
Indian Standards, unless other wise stated in the detailed specifications of items of wor'&
+henever a reference to an( I&S& appears in specifications it shall be ta'en to mean as a
reference to the latest versions of the standard&
The wor' under this contract includes the suppl( of material at site of wor' or store as
specified includin$ railwa( frei$ht, loadin$ cartin$, unloadin$, stac'in$ as directed, insurance,
local and other taAes etc&
The contractor shall be responsible for observin$ the laws, rules and re$ulations under the
)*inor *ineral Acts, and such other laws and rules prescribed b( the Government from time
to time&
The h(draulic test of water retainin$ structure shall have to be $iven b( the contractor without
an( eAtra cost& The fillin$ of the reservoir shall be carried out $raduall( at the rate not
eAceedin$ =? cm rise in water level per hour and shall not eAceed 6&? meter in 6; hours and
total period of <6 hours& 2ecords of lea'a$es startin$ at different level of water in the reservoir
if an( shall be 'ept& The reservoir once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for seven da(s
before an( readin$s drop in water level are recorded& The level of the water shall be recorded
a$ain at subseBuent intervals of 6; hours over a period of seven da(s shall be ta'en as an
indication of the water ti$htness of the reservoir, which for all practical purposes shall not
eAceed ;? mm&
If the structure does not satisf( the condition of test and the dail( drop in water level is
increasin$ the period of test ma( be eAtended for a period of seven da(s and if the specified
limit is then reached, the structure ma( be considered as satisfactor(&
If, even after eAtendin$ the period of test, the drop is more than permissible, the contractor
should empt( the reservoir, rectif( the defects in tan', b( replasterin$ wherever necessar(,
appl(in$ water proofin$ paint etc& and $iven the water ti$htness test till the drop in level is
within permissible limit& This shall be repeated at the cost of the contractor without claimin$
eAtra cost&
An( dela( in $ivin$ water7ti$htness will invite penal action under relevant clauses of the
tender a$reement&
The contractor shall provide cement plaster to the eAternal faces of the 2eservoir in "* (4@=)
46 mm thic'&
15.3.1. G%(%/'0
Si$nature of the Tenderer 21
The tender is inclusive of necessar( eAcavation in all t(pes of soft and hard strata, lean
concrete below foundation, foundation concrete, 2einforced cement concrete 2aft
32einforced cement concrete footin$s, container tan', covered with 2einforced cement
concrete roof slab 3dome, with 2einforced cement concrete %entilator in the roof, 2einforced
cement concrete stair case, or *&S& ladder, li$htnin$ conductor, G&I& Pipe railin$, fiAin$ of pipe
assembl(, valves, construction of bric' *asonr( chambers, providin$ and la(in$ 2einforced
cement concrete pipe line for drain, cement plaster for tan' from inside with water proofin$
material, neat finishin$, cement based paint from outside, reservoir capacit(, name of the
scheme etc&, on bod( wall of the tan'&
15.3.2. C0%'/#(- +6 S#,%
efore startin$ the wor' the site shall be cleared of, all shrubs, $rass and other ve$etation
includin$ lar$e and small bushes, all stumps, removal of roots, cuttin$ and disposal of small
trees up to =?? mm $irth etc& (The $irth shall be measured at a hei$ht of 4&> meters above
Ground level)& The site to be cleared shall consist of the entire area reBuired to be cut down
to accommodate the reservoir& The contractor shall ma'e themselves familiar with the local
rules and re$ulations pertainin$ to land clearance, special reBuirements of forest areas,
whenever applicable, and the wor' shall be carried out in strict accordance there with&
15.3.3. EE7'?',#+(
The side slopes of cuttin$ shall $enerall( have the followin$ slopes for stabilit(&
6= 4@4 slope for eAcavation in cla(, murrum, boulders etc&
6= ?&>@ 4 slope for eAcavation in hard murrum&
6= 1o slope will be allowed for soft and hard roc'& If however, the strata met with can
sustain safet(, steeper slopes than those mentioned above, and then such steeper
slopes ma( be permitted with the prior written permission of the .n$ineer7in7"har$e
of the wor'&
15.3.5. D%=',%/#(- +/ P2.$#(-
If the pumpin$ or dewaterin$ of water is reBuired to be done at an( time durin$ eAcavation,
the contractor shall arran$e for such drainin$ b( eAcavatin$ channels, pumpin$ or other wise
and shall maintain such arran$ements to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer7in7"har$e for such a
period as ma( be reBuired& The dischar$e of the dewaterin$ pumps shall be conve(ed to
drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinit( of the wor' site& All cost for such
arran$ements includin$ pumpin$ shall be borne b( the contractor and no eAtra pa(ment shall
be admissible for such operation&
15.3.8. S:+/#(-
/pen cuttin$s shall suitabl( shored, sheeted and braced, if reBuired b( the .n$ineer or b( site
conditions or to meet local laws, for protectin$ life, propert( adjoinin$ wor' site& AdeBuate
Si$nature of the Tenderer 22
shorin$ and struttin$ shall be provided b( the contractors at their own cost, warped or
deformed timber shall not be used& The shorin$ shall project at least 4>? mm above $round
level and shall eAtend to a suitable depth below the bottom& +herever necessar( the plan's
or struts shall be driven b( compressed air pile drivers& The plan' shall be fiAed close enou$h
to avoid an( runnin$ in of sand or earth throu$h the joints& The shorin$ material shall not be of
si0es less than those specified below, unless steel sheet pilin$ is used or unless approved b(
the .n$ineer in writin$&
a) Plan's > cm thic'
b) +allin$ pieces 4? cm A 6? cm
c) Struts 4> cm A 6? cm
For wallin$ pieces round timber shall not be allowed& In a vertical plane, there shall be at least
three struts or more as directed b( the .n$ineer& The( shall rest on wallin$ pieces& The
spacin$ of the struts shall be as per the reBuirement& At the bottom, eAtra struts shall have to
be provided if ordered b( the .n$ineer7in7char$e&
The eAcavated material shall be transported b( the contractors and stac'ed at suitable places
as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7char$e& The stac's shall be made out side the area of
eAcavation and shall not endan$er the wor' in an( wa( and shall avoid the obstruction to
footpaths, road7drivewa(s, h(drants, access to the properties and wor' sites& "utter shall be
'ept clear& 1atural water courses shall not be obstructed& Separate stac's shall be formed for
a) 2ubble considered suitable for masonr( wor' or road wor'
b) 2ubble of inferior Bualit( and boulders
c) Soft roc', earth murum
d) 2od spoils up to 4>? mm si0e&
15.3.9. G%(%/'0 R%A2#/%.%(,&
"ement concrete shall be in accordance with IS ;>:76??? and IS7==<?& Fine and coarse
a$$re$ates shall be conformin$ to IS =5=748<?, or its latest revision& The selection of the t(pe
of fine and coarse a$$re$ates to be actuall( used shall be as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7
"har$e& The proportion of fine and coarse a$$re$ates and water to be actuall( used shall be
such as to produce dense concrete of the reBuired standard&
15.3.!. C.I. A&&%.304 +6 F0'(-%) P#$%& '() S$%7#'0& D S02#7% V'0?%&
C #etailed drawin$ showin$ the pipe assembl( with pipe specials, valves etc&, shall be
obtained from the owner before fiAin$ the pipes, specials, and valves verticall( and
hori0ontall(& The drawin$ shall also show b(e pass arran$ement from incomin$ main to
distribution, as also the drainin$ of overflow and washout&
For duc' foot bends plain concrete bloc's of adeBuate si0e and in *4> $rade shall be
provided b( contractor& These concrete bloc's shall rest on firm $round (and not on refilled
soil) or on the raft slab and shall have a minimum depth of :?? mm& The width of the bloc'
shall be such that it should have an offset of 4>? mm on all sides&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 23
Thrust bloc's of adeBuate si0e and in *74> $rade shall also be provided wherever reBuired or
as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e& All the "&I& flan$ed pipes, specials ! Sluice valves,
*&-& Frame and covers as per reBuirement shall be brou$ht b( the contractor&
The pipes before usin$ shall be cleaned properl( from inside& The vertical pipes shall be fiAed
eAactl( in plumb& The hori0ontal flan$ed and 3 or S ! S pipes shall be laid to proper $rade and
ali$nment& The flan$ed pipes and specials and sluice valves shall be jointed b( means of nuts
and bolts, washers, and = mm thic' three pl( rubber pac'in$ with hub boc'& The S ! S joints
shall be made with rubber $as'et or pi$ lead as directed& The sluice valve shall be fiAed on
hori0ontal pipe line for inlet and outlet, washout suitable pipes supplied b( the owner as
specified in the drawin$ shall be provided laid and jointed b( the contractor for a len$th up to
4?m from the outer peripher( of the container& This wor' includes $ivin$ satisfactor( h(draulic
test to the reBuired head of water and all materials, eBuipment and labour shall be arran$ed
b( the contractor at his own cost& The hori0ontal pipes shall have minimum cover of 4&?m,
chambers of adeBuate si0e and hei$ht 3 depth as reBuired shall be constructed for sluice
valve in "&"(4@=@:)& The foundation concrete shall be 4>? mm thic' in *7<&> in "&* (4@;)& The
inside shall be cement plastered in "* (4@;) 4??mm thic' 2einforced cement concrete slab is
to be cast in situ with 2einforced cement concrete pre7fabricated manhole cover of ?&:m A
?&:m with liftin$ arran$ements&
15.5.1. GENERAL
The specification la(s down the reBuirement of material and labour reBuired for water level
The contractor shall provide at cost all the parts of water level indicator, which shall be $ot
approval of .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
4>? mm side enameled $au$e plate 3 wooden plate with Formica top to read accuratel( up to
?&4* alternate division bein$ printed in different colors& The hei$ht shall be eBual to full depth
of water in /&-&S&2& 3 G&9&S&2& rass pulle(s and copper wire = mm dia 3 n(lon strin$ of
adeBuate stren$th if permitted b( .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
a) Indicator arrow painted in shinin$ color with $uide&
b) "opper 3 G&I& float of ?&; dia&
c) "ounter 3 G&I& float of ?&; dia&
Access from G&9& to roof shall be provided&
G&I& Pipe railin$ at roof level shall be provided as per drawin$&
1ame of the project and "apacit( of 2einforced cement concrete Ground level service
reservoir shall be painted on the container& At least two "&I& manhole frame and cover with
Si$nature of the Tenderer 24
loc'in$ arran$ement shall be provided dia$onall( in opposite directions with ladder for
enterin$ into the container for maintenance purpose& The si0e of manhole shall be 8?? mm A
;>? mm, medium dut( conformin$ to I&S&4<6:4884&
9i$htnin$ arrestor shall be provided at the hi$hest level on the roof of the tan' as per IS@
6=?848:8, a "ode of practice for protection of buildin$s and allied structures a$ainst
li$htnin$& Position and hei$ht of li$htnin$ arrestor shall be such that the whole structure shall
be enclosed within cone havin$ its apeA at top end of the arrestor and $enerated b( a line
inclined at :? de$rees to the vertical& The arrestor shall be suitabl( earthen&
The roof of the tan' shall be ventilated b( providin$ cowls or five shaft ventilators 4&?? meter A
4&> meter hi$h with mosBuito proof net, for ventilators& The net shall be fiAed with proper
framin$& %entilation area shall not be less than ?&?;H of the water surface when cowl t(pe
ventilators are provided&
46 mm thic' water proof plaster in "* (4@=) shall be provided on the inner sides of the
container and top of the floor slab of the container usin$ minimum 4 G$& of water proofin$
powder per ba$ of cement or as per manufacturerKs specifications used for preparin$ mortar
for plasterin$&
Providin$ ! fiAin$ Aluminum 9adder of ;? cm wide shall be provided b( the contractor for
$ettin$ inside the water tan' from roof of tan'&
All necessar( jointin$ materials for pipe assembl( GI pipe railin$, *S ladder etc&, shall be
provided b( the contractor at his own cost&
Snowcem paint of approved shade shall be applied in two coats over a primar( coat of white
cement to whole structure eAternall(&
For water ti$htness and stabilit( test, an amount eBual to >H from each pa(ment will be
withheld& This amount will be in addition to securit( deposit& This will onl( be released after
satisfactor( water ti$htness test (as specified in I&S& ==<?) is $iven&
The "ontractor shall Buote the rate for the complete wor' of constructin$ 2einforced cement
concrete /ver head service reservoir to be carried out as per departmental desi$n based on
above data i&e& he shall tender the rate in Schedule for construction of elevated tan' of
reBuired capacit( includin$ fiAin$ pipes specials valves and providin$ and fiAin$ li$htnin$
conductor, "&I& manhole frame and cover, water level indicator, ventilator etc&, complete&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 25
In case of an( dama$e 3 failure either durin$ construction testin$ or after commissionin$,
whether due to defective construction, all repairs or reconstruction of the structure shall have
to be carried out b( the contractor, entirel( at his own ris' and cost&
1o claim for such repairs 3 reconstruction shall be entertained&
The contractor at his own cost shall provide necessar( housin$ accommodation and the
sanitar( arran$ement for his staff and labour and shall pa( minimum wa$es as per labour act
in force direct to the authorities concerned all rates, taAes, ro(alties and other char$es& The
contractor shall also compl( with the reBuirement of the -ealth #epartment as re$ards
antimalaria measures etc& The wor' order boo' shall be maintained on site of wor' and the
orders $iven b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e shall be si$ned and carried out b( the contractor& The
contractor shall construct a temporar( shed of about 6? sB&m for use as an office for
inspection of wor's within =? da(s of wor' order& The contractor shall also furnish the office
with furniture which shall be the propert( of the contractor& +ater reBuired for the eAecution of
wor' and for the water ti$htness test of the reservoir shall be supplied b( the contractor at his
own cost in manner satisfactor( to the .n$ineer7in7"har$e of wor'& All materials to be used
shall conform to the relevant specifications as per the latest version of Indian Standards,
unless other wise stated in the detailed specifications of items of wor'& +henever a reference
to an( I&S& appears in specifications it shall be ta'en to mean as a reference to the latest
versions of the standard with its amendments& The wor' under this contract includes the
suppl( of material at site of wor' or store as specified includin$ railwa( frei$ht, loadin$ cartin$,
unloadin$, stac'in$ as directed, insurance, local and other taAes etc& The contractor shall be
responsible for observin$ the laws rules and re$ulations under the )*inor *ineral Acts, and
such other laws and rules prescribed b( the Government from time to time& The h(draulic test
of water retainin$ structure shall have to be $iven b( the contractor without an( eAtra cost&
The fillin$ of the reservoir shall be carried out $raduall( at the rate not eAceedin$ =? cm rise in
water level per hour and shall not eAceed 6&? meter in 6; hours and total period of <6 hours&
2ecords of lea'a$es startin$ at different level of water in the reservoir if an( shall be 'ept&
The reservoir once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for seven da(s before an( readin$s
drop in water level are recorded& The level of the water shall be recorded a$ain at subseBuent
intervals of 6; hours over a period of seven da(s shall be ta'en as an indication of the water
ti$htness of the reservoir, which for all practical purposes shall not eAceed ;? mm& If the
structure does not satisf( the condition of test and the dail( drop in water level is increasin$
the period of test ma( be eAtended for a period of seven da(s and if the specified limit is then
reached the structure ma( be considered as satisfactor(& If even after eAtendin$ the period of
test, the drop is more than permissible, the contractor should empt( the reservoir, rectif( the
defects in tan', b( replasterin$ wherever necessar(, appl(in$ water proofin$ paint etc& and
$iven the water ti$htness test till the drop in level is within permissible limit& This shall be
repeated at the cost of the contractor without claimin$ eAtra cost& An( dela( in $ivin$ water7
ti$htness will invite penal action under relevant clauses of the tender a$reement& The
Si$nature of the Tenderer 26
contractor shall provide cement plaster to the eAternal faces of the 2eservoir in "* (4@=) 5
mm thic'&
18.3.1. GENERAL
The tender is inclusive of necessar( eAcavation in all t(pes of soft and hard strata, lean
concrete below foundation, raft foundation and container tan' with %ibrated 2einforced
cement concrete , covered with 2einforced cement concrete roof slab 3 dome, with
2einforced cement concrete %entilator in the roof 2einforced cement concrete stair case,
li$htnin$ conductor, G&I& Pipe railin$ fiAin$ of pipe assembl(, valves, construction of concrete
chambers, providin$ and la(in$ 2einforced cement concrete pipe line for drain, cement
plaster for tan' from inside with water proofin$ material neat finishin$& "ement based paint
from outside, reservoir capacit(, name of the scheme etc&, on bod( wall of the tan'&
18.3.2. C0%'/#(- +6 S#,%
efore startin$ the wor' the site shall be cleared of, all shrubs, $rass and other ve$etation
includin$ lar$e and small bushes, all stumps, removal of roots, cuttin$ and disposal of small
trees up to =?? mm $irth etc& (The $irth shall be measured at a hei$ht of 4&> meters above
Ground level)& The site to be cleared shall consist of the entire area reBuired to be cut down
to accommodate the reservoir, The contractor shall ma'e themselves familiar with the local
rules and re$ulations pertainin$ to land clearance, special reBuirements of forest areas,
whenever applicable, and the wor' shall be carried out in strict accordance there with&
18.3.3. EE7'?',#+(
The side slopes of cuttin$ shall $enerall( have the followin$ slopes for stabilit(&
4 4@4 slope for eAcavation in cla(, murum, boulders etc&
6 ?&>@4 slope for eAcavation in hard murum&
= 1o slope are reBuired for soft and hard roc'& If however, the strata met with can
sustain safet(, steeper slopes than those mentioned above, then such
; Steeper slopes ma( be permitted with the prior written permission of the .n$ineer7
in7"har$ef of the wor'&
18.3.5. D%=',%/#(- +/ P2.$#(-
If the pumpin$ or dewaterin$ of water is reBuired to be done at an( time durin$ eAcavation,
the contractor shall arran$e for such drainin$ b( eAcavatin$ channels, pumpin$ or other wise
and shall maintain such arran$ements to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer7in7"har$e for such a
period as ma( be reBuired& The dischar$e of the dewaterin$ pumps shall be conve(ed to
drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinit( of the wor' site& All cost for such
arran$ements includin$ pumpin$ shall be borne b( the contractor and no eAtra pa(ment shall
be admissible for such operation&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 27
18.3.8. S:+/#(-
/pen cuttin$s shall be suitabl( shored, sheeted and braced, if reBuired b( the .n$ineer or b(
site conditions or to meet local laws, for protectin$ life, propert( adjoinin$ wor' site& AdeBuate
shorin$ and struttin$ shall be provided b( the contractors at their own cost, warped or
deformed timber shall not be used& The shorin$ shall project at least 4>? mm above $round
level and shall eAtend to a suitable depth below the bottom& +herever necessar( the plan's
or struts shall be driven b( compressed air pile drivers& The plan' shall be fiAed close enou$h
to avoid an( runnin$ in of sand or earth throu$h the joints& The shorin$ material shall not be of
si0es less than those specified below, unless steel sheet pilin$ is used or unless approved b(
the .n$ineer in writin$&
a) Plan's > cm thic'
b) +allin$ pieces 4? cm A 6? cm
c) Struts 4> cm A 6? cm
For wallin$ pieces round timber shall not be allowed& In a vertical plane, there shall be at least
three struts or more as directed b( the .n$ineer& The( shall rest on wallin$ pieces& The
spacin$ of the struts shall be as per the reBuirement& At the bottom, eAtra struts shall have to
be provided if ordered b( the .n$ineer7in char$e&
The eAcavated material shall be transported b( the contractors and stac'ed at suitable places
as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7char$e& The stac's shall be made out side the area of
eAcavation and shall not endan$er the wor' in an( wa( and shall avoid the obstruction to
footpaths, road7drivewa(s, h(drants, access to the properties and wor' sites& "utter shall be
'ept clear& 1atural water courses shall not be obstructed& Separate stac's shall be formed for
a) 2ubble considered suitable for masonr( wor' or road wor'
b) 2ubble of inferior Bualit( and boulders
c) Soft roc', earth murum
d) 2od spoils up to 4>? mm si0e&
18.5. G%(%/'0 R%A2#/%.%(,&
"ement concrete shall be in accordance with IS ;>:76??? and IS7==<?& Fine and coarse
a$$re$ates shall be conformin$ to IS =5=748<?, or its latest revision& The selection of the t(pe
of fine and coarse a$$re$ates to be actuall( used shall be as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7
"har$e& The proportion of fine and coarse a$$re$ates and water to be actuall( used shall be
such as to produce dense concrete of the reBuired standard&
18.8. C.I. P#$% A&&%.304 +6 F0'(-%) P#$%& '() S$%7#'0& D S02#7% V'0?%&
(a) #etailed drawin$ showin$ the pipe assembl( with pipe specials valves etc shall be
obtained from the owner before fiAin$ the pipes, specials, valves verticall( and
hori0ontall(& The drawin$ shall also show b(e pass arran$ement from incomin$ main to
distribution, as also the drainin$ of overflow and washout&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 28
(b) For duc' foot bends plain concrete bloc's of adeBuate si0e and in * 4> $rade shall be
provided b( the contractor& These concrete bloc's shall rest on firm $round (and not on
refilled soil) or on the raft slab and shall have a minimum depth of :?? mm& the width of
the bloc' shall be such that it should have a offset of 4>? mm on all sides&
(c) Thrust bloc's of adeBuate si0e and in *74> $rade shall also be provided wherever
reBuired or as directed b( the .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
(d) All the "&I& flan$ed pipes, specials ! Sluice valves, *&-& Frame and covers as per
reBuirement shall be brou$ht b( the contractor&
(e) The pipes before usin$ shall be cleaned properl( from inside& The vertical flan$ed pipes
shall be fiAed eAactl( in plumb& The hori0ontal flan$ed and 3 or S ! S pipes shall be laid to
proper $rade and ali$nment& The flan$ed pipes and specials and sluice valves shall be
jointed b( means of nuts and bolts, washers, and = mm thic' three pl( rubber pac'in$
with hub boc'& The S ! S joints shall be made with rubber $as'et or pi$ lead as directed&
The sluice valve shall be fiAed on hori0ontal pipe line for inlet and outlet, washout suitable
pipes supplied b( the owner as specified in the drawin$ shall be provided laid and jointed
b( the contractor for a len$th up to 4? m from the outer peripher( of the container& This
wor' includes $ivin$ satisfactor( h(draulic test to the reBuired head of water and all
materials, eBuipment and labour shall be arran$ed b( the contractor at his own cost&
(f) The hori0ontal pipes shall have minimum cover of 4&? m chambers of adeBuate si0e and
hei$ht 3 depth as reBuired shall be constructed as per drawin$s $iven in Part " of tender
18.9.1. GENERAL
The specification la(s down the reBuirement of material and labour reBuired for water level
The contractor shall provide at cost all the parts of water level indicator, which shall be $ot
approval of .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
4>? mm side enameled $au$e plate 3 wooden plate with Formica top to read accuratel( up to
?&4 * alternate division bein$ printed in different colors& The hei$ht shall be eBual to full depth
of water in /&-&S&2 rass pulle(s and copper wire = mm dia 3 n(lon strin$ of adeBuate
stren$th if permitted b( .n$ineer7in7"har$e&
a) Indicator arrow painted in shinin$ color with $uide&
b) "opper 3 G&I& float of ?&; dia&
c) "ounter 3 G&I& float of ?&; dia&
Access from G&9& to roof shall be provided ( SPI2A9 STAI2 "AS.& 2&"&" (4@4436@=) pre
cast steps fiAed in cast7in7situ (4@4436@=) miA 2"" "olumn of =??mm dia and steps of :>?mm
len$th at an interval of 4>?mm as shown in drawin$s&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 29
G&I& Pipe railin$ at roof level shall be provided for /ver head service reservoir as per drawin$
shown in %olume7I% of tender schedule, and 2einforced cement concrete &$#/'0 &,'#/ 7'&%
&:+20) 3% $/+?#)%) ,+ '00 O?%/ H%') &%/?#7% /%&%/?+#/&&
1ame of the project and "apacit( of 2einforced cement concrete 3 /ver head service
reservoir shall be painted on the container&
At least two "&I& manhole frame and cover with loc'in$ arran$ement shall be provided
dia$onall( in opposite directions with ladder for enterin$ into the container for maintenance
purpose& The si0e of manhole shall be 8?? mm A ;>? mm, medium dut( conformin$ to I&S&
4<6: 4884&
9i$htnin$ arrestor shall be provided at the hi$hest level on the roof of the tan' as per IS 6=?8
48:8, 7 "ode of practice for protection of buildin$s and allied structures a$ainst li$htnin$&
Position and hei$ht of li$htnin$ arrestor shall be such that the whole structure shall be
+ithin cone havin$ its apeA at top end of the arrestor and $enerated b( a line inclined at :?
de$rees to the vertical& The arrestor shall be suitabl( earthed&
The roof of the tan' shall be ventilated b( providin$ cowls or five shaft ventilators 4&?? meter A
4&> meter hi$h with mosBuito proof net, for ventilators& The net shall be fiAed with proper
framin$& %entilation area shall not be less than ?&?; H of the water surface when cowl t(pe
ventilators are provided&
6? mm thic' waterproof plasterin$ in "* 4@= shall be provided on the inner sides of the
container and top of the floor slab of the container usin$ minimum 4 G$& /f water proofin$
powder per ba$ of cement or as per manufacturerKs specifications used for preparin$ mortar
for plasterin$&
18.13. A02.#(2. L'))%/
It should be conformed to relevant IS code
All necessar( jointin$ materials for pipe assembl( GI pipe railin$, *S ladder etc&, shall be
provided b( the contractor at his own cost&
Snowcem paint of approved shade shall be applied in two coats to whole structure eAternall(&
For water ti$htness and stabilit( test, an amount eBual to >H from each pa(ment will be
withheld& This amount will be in addition to securit( deposit& This will onl( be released after
satisfactor( water ti$htness test (as specified in I&S& ==<?) is $iven&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 30
The specifications la(s down the reBuirement for suppl(, lowerin$, la(in$ P%" pipes and
specials and jointin$ b( means of solvent cement compound 3 weldin$ and testin$&
The ri$id P%" pipes of reBuired si0e and class with P%" specials and solvent cement shall be
supplied b( the contractor after passin$ throu$h reBuired Bualit( control tests and shall be
used on the wor' specified& The P%" pipes and specials shall confirm I&S& ;85>74855 of latest
version& T:% P#$%& &:'00 3% BIS .'/1%)&
The Buantit( elasticit( and stren$th of the pipes shall in no wa( deteriorate b( storin$ these
pipes in the sun and b( water temperature of up to => de$rees centi$rade&
.ach pipe, specials etc shall be properl( stac'ed on site b( the contractor at his own cost&
.ach pipe, specials etc&, shall be $ot chec'ed for its soundness (not crac'ed and 3 or
dama$ed) before la(in$& The contractor shall have to ma'e his own arran$ements for
obtainin$ permission for storin$ and stac'in$ of pipes and specials etc&, on the road side from
land owners i&e&, concerned Government #epartment, *unicipalities, 9ocal odies, Private
land owners etc&
ecause of their li$htwei$ht, there ma( be a tendenc( for the P%" pipes to be thrown much
more than their metal counterparts& This should be discoura$ed and reasonable care should
be ta'en in handlin$ and stora$e to prevent dama$e to the pipes& /n no account should pipes
be dra$$ed alon$ the $round& Pipes should be $iven adeBuate support at all times& These
pipes should not be stac'ed in lar$e piles, especiall( under warm temperature conditions, as
the bottom pipes ma( be distorted thus $ivin$ rise to difficult( in pipe ali$nment and jointin$&
For temporar( stora$e in the field, where rac's are not provided, care should be ta'en that
the $round is level, free from loose stones& Pipes stored thus should not eAceed three la(ers
and should be so stac'ed as to prevent movement& It is also recommended not to store one
pipe inside another& The wor' of pipe la(in$ shall be carried out as per IS <:=; or its latest
efore the wor' of pipe la(in$ is ta'en up the pipes and specials shall be arran$ed len$thwise
b( the side of the eAcavated trench without causin$ an( obstacles to the traffic& The
contractor shall be full( responsible for safet( of the materials on site&
The pipes shall be brushed throu$hout to remove an( soil deposited or stone therein& If
reBuired cuttin$ of pipes and 3 or specials shall be done in wor'man li'e manner and with
proper tool without an( eAtra cost& The cut end shall be made in line and level and finished as
ori$inal one&
19.8. LAING
efore lowerin$ the pipes, the trench section shall be $ot approved b( the .n$ineer7in7
"har$e& The "ontractor shall have to provide and maintain si$ht rails and bonin$ rods
Si$nature of the Tenderer 31
whenever reBuired till the completion of wor'& The pipe shall be laid responsibl( in dr(
condition and under no circumstance the( shall rest on slush( beddin$& The Pipes shall rest
continuousl( on the bottom of the trench& "learance of approAimatel( 4??mm in depth and
width eBual to len$th of the collar plus =? cm on both sides shall be provided, at the joint,
which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made& The pipe should be lowered into the
trenches either b( hand or b( means of two ropes& For road crossin$ or river crossin$ the pipe
shall laid 6&? * below the bed level& Alternativel( for road crossin$ and river crossin$ "&I&
pipes ma( be used& The pipeline should be laid on 18@ mm thic' sand bed&
Soc'et and spi$ot joint is usuall( preferred for all P%" pipes up to 4>? mm in dia& The soc'et
at len$th should be at least one half times the outer dia of si0es up to 4?? mm dia and the
outer dia for lar$est si0e&
For jointin$ P%" pipes $luin$ with solvent cement compound is preferable to weldin$ and
adopted& The $lued spi$ot joint has $reater stren$th than could be achieved b( weldin$& The
surface to be $lued shall be thorou$hl( scoured with emer( cloth and perfectl( chamfered to
=? de$rees& The Solvent cement compound is applied with brush evenl( to the outer surface
of the spi$ot on one pipe and to the inside of the soc'et on the other& The spi$ot is then
inserted immediatel( in the soc'et up to the shoulder and thereafter a Buarter (8?) turn is
$iven to evenl( distribute the cement over the treated surface& The eAcess cement which is
pushed out of the soc'et must be removed at one with a clean cloth& Eointin$ must be carried
out in minimum possible time& Time of ra'in$ complete joint shall not be more than one
minute& Eoints shall not be disturbed for at least > minutes& -alf stren$th is attained in =?
minutes and full in 6; hours& Gluin$ should be avoided in rainin$ or fo$$( weather&
For la(in$ lon$ len$ths of pipe prefabricated bauble soc'et connections are freBuentl( used to
jointin$ successive pipes& A short pipe is flared at both ends b( mean of a stea' mandrel& The
si0e of the mandrel is such that the internal dia of the flared soc'et matches the outer dia of
the spi$ot to be connected&
For connection of P%" pipes to metal pipes to metal pipes a piece of a Special thic' wall P%"
connectin$ tube threaded at one end is used& The other end is connected to normal P%"
pipes b( means of $lued spi$ot and soc'et joint& It is advisable to use P%" as the spi$ot
portion of the joint& For normal jointin$ of P%" Pipes threadin$ should not be adopted as far
as possible&
After each section of pipeline is completed it shall be tested for at least 6; hours after the
joinin$ has been made for water ti$htness before bein$ covered in& This can be done b(
closin$ each end b( means of valve, blan' flan$e, cap or plu$ and fillin$ the pipe with water&
The "ontractor shall have to arran$e for water to be filled in a pipeline at his own cost& The
pressure shall then be raised $raduall( b( means of a small hand force pump till it re$isters at
least the one and half the wor'in$ pressure& The joint shall be absolutel( water ti$ht under the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 32
lea'a$e test (to be conducted after the satisfactoril( completion of the pressure test) at a
pressure to be specified b( the authorit( for duration of one hour& In the test pressure drops
after one hour, a measured Buantit( of water is pumped into the line to brin$ it to the ori$inal
test pressure of considered satisfactor( if the Buantit( of water reBuired to restore the test
pressure of =? * for 6; hours does not eAceed 4&> liter per 4? mm of nominal bore for a
len$th of 4 G*&
If the pipelines are laid in detached sections and not in continuous len$th due to an( reasons
such as non7availabilit( of specials or due to obstacles etc&, the contractor shall see that no
end of pipes are 'ept open& The ends shall be immediatel( covered up either b( suitable
blan' flan$e or cap or plu$ b( means or double la(er of $unn( ba$s clothes tied properl( b(
mild steel wire without an( eAtra claim&
"onstruction of valve chambers, necessar( valves, and pipes, specials includin$ construction
materials li'e Steel, "ement, *anhole "overs and Transportation of *aterials shall be borne
b( the "ontractor&
The rate shall be for one meter of pipe supplied, laid, jointed and tested includin$ cost of I)
pipes, specials, earth wor', lowerin$, jointin$, la(in$ ii) testin$, "uttin$ and waste shall be
borne b( the "ontractor& The runnin$ len$th shall be measured on the strai$ht and curves
alon$ the centerline over the pipes and specials& "ode of practice of la(in$ of P%" pipe 7 I&S&
<:=; (Part III) 48<>&
The specifications la(s down the reBuirement for suppl(, lowerin$, la(in$ -#P. pipes and
specials and jointin$ b( means of solvent cement compound 3 weldin$ and testin$&
The ri$id -#P. pipes of reBuired si0e and class with -#P. specials and solvent cement shall
be supplied b( the contractor after passin$ throu$h reBuired Bualit( control tests and shall be
used on the wor' specified& The -#P. pipes and specials shall confirm I&S& ;85;74855 of
latest version& T:% $#$%& &:'00 3% BIS .'/1%)&
.ach pipe, specials etc shall be properl( stac'ed on site b( the contractor at his cost& .ach
pipe, specials etc&, shall be $ot chec'ed for its soundness (not crac'ed and 3 or dama$ed)
before la(in$& The contractor shall have to ma'e his own arran$ements for obtainin$
permission for storin$ and stac'in$ of pipes and specials etc&, on the road side from land
owners i&e&, concerned Government #epartment, *unicipalities, 9ocal odies, Private land
/wners etc&
Pipes should not be stac'ed in lar$e piles, especiall( under warm temperature conditions, as
the bottom pipes ma( be distorted thus $ivin$ rise to difficult( in pipe ali$nment and jointin$&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 33
For temporar( stora$e in the field, where rac's are not provided, care should be ta'en that
the $round is level, free from loose stones& Pipes stored thus should not eAceed three la(ers
and should be so stac'ed as to prevent movement& It is also recommended not to store one
pipe inside another&
The wor' of pipe la(in$ shall be carried out as per IS <:=; or its latest revision& efore the
wor' of pipe la(in$ is ta'en up the pipes and specials shall be arran$ed len$thwise b( the
side of the eAcavated trench without causin$ an( obstacles to the traffic& The contractor shall
be full( responsible for safet( of the materials on site&
The pipes shall be brushed throu$hout to remove an( soil deposited or stone therein& If
reBuired cuttin$ of pipes and 3 or specials shall be done in wor'man li'e manner and with
proper tool without an( eAtra cost& The cut end shall be made in line and level and finished as
ori$inal one&
1!.8. LAING
efore lowerin$ the pipes, the trench section shall be $ot approved b( the .n$ineer7in7
"har$e& The "ontractor shall have to provide and maintain si$ht rails and bonin$ rods
whenever reBuired till the completion of wor'& The pipe shall be laid responsibl( in dr(
condition and under no circumstance the( shall rest on slush( beddin$& The Pipes shall rest
continuousl( on the bottom of the trench& "learance of approAimatel( 4??mm in depth and
width eBual to len$th of the collar plus =? cm on both sides shall be provided, at the joint
which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made& The pipe should be lowered into the
trenches either b( hand or b( means of two ropes& For road crossin$ or river crossin$ the pipe
shall laid 6&? * below the bed level& Alternativel( for road crossin$ and river crossin$ "&I&
pipes ma( be used&
The -#P. pipe jointin$ conformed to IS <:=; (PartII748<>) the weldin$ of the pipe should be
either side of the heatin$ mirror with onl( contact pressure of about ?&6 G$3sBcm& +hen the
rim of the molten is found the pipes are removed from the heatin$ mirror and immediatel( the
joint is made b( application of moderate pressure of approAimatel( 4 to 6 G$3sBcm or 6 to =
1!.9.1. S7/%=%) F+#(,&
These t(pes of joints are used for hi$her pressures ratin$ which have thic'er walls&
1!.9.2. F0'(-%) F+#(,&
These are used particularl( of hi$her si0e to valves and vessels and lar$e si0e metal pipes
where stren$th in tension is reBuired&
After each section of pipeline is completed it shall be tested for at least 6; hours after the
joinin$ has been made for water ti$htness before bein$ covered in& This can be done b(
closin$ each end b( means of valve, blan' flan$e, cap or plu$ and fillin$ the pipe with water&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 34
The "ontractor shall have to arran$e for water to be filled in a pipeline at his own cost& The
pressure shall then be raised $raduall( b( means of mechanical eBuipment till it re$isters at
least the one and half times the wor'in$ pressure& The joint shall be absolutel( water ti$ht
under the lea'a$e test (to be conducted after the satisfactoril( completion of the pressure
If the pipelines are laid in detached sections and not in continuous len$th due to an( reasons
such as non7availabilit( of specials or due to obstacles etc&, the contractor shall see that no
end of pipes are 'ept open& The ends shall be immediatel( covered up either b( suitable
blan' flan$e or cap or plu$ b( means or double la(er of $unn( ba$s clothes tied properl( b(
mild steel wire without an( eAtra claim&
"onstruction of valve chambers, necessar( valves, and pipes, specials includin$ construction
materials li'e Steel, "ement, *anhole "overs and Transportation of *aterials shall be borne
b( the "ontractor&
The rate shall be for one meter of pipe supplied, laid, jointed and tested includin$ cost of I)
pipes, specials, earth wor', lowerin$, jointin$, la(in$, ii) testin$, cuttin$ and waste shall be
borne b( the "ontractor& The runnin$ len$th shall be measured on the strai$ht and curves
alon$ the centerline over the pipes and specials& "ode of practice of la(in$ of -#P. pipe 7
I&S& <:=; (Part III) 48<>&
The "I sluice valves, refluA valves, 'inetic double Air valves Specials of *echanical joints or
jiff( joints which are to be supplied b( the contractor shall confirm to the followin$ I&S& "odes
with revisions from time to time&
4& "&I& Sluice valves IS <5?7485; (>?7=?? mm si0e)
IS 68?:7485; (=>?746??mm si0e)
6& *&S& Specials IS <=667485>
=& Ginetic #ouble air valves G!G catalo$ue
;& 2efluA valves IS >=467485;
The "ontractor is responsible for all manufacturin$ defects of above materials and shall
replace them if defect is found, the fiAin$ and operation of valves and specials shall be done
as per standards IS 6:5> with revisions and the contractor is bound to replace the defective
Si$nature of the Tenderer 35
For selection, Installation and maintenance of Sluice valves, IS 4;5;:36??? shall be followed
with revisions&
1;.5.1. GENERAL
The specification la(s down the reBuirement for suppl( and jointin$ sluice valves =#,:
)#&.'(,0#(- *+#(,& The sluice valves shall conform to "I wafer 9u$ T(pe utterfl( valves
conformin$ to IS 4=?8>3 4884 (2eaffirmed 4885) operated done with worm actuator ISI
mar'ed& The contractor shall suppl( the reBuired valves after Bualit( control inspection and
clearance of the #ept&
The sluice valves and tailpieces shall be eAamined before la(in$ for crac's and other defects&
The sluice valve shall be operated and chec'ed before la(in$& All $rit and forei$n material
shall be removed from inside before placin$& All the faces shall be thorou$hl( cleaned and
coated with a thin la(er of mineral $rease before use& The ti$htenin$ of $land shall be
chec'ed with a pair of inside calipers "learance between the top of stuffin$ boA and the
underside of the $land shall be uniform on all sides&
The contractor shall provide all the necessar( jointin$ materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber
pac'in$ etc, at his cost& All tools and plant reBuired for installation of sluice valve shall be
provided b( the contractor at his cost& All the jointin$ materials shall be $ot approved from the
.n$ineer7in7"har$e before use& The nuts and bolts shall be conforms I&S& 4=:; and the
rubber pac'in$ shall conform I&S& :=5&
The sluice valve shall be lowered into trench carefull(, so that no part is dama$ed durin$
lowerin$ operation& If necessar( tail pieces shall be fitted with sluice valve first out side the
trench and then lowered into the trench& The rubber pac'in$ shall be three pl( and of
approved thic'ness& The pac'in$ shall be of full diameter of the flan$e, with necessar( holes
and the sluice valve bore& It shall be even at both the inner and outer ed$e& The flan$e faces
shall be thorou$hl( $reased& If necessar( use thin fibers of lead shall be used& After placin$
the pac'in$, nuts and bolts shall be inserted and ti$htened to ma'e the joint& The valve shall
be ti$htl( closed bein$ installed to prevent an( forei$n materials from $ettin$ in between the
wor'in$ parts of the valve& .ach flan$e bolt shall be ti$htened a little at a time ta'in$ care to
ti$hten diametricall( opposite bolts alternatel(& The sluice valve shall be installed in such a
wa( that spindle shall remain in trul( vertical position& The other end of the tail piece shall be
fitted with pipes so that continuous lines can wor'& .Atra eAcavation necessar( for facilit( of
lowerin$ and fiAin$ of sluice valve shall not be paid for&
1;.5.8. TESTING
After joints of sluice valve shall with stand the test pressure of pipeline&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 36
Separate pa(ment will be made for suppl( and fiAin$ of sluice valves (the cost includes
valves, specials, 2"" valve chambers and jointin$ materials, labour, loadin$, unloadin$,
transportation, etc&, complete)& The pipeline measurement will be ta'en eAcludin$ the len$th
of valve portion includin$ specials beside the valve&
1;.8.1. GENERAL
The specification la(s down reBuirement for suppl( and fiAin$ Air %alves& The air valves shall
be "I #3F double air valve conformin$ to G!G Fi$ -< up to 6?? mm dia pipes and for pipes
of 2@@ .. )#' '() '3+?%G ,:% '#/ ?'0?% #& CI DBF K#(%,#7 '#/ ?'0?% '& $%/ GDK H52K =#,:
#&+0',#(- ?'0?% 3%?%0 -%'/ +$%/',%) '& $%/ IS 15;58.
The air valves and the isolatin$ valves shall be eAamined before la(in$ for crac's and other
flows& /nl( undama$ed air valve shall be used& The air valves shall be opened and sha'en
for the air openin$ below the volcanic balls on the bron0e seats of the balls before fiAin$& All
$rid and forei$n material shall be removed from the inside before placin$& The flan$ed face
shall be thorou$hl( cleaned and coated with a thin la(er of mineral $rease& In case of screw
down t(pe, the threads shall not be in dama$ed condition&
The contractor shall provide all the necessar( jointin$ materials, such as nuts, bolts, rubber
rac'in$, etc& at his cost& All tools and plant reBuire for installation of air valves shall be
provided b( the contractor at his cost& All the jointin$ materials shall be $ot approved from
.n$ineer7in7"har$e before use& The nuts and bolts shall conform IS 4=:; and the rubber
pac'in$ shall conform IS :=5&
The air valves shall be fiAed on a vertical double7flan$ed distance piece fiAed to a tee on the
main pipeline& The Tee and vertical pipe will be embedded in "&"& for at least one meter
above top of Tee& arbed wire will be around the vertical pipe at a pitch of 4> cms& The
lower 5?mm len$th of the wire shall be embedded in the concrete& The top portion of the wire
should securel( fiA with the top of the flan$ed pipe&
1;.8.8. FI"ING
The specification pertainin$ to sluice valve shall also appl( to air valves&
Separate pa(ment will be made for suppl( and fiAin$ of sluice valves (the cost includes
valves, specials, 2"" valve chambers and jointin$ materials, labour, loadin$, unloadin$,
transportation, etc&, complete)& The pipeline measurement will be ta'en eAcludin$ the len$th
of valve portion includin$ specials beside the valve&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 37
1;.9.1. E'/,: =+/1
.arth wor' eAcavation in all t(pes of soils eAcept roc' with all leads lifts for the valve chamber
and as per the item > and dimension are shown in the drawin$ in %olume I (Part7") of the
tender schedule&
1;.9.2. S'() 6#00#(-
Sand fillin$ in the foundation includin$ waterin$ rammin$ etc complete as per the drawin$
shown in the %olume I (Part7") of the tender schedule&
1;.9.3. C%.%(, 7+(7/%,%:
"ement concrete usin$ ;? mm -G metal as per the dimension shown in the drawin$ of
%olume7I (Part7") of the tender schedule&
1;.9.5. R%#(6+/7%) C%.%(, C+(7/%,%
2einforced cement concrete of %2""(4@4M@=) usin$ 6? mm -G metal for side wall , and as
per item 4? and dimensions and reinforcin$ details are as shown in the drawin$ of %olume7I
(Part7") of the Tender schedule&
1;.9.8. C%.%(, P0'&,%/#(-
"ement plasterin$ (4@=) of 46 mm thic' for side wall inside cover slab, bottom slab in side the
chamber and as per item <&
48&4& 9owerin$, la(in$ and jointin$ of pipe lines true to ali$nment and $radient and restin$
the pipeline on pile caps of 6??? mm intervals& The 2"" pile cap of 8?? A 8?? A 4?? mm
si0e with supportin$ on 2"" piles in river bed &The piles shall be cast in %ibrated 2einforced
"ement "oncrete of *6? usin$ : mm 46 mm -G metal and usin$ reBuired steel as shown
in drawin$ and concrete item is as per item 4?&
48&6& The pipe line shall be clamped to the pile cap with 4?? mm with 46 mm thic'ness
saddle piece *S Flat and bolted with 6? mm dia *S olt, which are prefiAed to the pile cap
while castin$ in site and fiAin$ with nuts& The piles shall be spaced at 6??? mm center to
48&=& The pipe line trench shall be refilled with .Acavated soils, waterin$, tampin$ and
removin$ surplus soils from site of wor' and pipeline shall be tested to reBuired test
48&;& The rates are inclusive of cost, conve(ance of all materials and labour char$es
needed for la(in$ finished pipe line wor', reBuired valves, valve chambers, and 2"" piles
and pile caps, bolts and nuts complete&
39. ? P2.$&%,&
=:&?4& #escription of the Facilities
Si$nature of the Tenderer 38
The "ontract shall include the desi$n, manufacture, suppl(, testin$ at manufacturerKs wor's,
deliver( to site, unloadin$ and site transportation, stora$e, erection, site testin$ and puttin$ to
wor', paintin$ and finishin$ of the facilities and the provision of spare parts, special tools,
operations and maintenance manuals and record drawin$s as detailed in the Technical
Specification and #rawin$s, for the pumpin$ station mentioned in %olume II&
The items shall include@
a) pumps, motors and suction3dischar$e pipewor'
b) valves
c) motor control centres and low volta$e switchboards
d) power, control, and cablin$
e) .arthin$
f) overhead crane
The "ontractor shall produce civil desi$ns for supports of pipin$ inside the pump house,
valve chamber outside the pumphouse, thrust bloc'3 anchor bloc' outside the pumphouse&
"ivil and buildin$ wor's of pump house are however eAcluded from the scope of the present
=:&?:& Standard Specifications
.Acept where otherwise specified plant and eBuipment, materials and wor'manship shall
compl( with the reBuirements of the relevant ritish Standards of Practice (hereinafter
referred to as S) issued b( the ritish Standard or relevant Indian standard& /ther
eBuivalent 1ational or International Standard Specifications such as those issued b( the
International /r$anisation for Standardisation (IS/) or the International .lectrotechnical
"ommission (I.") ma( be substituted at the sole discretion of the .n$ineer or as ma( have
been a$reed in the "ontract& All standards used will be the current version, in the .n$lish
The electricit( installation shall compl( with all relevant statutor( re$ulations and standards
current at date of bids, unless otherwise indicated within this Specification& .lectrical
installations shall where relevant be in accordance with the Indian Standards "ode of Practice
for .lectrical +irin$ Installations IS <=6& (.Buivalent to I.. 2e$ulations for .lectrical
Installation, 4> th .dition)&
The "ontractor shall obtain at least one cop( of each S, IS, "P or other approved standard
and reference wor' which is referred to in the Technical Specifications, and of each other
standard which applies to the Facilities& These standards and reference wor's shall be
supplied to the .n$ineer within =? da(s of the effective date of the "ontract&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 39
All materials and wor'manship not full( specified herein or covered b( an approved standard
shall be of such 'ind as is used in first class wor' and suitable to the climate in the project
+here the reBuirements of an( such standard specification or re$ulation conflict with the
reBuirements of this Specification or an( item on the #rawin$s, then the "ontractor should
refer to the .n$ineer for clarification before proceedin$ with that section of the Facilities&
=:&?<& 1ot Dsed
=:&?5& Pro$ramme
The pro$ramme supplied to the .n$ineer pursuant to "lause G"" 46 of the General
"onditions of "ontract shall be in the form of a bar chart, or an( other form as ma( be a$reed
b( the .n$ineer, and shall clearl( indicate the followin$@
(a) the seBuence of each activit(, the proposed start and completion dates of each
activit(, the rate of pro$ress and the cumulative Buantit( or percenta$e of wor'
eApected to be achieved on each activit( b( the end of each monthN
(b) the final completion date
Sufficient space should be provided in the pro$ramme for recordin$ the actual pro$ress
a$ainst the pro$rammed pro$ress for each activit(&
The pro$ramme shall be submitted with details of the followin$@
(a) A statement $ivin$ the numbers and cate$ories of supervisor( and technical staff and
s'illed and uns'illed wor'ers to be emplo(ed on the Facilities, alon$ with curriculum
vitae for all senior staff&
(b) A list and t(pe details of major items of "ontractorKs .Buipment (includin$ vehicles)
which the "ontractor proposes to emplo( on the installation of the Facilities&
(c) #etails of the "ontractorOs methods of wor'in$ for all operations&
(d) A statement $ivin$ the proposals for location or locations and si0es of base camps,
accommodation, offices, wor'shops and stores&
(e) A complete resource allocation showin$ the number of units and allotted times for
each unit of "ontractorKs .Buipment, materials and labour allocated to each part of
the Facilities&
.nvironmental Polic(
efore commencin$ the +or's the "ontractor shall, submit to the .n$ineer for his approval
the .nvironmental Polic( which he proposes to follow when carr(in$ out the +or's& The
polic( shall consider both environmental and health and safet( aspects& The polic( shall
clearl( indicate the followin$@
a) *ethods of ensurin$ securit( of the Site
Si$nature of the Tenderer 40
b) *ethod of securin$ eAistin$ areas within the site (e$& "hemical, eAplosive, and fuel
stores, refuse dumps)
c) Formal camp structure and method of discoura$in$ informal settlements
d) Safet( and securit( of the electrical s(stem
e) The adeBuac( of outdoor li$htin$
f) The source and Bualit( of water suppl(
$) Fire fi$htin$ provision
h) Sewa$e treatment and sanitation facilities
i) *ethods of disposal of refuse, domestic, industrial, ha0ardous wastes
') %ermin and pest control
l) #ust control
m) 1oise control
n) Safet( of transport facilities
o) *edical facilities
p) Protection of water courses and streams
B) Protection of flora and fauna
r) Archaeolo$( 3 Palaeontolo$(
s) Soil preservation 3 erosion prevention
t) /r$anisational framewor' for ensurin$ compliance with the polic(
u) The person to ta'e overall responsibilit( and to mana$e environmental control
facilities on a da( to da( basis&
Pro$ress 2eports and *eetin$s
#urin$ the first wee' of ever( month, the "ontractor shall submit a pro$ress report to the
.n$ineer& The report shall show the pro$ress to the end of the precedin$ month with respect
to the approved "ontract pro$ramme&
The report shall show the position of all activities reBuired under the "ontract, ie desi$n,
procurement, manufacture, manufacturerKs wor's tests, deliver(, erection, Tests on
"ompletion and performance testin$&
#ela(s on an( item of the Facilities shall be detailed b( the "ontractor, who shall also state
the action he proposes to overcome such dela(&
2epresentatives of the "ontractor, approved b( the .n$ineer, shall attend monthl( pro$ress
meetin$s on Site or at the offices of the .mplo(er& In addition, approved representatives of
the "ontractor shall attend further meetin$s in cases of emer$encies or for other reasons
when called upon b( the .mplo(er&
The "ontractor shall prepare and submit to the .n$ineer a dail( activit( report summarisin$
the main activities underta'en each da(&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 41
1otice of /perations
The "ontractor shall $ive full and complete written notice of the proposed commencement of
each pro$ramme activit( of wor' to the .n$ineer < da(s in advance to enable the .n$ineer to
ma'e such arran$ements as he ma( consider necessar( prior to commencement of such
wor's& The "ontractor shall not commence an( such operation without the written approval
of the .n$ineer&
+ater and .lectricit( Suppl(
The "ontractor shall ma'e his own arran$ements for the temporar( suppl( of water and
electricit( for the purposes of erection of the Facilities&
The installation shall compl( with all the relevant re$ulations, Indian .lectricit( 2ules 48>:,
and -ealth and Safet( reBuirements of *unicipal "orporation of -(derabad, etc& The
"ontractor must ta'e ever( possible precaution to ensure that his installation is safe and
injur( to personnel or dama$e to plant and buildin$s is avoided&
The "ontractor shall test the temporar( site distribution s(stem ever( = months for
compliance with the "ode of Practice for electrical wirin$ installations IS <=6, I. 2ules 48>:,
"ode of Practice for earthin$ IS =?;=&
+ater and wastewater derived from the construction, testin$ and completion of the +or's
shall be disposed of clear of the Site to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
9atrines and +ashin$ Facilities
Throu$hout the period of construction of the Facilities the "ontractor shall provide, maintain
and cleanse suitable and sufficient latrines for use b( his emplo(eesN he shall ensure that his
emplo(ees do not foul the Site but ma'e proper use of the latrines&
+here practicable the latrines shall be connected to the nearest sewer, or if this is not
practicable the "ontractor shall provide an adeBuatel( si0ed septic tan' and soa'awa(&
"ontractorKs Accommodation
The "ontractor shall provide site accommodation for the use of his own staff and wor'force
plus those of his sub7contractors necessar( for the eAecution of the Facilities& The
accommodation shall be deemed to include facilities for messin$, stora$e of materials and
The facilities shall be maintained b( the "ontractor and removed and the Site made $ood on
completion of the Facilities&
The "ontractor shall locate an( site office and an( huts for stora$e of Plant and .Buipment in
a position to be a$reed with the .n$ineer&
The "ontractor shall be responsible for ensurin$ that suitable sanitar( conveniences are
provided and maintained in proper order for use b( all persons connected with the
construction of the Facilities& Such conveniences shall be connected wherever available to
Si$nature of the Tenderer 42
eAistin$ draina$e facilities or provision shall be made for the effluent to be removed on a
re$ular basis at "ontractorKs eApense&
Site /ffices
The "ontractor shall provide co7located site offices for himself and the .n$ineer& These ma(
be located at the Temporar( +or's Area provided b( the .mplo(er, but shall not be located
at the "ontractorKs "amp or Accommodation& The location and arran$ement of the offices
shall be to the approval of the .n$ineer&
2efuse #isposal
2efuse and rubbish of ever( 'ind shall be removed from the Site and disposed off b( the
"ontractor at his own eApense, freBuentl( and re$ularl( so as to 'eep the Site in an approved
wholesome and tid( condition&
Safet( and Securit(
The "ontractor shall at all times maintain a safe s(stem of wor'in$ and shall compl( with all
enactments, re$ulations and wor'in$ rules relatin$ to safet(, securit(, health and welfare of all
persons who ma( be affected b( his wor'& The "ontractorKs attention is drawn to
Transmission "orporation of Andhra Pradesh 9imited (APT2A1S"/)Ks reBuirements when
wor'in$ in the vicinit( of power lines&
In particular he shall ensure that onl( persons who are properl( trained for their duties are
emplo(ed, and that the correct tools and procedures are used&
1othin$ which has been written into or omitted from this Specification shall be ta'en to relieve
the "ontractor from his obli$ations under this clause&
The "ontractor shall appoint a suitabl( Bualified representative as safet( officer who shall be
responsible for the implementation of site procedures which shall include but not be limited to@
7 Safet(
7 +or'in$ in ha0ardous area
7 Permit to wor'
7 Fire and smo'in$ re$ulations
7 First aid
7 +arnin$ si$ns
7 Trenchin$ scaffoldin$ and other construction structures
Si$nature of the Tenderer 43
7 Safet( barriers
7 Protective clothin$ and eBuipment
7 Safet( trainin$
7 Safet( meetin$s and inspections
7 -ealth and welfare
The proposals shall be appropriate for all $rades of labour and personnel who will wor' on or
visit the Site on behalf of the .mplo(er, .n$ineer or "ontractor&
The .n$ineer shall have the power to stop an( activit( or wor' in an( area where there is a
breach of the published site safet( rules such that health or life is put at ris'&
First Aid and 9ife7savin$ Apparatus
The "ontractor shall provide on the Site such life7savin$ apparatus as ma( be appropriate
and an adeBuate and easil( accessible first aid outfit or such outfits as ma( be reBuired in an(
$overnment ordinances, factories acts, etc, published and subseBuentl( amended from time
to time& In addition, an adeBuate number of persons permanentl( on the Site shall be
instructed in their use, and the persons so desi$nated shall be made 'nown to all emplo(ees
b( the postin$ of their names and desi$nations in a prominent position to Site&
.nvironmental "onsideration
#isfi$urement of the environment of the area durin$ construction must be avoided and special
care shall be ta'en to prevent permanent dama$e& 1eedless adverse effects on the
environment shall be avoided& The "ontractor shall ta'e adeBuate steps to educate all
members of his wor' force on the environmental laws and protection reBuirements and shall
ta'e all necessar( control measures in each area before wor' will be allowed to proceed&
Protection and 2eplantin$ of the Flora
The "ontractor shall as far as practicable protect the flora within the wor' Site&
If areas are disturbed be(ond the Site boundaries the "ontractor shall re7instate the $round
and re7establish suitable ve$etation as directed b( the .n$ineer& Such re7establishment shall
not be left until the end of the "ontract period but shall be done as soon as practical as
determined b( the .n$ineer&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 44
Protection of the Fauna
The "ontractor and his emplo(ees shall protect all the fauna livin$ within the Site area and
shall ensure that huntin$, shootin$, e$$7collectin$ or trappin$ does not occur&
.rosion "ontrol and Storm water *ana$ement
The "ontractor shall ta'e appropriate and active measures to prevent erosion resultin$ from
the own wor's, operations and activities&
+ater Pollution "ontrol
The "ontractor must ta'e ever( precaution not to pollute water bodies& "are shall be ta'en
when transferrin$ and storin$ fuels and chemicalsN old oils from machines shall be carefull(
disposed of& #urin$ cleanin$ and paintin$ of items deter$ents and sealants ma( run off these
should be interrupted at source rather then be allowed to enter the effluent stream&
.ffluent from eAcavation will include suspended solids and ma( include other items such as
eAplosives residues, cement, oil and other contaminants & +ashdown water from concretin$
wor's will contain suspended solids and be ver( al'aline&
All effluents should be treated before disposal, such treatment ma( include oil interception,
p- correction, settlement& Twin treatment facilities are reBuired so that one can continue in
operation while the other is desilted or maintained& All deposits must be remove to a suitable
tip& The treatment facilities shall be operated and the Bualit( of treated water approved b( the
#ust "ontrol
#ust levels shall be maintained at sensitive sites (villa$es, wor'ers camps etc)& The values
shall be compared with control stations which are awa( from the main construction activities
li'el( to $ive rise to dust& A multi directed fallout buc'et shall be used to measure the amount
of dust deposited& #ust levels shall $enerall( be controlled b( cleanin$ and sweepin$
surfaced road and spra(in$ unsurfaced areas with water other means of dust control such as
spra(in$ of oil will not be permitted&
1oise "ontrol
.ar protections are to be provided to all wor'ers eAposed to more than 5>d(A)&
The "ontractors plant and eBuipment and wor'in$ methods shall be such that the maAimum
sound levels $iven in table are not eAceeded&
TA9. 4&4
9ocation *easurement
2ecommended *aAimum
Sound 9evel
Si$nature of the Tenderer 45
villa$es adjacent
to wor' sites
4m from nearest
2atin$ level < d(A) above
residual sound level
adjacent to
access roads
4 m from nearest
2atin$ level of :? d(A)
and maAimum sound
pressure level of <? d(A)
Schools Inside classroom
with partiall( opened
2atin$ level of ;? d(A)
Inside buildin$ with
partiall( opened
2atin$ level of ;> d(A)
Geolo$ical, Palaeotolo$ical and Archaeolo$ical 2emains
It is possible that un'nown $eolo$ical, palaeotolo$ical and archaeolo$ical remains eAist on
the Site& The "ontractor shall watch out for such remains and if such are found, he shall
avoid interferin$ with or dama$in$ the remains and shall advise the .n$ineer immediatel( and
await further instructions&
=:&6? Protection of .Aistin$ Installations
The "ontractor shall appl( to the .n$ineer in writin$ at least 65 da(s before startin$ an( wor'
which involves interference with eAistin$ structures, eBuipment, etc& The "ontractor shall not
eAecute such wor' until he has received permission to proceed, in writin$ from the .n$ineer&
The "ontractor shall ensure that no earth, debris or roc' is deposited on public or private
roads or ri$hts of wa( as a result of the Installation Services and all vehicles leavin$ the Site
shall be cleaned accordin$l(&
4&64 Protection of .Aistin$ Public and Private Services
The "ontractor shall notif( all public authorities, utilit( companies and private owners of
proposed wor's which will affect them not less than two wee's before commencin$ the
installation services&
The "ontractor shall adeBuatel( protect, uphold, maintain and prevent dama$e to all services
and shall not interfere with their operation without the prior consent of the public authorities,
utilit( companies, private owners, or the .n$ineer as appropriate&
If an( dama$e to services results from the eAecution of the Facilities, the "ontractor shall
(i) 1otif( the .n$ineer and appropriate public authorit(, utilit( compan( or private owner&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 46
(ii) *a'e arran$ements for the dama$e to be made $ood without dela( to the satisfaction
of the public authorities, utilit( compan( or private owner as appropriate& The "ontractor shall
be liable for all costs for ma'in$ $ood such dama$e&
The .n$ineer ma( issue instructions or ma'e other such arran$ements as he deems
necessar(, to repair rapidl( an( essential services dama$ed durin$ the eAecution of the
"ontract& Such arran$ements shall not affect an( liabilit( to pa( for ma'in$ $ood the dama$e&
4&66 Permits
The "ontractor shall be full( responsible for obtainin$ all necessar( permits, licences and
permissions reBuired for the eAecution of the Facilities, prior to the commencement of the
erection of the Facilities&
4&6= Photo$raphs
The "ontractor shall suppl( ne$atives of photo$raphs and unmounted positive prints not less
than 6>? A 6?? mm of such portions of the Facilities, in pro$ress and completed, as ma( be
directed b( the .n$ineer and specified herein& The ne$atives and prints shall not be
retouched& The ne$ative of each photo$raph shall be the propert( of the .mplo(er and shall
be delivered to the .n$ineer with the prints& 1o prints of these ne$atives shall be supplied to
an( other person with the written permission of the .n$ineer&
If so directed b( the .n$ineer, the "ontractor shall suppl( transparencies and colour prints in
lieu of blac' and white ne$atives and prints&
The photo$raphs shall be of two cate$ories@
(i) pro$ress photo$raphs
(ii) record photo$raphs&
oth cate$ories of photo$raphs shall be properl( referenced to the approval of the .n$ineer,
and on the bac' of each print shall be recorded the date of the photo$raph, the direction in
which the camera was facin$, an identif(in$ description of the subject and the reference&
Photo$raphs ta'en for record purposes as ordered b( the .n$ineer or as specified herein
shall be supplied with three prints, havin$ the reverse of one subscribed with the si$natures of
the "ontractor and the .n$ineer (or their authorised representatives) for the purpose of
attestation& If reBuired, the "ontractor ma( at his own eApense have an additional print
similarl( attested for his retention&
The "ontractor shall suppl( one ne$ative and three prints of each pro$ress photo$raph
ordered b( the .n$ineer& -e shall suppl( two additional prints of pro$ress photo$raphs
selected b( the .n$ineer for incorporation in albums& -e shall suppl( two sets of albums,
mount the prints, and title the prints and albums all to the approval of the .n$ineer&
The ta'in$ of photo$raphs of the Facilities b( the "ontractor for an( other purpose whether
for use in India or in an( other countr( shall not be carried out without written approval from
the .n$ineer&
"ontamination of +ater Supplies
Si$nature of the Tenderer 47
efore an( person is en$a$ed on wor' involvin$ a ris' to the purit( of potable water supplies
or deemed to involve such a ris' b( the .n$ineer, he shall be tested to indicate that he is not
a carrier of t(phoid or other water7borne disease and he shall be informed of the dan$ers of
contamination& The "ontractor shall notif( the .n$ineer of an( person who has been certified
b( a doctor as sufferin$ from an illness associated with the looseness of the bowels, and no
such person shall be emplo(ed on such wor' until the .mplo(erOs medical adviser is satisfied
that it is safe for him to be so emplo(ed&
4&6< "limatic #ata
The "ontractor shall ta'e account of the climatic conditions at the site of the Facilities&
The followin$ information is provided as a $uide to the climatic conditions li'el( to be
encountered on the Site to assist the "ontractor both in the selection of all plant and
eBuipment, and the construction of the +or's to withstand the effects of the weather&
(a) *onthl( Avera$e Temperature
*aAimum ;>&? o"
*inimum 46&? o"
(b) .Atreme Temperatures
;5 o" in Eune
8 o" in Eanuar(
(c) Annual Avera$e 2ainfall
8?? mm per (ear, the majorit( fallin$ in the monsoon months of Eune
to /ctober& /n avera$e there are >6 rain( da(s per (ear& Storm intensities can be hi$h with
storm totals reachin$ 4?? mm, with normal durations of 4 to 6 da(s&
(d) *onthl( Avera$e 2elative -umidit(
*aAimum 5:H
*inimum 48H
The "ontractor shall satisf( himself as to the accurac( of the above climatic data which are
based on limited records&
4&65 Dnits of *easurement
All desi$ns, drawin$s, specifications and manuals shall use SI ('$ m s) units and all
measurements, dimensions and performance data shall be Buoted in those units&
4&68 9an$ua$es
Si$nature of the Tenderer 48
All drawin$s, instructions, si$ns, notices, name7plates, etc for use in the operation and
maintenance of the completed Facilities shall be in .n$lish&
+arnin$ si$ns shall be in Telu$u, -indi and .n$lish&
4&=? "ontract Si$nboard
The "ontractor shall suppl( and erect contract si$nboards at locations to be specified b( the
.n$ineer& The si$nboards shall be of substantial construction to the approval of the .n$ineer
and the letterin$ in both .n$lish and Telu$u shall be blac' on a white bac'$round&
4&=4 Advertisin$
The "ontractor shall not use an( part of the Site for an( form of advertisin$ without the prior
written approval of the .n$ineer&
4&=6 #rawin$s and Information to be Provided
(a) General
The drawin$s that will be prepared and issued for this "ontract shall be classified as follows
and where relevant shall be to a scale which is suitable for the representation of those details
The term #rawin$ shall be deemed to include all drawin$s, schedules, software
documentation and calculations necessar( for the desi$n, construction, operation and
maintenance of the plant and referred to in this clause&
(i) Pre7contract #rawin$s
The pre7contract drawin$s are those issued to bidders either with the bid documents for the
purpose of illustratin$ and clarif(in$ the Facilities described in the Specification or later durin$
the bid period as part of an Addendum to the bid documents&
Such drawin$s shall be deemed to have been issued for the $uidance of bidders and shall, for
the purpose of eAecutin$ the Facilities, be superseded b( the "ontract #rawin$s&
(ii) id #rawin$s
The id #rawin$s are those furnished b( a bidder with his bid for the purpose of illustratin$
and clarif(in$ his proposals&
(iii) "ontract #rawin$s
The "ontract #rawin$s are certified drawin$s submitted b( the "ontractor to the .mplo(er or
his .n$ineer durin$ the course of the "ontract for information or approval&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 49
The .n$ineer ma( reBuire the "ontractor to submit for approval additional drawin$s if the(
are necessar( to enable him to satisf( himself that the items are well desi$ned, that the(
compl( with the Specification and that the( are suitable for their intended purpose& These
drawin$s shall form the a$reed basis for the eAecution of the Facilities& If an approved
drawin$ is revised, revised copies shall be submitted for approval as above and no such
revised drawin$ shall be used for the purposes of the "ontract until it has been approved in
place of the earlier issue of the drawin$&
Approval of drawin$s b( the .n$ineer shall not be held to relieve the "ontractor of his
responsibilities under the "ontract&
/ne IApprovedK cop( of each drawin$ will be returned to the "ontractor when approval is
$iven if the "ontractor so reBuests&
(iv) 2ecord #rawin$s
These drawin$s shall be compiled b( the "ontractor and shall constitute a permanent record
of the +or's as eAecuted& These shall include all such drawin$s, schedules, software
documentation and calculations as necessar( for a complete understandin$ of the Facilities
desi$n, operation and maintenance&
The( shall be produced in the form of blac' lines on a durable translucent film from which
paper prints can be ta'en b( others as reBuired, and in Auto"A# softcop(&
Periods of Submission
The "ontract #rawin$s are reBuired as soon as possible after the "ontract has been awarded
and the contract formalities completed in order that the desi$n wor' for other associated
contracts can proceed& Dnless otherwise specified, the submission of drawin$s for approval
should commence within ; wee's of the effective date of the "ontract&
The preparation of 2ecord #rawin$s shall be commenced as soon as is practical durin$ the
construction of the Facilities& The 2ecord #rawin$s shall be completed and delivered to the
.n$ineer in a period not eAceedin$ 5 wee's, after issue of the "ompletion "ertificate&
Information reBuired on #rawin$s for Approval
All the eBuipment desi$ns, drawin$s and Lualit( Assurance Plans (LAP) are reBuired to be
submitted for approval
#rawin$s for approval shall be submitted in triplicate to the .n$ineer@
Si$nature of the Tenderer 50
#rawin$ Format and 1umberin$
All drawin$s shall be prepared usin$ an identical title bloc' format& This shall be approved b(
the .n$ineer and shall identif( the project, drawin$ title, the .mplo(er, the "ontractor, Sub7
contractor, if applicable, and the .n$ineer&
.lectrical control schematics, loop dia$rams and schedules shall where practical be A= si0e
drawin$s, all other drawin$s shall be A4 si0e&
A formalised drawin$ numberin$ s(stem shall be adopted with di$its of each number,
referencin$ location, drawin$ t(pe and si0e& The numberin$ format and allocation of drawin$
number bloc's shall be approved b( the .n$ineer&
Information reBuired on 2ecord #rawin$s
The 2ecord #rawin$s shall consist of the full( up7dated versions of the approved drawin$s
incorporatin$ an( additional information which will assist the .mplo(er in? operatin$,
maintainin$ and if necessar( modif(in$ or eAtendin$ the Facilities at a later date& These
drawin$s shall eAtend and supplement the information $iven in the /peratin$ and
*aintenance Instructions&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 51
4&== /peratin$ and *aintenance Instructions
The "ontractor shall compile installation, operatin$, preventive maintenance and overhaulin$
instructions for the Plant and .Buipment and shall submit two draft copies to the .n$ineer for
his approval at least two months before the completion is due& The .n$ineer will either $ive
his approval or return one draft cop( with his comments to the "ontractor& 4? ound Final
copies shall then be sent direct to the Purchaser for his use in operatin$ and maintainin$ the
The instructions shall consist of@
(4) /ne volume of installation instructions&
(6) /ne volume of the essential instructions for the use of the operator3s in
controllin$ and servicin$ the Plant& These instructions shall be reasonabl( short and concise
and shall set out, in addition to operatin$ procedures, a consolidated schedule of the
inspection, lubrication, cleanin$ and an( other t(pe of servicin$ operations reBuired in the
form of t(pical lo$ sheets from which the .mplo(er can complete dail(, wee'l(, monthl( or
other periodic record sheets of plant service operations performed b( semi7s'illed personnel&
(=) /ne volume of instructions for use of s'illed maintenance personnel in fault locations,
carr(in$ out routine replacements, withdrawin$, dismantlin$, overhaulin$, re7assemblin$ and
testin$ the various items of Plant&
(;) /ne volume of $eneral descriptive matter, dia$rams, illustrations and so on for the
information of the .mplo(er not fallin$ within "ate$ories (4) and (6) above, sometimes
referred to as ITechnical #ocumentationK&
(>) /ne volume of 2ecord #rawin$s& These shall be assembled into sub7volumes
relatin$ to areas of plant and eBuipment and civil wor's& This division shall be approved b(
the .n$ineer& The electrical drawin$s shall be complete sets includin$ all information
necessar( for maintenance and spares replacement&
The material supplied to the .mplo(er as the final copies of %olumes (6) and (=) above shall
be printed or t(pewritten on durable $rease7resistant sheet material and bound into rin$
binders with tou$h pliable covers for use on the Site& The material supplied as %olumes (4)
and (;), which is $enerall( intended for office use, ma( consist of normal paper pa$es or
prints bound into hard7cover boo's or boA files& %olume (>) shall be paper prints bound into
rin$ binders with tou$h pliable covers for use on the Site&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 52
#raft copies submitted to the .n$ineer shall be in .n$lish but the final copies $iven to the
.mplo(er shall be translated into whichever lan$ua$e is normall( spo'en b( the persons who
will use the instructions& The lan$ua$e of the operatin$ and servicin$ instructions specified for
%olume (6) above ma( not be the same as that reBuired for the other two volumes&
The provision of final operatin$, servicin$ and maintenance instructions shall re$arded as an
essential part of the Facilities and shall therefore be a condition precedent to the issue of a
/perational Acceptance "ertificate&
"-APT.2 6
T-. SIT.

6&?4 Site
The "ontractor shall not use the Site for an( purpose not reBuired b( the "ontract&
The site comprises locations at spread over the departmental area
-(draulic profile of the pumpin$ scheme is shown in the drawin$ 1o@ Pac'a$e@6
At each location the site will comprise@
4& A contractors wor'in$ area (Temporar( +or's Area)
6& Areas within the clear water pump station constructed b( others& In these
areas the Plant and .Buipment is to be installed&
=& Areas adjacent to the clear water pump stations and substations where Plant and
.Buipment is to be installed&
The contractor will not be $iven unrestricted access to the pumpin$ station site& -e will be
allowed to access the site to monitor the construction of items which directl( influence the
installation of Plant and .Buipment&
The contractor will be $iven unrestricted access to the pumpin$ station area once the )wet
sta$e, of civil wor's are complete& The unrestricted access shall be notified b( the .n$ineer&
At all times the contractor shall 'eep the .n$ineer informed of his need to access the sites
and his planned wor' pro$ramme&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 53
The "ontractor shall at all times confine his operations to those areas identified on the
#rawin$s as bein$ within the Site boundar(, unless specificall( reBuired to do so under the
"ontract, or b( the .n$ineer&
6&?6 Access to Site
Access to the Site will be from +or'spot site roads provided and maintained b( others& The
"ontractor ma( ma'e his own arran$ements for alternative access, in which case of the
"ontractor shall ma'e a record to be a$reed b( the .n$ineer of the condition of the surfaces
of an( private lands or of an( public cultivated or maintained lands over which access to the
Site lies before an( wor' is commenced to ma'e them suitable for access and he shall 'eep
such surfaces in a reasonable state of cleanliness and repair durin$ the Installation Services&
/n the termination of the "ontractorOs use of such access he shall restore the surfaces to a
condition at least eBual to that eAistin$ before his first entr( on them&
6&?= *aintenance of Site 2oads
The site roads shall be provided and maintained b( others& The "ontractor shall onl( use site
roads within the Site boundar( that are necessar( for installation of the Facilities& The
"ontractor shall obtain the .n$ineerOs approval in writin$ before utilisin$ eAistin$ site roads
within the Site& /nce the .n$ineerOs approval has been $iven the "ontractor shall ta'e all
care to minimise dama$e to the road surface and shall not bloc' the road with his vehicles&
This responsibilit( shall continue until /perational Acceptance& The "ontractor shall ma'e
arran$ements to maintain throu$h passa$e for the .mplo(erOs and his staffOs vehicles and
also those of other contractors over these site roads, which ma( comprise temporar(
diversions all to the approval and satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
The "ontractor shall not run trac'ed or unsprun$ vehicles on site roads without the written
approval of the .n$ineer who ma( reBuire that plan'in$ or some other protective material be
used to protect the road surface&
6&?; "learance of the Site
For wor' within the pump station buildin$ site clearance is not anticipated& "learance ma( be
reBuired on pipeline and cable routes&
The "ontractor shall clear the Site to the eAtent reBuired b( the .n$ineer for chec'in$ the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 54
"learance of the Site shall also include the demolition and removal of all articles, objects and
obstructions which are eApressl( reBuired to be cleared&
The "ontractor shall ensure that the parts of the Site to be occupied b( the Facilities are
clear, and shall maintain the remainder of the Site as ma( be reBuired for access and
temporar( wor's areas&
The "ontractor shall remove the material arisin$ from such clearance and dispose of it in a
manner and at a location, on or off the Site, to the approval of the .n$ineer&
The "ontractor shall fill and ma'e $ood with appropriate materials those cavities and losses
of soil which result from clearin$ the parts of the Site not subseBuentl( to be occupied b( the
The "ontractor shall not clear the Site of an( structure without the prior written permission of
the .n$ineer&
6&?> "ondition of Site
The "ontractor shall maintain the Site in a clean, tid( and health( condition for the whole of
such time as he is responsible for the care of the Facilities&
The Facilities shall be 'ept in a dr( state and an( water enterin$ the Facilities shall be
collected and dischar$ed in a safe manner approved b( the .n$ineer&
6&?: "learance and 2einstatement of the Site on "ompletion
/n /perational Acceptance, the "ontractor shall clear an( temporar( wor's areas and
temporar( access roads and reinstate the areas to their ori$inal condition and to the
satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
6&?< Site 2ecords
The "ontractor shall ma'e records of the position and eAtent in the eAcavations of ever( t(pe
of service, stratum and obstruction encountered durin$ the construction of the Facilities&
6&?5 Access for the .mplo(er and .n$ineer
The "ontractor shall permit the .mplo(er and the .n$ineer and an( person authorised b( the
.mplo(er or the .n$ineer includin$ wor'men of the .mplo(er, other contractors or utilit(
Si$nature of the Tenderer 55
underta'in$s access for the purposes of the "ontract to all areas of the Site and to an(
additional accommodation or temporar( wa(leave for the duration of the "ontract period&
6&?8 Provision of a Temporar( +or's Area
The .mplo(er will ma'e available an area at each site location for use b( the "ontractor as a
wor'in$ area& This area ma( be used for the followin$ purposes@
(i) Stora$e of materials&
9ocation of the Site /ffices
Temporar( wor's underta'en in relation to the "ontract
The area shall be considered to be part of the Site and shall be 'ept in a clean and tid(
condition to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer& /n "ompletion the "ontractor shall clear and
reinstate the area to their ori$inal condition to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
The "ontractor is under no obli$ation to use this area and ma( ma'e his own arran$ements
for another area&
"-APT.2 =
*AT.2IA9S +/2G*A1S-IP A1# #.SIG1
=&?4 Introduction
This chapter of the Specification sets out the $eneral standards of General *aterials
+or'manship and #esi$n to be used b( the "ontractor and reference to an( specific material
or eBuipment does not necessaril( impl( that such material or eBuipment is included in the
Plant and .Buipment&
All component parts of the Plant and .Buipment shall, unless otherwise specified, compl( with
the provisions of this chapter or be subject to the approval of the .n$ineer&
=&?6 Abbreviations
+herever the followin$ abbreviations are used the( shall have the meanin$s below@
Institutional @
AG*A 7 American Gear *anufacturers Association
Si$nature of the Tenderer 56
AI.. 7 American Institute of .lectrical .n$ineers
API 7 American Petroleum Institute
AST* 7 American Societ( for Testin$ and *aterials
A++A 7 American +ater +or's Association
SI 7 ritish Standards Institution
#I1 7 #eutsches Industrie 1ormen
-I 7 -(draulic Institute (DS)
I. 7 Indian .lectricit( 2ules
I." 7 International .lectrotechnical "ommission
IS 7 Indian Standards
IS/ 7 International /r$anisation for Standardisation
ISI 7 Indian Standards Institute
1." 7 DS 1ational .lectrical "ode
1.*A 7 1ational .lectrical *anufacturersO Association
D9 7 Dnderwriters 9aborator(, Inc&
=&?= #esi$n of Plant and .Buipment
The Plant and .Buipment shall be desi$ned to conform with the best en$ineerin$ practices,
and shall be new, of sound wor'manship and robust desi$n, and of a $rade and Bualit(
suitable for the climatic conditions at the Site&
For the purposes of desi$n, the Plant and .Buipment shall be suitable for operatin$
throu$hout the ran$es of conditions described in the project reBuirements and operational
duties& Particular attention shall be $iven to eApansion due to temperature chan$es, the
stabilit( of paint finish for hi$h temperatures, the ratin$ of en$ines, electrical machiner(,
thermal overload devices, coolin$ s(stems, and the choice of lubricants for the possible hi$h
operatin$ temperatures&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 57
The Plant and .Buipment shall be desi$ned to provide protection a$ainst the entr( of vermin
and dust, and to minimise fire ris' and conseBuent fire dama$e& It shall also be protected
a$ainst dampness and condensation b( sealin$ or temperature compensation&
All manuall( controlled Plant and .Buipment located outside a buildin$ shall be provided with
facilities for ma'in$ it tamper proof& This is in addition to an( reBuirements of the Specification
for securin$ Plant and .Buipment under operational conditions&
All component parts of the Plant and .Buipment shall be manufactured to strict limits of
accurac( and shall be interchan$eable with the component parts of similar Plant and
The Plant and .Buipment shall be desi$ned for continuous operation durin$ prolon$ed
periods with a minimum of maintenance and the "ontractor ma( be called upon to
demonstrate this for an( component part either b( the service records of similar eBuipment,
or b( the records of eAtensive t(pe tests&
The materials for construction of the Plant and .Buipment shall be selected ta'in$ into
consideration their location and dut(& In the case of Plant and .Buipment conve(in$ water,
particular attention shall be $iven to the ris' of electrol(tic reaction between differin$ materials
of construction and to the effects of corrosion and where there are impurities in the water,
=&?; 2atin$ Plates, 1ame Plates and 9abels
.ach main and auAiliar( item of Plant and .Buipment shall have permanentl( attached to it in
a conspicuous position a nameplate and ratin$ plate& Dpon these shall be en$raved, in the
specified lan$ua$e or lan$ua$es, the manufacturerOs name, direction of rotation, t(pe and
serial number of Plant and .Buipment, details of the loadin$ and dut( at which the item of
Plant and .Buipment has been desi$ned to operate, and such details as deemed necessar(
includin$ the .mplo(erOs Plant and .Buipment number& All indicatin$ and operatin$ devices
shall have securel( attached to them or mar'ed upon them desi$nations as to their function
and proper manner of use& Provision shall be made to incorporate descriptive numberin$
codes as indicated on the la(out drawin$s&
#etails of proposed plates, labels and inscriptions shall be approved b( the .n$ineer&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 58
Such nameplates, ratin$ plates and labels shall be of a ri$id t(pe laminated and
en$raved plastic material, with blac' bloc' capitals on a white bac'$round& The labels shall
be fiAed b( stainless steel screws ! adhesive shall not be used&
+arnin$ labels shall be of similar construction with blac' bloc' capitals on a (ellow
+eatherproof labels for use outside the buildin$s shall be ri$id t(pe laminated plastic&
All field items shall be ta$$ed with >? A 6> mm en$raved traffol(te labels& It shall state the
item ta$ number and ha0ardous area classification and shall be attached b( a corrosion
resistant rin$ to a fiAed portion of the item& The rin$ shall retain the ta$ securel( but shall
allow transfer to a replacement item when necessar(&
+arnin$ labels shall be provided where necessar( to warn of dan$erous circumstances or
substances& Inscriptions or $raphic s(mbols shall be blac' on a (ellow bac'$round and to
internationall( reco$nised standards&
Instruction labels shall be provided where safet( procedures such as wearin$ of protective
clothin$ are essential to protect personnel from ha0ardous or potentiall( ha0ardous
conditions& These labels shall have inscriptions or $raphic s(mbols in white on a blue
Plant and .Buipment liable to start automaticall( without warnin$ shall be clearl( labelled in a
prominent position& The label shall read@
#A1G.2& CCCCC IS ADT/*ATI"A99J "/1T2/99.# A1# *AJ STA2T +IT-/DT
+A21I1G& IS/9AT. .F/2. I1SP."TI/1&
or other approved notice& #an$er labels are to be provided in .n$lish, -indi and Telu$u&
+here $roups of Plant and .Buipment are under automatic control a common notice ma( be
acceptable where it can be clearl( defined which drives are under automatic control&
=&?> Provision of 9ubricants
A complete schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants shall be furnished b( the
"ontractor& The number of different t(pes of lubricants shall be 'ept to a minimum& In the
case of $rease7lubricated roller bearin$s for electric motors a lithium7based $rease is
preferred& +here $rease is the lubricant, preference shall be $iven to a pressure s(stem
which does not reBuire adjustment or rechar$in$ more than once wee'l(& +here necessar(
for accessibilit(, $rease nipples ma( be placed at the end of short eAtension pipin$ and when
Si$nature of the Tenderer 59
a number of such points can be $rouped convenientl(, the nipples shall be brou$ht to a
batter( plate mounted in a convenient position& I-(draulicK button7head t(pe nipples, in
accordance with S 4;5:, shall be used for normal $rease and all $rease nipples shall be of
the same si0e and t(pe throu$hout the Plant for the same lubricant& Arran$ements shall be
provided to prevent bearin$s bein$ overfilled with either $rease or oil&
The "ontractor shall suppl( permanentl( labelled $rease7$un eBuipment for each t(pe of
nipple provided&
/il reservoirs shall be fitted with oil7level indicators of the si$ht $lass t(pe or where this is not
practicable, with dipstic's& The indicators shall show the level at all temperatures li'el( to be
eAperienced in service& The normal maAimum and minimum levels shall be clearl( visible to
an operator standin$ on the normal access floor to the particular item of Plant& The si$ht
$lasses shall be made from tou$hened $lass, easil( dismantled for cleanin$ and in eAposed
situations, fitted with $uards&
All lubrication s(stems shall be desi$ned so as not to cause a fire or pollution ha0ard
and particular care shall be ta'en to prevent lea'a$e of lubricants and to avoid lea'in$
lubricants comin$ into contact with an( electrical eBuipment, heated surfaces or an( other
potential source of fire&
=&?: Initial "har$es of /il, etc
The initial char$es of oil, $rease, electrol(te and similar materials necessar( for the correct
settin$ to wor' and operation of the Plant shall be included in the appropriate Plant item&
=&?< Guardin$ of *achiner(
The "ontractor shall ensure that all desi$ns and eBuipment for which he is responsible are
safe& 1othin$ in this Specification shall remove the "ontractorOs obli$ation from drawin$ the
attention of the .n$ineer to an( feature of the +or's which is not consistent with safet(, or to
prevent ma'in$ proposals for incorporatin$ eBuipment or desi$ns which would increase the
safet( of the Plant&
The installation la(out and plant desi$n shall not allow an( item of Plant to be so positioned
that dan$er to operatin$ personnel could arise durin$ normal operation and maintenance&
Particular attention shall be paid to the position of hot pipes, air vents and rotatin$ machiner(&
All rotatin$ shafts, couplin$s, $ears, fl(wheels, belt drives or other movin$ parts shall be full(
$uarded in accordance with S >=?;& Guards shall be desi$ned to provide access to
bearin$s, $rease points, thermometer poc'ets and other chec' points and to allow safe
Si$nature of the Tenderer 60
routine observation and servicin$ to be eAecuted without the need to dismantle an( part of
their structure&
=&?5 +eldin$
Dnless otherwise described in the Specifications, metal7arc weldin$ shall compl( with S
>4=>& Tac' welds and temporar( attachment shall follow the procedures laid down in S
>4=>& The position of welds for temporar( attachment shall be a$reed b( the .n$ineer&
+eldin$ procedure specifications shall be prepared and submitted to the .n$ineer& The(
shall detail steel $rades, joints desi$n, material thic'ness, weldin$ process, consumables,
principal weldin$ positions, wor'in$3pre7heatin$ temperatures and post7weld heat treatment&
+eldin$ shall be carried out onl( under the direction of an eAperienced and competent
superior of the "ontractor&
1o such weldin$ shall be carried out before the .n$ineer has approved the details proposed&
1o alteration shall be made to an( previousl( approved detail of weldin$ preparation without
prior approval of the .n$ineer& +elders shall be Bualified in accordance with the
reBuirements of S ;5<6 or S ;5<4 as applicable&
The weldin$ machines shall be capable of maintainin$ at the weld the volta$e and current
specified b( the manufacture of the electrodes& The "ontractor shall suppl( instruments for
verif(in$ volta$e and current as and when reBuired b( the .n$ineer&
*echanical and other non7radio$raphic tests, if reBuired, shall be carried out in the presence
of the .n$ineer, or the Inspection Authorit(&
-apha0ard stri'in$ of the electrodes for establishin$ an arc shall not be permitted&
The arc shall be struc' either on the joint or on a startin$ ta$& The startin$ ta$ shall be of the
same material or a material compatible with the base metal bein$ welded& In case of an(
inadvertent stri'e on place other than the weldin$, the area affected shall be $round flushed
and eAamined b( liBuid penetration method&
Generall(, a strin$er bead techniBue shall be used with a sli$ht oscillation necessar(
to avoid sla$ and to minimi0e the number of beads needed to fill eAceed = times the wire
diameter& %ertical welds shall be made in upward direction& For all pipes above =?? mm dia,
weldin$ shall be done whenever possible, b( 6 welders wor'in$ simultaneousl( alon$ both
sides of the pipe&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 61
The root pass shall have less than 4&> mm internal reinforcement& #efects li'e
icicles, burn throu$h and eAcessive )such bac',, etc& shall be cause for rejection of welds&
Pre7heatin$ and post heatin$ treatment shall conform to the relevant application
"odes& Pre7heatin$ not eAceedin$ 464 de$& " for all carbon steel construction above 6> mm
thic'ness would be mandator(& Such pre7heatin$ would be maintained durin$ flame cuttin$,
flame or arc $ou$in$, weldin$ and repairs and ma( be done b( $as heatin$ b( $as
torches3$as rin$s with neutral flame& The temperature shall be chec'ed b( temperature
indicatin$ cra(ons& -owever, such pre7heatin$ will not be necessar( for welds less than :
mm si0e& In lar$e diameter pipe fabricated out of plate materials, production control test
plates in accordance with the S ;5<? Part 4 Table : to represent =?H of the lon$ seams
and each welderKs performance would be mandator(&
All electrodes shall be stored in their ori$inal sealed containers under dr( conditions&
.lectrodes shall remain identified until consumed& All electrodes shall be dried before use&
#r(in$ ovens shall be provided in +or' areas for dr(in$ purposes& .lectrodes withdrawn
from oven shall be promptl( used and eAcess unused electrodes shall be promptl( returned to
The various sta$es of eAamination and t(pes shall be as stipulated in the respective
fabrication "odes& 2adio$raphic eAamination shall be carried out as per provisions of S
6:?? or S 684?& Dltrasonic tests where called for shall be carried out as per provisions of
S =86:& *a$netic particle tests shall be carried out as per S :?<6& 9iBuid penetration
tests shall be carried out as per S :;;=&
=&?8 "astin$s
The structure of the castin$s shall be homo$eneous and free from non7metallic inclusions and
other defects& All surfaces of castin$s which are not machined shall be smooth and shall be
carefull( fettled to remove all foundr( irre$ularities&
*inor defects not eAceedin$ 6&> mm in depth nor 46H of total metal thic'ness, whichever is
less and which will not ultimatel( affect the stren$th and serviceabilit( of the castin$, ma( be
repaired b( approved weldin$ techniBues and subseBuent heat treatment for stainless steel&
The .n$ineer shall be notified of lar$er defects and no repair weldin$ of such defects shall be
carried out without his prior approval&
If the removal of metal for repair should reduce the stress resistin$ cross7section of the
castin$ b( more than 6>H, or to such an eAtent that the computed stress in the remainin$
metal eAceeds the allowable stress b( more than 6>H, then that castin$ shall be rejected&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 62
"astin$s repaired b( weldin$ for major defects shall be stress7relieved after such weldin$, or
as otherwise instructed in writin$ b( the .n$ineer&
1on7destructive tests ma( be reBuired for an( castin$ containin$ defects whose effect cannot
otherwise be established or to determine that repair welds have been properl( made&
Dnless otherwise specified castin$s shall be produced to the followin$ standards or
"arbon steel
Stainless steel
"opper and copper




Grade 66?
Group A Grade 9G6
Group Grade "T4, A6
Group " Grade G4
=&4? For$in$s
All major stress7bearin$ for$in$s shall be made to a standard specification which shall be
submitted to the .n$ineer for approval before wor' is commenced& The( shall be subject to
internal eAamination and non7destructive tests for the detection of flaws and shall be
dema$netised after test ! heat treated for the relief of residual stresses& The name of the
manufacturer and particulars of the heat treatment proposed for each such for$in$ shall be
submitted to the .n$ineer&
=&44 1on7metallic *aterials
Fabrics, cor', paper and similar materials which are not subseBuentl( to be protected b(
impre$nation, shall be treated with an approved fun$icide& Sleevin$ and fabrics treated with
linseed oil varnish will not be permitted&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 63
The use of or$anic materials shall be avoided as far as possible but where these have to be
used the( shall be treated to ma'e them fire resistant and non7flame propa$atin$&
The use of wood shall be avoided as far as possible& If used, woodwor' shall be thorou$hl(
seasoned tea' or other approved hardwood which is resistant to fun$al deca( and free from
blemishes& All woodwor' shall be treated to protect it a$ainst dama$e b( fire, moisture,
fun$us, vermin, insect, bacteria or chemical attac'& All joints in woodwor' shall be dovetailed
or ton$ued and pinned& *etal fittin$s on wood shall be of non7ferrous material& Adhesives
shall be speciall( selected to ensure the use of t(pes that are impervious to moisture and
fun$al $rowth& S(nthetic resin cement shall be used for joinin$ wood&
=&46 1uts, olts and +ashers
1uts, bolts, studs and washers for incorporation in the facilities shall conform to the
reBuirements of ritish or other approved standard& 1uts and bolts for pressure fittin$s shall
be of the best Bualit( steel machined on the shan' and under the head and nut& olts shall be
of one piece construction ! shall be of such a len$th that two threads shall show throu$h the
nut when in the full( ti$htened condition& Fitted bolts shall be a li$ht drivin$ fit in the reamed
holes the( occup(, shall have the screwed portion of such a diameter that it will not be
dama$ed in drivin$ and shall be mar'ed in a conspicuous position to ensure correct assembl(
at site& +ashers, loc'in$ devices and anti7vibration fittin$s shall be provided where
necessar(& Their desi$n shall ensure that no bendin$ stress is caused in the bolt&
+hen there is a ris' of corrosion, bolts and studs shall be desi$ned so that the maAimum
stress in the bolt does not eAceed half the (ield stress of the material under all conditions&
All bolts, nuts and screws which are subject to freBuent adjustment or removal in the course
of maintenance and repair shall be made of nic'el7bearin$ stainless steel&
The "ontractor shall suppl( all holdin$ down, ali$nment and levellin$ bolts complete with
anchora$es, nuts, washers and pac'in$s reBuired to attach the Plant to its foundation, and all
bedplates, frames and other structural parts necessar( to spread the loads transmitted b( the
Plant to concrete foundations without eAceedin$ the desi$n stresses&
Isometric blac' heAa$onal bolts, nuts and screws shall compl( with S ;48? stren$th
$rade ;&: for bolts and screws, and stren$th $rade ; for nuts&
Isometric precision heAa$onal bolts, nuts and screws shall compl( with S =:86 stren$th
$rade 5&5 for bolts and screws, and stren$th $rade 5 for nuts&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 64
=&4= Threads
All threads shall be of preferred metric si0es with the standard coarse form of medium fit to
S =:;= eAcept for special applications for which the metric fine thread ma( be utilised, or
other thread forms subject to the approval of the .n$ineer&
=&4; FiAin$s
The "ontractor shall suppl( all anchor bolts, holdin$ down bolts, fiAin$ bolts, washers, nuts,
straps, supports, brac'ets, spacers and fiAtures, which are necessar( for the satisfactor(
installation and erection of the Facilities&
=&4> FiAin$ in "oncrete
+here items of Plant are reBuired to be fiAed in concrete cast b( others, the "ontractor shall
supervise the wor's and be responsible for its positionin$& This shall entail shimmin$,
temporar( fiAin$ and final chec'in$ as necessar( to satisf( himself of its correctness&
=&4: Flan$es
All flan$es shall compl( with S ;>?; @ Part 4 and S ;<<6& The nominal pressure ratin$ for
particular flan$es shall be at least eBual to the hi$hest pressure ratin$ of the pipes or fittin$s
to which the( are attached, but with a minimum nominal pressure of P1 4:& All flan$es shall
be provided with all necessar( nuts, bolts, washers and $as'ets& In $eneral, valves shall
have flan$ed bod( ends&
All flan$ed joints which are buried shall be protected with h(drocarbon mastic paste and
plastic tape wrappin$, applied in accordance with the manufacturerKs instructions or eBual and
=&4< Gas'ets and Eoint 2in$s
Eoint rin$s shall be manufactured to conform with S 6;8; and shall be of chloroprene rubber
or other approved s(nthetic material suitable for temperatures up to 5? de$& " or $reater to
suit the application&
Eoints shall be made in accordance with manufacturerOs instructions or as specified herein&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 65
Dntil immediatel( reBuired for incorporation in a joint, each rubber rin$ or $as'et shall be
stored in the dar', free from the deleterious effects of heat or cold, and 'ept flat so as to
prevent an( part of the rubber bein$ in tension&
/nl( lubricants recommended b( the manufacturer shall be used in connection with rubber
rin$s and these lubricants shall not contain an( constituent soluble in water of the Bualit(
stated in the Specification, shall be suitable for the climatic conditions at the Site and shall
contain an approved bactericide&
Graphite $rease or similar shall be applied to the threads of bolts before joints are made&
=&45 Pipe Threads
1ormall( internal threads shall be parallel and eAternal threads tapered, both compl(in$ with
S 64&
=&48 1oise and %ibration
The desi$n of the Facilities shall include for sound insulatin$ material, resilient mountin$s or
other appropriate devices to ensure that the Plant runs without undue noise or vibration in its
final installed positions& 1oise levels from machiner( shall not eAceed >> d(A) at an( point
on the site boundar( lines& 1oise levels from an( individual plant item shall not eAceed 5?
d(A) at a distance of 4 m from the reference surface& The "ontractor shall incorporate all
noise absorption measures reBuired in order to achieve these reBuirements&
1oise level measurement when reBuired shall be made with a sound level meter
which complies with S >8:8 and which is fitted with an PAO wei$htin$ networ'& The sound
pressure level shall be measured in d(A)&
All revolvin$ parts shall be properl( balanced both staticall( and d(namicall( so that in
runnin$ up to, and at full normal operatin$ speeds, and at an( loads up to the maAimum in
each case there shall be no undue vibration an(where in the machine or transmitted to the
adjacent structure& The criteria adopted for vibration severit( shall be the 2*S value of the
vibration velocit( in millimetres per second&
Instruments for measurin$ vibration severit( shall be in accordance with S ;:<> *echanical
%ibration in rotatin$ and reciprocatin$ machiner(, Part 6 2eBuirements for instruments for
measurin$ vibration severit(& 9imits of vibration severit( for rotatin$ electrical machines shall
be in accordance with S ;888 @ Part 4;6& This level shall not be eAceeded when connected
to the driven plant in the service position&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 66
=&6? "orrosion and .rosion
Dnless otherwise specified, the "ontractor shall ma'e provision in accordance with his
standard practice, for the prevention of corrosion and erosion in an( part of his Plant& Such
provision shall include the use of suitable materials, choice of operatin$ speeds, desi$n of
components and t(pe of protective coatin$s and finishes&
=&64 Precautions A$ainst #amp
Special precautions shall be ta'en to prevent corrosion due to humidit(, rainfall, moisture&
All wall mounted eBuipment shall be fitted with spacers to provide a minimum $ap of > mm&
All holes in eBuipment shall be effectivel( sealed a$ainst the in$ress of water& All items
eAposed to the weather, or water shall be free of water traps and where necessar( drain
holes shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of water&
All fiAin$s, fastenin$s and spacers which ma( be submer$ed in water or other corrosive liBuid
shall be $alvanised, or sheradised, unless otherwise specified&
All electrical eBuipment which is not sealed a$ainst free movement of air shall be protected
from condensation with anti7condensation heaters& In $eneral these heaters shall be
thermostaticall( controlled and switched off where heat is $enerated b( operation of the Plant&
=&66 Spare Parts
The spare parts shall compl( with the Specifications and be new, unused and readil(
interchan$eable with the parts for which the( are replacements&
Spare parts shall not be pac'ed with an( items of the Plant for erection or installation&
.ach spare parts shall be clearl( mar'ed with its identification reference and a detailed list
shall be enclosed in each pac'a$e containin$ spares&
The( shall be treated and pac'ed to afford adeBuate protection durin$ transit and for an
eAtended period of stora$e at the Site& An( items which cannot be pac'ed in this wa( must be
protected from corrosion b( appl(in$ temporar( protective coatin$s and shieldin$ from
mechanical dama$e& All containers shall be clearl( mar'ed ISPA2. PA2TSK to$ether with
sufficient information to allow complete identification of the spares and date of suppl( or
.lectrical and mechanical spares shall be pac'ed and crated separatel(& Spares for different
items of the Plant shall not be miAed in the same container&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 67
All cases, containers or other pac'a$es are liable to be opened for eAamination as the
.n$ineer ma( reBuire, and pac'in$s shall be desi$ned to facilitate openin$ and subseBuent
=&6= Special Tools and Test .Buipment
The tools and test eBuipment shall not be used for the erection of the Facilities and shall be
handed over in a new and unused condition eAceptin$ that the .n$ineer ma( call upon the
"ontractor to prove their effectiveness&
All special tools and test eBuipment necessar( for overhaulin$ the Plant and .Buipment and
testin$ its performance shall be included and mounted in suitabl( desi$ned cabinets with
loc'able doors& 2ac's and clips shall be provided for individual items with outline mar'in$s
and labels to show where an( eBuipment is missin$&
"-APT.2 ;
G.1.2A9 *."-A1I"A9 2.LDI2.*.1TS
;&?4 Introduction
This chapter of the Specification sets out the standards for items of *echanical Plant to be
used b( the "ontractor and reference to an( specific material or eBuipment does not
necessaril( impl( that such material or eBuipment is to be included in the Facilities&
All component parts of the mechanical wor's shall, unless otherwise specified, compl( with
the provisions of this chapter or be subject to the approval of the .n$ineer&
;&?6 Pipewor' #esi$n
The term pipewor' shall include in addition to all pipes, fittin$s, all necessar( supports,
saddles, slin$s, fiAin$ bolts, jointin$ materials and foundation bolts reBuired to support the
pipes and its associated eBuipment&
All pipe wor' reBuired for eAecution of the wor's shall be manufactured and erected in
accordance with the erection plan, specification and direction of the en$ineer& All pipe wor'
and fittin$s shall be to a pressure class in eAcess of the maAimum pressure attained in
service includin$ an( sur$e pressure& *inimum 6 mm corrosion allowance shall be
considered& -owever, the thic'ness of pipe shall not be less than the value indicated below@
Si$nature of the Tenderer 68
Pipe Si0e
mm 1
*inimum Pipe Thic'ness (mm)
;?? 4? 4?
>?? 4? 4?
<?? 4? 4?
The pipewor' shall be laid out and desi$ned so as to facilitate the erection, paintin$ in situ
and dismantlin$ of an( section for maintenance to $ive a constant and uniform flow of wor'in$
fluid with a minimum of head loss& The number of flan$es are to be 'ept to a minimum and
the si0e of each unit of pipewor' determined b( the ease of handlin$, installation and $eneral
appearance of the completed pipe s(stem& Positions of flan$es shall ta'e into account an(
necessar( concrete pipe supports or thrust bloc's&
*aterial of steel pipes and fittin$s shall conform to IS@6?:6 Gr F. ;4?+ &
Fabrication and testin$ shall be in accordance with the followin$ standards@
Pipes @ IS@=>58
Flan$es @ S@;>?;
Fittin$s @ S@>=;3A++A@"6?5
FleAible joints shall be provided where necessar( to facilitate removal of Plant and3or
to allow for differential settlement of buildin$ structure& +herever practical, fleAible joints shall
be provided with tie bolts or other means to transfer lon$itudinal thrust alon$ the pipewor' as
a whole& -owever, Stainless Steel AISI eApansion bellows with tie rods which can ta'e radial
and aAial misali$nment of minimum 4H of the pipe si0e shall be provided in the suction and
deliver( pipe wor' and also in the deliver( header&
All pipes and fittin$s over 4>? mm diameter and within the confines of buildin$ structures shall
be in steel& +herever possible standard fittin$s shall be used in preference to fabricated or
special fittin$s& +herever tap offs3openin$s are ta'en, reinforcement pad of adeBuate si0e
and thic'ness shall be provided wherever necessar( as per A1SI =4&4& Flan$es shall
conform to S ;>?; and drilled in accordance with the appropriate pressure ratin$& Flan$e
joints shall be made with minimum = mm thic' full face fabric reinforced rubber $as'ets,
pierced to ta'e bolts, and face of all flan$es shall be machined to $ive a true an$le of 8? de$&
to the centre of pipes or fittin$s&
Facilities shall be provided for drainin$ the pipe s(stem and releasin$ air& The draina$e fluid
shall be piped into the buildin$ draina$e s(stem and the period of time for draina$e shall not
eAceed =? minutes&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 69
The pipewor' la(out within pump station shall have the approval of the pump manufacturer&
Fluid velocities in suction pipewor' leadin$ to pumps shall not eAceed 6 m3s& Fluid velocities
in deliver( pipewor' leadin$ from pumps shall not eAceed 6&> m3s&
%alves, strainers and other devices mounted in the pipewor' shall be supported
independentl( of the pipes to which the( connect&
;&?= Pipewor' Installation and Eointin$
i& General
Pipes shall be laid or installed in accordance with IS >566 unless otherwise specified herein&
1o metal tools or heav( objects shall be permitted to come into contact with the pipes or
fittin$s& .Aternall( coated pipes shall be handled at all times with wide non7abrasive canvas,
rubber or leather straps or other eBuipment desi$ned to prevent dama$e to the coatin$& The
use of chains, wire slin$s or an( other handlin$ eBuipment found to be injurious to the coatin$
shall not be permitted& The timbers or s'ids used to support the coated pipe prior to
installation shall be properl( padded with sufficient ba$s stuffed with sand or straw for the
purpose of protectin$ the coatin$&
All pipe ends shall be cleaned free from $rit or other eAtraneous material before
#urin$ installation the "ontractor shall ta'e all precautions necessar( to prevent debris from
enterin$ the pipes&
Pipewor' shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer prior to the h(draulic test&
(i) .Acavation
The portion of the trench which eAtends from the formation level to not less than =?? mm
above the crown of the pipe when laid in its correct position, shall, unless otherwise specified
or ordered b( the .n$ineer, be formed with vertical sides& The clearance between the sides
and bottom of the trench and the barrel of the pipe shall not eAceed the followin$, inclusive of
an( allowances reBuired for temporar( trench supports@
Pipe 1ominal
ore (mm)
Si$nature of the Tenderer 70
Dpto =?? 4>? 6??
=>? to :?? 6?? =??
:?? to 4??? 6>? ;??
4?>? to 6>?? =?? >??
The clearance at joints ma( be increased to allow the joints to be made and inspected, an(
proposed increase shall be approved b( the .n$ineer&
All trenches deeper than 4&6 m shall have the trench walls battered or supported to ensure
the safet( of all persons wor'in$ in the trench& The "ontractor is to provide details of these
arran$ements for approval b( the .n$ineer prior to an( wor' bein$ underta'en in such a
ii& Granular eddin$
a) *aterial
The $raded $ranular material for use in bed and surround shall consist of durable $ravel,
crushed stone or disinte$rated roc'& Selected material eAcavated from the pipe trench ma( be
used, provided it contains no topsoil, cla( or ve$etable matter and is to the approval of the
.n$ineer& An( imported bed and surround materials shall be to the approval of the .n$ineer
and shall be supplied with certification which $ives details of its content, source and $radin$&
In all cases the soluble sulphate and chloride content of the $ranular material shall not eAceed
?&>H and ?&?:H b( wei$ht respectivel(&
The "ontractorKs method of $radin$ the eAcavated material shall be to the approval of the
.n$ineer& All "lass S $raded material shall pass throu$h test sieves to IS ;:? (Part 4) in the
followin$ proportions b( mass@
Aperture Si0e Percenta$e
>? mm 4?? H
=<&> mm 8? 7 4?? H
6?&? mm => 7 <? H
4;&? mm 6> 7 >> H
4?&? mm 4? 7 ;? H
>&? mm ? 7 > H
b) Installation of "lass S ed and Surround
Si$nature of the Tenderer 71
The $ranular material shall be evenl( spread over the full width of the formation and li$htl(
hand compacted to a level sli$htl( hi$her than the level correspondin$ to the underside of the
pipe barrel to allow for settlement of the pipe to the correct level&
Followin$ placement and jointin$ of the pipe further $ranular material shall be placed in the
trench, special care bein$ ta'en to fill under the sides of the pipes to ensure full contact with
the barrel of the pipe& Field joints which have not been $as tested shall be left eAposed for a
minimum len$th of 6?? mm on each side of the joint collar or sleeve& The $ranular material
shall then be placed and compacted evenl( on both sides of the pipe to a depth of =?? mm
above the crown of the pipe&
Trench supports shall be withdrawn $raduall( in accordance with the pro$ress of the fill with
the provision that such withdrawal shall not prejudice the safet( of the +or's&
The "ontractor shall ensure that the material to the sides of the pipe is adeBuatel( compacted
in la(ers havin$ a maAimum thic'ness of 6?? mm and that the method of compaction used
shall achieve not less than 8>H of the maAimum dr( densit( as determined from IS 6<6? @
Part <&
After each section of the pipeline has passed the h(draulic test, the holes left at eAposed
joints shall be bac'filled and compacted to the above Specification&
(iii) ac'fillin$
The eAcavation for pipelines shall be bac'filled after placin$ the bed and surround& Trench
supports shall be withdrawn $raduall( in accordance with the pro$ress of the fill subject at all
times to the provision that withdrawal will not prejudice the safet( of the +or's&
The trench shall be filled with eAcavated material with particle si0e not eAceedin$ 4?? mm
evenl( placed and compacted in la(ers not eAceedin$ 6?? mm thic' after compaction& The
method of compaction emplo(ed shall achieve not less than 8>H maAimum dr( densit( as
determined from IS 6<6? @ Part <&
;&?; #uctile Iron Pipes and Fittin$s (not used)
;&?> Steel Pipes and Fittin$s
;&?>&4 Pipes and Fittin$s
Si$nature of the Tenderer 72
Pipes intended for fabrication b( weldin$ and for cuttin$ into closin$ len$ths shall be trul(
circular and si0ed uniforml( throu$hout their len$th, the tolerances applicable to their entire
outside diameter shall be those $iven in IS =>58& The( shall be mar'ed Otrul( circularO and
identified b( paintin$ a 6> mm wide red strip alon$ each of two diametricall( opposite
locations throu$hout the eAternal surface of the pipe len$th& A minimum of >H of the pipes
supplied b( the "ontractor should be so fabricated and identified&
Standard fittin$s shall be used wherever possible in preference to fabricated fittin$s& Standard
fittin$s shall be manufactured in accordance with S >=; or A++A "6?5 for fittin$s not
covered b( S >=;&
Tee and ranches on steel pipelines must be reinforced b( weldin$ reinforcement collars
around the base of the branch and in the case of lar$e diameter branches, increasin$ the
main pipe wall thic'ness and or ma'in$ use of crotch plates& All fittin$s, tees, branches,
crosses and bends are to be desi$ned b( the contractor&
Steel specials shall have the same stren$th and shall be compatible in all other respects with
the pipes with which the( are to be used& The mar'in$ of pipes and fittin$s shall be as
specified in IS =>58&
;&?>&6 Eoints

(i) +elded Eoints
+elded joints shall be $enerall( as per IS 656>& #etailed proposals for the use of but
welded joints shall be submitted to and approved b( en$ineer before wor' starts& /nl(
Bualified welders shall be used for weldin$&
(ii) Flan$ed Eoints
Flan$es shall compl( with S ;>?; @ Part =& The nominal pressure ratin$ shall be at least
eBual to the hi$hest pressure ratin$ of the pipes or fittin$s to which the( are attached, but with
a minimum P1 4:& Flan$es shall be provided with all necessar( nuts, bolts, washers and
$as'ets, as specified herein& The "ontractor shall also suppl( in suitable containers sufficient
$raphite $rease for application to the bolt threads when joints are made&
(iii) Slip7on T(pe Eoints
Slip7on t(pe joints for use with plain ended pipes shall be of the t(pe indicated in Fi$ure = of
S >=;&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 73
;&?>&= 9inin$s
"ement *ortar 9inin$ For Internal Surface /f Pipeline
The dischar$e line of <?? mm finished internal diameter from pumphouse to the location of
G92 will be internall( cement mortar lined& This Specifications covers the reBuirements of
providin$ materials and application of in7situ cement mortar linin$ of 4> mm thic'ness with
cement mortar (4@4 M) b( mechanical and3or hand application to the internal surfaces of
pipeline, which have been alread( installed under this contract& It also includes all related
wor's reBuired for performin$ a complete contract& After completion of field h(draulic test of
the pipeline in all respects the "ontractor shall ta'e up the In7Situ "ement *ortar linin$ to the
internal surface of the pipeline& The wor' shall be started onl( after obtainin$ the written
approval of the .n$ineer in this respect&
;&?>&; Applicable "odes and Specifications
The followin$ specifications, standards and codes are shall be adheared to& All standards,
specifications, codes of practices referred to herein shall be the latest edition includin$ all
applicable official amendments and revisions& In case of discrepanc( between this
specification and those referred to herein, this specification shall $overn&
A++A ":?67<: 7 American +ater +or's Association(A++A) Standard for "ement *ortar
9inin$ of +ater Pipelines 7 ; in& and lar$er 7 In Place&
IS 7 =:8: 7 Safet( code for scaffolds and ladders (Part I ! II)
AST* 7 ";? 7 Test for /r$anic Impurities in Sands for "oncrete&
.n$ineer shall have the ri$ht to inspect the source3s of material3s, the operation of
procurement and stora$e of materials, "ement mortar batchin$ and miAin$ eBuipment and
the Bualit( control s(stem& Such an inspection shall be arran$ed and the .n$ineerOs approval
obtained prior to startin$ of linin$ wor'&
"omposition of mortar for the linin$ shall be composed of cement, sand and water miAed to
such consistenc( as to produce a dense and homo$enous linin$ that will adhere firml( to the
pipe surface& idder should indicate in his bid the details of the admiAtures he proposes to
use& This linin$ surface shall be able to deliver a $uaranteed O"O value of 4=? for modified
-a0en +illiams formula&
*ethod of application
Si$nature of the Tenderer 74
All linin$ wor' shall be done b( machine3hand application& If there are areas where the linin$
can be done b( machine but cannot perform trowel finishin$, then the bidder in his bid shall
indicate such areas& ( prior approval of .n$ineer, these areas ma( be machine spra(ed and
hand troweled&
All wor's shall be performed in a thorou$h and wor'manli'e manner b( trained personnel with
previous eAperience under the supervision of eAperienced men s'illed in the in7situ
application of cement7mortar linin$ to pipelines and under$round wor's such as tunnel, shaft&
Pro$ramme of linin$ and plant and eBuipment
The plant and eBuipment proposed b( the "ontractor for carr(in$ out the cement mortar linin$
application shall be furnished alon$ with the id& The "ontractor shall also furnish the method
he proposes to adopt& "ontractor shall furnish complete details of similar wor' eAecuted b(
him alon$ with the id&
*aterials of "onstruction
"ement reBuired for mortar linin$ shall be Portland "ementOO conformin$ to IS76:8&
To improve wor'abilit(, densit( and stren$th of the mortar, admiAtures as approved b( the
.n$ineer ma( be used b( the "ontractor at his own cost& 1o admiAtures shall be used that
would have a deleterious effect on water flowin$ in the pipe, which is reBuired for drin'in$
Sand shall consist of inert $ranular material& The $rains shall be stron$, durable, and
uncoated& The sand shall be well $raded and shall pass a 4&45 mm mesh screen (AST*
1o&4:) with not more than > percent passin$ 4>? micron sieve (AST* 1o&4??)& Sand shall be
free from injurious amounts of dust, cla(, lumps, shale, soft or fla'( particles mica, loam, oil,
al'ali, and other deleterious substances& The total wei$ht of such substances shall not eAceed
= percent of the combined wei$ht of the substances and the sand that contained them&
9imitations shall appl( to specific substances as follows @
Si$nature of the Tenderer 75
Substance *aAimum allowable percenta$e b(
Shale 4
"la( lumps 4
*ica and deleterious
substances other than shale
and cla( lumps
/r$anic impurities 7 Sand shall not show a colour value dar'er than the reference standard
colour solution prepared as reBuired b( AST* :&;? PTest for /r$anic Impurities in Sands for
+ater for miAin$ mortar shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of mud, oil, or$anic
material or other deleterious substances&
#r( proportions of cement and sand shall be 4 part of cement to 4M parts of sand b( volume&
Sli$ht modifications in composition could be made at site to suit the characteristics of the
sand used& .ach ba$ of cement shall be wei$hed and converted into volume for its use&
AdmiAtures, if permitted, shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations& The minimum cement content shall be 4??? G$3m= and water cement ratio
of between ?&=@4 and ?&;>@4 b( mass&
+ater "ontent
+ater content shall be the minimum that is reBuired to produce a wor'able miA, with full
allowance made for water collectin$ on the interior of pipe surface&
*ortar shall be well miAed and of proper consistenc( to obtain a dense, homo$enous linin$&
+here premiAed mortar is used, it shall be done so before initial set&
Thic'ness of 9inin$
"ement mortar linin$ shall be 4> mm thic'ness in cement mortar (4@4 M) with a maAimum
plus tolerance of = mm&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 76
"urin$ shall commence immediatel( after completion of the mortar linin$ and hand finishin$ of
a section of pipeline& This shall, however, not be later than 57hours after miAin$ of mortar& The
linin$ shall be 'ept continuousl( in moist condition for a period of 4; da(s& #urin$ the
operation of linin$, finishin$ and curin$, eAterior surface of the pipe eAposed to sunli$ht shall
be sprin'led with enou$h water to 'eep the pipe cool& /pen ends of pipes shall be suitabl(
closed so as to maintain a moist atmosphere and prevent drau$ht& "urin$ of mortar linin$ and
simultaneous coolin$ of the pipeline eAternall( shall be continued even be(ond the period of
4; da(s as directed b( the .n$ineer& In the opinion of .n$ineer, if the water for curin$ as per
the specification ma( not be available, .n$ineer shall order the "ontractor to use chemical
curin$ which shall be carried out as per the manufacturers specifications& 1o eAtra pa(ment
will be made on this account& If the contractor desired so, use of approved curin$ compound
will be permitted&
#efective 9inin$
D%6%7,& #( 0#(#(- #(702)#(- 32, (+, /%&,/#7,%) ,+ &'() $+71%,&G ?+#)&G
+?%/&'()%) '/%'&G 30#&,%/&G 7/'71%) '() )2..4 '/%'&G '() ,:#( &$+,& &:'00 3%
/%.+?%)G '() ,:% '/%' &:'00 3% /%$'#/%) 34 :'() '$$0#7',#+( ,+ ,:% 6200 /%A2#/%)
,:#71(%&& +6 ,:% .+/,'/ 0#(#(-. D%6%7,#?% '/%'& %(7+.$'&&#(- ,:% 6200 )#'.%,%/
+6 ,:% $#$% &:'00 3% /%$0'7%) 34 .'7:#(% =:%/%?%/ $/'7,#7'0. D%6%7,#?% 0#(#(-
/%*%7,%) ', ,:% ,#.% +6 0#(#(- &:'00 3% /%.+?%) 3%6+/% #(#,#'0 &%, +6 ,:% .+/,'/.
D%6%7,#?% 0#(#(- /%*%7,%) '6,%/ #(#,#'0 &%, &:'00 3% /%$0'7%) +/ /%$'#/%) 34 ,:%
.+&, $/'7,#7'0 .%,:+) '& )%,%/.#(%) 34 ,:% E(-#(%%/.
I6 +( %E'.#(',#+( 34 ,:% E(-#(%%/ +6 ,:% 7%.%(,C.+/,'/ 0#(#(- =+/1 =#,:#( '
$%/#+) +6 ,=+ 4%'/& '6,%/ 6#('0 7+.$0%,#+( '() '77%$,'(7% +6 ,:% C+(,/'7, W+/1
/%?%'0& %?#)%(7% +6 )%6%7,#?% .',%/#'0& +/ =+/1.'(&:#$ '& )%6#(%) #( ,:#&
&$%7#6#7',#+( 32, (+, 0#.#,%) ,+ ,:% &'.%G ,:%( ,:% C+(,/'7,+/ &:'00 $%/6+/. ,:%
/%.%)#'0 =+/1 ', :#& +=( %E$%(&% #( ' .'((%/ '77%$,'30% ,+ ,:% E(-#(%%/.
5.@8.5 C+',#(-
C+'0 T'/ E('.%0 C+',#(-
Dnless otherwise shown on the #rawin$s or otherwise specified all eAternal steel
pipewor' shall be coal tar enamel coated& The coatin$ s(stem shall be in accordance
with A++A "6?=784 and comprise a primer, two $lass fibre inner wraps and a
bitumen impre$nated $lass fibre outer wrap each separated b( a la(er of coal tar
enamel& After coatin$ the pipe shall receive a white solar protection outer coat&
All materials shall be in accordance with A++A "6?=784 and also compl( with the
followin$ reBuirements@
Si$nature of the Tenderer 77
(i) The coal tar enamel itself shall be re$istered with the appropriate bod( as
meetin$ the reBuirements for either A++A "6?=784 T(pe 4 .namel or
S;4:; Grade 4?>35 .namel&
(ii) last cleanin$ prior to primin$ shall be to an Sa 6 M, <> 7 4?? micron profile
(S<?<8) finish&
(iii) The primer shall be a T(pe s(nthetic primer&
(iv) Provision of $lass fibre inner wrap
(v) The coal tar impre$nated $lass fibre outer wrap shall be of the reinforced non
woven t(pe&
(vi) The white solar protection outer coat shall comprise a vin(l resin based
The application seBuence shall be in accordance with the standard but shall have an
eAtra la(er of inner wrap and coal tar enamel& The final minimum coatin$ thic'ness
over the weld, not includin$ the solar protection outer coat, shall be ;&? mm&
The factor( applied coatin$ shall be held bac' from the ends of the pipe to allow
jointin$& The len$th of the hold bac' shall be in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions and to the approval of the .n$ineer&
Field welded joints shall be blast cleaned to an Sa 6 M, <> 7 4?? micron profile
(S<?<8) finish before application of primer& The primin$ and coatin$ of field joints
shall be in accordance with sections =&44 and section 5& It shall comprise the use of a
s(nthetic primer, coal tar enamel and at least one la(er of hot applied coal tar tape&
The minimum built up thic'ness of coatin$ at the joints shall be ; mm over the weld&
The "ontractor ma( submit alternative coatin$ arran$ements for approval b( the
.n$ineer provided that he can show that the( shall be at least as effective as those
detailed in the specification&
The "ontractor shall notif( the .n$ineer of an( dama$e to the coatin$ s(stem& Such
dama$e shall be repaired in accordance with relevant section of the tender and to the
satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
C+'0 T'/ E$+E4 '() T'$% W/'$$#(-
"oal tar epoA( coatin$s shall be used on internal pumpin$ station pipewor' or where
detailed in the drawin$s or specification& uried epoA( coated pipewor' shall be
protected with P%" or pol(eth(lene bac' adhesive tape&
The coal tar epoA( shall be a blac' colour two pac' factor( spra( applied coatin$ in
accordance with S >;8= 7 T(pe GF=& Steel surfaces shall be prepared in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions, but as a minimum shall be abrasive
blast cleaned to S <?<8, Grade SA 6 M, <> 7 4?? micron profile& The first la(er shall
be applied within 6 hours of surface preparation, before flash rustin$ can occur&
The final dr( film thic'ness shall eAceed >?? microns (?&> mm) and ma( be achieved
b( appl(in$ several coats provided that the coats are applied within 5 hours of each
Si$nature of the Tenderer 78
other& An( surface bloomin$ shall be removed b( li$ht abrasion before recoatin$& 1o
coatin$ shall be applied if the pipe surface temperature eAceeds =>
+ithin = da(s of appl(in$ the epoA(, a further chlorinated rubber Itravel coatK havin$ a
dr( film thic'ness of 6?? microns (?&6 mm) shall be applied& The chlorinated rubber
shall be T(pe -F4 to S >;8=&
The P%" or pol(eth(lene bac'ed tape and bituminous primer (if reBuired) shall
compl( with A++A "6?8& The tape shall have the followin$ minimum properties@
i) ac'in$ thic'ness@ ?&=> mm
ii) ituminous adhesive thic'ness@ ?&> mm
iii) Tensile stren$th@ 5 13mm
iv) Adhesive shear stren$th@ 4?? '13m
v) +ater %apour Permeabilit(@ ?&< $3m
All coatin$ elements shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions& "oatin$s and tapes must be inspected and the "ontractor notif( the
.n$ineer of an( defects& An( defective areas shall be repaired in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions and to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
P+042/%,:'(% C+',#(-&
All eAternal above $round steel pipewor' and steel supports shall be protected with a
white or cream colour two pac' pol(urethane coatin$ in accordance with S >;8= 7
T(pe GF6& The factor( applied coatin$ is to be stopped 6?? mm bac' from the spi$ot
and soc'et joint and then made up on site followin$ testin$ of the joint
The cured pol(urethane coatin$ shall have a shore hardness of # <> and impact
resistance of 6? 1m& It shall be suitable for service in surface temperatures of upto
oth factor( and site application is to be b( twin component airless spra( eBuipment&
Surface preparation shall be in accordance with the manufactures instructions, but as
a minimum shall be abrasive blast cleaned to S <?<8, Grade Sa 6&>, <> 7 4??
micron profile& The first coatin$ la(er shall be applied within 6 hours of surface
preparation, before flash rustin$ can occur& 1o coatin$ shall be applied if the surface
temperature of the pipe eAceeds =>
The final dr( film thic'ness shall be a minimum of 6 mm& This ma( be achieved b(
appl(in$ several coats provided that the coats are applied within 6 hours of each
other& An( surface bloomin$ shall be removed b( li$ht abrasion before recoatin$&
Gunitin$ for Dnder$round Pipeline
All eAternal under$round *S pipeline( e&$& stretch between pumpin$ station and
sur$e vessel location within the present scope of contract) outer surface is reBuired
to be protected b( $unitin$& The *S pipeline shall be laid under$round before
lowerin$ into the trench, the eAternal surface of all pipes, specials and fittin$s shall be
provided with =? ** thic' cement mortar coatin$ b( $unitin$ with cement mortar (4@4
M) & The *S pipeline shall be laid under$round to the eAtent possible, before
lowerin$ into the trenches, the .Aternal Surfaces of all pipes, specials and fittin$s
shall be provided with =?mm thic' cement mortar coatin$ b( $unitin$ with cement
Si$nature of the Tenderer 79
mortar (4@4 M)& A len$th of 4>cm at each end of the pipe stra'e shall be left
un$united to facilitate site weldin$& This portion shall be lined after la(in$, weldin$
and field testin$ of the pipeline is completed satisfactoril(& If the "ontractor desires
so, $unitin$ the pipe eAternall( after lowerin$ them in the trenches will be allowed if
the "ontractor evolves a suitable method and the same is approved b( the .n$ineer&
ut, no eAtra pa(ment will be made for widenin$ or deepenin$ the trenches for this
+here the pipes 3 specials are to be $united eAternall( or encased in concrete, the
eAternal surface of the pipe shall be $iven a coat of cement wash& The pipe surface
shall be blast cleaned to the .n$ineerOs satisfaction& Immediatel( after the pipe 3
special is blast clean, the "ontractor shall commence coatin$ of the surface with
cement wash&
*iA Proportion
The proportion of cement and sand shall be 4 to =&> b( volume, when the miA is dr(&
"ement shall be $round $ranulated blast furnace sla$ cement as per IS ;>> with sla$
content of >>H& +ater cement ratio shall be ?&;:&
Thic'ness of coatin$
The minimum thic'ness of the coatin$ shall be =?mm with a maAimum plus tolerance
of =mm&
+elded fabric >?mmA>?mmA=&4>mm thic' wire conformin$ to IS@4>:: or eBuivalent
*S reinforcement, as approved b( the .n$ineer& The welded fabric used shall be
bent to proper shape to conform to the surface of the fittin$3 special3 pipe to be
coated and shall be securel( held 6?mm awa( from the surface of the pipe 3 special 3
fittin$ b( means of spacer bloc's made from cement mortar (4@4) and bindin$ wire&
Spacers shall be placed atleast =?cm center to center both wa(s& Adjacent sheets of
fabric shall lap at least 5?mm and shall be securel( fastened to$ether b( bindin$ wire
at intervals not eAceedin$ =?? mm& The rate of reinforcement steel shall be 4&:6
'$3sBm of =&4>mm dia& bars&
Preparation for Surfaces
The eAternal surfaces of all pipes, to be coated with last Furnace Sla$ cement
mortar, shall be thorou$hl( cleaned b( sand or steel $rit blastin$&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 80
-and "leanin$
efore blastin$, all oil and $reases on the surface of the metal shall be removed
thorou$hl( b( flushin$ and wipin$ usin$ suitable solvents and clean ra$s& The use of
dirt( or oil( ra$s will not be permitted& All other forei$n materials shall be moved b(
buffin$ or b( scrappin$ and wire brushin$& After cleanin$, the special shall be
protected and maintained free of all oil, $rease and dirt that mi$ht fall upon the plate
from whatever source until the plate has received its cement mortar coatin$&
Application of *ortar 9inin$ b( Gunitin$
The pressure in the lower chamber of O"ement GunO shall be sufficient to produce a
no00le velocit( of 44> to 4>?m per second when a tip with 48mm openin$ is used&
The compressor used shall be of an adeBuate capacit( to maintain a pressure of
atleast 6&5G$3sBcm at the $un end& The no00le shall be held at such a distance (:> to
4??cm) and position that the stream of flowin$ materials shall impin$e as nearl( as
possible at ri$ht an$les to the surface bein$ $united& All deposits of loose sand shall
be removed prior to placin$ an( la(er of $unite& Gunite shall be shot in one coat to
the specified thic'ness& .ver( precaution shall be ta'en to prevent the formation of
sand poc'ets and if an( develop, the( shall be cut out and replaced with satisfactor(
machine placed material& 1o hand patchin$ will be allowed& The "ontractor shall
appl( the coatin$ in such a manner that no slou$hin$ shall occur at an( time durin$
or followin$ its application&
Gunite shall be placed in the top and sides of the pipe, then screeded to a uniform
thic'ness and the $round lines or bloc's removed& All rebound and waste materials
shall then be removed b( air blowin$ and $unite placed in the bottom of the fittin$s
and screeded& 1o $unite shall be placed over rebound and in case of such condition
arisin$, the contractor shall remove at his own cost an( $unite so placed& 2ebound
material deposited in moulds shall be removed from the site of wor'& +hen
completed, the linin$ shall be concentric with the barrel of an even thic'ness& The
Si$nature of the Tenderer 81
entire surface shall then receive a final flash coat of $unite and shall be steel
trowelled to a true surface eBual in smoothness to the spun linin$ in such a manner
not to impair the bond between mortar and steel plate& The $unitin$ and surface
finishin$ shall complete in set and shall be applied continuousl( without the fuse of
construction joints& In case, for an( reason whatsoever, the cement does not adhere
to the walls of pipes and slou$hs off, swabbin$ the pipe with cement slurr( shall not
be permitted&
If for an( reason it is necessar( to interrupt the placin$ of the $unite for a len$th of
time that will result in the material ta'in$ a permanent set, a sBuare shoulder shall be
formed at the ends of the sections and or elsewhere b( shootin$ a$ainst a bac'in$
up strip or b( cuttin$ bac' with a trowel or other suitable tools the irre$ular ed$es of
the material last placed to a clean unbro'en surface perpendicular to the face that will
provide a suitable connection or construction joint between such material and the
material to be placed subseBuentl(& +hen performin$ this wor' care shall be ta'en
not to shatter or disturb the material remainin$ in place or disturb the embedded wire
mesh& efore placin$ fresh material a$ainst the surface of such joints, it shall be
carefull( cleaned and wetted to insure a $ood bond between the fresh material and
that previousl( to permit sprin'lin$, it shall be thorou$hl( wetted b( sprin'lin$ and
maintained in a moist condition&
Immediatel( upon the completion of linin$ of special fittin$s, the fittin$s shall be
closed ti$htl( at each end b( bul' heads& After the mortar has set, but not later than
twelve (46) hours after application of the linin$, curin$ shall be commenced b( the
water spra( method and continued thereafter for fourteen (4;) da(s& The water spra(
method shall consist of sprin'lin$ the mortar linin$ with water b( means of sprin'led
Si$nature of the Tenderer 82
heads placed within the barrel of fittin$s, of such capacit( to 'eep the entire surface
of mortar linin$ continuousl( wet throu$hout the entire period of curin$ and storin$&
The application of eAterior coatin$ shall be$in not less than sevent( two hours after
the completion of interior linin$ but in an( event, such water spra( curin$ shall be
continued inside without interruption durin$ the application of eAterior coatin$s and
thereafter until the fittin$ is loaded for transportation to the trench re$ardless of the
lapse of time after loadin$& .ach fittin$ shall be closed at both ends durin$
transportation and stora$e alon$ the trench and the "ontractor shall continue the
interior water spra(in$ and it shall be scheduled that all the fittin$s will be laid within
6; hours after such water spra( has been discontinued& The .n$ineer at his
discretion ma( order chemical curin$ as per manufacturerKs specification, if in his
opinion water Buantit( available ma( fall short for curin$& Such chemical curin$ shall
not be paid as eAtra item and shall be declared to have been considered while
Buotin$ the tender amount&
The "ontractor shall protect all cement mortar from dama$e durin$ handlin$ and
transportation& After the internal mortar has been cured, internal bracin$s shall be
placed at the ends of the fittin$ and elsewhere, if necessar( without dama$in$ the
mortar linin$ to preserve the roundness of the barrel of the pipe& All such bearin$s
eAcept those that ma( interfere with the joinin$ operation shall remain in position until
the fittin$ has been installed and bac' filled&
5.@9 P2))0% '() T:/2&, F0'(-%&
The eAterior of built7in pipes shall be cement washed s(mmetricall( about the puddle
flan$e b( the manufacturer for a len$th at least eBuivalent to the thic'ness of the wall
throu$h which it passes&
+here a pipe passes throu$h a wall, retainin$ wall or is subject to thrust it shall
incorporate a puddle flan$e& The puddle flan$e and weld between the flan$e and
pipewor' shall be sufficient to ta'e a total shear force of :?? '13m of circumference&
Puddle flan$es on steel pipewor' over 4??? mm dia& shall be a minimum thic'ness of
>? mm and hei$ht of 4?? mm&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 83
5.@! S0#$C+( T4$% C+2$0#(-&
Slip7on t(pe couplin$s shall include the followin$ couplin$s@
(i) strai$ht fleAible couplin$sN
(ii) stepped fleAible couplin$sN
(iii) flan$e adaptors&
(iv) dismantlin$ joints
Slip7on t(pe couplin$s shall be from approved suppliers whose fittin$s meet the
The preparation of pipe ends for slip7on t(pe couplin$s shall be in accordance with
the reBuirements of and the tolerances specified b( the joint manufacturer& "ouplin$s
shall be installed full( in accordance with the manufacturerOs recommendations&
Slip7on t(pe couplin$s shall be protected if buried with #ensomastic and #ensotape
wrappin$ applied in accordance with the manufacturerOs recommendations& FleAible
joints shall be harnessed or tied where shown on the #rawin$s& FleAible couplin$s
and flan$e adaptors shall be supplied with transit protection as recommended b( the

5.@; I(,%/6'7% P+#(,&
The "ontractor shall onl( underta'e the end connections at the interface points after
the pipeline has passed the h(draulic test& After completin$ the end connections the
contractor shall la( the bed and surround and bac'fill the trench in the normal
5.@;.1 G%(%/'0
At the interface between phases, contracts and sections the "ontractor will be
reBuired to connect to pipewor' provided b( another "ontractor or provide pipewor'
to which another "ontractor will connect&
5.@;.2 I(&,'00',#+( +6 F0'(-%) C+((%7,#+( P+#(,
The connection point shall be provided at the location specified& The flan$e shall be
installed so that it is verticall( plumb and its face is perpendicular to the aAis of the
pipeline& The flan$e shall be covered b( a P1 4: blan' flan$e, the flan$e installed in
the specified manner, includin$ the provision of all jointin$ materials& The flan$e shall
be bac'filled and the location mar'ed with a mar'er post&
5.@;.3 C+((%7,#+( ,+ F0'(-%) C+((%7,#+( P+#(,
The connection point shall be at the location specified and indicated on site b( a
temporar( mar'er post& The "ontractor shall eAcavate to eApose the flan$e, remove
and dispose of the blan' flan$e and water contained in the pipe and ma'e the
flan$e joint in accordance with the Specification, includin$ the provision of all jointin$
materials and fiAin$s&
5.@;.5 I(&,'00',#+( +6 P0'#( E()%) C+((%7,#+( P+#(,
Si$nature of the Tenderer 84
The connection point shall be provided at the location specified& The plain ended
pipe shall be installed so that it is verticall( plumb and its face is perpendicular to the
aAis of the pipe& The "ontractor shall ensure that the plain end is circular and within
the tolerances for a strai$ht fleAible couplin$ joint& The plain ended pipe shall be
covered b( an end cap manufactured from : mm steel plate, the end cap shall be
held in place with three or four tac' welds& The plain end shall then be bac' filled and
the location mar'ed with a mar'er post&
5.@;.8 C+((%7,#+( ,+ P0'#( E()%) C+((%7,#+( P+#(,
The connection point shall be at the location specified and indicated on site b( a
temporar( mar'er post&
The "ontractor shall eAcavate to eApose the plain ended connection point, remove
and dispose of the end cap, an( dama$e to the plain ended pipe or the coatin$ shall
be repaired& The "ontractor shall provide and install a strai$ht fleAible couplin$ as
5.@< C+$$%/ T23%& '() F#,,#(-&
"opper tubin$ and fittin$s for wor' above $round level shall compl( with S 65<4
and S 5:; respectivel( and be jointed with capillar( joints& For under$round location
the copper pipe shall be to S 65<4 @ Part 4&
5.1@ U($0'&,#7#&%) P+04?#(40 C:0+/#)% PVCCU P#$%& '() F#,,#(-&
N+, U&%).
5.11 P+04%,:40%(% P#$%&G F#,,#(-& '() F+#(,&
N+, U&%).
5.12 V'0?%& G%(%/'0
%alves of the same t(pe and si0e and desi$ned for the same service shall be
obtained from a sin$le manufacturer, and shall be interchan$eable&
%alves shall be arran$ed to facilitate operation from $round level& +here necessar(
eAtension spindles, chain wheels and operatin$ platforms shall be provided& %alves
shall not be installed in an inverted position&
%alves shall normall( be flan$ed t(pe in accordance with S ;>?; P1 4: or shall be
suitable for boltin$ between flan$es& For valves less than 5? mm 1 compression
fittin$s ma( be used& Screwed fittin$s ma( be used where the fluid handled is non7
a$$ressive& +elded connections shall not be used unless authorised b( the
Dnless otherwise specified, valves shall close b( cloc'wise rotation and this shall be
indicated on the handwheel& -andwheels shall be si0ed such that under normal
conditions, the maAimum load reBuired at the rim is 6? '$& %alves shall be fitted with
a &,'#(0%&& &,%%0 ta$ showin$ identification number and details of services
5.13 G',% V'0?%&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 85
Gate valves dimensions shall $enerall( compl( with IS@ 4;5;:76???& The valve shall
be $ear operated& The valve bod( and flan$es shall be P1 4: rated cast carbon steel
conformin$ to AST* A64: Gr +" or IS@6??;748<5 "lass 6 or = and epoA( coated
to A++A "64?& Stem of stainless steel conformin$ to IS@::?=748<6 or AISI =?; or
S 8<?, Grade ;=4, S68, and epoA( coated to A++A "64?& The bod( rin$, seat rin$
shall be Gun metal conformin$ to IS@ =45 Grade76& +ed$e nut shall be hi$h tensile
brass conformin$ to IS@ =6? Gr&6& Gas'ets shall be rubber conformin$ to IS@ :=5
t(pe7& %alves shall be tested at factor( on bod( and seat for a test pressure of ;6&>
G$3SB&cm and =; G$3SB&cm respectivel(&
%alves are to be cloc'wise closin$ with a solid non7risin$ t(pe stem and mar'ed to
show the direction of operation& A proper bac' seatin$ arran$ement shall be
provided for replacin$ the pac'in$ with valve in operation&
5.15 B2,,%/604 V'0?%&
(a) #imentions of butterfl( valve shall $enerall( compl( with IS 4=?8> and double
flan$ed in accordance with IS@ 4>=57488= and suitable for mountin$ in an(
position& %alves shall be of triple eccentric and .P#* rubber seated&
(b) The valve seat shall be of replacable desi$n& +hen the valve is full( closed,
the seal shall seat firml( so as to prevent lea'a$e& The seat surfaces shall be
machined smooth to provide a lon$ life for the seal&
(c) All fasteners shall be set flush so as to offer the least resistance possible to
the flow throu$h the valve&
(d) Pump dischar$e valves shall be suitable for throttlin$ purpose& %alves on
pump suction and downstream of dischar$e valve are intended for isolatin$&
(e) All valve, spindles and handwheels shall be positioned to $ive $ood access
for operational personnel&
(f) %alve of diameter ;>? mm and above shall be provided with enclosed $ear
arran$ement for ease of operation& The operation $ear shall be such that
the( can be opened and closed b( one man a$ainst an unbalanced head
4>H in eAcess of the maAimum specified ratin$& %alve and an( $earin$ shall
be such as to permit manual operation in a reasonable time and not eAceed a
reBuired rim pull of ;?? 1&
($) All handwheels shall be arran$ed to trun in a cloc'wise direction to close the
valve, the direction of rotation for openin$ and closin$ bein$ indicated on the
(h) The valves shall be tested at factor( for the pressures indicated in the
Schedule7A, i&e&, ill of Luantities&
(i) *aterials for the valves shall be as follows@
Sr&1o& "omponent *aterial
(a) od( , flan$es, #isc "ast Steel @ AST* A 64: Gr +" and
epoA( coated to A++A@ "64?
(b) #isc Shaft Stainless Steel @ IS ::?=748<6 or AISI
=?; or S 8<? Gr& ;=4, S68
(c) Seat rin$, sealin$ rin$,
clampin$ rin$ se$ments,
eAtension spindle
Stainless Steel @ AISI ;4? or S 8<? Gr
=4:, S 4:
5.18. P/%&&2/% G'2-% :
.ach pump shall be provided with a reputed ma'e dischar$e pressure $au$e and suction
compound $au$e&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 86
The error in pressure indication with either increasin$ or decresin$ pressure shall not eAceed
4 H of the maAimum scale value&
The pressure $au$e shall be Gl(cerene Filled stainless steel and nominal dia shall not be
less than 4>? mm&
The $au$es shall $enerall( confirm to IS =:6; &
5.19 V'0?% O$%/',+/&
*anual devices for operation shall be so $eared that the maAimum force on the rim
of the handwheel or cran' shall not eAceed 6? '$ and the maAimum torBue shall not
eAceed >&> '$ m& A spur, bevel, or worm $ear reduction unit, if reBuired, shall be
attached to the pinion shaft of the operatin$ mechanism&
The reduction $ears shall be made of steel with machined teeth and unless otherwise
provided, the( shall be enclosed in a cast iron or fabricated steel sealed housin$ with
oil seals, and shall operate in an oil bath& The pinion shaft and screw stems shall be
made of allo( steel& The pinion shaft shall be provided with bron0e sleeves&
The thrust bearin$s at each end of the pinion shaft shall have eAternal fittin$s to
permit lubrication with $rease& The screw stem shall have a thrust bearin$ of the ball
or roller t(pe which can be lubricated with $rease throu$h an eAternal fittin$&
5.1! D%0%,%)
5.1; D2%0 P0',% C:%71 V'0?%&
The duel plate chec' valves of cast carbon steel P1 4: rated shall be confirmin$ to
API >8;3:# and shall be double flan$ed as per IS@ 4>=57488=& The bod( and plate
shall conform to cast carbon steel AST* A 64: Gr +"& The valves shall be tested
at factor( for a test pressure of ;6&> G$3SB&cm on bod( and =; G$3SB&cm on plates
respectivel(& The valve desi$n shall ensure that it closes in the shortest possible time
followin$ deceleration of the water column, but without slammin$ shut the instant
forward motion of the column ceases& The valve shall be desi$ned for minimum
h(draulic headloss&
5.1< S=#(- C:%71 V'0?%&
Swin$ chec' valves shall compl( with S >4>= and shall be of the swin$ t(pe
suitable for either vertical or hori0ontal use& +ith clean water, multi7flaps or split disc
chec' valves ma( be used&
"hec' valves of this t(pe shall be desi$ned for rapid closin$ without slammin$ no
later than the moment of cessation of forward flow& The valve si0e and desi$n shall
be selected to $ive the optimum performance in this respect ta'in$ full account the
s(stem within which the valve is to be installed, especiall( when the s(stem includes
air vessels or when the s(stem static head is hi$h&
For use with clean water s(stems or s(stems containin$ onl( ver( small water borne
particles rapid closure shall be ensured b( 'eepin$ both the eAtent of movement and
the inertia of the wor'in$ component as small as possible without causin$ an undul(
lar$e head loss throu$h the open valve& Such valves ma( incorporated a number of
relativel( small water passa$es&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 87
"hec' valves used in raw water s(stems shall not be installed verticall( and the(
shall be so positioned that water7borne solids do not settle a$ainst the valve door
when the door is in the closed position& Flow velocit( throu$h the valve shall not
eAceed 6&> m3s&
The( shall have either ductile iron 3 spheroidal $raphited iron3steel bodies, discs and
covers, fitted with $unmetal (S 4;??79G6) seats and stainless steel hin$e pins& The
end bearin$ shall be $unmetal, and soft pac'ed $lands shall be fitted& +ith the
eAception of wafer split disc chec' valves, valves shall be flan$ed to S ;>?;, P1 4:&
5.2@ N+HH0% C:%71 V'0?%&
"hec' valves of this t(pe shall be desi$ned for rapid closin$ without slammin$ no
later than the moment of cessation of forward flow& The valve si0e and desi$n shall
be selected to $ive the optimum performance in this respect ta'in$ full account of the
s(stem within which the valve is to be installed, especiall( when the s(stem includes
air vessels or when the s(stem static head is hi$h&
%alves shall be suitable for use with clean water s(stems or s(stems containin$ onl(
ver( small water borne particles& 1o00le chec' valves shall be of the disc or rin$ t(pe
sealin$ on to a metal seat b( one or more $uides and helical sprin$s& The valves
shall be suitable for operation when installed in an( position& 2apid closure shall be
ensured b( 'eepin$ both the eAtent of movement and the inertia of the wor'in$
component as small as possible without causin$ an undul( lar$e head loss throu$h
the open valve& Such valves ma( incorporate a number of relativel( small water
passa$es& "losure of the valve shall be b( short closin$ stro'e, and the closure time
shall be controlled b( the action of the pre7loaded sprin$&
The valves shall not contain an( brasses which have more than >H 0inc& The( shall
have cast iron bodies and the valve disc or rin$ shall be of bron0e or stainless steel&
The sprin$ material shall be stainless steel& %alves shall be flan$ed in accordance
with S ;>?;, P1 4:&
%alves shall be supplied with wor's test certificates indicatin$ head7loss across the
valve and closure characteristics at specified flow&
5.21 B'00 V'0?%&
all valves shall be of the lever operated Buarter turn top entr( pattern, shall compl(
with S >4>8& %alves ma( be flan$ed or fitted with double union ends to suit the si0e
and t(pe of connectin$ pipewor'& *aterials shall be compatible with the service fluid&
5.22 P/%&&2/% R%)27#(- '() P/%&&2/% S2&,'#(#(- V'0?%&
Pressure reducin$ valves shall be capable of maintainin$ a constant downstream
pressure from a hi$her constant or variable upstream pressure&
Pressure sustainin$ valves shall be capable of maintainin$ a constant upstream
pressure irrespective of a variable downstream pressure&
oth t(pes of valve shall be dropti$ht under no flow conditions&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 88
%alve operation shall be achieved b( the interaction of inlet pressure, outlet pressure
and an intermediate pressure produced b( a pilot valve or rela( s(stem actin$ on the
upstream side of the main valve&
The pilot valve or rela( s(stem shall be operated b( a diaphra$m connected to the
outlet pressure for a pressure reducin$ valve, or to the inlet pressure for a pressure
sustainin$ valve and a constant pressure derived from wei$hts on its upper side&
The flan$e and bod( pressure ratin$ for both t(pes shall be P1 4:&
(i) %alve bod( and cover shall be cast iron to S 4;>6 Grade 4;, epoA( coated
(ii) Internal valve to be $un metal to S 4;?? 9G 6 with bron0e liner and leather
cups and facin$ rin$s
(iii) 2ela( valve shall be bron0e containin$ not more than >H 0inc with stainless
steel spindle and n(lon valve face
(iv) #iaphra$m to be reinforced s(nthetic rubber
(v) /uter of c(linder and wei$hts shall be cast iron
(vi) Piston, c(linder linin$ and an( control coc' to be $un metal
(vii) "onnectin$ pipewor' to c(linder to be copper
(viii) 9ever to be $alvanised mild steel with $un metal or bron0e pins and lin's&
5.23 P/%&&2/% R%0#%6 V'0?%&
2elief valves shall be of the poppet t(pe& The valves shall be rated to pass at least
6??H of the rated flow at the point of connection, at 4>?H of the wor'in$ pressure&
Safet( valves shall compl( with S :<>8 @ Part 4& The( shall be desi$ned to blow off
at the specified pressure and re7close and prevent further flow of fluid after normal
pressure conditions of service have been restored& The pressure3temperature ratin$
shall be in accordance with Table P.74 in S 4>:? @ Part 6&
Shell material shall be from the materials listed in Table P.74 S 4>:?@Part 6&
Flan$ed ends shall be S ;>?; unless otherwise specified&
The pressure settin$ of the valve shall be manuall( adjustable and secured with a
brass padloc'& The valve shall be adjusted to the maAimum safe wor'in$ pressure at
the manufacturerOs wor's and the settin$ secured with a brass padloc'& A test
certificate and duplicate 'e(s shall be provided& A wire loc' and lead seal, stamped
with the pressure settin$, ma( be used in place of the padloc'&
5.25 A2,+.',#7 A#/ R%0#%6 V'0?%&
Automatic air relief valves shall be desi$ned to meet the followin$ conditions@
(a) dischar$e air durin$ char$in$ of the pipelineN
(b) admit durin$ empt(in$ of the pipelineN
(c) dischar$e air accumulated at local pea's alon$ the pipeline under normal operatin$
"onditions (a) and (b) shall be met b( the emplo(ment of a lar$e orifice capable of handlin$
lar$e volumes of air at a hi$h flow rate, and condition (c) b( a small orifice capable of
dischar$in$ small Buantities of air as the( accumulate&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 89
%alves with air inta'e or eAhaust facilities shall have approved screenin$
arran$ements to prevent the in$ress of air7borne dust&
T(pes of Air %alves@
(i) #ouble Actin$ Air %alves
These shall combine both lar$e and small orifices within one valve& The lar$e
orifice shall be sealed b( a buo(ant ri$id ball and the chamber housin$ shall
be desi$ned to avoid premature closin$ of the valve b( the air whilst bein$
dischar$ed& The small orifice shall be sealed b( a buo(ant ball at all
pressures above atmospheric eAcept when air accumulates in the valve
(ii) Sin$le Air %alves
These include a small orifice onl(, or lar$e orifice onl(, operatin$ in a manner
identical with the small or lar$e orifice in a double actin$ valve&
The nominal pressure ran$e shall be P1 4:&
od( ends shall be flan$ed with raised faces and drilled to S ;>?; for the nominal
pressure specified or indicated on the #rawin$s&
The materials for the valves shall be as follows@
od( cover and cowl 7 "ast steel AST* A 64: Gr +"
Small orifice 7 "ast steel with $unmetal seat S 4;?? 9G76
Small orifice ball 7 2ubber covered AS plastic or similar
9ar$e orifice 7 Gun metal seatin$ with rubber seal to S
9ar$e orifice ball 7 %ulcanite coated AS plastic or similar&
.ach valve shall be provided with its own isolatin$ $ate valve&
5.28 D#'$:/'-. V'0?%&
#iaphra$m valves shall compl( with S >4>: either full bore or weir t(pe as
reBuired& Full bore valves shall be selected for low head loss and solids handlin$
duties& +eir t(pe valves shall be used where consistent lea'7ti$ht performance and
eAtended diaphra$m life is reBuired&
%alves shall be suitable for ti$ht shut7off applications& The valve bod( shall be of a
two piece desi$n, to facilitate the eas( removal of the diaphra$m& %alves for
manual operation shall be provided with a handwheel with indicators to show the
position of the valve&
5.29 P02- V'0?%&
Plu$ valves for $ases and liBuids where no solids are present shall be taper plu$
pattern compl(in$ with S >4>5 and shall have flan$ed or screwed ends to suit
pipewor'& %alves ma( be re$ular, short or venturi pattern and ma( be multi7ported if
reBuired& %alves shall have a carbon steel bod(& The plu$ shall be sealed b(
forces applied throu$h the $land pac'in$ housed in the cover& 1on7lubricated plu$
valves shall have a sleeve of PTF.& 9ubricated plu$ valves shall incorporate a
sealant injected via the plu$ shan' which lubricates the seatin$ surfaces& The
lubricant shall be selected to avoid contamination of the wor'in$ fluid&
5.2! D%0%,%)
Si$nature of the Tenderer 90
5.31 C%(,/#62-'0 P2.$&
5.31.1 G%(%/'0
Pumps shall be arran$ed for primin$ b( $ravit( from the inlet3 suitable vaccume
pumps and shall be driven b( electric motors&
Pump shafts shall be for$ed from a material compatible with the impellers& If the
pumps are fitted with pac'ed $lands the shafts shall be fitted with replaceable
sleeves where the( pass throu$h the $land& The $land arran$ement shall be
desi$ned for ease of adjustment or removal of the pac'in$ material& Flushin$
facilities shall be provided for soft pac'ed $lands&
Pumps ma( be fitted with mechanical seals in place of pac'ed $lands onl( if the(
have proved satisfactor( over a lon$ period when fitted to the desi$n of pump in
Buestion and with the prior approval of the .n$ineer& The( shall be desi$ned for
eas( adjustment and seal removal&
.ffective means shall be provided for collectin$ $land lea'a$e water and pipin$ this
to drain&
Pumps for sewa$e and raw water services shall be capable of passin$ <> mm
diameter solids and shall be desi$ned to avoid cho'in$ b( weeds, ra$s or other
9ubrication arran$ements shall be desi$ned to avoid an( contamination of the
pumped fluid&
The pump shall be supported b( two bearin$s of anti7friction t(pe, one loacated
oneach side of the pump& ush bearin$ will not be accepted& The bearin$s ma( be
of the oil or $rease lubricated, ball or roller bearin$ t(pe& /ne bearin$ on the pump
shall be of the thrust t(pe desi$ned to withstand the unbalanced aAial h(draulic
thrust& Suitable fittin$s shall be furnished for the lubrication provided&
Dnless otherwise specified, all pump bearin$s shall be desi$ned for a service life of
not less than ;????? hours& earin$s shall be desi$ned for loadin$s 6?H in eAcess
of calculated maAimum loadin$ and shall be suitable for reverse rotation&
earin$ coolin$ arran$ements if used shall be desi$ned on the closed7circuit
principle& /pen dischar$e of coolin$ water into the pumpin$ station draina$e s(stem
is not permissible& The coolant flow shall be easil( visible and local indication of
bearin$ temperature shall be provided& .Acessive bearin$ temperatures shall result
in a two sta$e alarm and pump shut down&
The pumpset shall be desi$ned to operate safel( at the speed obtainable in the
reverse direction of rotation due to returnin$ throu$h the pumps at times when the
power suppl( to motor is interrupted and the dischar$e valve fails to close&
The rotatin$ assemblies shall be staticall( and d(namicall( balanced and desi$ned
so that the first critical speed of the pump and its drive is at least >?H hi$her than
the maAimum operatin$ speed& +here the rotatin$ assemblies are small and an(
out of balance forces are ne$li$ible this reBuirement will not be necessar(& Test
certificates shall be provided recordin$ details of balancin$ on completion of
Si$nature of the Tenderer 91
The speed of an( main pump shall not eAceed 4;>? rpm without approval of the
The head3Buantit( characteristic of an( pump shall be stable at all rates of flow
between closed valve and open valve and shall be steep enou$h to permit
satisfactor( operation in parallel under all conditions specified even if this
necessitates the use of a lar$er motor to provide the pea' power demand& The
pumps shall be non overloadin$ at abnormall( low heads&
The pump efficienc( shall be maintained within 4?H of maAimum efficienc( over the
whole of the specified dut( ran$e& For vertical spindle suspended pumps the pump
efficiencies Buoted shall ta'e into account shaft and risin$ main losses up to and
includin$ pump dischar$e bend and pump couplin$&
The 1PS- reBuirements of the pumps at dut( point and throu$hout the ran$e is
based on the =H output drop criterion shall be at least 4&> m and ?&> m less than
the 1PS- available at the lowest water level in the reservoir&
+ater velocities in the pump suction or deliver( branches shall not eAceed 6 m3s
and 6&> m3s respectivel( when the pump is operatin$ within its specified dut( ran$e
and within this wor'in$ ran$e there shall be no discernible noise due to h(draulic
turbulence or cavitation within either the pump or its associated pipewor' and
5.31.2 H+/#H+(,'0 S$0#, C'&#(- C%(,/#62-'0 P2.$&
The pumps shall be hori0ontall( mounted complete with a drive motor on a common
base plate and fitted with shaft $uards in accordance with S >=?;&
The pump casin$s shall split alon$ the aAis of the shaft to permit the removal of the
impeller3shaft assembl( without dismantlin$ the pipe wor' or disturbin$ the machine
ali$nment& Impellers shall be the double flow radial t(pe& Top and bottom half
casin$s shall be dowelled to ensure ali$nment& Eac'in$ screws shall be provided on
the casin$ flan$es to facilitate dismantlin$& .ach pump casin$ shall be fitted with an
air release coc' at the hi$hest point& The pump casin$s and bearin$ seals shall
withstand the h(drostatic pressure test without en$ress of water&
.ach pump shall be provided with renewable casin$ wear rin$s& Impellers shall be
fitted with renewable wear rin$s& The pump shafts shall be provided with renewable
sleeves to facilitate the replacement of wearin$ parts&
Pumps shall be supplied with machined pads to allow the fittin$s of portable
vibration monitorin$ transducers& /ne portable vibration monitorin$ eBuipment
capable of measurin$ and recordin$ velocit( and vibration shall be supplied for
each pumpin$ unit&
edplates shall be a substantial fabricated steel construction with floor fiAin$ bolt
holes read( drilled& A full set of holdin$ down bolts, shall be supplied with each unit&
All pump casin$ studs, nuts, bolts and dowels shall be stainless steel, other fiAin$s
shall be $alvani0ed or 0inc plated&
Pump shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration& The velocit( of vibration
shall be within ;&> mm 3 sec& 1oise level shall be limited to 5> dA at a distance of
4&5: m&
Pump bearin$s shall be mounted outboard& earin$s shall be of the ball or roller
t(pe to S 686 or S =4=; as appropriate& 9ubrication arran$ements shall be
desi$ned so that there can be no contamination of the pumped fluid& Provision shall
be made for periodic lubrication of bearin$s without removal of an( parts&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 92
Glands shall be fitted with conventional soft pac'in$&
All pumps more than 4??? '+ shall be provided with bearin$ 2T# to $ive output at
; to 6? mA& The( shall also be provided with vibration sensors and transmitters to
$ive a ; to 6? mA si$nal&
5.32 S2.$ P2.$&
Sump pumps shall be of the open impeller centrifu$al t(pe verticall( mounted close
coupled to their full( submersible electric drive motors&
Sump pumps of 4&> '+ and under shall incorporate an inte$ral level detector,
control and motor starter and shall be powered onl( with a suitabl( fused three
phase low volta$e suppl( and with suppl( isolation at the buildin$ distribution board&
Sump pumps over 4&> '+ shall be controlled and started from the buildin$
distribution board and be fed with a three phase suppl(& "ontrol shall be via
adjustable start and stop float level switches mounted adjacent to the pump&
The pumps shall be supplied with all necessar( dischar$e pipewor', includin$ refluA
and isolatin$ valves, and suitable liftin$ $ear for lowerin$ and removin$ the pump
from the sump& Pumps wei$hin$ ;? '$ and more shall be lowered in the sump via
$uide rails and be located to their respective dischar$e pipewor' with an an$le
flan$e connection and self7locatin$ clamps&
The pump impeller shall be desi$ned to pass solids of si0es which pass throu$h the
inlet ports of the pump and shall be capable of pumpin$ solids of up to 5? mm
Automatic and manual run and sump hi$h level alarm facilities shall be provided&
5.33 P+,'30% W',%/ P2.$&
Pumps shall conform to IS 8>;6& The pump shall be of sin$le sta$e, sin$le suction
hori0ontall( mounted centrifu$al complete with drive motor and base plate&
The casin$ shall be of end suction volute t(pe with top centre line dischar$e&
Suction and dischar$e no00les as well as supportin$ feet shall be cast inte$ral with
the casin$& The material of casin$ and cover shall be of cast iron IS 64? Grade FG
The impeller shall be of enclosed t(pe and accuratel( balanced d(namicall( and
h(draulicall( balanced b( bac' vanes and bac' wear rin$s& The impeller material
shall be cast iron IS 64? Grade FG 6:?&
The shaft shall be of hi$h tensile steel conformin$ IS 4><<? Grade FG ;>"5 and
shall be accuratel( machined and $round and shall be supported b( antifriction
bearin$s& The shaft shall be protected from wear b( a shaft sleeve in stuffin$ boA
The stuffin$ boA shall be sealed b( $land pac'in$ or b( mechanical seal&
#eep $roove ball bearin$s shall be provided and lubricated b( $rease&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 93
The direction of rotation shall be cloc'wise viewed from the drivin$ end and shall be
mar'ed on the casin$& The motor shall be directl( coupled& "ast wear rin$s shall be
5.35 E0%7,/#7 O?%/:%') T/'?%00#(- C/'(%
"ranes shall be desi$ned in accordance with IS@=4<<3IS5?<3IS=8=5@ "lass 6
*edium dut( operation&
The term crane shall be deemed to include $antr( rails, end ladders with safet(
ca$e, platforms with hand rails for maintenance purposes, down shop conductors,
end stops, holdin$ down bolts and all other items reBuired for complete installation&
/peration shall be from pump floor level b( brid$e7mounted pendant pushbutton
controls& "ontrols shall be mechanicall( and electricall( interloc'ed to prevent
inadvertent operation of opposin$ motions& *aAimum pendant control volta$e shall
not eAceed 44? % ac& The pendant shall be supported independentl( of the electric
cable and shall be arran$ed for eAtendin$ for operation when necessar(&
The crane shall be fitted with limit switches to prevent eAcess travel, over hoistin$
and over lowerin$ of the crane hoo'& .lectromechanical fail safe bra'es shall be
incorporated on all power7operated motions&
"rane hoo's shall be fitted with safet( catches and the hoo' bloc' shall incorporate
full( $uarded rope sheaves&
#own shop conductors shall be of the full( insulated shrouded busbar t(pe& The
current collectors shall have renewable contact pieces& Festoon cables ma( be
used for the cross travel& A crane isolator padloc'able in the off position and
incorporatin$ a warnin$ lamp, illuminated when the suppl( is on, shall be provided
at the bottom of the access ladder& A second isolator shall be provided at the
control cubicle located on the crane platform&
All motors shall be of the Buic' reversin$ t(pe with electric mechanical bra'es
suitable for the duties specified& All movements shall be electricall( powered
suitable for operatin$ with the hoo' loaded& Facilities shall be provided for the
accurate location of the hoo' b( means of Pinchin$O the cross travel and down shop
travel motions&
Sufficient non7abrasive canvas, rubber or leather straps, slin$s, ropes, shac'les,
liftin$ beams, etc shall be supplied to handle all items of plant covered b( the crane&
The( shall be labelled or mar'ed with the Safe +or'in$ 9oad (S+9) and the
purpose for which the( are intended&
The crane, and all slin$s, ropes, shac'les and other liftin$ eBuipment supplied shall
be tested b( the manufacturer at his wor's& The tests shall be carried out at 46>H
of Safe +or'in$ 9oad, and Test "ertificates shall be supplied&
The "ontractor shall include with the cranes all necessar( contactors, control
cubicles and protection eBuipment necessar( to operate the crane and provide
adeBuate electrical protection a$ainst overload, phase and earth fault and fail7safe
protection in the event of an interruption in the power supplies& "ontactors to be
used in the switch$ear shall be rated for crane dut(& All access ladders and
platforms necessar( to carr( out maintenance and repairs shall be provided and
installed b( the "ontractor&
All electrical eBuipment shall be full( tropicalised&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 94
Site tests shall be carried out b( the "ontractor who shall suppl( the necessar(
materials for the test load eBuivalent to 4&6> times S+9& The test load shall be
removed from site b( the "ontractor after successful tests have been carried out&
8.@1 I(,/+)27,#+(
This chapter of the Specification sets out the $eneral standards of .lectrical Plant
and .Buipment to be used b( the "ontractor and reference to an( specific material or
eBuipment does not necessaril( impl( that such material or eBuipment is included in
the Plant and .Buipment&
All component parts of the Plant and .Buipment shall, unless otherwise specified,
compl( with the provisions of this chapter or be subject to the approval of the
8.@2 A33/%?#',#+(&
+herever the followin$ abbreviations are used the( shall have the meanin$s below@
2 7 red phase
J 7 (ellow phase
7 blue phase
ac 7 alternatin$ current
dc 7 direct current
A 7 amp
mA 7 milliamp
% 7 volt
'+ 7 'ilowatt
'%A 7 'ilovolt amp
'+h 7 'ilowatt hour
*%A 7 me$avolt amp
-0 7 hert0 (c(cles per second)
SP 7 sin$le pole
SP1 7 sin$le pole and neutral
#P 7 double pole
TP 7 triple pole
;P 7 four pole
*" 7 miniature circuit brea'er
*"" 7 moulded case circuit brea'er
2"# 7 residual current device (for earth lea'a$e detection)
2"/ 7 *" and 2"# combined
8.@3 R%-20',#+(& '() S,'()'/)&
All the electrical installation and eBuipment with latest relevant standards and
re$ulations as listed in the detailed specification and some of them are listed below@
7 "ode of Practice for .lectrical +irin$ Installations IS <=6
7 Indian .lectricit( 2ules 48>:
7 "ode of Practice for .arthin$ IS =?;= @ 485<
7 All India Factor( Acts
7 Indian Standards (IS)
7 International .lectrotechnical "ommission (I.")&
7 ritish Standards (S)&
7 .lectric Suppl( Act, 48;5
7 Fire Insurance 2e$ulations
7 2e$ulations laid down b( the "hief .lectrical Inspector of State
7 2e$ulations laid b( the Factor( Inspector of State
Si$nature of the Tenderer 95
7 Factor( Act
The "ontractor shall be responsible for compl(in$ with all local b(elaws, suppl(
authorit( and local authorit( reBuirements& It shall be the "ontractorOs responsibilit( to
compl( with these reBuirements&
8.@5 L+71&
Three 'e(s shall be provided for each loc'& +here loc's are provided for a particular
$roup of items (e$ instrument cabinet) 'e(s shall be interchan$eable&
9oc's and padloc's shall be made of brass&
9oc'able 'e(boards of approved desi$n shall be provided for the stora$e of $roups
of 'e(s and padloc's for particular items, or $roups of items, of Plant and .Buipment
when not in use&
All loc's and 'e(s shall be clearl( en$raved or be provided with en$raved labels
statin$ their purposes and the 'e(boards shall be provided with labels, identicall(
en$raved, to enable each 'e( and padloc' to be identified and located&
8.@8 D%6#(#,#+(&
For the purpose of this Specification the electrical definitions shall be as follows@
(i) The definitions $iven in the current edition of the IS 2e$ulations for .lectrical
Installations and .lectrical wirin$ installation IS <=6 appl(&
(ii) As applied to enclosures the words Pshall be constructed to $ive IP AAO or Pto
$ive a de$ree of protection of IP AAO shall have the meanin$ as defined in IS
4=8;< or S >;8?&
8.@9 D%&#-( P'/'.%,%/&
The Plant and .Buipment shall be desi$ned, selected and installed ta'in$ into
account site ambient conditions, local conditions and location&
The climatic conditions are described in General "hapter of the Specification&
In air conditioned buildin$s =?
1on air conditioned buildin$s ;?
/utside As climatic conditions& (approA&;>
1ote that outside temperature are shade temperatures and ma( be eAceeded where
plant and eBuipment is eAposed to direct sunli$ht&
9i'ewise air conditioned buildin$ temperatures are those with the air conditionin$
operatin$, if the air conditionin$ is not functionin$ non7airconditioned buildin$
temperatures could be achieved&
The "ontractor shall ma'e allowance in his desi$n for all eventualities&
8.@! O$%/',#(- V+0,'-%& '() F/%A2%(7#%&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 96
The details of the various operatin$ s(stems shall be as follows@
(i) :&: '% *% Power Suppl( S(stem
%olta$e @ :&: '% nominal
Phases @ =
FreBuenc( @ >? -0
"onnection @ = wire
:&: '% maAimum fault level @ 6>? *%A
(ii) 9% S(stem
%olta$e @ ;4> % nominal
FreBuenc( @ >? -0
"onnection @ ; wire
/ff load transformer volta$e @ ;== %
S(stem earthin$ @ Transformer neutral
solidl( earthed
(iii) Power "ircuits "ontrol S(stem
%olta$e @ 6=? %
Phases @ 4
FreBuenc( @ >? -0
1ote@ Dnder li$ht loadin$ conditions of the suppl( transformer the mains
volta$e will rise to 6>?% and the eBuipment must be specified accordin$l(
(6=? % Q 4?H)
(iv) Instrumentation "ontrol S(stem
%olta$e @ 6; %
Suppl( @ #irect current
(v) Switch$ear Protection S(stem
%olta$e @ 44? %
Suppl( @ #irect current
All electrical eBuipment shall, unless otherwise specified, be capable of
continuous operation at a volta$e level in the ran$e of 8?H to 44?H of the
relevant nominal volta$e and a freBuenc( variation of plus or minus ;H (6
-0), occurrin$ simultaneousl(&
8.@; P+0'/#,4
The polarit( of all apparatus used for the Plant and .Buipment specified shall be
arran$ed as follows@
(i) for two pole apparatus the phase or PliveO pole at the top (or left hand side)
and the neutral or PearthedO pole at the bottom (or ri$ht hand side),
(ii) for three or four pole apparatus the phases in order, red, (ellow, blue and
neutral readin$ from top to bottom or left to ri$ht in the case of vertical and
hori0ontal la(outs, respectivel(, as viewed from the front&
All cables shall be so connected between main switchboards, distribution boards,
Plant and .Buipment and accessories so that the correct seBuence or phase colours
are preserved throu$hout the s(stem&
All cable cores shall be identified with phase colours for three and four wire circuits&
Sin$le phase circuits shall be red and blac'&
The neutral shall alwa(s be blac'& +here more than one phase is incorporated on a
common s(stem in one room then the live cores shall be red, (ellow, blue as
appropriate& All fittin$s and switch accessories shall be permanentl( labelled and

8.@< E'/,:#(- A//'(-%.%(,& '() P/+,%7,#?% C+()27,+/&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 97
(i) General
Protective conductors shall be provided for all electrical installations and associated
mechanical Plant and .Buipment, eAposed steelwor' and buildin$s&
Protective conductors shall be provided in accordance with the reBuirements of IS
=?;= or S <;=? and the latest edition of the I.. +irin$ 2e$ulations3"ode of
Practice for .lectrical +irin$ Installation IS <=6&
(ii) .arthin$ "onductor
.arth electrodes shall be $alvanised, iron pipe in accordance with IS =?;= havin$
outer diameter not less than =5 mm& The pipe shall penetrate a minimum of = metres
below $round level&
.arth electrodes shall have hardened tips and caps and be eAtendable& *ild steel
flats buried at a minimum depth of :?? mm shall be used for interconnection of earth
electrodes& All the eAposed earth conductors shall be made of $alvanised iron&
.ach earth electrode shall be provided with an approved non7ferrous clamp for the
connection of the earthin$ conductor as reBuired& These connections shall each be
housed in individual concrete inspection chamber set flush to the finished $round
level and shall allow disconnection for testin$ of individual electrodes& The chamber
shall be permanentl( mar'ed P.lectrical .arthO&
All materials used for the earth electrode installation shall be purpose made for the
application and site conditions and shall be approved b( the .n$ineer&
Dnless otherwise stated all eAcavation of trenches for the installation of the earth
electrodes and the inspection pit shall be carried out b( the "ontractor&
After the earth installation has been completed the "ontractor shall demonstrate to
the .n$ineer that the resistance of the electrodes to earth and the continuit( of the
earth networ' are within the limits specified& An( additional earth electrodes and test
instruments reBuired for the tests shall be provided b( the "ontractor&
*ar'er posts and plates shall be provided to mar' the route of buried tape
electrodes& The mar'ers shall be similar to those provided for cable routes&

(iii) *ain .arthin$ Terminal
A main earth terminal shall be installed in an approved location adjacent to the
incomin$ suppl( to a buildin$& This shall be labelled and comprise a >? mm A : mm
minimum cross section copper strip as per IS =?;=& The bar shall be of sufficient
len$th to accommodate bolted earth bondin$ connections from transformers, major
items of Plant and .Buipment and electrical switch$ear, buildin$ structural steelwor',
concrete reinforcement, the earth electrode s(stem and the li$htnin$ protection
s(stem& The earthin$ conductor shall be clearl( mar'ed such and shall be accessible
for disconnection to facilitate testin$ of the earth electrode s(stem& For small
installations an earthin$ terminal comprisin$ a sin$le brass stud of 46 mm minimum
diameter shall be acceptable with the approval of the .n$ineer&
(iv) *ain .Buipotential ondin$ "onductor
Si$nature of the Tenderer 98
*ain eBuipotential bondin$ conductors shall be provided to connect the main
earthin$ terminal to the followin$@
7 $as, water, central heatin$ s(stems or other servicesN
7 buildin$ structural steelwor', concrete foundations, steel
7 major steel structures comprisin$ stora$e tan's, sur$e vessels, pump
and compressor bases ($reater than 6? '+ rated), me00anine
platform, crane rails, air handlin$ ductwor' s(stemsN
7 incomin$ and out$oin$ process pipewor'&
"onnections to buildin$ structural steelwor' or concrete reinforcement shall be made
b( a bolted connection to a ta$ welded to the steelwor' or reinforcement bars& Dnless
otherwise specified at least two connections shall be made to the steelwor' and
reinforcement bars at the perimeter of each buildin$ at dia$onall( opposite locations&
The ta$s will be provided and welded to the steelwor' b( others&
"onnection to buildin$ structural steelwor' and reinforcement bars shall be
Galvanised iron strip of >? A : mm cross section&
For Plant and .Buipment areas the main eBuipotential bondin$ conductor shall
comprise a Galvanised iron strip >? A 4? mm& This shall follow the main cable runs
and shall be connected to form a $rid& The $rid shall be connected to the main earth
bar b( at least two connections& 2adial feeds ma( be ta'en to connect to eBuipment
in isolated areas& A local earth terminal ma( be established to facilitate
Items to be bonded shall be connected to the $rid b( Galvanised iron strip si0ed
"onnections in strips shall be drilled, tinned and rivetted and tinned overall, four >
mm diameter A 46 mm rivets per joint shall be used and the overlap shall not be less
than the width of the tape&
(v) Supplementar( .Buipotential ondin$ "onductors
Supplementar( eBuipotential bondin$ conductors shall be provided to interconnect
eAposed conductive and eAtraneous conductive parts&
.Aposed conductive parts shall be deemed to be all conductive parts formin$ part of
electrical eBuipment or of an electrical installation includin$ cable support s(stems&
.Atraneous conductive parts shall be deemed to include items such as@
7 metallic door frames but not window framesN
7 metallic floor coverin$s, hand railin$s, access ladders, small platforms,
ondin$ of cable trun'in$, tra( or ladder rac'in$ shall be carried out b( the followin$
7 a continuous earth continuit( conductor bonded to each section
7 bondin$ straps installed across each joint or brea' in the s(stem&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 99
The bondin$ conductor shall be a minimum of 6> mm
(vi) "ircuit Protective "onductors
An independent circuit protective conductor shall be provided for each circuit and
ma( comprise one or an( of the followin$ as appropriate@
7 a separate core within a multicore cableN
7 a separate conductor installed within a conduit or trun'in$& Steel
conduit or trun'in$ shall not be used as a circuit protective conductorN
7 the metal sheath of an armoured cable& The sheath shall be bonded to
the metalwor' of the apparatus and to the apparatus earth bar if an(N
7 the copper sheath of a mineral insulated copper sheathed cableN
7 an independent insulated copper conductor run adjacent to the circuit
it protects&
The armourin$ of the suppl( cable shall not form the sole means of earthin$ a
switchboard or lar$e electrical load&
+here the cable armourin$ or sheath is used as the circuit protective conductor it
shall be securel( bonded at both ends to the metalwor' of the apparatus and to an
earth bar& Particular care shall be ta'en to ensure continuit( across items of
apparatus situated within a cable run and should the desi$n of such items of
apparatus not $ive adeBuate and lastin$ continuit( throu$h its structural bod( then
additional earthin$ clips and conductors shall be provided to independentl( bond the
cable sheaths to$ether& Similarl( additional earthin$ clips shall be provided to bond
the cable sheaths3armour to an( piece of apparatus fitted with a special earth
terminal should the earth connection for the termination $land be inadeBuate& An(
additional earthin$ clips shall be fitted within the apparatus wherever possible&
(vii) Instrument .arth
.arthin$ of the sensitive electronic eBuipment and the instrumentation s(stems shall
be as per the provisions of the I... recommendation (.merald oo')&
A separate instrumentation earth shall be established in each control panel& This
shall comprise one or more copper earth bars not less than 6>A: mm cross7section
electricall( isolated from the steel wor' of the panel and armourin$ of power cables&
The instrument earth bar or bars shall be connected radiall( to the main earth bar of
the control panel&
The instrument earth bar shall be provided for earthin$ the si$nal earth connection of
each instrumentation and control device and the screen or screens of each
instrument cable&
The earth bar shall have sufficient brass terminals to terminate all devices etc as
detailed plus not less than 6>H spare terminals&
The screens of instrumentation si$nal cables shall be earthed at one point onl(& This
shall normall( be the nearest instrument earth bar at the control panel end&
Instrumentation si$nal screens shall be cut bac' and insulated at the field end&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 100
The overall earth resistance shall be brou$ht down to less than one ohm&
.arthin$ conductors alon$ their run on walls and columns shall be supported b(
cleatin$ 3 weldin$ at intervals of <>? mm&
+henever earthin$ conductors cross under$round service ducts and pipes it shall be
laid =?? mm below them& +henever main earthin$ conductor crosses cable
trenches, the( shall be buried below trench floor& Suitable earth rises shall be
provided b( above finished floor3$round level& The minimum len$th of such rises
inside the buildin$ shall be 6?? mm and outdoors shall be >?? mm above $round
1eutral connection shall never be used for eBuipment earthin$& .ach neutral point of
transformer shall be earthed to two separate earth electrodes for connection with the
earthin$ s(stem&
8.1@ C'30%& '() W#/%&
(i) General
.ach drum or coil of cable shall be accompanied b( a certificate statin$ the
manufacturerOs name, cable si0e, number of cores, len$th, result and date of tests as
reBuired in the Specification&
"ables manufactured more than 46 months before deliver( will not be accepted&
All cables shall be delivered with cable ends effectivel( sealed& +hen a cable is cut
from a drum both ends shall be immediatel( sealed to prevent in$ress of moisture&
"ables shall not be transported to site in loose coils but a number of short len$ths of
cable ma( be transported on the same drum& The "ontractor shall be wholl(
responsible for the purchase and3or hire costs of all cable drums and for the removal
of these drums from site after use&
(ii) Standards
The standards applicable to the different t(pes and installations of cables shall be as
9ow volta$e (:>?344?? % $rade)
(a) P%" and C9P. multicore cable to IS 4>>;3 S :=;: and IS <?853 S >;:<
respectivel(& Installed direct in the $round, in ducts, on tra( or clipped direct&
Aluminium wire armourin$ shall be used for sin$le core cables&
(b) P%" multicore cable to IS 4>>; or S :=;:& Installed in floor ducts, trun'in$
or conduits&
(c) P%" sin$le core non7sheathed (;>?3<>? % $rade) to IS :8; or S :??;&
Installed in conduit or trun'in$&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 101
(d) *ineral insulated, copper clad to S :6?<& Installed on tra( or clipped direct&
(e) .P2 multicore cable to S :55= or I." 867=& Installed as down borehole
cablin$ to submersible eBuipment or trailin$ leads&
(f) P%" sin$le core non7sheathed (:??34??? %) to IS 54=? or S :6=4& Installed
as internal wirin$ within switch$ear and control assemblies&
-i$h %olta$e :&: '%
(a) C9P. cable to IS <?85 or S ::66 or I." >?6& Installed direct in the $round,
in ducts or clipped direct& Aluminium wire armourin$ shall be used for sin$le
core cables&
(a) P%" Plain annealed multistranded copper conductors, solid pol(eth(lene
insulation with aluminium7m(lar pair screenin$ includin$ drain wire, with
collective aluminium m(lar screen includin$ drain wire, solid pol(eth(lene
bedded steel wire armour with an outer sheath of flame retardant P%"& P%"
sheath to be blue colour for intrinsicall( safe circuits, blac' for ac and dc non7
intrinsicall( safe circuits, :>?344?? % $rade to IS 4>8: or S >=?5 @ Part 4,
T(pe 6&
"ontrol #i$ital
(a) P%" Plain annealed multistranded copper conductors, solid pol(eth(lene
insulation collective aluminium m(lar screen includin$ drain wire, solid
pol(eth(lene bedded steel wire armour with an outer sheath of flame
retardant P%"& P%" sheath to be blue colour for intrinsicall( safe circuits,
blac' for ac and dc non7intrinsicall( safe circuits, :>?344?? % $rade to IS 4>8:
or S >=?5 @ Part 4, T(pe 6&
(iii) 2atin$
The "ontractor shall ensure that cable and wires associated with the Plant and
.Buipment are adeBuatel( rated for their use&
In assessin$ the ratin$ of an( cable or wire, the followin$ factors shall be ta'en into
7 Suppl( volta$e and freBuenc(&
7 *aAimum volta$e drop permissible&
7 T(pe and ma$nitude of load&
7 Fault level and duration related to circuit protection rela(s and fuses&
7 "ircuit overcurrent protection&
7 2oute len$th and disposition of cables&
7 Ambient temperature&
- *ethod of installation&
- Groupin$
The desi$n current of an( circuit shall eAceed the full load current of the supplied
device b( at least 4?H& The volta$e drop for an( circuit from ori$in of the installation
(ie suppl( authorit(Os terminals) and the load under stead( state conditions shall not
eAceed =H of the nominal volta$e& Dnder motor startin$ conditions the correspondin$
Si$nature of the Tenderer 102
volta$e drop shall not affect the operation of the motor controls or the abilit( of the
motor to start and run effectivel( and in an( event shall not eAceed 4?H& The
"ontractor when si0in$ cables for the remote operation of shunt trip coils shall ta'e
due account of the volta$e drop caused b( the momentar( current sur$e ta'en at the
instant of ener$isation&
(iv) "olours
All cable cores shall be colour coded throu$hout their len$th and shall be so
connected between switchboard, distribution board, plant and eBuipment and
accessories, that the correct seBuence or phase colours are preserved throu$hout
the s(stem&
The colour codin$ should be as follows@
= phase @ red, (ellow and blue
sin$le phase or dc @ red and blac'
earth @ $reen
control @ blue (dc), red (ac)
(v) "onductors
"opper or aluminium stranded conductors shall be used for power cables and copper
conductors for control and instrumentation throu$hout& "ores of cross7sectional area
$reater than ; mm
for power and 4&> mm
for control

shall be used&
9i$htin$ final distribution circuits shall be of a minimum cross7section of ; mm
Small power and control cables shall be of a minimum cross7section of 6&> mm
Internal wirin$ of control panels shall be of a minimum cross7section of 4&> mm
fleAible and stranded&
Instrumentation and control cablin$ shall be of a minimum cross7section 4&> mm
eAternal use and 4&? mm
for internal use&

8.11 C'30% I(&,'00',#+(
(i) General
"ables shall be installed in such a wa( that the minimum bendin$ radii are not
reduced when installed or durin$ installation& "ables shall not be installed in ambient
temperatures below that recommended b( the cable manufacturer&
"ables $rouped to$ether shall have insulation capable of withstandin$ the hi$hest
volta$e present in the $roup&
"ables shall be se$re$ated into the followin$ cate$ories@
7 power ($reater than 4 ??? % phase to phase)
7 power (less than 4 ??? % phase to phase)
7 instrumentation3telemetr(
7 control
7 telecommunications
"ables shall be laid in a manner such that an( electrical interference between cables
shall not have a detrimental effect on the life and operation of eBuipment installed
within the installation& As a $eneral rule the followin$ minimum clearances shall be
adhered to where ever practical&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 103
There shall be a minimum separation of :?? mm between -% power and all other
cables and =?? mm between all other cate$ories&
These separations are minimum and special circumstances such as the presence of
hi$h current flows, or harmonic content ma( necessitate lar$er separation distances&
+here practical a separate cable support s(stem shall be provided for power and
non7power cables& +here this is not practical a separation of 4>? mm shall be
maintained between power and non7power cables when run on the same support
In order to ma'e economic use of the cable support s(stem, cables shall be arran$ed
in $roups of >? mm maAimum overall diameter& These $roups shall be securel( tied
to the cable support s(stem at intervals not eAceedin$ 8?? mm for hori0ontal runs
and =?? mm intervals on vertical runs&
Instrumentation "ablin$
In order to ma'e the most economic use of cable ladder3tra( and duct capacit(,
multicore cablin$ shall be utilised in order to connect instrumentation $roups b( usin$
suitabl( located sub7distribution junction boAes& The junction boAes shall be suitable
for the area in which the( are to be installed and for the t(pe of circuit& The( shall be
readil( accessible for maintenance and clearl( labelled junction boAes shall be
constructed of steel or G2P and provide de$ree of protection IP >>&
Separate cables shall be used for di$ital and analo$ue si$nals at all times&
#i$ital and analo$ue si$nals shall be se$re$ated within junction boAes&

(ii) #irect in Ground
uried cable up to :>?344?? % shall have a minimum cover of >?? mm measured to
the top of the hi$hest cable& /n crossin$ roadwa(s the cable shall be run throu$h a
P%"7D duct of minimum diameter 4?? mm with a minimum of 4 ??? mm cover and
encased on all sides b( 4>? mm of concrete&
"ables of $reater than :>?344?? % shall be buried with a minimum cover of 4 m&
The bottom of the cable trench shall be freed of sharp stones and such li'e and <>
mm of sieved sand laid below the cable& After cable la(in$ <> mm of sieved sand
shall be laid above the cable&
Interloc'in$ cable protective covers, minimum 4 m lon$ A =?? mm wide, mar'ed
P#an$er 7.lectric "ableO in .n$lish, -indi and Telu$u shall be laid on top of the
sieved sand& "overs shall eAtend the whole len$th of the cable trench and shall
overlap cables b( a minimum of >? mm&
The trench shall be bac'filled with suitable material and compacted to the satisfaction
of the .n$ineer& Surplus eAcavated material shall be disposed off site&
+arnin$ tape shall be laid a minimum of 6?? mm above the protective covers&
"ables are to be installed without tees or throu$h joints unless otherwise approved
b( the .n$ineer& Sin$le core cables are to be run in trefoil formation&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 104
(iii) In Dnder$round #ucts
Dnder$round ducts shall be constructed of impact resistant P%"7D, $la0ed
earthenware or concrete and laid at a minimum depth of >?? mm, ducts shall be
surrounded b( at least <> mm of sieved sand eAcept at road crossin$s where it shall
be 4 m deep and encased on all sides b( 4>? mm of concrete&
The "ontractor shall ensure that sufficient draw7in points have been provided and
that adeBuate room has been allowed for installation of cables& #rawstrin$s shall be
provided in all ducts to enable additional cables to be installed when reBuired&
+here cables pass in or out of an( duct entries into or within buildin$s such entries,
to$ether with an( spare ducts shall be sealed a$ainst the in$ress of moisture b(
means of duct stoppers and bituminous compounds or b( an( other method
approved b( the .n$ineer& The stopper shall have a fire resistance of at least =?
minutes& Sin$le core cables in trefoil formation shall pass throu$h the same duct and
shall not be separated&
(iv) In "onduit
"onduits shall be $alvanised heav( $au$e solid drawn or welded screwed steel t(pe
and be in accordance with IS 8>=< or S ;>:5. Accessories shall either be malleable
cast iron screwed t(pe or pressed steel and $alvanised&
A space factor of ;?H shall not be eAceeded, but in an( case conduit of less than 6?
mm diameter shall not be permitted& The tubin$ shall be perfectl( smooth inside and
out and free from flaws and imperfections of an( 'ind& oth ends of ever( len$th of
tubin$ shall be properl( reamed with all sharp ed$es removed before erection&
+here a number of conduits conver$e, malleable cast iron or heav( $au$e sheet
steel adaptable boAes shall be emplo(ed in order to avoid crossin$s& "onduits shall
be connected b( means of male brass bushes and couplin$s&
+here conduits are $reater than 6> mm, strai$ht throu$h joint boAes shall be of the
trou$h t(pe& +here conduit and3or fittin$s are attached to eBuipment casin$s, the
material or case of the casin$ shall be tapped for a depth of not less than 4? mm or
male bushes and flan$ed couplin$s shall be used&
-eav( heAa$onal loc' nuts shall be used at all positions where runnin$ joints are
reBuired and $reat care shall be ta'en to ensure that the( seat firml( and evenl( on
to the matin$ faces of couplin$ or other adjacent accessories& All junction boAes,
draw7in boAes, and inspection fittin$s, shall be so placed that the cables can be
inspected and, if necessar(, withdrawn and re7wired throu$hout the life of the
Generall( not more than two bends or offsets or one couplin$ will be permitted
without a suitable inspection accessor(& Fish wires shall not be left in conduits after
erection& The whole of the installation shall be arran$ed for a loop7in t(pe of s(stem
with joints bein$ carried out at switches, isolators, etc& Intermediate joints in the cable
will onl( be allowed b( arran$ement with the .n$ineer& +here terminal bloc's are
necessar(, the( shall be of the porcelain t(pe with brass pinchin$ screws&
.nds of conduits which are liable to be left open for an( len$th of time durin$ buildin$
operations shall be plu$$ed to prevent the in$ress of dirt, cement, etc& and covers,
either temporar( or permanent, shall be fitted on all boAes&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 105
Generall(, conduits shall not cross eApansion joints of buildin$s, but where the(
cannot be installed in an( other manner then a fleAible conduit shall be used across
the eApansion joint& A total 4>? mm movement shall be allowed&
(a) Surface Installation
Surface conduits shall be secured and fiAed b( means of distance spacin$ saddles or
approved purpose made clips which allow the conduits to be ta'en directl( into
accessories without sets or bends& "onduits shall be run in a sBuare and s(mmetrical
manner& An efficient means shall be adopted to provide for the draina$e of
condensation and the runs shall be properl( ventilated& All surface conduit runs shall
be mar'ed out for approval b( the .n$ineer before the installation is carried out&
+here lar$e multiple parallel conduit runs would occur, use ma( be made of
$alvanised cable trun'in$& "onduits installed on structural steelwor' shall be secured
at spacin$s not eAceedin$ those for surface conduit b( $irder clips, otherwise fiAin$
shall be as for surface conduits on walls, drilled and tapped to the metalwor'& Power
driven fiAin$s shall onl( be used with the eApress permission of the .n$ineer& An(
drillin$ or access which is reBuired throu$h an( structural member of the buildin$
shall be a$reed with the .n$ineer before carr(in$ out the wor'&
.Aposed threads and places where $alvanisin$ has been dama$ed shall be cleaned
and then painted with two coats of an approved metallic 0inc based paint& This
treatment shall be applied as the wor' proceeds&
(b) "oncealed Installation
"oncealed conduits shall be securel( fiAed to prevent movement before la(in$ of
screeds, floatin$ of plaster, castin$ of columns or other buildin$ operations necessar(
after the conduit installation& "rampets or similar fiAin$s shall be used for attachin$
the conduit to bloc'wor', etc& uildin$ nails will not be accepted&
At least 4> mm cover shall be allowed for finishes over the conduit& +here this cover
cannot be maintained then eApanded metal shall be fitted with the conduit& "onduit
cast into reinforced concrete floors shall be fiAed to the steel reinforcin$ with bindin$
wire and the conduit boAes filled with eApanded pol(st(rene or enclosed in a plastic
ba$ to prevent the in$ress of concrete when poured& +here possible, the conduit
boAes shall be fiAed to shutterin$ to $ive a flush finish&
"onduit installed in voids, false ceilin$s, and other concealed routes shall be installed
as specified for the surface conduits& +irin$ shall be carried out after the false ceilin$
or permanent ducts have been completed& "onduit installed in floors shall be sealed
a$ainst in$ress of moisture&
The conduit installation shall be inspected b( the .n$ineer before the buildin$
operation conceals the wor'&
(c) FleAible "onduit
FleAible conduit shall be of the waterproof $alvanised t(pe or P%" wire7wound t(pe
with cadmium plated mild steel couplin$s& 9en$ths of fleAible conduits shall be
sufficient to permit withdrawal, adjustment or movement of the eBuipment to which it
is attached and shall have a minimum len$th of =?? mm& FleAible conduit shall not be
used as a means of providin$ earth continuit(& A sin$le earth conductor of adeBuate
si0e shall be installed eAternal to the conduit complete with earth terminations&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 106
+here conversion from ri$id conduit to fleAible metallic conduit is to be made, the
ri$id conduit shall terminate in a throu$h t(pe boA and the fleAible conduit shall
eAtend from this boA to the eBuipment, the earth continuit( cable shall be secured to
the boA and to the piece of eBuipment b( properl( desi$ned earthin$ screws& The use
of lid facin$ screws, etc&, will not be permitted& Adaptors shall incorporate a $rub
screw or a $land to prevent the fleAible conduit becomin$ loose&
(v) In "able Trun'in$
"able trun'in$ shall be manufactured from mild steel of not less than 4&6> mm and
shall be hot dipped $alvanised& The "ontractor shall ensure that the si0e of the
trun'in$ is adeBuate for the number of cables to be installed to$ether with >?H spare
capacit( and shall in an( case be >? mm A >? mm minimum si0e&
Se$re$ation of cables shall be carried out if reBuired usin$ continuous sheet steel
barriers with the bottom ed$e welded to the trun'in$&
The trun'in$ shall have two return flan$es for ri$idit(& +here necessar(, additional
stren$thenin$ straps shall be fitted internall(& The cover shall overlap the trun'in$
and be made of the same $au$e& FiAin$ screws for covers shall be recessed and be
of the self retainin$ PBuic' fiAO t(pe& All bends, tees and intersections shall be of the
$usset t(pe and shall, wherever possible, be purpose made b( the manufacturer and
of a matchin$ desi$n to the main trun'in$&
"ables shall be retained in the trun'in$ when the cover is removed b( means of
straps& Internal connectin$ sleeves shall be fitted across joints in the trun'in$ and
earth continuit( ensured b( bondin$ each section of trun'in$ to a continuous earth
1on7flammable fire barriers shall be inserted where the trun'in$ passes throu$h
walls or floors& "onduit connections to trun'in$ shall be made b( flan$ed couplin$s
and male bushes&
Trun'in$ shall be supported at intervals not $reater than 6 m hori0ontall( or 6&> m
"rossin$s over eApansion joints shall be made in fleAible conduit&
Should it be necessar( to cut or drill a section of trun'in$ or a trun'in$ fittin$ the
bared ends shall immediatel( be $iven a coat of 0inc rich cold $alvanisin$ paint&
"able and conduit3trun'in$ runs shall be determined b( the "ontractor and a$reed b(
the .n$ineer before an( wor' is started& The run shall be at least 4>? mm clear of
plumbin$ and mechanical services&
"onduit3trun'in$ s(stems erected outside a buildin$ shall be weatherproof&
(vi) /n "able Tra(
"able tra( shall be of perforated sheet steel with formed flan$es and of minimum
thic'ness not less than 4 mm for tra(s up to 4?? mm width, not less than 4&6> mm for
tra(s from 4?? mm to 4>? mm width and not less than 4&> mm for tra(s from 4>? mm
to =?? mm width, 6mm for tra(s from =?? mm to 4??? mm width&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 107
"able tra( shall be hot dipped $alvanised or P%" coated as specified& "able tra(
supports shall be of a compatible finish with the associated cable tra(, or where
manufactured at Site, be $iven a protective finish of a suitable paint&
All cable tra( tees, intersection units, bends, turns and sets shall, whenever possible,
be purpose made b( the manufacturer and shall be of a matchin$ desi$n to the main
section of cable tra(&
Tra( shall onl( be joined couplers supplied b( the manufacturers and the joint shall
be secured b( 5 (ei$ht) bolts in each instance&
"able tra( supports supplied b( a manufacturer or made up on Site shall be of ample
stren$th to maintain ri$id support to the full( laden cable tra( alon$ its entire len$th
and shall ensure that the deflection of an( one section does not eAceed 4> mm at
+here proprietar( channel section cable support rac's are bein$ used elsewhere on
the "ontract with cable cleats, then an( such channel used for support of cable tra(s
shall be of the same t(pe and ma'e&
+herever possible, cable tra(s shall be installed in full len$ths without cuttin$&
Should it be necessar( to cut or drill a len$th of tra(, then for $alvanised tra(s, the
bared ends or dama$ed section of the tra( shall immediatel( be $iven a coat of 0inc
rich cold $alvanised paint& Similarl( for P%" coated tra(s, the bared ends shall be
immediatel( spra(ed usin$ a P%" aerosol& All site manufactured accessories,
supports and metal fittin$s reBuired to ensure correct installation of the cable tra(s
shall be similarl( treated&
All cables shall be firml( secured to the tra( usin$ purpose made saddles, as
approved b( the .n$ineer, to$ether with proprietar( n(lon fasteners and3or cable
cleats& Followin$ installation of cables, the tra( shall remain ri$idl( supported and the
deflection of an( section shall not eAceed 4> mm at midspan& All brac'ets and tra(
wor' shall be suitable for withstandin$ a wei$ht of 46> '$&
"able tra(s shall not be cut to allow the passa$e of cables throu$h the surfaces of
the tra(&
The si0in$ of the cable tra( shall provide a minimum of 6>H spare capacit(&
"able tra( runs shall be determined b( the "ontractor and a$reed b( the .n$ineer
before an( wor' is started& The tra( shall be run at least 4>? mm clear of plumbin$
and mechanical services&
(vii) /n 9adder 2ac' S(stem
9adder rac'in$ either li$ht or heav( wei$ht shall be proprietar( item and installed in
accordance with manufacturerOs instructions& ends in the installation shall ta'e
account of the minimum bendin$ radii of cables to be installed&
"ables shall be clipped to the ladder rac' usin$ clips desi$ned for the s(stem in use
and appropriate to the t(pe and si0e of cable installed&
The si0in$ of the cable rac' s(stem shall provide a minimum of 6>H spare capacit(&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 108
9adder rac'in$ runs shall be determined b( the "ontractor and a$reed b( the
.n$ineer before an( wor' is started& The ladder rac'in$ shall be run at least 4>? mm
clear of plumbin$ and mechanical services&
(viii) "lipped #irect
All cable han$ers, clips, cleats and saddles shall be of an approved t(pe and
appropriate to the t(pe and si0e of cable installed&
Their spacin$ shall be such as to ensure a neat appearance and prevent sa$$in$ of
the cables at all times durin$ their installed life&
(iA) In Internal Floor Trenches
(a) Shallow trenches (maAimum depth >?? mm)
In shallow trenches used for electrical services onl(, cables shall be laid in a neat
and orderl( manner on the floor of the trench& /ne la(er onl( will be allowed&
Additional cables shall be installed on the walls of the trench in an approved manner&
+here the trench is shared b( other services, cables shall be installed on the walls of
the trench in an approved manner&
(b) All other trenches includin$ wal' throu$h service ducts
"ablin$ shall be installed to the walls of the trench in an approved manner&
+here other services are present the cables shall be se$re$ated from them and
wherever possible 'ept above PcoldO wet services& "ables should not be run if at all
possible above or in close proAimit( to PhotO services&
The cablin$ shall be installed in such a manner as to allow access to the other
services for normal maintenance without disturbance of the electrical installation&
"ross overs shall be 'ept to a minimum&
The cable trench shall be clean prior to and after completion of the installation&

8.12 C'30% T%/.#(',#+(& '() F+#(,&
(i) Power "able Terminations
Power cables shall be terminated in suitable boAes arran$ed for boltin$ to
switch$ear, motor starters and motors&
"ores shall have either crimped lu$s or sleeves to match either post terminals or
bolted clamp terminals&
.ach cable entr( into a terminatin$ boA shall be made throu$h a suitable $land,
which shall have provision for securin$ the armour where applicable& +here sin$le
core $lands are reBuired these shall be of the non7ma$netic t(pe and the associated
boA bottom plate, where the core passes throu$h, shall not have a continuous
ma$netic path&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 109
AdeBuate provision shall be made to bond the cable armourin$ to the boA and3or
switch$ear casin$ of a suitable si0e to withstand the prospective short circuit fault
current of the s(stem, $lands shall be fitted with earth bondin$ ta$s where intimate
screwed contact between $land and cable boA is not possible&
+here cable $lands are eAposed to the weather these shall be protected b( heat
shrin' plastic sleeve or purpose moulded sleeves coverin$ the $land continuousl(
from overall sheath to the $land nec'&
+here terminations of multicore t(pe have to be made on to items of Plant and
.Buipment which have to be dismantled for maintenance, these shall be made off
throu$h $lands into an adaptable boA containin$ terminals and fleAible sin$le cores
ta'en into the eBuipment via fleAible waterproof plastic covered conduit, and a
separate earth core lin'in$ the boA to the eBuipment&
+here sin$le core cables are $landed to or pass throu$h cablin$ plates the $land
plate or cablin$ plate shall be constructed of non7ma$netic material&
(ii) Power "able Eoints
Throu$h joints shall onl( be allowed with the approval of the .n$ineer& +here such
joints are necessar( in thermoplastic and elastomeric cables, the cables shall be
jointed with heat shrin' t(pe joint 'its, which has been premeasured and prepac'ed
read( for use& The joints shall be prepared as per manufacturers recommendations
b( Bualified technician and inspected b( .n$ineer prior to sealin$ of the joint&
(iii) *ulticore or "ontrol "able Terminations
A sufficient number of terminals shall be provided to terminate all cable cores& For
control and auAiliar( wirin$ an additional 6?H of this number shall be provided as
1ot more than one core of internal or eAternal wirin$ shall be connected on an( one
terminal& +here duplication of terminal bloc's is necessar(, purpose7made solid lin's
shall be incorporated in the desi$n of the terminal bloc's&
Terminals which remain ener$ised when the main eBuipment is isolated shall be
suitabl( screened and labelled&
Terminal bloc's for different volta$es or circuit t(pe shall be se$re$ated into $roups
and distinctivel( labelled&
8.13 C'30% F#E#(-&
Ties and strappin$ shall be suitable for securin$ cable and cable $roups to cable tra(
or ladder& The( shall be resistant to chemical and marine corrosion& Plastic coated
metal ties used in order to obtain corrosion resistance shall not be acceptable& 1(lon
ties shall be resistant to the effects of ultra7violet li$ht and shall be self7eAtin$uishin$&
9ar$e sin$le cables shall be secured with cable clamps or cable cleats&
8.15 C'30% I)%(,#6#7',#+(
At each end of each cable, in a uniform and visible position a label shall be fiAed on
the cable in accordance with the cable schedule& 9abels shall be made of metallic
en$raved and shall be indelibl( mar'ed to the approval of the .n$ineer& The label
shall be retained usin$ proprietar( n(lon strips passin$ throu$h two fiAin$ holes at
Si$nature of the Tenderer 110
either end of the label& If the cable $land is not normall( visible, then the label shall
be fiAed inside the panel b( means of screws&
8.18 C'30% G0'()&
Glands shall $enerall( be of the double mechanical compression heAa$on t(pe&
.arth continuit( of brass $lands shall be assured& This ma( be achieved b( the ri$id
clampin$ of the armour within the $land and the intimate contact between the
threaded components of the $land and the eBuipment& .ach $land shall be installed
complete with proprietar( earth ta$ providin$ a read( means of connectin$ a fleAible
strand or strip earth bond to the $land at an( position around the $land in relation to
the associated apparatus& AdeBuate earth continuit( shall be assured between the
earth ta$, the $land and the armour wires of the cable where applicable&
Glands for sin$le core cables shall be constructed from non7ma$netic materials&
.ach $land shall be installed complete with a proprietar( non7ferrous loc'7nut to
secure the $land bod( to the eBuipment where the entr( hole is plain, ie not tapped&
+here holes for cable entries are not provided it shall be the responsibilit( of the
"ontractor to mar' out and drill such holes& urrs and swarf shall be removed, care
bein$ ta'en to ensure that swarf and filin$s, etc do not enter the eBuipment&
"able $lands in situations where moisture ma( be present shall be double seal
weatherproof t(pe, $land shrouds shall be used and entr( shall be sealed&
For dr( indoor situations, standard industrial $lands with shrouds are acceptable&
Power cable $landin$ arran$ements in ha0ardous areas shall incorporate an
insulated adaptor and earth lin'& This shall provide the facilit( to disconnect the
armourin$ from the $landed device in order that a true earth loop value ma( be
measured when carr(in$ out tests on the installation&
8.19 M'/1#(- L+7',#+(& +6 U()%/-/+2() C'30%&
The location of all under$round cables shall be en$raved on brass or other non7
corrodible plates to be fiAed to the eAterior surface of all walls of buildin$s =?? mm
above $round level and directl( above the point where cables pass throu$h the wall&
In addition concrete mar'er posts shall be installed at intervals of not more than >? m
at all junctions and chan$es of direction alon$ the cable route& Such mar'er posts
shall be not less than 6?? mm hi$h and of substantial construction& A drawin$ or
sample of a t(pical mar'er post shall be submitted for the approval of the .n$ineer&
The mar'ers shall be mar'ed Pelectric cableO in .n$lish, -indi and Telu$u&
8.1! S=#,7:-%'/ (0%&& ,:'( 1@@@ V)
(i) "onstruction
"ubicles and enclosures for electrical eBuipment shall be constructed of sheet steel
of thic'ness not less than 6 mm or other approved material suitabl( braced to form a
ri$id structure& Adjacent frames, dividers and covers shall be securel( bolted or
welded to ensure earth continuit( throu$hout&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 111
The eAterior corners and ed$es shall be rounded to $ive a smooth overall
appearance with projections 'ept to a minimum&
9iftin$ lu$s shall be provided for installation purposes and shall be replaced with
corrosion7resistant bolts after installation&
(ii) .nclosures
*ulti7enclosure assemblies shall be constructed to IS 4=8;< or S >;5: with internal
separation of compartments to Form ;& +here more than one out$oin$ circuit
occupies a common distribution section all cable terminations, cable lu$s and such
li'e shall be full( insulated or screened to allow wor' to be carried out on an( one
circuit with other circuits remainin$ live& "ables enterin$ a cablin$ section shall do so
via cable $lands which shall securel( clamp the armourin$ of the cable& The cable
with its outer sheath and armourin$ removed shall continue to the relevant
compartment where it shall a$ain be $landed prior to termination within the
compartment& Spare compartments shall be eBuipped with an( accessories reBuired
to permit a starter unit to be added at a later date without havin$ to de7ener$ise the
Dnless otherwise specified assemblies shall be floor standin$ with loc'able hin$ed
front doors and bolted removable rear panels where access to live eBuipment such
as busbar and terminals is possible& The panel hei$ht shall not eAceed 6=?? mm
includin$ the base frame dimensions&
Instrumentation shall not be positioned more than 6 ??? mm or less than >?? mm
above floor level& #evices for isolation and switchin$ shall be accessible within the
0one >?? mm to 4 :?? mm above floor level& Suitable warnin$ labels and instructions
for earthin$ and isolatin$ shall be fitted where necessar(&
Dnless otherwise specified cable entr( shall be from the base and shall enter an
accessible cablin$ compartment via suitable cable $lands and $land plate& Access to
cable terminations shall be via bolted panels either from the rear or front as specified&
.nclosures specified for front access shall be desi$ned so as not to reBuire at an(
time access for operation or maintenance to the rear or sides of the enclosure&
"ubicles and enclosures for outdoor locations shall be fitted with loc'able outside
doors and a housin$ so desi$ned that all controls, instruments and such li'e are full(
enclosed with the whole assembl( weatherproof and vandal proof& The doors shall be
fitted with sta(s arran$ed to prevent overstrainin$ of the hin$e fiAin$s and allow fiAin$
of the doors in the open position& The internal cubicles shall also be weatherproof to
allow operation of the controls when the outside doors are open durin$ inclement
.nclosures shall $ive a de$ree of protection as follows@
Indoor installation@
substation or switch room IP ;;
Plant and .Buipment room IP ;=
/utdoor installation@
under cover IP >;
eAposed IP :>
Si$nature of the Tenderer 112
(iii) Safet(
.lectrical eBuipment shall be desi$ned and constructed to provide a maAimum
standard of safet( for operatin$ and maintenance personnel&
Access to an( enclosure shall be possible onl( when the circuit isolator is open and
connections within the enclosure are isolated or full( shrouded a$ainst accidental
contact or when connections within the enclosure are not at a volta$e eAceedin$ 6;
+here a test facilit( eAists for use with the enclosure door open all live contacts shall
be shrouded to prevent accidental contact&
Isolators shall be padloc'able in the /FF position onl(& It shall not be possible to
open the enclosure door when the isolator is in the /1 position&
(iv) +ithdrawable "omponents
+here removable or withdrawable components are specified the( shall, where
appropriate, be provided with distinct locations for test and removed position&
Provisions shall be made to padloc' the withdrawable part in each position&
+ithdrawable parts shall not be withdrawn or re7inserted unless the main circuit has
been interrupted&
The de$ree of protection appl(in$ to the connected position shall be maintained in
the test and disconnected positions and durin$ transfer from one position to another&
+ithdrawable parts shall be fitted with positive $uides to ensure correct ali$nment of
the isolatin$ contacts in whichever circuit or earthin$ position is selected&
(v) Safet( Shutters
A set of safet( shutters shall be provided to cover each three phase $roup of
stationar( isolatin$ contacts& The shutters shall be opened automaticall( b( a positive
drive from the circuit brea'er movin$ portion and when closed shall prevent access to
the stationar( isolatin$ contacts& +hen the circuit brea'er is withdrawn each set shall
be capable of bein$ individuall( operated and of bein$ padloc'ed in the closed
To facilitate inspection and testin$, a device shall be provided for proppin$ (not
loc'in$) the shutters in the open position and for releasin$ them into the closed
position& The device shall be arran$ed to be cancelled b( the movin$ portion to
ensure the restoration of the automatic feature of the shutters&
usbar shutters shall be coloured red and labelled DSA2S in lar$e white letters&
"ircuit shutters shall be labelled with a lar$e white arrow pointin$ in the direction of
the section of busbars to which the contacts are connected&
(vi) Short "ircuit
Dnless otherwise specified the short circuit ratin$ of assemblies shall be >? 'A for
4 second& +here possible short circuit protective devices shall be co7ordinated to
ensure that a fault in an( out$oin$ branch does not operate the assembl( incomin$
protection device&
(vii) .arthin$
Si$nature of the Tenderer 113
Assemblies shall be provided with earthin$ facilities as follows&
For sin$le compartment assemblies an earth stud shall be provided&
For multi7compartment assemblies a clearl( mar'ed continuous copper earth bar
shall run the len$th of the assembl( and shall be provided with terminals for
connections to the metal claddin$ or armourin$ of all incomin$ and out$oin$ cables&
The short7term ratin$ of the earth busbar and connections shall be not less than that
of the associated eBuipment, or the maAimum throu$h7fault current of the power
source& The temperature rise of the busbar and connections under fault conditions
shall not cause dama$e to the connections of an( eBuipment to which the( ma( be
1o earth terminal bolts or studs shall be less than 5 mm diameter&
An earth bond of minimum si0e ; mm
shall be made to all enclosure doors&
(viii) 9abels
The assembl( as a whole and each compartment shall be clearl( and unambi$uousl(
The labels shall be en$raved letters and numbers filled blac' on a white bac'$round&
+arnin$ labels shall be en$raved and filled blac' on a (ellow bac'$round&
9abels shall be affiAed with non7corrodible rivets or screws&
Internal labels shall be used to identif( all components and terminal strips& The( shall
be non7de$radable paper fabric or plastic in construction and shall be affiAed
adjacent to the component to which the( appertain&
(iA) Switchboard Anticondensation -eaters
.ach cubicle or panel section within a switchboard shall be fitted with an anti7
condensation heater and rotar( action isolatin$ switch& A common sin$le phase
suppl( controlled b( a suitabl( placed calibrated adjustable thermostat shall ener$ise
all the heaters&
An individuall( mounted cubicle shall have a thermostaticall( controlled heater,
isolatin$ switch and circuit brea'er&
(A) Switchboard Ancillar( .Buipment
The followin$ ancillar( articles shall be supplied with each switchboard&
4 1r blac' fluted rubber safet( mat runnin$ the len$th of the switchboard&
/peratin$ handles, tools, in loc'able wall mounted steel or wooden cabinet&
(Ai) Fire Protection
+here specified the assembl( top shall incorporate a means of locatin$ a smo'e or
heat rise detector&
8.1; C+(,/+0 P'(%0 A&&%.30#%&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 114
(i) "onstruction
"ubicles and enclosures for electrical eBuipment shall be constructed of sheet steel
of not less than 6 mm thic' or other approved material suitabl( traced to form a ri$id
structure& Adjacent frames, dividers and covers shall be securel( bolted or welded to
ensure earth continuit( throu$hout&
The eAterior corners and ed$es shall be rounded to $ive a smooth overall
appearance with projections 'ept to a minimum&
9iftin$ lu$s shall be provided for installation purposes and shall be replaced with
corrosion7resistant bolts after installation&
(ii) .nclosures
Dnless otherwise specified assemblies shall be sin$le front floor standin$ with
loc'able hin$ed front doors and bolted removable rear panels where access to live
eBuipment such as busbar and terminals is possible& The panel hei$ht shall not
eAceed 6 =?? mm&
Instrumentation shall not be positioned more than 6 ??? mm or less than >?? mm
above floor level& #evices for isolation and switchin$ shall be accessible within the
0one >?? mm to 4 :?? mm above floor level& Suitable warnin$ labels and instructions
for earthin$ and isolatin$ shall be fitted where necessar(&
Dnless otherwise specified cable entr( shall be from the base and shall enter an
accessible cablin$ compartment via suitable cable $lands and $land plate& Access to
cable terminations shall be via bolted panels either from the rear or front as specified&
"ubicles and enclosures for outdoor locations shall be fitted with loc'able outside
doors and a housin$ so desi$ned that all controls, instruments and such li'e are full(
enclosed with the whole assembl( weatherproof and vandal proof& The doors shall
be fitted with sta(s arran$ed to prevent overstrainin$ of the hin$e fiAin$s and allow
fiAin$ of the doors in the open position&
The internal cubicles shall also be weatherproof to allow operation of the controls
when the outside doors are open durin$ inclement weather&
.nclosures shall $ive a de$ree of protection as follows@
Indoor installation@
substation or switch room IP ;;
plant room IP ;=
/utdoor installation@
under cover IP >;
eAposed IP :>
(iii) Safet(
.lectrical eBuipment shall be desi$ned and constructed to provide a maAimum
standard of safet( for operatin$ and maintenance personnel&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 115
Access to an( enclosure shall be possible onl( when the circuit isolator is open
unless connections within the enclosure are isolated or full( shrouded a$ainst
accidental contact&
+here a test facilit( eAists for use with the enclosure door open all live contacts shall
be shrouded to prevent accidental contact&
Isolators shall be padloc'able in the P/FFO position& It shall not be possible to open
the assembl( door when the isolator is in the P/1O position&

(iv) Short "ircuit
The short circuit ratin$ of the assemblies shall be suitable for the point of installation
in the s(stem& +here possible short circuit protective devices shall be co7ordinated to
ensure that a fault in an( out$oin$ branch does not operate the assembl( incomin$
protection device&
(v) .arthin$
Assemblies shall be provided with earthin$ facilities as follows&
For small sin$le compartment assemblies an earth stud shall be provided&
For lar$e sin$le compartment or multi7compartment assemblies a clearl( mar'ed
continuous copper earth bar shall run the len$th of the assembl( and shall be
provided with terminals for connections to the metal claddin$ or armourin$ of all
incomin$ and out$oin$ cables&
The short7term ratin$ of the earth busbar and connections shall be not less than that
of the associated eBuipment, or the maAimum throu$h7fault current of the power
source& The temperature rise of the busbar and connections under fault conditions
shall not cause dama$e to the connections of an( eBuipment to which the( ma( be
1o earth terminal bolts or studs shall be less than 5 mm diameter&
An earth bond of minimum si0e ; mm
shall be made to all enclosure doors&
(vi) 9abels
The assembl( as a whole and each compartment shall be clearl( and unambi$uousl(
The labels shall be en$raved letters and numbers filled blac' on a white bac'$round&
+arnin$ labels shall be en$raved and filled blac' on a (ellow bac'$round&
9abels shall be affiAed with non7corrodible rivets or screws&
Internal labels shall be used to identif( all components and terminal strips& The( shall
be non7de$radable paper fabric or plastic in construction and shall be affiAed
adjacent to the component to which the( appertain&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 116
(vii) Internal Power #istribution
The internal power distribution arran$ement for each assembl( shall comprise an
*" distribution board arran$ement for each volta$e present& Separate switches on
each board shall be dedicated to individual circuits in order to ease fault findin$ and
to localise faults&
A separate *" shall t(picall( be provided for 6;? % ac supplies to
7 power supplies
7 transformers
7 rectifiers
7 each instrumentation loop
7 panel li$htin$
7 panel coolin$
7 anti7condensation heatin$
7 internal soc'et outlets
+here the specified auAiliar( contacts shall be fitted to each *" to indicate a trip&
The power suppl( for the 6;? % distribution board shall be derived via a ferro7
resonant line conditioner3power suppl( providin$ immunit( from mains volta$e
(viii) Arran$ement of Internal "omponents

Internal components shall be laid out in a lo$ical manner in order to provide freedom
of access to terminations and to allow removal of an( component without interference
to adjacent components&
Particular attention shall be paid to the location of heat dissipatin$ eBuipment such as
power supplies etc in order that the( do not have a detrimental effect on adjacent
cablin$ or components&
+here necessar( forced ventilation shall be provided b( eAtraction fans mounted in
the top of the assembl(& This shall draw coolin$ air throu$h $rills located in the sides
or access doors of the assembl( as appropriate& Dnless otherwise specified
disposable filters shall be provided at the inlet $rills& These shall be eAternall(
serviceable without affectin$ the operation of the assembl(&
(iA) Terminal Arran$ements
"ables enterin$ and leavin$ an assembl( shall do so via suitabl( positioned
Terminals shall be arran$ed in function $roups as follows@
7 suppl( outputs to field devices
7 si$nal inputs from field devices
7 control output to starter sections
7 si$nal inputs from starter sections
+ithin each $roup terminal shall be arran$ed in sub$roups as follows@
7 volta$e
7 ener$ised with panel door open
7 de7ener$ised with panel door open
Si$nature of the Tenderer 117
Terminals for circuits at volta$es $reater than 6; % that are not de7ener$ised when
the assembl( door is open shall be screened and labelled accordin$l(&
Incomin$ and out$oin$ cables to intrinsicall( safe barriers shall connect to the
barriers via 'nife terminals&
(A) 9i$htin$
.ach cubicle of an assembl( shall be provided with an internal switched fluorescent
luminaire& It shall be positioned to illuminate all internal areas of the assembl(
(Ai) Small Power /utlet
.ach panel shall be provided with an internall( mounted 6;? % switched soc'et outlet
to IS 468= or S 4=:=&
(Aii) Fire Protection
+here specified the assembl( top shall incorporate a means of locatin$ smo'e or
heat rise detectors&

8.1< M+,+/ C+(,/+0-%'/ '() C+(,/+0 P'(%0 A&&%.304 C+(,/+0 F'7#0#,#%&
(i) General
Dnless otherwise specified assemblies shall contain dedicated sections for motor
drive, starters, common control, instrumentation, lamp test, telemetr( outstation etc&
(ii) *otor #rive Starters
All starter modules shall be self7contained& The drives shall have manual and
automatic control features&
*anual controls shall comprise both local and remote manual controls&
Automatic controls shall comprise safet( controls and process controls&
(a) Safet( controls shall comprise controls necessar( for the safe operation and
protection of the drive in order to protect the drive itself and3or personnel&
T(picall( these shall comprise flow chec' switches, run dr( protection,
overrun devices, torBue switches, overload, over temperature, hi$h pressure,
emer$enc( stop devices etc& These devices shall be hard wired direct to the
starter and shall be independent of an( P9" controls that ma( eAist&
(b) Process controls t(picall( interact with the drive via a P9" or hard wired lo$ic&
T(picall( these shall comprise controls for dut( rotation, auto standb(, level
and flow control, seBuencin$, start up3shut down procedures, schedulin$ etc&
(c) The protection reBuired shall be operational in auto as well as in manual
.ach starter shall have facilities for selectin$ local or remote control&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 118
(a) Selection of local control shall enable local drive start3stop controls at the
starter itself& In this mode the starter shall operate independent of process
controls& All safet( and protection controls shall be operative&
(b) Selection of remote control shall deactivate local controls& In this mode the
starter shall respond to the dictates of process and safet( and protection
(iii) "ommon "ontrol Section
This section shall house@
(a) Safet( controls which are related to drive $roups rather than specific drives&
T(picall( these shall comprise run dr( protection (when used in a common
sump), $roup emer$enc( stop controls, etc&
(b) Process controls facilities& These facilities shall t(picall( be provided b( a
P9"& -owever, unless otherwise specified, hard wired lo$ic will be acceptable
for simple control schemes comprisin$ less than twent( control rela(s&
+here removable starter modules are used in conjunction with intrinsicall( safe
controls the intrinsicall( safe barriers or devices associated with the controls shall be
housed within the common control section& This shall $uard a$ainst inadeBuate
clearance at the starter module plu$ in interface between intrinsicall( safe and non7
intrinsicall( safe circuits&
Sur$e protection barriers, if fitted, shall be installed at the base of the section
adeBuatel( se$re$ated from all other unrelated devices&
The common controls section ma( also provide facilities for the marshallin$ of starter
module status, alarm and remote control si$nals in order to facilitate the use of
multicore cable connections to remote locations&
The interior of the common control section shall be accessible without isolation of an(
drive or circuit& Therefore all volta$es in eAcess of 6; % shall be screened to prevent
.ach circuit shall be individuall( protected b( an *" such that maintenance wor'
can be carried out with the minimum of interference to runnin$ plant&
The front face of the common control section shall t(picall( be fitted with plant
controls, status indication and alarm annunciation facilities&
Alarm annunciation facilities shall show drive $roup faults, non7drive related faults
and drive common fault alarms& Specific drive related faults shall be indicated at the
drive module itself ie the common controls fault annunciator ma( indicate a fault on
drive A but starter module A shall indicate precisel( what the fault is&
(iv) Instrumentation
This section shall house eBuipment associated with field and panel mounted
instrumentation& Sur$e protection barriers, if fitted, shall be installed at the base of
the section adeBuatel(, se$re$ated from all other unrelated devices&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 119
The interior of the telemetr( outstation section shall be accessible without insolation
of an( drive or circuit& Therefore all volta$es in eAcess of 6; % shall be screened to
prevent access&
.ach circuit shall be protected b( an *" such that maintenance wor' can be
carried out with the minimum of interference to runnin$ plant&
(v) 9amp Test
Facilities shall be provided to test all lamps on an assembl(& This shall comprise a
common lamp test section& /peration of the lamp test circuit shall ener$ise a rela( in
each section of the assembl( in order to li$ht each lamp and annunciator& The lamp
test circuit shall pass throu$h auAiliar( contacts on section isolators if fitted& A short
time dela( shall ensure that the lamp test suppl( is retained to allow visual chec'in$
of all lamps&
/n small assemblies comprisin$ less than ten starters, individual lamp test buttons
on each section will be acceptable&
(vi) Telemetr( /utstation
This section shall house the telemetr( outstation and associated cable marshallin$
The interior of the telemetr( outstation section shall be accessible without isolation of
an( drive or circuit& Therefore all volta$es in eAcess of 6; % shall be screened to
prevent access&
.ach circuit shall be protected b( an *" such that maintenance wor' can be
carried out with the minimum of interference to runnin$ plant&
Interconnection of inputs and outputs to the telemetr( outstation shall be made via
sin$le ed$e 'nife t(pe terminals to allow eas( disconnection&
Analo$ue si$nals for connection to an( telemetr( outstation shall be connected via a
si$nal isolator which shall allow disconnection of the outstation si$nal without
disturbance to the operation of the +or's&
(vii) .mer$enc( Stop "ircuitr(
.ach drive or $roup of drives shall be provided with an emer$enc( stop facilit( which
shall comprise a red coloured, mushroom headed, sta(7put7twist to release push
The emer$enc( stop device shall be located adjacent to the drive or drive $roup to
which it relates and shall be clearl( labelled&
Individual drive emer$enc( stop devices shall be wired directl( into the drive starter
contactor circuit&
Group drive emer$enc( stop devices shall be wired via a rela( direct to each drive in
the $roup& The rela( contacts shall be wired directl( into the drive starter contactor
8.2@ S=#,7:-%'/G C+(,/+0-%'/ '() C+(,/+0 P'(%0 A&&%.304 C+.$+(%(,&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 120
(i) General
Assembl( components mounted on the eAternal surfaces of assemblies shall not
reduce the de$ree of protection from that specified&
(ii) Indicatin$ Instruments and *eters
All instruments and meters shall be flush mounted and $enerall( of the same pattern
and appearance throu$hout and those which perform similar duties shall be of
uniform t(pe and manufacture&
Indicatin$ instruments shall be fitted with an eAternall( accessible 0ero adjuster& The(
shall have no parallaA error and their normal maAimum readin$ shall be
approAimatel( :?H full scale deflection&
Ammeters in motor starter circuits shall be capable of withstandin$ the startin$
current and shall have a compressed overload scale& The ammeter shall have an
adjustable and sealable red pointer set to indicate normal full load current& The
ammeter ph(sical si0e shall be commensurate with the si0e of the starter concerned&
The minimum si0e to be used is ?&6> #I1&
Indicatin$ instruments shall compl( with IS 46;5 or S 58 and shall be of industrial
$rade accurac(&
Gilowatt7hour meters shall compl( full( with IS <66 or S >:5> "lass 6 and shall
have industrial $rade accurac( (Q6&>H)& Three element units shall be used for =
phase ;7wire s(stems& Two element units shall be used for = phase, =7wire s(stems&
(iii) Indicator 9i$hts
Indicatin$ lamps shall be 9.# t(pe with Indicator li$hts shall be not less than 6? mm
diameter and shall be panel mounted t(pes with metal bodies adeBuatel( fastened so
that the lamps shall be capable of replacement from the front of the apparatus
without disturbance to the lampholder or panel wirin$& 9ampholders shall be 'e(ed
into panels to prevent rotation& 9ens colours shall compl( with IS 4==: or S ;?88 as
power on @ whiteR
runnin$ @ $reen
tripped3alarm @ red
status (open, closed, etc) @ blue
read( to start @ blue
warnin$ (no imminent dan$er) @ amber
1ote@ Rwhite ma( be used where doubt eAists as to which other colour to use&
The li$hts shall be under7run to $ive lon$ life either b( use of a resistor to limit
volta$e to 8?H normal value or b( usin$ hi$her volta$e lamps&
Alternativel( the li$hts shall be transformer operated&
(iv) Pushbuttons
"olours of pushbuttons shall $enerall( compl( with IS 4==: or S .1 :??<= and in
particular shall be as follows@
stop, emer$enc( stop @ red
Si$nature of the Tenderer 121
start @ $reen
jo$$in$3inchin$ @ blac'
reset (when not also actin$ as stop) @ blue
lamp test @ blue
override3alarm accept @ (ellow
(?) T%/.#('0 B0+71&
Terminal bloc's shall be of the screw clamp, rail mounted t(pe to %#. ?:44 @ Part 4
for connection of copper conductors up to 4??? %&
The terminals used shall be suitable for the t(pe of wire to be terminated and current
carr(in$ capacit(&
.ach terminal rail and each individual terminal shall be indelibl( mar'ed with a
uniBue number correspondin$ to the schematic dia$ram terminal numberin$ s(stem&
1o more than two cables shall be terminated per clamp& "ross connections shall be
used to lin' adjacent terminals where multiple wire connections are reBuired&
.arth terminals shall be coloured $reen3(ellow and shall clamp to the fiAin$ rail in
order to provide earth continuit(&
Terminals of different si0es and for different volta$e terminations shall be partitioned&
+here unisolated eAternal volta$es ma( be present terminals shall be shrouded and
a warnin$ label fitted&
Terminals used in conjunction with current transformers shall have facilities for
shortin$ out of the output to enable removal of instrumentation&
Terminals used to interconnect to telemetr( outstations shall be of the sin$le ed$e
'nife t(pe to allow eas( disconnection of the si$nal without the disconnection of an(
In an( terminal arran$ement adeBuate space shall be provided for the neat and
lo$ical termination of the incomin$ wirin$& Terminal rails shall have provision for the
installation of at least 4?H additional terminals&
Terminals within cubicles and enclosures shall not be obscured and shall be easil(
accessed for installation and testin$ purposes, without removal of eBuipment&
(?#) R%0'4&
2ela(s shall compl( with IS 4=8;< Part > or S .1 :?8;<7>74& The( shall be
suitable for mountin$ to rail to IS 4=8;< @ Part > or S >>5;& Positive location bein$
assured b( a built7in screw clamp or clip&
Terminals shall be numbered in accordance with IS =<> or S >;<6&
2ela(s shall be desi$ned to accept top adder auAiliar( contact bloc's, latch and
pneumatic timer attachments&
8.21 S=#,7:-%'/G C+(,/+0-%'/ '() C+(,/+0 P'(%0 A&&%.304 S.'00 W#/#(-
Switchboard wirin$ shall be carried out in :>?344?? % P%" cable to IS 4>>;3S
:6=4 and the conductors shall not be less than 4 mm
and shall be stranded&
"urrent transformer secondar( circuits shall have a minimum cross7sectional area of
6&> mm
& .arth wires for meters, doors, etc shall have a minimum cross7sectional
area of 6&> mm
Si$nature of the Tenderer 122
+irin$ within the switchboard shall be mar'ed with colour coded ferrules at each end
for identification& The letters and numbers used shall correspond with the assembl(
wirin$ dia$ram&
The wirin$ colour code shall be as follows@
Phases @ red, (ellow, blue
1eutral @ blac'
"ontrol @ blue (dc), red (ac)
.arth @ $reen3(ellow
The wirin$ shall be neatl( laced and cleated to the switchboard structure or contained
within purpose desi$ned plastic trun'in$ and arran$ed so that access to eBuipment is
not impeded& "ables installed in trun'in$ shall have a space factor not eAceedin$
>?H& +here wirin$ passes throu$h metalwor' the access hole shall be fitted with a
suitable $rommet&
+irin$ between cubicles or panel sections shall be terminated in terminal bloc's at
each end& .ach terminal shall be identified b( its cable number throu$h its ferrule&
"rimped terminations shall be applied to all cable ends to ensure sound termination
to terminal bloc's and all circuit components& The t(pe of termination used shall be
suitable for the application in each instance&
+irin$ between cubicles or panel sections shall be terminated in terminal bloc's at
each end&
1o tees or joints between termination points shall be permitted&
8.22 M+20)%) C'&% C#/72#, B/%'1%/&
*oulded case circuit brea'ers shall compl( with IS 4=8;< or S .1 :?8;<76 and
have a cate$or( of dut( P6&
The( shall be of the low ener$( let throu$h t(pe incorporatin$ current limitin$ features
in order to ensure rapid arc Buenchin$&
The operatin$ doll( shall have three positive positions P/1O, P/FFO and PT2IPP.#O&
Trippin$ characteristics shall be ambient temperature compensated and selected
accordin$ to application, ie, distribution, $eneration or motor dut(&
8.23 M#(#',2/% C#/72#, B/%'1%/&
*iniature circuit brea'ers shall be in accordance with IS 5565 with instantaneous
trip current ran$e and compl(in$ with , ", # curves as per IS 4=8;< (Part II)
curve ;7< I
inductive switchin$, control circuits, buildin$ services
" curve <74? I
$eneral industrial, hi$hl( inductive circuits, small motors,
transformers, fluorescent li$hts&
# curve 4474> I
for dela(ed trippin$&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 123
8.25 R%&#)2'0 C2//%(, C#/72#, B/%'1%/&
2esidual current circuit brea'ers shall be current operated and compl( with IS 46:;?
or S ;68=& The trippin$ current shall be selected dependent on location within the
suppl( networ' and the calculated loop impedances& It shall operate to trip all phases
includin$ the neutral&
Dnless otherwise specified the followin$ sensitivities shall be applied@
individual rin$ mains, rin$ main $roups or soc'et outlets @ =? mA
small consumer boards incorporatin$ no other 2"" protection @ =? mA
small consumer boards incorporatin$ 2"" protection on
out$oin$ wa(s @ 4?? mA
lar$e consumer board incomin$ 2"" (min) @ =??mA
The residual current circuit brea'er shall be capable of withstandin$ the li'el( fault
current at the point of installation&
8.28 A#/ C#/72#, B/%'1%/&
Air circuit brea'ers shall compl( with IS 4=8;< @ Part 6 or S .1 :?8;<76 and shall
be ASTA certified to >? 'A "ate$or( P6&
"ircuit brea'ers shall be drawout t(pe&
(i) /peratin$ *echanisms
All circuit brea'ers shall be provided with operatin$ mechanism which shall be one of
the followin$ t(pes@
7 independent manual sprin$
7 hand char$ed sprin$ with manual release
7 motor char$ed sprin$ with electrical release
7 dc solenoid
All operatin$ mechanisms shall have mechanical P/1O and P/FFO indicators and a
manual trip device fitted with means for loc'in$& -and char$ed and motor char$ed
sprin$ mechanisms shall have mechanical indicators to show PSP2I1GS "-A2G.#O
and PSP2I1GS #IS"-A2G.#O&
/peratin$ mechanisms of the hand char$ed and motor char$ed sprin$ t(pes shall be
arran$ed so that release of the sprin$s to close the circuit brea'er can onl( be
achieved b( a deliberate action& It shall not be possible for vibration or mechanical
shoc's to release the char$ed sprin$s& *otor sprin$ mechanisms shall be arran$ed
so that char$in$ is initiated automaticall( followin$ a dischar$e, and the necessar(
limit stops and switches for the automatic control of the char$e once initiated, shall
form an inte$ral part of the mechanism& It shall be possible to hand char$e a motor
char$ed sprin$ mechanism in an emer$enc(&
Sprin$ operated mechanisms shall be provided with volt7free contacts to $ive
indication that the sprin$s are char$ed&
The closin$ solenoids of dc solenoid operated mechanisms shall be suitable for
operation at a minimum of 5?H of the nominal suppl( volta$e and shall not
maloperate or cause eAcessive vibration when ener$ised at a volta$e eBual to that of
Si$nature of the Tenderer 124
the closin$ batter( with the char$e set at the maAimum rate or eBual to that from a
full wave rectified source desi$ned for multiple simultaneous operation& Dnless
otherwise a$reed, this hi$her volta$e shall be ta'en as 46?H of the nominal suppl(
To facilitate maintenance and adjustment of contacts, it shall be possible to Pslow7
closeO the circuit brea'er but this operation shall onl( be possible in the full(
withdrawn position& An( necessar( operatin$ handle, lever or tube shall be supplied&
(ii) Interloc's and Test /peration Facilities
All circuit brea'ers shall be provided with interloc's to ensure that@
7 the circuit brea'er cannot be plu$$ed in or isolated whilst it is closed,
attempted isolation shall not trip a closed circuit brea'erN
7 the circuit brea'er cannot be closed until it is full( plu$$ed in or
completel( isolatedN
7 the circuit brea'er cannot be closed in the service position without
completin$ the auAiliar( circuits between the fiAed and movin$
7 the circuit brea'er cannot be Pslow7closedO eAcept in the full(
withdrawn positionN
- with hand char$ed or motor char$ed sprin$ mechanisms the sprin$s
cannot be dischar$ed until the( have been full( char$ed or until the
means for char$in$ has been full( removed and disconnectedN
7 anti pumpin$ feature
7 with the circuit brea'er plu$$ed in to an earthin$ location trippin$ can
onl( be effected b( the manual device on the operatin$ mechanism&
7 it shall be possible to padloc' the circuit brea'er in the full( isolated
position or to padloc' the brea'er to prevent closure in an( position&
+here mechanical 'e( interloc'in$ is emplo(ed, trippin$ of a closed circuit brea'er
shall not occur if an( attempt is made to remove trapped 'e( from the mechanism&
(iii) Protection
The circuit brea'er shall incorporate an inte$ral overcurrent protection rela( offerin$
facilities for site selection of inverse, ver( inverse and eAtremel( inverse
The circuit brea'er shall incorporate inte$ral protection current transformers&
8.29 A#/ B/%'1 S=#,7:%&G '() F2&% S=#,7:%&
Air brea' and fuse switches for use in distribution and motor circuits for volta$es up
to 4 ??? % ac shall compl( with IS 4=8;< @ Part = or S.1 :?8;<7=&
Switches for distribution circuit use shall be of utilisation cate$or( A" 66&
Switches for motor circuits shall be of utilisation cate$or( A" 6=&
Dtilisation cate$or( shall be as defined in IS 4=8;< @ Part = or I." :?8;<7=&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 125
Provision shall be made for Air brea' switches, and fuse switches to be located
loc'ed in the P/FFO position&
8.2! F2&%& '() L#(1&
Fuses used for the protection of power circuits shall of the hi$h rupturin$ capacit(,
-2" t(pe&

(i) 9ow volta$e fuses

9ow volta$e fuses shall compl( with IS 4=<?= or S 55&
Fuse carriers and bases shall be blac'& Solid lin' carriers and bases shall be white&
Fuses and lin's shall be shrouded and positioned to enable eas( removal of the fuse
and carrier without ris' of contact with live parts&
(ii) -i$h volta$e fuses
Fuses shall compl( with IS 8=5> 3 S 6:86 for use in oil or air& Fuses shall be
eBuipped with stri'er pins where appropriate to operate a trip mechanism&
+hen used for distribution transformer protection the( shall be si0ed in accordance
with I." <5<&
-i$h volta$e fuses si0ed to #I1 ;=:6> tested to I." 656 are also acceptable&
8.2; C2//%(, T/'(&6+/.%/&
"urrent transformers shall compl( with IS 6<?> 3 S =8=5 and shall be of the wound7
primar( or bar7primar( t(pe accordin$ to ratio reBuired& All current transformers shall
have a short7time current ratio of not less than that of the switch panel in which the(
are incorporated& For bar7primar( current transformers this ratin$ shall be for a
period of = seconds& For wound7primar( patterns the ratin$ shall preferabl( be for a
period of = seconds but ma( be reduced to not less than ?&> second subject to the
.n$ineerKs approval&
+here multi7ratio current transformers are specified, a label shall be provided, clearl(
indicatin$ the connections reBuired for the alternative ratios& All ratio terminals shall
be connected to the multi7core terminal boA and be clearl( mar'ed& These
connections shall also be shown on panel wirin$ dia$rams&
Identification labels shall be fitted $ivin$ t(pe, ratio, ratin$, output and serial numbers
and duplicate ratin$ labels are to be fitted on the eAterior of the mountin$ chambers
suitabl( located to enable readin$ without the removal of an( cover or metal sheetin$
formin$ part of the structure of the switchboards&
"urrent transformers for balanced earth fault protection shall be desi$ned for a
suitabilit( of not less than siA times the rated primar( current&
"urrent transformers for unit protection schemes shall be desi$ned for a stabilit( of
not less than the maAimum throu$h fault of the units&
+here attracted armature rela(s are emplo(ed the spill current with maAimum
stabilit( conditions shall not eAceed one Buarter of the operatin$ current of the rela(&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 126
*a$netisation characteristics, calculated performance and protection settin$s shall
be provided&
"urrent transformers shall be of "lass 4 accurac( for use with measurin$
"lass >P shall be used for combined overcurrent and earth fault protection of the
inverse time overcurrent t(pe& The "ontractor shall ensure that the class and
capacit( of the current transformers is correct for the meter or rela( bein$ supplied&
Separate current transformers shall be used for instrumentation circuits unless
otherwise approved&
.ach $roup of current transformers shall be earthed at one point via a removable test
The accurac( limit factor selected for protection of current transformers shall ta'e
due account of the prospective short circuit current and the connected burden&
8.2< 9.91V S=#,7:-%'/ '() M+,+/ C+(,/+0 A&&%.30#%& B55@ ?
8.2<.1 S7+$%
This specification covers the technical reBuirements of desi$n, manufacture and
testin$ at manufacturers wor's and suppl( of ::?? volts indoor medium volta$e
switch$ear3 ;;? 9%&
8.2<.2 S,'()'/)&
The switch board shall be desi$ned and tested for continuous ratin$ in accordance
with standards listed below& +here Indian Standards are not available, the( shall
confirm to relevant ritish, I." Standards&
IS4=445 "ircuit brea'ers
IS =;6< *etal clad switch$ear and control $ear for volta$es 4??? % and not
eAceedin$ 44??? %&
IS 6<?> "urrent transformers
IS =4>: %olta$e transformers
IS ;4;: Application $uide for volta$e transformers
IS =<> *ar'in$ and arran$ements for switch$ear bushers, main connections
and auAiliar( wirin$
IS 64;< #e$ree of protection provided b( enclosures for low volta$e
IS =?;= "ode practice for earthin$
IS =6=4 .lectric rela(s for power s(stem protection
IS 6?88 ushin$s for alternatin$ volta$es above 4??? %
IS 46;5 #irect actin$ electrical indicatin$ instruments
IS 8=5> -% fuses
IS 4=<?= 9% fuses
IS 5?5; usbars for A" volta$e
IS >:64 -ollow insulators for use in electrical eBuipment
IS :5<> "ontrol switches for volta$e upto 4??? % A&"
I." >: -i$h volta$e enclosed switch$ear
8.2<.3 D%&#-( R%A2#/%.%(,&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 127
The most important feature to be incorporated in the :&:'% switch$ear to be
considered b( the bidder is as follows @
The push buttons and the indicatin$ lamps for the operation of each motorised
actuator on the dischar$e of each pump shall be included in the :&:'% switch$ear
panel& The set would include valve open 3 close status indications and a continuous
percenta$e position indicator& Thus, : sets of push buttons and indicatin$ lamps, for
: nos& pumps (for the 4
phase) will be located on the :&>:'% switch$ear& The
instrumentation and control panel will not house an( push buttons and indicatin$
lamps for the same&
The other reBuirements are as follows@
4& The switch$ear shall be indoor, floor mounted, sin$le front self supportin$
totall( enclosed with draw out t(pe circuit brea'ers or contactors&
6& .ach panel shall consist of two portions@
a& The fiAed portion housin$ busbars, current transformers, rela(s,
instruments and out$oin$ terminals etc&
b& The movin$ portion shall consist circuit brea'er or contractor&
=& The sur$e arrestor if reBuired shall be housed in the fiAed portion&
;& The desi$n of switch$ear shall be such that, it is possible to eAtend on both
sides of panel&
>& All brea'er3contactor panel shall be desi$ned for natural air coolin$ but not
forced air coolin$&
:& #e$ree of protection of panel shall be IP >;&
8.2<.5 C+(&,/27,#+(
4& .ach cubicle shall be provided with a front access hin$ed door with handle
and pad loc'in$ facilit(& 2ear position shall have provision of interloc' to
prohibit openin$ of cover when brea'er is I/1K position&
6& Assembles shall be constructed of sheet steel of not less than 6 mm thic'
braced to form a ri$id structure&
=& The circuit brea'ers3contactors, bus bars, rela(s, instruments shall be
installed in separate compartments&
;& The individual compartments shall be so constructed that failure of one
eBuipment does not affect the adjacent units& Suitable vents shall be
provided to release $as pressure in each compartment& .ach cubicle shall be
suspended from adjacent cubicle b( $rounded sheet steel barrier&
>& "onnections between bus compartments of adjacent panels shall be throu$h
cast apoA( resi$n bushin$s& Sheet partitions shall be provided between us
component and brea'er compartment&
:& Switch$ear shall have vermin proof and dust proof arran$ements, switch$ear
and wirin$ shall be tropicalised to prevent fun$us $rowth&
<& The circuit brea'er3contactor3PT carria$e shall be fitted with a positive $uide,
so that ali$nment is proper&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 128
5& "ircuit brea'er or contactor cubicle shall be provided with safet( shutters
automaticall( b( the movement of draw out carria$e&
8& All similar ratin$ brea'ers 3 contactors shall be easil( interchan$eable&
4?& .ntr( of power and control cables shall be from bottom&
44& Facilities shall be provided to pad loc' removable parts in IserviceK, ItestK or
isolated positions and shutters in closed position&
8.2<.8 B2& B'/
4& The switch$ear bus shall be rated for continuous operation&
6& The main bus of each switch$ear section shall be manufactured from
electrol(te $rade "opper& The bus bar continuous ratin$ shall be same as that
of incomin$ brea'er&
=& The three phase bus shall be insulated b( suitable heat shrin'able sleeve
suitable for <&6 G% application&
;& us and connections shall be so supported that the( can safel( withstand
stresses due to maAimum short circuit current and also to ta'e care of an(
thermal eApansion&
>& -ori0ontal and vertical busbars shall be uniform cross sections&
:& *aAimum temperature of busbars and their joints, shall not eAceed 5?
while carr(in$ rated current&
<& All bus bar and bus bar joints shall be easil( accessible&
5& *inimum phase to phase clearance shall be 4?? mm and phase to earth
clearance >? mm&
8.2<.9 C#/72#, B/%'1%/& B C+(,'7,+/&
4& "ircuit brea'ers3contactors shall be vacuum t(pe&
6& "ontactors for motor dut( application shall have provisions to limit over
volta$e factor to =&> p&u (ratio of pea' over volta$e and rated phase to earth
volta$e) while brea'in$ startin$3no load current of motor&
=& "ircuit brea'ers3contactors shall be draw out t(pe complete with self ali$nin$
primar( and secondar( disconnects&
;& .ach circuit brea'er3contactor carria$e shall be provided with suitabl(
encased rollers for use on heav( dut( floor finish&
>& The interruptin$ chamber of the circuit brea'er3contactor shall be of proven
:& "ontactors controllin$ motors shall operate satisfactoril( under followin$
Si$nature of the Tenderer 129
a& #irect /1 line startin$ of motors
b& Startin$ freBuenc( shall be 6 successive starts and = eBuall( spaced
starts in one hour&
c& Suitable sur$e arrestors shall be provided to restrict volta$e pea's
when motors are switched off&
<& .ach brea'er shall be provided with an emer$enc( manual trip device,
mechanical I/17/FFK indicators, operation counter and sprin$ char$ed7
dischar$ed indicator&
5& "ircuit brea'er shall be provided with power operated mechanism, complete
with universal motor, openin$ sprin$, closin$ sprin$ and all necessar(
accessories& The motor shall be suitable for operation with volta$e variation
5>H to 44?H of rated volta$e& /verload and short circuit protection devices
shall be provided for the sprin$ char$in$ motor& The brea'er shall be suitable
for remote operation& The brea'er shall be mechanicall( and electricall( trip
free t(pe with anti pumpin$ feature&
8& As lon$ as power is available, continuous operation of closin$ and openin$
operations shall be possible& After failure of power suppl( to motor, at least
one close7open operation of circuit brea'er shall be possible& The actual
operation of brea'er shall be independent of motor& Time for char$in$ of
sprin$s shall not eAceed =? seconds& Trip coils shall operate satisfactoril( at
all volta$es between <?H and 44?H of rated volta$e&
4?& rea'ers shall be provided with shunt trip mechanism&
44& "ontactors shall be provided with solenoid coil operated closin$ and trippin$
mechanism& Pic'up and drop off volta$e of contactor coil shall be 5>H and
:>H of rated volta$e of coil& .ach contactor shall be provided with 5 1o S 5
1o auAiliar( contacts rated to ma'e and brea' and carr( = A at 44? %366? %
46& /peratin$ mechanism shall be such that failure of an( auAiliar( sprin$ shall
not prevent trippin$&
Followin$ mechanical interloc's shall be provided@
7 It shall not be possible for a closed circuit brea'er3contactor to be
isolated or inserted into service position& Attempted withdrawal shall
not trip closed circuit brea'er&
7 The circuit brea'er cannot be closed until the truc' position is correctl(
positioned in the selected location or full( isolated or withdrawn&
7 The circuit brea'er cannot be closed in service position without
completin$ the appropriate auAiliar( circuits between the fiAed portions
and the brea'er truc'&
7 It shall not be possible to open the rear compartment doors3covers
when the brea'er3contactor is /1 position&
7 The brea'er truc' can be plu$$ed into fiAed portion onl( after it is
correctl( positioned&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 130
7 %erticall( movin$ safet( shutters shall be provided to cover the main
fiAed contacts to prevent access to them when brea'er3contactor is
drawn out& Shutters shall be provided with pad loc'in$ facilit(&
%acuum "ircuit rea'ers (%") 3 %acuum "ontactors @
4& All vacuum joints shall be bra0ed to avoid metal fati$ue crac's&
6& All joints between metal to metal and metal to insulatin$ parts shall be
ceramicall( sealed&
=& Sur$e arrestors shall be provided if reBuired to limit switchin$ over

8.2<.! E'/,:#(-
The switch$ear shall be provided with an earthin$ facilit( to earth the incomin$ or
out$oin$ feeder, b( providin$ a separate earthin$ truc' which can be inserted in
place of circuit brea'er& .arthin$ facilities shall be full( interloc'ed to prevent fault(
8.2<.; T%&,#(-
Assemblies shall be provided for hi$h volta$e cable testin$, for chec'in$ of phase
rotation and primar( injection testin$&
8.2<.< S=#,7:3+'/) A(,#7+()%(&',#+( H%',%/&
.ach cubicle or panel section within a switchboard shall be fitted with an
anticondensation heater, rotar( action isolatin$ switch and circuit brea'er& A
common sin$le phase suppl( controlled b( a suitabl( placed calibrated adjustable
thermostat shall ener$ise all the heaters&
8.2<.1@ I&+0',+/ D F2&%
:&:'% motors are controlled throu$h vacuum contactor& The power circuit shall be
complete with three pole isolator, -2" fuse lin's, contactor and current
transformers& Isolator, fuse and contactor shall be mounted on draw out t(pe
carria$e& -2" fuse shall have the rupturin$ capacit( of ;? GA& -2" fuses shall
provide short circuit protection to motor and contactor&

8.2<.11 C2//%(, ,/'(&6+/.%/
a& All current transformers shall be resin cast epoA( t(pe mounted on fiAed
portion of switch$ear& "Ts shall be of bar primar( construction& All current
transformers shall be 6&> times the s(mmetrical short circuit ratin$&
b& "TKs shall be capable of withstandin$ short circuit stresses correspondin$ to
fault level indicated& #(namic ratin$ shall be 6&> times the s(mmetrical short
circuit ratin$&
c& The secondar( of "T shall be 4 Amps unless otherwise specified&
d& "T secondaries shall be earthed throu$h separate earth lin's&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 131
e& "T polarit( mar's shall be clearl( mar'ed&
8.2<.12 P+,%(,#'0 T/'(&6+/.%/&
4& The potential transformer (PT) shall be draw out t(pe and shall be of epoA(
6& -i$h volta$e windin$ of PT shall be protected b( current limitin$ fuses& 9ow
volta$e fuses shall be desi$ned to prevent overloads&
=& The connectors from the main circuit to PT shall be capable of withstandin$
the specified short circuit stresses&
;& PT s shall be full( insulated for the rated volta$e&
>& The primar( disconnects shall be pressure clamp t(pe and the secondar(
shall be multi pin plu$ and soc'et t(pe&
8.2<.13. R%0'4&
ac'up I#*T rela(s (overcurrent and earth fault) for the main motors in addition to
the "omprehensive *otor Protection 2ela(s, shall be provided for each of the main
pump motors&
a) General 2eBuirements
4& The rela(s for each feeder shall be supplied as per plant schedule&
6& 2ela(s shall be suitable use with 44? % #&"& Suppl(&
=& All rela(s (protective and auAiliar() shall be housed in dust proof cases of
such a desi$n as shallN
Provide means for eas( withdrawal and reinsertion of the elements for inspection and
maintenance without violatin$ the inte$rit( of ener$isin$ circuits or causin$
inadvertent operation of protective circuits&
Provide for insitu secondar( injection testin$ from in front of rela(s via an inte$ral test
soc'et and plu$ arran$ement&
Provide operation and alarm indicators, clearl( visible from the front and capable of
bein$ manuall( reset with all covers in place&
2ela(s shall be suitable for bac' connectors& All connections shall be clearl(
identified for wirin$ purposes&
b) "ontacts
Dnless otherwise stated, trippin$ contacts shall be capable of ma'in$ and carr(in$
continuousl( 46?? %A (maAimum > A and 6=? %), ma'in$ and carr(in$ for = seconds
=:?? %A (maAimum 4> A and 6=? %), rea'in$ :6> %A (6&> A and 6=? %)&
Self reset, normall( open contacts shall be provided unless otherwise specified&
"ontacts should ma'e with a wipin$, self ali$nin$ motion contact surfaces should be
made of a non tarnishin$ metal or allo(&
c) Performance reBuirements
Si$nature of the Tenderer 132
The settin$ ran$e of phase fault I#*T" elements shall be approAimatel( >? to 6??H
of the rated current adjustable continuousl( or in 6>H maAimum steps&
The settin$ ran$e of earth fault I#*T" elements shall be approAimatel( 4? to ;?H
the rated current adjustable continuousl( or in >H maAimum steps&
The effective ran$e, the minimum and maAimum pic'up currents, the resettin$
currents, the time current characteristic and overshoot time shall correspond with the
normal inverse minimum time la( (I#*T") class as defined in I&S&=5;6&
The time multiplier ran$e shall be approAimatel( ?&?> to 4&? adjustable either
continuousl( or in ?&?> maAimum steps&
All rela(s shall incorporate a hi$h set instantaneous element as in inte$ral part of
each phase fault or earth fault&
The settin$ ran$e of phase fault instantaneous elements shall be approAimatel( 6 to
5 times rated current adjustable either continuousl( or in steps no lar$er than ?&>
times rated current plus infinit(&
The rela(s emplo(ed for motor protection shall be properl( coordinated with the
thermal and startin$ characteristics of the motor to provide protection a$ainst
overload, unbalance, stallin$ and earth faults& The protection shall be suitable for the
motor startin$ at an( volta$e between 5?H and 44?H of the nominal volta$e of
motor& The motor protection rela( shall permit two hot restart of motor&

8.2<.15 M%,%/&
4& All meters shall be flush mountin$ t(pe&
6& #imensions of Ammeter, voltmeter etc shall be 4>? mm A 4>? mm&
=& Accurac( of all indicatin$ meters shall be Q4H and recordin$ meters will
;& Ammeter and voltmeter shall be of movin$ iron t(pe havin$ 8?
scale& For
motor feeders ammeter shall be provided with suppressed scale&
>& "urrent coils of panel mounted meters shall be suitable 4 A "T secondar(&
Pressure coils of meters shall be suitable for 44? % A&"&
:& #i$ital ener$( meters indicatin$ all the parameters such as volta$e, current,
PF, etc& on each of the :&:'% motor feeders shall be provided&
8.2<.18 S%7+()'/4 '() S.'00 W#/#(-
4& Fuses and lin's shall be provided to enable individual circuits to be isolated
from bus wires without disturbin$ other circuits& .ach #" circuit shall be
provided with a fuse in positive and ne$ative polarit(&
6& *inimum si0e of conductor for "T wirin$ shall be 6&> sB mm and other wirin$
shall be 4&> sB&mm& +ires formin$ A" circuits shall be blac' and those for
#" circuits shall be $re(&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 133
=& All contacts of rela(s, switches includin$ opares shall be wired to terminal
bloc'& The termination at terminal bloc' shall be made b( compression
;& .ach wire shall be identified at both ends with wire desi$nations in
accordance with wirin$ dia$ram&
>& A wirin$ trou$h shall be provided for wirin$ between switch$ear cubicles&
:& All openin$s provided in sheet steel partitions for carr(in$ out the inter panel
wirin$ shall be provided with rubber $rommets wirin$ between fiAed portion
and door mounted eBuipment shall be routed throu$h fleAible P%" conduits&
<& Two wires shall not be terminated in one terminal&
5& The comprehensive motor protection rela( and the di$ital ener$( meter of
each pump shall be interdfaced with the P9" s(stem threou$h a P9" lin'&
8.2<.19 E'/,: B2&
4& An aluminium earth bus rated to carr( the maAimum fault current for the
specified time shall be provided for the complete board&
6 .ach panel shall be directl( connected to earth bus b( two separate and
distinct connections&
=& -in$ed doors shall be earthed throu$h fleAible earthin$ copper braid&
8.2<.1! C+(,/+0 ,%/.#('0 30+71
4& The terminal bloc' shall be :>? % $rade& *inimum current ratin$ shall be 4:
6& The terminal shall be $rouped accordin$ to circuit functions& 6?H spare
terminals shall be provided& Terminal bloc' for "T s shall be provided with
drop out facilities for testin$ purposes, for shortin$&
=& Terminal bloc's of different volta$e classes shall be se$re$ated& *inimum
clear space of 4>? mm shall be provided between $land plate and terminal
8.2<.1; C'30% T%/.#(',#+(
4& All power and control cables shall enter the panel from bottom&
6& Suitable clearance shall be 'ept between $land plate and bottom of cable
lu$s for -&% termination arran$ement&
=& Thic'ness of $land plate for power cables shall be =&? mm cable $land plates
shall be of ma$netic material&
;& All power cable terminations shall be heat shrin'able t(pe&
8.2<.1< M#&7%00'(%+2& EA2#$.%(,
"ontrol fuses
Si$nature of the Tenderer 134
All control fuses shall be lin' t(pe -2" fuses complete with bases and carriers&
Indicatin$ lamps
Indicatin$ lamps shall be 9.# t(pe havin$ low watt consumption, complete with
series resistors&
Selector switches
Selector switches shall be rotar( t(pe with sta( put contacts& Switches shall be
complete with le$end plates and operatin$ handles&
Push buttons
Push buttons shall be dust ti$ht, sprin$ return, push to actuate t(pe& .ach push
button shall have 4 1o S 4 1c contacts&
8.2<.2@ N'.% $0',%&
4& 1ame plates shall be provided at front and bac' of each cubicle& 1ame
plates shall also be provided for the eBuipment mounted inside the panel&
6& *aterial for name plate shall be = pl( lamicoid sheet, 6 mm thic' or approved
=& 1ame plates shall be held b( self tappin$ screws& The si0e of each name
plate shall be proportionate to respective eBuipment&
8.2<.21 C+(,/+0 '() C+(,/+0 S2$$04
4& /17/FF control for all brea'ers in service and test positions shall be possible
from switch$ear panel onl(&
6& 5 1o S 5 1c potential free auAiliar( contacts of the brea'er3contactor shall be
wired upto the terminal bloc' of each panel&
=& The followin$ auAiliar( busbars shall be provided in the switch$ear@
a& 44? %, 6 wire #&" suppl( for trip coil, close coil, indications,
closin$ sprin$ char$e motor&
b& 6;? %, sin$le phase >? -0 A&" for motor space heaters
c& 6;? %, sin$le phase >? -0 A" for panel space heater&
d& 44? % A" PT suppl( for G+ meter, G+- meter&
;& Panel internal illumination shall be carried out with fluorescent lamp fiAture&
#oor limit switch contact shall be wired in the lamp circuit, such that lamp is
on onl( when panel door is open&
8.2<.22 A((2(7#',#+(
Annunciators shall be solid state t(pe and suitable for operation on 44? % #"&
Annunciator shall be complete with test, accept and reset push buttons and hooter&
Annunciator shall have the followin$ functions@
Si$nature of the Tenderer 135
a& Annunciator lamps shall start flashin$ and hooter shall start rin$in$ on
openin$ of fault( initiatin$ contact&
b& /n pressin$ of accept push button, the lamps shall stop flashin$ and become
stead( and hooter shall stop rin$in$&
c& +hen reset push button is pressed, the lamps shall switch off if fault has
alread( been cleared&
8.3@ M+,+/ S,'/,%/& H#-: V+0,'-%
8.3@.1 S7+$%
The specification covers desi$n, manufacture and suppl( of soft starters for :&: G%
induction motors&
8.3@.2 S,'()'/)&
The starters shall be desi$ned and tested for continuous ratin$ in accordance with
latest Indian Standards and other relevant International Standards& The( shall
$enerall( confirm with I&S& 5>;; or S.1 :?8;<7;74 @ 4886 .lectromechanical
"ontactors and *otor Starters&
8.3@.3 T%7:(#7'0 S$%7#6#7',#+(&
4& Starter t(pe 9ine side %acuum "ircircuit rea'er ! neutral
sideFull( automatic F"*A soft starter
6& *otor :&: G%, = phase, sBuirrel ca$e induction
=& *aAimum continuous dut( as per plant schedule
;& Severit( of startin$ startin$ torBue3full load torBue T 4&;
>& Startin$ time As per motor manufacturer specification
:& Startin$ current To be limited to 6??H of full load current of
8.3@.5 C+(&,/27,#+( D%,'#0&
4& The starter desi$n shall be based on fluA compensated ma$netic amplifier
4&4 The s(stem shall consist of a predominantl( inductive impedance in series
with the motor windin$s to control motor current&
4&6 +hen the motor reaches full speed and the motor terminal volta$e reaches
8?H of full volta$e, a shortin$ device shall cut the ma$netic amplifier out of
the motor circuit and motor shall run under normal operatin$ conditions&
4&= The s(stem shall be desi$ned to provide a predetermined constant current in
the motor windin$s in the startin$ 0one& The main fluA $enerated b( current
in the motor windin$ and the opposin$ fluA $enerated b( the counter emf of
motor, shall be desi$ned in such awa( that net fluA reduces and inturn allows
motor volta$e to raise $raduall( from >?H to 8:H volta$e&
4&; The starter shall be desi$ned to connect on the Ineutral sideK of the motor&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 136
4&> The starters shall be desi$ned to restrict startin$ currents to a value not in
eAcess of 6??H of the full load current of motor&
4&: The starter shall be proven desi$n which should be wor'in$ the industr(
successfull( and shall be desi$ned to carr( the s(stem short circuit currents,
in case the( are connected on line side of the motor, without undue
temperature rise&
4&< The cubicle, housin$ the starter components, shall be made usin$ 6 mm thic'
steel sheets& The paint shall be li$ht $ra( shade no :=4 as per I&S& >&
4&5 Suitable indication lamps shall be provided on the starter cubicle to show
status of the soft starter&
8.31 N+, U&%)

8.32 L+7'0 C+(,/+0 S,',#+(&
This specification covers desi$n, manufacture and suppl( of weather proof cast
aluminium local control stations&
These shall be of heav( dut( construction and desi$ned for mountin$ near the plant
to be controlled&
These shall be of weather proof cast aluminium enclosures and shall have start3stop
push buttons& The enclosure shall have IP >> de$ree of protection&
The bottom face shall be arran$ed to accept $land terminations for the number of
cables reBuired&
All push buttons shall have standard flush 'nobs with colours for IstartK $reen and for
IstopK red&
Stop push buttons shall be suitable for pad loc'in$ in the IoffK position&
Terminals shall be provided for inter connections shall be easil( accessible and
mar'ed with identification numbers 3 letters correspondin$ with the associated
Indicator lamps shall not be less than 6? mm diameter and have projectin$ lenses
with a wide an$le of vision&
Push buttons and selector switches shall be of heav( dut(, oil ti$ht t(pe of matchin$
desi$n& 9e$end plates shall be provided to identif( plant to be controlled and the
purpose of each operatin$ or indicatin$ device&
All control stations shall be painted with acid3al'ali resistant epoA( paint to provide
protection a$ainst corrosion& The colour of the finishin$ joint shall be shade no& :=4
of IS >&
8.33 (N+, U&%))
8.35 C'$'7#,+/&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 137
8.35.1 S7+$%
This specification covers the technical reBuirements of shunt capacitors reBuired for
power factor correction to ?&8> minimum of the power suppl( s(stems and 3 or
individual motor feeders for the plant&
8.35.2 C+)%& '() S,'()'/)&
4& This desi$n, manufacture and performance of eBuipment shall compl( with all
currentl( applicable standards, re$ulations and safet( codes, in the localit(
where the eBuipment will be installed& 1othin$ in this specification shall be
construed to relieve the contractor of this responsibilit(&
6& Dnless otherwise specified, shunt capacitors and their associated
components shall conform to the latest applicable Indian Standards and in
particular to IS@ 65=;&
8.35.3 P%/6+/.'(7% '() C:'/'7,%/#&,#7&
4& "apacitors shall be capable of satisfactor( operation for the application, dut(
and reBuirements as indicated in this specification&
6& "apacitors shall be desi$ned to withstand safel( without an( injur( or
dama$e, the hi$hest s(stem volta$e (rms) specified &
=& "apacitors shall be desi$ned to withstand the electro7d(namic and thermal
stresses caused b( transient over currents durin$ switchin$&
8.35.5 C+(&,/27,#+(
4& "apacitors shall be either All Pol(prop(lene (APP) or *iA #ielectric (*#) t(pe& It
shall be sin$le unit or a $roup of units connected electricall( to each other with
line terminals brou$ht into a cable boA for PurchaserKs eAternal cable
connections& Dnless otherwise specified, capacitors shall be suitable for indoor
6& "apacitor units shall consist of standard elements wound from continuous reels
of hi$h purit(, soft annealed aluminium foils and hi$h Bualit( low7loss, 'raft paper,
vacuum dried in its container and impre$nated under vacuum with non7
inflammable s(nthetic liBuid of chlorinated diphen(l t(pe and hermeticall( sealed
with onl( the terminals brou$ht out into terminal cover&
=& "apacitors of ratin$s upto 4? G%A2 shall be supplied with wall or floor fiAin$
brac'ets and for lar$e si0es base brac'ets shall be provided for floor mountin$&
9ar$e si0e capacitor ban's shall be supplied, mounted on metal rac's in multi7tier
formation& 2ac's shall be made of standard structural steel sections&
;& "apacitors shall be either delta or star connected specified& All interconnections
between units of capacitors and phase connections shall be carried out b(
supplier of capacitor with insulated conductors completel( enclosed inside metal
covers and three phase leads shall be brou$ht out into a terminal boA& 9eads
shall be complete with terminals, lu$s, cable $lands3sealin$ ends to suit
Si$nature of the Tenderer 138
PurchaserKs cable & Terminals shall be of the stud t(pe with necessar( plain
washers, sprin$ washers and chec' nuts& The terminals shall be adeBuatel(
desi$ned to ensure ample phase to phase and phase to earth clearances with the
cable lu$s bolted to the terminals& For capacitors rated :&: G% and above, the
three phase leads shall be se$re$ated b( metal barriers within the terminal boA&
>& .ach capacitor unit shall have a built7in current limitin$ fuse& Fuses shall have
interruptin$ ratin$ and shall provide visual indication for fuse operation& In case
of fault in an element the overvolta$e on the remainin$ elements shall not eAceed
4? percent also capacitor units shall be provided with directl( connected
dischar$e device& The dischar$e device shall reduce the residual volta$e from
the crest value of the rated volta$e to >? volts or less within one (4) minute for
capacitors of rated volta$e upto and includin$ :>? volts, and > minutes for
capacitors of rated volta$e above :>? volts, after the capacitor is disconnected
from the suppl(&
:& +hen buildin$ up of capacitor ban's from individual capacitor units, care shall be
ta'en to avoid overvolta$es due to difference in capacitance between the units&

8.35.8 C'$'7#,+/ C+((%7,#+(&
4& "apacitors for power factor correction shall be connected to the s(stem in the
followin$ manner&
6& Individual "orrection 7 #irectl( connected across the terminals of individual
motors without an( separate switchin$ device and the capacitors will be
switched on alon$ with the respective motors&
=& Group "orrection 7 "apacitor ban's directl( connected across the main bus
bars of the suppl( s(stem (on the load side of the suppl( meter) and
controlled b( circuit brea'ers&
;& +hen specified, each capacitor ban' shall be supplied with series reactors to
be switched on alon$ with the respective capacitor ban's so as to limit the
transient over7currents to acceptable values in relation to the capacitor and to
the connected eBuipment&
>& +hen specified, each capacitor ban' shall be supplied with a shortin$ and
earthin$ switch mechanicall( interloc'ed with remote line switch or brea'er&
The mechanical interloc' shall be m( means of )"astell, t(pe 'e( interloc'
with 'e( $ettin$ trapped in switch closed position and $ettin$ released in
switch open position&
:& The switchin$ and protective devices includin$ current limitin$ fuses and the
connections supplied with the capacitor ban's shall be desi$ned to withstand
the electro7d(namic and thermal stresses caused b( transient over currents of
hi$h amplitude and freBuenc( which are li'el( to occur durin$ switchin$ on of
the capacitor ban's& Switchin$ devices when supplied with the capacitor
ban's shall be restri'e free&
<& The :&:Gv capacitor ban's shall have /13/FF 9.#Ks wired throu$h potential
free contacts of the respective :&:Gv contactors to indiacate its operation& The
wirin$ to these 9.#s shall be throu$h a separate armoured cable suitabl(
clamped inside the housin$ at 5??mm interval&
8.35.9 E'/,:#(-
Si$nature of the Tenderer 139
An earth bus of "opper of adeBuate si0e shall be provided runnin$ alon$ the entire
len$th of capacitor ban's and properl( bonded to the enclosures of capacitors and
their terminal enclosures and the supportin$ rac's& Suitable clamp t(pe connectors
shall be provided at both ends of earth bus to suit PurchaserKs earthin$ conductor&
8.38 I(&,/2.%(,&
Dnless otherwise specified, an( indicatin$ and recordin$ instruments supplied under
the "ontract shall be of the flush7mounted pattern with dust7 and moisture7proof
covers and shall be suitable for the environment in which the( are installed& +here
hin$ed covers are necessar(, the( shall be provided with loc's&
Indicatin$ instruments shall be of the dial t(pe and shall be provided with a readil(
accessible 0ero adjustment& .ach motor shall have a di$ital meter to indicate the
current, volta$e, '+, '%A and P&F& etc&
#ials in $eneral shall be which with blac' mar'in$s and not subject to fadin$& Scales
shall be of such material that no peelin$ or discolouration will ta'e place with a$e
under humid conditions&
The use of iron and steel screws shall be avoided in instruments and electrical rela(s
wherever possible&
Steel screws, when used, shall be 0inc, cadmium or chromium7plated, or where
platin$ is not possible due to tolerance limitations, shall be of stainless steel& All
wood screws shall be of dull nic'el7plated brass or of other approved finish&
Instrument screws (eAcept those formin$ part of a ma$netic circuit) shall be of brass
or bron0e& Sprin$s shall be non7rustin$ materials, e$& phosphor7bron0e or nic'el7
silver, as far as possible& Pivots and other parts for which non7ferrous material is
unsuitable shall be of stainless steel&
8.39 I()27,#+( M+,+/&
8.39.1 S7+$%
The specification covers hi$h volta$e motors reBuired for pumpin$ stations&
8.39.2 S,'()'/)&
The motors shall be desi$ned and tested for continuous ratin$ in accordance with
standards tested below& +here Indian Standards are not available, the( shall
confirm to relevant ritish, I." Standards&
IS =6> Induction *otors = phase
IS ;?68 Induction *otors, = phase $uide for testin$
IS 46=4 Induction *otors = phase foot mounted
IS 66>= T(pes of constructions and mountin$ of motors
IS ;:84 #e$ree of protection provided b( enclosure for rotatin$ electric
IS ;558 2otatin$ electric machines, efficienc( of, methods of determination
IS 46<4 "lassification of insulation materials for electrical machiner(
IS ;<68 *easurement and evaluation of vibration of rotatin$ electric machines
IS :?85 *ethod of measurement of the air borne noise emitted b( rotatin$
electric machiner(
IS <48 Specification for assessment of noise eAposure durin$ wor' for
hearin$ conservation purposes
IS 66>; %ertical shaft motors for pumps and dimensions&
8.39.3 O$%/',#(- C+()#,#+(&
%olta$e ::?? %olts 3 ;;? %olts
1o of phases =
FreBuenc( >? -0
1eutral earthin$ 2esistance $rounded
Si$nature of the Tenderer 140
S(mmetrical = phase fault level 6>? *%A
8.39.5 T4$% +6 M+,+/&
*otors shall be sBuirrel ca$e induction motors "A"A3T.T% and suitable for
continuous dut( (S4) operation& The de$ree of protection shall be IP& >>&
8.39.8 S,'/,#(-
*otors shall be desi$ned for direct on line startin$ at full volta$e unless otherwise
specified& *otors shall be desi$ned for restart under full load after momentar( lac' of
volta$e with possibilit( of the restored suppl( volta$e bein$ 4?? H out of phase with
respect to motor residual volta$e&
8.39.9 M+,+/ )2,4
The motors shall be desi$ned for continuous operations at : starts per hour a$ainst
full load torBue without an( dama$e to its windin$ insulation&
8.39.! D#/%7,#+( +6 /+,',#+(
The direction of rotation is defined as that loo'in$ towards the motor from the non
drivin$ end&
8.39.; N+#&%
*otors shall be desi$ned for minimum noise level& 1oise levels shall be determined
b( measurement in accordance with latest revision of I...75>3IS :?85, test
procedure for Air borne noise measurements and rotatin$ electrical machiner(& The
noise level shall not eAceed 5> db measured from a distance of 4 metre&
8.39.< P%/6+/.'(7%
A& Startin$ current @ *otors startin$ currents shall be limited to ; times full load
current& *anufacturers shall specif( the total time reBuired for motor to reach
full speed&
& TorBue "haracteristic @ *otors shall have torBue characteristics suitable for
the specified pumps or other driven eBuipment& -owever the( shall have
minimum startin$ torBue of 4;?H of full load torBue&
8.39.1@ C+(&,/27,#+( D%,'#0&
A& +indin$s @ *otors shall be provided with class IFK insulation with class IK
temperature rise& The windin$s shall be tropicalised& The windin$s shall be
impre$nated and painted with anti moisture paint& The insulation shall be
desi$ned such that windin$s can withstand an( hi$h sur$es durin$ notchin$
or reswitchin$&
& Terminals @ The ends of the windin$s shall be ta'en to line side terminal boA
and to the neutral side terminal boA b( suitable bushin$s& The insulatin$ base
shall be non h($roscopic, fire proof and resistant to trac'in$ material& The two
terminal boAes shall be located diametricall( opposite to each other&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 141
The terminal boA shall be made of cast iron or fabricated steel and shall be phase
se$re$ated and terminals shall have fault withstand capacit( of >?? *%A for ?&6>
*inimum clearance and creapa$e distance in air between phases and phase to earth
are a $iven below &These clearances and creapa$e distances appl( even thou$h the
terminals are full( insulated&@
*inimum clearance *inimum creapa$e distance
:= mm >? mm
Appropriate phase mar'in$s as per I&S&=6> shall be provided inside terminal boA&
The terminal boAes shall be rotatable in steps of 8?
to allow cable entr( from an(
The terminal boAes shall be lar$e enou$h to facilitate eas( connection of cable&
olted t(pe of terminals suitable for connectin$ lu$s shall be provided&
8.39.11 B%'/#(- '() L23/#7',#+(
all and roller bearin$s preferabl( in metric si0es shall be provided and the( shall be
easil( interchan$eable with established available ma'e of bearin$s& It shall be eas(
to dismantle the bearin$s without an( dama$e to other parts of motor& Grease
lubricated bearin$s will be capable of $rease injection from outside without removin$
covers& The desi$n of bearin$ housin$ and lubrication s(stem shall ensure a normal
life of >???? wor'in$ hours (minimum)& %ertical motors shall include suitable
bearin$s to withstand the thrust of the motor rotor&
8.39.12 N+, 2&%)
8.39.13 R+,+/
The rotor shall be sBuirrel ca$e t(pe and shall be d(namicall( balanced for lon$
service of life for bearin$s and low vibration level& The overhan$s shall be braced at
both ends& The entire assembl( shall be robust, vibration resistant and well
8.39.15 S:'6, %E,%(&#+(
The motors shall be provided with sin$le bare shaft eAtension with 'e( wa( and 'e(&
8.39.18 L#6,#(- :++1&
All motors shall be provided with liftin$ hoo's of adeBuate capacit(&
8.39.19 E'/,:#(- ,%/.#('0&
Three earthin$ terminals shall be provided for motors& Two earthin$ terminals shall
be provided on the frame diametricall( at opposite points& /ne earthin$ terminal
shall be provided in the cable boA compartment&
8.39.1! S$'7% :%',%/&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 142
All motors shall be provided with anti7condensation space heaters operatin$ on
sin$le phase 6=? %olts& The space heater terminals shall be brou$ht out to a terminal
boA eBuipped with a compression t(pe $land for 6A; sB mm P%" cable& This
terminal boA shall be provided on the same side as the main terminal boA and shall
be clearl( labelled&
8.39.1; RTD E0%.%(, (R%&#&,'(7% T%.$%/',2/% D%,%7,+/)
2T# elements for measurement of windin$ temperature shall be provided in each
phase of the stator windin$& All the elements shall be brou$ht to terminal boA of
motor& Similarl( 2T# elements for measurement of bearin$ temperature shall be
provided for each of bearin$ and terminals shall be brou$ht to the terminal boA& 2T#
elements shall be of = wire platinum element havin$ 4?? ohms resistance at ?
8.39.1< M%'&2/%.%(, +6 T%.$%/',2/%
*otor windin$ and temperature values shall be indicated on ed$e wise indications
located on the respective motor starters& Trip and alarm level facilities shall be
provided& The alarm and trip levels shall be visible to the operator and ma( be
adjustable with a special tool&
8.39.2@ SA2#//%0 C'-% W#()#(-
2otor ca$e shall be built from conductors bra0ed to end rin$s& Particular attention
must be $iven to the followin$ @
i& The conductors throu$h the len$th of the rotor ca$e shall be mechanicall(
ti$ht with respect of adjacent stampin$&
ii& The joints between conductors and short circuitin$ rin$s shall be bra0ed or
welded and compatible materials shall be used to enable hi$h Bualit( joints to
be made&
iii& The whole rotor constructions shall be such as to avoid fracture of
conductors, joints or short circuitin$ rin$s throu$hout the life of motor&
iv& +here the t(pe of construction emplo(s impre$natin$ varnish to provide the
necessar( de$ree of ti$htness, the manufacture must ensure that full
penetration of the varnish has been achieved and that the $rade of varnish is
suitable for the dei$n temperature and operatin$ conditions&
8.39.21 N%2,/'0 +/ S,'/ $+#(, 3+E
The stator star point shall be brou$ht to a terminal boA similar to main terminal boA&
Star connection lin's shall be provided at the star point& #e$ree of protection of this
boA shall be I&P&>> and shall be provided opposite to stator terminal boA&
8.39.22 R',#(- P0',%
2atin$ plates shall be stainless steel& The( shall be fiAed to a non removable part of
the frame and shall show followin$ data@
4& Specification
6& *anufacturerKs name, (ear
=& *anufacturerKs frame si0e, serial number
;& "lass of ratin$
>& "lass of insulation
:& *otor t(pe
Si$nature of the Tenderer 143
<& FreBuenc(, phase, volts
5& *echanical output in G+
8& Full load current, power factor, speed, efficienc(
4?& Startin$ torBue
44& 1et wei$ht
8.3! B',,%/4 '() B',,%/4 C:'/-%/&
i The batter( and the batter( char$ers shall be in accordance with the followin$
IS 5=6? @ 4856 $eneral reBuirements and methods of test for lead acid
stora$e batteries&
IS 4:>4 7 4884 stationar( cells and batteries lead acid t(pe (with tubular
positive plates)&

ii atteries
The batteries shall have the followin$ features @
a) T(pe of cells maintenance free sealed lead acid, indoor station t(pe
b) 1o of cells 7 approAimatel( >> number of cells
c) 1ominal volta$e of batter( 7 44? volts
d) 1ominal cell volta$e 6 volts
iii atter( Particulars
a) T(pe of batter( shall be lead7acid t(pe
b) Positive plates shall be pure lead lamella t(pe or of the tubular t(pe
c) "ontainers @ containers shall be pol( prop(lene or s(nthetic resin t(pe
and shall have sufficient mechanical stren$th to withstand batter(
internal pressure
d) %ent plu$ 7 suitable vent plu$ shall be provided and shall prevent
fumes from escapin$ from the batter(
e) .lectrol(te level indicators 7 opaBue containers shall be provided with
built in level indicator
f) Separator 7 separator shall be acid resistin$ material and shall prevent
short circuit between positive and ne$ative plates
iv atter( "har$er
a) .ach batter( char$er shall be capable of the followin$ duties @
4) float char$in$ the batter(
Si$nature of the Tenderer 144
6) boost char$in$ the batter( in 4? hrs from full( dischar$ed
b) The #" busbar volta$e shall be 'ept within the limits of Q4?H rated
volta$e in order not to dama$e #" devices and eBuipment particularl(
at the time of boost char$in$
c) The batter( char$er shall be suitable for operation on a ;4> %, =
phase, ; wire, >?-0 A" s(stem and deliver output with suppl(
variation up to Q4?H& FreBuenc( variation Q6&>H and combined
volta$e and freBuenc( variation of Q 4?H
d) 2ipple content of the char$er #" output shall be limited to Q>H
e) The char$er shall have load adjustable current sensin$ facilit( for
protection under eAcessive overload and short circuit
v) #istribution board
a) The #&" distribution board shall be of the sheet steel enclosed, free
standin$ t(pe with bottom cable entr(& The thic'ness of sheet steel for
the panel construction shall not be less than 6 mm&
b) The positive and ne$ative busbars inside the #&" board shall be
se$re$ated with insulated barriers&
c) Four >? A 4? mm copper earthin$ flat runnin$ the len$th of the
distribution board shall be provided&
d) Suitable cable $lands shall be provided in the #&" distribution board to
facilitate bottom entr( of power and control cables&
e) atter( char$er3#" #istribution board shall have followin$ controls@
7 *" for A" input
7 Float3boost mode selector switch
7 Float3boost volta$e variable potential meter
7 9amp test push button
7 Alarm silence push button
f) atter( char$er3#" #istribution board shall have followin$ indications@
7 *ain failure
7 Automatic hi$h char$e rate
7 "har$er faults
7 atter( volts
7 -i$h #" volta$e
7 9ow #" volta$e
7 /utput current
The batter( installation shall be supplied with all tools necessar( for the safe and
efficient maintenance of the batteries&
The contractor shall $ive due consideration in his desi$n to the location of the
batteries and the ventilation the( reBuire& The contractor shall submit to the en$ineer
sufficient calculations to demonstrate that the reBuired number of air chan$es per
hour are achieved& In the event of the room reBuirin$ forced air ventilation, the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 145
suppl( and installation of all fans and ancillar( eBuipment shall be deemed to be
within the contractors scope of wor'&
8.3; L#-:,(#(- P/+,%7,#+(
All buildin$s, substations, and switch(ards etc& shall be provided with li$htnin$
protection s(stem&
The li$htnin$ protection s(stem shall compl( with currentl( applicable re$ulations and
safet( codes eAistin$, some of them are $iven below@
IS 6=?8 "ode of Practice for li$htnin$ protection a$ainst buildin$ and allied
IS =?;= "ode of Practice for earthin$
Indian .lectricit( 2ules&
The scope of li$htnin$ protection s(stem includes provision of air termination rods or
hori0ontal air termination conductors on the roof of buildin$s, la(in$, fastenin$,
cleatin$, weldin$ of down conductors, connection to the test lin's and provision of
earth electrode beds&
.ach down conductor shall be provided with a test joint at about 4??? mm above
$round level& The test joint shall be directl( connected to the earthin$
All joints in the down conductors shall be welded3bra0ed t(pe& All metallic structures
shall be bonded to the li$htnin$ protection s(stem& The down conductors shall follow
a direct path to earth without an( sharp bends, turns or 'in's&
The li$htnin$ protection termination rods or hori0ontal termination conductors shall be
fiAed in such a wa( that the( remain in their installed position even durin$ severe
weather conditions&
The li$htnin$ protection s(stem shall not be in direct contact with under$round
metallic service ducts, cables, cable conduits and metal structures of electrical
The tenderer shall submit la(out drawin$s of li$htnin$ protection s(stem for each
buildin$, substation etc& alon$ with desi$n calculations, showin$ air termination
networ', down conductors, earth pits and connections to earth $rid&
9.@1 G%(%/'0

The preparation, application and conditions for wor' shall $enerall( compl( with the
recommendations of S >;8= and S :4>? unless otherwise specified& If the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 146
protection is of a special nature, it shall be in accordance with the manufacturersO
Paints, primers and undercoats shall be obtained from the same manufacturer and
eAcept where a definite time is specified between miAin$ and application, shall be
read( miAed for use& The( shall be compatible with one another&
Paints shall be delivered in sealed containers bearin$ the manufacturerOs name,
batch number, etc& and shall carr( a label $ivin$ details of Bualit( and instructions for
1o site paintin$ shall be carried out unless the surface to be painted is dr(, the air
temperature above ;
" and the relative humidit( less than 5>H& The .n$ineer shall
approve the methods for removin$ all dirt, oil, $rease, etc&, before site paintin$
Test plates carr(in$ finishes from the actual coatin$ used ma( be reBuired b( the
.n$ineer for inspection and test purposes&
To facilitate inspection, no consecutive coats of paint shall be of the same shade
eAcept in the case of white&
Primin$ to two matin$ surfaces shall be applied prior to assembl(&
All paint thic'ness shall be chec'ed usin$ an .lcometer or eBuivalent instrument for
each la(er of paint&
(.lcometer Instruments 9td, #ro(lsden, *anchester, DG)&

:&?6 Structural +or'
:&?6&4 Surface Preparation
Surfaces shall be sound, clean and thorou$hl( dr( prior to paintin$ and between
Surface preparation for the various substrates shall be as follows unless otherwise
specified under #etailed Paint S(stems@
(#) S,%%0
All steelwor' includin$ structural steel and steel doors and frames shall be
prepared b( blast cleanin$ in the shop& +elded steel tan's shall be prepared
b( blast cleanin$ on site after weldin$& last cleanin$ shall be to a visual
standard in accordance with S <?<8 Grade standard SA 6 M at the time of
/nl( dr( abrasive blast cleanin$ techniBues shall be emplo(ed& Abrasives
shall be eApendable copper sla$ or reusable iron and steel $rit or shot& All
surface defects, includin$ crac's, surface laminations and deep pittin$, li'el(
to be detrimental to the protective paintin$ s(stem shall be removed& All fins
at saw cuts, burrs, and sharp ed$es shall be similarl( removed& +elds shall
be $round down as necessar(& +here eAtensive $rindin$ has been
necessar(, the dressed areas shall be re7blasted to remove all rust and
provide an adeBuate paint 'e(&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 147
After cleanin$, before the surface has time to re7rust, and in an( case within
; hours of blast cleanin$ (6 hours for outdoor blast cleanin$) the first coat of
primer shall be applied&
(ii) Galvanised and 1on7ferrous Surfaces
Surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt and buildin$ debris& All $rease and handlin$
mar's shall be removed b( the application of 0inc chromate etch primer
The clean dr( surfaces shall then be primed with two pac' 0inc chromate etch
primer followed b( the first coat of the paint s(stem within 4 to ; hours&
(iii) *etal Spra(ed "oatin$s to S 6>:8 @ Part 4 (Uinc)
The metal deposition shall be coated at once with two pac' 0inc chromate
etch primer, and the first coat of the paint s(stem shall be applied within 4 to ;

:&?6&6 #etailed Paint S(stems
Paint s(stems for the various substrates shall be as follows@
(i) Structural Steelwor'
Shop applied@
4 coat hi$h build al'(d 0inc phosphate primer to a minimum dr( film thic'ness
of <> microns followed b( 4 coat phenolic3al'(d coatin$ containin$
micaceous iron oAide to a minimum dr( film thic'ness of >? microns&
S#,% '$$0#%):
An( dama$ed areas to be prepared as for the shop coats and made $ood
with the ori$inal shop coats to the specified dr( film thic'nesses&
4 coat phenolic3al'(d coatin$ containin$ micaceous iron oAide to a minimum
dr( film thic'ness of >? microns followed b(
4 coat al'(d decorative enamel to a minimum dr( film thic'ness of ;?
(##) S,%%0 D++/&G P/%&&%) M#0) S,%%0 F/'.%&.
Shop applied@
4 coat hi$h build al'(d 0inc phosphate primer to a minimum dr( film thic'ness
of <> microns followed b( 4 coat al'(d based undercoat to a minimum dr(
film thic'ness of ;? microns&
Site applied@
4 coat al'(d based undercoat to a minimum dr( film thic'ness of ;? microns
followed b( 4 coat decorative al'(d enamel to a minimum dr( film thic'ness
of ;? microns&
(iii) Steelwor' in "ontact with +ater (eAcept steel floorin$ panels)
Si$nature of the Tenderer 148
Shop applied@
-ot dip $alvanised&
Site applied@

All dama$ed areas shall be thorou$hl( cleaned of rust and surface deposits
and be painted with 4 coat of epoA( 0inc phosphate to a minimum dr( film
thic'ness of <> microns&
4 coat two pac' 0inc chromate etch primer followed b( 4 coat of epoA(
micaceous iron oAide undercoat to a minimum dr( film thic'ness of 4??
microns, followed b( 6 coats of epoA( micaceous iron oAide to a minimum
dr( film thic'ness of :? microns&

:&?= %alves
All valves shall be delivered to site with a protective finish comprisin$ of two coats of
blac' bitumen paint to S =;4: t(pe II unless otherwise specified& Apart from
touchin$ up of dama$ed or rust( areas, buried valves will reBuire no further surface
treatment unless instructed b( the .n$ineer&
All valves in chambers which have previousl( been coated with bitumen paint shall
receive a further two coats of blac' bitumen paint to S =;4: T(pe II, or approved
eBuivalent, suitable for use in tropical climates& itumen for contact with potable
water shall be manufactured from petorleum or asphaltic bitumen and not from

:&?; *echanical and .lectrical Plant and .Buipment
:&?;&4 General
The manufacturerOs proposed paint and protection s(stems for all mechanical and
electrical eBuipment shall be submitted to the .n$ineer for approval at the time of
submission of shop drawin$s&
All surfaces of Plant shall be protected a$ainst corrosion and3or erosion with the
eAception of stainless material and rotatin$ $land or bearin$ surfaces&
+here dissimilar metals are in proAimit( and where the possibilit( of electrol(tic or
similar corrosion occurrin$ eAists, the matin$ surfaces shall be insulated&
All items of Plant shall be delivered to the Site with their protective paint finish applied
and, eAcept where otherwise specified or instructed b( the .n$ineer, shall be $iven
further coats of final paint finish at Site, of sufficient thic'ness to $ive uniform colour
and appearance&
Site paintin$ shall not be carried out unless the surface to be painted is completel(
dr(, the air temperature is above 6?
", and the surface temperature is at least =
above the dew point& Immediatel( before site paintin$ all oil, $rease, etc& shall be
removed from the surfaces to be painted and all dama$e to the factor( applied finish
made $ood&
:&?;&6 #etailed Paint S(stems
Si$nature of the Tenderer 149
Dnless otherwise specified or approved b( the .n$ineer (e&$& where the
"ontractorOs normal protective finish is of a special nature $ivin$ eBual or better
protection) or where the material of construction has an inherent corrosion resistant
propert(, the Plant shall be protected in accordance with the followin$@
(a) All component parts which ma( be in direct contact with water
The paintin$ s(stem shall comprise@
(i) blast clean in accordance with the reBuirements of S <?<8 Grade
SA 6 M&

(ii) "oatin$s shall be as follows@
Ferrous metal@
+ithin four hours of (i) above appl( 0inc metal spra( to a thic'ness of
?&4 mm or $reater in accordance with S.1 66?:=&
+ithin four hours of (i) above appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured
epoA( 0inc rich primer containin$ at least 8?H of 0inc in the dr( film to
$ive a minimum dr( film thic'ness of =? microns&
1on7ferrous metal@
+ithin four hours of (i) above appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured
epoA( etch primer to $ive a minimum dr( film thic'ness of >? microns&
(iii) For both ferrous and non7ferrous metals, thorou$hl( clean and
de$rease previous finish and within two hours appl( sufficient coats of
tar or pitch epoA( resin to $ive a minimum dr( film thic'ness of 6>?
(3) S$%7#'0 $#$%=+/1G V%&&%0& '() T'(1&
These paintin$ s(stems are to be used where standard pipewor'
coatin$ is inappropriate or where alternative s(stems are specified&
Spra( applied @
(i) Fettle to remove all flash, weld spatter, sharp and rou$h
(ii) last clean in accordance with the reBuirements of S <?<8
Grade SA 6
(iii) +ithin ; hours of blast cleanin$ appl( one coat epoA(
pol(amide primer to $ive a minimum dr( film thic'ness of 6>
Si$nature of the Tenderer 150
(iv) +ithin 5 hours of primin$ commence spra( application of a 6
pac' epoA( coatin$& The coatin$ shall be suitable for use with
potable water and shall be applied in several coats to achieve
a final dr( film thic'ness of at least =?? microns& The time
interval between coats shall not eAceed 5 hours&
Fusion bonded epoA( coatin$ @
(i) Fettle to remove all flush, weld spatter, sharp and rou$h
(ii) last clean in accordance with the reBuirements of S <?<8
Grade SA 6
(iii) +ithin 6 hours of blast cleanin$ heat to a temperature not
eAceedin$ 6;>

(iv) Immediatel( appl( epoA( powder b( immersion in a fluidised
bed or b( spra(in$& The coatin$ shall then be cured&
(v) The coatin$ material shall be a semi7fleAible thermosettin$ dr(
powder fusion7bonded amine7cured epoA( as manufactured b(
=* compan( or eBual& The material shall be suitable for use
with potable water&
(vi) The resultin$ coatin$ shall have a minimum thic'ness of ?&=
mm& Spar' testin$ shall be emplo(ed to chec' for an(
imperfection and an( defects found shall be repaired usin$ a
compatible two7pac' epoA( material, and the area re7tested&
(c) .Aposed Plant, not comin$ into direct contact with the water, eAcludin$ diesel
(i) blast clean in accordance with the reBuirements of S <?<8 Grade
SA 6M&
(ii) +ithin four hours of (i) above appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured
epoA( primer containin$ red oAide or 0inc phosphate to $ive a
minimum dr( film thic'ness of >? microns&
(iii) Thorou$hl( clean and de$rease previous finish and within two hours
appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured epoA( micaceous iron oAide
to $ive a minimum dr( film thic'ness of 4?? microns&
(d) Plant installed inside buildin$s eAcludin$ electrical panels
(i) Thorou$hl( clean surfaces to remove rust, scale, dirt, loose paint, etc&
and de$rease b( the use of solvents which are compatible with the
paint finish to be applied&
(ii) +ithin four hours of above appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured
epoA( or al'(d resin based primer to $ive a dr( film thic'ness of not
less than ;? microns&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 151
(iii) Thorou$hl( clean and de$rease previousl( applied finish and within
two hours appl( sufficient coats of pol(amide cured epoA( or al'(d
resin based undercoat and $loss finish paint to $ive an even and
uniform colour and coverin$&
(e) .lectrical panels installed within buildin$s shall be finished with sufficient
stove dried enamel primer and $loss finish to $ive a dr( film thic'ness of not
less than >? microns&
(f) .lectrical panels installed in eAposed positions or in damp conditions shall
receive a surface preparation containin$ 0inc prior to stove enamellin$&
Ferrous nuts, bolts, washers, etc& and other small component parts shall be either hot
dip $alvanised or 0inc electro7plated& The( shall be $iven further coats of site
applied protective finish when the plant is under$oin$ site paintin$&
:&?> Pipes and Fittin$s
Pipes and fittin$s shall be delivered to the Site with the protective finish applied as
specified in other "hapters of this Specification& "ompletion of the protective finish
at joints, and ma'in$ $ood of an( dama$e arisin$ durin$ transit, shall be carried out
to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
All pipewor' in valve chambers, apart from epoA( coated pipewor', shall be painted
with two coats of blac' bitumen paint to S =;4: T(pe II, or approved eBuivalent,
suitable for use in tropical climates&
9.@9 C+0+2/ S$%7#6#7',#+(
Dnless specified or instructed b( the .n$ineer all paint finishes shall be coloured
$ra(, shade no& :=4 to IS >&
All pipes and eBuipment shall be colour coded to a schedule to be a$reed with the
.n$ineer before an( site paintin$ starts, or earlier if necessar( to suit manufacturin$
procedures& %alves and fittin$s shall be painted in the same colour as the pipe of
which the( form a part& +here a pipe enters or leaves a piece of eBuipment the pipe
colour shall eAtend up to but not includin$ the flan$e attached to the eBuipment&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 152
The eAposed plant shall be painted $re(, shade no& :=4 to IS >, unless
otherwise stated or instructed b( the .n$ineer&
.Buipment out of si$ht in rooms that are normall( loc'ed, i&e&, -% switch$ear and
transformers shall be white $loss or manufacturers standard colour&
Penstoc's shall be blac', epoA( coal tar eAcept for headstoc's and handwheels
which will match the actuator colour or be white $loss&
All pipewor' and valves shall be blac'&

*ain water pumps shall be blue, shade no& 4:: to IS >&
"hlorine eBuipment and drums shall be (ellow, shade no& =?8 to IS >&
"ranes and ancillar( eBuipment shall be (ellow, shade no& =>: to IS >&
:&?< 9abellin$ of Pipes and .Buipment
All pipelines shall be identified b( stic'7on 8? micron thic' vin(l film labels showin$
the name of the material to be carried b( the pipeline and an arrow indicatin$ the
direction of flow& 9etters of titles shall be pre7spaced on carrier tape and the complete
title protected b( one piece removable liners& Titles shall be at intervals not less than
5 m, but shall in an( case be provided in ever( space throu$h which the pipe passes&
9ocations of labels shall be subject to prior approval b( the .n$ineer& 9etterin$
si0es shall be between 4: mm and <> mm in hei$ht dependin$ on the si0e of the
Pipes smaller than 66 mm outside diameter shall be labelled b( the use of ta$s
instead of labels& Ta$s shall be made of brass no smaller than :> mm A 4: mm b(
4&> mm thic', with letterin$ etched and filled with blac' enamel&
Titles shall also be provided on all eBuipment in locations and in si0es to be approved
b( the .n$ineer&

Si$nature of the Tenderer 153
!.@1 S7+$%
The testin$ and commissionin$ of all Plant and .Buipment which are supplied and
erected under this "ontract, shall be done in three sta$es as mentioned below @
4& *anufacturerKs +or's testin$
These tests and inspections shall be carried out at the manufacturerKs
6& Testin$ Installed Facilities
These tests shall be carried out on site&
=& Guarantee tests
<&?6 *anufacturerOs +or's Testin$ and Inspection +itness Testin$
<&?6&4 General
+or's Testin$ and Inspection shall be carried out at the manufacturerOs wor's in
accordance with the Specification& The "ontractor shall in addition to an( obli$ations
under the "onditions of "ontract inform the .n$ineerKs dul( appointed desi$nated
representative of the date when the Plant and .Buipment will be read( for inspection
and witness testin$&
All inspection and testin$ shall be carried out in accordance with the Specification
and in absence of Specification relevant Indian Standard or internationall( approved
eBuivalent standard& After award of contract, Tenderer shall furnish LA plan which
will be mutuall( discussed with the .mplo(er and finalised& LA plan shall include
test, on incomin$ suppl( of raw materials and bou$ht out items, sta$e inspections
and tests on finished products at manufacturerKs wor's 3 appropriate testin$ station&
LA plan shall clearl( indicate tests which are intended to be witnessed b( the
Tenderer alone and those b( both Tenderer and .mplo(er&
The tests shall be carried out prior to deliver( of the Plant and .Buipment to Site& The
"ontractor shall not deliver Plant to Site without the .n$ineerKs approval in writin$&
The "ontractor shall suppl( two unpriced copies of all sub7orders includin$ those for
items manufactured at his wor's& Two copies of each of these sub7orders shall be
forwarded to the .n$ineer and one to the appointed desi$nated representative& The
sub7orders shall indicate the wor's for which the item is reBuired, state in detail the
inspection and test reBuirements, $ive sufficient information for read( identification
and shall state that these items will be subject to witness test and inspection&

Dnless otherwise stated the .n$ineer reserves the ri$ht to witness test all Plant and
.Buipment items&
+itnessed testin$ will normall( be waived on standard t(pes of small pumps and
motors made b( approved manufacturers and small components, minor installation
Si$nature of the Tenderer 154
The "ontractor shall carr( out tests as stated in the current appropriate Indian
Standard or other international standards which shall include performance tests and
such other tests as are necessar(, in the opinion of the .n$ineer to determine that
the Plant and .Buipment complies with the Specification either under test conditions
in the manufacturerOs wor's, on site or elsewhere or in the ordinar( wor'in$&
+here tests and inspection have been completed to the .n$ineerKs satisfaction and
when the test certificates, curves, etc have been chec'ed, the .n$ineer will confirm
acceptance in writin$ and the Plant and .Buipment shall not be incorporated in the
Facilities or delivered until this acceptance has been received&
SiA copies of all test certificates, curves etc&, shall be supplied to the .n$ineer within
two wee's of completion of an( witnessed tests&
+here witness tests are not reBuired the test certificates and curves shall be
forwarded to the .n$ineer to waive witness tests before despatch to site&
/n each test certificate sufficient information to enable the .n$ineer to issue a
release certificate includin$ the specification contract number and details, shall be
$iven for read( identification of the material or eBuipment to which the certificate
1o inspection or passin$ b( the .n$ineer or the desi$nated representative of the
wor's, Plant and .Buipment or materials covered b( this "ontract, whether carried
out or supplied b( the "ontractor, shall release him from an( of his obli$ations under
the "ontract&
Plant and .Buipment shall be inspected for wor'manship, suitabilit( of purpose and
functionalit(& The "ontractor shall provide test eBuipment in order to simulate
operation of the Plant and .Buipment under site conditions& A Factor( Acceptance
Test (FAT) plan shall be prepared b( the "ontractor and approved b( the .n$ineer&
The .n$ineer shall not be reBuested to inspect the eBuipment until the "ontractor
has satisfied himself that the eBuipment meets all reBuirements of the Specification
and is functionall( correct&
The .n$ineer reserves the ri$ht to reBuire the "ontractor to meet an( eAtra costs
which are occasioned b( failure of the "ontractor to compl( with the above testin$
and inspection reBuirements, includin$ the provision of test certificates, curves, etc,
which in the opinion of the .n$ineer, are due to insufficient care havin$ been ta'en
b( the "ontractor or his sub7contractor before presentin$ the Plant and .Buipment
for inspection or tests& If unauthorised deliver( has ta'en place the "ontractor ma(
be reBuired to arran$e for the plant to be returned to the manufacturer for inspection
and3or witness testin$ b( the .n$ineer or desi$nated representative at the
"ontractorOs eApense&
All apparatus, instruments and connections reBuired for the tests shall have been
tested for accurac( and safet( and certified as such within the precedin$ 46 months&
An( eBuipment used in the testin$ of the Plant and .Buipment shall in all respects
compl( with the appropriate safet( re$ulations and3or reBuirements re$ardin$
electrical apparatus for the safet( of the Plant and the men wor'in$ thereon&
!.2.2 M'(26'7,2/%/I& W+/1& A77%$,'(7% T%&,& The "ontractor shall carr( out further
specified tests as follows in addition to an( tests stated or implied b( the fore$oin$
$eneral section of this clause&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 155
!.2.3 The followin$ Inspection and Testin$ procedures shall be carried out for all the
eBuipment as applicable
%isual Inspection&
*aterial "ertificates for all the specified material shall be furnished&
+eldin$ Lualifications
#imension "hec'in$
Sta$e Inspections (in process inspection)
#(namic balancin$ for all rotatin$ parts
-(drostatic 3 9ea' testin$ for all pressure parts, Pneumatic 9ea' Test wherever
/peration chec'
9iBuid penetrant tests or ma$netic particle tests for all machined surfaces of pressure
Dltrasonic test for for$in$ materials vi0&,
Plates of thic'ness 6?mm and above for pressed 3 formed parts such as heads, etc&
Plates, flan$es and bars of thic'ness 3 dia ;?mm and above used for fabrication of
pressure and load bearin$ members and rotatin$ parts&
2adio$raphic testin$ for all but welded parts, as per applicable codes&
-ardness tests for all -ardened surfaces&
The "ontractor shall maintain proper identification of all materials used, alon$with
reports for all internal 3 sta$e inspection wor' carried out, based on the specific job
reBuirement and or based on the datasheets 3 drawin$s 3 specifications&
!.@2.@5& Inspection and Tests *echanical
-ori0ontal "entrifu$al Pump
All pumps shall be assembled completel( in the shop to ensure correct fittin$ of all
parts and shall be match mar'ed before shipment&
All pumps shall under$o witness performance tests at the pump manufacturerKs
+or's& Testin$ shall be underta'en with the three (one of each pumpin$ station)
electric motors bein$ supplied under the "ontract&
1PS- tests one for each pumpin$ station shall be underta'en to verif( that the
pumps meet the specified criteria& The pumps shall be run at constant flow capacit(
and speed with the suction condition varied to produce cavitation& Plots of pump
head shall be made for various 1PS- values&
Pump casin$s shall be subject to h(drostatic pressure testin$ as an assembl( at
4>?H of the pump shut7off head or 6??H of the pump rated head whichever is
hi$her& The h(drostatic pressure shall be held for not less than =? minutes after all
lea's have been stopped between attachments&
Impeller and pump rotatin$ assembl( shall be d(namicall( balanced as per IS/ 48;?
3 Gr& :&= 3 %#I 6?:?&
Standard runnin$ test shall be conducted as per S >=4: Part 6 "lass 3 IS/ =>>>
at the rated speed at manufacturerKs wor's to measure the capacit(, total head,
efficienc( and power& These tests shall form the basis for pump acceptance eAcept
for vibration and noise& The pump shall be tested over a ran$e comprisin$ shut off
head to maAimum flow& *inimum seven readin$s approAimatel( eBuidistant shall be
ta'en for plottin$ the performance curve& The followin$ formula shall be ta'en for
computin$ the power input to the pump@
Si$nature of the Tenderer 156
Power input to the Pump in '+ @ L A -
=:<&6 A p
where, L T #ischar$e in cum 3hr
- T Total head in mwc
p T .fficienc( of pump&
If the vibration, noise level readin$s ta'en durin$ performance test show
hi$her than that permitted, vendor shall $uarantee to show that the values shall be
maintained at site after erection& An( cost of rectification needed on this count shall
be borne b( the "ontractor&
If the tested pump efficienc( is not within the acceptable ne$ative tolerance limit, the
"ontractor shall ma'e such chan$es, modifications and3or additions as ma( be
necessar( at his own cost and eApense to achieve the efficienc( within the allowable
tolerance& If, after such corrective measures, the pump is still unable to achieve the
efficienc( within the allowable ne$ative tolerance, the .mplo(er shall reject the
If the avera$e overall efficienc( of the pump and motor of each pumpin$ station is
below the $uaranteed overall efficienc( (calculated based on the Buoted efficienc( of
pump and full load efficienc( of motor) penalt( will be imposed &
An( other tests, includin$ 1#T (as applicable), as specified in the data sheets 3
drawin$s 3 specifications&
#urin$ testin$ there shall be no visible evidence of structural dama$e to an( of the
valve component&
*otori0ed valves shall be tested with their actuators, with a differential head
eBuivalent to their maAimum wor'in$ pressure, to prove that the actuators are
capable of openin$ and closin$ the valves under maAimum unbalanced head
condition within the specified openin$ or closin$ period&
The followin$ test shall be carried out for butterfl( valves@
Seat lea'a$e test at rated pressure
od( h(drostatic test at 6&? times the rated pressure
#isc stren$th test at bod( test pressure
%alve operation with and without actuator
The followin$ test shall be carried out for sluice valves@
Seat lea'a$e test at rated pressure
od( h(drostatic test at 6&? times the rated pressure
%alve operation
The followin$ test shall be carried out for non7return valves@
Seat lea'a$e test at rated pressure
od( h(drostatic test at 6&? times rated pressure
Si$nature of the Tenderer 157
Testin$ of pipes and fittin$ shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian
Standard and internationall( approved standard& Pipes, fittin$s and eApansion
bellows shall be h(drostaticall( tested for 6&? times the rated pressure&
<&?6&?<&.&/&T& "rane
The cranes shall be completel( assembled in the "ontractorKs or subcontractorKs
+or's and shall be subjected to the tests as specified in IS 5?<3IS =4<< or relevant
internationall( approved standard& The "ontractor shall provide the test wei$hts&
<&?6&?5&Switch$ear and *otor "ontrol$ear Assemblies
All switch$ear and control$ear shall be witness tested as inte$ral units for a
complete seBuence of operation and as laid down in relevant Indian Standards&
The followin$ tests shall be carried out@
(i) Primar( injection tests to ensure correct ratios and polarit( of current and
volta$e transformers and of the current operated protection rela(s and direct actin$
coils, over their full ran$e of settin$s&
(ii) alance earth fault stabilit( test b( primar( current injection& "are must be
ta'en to reproduce accuratel( the burdens of interconnectin$ cables& A further test to
ensure correct polarit( must be made after assembl(&
(iii) Tests on auAiliar( rela(s at normal operatin$ volta$es b( operation of
associated remote rela(s&
(iv) "orrect operation of seBuencin$ and control circuits at normal operatin$
volta$es b( operation of local control switches, and simulation of operation from
remote control positions&
(v) "arr( out functionalit( tests, chec' interfacin$ status contacts and
<&?6&?8&"ircuit rea'ers
All circuit brea'ers shall be subject to the followin$ tests@
(i) 2outine tests includin$ -% pressure test, millivolt drop tests and mechanical
(ii) To ensure the operation of the dc closin$ coil and satisfactor( closin$ of the
circuit brea'er with the volta$e of the coil down to 5?H of its rated volta$e, and that
mal7operation does not occur with a volta$e on the coil of 46?H of its rated volta$e&
(iii) Interchan$eabilit( of withdrawable identicall( eBuipped circuit brea'ers, and
chec'in$ of all mechanical and electrical interloc's&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 158
T(pe test fi$ures for heat test runs performed on identical panel t(pes shall be made
Transformers shall be subject to wor's routine tests, which shall also include the
7 measurement of windin$ resistanceN
7 ratio polarit( and phase relationshipN
7 impedance volta$eN
7 load lossesN
7 no load losses and no load currentN
7 insulation resistanceN
7 temperature rise&
T(pe test certificates shall be provided for verification& +henerver two nos& or more identical
transformers are bein$ offered, t(pe tests on one of them shall be carried out, includin$ heat
run test&
"apacitors shall be subjected to routine tests as per IS@65=;& Test for capacitor
losses and impulse volta$e test shall also be carried out on one capacitor ban' of
each t(pe ordered&
In addition to the above, the capacitor units shall be subjected to the followin$ tests@
4& 9oad test at 44?H rated volta$e at an ambient of ;> to >?
" for a period of 5
hours or more&
6& 9ea'proofness test7initiall( after impre$nation and total sealin$, each
capacitor shall be heated upto 5?
" to 44?
" for a few minutes& After the
load test each capacitor unit shall be carefull( inspected for lea'a$e&
T(pe tests shall be carried out as per IS@65=; on capacitors of identical desi$n and ratin$&
*otors shall be subject to routine tests which shall also include the followin$@
7 insulation resistance
7 hi$h volta$e test
7 no load 3 full load tests
7 loc'ed rotor readin$ of volta$e, current and power input at a reduced volta$e&
T(pe test certificates for test runs performed on identical motors shall be made available&
+henerver two nos& or more identical motors are bein$ offerred, t(pe tests on one of them
shall be carried out, includin$ heat run test&
All -% cables and armoured cables shall be subject to routine tests in accordance
with the relevant Indian Standard Specifications&
Test certificates shall be provided a$ainst each drum and3or cable len$th&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 159
The tests carried out on ever( cable len$th and 3 or drum at manufacturerOs premises
shall include followin$ tests as applicable but not limited to@
7 hi$h volta$e dc insulation pressure test, between cores, each core to earth,
metallic sheath or armour as applicableN
7 insulation resistance testN
7 core continuit( and identificationN
- conductor resistance test
- .lon$ation test
- Swedish "himne( test
- Smo'e densit( test
- -"l $as $eneration test
- Anti rodent test (Presence of lead)
!.@3 S#,% T%&,#(- +6 ,:% F'7#0#,#%&
!.@3.1 G%(%/'0
At least = months prior to the commencement of Precommissionin$ Tests the
"ontractor shall submit for approval a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) plan document
which shall full( document the tests, the test procedures and test sheet formats
reBuired for site testin$ the Facilities&
At the time of testin$ installed facilities, the .n$ineer will appoint his representative to
witness all tests& The "ontractor shall carr( out tests as per enclosed list, in the
presence of the .n$ineer or desi$nated representative& It will be the responsibilit( of
the "ontractor to ma'e all arran$ements for carr(in$ out these tests& An( additional
tests or repetition of tests to establish satisfactor( operation of an( eBuipment shall
be carried out b( the "ontractor at no eAtra cost&
All tests carried out shall be full( documented and approved b( the .n$ineer& Test
sheets shall be prepared and completed for each item of Plant in order to full(
demonstrate that the various specified Tests on "ompletion have been carried out&
The completed test sheets shall form one part of the Facilities operations and
maintenance manual&
All measurin$ instruments, test eBuipment, supervision and labour for the tests shall
be provided b( the "ontractor&
All apparatus, instruments and connections reBuired for the tests shall have been
tested for accurac( and safet( and certified as such within the precedin$ 46 months&
#urin$ this test a chec' on the performance of the eBuipment shall be made, as far
as site facilities will allow, to compare its site performance with the official factor(
tests and to identif( an( constraints on performance due to site conditions&
The initial char$es of oil, $rease, electrol(te and similar materials necessar( for the
tests on completion shall be provided b( the "ontractor&
In order to carr( out these tests the "ontractor shall be reBuired to co7operate and
co7ordinate his test activities with those of an( other contractors&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 160
It shall be assumed that the co7operation of other contractors will not be
unreasonabl( withheld&
The "ontractor shall, where reBuired, assist other contractors in carr(in$ out their
tests on completion and or performance tests&
+here this assistance does not constitute part of the "ontractorOs own wor'
associated with testin$ installed facilities the "ontractor shall be reimbursed at the
rates detailed within the schedules&
After satisfactor( completion of tests on the installed facilities a final safet( audit shall
be carried out to ensure compliance with the necessar( reBuirement for safet( and
for operation of eBuipment& The safet( audit shall be documented and carried out to
the approval of the .n$ineer&
!.@3.2 P/%CC+..#&&#+(#(- T%&, D%,'#0&
The "ontractor shall carr( out all necessar( tests as per relevant standards in
addition to tests specified b( this section below @
(#) G%(%/'0
4& .nsure securit( of all mechanical plant, electrical connections, foundations and
6& "hec' to ensure all covers are correctl( fitted&
=& "ompare nameplate details with the Specifications&
;& .nsure all safet( notices are fitted prior to ener$isation&
>& "hec' for an( ph(sical dama$e and ensure cleanliness of Plant and .Buipment&
:& "hec' for water ti$htness of the eAternall( located Plant and .BuipmentN
<& "hec' ali$nment of drive s(stems and that turn freel(N
5& "hec' protection rela( settin$s
8& Prior to en$er$isation
7 "hec' installation phasin$&
7 "arr( insulation dielectric chec's throu$hout&
7 "hec' conection of protection eBuipment&
7 "arr( out tests on the functionalit( of protection devices usin$ primar( (where
practical) and secondar( injection techiBues&
4?& "arr( out functional test on control panels&
44& "hec' direction of rotation of drives&
(ii) Tests on Power Suppl( Transformers
4& "hec' ti$htness of all bolts, clamps and connectin$ terminals&
6& "hec' cleanliness of bushin$s&
=& "hec' for oil lea'a$e and oil levels&
;& reather condition, chec' whether breathin$ line is free, silica $el is re7activated, oil
is available at the bottom&
>& "hec' windin$ continuit( and measure windin$ resistance on all tap chan$er
:& /ther tests as recommended b( the manufacturer&
(iii) Isolators and Switch$ear
4& "hec' ti$htness of all bolts, clamps and connectin$ terminals&
6& "hec' slow7closin$3openin$ operation&
=& "hec' cleanliness of bushin$s&
;& "hec' for correct operational settin$s&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 161
(iv) .arthin$
4& "hec' earth continuit( throu$hout and measure earth electrode resistance&
(v) Tests for "ables
4& "hec' for ph(sical dama$e&
6& *e$$er test between each core and armour3sheath&
=& "hec' continuit( and connections&
;& "hec' potheads to ensure@
7 That potheads are filled in the proper level with oil or compound&
7 There are no oil or compound lea's&
(vi) Tests for Pumps and *otors
Initial "hec's
4& "hec' name plate details
6& "hec' ti$htness of all bolts, clamps
=& "hec' $round connections
;& earin$ lubrication chec'
>& Ali$nment chec'
2unnin$ Tests
4& Insulation testin$ of motor windin$s
6& continuit( test of motor windin$s
=& 2esistance of motor windin$s
;& Phase seBuence and direction of rotation
>& 1o load runnin$ and readin$ currents in all phases
:& "hec' for temperature rise, vibration etc of motor on no load
<& "hec' interloc's
5& Test of motor protection rela( and under volta$e rela(
8& /n load testin$ and readin$ currents in all phases
4?& *easure flow and head&
(viii) /verhead "rane
Initial "hec's
4& Ali$nment and spacin$ of the rails
6& FiAin$ of rails to the crane beam
=& FiAin$ of end stops
;& "hec' name plate details
>& Testin$ of electrical installation
:& #own shop movement
<& Transverse movement
5& 9iftin$ and lowerin$&
/perational Tests
4& /peration with test load 4&6> times safe wor'in$ load (S+9)&
(A) Pipewor'
Initial "hec's
Si$nature of the Tenderer 162
4& "hec' pipelines are clean
6& Pressure tests of the pipewor' as follows&
Pipe wor' test pressures shall be @
7 Suction side of main pumps @ 8 G$3SB&cm
7 #eliver( side of main pumps @ =; G$3SB&cm
Gau$es used for testin$ pressure pipelines shall either be of the conventional circular
t(pe, not less than =?? mm diameter, calibrated in metres head of water, or shall
have a di$ital indicator capable of readin$ increments of ?&4 metre head& efore an(
$au$e is used, the "ontractor shall arran$e for it to be chec'ed independentl(, and a
dated certificates of its accurac( shall be provided&
efore testin$, valves shall be chec'ed and sealed, the sections of main filled with
water and the air released& After havin$ been filled, pipelines shall be left under
operatin$ pressure for the period specified in the "ontract, so as to achieve
conditions as stable as possible for testin$&
The pressure in the pipelines shall then be raised steadil( until the specified test
pressure is reached in the lowest part of the section, and the pressure shall be
maintained at this level, b( pumpin$ if necessar(, for a period of one hour& The
pump shall then be disconnected, and no further water shall be permitted to enter the
pipeline for a further period of one hour& At the end of the period the ori$inal
pressure shall be restored b( pumpin$ and the loss measured b( drawin$ off water
from the pipeline until the pressure as at the end of the test is a$ain reached& There
shall be no visible lea'a$e on the pipeline and the measured loss shall not eAceed
?&=> litres per mm diameter per 'ilometer per 6; hours for each 4?? m head of
pressure applied&
Pressure testin$ a$ainst closed valves or air valves will not be permitted& The
"ontractor shall provide and install all necessar( temporar( pipin$, caps and blan'
flan$es and thrust bloc's&
2unnin$ Tests
There shall be no visible lea'a$e from an( eAposed section of the pipeline&
(Ai) *echanical Plant /perational Tests
*echanical plant shall be put to wor' in a s(stematic and methodical manner& The
tests detailed herein are inaddition to an( tests implied or stated earlier&
.ach item of plant shall be operated individuall( and its operation and performance
monitored over a period of time not less than 46 hours& #urin$ this time the
"ontractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer that each item is
operatin$ in accordance with the Specification& The "ontractor shall be responsible
for providin$ temporar( means to dispose of water pumped b( the main pumps
durin$ these test& The "ontractor shall be responsible b( usin$ the permanent wor's
to provide a source of water to be pumped&
The Pre7"ommissionin$ shall not be considered to be complete unless @
7 the Facilities have been full( and successfull( tested to the approval of the
.n$ineer and all but minor defects have been rectifiedN
Si$nature of the Tenderer 163
7 /peration and *aintenance #ocumentation approved b( the .n$ineer is in
the possession of the .mplo(erN
7 2ecord #ocumentation approved b( the .n$ineer is in the possession of the
!.@3.3 C+..#&&#+(#(- T%&, D%,'#0&
A "ommissionin$ Test must be successfull( completed prior to the issuin$ a
"ompletion "ertificate for that Part of the Facilities& The timin$ of the "ommissionin$
Test shall be determined b( the availabilit( of an electrical load provided b( the
associated clear or raw water pumpin$ station and treatment wor's& The tests shall
be carried out with both transformers in use and then with the total load fed from
each transformer in turn&
#urin$ the "ommissionin$ Tests the "ontractor shall monitor the performance of
each Part of the Facilities for a period of not less than =? calendar da(s& #urin$ this
time the "ontractor shall@
7 carr( out tests to determine the functionalit( of the Facilities under continuous
operation and under the naturall( var(in$ suppl( volta$e and freBuenc( and
under var(in$ water suppl( reBuirementsN
7 determine the functionalit( of the Facilities under the naturall( var(in$ climatic
7 train the .mplo(ers operators and mana$ement staff in the in the da( to da(
operation of the Facilities siA months prior to the completion of 6; months
mannin$, operation and maintenance periodN
- establish operational procedures for the operation , mainteneance and
monitorin$ of the Facilities
7 *aintain a record of all the observations 3 readin$s durin$ the commissionin$
of all the eBuipment in the project and forward the same to the Purchaser 3
.n$ineer for future records&
The "ontractor shall be present 6; hours per da( from the commencement of the
tests for the first two da(s and then 6; hours per da( from then onwards until such
time as the Part of the Facilities has operated in the opinion of the .n$ineer without
unscheduled manual intervention for a period of 6; hours& After this period the
"ontractor shall be in attendance for mannin$, operation and maintenance of the all
the facilities for a period of 6; months, round the cloc'&
If in the opinion of the .n$ineer the Part of the +or's fails to perform satisfactoril(
durin$ an( period of the tests he ma( instruct the "ontractor to re7instate 6; hour
supervision of the tests until such time as the "ontractor can demonstrate that the
Part of the +or's is performin$ satisfactoril(&
All the spares and consumable reBuired for this period are included in the scope of
the contractor& /nl( power suppl( char$es will be born b( the -*+SS&
The "ontractor shall ma'e provision for the suppl( of all test eBuipment necessar( to
monitor the satisfactor( performance of the Facilities durin$ this period&

Si$nature of the Tenderer 164
/P.2ATI/1 A1# *AI1T.1A1". T2AI1I1G
5&?4 General
The "ontractor shall provide comprehensive trainin$ for the .mplo(erOs operation
and maintenance staff and operators as part of the contract before the eApiration
commissionin$ and trial run of the plant& Trainin$ shall be provided in the followin$
(i) Trainin$ in the operation of individual items of eBuipment and sections of the

5&?6 Trainin$
5&?6 After the successful completion of the pre7commissionin$ an additional period of 6;
months mannin$, operation and maintenance period will be reBuired to control the
operation of the Plant and .Buipment and to direct and train the .mplo(erKs staff in
the correct procedures for operatin$ and maintainin$ the Plant and .Buipment durin$
the months period of mannin$, operation and maintenance period& The trainin$ shall
be part classroom based and part on the Site& The /peration and *aintenance
manual shall be used as a trainin$ aid&
5&?= Trainin$ Personnel
The "ontractor shall provide the followin$ personnel to achieve the trainin$
reBuirements of the "ontract@
(i) Trainin$ .Apert
The trainin$ eApert is to be eAperienced in both operation and maintenance and in
trainin$ uns'illed operators in all aspects of the mana$ement and operation of the
Facilities which are bein$ provided under this "ontract& The "ontractor shall submit
the curriculum vitae of the proposed trainin$ eApert to the .n$ineer for approval prior
to the commencement of the trainin$ services& .ither the trainin$ eApert shall be
fluent in both .n$lish and the lan$ua$e normall( spo'en b( the persons who will
maintain and operate the Facilities or the "ontractor shall provide the services of an
interpreter durin$ the period of the trainin$ services&
5&?; Pro$ramme
Si$nature of the Tenderer 165
Three months prior to commencement of the trainin$ the "ontractor shall provide the
.n$ineer with a detailed pro$ramme of the various phases of the trainin$, showin$ in
particular when the different staff and operators will be reBuired to attend&
8A&?4 Introduction
This chapter of specifications sets out the plant performance reBuirements and plant
schedules for the Facilities at above pumpin$ stations
The drawin$s and schedules accompan(in$ this Specification whilst indicatin$ the
eAtent of the wor' do not purport to be a bill of Buantities and do not include such
items as fittin$ nuts, bolts, etc which shall be supplied to$ether with all other items,
whether mentioned in the teAt or not but necessar( to complete the installation in
ever( respect& .Buipment ratin$, cable si0es, pipe si0es etc& where $iven are
indicative onl( and $iven to assist the "ontractor in his understandin$ of the
reBuirements& It is the "ontractorKs responsibilit( to provide a full( en$ineered
complete wor'in$ s(stem&
+here an( discrepancies eAist between this and other chapters of the Specification,
this chapter shall prevail&
8A&?= *ain #ut( Pumpsets
i) Pumpin$ eBuipment shall be installed to provide the total reBuired flow from the
pumpin$ station throu$h a common deliver( main of pipe&
The sta$e shall provide total flow based on 6? hours operation per da( and is the
subject of this "ontract&
The "ontractor shall provide three3two pumps to be installed 7 two dut( and one

"ontractor shall ensure that pump operational efficienc( is maAimised b( careful
selection of the pump impeller in order to achieve the best operatin$ conditions&
T:% .',%/#'0 +6 7+(&,/27,#+( &:'00 3% '& 6+00+=& +/ &2$%/#+/@
4& Impeller 7 "F 5 *
6& 9ine shaft bearin$ 7 SS ;4?
=& Impeller Seal rin$ 7 SS ;4?
;& Impeller Shaft sleeve 7 SS ;4?
>& owl
>& "asin$ and Impeller wear rin$s 7 Stainless Steel @ AST* A <;= "A4>
Si$nature of the Tenderer 166
(There shall difference of >? -1 hardness between "asin$ and Impeller
The pump shall be of %ertical Turbine and driven b( sBuirrel ca$e induction motor
"A"A3T.T%, IP >> suitable for :&: '%, = phase, >? -0 suppl( at s(nchronous speed
of 4>?? rpm&
The motor ratin$ shall be maAimum of

(i) 44>H of the power input to the pump at dut( point at a speed correspondin$
to the freBuenc( of ;5&? -0&
(ii) *aAimum power input while operatin$ within maAimum and minimum s(stem
resistance operatin$ in parallel correspondin$ to speed at >? -0&

Gland lea'a$e water shall be collected and piped to a floor drain pit provided b(
An emer$enc( /13/FF7loc'7twist to release control button shall be fiAed adjacent to
each main dut( pumpset&
.ach pumpset shall be provided with the followin$ instrumentation sensors@
7 pump drive end and non drive end bearin$ resistance thermometerN
7 motor windin$ resistance thermometer (one per phase)N
7 motor drive end and non drive end bearin$ temperatureN
7 pump drive end and non drive end bearin$ vibration&
The "ontractor shall provide the converters necessar( to interface with these
transducers and locate them in the starter control cubicle of the pumpset concerned&
An annunciation s(stem with alarm and trip si$nals shall be provided on the
individual and incomin$ feeder panels for indication of all these and other
temperature si$nals&
.ach motor shall be provided with an anti7condensation heater&
The anti condensation heater and the resistance thermometer terminal shall be
housed in terminal boAes separate from the main motor power connections&
8A&?; Pipe wor' and 9a(out
The arran$ement of pipe wor' and pumps is shown on #rawin$ 1o@ =& The
"ontractor ma( modif( this arran$ement but shall be responsible for the redesi$n of
an( civil wor' necessitated as a result of such modifications&
The "ontractor shall provide Suitable diameter suction outlets from each reservoir
compartment& Suction outlets shall be installed in the reservoir and a flan$ed
connection will be left for connection& The "ontractor shall provide all fiAin$s and
$as'ets in order to ma'e this connection&
W:%/% $#$%& '/% 0'#) +2,&#)% ,:% $2.$#(- &,',#+( &,/27,2/% ,:%4 &:'00 3% &,%%0
%$+E4 $'#(,%) B ,'$% =/'$$%)G %E7%$, 6+/ ,:% 2()%/-/+2() $#$%0#(% =:#7: &:'00
3% 2(#,%). W#,:#( ,:% $2.$ :+2&%G ,:% C+(,/'7,+/& &:'00 #(&,'00 $#$% =+/1 +(
,:% 7+(7/%,% &2$$+/,&. O2,&#)% ,:% $2.$ :+2&% 2$ ,+ ,:% &2/-% ?%&&%0
Si$nature of the Tenderer 167
0+7',#+(G ,:% .'#( )#&7:'/-% $#$% '& =%00 '& 3/'(7:%& &:'00 3% 0'#)
2()%/-/+2() =#,: /%A2#/%) '$$2/,%('(, =+/1& '& $%/ &$%7#6#7',#+( '() '& $%/
3',,%/4 0#.#,& #()#7',%) #( ,:% )/'=#(-&.
The contractor shall ma'e necessar( openin$s in the pumpin$ station walls to permit
the entr( and eAit of the main suction and deliver(3header pipe wor'& The "ontractor
shall provide pipe wor' with puddle flan$es at these points, which shall be concreted
followin$ the completion of lea'a$e tests&
T:% S2#,'30% )#'.7+..+( )#&7:'/-% :%')%/ +2,&#)% ,:% $2.$#(- &,',#+(
&:'00 3% .')% +2, +6 M#0) S,%%0 (MS) =#,: #(,%/('0 7%.%(, .+/,'/ 0#(#(- '()
+2,&#)% 62&#+( 3+()%) %$+E4 7+',%) 7+.$0%,% =#,: (%7%&&'/4. F0%E#30% *+#(,&
&:'00 3% $/+?#)%) #( ,:% $#$% =+/1 =:%/% #, 7/+&&%& %E$'(&#+( *+#(,& #( ,:% 7#?#0
&,/27,2/% )#&.'(,0#(- *+#(,& &:'00 3% $/+?#)%) #( '77+/)'(7% =#,: -++)
%(-#(%%/#(- $/'7,#7%. T:% 7+..+( &27,#+( :%')%/ =#00 '0&+ 3% .')% +2, +6 MS
32, $'#(,%) 3+,: #(,%/('004 '() %E,%/('004 =#,: +2,&#)% 62&#+( 3+()%) %$+E4
$'#(,#(-. T:% &27,#+( +2,0%,& 6/+. ,:% /%&%/?+#/ 7+.$'/,.%(,&G #()#?#)2'0
&27,#+( '() )#&7:'/-% :%')%/& =#00 3% %$+E4 $'#(,%) 3+,: #(,%/('004 '()
I, #& '(,#7#$',%) ,:', ,:% #()#?#)2'0 $2.$& =#00 :'?% 38@.. &27,#+( 0#(% '&
&:+=( #( ,:% )/'=#(-. T:% )%0#?%/4 $#$% +6 %'7: $2.$ #& '(,#7#$',%) ,+ 3% 3@@
..G =:#7: #& 7+((%7,%) ,+ 32& .'#( (7+..+( )#&7:'/-% :%')%/) 2$ ,+ ,:%
#(,%/6'7% =#,: ,:% !@@ .. )#'.%,%/ 2()%/-/+2() $#$%G =:#7: #& $/+?#)%) 34
+,:%/&. T:% C+(,/'7,+/ &:'00 $/+?#)% '00 =%0)#(-G 6#E#(-& '() -'&1%,&G #6 '(4G #(
+/)%/ ,+ .'1% ,:#& 7+((%7,#+(. T:% C+(,/'7,+/ &:'00 $/+?#)% ='&: +2, $#$%
=+/1 '() ?'0?%& #..%)#',%04 3%6+/% ,:% #(,%/6'7% ,+ $%/.#, 3+,: ,:% $2.$#(-
&,',#+( $#$% =+/1 '() ,:% )%0#?%/4 .'#( ,+ 3% %.$,#%). F0'(-%& '() $#$%&
&:'00 3% 3@@ .. )#'.%,%/ '() /',%) PN 19.
8A&?> %alves on *ain Station Pipewor'
E0%7,/#7'004 '7,2',%) &2#,'30% .. )#'.%,%/ &02#7% ?'0?%& &:'00 3% $/+?#)%) +(
#()#?#)2'0 +2,0%,& 6/+. 70%'/ =',%/ /%&%/?+#/. G%'/ +$%/',%) &2#,'30% ..
)#'.%,%/G. F0'(-%) &02#7% ?'0?%& &:'00 3% $/+?#)%) '& $2.$ #&+0',#+( ?'0?%& +(
,:% &27,#+( &#)% +6 #()#?#)2'0 $2.$. S#.#0'/04 -%'/ +$%/',%) &2#,'30% ..
)#'.%,%/ 60'(-%) &02#7% ?'0?% &2#,'30% 6+/ 60+= 7+(,/+0 &:'00 3% $/+?#)%) +(
)%0#?%/4 0#(% +6 #()#?#)2'0 $2.$. T:% )#&7:'/-% &#)% +6 %'7: $2.$ &:'00 3%
$/+?#)%) =#,: ' &2#,'30% .. )#'.%,%/ 60'(-%) )2%0 $0',% 7:%71 ?'0?%. T:%
&2$$+/, 6+/ ,:% 7:%71 ?'0?% &:'00 3% 6'3/#7',%) 6/+. -'0?'(#H%) &,%%0.
I..%)#',%04 +2,&#)% ,:% $2.$ &,',#+( -%'/ +$%/',%) &2#,'30% .. )#'.%,%/
&02#7% ?'0?% &:'00 3% $/+?#)%) ,+ #&+0',% ,:% $2.$#(- &,',#+( 6/+. ,:% )%0#?%/4
.'#(. A N+(C/%,2/( ?'0?% +6 &2#,'30% .. )#'.%,%/ &:'00 3% $/+?#)%)
)+=(&,/%'. +6 S02#7% ?'0?% ,+ #&+0',% ,:% $2.$& 6/+. ,/'(&#%(, $/%&&2/%
A00 ?'0?%& 6/+. 70%'/ =',%/ /%&%/?+#/ ,+ $2.$ &27,#+( &:'00 3% /',%) 6+/ PN
9BC0'&& 128. A00 +,:%/ ?'0?%& )+=(&,/%'. +6 ,:% $2.$ =#00 3% /',%) 6+/ PN 19.
8A&?: Sump #raina$e S(stem
Si$nature of the Tenderer 168
The s(stem shall consist of one sump to pump $land lea'a$e and draina$e water&
.ach sump shall be fitted with a hori0ontal submersible pump set capable of suitable
dischar$in$ capacit(& A local wall mounted starter shall control each pump
The pump shall have an AST* =>: casin$, cast iron impeller, stainless steel shaft,
and double mechanical seals separated b( an oil reservoir& The sump pumps shall
also have fleAible power cable terminations, chec' valves, isolation valves, fleAible
hose with Buic' coupler to allow eas( removal of the pump from the sump& #eliver(
pipe wor' shall interface with the under$round pipe wor' provided b( others as
shown in the #rawin$s&
.ach pump starter shall have the followin$@
7 incomin$ disconnecter interloc'ed with the panel doorN
7 -2" fuses or *"" for short7circuit protection (*""s are preferred)N
7 contactorN
7 overloadN
- start and stop push buttonsN
- power on, run, motor fault, and hi$h temperature indications (throu$h
clustered 9.#s
7 automatic 3manual control selector switchN
7 indicator li$hts for runnin$, fault, hi$h level&
8A&?< Potable +ater Suppl(
1ot Dsed
8A&?5 #eleted
8A&?8 Power Suppl(
The power suppl( to the pumpin$ station at -ead +or's near Pana$al (%) will be =
phase, ::?? volts, >? -0 ac fed from the 44 G% 3 :&: '% electrical substation
provided b( the sub7station contractor&
The "ontractor shall suppl( and la( 6 1os& :&: '% feeders from the substation :&: '%
switch$ear and 6 1r ;4>% feeders from the substation to the incomer panels of the
:&: '% switch $ear and ;4>% switch$ear at the pumpin$ station& The wor' shall
include ma'in$ connections at the substations :&: '% switch$ear and ;4>%
switch$ear and all eAcavation, beddin$, cable duct with covers, cable supportin$,
warnin$ tape etc&, and necessar( to install these cables&
8&A&4? -i$h %olta$e Switch$ear and *otor "ontrol$ear Assembl(
The "ontractor shall provide a :&: '% switch$ear and motor control$ear assembl(&
The switch board shall comprise@
4 1os 5?? A incomer withdrawable vacuum circuit brea'ers and = 1os
out$oin$ feeders for motors each fitted with@
7 voltmeter and selector switchN
7 ammeter and selector switch
7 *ulti function di$ital meter
7 power factor meter on incomerN
Si$nature of the Tenderer 169
7 over current and earth fault protectionN
7 5?? A bus bar arran$ementN
= 1os withdrawable vacuum circuit brea'ers motor starters each fitted out
with motor control reBuirements plus the followin$@
7 ammeter and selector switchN
7 *ulti function di$ital meter 7 manual3off3automatic selector switchN
7 start and stop buttons for use onl( in manual modeN
7 lamp test push buttonN
7 motor anti7condensation heater on3off control switch (the heater shall
be automaticall( ener$ised when the drive is not runnin$)N
7 indicator li$hts for@
7 power onN
7 runnin$N
7 emer$enc( stop button operatedN
7 motor anticondensation heater on&
annunciate alarms for the followin$@
7 di$ital comprehensive motor protection rela( operated for individual
motor (the reason for the trip shall be indicated on the displa( of motor
protection rela()N
7 .arth Fault, Short circuit protection throu$h bac'up electromechanical
rela(s for each motor feeders
7 each pump bearin$ temperature hi$hN
7 each pump bearin$ temperature hi$h hi$h N
7 each motor bearin$ temperature hi$hN
7 each motor bearin$ temperature hi$h hi$h N
7 windin$ temperature hi$hN
7 windin$ temperature hi$h hi$h N
The hi$h states shall be alarms onl(& The hi$h states shall cause the motor
concerned to trip&
The facilities for processin$ the above mentioned motor instrumentation shall be
provided b( the "ontractor and housed within the control section of the starter&
Facilities shall be provided within the control section to adjust the hi$h and hi$h hi$h
alarm and trip operatin$ levels &
<A.11 P+=%/ F'7,+/ C+//%7,#+( C'$'7#,+/&
The "ontractor shall provide a power factor correction capacitor for each pump set&
The capacitors shall be switched alon$ with the motor and shall be si0ed to correct
the power factor of each motor and at busbar (if reBuired) and the total plant to not
less than ?&8>& The capacitors shall be full( enclosed, metalclad and include -2"
fuses and inrush coils&
The capacitors shall be APP t(pe or *# t(pe& The capacitor ban's shall contain non7
P" eBuipment& *icroprocessor based APF" t(pe rela(s shall be used to correct the
power factor to the reBuisite value& .ach main pump motor shall have a fiAed
capacitor connected across its terminals, with an interloc', so that the capacitors are
in circuit whenever the motors are started& Indicatin$ lamps motor /1 3 /FF status
shall be indicated on the capacitor ban's& In case additional compensation is
Si$nature of the Tenderer 170
reBuired to correct the s(stem power factor, additional capacitors shall be installed on
both the bus sections&
<A.12 M+,+/ S+6, S,'/,%/&
.ach :&: '% motor starter shall be provided with a fluA compensated ma$netic
amplified soft starter so that motor startin$ currents are limited to 6??H of full load
current of the motor& The soft starter shall be enabled b( the closin$ of the motor
starter contactor&
The soft starter shall be connected on the IneutralK side of the motor& The control
suppl( shall be obtained from the control suppl( of the correspondin$ starter&
8A&4= 9ow %olta$e "ontrol $ear
The "ontractor shall provide a ;4> %, = phase and neutral metalclad
switch$ear3control $ear assembl(& The fault level ratin$ the assembl( shall be >? 'A
for 4 second&
The low volta$e switch$ear assembl( shall be identified as the 9%S4 *ain 9&%&
#istribution oard&
The assembl( shall provide power and control facilities for minor drives, actuated
valves and buildin$ services&
The assembl( shall comprise@
7 6 1r 5?? A (si0e to be confirmed b( the Project *ana$er) mechanicall(
interloc'ed (to prevent parallelin$ of the two supplies) withdrawable
motorised air circuit brea'er mains suppl( incomerN
7 4 1r 5?? A bus section withdrawable motorised air circuit brea'er
7 4 1r :=? A withdrawable motorised air circuit brea'er standb( $enerator
suppl( incomer mechanicall( interloc'ed with the bus section switch to
prevent parallel operation of the mains suppl( and the standb( $eneratorN
7 4 1r ;?? A withdrawable air circuit brea'er for the future standb( power
suppl( to sta$e II of the treatment wor'sN
7 4 1r :=? A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) withdrawable air circuit
brea'er for the standb( power suppl( to sta$e I of the water treatment
7 4 1r 6>? A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the
pumpin$ station buildin$ services suppl( to be used b( othersN
7 4 1r := A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the pumpin$
station ventilation to be used b( othersN
7 4 1r := A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the clear
water reservoir distribution board to be used b( othersN
7 = 1r 46> A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the housin$
supplies to be used b( othersN
7 4 1r :? A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the radio
transmitter buildin$ to be used b( the S"A#A and "ommunications s(stemsN
7 4 1r =? A (si0e to be confirmed b( the .n$ineer) fuse switch for the control
s(stems panel to be used b( the I!", S"A#A and "ommunications s(stemsN
7 4 1r suitabl( rated fuse switch to feed the inte$ral valve actuator distribution
7 4 1r valve actuator power suppl( distribution boardN
7 suitabl( rated fuse switch supplies to plant and eBuipment supplied under the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 171
7 6 1r spare fuse switches rated at := AN
7 6 1r spare fuse switches rated at 46> AN
7 4 1r inte$ral automatic power correction panel desi$ned to correct the power
factor to a value not less than ?&85& The panel shall comprise@
7 not less than ; 1r individuall( fused sta$es of correctionN
7 power factor control rela( with adjustable control set point&

<A.15 E0%7,/#7 O?%/:%') T/'?%0#(- C/'(%
T:% C+(,/'7,+/ &:'00 $/+?#)% '( %0%7,/#7 +?%/:%') ,/'?%0#(- 7/'(% 6+/ ,:%
$2.$#(- &,',#+(. T:#& &:'00 3% 7'$'30% +6 0#6,#(- '() 0+=%/ #,%.& =#,:#( ,:%
$2.$ :'00 '() 0+')#(- 3'4 '/%'&. T:% 7/'(% &:'00 :'?% ' &'6% =+/1#(- 0+')
(SWL) +6 1@ ,+((%&G ,:% &$'( 3%,=%%( /'#0& &:'00 3% '$$/+E#.',%04 9.@ .. T:%
/'#0 &:'00 3% 6#E%) ,+ 7/'(% 3%'.& =:#7: =#00 &$'( 5.@ . 3%,=%%( 7+/3%0& 7'&,
#(,+ ,:% 7+(7/%,% 7+02.(&. T:% 7+/3%0& =#00 3% $/+?#)%) 34 ,:% 7#?#0 7+(,/'7,+/.
T+,'0 0%(-,: +6 ,:% /'#0 #& '3+2, 2; ..
The "ontractor shall install the crane beams, rails and crane and provide details of
the corbels to be constructed b( others& The "ontractor shall level and $rout the rails
to the corbels&
The crane shall have motorised lon$itudinal and transverse travel with inchin$
facilities& The hoist shall be two speed with an inchin$ facilit(& The crane shall be
controlled from a pendant controller which shall fitted to a transverse slide on the
travellin$ brid$e&
The motors and the contactors selected for the cranes shall be suitable for crane
A full( enclosed downshop three phase and earth (plus a neutral if reBuired)
conductor s(stem shall be provided connected to a low level electrical switch
1.0 S C O P E:
1.1 This specification covers design, engineering, an!fact!re, asse"#$, stage testing
inspection and testing "efore s!pp#$ and de#iver$ at site%stores of the 63 &'(, 100
&'(,250 &'(,315 &'(and 1500 &'( Transforers cop#ete )ith a## fittings,
accessories, associated e*!ipent and andator$ spares specified herein )hich are
re*!ired for efficient and tro!"#e free operation as specified here!nder.
1.2 +t is not the intent to specif$ cop#ete#$ herein a## the detai#s of the design and
constr!ction of e*!ipent. ,o)ever, the e*!ipent sha## confor in a## respects to
high standards of engineering, design and )or-anship and sha## "e capa"#e of
perforing in contin!o!s coercia# operation. The o)ner )i## interpret the eanings
of dra)ings and specification and sha## have the po)er to re.ect an$ )or- or ateria#
)hich, in his .!dgent is not in accordance there)ith. The offered e*!ipent sha## "e
cop#ete )ith a## coponents necessar$ for their effective and tro!"#e free operation.
/!ch, coponents sha## "e deeed to "e )ithin the scope of "idder0s s!pp#$ irrespective
Si$nature of the Tenderer 172
of )hether those are specifica##$ "ro!ght o!t in this specification and % or the
coercia# order or not.
2.0 S T A N D A R D S:
The transforers and associated accessories sha## confor to the #atest iss!es of standards as
given "e#o), e1cept to the e1tent e1p#icit#$ odified in the specifications.
+ndian Tit#e +nternationa# and
/tandard +nternationa##$
2o. 3ecognised /tandard
+/-2026 4o)er Transforers +5C-76
+/-3639 6ittings and (ccessories
for po)er transforers
+/-335 +ns!#ating oi#s for Transforers +5C-296,
and s)itch gear 7/-148
+/-2099 7!shings for a#ternating +5C-137,
'o#tage a"ove 1000 ' 7/-223
+/-2705 C!rrent Transforers +5C-185
+/-325 Three phase +nd!ction otors +5C-34
+/-375 8ar-ing 9 arrangeents for
s)itch gear, "!s "ars, ain
connections and a!1i#iar$ )iring
+/-3737 :as operated re#a$s
+/-1886 Code of practice for insta##ation
and aintenance of transforers
+/-2147 ;egrees of protn. provided "$
enc#os!res for #o) vo#tage
s)itch gear and contro#
+/-5 Co#o!rs for read$ i1 paints
+/-6272 +nd!stria# coo#ing fans
+/-6600 :!ide for #oading of oi#
iersed transforers
3eference (""reviation 2ae and (ddress
+5C +nternationa# 5#ectro Technica# Coission, 7!rea!
Centra# de #a Coission, 5#ectro Techni*!e
+nternationa#, 1, 3!e de 'erei"e :eneva,
Si$nature of the Tenderer 173
+/ +ndian /tandard,
7!rea! of +ndian /tandards, 8ana- 7havan, 9,
7ahad!r /hah =afar 8arg,
2e) ;e#hi - 110 002.
7/ 7ritish /tandards,
7ritish/tandards +nstit!tion,
101, 4entonnvi##a 3oad,
2 - 19 - 2; - >&.
258( 2ationa# 5#ectric
8an!fact!re (ssociate,
115, 5ast 44th /treet
2e) ?or-, 2? 10017, >/(.
2.1 5*!ipent conforing to other internationa##$ accepted standards, )hich ens!re e*!a# or
higher *!a#it$ than the standards entioned a"ove, )o!#d a#so "e accepta"#e. +ncase the
"idders )ho )ish to offer ateria# confiring to the other standards, sa#ient points of
difference "et)een the standards adopted and the specific standards sha## "e c#ear#$ "o!ght
o!t in re#evant sched!#e, fo!r copies of s!ch standards )ith a!thentic 5ng#ish trans#ations
sha## "e f!rnished a#ong )ith the offer. +n case of conf#ict the order of precedence sha## "e @iA
+/, @iiA +5C, @iiiA Bther standards. +n case of an$ difference "et)een provisions of these
standards and provisions of this specification, the provisions contained in this specification
sha## prevai#.
2.2 The e#ectrica# insta##ation sha## eet re*!ireents of +ndian 5#ectricit$ 3!#es, 1956 and +/-1886,
CCode of practice for insta##ation 9 aintenance of TransforersC as aended ti## date.
3.1 Climatic Condition:
The transforers and accessories to "e s!pp#ied against this specification sha## "e
s!ita"#e for satisfactor$ contin!o!s operation !nder the fo##o)ing tropica# conditions.
iA Docation (t vario!s s!"stations
in the /tate of (ndhra 4radesh
iiA 8a1. a"ient air 50
teperat!re @deg.CA
iiiA 8in. a"ient air 7.5
teperat!re @deg.CA
ivA (verage dai#$ a"ient 35
air teperat!re @deg.CA
vA 8a1. 3e#ative ,!idit$@EA 74
viA 8a1. a#tit!de a"ove ean
sea #eve# @8etersA 1000
viiA (verage (nn!a# rainfa##@A 925
Si$nature of the Tenderer 174
viiiA 8a1. )ind press!re 200
i1A +socera!nic -#eve# @da$s 50
per $earA
1A /eisic #eve# @,ori<onta# 0.10 g.
8oderate#$ hot and h!id tropica# c#iate, cond!cive to r!st and f!ng!s gro)th.
3.2 A!"ilia#$ Po%&# S!''l$:
(!1i#iar$ e#ectrica# e*!ipent sha## "e s!ita"#e for operation on the fo##o)ing s!pp#$
a. 4o)er ;evices 415 ', 3 phase 4 )ire 50,<.
@#i-e drive otorsA ne!tra# gro!nded (C s!pp#$.
". ;C (#ar, contro# 220 ' ;C, !ngro!nded 2 )ire and protective
devices@/!"station )ise e1act detai#s sha## "e
f!rnished to the s!ccessf!# "idderA.
c. Dighting 240 ', sing#e phase 50 ,<.
(C s!pp#$
5ach of the foregoing s!pp#ies sha## "e ade avai#a"#e "$ the 4!rchaser at the terina#
point for each circ!it "rea-er for operation of accessories and a!1i#iar$ e*!ipent.
7idder0s scope inc#!de s!pp#$ of interconnecting ca"#es, terina# "o1es etc., The a"ove
s!pp#$ vo#tage a$ var$ as indicated "e#o) and a## devices sha## "e s!ita"#e for
contin!o!s operation over the entire range of vo#tages.
i) (C s!pp#$ F 'o#tage G 10E % - 15EH 6re*!enc$ G%- 5E
iiA ;C s!pp#$ F -15E to G 10E.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 175
The transforers sha## confor to the fo##o)ing specific paraetersF
/#. +te /pecification
1. T$pe of po)er transforer% 3 4hase insta##ation
s!ita"#e for o!t-door
1@aA 'o#tage 3ating@,'%D'A 11000%6600 ' for 1500 &'(
11000%433 ' for 63,100,250 9315 &'(
2. T$pe of o!nting Bn )hee#sF o!nted on rai#s
3. /!ita"#e for s$ste fre*!enc$ 50 ,< G3E
4. 2o. of phases Three @3A
5. 2o. of )indings (!to transforer )ith tertiar$
6. T$pe of coo#ing B2(2%B2(6
7. 8'( 3ating corresponding
to coo#ing s$ste
aA B2(2 Coo#ing 75E
"A B2(6 Coo#ing 100E
8. 8ethod of connection ,'- ;e#ta
9. Connection /$"o#@'ector gro!pA ;?2 11
10. /$ste earthing /o#id#$ gro!nded ne!tra# s$ste
on 433 ' and 11 -' sides 9
6600 ' side
11. 2oise #eve# at rated vo#tage 75 d7
and fre*!enc$ @8a1i!A
12. 4erissi"#e teperat!re rise over a"ient tep. specified
in C#a!se 3.1
iA Bf top oi# eas!red "$ 45 deg. C
iiA Bf )inding eas!red "$ 50 deg. C
The transforers sha## "e designed and an!fact!red as per +/ 2026 I 1977 and sha## "e s!pp#ied
)ith first fi##ing of oi# to +/ 335 I 1993.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 176
a. /ervice 9 d!t$ Contin!o!s
". T$pe Core t$pe I oi# iersed
c. Docation B!t door
d. /pecification and /tandard as per +/ +/ 2026 , +/ 335
e. T$pe of coo#ing B2(2
f. Jo!nd Copper do!"#e )o!nd
a. 2oina# 'o#tage 11000 '
". ,ighest /$ste 'o#tage 12000 '
c. 2o. of 4hases 3
d. 6re*!enc$@,<A 50
e. 'o#tage variation G % - 10 E
f. 6re*!enc$ 'ariation G % - 3 E
g. Co"ined 'o#tage and 6re*!enc$ variation G % - 10 E
h. Terina# arrangeent ,' 7are 7!shings
D' Ca"#e 7o1
a. 3ated 'o#tage of ,' @'o#tsA 11000 '
". 3ated 'o#tage of D' @'o#tsA 433 '
c. 8a1. Teperat!re rise a"ove 50
C a"ient
Teperat!re of )inding "$ resistance ethod 50
d. 8a1. Teperat!re rise in oi# "$ theroeter
a"ove 50
C a"ient Teperat!re 45
e. Bver #oad capacit$ (s per +/ 6600
a. Connections
i. ,' Jinding ;e#ta
ii. D' Jinding /tar
iii. 2e!tra# "ro!ght o!t for earthing ?es
". Tappings
i. 2o. of positions 9
ii. 3ange G 10E to I10 E in steps of
2.5 E
iii. 'o#tage of each step 275 '
iv. 'ector /$"o# ;$n11
.. LOSSES AND OT/ERS 0S!12&ct to IS 2026 tol&#anc&3
63410042.0 531. 6VA 1.00 6VA
i. 2o #oad #osses at rated fre*!enc$
(nd vo#tage @JattsA 400 1400
ii. Copper #osses at rated c!rrent
(nd rated fre*!enc$ at 75
(t 2ora# tap @JattsA 4000 14000
iii. 4ercentage +pedance at 75
(t 2ora# tap 4.1 E 6.25 E
iv. 2o #oad C!rrent appro1. 1 E of f!## #oad c!rrent
Si$nature of the Tenderer 177
v. 3eg!#ation at f!## #oad at 75
C 1.496E at !pf 1.067E at
a. 5fficienc$ at 75
C @EA >46 0.846 >46 0.846
i. 100E f!## #oad 98.43 98.04 98.94 98.68
ii. 75E f!## #oad 98.73 98.42 99.15 98.94
iii. 50E f!## #oad 98.99 98.73 99.33 99.16
". 8a1i! efficienc$ @EA 99.08 99.39
c. Doad at )hich 8a1. 5ffi.occ!rs @&'(A 160.82 624.29
a. T$pe of constr!ction Core T$pe
". +ns!#ation "et)een #ainations Car#ite
c. T$pe of .oint "et)een core #i" and $o-e 8itred
d. T$pe of )inding
i. ,' Jinding Cross Bver /pira#%;isc
ii. D' Jinding /pira# /pira#%,e#ica#
a. ,' )inding @&' >niforA 12
". D' Jinding @&' >niforA 1.1
a. ,' Jinding t!rn +ns!#ation ;.4.C
". D' Jinding t!rn +ns!#ation ;.4.C
c. 7et)een ,' and D' Jinding 1.5%9 Bi# d!ct G
corrogation so#id ins!#ation G oi#
d. 7et)een D' )inding and core /o#id +ns!#ation
10. T+PE :OINTS IN -INDIN) ;#a<&d
,' to earth in oi# @A 25
B!t of oi# @A 125
D' to 5arth in oi# @A 7
B!t of oi# @A 20
a. +p!#sed @1.2%50 icro second )aveA
Jithstand vo#tage ,' )inding@&' pea-A 75
D' )inding @&' pea-A 2.(.
". Bne in!te po)er fre*!enc$
Jithstand vo#tage ,' )inding@&'A 28
D' )inding @&'A 3
a. Thic-ness of side p#ates @A 4 5
". Thic-ness of "otto p#ates@A 5 6
c. Thic-ness of cover p#ates@A 5 6
d. Thic-ness of radiator @pipes or sheetsA 1.2
a. 2et !ntan-ing )eight @-gA
Si$nature of the Tenderer 178
@Core and )inding )ith c#apsA 830 2350
". 'o#!e of ins!#ating oi# @DtrA 375 1100
c. Tan- and fittings @-gA 522 1215
d. Tota# )eight of Transforer @-gA 1700 4500
e. Bvera## diensions of transforer
i. Dength 1400 2450
ii. 7readth 1480 2750
iii. ,eight 1750 2250
15. PARTS TO ;E DETAC/ED *OR TRANSPORT 3o##ers, 7reather
,' to 31. 6VA 1.00 6VA
a. 3ating and terina# ar-ing p#ate 1 1
". 5arthing terina#s 2 2
c. Difting #!gs 2 4
d. Bff circ!it tap changing s)itch 1 1
e. Conservator )ith drain p#!g 1 1
f. Bi# fi##ing ho#e )ith cap 1 1
g. Bi# #eve# indicator 1 1
h. ;eh$drating si#icage# "reather 1 1
i. (ir re#ease device 1 1
.. Theroeter poc-ets 1 2
-. ;rain va#ve )ith p#!g 1 1
#. 6i#ter va#ve )ith p#!g 1 1
. 51p#osion vent )ith diaphrag 1 1
n. 3adiators 2 4
o. >nidirectiona# f#at ro##ers 4 4
p. /eparate 2e!tra# "!shing 1 1
*. ,' 7are "!shings 3 3
r. D' ca"#e 7o1 1 1
s. 100 dia. ste t$pe theroeter 1 --
t. 150 dia. dia# t$pe theroeter )ith (9T contacts 1
!. :as and oi# re#a$ )ith (#ar9Trip contacts -- 1
v. 3adiator c!t off va#ves -- --
). 8arsha##ing "o1 -- 1
a. s!rface preparation 7$ grit "#asting
". 6inish paint 5nae#
The fo##o)ing ro!tine tests sha## "e cond!cted.
a. 3atio test
". 4o#arit$
c. 4hase ang#e error eas!reent
d. 7;' of oi#
e. +3 'a#!es
f. 4o#ari<ation inde1
g. ;ie#ectric discharge
h. Jinding resistance
i. Bpen circ!it test
Si$nature of the Tenderer 179
.. /hort circ!it 9 +pedance test
-. /eparate so!rce vo#tage test
#. +nd!ced over vo#tage test
. 8agnetic "a#ance test
n. 'ector gro!p test
o. =ero se*!ence +pedance test
..1 D!t$ R&?!i#&m&nt
5.1.1. The a!to transforers )o!#d "e !sed for 7i-directiona# f#o) of rated po)er.
5.1.2. The transforers and a## its accessories #i-e CTs etc., sha## "e designed to )ithstand )itho!t
in.!r$, the thera# and echanica# effects of an$ e1terna# short circ!it to earth and of
short circ!its at the terina#s of an$ )inding of va#!es specified a"ove for a period of 1
5.1.3. The transforer sha## "e capa"#e of "eing #oaded in accordance )ith +/F6600 !pto #oads
of 150E. There sha## "e no #iitation
iposed "$ "!shings, tap changer etc.
5.1.4. The transforer sha## "e capa"#e of "eing operated )itho!t danger on an$ tapping at the rated
-'( )ith vo#tage variation of p#!s or in!s 10E corresponding to the vo#tage of that
tapping )ith nora# teperat!re rise. The design adopted to achieve this sha## "e
indicated in detai# in the tender.
5.1.5. 3adio interferenceF
iA The transforers sha## "e designed )ith partic!#ar attention to s!ppression of
a1i! haronic vo#tage. especia##$ the third and fifth so as to e#iinate
)ave for distortion and iniise interference )ith co!nication circ!its.
iiA The noise #eve#, )hen energi<ed at nora# vo#tage and fre*!enc$ )ith fans
r!nning sha## not e1ceed, )hen eas!red !nder standard conditions, the va#!es
specified in 258(, T3-+
5.1.6. Transforer sha## "e capa"#e of operating !nder the nat!ra# coo#ed condition !pto the specified
#oad. The forced coo#ing e*!ipent sha## coe into operation "$ pre-set contacts of
)inding teperat!re indicator and the transforer sha## operate as a forced coo#ed !nit,
as B2(6. Coo#ing sha## "e so designed that d!ring tota# fai#!re of po)er s!pp#$ to
coo#ing fans the transforer sha## "e a"#e to operate at f!## #oad for at #east ten @10A
in!tes )itho!t the ca#c!#ated )inding hot spot teperat!re e1ceeding 140 deg. C.
(#so stopping of t)o coo#ing fans sho!#d not have an$ effect on the coo#ing s$ste.
Transforers fitted )ith t)o coo#ers each capa"#e of dissipating 50 per cent of the #oss
at contin!o!s a1i! rating sha## "e capa"#e of operating for 20 in!tes in the event
of fai#!re of the "#o)ers associated )ith one coo#er, )itho!t the ca#c!#ated )inding hot
spot teperat!re e1ceeding 105 deg. C at contin!o!s a1i! rating.
5.1.7. Transforer sha## "e capa"#e of )ithstanding thera# and echanica# stress ca!sed "$
s$etrica# or as$etrica# fa!#ts on an$ )inding.
5.1.8. Transforer sha## accept, )itho!t in.!rio!s heating, co"ined vo#tage and fre*!enc$ f#!ct!ation,
)hich prod!ces the fo##o)ing over f#!1ing conditionsF
Si$nature of the Tenderer 180
iA 125E for 1 in!te, 140E for 5 seconds
iiA 7idder sha## a#so indicate 150E and 170E over vo#tage )ithstand tie.
iiiA Bver f#!1ing )ithstand characteristics !pto 140E sha## "e s!"itted a#ong
)ith the "id.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 181
..2. T#an@o#m&# lo&
The "idder sha## indicate va#!es of no #oad #osses at rated vo#tage and fre*!enc$ at
nora# tap, #oad #osses and a!1i#iar$ #osses at rated o!tp!t, vo#tage and fre*!enc$ at
nora# tap . The "idder sha## indicate a1i! fir #osses )itho!t to#erance. The no
#oad and #oad #oss va#!es sha## a#so "e f!rnished for operation at rated fre*!enc$ and
-5E, G10E and 25E taps in addition to nora# taps.
..3.Cont#!ction D&tail:
The feat!res and constr!ction detai#s of po)er transforer sha## "e in accordance )ith
the re*!ireents stated here!nderF
..(.1. TanA and TanA Acc&o#i& Tan-
aA Tan- sha## "e of )e#ded constr!ction and fa"ricated fro tested *!a#it$ #o)
car"on stee# of ade*!ate thic-ness.
"A (## seas and those .oints not re*!ired to "e opened at site%stores sha## "e
factor$ )e#ded and )herever possi"#e the$ sha## "e do!"#e )e#ded. (fter
cop#etion of tan- constr!ction and "efore painting, d$e penetration test sha##
"e carried o!t on )e#ded parts of .ac-ing "osses, #ifting #!gs and a## #oad "earing
cA Tan- stiffeners sha## "e provided for genera# rigidit$ and these sha## "e designed
to prevent retention of )ater.
dA The tan-s sha## "e designed to )ithstandF
iA 8echanica# shoc-s d!ring transportation
iiA 'ac!! fi##ing of oi# at 10 torr.
iiiA Contin!o!s interna# press!re of 35 -2%2 over nora# h$drostatic press!re
of oi#.
ivA /hort circ!it forces.
eA Jherever possi"#e the transforer tan- and its accessories sha## "e designed
)itho!t poc-ets )herein gas a$ co##ect. Jhere poc-ets can not "e avoided,
pipes sha## "e provided to vent the gas into the ain e1pansion pipes.
fA (de*!ate space sha## "e provided at the "otto of the tan- for co##ection of
gA The shie#ds sha## "e s!ch that no agnetic fie#ds sha## e1ist o!tside the tan-.
The$ sha## "e of agnetica##$ perea"#e ateria#. +f re*!ired iperea"#e
shie#ds sha## "e provided at the coi# ends. Tan- shie#d sha## not resonate )hen
e1cited at the nat!ra# fre*!enc$ of the e*!ipent. 7idder sha## confir !se of
tan- shie#ds in the sched!#e of additiona# inforation.
hA /!ita"#e g!ides sha## "e provided in the tan- for positioning the core and coi#
iA 5ach tan- sha## "e provided )ith
iA Difting #!gs s!ita"#e for #ifting the e*!ipent cop#ete )ith oi#.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 182
iiA ( ini! of fo!r .ac-ing pads in accessi"#e position at 500 height to
ena"#e the transforer cop#ete )ith oi#, to "e raised or #o)ered !sing
h$dra!#ic or scre) .ac-s.
iiiA /!ita"#e ha!#age ho#es sha## "e provided.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 183 Tan- CoverF
aA The tan- cover sha## "e s#oped to prevent retention of rain )ater and sha## not
distort )hen #ifted.
"A (t #east t)o ade*!ate#$ si<ed inspection openings, one at each end of the tan-
sha## "e provided for eas$ access to "!shings and earth connections. The
inspection covers sha## not )eigh ore than 25 &g. The inspection covers sha##
"e provided )ith t)o hand#es.
cA The tan- covers sha## "e fitted )ith poc-ets at the position of a1i! oi#
teperat!re of 8C3 @8a1i! Contin!o!s 3atingA for "!#"s of oi# and
)inding teperat!re indicators. +t sha## "e possi"#e to reove these "!#"s
)itho!t #o)ering the oi# in the tan-.
dA 7!shings, t!rrets, covers of inspection openings, theroeter, poc-ets etc.,
sha## "e designed to prevent ingress of )ater into or #ea-ages of oi# fro the
eA (## "o#ted connections sha## "e fitted )ith )eather proof, hot oi# resistant gas-et
in "et)een, for cop#ete oi# tightness. +f gas-et is copressi"#e, eta##ic stops
sha## "e provided to prevent over-copression.
5.4.2. (1#es and Jhee#sF
aA The transforers are to "e provided )ith f#anged "i-directiona# )hee#s and
a1#es. These sha## "e so designed as not to def#ect e1cessive#$ to interfere )ith
the oveent of the transforer. Jhee#s sha## "e provided )ith s!ita"#e
"earings )hich sha## "e r!st and corrosion resistant. 6ittings for #!"rication
sha## a#so "e provided.
"A /!ita"#e #oc-ing arrangeent a#ong )ith fo!ndation "o#ts sha## "e provided for
the )hee#s to prevent accidenta# oveent of transforer.
cA The )hee#s are re*!ired to s)ive# and the$ sha## "e arranged so that the$ can "e
t!rned thro!gh an ang#e of 90 deg. )hen the tan- is .ac-ed !p to c#ear of rai#s.
8eans sha## "e provided for #oc-ing the s)ive# oveents in positions para##e#
to and at right ang#es to the #ongit!dina# a1is of the tan-.
dA The rai# trac- ga!ge sha## "e 50-6C @1676 A a#ong #onger a1is as )e## as a#ong
shorter a1is. There sha## "e one pair of rai#s in either a1is, )ith the a"ove ga!ge.
eA To faci#itate !nifor distri"!tion of transforer )eight t)o 2os. propos each
on front 9 rear side a#ong #onger a1is to "e provided.
fA The "ase of each tan- sha## "e so designed that it sha## "e possi"#e to ove the
cop#ete !nit "$ s-idding in an$ direction )itho!t in.!r$ )hen !sing p#ates or
5.4.3. (nti 5arth*!a-e C#aping ;eviceF
To prevent transforer oveent d!ring earth*!a-e, c#aping device sha## "e provided
for fi1ing transforer to the fo!ndation. The 7idder sha## s!pp#$ necessar$ "o#ts for
e"edding in the concrete fo!ndation. The arrangeents sha## "e s!ch that the
Si$nature of the Tenderer 184
transforer can "e fi1ed to or !nfastened fro these "o#ts as desired. The fi1ing of the
transforers to the fo!ndations sha## "e designed to )ithstand seisic events to the
e1tent that a static co-efficient of 0.3g. app#ied in the direction of #east resistance to that
#oading )i## not ca!se the transforer or c#aping devices as )e## as "o#ts to "e over
The detai#s of the device !sed and its ade*!ac$ sha## "e "ro!ght o!t in the additiona#
inforation sched!#e.
5.4.4. Conservator Tan-
aA The conservator tan- sha## have ade*!ate capacit$ "et)een highest and #o)est visi"#e
#eve#s to eet the re*!ireent of e1pansion of the tota# co#d oi# vo#!e in the
transforer and coo#ing e*!ipent fro ini! a"ient teperat!re to 90 deg.C
"A The conservator tan sha## "e "o#ted into position so that it can "e reoved for c#eaning
cA The conservator sha## "e fitted )ith agnetic oi# #eve# ga!ge )ith #o) #eve# e#ectrica##$
ins!#ated a#ar contact.
dA Conservator sha## "e provided in s!ch a position as not to o"str!ct the e#ectrica#
connections to the transforer.
eA /eparate conservator tan- sha## "e provided for BDTC.
5.4.5. 4ress!re 3e#ief ;evice
(de*!ate 2o. of press!re re#ief devices a$ "e provided at s!ita"#e #ocations )hich
sha## "e of s!fficient si<e for rapid re#ease of an$ press!re that a$ "e generated in the
tan- and )hich a$ res!#t in daage to the e*!ipent. The device sha## operate at a
static press!re of #ess than the h$dra!#ic test press!re of transforer tan-. +t sha## "e
o!nted direct on the tan-. Bne set of e#ectrica##$ ins!#ated contacts sha## "e provided
for a#ar%tripping a#ong )ith the recoendations.
5.4.6. 7!chho#< 3e#a$
( do!"#e f#oat t$pe 7!chho#< re#a$ sha## "e provided. (## the gases evo#ved in the
transforer sha## co##ect in this re#a$. The re#a$ sha## "e provided )ith a test coc-
s!ita"#e for a f#e1i"#e pipe connection for chec-ing its operation and ta-ing gas sap#e.
( copper or stain#ess stee# t!"e, sha## "e connected fro the gas co##ector to a va#ve
#ocated a"o!t 1200 a"ove gro!nd #eve# to faci#itate sap#ing, )ith the transforer
in service. The device sha## "e provided )ith t)o e#ectrica##$ independent !ngro!nded
contacts, one for a#ar on gas acc!!#ation and the other for tripping on s!dden rise of
5.4.7. Teperat!re +ndicator
aA Bi# Teperat!re +ndicator @BT+A
Transforers sha## "e provided )ith a 150 dia# t$pe theroeter for top oi#
teperat!re indication. The theroeter sha## have ad.!sta"#e, e#ectrica##$
independent !ngro!nded a#ar and trip contacts, a1i! reading pointer and
resetting device o!nted in the coo#er contro# ca"inet. ( teperat!re sensing
e#eent s!ita"#$ #ocated in a poc-et on top oi# sha## "e f!rnished. This sha## "e
connected to the BT+ "$ eans of capi##ar$ t!"ing. (cc!rac$ c#ass of BT+ sha##
"e p#!s or in!s 1.0E or "etter.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 185
"A Jinding Teperat!re +ndicator @JT+A
( device for eas!ring the hot spot teperat!re of each of the )indings sha##
"e provided @,' 9 +'A. +t sha## coprise of the fo##o)ingF
iA Teperat!re sensing e#eent.
iiA +age coi#.
iiiA (!1i#iar$ CTs, if re*!ired to atch the iage coi#, sha## "e f!rnished and
o!nted in the coo#er contro# ca"inet.
ivA 150 dia #oca# indicating instr!ent )ith a1i! reading pointer o!nted
in coo#er contro# ca"inet and )ith t)o ad.!sta"#e e#ectrica##$
independent !ngro!nded contacts @"esides that re*!ired for contro# of
coo#ing e*!ipentA, one for high )inding teperat!re a#ar and one
for trip.
vA Ca#i"ration device.
viA +n addition to the a"ove, the fo##o)ing indication e*!ipent sha## "e provided
for each )inding.
aA /igna# transitter
"A 3eote )inding teperat!re indicator. +t sha## "e s!ita"#e for f#!sh
o!nting on 3TCC pane#. @this sha## not "e repeater dia# of #oca# JT+ and
sha## operate "$ signa# transitterA. The difference "et)een #oca# and
reote JT+ indication at an$ given tie sha## not e1ceed 1 deg. C. Bne
3JT+ )ith a fo!r point se#ector s)itch sha## "e provided for a## the three
)indings @,', +' 9 Tertiar$A.
viiA (!1i#iar$ s!pp#$ if re*!ired, in 3TCC pane#, for 3JT+, sha## "e 220 ' ;C on#$.
viiiA (cc!rac$ c#ass of JT+ sha## "e p#!s or in!s 1.0E or "etter.
i1A (n$ specia# ca"#es re*!ired for shie#ding p!rpose for connection "et)een coo#er
contro# ca"inet and reote )inding teperat!re indicator contro# circ!it sha## "e in
7idder0s scope of )or-.
5.4.8. 5arthing Terina#sF
T)o @2A earthing pads @each cop#ete )ith t)o @2A 2os. tapped ho#es, 8 10 "o#ts, p#ain
and spring )ashersA s!ita"#e for connection to 50 1 8 ga#vanised stee# f#at sha## "e
provided each at position c#ose to the t)o @2A diagona##$ "otto corners of tan-.
5arthing strip !pto the gro!nd #eve# sha## "e provided "$ the 7idder.
5.4.9. Core
7idder )i## offer the Core for inspection and approva# "$ the 4!rchaser d!ring the
an!fact!ring stage. 7idderKs ca## notice for the p!rpose sho!#d "e accopanied )ith
the fo##o)ing doc!ents as app#ica"#e as a proof to)ards !se of prie core ateria#.
aA +nvoice of the s!pp#ier.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 186
"A 8i##s test certificate.
cA 4ac-ing #ist.
dA 7i## of #ading.
eA 7i## of entr$ certificate to c!stos.
Core ateria# sha## "e direct#$ proc!red either fro the an!fact!rer or thro!gh their accredited
ar-eting organisation of rep!te and not thro!gh an$ agent.
aA The core sha## "e constr!cted fro high grade non-ageing co#d ro##ed s!per
grain oriented si#icon stee# #ainations, of ,+-7 grade stee#.
"A The design of the agnetic circ!it sha## "e s!ch as to avoid static discharges,
deve#opent of short circ!it paths )ithin itse#f or to the earthed c#aping
str!ct!re and prod!ction of f#!1 coponent at right ang#es to the p#ane of
#ainations )hich a$ ca!se #oca# heating.
cA The ins!#ation of core to "o#ts and core to c#aps p#ates sha## "e a"#e to
)ithstand a vo#tage of 2 -' 38/ for one in!te.
dA Core and )inding sha## "e capa"#e of )ithstanding the shoc- d!ring transport,
insta##ation, service and ade*!ate provision sha## "e ade to prevent oveent
of core and )inding re#ative to tan- d!ring these conditions.
eA (## stee# sections !sed for s!pporting the core sha## "e thoro!gh#$ sand "#asted
after c!tting, dri##ing and )e#ding.
fA 5ach core #aination sha## "e ins!#ated )ith a ateria# that )i## not deteriorate
d!e to press!re and hot oi#.
gA The s!pporting frae )or- of core sha## "e so designed as to avoid presence of
poc-ets )hich )o!#d prevent cop#ete ept$ing of the tan- thro!gh drain
va#ve or ca!se trapping of air d!ring oi# fi##ing.
hA The a1i! f#!1 densit$ in an$ part of the core and $o-e at rated 8'(
vo#tage and fre*!enc$ at an$ tap sha## not e1ceed 1.6 tes#a. ( argin of 10 to
12.5Efor overf#!1ing a$ "e provided for the )orst co"ination of vo#tage and
fre*!enc$ )ithin the ranges specified. The "idder sha## provide sat!ration c!rve
of the core ateria# proposed to "e !se and ca#c!#ations
5.4.10. JindingsF
aA The 7idder sha## ens!re that )indings of a## 220 -' c#ass transforers are ade
in d!st proof, conditioned atosphere. The 7idder sha## f!rnish the faci#ities
avai#a"#e at this )or- a#ong )ith the 7id.
"A The cond!ctors sha## "e of e#ectro#$tic grade copper.
cA The ins!#ation of transforer )indings and connections sha## "e free fro
ins!#ating copo!nds )hich are #ia"#e to soften, oo<e o!t, shrin- or co##apse or
"e cata#$tic and cheica##$ active in transforer oi# d!ring service.
dA Coi# asse"#$ and ins!#ating spacers sha## "e so arranged as to ens!re free
circ!#ation of oi# and to red!ce the hot spot of the )inding.
eA The tertiar$ )inding is for sta"i#ising. 3ating of the tertiar$ sha## "e one third of
tota# rating of transforer. /!fficient n!"er of radia# d!cts sha## "e provided
on tertiar$ )inding for effective coo#ing. The tertiar$ )inding sha## )ithstand
Si$nature of the Tenderer 187
short circ!it fa!#ts of the transforer !pto the prescri"ed fa!#t #eve#s on ,' 9
+' sides. The short circ!it 8'( capacit$ of the tertiar$ )inding sha## "e 25E
e1tra over the ca#c!#ated and designed short circ!it 8'(. ;etai#ed short circ!it
ca#c!#ations of the transforer sha## "e s!"itted.
fA 7etter ins!#ating ateria# sha## "e !sed and copression of the )indings after
dr$ing o!t sha## "e carried o!t at a press!re e1ceeding one and a ha#f to t)ice
the force )hich can occ!r in the transforerH to ipart greater echanica#
strength to the )indings against heav$ short circ!it stresses.
gA (rrangeents for o!nting a 36 -' c#ass c!rrent transforer on the tan- cover
near the tertiar$ terina#s sha## "e ade. This c!rrent transforer is intended
for connecting across the tertiar$ terina#s "ro!ght o!t on the transforer.
5.5. +ns!#ating Bi#F
aA The *!a#it$ of the oi# s!pp#ied )ith transforer sha## confor to the oi#
paraeters specified "e#o). 2o inhi"itors sha## "e !sed in the oi#. The oi# !sed
sha## "e non - 4C7 @4o#$ Ch#orinated 7iphen$#A t$pe. The oi# sap#es )i## "e
dra)n as fo##o)sF
iA 4rior to fi##ing
iiA 7efore and after heat r!n test
iiiA 7efore energi<ing
(## tests as per +/F335 sha## "e cond!cted on a## sap#es.
"A /!fficient *!antit$ of oi# necessar$ for first fi##ing of a## tan-s, coo#ers and
radiator at the proper #eve# a#ong )ith 10E e1tra oi# for topping !p sha## "e
s!pp#ied in non-ret!rna"#e containers s!ita"#e for o!tdoor storage.
cA The 7idder sha## despatch the transforer fi##ed )ith 2itrogen. 2ecessar$
arrangeent sha## "e ens!red "$ the 7idder to ta-e care of press!re drop of
nitrogen d!ring transit and storage ti## cop#etion of oi# fi##ing d!ring erection.
( gas press!re testing va#ve )ith necessar$ press!re ga!ge and adapter va#ve
sha## "e provided.
dA The 7idder sha## )arrant that oi# f!rnished is in accordance )ith the fo##o)ing
/2o. Characteristics 3e*!ireent 8ethod of Test
1.(ppearance The oi# sha## "e c#ear. ( representative and transparent and
sap#e of oi# free fro s!spended sha## "e e1ained atter
or sedient in a 100 thic- #a$er at a"ient teperat!re.
2. ;ensit$ at 0.89 g%c3 +/F 1448
27 deg. C a1.
3. &ineatics 27 C/T +/F 1448
at 27 deg. C a1.
4. +nterfacia# 0.04 2% +/F 6104
Si$nature of the Tenderer 188
tension at
27 deg. C in.
5. 6#ash point 140 deg. C +/F 1448
4ens-e$ 8arten
@c#osedA in.
6. 4o!r point a1. -10 deg. C +/F 1448
7. 2e!tra#i<ation 0.03 g. &B,%g +/F 335
va#!e @Tota# (ppendi1 0(0
acidit$A a1.
8. Corrosive 2on-corrosive +/F 335
/!#ph!r (ppendi1 070
@in ters of
of copper stripA
9. 5#ectric strength@"rea-do)n vo#tageA in.
aA 2e) !ntreated oi# 30 -' @rsA +/F 6792
@if the a"ove
va#!e is not
attained, the
oi# sha## "e
"A (fter treatent 60 -' @rsA
10. ;ie#ectric dissi- 0.002 +/F 6262
pation factor
@tan de#taA at
90 deg. C a1.
11. /pecific resis- +/F 6103
tance @resistivit$A
aA at 90 deg. C in. 3.0 5G12 Bh-c
"A at 27 deg. C in. 50.0 5G12 Bh-c
12. B1idation sta"i#it$
aA 2e!tra#i<ation 0.20 g%&B,%g
va#!e after
o1idation, a1.
"A Tota# s#!dge, 0.02 per cent
after o1idation, "$ )eight
13. 4resence of The oi# sha## not +/F 325
o1idation contain antio1idant (ppendi1 0;0
14. Jater content, a1. 10 pp +/F 2362
Si$nature of the Tenderer 189
15. (ging character- (s per (/T8-;
istics after 96 hrs. 1934
)ith cata#$st
aA 3esistivit$
iA 27 deg. C 8in.0.25 5G12 Bh c
iiA 90 deg. C 8in.0.02 5G12 Bh c
"A Tan de#ta at 0.1 @a1.A
90 deg. C
cA Tota# acidit$ 0.05 g%&B,%g@a1.A
dA /#!dge content 0.03E @a1.A
"$ )eight
eA Bi# sap#es ta-en fro the transforer after the cop#etion of site%stores processing and
tested in the approved anner sha## "e sho)n to have the a"ove va#!es "efore coissioning of
the transforer.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 190
5.6 Oil P#&&#Bation E?!i'm&nt
7idder a$ offer diaphrag t$pe oi# sea#ing in conservator to prevent o1idation and
containation of oi# d!e to contact )ith )ater in addition to conventiona# conservator and sha##
indicate the rates separate#$. +n this t$pe of oi# preservation s$ste conservator sha## "e
fitted )ith a deh$drating fi#ter "reather. +t sha## "e so designed thatF
iA 4assage of air is thro!gh a d!st fi#ter and si#icage#.

iiA /i#icage# is iso#ated fro atosphere "$ an oi# sea#.

iiiA 8oist!re a"sorption indicated "$ a change in co#o!r of the tinted cr$sta#s can "e easi#$
o"served fro a distance.
ivA 7reather is o!nted not ore than 1400 a"ove rai# top #eve#.
vA 4#astic containers for "reathers are not accepted. Containers sha## "e of eta#.
The 7idder sha## f!rnish his e1perience #ist for diaphrag t$pe oi# sea#ing s$ste. The re*!ireents
of this s$ste are given "e#o)F
..7 Dia'C#aDm &al t$'& contant oil '#&!#& $t&m

aA +n this s$ste contact of the oi# )ith atosphere sha## "e prohi"ited "$ !sing a f#e1i"#e or
nitrite r!""er reinforced )ith n$#on c#oth air ce##.
"A ;iaphrag !sed sha## "e s!ita"#e for contin!o!s operation in an atosphere of 100 deg.C to
)hich transforer oi# is #i-e#$ to rise.

cA The connection of the air ce## to the top of the reservoir is "$ an air proof sea# peritting
entrance of air into the ce## on#$.
dA The ;iaphrag of the conservator sha## )ithstand the vac!! d!ring insta##ation and
aintenance. Bther)ise provision sha## "e ade to iso#ate the conservator fro ain
tan- d!ring vac!! "$ providing vac!! sea#ing va#ve in the pipe connecting ain
tan- )ith the conservator.
..8 T&#minal A##anD&m&nt
5.8.1 7!shings
aA The e#ectrica# and echanica# characteristics of "!shings sha## "e in
accordance )ith +/F2099 and +/F3347@4art +++%/ection +A.
"A 245 -' 9 145 -' "!shings sha## "e oi# ipregnated paper condenser t$pe.
12 -' "!shings sha## "e of porce#ain.
2o arcing horns sha## "e provided on an$ "!shings.
7!shing sha## "e as per technica# partic!#ars f!rnished.
cA Condenser t$pe "!shings sha## "e provided )ith

iA Bi# #eve# ga!geH
iiA Bi# fi##ing p#!g and drain va#ve if not heretica##$ sea#edH
iiiA Tap for capacitance%tan de#ta test
Si$nature of the Tenderer 191
dA Jhen "!shings have an !nder-oi# end of reentrant for, the p!## thro!gh #ead sha##
"e fitted )ith a gas "!""#e def#ector.
eA Jhere c!rrent transforers are specified, the "!shings sha## "e reova"#e )itho!t
dist!r"ing the c!rrent transforers.
fA 7!shings of identica# rating sha## "e interchangea"#e.
gA 4orce#ain !sed in "!shing an!fact!re sha## "e hoogeno!s, free fro
#ainations, cavities and other f#a)s or iperfections that ight affect the
echanica# or die#ectric *!a#it$ and sha## "e thoro!gh#$ vitrified to!gh and
ipervio!s to oist!re.
hA :#a<ing of porce#ain and "!shing sha## "e of !nifor "ro)n co#o!r free fro
"#isters and "!rrs.
iA /pecia# preca!tion sha## "e ta-en to e1c#!de oist!re fro paper ins!#ation d!ring
an!fact!re, asse"#$, transport and erection.
The s!rface of a## paper ins!#ation sha## "e finished )ith non-h$groscopic varnish
)hich can not "e daaged easi#$.
.A C#aps and fittings sha## "e of hot dip ga#vanised stee#.
-A 7!shing t!rrets sha## "e provided )ith vent pipes )hich sha## "e connected to ro!te
an$ gas co##ection thro!gh the 7!chho#< re#a$.
5.8.2 Terina# Connectors
aA Terina# connectors for ,' 9 +' side sha## "e s!ita"#e for sing#e%do!"#e =e"ra
(C/3@28.62A and s!ita"#e for hori<onta#
or vertica# ta-e off. Confiration fro the 7oard sha## "e o"tained regarding t$pe of
terina# connectors.
"A 7!shing terina#s sha## "e provided )ith terina# connectors of approved t$pe and si<e
for connection to e1terna# parts. Terina# connectors offered !st have "een
s!ccessf!##$ t$pe tested as per +/ 5561.

cA iA (## castings sha## "e free fro "#o) ho#es, s!rface "#isters, crac-s and cavities. (## sharp
edges and corners sha## "e "#!rred and ro!nded off. The a#!in! a##o$ castings, if
!sed, sha## confor to designation (6 of +/ 617.
iiA 2o part of a c#ap sha## "e #ess than 10 thic-.

iiiA (## stee# "o#ts 9 n!ts sha## "e hot dip ga#vanised conforing to +/ F 1867 part 1iii and
spring )ashers sha## "e 5#ectro ga#vani<ed to +/ F 1573.

ivA 6or "ieta##ic c#ap, copper a##o$ #iner of ini! thic-ness of 2 sha## "e
s!pp#ied )hich sha## fi1 tight#$.
vA 6#e1i"#e connectors sha## "e ade fro tinned copper sheets.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 192
viA /i<e of terina#%cond!ctor for )hich the c#ap is s!ita"#e and rated c!rrent !nder
site%stores conditions sha## "e e"ossed%p!nched on each coponent of the c#ap,
e1cept hard)are.
viiA (## c!rrent carr$ing parts sha## "e designed and an!fact!red to have ini!
contact resistance.

viiiA C#aps sha## "e designed corona contro##ed.

i1A The short tie rating of terina# connector sha## correspond to the short tie
rating of respective "!shing.
5.8.3 ;!CinD c!##&nt t#an@o#m&#
aA C!rrent transforers sha## cop#$ )ith +/ F2705.

"A +t sha## "e possi"#e to reove t!rret o!nted CTs fro the transforer tan- )itho!t reoving
the tan- cover. 2ecessar$ preca!tion sha## "e ta-en to iniise the edd$ c!rrents and
#oca# heat generated in the t!rret.

cA (## secondar$ #eads sha## "e "ro!ght to a terina# "o1 near each "!shing. These terina#s sha##
"e )ired o!t to Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet !sing separate ca"#es for each core.
dA The CT is eant for s!pp#$ing thera# iage coi# of )inding teperat!re indicator on#$.
/!ita"#e ratio and c#ass CT a$ "e !sed for the a"ove.
5.8.4 Terina# 8ar-ing
The terina# ar-ing and their ph$sica# position sha## "e in accordance )ith +/ F2026.
..9 N&!t#al Ea#tCinD A##anD&m&nt
aA The ne!tra# terina#s of the star connected )indings sha## "e "ro!ght to the gro!nd
#eve# "$ a ga#vanised stee# gro!nding "ar )hich sha## "e s!pported fro the tan- "$
porce#ain ins!#ators.
"A The end of the :/ "ar sha## "e "ro!ght to the gro!nd #eve#, at a convenient point,
for connection to 4!rchaser0s gro!nd net)or- thro!gh t)o @2A 5018 ga#vanised
stee# f#ats. The connection sha## "e ade "$ !sing t)o@sA "o#ted ne!tra# gro!nding
terina#s )ith necessar$ accessories.
5.10 (!1i#iar$ po)er s!pp#$ for BDTC, coo#er contro# and po)er circ!it.
5.10.1 T)o (!1i#iar$ 4o)er /!pp#ies, 415 vo#t, three phase, fo!r @4A )ire sha## "e provided "$ the
p!rchaser at coo#er contro# ca"inet for BDTC.
5.10.2 (## #oads sha## "e fed "$ one of the t)o feeders thro!gh an e#ectrica##$ inter#oc-ed a!toatic
transfer s)itch ho!sed in the coo#er contro# ca"inet for tap changer contro# and coo#er
5.10.3 ;esign feat!res of the transfer s)itch sha## inc#!de the fo##o)ing F
iA 4rovision for the se#ection of one of the feeders as nora# so!rce and other as stand"$.

Si$nature of the Tenderer 193
iiA >pon fai#!re of the nora# so!rce, the #oads sha## "e a!toatica##$ transferred after an
ad.!sta"#e tie de#a$ to the stand"$ so!rce.
iiiA +ndication to "e provided at coo#er contro# ca"inet for fai#!re of nora# so!rce and for
transfer to stand"$ so!rce and a#so for fai#!re to transfer.

ivA (!toatic re-transfers to nora# so!rce )itho!t an$ intenationa# tie de#a$ fo##o)ing
re-energisation on the nora# so!rce.
vA 7oth the transfer 9 re-transfer sha## "e dead transfers and (C feeders sha## not "e
para##e#ed at an$ tie.
aA The on #oad tap changer sha## "e provided in the #ine side of the +' )inding for +' tapping and
sha## perit variation of +' vo#tage over a range of -5E to G25E for constant vo#tage on
,' side for 100 8'( (!to Transforers.
cA (rrangeent sha## "e ade for sec!ring and pad#oc-ing the tap changer )hee# in an$ of the
)or-ing positions and it sha## not "e possi"#e for setting or pad#oc-ing the )hee# in an$
interediate position. The arrangeent sha## "e s!ch that no pad#oc- -e$ can "e
inserted !n#ess a## contacts are correct#$ engaged and s)itch set in a position )here no
open or short circ!it is possi"#e. (n indicating device sha## "e provided to sho) the tap
in !se.
5.11.2 Bn Doad Tap Changing :ear@BDTCA
aA The detai#s of the ethod of diversion of the #oad c!rrent d!ring tap changing, the echanica#
constr!ction of the gear and the contro# feat!res for BDTC gear a#ong )ith detai#ed
dra)ings on the inner vie) and the arrangeent of connections, sha## "e s!"itted
)ith the "id. +nforation regarding the service e1perience on the gear and a #ist of
iportant !sers sha## "e f!rnished. The tap changer sha## change the effective
transforation ratio )itho!t prod!cing phase disp#aceent.
cA The contacts sha## "e accessi"#e for inspection )itho!t #o)ering oi# #eve# in the ain tan-
and the contact tips sha## "e rep#acea"#e.

dA The 7idder sha## indicate the safeg!ards in order to avoid harf!# arcing at the c!rrent diverting
contacts in the event of operation of the BDTC gear !nder over-#oad conditions of the
transforer. 2ecessar$ too#s and tac-#es sha## "e provided a#ong )ith ain s!pp#$ for
aintenance of BDTC gear.
eA The BDTC oi# cha"er sha## have oi# fi##ing and drain p#!g, oi# sap#ing va#ve, re#ief vent and
#eve# g#ass. +t sha## a#so "e fitted )ith an oi# s!rge re#a$ the o!t#et to )hich sha## "e
connected to a separate conservator tan-.
fA The divertor s)itch or arcing s)itch sha## "e so designed as to ens!re that its operation
once coenced sha## "e cop#eted independent#$ of the contro# re#a$s or s)itches,
fai#!re of a!1i#iar$ s!pp#ies etc. To eet an$ contingenc$ )hich a$ res!#t in
incop#ete operation of the diverter s)itch, ade*!ate eans sha## "e provided to
safeg!ard the transforer and its anci##ar$ e*!ipent.
gA ;rive echanis cha"er sha## "e o!nted on the tan- in accessi"#e position. +t sho!#d "e
ade*!ate#$ venti#ated and provided )ith anti condensation eta# c#ad heaters. (##
contactors, re#a$ coi#s and other parts sha## "e protected against corrosion,
deterioration d!e to condensation, f!ngi etc.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 194

hA The contro# feat!re sha## provide the fo##o)ingF

iA Doca#-reote se#ector s)itch o!nted in the #oca# contro# c!"ic#e sha## s)itch contro# of
BDTC for #o)er%raise f!nctions in #oca# or reote ode as se#ected.
iiA The DBC(D-358BT5 se#ector s)itch sha## have at #east t)o spare contacts per position
)hich are c#osed in that position "!t open in the other position.
ivA (n B66-B2 tap changer contro# s)itch sha## "e provided in the BDTC #oca# contro# ca"inet for
transforer. The tap changer sha## "e inoperative in the B66 position. (#so the
B66-B2 s)itch sha## have at#east one spare contact per position )hich is
c#osed in that position "!t open in the other position.

vA Bperating echanis for on #oad tap changer sha## "e designed to go thro!gh one step or tap
change per coand. /!"se*!ent tap changes sha## "e initiated on#$ "$ a
ne) or repeat coand.
viA Bn #oad tap changer sha## "e e*!ipped )ith a tie de#a$ in cop#ete /T54 a#ar consisting of
a nora##$ open contact )hich c#oses, if the tap changer fai#s to a-e a
cop#ete tap change. The a#ar sha## not operate for oentar$ #oss of
a!1i#iar$ po)er.

viiA The se#s$n !nits or approved e*!iva#ents sha## "e insta##ed in the #oca# BDTC contro# ca"inet to
provide tap position indication for the transforer. Cop#ete o!nting
detai#s sha## "e inc#!ded )ith approved diagra.
viiiA Transforer #oad tap changer sha## "e e*!ipped )ith a fi1ed resistor net)or- capa"#e of
providing discrete vo#tage steps for inp!t to the s!pervisor$ s$ste.
iA Diit s)itches sha## "e provided to prevent overr!nning of the echanis and in addition, a
echanica# stop sha## "e provided to prevent over-r!nning of the echanis
!nder an$ condition.
.A Diit s)itches a$ "e connected in the contro# circ!it of the operating otor provided that a
echanica#-de- c#!tching echanis is incorporated.

-A Thera# device or other eans sha## "e provided to protect the otor and contro# circ!it. (##
re#a$s, s)itches, f!ses etc. sha## "e o!nted in the drive echanis cha"er
and sha## "e c#ear#$ ar-ed for the p!rpose of identification.
#A ( peranent#$ #egi"#e #!"rication chart sha## "e fitted )ithin the driving echanis

A (n$ 0;3B4 ;BJ20 tan- associated )ith the tap changing apparat!s sha## "e fitted )ith g!ide
rod to contro# the oveents d!ring #ifting or #o)ering.

nA ( five digit co!nter sha## "e fitted to the tap changing e*!ipent to indicate the n!"er of
operations cop#eted.
oA (## re#a$s and operating devices sha## operate correct#$ at an$ vo#tage "et)een the #iits

Si$nature of the Tenderer 195
*A +t sha## not "e possi"#e for an$ t)o contro#s to "e in operation at the sae tie.
rA The e*!ipent sha## "e s!ita"#e for s!pervisor$ contro# and indication )ith a-e "efore
"rea- !#ti-)a$ s)itch, having one potentia# free contact for each tap
position. This s)itch sha## "e provided in addition to an$ other s)itch%s)itches
)hich a$ "e re*!ired for reote tap position.
sA Bperation fro the #oca# or reote contro# s)itch sha## ca!se one tap oveent on#$ !nti#
the contro# s)itch is ret!rned to the off position "et)een s!ccessive
tA (## e#ectrica# contro# s)itches and the #oca# operating gear sha## "e c#ear#$ #a"e##ed in a
s!ita"#e anner to indicate the direction of tap changing.

!A Transfer of so!rce fai#!re of one (C s!pp#$ sha## not effect tap changing operation.
5.11.3 8an!a# Contro#
The cran-ing device for an!a# operation of the BDTC gear sha## "e reova"#e and s!ita"#e
for operation "$ a an standing on gro!nd #eve#. The echanis sha## "e cop#ete
)ith the fo##o)ingF
iA 8echanica# tap position indicator )hich sha## "e c#ear#$ visi"#e to the person operating tap
changer an!a##$ at the transforer.

iiA ( echanica# operation co!nter.
iiiA 8echanica# stops to prevent over-cran-ing of the echanis "e$ond the e1tree tap
ivA The an!a# contro# considered as "ac- !p to the otor operated #oad tap changer contro# sha##
"e inter#oc-ed )ith the otor to "#oc- otor start-!p d!ring an!a# operation. The an!a#
operating echanis sha## "e #a"e#ed to sho) the direction of operation for raising the
vo#tage and vice-versa.
5.11.4 aA 5#ectrica# Contro#
This inc#!des the fo##o)ing F
iA Doca# 5#ectrica# contro#
iiA 5#ectrica# reote contro# fro reote contro# pane#.
The contro# circ!its sha## have the fo##o)ing feat!resF

iA (n inter#oc- to c!t off e#ectrica# contro# a!toatica##$ !pon reco!rse "eing ta-en to the
an!a# contro# in eergenc$.
iiA 3einforceent of the initiating ip!#se for a tap change, ens!ring a positive cop#etion
once initiated to the ne1t @higher or #o)erA tap.

iiiA /tep-"$-step Bperation ens!ring on#$ one tap change fro each tap changing
ip!#se and a #oc--o!t of the echanis if the contro# s)itch @or p!sh
"!ttonA reains in the CoperateC position.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 196
vA (n e#ectrica# inter#oc- to c!t-off a co!nter inp!#se for reverse step change "eing initiated
d!ring a progressing tap change and !nti# the echanis coes to rest and
resets circ!its for a fresh position. /!ita"#e inter#oc-s sha## "e provided to
prevent operation of BDTC a"ove 15E tap )ith a echanica#% e#ectrica#
#oc-a"#e s)itch.
viA Tap change in progress "$ eans of an indicating #ap at the reote pane#. 2ecessar$
contacts for this and for reote tap position indicator at reote pane# sha##
"e provided "$ the 7idder.

viiA 4rotection apparat!s, considered essentia# "$ the 7idder according to specia#ties.
"A 3eote 5#ectrica# :ro!p Contro#
The BDTC contro# schee offered sha## have provision of reote e#ectrica#
gro!p contro# d!ring para##e# operation of transforers. This is in addition
to independent contro# of BDTC.
iA ( fo!r position se#ector s)itch having 8(/T53, 6o##o)er, +ndependent and
B66 position sha## "e 4rovided in the reote BDTC contro# pane# for
each transforers. This sha## "e )ired to ena"#e operator to se#ect operation
of BDTC in either 8aster, 6o##o)er or +ndependent ode.
iiA B!t of step re#a$s )ith tier contacts sha## a#so "e provided to give a#ar and
indication in case of tap positions in a## the transforers !nder gro!p contro#
"eing not in sae position.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 197
iiiA 8aster 4osition F-
+f the se#ector s)itch is in 8(/T53 position, it sha## "e possi"#e to contro# the BDTC
!nits in the 6BDDBJ53 ode "$ operating the contro#s of the 8(/T53 !nit
+ndependent operation of the !nits !nder 6BDDBJ53 ode ha## have to "e prevented.
,o)ever, the !nits !nder independent ode )i## "e contro##ed independent#$.

ivA 6o##o)er 4osition
+f the se#ector s)itch is in 6BDDBJ53 ode, contro# of BDTC sha## "e possi"#e on#$
fro 8(/T53 pane#.

vA +ndependent 4osition
+n this position of /e#ector /)itch, Contro# of BDTC of individ!a# !nit on#$ sha## "e
3eote BDTC Contro# 5*!ipent
3eote tap changer contro# pane# to "e s!pp#ied "$ the "idder sha## consist ofF
iA (ct!ating s)itch for e#ectrica# raise%#o)er contro#

iiA 3eote tap position indicator.
iiiA /igna# #aps for
aA Tap changer in progress.

"A Tap changer o!t of step.
ivA (!1i#iar$ devices for reote e#ectric gro!p contro# of BDTC.
vA (nn!nciation schee )ith the fo##o)ing
aA 6an fai#s @for a## fans individ!a# )indo)sA.

"A (C s!pp#$ fai#.
cA /tand "$ fan fai#.
dA /tand "$ fan on.
eA BDTC otor over #oaded.
fA BDTC contro# s!pp#$ fai#.
gA BDTC at 15E tap position.
hA T)o spare )indo)s.
+ndicating ;evices
6o##o)ing #ap indications sha## "e provided in 3eote tap change contro# pane#F
Si$nature of the Tenderer 198
- 6an 0B20 6an 0B660
- Coo#ing s$ste 0on a!toatic contro#0
- Coo#ing s$ste 0on an!a#0
- /e#ector s)itch in a!to or an!a#
- 415 'o#ts Coo#er s!pp#$ a!to changeover
- Contro# s!pp#$ fai#!re ain and stand"$ Bne potentia# free initiating contact for a## the
a"ove indications sha## "e )ired independent#$ to the terina# "#oc-s of coo#er
contro# ca"inet e1c#!sive#$ for o)ner0s !se.
5.12 Coo#ing 5*!ipent and its Contro#s
iA Coo#ing 5*!ipent
aA The coo#er sha## "e designed !sing 2150E radiator "#oc-s o!nted one "#oc- on each
side of transforer tan-. Coo#ers sha## )ith stand press!re conditions specified for tan-.
(## coo#ers sha## "e attached and o!nted on the transforer tan- either direct or
thro!gh header.
"A 5ach radiator "#oc- sha## have its o)n coo#ing fans, sh!t off va#ves, #ifting #!gs, top
and "otto oi# fi##ing va#ves, air re#ease p#!g, a drain va#ve and theroeter poc-et
fitted )ith captive scre) cap on the in#et and o!t#et.
cA Bne stand"$ fan of at #east 20E capacit$ sha## a#so "e provided and identified )ith each
radiator "#oc-.

dA Coo#ing fans sha## "e o!nted so as to ens!re that no daage to the coo#er can arise
fro vi"ration of the fans.
eA The e1ha!st air f#o) fro coo#ing fan sha## not "e directed to)ards the ain tan- in
an$ case.
fA Coo#ing fans for each radiator "#oc- sha## "e #ocated so as to prevent ingress of rain
)ater. 5ach fan sha## "e s!ita"#$ protected "$ ga#vanised )ire g!ard.

gA Coo#ing fans sha## "e s!ita"#e for operation fro 415 vo#ts, three phase 50 ,= po)er
s!pp#$ and sha## confor to +/F 325.
hA The coo#er and its accessories sha## prefera"#$ "e hot dip ga#vanised or corrosion
resistant paint sha## "e app#ied to it.
iA 5ach coo#ing fan sha## "e provided )ith starter thera# over#oad and short circ!it
protection and a#so sing#e phase preventor.
.A 5ach radiator sha## "e provided )ith F

- Bne sh!t off va#ve at the top @80 si<eA
- Bne sh!t-off va#ve at the "otto @80 si<eA
- (ir re#ease device at the top
- 8ain 9 sap#ing device at the "otto.
- Difting #!gs.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 199
-A 51pansion .oints, one each on top and "otto coo#er pipe connections.
#A (ir re#ease device and oi# drain p#!g on oi# pipe connections.
ii3 CoolinD E?!i'm&nt Cont#ol0ONANEONA* COOLIN)3
aA (!toatic operation contro# @s)itching in and o!tA of fans sha## "e provided
@)ith teperat!re changeA fro contacts of )inding teperat!re indicator. The
7idder sha## recoend the setting of JT+ for a!toatic change over of
coo#er contro# fro B2(2 to B2(6. The setting sha## "e s!ch that h!nting
i.e. fre*!ent start stop operations for sa## teperat!re differentia# do not occ!r.
"A /!ita"#e an!a# contro# faci#it$ for coo#er fans sha## "e provided.
cA /e#ector s)itches and p!sh "!ttons, sha## a#so "e provided in the coo#er contro# to
disconnect the a!toatic contro# and start%stop the fans an!a##$.

5.13 Doca# BDTC Contro# Ca"inet, Coo#er contro# ca"inet 9 3eote BDTC 4ane#
a) iA 5ach three phase transforer !nit sha## "e provided )ith Doca# BDTC contro#
ca"inet, coo#er contro# ca"inet and reote BDTC pane#. The tota# height of
3eote BDTC pane# sha## "e 2250 to atch )ith the height of other Contro# 9
3e#a$ pane#s. Doca# BDTC and coo#er contro# ca"inets sha## "e o!nted on the
iiA The coo#er contro# ca"inet sha## have a## necessar$ devices eant for coo#er
contro# and #oca# tep. indicators. (## the contacts of vario!s protective
devices o!nted on the transforer sha## a#so "e )ired !p to the terina# "oard
in the coo#er contro# ca"inet. (## the secondar$ terina#s of the "!shing CT0s
sha## a#so "e )ired !pto the terina# "oard at the coo#er contro# ca"inet.
iiiA The coo#er contro# ca"inet sha## have t)o@2A sections. one section sha## have the
contro# e*!ipent e1c#!sive#$ eant for coo#er contro#. The other section
sha## ho!se the teperat!re indicators, a!1. CT0s and the terina# "oards eant
for terination of vario!s a#ar and trip contacts. (#ternative#$ the t)o
sections a$ "e provided as t)o separate pane#s depending on the standard
practices of the 7idder.

ivA The coo#er contro# ca"inet, Doca# BDTC ca"inet and reote BDTC 4ane#
sha## "e provided )ith non disconnecting st!d t$pe terina# "#oc-s. 5ach of the
terina# "#oc-s in the a"ove pane#s sho!#d have 20E spare terina#s e1c#!sive#$
for o)ner0s !se. (## the necessar$ terina#s for reote connection to o)ner0s
pane# sha## "e )ired !pto the coo#er contro# ca"inet.

2ecessar$ shorting of terina#s sha## "e done at the coo#er contro# ca"inet, #oca#
BDTC ca"inet and reote BDTC pane#. (## the CT secondar$ terina#s in the
Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet sha## have provision for short circ!iting to avoid CT open
circ!it )hi#e it is not in !se.
vA The Doca# BDTC contro# ca"inet sha## ho!se a## necessar$ devices eant for
BDTC contro# and indication.
viA 6o##o)ing ca"#ing are specifica##$ e1c#!ded fro the scope of the 7idder.
,o)ever, interconnection drgs. for the sae are to "e s!"itted "$ the 7idder.
iA Ca"#ing "et)een 3eote BDTC 4ane# to Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 200
iiA Ca"#ing "et)een 3eote BDTC pane# to Doca# BDTC Ca"inet.
iiiA Ca"#ing "et)een 3eote BDTC to 4!rchaser0s 4ane#.
ivA Ca"#ing "et)een Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet to 4!rchaser0s 4ane#.
vA Ca"#ing "et)een Doca# BDTC Ca"inet to 4!rchaser0s 4ane#.

"A The sheet stee# !sed sha## "e at #east 2.0 thic-. The degree of protection sha## "e +4 55 in
accordance )ith +/ 2147.
cA The teperat!re indicators sha## "e so o!nted that the dia#s are not a"ove 1600 fro
gro!nd #eve#. :#a<ed door of s!ita"#e si<e sha## "e provided for convenience of reading.
dA ( space heater, and c!"ic#e #ighting )ith B2-B66 s)itch sha## "e provided.
eA Terina# 7#oc-s
iA The terina# "#oc-s to "e provided sha## "e f!##$ enc#osed )ith reova"#e covers and ade of
o!#ded, non inf#aa"#e p#astic ateria# )ith "#oc- and "arriers o!#ded integra##$. /!ch
"#oc- sha## have )asher and "inding scre)s for e1terna# circ!it )ire connections, a )hite
ar-ing strip for circ!it identification and o!#ded p#astic cover. (## terina#s sha## "e c#ear#$
ar-ed )ith identification n!"ers or #etters to faci#itate connection to e1terna# )iring.

iiA (## interna# )iring to "e connected to the e1terna# e*!ipent sha## terinate on terina# "#oc-s,
prefera"#$ vertica##$ o!nted on the side of each pane#. The terina# "#oc-s sha## "e 1100 '
grade and have 10 aps contin!o!s rating, o!#ded piece, cop#ete )ith ins!#ated "arriers,
non-disconnecting st!d t$pe terina#s, )ashers, n!ts and #oc- n!ts. /cre)#ess, spring pressed
cage c#ap t$pe terina# "#oc-s a#so are accepta"#e. Terina# "#oc- design sha## inc#!de a
)hite fi"er ar-ing strip )ith c#ear p#astic, s#ip-on% c#ip-on terina# cover. 8ar-ings on the
terina# strips sha## correspond to )ire n!"er and terina# n!"ers on the )iring diagras.
iiiA Terina# "#oc-s for c!rrent transforer secondar$ #eads sha## "e provided )ith test #in-s and
iso#ating faci#ities. (#so c!rrent transforer secondar$ #eads sha## "e provided )ith short
circ!iting and earthing faci#ities.
ivA >n#ess other)ise specified, terina# "#oc-s sha## "e s!ita"#e for connecting the fo##o)ing
cond!ctors on each side.
aA 6or a## circ!its e1cept c!rrent transforer circ!its ini! of one no. 2.5 2
"A 6or a## CT circ!its ini! of fo!r nos. 2.5 2 copper.

vA There sha## "e a ini! edge to edge c#earance of 250 "et)een the first ro) of terina#
"#oc-s and the associated ca"#e g#and p#ate. (#so the c#earance "et)een t)o ro)s of terina#
"#oc-s sha## "e a ini! of 150 .
viA (rrangeent of the terina# "#oc- asse"#ies and the )iring channe# )ithin the enc#os!re
sha## "e s!ch that a ro) of terina# "#oc-s is r!n para##e# and in c#ose pro1iit$ a#ong each side
of the )iring d!ct to provide for convenient attachent of interna# pane# )iring. The side of
the terina# "#oc- opposite the )iring d!ct sha## "e reserved for the o)ner0s e1terna# ca"#e
connection. (## ad.acent terina# "#oc-s sha## a#so share this fie#d )iring corridor. ( stee# strip
sha## "e connected "et)een ad.acent terina# "#oc- ro)s at 450 interva#s for s!pport of
incoing ca"#es.

viiA The n!"er and si<es of the o)ner0s !#ti core incoing ca"#e )i## "e f!rnished to the 7idder
after p#aceent of the order.

Si$nature of the Tenderer 201
@3 On& Cool&# Cont#ol Ca1in&t o@ &acC t$'& Call 1& t&t&d @o# IP .. '#ot&ction in
acco#danc& %itC IS 21(7.
gA The gas-ets sha## "e of neoprene r!""er.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 202
5.14 4ainting
The interna# and e1terna# s!rfaces inc#!ding oi# fi##ed cha"ers and str!ct!ra# stee# )or- to
"e painted sha## "e shot or sand "#asted to reove a## r!st and sca#e of foreign adhering
atter or grease. (## stee# s!rfaces in contact )ith ins!#ating oi# sha## "e painted )ith t)o
coats of heat resistant, oi# inso#!"#e, ins!#ating varnish.

(## stee# s!rfaces e1posed to )eather sha## "e given a priar$ coat of <inc chroate, second
coat of oi# and )eather resistant varnish of a co#o!r distinct fro priar$ and fina# t)o
coats of g#oss$ oi# and 5po1$ #ight gra$ paint in accordance )ith shade no.631 of +/-5.
(## paints sha## "e caref!##$ se#ected to )ithstand e1trees of )eather. The paint sha## not
sca#e off or crin-#e or "e reoved "$ a"rasion d!e to nora# hand#ing.

The ini! thic-ness of each coat of o!tside painting of tan- sha## "e 20 icrons and the
tota# thic-ness sha## "e ini! 80 icrons.
5.15 7o#ts and n!ts
(## "o#ts and n!ts e1posed to )eather sha## "e hot dip ga#vanised%cadi! p#ated.
5.16 Jiring and Ca"#ing
aA (## e1terna# ca"#ing )i## "e carried o!t "$ o)ner "ased on )iring diagra 9
interconnection sched!#e to "e s!pp#ied "$ the 7idder.
Ca"#e "o1%sea#ing end sha## "e s!ita"#e for fo##o)ing t$pes of ca"#esF-

iA 415 'o#t po)er F 1100 'o#t grade 4'C
ins!#ated a#!in! cond!ctor
ca"#e )ith aro!r.
iiA Contro# F 1100 'o#t grade 4'C
ins!#ated 7%0.737
stranded copper cond!ctor
ca"#e )ith aro!r.
/i<e of the o)ner0s ca"#e )i## "e intiated to the s!ccessf!# 7idder after detai#ed
"A Copression t$pe ca"#e connector sha## "e provided for terination of po)er and contro#
cA (## contro#s, a#ars, indicating and re#a$ing devices provided )ith the
transforer sha## "e )ired !pto the terina# "#oc-s inside the Coo#er Contro#

dA (## devices and terina# "#oc-s )ith the Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet sha## "e c#ear#$ identified
"$ s$"o#s corresponding to those !sed on app#ica"#e scheatic or )iring diagras.
eA not ore than 2 )ires sha## "e connected to one terina#. 5ach terina# sha## "e
s!ita"#e for connecting t)o 7%0.737 stranded copper cond!ctors fro
each side.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 203
fA (## interna# )iring sha## "e sec!re#$ s!pported, neat#$ arranged, readi#$ accessi"#e and
connected to e*!ipent terina#s and terina# "#oc-s.
gA 5ngraved code identification p#astic ferr!#es ar-ed to correspond )ith scheatic diagras sha##
"e fitted at "oth ends of )ires. 6err!#es sha## fit tight#$ on )ires and sha##
not fa## off )hen the )ire is disconnected fro terina# "#oc-.
5.17 6ittings
The fo##o)ing fittings sha## "e provided )ith each transforer covered in this
aA Conservator for ain tan-, )ith oi# fi##ing ho#e and cap, iso#ating va#ves, drain va#ve, agnetic
oi# #eve# ga!ge )ith #o) #eve# a#ar contacts, ini!, a1i!, nora# oi# #eve# indicator and
deh$drating "reather )ith oi# sea#.
"A Conservator for BDTC )ith drain va#ve, /!rge re#a$, fi##ing ho#e )ith cap, prisatic oi# #eve#
ga!ge and si#icage# "reather.
cA 4ress!re re#ief device )ith a#ar contact
dA 7!chho#< re#a$ do!"#e f#oat t$pe )ith one sh!t off va#ve 80 si<e on conservator side
"#eeding pipe )ith pet coc- at the end to co##ect gases and a#ar and trip contacts.
eA (ir re#ease p#!g
fA +nspection openings and covers
gA 7!shing )ith eta# parts and gas-ets to s!it the terination arrangeent.
hA Jinding teperat!re indicators for #oca# and reote o!nting.
iA Bi# teperat!re indicators.
.A Cover #ifting e$es, transforer #ifting #!gs, .ac-ing pads, to)ing ho#es and core and )inding
#ifting #!gs.
-A 4rotected t$pe erc!r$ or a#coho# in g#ass theroeter.
#A 7otto and top fi#ter va#ves )ith threaded adopters on diagona##$ opposite corners of si<e 50
, 2 2os. sap#ing va#ves at top and "otto of ain tan- and drain va#ve )ith
"#an-ing f#ange si<e 80%100 .
A 3ating and diagra p#ates on transforers and a!1i#iar$ apparat!s.
nA 5arthing terina#s.
oA 6#anged "i-directiona# )hee#s.
pA Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet.
*A Bn #oad tap changing e*!ipent and BDTC contro# ca"inet.
rA ;rain va#ves%p#!gs sha## "e provided in order that each section of pipe )or- can "e
drained independent#$.
sA 7!shing CTs for )inding teperat!re indicator
tA +ns!#ating oi#
!A Terina# ar-ing p#ate
vA Lac-ing pads.
)A Difting "o##ords
1A ,a!#age #!gs
$A Cover Difting #!gs
<A 'a#ve sched!#e p#ate
2ote F The fittings #isted a"ove are on#$ indicative and an$ other fittings )hich genera##$ are
re*!ired for satisfactor$ operation of the transforer are deeed to "e
Si$nature of the Tenderer 204
5.18 8BTB3/F
8otors for fans, BDTC, sha## confor to +/F325 sha## "e of se#f venti#ated t$pe
having tota##$ enc#osed fan coo#ed enc#os!re. 8otors sha## "e C/*!irre# CageC
three phase ind!ction otors of s!fficient si<e capa"#e of satisfactor$ operation for the
app#ication and d!t$ as re*!ired for the driven e*!ipent.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 205
5.20 /pare parts and aintenance e*!ipent
/!pp#ier sha## indicate in its proposa#s optiona# spares re*!ired for the tro!"#e free
operation of the e*!ipent for five $ears.
5.21 The g!aranteed Technica# partic!#ars as given in the specification sha## invaria"#$ "e
entioned in the "ids f!rnished . Those "ids not containing the g!aranteed Technica#
partic!#ars )i## "e treated as 2B2-35/4B2/+'5.
6.0 T5/T/
aA (## the offered e*!ipent sha## "e f!##$ t$pe tested "$ the "idder as per the re#evant
standard. The t$pe tests !st have "een cond!cted on the sii#ar or higher capacit$
of ,' c#ass of transforers not ear#ier than 1998. The "idder sha## f!rnish t)o sets of
the fo##o)ing t$pe test reports as per re#evant standards for each t$pe of e*!ipent
offered a#ong )ith the "id. The offers received )itho!t these test reports sha## "e
treated as 2B2-35/4B2/+'5.
iA +p!#se Test on one phase ,' 9 +' #i"s
iiA Teperat!re rise test
iiiA Tan- press!re and vac!! test.
"A /pecia# tests other than t$pe and ro!tine tests, as agreed "et)een 4!rchaser and
7idder sha## a#so "e carried o!t as per +/F 2026. )ith #atest aendents.

cA The pre-shipent chec-s to "e carried o!t "$ the 7idder are given !nder c#a!se 7.0,

dA The "idder sha## inc#!de in his offer the costs for the fo##o)ing t$pe%specia# tests. Cost
for each t$pe test%specia# test sha## "e indicated c#ear#$. The t$pe%specia# tests
sha## "e cond!cted on first transforer.
iAT$pe Tests
aA+p!#se test +/F2026@4art-+++A on one phase ,' 9 +'
"ATeperat!re rise test as per +/-2026@4art++A.
The test sha## "e cond!cted at a tap for the )orst co"ination of #oading on
the three )indings of the transforer for "oth B2(2 9 B2(6 ratings.
;:( on oi# sha## "e cond!cted on sap#es ta-en "efore and after the
teperat!re rise test.
cA Tan- press!re and vac!! test as per +/ 2026 and #atest aendents.
6.1 3o!tine tests
(## standard ro!tine test in accordance )ith +/F2026, )ith die#ectric tests
corresponding to 8ethod 2 as per aendent 2o.1 iss!ed in /epte"er,1980 to
+/F2026 and #atest aendents sha## "e carried o!t on each transforer.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 206
Bperation and die#ectric testing of BDTC sha## "e carried o!t as per +/F 2026 and #atest
6o##o)ing additiona# ro!tine tests sha## a#so "e carried o!t on each transforer F
aA 8agnetic Circ!it Test
A@t&# a&m1l$4 &acC co#& Call 1& t&t&d @o# 1 min!t& at 2000 Volt 1&t%&&n all
1olt4 id& 'lat&4 t#!ct!#al t&&l %o#A.
"A Bi# #ea-age test on transforer tan-
cA 8eas!reent of capacitance and tan de#ta to deterine capacitance "et)een )inding 9
earth. This eas!reent sha## "e carried o!t "efore and after series of
die#ectric tests.
dA 3e#ief ;evice Test F
The press!re re#ief device of each si<e sha## "e s!".ected to increase in oi#
press!re. +t sha## operate "efore reaching the test press!re specified in MTan-
Tests0 s!"se*!ent#$ in this c#a!se. The device sha## sea# off after the e1cess
press!re has "een re#ieved.
6.2 ,igh vo#tage )ithstand test sha## "e perfored on a!1i#iar$ e*!ipent and )iring after
cop#ete asse"#$.
6.3 Tests on terina# connectors
Terina#s connectors sha## "e tested as per +/F 5561. +n addition, the 7idder sha##
carr$ o!t an additiona# test to deonstrate )ithstand capacit$ of )ind #oad. The
test proced!re and acceptance nors sha## "e f!rnished for 4!rchaser0s approva#.
6.4 Test reports
aA 6o!r @4A sets of certified test reports and osci##ogras sha## "e s!"itted for
approva# prior to despatch of the e*!ipent. The e*!ipent sha## "e dispatched on#$
)hen a## the re*!ired t$pe and ro!tine tests have "een carried o!t and test reports have
"een approved "$ the 4!rchaser.
"A 6o!r @4A copies of the test reports for the tests carried o!t on the anci##ar$
apparat!s sha## "e f!rnished to the 4!rchaser for approva# prior to despatch.
cA (## a!1i#iar$ e*!ipent sha## "e tested as per the re#evant standard. Test
certificate sha## "e s!"itted for "o!ght o!t ites.
7.0 +2/45CT+B2
7.1 :enera#
iA The o)ner sha## have access at a## ties to the )or-s and a## other p#aces of
an!fact!re )here the transforers are "eing an!fact!red and the 7idder
sha## provide a## faci#ities for !nrestricted inspection of the 7idder0s )or-s, ra)
ateria#s, an!fact!re of a## the accessories and for cond!cting necessar$ tests as
detai#ed herein.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 207
iiA The s!ccessf!# 7idder sha## -eep the 4!rchaser infored in advance of the tie of starting and
of the progress of an!fact!re of e*!ipent in its vario!s stages so that
arrangeents co!#d "e ade for inspection.
iiiA 2o ateria# sha## "e dispatched fro its point of an!fact!re !n#ess the ateria# has
"een satisfactori#$ inspected and tested.
ivA The acceptance of an$ *!antit$ of e*!ipent sha## in no )a$ re#ieve the s!ccessf!#
7idder of his responsi"i#it$ for eeting a## the re*!ireent of this specification
and sha## not prevent s!"se*!ent re.ection if s!ch e*!ipent are #ater fo!nd to
"e defective.
7.2 +nspection prograe
aA The 7idder sha## cha#- o!t a detai#ed inspection and testing prograe for
an!fact!ring activities for the vario!s coponents. (n indicative prograe of
inspection as envisaged "$ the 4!rchaser is given in (nne1!re-+++. This is not ho)ever
intended to for a coprehensive prograe as it is 7idder0s responsi"i#it$ to dra) !p
and carr$ o!t s!ch a prograe d!#$ approved "$ the 4!rchaser. The o)ner
reserves the right to carr$o!t an$ tests "$ a third part$.
"A Cost of inspection%tests and third part$ inspection if an$ sha## "e "orne "$ the 7idder.
cA (dditiona# tests, if re*!ired, are deeed to "e inc#!ded in the scope of )or-.
dA /tages of inspection and 4!rchaser0s participation )o!#d "e defined and tied !p at
the tie of a)ard of contract.
8.0 N>(D+T? (//>3(2C5 4D(2 F
8.1 The "idder sha## invaria"#$ f!rnish the fo##o)ing inforation a#ong )ith his offer fai#ing )hich
the offer sha## "e #ia"#e for re.ection. +nforation sha## "e separate#$ given for individ!a# t$pe of
e*!ipent offered.
iA The /tr!ct!re of organi<ation
iiA The d!ties and responsi"i#ities assigned to staff ens!ring *!a#it$ of )or-
iiiA The s$ste of p!rchasing, ta-ing de#iver$ and verification of ateria#s
ivA The s$ste for ens!ring *!a#it$ of )or-anship
vA The *!a#it$ ass!rance arrangeents sha## confir to the re#evant re*!ireent of +/B-
9001 on +/B 9002 as app#ica"#e.
viA /tateent giving #ist of iportant ra) ateria#s, naes of s!"-s!pp#ies for the ra)
ateria#s, #ist of standards according to )hich the ra) ateria# are tested, #ist of tests
nora##$ carried o!t on ra) ateria# in the presence of s!pp#iers representative, copies
of test certificates.
viiA +nforation and copies of test certificates as on @iA a"ove in respect of "o!ght o!t ites.
viiiA Dist of an!fact!ring faci#ities avai#a"#e
i1A Deve# of a!toation achieved and #ist of areas )here an!a# processing e1ists.
1A Dist of areas in an!fact!ring process, )here stage inspections are nora##$ carried o!t
for *!a#it$ contro# and detai#s of s!ch tests and inspections.
1iA Dist of testing e*!ipent avai#a"#e )ith the "idder for fina# testing of e*!ipent specified and
test p#ant #iitation, if an$ vis-a-vis the t$pe. /pecia# acceptance and ro!tine tests
Si$nature of the Tenderer 208
specified in the re#evant standards. These #iitations sha## "e ver$ c#ear#$ "ro!ght o!t in
C/ched!#e of ;eviationsC fro the specified test re*!ireents.
8.2 The Contractor sha## )ithin 15 da$s of p#aceent of order, s!"it the fo##o)ing inforation to
the p!rchaser.
iA Dist of the ra) ateria# as )e## as "o!ght o!t accessories and the naes of s!"-s!pp#iers
se#ected fro those f!rnished a#ong )ith the offer.
iiA T$pe test certificates of the ra) ateria# and "o!ght o!t accessories if re*!ired "$ the
iiiA N!a#it$ (ss!rance 4#an @N(4A )ith ho#d points for p!rchasers inspection. N(4 and
p!rchasers ho#d points sha## "e disc!ssed "et)een the p!rchaser and contractor "efore
the N(4 is fina#ised.
The contractor sha## s!"it the ro!tine test certificates of "o!ght o!t accessories and centra#
e1cise asses for ra) ateria# at the tie of ro!tine testing if re*!ired "$ the p!rchaser and ens!re
that the *!a#it$ ass!rance re*!ireents of specification are fo##o)ed "$ the s!"-contractor.
8.2 The N!a#it$ (ss!rance 4rograe sha## give a description of the N!a#it$ /$ste and N!a#it$
4#ans )ith the fo##o)ing detai#s.
iA N!a#it$ /$steF
The /tr!ct!re of the Brganisation
The d!ties and responsi"i#ities assigned to staff ens!ring *!a#it$ of )or-.
The s$ste of p!rchasing, ta-ing de#iver$ of verification of ateria#s.
The s$ste of ens!ring of *!a#it$ )or-anship.
The s$ste of contro# of doc!entation.
The s$ste of retention of records.
The arrangeent of contractor interna# a!diting.
( #ist of (dinistrator and )or- proced!res re*!ired to achieve contractors *!a#it$
re*!ireents. These proced!res sha## "e ade readi#$ avai#a"#e to the p!rchaser for
inspection on re*!est.
iiA N!a#it$ 4#ansF
(n o!t#ine of the proposed )or- and progra se*!ence.
The str!ct!re of contractors organi<ations for the contract.
The d!ties and responsi"i#ities ens!ring *!a#it$ of )or-
,o#d and notification points.
/!"ission of engineering doc!ents re*!ired "$ this specification.
The +nspection of the ateria#s and coponents on re*!est.
3eference to contractors )or- proced!res appropriate to each activit$.
+nspection d!ring fa"rication%constr!ction.
6ina# inspection and test.
9.0 ;BC>852T(T+B2F
9.1 iA The 7idder sha## f!rnish a#ong )ith the "id the diensiona# dra)ings of transforer, :(
and a## other accessories.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 209
iiA These dra)ings sha## inc#!de the fo##o)ing inforation.
aA ;etai#ed interna# dra)ings of transforer c#ear#$ indicating ins!#ation, core
asse"#$ and )indings d!#$ incorporating a## iportant diensions.
"A To#erances on diensions.

cA 8ateria# designation !sed for different coponents )ith reference to
dA 6a"rication detai#s s!ch as )e#ds, finishes and coatings.
eA Cata#og!e or part n!"ers for each coponent and the tota# asse"#$ )ith
"i## of ateria#s.

fA +dentification ar-ing.
gA Jeight of individ!a# coponents and tota# asse"#ed )eight.
iiiA The asse"#$ dra)ings sha## inc#!de the fo##o)ingF

aA 7rief insta##ation instr!ctions.

"A ;esign insta##ation tor*!e for the "o#t or cap scre).
cA Jithstand tor*!e that can "e app#ied to the "o#t or cap scre) )itho!t fai#!re
of coponents or parts thereof.
dA Copression die n!"er )ith recoended copression press!re.
eA 3e#evant technica# detai#s of significance.
9.2 Test 3eports
iA 6o!r copies of t$pe test reports sha## "e f!rnished to the 4!rchaser )ithin one onth of
cond!cting the tests. one cop$ )i## "e ret!rned d!#$ certified "$ 4!rchaser to the
7idder )ithin three )ee-s thereafter and on receipt of the sae 7idder sha##
coence )ith the coercia# prod!ction of the concerned ateria#.

iiA 6o!r copies of acceptance test reports sha## "e f!rnished to the 4!rchaser. Bne cop$
)i## "e ret!rned d!#$ certified "$ the 4!rchaser and on#$ thereafter sha## the
ateria#s "e dispatched.
iiiA (## records of ro!tine test reports sha## "e aintained "$ the 7idder at his )or-s for
periodic inspection "$ the 4!rchaser.
ivA (## test reports for tests cond!cted d!ring an!fact!re sha## "e aintained "$ the 7idder.
These sha## "e prod!ced for verification as and )hen re*!ested for "$ the 4!rchaser.
9.3 (## dra)ings sha## confor to +nternationa# /tandards Brgani<ation @+/BA 0(0
series of dra)ing sheet%+ndian /tandards /pecification. (## dra)ings sha## "e in in- and
s!ita"#e for icro fi#ing. (## diensions and data sha## "e in /.+. >nits on#$.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 210
The 7idder sha## )ithin 2 )ee-s of p#aceent of order, s!"it fo!r sets of fina# versions of
a## the a"ove dra)ings for 4!rchaser0s approva#. The 4!rchaser sha## co!nicate his
coents%approva# on the dra)ings to the 7idder )ithin reasona"#e tie. The 7idder sha##,
if necessar$, odif$ the dra)ings and res!"it fo!r copies of the odified dra)ings for
4!rchaser0s approva# )ithin t)o )ee-s fro the date of 4!rchaser0s coents.
(fter receipt of 4!rchaser0s approva#, the 7idder sha## )ithin tJB )ee-s, s!"it 20 prints
and t)o good *!a#it$ reprod!ci"#e of the approved dra)ings for 4!rchaser0s !se.
9.4 (de*!ate copies of contract dra)ings, acceptance and ro!tine test certificates, d!#$
approved "$ the 4!rchaser sha## accopan$ each of the dispatched consignent.
9.5 The an!fact!ring of the e*!ipent sha## "e strict#$ in accordance )ith the
approved dra)ings and no deviation sha## "e peritted )itho!t the )ritten approva# of the
4!rchaser. (## an!fact!ring and fa"rication )or- in connection )ith the e*!ipent prior to
the approva# of the dra)ing sha## "e at the 7idder0s ris- on#$.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 211
9.6 /i1 copies of nice#$ printed and "o!nd vo#!es of operation, aintenance and erection
an!a#s in 5ng#ish #ang!age sha## "e s!pp#ied "$ the 7idder a#ong )ith each Transforer
to destination. The an!a# sha## contain a## the dra)ings and inforation re*!ired for erection,
operation and aintenance of the transforers. The an!a# sha## a#so contain a set of a## the
approved dra)ings, t$pe, ro!tine 9 acceptance Test reports etc.
9.7 (pprova# of dra)ings "$ the 4!rchaser sha## not re#ieve the 7idder of his
responsi"i#it$ and #ia"i#it$ for ens!ring correctness and correct interpretation of the #atest
revision of app#ica"#e standards, r!#es and codes of practices. The e*!ipent sha## confor
in a## respects to high standards of engineering, design, )or-anship and #atest revisions of
re#evant standards at the tie of ordering and the 4!rchaser sha## have the po)er to re.ect an$
ateria# )hich in his .!dgent is not in f!## accordance there)ith.
10.0 4(C&+2: (2; 6B3J(3;+2:F
10.1 The e*!ipent sha## "e pac-ed in crates s!ita"#e for vertica#%hori<onta# transport
as the case a$ "e and s!ita"#e to )ithstand hand#ing d!ring transport and o!tdoor
storage d!ring transit. The 7idder sha## "e responsi"#e for an$ daage to the
e*!ipent d!ring transit, d!e to iproper and inade*!ate pac-ing. The easi#$
daagea"#e ateria# sha## "e caref!##$ pac-ed and ar-ed )ith the appropriate
ca!tion s$"o#. Jherever necessar$, proper arrangeent for #ifting, s!ch as #ifting
hoo-s etc. sha## "e provided. (n$ ateria# fo!nd short inside the pac-ing cases
sha## "e s!pp#ied "$ 7idder )itho!t an$ e1tra cost.
10.2 5ach consignent sha## "e accopanied "$ a detai#ed pac-ing #ist containing the
fo##o)ing inforationF
aA 2ae of the consignee
"A ;etai#s of consignent
cA ;estination
dA Tota# )eight of consignent
eA ,and#ing and !npac-ing instr!ctions.
fA 7i## of ateria# indicating contents of each pac-age.
The 7idder sha## ens!re that the pac-ing and "i## of ateria# are approved "$ the
4!rchaser "efore dispatch.
10.3 Jeight of the transforer sha## "e designed, so that the transforer, can "e
transported "$ road. ,eaviest sing#e pac-et that can "e transported "$ o)ner0s trai#er is
a"o!t 60 8Ts.
11.0 N>(2T+T? (2; ;5D+'53? 35N>+35852T/ F
iA This is set o!t in /ched!#e of 3e*!ireent.
iiA The scope of s!pp#$ sha## inc#!de a s!pp#$ of 2.5E e1tra *!antit$ of "o#ts, n!ts,
)ashers, sp#it pins, cotter pins and s!ch other sa## #oose ites free of cost.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 212
3 A N N E = , R E F I
/?/T58 4(3T+C>D(3/
5#ectrica# /$ste ;ata F
aA /$ste 'o#tage @-' rsA F 220%132%11
"A 8a1i! 'o#tage @-' rsA F 245%145%12
cA Dightning +p!#se )ithstand F 1050%650%170
vo#tage @dr$ 9 )etA @-'pA
dA 4o)er fre*!enc$ )ithstand F 460%275%70
vo#tage @)etA @-'pA
eA /hort circ!it #eve# @-(A F 40%31.5
Si$nature of the Tenderer 213
A N N E = , R E F II
(>TB T3(2/6B3853/
/2o. ;escription N!antit$
1. ,' "!shing )ith eta# parts and gas-ets 3
2. +' "!shing )ith eta# parts and gas-ets 3
3. 2e!tra# "!shing )ith eta# parts and gas-ets 1
4. Tertiar$ "!shing )ith eta# parts and gas-ets 1
5. 8agnetic oi# #eve# ga!ge )ith #o) oi# #eve# 1
a#ar contacts
6. Jinding teperat!re indicator 1
7. Bi# teperat!re indicator 1
8. 4ress!re re#ief device 1
9. Cop#ete /pare ,'%+'%Tertiar$ )inding 1
for one #i" in an oi# fi##ed container
10. Coo#er 6ans 4
11. 7!cho#t< 3e#a$ 1
Si$nature of the Tenderer 214
A N N E = , R E F III
1. Tan- and Conservator
aA Certification of cheica# ana#$sis and ateria# tests of p#ates.
"A Je#der0s *!a#ification and )e#d proced!re.
cA Testing of e#ectrodes for *!a#it$ of "ase ateria#s and coatings.
dA +nspection of a.or )e#d preparation.

eA Crac- detection of a.or strength )e#d seas "$ d$e penetration test.
fA 8eas!reent of fi# thic-ness of F

iA Bi# inso#!"#e varnish.
iiA =inc chroate paint
iiiA 6inished coat
gA Chec- correct diensions "et)een )hee#s, deonstrate t!rning of )hee#s, thro!gh 90 degrees and
f!rther diensiona# chec-.
hA Chec- for ph$sica# properties of ateria#s for #ifting #!gs, .ac-ing pads etc. (## #oad "earing
)e#ds inc#!ding #ifting #!g )e#ds sha## "e s!".ected to 2;T.

iA Dea-age test of the conservator.

.A Certification of a## test res!#ts.
2. Core
aA /ap#e testing of core ateria# for chec-ing specific #oss, "end properties, agneti<ation
characteristics and thic-ness.
"A Chec- on the *!a#it$ of varnish if !sed on the stapings.
iA 8eas!reent of thic-ness and hardness of varnish on stapings.
iiA /o#vent resistance test to chec- that varnish does not react in hot oi#.

iiiA Chec- overa## *!a#it$ of varnish "$ sap#ing to ens!re !nifor shining co#o!r, no "are spot,
no over "!rnt varnish #a$er and no "!""#es on varnished s!rface.

cA Chec- on the ao!nt of "!rrs.
dA 7o) chec- on stapings.
eA Chec- for the over#apping of stapings. Corners of the sheets are to "e apart.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 215
fA 'is!a# and diensiona# chec- d!ring asse"#$ stage.
gA Chec- for inter #ainar ins!#ation "et)een core sections, "efore and after pressing.

hA Chec- on cop#eted core for eas!reent of iron #oss and chec- for an$ hot spot "$ e1citing
the core so as to ind!ce the designed va#!e of f#!1 densit$ in the core.
iA 'is!a# and diensiona# chec-s for straightness and ro!ndness of core, thic-ness of #i"s and
s!ita"i#it$ of c#aps.
.A ,igh vo#tage test @2 -' for one in!teA "et)een core and c#aps.
-A Certification of a## test res!#ts.
3. +ns!#ating 8ateria#
aA /ap#e chec- for ph$sica# properties of ateria#s.
"A Chec- for die#ectric strength.
cA 'is!a# and diensiona# chec-s.
dA Chec- for the reaction of hot oi# on ins!#ating ateria#s.
eA ;iensiona# sta"i#it$ test at high teperat!re for ins!#ating ateria#.
fA Trac-ing resistance test on ins!#ating ateria#.
gA Certification of a## test res!#ts.
4. Jinding
aA /ap#e chec- on )inding cond!ctor for echanica# properties and e#ectrica#

"A Chec- ins!#ating paper on the *!a#it$ of varnish if !sed on the stapings.
iA 8eas!reent of thic-ness and hardness of varnish on stapings.
iiA /o#vent resistance test to chec- that varnish does not react in hot oi#.
iiiA Chec- overa## *!a#it$ of varnish "$ sap#ing to ens!re !nifor shining co#o!r,
no "are spot no over "!rnt varnish #a$er and no "!""#es on varnished s!rface.
cA chec- on the ao!nt of "!rrs
dA Chec- for a"sence of short circ!it "et)een para##e# strands.
eA Chec- for "ra<ed .oints )herever app#ica"#e.

fA 8eas!reent of vo#tage ratio to "e carried o!t )hen core%$o-e is cop#ete#$ restoc-ed and
a## connections are read$.
gA certification of a## test res!#ts.
5. Chec-s 7efore ;r$ing 4rocess
aA Chec- condition of ins!#ation of the Cond!ctor and "et)een the )indings.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 216
"A Chec- ins!#ating distances "et)een high vo#tage connection, ca"#es and earth and other #ine

cA Chec- ins!#ating distances "et)een #o) vo#tage connection 9 earth and other parts.

dA +ns!#ation test of core earthing. +ns!#ation of the core sha## "e tested at 2 -'% in. "et)een core
to "o#ts and core to c#ap p#ates.

eA Chec- for proper c#ean#iness and a"sence of d!st etc.

fA Certification of a## test res!#ts.
6. Chec-s ;!ring ;r$ing 4rocess

aA 8eas!reent and recording of teperat!re, vac!! and dr$ing tie d!ring vac!! treatent.

"A Chec- for cop#eteness of dr$ing eas!ring +3 and Tan de#ta.
cA Certification of a## test res!#ts.
7. (sse"#ed Transforer
aA Chec- cop#eted transforer against approved o!t#ine dra)ings, provision for a## fittings,
finish #eve# etc.
"A Lac- test )ith oi# on a## the asse"#ed transforers.
cA ;4 test sha## "e carried o!t after .ac-ing test.
8. Bi#
/ite test sha## "e perfored on oi# sap#es "efore and after fi##ing in the transforer.
Bi# paraeters sha## confor to C#.2o.4.5 @dA prior to fi##ing at site and oi# sap#es
ta-en fro the tan- top, "otto and coo#ing s$ste @after fi##ingA sha## possess
characteristics indicated in ite no.15 @eA of the sae c#a!se.
The 7idder sha## )arrant that oi# f!rnished is in accordance )ith the specification as
given !nder C#.2o.4.5 @dA.
9. The a-es of a## a.or "o!ght o!t ites sha## "e s!".ect to 4!rchaser0s approva#. The
7idder sha## a#so prepare coprehensive inspection and testing prograe for a##
"o!ght o!t%s!"-contracted ites and sha## s!"it the sae to the /!perintending
5ngineer Technica#% Transission /!"station for approva#. /!ch prograe sha##
inc#!de the fo##o)ing coponents F

aA 7!chho#< 3e#a$
"A (1#es and )hee#s
cA Jinding teperat!re indicators for #oca# and reote o!nting.
dA Bi# teperat!re indicators
eA 7!shings
fA 7!shing c!rrent Transforers
gA Coo#er Contro# Ca"inet
hA Coo#ing e*!ipents
iA 6ans%(ir 7#o)ers
.A Tap Change s)itch
Si$nature of the Tenderer 217
-A Terina# connectors
Si$nature of the Tenderer 218
10. 4re-shipent chec- at 7idder0s )or-s

aA Chec- for inter changea"i#it$ of coponents of sii#ar transforers for o!nting diensions.
"A Chec- for proper pac-ing and preservation of accessories #i-e radiators, "!shings,
e1p#osion vent, deh$drating "reather, ro##ers, "!chho#< re#a$, fans, contro# c!"ic#e, connecting
pipes, conservator etc.

cA Chec- for proper provision of "racing to arrest the oveent of core and )inding asse"#$
inside the tan-.

dA :as tightness test to confor tightness.

eA ;erivation of #ea-age rate and ens!re ade*!ate reserve gas capacit$.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 219
/#. ;escription
1. 2ae of the 8an!fact!rer
2. 2ora# contin!o!s rating
3. 2ora# ratio of transforation
4. 4,(/5 CB225CT+B2/F
aA ,' Jinding

"A +' Jinding

cA Tertiar$ )inding
dA 'ector gro!p reference n!"er and s$"o#
5. 8(O+8>8 T58453(T>35 3+/5F
aA Bf oi# "$ Theroeter

"A Bf Jinding "$ resistance

cA 7$ ,ot spot teperat!re

dA ("ient Teperat!re adopted

6. Diit for ,ot spot teperat!re
for )hich the transforer is

7. Teperat!re gradient "et)een
)indings and oi#
8. 'o#tage to earth for )hich the
star point )i## "e ins!#ated
9. T$pe of coo#ing
10. 8(O+8>8 6D>O ;52/+T? +2 +3B2
(T 2B38(D 'BDT(:5, 635N>52C?
(2; 3(T+B
aA Core P
"A ?o-e P
Si$nature of the Tenderer 220
11. 8(O+8>8 C>3352T ;52/+T?
+2 J+2;+2: (T C83
aA ,' Jinding (ps%s*.c. P
"A +' Jinding -do- P

12. 8agneti<ing C!rrent @,'A P
at nora# vo#tage and ratio P
@(psA P
13. 4o)er 6actor of 8agneti<ingP
c!rrent at nora# vo#tage P
and fre*!enc$ P
14. aA :!aranteed no #oad #oss P
at nora# ratio rated P
vo#tage and fre*!enc$ @8a1.A P

"A :!aranteed #oad #oss at P
nora# ratio, rated P
o!tp!t, rated vo#tage, P
rated fre*!enc$ and P
75 deg.C average )inding P
teperat!re inc#!ding P
a!1i#iar$ #osses,if an$ @8a1.A P
15. :!aranteed tota# #osses at P
(t 2ora# (t #o)est (t highest
rated o!tp!t, A
tap rated vo#tage, rated P
fre*!enc$ and 75 deg.C P
average )inding teperat!re P
inc#!ding a!1i#iar$ #osses P
if an$ @8a1.A P
16. Tota# #osses at P
rated o!tp!t, rated P
vo#tage, rated fre*!enc$ P
and a1i! attaina"#e P
teperat!re at site P
inc#!ding a!1i#iar$ #osses P
if an$. @8a1.A P
17. (!1i#iar$ #osses, if an$, P
at rated #oad@8a1A P
At !'@ At 0.8 P* laD
18. 5fficiencies at nora#
ratio, rated vo#tage, rated
fre*!enc$ and 75 deg.C
average )inding teperat!re
for the o!tp!ts of.
aA 6!## #oad
"A Q 6!## #oad
cA R 6!## #oad
dA S 6!## #oad
Si$nature of the Tenderer 221

19. 3esistance per phase ofF
@at nora# tapA
aA,' Jinding @BhsA F
"A +' Jinding @BhsA F
cA Tertiar$ )inding F
20. 3eactance per phase of F
@at nora# tapA
aA,' Jinding @BhsA F
"A+' Jinding @BhsA F
cATertiar$ )inding F
21. 3esistance 'o#tage drop atF
75 deg.C average )inding
teperat!re e1pressed as
percent of rated vo#tage.
22. 3eactance vo#tage drop F
e1pressed as percent of
rated vo#tage.
23. +pedance vo#tage at nora# F at nora# at #o)est at highest
and 75 deg.C average )inding tap tap tap
teperat!re e1pressed as -------- -------- ----------
percent of rated vo#tage. @+ndicate tap nos.A
aA 7et)een ,' and +' )inding
"A 4ositive se*!ence
cA 4ositive se*!ence +' P
24. 3eg!#ation at f!## #oad
at 75 deg.C.
aA >nit$ 4o)er 6actor F
"A 0.8 4o)er 6actor @DaggingA F
25. T$pe of transforer @Core or /he##A
26. Jidth of trac- ga!ge
27. CoreF
aA 8ateria# of Core F #aination

"A Thic-ness of Core 4#ates F
cA Jhether Core 4#ates are F grain oriented co#d
dA +ns!#ation of core #aination
eA +ns!#ation of core "o#ts F
fA +ns!#ation of core "o#t F )ashers
gA +ns!#ation of core and F p#ates
hA ;etai#s of oi# d!cts in F cores
Si$nature of the Tenderer 222
iA Jhether in the p#ane P
and at right ang#e to P
the p#ane of )inding P
iiA (cross the p#ane of P
#ainations P
28. JindingsF
aA T$pe of Jinding
iA ,' Jinding
iiA +' Jinding
iiiA Tertiar$
"A +ns!#ation of ,' )inding P
cA +ns!#ation of +' )inding P
dA +ns!#ation of Tertiar$
eA +ns!#ation "et)een ,' 9 F
+' )inding
fA 4o)er fre*!enc$ ,igh
'o#tage Tests
iA Test 'o#tage for
1 in!te )ithstand
test on ,igh 'o#tage
Jindings @+nd!cedA
iiA Test 'o#tage for one
in!te )ithstand test
on +nterediar$ vo#tage
iiiA Test 'o#tage for one
in!te )ithstand test
on 2e!tra# end of high
vo#tage )inding
ivA +p!#se test on ,igh
'o#tage Jinding 1%50
f!## )ave )ithstand
vA +p!#se test on +nterediar$ vo#tage
)inding 1%50 f!## )ave )ithstand
viA Jave for for ip!#se test
gA +nter t!rn ins!#ation
iA 51tent of e1tree and P
t!rns reinforceent P
Si$nature of the Tenderer 223
iiA 51tent of end t!rns P
reinforceent P
iiiA 51tent of t!rns P
ad.acent to tapping P
reinforced P
ivA Test 'o#tage for ten
seconds 50 c$c#es
inter t!rn ins!#ation
test on @iA.

vA Test 'o#tage for ten
seconds 50 c$c#es
inter t!rn ins!#ation
test on @iiA.
viA Test 'o#tage for ten
seconds 50 c$#ces
inter t!rn ins!#ation
test on @iiiA
viiA Test 'o#tage for ten
seconds 50 c$c#es
inter t!rn ins!#ation
test on ain "od$ of
the )inding
hA T$pe of (1ia# coi# s!pportsF

iA ,igh 'o#tage Jinding
iiA +nterediar$ 'o#tage Jinding
iiiA Tertiar$ )inding

iA T$pe of radia# coi# s!pports
iA ,igh 'o#tage Jinding
iiA +nterediar$ 'o#tage Jinding
iiiA Tertiar$ )inding
.A Jhether ,' )indings are inter #eaved

-A ;etai#s of specia# if an$, ade to iprove stress conditions

#A /i<e of coo#ing d!cts
A ;ra)ings to sca#e indicating f#o) of oi# in the radia# and a1ia#
d!cts of each #i" and)inding.
29. 8a1i! o!t of "a#ance force in )inding on short circ!it at the terina#s
30. Thic-ness of Transforer tan-
aA /ides F

Si$nature of the Tenderer 224
"A 7otto F
cA 3adiator 4#ate F
31. T$pe and detai#s of )inding
hot spot teperat!re detector
32. 4o)er re*!ireent of heater
in conservator
33. 7!chho#< re#a$ description,
data,range of settings
scheatic diagra etc.
34. 7!shingsF
aA T$pe
"A ;r$ f#ash over vo#tage
cA Jet f#ash over vo#tage
dA ;r$ 60s )ithstand vo#tage
eA Jet 60s )ithstand vo#tage
fA 6!## )ave )ithstand test
vo#tage )ith 1.2%50
icro seconds )ave
@GA 4ositive P
-A 2egative P
gA Creepage distance in air F

hA 3ecoended gap setting F

iA Jeight of asse"#ed F
"!shing @&gsA
.A N!antit$ of oi# @#trs.A F

35. 6ree space re*!ired at top forF
reova# of "!shings @A
36. Tota# vo#!e of conservator F
#iters F
37. 'o#!e of conservator "et)een
the ,ighest and #o)est #eve#s
38. Coo#ing s$steF
aA T$pe and a-e of 6an
otors for forced air P
coo#ing e*!ipent P
"A 3ating and speed of 8otors F

cA 5fficienc$ of otors at F
f!## #oad
Si$nature of the Tenderer 225
dA Teperat!re rise of F
otors at f!## #oad
eA 2!"er of fan otors F

39. 4eriod of contin!o!s F
)or-ing at f!## #oad
)itho!t fans
40. Contin!o!s -'( rating F
)itho!t fans
41. Ca#c!#ated tie constants
aA 2at!ra# coo#ing F
"A 6orced air coo#ing F
42. ;etai#s of on #oad tap
changing gear
aA 8a-e F
"A T$pe F
cA 3atingF
iA 3ated vo#tage
iiA 3ated c!rrent
iiiA /tep vo#tage
ivA 2!"er of steps
dA (ppro1iate overa## )eight F
eA (ppro1iate overa## F
diensions @,1J1;A
fA (ppro1iate overa## F
*!antit$ of oi# - #itres
43. Jeight of copper re*!ired to cop#ete the transforer @&gs.A
44. Jeight of stee# re*!ired to cop#ete the transforer @&gs.A P
45. Jeight of fittings and parts detached for transport @&gs.A P
46. Jeight of core and )indings @&gsAF
47. Jeight of cop#ete transforer P
)ith a## fittings and oi# @&gs.A P
48. Jeight of cop#ete transforer P
arranged for transport of the P
heaviest pac-age, if "ro-en do)n P @&gs.A
49. Jeight of oi# in the transforer F
50. ;iensions of the transforers
in eters
aA 8a1i! height to top of F
"A Bvera## #ength F
cA Bvera## "readth F
dA ,eaviest pac-age for F
Si$nature of the Tenderer 226
51. Taps

52. 6a!#t #eve#s for )hich the F
transforer is designed
53. Dist of accessories and F
fittings "eing provided for

54. Jhether the ateria#s covered ?es%2o
"$ this 7id have "een f!##$
t$pe tested and if so, )hether
the copies of the t$pe test
certificates enc#osed to the
"id offer.
55. Jhether oi# teperat!re indicator ?es%2o
56. T$pe and si<e of oi# teperat!re
indicator and )hether s!pervisor$
a#ar contacts provided
57. T$pe of oi# #eve# indicator and
)hether s!pervisor$ a#ar contact
for #o) oi# #eve# provided
58. T$pe and si<e of :as operated
re#a$ and )hether s!pervisor$
a#ar and trip contacts provided
and their si<es and 2os.
59. Jhether )inding teperat!re
indicator )ith s!pervisor$ a#ar
indicator and trip contacts
provided and their si<es and 2os.
60. 3atio and t$pe of C.T. !sed for
)inding teperat!re indicator
61. T$pe and si<e of Therostat !sed
62. 2o. of 7reathers provided
63. T$pe of deh$drating agent !sed for
64. Capacit$ of Conservator vesse#@#itresA
65. 'a#ve si<es and 2!"ers re*!ired%fitted
66. /i<e of 3ai# ga!ge for insta##ation
in $ard
67. Jhee# "ase
Si$nature of the Tenderer 227
68. a. T$pe and a-e of press!re re#ief device
". 2o. of each t$pe of devices per
transforer !nit@2os.A
c. 8ini! press!re at )hich the device
operates @-4aA
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
T,5 6+38 ..............
/+:2(T>35 B6 7+;;53 ...........
;5/+:2(T+B2 9 /5(D ............
;(T5 F .........
Si$nature of the Tenderer 228
T&cCnical S'&ci@ication @o#
T#an@o#m&# +a#d
Si$nature of the Tenderer 229
1.1. The scope sha## cover cop#ete insta##ation of a## the e*!ipent and accessories covered !nder this
1.2. +nsta##ation )or- pertaining to e*!ipent, ca"#ing etc., sho!#d "e in accordance )ith the app#ica"#e
standards, safet$ codes, etc.,
+nsta##ation sha## "e carried o!t strict#$ in accordance )ith the approved dra)ings. 8odifications, if
an$, re*!ired to s!it site conditions, sha## "e carried o!t on#$ )ith the prior approva# of the 5ngineer.
(## s!ch changes sha## "e incorporated in T(s "!i#tU dra)ings to "e f!rnished "$ the Contractor.
1.3. +t sha## "e responsi"i#it$ of the Contractor to store, ove% transport fro stores% storage $ard etc,
re#evant ites and accessories to the p#ace of insta##ation and )herever necessar$ asse"#e a## parts of
e*!ipent. +n accordance )ith the specific insta##ation instr!ctions as desired "$ 5ngineer, the
Contractor sha## transport, !n#oad, and insta## a## the e*!ipent and accessories inc#!ded in the
1.4. (## too#s, )e#ding e*!ipent, crane, scaffo#ding, rigging ateria#s, #adders, cons!a"#es, hard)are
etc, re*!ired for insta##ation sha## "e provided "$ the Contractor.
1.5. +t sha## "e the responsi"i#it$ of the Contractor to engage specia#ist to s!pervise insta##ation )or- for
transforers, s)itch gear and "atteries etc., )here fe#t essentia#. /!ch services sha## "e arranged "$
the Contractor at no e1tra cost to the ep#o$er.
1.6. The Contractor sha## ens!re that the e*!ipent !nder erection as )e## as the )or- area and the site are
-ept c#ean to the satisfaction of the 5ngineer. +n case, the 5ngineer is not satisfied a"o!t the
c#ean#iness, he )i## have the right to carr$o!t the c#eaning operations and e1pendit!re inc!rred "$ hi
in this regard )i## "e to contractorKs ao!nt. 4ac-ing cases and pac-ing ateria#s, sha## "e c#eared
fro sites.
1.7. +n order to avoid ha<ards to personne# oving aro!nd the e*!ipent s!ch as s)itchgear etc., )hich is
-ept charged after insta##ation "efore coissioning, s!ch e*!ipent sha## "e cordoned off "$
s!ita"#e "arriers to prevent accidenta# in.!r$.
1.8. Jhere asse"#ies are s!pp#ied in ore than one section, the Contractor sha## a-e a## necessar$
echanica# and e#ectrica# connections "et)een sections inc#!ding the connections "et)een "!s "ars%
)ires. The contractor sha## a#so do necessar$ ad.!stents a#ignents necessar$ for proper operation.
1.9. Care sha## "e ta-en in hand#ing instr!ents, re#a$s and other de#icate devices. Jhere instr!ents and
re#a$s are s!pp#ied separate#$ the$ sha## "e o!nted on#$ after the associated s)itchgear% contro#
pane#s are erected and a#igned.
1.10. Standa#d:
8ateria#s sha## confor in a## respects to the re#evant +ndian /tandard /pecifications )ith #atest
aendents there to.
/no Tit#e +/ no
1 Code of practice for insta##ation and aintenance of
+/- 10028
2 Ceent +/-269
3 5rection of over head #ines +5 3!#es 1956, 35C
4 5arthing 7/C4 1013-1965 9
+/ 3043
5 /tee# +/ 6003%1970
Si$nature of the Tenderer 230
6 6asteners +/ 6639%1979
7 :a#vani<ing +/ 2629, +/ 4759
8 (ggregate +/ 383
9 Concrete 8i1 +/ 1343
10 3CC +/ 456
11 Ca"#e Lointing +/ 1255
12 DT 4'C /heathed (#!ini! Ca"#e +/ 694,
+/ 1544 @4art +A +/
8130, 5831
8ateria#s conforing to other internationa##$ accepted standards, )hich ens!re e*!a# or higher *!a#it$
than the standards entioned a"ove )o!#d a#so "e accepta"#e. +n case the "idders )ho )ish to offer
ateria#s conforing to other standards, sa#ient points of difference "et)een standards adopted and
specific standards sha## "e c#ear#$ "ro!ght o!t in the sched!#e. 4 copies of s!ch standards )ith
a!thentic 5ng#ish Trans#ations sha## "e f!rnished a#ong )ith the offer.
1.11. +nforation and ;ataF
1.11.1. The +nforation f!rnished is the "est avai#a"#e, ho)ever the 5p#o$er does not g!arantee the
correctness of interpretations, ded!ctions or conc#!sions )hich are given as s!pp#eentar$
inforation in the 7id doc!ents or in an$ reports, aps, dra)ings, diagras or in other
reference inforation avai#a"#e to the "idder fro the 5p#o$er or other)ise.
The inforation has "een prod!ced as fo!nd, co!nicated to, ascertained or other)ise #earned
"$ the ep#o$er.
1.11.2. +t )i## "e the 7idderKs responsi"i#it$ to satisf$ hise#f fro the T3eference inforationU
s!pp#ied and or inspection of the site that s!fficient *!antities of constr!ction ateria#s re*!ired
for the )or-s sha## e1ist in the designated "orro) areas or *!arr$ sites.
The 5p#o$er does not accept an$ responsi"i#it$ either in handing over the *!arries or proc!ring
the ateria#s or an$ other faci#ities. The tenderer )i## not "e entit#ed for an$ e1tra rate or c#ai
for the is.!dgent on his part for the *!antit$ and *!a#it$ of ateria#s avai#a"#e in the *!arries.
1.11.3. The Contractor sha## a-e his o)n en*!ires regarding the avai#a"i#it$ of other ateria#s and
a-e his o)n arrangeents for proc!ring the.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 231
1.11.(. Climatic condition:
The C#iatic conditions prevai#ing in the area as per the detai#s given "e#o)F
iA Docation F 8aha"!"nagar
iiA 8a1 a"ient air tep @deg CA F
iiiA 8in a"ient air tep @deg CA F
ivA (verage dai#$ a"ient air tep @deg CAF
vA 3e#ative h!idit$ @EA
viA (verage ann!a# rainfa##
viiA 8a1. a#tit!de a"ove ean sea #eve# @etersA
viiiA 8a1. )ind press!re @&g% s*A
i1A +socera!nic #eve# @da$s% $earA
1A /eisic #eve# @,ori<onta# acce#erationsA
2oteF 8oderate#$ hot and h!id tropica# c#iate is cond!cive to r!st and f!ng!s gro)th. The
c#iatic conditions are a#so prone to )ide variations in a"ient conditions. /o-e is a#so
present in the atosphere. ,eav$ #ightning a#so occ!rs d!ring L!ne to Bcto"er.
4&4=& A$$/+'7:%&: The approaches to the site of wor', if necessar(, will have to be
formed b( the contractor as his own cost and will be an access both for personnel and
1.14 -at&# and Po%&#F The contractor has to a-e !se of the Jater /!pp#$ avai#a"#e, if an$, at
the s!"station site for constr!ction p!rpose. Transport of )ater fro the so!rce to the )or-ing
area )i## "e contractorKs responsi"i#it$. +t is essentia# that the contractor sha## prevent is!se
and )astage of )ater at a## ties fai#ing )hich necessar$ charges )i## "e co##ected fro the
contractor. +n case, )ater is not avai#a"#e at site, the contractor has to a-e his o)n
arrangeents and an$ e1tra c#ai on acco!nt of this )i## not "e entertained. 4o)er re*!ired
for constr!ction )i## "e ade avai#a"#e at one point on chargea"#e "asis. The po)er sha## "e
!sed e1c#!sive#$ for s!"station )or-s on#$.
1.15 /!pervision, /-i##ed and >ns-i##ed #a"o!rF The Contractor sha## engage on#$ copetent s-i##ed
1.16 Site Stores: The contractor sha## esta"#ish teporar$ stores at his o)n cost at the /!"station
site for storing ceent and e*!ipent. The stores sho!#d "e disant#ed and site c#eared after
the )or- is cop#eted.
1.17 Constr!ction 8ateria#sF
1.17.1. CeentF
aA The Contractor has to a-e his o)n arrangeents for the proc!reent of ceent to re*!ired
specifications re*!ired for the )or-s and sha## a-e his o)n arrangeents for ade*!ate
storage of ceent.
"A The contractor sha## proc!re ceent in standard pac-ing e.g., 50 -g., "ag or dr!s.
cA The contractor sha## forth)ith propt#$ reove fro the )or- area an$ ceent that the
5ngineer a$ disa##o) for !se.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 232
dA The contractor sha## f!rther, at a## ties satisf$ the 5ngineer on deand "$ prod!ction of
records and "oo-s or "$ s!"ission of ret!rns and other proofs as directed. The ceent "eing
!sed it tested and approved "$ 5ngineer for the p!rpose and the contractor sha## at a## ties,
-eep his records !p to date to ena"#e the 5ngineer to app#$ s!ch chec-s as he a$ desire.
eA Ceent )hich has "een !nd!#$ #ong in storage )ith the contractor or a#ternative#$ has
deteriorated d!e to inade*!ate storage and th!s "ecoe !nfit for !se in the )or-s )i## "e
re.ected "$ the ep#o$er and no c#ai )i## "e entertained. The contractor sha## forth)ith
reove fro the )or- area, an$ ceent the 5ngineer a$ disa##o) for !se on )or- and
rep#ace it "$ ceent cop#$ing )ith the re#evant +ndian /tandards.
1.17.2 St&&l:
8/ Channe#, 8/ (ng#e 8/ 6#at and 8/ rod re*!ired for fa"rication of cross-ars, top
c#eats, c#aps etc., )i## "e iss!ed "$ the 5p#o$er. 6a"rication of ateria#s is to "e arranged
inc#!ding one coat of red o1ide and t)o coats of (#!ini! paint.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 233
2.0. Dit#i1!tion T#an@o#m&#:
2.1. Three I 4hase 63,100,250,315 &'( and 5000 &'( ;istri"!tion transforersF
2.1.1. 8p%6p%4p%;o!"#e 4o#e /tr!ct!reF ;istri"!tion transforer str!ct!res sha## "e
erected at the p#aces specified "$ the 5ngineer. The ateria#s iss!ed "$ the 5p#o$er sha## "e
transported to site. 4p%;o!"#e I4o#e str!ct!re sha## "e erected and concreted. 8/ channe#,
ang#e and f#at sha## "e fa"ricated as per re*!ireent and got erected. 11-' (7 /)itch, and 11
-' ,.:.6!se set sha## "e erected )herever necessar$. ;o!"#e earthing sha## "e done as per the
standard practice. 5arthing sha## "e connected to earth e#ectrodes proper#$. L!pering sha## "e
done neat#$. The /tr!ct!re sha## "e erected as per the dra)ing enc#osed.
2.1.2. /ing#e-4o#e distri"!tion transforer str!ct!resF The /ing#e-4o#e
transforer str!ct!re sha## "e erected as per the dra)ing enc#osed. 5rection of 1-' (7
/)itches, 11 -' ,.:. f!se set, earthing sha## "e done
2.2 R&@!#1iCm&nt o@ DTR:
@1A (7 /)itchF- This inc#!des reova# of o#d (7 /)itch fi1ing of ne) (7 /)itch on
the o!nting channe#s, fi1ing of (7 s)itch asse"#$ inc#!ding tande rod and
operating rod and earthing of (7 s)itch hand#e.
@2A 3eova# of o#d D( and fi1ing of ne) Das and providing of earth )herever
necessar$ and rectification of earthing s$ste.
@3A DT Terina# arrangeents )ith 4,3,2, Circ!itsF- This inc#!des reova# of o#d "o1
and ca"#es, fi1ing of ;istri"!tion "o1 @/8C or eta##icA to the po#e )ith s!ita"#e
c#aps and ang#es and 8CC7 inside the "o1. 3!nning of ca"#e fro transforer
DT 7!shing to ;istri"!tion "o1 ain "!s and fro ain "!s to feeders )hich
inc#!des fi1ing of ca"#e #!gs and ca"#e g#ands.
@4A Bi# in the reoved ;istri"!tion Transforer sha## "e fi#tered ti## the oi# attains
stip!#ated die#ectric strength as per +/ 335%1993. Bi# sha## "e topped !p to the
re*!ired #eve#. 3e*!ired oi#, fi#tering achine and po)er s!pp#$ )i## "e arranged "$
the ep#o$er.
@5A (n$ defective%daaged coponents fo!nd in the reoved Transforer #i-e
"!shings, "!shing rods, .!pers, eta# parts etc., sha## "e rep#aced "$ the contractor.
@6A The Transforer sha## "e c#eaned and painted o!t side )ith t)o coats of ;( gre$
paint. The paint and other cons!a"#es sha## "e proc!red "$ the contractor.
@7A The Transforer str!ct!re sha## "e c#eaned and painted )ith one coat of 3ed B1ide
paint and t)o coats of (#!ini! paint. 4aint and other cons!a"#es re*!ired sha##
"e proc!red "$ the contractor.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 234
@8A The e1isting ;istri"!tion Transforer sho!#d "e disconnected, disant#ed rep#aced
)ith the ;istri"!tion Transforer "ro!ght fro /48 center and the re*!ired
connections are given. The reoved ;istri"!tion Transforer sho!#d "e transported
to the /48 center as directed "$ fi#ed 5ngineer. The 7idder sho!#d *!ote for
#oading, !n#oading and transportation of the a"ove t)o ;istri"!tion Transforers at
"oth ends.
@9A /ec!rit$ fencing aro!nd distri"!tion transforer str!ct!reF@ 6or 2e) as )e##
as 3ef!r"ished ;T3sA
aA /ec!rit$ fencing sha## "e #aid at a height of one eter a"ove the gro!nd #eve# aro!nd
the ;istri"!tion Transforer str!ct!re as per the directions of the fie#d 5ngineer.
"A The 6ence posts sha## "e of 8./. (ng#e 6516516 of 1.3tr #ong @0.3 etre "e#o)
the gro!ndA.
cA The fence posts at the corners sha## "e concreted and posts sha## "e at 1 etre
dA 6encing )ire sha## "e of s*!are esh and shaped of sections 50150 si<e )ith :.+.
)ire of 3 diaeter and sha## "e )e#ded to the frae ade o!t of 5016 8/
eA 5ach fencing sho!#d have one gate of )idth 1 etre and arrangeents for hinges and
#oc-ing sha## "e ade.
fA (## the fence posts and 8./. 6#at to the frae sha## "e painted )ith 2 coats of red
o1ide paint.
gA 3ate *!oted sha## "e per r!nning eter of fencing.
2.3. R&cti@ication o@ Ea#tCinD $t&m %itC )IECI 'i'&:
3eova# of o#d :+ pipes. 51cavation of pits, fi1ing of ne) :+%C+ pipes, providing of /p!n
pipes, r!nning of earthing s$ste )ith 2514 :+ f#at to a## the three :+%C+ pipes as per the
specification and fi##ing the pit )ith 7entonite c#a$.
3.1. S=#,7:-%'/:
/)itchgear, contro# and re#a$ pane#s sha## "e insta##ed as per the specified code of practice and
the an!fact!rerKs instr!ctions. The s)itchgear sha## "e insta##ed on concrete p#inth. Care
sha## "e ta-en in hand#ing instr!ents, re#a$s etc. (n$ daage to re#a$s and instr!ents sha##
"e iediate#$ reported to the engineer. +t sho!#d "e earthed "$ t)o separate and direct earth
connections thro!gh t)o separate earth e#ectrodes.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 235
3.2 B',,%/4 '() B',,%/4 C:'/-%/&:
+nsta##ation and testing of "atter$ and "atter$ charger sha## "e done in strict cop#iance )ith
the an!fact!reKs instr!ctions. 5ach ce## sha## "e inspected for "rea-age and condition of
cover sea#s as soon as received at site. 5ach ce## sha## "e fi##ed )ith e#ectro#$te in accordance
)ith an!fact!rerKs instr!ctions. 7atter$ sha## "e set !p on rac-s as soon as possi"#e after
receipt !ti#i<ing #ifting devices. Ce##s sha## not "e #ifted "$ the terina#s. Contact s!rfaces of
"atter$ terina#s and inter ce## connectors sha## "e c#eaned, coated )ith protective grease and
asse"#ed. 5ach connection sha## "e proper#$ tightened. 5ach ce## sha## "e tested )ith h$dro-
eter, and res!#ts #ogged. 6reshening charge, if necessar$ sha## "e added. The "atter$ sha##
"e f!##$ charged and e#ecro#$te sha## "e at f!## #eve# and of specified specific gravit$. (fter
erection of ne) "atter$, the rep#aced 24'%110' "atter$ sha## "e transported to district stores or
to the #ocation in the district specified "$ the 5ngineer.
4.0 E#&ction o@ ;a$:
(.1. *o!ndation:
4.1.1 The ceent concrete !sed for the fo!ndations sha## "e 8-150. The sand !sed sha## "e
coposed of hard si#icon ateria#s and )e## sieved. +t sha## "e c#ear of a sharp ang!#ar gri##
t$pe and free of earth organic atter and sa#ts. The aggregate sha## "e c#ear "ro-en hard
granite. +t sha## "e as far as possi"#e c!"e #i-e, prefera"#$ ang!#ar, "!t not f#a-$, perfect#$
c#ean and free fro earth organics. 38- aggregate sha## "e of si<e as )e## as pass thro!gh
38 s*../ieve.
4.1.2 The )ater !sed for i1ing concrete sha## "e free fro oi#, acids, and a#-a#i, /a#ine or "rac-ish
)ater sho!#d not "e !sed.
4.1.3 4roper fors of o!#d ade*!ate#$ "raced to retain proper shape )hi#e concreting sha## "e
!sed. The o!#d sha## "e ade )ater #ight so that ceent )i## not coe o!t #eaving on#$ sand
and .e##$, conse*!ent#$ foring hone$-co"ing in the concrete.
4.1.4 (fter concreting, top s!rface sha## "e finished sooth. 4#astering of o!ter s!rfaces sha## "e
done )ith 12 thic- 1F3 ceent ortar. Jhite )ashing )ith )hite ceent sha## "e done
4.2 *a1#ication: The stee# re*!ired for fa"rication )i## "e iss!ed "$ the ep#o$er
at district stores. The contractor sha## arrange transport and fa"rication as per the dra)ing
approved "$ the 5ngineer.
A00 $#%7%& .2&, 3% &,/'#-:,. S,/'#-:,%(#(- &:'00 (+, )'.'-% ,:% .',%/#'0. H'..%/#(-
&:'00 (+, 3% $%/.#,,%) 6+/ &,/'#-:,%(#(- '()B+/ 60',,%(#(- +6 .%.3%/&. S:'/$ 3%()& '/%
(+, $%/.#,,%). C2,,#(- .'4 3% '66%7,%) 34 &:%'/#(-G 7/+$$#(-G 60'.% 72,,#(- +/ &'=#(-.
T:% &2/6'7%& &+ 72, &:'00 3% 70%'(G &.++,:G /%'&+('304 &A2'/% '() 6/%% 6/+.
,o#es in the e"ers sha## either "e dri##ed or p!nched and sha## not "e fored "$ f#ae
c!tting process. (## "!rrs #eft "$ p!nching or dri##ing sha## "e cop#ete#$ reoved.
+t sha## "e ens!red that fasteners provide positive attachent at a## ties and !nder conditions
)hen the str!ct!re is s!".ect to vi"rator$ #oads. 7o#ts !sed for erection sha## prefera"#$ "e of
12,16 and 20 diaeter and in no case "o#t diaeter sha## "e #ess than 12 . The #ength
of the "o#t sha## "e s!ch that the threaded portion does not #ie in the p#ane of contact of
+t sha## "e ens!red that the threaded portion of the "o#t protr!des not #ess than 3 and not
ore than 8 over the n!t after it is f!##$ tightened. ,o#es sha## "e c$#indrica# and
perpendic!#ar to the str!ct!ra# e"ers. Bva# or #o"ed fors of ho#es sha## not "e peritted.
The diaeter of the ho#es sha## "e e*!a# to the "o#t p#!s 1.5 . The acc!rac$ of the #ocation
of the ho#es sha## "e s!ch that for an$ gro!p of e"ers )hen asse"#ed, the ho#es sha##
adit the "o#t at right ang#es to the p#ane of connection.
S'acinD o@ 1olt and &dD& ditanc&:
Si$nature of the Tenderer 236
7o#t dia @A ,o#e dia@A 7o#t spacing
5dge ho#e center
to ro##ed or
/a)n edge.
ini! ho#e
center sheared or
f#ae c!t 5dge.
12 13.5 32 16 20
16 17.5 40 20 23
18 21.5 48 25 28
/pring )ashers of positive #oc- t$pe of the fo##o)ing thic-ness as sha## "e provided for
insertion !nder a## n!ts.
7o#t diaeter Thic-ness of spring )asher
12 2.5
16 3.5
18 4.0
4.2.2 6a"rication of str!ct!res F /traightening, c!tting asse"#$, "o#ting and
)e#ding sha## "e per +/ 800.
4.2.3. 7o#ts and n!tsF 2oina# n!t si<e 4roof stress @2% s*.A
8 26 490
8 20 500
The "o#ts and n!ts sha## "e hot dip ga# vanished as per +/ I1367.
4.2.4. /pring )ashers sha## "e of t$pe 7 and sha## confor to +/ I3063. The spring )ashers sha## "e
ade fro high *!a#it$ spring stee# conforing to +/-4072. The spring )ashers sha## "e
e#ectroga# vanished )ith a coating thic-ness of 25 icrons.
4.2.5. )alBaniinD F (## e"ers, of str!ct!res, M>K"o#ts etc. sha## "e ot dip ga#vannised.
:a#vanisation sha## "e done "$ hot dip process as per +/-2629. (fter ga#vani<ation, the
s!rface sha## "e free fro a## sharp edges and eta# od!#es and there sha## "e no c#ogging of
"o#t ho#es d!e to the sta$ of <inc in the ho#es.
4.2.6. Ma#AinD : 5ach part of stee# str!ct!re sha## "e c#ear#$ staped )ith 20 stee# staping
die )ith the identification n!"er ar- or s$"o# to faci#itate erection.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 237
4.3. The str!ct!res sha## "e erected "$ piece-ea# ethod on the fo!ndations after a##o)ing the
re*!ired c!ring tie for the fo!ndations. (fter erection of the str!ct!res, the "o#ts sha## "e
chec-ed to ascertain that a## n!ts are f!##$ tight. The contractor sha## ens!re that none of the "o#ts
are #eft o!t. The str!ct!re sha## "e tr!#$ vertica# after erection and no straining )i## "e peritted to
"ring the to vertica# position. The to#erance a##o)ed for vertica##$ is one is 360 str!ct!re height.
4.4. St#inDinD ;! 1a#F 33 -'%11 -' "!s in 33%11 -' s!"station sha## "e fored )ith panther
cond!ctor to a tension of 250 &g coprising of three phases coprising of three phases. 33 -'
"!s in 132%33 -' s!"station sha## "e fored )ith sing#e <e"ra @61%3.18 (C/3 or 8ooseA
cond!ctor and sha## "e str!ng to the re*!ired tension as per the directions of the 5ngineer. The
"ieta##ic c#aps and other connectors re*!ired for connections "et)een "!s and e*!ipent and
"et)een e*!ipents are to "e proc!red "$ the contractor. The stringing of "!s cond!ctors covers
hoisting of tension ins!#ator strings, s!spension ins!#ator strings, post t$pe ins!#ator stac-s and
other accessories a#ong )ith tensioning of cond!ctor and c#aping. L!pering to the e*!ipent
sha## "e arranged proper#$.
+ns!#ator strings sha## "e asse"#ed on the gro!nd. These sha## "e c#eaned and e1ained "efore
hoisting. (## the parts inc#!ding c!rrent carr$ing parts sha## "e c#ean and sooth )itho!t grease,
paint, or dirt. +ns!#ators )ith crac-s or chips or those having g#a<ing e1ceeding 0.5 s*.c sha## not
"e !sed.
The sag of "!s cond!ctor sha## not "e ore than 1E. ;aaged cond!ctor sha## not "e !sed.
2o .oints are to "e ade, Cond!ctor s!rface sha## "e c#ean and sooth )itho!t an$ pro.ections,
sharp points, c!ts, or a"rasions, etc. and the cond!ctor sha## "e contin!o!s thro!gh o!t the span.
4.5. Ea#tCinD: 5arth at sha## "e as per the approved #a$o!t. The 5arth at sha##
"e fored )ith stee# f#ats "!ried in the gro!nd to a depth of 500 . (## the
.!nctions of stee# f#ats )hi#e foring earth at and ta-ing risers fro the earth
at for giving earth connections to e*!ipent sha## "e proper#$ )e#ded. (##
.oints sha## "e provided )ith s!ita"#e ang#e pieces for contact "et)een t)o f#ats.
4rovision sha## "e ade for thera# e1pansion of stee# f#ats "$ giving sooth
circ!#ar "ends. 7ending sha## not ca!se an$ fatig!e in the ateria# of "ends.
5arth at sha## "e fored "$ )e#ding 50 1 6 8/ 6#at. (fter cop#etion of
earth at, earth resistive#$ a$ "e eas!red. +n case, the earth resistance is ore
than one oh, earth at a$ "e e1tended, e1tra e#ectrodes insta##ed so that earth
resistance is #ess than one oh.
The .oints and ta-e offs )hen )e#ding is done sha## "e given a coat of 7it!en
paint and then covered )ith ,essian tape to avoid r!sting. 8/ f#at iss!ed sha## "e
ac co!nted for.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 238
4.6. Ca"#ingF Ca"#es sha## "e #aid in trenches and the ca"#es re*!ired for the .o" )i##
"e iss!ed "$ the ep#o$er. The contro# ca"#es )i## "e 2.5 /*. 4 core copper.
The #ength each ca"#e iss!ed sha## "e .!dicio!s#$ c!t inii<ing the )astage.
Ca"#e #a$ing sha## a#so inc#!de terination of ca"#es i.e. at "oth ends of ca"#e at
e*!ipent, contro# and protection pane#s, etc., as )e## as e*!ipent to
arsha##ing "o1es and arsha##ing "o1es to s)itch gear pane#s. Ca"#e #!gs, ca"#e
terinating accessories #i-e .ointing ferr!#es, ca"#e c#aps, ca"#e grips, ca"#e
copo!nd f#!1 tapes, etc., as necessar$ sha## "e proc!red "$ the contractor.
Ca"#e #!gs sha## "e copressed over the cond!ctor ends )ith criping too#
+ns!#ating s#eeves sha## "e provided and covered over the "are ends of the
connections so as to prevent accidenta# contact )ith gro!nd or )ith the ad.acent
terina#s. The ins!#ating s#eeve sha## "e fire resistant and #ong eno!gh to over
pass the cond!ctor ins!#ation and sha## "e of correct si<e to the cond!ctor !sed.
The ca"#es entering the contro# roo fro o!tdoor sha## "e sea#ed.
/tandard ca"#e grips and sea#s sha## "e !ti#i<ed for ca"#e p!##ing after #a$ing the
ca"#e. Ca"#e ar-ers ha## "e p!t at "oth ends of the ca"#e and at the contro# roo
entr$. The ca"#e n!"er and other data sha## "e p!nched and the ca"#e ar-ers
are to "e sec!re#$ attached to the ca"#es. Ca"#e sha## not "e .ointed and !sed for
#a$ing p!rpose. /harp "ending and -in-ing of ca"#es sha## "e avoided. +n each
ca"#e r!n, soe e1tra #ength sha## "e -ept at a s!ita"#e point.
Contro# ca"#e terinations sha## "e ade in accordance )ith
Si$nature of the Tenderer 239
4.7. LiDCtinD S$t&m: The e*!ipent s!ch as #ighting distri"!tion "oard, #ighting
pane#s, #ighting fi1t!res, #aps, )iring etc., are necessar$ for i##!inating the
s)itch $ard. Dighting pi##ar "o1 sha## "e erected. The "o1 sha## "e ro!nded in
Ceent Concrete 1F4F8 )ith 40 hard "ro-en granite eta# )ith fo!ndation
"o#ts. 6o!ndation "o#ts re*!ired for the )or- sha## "e proc!red "$ the contractor.
4.8. S!''o#t @o# *i"t!#&: The #ights sha## "e o!nted on the str!ct!res )ith
necessar$ canti#ever arrangeent for )hich stee# )i## "e iss!ed "$ the ep#o$er
and acco!nted for as in the case of s!"station str!ct!res. (## accessories :.+.
4ipes, c#aps, etc., re*!ired for o!nting the fi1t!res sha## "e proc!red "$ the
contractor. 8o!nting arrangeents sha## "e 3 a"ove the gro!nd #eve# and
painted. 5arthing sha## "e done at t)o #ocations )ith 5016 8/ 6#at to "e s!pp#ied
"$ the ep#o$er. (## #ighting fi1t!res sha## "e asse"#ed, insta##ed and )ired.
4.9. /eparation of "!nched 11 -' feeders%7if!rcation of 11-' feederF
5rection of "a$F Constr!ction of 'C7 p#inth of 195 1 195 c150 .
5rection of 'C7 over the p#inth. 3!nning of contro# ca"#e fro 'C7 to contro# pane#
in the contro# roo%.!nction "o1. 5arthing of 'C7 )ith 8/%:+ f#at 25 1 4 .
5rection of (7 s)itch 200%400%800 ( as per the re*!ireent in the //. 5rection of
24 ' 7atter$ )ith charger over 75 1 40 seating channe#s and connecting the
7atter$ to the ;C pane# throK po)er ca"#e.
.. E#&ction o@ OB&#C&ad Lin&:
..1. Sco'&:
The scope covers s!rve$ of the proposed ro!te, )a$-#eaves c#earance )here-ever
necessar$, transport of ateria# to the #ocations, erection of the #ine, testing of the #ine
and handing over to the 5p#o$er as per /pecification.
..2 )&n&#al:
The contractor sho!#d "e )e## ac*!ainted )ith the +.5. 3!#es 1956 as aended fro
tie to tie and )ith the +ndian Te#egraph (ct 1889 so that necessar$ provisions
therein a$ "e fo##o)ed.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 240
..3 !#B&$ o@ tC& #o!t&:
The contractor is re*!ired to carr$ o!t detai#ed s!rve$ of the ro!te of the #ine and fi1
!p the #ocations at the average span indicated in the sched!#e and ar- the #ocations
and s!"it a detai#ed ro!te ap to the 5ngineer of the )or- )ithin )ee- da$s for
approva#. The contractor sha## not coence the )or- !nti# the 5ngineer in )riting
gives the fina# approva# of the ro!te ap to the contractor.
..(. -a$ l&aB& cl&a#anc&:
The contractor sha## s!"it proposa#s for )a$ #eave c#earance and right of )a$. The
contractor sha## ta-e a## possi"#e steps to see that standing crops, tress, etc., are not
daaged to the e1tent possi"#e )hi#e doing the constr!ction )or-. Jhen s!ch
daage is inevita"#e the copensation )i## "e "orne "$ the 5p#o$er provided the
daage is )ith the prior conc!rrence of the 5ngineer. The contractor sha## "ear the
copensation for daage ca!sed "$ the gangs )itho!t prior conc!rrence of the
5ngineer concerned.
2o trees sha## "e c!t !nti# the 5p#o$er has ade necessar$ arrangeents )ith the
a!thorities concerned and perission is given to the contractor to fe## s!ch trees. The
contractor sha## arrange to reove the o"stac#es as soon as possi"#e.
(t ties ho)ever, it a$ not "e possi"#e for the 5p#o$er to arrange right-of-)a$ for
e1cavation of po#e pits or erecting the po#es or stringing the #ine. (t a## s!ch ties,
the contractor sha## shift his gangs to other areas. The rates *!oted sha## cover a##
s!ch contingencies and no e1tra pa$ents sha## "e c#aied for s!ch contingencies.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 241
5.5. Pol& E#&ction: 4its sho!#d "e e1cavated )ith its #onger a1is in the direction of the
#ine. The po#e cop#ete )ith a## fittings sho!#d "e so erected as to ca!se no daage
)hatsoever to the fittings and a#igned proper#$ a#ong the ro!te of the #ine set to p#!"
and the pit "ac- fi##ed in #a$ers conso#idating each tie )ith s!fficient raing and
)atering. (## e1tra earth sho!#d "e gathered ro!nd the po#e and proper#$ raed !p.
7ase concreting sho!#d "e !sed. (## c!t points, )et and padd$ #ocations and at #east 1
in 5 in a## other soi#s sha## "e concreted.
5.5.1. Int&# m&diat& 'ol&:
51cavation of po#e pits, fa"rication of cross-ars, "ac--c#aps and top c#eat, )e#ding
"ase p#ate to 3/ Loist po#e, fi1ing cross-ars and top c#eat, 4in ins!#ators, /hac-#e
ins!#ators )herever necessar$, providing earth coi# and erecting the po#e, concerting
9 coping and painting the po#e )ith one )et coat of 3ed o1ide paint.
5.5.2. In!lato#: +n case of 11 &' 1.07 eters M'K cross-ars and 1.55 eters cross ars
in case of 33 &' in triang!#ar foration are !sed. Jhere f#at cross ars are !sed M(K
t$pe pedesta#s sha## "e !sed. +n case of DT #ines 0.4 eters phase to phase c#earance
is to "e adopted. The ins!#ators sha## "e caref!##$ e1ained for p!nct!res, chippings,
hair#ine crac-s and sha## "e o!nted in position and proper#$ sec!red )ith )ashers,
n!ts and ferr!#es or pac-ing pieces and sha## "e set to p#!" )ith top grooves para##e#
to #ine.
5.5.3. S'an: /pans to "e adopted )i## depend on vario!s factors s!ch as strength of
s!pport, cond!ctor si<e, terrain etc. 2ora# span is the a1i! span for )hich the
#ine is designed over #eve# gro!nd and sha## "e deterined "$ the a##o)a"#e sag for
the partic!#ar cond!ctor "$ the vertica# c#earance re*!ired stat!tori#$ a"ove the
gro!nd and "$ the height and strength of the po#e "eing !sed.
2ora##$4 the a1i! span !sed sha## "e 45 eters for a## #ines of vo#tages.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 242
5.5.4. Pol& D!$: 4o#e g!$s are considered as ta-ing the entire #oad in the direction in )hich the$ act, the
po#es acting as str!ts on#$. These g!$s consist of standard stee# )ires, together )ith eans of
attaching to po#es and anchor and a#so inc#!de strain ins!#ators. :!$s sho!#d "e attached to po#es
c#ose to the point of app#ication of the #oads, )hich the$ are to s!pport. The hori<onta# coponent of
the #oad to "e ta-en "$ the g!$ )i## "e the sae as the tota# transverse #oad on the po#e d!e to the
cond!ctors )hen the g!$ is attached to the po#e at the point of app#ication of these #oads. Jhere the
g!$ is attached at soe other point this hori<onta# coponent of the #oad )i## "e the tota# of g!$
attachent a"ove gro!nd #eve#.
(t dead ends the g!$s sho!#d "e capa"#e of )ithstanding the tensions in a## cond!ctors )hen
s!".ected to the ass!ed a1i! design #oading conditions.
(t ang#es, the g!$ or g!$s sho!#d "e capa"#e of )ithstanding the transverse #oad d!e to the tensions in
a## cond!ctors )hen s!".ected to the ass!ed a1i! design #oading conditions and the )ind
#oading on the cond!ctors.
..6 AncCo# Rod: (nchor !st "e designed so as to press against a s!fficient vo#!e and )eight of
earth to resist cop#ete#$ the force d!e to the tension in the g!$. 6 8/ p#ate of si<e 1%3 1 1%3
eter is to "e fitted at the "otto of the anchor rod and "!ried 2 eters deep in to the earth.
..7 )!$ t#ain in!lato#: /train ins!#ators are p#aced in g!$s to prevent the #o)er part of the g!$ fro
"ecoing e#ectrica##$ energi<ed "$ the contact of the !pper part of the g!$ )ith the cond!ctors or "$
#ea-age. 2o g!$ ins!#ator sha## "e #ocated #ess than 2.6 eters fro the gro!nd.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 243
..8 St#inDinDF The cond!ctor sha## "e transported to the tension point )itho!t in.!ring in an$ )a$.
Jhi#e paving o!t, the cond!ctor sha## not to!ch the gro!nd or an$ eta##ic fitting on the po#e. Bn an$
acco!nt, no part of the cond!ctor sha## "e #eft at a height of #ess than 4 eters a"ove the gro!nd over
night and the )or- sha## "e so arranged that "efore the c#ose of the da$, the cond!ctor sha## "e raised
to a ini! height of 4 eters a"ove gro!nd.
5.9 Pin 1indinD: (fter stringing is cop#eted, a## po#es, cross ars, ins!#ators, fittings etc., sha## "e
chec-ed to ens!re that the$ have no deforities, "ending etc., and on#$ after carr$ing o!t
rectifications to po#es etc., to proper a#ignent, "inding of cond!ctor sha## "e done.
5.10 Do!1l& Pol& t#!ct!#&: 6or ang#es of deviation ore than 20
, do!"#e-po#e str!ct!re of spacing 1.2
eters sha## "e erected. 6or ever$ one -., of the #ine do!"#e-po#e str!ct!re sha## "e erected.
5.11 Cond!cto# damaD& and #&'ai#: +f the cond!ctor is daaged for )hatever reasons, it sha## "e "ro!ght
to the notice of the 5ngineer and sha## not "e !sed )itho!t his approva#. 5ven repairing of cond!ctor
s!rfaces sha## "e done on#$ in case of inor daages, sc!ff ar-s etc., )hich are safe to "oth e#ectrica#
and echanica# points of vie). The fina# cond!ctor s!rface sha## "e c#ean, sooth, )itho!t an$
pro.ections, sharp points, c!t or a"rasion etc., for giving satisfactor$ corona.
5.12 Jor-anshipF The cond!ctor sha## entire#$ "e responsi"#e for the correct erection of a## s!pports. +f
the s!pports and ;.4. str!ct!res after erection are fo!nd to differ fro the approved ro!te aps and
dra)ings or to "e o!t of a#ignent, the contractor sha## re-erect the correct#$ at his o)n cost )itho!t
e1tension of tie. Docation n!"ers for each po#e sha## "e painted on the po#e.
(nti-c#i"ing devices are to "e provided at road crossings.
5.13. 6ina# chec-ing, testing and coissioningF (fter cop#etion of the )or-s, fina# patro##ing and chec-ing
of the #ine, contractor sha## prepare po#e sched!#es thoro!gh#$.
(## )or-s sha## "e thoro!gh#$ inspected -eeping in vie) of the fo##o)ingF
@iA /!fficient "ac- fi##ed earth is ade*!ate#$ copacted.
@iiA Concreting of po#es is in good condition.
@iiiA (## the accessories and ins!#ators are strict#$ free fro an$ defects or daages.
@ivA (## "o#ts and n!ts sha## "e :.+. ateria#.
@vA /tringing has "een done as per the approved sag and desired c#earances are avai#a"#e.
@viA Bf a## c!t points, do!"#e .!pers are provided to each phase cond!ctor.
(fter fina# chec-ing, the #ines sha## "e tested for ins!#ation in accordance )ith tests prescri"ed
"$ the 5ngineer. (n$ defects fo!nd as a res!#t of s!ch tests, sha## "e rectified forth)ith.
+n addition to the a"ove, the contractor is responsi"#e for testing and ens!ring that the tota#
re#ative sags of the cond!ctors are )ithin the specified to#erance. /!ch tests sha## "e carried
o!t at se#ected points a#ong the ro!te as re*!ired "$ the 5ngineer. (fter satisfactor$ tests on
the #ine and approved "$ the 5ngineer, the #ine sha## "e energi<ed at f!## operation vo#tage
"efore handing over.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 244
6. R&cond!cto#inD:
4a$ of cond!ctor over the po#es and reova# of the o#d cond!ctor and "inding of the ne) cond!ctor
and rep#acing cross ars, 4in ins!#ators etc. if necessar$.
6.1 R&con@iD!#ation to aBoid #oad c#oinD:
/egregating the #oads "$ transferring to ad.acent feeders and "$ erecting additiona# B, #ines. >:
ca"#e a$ "e !sed )herever Bver ,ead #ine is not feasi"#e.
6.1.2. -ataD&:
Contractor )i## "e s!pp#ied )ith the fo##o)ing a1i! additiona# *!antities of ateria#s to cover
sag, .!pering, )astage and #osses etc., d!ring erection of the #ines and s!"stations.
iA +ns!#ator discs F >pto 1E of act!a# *!antit$ re*!ired.
iiA +ns!#ators F >pto 1 E of act!a# *!antit$ re*!ired.
iiiA Cond!ctor F aA >pto 1E of Hthe ro!te #ength for
each of the cond!ctors. This E
inc#!des sag and .!pers.
"A (ct!a# !ti#i<ation of
Cond!ctor for stiffness, 7rid#ing
points in addition @as a"oveA
ivA 5arth )ire -do-
vA Bther inor >pto 2E of act!a# *!antit$ re*!ired.
(ccessories, ,ard)are,
6a"ricated stee# ites
Di-e cross ars, #ine ;4
8ateria#s, Transforer
;4 ateria#s, 7a$ e1tension
8ateria#, top c#eats,
7ac- c#aps.
Cost of the )astage s!pp#ied over and a"ove the #iits specified a"ove )i## "e recovered at
"oo- va#!e or ar-et rate G /a#es ta1 and other centages at 10E )hich ever is higher.
7. P#oBidinD in!lation to tC& OB&# /&ad lin&:
11-'%DT Bver ,ead #ines are to "e painted )ith "r!sha"#e epo1$ copo!nd #i-e ;52/5T or
an$ s!perior "rand )here the #ines r!n c#ose to the tress%fo#iage so as to protect the #ines fro
fre*!ent transient fa!#ts and to avoid #ea-age c!rrents. The ins!#ating #a$er after app#ication
of the "r!sha"#e epo1$ copo!nd sha## )ithstand a p!nct!re vo#tage of 12-' in respect of
11-' overhead #ines and 600 'o#ts in respect of DT overhead #ines. +ns!#ation copo!nd and
a## the re*!ired cons!a"#es for painting sha## "e proc!red "$ the contractor. The rate
*!oted sho!#d "e per sing#e cond!ctor per one -i#oeter of #ength.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 245
8. *o!ndation:
The ceent concrete !sed for the fo!ndations sha## "e 8-150. The sand !sed for the concrete
sha## "e coposed for hard si#icon ateria#s and )e## sieved. +t sha## "e c#ear of a sharp
ang!#ar gri## t$pe and free of earth#$ organic atter and sa#ts. The aggregate sha## "e c#ear
"ro-en hard granite. +t sha## "e as far as possi"#e c!"e #i-e, prefera"#$ ang!#ar, "!t not f#a-$,
perfect#$ c#ean and free fro earth organics. 38 aggregate sha## "e of si<e as )e## as pass
thro!gh 38 s*!are eter eas!red in the c#ear. 20 aggregate is for "ase concreting
and 38 aggregate for other.
The )ater !sed for i1ing concrete sha## "e fresh and confor to +/. +t sho!#d "e c#ean and
free fro oi#, acids, and a#-a#i. /a#ine or "rac-ish )ater sho!#d not "e !sed.
The concrete sho!#d "e i1ed as stiff as the re*!ireents of p#acing the concrete in the fors
or o!#d )ith as and the degree to )hich the concrete resists segregation )i## perit.
4roper fors of o!#d ade*!ate#$ "raced to retain proper shape )hi#e concreting sho!#d "e
!sed. The o!#d sho!#d "e ade )ater tight so that ceent crea )i## not coe o!t #eaving
on#$ sand and .e##$, conse*!ent#$ foring hone$ coing in the concrete.
(fter concerting to the re*!ired height, the top s!rface sho!#d "e finished sooth. 4#astering
of o!ter s!rfaces sha## "e done 12 thic- )ith 1F3 ceent ortar. Jhite )ashing )ith )hite
ceent sha## "e done neat#$.
9. Ea#tC El&ct#od&F
aA 5#ectrodes sha## "e as far as possi"#e, "e e"edded "e#o) peranent oist!re #eve#. 5arth pits sha## "e
treated )ith 7entonite c#a$. 7entonite c#a$ p#aced aro!nd the e#ectrode sha## "e fine#$ graded, free fro
stones and other harf!# oist!res. 7ac--fi## sha## "e p#aced in #a$ers of 250 thic- !nifor#$
spread and copacted. +f e1cavated soi# is fo!nd !ns!ita"#e for "ac- fi##ing, s!ita"#e soi# sha## "e
arranged fro o!tside. 5arth e#ectrode is of heav$ d!t$ ga#vani<ed pipe of 40 dia, 2.5 eter #ong or
cast iron pipe of 40 dia 2.5 eter #ong direct#$ "!ried. ( sp!n pipe of si<e 0.6 dia 1 0.5 height
sha## "e provided to g!ard the earth e#ectrode.
10. La$inD o@ 11AB4 3 " 18.E120E9. S?.mm =LPE ,.). ca1l& .Al.An
51cavation of ca"#e trench of si<e 0.910.45 ts as per 3o!te 8ap. Da$ing of 11-v 3 1 185%120%95
/*. OD45 >.:. ca"#e in the trench, refi##ing the trench )ith sand and earth as per specification in
different soi#s !nder a## conditions. 4roviding 3CC 4rotective )arning covers. Testing and
coissioning of the ca"#e as per +/ 1255%83.
11. E#&ction o@ LT 3 1E2"9.E18.E300E(00 S?.mm al!min!m a#mo!#&d ca1l&:
5rection of DT 3 1%2195%185%300%400 /*. OD45 aro!red ca"#e fro Transforer DT Terina# to
;istri"!tion 7o1 and fro ;istri"!tion 7o1 to B, #ine )ith proper c#aping )ith )ooden c#eats at
one eter and fi1ing #!gs inc#!ding cost of c#eats and #!gs etc.
12. VC; and ,) Ca1l&:
Si$nature of the Tenderer 246
0I3 Sco'&:
Da$ing, Testing and Coissioning of 11-v OD45, >: ca"#e and 5rection of 3ing 8ain >nits.
The scope covers s!rve$ of the proposed ro!te, transport of ateria#s to the #ocations, #a$ing of /D45
Ca"#e, +nsta##ation of 3ing 8ain >nits Testing and Coissioning of ,T Ca"#e, 3ing 8ain >nits )ith a##
fittings accessories, s!pports and s!pporting str!ct!res and handing over to the (4T3(2/CB as per
0II3 )&n&#al:
The contractor sha## "e )e## ac*!ainted )ith +.5. 3!#es 1956 as aended fro tie to tie.
0III3 S!#B&$ o@ tC& Ro!t&F
The tentative ro!te ap of the #ine to "e erected )i## "e f!rnished "$ the 5ngineer to the Contractor a#ong
)ith cop$ of the conc#!ded agreeent.
The Contractor is re*!ired to carr$ o!t detai#ed s!rve$ of the ro!te of the #ine and fi1 !p and ar- the
#ocations and s!"it a detai#ed ro!te ap to the 5ngineer-in-charge of the )or-s )ith in 30 da$s for
approva#. +n the co!rse of s!rve$ing "$ the contractor, an$ conspic!o!s variations in the ro!te and ph$sica#
feat!res to those indicated in the ro!te ap !st "e "ro!ght to the notice of the 5ngineer. The 5ngineer of
considered necessar$ sha## a-e a#terations to the ro!te ap and co!nicate the sae to the contractor in
)riting. (## s!ch a#terations sha## "e carried o!t according#$ and the 5ngineer after inspecting the s!rve$ed
ro!te sha## give fina# approva# for the revised ro!te ap in )riting. The contractor sha## not coence the
)or- !nti# fina# approva# of the ro!te ap is given "$ the 5ngineer-in-charge in )riting to the contractor.
0IV3 -a$ l&aB& and Stat!to#$ Notic&:
4roposa#s for )a$ #eaves and right of )a$ sha## "e s!"itted "$ the contractor. 4erission )i## "e o"tained
"$ the 5ngineer )ithin reasona"#e tie for )hich d!e notice sha## "e given "$ the Contractor.
2o trench c!tting sha## "e done !nti# the 5ngineer has ade necessar$ arrangeents )ith the a!thorities
concerned and perission is given to the contractor to proceed )ith trench c!tting. The contractor sha##
arrange trench c!tting and ca"#e #a$ing as soon as possi"#e.
(t ties ho)ever, it a$ not "e possi"#e for the 5ngineer to arrange right of )a$ for e1cavation trench
c!tting%5rection of 3ing 8ain >nits. (t a## s!ch ties the contractor sha## shift his gangs to other areas.
The rates *!oted sha## cover a## s!ch contingencies and no e1tra pa$ents sha## "e c#aied for s!ch
The contractor sha## ta-e a## the possi"#e steps to see that a#read$ e1isting ca"#es, pipes and other p!"#ic
!ti#it$ s$stes are not daage )hi#e attending to Trench c!tting. ,o)ever, in case the contractor e1pects
that in a given #ocation, it )o!#d not "e possi"#e to carr$o!t the )or-s )itho!t possi"#e daage, he sha##
"ring the atter to the notice of 5ngineer-n-charge of the )or-s and get his approva# "efore proceeding
)ith the )or-s. The ep#o$er sha## "ear the cost of daages, on#$ in s!ch cases of inevita"#e daage. The
contractor sha## "ear the copensation for daages ca!sed in a## other cases.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 247
0V3 E"caBation o@ Ca1l& T#&ncC:
@iA (fter fina# s!rve$ of the Ca"#e 3o!te and after a-ing the 3o!te, e1cavation )or- has to "e
coenced in accordance )ith the approved ro!te ap. 51cavation in ver$ had or roc-$ soi# or in
roc- "eds, a$ invo#ve "#asting of roc- "$ s!ita"#e e1p#osives.
@iiA 51cavation rates sha## "e *!oted "$ the contractor for the fo##o)ing t$pes of soi#s inc#!ding
de)atering of pits, shoring and sh!ttering )herever necessar$. 2o *!otation for e1tra rate for
de)atering d!ring e1cavation, shoring and sh!ttering )i## "e entertained.

aA (## soi# other than hard roc-.
"A /a#d RocA: ,ard roc- )i## "e that )hich re*!ires dri##ing and "#asting "$ an$ ethod. Cost of
dri##ing and "#asting sha## "e inc#!ded in the *!oted rates. +n certain cases, )hen the area aro!nd the
#ocation happens to "e an inha"ited area conse*!ent to )hich "#asting cannot "e resorted to, the
e1cavation a$ have to "e done "$ the process of dri##ing, )edging, haering and sp#itting or "$ the
process of heating and sp#itting "$ s!dden coo#ing. The rate *!oted sha## "e ta-en into consideration
s!ch contingencies a#so. Jhenever "#asting is resorted to, the contractor sha## a-e ade*!ate
arrangeents of safet$ preca!tions. 5p#o$er )i## not "e responsi"#e for an$ daages or accidents
arising o!t of the process of "#asting .
cA CC 3oad s!rface%7T 3oad s!rface.
dA (cross the road and #a$ing 3CC ,!e pipe and #a$ing the ca"#e thro!gh the ,!e pipes.
0VI3 T#an'o#t o@ Mat&#ial I!&d ;$ Em'lo$&#:
Transport of ateria# inc#!des transport of OD45 Ca"#e and 3ing 8ain >nits iss!ed "$ the
ep#o$er. The contractor sha## "e responsi"#e for the transport of ca"#es and 3ing 8ain >nits
iss!ed "$ the ep#o$er. Transport inc#!des #oading at stores, !n#oading at site and neat#$
stac-ing at contractors site office for safe c!stod$.
@'++A @iA Climatic Condition:
aA 8a1i! teperat!re of air in shade 50deg.C
"A 8ini! teperat!re of air in shade 7.5deg.C
cA 8a1i! teperat!re of air in s!n 70 deg.C
dA 8a1i! h!idit$ 100E
eA (verage 2o. of th!nderstor da$s per ann! 50
fA (verage 2o. of d!st stors per ann! 10
gA 8a1i! rainfa## per ann! 3000
hA (verage rainfa## per ann! 925
iA Diits of a"ient teperat!re over a 47 deg.9 deg.C in
a period of 24 ,o!rs /!er and 30 deg.9
10 deg.C d!ring Jinter.
.A 8a1i! )ind press!re 260%&g%/*.8.
-A (#tit!de not e1ceeding 1000 8 a"ove 8/D.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 248
@'++A @iiA S$t&m Pa#tic!la#:
2ora# 'o#tage 33 -' 11-' 415' 240'
,ighest s$ste vo#tage 36.3-' 12.1-' 457' 264'
2!"er of 4hases Three Three Three /ing#e
6re*!enc$ 50 ,< 50,< 50 ,< 50 ,<
'o#tage variation V Ten @10A percent of noina# vo#tage
6re*!enc$ variation V 6ive @5A percent of noina# fre*!enc$
Co"ined vo#tage and V Ten @10A percent
6re*!enc$ variation
2e!tra# earthing /o#id#$ gro!nded
6a!#t #eve# in 8'( 1000 250 25 25
@'+++A S'&ci@ication And Standa#d:
51cept )here specified other)ise herein, a## ateria#s, e*!ipent and constr!ction sha## confor
to the +ndian 5#ectricit$ (ct and 3!#es and the +ndian /tandard /pecifications.
@+OA M&tCod o@ Intallation:
iA 7!ried direct#$ in the gro!nd
iiA Daid in "!i#t !p trenches, ca"#e tra$s and s!pports
iiiA 4!##ed thro!gh cond!its and d!cts
ivA C#aped "are on the )a##s, cei#ing and str!ct!res as per the dra)ing )hich )i## "e f!rnished to the
s!ccessf!# tenderer. Jhere specific ca"#e #a$o!ts are not sho)n, the tenderer sha## ro!te the as
directed "$ 5ngineer-in-Charge of )or-.
@OA Location o@ T#&ncC:
Jhere ca"#es have to "e "!ried in the gro!nd, a trench of ade*!ate si<e to accoodate ca"#e
sha## "e e1cavated an!a##$ or "$ echanica# too#s in the path a#ong the 3oad. Jherever
s!fficient space for #a$ing ca"#e is not avai#a"#e on path, the ca"#es are to "e #aid at edge or the
3oad in conforit$ )ith the r!#es pertaining to ca"#e #a$ing a#ong the "!i#ding #ines as per c#a!se
6.7 of +s 1255%1983.
@O+A Stat!to#$ Notic& And -a$ L&aB&:
The tenderer sha##, thro!gho!t the period of contract and in respect of a# atters arising in
perforance there of, serve a## notices and o"tain consents, )a$ #eaves, approva#s, and
perissions, re*!ired in connection )ith the reg!#ations, "$e-#a)s of #oca# or other a!thorit$
)hich sha## "e app#ica"#e for the )or-. The 5ngineer-in- Charge of the )or- )i## assist in
o"taining the necessar$ approva#s.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 249
0=II3 *o#mation o@ T#&ncC:
iA The "otto of the trench sho!#d "e caref!##$ #eve##ed and -ept free fro stones. 7!t if
gradients and changes of depth are !navoida"#e, the$ sho!#d "e grad!a#.
Jhere ca"#es are #aid direct#$ in gro!nd, the$ sha## "e #aid on a 50 sand "ed. The ca"#e
sha## then "e covered on top and sides )ith sand and earth.
Bver the sand, protective 3CC covers d!#$ engraved T(4T3(2/CBU @as per the dra)ing
enc#osedA sha## "e p#aced on ca"#es and trench fi##ed )ith reoved earth%"orro)ed earth at
contractorKs cost and raed )e##. The protective ca"#e covers sha## confor to and #aid as
per the +/ specification.
iiA +n addition, )herever indicated, side )a## sha## "e constr!cted. 7o!ndaries sha## "e fi1ed for
sta##ing the e1cavated earth "$ p#acing the paving stones, avai#a"#e in the spaces of #ines as the
sit!ation indicates and then to see that the soi# is fir#$ stac-ed )ithin those #iits so that if
a$ not fa## "ac- into trench or "#oc- !p g!tter or )ater entrances. The stac-s of de"ris th!s
fored sho!#d have the sides )hite )ashed so that the$ are easi#$ visi"#e "$ night as )e## as
"$ da$. The e1tra earth after cop#eting #a$ing sha## "e reoved and paths or road)a$s
c#eared, proper#$ for eas$ traffic oveent. Ca"#e ro!te indicators as sho)n in the dra)ing
sha## "e provided at an interva# of 2008 or )herever there is t!rn or deviation fro the
straight ro!te and a#so at ever$ .oint. The indicator at the .oints sha## "e distinct )ith the #etter
MLK inscri"ed proinent#$.
iii3 D&'tC o@ T#&ncC:
The ini! depth of #a$ing an$ ca"#e fro :ro!nd /!rface to the top of ca"#e sho!#d "e as
fo##o)s as per C#a!se 6.3.2 of +/ 1255%1983.
>pto 1.1 -' )or-ing press!re 0.758
3.3 -' to 11 -' )or-ing press!re 0.908
22 -' to 33 -' )or-ing press!re 1.058
iB3 -idtC o@ T#&ncC:
Jidth of the trench sha## in no case "e #ess than 0.45 so as to faci#itate )or-ing on the
0B3 Sid& o@ tC& T#&ncC:
+f there is an$ danger of trench co##apsing, the sides sho!#d "e )e## shored !p )ith ti"ering
and sheeting as the e1cavation proceeds and , in soe cases if a$ even "e advisa"#e to #eave
the s!pport in, )hen "ac- I fi##ing the trench, rather than ris- a possi"#e co##apse of ad.acent
str!ct!re ere#$ for the sa-e of recovering ti"er. +n a## cases "ric-s on edges sha## "e p#aced
a#ong the sides of the trench.
0=III3 S'acinD ;&t%&&n Ca1l&:
Jhen ore than one !#ti-core ca"#e is #aid in the sae trench, a hori<onta# inter a1ia#
spacing of 0.25 to 0.408 is desira"#e in order to red!ce the effects of !t!a# heating and a#so
to ens!re that a fa!#t occ!rring on one ca"#e )i## not daage the ad.acent ca"#e.
0=IV3 Ca1l& Laid In A Ti&# *o#mation:
Ca"#e sha## not "e #aid in ore than one #a$er. Jhere it is necessar$ sha## "e #aid at the top
and sides of the first tier of ca"#es to a height of 25 and ridd#ed soi# sha## "e fi##ed in the
trench and raed do)n to for a so#id "ed to a height of 250 to 400 a"ove the #a$er of
the sand. ("ove this "ed of earth, a #a$er of sand of 50 sha## "e #aid "e#o) the second tier
of ca"#es. The esh of screen thro!gh )hich soi# is ridd#ed sha## not e1ceed 12.5 of
Si$nature of the Tenderer 250
0=V3 Cl&a#anc& *#om Comm!nication Ca1l&:
Jhen po)er ca"#es are #aid in the pro1iit$ of co!nication ca"#es, the ini!
hori<onta# and vertica# separation "et)een the po)er and co!nication ca"#es sha##
nora##$ "e 0.6 "!t in an$ case not #ess than 0.4 for sing#e core ca"#es and 0.3 for
!#ti I core ca"#es. Jhere there is not s!fficient space to a##o) s!ch ini! separation,
either the co!nication ca"#e or the po)er ca"#e prefera"#$ "oth sho!#d "e #aid so#id over
the distance affected, !n#ess the co!nication ca"#e is specifica##$ designed so as to "e
s!ita"#e for #a$ing c#ose to the po)er ca"#e in the sae trench. ,o)ever the fo##o)ing
c#earances sho!#d "e aintained as per c#a!se 6.3.3 of +/ 1255%1983.
The desired ini! c#earances are as fo##o)sF
4o)er ca"#e to po)er ca"#e c#earance not necessar$, ho)ever #arger the c#earance "etter
)o!#d "e c!rrent carr$ing capacit$.
4o)er ca"#e to contro# ca"#e F 0.2 8
4o)er ca"#e to co!nication ca"#e F 0.3 8
4o)er ca"#e to :as%Jater ain F 0.3 8
0=VI3 Minim!m ;&ndinD Radi!:
The ca"#e sho!#d a#)a$s "e "ent or straightened s#o)#$. The$ never "e "ent to a sa## radi!s.
4roper care sha## "e ta-en to avoid an$ daage to the ca"#e )hi#e "ending at .oints and
The ini! safe "ending radi!s for the 1 -' !#ticore OD45 ca"#e a$ "e ta-en as 12;
)here M;K is overa## diaeter of the ca"#e as per C#a!se 5.3 of +/ 1255%1983. (t .oints and
terinations, the individ!a# cores of !#ti-core ca"#e sho!#d never "e "ent so that the radi!s of
the "end is #ess than 15 ties the diaeter over the ins!#ation.
0=VII3 Pa$inD O!t tC& Ca1l&:
4aving of the ca"#e sha## confor to +/ 1255%1983.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 251
0=VIII3 Road C#oinD:
iA Jhenever ca"#e crosses the road )a$s or carriage )a$s it is prefera"#e to cross on the s-e) to red!ce
the ang#e of "end as the ca"#e enters and #eaves the road crossings. Jhi#e crossing the roads ca"#es sho!#d
"e ta-en thro!gh reinforced sp!n pipes of 243 *!a#it$. Bn#$ one three I core ca"#e sho!#d "e ta-en
thro!gh each pipe and the si<e of this pipe sha## not "e #ess than 150 in diaeter. +n case of sing#e core
ca"#e, the pipe sha## carr$ one sing#e phase to avoid rain )ater going into the pipe.
@iiA Ca1l& OB&# ;#idD&:
(t p#aces )here the ca"#es are to "e ro!ted over c!#verts, the ca"#e sha## "e protected "$ :+ pipe of
heav$ ga!ge s!pported on the )a## of the c!#vert . 6or ca"#es passing over #ong "ridges #adder t$pe ca"#e tra$s
a$ "e !sed. Ca"#es are to "e c#aped on the tra$s and ade*!ate /!n-shie#d covers are to "e provided on these
tra$s. The /!n-shie#d covers sha## "e fa"ricated o!t of 16 ga!ge 8/ /heet. 7efore )or- can proceed across the
"ridges, it is necessar$ to o"tain the consent of the concerned a!thorities. ;ra)ings sha## "e s!"itted sho)ing
the proposed position of the ca"#es and the ethod of #a$ing in cases )here the ca"#es are #aid on the provided
tro!ghs on the "ridges, the tro!gh sho!#d "e fi##ed !p )ith shoc- a"sor"ing ateria#s s!ch as sand. Jhen #a$ing
the ca"#e on #ong "ridges, the *!estion of #ongit!dina# e1pansions ca!sed "$ teperat!re differences sha## "e
ta-en into consideration and s!ita"#e ca"#e #oops sha## "e provided at the piers of the "ridges. The s!pport
str!ct!res a$ "e on 6516516 , 8/ ang#e , spaced at 0.58 interva#s.
iiiA Rail%a$ C#oinD:
Jhen ca"#es are #aid !nder rai#)a$ trac-s, the ca"#es sho!#d "e #aid in reinforced sp!n concrete or cast
iron or stee# pipes at s!ch depths as a$ "e specified "$ the rai#)a$ a!thorities "!t not #ess than 18 eas!red
fro the "otto of s#eepers to the top of the pipe, in case of sing#e core ca"#es the cast iron or stee# pipes "e
#arge eno!gh to contain a## the three phase cond!ctors in the sae pipe.
@O+OA P#ot&ction o@ OtC&# ,tilit$ S&#Bic&:
iA (s the trenching )or- proceeds and e1isting properties of other a!thorities are e1posed, ade*!ate steps
sha## "e ta-en to protect s!ch properties, and it is advisa"#e to o"tain the approva# of the concerned a!thorities
for the ethod of s!pport adopted so as to avoid possi"#e c#ais for daages s!"se*!ent#$. The !s!a# ethod
of giving teporar$ s!pport is "$ eans of "ric- piers, or #ashings fro pieces of ti"er or "ars p#aced at
fre*!ent interva#s across the trench fro )hich the services a$ "e s#!ng )hi#e the )or- is in progress. 7efore
reinstating s!ch properties the soi# sha## "e )e## raed !nder the so that the$ are )e## "edded and according
to circ!stances, peranent "ric- or concrete s!pport a$ have to "e "!i#t !nder the. Jhen the proposed
ca"#e ro!te #ies a#ong side high )a## specia##$ if the$ are retaining )a##s or "ridge a"!tents, the trench sho!#d
"e -ept as far a)a$ fro these as possi"#e so as to prevent the e1cavation affecting the sta"i#it$ of the )a##. +t is
"etter if an a#ternative ro!te can "e fo!nd. ;etai#s given in c#a!se 6 9 9 of +/ 1255%1983 a$ "e fo##o)ed in
this connection.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 252
iiA (ccidenta# daage to an$ propert$ sha## "e reported )ith the #east de#a$ to the o)ning a!thorities and the
5ngineer-in-Charge of the )or- either persona##$ or te#ephonica##$. /!ch reports sha## "e #ater confired in
)riting. +f the tenderer is not responsi"#e for the daage, the fact sha## "e c#ear#$ stated at the tie the report is
ade. The tenderer is #ia"#e to pa$ for a## the daages ca!sed "$ his )or-en. ,e sho!#d a#so repair and a-e
good an$ daaged ca!sed to the e1isting p!"#ic or private roads or paths. +n case of p!"#ic or private road or
paths, the tenderer sha## "ac- fi## the trench !pto 6U a"ove the gro!nd #eve#.
OOA P#&B&ntion o@ DamaD& D!& to SCa#' EdD&:
(fter an$ ca"#e has "een #aid and !nti# the )ho#e of the ca"#e to "e #aid in the trench has "een covered
)ith protective covers, no sharp eta# too#s s!ch as spades, cro)"ars or fencing pins sha## "e !sed in the trench
or p#aced in s!ch a position that the$ a$ fa## into the trench. 3o##ers !sed d!ring #a$ing of the ca"#es sha## not
have sharp pro.ecting parts #ia"#e to daage the ca"#es.
OO+A D#a%inD Ca1l& Into D!ct:
( Ca"#e sho!#d "e dra)n into the d!cts in accordance )ith c#a!se 6.5 of +/F 1255%1983 ta-ing !tost
care to ens!re that ca"#e is not daaged.
OO++A Ea#tCinD M&tal SC&atC and A#mo!#:
8eta# sheath and aro!r of the ca"#e sha## "e "onded to the earthing s$ste of the station "$ a
(## eta# pipes or cond!its in )hich the ca"#es have "een #aid sho!#d "e efficient#$ "onded and
earthed. 5arthing and "onding sho!#d "e done in accordance )ith +/F 3043%1966 code of practice of code of
practice for earthing.
OO+++A )&n&#al :
+n each ca"#e r!n, soe e1tra #ength sha## "e -ept at a s!ita"#e point as directed "$ the 5ngineer-in-
Charge to ena"#e one or t)o straight thro!gh .oints to "e ade, sho!#d "e ca"#e deve#op fa!#t at a #ater date.
Jhere gro!ps of ,' and D' and contro# ca"#es are to "e #aid a#ong the sae ro!te, s!ita"#e "arriers to
segregate the ph$sica##$ sha## "e ep#o$ed. Jhere ca"#es are #aid in tier foration, D' Ca"#es sho!#d "e #aid
over the ,' Ca"#es.
OO+'A Ca1l& T&#mination:
Ca"#e terination "oth +ndoor and B!tdoor sha## "e done in accordance )ith c#a!se 12.5 of +/
1255%1983 and an!fact!rerKs specia# instr!ctions. The Ca"#e and terinations @B!tdoor 9 +ndoor A sha## "e
heat shrin-a"#e t$pe "!t of standard a-e and the terination sha## "e carried o!t as per c#a!se 12.5 of
1255%1983. The Cost of the ca"#e end terination -its and other ca"#e terination accessories etc and inc#!ding
#a"o!r charges cop#ete sha## "e inc#!ded in the rates *!oted against the respective ites.
Ca"#e #a$ing sha## a#so inc#!de terination of ca"#e i.e., on "oth ends of the ca"#e at e*!ipent
terina#s , s)itch gear, contro# pane#s, etc. (## the e#ectrica# e*!ipent )i## "e cop#ete )ith ca"#e terination
"o1es, ca"#e g#ands, terina# "#oc-s and ca"#e #!gs. Jherever the e*!ipent is not provided )ith ca"#e
accessories s!ch as ca"#e g#ands, #!gs etc., the tenderer sha## s!pp#$ s!ch ites and !nit rates sha## "e *!oted.
Tenderer sha## s!pp#$ a## other ca"#e terinating accessories #i-e .ointing ferr!#es, ca"#e and core
identif$ing ferr!#es, ca"#e c#aps , ca"#e grips, ca"#e copo!nd, f#!1, tapes etc and sha## inc#!de s!pp#$ of s!ch
accessories in the *!oted rates for ca"#e #a$ing.
Terination proced!res sho!#d "e foo# proof. The terinating .oint "o1es sho!#d "e s!pported on stee#
s!pports #i-e 3ai#s%3s .oists.8/ Cross s!ch that the )eight of the terination .ointing -its sho!#d not "e direct#$
incident on the tapping #ine%e*!ipent.
OO'A :ointinD o@ Ca1l&:
Si$nature of the Tenderer 253
Lointing of ca"#es sha## "e in accordance )ith C#a!se 2o. 12.3.3 9 12.5.3 of +/ 1255%1983 +ndian /tandard
codes of practice and an!fact!reMs specia# instr!ctions.
8ateria#s and too#s re*!ired for ca"#e .ointing )or- sha## "e s!pp#ied "$ the Contractor. Ca"#e sea#s
sha## "e e1ained to ascertain if the$ are intact and a#so that ca"#e ends are not daaged. +f the sea#s are fo!nd
to "e "ro-en or #ead e1ained and tested "$ the (4T3(2/CB officers. 7efore .ointing is coenced
ins!#ation resistance of "oth sections of ca"#es to "e .ointed sha## "e chec-ed )ith 1000' egger. Ca"#e
straight thro!gh .ointing -its sha## "e of heat shrin-a"#e t$pe of standard a-e. The cost of .ointing -its and
other ca"#e .ointing accessories etc., inc#!ding #a"o!r charges cop#ete sha## "e inc#!ded in the rates *!oted
against the respective ites.
Loint ho#es sha## "e of s!fficient diensions to a##o) the .ointers to )or- )ith as !ch freedo as
The .oints sha## "e #ocated at ost s!ita"#e p#aces.
Jhen t)o or ore ca"#es are #aid together, .oints sha## "e staggered "$ a"o!t three eters.
Ca"#es sha## "e fir#$ c#aped on either side of straight thro!gh .oint at not ore than 300 a)a$
fro the .oint.
OO'+A Id&nti@ication o@ Ca1l&:
aA +dentification tags sha## "e tied )ith )ire over the ca"#e at interva#s of 30 eters to indicate the ro!te of
the ca"#e and a#so at ever$ .oint. The tags sha## "e ade of a#!in! )ith #etter ipressions (4T3(2/CB ,
3ating of the Ca"#e, 3o!te nae etc., as per the s-etch enc#osed.
"A The ca"#e ro!te ar-er as per the s-etch sha## "e provided, ade of cast iron p#ate o!nted on a short
#ength of 8/ ang#e at a height of 0.58 a"ove the gro!nd #eve# at interva#s of 2008 a#ong the entire ro!te of the
cA The ca"#e .ointing ar-er as per s-etch sha## "e provided ade of cast iron p#ate o!nted on a short
#ength of 8/ ang#e at a height of 0.58 a"ove the gro!nd #eve# at each ca"#e .oint.
OO'++A Clam'inD A##anD&m&nt:
6or the necessar$, hori<onta# and canti#ever t$pe s!pports, c#aps have to "e proc!red "$ the
contractor and in accordance )ith the s-etch enc#osed. The C#aps sha## "e fa"ricated o!t of 7518 8/ 6#at.
2ecessar$ 8/ "o#ts and n!ts re*!ired for fi1ing the c#ap sha## "e proc!red "$ the Contractor.
OO'+++A DanD&# ;oa#d:
The contractor sha## provide danger "oards enae#ed of standard si<e indicting T,igh 'o#tageU at a##
the ca"#e terinations, tapping points and at tapping #ocation. The danger "oard sha## a#so "e provided at a## the
3ing 8ain >nits @(s per +./.A.
OO+OA P&#man&nt R&co#d:
6o!r sets of peranent records of a## ca"#e insta##ations sha## "e prepared "$ contractor. Bne s!ch
dra)ing )i## have to "e ade on tracing c#oth for f!t!re !se. The fie#d essentia# data sha## "e given on the ca"#e
records in accordance )ith C#a!se no.15.1 of +/ 2o.1255%1983.
aA /i<e and t$pe of ca"#e or ca"#es.
"A Docation of the ca"#e in re#ation to propert$, &er"-#ine etc )ith depths.
cA Cross sections sho)ing )here ca"#es are #aid in pipes or d!cts, giving their si<es t$pes and depths,
together )ith an indication of an$ spare )a$s avai#a"#e.
dA 4osition and t$pes of a## .oints.
eA Docation of other ca"#es )hich r!n a#ong side or across the ca"#e ro!te.
fA 4osition and depths of a## pipes, d!cts, etc., )hich are et as o"str!ctions to the ca"#e ro!te and
gA (cc!rate #engths fro .oint to .oint and an!fact!rerKs ca"#e dr! n!"er.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 254
The record sha## "e copi#ed "$ s!rve$ing the entire ro!te thoro!gh#$ and "$ visiting fre*!ent#$ the
site )hi#e ca"#e #a$ing and .ointing operations are in progress. The s-etches ade sha## "e s!"itted to the
5ngineer-in- Charge , )ho )i## approve if after satisf$ing hise#f that a## re#evant data has "een correct#$
The s-etches sha## "e ade in s!rve$ sheets to the sca#e 1F100. The /heets sha## have to "e proc!red
"$ the contractor fro /!rve$ of +ndian /a#es Bfficer of ,$dera"ad or >r"an ;eve#opent (!thorit$ on
The 4#ain sho!#d contain detai#ed eas!reents of the ca"#es and .oints fro a## peranent #and ar-s
and s!"-soi# o"str!ctions. ;etai#ed eas!reent of depth a#so sha## "e sho)n in cross sectiona# vie)s.
OOOA Intallation o@ RinD Main ,nit:
aA 6o!ndation for the 5%3 4ane# 3ing 8ain !nits sha## "e as per s-etch enc#osed. The 4h$sica#
diensions sha## "e as per /-etch or as per the an!fact!rer g!ide#ines. /!ita"#e groove path for ca"#e entr$
into the 3ing 8ain >nit sha## "e ade si!#taneo!s#$ )ith #a$ing of the p#inth. 6o!ndation "o#ts sha## "e
proper#$ gro!ted and the rate sha## "e inc#!ding cost of ateria# and #a"o!r.
"A 3ing 8ain >nits sha## "e do!"#e earthed )ith 2514 :+ 6#at.
cA 5arth 4itsF 5ach 3ing 8ain >nit sha## "e provided )ith t)o separate earth pits as per the s-etch
dA 5rection of 3ing 8ain >nitsF 5%3 4ane# 3ing 8ain !nits sha## "e insta##ed over the p#inth #aid as per
standards or as per the an!fact!rers instr!ctions or as per the directions of the 5ngineer-in-Charge.
OOO+A T&tinD o@ tC& Ca1l& Intallation and RinD Main ,nit:
iA Tests d!ring +nsta##ationF
(## the ca"#es sha## "e egger tested "efore .ointing. (fter .ointing is cop#eted, a## ,' ca"#es sho!#d
"e press!re tested "efore coissioning. The Ca"#e cores sho!#d "e tested for.
aA Contin!it$
"A ("sence of cross phasing
cA +ns!#ation resistance to earth and
dA +ns!#ation resistance "et)een cond!ctors.
,igh 'o#tage TestingF
(fter #a$ing and .ointing, the ca"#e sha## "e s!".ected to high vo#tage . The test vo#tage is specified in
C#a!se 14.2.4 of +/ 1255%1983, Ta"#e I 6.
CapacitanceF The Capacitance test as specified in C#a!se 14.2.3 +/ 1255%1983 a$ "e done.
2. 3ing 8ain >nits sha## "e tested after insta##ation as per +/ and as per an!fact!rers instr!ctions and
sha## "e -ept read$ for coissioning.
13. (ndhra 4radesh 5nvironenta# 4o#ic$F
5p#o$er has high concern for c#ean 5nvironent. 5co#og$ and s!staina"#e deve#opent in its ever$
activit$ of 4o)er Transission.
13.1 :!iding 4rincip#esF
(void 3ight of Ja$ @3BJA thro!gh 5nvironenta##$ and socia##$ sensitive areas to inii<e
5nvironenta# and /ocia# +pacts.
(doption of advanced Techno#ogies, e1pertise and anageent techni*!es for itigation of
!navoida"#e negative ipacts arising o!t of its pro.ect d!ring operation and aintenance.
13.2 EnBi#onm&ntal Im'act:
To avoid forests, 4#antations in the co!rse of #ine ro!ting, care is ta-en to ro!te thro!gh a path of
ini! dist!r"ance.
To adopt an!a# stringing in thic- forests and s#opes to inii<e daage to environent.
To !se hand and echanica# c#earing operations to inii<e daage to vegetation to faci#itate
stringing and aintenance of 3o).
Si$nature of the Tenderer 255
Care is ta-en to aintain ini! c#earances to avoid e#ectrica# interference )hen the po)er #ines and
te#eco #ines passes para##e# or crosses.
13.3 *o#&t Cl&a#anc&:
(fter ro!te a#ignent and 3o) )idth are fina#i<ed, the ro!te ap indicating the e1tent of forest #and invo#ved
a#ong )ith fi##ed in prescri"ed forat for o"taining forest c#earance is f!rnished to ;6B. ;6B after
verification, s!"its the proposa# to Chief Conservator of 6orests. ,e )i## s!"it the proposa# thro!gh :B(4
to 3egiona# 8B596 )ho )i## c#ear the proposa#.
13.4 Ro!t& a''#oBal @#om PTCC.
(t the /!rve$ stage, +nforation is to "e f!rnished to 4TCC for considering the ro!te approva#. (fter
ro!te is approved "$ 4TCC, the protective eas!res )hatever so s!ggested "$ 4TCC have to "e ip#eented to
protect their #ines. 5p#o$er )i## give three onths prior intiation "efore energisation of the #ine )hich
sho!#d ena"#e the #oca# Te#eco (!thorities to ta-e action to ens!re that the conditions stip!#ated "$ the 4TCC
have "een cop#ied )ith "efore energi<ing the #ine. (fter cop#$ing )ith the eas!res, the Te#eco
;epartent iss!es c#earance to 5p#o$er for energisation of the #ine.
Si$nature of the Tenderer 256
13.5 EnBi#onm&ntal im'act4 MitiDation m&a!#&4 #&'oni1ilit$ mat#i" @o# Im'l&m&ntation
and monito#inD:
5nvironenta# +pact 8itigation 8eas!res 3esponsi"#e for
3esponsi"#e for
1. 4#anningF
+pact on
environenta# sensitive
areas s!ch as )i#d
#ands, )et #ands, "ird or
)i#d #ife sanct!aries,
"ird ha"itants,
c!#t!ra##$ and
historica##$ iportant
Jhi#e se#ecting 3BJ for
#ines sensitive areas are
avoided. 2o ipact on
sensitive areas.
2. Doss of 6orest Dands Jhi#e se#ection of 3BJ for
#ine and site for s!" station
(4T3(2/CB avoids reserve
forests. Jherever #ines are
inevita"#e to cross the reserve
forests, copensator$
afforestation proced!res as
per forest conservation (ct
1980 are fo##o)ed.
;5%Constr!ction ;5%Bperation
3. Doss of ,!an
The 3BJ of #ines are
se#ected avoiding h!an
ha"itations. /4 9 4 )o!#d "e
ip#eented if 393 iss!es
araised !nder !navoida"#e
4. Doss of Dand !se Dand re*!ired for the #ines
and ;istri"!tion transforers
is ver$ sa## in e1tent.
(4T3(2/CB does not
ac*!ire #and for this p!rpose.
5. Constr!ction
5#ectrica# +nterference
to te#eco #ines d!e to
ind!ced 586
4TCC C#earances are
o"tained for the #ines
protection eas!res to
te#eco #ines are
(nd Contractor
6. 5#ectroc!tion ha<ards
d!e to p!"#ic access
/tandard c#earances as per ++
3!#es are aintained
:!arding is provided at a##
road crossings, te#eco and
po)er #ine crossings ;anger
"oards are fi1ed )herever
;5%Constr!ction ;5%Bperation
7. Bperation and
Ja$ Deaves c#earance
2o Cheica# are !sed. (dopt
an!a# or echanica#
ethods for 3BJ
aintenance and gro!nd
c#earing operations.
;5%Constr!ctions ;5%Bperation
8. 6oreign ateria#s on
Ji## "e Chec-ed reg!#ar#$ - ;5%Bperation
Si$nature of the Tenderer 257
14. T&tinD and CommiioninD o@ E?!i'm&nt P#oc&d!#&:
The Testing and coissioning of 5*!ipent sho!#d "e as per (4T3(2/CB /tandard 4roced!res.
The Contractor sho!#d give a prior notice of 15 da$s to the 5ngineer.
15. S!1miion o@ %o#A Plan:
The /e*!ence of )or- p#an, 4ro.ect 8i#e /tones, )or- progress etc., sho!#d "e s!"itted "$ the
contractor in 8icrosoft 4ro.ect. The proposed )or- p#an sho!#d "e s!"itted a#ong )ith the "ids. The 4#an
sha## "e fina#i<ed at the tie of a)arding of contract as per the i#e stones.
16. D#a%inD:
The Constr!ction dra)ings as per 35C /tandards are appended in /ection I '+ . The 7idder is
re*!ested to e1aine the dra)ings and s!"it the additiona# dra)ings re*!ired if an$, and get the approved at
#east 30 da$s "efore coencing the )or-.
17. >!alit$ A!#anc&:
The /pecification provides soe specific "rands%a-es for soe of the goods to "e
s!pp#ied "$ the 7idder. The 7idder a$ s!pp#$ ateria#s % e*!ipent of an$ "rand other
than those specified in the "idding doc!ent provided s!ch ateria#s %e*!ipent are of e*!a#
or "etter *!a#it$ and give "etter perforance than the ateria#s % e*!ipent of the specified
"rands. The proof of e*!iva#ence sha## "e f!rnished a#ong )ith the "id.
19. (443B'(D/ F-
The contractor is responsi"#e for getting approva#s fro C5+: % Doca# 5#ectrica#
a!thorit$. (## the 5*!ipent sha## "e Loint#$ tested at an!fact!re preises for an$
rectifications at the tie of inspection % testing .
1<.5.1. G%(%/'0
This specification covers the manufacture, suppl(, testin$ and deliver( of mild steel (*S) pipes of >??
mm I# (after inlinin$), specials, pipe fittin$s provided with cement mortar inlinin$ and coatin$s& The
Tenderer shall suppl( pipes of minimum > * len$ths, short pipes less than > * and specials reBuired
for curves, tees, branches& Specials shall suit >>8mm outer dia& *S Pipes and air valves, scour
valves, and sluice valves and conform to the details furnished in Schedule IAK and elsewhere in the
tender documents& The internal dia&, of the pipes mentioned here is the internal dia, after inlinin$ with
46mm thic' cement mortar& The dimensions of the fittin$s shall conform to IS@<=667485>&
1<.8. S,%%0 P#$%&
1<.8.1. MS P#$%& '() S:+/, P#$%&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 258
*S Pipes shall be manufactured with >mm thic' steel plates& The internal diameter of the
pipes shall be >?? mm dia after inlinin$ with 46mm thic' cement mortar& The steel plates shall
conform to IS@6?:674886 Grade7. (Fe;4?+A)&
The manufacture of *S Pipes and short pipes shall be done in conformit( with IS@=>5876??4&
*anual metal are weldin$ with covered electrodes shall also be permissible&
.lectrodes shall conform to IS 54;74884&
The len$th of *&S& Pipe shall be > * or more
The len$th of *&S& short pipe shall be as reBuired&
The ends of *&S& Pipes short pipes shall have beveled ends for weldin$
/valit( of the pipes, short pipes shall be removed before inlinin$ is done&
The *S pipes and specials shall conform to IS@=>58 and IS@<=66 manufactured either b( .lectro
2esistance +eldin$ (.2+) or Submer$ed Arc +eldin$ (SA+) process lon$itudinall( or spirall(
welded and tested to 2+S specific reBuirements& The manufacturin$ process shall ensure that the@
(i) ase material i&e& *S Plates, *S Sheets, *S Strips shall be of the reBuired Bualit(
(ii) Production eBuipment is well desi$ned
(iii) Lualit( "ontrol is comprehensive&
#urin$ weldin$ the weld $ap alon$ with the inner and outer weldin$ heads shall have complete
automatic control and are 'ept within close tolerances& The weldin$ devices shall be eBuipped with
the electronic control consistin$ of automatic weldin$ volta$e and automatic weldin$ control s(stems&
The automatic electronic control s(stems shall ensure the correct weldin$ parameters i&e& ampera$e
and volta$e to maintain a uniform Bualit( of weld& The butt joints of the pipe shall be continuousl(
welded first on the inside and after a half7turn of the pipe and also on outside usin$ the submer$ed or
weldin$ process& The pipes can then be cut into desired len$ths b( usin$ a rotar( oA(7acet(lene
torch& The pipes manufactured shall be supplied with plain beveled ed$es and beveled an$le bein$
=?V (S >V 7?V) measured from a line drawn perpendicular to the an$le of pipe with a root face of 4&:S37
1<.8.2. T:% $#$%& .'(26'7,2/%) =#,: &$#/'004 =%0)#(- $/+7%&& '/% ,+ 3% ,%&,%) ,+ ,:%
6+00+=#(- /%A2#/%.%(,& #( ,:% $/%&%(7% +6 E(-#(%%/ +/ :#& /%$/%&%(,',#?%.
i& "ontinuous monitorin$ of dia and formin$
ii& 2adio$raphic testin$ of the pipe welds for 4H of the welded len$th as per IS@;5>=
for the sample of pipes&
iii& %isual inspections of all pipes from inside and outside for permissible tolerances
as per IS@=>58&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 259
iv& All the pipes are to be subjected to h(drostatic test pressure of minimum 44&6>
G$3SBcm in the factor(3wor's for >mm thic' *S Plate pipes respectivel(&
v& C7ra( screenin$
vi& *echanical Tests of furnished pipes as per IS =>58
1<.8.3. T:% $#$%& .'(26'7,2/%) =#,: ERW '() SAW $/+7%&& '/% ,+ 3% ,%&,%) ,+ ,:%
6+00+=#(- /%A2#/%.%(,& #( ,:% $/%&%(7% +6 E(-#(%%/ +/ :#& /%$/%&%(,',#?%.
(i) *echanical Tests as per IS@=>58 with method of samplin$ as per IS@;<44
(ii) The tolerances outside diameter for pipe bod( and pipe ends and thic'ness tested
accordin$ to IS@=>58
(iii) .ach pipe shall be h(draulicall( tested to at the manufacturerKs wor's to a minimum test
pressure of 44&6>G$s3SBcm for > mm thic' *S Plate pipes respectivel(&
(iv) 2adio$raphic testin$ of the pipe welds for 4H of the welded len$th as per IS@;5>= for the
sample of pipes&
1<.8.5. I(0#(#(-
Inlinin$ of *&S& Pipes is to be done in a factor( to conform to IS@448?:7485:
The cement mortar used for inlinin$ shall be of 4@6 proportion b( volume
"ement used in the wor' shall conform to IS@6:8748<:3IS@54463IS@466:8
The sand shall conform to "lause 6&6 of IS@448?:7485:
The thic'ness of inlinin$ shall be 46 mm ! tolerance can be S= mm with no minus tolerance&
The inlinin$ of steel pipe shall be done with 46 mm thic' usin$ machine miAed cement mortar 4@6
proportion b( volume and applied b( the process of spinnin$ with a reinforcement of : mm dia *&S&
rin$s ; 1os& on internal surface on each end of pipe in a len$th of 6=? mm and the reinforcement shall
conform to I&S& ;=6 (Part7I)&
A len$th of about 4>? mm& shall be left eAposed without appl(in$ mortar inside and outside to facilitate
field weldin$ of pipes&
After completion of inlinin$ the pipes reBuired curin$ b( water shall be done as per IS@448?:
The samples for compression tests on cement mortar shall be made as per IS@>4: on <&?: cm34?&?
cm cubes& At least : test cubes of cement mortar shall be drawn on each da( of wor'& /f each set of
: cubes&, three shall be tested at < da(s a$e and three at 65 da(s a$e& The avera$e stren$th of the
specimens tested shall not be less than the stren$th specified in the relevant IS code& The laborator(
test results shall be tabulated and furnished to the .n$ineer&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 260
1<.8.8. T:% 6+00+=#(- /%7+/)& '/% ,+ 3% .'#(,'#(%) 6+/ #(0#(#(- #( 6'7,+/4:
a) Gradin$ of a$$re$ates
b) *iA used
c) "ube testin$ record
d) The date of inlinin$
e) Serial 1o&of pipe
f) Test pressure of pipe
1<.8.9. O2, 7+',#(- +6 ,:% $#$%&:
/ut coatin$ shall be done in the factor( as per IS@8?46748<5&
/ut coatin$ shall be done after inlinin$ is cured for = da(s&
/ut coatin$ shall be done with 6> mm thic' b( shotcretin$ or $unitin$ or brush coatin$ usin$ cement
mortar 4@= b( volume& The volume proportion shall account for bul'a$e in sand&
The wire mesh used for out coatin$ shall be >? mm C >? mm with = mm wire conformin$ to IS@4>::7
The rebound percenta$e as provided in IS@8?46748<5 has to be ta'en into account b( the contractor&
The samples for compression tests on cement mortar shall be made as per IS@>4: on <&?: cm 34?&?
cm cubes& At least : test cubes of cement mortar shall be drawn on each da( of wor'& /f each set of
: cubes three shall be tested at < da(s a$e and three at 65 da(s a$e& The avera$e stren$th of the
specimens tested shall not be less than the stren$th specified in the relevant IS code& The laborator(
test results shall be tabulated and furnished to the .n$ineer&
The followin$ records are to be maintained for out coatin$ in factor(&
i) Gradin$ of a$$re$ates&
ii) *iA used
iii) "ube testin$ record
iv) #ate of out coatin$
48&>&<& Fabrication of *&S& Specials ! Fittin$s
The *S specials and fittin$s shall be fabricated from *S plates or *S sheets conformin$ to
specification IS@6?:67Grade7.& The minimum thic'ness of the plate shall be as specified in clause >&4&
Special attention is directed to these specifications which cover ph(sical, chemical, manufacturin$ and
mechanical eBuipments& Test certificates for plates and other materials shall be submitted b( the
contractor to the .n$ineer for approval before fabrication of *&S&specials and fittin$s is commenced&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 261
1o material shall be used in the fabrication of an( pipe or fittin$s, which has not been properl(
inspected b( the .n$ineer&
The manufacture of *S specials and fittin$s shall be carried out as per I&S& <=667485>&
*anufacturerKs eBuipment for all specials, such as weldin$, flame cuttin$ and other operations shall
be of a standard and Bualit( necessar( to produce specials meetin$ the specification& .Buipment in
$eneral shall be in $ood condition and shall be modern as jud$ed b( the standards of the industr(&
The lon$itudinal seams of fabricated specials shall be butt weldedN shop $irth seams shall be butt
All ed$es cut to si0e shall be uniform and smooth& Those ed$es to be welded that are prepared b(
flame cuttin$ shall be free from scale and sla$ accumulations&
.d$es of plates to be jointed b( an automatic weldin$ machine shall be formed to the shape reBuired
for the particular weldin$ process and automatic weldin$ machine be emplo(ed in carr(in$ out the
a$reed procedure& .d$es of plates to be jointed b( manual weldin$ shall be formed to the shape
reBuired b( the .n$ineer in accordance with the drawin$s& The resultin$ ed$es for weldin$ shall be
uniform throu$hout the entire len$th of the plate and shall be to a strai$ht line&
*inor defects in the welds of electric welded pipe and specials such as sweats or lea's shall be
repaired& 2epairs of this nature shall be made b( completel( removin$ the defect cleanin$ the cavit(
and then weldin$& The wor'manship involved in the repair is subject to approval of the .n$ineer&
Special sections havin$ buttin$ plates of different thic'ness shall have the heavier plate sufficientl(
bevelled so that the apeA of the weld $roove shall correspond with that of the li$hter plate&
All lap brea'in$, rollin$, cleanin$ of plate surfaces to be welded and fittin$7up operations, as well as
the Bualification of the weldin$ operators, weldin$ procedure, automatic weldin$, manual weldin$ and
correction of welds in pipes and specials shall be in accordance with the relevant I&S&S&
2eshapin$ *S pipes and special after the( are manufactured shall be done b( rerollin$ or b(
pressure 2eshapin$ of pipe b( eAcessive hammerin$ or droppin$ will not be permitted&
#iameter of all bolts circle of the flan$es shall compl( with the relevant IS@4>=57488= for flan$e pipes&
olts and nuts shall be in accordance with I&S&4=:=748:<&
1<.8.;. F0'(-%) P#$%&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 262
Flan$ed pipes and specials of var(in$ len$th and dia meter shall be eAternall( and internall( lined with
mortar& #imension of the flan$es& +eldin$ details and weldin$ procedure shall be in accordance with
the I&S& <=667485>& Flan$es shall be welded to a section of the pipe before machinin$ Faces of
flan$es shall be machined& The pitch circle shall be as per I&S& 4>=57488=& The minimum thic'ness
of flan$e shall be 6>mm after machinin$&
1<.8.<. F0'(-%) 3/'(7:%&.
Flan$ed branches shall be fabricated in accordance with the $eneral specification and to the
.n$ineerKs reBuirements& +all openin$ shall be formed b( weldin$ fabricated structural steel of
approved desi$n to the steel c(linder and shall be lined internall( and coated eAternall(&
Flan$ed branches for air and scour valves shall be welded into pipe in the reBuired position& The
branch for an air valve shall be vertical and at ri$ht an$le to the lon$itudinal aAis of pipe& The invert of
the branch for a scour valve shall be hori0ontal and at ri$ht an$les to the aAis of pipe and shall ali$n
with the invert of the barrel of the main pipe&
All flan$es shall be machined to standard thic'ness, sBuare to the aAis of the pipe and the bod( hole
shall be drilled evenl( off center and true to the pitch as per IS@4>=57488=&
#imension of the flan$es, weldin$ details and weldin$ procedure shall be in accordance with the I&S&
<=667485>& The minimum thic'ness of flan$e shall be as mentioned in the ill of Luantities&
1<.8.1@. B%()&.
*S ends to provide chan$e of ali$nment in main la(in$ shall be manufactured to suit the site
conditions from completed and tested pipes b( an$le cuttin$ the barrel or b( such other standard
procedure and reweldin$& ends shall be lined internall( and coated eAternall( as $iven in the
schedule& The bends shall be fabricated as per specification drawin$&
1<.8.11. T'$%/&
*S Tapers shall be manufactured out of steel plates and lined internall( and coated eAternall(& The
tapers shall be suitable for connections to the sluice valves or flan$ed tail piece on the side and *S
Pipe on the other side& Stiffener rin$s shall be provided to afford ri$idit( to pipe& The( shall be
manufactured $enerall( in accordance with IS@ <=667485> and the dimensions shall be as per
specification drawin$&
Tolerance for steel fittin$s shall conform to the reBuirements of IS <=667485>&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 263
1otwithstandin$ an(thin$ said, elsewhere, the Tenderer shall furnish the thic'ness of the steel plate
used and other relevant details and shall $et the approval for these details from the .n$ineer before
1<.8.12. W%0)#(- P/+7%&& +6 .'(26'7,2/% +6 MS S$%7#'0& '() F#,,#(-&.
An( of the followin$ process shall be emplo(ed for butt weldin$&
(a) Automatic submer$ed arc weldin$
(b) Automatic metal arc weldin$ with covered electrodes&
(c) Automatic metal arc weldin$ with bare electrodes&
(d) *anual metal arc weldin$ as per IS 8>8>7485?&
(e) .lectric resistance weldin$&
All electrodes shall conform to IS 54;74884&
1<.8.13. T:#71(%&& +6 M.S.P0',%.
*inimum thic'ness of *&S& Plate shall be > mm&
1<.9. G%(%/'0.
All wor's and material under specification will be ri$idl( inspected durin$ all phases of manufacture
and testin$ and such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibilit( to furnish material
and perform wor' in accordance with this specification& The "ontractor shall notif( the .Aecutive
.n$ineer, in advance of the production of materials and fabrication thereof in order that the .n$ineer
ma( arran$e for mill and shop inspection&
The .n$ineer ma( reject an( or all pipes fittin$s that are of the material specified, that are not
fabricated in accordance of the outlined procedure and that do not obtain the prescribed test results,
condition of fittin$s and tolerance set forth in the relevant IS drawin$s and the specification&
The .n$ineer shall have free access to those parts of all plants that are concerned with the furnishin$
of materials of the performance of wor' under this specification&
The contractor shall furnish the .n$ineer reasonable facilities and space without char$e for
inspection, testin$ and obtainin$ of an( information desires in respect of the character of material
used and the pro$ress and manner of the wor'&
The contractor shall provide 6 (two) sets of accurate $oK and Ino $oK rin$ $au$es to measure the
diameter of fittin$s for the use of the .n$ineer at no eAtra cost&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 264
48&<& Inlinin$ and /utcoatin$ of *&S& short pipes, specials&
(#) G%(%/'0 '() T:#71(%&& +6 &:+/, 7/%,#(-
The $unitin$ is to be carried out at the factor(, "are shall be ta'en to see that the pipes specials are
perfectl( in shape while the inlinin$ and outcoatin$ is bein$ $iven&
The thic'ness of inlinin$ shall be 46 mm and that of outcoatin$ shall be 6> mm&
(##) R%#(6+/7%.%(,& 6+/ #(0#(#(- '() +2,7+',#(-:
The reinforcement used shall be *S Fabric >? mm C >? mm C = mm conformin$ to I&S& 4>::74856&
The welded fabric shall be bent to proper shape to conform as neatl( as possible to the surface of the
pipe& Adjacent sheets of fabric shall lap at least 5? mm and shall be securel( fastened to$ether b(
bindin$ wire at intervals not eAceedin$ =? cm&
(###) P/+$+/,#+( +6 .#E.
The proportion of cement and sand shall be 4@6 b( volume for inlinin$ and 4@= for outcoatin$& The
contractor shall ta'e into account the rebound percenta$e of cement mortar as per I&S& 8?46748<5
while Buotin$ the rates&
(#?) M',%/#'0:
The material shall conform to the specifications prescribed for cement sand and water under "lause 6
of IS@ 448?:7485: and "lause = of IS@ <=667485> and IS@ 8?46748<5 of manufacture of steel pipes
and fittin$s, in linin$ and out coatin$ with cement mortar&
(?) P/+7%)2/%:
The $unitin$ shall conform to IS@8?46748<5& #r( *iA Process&
efore $unitin$, all steel surface shall be thorou$hl( cleaned of paint, rust, scales, $rease, loose or
disinte$rated concrete or such other material as are li'el( to impair the bond between the surface to
be encased and the $unine&
The pressure in the lower chamber of the )"ement Gun, shall be sufficient to produce a no00le
velocit( of 44>34>? meters per second when a tip with 48 mm& openin$ is used& The velocit( shall be
stead( at all times&
The compressor used shall be of adeBuate capacit( to maintain a pressure of atleast 6&4> G$3SB&"m&
at the $un end&
The no00le shall be held at such a distance (?&:< to 4 meter) and position that the stream of flowin$
materials shall impin$e as nearl( as possible at ri$ht an$les to the surface bein$ $united& All deposit
of loose and scale removed prior to placin$ an( la(er of $unite& Should an( deposit of sand be
covered with $unite this $unite shall be removed and redone&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 265
The $unite shall be short in one coat to the proper thic'ness& At the ed$e of an( section where the
operations are more or less temporaril( suspended the $unite shall be brou$ht to a tapered ed$e
eAtendin$ bac' for not less than =? cm& Prior to placin$ the $unite on the adjacent section, the upper
surface of this tapered ed$e shall be cleaned b( scrapin$ and blowin$ awa( all rebound and washin$
down with water and air blast& 1o ri$ht an$led joints shall be allowed in the $unite&
The contractors shall provide proper arran$ements for blowin$ all rebound from the area bein$ shot&
1o $unite shall be placed over rebound and in case of such conditions arisin$ the contractors shall
remove at their own cost an( $unite so placed& 2ebound material deposited in mounds shall be
removed from the site of wor' to places directed b( the .n$ineer& To remove the rebound the surface
of the $unite shall be carefull( cleaned with an air jet and suitable tools at such periods after shootin$
as the .n$ineer ma( deem advisable& In no case however, shall the rebound remain on the
completed surface for more than 46 hours& The scrapin$ of rebound must be done in such a manner
as not to disturb $unite and to provide a uniform and proper finish to the surface&
The contractors shall emplo( eAperienced men for this wor'& 1o no00le man will be deemed
eAperienced unless he has done considerable wor' previousl(, where the wor' was of a similar t(pe
or has otherwise proved his Bualifications to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer b( eAperience on other
eBuall( important wor'&
The wor' shall be supervised b( properl( trained foreman of the contractor& 1o one shall be
considered as capable of actin$ as foreman on a job if he has not active char$e of placin$ $unite
linin$ previousl(&
(vi) "urin$@
The $unite shall be 'ept thou$hl( wet for a period of at least < da(s after $unitin$ as specified in
1<.;. T+0%/'(7%
Tolerance for strai$ht *S pipes and fittin$s shall as follows@
The tolerance on the dimensions of the *S pipes and *S specials shall be as specified in 46&= and
46&; of IS@=>5876??4& Finished pipe sections shall be trul( strai$ht with walls parallel to the aAis of
the pipe and be not out of the ali$nment b( more than ?&6 percent of the total len$th& Strai$ht pipe
shall not var( from the specified overall len$th b( plus 4? mm of minus ? mm for len$th up to and
includin$ : * For *S specials and fittin$s, it shall be as per IS@<=667485>&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 266
The outside diameter of the pipe shall not var( b( S 4H in case of seamless pipes and S ?&<>H in
case .2+ and SA+ pipes&
For *S specials and fittin$s the tolerances shall be as per IS@<=667485>& 1o ne$ative tolerance for
thic'ness of *S pipes is allowed&
1<.<. T%&,&
.ach *S special or *S fittin$ shall be subjected to tests as per "lause 5 of IS@<=667485> before
inlin$ and out coatin$& The h(draulic test pressure shall be 44&6> G$3SBcm as the case ma( be for
the *S specials manufactured from > mm thic' *S plate respectivel(& #(e penetration test as
prescribed in IS7<=66 of 485> is acceptable in lieu of h(draulic test for bends onl(&
1<.1@. H'()0#(- +6 S$%7#'0&
"oated specials that are to be stored on supports shall bear on the uncoated ends onl(& If bearin$ on
coatin$ is emplo(ed the support shall be not less than 6? cm wide and so arran$ed to prevent
dama$e to the coatin$&
#urin$ transportin$ the fittin$s, coatin$ shall be protected from dama$e b( bearin$ on well padded
bolsters not less than 6? cm wide and placin$ strips of heav( beltin$ or other approved sheet
materials not less than 6? cm wide under all ropes or fastenin$&
1<.11. C+', T'/ E$+E4 A$$0#7',#+(.
The followin$ *S steel pipe wor' shall be protected b( use of coal tar epoA(&
i) All chamber pipe wor'&
ii) Articulation pipe wor' either side of line valve chambers&
iii) All TeeKs and ranches of concrete coated pipelines&
iv) +here specificall( shown in the drawin$s enclosed with the bid documents&
The coal tar epoA( shall be a blac' colour two pac' factor( spra( applied coatin$ in accordance with
S@>;8= T(pe GF=& Steel surface shall be prepared in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions, but as a minimum shall be abrasive blast cleaned to S@ <?<8& Grade SA 6 M & <> 4??
micron profile& The first la(er shall be applied within 6 hours of surface preparation before flash
rustin$ can occur&
The final dr( film thic'ness shall eAceed >?? microns to > mm and ma( be achieved b( appl(in$
several coats provided that the coats are applied with 5hours of each other& An( surface bloomin$
Si$nature of the Tenderer 267
shall be removed b( li$ht abrasion before recoatin$ & 1o coatin$ shall be applied if the surface
temperature of the pipe eAceed =>V "
+ithin = da(s of appl(in$ the apoA( a further chlorinated rubber travel coat havin$ a dr( film thic'ness
of 6?? microns to 6mm shall be applied& The chlorinated rubber shall be in accordance with S >;8=
T(pe -F 4
48&46& Pol(urethane "oatin$&
All above $round steel pipe wor' and rin$ $irders are to be protected with a while or cream colour two
pac' pol(urethane coatin$ in accordance with S@ >;8= T(pe GF6& The factor( applied coatin$ is to
be stopped 6?? mm bac' from the spi$ot and soc'et joint and then made up on site followin$ testin$
of the joint&
The cured pol(urethane coatin$ shall have a shore hardness of # <> and impact resistance of 6? 1m
it shall be suitable for service in surface temperatures of up to <?V "&
oth factor( and site application is to be b( twin component airless spra( eBuipment& Surface
preparation shall be in accordance with the manufactures instructions, but a minimum shall be
abrasive blast cement to S <?<8 Grade Sa 6&>, <> 4?? micron profile& The first coatin$ la(er shall
be applied within 6 hours of surface preparation, before flash rustin$ can occur& 1o coatin$ shall be
applied if the surface temperature of the pipe eAceeds =>V "&
The final dr( film thic'ness shall be a minimum of =?? microns& This ma( be achieved b( appl(in$
several coats provided that the coats are applied within 6 hours of each other& An( surface bloomin$
shall be removed b( li$ht abrasion before recoatin$&
1<.13. EE$'(&#+( F+#(,&
.Apansion joints are desi$ned to allow for thermal induced movement in above $round pipelines&
The( are to be installed alon$ the pipeline at re$ular intervals of not $reater than 5? m& .Apansion
joints shall be welded on to pipelines at points indicated on the drawin$s& The( shall be fabricated as
shown on the drawin$s and protected with a =?? microns thic' pol(urethane coatin$ applied in
accordance with specification clause 46&
Followin$ installation and testin$ the eApansion joints shall be protected b( a pol(urethane coated
cover fabricated from = mm thic' mild steel plate& The cover shall be fabricated in two halfs for ease
of maintenance and held to$ether b( > 1o& $alvani0ed * 6? nut and bolt sets eBuall( spaced alon$
each of the joint flan$es& The flan$es themselves shall each be 6? mm thic' b( 4?? mm wide& The
cover ed$es in contact with the pipe shall be protected with a >? mm b( 6> mm S2 rubber )D,
section havin$ a wall thic'ness of 4? mm&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 268
48&4;& 2in$ Girders
2in$ $irders are to be used to support lar$e diameter above $round pipe wor'& The( shall principall(
be fabricated from channel sections of Grade7 Steel IS 6?:6 and be supported b( either
rectan$ular concrete plinths or pipe brid$e supports& 2in$ $irders are usuall( installed 4 m behind
each welded joint i&e& at 5 m intervals alon$ the pipeline&
2in$ $irders shall be fabricated as shown on the drawin$s and where possible factor( welded to the
pipe& All surfaces apart from the stainless steel and PTF. pads are to be protected with a 6 mm thic'
pol(urethane coatin$ which shall be applied in accordance with specification clause 46& An( dama$e
to the coatin$ is to be made $ood in accordance with the manufacturerKs instructions&
After the rin$ $irder has been welded to the pipe it shall be filled with hot bitumen throu$h one of two
4? m dia holes in the crown of the $irder& After the bitumen has set the holes are to be welded up&
The entire slide assembl( shall meet the followin$ specifications&
i) The coefficient of friction between the stainless steel and PTF. pads shall be less than ?&4
when carr(in$ a load of 6>? '1 and havin$ a surface temperature of <?V "&
ii) The Stainless steel paid shall be hi$hl( polished $rade =4: steel and the PTF. shall be t(pe
DA34 to S :>:; Part76&
1<.18.1. R%&$+(&#3#0#,4 +6 +=(%/ '() 7+(,/'7,+/
The entire procedure of appl(in$ cement mortar linin$ shall be subject to continuous
inspection b( the .n$ineer but such inspection shall not relieve the "ontractor of the
responsibilit( to furnish material and perform wor' in accordance with the specifications& All
cement mortar linin$ not applied in accordance with the specifications shall be subject to
rejection b( the .n$ineer& 9inin$ so rejected shall be removed and replaced b( the
"ontractor at the eApense of the "ontractor&
1<.18.2. A00 $0'7%& '77%&&#30% ,+ E(-#(%%/.
The .n$ineer shall have free access to all areas, places or facilities concerned with the
furnishin$ of material or the performance of wor'&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 269
1<.18.3. C+(,/'7,+/ ,+ '&&#&, E(-#(%%/.
The "ontractor shall furnish the .n$ineer reasonable assistance without char$e in carr(in$
out the inspection duties and specificall( in obtainin$ information with respect to the character
of material used and the pro$ress and manner of the wor'&
1<.18.5. P#$% I(&$%7,#+( P/+7%)2/%:
The .n$ineer shall inspect the pipeline followin$ the application of the cement7mortor linin$ to
identif( defective areas in the linin$ to determine compliance with the specifications&
1<.18.8. P#$% I(&$%7,#+(
A visual inspection of the lined pipe interior shall be made b( the .n$ineer to determine the
Bualit( of the linin$ and to identif( defective areas in the linin$ for repair& For renderin$ la(er
thic'ness test, the "ontractor ma( use ma$netic bloc's of 4> mm thic' and attach to the pipe
on diametricall( opposite points made the pipeline at locations as ma( be directed b( the
.n$ineer& These bloc's shall be removed neAt da( and the holes shall be closed neAt da( b(
hand application after linin$ thic'ness is measured&
The linin$ thic'ness can also be measured b( drillin$ holes in hardened mortar at
diametricall( opposite points b( a depth $au$e& Such holes shall then be closed b( hand
application of mortar& The "ontractor ma( su$$est an( method for testin$ thic'ness of la(er
to the satisfaction of the .n$ineer&
1<.18.9. D%6%7,#?% L#(#(-:
#efects in cement7mortar linin$ include, but are not limited to sand poc'ets, voids, over sand
areas, eAcessivel( crac'ed and dumm( areas, areas in linin$ thinner than specified and areas
of unsatisfactor( surface finish&
1<.18.!. R%$'#/ +6 D%6%7,#?% L#(#(-.
Small defective areas shall be repaired b( manual removal of defective linin$ and b( hand
reapplication of mortar linin$, defective areas encompassin$ the full diameter of the pipe
where linin$ shows evidence of failure& Dndue irre$ularit( of inferior wor'manship reBuires
eAcessive patchin$ or shows se$re$ation of or deficienc( in cement content, the "ontractor
shall remove the mortar linin$ in such fault( sections, reclean the pipes and reline in
accordance with the specifications such portions at no eAtra cost to the oard& .n$ineerKs
decision re$ardin$ the above shall be final and bindin$ on the "ontractor&
1<.18.;. L#(#(- C/'71&
Temperature and shrin'a$e crac' in the mortar linin$ less than 4&: mm wide need not be
repaired& "rac's wider than 4&: mm need not be repaired if it can be demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the .n$ineer that the crac's will heal auto$enousl( under continuous soa'in$
Si$nature of the Tenderer 270
in water& The auto$enous healin$ process ma( be demonstrated b( an( procedure that 'eeps
the linin$ of the pipe continuall( wet or moist&
1<.18.<. P/+,%7,#+( +6 L#(#(-
.ver( precaution shall be ta'en to prevent injur( to the linin$& Should the linin$ be dama$ed
at an( time prior to completion of the contract such dama$e shall be repaired conformin$ to
the specifications at the "ontractorKs eApense&
1<.19. G2'/'(,%% '() $%/6+/.'(7% 7/#,%/#'
1<.19.1. G2'/'(,%%
If on eAamination b( the .n$ineer the cement7mortar linin$ wor' within a period of one (ear
after final completion and acceptance of the contract wor' reveals evidence of defective
materials or wor'manship as defined in the specification, then the #epartment ma( order
remedies as per specification& The "ontractor shall bear the eApenses and perform the wor'
in a manner acceptable to the .n$ineer&
1<.19.2. P%/6+/.'(7% C/#,%/#' S2/6'7% 6#(#&:
The -a0en7+illiam I"K factor shall be the criteria for determinin$ the acceptabilit( of surface
finish of cement mortar linin$ for acceptable performance $uarantee W shall not be less than
46? for the entire len$th of the contract or 4=? for strai$ht reaches& The flow measurement
shall be b( pitot meter and pressure measurements shall be b( pressure $au$es&
1<.19.3. M%'&2/%.%(,&
Internal dia of the pipeline proposed for linin$ actuall( cleaned, mortar lined in accordance
with the specifications and accepted b( the .n$ineer will be measured alon$ the center of the
pipeline& 1o deduction shall be made for small openin$ at manholes, air valves, cross
connections etc&, eAcept sluice valve and eApansion joints etc& The "ontractor shall provide
all assistance to the .n$ineer for ta'in$ measurements& The rate Buoted shall be on runnin$
metre basis and the rate shall include mobili0in$ of machiner( for wor', suppl( of material,
manpower for the wor', providin$ access to the site, ma'in$ access openin$s in the pipeline
at $aps for machine and feedin$ the mortar, providin$ operational platform, cleanin$ the
pipelines and removin$ the debris from the pipeline, machine mortar linin$ and mechanicall(
trowellin$, curin$, controllin$ temperature in the pipeline durin$ the pro$ress of the wor',
closin$ the $aps $unitin$3concretin$ such portion for pipeline, establish wor'in$ conditions in
the pipeline and thereafter to prevent dama$es to mortar linin$, inspection and testin$,
commissionin$ and an( other incidental items of wor's as per scope of wor' and
Si$nature of the Tenderer 271
4& General
1ot Dsed
6& "oncrete rests
1ot Dsed
3. T%(&#0% ,%&, '() B%() ,%&, +( &,%%0 $0',%&.
=&4 Test certificates from plate manufacture shall be treated as final& In the absence of such
certificates, tests shall be carried out to prove that the material conforms to IS 6?:67Grade7.&
=&6 Testin$ of welded joints@ The welded joints shall be tested in accordance with IS =>5876??4&
=&= The .n$ineer ma( select for testin$ two fittin$s from each batch of 4?? pipes or less& If either
of the two samples fails to meet the reBuirements of the appropriate test $iven below, the
.n$ineer ma( call for such further fittin$s to be tested as he ma( reBuire to satisf( himself that
the remainin$ of the fittin$s in the batch are satisfactor(& If further tests indicate that the
welds are unsatisfactor(, the .n$ineer shall have the ri$ht to reject the batch or if the
manufacturer should so desire, each fittin$ shall be tested and pipes which fail to compl( with
the reBuirements of the specification shall be rejected&
=&; end Tests@ Strips ;?mm wide, cut circumferentiall( from fittin$s or from coupon plates
attached to and welded with fittin$s with the weld near the middle of the sample, shall without
fracture, is not more than three times the thic'ness of the test piece, the weld bein$ placed at
the point of maAimum bendin$& The test pieces shall on eAamination of the bent specimen,
the openin$ out of a sli$ht defect due to incomplete root penetration or lac' of root fusion
need not be considered a cause for rejection provided the defect has sound metal at the bac'
and on either side of it& In border line cases, further tests shall be made on specimens from
the same weld adjacent to the ori$inal test specimen&
=&> Tensile Test@ The specimen shall be ta'en from the end of the fittin$ or at an( point in the
fittin$ as directed b( the .n$ineer and shall be cut with the weld approAimatel( in the middle
of the specimen& The tensile test specimen shall be flattened and the sides shall be
machined& The protrudin$ welded portion from both inside and outside shall be removed b(
machinin$ before the specimen is tested& If a test specimen shows a defective machinin$ or
develop flaws not associated with weldin$, it ma( be discarded and another specimen tested&
The welded joint shall show stren$th of not less than the minimum tensile stren$th specified
for plate in accordance with IS 6?:67Grade7.&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 272
=&: 2e7Test@ If the results of bend or tensile test of an( lot do not conform to the reBuirements
specified, re7tests of two additional specimens from the same lot shall be made each of which
shall conform to the reBuired specifications& In case of failure of both, eAtensive $au$in$ and
repairin$ shall be ta'en in a nearb( joint as directed b( the .n$ineer and the procedure stated
above is to be repeated until the test specimen stands the reBuired test before the lot can be
=&< .Apenses for re7testin$@ All char$es in connection with the testin$ or retestin$ of the welded
samples includin$ machinin$, testin$ etc&, shall be borne b( the contractor&
5. T%&,#(- EA2#$.%(, '() ,%&,#(- +6 $#$%&.
;&4 The pipes manufactured with spirall( weldin$ process are to be tested to the followin$
reBuirements in the presence of the .n$ineer or his representative&
i& "ontinuous monitorin$ of dia and formin$
ii& The pipe shall be subjected to online ultrasonic testin$ of weld and bod( as per IS
;6:? durin$ weldin$&
iii& %isual inspections of all pipes from inside and outside for permissible tolerances as
per IS&=>58&
iv& All the pipes are to be subjected to h(drostatic test pressure of minimum 44&6> G$3
SBcm in the factor( for pipes manufactured with > mm thic' *S plate
v& C7ra( screenin$&
vi& *echanical Tests of finished pipes as per IS =>58 adoptin$ the method of samplin$
su$$ested in IS@;<44&
;&6 The pipes manufactured with .2+ process are to be tested to the followin$ reBuirements in
the presence of .n$ineer or his representative&
(i) *echanical Tests as per IS =>58 shall be carried out as per method of
samplin$ su$$ested in IS ;<44&
(ii) The tolerances outside diameter for pipe bod( and pipe ends and thic'ness
shall be tested accordin$ to IS =>58&
(iii) .ach pipe shall be h(draulicall( tested at the manufacturerKs wor's to a test
pressure of 44&6> G$3SBcm for pipes manufactured with > mm thic' *S plate&
(iv) 2adio$raphic testin$ on 4H of the welded len$th of the pipe as per IS ;5>=&
;&6&4& *S Pipe line shall be laid as per IS >566 and shall be tested in the field for a h(drostatic test
pressure of 44&6> G$3SBcm for pipes manufactured with > mm thic' *S plate&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 273
;&6&6& 1o& of the field joints shall be tested 2adio $raphicall( as per IS ;5>=
;&= The contractor shall provide and operate suitable eBuipment capable of conductin$ the
specified h(drostatic test pressure to the inside surfaces of the Pipes and of sustainin$ the
pressure for the reBuired periods&
48&4:&>& Gate %alves&
#imensions of $ate valves shall $enerall( compl( with IS@4;5;:76???& %alve bodies and
flan$es should be P174: rates and flan$es drilled to the P1I7:& %alves are to be cloc'wise
closin$ with a sold non7risin$ t(pe and mar'ed to show the direction of operation& All valves
are to be provided with cast iron hand wheels unless indicated in the #rawin$s and valves
$reater than #1 =?? mm shall be $eared to allow operation b( a sin$le person&
48&4:&:& "omponents@
i) %alve bod( bonnet and $ate wed$e shall be cast carbon steel
conformin$ to AST* A64: Gr +"#. and epoA( coated to A++A "64?&
ii) Spindle shall be stainless steel conformin$ to IS@::?= or AISI ;4?&
iii) +ed$e nut shall be -i$h Tensile rass conformin$ to IS@=6? Grade
iv) od( seat rin$, wed$e facin$ rin$ shall be Gunmetal to IS@=45
Grade 6
v) olts ! nuts shall be carbon steel conformin$ to IS@ 4=:=748:<
vi) Gas'ets shall be rubber conformin$ to IS@ :=5 T(pe7
vii) Gland pac'in$ shall be of jute and hemp conformin$ to IS >;4;7
viii) %alves shall be tested at factor( on bod( and seat for a test
pressure of 44&6> G$3SBcm and <&> G$3sBcm respectivel(&
The rate shall be in two parts i.e.,
(i) for one meter of pipe including specials, jointing materials supplied and delivered and
(ii) construction of pipeline including earth work, lowering, jointing, laying and testing.
Cutting and waste shall be borne by the Contractor.
The running length shall be measured on the straight and curves along the centerline over
the pipes and specials.
4& +here ever it is not specified the clauses of the AP#SS shall appl(, the tenderer shall
$o throu$h the AP#SS thorou$hl( and shall be deemed to have studied its clauses
and understand its implications in full&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 274
6& *aintenance period of 6 (ears shall start from the date of successful commissionin$
of the project&
Si$nature of the Tenderer 275

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