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definition, specification, and analysis of
systems used for supervisory control,
data acquisition, and automatic control
JuIy 6, 1987
ANSI/IEEE C37.1-1987
(Revision of ANSI/IEEE
An American National Standard
IEEE Standard Definition, Specification, and
Analysis of Systems Used for
Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition, and
Automatic Control
Substations Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Approved March 22,1984
IEEE Standards Board
Approved December 2,1986
American National Standards Institute
o Copyright 1987 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part of this p u blication may be reproduced in any f orm,
in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Com-
mittees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Commit-
tees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve
voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily mem-
bers of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent
a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute
as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have expressed an in-
terest in participating in the development of the standard.
Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an
IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to pro-
duce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and ser-
vices related to the scope of the IEEE Styndard. Furthermore, the view-
point expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject
to change brought about through developments in the state of the art
and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Stan-
dard is subjected to review at least once every five years for revision
or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old, and has
not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents,
although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of
the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the
latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any
interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Sug-
gestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed
change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the mean-
ing of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When
the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the
Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since
IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is
important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the con-
currence of a balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the mem-
bers of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant re-
sponse to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter
has previously received formal consideration.
Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be ad-
dressed to:
Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(This Foreword is not a part of ANSUIEEE C37.1 1987, IEEE Standard Definition, Specification, and Analysis of
Systems Used for Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition, and Automatic Control.)
This standard applies to systems used for monitoring, switching, and controlling electric apparatus
in unattended or attended substations, generating stations, and power utilization and conversion
facilities. It does not apply to equipment designed for the automatic protection of power system
apparatus or for switching of communication circuits. The requirements of this standard are in addi-
tion to those contained in standards relating to the individual devices.
This significantly revised standard was originally a section of ANSI C37.2-1970 which also con-
tained device function numbers. ANSI C37.2-1970 was revised into two standards: ANSI/IEEE
C37 .l-1979, Standard Definition, Specification, and Analysis of Manual, Automatic, and Super-
visory Station Control and Data Acquisition, and ANSI/IEEE C37.2-1979, Electrical Power System
Device Function Numbers. Previous editions were approved by the Standards Institute in 1962,
1956, 1945, and 1937. The original work on this subject was done by the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and published in
1928 as AIEE No 26.
The standard applies to a rapidly changing technology. It is anticipated therefore that frequent
revision may be desirable. Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers on the other hand
have changed very little over the years. This revision, prepared by the Automatic and Supervisory
System Subcommittee of the IEEE Substation Committee, was an attempt to bring the standard up
to date and further broaden its applicability with respect to control, supervisory, and telemetering,
for greater use in many industries.
IEEE Tutorial Course Text 81 EH0 1883-PWR1 is recommended for those not familiar with
Supervisory Control Systems.
The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this standard,
had the following personnel at the time of approval:
C. L. Wagner, Chairman J ohn D. Hopkins, Secretary
W. N. Etothenbuhler, Executive Vice-chairman of High-Voltage Switchgear Standards
W. E. Laubach, Executive Vice-chairman of Low-Voltage Switchgear Standards
S. H. Telander, Executive Vice-chairman of IEC Activities
Organization Represented Name of Representative
Association of Iron and Steel Engineers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. M. Tillman
Electric Light and Power Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. 0. Craghead
R. L. Capra
K. D. Hendrix
R. L. Lindsey
J . P. Markey ( Al t )
D. T. Weston
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. W. Mikulecky
M. J. Beachy ( Al t )
G. Hanks
C. A. Mathews (AZt)
E. W. Schmunk
C. A. Schwalbe
G. W. Walsh
C. E. Zanzie ( Al t )
National Electrical Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. A. Wilson
T. L. Fromm
R. A. McMaster
R. 0. D. Whitt
Tennessee Valley Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. C. St. Clair
Testing Laboratory Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Frier
E. J . Huber
R. W. Seelbach ( Al t )
US Department of the Army. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ohn S. Robertson
US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. H. Auerbach
US Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. L. Clark
Western Area Power Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. D. Bimey
This publication isavailable fromthe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, PO
Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 088551331.
The membership of working group 77.1 of the Automatic and Supervisory Systems Subcommittee
which prepared this revised standard had the following personnel at the time this standard was sub-
mitted for approval:
Donald F. Koenig, Chairman
W. J . Ackerman R. Hayner A. Matthey
J . D. Betz J . Holladay J . OHara
W. R. Block D. E. J ohannson D. G. Rishworth
G. Crask L. W. Kurtz, J r B. D. Russell
W. Frisbie K. P. Lau J . M. Thorson
D. J . Gaushell C. T. Lindeberg G. L. Unzicker
A. Haban M. S. Wadkins
The members of the IEEE Automatic and Supervisory Systems Subcommittees who reviewed and
approved this standard were as follows:
A. Matthey, Chairman
W. J . Ackerman H. Hales C. T. Lindeberg
J . D. Betz D. E. J ohannson J . OHara
W. R. Block D. F. Koenig D. G. Rishworth
G. Crask L. W. Kurtz, J r B. D. Russell
D. J . Gaushell K. P. Lau J . M. Thorson
A. Haban M. S. Wadkins
When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on March 22, 1984, it had the following
James H. Beall, Chairman John E. May, Vice Chairman
Sava I. Sherr, Secretary
J . J . Archambault
J ohn T. Boettger
J . V. Bonucchi
Rene Castenschiold
Edward Chelotti
Edward J . &hen
Len S. Gxeyt
Donald C. Fleckenstein
J ay Forster
Daniel L. Goldberg
Donald N. Heirman
Irvin N. Howell
J ack Kinn
J oseph L. Koepfinger;
Irving Kolodny
George Konomos
R. F. Lawrence
Donald T. Michael;
J ohn P. Riganati
Frank L. Rose
Robert W. Seelbach
J ay A. Stewart
Clifford 0. Swanson
W. B. Wilkens
Charles J . Wylie
Member emeritus
t Deceased
1 . Scope .................................................................. 7
2 . References .............................................................. 7
3 . Definitions .............................................................. 3
4 . Functional Characteristics ................................................... 16
4.1 Typical Diagrams ..................................................... 16
4.2 System Functional Characteristics ........................................ 18
5 . Interfaces ............................................................... 22
5.1 Mechanical .......................................................... 22
5.2 Electrical Power and Grounding .......................................... 23
5.3 Data and Control ..................................................... 23
5.4 Communication ...................................................... 26
6 . Environmental Conditions .................................................. 30
6.1 Environment ......................................................... 31
6.2 Vibrationandshock ................................................... 32
6.4 Lightning Protection ................................................... 33
6.5 Acoustic Interference Limitations ......................................... 33
7 . Characteristics ............................................................ 35
7.1 Reliability ........................................................... 35
7.2 Maintainability ....................................................... 35
7.3 Availability .......................................................... 36
7.4 System Security ...................................................... 37
7.5 Expandability ........................................................ 38
7.6 Changeability ........................................................ 38
8 . Marking ................................................................. 39
8.3 Warning ............................................................. 39
9 . Tests and Inspections 39
Stages of Tests and Inspections ........................................... 39
Interface Tests and Inspections ........................................... 40
9.3 Environmental Tests ................................................... 42
9.4 Functional Tests ...................................................... 42
System Performance Tests .............................................. 43
Bum-In Tests (Optional) ................................................ 44
Availability Test (Optional) ............................................. 44
Acceptance Test (Optional) ............................................. 44
9.9 Documentation Verification ............................................. 45
10 . Documentation ........................................................... 45
10.1 Design ............................................................. 45
10.2 Installation ......................................................... 45
10.3 Operating Instructions and Records ...................................... 45
10.4 Maintenance Instructions and Records .................................... 46
10.5 Test ............................................................... 46
5.5 ManIMachine ........................................................ 29
6.3 SeismicEnvironment .................................................. 32
6.6 Electromagnetic Interference (emi) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (emc) ....... 33
8.1 Identification ........................................................ 39
8.2 Nameplates .......................................................... 39
Fig 1 Scada System Data/Control Flow ............................................ 17
Fig 2 Master-Station Block Diagram .............................................. 17
Fig 3 Remote-Station Block Diagram ............................................. 18
Interface Block Diagram .................................................. 22
Data Communication Equipment ............................................ 27
Communication Channel .................................................. 27
Fig 7 Noise Criteria (NC) Curves for Speech Communication ........................... 34
Fig 8 Typical Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Test Points ........................... 41
Fig 4 Manual. Automatic. and Supervisory Control Equipment
Fig 5 Signal Interfaces Between Equipment Governed by this Standard and
Fig 6 Signal Interfaces Between Equipment Governed by this Standard and
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Table 11
Analog Input Signals .................................................. 24
Analog Output Signals ................................................. 24
Digital Electronic Input Signals .......................................... 25
Digital Electronic Output Signals ......................................... 25
Digital Electromechanical Inputs (Status) .................................. 25
Digital Electromechanical Inputs (Accumulator) ............................. 26
Digital Electromechanical Outputs ........................................ 26
Operating Temperature and Humidity by Location ........................... 31
Test Stages and Classes of Tests .......................................... 40
SystemInputScenario ................................................. 43
Recommended Electrical Graphic Symbols and Meanings ...................... 30
Appendix A Master/Remote Station Interconnections ................................ 47
Appendix B Bibliography ...................................................... 48
An American National Standard
IEEE Standard Definition, Specification, and
Analysis of Systems Used for
Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition, and
Automatic Control
1. Scope [2] ANSI X3.1-1976, American National Stan-
dard Synchronous Signaling Rates for Data
[ 31 ANSI X3.4-1977, American National Stan-
This standard applies to, and provides the
basis for, the definition, specification, perfor-
mance analysis, and application of systems dard Code for Information Interchange.
used for supervisory control, data acquisition
or automatic control, or both: in attended or
unattended electric substations, including those
associated with generating stations, and power
[4] ANSI X3.5-1970, American National Stan-
dard Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage in
Information Processing.
utilization and conversion facilities.
[5] ANSI Y14.15-1966 (R 1973), American
National Standard Electrical and Electronics
This standard does not apply to electomech-
anical or static, protective-relaying equipment. Diagrams (Including Supplements ANSI
(See ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978 (R 1982) [ l l ] ,3
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979) [12],
Y14-15a-1970 and ANSI Y14.15b-1973).
ANSI/IEEE C37.91-1985 E131 , ANSI/IEEE [6] ANSI 224.21-1957 (R 1971), American
C37.93-1976 [ 141, ANSI/IEEE C37.95-1973, National Standard Method for Measurement
(R 1980) [ 151 , ANSI/IEEE C37.96-1976 Specifying the Characteristics of Pickups for
(R 1981) [ 161, and ANSI/IEEE C37.97-1979
(R 1984) [17].
Shock and Vibration.
[7] ANSI/EIA RS-310-C-1977 (R 1983),
Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment.
2. References
When the American National Standards
referred to in this standard are superseded by a
revision approved by the American National
Standards Institute, the revision shall apply.
[ l ] ANSI X3 TR-1-1983, American National
Standard Dictionary for Information Proces-
?Systems covered by this standard typically use com-
puters in the master station and at times in the remote
stations. Such computers provide facilities for incorpo-
rating automatic control functions either by the sup-
plier or by the user after the system is installed.
3The numbers in brackets correspond t o those of the
[8] ANSI/EIA RS-334-1968, Signal Quality at
Interface Between Data Processing Terminal
Equipment and Synchronous Data Communi-
cation Equipment for Serial Data Transmission.
[9] ANSI/EIA RS-404-1978, Start-Stop Signal
Quality Between Data Terminal Equipment
and Non-Synchronous Data Communication
[ l o] ANSI/IEEE C37.2-1979, IEEE Standard
Electrical Power System Device Function Num-
[ 111ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978 (R 1982), IEEE
Standard Relays and Relay Systems Associated
with Electric Power Apparatus.
[12] ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979),
references listed in Section 2 of thi; standard.
DeDartment. American National Standards Institute. IEEE Guide for Surge Withstand Capability
4 . 4 " publications are available from the Sales
14iO Broadway, New York, NY 10018. (SWC) Tests.
[13] ANSI/IEEE C37.91.1985, IEEE Guide
for Protective Relay Applications to Power
[ 141 ANSI/IEEE C37.93-1976, IEEE Guide
for Protective Relay Applications of Audio
Tones over Telephone Channels.
[15] ANSI/IEEE C37.95-1973 (R 1980), IEEE
Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility-Con-
sumer Interconnections.
[16] ANSI/IEEE C37.96-1976 (R 1981), IEEE
Guide for AC Motor Protection.
[17] ANSI/IEEE C37.97-1979 (R 1984), IEEE
Guide for Protective Relay Applications to
Power System Buses.
[ 181 ANSI/IEEE C37.100-1981, IEEE Stan-
dard Definitions for Power Switchgear.
[19] ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984, IEEE Standard
Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions.
[ 201 ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984,IEEE Standard
Dictionary for Electrical and Electronics Terms.
[21] ANSI/IEEE Std 200-1975, IEEE Stand-
ard Reference Designations for Electronics
Parts and Equipment.
[22 J ANSI/IEEE Std 280-1985, IEEE Standard
Letter Symbols for Quantities Used in Elec-
trical Science and Electrical Engineering.
[23] ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975, IEEE Standard
Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics
IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qual-
ification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations.
[25] ANSI/IEEE Std 422-1986, IEEE Guide
for the Design and Installation of Cable Sys-
tems in Power Generating Stations.
[26] ANSI/NEMA ICs 6-1978, Enclosures for
Industrial Control and Systems.
[27] EIA EMC B1-1968, Introduction to EMC
Designers Guide.
[24] ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 (R 1980),
5EIA publications are available from Electronic In-
dustries Association, 2001 Eye Street, NW, Washington,
DC 20006.
[28] EIA EMC B2-1968, EMC Specifications,
Standards and Bibiliography .
[29] EIA EMC B3-1968, Testing and Measure-
ment Techniques for Electronic Equipment.
[30] EIA EMC B4-1965, Designers Guide on
Electromagnetic System Design of Electric
[ 311 EIA EMC B5-1964, Bonding of Electronic
[32] EIA EMC B6-1967, Grounding of Elec-
tronic Equipment.
[33] EIA EMC B7-1966, Enclosures of Elec-
tronic Equipment.
[34] EIA EMC B8-1965, Cabling of Electronic
[35] EIA EMC B9-1966, Filteringof Electronic
[36] EIA EMC B10-1967, Electromagnetic
[37] EIA IE B12-1977, Application Notes on
Interconnection Between Interface Circuits
1969 (R 1981).
Using EIA RS-449-1980 and EIA RS-232C-
[ 381 EIA RS-232-C-1969 (R 1981), Interface
Between Data Terminal Equipment Employing
Serial Binary Data Interchange.
[ 391 EIA RS-363-1969, Standard for Specify-
ing Signal Quality for Transmitting and Receiv-
ing Data Processing Terminal Equipments
Using Serial Data Transmission at the Interface
with Non-Synchronous Data Communication
Equipment .
[ 401 EIA RS-422-A-1978, Electical Character-
istics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface
[41] EIA RS-423-A-1978, Electrical Character-
istics of Unbalanced Voltage Digital Interface
[42] EIA RS-449-1977, General Purpose 37-
Position and 9-Position Interface for Data
Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Termi-
nating Equipment Employing Serial Binary
Data Interchange.
[43] IEC TC 65-1976, Safety Requirements
for Mains Operated and Related Apparatus for
Household and Similar General Use.6
[44] IEEE Std 525-1978, IEEE Guide for
Selection and Installation of Control and Low-
Voltage Cable Systems in substation^.^
[45] MIL-HDBK 217D-1982, Reliability Pre-
diction of Electronic Equipment.8
[46] MIL-STD 471A-1973, Maintainability
[47] MIL-STD 1472C-1981, Human Engineer-
ing Design Criteria for Military System Equip-
ment and Facilities.
[48] GAUSHELL, D. J ., FRISBIE, W. L., and
KUCHEFSKI, M. H. Analysis of Analog Data
Dynamics for Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition System, IEEE Paper 82 SM 304-4.
[49] LLOYD AND LIPOW. Reliability, Man-
agement, Methods, and Mathematics. Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, 1962.
3. Definitions
The definitions of terms contained in this
standard, or in other American National Stan-
dards referred to in this standard, are not in-
tended to embrace all legitimate meanings of
the terms. They are applicable only to the sub-
ject treated in this American National Standard.
Supervisory control and data acquisition sys-
tems may use computers. For standard defini-
tion of computer terms refer to ANSI X3 TR-
1-1983 [l ].
6IEC publications are available from American
National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New
York, NY 10018.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service Center, 445
Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.
*MIL publications are available from the Director,
US Navy Publications and Printing Service, Eastern
Division, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 191 11.
Definitions in this standard may also be listed
Definitions in ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984 [ 201
are used whenever possible; however, sometimes
such definitions do not include the meaning
associated with the equipment governed by
this standard.
alarm condition. A predefined change in the
condition of equipment or the failure of equip-
ment to respond correctly. Indication may be
audible or visual, or both.
analog device. A device that operates with
variables represented by continuously mea-
sured quantities such as voltages, resistances,
rotations, and pressures.
in ANSI/IEEE C37.100-1981 [18].
analog-to-digital (a/d) conversion. Production
of a digital output corresponding to the value
of an analog input quantity.
analog quantity. A continuous variable that is
typically digitized and represented as a scalar
automatic. Pertaining to a process or device
that, under specified conditions, functions
without intervention by a human operator.
automatic circuit recloser. A self- controlled
device for automatically interrupting and
reclosing an alternating- current circuit, with
a predetermined sequence of opening and re-
closing followed by resetting, hold-closed, or
lockout operation.
automatic control. See: control, (1) automatic.
automatic line sectionalizer. A self-contained
circuit-opening device that automatically opens
the main electrical circuit through it after sens-
ing and responding to a predetermined number
of successive main current impulses equal to or
greater than a predetermined magnitude. It
opens while the main electrical circuit is de-
energized. It may also have provision to be
manually operated to interrupt loads.
automatic load throwover equipment (transfer
or switchover). An equipment that automatic-
ally transfers a load to another source of power
when the original source to which it has been
connected fails, and that automatically restores
the load to the original source under desired
Modem One
Modem Two
NOTE: The restoration of the load t o the preferred
source from the emergency source upon re-energization
of the preferred source after an outage may be of the
continuous circuit restoration type or interrupted cir-
cuit restoration type.
(1) Equipment of the Nonpreferential Type.
Equipment that automatically restores the load
to the original source only when the other
source, to which it has been connected, fails.
(2) Fixed Preferential Type. Equipment in
which the original source always serves as the
preferred source and other source as the emer-
gency source. The automatic transfer equip-
ment will restore the load to the preferred
source upon its re-energization.
( 3 ) Selective Preferential Type. Equipment in
which either source may serve as the preferred
or the emergency source of preselection as
desired, and which will restore the load to the
preferred source upon its re-energization.
(4) Semiautomatic Load Throwover Equip-
ment. An equipment that automatically trans-
fers a load to another (emergency) source of
power when the original (preferred) source to
which it has been connected fails, but requires
manual restoration of the load to the original
automatic reclosing equipment. Equipment
which initiates automatic closing of a switching
device under predetermined conditions without
operator intervention.
automatic opening (tripping). The opening of a
switching device under predetermined condi-
tions without operator intervention.
availability. The ratio of uptime and uptime
plus downtime. (See: 7. 3, Availability.)
backup. Provision for an alternate means of
operation if the primary system is not available.
backup, degraded. A backup capability that
does not perform all of the functions of the
primary system.
baud. The term baud defines the signaling
speed, that is, keying rate of the modem.
The signaling speed in baud is equal to the
reciprocal of the shortest element duration in
seconds to be transmitted.
For example, in the following table, the sig-
naling speed is calculated from the signaling
element duration. In addition, the distinction
between bit rate and baud for two different
types of modems is illustrated.
0.833 ms
1200 Bd
per element 1 bit
Bit rate 1200 bits
per second
2 bits
2400 bits
per second
The bit rate and baud are not synonymous
and shall not be interchanged in usage. Prefer-
red usage is bit rate, with baud used only when
the details of a communication modem or
channel are specified.
bit. (1) least significant. In an n bit binary word
its contribution is (0 or 1) toward the maxi-
mum word value of (2"-1).
(2) most significant. In an n bit binary word
its contribution is (0 or 1 times 2'" -I)) toward
the maximum word value of (2"-1).
bit rate. The number of bits transferred in a
given time interval. Bits per second is a measure
of the rate at which bits are transmitted.
buffer (buffer storage).
(1) A device in which data are stored tempo-
rarily, in the course of transmission from one
point to another; used to compensate for a dif-
ference in the flow of data, or time of occur-
rence of events, when transmitting data from
one device to another.
(2) An isolating circuit used to prevent a
driven circuit from influencing a driving circuit.
bum in. A period, usually prior to on-line oper-
ation, during which equipment is continuously
energized for the purpose of forcing infant
mortality failures.
calibration. Adjustment of a device so that the
output is within a specific range for particular
values of the input.
cathode ray tube (crt). A display device in
which controlled electron beams are used to
present alphanumeric or graphical data on an
electroluminescent screen.
channel load factor. See: 5.4.4
channel, scada. The communication path be-
tween master and remote stations. (See: Sec-
tion 4, Fig 1.)
checkback message. The response from the re-
ceiving end to the initiating end of a coded
signal or message.
(1) Partial. Message from the initiating end is
mirrored by the receiving end back to the
initiating end to verify error-free transmission
of the message.
(2) Complete. Message from the initiating
end is interpreted by the receiving end. A new
message is sent to the initiating end to verify
error-free transmission and proper interpreta-
tion of the message. (See: 7.4, System Security.)
common equipment. That complement of
either the master or remote station supervisory
equipment that interfaces with the intercon-
necting channel and is otherwise basic to the
operation of the supervisory system, but is
exclusive of those elements that are peculiar
to and required for the particular applications
and uses of the equipment.
console. That component of the system which
provides facilities for control and observation
of the system. Examples include operators
console, maintenance console. (See: panel,
control )
contention. An operational condition on a data
communication channel in which no station is
-designated a master station. In contention,
each station on the channel shall monitor the
signals on the channel and wait for a quiescent
condition before initiating a bid for circuit con-
control. The execution of a system change by
manual means, remote means, automatic
means, or partially automatic means.
(1) automatic. An arrangement of electrical
controls that provides for switching or control-
ling, or both, of equipment in an automatic
sequence and under predetermined conditions.
(2) closed loop. A type of automatic control
in which control actions are based on signals
fed back from the controlled equipment or sys-
C37. 1-1987
tem. For example, remote stations can manage
local voltage conditions by control of load tap
changers and volt amperes reactive (VAR) con-
trol compensation equipment.
(3)open loop. A form of control without
(4) manual. Control in which the system or
main device, whether direct or power-aided in
operation, is directly controlled by an attend-
( 5 ) partial automatic. Control which is a
combination of manual and automatic control.
For example, to cause a voltage reduction the
local automatic load tap changing closed-loop
control may be biased by way of a supervisory
control command.
(6) remote. Control of a device from a distant
data. Any representation of a digital or analog
quantity to which meaning has been assigned.
data acquisition. The collection of data.
data acquisition system. A centralized system
which receives data from one or more remote
points. A telemetering system. Data may be
transported by either analog or digital tele-
metering. (See; teleme tering .)
data rate. The rate at which a data path (for
example, channel) carries data, measured in
bits per second (b/s).
data logging. The recording of selected data on
suitable media.
dead band. The range through which an input
can be varied without initiating response.
device (electrical equipment). An operating
element such as a relay, contactor, circuit
breaker, switch, valve, or governor used to per-
form a given function in the operation of elec-
trical equipment.
digital quantity. A variable represented by a
number of discrete units.
digital-to-analog (d/a) coversion. Production
of an analog signal whose magnitude is propor-
tional to the value of a digital input.
disable. A command or condition which pro-
hibits some specific event from proceeding.
display, graphic. A hardware device (crt,
plasma panel, arrays of lamps, or light emitting
diodes) used to present pictorial information.
distributed processing. A design in which all
data is not processed in one processor. Multiple
processors in the master station or in the re-
mote stations, or both, share the functions.
downtime. The time during which a device or
system is not capable of meeting performance
echo. A communication technique assuring
that a word received at the termination point
in a system is the same as the word originally
transmitted. The received word is retransmitted
to the sending device and matched to ensure
that the original message was received properly.
electromagnetic compatibility (emc). A mea-
sure of equipment tolerance to external elec-
tromagnetic fields.
electromagnetic interference (emi). A measure
of electromagnetic radiation from equipment.
enable. A command or condition which permits
some specific event to proceed.
engineering units. A unit of measure for use by
operatinglmaintenance personnel usually pro -
vided by scaling the input quantity for display
(meter, stripchart, or crt).
expandability. The capability of a system to be
increased in capacity or provided with addi-
tional functions. (See: 7.5.)
event. A discrete change of state (status) of a
system or device.
failure. An event that may limit the capability
of an equipment or system to perform its
(1) Critical. Causes a false or undesired opera-
tion of apparatus under control.
(2) Major. Loss of control or apparatus which
does not involve a false operation.
(3) Minor. Loss of data relative to power flow
or equipment status.
failure distribution. The manner in which fail-
ures occur as a function of time; generally ex-
pressed in the form of a curve with the abscissa
being time.
failures. (1) infant mortality. A characteristic
pattern of failure, sometimes experienced with
new equipment which may contain marginal
components, wherein the number of failures
per unit of time decrease rapidly as the number
of operating hours increase. A burn-in period
may be utilized to age (or mature) an equip-
ment to reduce the number of marginal com-
(2) random. The pattern of failures for equip-
ment that has passed out of its infant mortality
period and has not reached the wear-out phase
of its operating lifetime. The reliability of an
equipment in this period may be computed by
the equation
R =e-ht
X = failure rate
t =time period of interest
( 3) wear out. The pattern of failures experi-
enced when equipment reaches its period of
deterioration. Wear-out failure profiles may be
approximated by a Gaussian (bell curve) dis-
tribution centered on the nominal life of the
firmware. Hardware used for the nonvolatile
storage of instructions or data that can be read
only by the computer. Stored information is
not alterable by any computer program. (See:
station, remote.)
function check. A check of master and remote
station equipment by exercising a predefined
component or capability.
(1) Analog. Monitor a reference quantity
(2) Control. Control and indication from a
control-check relay
(3) Scan. Accomplished when control func-
tion check has been performed with all remotes
(4) Poll. Accomplished when analog function
is performed with all remotes
(5) Logging. Accomplished when results of
the control function check are logged
hard copy. A permanent record of information
in readable form for human use, for example,
reports, listings, displays, logs, and charts.
hardwired. The implementation of processing
steps within a device by way of the placement
of conductors between components within the
device. The processing steps are not alterable
except by modifying the conducting paths
between components.
C37. 1-1987
indication. A light or other signal (audio or
visual) provided by the man/machine interface
that signifies a particular condition.
inhibit. To prevent a specific event from oc-
log. A printed record of data.
master terminal unit (MTU). Refers to the
master station of a supervisory control system
(See: station, master).
mean time between failure (MTBF). The time
interval (hours) that may be expected between
failures of an operating equipment.
mean time to repair (MTTR). The time interval
(hours) that may be expected to return a failed
equipment to proper operation.
modem. A MOdulator/DEModulator device
which converts serial binary digital data to and
from the signal form appropriate for the respec-
tive communication channel.
multiplexer. (1) A device that allows the inter-
leaving of two or more signals to a single line or
(2) A device for selecting one of a number of
inputs and switching its information to the out-
offset. A predetermined value modifying the
actual value so as to improve the integrity of the
system, for example, the use of a 4 mA signal
to represent zero in a 4 mA to 20 mA system.
panel, control. An assembly of man machine
interface devices. (See: 5.5.)
point equipment (point). Elements of a super-
visory system, exclusive of the basic common
equipment, which are peculiar to and required
for the performance of a discrete supervisory
function. (See: supervisory control functions.)
(1) Alarm Point. Station (remote or master,
or both) equipment(s) that inputs a signal to
the alarm function.
(2) Accumulator Point. Station (remote or
master, or both) equipment(s) that accepts a
pulsing digital input signal to accumulate a
total of pulse counts.
(3) Analog Point. Station (remote or master,
or both) equipment(s) that inputs an analog
quantity to the analog function.
(4) Control Point. Station (remote or master,
or both) equipment(s) that operates to perform
the control function.
( 5 ) Indication (Status) Point. Station (remote
or master, or both) equipment(s) that accepts a
digital input signal for the function of indica-
(6) Sequence of Events Point. Station (re-
mote or master, or both) equipment(s) that
accepts a digital input signal to perform the
function of registering sequence of events.
(7) Telemetering Selection Point. Station (re-
mote or master, or both) equipment(s) for the
selective connection of telemetering transmit-
ting equipment to appropriate telemetering re-
c eivin g equipment over an interconnect in g
communication channel. This type of point is
more commonly used in electromechanical or
stand-alone type of supervisory control.
( 8) Spare Point. Point equipment that is not
being utilized but is fully wired and equipped.
(9) Wired Point. Point for which all common
equipment, wiring, and space are provided. To
activate the point requires only the addition of
plug-in hardware.
(10) Space Only Point. Point for which cabi-
net space only is provided for future addition
or wiring and other necessary plug-in equip-
NOTE: A point may serve for one or more of the pur-
poses described above, for example, when a supervisory
system is used for combined control and supervision of
remotely operated equipment, a point for supervisory
control and point for supervisory indication may be
combined into a single control and indication point.
polling (data request). The process by which a
data acquisition system selectively requests
data from one or more of its remote terminals.
A remote terminal may be requested to re-
spond with all, or a selected portion of, the
data available.
primary. An equipment or subsystem which
normally contributes to system operation. See:
programmable equipment. A remote or master
station having one or more of its operations
specified by a program contained in a memory
protocol. A strict procedure required to initiate
and maintain communication.
quantization error. The amount that the digital
quantity differs from the analog quantity. (See:
analog-to-digital (a/d) conversion.)
quiescent supervisory system. (See: supervisory
system, quiescent.)
refresh rate. The number of times in each
second that the information displayed on a
nonpermanent display, for example, a crt, is
rewritten or re-energized.
relay, interposing. A device which enables the
energy in a high-power circuit to be switched
by a low-power control signal.
remote terminal unit (RTU). Refers to a re-
mote station equipment of a supervisory sys-
tem. (See: station, remote.)
repeatability. The measure of agreement among
multiple readings of an output for the same
value of input, made under the same operating
conditions, approaching from the same direc-
tion, using full-range traverses.
reproducibility. The measure of agreement
among multiple readings of the output for the
same value of input, made under the same
operating conditions, approaching from either
direction, using full-range traverses.
resolution. The least value of the measured
quantity which can be distinguished.
scan (interrogation). The process by which a
data acquisition system interrogates remote
stations of points for data.
scan cycle. The time in seconds required to ob-
tain a collection of data (for example, all data
from one remote, all data from all remotes, and
all data of a particular type from all remotes).
serial communication. A method of transmitting
information between devices by sending all
bits serially over a single communication chan-
station, automatic. A station that operates in
automatic control mode.
NOTE: An automatic station may go in and out of
operation in response to predetermined voltage, load,
time, or other conditions, or in response to a remote
or locally manually operated control device.
station check (supervisory check, status up-
date). The automatic selection, in a definite
order, of all the supervisory alarm and indi-
cation points associated with one remote
station or all remote stations of a system, and
the transmission of all the indications to the
master station.
station identification. A sequence of signal
elements used to identify a station.
station. (1) master (of a supervisory system).
The entire complement of devices, functional
modules, and assemblies which are electrically
interconnected to effect the master station
supervisory functions. The equipment includes
the interface with the communication channel
but does not include the interconnecting chan-
During communication with one or more
remote stations the master station is the supe-
rior in the communication hierarchy.
(2)remote (of a supervisory system). The
entire complement of devices, functional
modules, and assemblies which are electrically
interconnected to effect the remote station
supervisory functions. The equipment includes
the interface with the communication channel
but does not include the interconnecting chan-
During communication with a master station
the remote station is the subordinate in the
communication hierarchy.
NOTES: Examples of station equipments include
( 1) Hardwired. Station supervisory equipment which
is comprised entirely of wired-logic elements.
( 2 ) Firm ware. Station supervisory equipment which
uses hardware logic programmed routines in a manner
similar to a computer. The routines can only be modi-
fied by physically exchanging logic memory elements.
( 3 ) Programmable. Station supervisory equipment
which uses software routines.
(3) semiautomatic. A station that requires
both automatic and manual modes to main-
tain the required character of service.
(4) submaster. A station that can perform as
a master station on one message transaction
and as a remote station on another message
sta,tus. Information describing a logical state of
a point or equipment.
supervisory control. An arragement for operator
control and supervision of remotely located
apparatus using multiplexing techniques over a
relatively small number of interconnecting
supervisory control data acquisition system. A
system operating with coded signals over com-
munication channels so as to provide controI
of remote equipment (using typically one
communication channel per remote station).
The supervisory system may be combined with
a data acquisition system, by adding the use of
coded signals over communication channels to
acquire information about the status of the re-
mote equipment for display or for recording
supervisory control functions. Equipment gov-
erned by this standard comprise one or more of
the following functions:
(1) Alarm Function. The capability of a su-
pervisory system to accomplish a predefined
action in response to an alarm condition. (See:
alarm condition.)
(2) Analog Function. The capability of a su-
pervisory system to accept, record or display,
or do all of these, an analog quantity as pre-
sented by a transducer or external device. The
transducer may or may not be a part of the
supervisory control system.
(3) Control Function. The capability of a su-
pervisory system to selectively perform man-
ual or automatic, or both, operation (singularly
or in selected groups) of external devices. Con-
trol may be either analog (magnitude or dura-
tion) or digital.
(4) Indication (Status) Function. The capa-
bility of a supervisory system to accept, record,
or display, or do all of these, the status of a
device. The status of a device may be derived
from one or more inputs giving two or more
states of indication.
(a) Two-State Indication. Only one of the
two possible positions of the supervised device
is displayed at one time. Such display may be
derived from a single set of contacts.
(b) Three-State Indication. One in which
the transitional state or security indication as
well as the terminal positions of the supervised
device is displayed. Such a display is derived
from at least two sets of initiating contacts.
(c) Multistate Indication. Only one of the
predefined states (transitional or discrete, or
both) is indicated at a time. Such a display is
derived from multiple inputs.
(d) Indication with Memory. An indication
function with the additional capability of stor-
ing single or multiple change(s) of status that
occur between scans.
( 5 ) Accumulator Function. The capability of
a supervisory system to accept and totalize
digital pulses and make them available for dis-
play or recording, or both.
(6) Sequence of Events Function. The capa-
bility of a supervisory system to recognize each
predefined event, associate a time of occurrence
with each event, and present the event data in
order of occurrence of the events.
supervisory system. All control indicating and
associated with telemetering equipment at the
master station and all of the complementary
devices at the remote station, or stations.
(1) continuous update. A system in which
the remote station continuously updates indi-
cation and telemetering to the master station
regardless of action taken by the master station.
The remote station may interrupt the continu-
ous data updating to perform a control opera-
(2)polling. A system in which the master
interrogates each remote to ascertain if there
has been a change since the last interrogation.
Upon detection of a change the master may
request data immediately.
(3)quiescent. A system which is normally
alert but inactive and transmits information
only when a change in indication occurs at the
remote station or when a command operation
is initiated at the master station.
(4) scanning. A system in which the master
controls all information exchange. The normal
state is usually one of repetitive communication
with the remote stations.
system time. A coordinated value of time main-
tained at stations throughout the power system.
tag. A visual indication, usually at the master
station, to indicate that a device has been
cleared for field maintenance/construction
purposes and is not available for control or
data acquisition.
telemetering. (1 ) Transmission of measurable
quantities using telecommunication techniques.
(a) Current-Type Telemeter. A telemeter
that employs the magnitude of a single current
as the translating means.
(b) Frequency-npe Telemeter. A telemeter
that employs the frequency of a periodically
recurring electric signal as the translatingmeans.
(c) Pulse-Type Telemeter. A telemeter that
employs characteristics of intermittent electric
signals, other than their frequency, as the trans-
lating means.
(d) Ratio-Type Telemeter. A telemeter that
employs the relative phase position between, or
the magnitude relation between, two or more
electrical quantities as the translating means.
NOTE: Examples of ratio-type telemeters include ac or
dc position matching systems.
(e) Voltage-Type Telemeter. A telemeter
that employs the magnitude of a single voltage
as the translating means.
(2) analog. Telemetering in which some char-
acteristic of the transmitter signal is propor-
tional to the quantity being measured.
(3) digital. Telemetering in which a numerical
representation is generated and transmitted; the
number being representative of the quantity
being measured.
terminal. (1) A point in a system or communi-
cation network at which data can either enter
or leave.
(2) An input/output device capable of trans-
mitting entries to and obtaining output from
the system of which it is a part, for example,
cathode ray tube (crt) terminal.
test. (1) certified design. A test performed on a
production model specimen of a generic type of
equipment to establish a specific performance
parameter of that genre of equipment. The
condition and results of the test are described
in a document that is signed and attested to by
the testing engineer and other appropriate,
responsible individuals.
(2) data
(a) The recorded results of test.
(b) A set of data developed specifically to
test the adequacy of a computer run or system.
They may be actual data taken from previous
operations or artificial data created for this
(3) point. A predefined location within equip-
ment or routines at which a known result
should be present if the equipment or routine
is operating properly.
time. (1) response. The time between initiating
some operation and obtaining results.
(2) settling. Time required by channel or ter-
minal equipment to reach an acceptable opera-
ting condition.
timer, watchdog. A form of interval timer which
is used to detect a possible malfunction.
transaction. That sequence of messages between
master and remote stations required to perform
a specific function (for example, acquire spe-
cific data or control a selected device).
troubleshoot. Action taken by operating or
maintenance personnel, or both, to isolate a
malfunctioned component of a system. Actions
may be supported by printed procedures, diag-
nostic circuits, test points, and diagnostic rou-
update. The process of modifying or reestablish-
ing data with more recent information.
uptime. The time during which a device or sys-
tem is capable of meeting performance require-
4. Functional Characteristics
The equipment governed by this standard
may be arranged in various configurations and
be required to perform some or all of the func-
tions identified in this section.
Typically, equipment governed by this stan-
dard compose a system with at least one master
station and one (typically several) remote sta-
tion. Figure 1 illustrates the data and control
flow from field sensors and actuators to and
from an operator by way of a master station
and remote-station system.
4.1 Typical Diagrams. Diagrams of typical
equipment and configurations of equipment
governed by this standard are illustrated within
this section.
The media between the stations could be any
suitable communication channel or channels.
The communication protocol typically used
requires a master station to initiate message
For brevity, the terms master and remote de-
note master station and remote station.
The functional components of a master sta-
tion are illustrated in Fig 2. A dual computer
station is illustrated, however, a single computer
master station may be adequate for some appli-
cations. The functional components of aremote
station are illustrated in Fig 3. Various inter-
connections of master and remote stations are
illustrated in Appendix A.
The computer system illustrated in Fig 2 as a
single box typically includes mass memory and
D /A
Fig 1
Scada System Data/Control Flow
I i
Fig 2
Master-Station Block Diagram
various peripherals. I t is common practice to interface remote station communication chan-
switch the complete computer system in the nels to the primary computer system. The
event of a peripherial or computer failure rather man/machine subsystem is that equipment
than attempt to reconfigure a system by switch- used to present information to the operator(s)
ing peripherials. The communication interface and to accept inputs from the operator@).
subsystem of Fig 2 is that equipment used to
C37. 1-1987
Fig 3
Remote-Station Block Diagram
4.2 System Functional Characteristics. This
section provides guidance for helping both sup-
pliers and users define the functional capabili-
ties that may be required in a system. Not all
of the capabilities discussed below are required
in every system. When a function or capability
is not required, that fact shall be noted.
Each generic function is addressed in a sub-
section that follows in terms of the minimum
features or characteristics that should be ad-
dressed to adequately define the function.
Definition of the system functions is a joint
responsibility of the user and supplier. The sub-
paragraphs that follow provide a checklist that
will help ensure adequate communication be-
tween the user and supplier of equipment
governed by this standard.
When the feature or characteristic is fixed by
the design of the equipment the burden of defi-
nition rests on the supplier (for example, num-
ber of inputs/outputs per card). However,
variable features (for example, scaling resistors,
switch settings, firmware, and software) should
be jointly defined by the user and the supplier.
4.2.1 Communication Management. The capa-
bilities to manage communication between the
master station and the remote station shall be
well defined. The topics to be defined include
(1) Message protocol
(2) Number of channels
(3) Bit rate
(4) Error detection techniques
(5) Channel switching
(6) Number of remotes per channel
(7) Number of retries each attempt
(8) Number of attempts per hour
(9) Time out value(s)
(10) Communication error reporting
C37. 1-1987
(11) Channel quality monitoring (normal and
(12) Loop-back provisions
4.2.2 Data Acquisition. (See 5.3). When data
acquisition is a function to be performed, the
characteristics for each data type shall be
defined. Ranges of data input, scale factors,
rates, and accuracy shall be defined for
(1) Analog inputs
(2) Indication inputs-single bit
(3) Indication inputs-multibit
(4) Indication inputs-with memory
( 5 ) Accumulator inputs
(6) Sequence of events inputs
The data acquisition capability for each data
type shall be defined in terms of the following
Scan Groups. How many scan groups, size of
group, inputs in each group.
Scan Cycle. Each group (seconds to complete
an acquisition from all remotes).
NOTE: The communication hardware related perform-
ance capabilities used in the calculation of scan cycle
shall be defined. Remote- Station Data Acquisition.
When the remote station locally acquires data
between master-station data requests, the
capacity (total inputs) and rate of acquisition
(inputs per second) for field data interfaced to
remote-station equipment shall be defined for
each of the above data types.
The modularity (for example, number of in-
puts per card) of each data type shall also be
specified. Master-Station Data Acquisition.
The capacity (total inputs) and rate of acquisi-
tion (inputs per second) for local or remote-
station data interfaced to master-station
equipment shall be defined for all applicable
data types.
4.2.3 Data Processing. Data processing capa-
bilities shall be defined for each equipment and
data type. Systems with report-by-exception
functions shall have the capability to report all
data for initialization and periodic update
purposes. Analog Data Processing. Analog
change detection may be a function included as
an alternative to processing every input on
every scan. Analog change detection is accom-
plished by testing to see if the new value for
each input is within N digital counts (for exam-
ple, dead band) of the last stored value for that
input. The new value shall replace the last stored
value only if the dead band was exceeded and
then the input will be further processed as de-
fined below. When the analog change detection
function is included, the following characteris-
tics shall be defined:
(1) Location of processing, remote or master,
or both
(2) Range of N-remote or master, or both
(3) Applicability of N-remote, card, or point
(4) Technique for changing value of N
When the analog change detection is imple-
mented in the remote station, its output may
be used by an analog data report-by-exception
function to save communication of unchanged
data from the remote station to the master
station. When the analog data report-by-excep-
tion function is included the following charac-
teristics shall be defined.
(1)Percent of analog changes per scan that
results in the channel load associated with
reporting all analog points from the remote
terminal unit (RTU).
(2) Description of logic in the master station
that can be used to select between using the
Analog Data Report-by-Exception function or
the Report All Analog Data Functions when
acquiring analog data from each remote station.
Filtering of analog data may be provided to
smooth such data before it is used by other
functions. When this function is included, de-
fine the equation used and the time delay
introduced by the filtering.
Analog data conversion to engineering units
is typically required before analog data is used
by the operator, other software, or printed in
an alarm message. The mathematical equa-
tion(s) used to convert analog values repre-
sented by digital counts into the corresponding
engineering units shall be defined. Specific
attention shall be given to sensor and trans-
ducer scale factors that may be provided by the
Scaling of analog inputs should give adequate
consideration to off-normal operation of the
power system (for example, over voltage,
emergency load limits).
Techniques that are used to
(1) Detect an open input to an analog chan-
(2) Identify reasonable values, or
(3) Automatically calibrate an analog chan-
nel, or a combination of these three shall be
nel, or
Analog data limit checking is typically in-
cluded to determine if other downstream func-
tions such as alarm management or further pro-
cessing is required. The number of high or low
limits accommodated and associated dead-band
processing, shall be defined. Specific attention
shall be given to the procedure for user speci-
fication and revision of limit and dead-band
values. Indication Data Processing. Indica-
tion input change detection may be a function
included as an alternative to processing every
input on every scan. Indication input change
detection is performed by testing to see if the
current indication is the same as the last stored
indication for that input. Changed indications
shall replace the last stored value and the point
or group of inputs shall be routed for other
downstream functions such as indication data
report by exception, or alarm management, or
When the Indication Input Change Detection
function is included, the following characteris-
tics shall be defined:
(1) Location of processing (remote or master)
(2) Quantity of data reported when a single
(3) Minimum signal duration
When the indication input change detection
function is implemented in the remote station,
its output may be used by an indication data
report-by exception function to save communi-
cation of unchanged data from the remote
station to the master station. When the indica-
tion data report-byexception function is in-
cluded, the following characteristics shall be
(1) Percent of indication point changes per
scan that results in the channel load associated
with reporting all indication points from the
(2) Description of logic in the master or re-
mote station that can be used to select between
using the indication data report-by-exception
or the report all indication data function when
acquiring indication data from each remote.
Indication with memory may be a function
implemented in the remote. When this function
is included, define the number of status changes
accommodated, and legal bit combinations
supported by the design.
Define the status data processing options sup-
ported. Particular attention shall be given to
input changes
input validity processing and to the interface
between the supervisory control function and
the status data processing function. Accumulator Data Processing. When
pulse accumulation and pulse accumulator data
processing is included the following character-
istics shall be defined:
(1) Input circuit (2 or 3 connections)
(2) Sources of freeze command (internal/
( 3) Ranges of values (remote and master
(4) Nominal and maximum counting rates
( 5 ) Source of memory power
station) Sequence of Events (SOE) Data.
When a sequence of events data acquistion ca-
pability is included the following characteris-
tics shall be defined:
(1) Time resolution (at and between remotes)
(2) Method of system time synchronization
(3) Time accuracy between any two remote
(4) Number of SOE inputs
( 5 ) Size of buffers (number of SOE messages
which can be stored)
(6) Time (Minimum/Maximum) between suc-
cessive change of an input
(7) Method of indicating that SOE data is
(8) Data filter time constant (for example,
contact de-bounce)
(9) Data time skew (introduced by de-bounce
filters) Computed Data Points. When the
capability of computing data or results (that
are not directly measured) is included the fol-
lowing characteristics shall be defined:
(1) Location (remote or master)
(2) Equations supported
(3) Resulting data types (numeric or logical,
or both)
(4) Downstream functions (for example,
limit checking) Alarm Management. When the capa-
bility to manage and report alarm conditions is
included the following characteristics shall be
(1) Conditions reported as alarms
(2) Methods of acknowledgement (single or
(3) Methods of highlighting reports (flash,
(4) Information in alarm messages
( 5 ) Hierarchy of alarms (priority level)
groups )
tone, etc)
(6) Size of alarm queue(s)
(7) Queue management (for example, time
(8) Alarm limit@)
4.2.4 Supervisory Control Characteristics
(See: 5.3). When the capability to remotely
control external apparatus is provided, the
characteristics of such a control capability shall
be defined.
Definition of characteristics common to all
control interfaces shall include
(1) Control sequence description
(2)Type of checkback message (partial or
(3) Security of control sequences
(4) Immediate operate controls
(5) Broadcast controls
ordered) Apparatus Control with Relay In-
terface. Control using a relay output shall be
described as follows:
(1) Dwell time of relay contacts
(2) Number of relays that can be simultane-
ously energized in each type of remote
(3) Processing actions (for example, logging,
and alarm suppression) Apparatus Control with Setpoint
Interface. Control using a setpoint output shall
be defined for
(1) Resolution of setpoint value
(2) Duration of output value
(3) Processing actions (for example, limit
check, equation, and alarms) Apparatus Control with Electronic
Interface. Control using a solid-state interface
shall be described as follows:
(1) Timing diagram of signals
(2) Interface communication protocol
(3) Processing actions associated with control
4.2.5 Automatic Control. When the capability
to automatically control external apparatus is
provided the characteristics of such control
capabilities shall be defined
(1) Location of automatic control logic (re-
mote or master)
(2) Control equation@)
(3) Frequency of execution
(4) Field alterable control criteria
(5) Associated logging or alarming
4.2.6 Operator Interface Characteristics. The
capability to support data or control interfaces
to operating or maintenance personnel at either
the master or remote station shall be described. Control of Equipment Functions.
When operator controllable functions are in-
cluded the applicable characteristics shall be
(1) Control output interfaces
(a) Enable/disable
(b) Tagging (types and uses)
(c) Local/remote
(2) Control of data acquisition
(a) Enable/disable scan (inputs or stations)
(b) Enable/disable processing
(c) Manual entry of data
(d) Change scan frequency by group
(e) Assign/reassign data to a group
(3) Control of data processing
(a) Setting date and time
(b) Setting input change limits
(c) Defining formats
(d) Defining conversion data
(e) Defining operator override values
(4) Control of alarm processing
(a) Enable/disable individual alarms
(b) Enterledit alarm limits
(c) Enter/edit alarm dead-band
(d) Edit alarm to operator assignment
(e) Acknowledge alarms (individual/page)
(f) Silence audible alarm
(g) Inhibit alarms
(h) Override invalid alarms
(5) Control of function checks
(a) Enable/disable
(b) Change frequency
(a) Enable/disable
(b) Modify criteria
(c) Add/delete control functions
(d) Reset to reference level or position
(6) Control of automatic control functions CRT Display Capabilities. When
crt formats are supported the applicable char-
acteristics shall be defined
(1) Generation of display formats
(a) Format definition capabilities
(b) Symbols supported
(c) Memory per format
(d) Useof colors
(e) Use of special features (flash, inverse
(f) Control level of detail
(2) Standard formats
(a) Index formats
(b) System formats
(c) Communication channel format
(d) Summary of inhibited alarms
video, etc)
(e) Input point profile formats
(f) Alarmsummary
(h) Station notes format
(3) Control of crt and cursor
(a) Cursor operation
(b) Selection of formats
(c) Response time
(d) Update cycle (from data base)
(e) Paging of multipage formats Digital and Analog Displays. When
such display devices are supported the applic-
able characteristics shall be defined
(a) Numeric range with decimal
(b) Update frequency
(c) Maximum number supported
(a) Ranges
(b) Update frequency
(c) Maximum number supported Hardcopy Devices. When support of
hardcopy devices is required such as loggers,
strip chart recorders, and crt video-copiers
the applicable characteristics shall be defined as
(g) Tag summary
(1) Digital displays
(2) Analog displays
(1) Device assignments
(a) Initial
(b) Automatic re-assignment
(c) Manual re-assignment
(2) Generation of log formats
(a) On-line/batch capabilities
(b) Symbols supported
(c) Spooling capabilities
(a) Standard formats
(b) Time for response
(a) Standard events (for example, operator
and actions)
(b) System events (for example, computer
failover and communication failure)
4.2.7 Computer Backup and Switchover.
When primary and backup facilities are provided
the applicable characteristics shall be defined as
(3) Demand logs
(4) Logged activities
(1) Data base backup
(a) Data residency (bulk or main memory)
(b) Frequency of update (by data type)
(c) Other uses of backup facilities
(a) Method of failure detection
(b) Response time for detection
(2) Failure monitoring
(3) Switchover
(a) Method of switchover
(b) Time required for switchover
(c) Operator interface response following
(d) Operator actions following switchover
4.2.8 History Data. When a capability for
history data acquisition, archiving and retrieval
is provided, the appropriate characteristics
shall be defined as follows:
switch over
(1) Number of history files supported
(2) Data quantities per file
(3) Data intervals per file
(4) Number of data intervals per file
(5) Method of file management
(6) Method of data archiving
(7) Method of data retrieval
5. Interfaces
The equipment governed by this standard
shall have interfaces as described in this section.
The interfaces described consist of those illus-
trated in Fig 4.
Fig 4
Manual, Automatic, and Supervisory
Control Equipment Interface Block Diagram
5.1 Mechanical
5.1.1 Enclosures. Equipment located in an
outdoor environment shall utilize enclosures
which satisfy the requirements defined for the
specified environment by ANSI/IEEE I Cs 6-
1978 [26].
Equipment which is housed in a building or
other suitable enclosure in which it is protected
from the weather shall utilize enclosures meet-
ing the requirements of ANSI/EIA RS-310-C-
1977 (R 1983) [ 7] .
5.1.2 Special Requirements. The location of
access doors, enclosure mounting requirements,
cooling requirements, terminal-block type and
location, cable entry locations, and special
cabling and connector requirements should be
specified for individual applications.
When required, electromagnetic shielding
characteristics of enclosures should be deter-
mined in conformance with EIA EMC B7-1966
5.2 Electrical Power and Grounding. The elec-
tric power and grounding interfaces to equip-
ment governed by this standard shall meet the
following requirements:
The alternating current source defined below
may originate directly from the station source
or from a regulating/unintermptible supply.
Equipment operating on direct current shall
not sustain damage if the input voltage declines
below the lower limit specified or is reversed in
Equipment governed by this standard shall
not ground a floating power source. When
grounded power sources are used care should
be exercised to ensure ground compatibility.
5.2.1 Master Station. Master-station equip-
ment shall be capable of operating without
error or damage with one or more of the fol-
lowing input voltage ranges:
120/240 V ac 210% single phase or three
phase at 60/50 Hz +0.5%
208Y/120 V ac 210% three phase at 60 Hz
21to 29V dc ( 24V dcnominal)
42t o 58V dc ( 48V dcnominal)
105 to 145 V dc (125 V dc nominal)
210 to 290 V dc (250 V dc nominal)
5.2.2 Remote Stations. Remote-station equip-
ment governed by this standard shall be capable
of operating without error or damage with one
or more of the following input voltage ranges:
120/240 V ac +lo% at 60/50 Hz +1%
21 to 29V dc ( 24V dcnominal)
42t o 58V dc (48V dcnominal)
105 to 145 V dc (125 V dc nominal)
210 to 290 V dc (250 V dc nominal)
5.2.3 Grounding. The equipment shall be
connected to an external ground at a single
point so that grounded loop conditions are
minimized. Caution shall be used to prevent
inadvertent ground paths from apparatus such
as convenience outlets, conduit, structural
metal, test equipment, and external interfaces.
5.2.4 Internal Noise. The electrical noise
appearing on the power input terminals that
is internally generated (from 1000 Hz to
10 000 Hz) by equipment governed by this
standard shall be less than 1.5% (peak to peak)
of the external power source voltage as mea-
sured into an external power source impedance
of 0.1 C2 minimum.
5.2.5 Surge Withstand Capability (SWC). The
electrical power interfaces shall be designed to
provide surge withstand capability as defined
in ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979) [12].
5.3 Data and Control. Data and control inter-
faces consist of electrical interconnections
between equipment governed by this standard
and the apparatus being monitored and con-
trolled. Two types of signal paths are defined
(1) Data Paths. Inputs to data acquisition or
supervisory control equipment
(2) Control Paths. Outputs from data acquisi-
tion or supervisory control equipment.
For each input (data) or output (control)
path, various signal characteristics need to be
defined to specify the interface between equip-
ment. The range of user application varies
widely so that it is not possible to establish a
standard for all signal characteristics discussed
below. In these instances the user should specify
the applicable characteristics. See ANSI/IEEE
C37.2-1979 [l o] where the use of function
numbers is recommended.
Data and control signal cabling which are ex-
ternal to equipment governed by this standard
are not specified. The following recommended
practices and design guidelines may be used:
(1) ANSI/IEEE Std 422-1986 [25] and
Tables 1 through 7 address the parameters
typically associated with each data or control
signal, or both. Class I entries represent higher
performance devices than Class 11. The user and
supplier can agree to specifications other than
Class I or I1 whenever unique conditions sug-
gest an alternate interface.
NOTE: The user should identify the required expan-
sion (see 7. 5) for each type of data and control inter-
(2) IEEE Std 525-1978 [44].
Table 1
Analog Input Signals
Parameter Class I Class I1 Notes
Nominal input signal range
Maximum input signal range
r l mA
r1.2 mA
f 1 mA or
4-20 mA is acceptable
f 2 mA or
3-24 mA
f 5 V with source resistance less than 5 kn
Limited by the transducer to 2 mA
Maximum input signal
200 V peak 20 V peak dc to 60 Hz
Maximum input signal burden l k 52 6k n or For current inputs
Conversion resolution, minimum 12 b 10 b Binary data format
Maximum error at 25 C fO.1% f 0.25% Percent of nominal input signal range
(i nch des overload protection )
(with sign)
(of reading)
300 n
(2 mA) includes offset, scale factor, and
calibration errors over 6 month period.
Maximum temperature error* fO.O05%/"C tO.Ol%/"C Percent nominal input signal range (2 mA)
Maximum common-mode voltage dc to 60 Hz referred to equipment ground
Minimum common-mode rejection 90 dB 70 dB dc to 60 Hz
Minimum normal-mode rejection 60 dB 60 dB At 60 Hz
200 V peak 20 V peak
*Associated with the operating temperature. See Table 9.
Table 2
Analog Output Signals
Parameter Class I Class I1 Notes
Nominal output signal range tl mA
Maximum output signal range
Maximum output load 10 kn
Maximum error at 25 ' C t0.1%
t1.2 mA
(of reading)
Maximum temperature* error tO.O05%/"C
Conversion resolution, minimum 12 b
Maximum update time 0.15
Output signal isolation Yes
Maximum common-mode voltage
Maximum common-mode error iO.1%
(with sign)
200 V peak
r 1 mA or 4-20 mA
r1.2 mA or 3-24 mA
100 n or 500
10 b
Constant current into a burden of 0
to 10 kn. +5 V range of voltage
output is acceptable
10 kn minimum for voltage outputs
Percent of nominal output signal
range (2 mA) includes offset, noise
scale factor, and calibration error
over six-month period
range (2 mA)
Percent of nominal output signal
Binary data format
dc to 60 Hz referred to equipment
Percent of nominal output signal
range (2 mA)
*Associated with the operating temperature. See Table 9.
Table 3
Digital Electronic Input Signals
Parameter Class I Class I1 Notes
- ~~~
Input data format Specify Specify Application dependent
Input signal isolation Yes No Optical coupler or equivalent
0 to +20 v
Signal current range Otol mA Otol mA
Signal data rate Specify Specify
Signal duration Specify Specify
Signal voltage range 0 to +20 v
Table 4
Digital Electronic Output Signals
Parameter class I Class I1 Notes
Output data format Specify Specify
~ ~~~ ~
Application dependent
Output signal isolation Yes No Optical coupler or equivalent
Signal voltage range
Signal current range
Signal data rate Specify Specify
Signal duration Specify Specify
0 to 30 V
0 to 50 mA
0 to 30 v
0 to 50 mA
Table 5
Digital Electromechanical Inputs (Status)
Parameter Class I Class 11 Notes
External contact format Specify Specify Dry contact. Form A istypical
Minimum signal voltage
Minimum signal current
24 V, dc
10 mA 10 mA
24 V, dc Station battery may be used.
Subject to emi restrictions
Minimum change detection time 2 ms 15 ms
Maximum change detection time 8 ms 30 ms
Maximum contact resistance 100 52 100 n Includes cable resistance
Minimum leakage resistance 50 k52 50 kn Includes cable leakage resistance
(at operating voltage)
Table 6
Digital Electromechanical Inputs (Accumulator)
Parameter Class 1 Class I1 Notes
External contact format
Minimum signal voltage
Minimum signal current
Minimum change detection time
Counts per contact cycle
Maximum count rate
Minimum accumulator count range
Accumulator freeze command:
Alternate memory power source
24 V, dc
10 mA
30 ms
24 V, dc
10 mA
30 ms
10 Per second
Dry contact. Form C is typical
Station battery may be used.
Subject to emi restrictions
=15 minutes at maximum rate
Table 7
Digital Electromechanical Outputs
Parameter Class I Class I1 Notes
Output contact format Specify Specify Dry contacts. Two Form Cs
is typical
Contact current rating 30 A 5 A Minimum of 1 s
Contact interruption rating 125 V, dc 48 V, dc Resistive load
Activation time adjustable Yes Yes
Latched outputs available Yes Yes
Contact bounce time Specify Specify
(0.1 to 30 s)
5.4 Communication. Communication interfaces
consist of functional, mechanical, and electrical
interconnections between equipment governed
by this standard and the communication appa-
ratus. Any specific application requires one of
the two following types of general signal inter-
(1) Signal interfaces between equipment gov-
erned by this standard and the data communi-
cation equipment (for example, a data modem).
This interface occurs whenever the data com-
munication equipment is not packaged as an
integral part of the equipment governed by
this standard, as illustrated in Fig 5 .
(2) Signal interfaces between the equipment
governed by this standard and a communication
channel. This interface is illustrated in Fig 6.
Subsequent paragraphs define specific signal
characteristics for these above mentioned inter-
faces. However, two characteristics are com-
mon to both types of interfaces and shall be
measured regardless of the configuration uti-
lized. These characteristics are:
(1) SWC measured between data communica-
tion equipment and the communication chan-
nel (see Section 9).
(2)Bit error rate measured between data
communication equipment and equipment gov-
erned by this standard.
The SWC criteria as defined in ANSI/IEEE
C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979) [12]. Supplement to
ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978 (R 1982) [ l l ] shall
be used in common mode only and with the
channel connected to the data communication
( d a t a modem)
NOTES: ( 1) This equipment is called data terminal equipment (DTE)
in ANSI and EIA Standards referenced in this section.
( 2) This equipment is commonly called a data modem but called
data communication equipment (DCE) in referenced standards.
Fig 5
Signal Interfaces Between Equipment Governed by this
Standard and Data Communication Equipment
NOTES: (1) Data modem is packaged as an inte-
gral part of this equipment.
( 2) Channel includes microwave, radio, cable,
fiber optic, and power-line carrier types.
Fig 6
Signal Interfaces Between Equipment
Governed by this Standard and
Communication Channel
equipment. Due to the variety of channel and
modem qualities available and in use, an
average value of 1 bit error in l o4 bits is recom-
mended for design and analysis purposes.
5.4.1 Interface Characteristics Between the
Equipment Governed by this Standard and the
Data Communication Equipment (Modems)
When They Are Not Integrally Provided. (1)
Interface Signals. As a minimum each interface
shall satisfy the requirements as defined in EIA
RS-449-1977 [42], Category 1 and EIA RS-
All circuits used shall be implemented with
drivers and receivers according to EIA RS-423-A
1978 [41] for unbalanced voltage digital inter-
face circuits. Where modems equipped with
digital interfaces according to EIA RS-232-C
1969 (R 1981) [38] are to be utilized, the
necessary adapters described in EIA IE B12-
1977 [37] shall be provided as part of the
equipment governed by this standard.
(2) Signal Repetition Rate. All rates shall be
in accordance with ANSI X3.1-1976 [2].
422-A-1978 [ 401.
(3) Signal Quality. All signals shall meet EIA
RS-363-1969 [ 391 and ANSI/EIA RS-404-
1978 [9] for asynchronous DCE and ANSI/
EIA RS-334-1968 [8] for synchronous DCE.
(4)Noi se Limits. These are defined in the
references given in (3).
5.4.2 Interface Characteristics Between the
Communication Channel and the Data Com-
munication Equipment (Modem) When the
Modem is Provided as an Integral Part of the
Equipment Governed by this Standard. (1) Sig-
nal Impedance. All inputs and outputs shall be
balanced 600 52 +-lo% whenever signal rates re-
quire standard voice grade channels.
(2) Signal Level. Input (receive) levels may
range down to -30 dB (ref 1 mW) and output
(transmit) levels shall not exceed 0 dB (ref
1 mW). The output level and receive sensitivity
should be adjustable in at most 4 dB steps.
(3) Signal Stability. All inputs and outputs
shall be stable within k1 dB for at least one
month without adjustment.
(4) Signal Linearity. The output (transmit)
shall be linear within 41 dB over the level range
and frequency allowed. Input (receive) linearity
and delay distortion are not defined and should
be specified for each channel type and data
rate required.
(5) Signal Distortion. All inputs and outputs
shall not contain rms harmonics that exceed
2% at dBm (ref 1 mW) whenever signal rates
require standard voice grade channels.
(6) Signal Carrier. Specify center frequency
and bandwidth.
5.4.3 Master/Remote Communication Inter-
face. The data communication between master-
and remote-station equipment shall utilize an
orderly communication protocol defined in
terms of message standards. Message standards
shall be defined in accordance with the general
format described below. Message format seg-
ments shown below apply to both fixed and
variable length message standards.
The message establishment segment includes
signals required to synchronize data communi-
cation equipment and address station equip-
The information segment includes signals
associated with point addresses, point data
values, commands, and other codes that are
used by station equipment.
The message termination segment includes
signals used for message security and end-of-
message purposes by station equipment.
The order of data transmission (least or
most significant bit first), the signal states
(mark, center, space), and the state values
(mark =0 or 1) shall be specifically defined
by the supplier.
To exchange information, one station sends
a message to another station, which in turn
responds with an appropriate message. If an
error is detected in either message, that part of
the message, or the message sequence, may be
repeated one or more times. A message trans-
mission is complete when both the initial mes-
sage and reply message have been received
without error.
5.4.4 Channel Considerations. The loading of
communication channels by equipment govem-
ed by this standard shall be calculated as
described in to establish the adequacy
of the channel configuration. Channel load
factor is defined as the percent of channel
capacity in bits per second required to support
the effective data rate for information exchange
I t is recommended that for fully expanded
remote terminal units the calculated channel
load factor for routine data and control trans-
actions be less than 67%, preferably less than
50%, to provide adequate spare channel time
for additional control actions, and for future
expansion of remote station points. To mini-
mize the frequency of transaction failures due
to channel errors, it is recommended that no
transactions be used which contain more than
approximately 250 channel bit times. Approx-
imately 2.5% of such long transactions will
fail when a channel is operated at a bit error
rate of one error in l o4 bits. Automatic repeti-
tion (that is retry) of transactions which fail
may be implemented but should be limited to
no more than three consecutive retries. If the
transaction is not completed satisfactorily at
the fourth attempt the channel, or relevant
remote station, should be declared at least
temporarily inoperative.
A complete list of all necessary routine data
acquisition and control transactions should be
prepared for each communication channel.
Routine in this context implies repetitive at
some fixed time interval; for example, 2 s or
10 s, though transactions which occur at rela-
tively long intervals, hourly or daily, may be
ignored. Where report-by-exception data ac-
quisition techniques are employed , realistic
assumptions for the average number and
length of exception transactions during the
routine updating interval shall be made. The
total channel time required to service this rou-
tine transaction list should be calculated using
vendor data concerning the characteristics of
the protocol, characteristics of the equipment,
the intended channel data rate, and the channel
configuration, that is, 2- or 4-wire, dedicated or
party-lined. Channel Calculations. The utilization
of communication channels by equipment that
provide automatic retransmission of messages
received in error shall be computed as defined
The value of C, should be computed for the
actual data at each remote station communica-
tion channel (dedicated or party-line). These
values can then be compared with the desired
polling rate for remote stations to determine
the adequacy of
(1) Message format
(2) Channel speed
(3) Party-line channel configurations
C, =- the effective data rate for information
TM bits with a given overhead NH and
channel error rate CBE
(Eq 1)
To bound the channel utilization for message
standards that support variable length messages,
the channel utilization shall be computed for
the minimum and maximum length messages.
TM =TL +-
NC +") &
TR =total turnaround time on the channel
when a retransmission is required (TR
may not equal TL)
TM = mean time required to complete a
C, = effective date rate in bits per second
+ ( T R c s message transmission
(Eq 2)
1 - P M
5.5 Man/Machine. The man/machine interface
(MMI) is defined as the operator contact with
-pp,f + p M2 + p M3 +"* + P MN
equipment governed by this standard. In this
section the standard applicable for the opera-
tion of the man/machine interface is defined.
is the sum of the message retransmission prob-
=number of information bits contained
in the message
=number of housekeeping bits. This
shall include the message establish -
ment, and message termination bits,
the total bits in the response message
that indicate a successful or unsuc-
cessful transmission and any bits in
the information segment that do not
carry information
:: A message contains (Nc +NH) bits.
=channel turnaround time. This shall
include the round trip propagation
delay, modem turnaround time, and
equipment turnaround time by both
the sender and the receiver of the
=data rate in bits per second
, =bit error rate of the channel (channel
utilization should be computed for
=probability of error occurring that
will cause one or more automatic
single retransmissions (depends upon
message length and CBE)
various CBE)
(Nc +NH) CBE
- 0.5 (Nc +NH) (Nc +NH - 1) CBE2
MILSTD-1472C-1981 [ 471 is recommended
as a reference for use in the design and evalua-
tion of the man/machine interface to equip-
ments governed by this standard. Alternative
human engineering data may be specified by
the user. The man/machine interface for opera-
tion concerns standards and recommendations
for information displays, control capabilities,
colors, and man/machine interaction of equip-
ment governed by this standard.
5.5.1 Information Displays. Characters used
by printers, loggers, and illuminated displays
shall have unique codes so that their display
may be electrically initiated. The uppercase
alphanumeric characters and their correspond-
ing codes as defined in ANSI X3.4-1977 [3]
shall be used to represent alphanumeric data
at the man/machine interface. A minimum set
of character graphic symbols is recommended
in Table 8.
5.5.2 Control Capabilities. The capabilities
provided for operator inputs at the man/
machine interface are defined as the control
capabilities. The control capabilities may in-
clude a combination of
(1) Keys and switches (alphanumeric or func-
tion, or both)
(2) Cursor (track ball, joy stick, or key con-
for (3) Light pen
(4) Poke points (defined crt displayed con-
trol selections)
The operator's input to the MMI equipment
for example, (60 +40)
(60 +40 - 1)
- 0.5 (60 +40)
shall be recognized and acknowledged (valid
or invalid) to the operator within 2 s.
When labeled function pushbuttons are in-
cluded in equipment governed by this standard,
the labels shall be legible from a distance of
approximately 1 m in the user specified envi-
PMN =probability of N or more automatic ronment. When lighted pushbuttons are in-
cluded, the significance of the state of the light
PM2 =probability of two or more automatic
Table 8
Recommended Electrical Graphic Symbols and Meanings
Svmbol Meani ng Symbol Meani ng Symbol Meani ng
(on, off, blinking) shall be clearly defined and
shall be consistent throughout the system.
Control pushbuttons (for example, raise,
lower, trip, open, and close) shall be within
convenient viewing distance of the information
display that will be used during the control
5.5.3 Color Codes. The standard meanings
for colors (for example, crt's, status lights)
used at the operator interface to highlight the
condition of apparatus monitored and con-
trolled through equipment governed by this
standard should be defined by users.
The significance of colors shall be consistent
throughout the system.
The color status of an apparatus under op-
erator control shall only change to its new state
after the status of the apparatus has changed.
5.5.4 Interactive Dialog, The activity at the
rnan/rnachine interface during operational use
of equipment governed by this standard shall
be clearly described and shall be consistent
throughout the system.
5.5.5 Alarms. When alarm conditions de-
tected by equipment governed by this stan-
dard are first interfaced to the operator both
an audible (voice, tone, or bell) and visual
(flashing light or symbol) annunciation should
be presented. It should be possible to silence
the audible alarm without affecting the visual
annunciation. The visual indication of each
alarm condition should remain as long as the
alarm condition exists.
5.5.6 Dialog During Control. The selection
of a point for an operator control action shall
result in a visual feedback at the man/machine
interface. This positive feedback to the opera-
tor shall signify that the equipment governed
by this standard is ready to accept a control
action. The results of the control action
(check-back-before-operate or direct operate)
shall be displayed only after a status change
has been received from the remote equipment.
6. Environmental Conditions
This section contains a definition of the en-
vironment in which equipment governed by
this standard is required to operate.
There are unusual conditions that, where
they exist, should receive special consideration.
Such conditions should be brought to the
attention of those responsible for the applica-
tion, manufacture, and operation of the equip-
ment. Devices and apparatus for use in such
cases may require special construction or pro-
tection. The user should specify those special
physical requirements that apply to specific
locations. Examples are:
(1) Damaging fumes or vapors, excessive or
abrasive dust, explosive mixtures of dust or
gases, steam, salt spray, excessive moisture, or
dripping water
(2) Abnormal vibration, shocks, or tilting
(3) Radiant or conducted heat sources
(4) Special transportation or storage condi-
(5) Unusual space limitations
(6) Unusual operating duty, frequency of op-
eration, difficulty of maintenance
(7) Altitude of the operating locations in ex-
cess of 2000 m (6600 f t)
(8) Abnormal electromagnetic interference
6.1 Environment
6.1.1 Ambient Temperature and Humidity
Conditions. Ambient temperature and humidity
are defined as the conditions of the air sur-
rounding the enclosure of the equipment (or
the equipment itself, if it uses open rack con-
struction) even if this enclosure is contained in
another enclosure or room.
For temperature and humidity parameters by
operating location, see Table 9. Table 9 is a
guideline to establish five equipment classifica-
tion groups. Equipment designated to be in a
specific group shall meet all conditions set
forth in that group.
Equipment subjected to temperature and
humidity variations outside of the first four
group classifications listed in Table 9 will re-
quire special consideration. Methods to resolve
these problems include
(1) Low Temperature. Use a thermostatically
controlled heater strip in the cabinet enclosure
or use wide temperature range equipment.
(2) High Temperature. Use asun shield,utilize
some other cooling method, or use wide tem-
perature range equipment.
( 3 ) High Humidity. Use heater strips, special
shelters, or fungus proof the electronic com-
(4) Low Humidity. Use a humidifier to main-
tain acceptable humidity levels.
( 5 ) Temperature Restrictions. If it is neces-
sar y to use heating/cooling equipment to meet
the parameters set forth in Table 9 the equip-
Table 9
Operating Temperature and Humidity by Location
Humidity Temperature Allowable Rate
Operating Range Operating of Change of
Equipment Typical Location (Percent Range Temperature
Group of the Equipment Relative Humidity) (C) (C/h)
In a building with air-
conditioned areas
In a building with air-
conditioned areas
In a building with
heating or cooling,
but without full air-
In a building or other
sheltered area with-
out special environ-
mental control
Outdoors or location
with wide tempera-
ture variations
(5) Extremes outside the
(l )(a)
(I )@)
40 to 60 +20 to +23 5
30 to 70 +15 to +30 10
10 to 90 + 5 to +40
10 to 95
0 to +55
10 to 95
-25 to +60
User to specify User to specify User to specify
(see 6.1.1) (see 6.1.1) (see 6.1.1)
*Maximum wet bulb temperature of 35 C.
ment should be so marked by a warning sign
and a warning statement in the associated doc-
6.1.2 Dust, Chemical Gas, and Moisture. Sup-
pliers shall be made aware of the presence of
atmospheric pollutants, so that special provi-
sions for protection can be made where neces-
In Groups (l), (2), and (3) of Table 9, all
equipment cabinets that are vented should have
dust filters. In Groups (3) and (4), equipment
that is exposed to moisture, corrosive or
explosive gases, or other unusual environmental
conditions should have a special enclosure.
Available types of enclosures for various con-
ditions are specified in ANSI/NEMA I Cs 6-
1978 [26].
Consideration should be given to possible
contamination inside the enclosure during
storage and transit, and also when the enclo-
sure is opened for maintenance or repairs.
6.1.3 Altitude. The equipment shall be suit-
able for operation at altitudes up to at least
2000 m (6600 ft).
6.2 Vibration and Shock
6.2.1 Operation. Where equipments governed
by this standard will be subjected to vibration,
or shock, the user shall express the local vibra-
tion environment as any combination of one
peak-to-peak displacement amplitude value and
one acceleration value over a specified frequen-
cy range.
The relationship of frequency of oscillation
f, the peak of acceleration a, and the peak-to-
peak displacement s is defined by the formula
Four classes are listed as examples of this
relationship in typical locations.
Frequency Acceleration
Class (Hz) (m/s2) (e) Location
Level I 1-60, 5-200 5 * 0.5 control
Level I1 5-200, 10-500 10 f 1. 0 field
Level I11 10-500 20 * 2. 6 field
Level IV 10-10 000 50 2 5. 0 field
Source: IEC TC 65-1976 [ 43] , Operating Conditions,
Part 111, Mechanical Influences.
Shock phenomena which may occur during
manhandling for operation and maintenance
of equipment shall be expressed in terms of an
equivalent height of fall.
mm Treatment (hard surface)
25 Light handling
100 Normal handling
250 Normal handling, heavy material
Light handling, heavy material (>10 kg)
1000 Rough handling
1500 Rough handline. heaw material
Source: IEC TC 65-1976 [ 43] , Operating Conditions,
Part 111, Mechanical Influences.
6.2.2 Transportation. Special care shall be
used in the transportation of equipment. The
equipment shall be packaged and braced so as
to prevent damage during transit. Items such as
swinging panels shall be strapped and blocked
to minimize stress on the hinges.
All equipment governed by this standard shall
show no degradation of mechanical structure,
soldered components, plug-in components, or
operation after shipping.
6.3 Seismic Environment. The purpose of this
section is to describe the analytical and test cri-
teria for qualification of equipment that are
specified by the user to operate in an environ-
ment subject to seismic disturbance. The user
shall supply during system development in-
formation that will allow the supplier to make
a seismic equipment analysis and submit an
equipment seismic report.
6.3.1 Seismic Equipment Analysis. The user
should supply a response spectrum in the form
of frequency versus amplitude for the location
site of the equipment to be installed. Alter-
nately, the user may supply information as
listed below on which the supplier is to base
the analysis
(1)Earthquake reports, which can be fur-
nished by the California Institute of Technol-
ogy, Earthquake Engineering Laboratory, Pasa-
dena, CA
(2) Data pertaining to typical foundations
and soils
( 3) A study of the support structures
6.3.2 Equipment Seismic Report. The follow-
ing information is typically required as part of
an equipment seismic report. An outline drawing of the equip-
ment locating the centers of gravity, weights of
major components, and the location and size
of holddown bolts. The maximum vertical and hori-
zontal forces and the upsetting moments
which the foundation shall be capable of re-
C37. 1-1987 The portion of the equipment that
requires an integral pad, and the portion(s)
which may be mounted on independent foun-
dations. An outline drawing of the equip-
ment showing the expected maximum displace-
ment of electrical terminals and other points of
interconnection between the apparatus and
other equipment. The fundamental natural frequen-
cies and samping data. An analysis and description of the
probable modes of failure. Maximum working
stresses should also be included in the analy-
tical data furnished. The ductility factors used should be
indicated in the analytical data furnished. Satisfactory connections between
isolated and nonisolated apparatus should be
proposed. A description and results of the dy-
namic analysis used. A description of the test method
that has been used to determine the natural
frequencies and results of damping of the ap-
paratus together with the static analysis, when
a dynamic analysis is not applicable. A summary of the results of an
explanation of the seismic proof test pro-
cedures. See ANSI 224.21-1957 (R 1971) [6]
and ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 (R 1980) [24].
6.4 Lightning Protection. The purpose of this
section is to describe design criteria and recom-
mend practices that will minimize the adverse
consequences of exposure to lightning dis-
charges. Effective protection can only be ac-
complished through a combination of adequate
design and proper installation.
6.4.1 Design Criteria. The basic design goal
for achieving protection from lightning should
be that of keeping any abnormal voltage or cur-
rent, or both, out of the equipment cabinets. Where data paths are connected to
equipment through cables which may be ex-
posed to voltage surges such as induced by
lightning surges, protection shall be provided at
the cabinet input terminals to reduce the prob-
ability of damage to the equipment. A minimal
amount of protection may be determined by
applying a surge withstand capability test as
outlined in ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979) Lightning surges can enter the cabi-
P I *
net and cause damage despite the protection
provided on inputs and outputs. Equipment
failures resulting from such damage should be
fail-safe. Logic designs should be such as to
minimize the possibility of false or improper
operation of field devices. Partial failures which
do not disable the equipment but which can
reduce or eliminate security features, such as
error checking in communication circuits,
should be detected and cause the blocking of
control outputs to prevent false operations of
field devices.
6.4.2 Installation Criteria. The basic installa-
tion goal for achieving protection from light-
ning should be to minimize the exposure of all
connecting wires and cables to lightning. Power, signal, and communication
circuits provide the path through which light-
ning surges enter equipment. Circuits totally
within a protected building can generally be
installed without regard to lightning effects.
Circuits that are connected to, or are part of,
circuits not within a protected building should
be installed in a manner that will minimize
exposure to lightning. When installation constraints result
in a high degree of exposure to lightning, sup-
plementary protection such as spark gaps or
surge limiters should be considered. See ANSI/
IEEE Std 422-1986 [25] and IEEE Std 525-
1978 [44].
6.5 Acoustic Interference Limitations. The
equipment to be installed in the same vicinity
as operating personnel, or in an environment
where maintenance personnel will be required
to perform their duties, shall not produce any
acoustic levels in excess of those specified in
this subsection. The acoustic energy shall be
controlled to the extent that it does not cause
personnel injury, fatigue, or interfere with
voice communication. Noise generated by
equipment shall not exceed NC-30 for control
room installations and NC-45 for maintenance
area installations as shown on Fig 7.
6.6 Electromagnetic Interference (emi) and
Electromagnetic Compatibility (emc). Manu-
facturers shall design and test their equipment
to ensure that emi limits are not exceeded, and
users shall design and test locations (environ-
ments) to ensure that emc limits are not ex-
ceeded. Both manufacturers and users should
375 75 150 300 600 I 200 2400 4 8 0 0
75 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Fig 7
Noise Criteria (NC) Curves for Speech Communication
(Reprinted from MIL-STD-1472 C-1981 [ 47] )
follow EIA EMC B1-1968 [27], EIA EMC B-2
1968 [28], EIA EMC B3-1968 [ 291, EIA EMC
B4-1965 [30], EIA EMC B5-1964 [31], EIA
EMC B6-1967 [32], EIA EMC B7-1966 [33],
EIA EMC B8-1965 [34], EIA EMC B9-1966
[35], and EIA EMC B10-1967 [36] to aid in
specifying and applying various techniques
which limit equipment and environmental
6.6.1 EM1 Limits. Equipment shall not
generate radiated emissions in excess of
(1 V/m)/MHz as measured 1 m from the en-
closure. Manufacturers shall mechanically and
electrically design equipments for emission
limits by employing attenuation techniques
such as isolation, shielding, grounding, gasket-
ing, filtering, and bonding.
6.6.2 EMC Limits. Equipment governed by
this standard shall be capable of operating in
radiated fields as specified by the user. In-
formation available to date indicates that the
average field strength in substations may run
in the order of (1 V/m)/MHz (see NOTE
below). Should the field strength of a proposed
installation be excessive the user shall mech-
anically and electrically design the equipment
location for conducting susceptibility limits by
using cable shielding and grounding techniques
found in
(1) At power generating stations, ANSI/IEEE
Std 422-1986 1251 should be followed.
(2) At substations, IEEE Std 525-1978 [44]
should be followed.
(3) At other locations, the equipment manu-
facturers guide for site preparation and instal-
lation should be followed.
NOTE: The specified value of ( 1 V/M)/MHz refers to
broadband radiated fields due to station environment,
resulting from such things as corona and switching
transients. This requirement is not intended to cover
narrowband radiated field sources such as electronic
test equipment or portable radio transmitters. Where
such equipment may be used, the field strength is prop-
erly expressed as volts per meter at a specified fre-
quency, and different emc limits may be required.
C37.1-1987 Whenever equipment is to be lo-
cated in an environment and is susceptible to
radiated emissions which are excessive (see
NOTE in 6.6.2(3)); then either
(1) The manufacturer should shield from
radiated sources with an enclosure which pro-
vides the necessary attenuation, or
(2) The user should provide additional struc-
tural attenuation.
The approach taken should be an economic one
which considers the locations configuration,
the signal range of interest, and the amount of
additional field strength encountered. Equipment which is extremely
sensitive to magnetic fields should be stored in
environments that limit magnetic flux density.
Typical storage limitations for magnetic tape
and disk units are in the range of
(50 to 70) T.
7. Characteristics
The equipment governed by this standard
shall have the characteristics defined and dis-
cussed in this section. The characteristics of
concern include reliability , maintainability ,
availability, security, and expandability .
7.1 Reliability. Reliability is defined herein as
a measure of an equipments or systems ability
to perform its intended function under speci-
fied conditions for a specified period of time.
I t is a probability figure, based on failure data
and length of operating time. The reliability
of system components is reflected in their
respective mean-time-between-failures (MTBF)
numbers. This figure of merit is used in the
calculation of the system availability as defined
in 7.3.
The design goals for equipment shall be
(1) A single component failure anywhere in
the system should not result in a critical failure
(for example, false operation of an external
(2) To protect against multiple and cascading
component failures.
Reliability models and predictions may be
made by the supplier in accordance with the
guidance contained in MIL-HDBK 217D-1982
[45] , or in Reliability, Management, Methods,
and Mathematics [49] , or as directed by the
Failure distributions show the manner in
which failures are distributed as a function of
time. The supplier of equipment covered by
this standard should maintain failure distribu-
tion data for all components, assemblies, and
units that by their failures can cause critical or
major failure of the system, or both. Failure
distribution data for equipment in the posses-
sion of the supplier and for those field units for
which data are available should be documented
and be made available for review upon request.
Manufactured or vendor procured parts, or
both, and components that can cause a critical
or major system failure are subject to these re-
The failure modes of equipment governed by
this standard and the effects of failures shall
be studied by the supplier. The results of the
suppliers failure modes and effect analysis
shall be available for review upon request.
7.2 Maintainability. Equipment covered by this
standard shall be maintainable by trained per-
sonnel at a service facility and in the field.
The maintainability of equipment is reflected
in their respective mean-time-to-repair (MTTR)
numbers .
The supplier shall be responsible for provid-
ing upon request a list of test equipment and
quantities of replacement parts deemed neces-
sary to meet the availability and MTTR re-
quirements. In establishing the number of
parts, the supplier shall take into considera-
tion the time required to return a failed com-
ponent (field or factory maintenance, or both)
to a serviceable condition.
The MTTR values used by the supplier in his
availability computations should be based to
the maximum extent possible upon mainte-
nance experience. MTTR values may include
(1) Administrative Time. The time interval
between failure of a component and a call for
maintenance service.
( 2 ) Transport Time. The time interval be-
tween the call for maintenance service and the
arrival at the station of a maintenance tech-
nician and the necessary replacement parts.
( 3 ) Repair Time. The time required by a
trained maintenance technician having the re-
placement parts and the recommended test
equipment at the station to restore normal op-
eration of the failed equipment.
Unless otherwise specified by the user, the
supplier shall use the following values in his
availability calculations:
MTTR (administrative time) 0 h
MTTR (transport time) 0.5 h
When insufficient maintenance experience
has been accumulated to provide MTTR values,
then the appropriate segments/procedures as
defined in MILSTD 471A-1973 [46], may be
Provisions to enhance the maintainability of
equipment governed by this standard should
(1) Equipment self-tests, diagnostics, and
trouble shooting procedures to localize any
failure or malfunction to the lowest field re-
placeable unit level.
(2) Readily accessible test or break points, or
both, to facilitate fault isolation. The place-
ment of components on cards shall allow access
for test probes and connectors.
(3) Suitable grips or handles to facilitate the
safe removal and installation of heavy or bulky
(4) Physical provisions to preclude inter-
change of units or components of a same or
similar form that are not in fact interchange-
(5) Physical provisions to preclude improper
mounting of units or components.
(6) Provisions (for example, labels) to facili-
tate identification and interchange or inter-
changeable units or components.
(7) Measures to ensure that identification,
orientation, and alignment provisions include
cables and connectors.
(8) Positive identification of groundable
(9) Where screwdriver adjustments shall be
made without visual aid, mechanical guides for
the screwdriver shaft should be provided or the
screw should be mounted so that the screw-
driver will not move out of position.
(10) Sensitive adjustment points should be
located or guarded so that adjustments will not
be disturbed inadvertently.
(11) Internal controls should not be located
close to dangerous voltages or any other haz-
ards. If such location cannot be avoided, the
controls should be appropriately shielded and
(12) The preventive maintenance program
should minimize wear-out failures.
(13) The provision for simulation of equip-
ment that is physically remote from the equip-
ment under test.
7.3 Availability. Availability is defined as
A =uptime/(uptime +downtime) (Eq 3)
Downtime in the above equation normally
includes corrective maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and system expansion down-
times if such times compromise the users abil-
ity to operate apparatus normally controlled
by the equipment being expanded.
For design analysis and to determine an a
priori prediction of availability for subassem-
blies and units, the following equation utiliz-
ing MTBF and MTTR shall be used:
(Eq 4)
A, =predicted availability of a component.
The equation for A, and the combinatorial
equations9 associated with parallel redundant
components (or subsystems) are valid under
the following conditions:
(1)The failure of any component within a
string or parallel set is independent of the fail-
ure of any other component. In other words,
component failures do not propagate failures
of other components.
(2) Sufficient repair facilities and standby
replacement parts are available to handle
multiple simultaneous failures.
Because calculations for availability are made
with mean values, the sensitivity of the equip-
ments design to variations to MTBF and MTTR
should be ascertained. I t is recommended that
equipment availabilities be computed for +25%
and k50% variations in both MTBF and MTTR.
Equation 3 for availability shall be used to
compute the availability of installed equipment
governed by this standard. The equipments op-
erating and maintenance records shall be used
to support the computations.
The impact of the outage of each system ele-
ment or function on the availability of the total
system should be mutually agreed upon between
the user and the supplier.
9Combinatorial equations for modeling more com-
plex designs should be formulated by the supplier as
discussed in 7. 1.
Availability test results should be calculated
separately for major systemcomponents, (for
example, central computer configuration and
data acquisition remotes), because different
definitions of downtime are applicable, and
these components may have a varying impact
on the usefulness of the systemas a whole.
Major component downtime should be de-
fined so as to reflect the proportional signifi-
cance of the equipment that is down. For
example, downtime for the data acquisition
system could be defined as the sumof the
downtime for all remotes divided by the total
number of remote stations. At the master
station, downtime should not include malfunc-
tions in electromechanical peripheral equip-
ment that do not detract from the functional
capabilities of the master station as a whole
(for example, line printers, card readers, and
Typical availabilities achievable by nonredun-
dant commercial grade equipment range from
99.99% for individual simple devices to approx-
imately 97% for complex, computer-based sub-
systems. Proper use of redundant equipment
configurations combined with automatic fail-
ure detection, and fail-over control can provide
an overall availability of critical systemfunc-
tions of 99.9%, with average downtimes of less
than a few minutes per day.
7.4 SystemSecurity. The security of operation
of equipment governed by this standard is de-
fined as the ability to recognize an inappropri-
ate or undesirable operation or condition in
such a fashion that causes an appropriate
alarm, a nonoperation, or both.
Security of operation considerations are di-
vided into three areas
(1 ) Operating practice and procedures
(2) Communication security
(3) Hardware, software, and firmware design
7.4.1 Security features that fall into the op-
erating practice and procedures area include
the use of manual or automatic function, or
both, and operating checks for each uniquely
different function or capability of the system.
Function and operating checks may include
(1) Analog function check (0 and 90%)
(2) Control function check (loop-back)
(3) Scan function check (loop-back)
(4) Poll function check
(5) Logging function check
(6) Queue overflow alarms
(7) Diagnostic aids
(8) Calibration checks
An alarmshould be generated whenever an
event or function has automatically or manually
been disabled.
An alarmshall be generated when any device
fails. The operation of any automatic or manual
switchgear feature shall be logged or otherwise
brought to the operators attention.
Security features of equipment designed for
the control of power system apparatus shall
include both a select-beforeexecute man/
machine interface sequence and a checkback-
beforeaperate communication sequence. The
man/machine interface sequence should pro-
vide visual feedback to the operator of the
selection, so that he can verify that the system
has interpreted his intention correctly before
he executes the control function. The com-
munication sequence checkback message should
be derived as a minimumfrom the remote sta-
tion point selection hardware, and not just a
simple retransmission of the select message. In
this way, the checkback message not only veri-
fies that the communication was error free, but
also that the remote station hardware has acted
correctly in interpreting the control selection.
The communication checkback sequence can
either be performed concurrently with the con-
trol selection sequence at the man/machine
interface, or it can be performed after the selec-
tion sequence has been completed. When per-
formed concurrently, the selection of a point
for control should cause the select message to
be transmitted to the remote station. Upon
successful receipt, the remote station should
armitself for control, generate the check-back
message, and transmit it back to the master
station. A valid checkback message should gen-
erate the visual selection feedback to the opera-
tor, who can then choose either to execute or
cancel the control function. If status and data
scanning of that remote station are interrupted
during this sequence, the systemshould disarm
the control function after a specified period
and reinitiate scanning of that remote station.
When the man/machine interface sequence
and communication checkbacks are performed
sequentially, the selection of a point for control
should cause the master station logic to inter-
pret that selection and generate a visual indica-
tion of that selection for himto verify. He may
then execute the control function, at which
time the status and data scan should be inter-
rupted, and a select message sent to the remote
station. The remote station should then arm
the control function and generate the check-
back message. The checkback message should
be automatically checked by master station
logic and, if it is valid, an execute message
should be automatically sent to the remote
station. If this message is valid, the remote
station should execute the command and
return an acknowledgement to indicate that
the function has been performed. If the next
message received after a valid select message is
not a valid execute, the control selection
should be disarmed. If the select message re-
sults in an invalid checkback, the execute mes-
sage should be aborted. A variable number of
select messages may be tried prior to generat-
ing an alarm message.
7.4.2 Security features that fall into the area
of communication security include
(1) The design goal of equipments governed
by this standard shall be such that an error in
a message shall not result in a critical failure of
the system.
(2) A positive indication shall be available
when a remote station did not receive or re-
spond to a valid message. When an attempt to
communicate has failed, the transmitting sta-
tion should be able to automatically retry the
message until a retry count is exceeded. When
the retry limit for a particular channel is ex-
ceeded, an appropriate alarm should be issued.
( 3 ) Error control shall be applied to digitally
encoded message traffic on communication
channels between master and remote stations
to minimize the probability of undetected er-
rors. Error control in concert with the com-
munication protocol and line discipline should
ensure that the probability of undetected bit
errors is no greater than 10-lo when the channel
is operating within the limits of <1 bit error in
l o4 bits.
(4) The proper operation of communication
channels should be verified on a regular basis
by normal use or by a test message on the cir-
cuit to verify its operating status.
(5)The use of party line or switched com-
munication channels, or both, should be care-
fully defined so that two remotes with the
same address do not share the same communi-
cation channel.
7.4.3 Security features that fall into the area
of hardware, software, and firmware design in-
(1) Power failure and automatic restart
(2) Initialization and reinitialization
(3) Equipment self-check capabilities with
(4) Automatic switchover with alarm
( 5 ) Internal (watchdog) timer with alarm
(6) Fail-safe operation
(7) Nonvolatile station addresses at remote
7.5 Expandability. The measurement of ex-
pandability of equipment governed by this
standard is the ease with which new points or
functions, or both, can be added to the system,
and the amount of downtime required to ex-
pand station equipment.
Expandability categories are defined as fol-
(1) Point, Spare. Point equipment that is not
being utilized but is fully wired and equipped
( 2 ) Point, Wired. Point for which all common
equipment, wiring, and space are provided, but
no plug-in point hardware is provided
( 3) Poi nt , Space Only. Point for which cabi-
net space only is provided for future addition
of wiring and other necessary equipment.
Expandability limits may include but are not
restricted to the following considerations:
(1) A limit for master- or remote-station point
or memory capacity (addresses or size, or both)
preventing the addition of more main memory
or point equipment.
(2) A limit relating to the use of routines,
addresses, labels, or buffers so that a modifi-
cation reduces system capabilities.
( 3 ) A data rate (for example, communication
channel) limit so that the scan or polling cycle
is extended when additions are made at the
remote stations.
(4) Design and environmental limits on
components (for example, analog to digital
converters) so that equipment operation is
compromised if the interface is modified or the
device relocated.
7.6 Changeability. The measurement of change-
ability is defined as the ease with which existing
point parameters or existing remote terminal
configurations may be changed at both the
master station and remote station. Point
changeability is defined as follows:
(1) Point descriptions as presented to the sys-
tem operator
(2) Analog point engineering unit scaling
(3) Analog point limit changes
(4) Analog point limit dead-band changes
(5) Output relay timing changes
7.6.1 Reconfiguration of an existing remote
terminal is defined as follows:
(1) Addition of points not originally provided
for within the master-station data base for an
existing remote terminal
(2) Rearrangement of types of points within
the master-station data base for an existing
remote terminal
(3)Make the necessary software changes to
relocate a remote terminal such as different
communication port addresses, and remote
terminal addresses.
7.6.2 Changeability limitations may include
but are not limited to
(1) Point parameters that have to be period-
ically changed reside on permanent type
memory devices such as read only memory
(2) Restrictions caused by master-station data
( 3) Hardware/software compatibility
base structure
(4) Hardware limitations
( 5 ) Software operating system
8. Marking
The equipment and major
governed by this standard shall be suitably
marked as necessary for safety and identifica-
8.1 Identification. Each equipment shall be
identified so that it can be easily correlated with
the documentation. The means of identifica-
tion shall be uniform throughout the system,
and it might include color coding, labeling, and
part number. The identification mark shall be
permanently affixed to the part that it identifies.
8.2 Nameplates. Each separate unit of the sys-
tem shall be furnished with nameplates bearing
the following information: manufacturers
name, address, identification reference, rated
voltage (ac or dc, or both), rated continuous
current, and rated frequency (if necessary).
Nameplates shall be legible at a distance of
approximately 1 m.
8.3 Warning. Warning signs or safety instruc-
tions shall be applied where there is a need for
general instructions relative to safety measures
(for example, supply circuit).
9. Tests and Inspections
The purpose of this section is to describe the
tests and inspections recommended to ensure
that equipment governed by this standard will
perform reliably and correctly.
9.1 Stages of Tests and Inspections. The test
and inspection process requires that various
parameters of the equipment be tested orveri-
fied during one or more stages in the produc-
tion and installation cycle of the equipment.
This process can be illustrated as in Table 10.
Across the top of the table are shown the
three major classes of tests and inspections:
interface, environmental, and performance.
The three stages of test and inspections are
shown along the left-hand edge of the table,
certified design, factory, and field. The specific
tests and inspections in each class are listed in
the body of the table, below the class heading.
Tests that are recommended for all types of
applications are listed, without marking, in the
stage in which they can be most economically
In some cases (for example, temperature,
SWC) it might also be appropriate to perform
these tests in other stages. Such tests are listed
under the appropriate stages and are marked
with an asterisk to indicate that they are
optional, to be performed only when specified
by the purchaser. Other tests (such as emi,
seismic, and availability) are not recommended
for all applications, but may be appropriate for
some. These are marked with a dagger and are
9.1.1 Certified Design Tests. These are tests
performed by the vendor on specimens of a
generic type of production model equipment
to establish conformance with this standard.
The conditions and results of these tests should
be fully documented and certified so that they
can be accepted in lieu of factory or field test.
9.1.2 Factory Tests and Inspections. This
stage includes the inspection and approval of
interface drawings prior to fabrication of the
equipment, and all functional tests and inspec-
Table 10
Test Stages and Classes of Tests
Classes of Tests
Interface Environmental Performance
Tests and Tests and Tests and
Test Stages Inspections Inspections Inspections
Certified Power Input Temperature
design swc Humidity
tests Dielectric Acoustic?
tests and Power Input* Humidity* Communications
inspections SWC* Altitude/ Man/machine interface ( MMI)
Factory Mechanical Temperature* Point Checkout
Dielectric * Pressure? Special Functions
Dust? Acceptance?
Electro- Bum In?
Shock and
Field Point Checkout*
tests and Communications*
inspections Manlmachine interface* ( MMI)
Special Functions*
Availabili ty?
*Can also be performed in other stages.
$Not recommended for all applications, but may be appropriate for some.
tions performed on the actual equipment to be
supplied to the user prior to the shipment of
that equipment from the vendors facilities.
The factory tests should be designed to demon-
strate as completely as possible that the equip-
ment will perform correctly and reliably in its
intended application. Factory tests may also in-
clude tests to verify some or all of the results
of the certified design tests.
9.1.3 Field Tests and Inspections. Field tests
and inspections are performed on the equip-
ment after it has been shipped from the
vendors facilities. These include preinstalla-
tion inspections and tests to ensure that it has
not been damaged during shipment, and post-
installation tests to verify that it performs its
functions reliably and correctly.
9.2 Interface Tests and Inspections. These tests
are designed to demonstrate that the various
mechanical and electrical interfaces to the
equipment are in accordance with applicable
portions of Section 5, together with other ap-
plicable parameters called out in the users
specifications, and will result in safe, correct,
and reliable installation and operation of the
equipment. For the most part, these interface
parameters can either be demonstrated during
factory tests or accepted on the basis of certi-
fied design tests.
9.2.1 Mechanical. Mechanical characteristics
(for example, materials, workmanship, dimen-
sions, fabrication techniques, and finishes)
should be verified through visual inspections
and comparisons with applicable drawings.
9.2.2 Electrical. These tests include all those
to be performed on electrical interfaces to the
equipment, with the exception of those related
to the functional performance of the equip-
ment. Power Source. Power inputs to the
equipment should be tested to demonstrate
that the equipment can operate throughout the
range of the specified power source. Surge Withstand Capability (SWC).
All inputs and outputs to the equipment ex-
posed to a substation electrical environment,
unless otherwise specified, shall conform to
Surge withstand capability shall be verified
during the certified design test stage or the
factory test stage, or both. See Fig 8. AC Dielectric Tests. The equipment
covered by this standard shall be capable of
withstanding a high-potential test. The purpose
of this test is to verify the dielectric strength of
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1974 (R 1979) [12].
NOTE (2)
NOTE (1)
f f
NOTES: (1) SWC for analog inputs is normally provided by the transducer. However,
when the transducers are located a considerable distance from the equipment governed
by this standard it may be appropriate to test for SWC at the input to the analogmulti-
plexor. When tested in this manner, the transducer outputs may be disconnected from
the equipment and the input terminated in an equivalent impedance.
( 2) SWC on the communication channel is limited to common mode only. If the
communication channel is disconnected, the modem terminals should be terminated
in an equivalent impedance.
Fig 8
Typical Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Test Points
the insulating materials used in those parts of
the equipment exposed to hazardous voltages.
The test shall be applied between all incom-
ing and outgoing terminals and chassis ground.
During the test, communication, power supply,
and status and data input and output equip-
ment that are not expected to withstand the
test voltage may be disconnected from the wir-
ing leading to the terminals. Control output
end elements, such as interpose relays or solid-
state switches, should not be disconnected.
Equipment connected to control sources
rated 60 V ac or less shall be capable of with-
standing a 60 Hz high-potential test for 1 min
at 500 V ac rms. Equipment connected to
control sources rated above 60 V ac (but not
over 600 V ac) shall be capable of withstanding
a 60 Hz high-potential test for 1 min of 1000 V
ac plus twice rated voltage, within a minumum
of 1500 V ac rms.
Unless otherwise specified, the dielectric tests
shall be performed during the certified design
test stage. DC Dielectric Test. All equipment
covered by this standard which is to be con-
nected to a station control battery shall be
capable of withstanding a dc high-potential test
(1500 V plus twice rated voltage). The purpose
of this test is to verify the dielectric strength of
the insulating materials used in these devices.
The intent is to ensure that failures will not
occur in such a manner as to degrade the
integrity of other critical equipment, such as
protective relays, that utilize the common
The test shall be applied for not less than a
minute between all incoming and outgoing
terminals and chassis ground. Examples of
equipment that shall be subjected to this test
include, but are not limited to, power supplies,
status input devices (optical isolators, relays,
etc), and control output devices. All devices
may be tested on a subassembly basis with
supervisory or automatic equipment logic
wiring removed. All wiring from the device to
the terminal strips provided for user field wir-
ing, and any other devices that may be pro-
vided, such as fuses and surge arresters, shall be
included in the test.
9.3 Environmental Tests. These tests are de-
signed to demonstrate that the equipment will
perform correctly and reliably while exposed
to the applicable environmental parameters
described in Section 6 together with other
applicable parameters called out in the users
specifications. The results of certified design
tests are usually sufficient to demonstrate that
the equipment will operate reliably and cor-
rectly within a specified environment. The user
may require the vendor to perform factory
tests on his equipment to demonstrate that it
will indeed perform correctly under the speci-
fied environmental conditions. Equipment in
environmental tests should be operating with
realistic inputs and outputs.
The environmental parameters and testing
requirements specified by the user should be
limited to the worst case conditions that can be
realistically anticipated in the location where
the equipment will ultimately be installed.
9.3.1 Physical. The equipment should be test-
ed to verify that it operates correctly in the fol-
lowing physical environmental characteristics: Temperature. To test the equipment
within the specified temperature range (see
6.1.1), it shall be placed in an environmental
test chamber where it can be operated for a
specified period at both the low and high ends
of the range, and cycled between them. Cali-
bration and accuracy checks should be made
throughout the range. Humidity. Humidity tests (without
condensation) should be performed in conjunc-
tion with the temperature test (see ).
Humidity test data shall include the humidity
ranges tested at each temperature. Altitude (Optional). Altitude tests
can be performed by placing the equipment in
a pressure chamber and adjusting the air pres-
sure to the equivalent of the specified altitude. Dust (Optional). Testing may con-
sist of inspection to determine whether or not
the equipment is properly sealed to prevent
intrusion of dust. Acoustic (Optional). Acoustic inter-
ference testing should be done in accordance
with the methods outlined in MIL-STD 1472C-
1981 [47]. Equipment should meet the stan-
dards set forth in 6.5.
9.3.2 Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Interference (Op-
tional). Tests may be conducted to establish
that the equipment does not produce either
conducted or radiated electromagnetic inter-
ference in excess of the level defined in 6.6. Electromagnetic Compatibility (Op-
tional). The equipment may be tested to
demonstrate that it will operate satisfactorily
in spite of the levels of conducted and radiated
interference as defined in 6.6.
9.3.3 Seismic Disturbance (Optional). Tests
may be performed to verify functional perfor-
mance of the equipment during seismic dis-
turbances as defined in 6.3.
9.3.4 Shock and Vibration (Optional). Tests
may be performed to verify functional per-
formance of the equipment when subjected to
shock and vibration as defined in 6.2.
9.4 Functional Tests. Performance tests shall
be designed to ensure that the equipment per-
forms its functions reliably and correctly. They
are performed during the factory or field test
stages, or both. For many applications and
types of equipment, successful factory tests
will be a sufficient basis for acceptance of the
system by the user. For more complex applica-
tions or systems, additional tests in the field
may be required to fully verify correct and
reliable performance.
9.4.1 Point Equipment Checkout. AU point
equipment to be supplied shall be tested during
factory tests to demonstrate that it performs
its functions correctly, accurately, and reliably.
These tests should be performed with equip-
ment that simulates the actual equipment to be
monitored or controlled. Tests may be included
to measure repeatability, reproducibility, and
other accuracy related parameters.
9.4.2 Communication. The communication
tests shall demonstrate proper operation of all
aspects of the equipments communication
capability, including modems, security check-
ing, and message protocols. The data modems
or signaling equipment shall be exercised to
verify that they operate correctly and reliably
on the type of channel for which they are de-
signed. The tests shall be conducted under con-
ditions that duplicate as closely as possible the
specifications for the channel.
The communcation tests shall exercise all
message protocols and formats to which the
equipment is designed to respond. The tests
shall also demonstrate that any error detection
or correction capabilities function properly
and that the equipment does not respond to
erroneous commands.
9.4.3 Man/Machine Interface (MMI). Com-
prehensive man/machine interface tests should
be performed to verify the correct functional
operation of all man/machine interface hard-
ware and software. All indications and dis-
plays shall be verified to ensure that they cor-
relate with the correct point equipment, and
all operator controls shall be checked to ensure
that they result in only the correct sequence of
9.4.4 Special Functions (Optional). When the
equipment supplied is to perform functions
tailored expressly to the users application (for
example, closed loop control), these functions
shall be checked during the appropriate test
stage. I t is often necessary to perform these
tests in the field, after the equipment has been
adjusted to the parameters of the installation.
9.5 System Performance Tests. Under various
system loading scenarios, the performance of
major master station interfaces (for example,
commnication, disk, man/machine), and the
performance of the central computer should be
measured. The CPU utilization should be deter-
mined for the worst case scenario.
The loading scenarios should be for
(1) Normal activity-initial system
(2) Heavy activity-initial system
(3) Normal activity-fully expanded system
(4) Heavy activity-fully expanded system
and need only continue for a few minutes.
Normal activity is defined as in Table l l (a)
and heavy activity is defined as in Table l l (b).
The selection of 3% and 10% changes in scan-
ned data is based upon research and studies of
the behavior of power system data [48].
The measurements for performance assume
that all functions of the system have been indi-
vidually verified by functional tests (see 9.4)
and now the total system is to be evaluated.
Measurements should be made with the aid of
(1) Cyclic status point stimulator
(2) Stop watch and observations at the man/
machine interface
(3) A computer program operating at the
lowest priority level.
9.5.1 Data Acquisition Performance. The
status input stimulator should be connected to
an input of one remote station. The status
point is to be toggled at a rate of 2.1 times the
status scan cycle. The alarm associated with the
toggled input should appear on the logger with
a time tag of approximately twice the scan rate.
A system overload causing an extension of the
scan cycle is obvious from the printout because
one or more status changes is missed.
9.5.2 Man/Machine Interface Performance.
Observations (with stopwatch) of the man/
machine response to operator requests for new
crt displays under various loadings will define
the change in performance at this interface as a
function of loading. Under heavy loading the
Table 11
System Input Scenario
Input Cycle Activitv
Each Operator
1 min
1 crt request
0.1% changes
1% changes
Input Cycle Activi tv
15 s 1 crt request
( b)
Each Operator
Status Scan(s) 3% changes
Analog Scan(s) 10% changes
response should be consistent with the human
decision cycle that the operator/dispatcher has
been trained to follow.
9.5.3 Computer and Disk Interface Perfor-
mance. The third performance measuring device
should be a computer program temporarily
added to the system to operate at the lowest
priority. The objective of using a low-priority
program is to measure what otherwise is un-
used or idle capacity. Again the impact of
various loads on idle capacity is the informa-
tion that is to be obtained and analyzed. The
program should accumulate time for central
processor usage and time its disk activity. In
addition it should print a time-tagged message
every time it is called.
To measure computer usage a count should
be advanced for each basic time interval (for
example, a millisecond) that the program is
using the central processing unit. The basic
time interval should be selected based upon
the speed of the computer and the size of soft-
ware modules typical of the system under test.
The basic time interval is one in which some
useful computation could be performed.
Neither too small nor too large a basic time
interval will be of use in performance measure-
ment. The idle time of the computer isassessed
by comparing the count of the number of basic
time intervals recorded by the program to the
total period of the test.
The disk interface should be exercised by this
program to access the unused capacity and to
attempt to compromise total system perfor-
mance. If the disk interface has unused capacity
the lowest priority program should be able to
read/write from/to the disk. Counting the num-
ber of completed versus attempted disk access
of known size during the test interval will give
a measure of the available bandwidth.
The program should also try to dominate the
disk interface by writing or reading large blocks
of data. Restrictions, if any, used by the sup-
plier in his design should be honored in the
design of this computer program. The objective
of this test is to see if a low-priority program
can delay higher-priority tasks by excessive
disk activity.
9.6 Bum-In Tests (Optional). The user may re-
quire a burn-in test to expose those components
that are prone to infant-mortality failures.
Three levels of burn-in tests can be conducted
(1) No functional exercise of the equipment
(2) Periodic functional exercise of the equip-
( 3) Continuous functional exercise of the
Time accumulated in the performance of other
factory tests usually is applicable toward the
bum-in period. Typical time for such a test
ranges from 100 h to 400 h. Elevated tempera-
ture not exceeding the specified range for the
equipment may be employed to shorten burn-in
time. If tests are conducted at operational
temperature levels then the minimum dura-
tion should be 168 h.
9.7 Availability Test (Optional). The user may
require an availability test to be run after the
system is installed and placed in operation (see
An availability test takes place over a speci-
fied length of time during which the equipment
shall operate correctly and reliably for at least
a specified percentage of that time. The length
of the test should be sufficient to verify that
the equipment can be expected to perform its
intended functions reliably and correctly over
its intended lifetime.
The availability test shall be run under condi-
tions mutually agreeable to the vendor and the
user. In general, the vendor should be respon-
sible for making the necessary repairs. Down-
time should not include delays over which the
vendor has no control.
Availability tests are typically performed over
a period of hundreds of hours following which
the number and types of failures, and their
effects on system operation, are examined. The
test time should be selected so that the total
number of device operating hours for each type
of system- critical device is representative of the
predicted MTBF for that device, to obtain sta-
tistically significant failure data. All devices
should have passed their burn-in tests so that
the availability test evaluates seasoned devices.
Specific rules for accumulation of up-time,
down-time, maintenance time, and administra-
tive time should be agreed upon before the
test. An availability test as short as 400 h can
adequately evaluate the availability characteris-
tics of a complex multicomputer system.
9.8 Acceptance Test (Optional). The conditions
according to which the equipment will be ac-
cepted as satisfactory should be agreed upon
by the vendor and the user.
9.9 Documentation Verification. The final phase
of the testing program is to verify that the
documentation being supplied is an accurate
description of the equipment, including all cor-
rections resulting from the tests. Final issue of
completed documentation should be provided
as soon as practical after shipment and accep-
tance of the equipment.
10. Documentation
The documentation for equipment governed
by this standard shall consist of the five basic
(1) Design
(2) Installation
(3) Operating instructions and records
(4) Maintenance instructions and records
(5) Test.
In general, all final documentation supplied by
a manufacturer shall reflect the actual equip-
ment as accepted by the equipment user, and
all subsequent equipment changes should be
recorded as document revisions by the user.
Records collected by the user following the
installation of equipment governed by this
standard should be in sufficient detail to sup-
port the requirements of Section 7 and should
be made available to the manufacturer.
Content requirements for each type of stan-
dard document are defined in subsequent para-
graphs, and suggested practices for the user of
this standard. Style, format, and publication
requirements are excluded from this standard.
The following references are recommendations
for abbreviations and symbols: ANSI X3.5-
1970 [ 4] , ANSI Y14.15-1966 (R 1973) [5],
ANSI/IEEE C37.2-1979 [l o], ANSI/IEEE Std
91- 1984 [19], ANSI /I EEE Std 200- 1975
[21], ANSI/IEEE Std 280-1985 [22], and
Documentation described below may be sub-
ject to user review or approval.
10.1 Design. Design documentation shall con-
sist of all drawings and text developed to define
the users equipment configuration intended or
required initially and its ultimate capability.
For example, expansion methods for adding
points to hardware assemblies and software
programs or tables shall be described and illus-
ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975 [23].
C37. 1-1987
trated. Block diagrams shall be included to
describe equipment governed by this standard
and external equipment. Layout and wiring
drawings shall also be included to define ex-
ternal interconnection needs at each facility.
Text, photographs, and illustrative material
shall accompany these drawings in sufficient
detail so that functional performance and
design may be readily understood. For example,
functional block diagrams and explanatory text
shall be used to describe each major assembly
and software program contained in the equip-
ment configuration.
10.2 Installation. Installation documentation
shall consist of all drawings and text required
to define
(1) Electrical power, data, control, and com-
munications interface wiring procedures
(2) Floor, rack and shelf mounting, drilling,
and bolting methods necessary to secure the
equipment in place
(3) Safety precautions or guards
(4) Grounding and bonding procedures
(5) Clearances for access and ventilation
(6) Testing and alignment methods
( 7) Weatherproofing, dustproofing, and other
environmental procedures
(8) Other procedures needed to properly in-
stall the equipment.
10.3 Operating Instructions and Records. In-
struction information shall be developed for
operating personnel who use the equipment
governed by this standard.
10.3.1 Manufacturer Operating Instructions.
The manufacturer shall publish instructional in-
formation defining the equipment and how it
shall be operated. This instructional informa-
tion shall consist of a general description of the
equipment configuration provided and shall
state its intended use and its major performance
characteristics. Whenever a man/machine inter-
face such as a console, benchboard, indicating/
control panel, or logger is involved, the opera-
tional documentation shall detail in step-by-step
fashion the operational sequences required to
use these interface devices. Adequate illustra-
tive material shall be included to identify and
locate all control and indicating devices.
10.3.2 User Operating Instructions. The
equipment user should publish operating pro-
cedures defining the system and include de-
tailed instructions for and responsibilities of
the operator. These user instructions should be
based on the manufacturers instructional in-
formation and the nature of the system being
monitored and controlled. Procedural instruc-
tions should be included which state routine
and emergency procedures, safety precautions,
and quantitative and qualitative limits to be
observed in the starting, running, stopping,
switching, and shutting down of control equip-
ment. Whenever operating procedures or
adjustments are to be performed in a specific
sequence, step-by-step instructions should be
stated. Records including data and information
recorded by the operator for all normal or ab-
normal operations should support the require-
ments of 7.3.
10.4 Maintenance Instructions and Records.
Maintenance documentation shall be developed
for personnel skilled at the electronic tech-
nician level and shall include the following in-
10.4.1 Performance Information. This infor-
mation shall include a condensed description of
how the equipment operates (derived from 10.1)
and a block diagram illustrating each major
assembly and software program in the config-
uration. Message sequences, including data and
security formats for each type of message, shall
be included in the condensed description and
illustrated whenever such messages are used
between stations or locally at a station. The
operational sequence of major assemblies and
programs shall be described and illustrated by
functional block diagrams. Detailed logic dia-
grams and flowcharts shall also be provided as
necessary for troubleshooting analysis and
field-repair actions.
10.4.2 Preventive Maintenance Instructions.
These instructions shall include all applicable
visual examinations, software and hardware
test and diagnostic routines, and resultant
adjustments necessary for periodic mainte-
nance of control equipment. Instructions on
how to load and use any test and diagnostic
program and any special or standard test equip-
ment shall be an integral part of these pro-
10.4.3 Corrective Maintenance Instructions.
These instructions shall include guides for
locating malfunctions down to the spare parts
replacement or field-repair level. These guides
shall include adequate details for quickly and
efficiently locating the cause of an equipment
malfunction and shall state the probable
source(s) of trouble, the symptoms, probable
cause, and instructions for correcting the mal-
function. These guides shall explain how to use
any on-line test and diagnostic program and
any special test equipment if applicable.
Corrective maintenance instructions shall also
include explanations for the repair, adjustment,
or replacement of all items. Schematic diagrams
of electrical, mechanical, and electronic circuits;
parts location illustrations, or other methods of
parts location information; photographs, and
exploded and sectional views giving details of
mechanical assemblies shall be provided as
necessary to repair or replace equipment. For
mechanical items requiring field repair, infor-
mation on tolerances, clearances, and wear
limits maximum bolt-down torques shall be
supplied. Information on the loading and use
of special off-line diagnostic programs, tools,
and test equipment, and any cautions or warn-
ings which shall be observed to protect person-
nel and equipment, shall also be included.
10.4.4 Parts Information. This information
shall include the identification of each replace-
able or field repairable module. Parts shall be
identified on a list or drawing in sufficient de-
tail for procurement of any repairable or re-
placeable part, These parts should be identified
by their industrial, generic part numbers, and
should have second-source referencing when-
ever possible.
10.4.5 Records. Records, including data and
information recorded by maintenance person-
nel, for all failures and repair activities should
be in sufficient detail to support the require-
ments of 7 .l, 7.2, and 7.3.
10.5 Test. Test documentation by the manu-
facturer shall consist of a system test plan, test
procedures, and certified test reports on tests
described in Section 9. The test plan shall state
what equipment configuration will be tested,
when it will be tested, which tests will be run,
and who will conduct and witness the tests.
The test procedures shall define the operating
steps and expected results. The test report shall
record all test results.
(These Appendixes are not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.1 1987, IEEE Standard Definition, Specification, and Analysis
of Systems used for Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition, and Automatic Control.)
Appendix A
MastedRemote Station Interconnections
Al . Single Master Station
Al . l . Single Master, Single Remote
A1.2. Single Master, Multiple Remotes, Radial
. 0
A1.3. Single Master, Multiple Remotes, Party-
Line Circuit
A2. Multiple Master Stations
(Masters could communicate with one another)
A2.1. Dual Masters, Multiple Remotes, Looped
Party Line
A2.2. Dual Masters, Single Dual Ported Remote,
Radial Circuit
I MAS TE R 2 4
A3. Multiple Master Stations,
Multiple Remotes
A3.1. Multiple Masters, Multiple Remotes
(Single Ported Remotes)
0 0
A3.2. Multiple Masters, Multiple Remotes
(Dual Ported Remotes)
A4. Combination Systems
A4.1 Single Master, Single Submaster, Multiple
A4.2. Single Master, Multiple Submasters,
Multiple Remotes (Submasters could communi-
cate with one another)
Appendix B
[Bl ] ANSI C2-1987, National Electrical Safety
[ B2] ANSI C39.5-1974, American National
Standard Safety Requirements for Electrical
and Electronic Measuring and Controlling In-
[B3] ANSI S1.23-1976 (R 1983), American
National Standard Method for the Designation
of Sound Power Emitted by Machinery and
[B4] ANSI/ASTM D775-80, Method of Drop
Test for Shipping Containers.lO
[ B5] ANSI/ASTM D999-75, Standard Methods
for Vibration Test for Shipping Containers.
[B6] ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard
Techniques for High-Voltage.
[ B7] ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984,IEEE Standard
Dictionary for Electrical and Electronics.Terms.
1OA ST M publications are available from the American
Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19103.
[B8] ANSI/ISA RP-55-1-1975, Hardware Test-
ing for Digital Process Computers.l'
[B9] ANSI/ISA S50.1-1975 (R 1982), Com-
patibility of Analog Signals for Electronic
Industrial Process Instruments.
[BlO] CBEMA/ESC-5/77/29, Limits in Meth-
ods of Measurement of Electromagnetic
Emanations from Electronic Data-Processing
and Office Equipment. l 2
[Bl l ] IEC 68-2-6-1982, Test Fc and Guidance:
Vibration (sinusoidal).'
pational Safety and Health Standards. l 4
[B12] OSHA FR V O ~ 37, Oct 18, 1972, OCCU-
11ISA publications are available from the Instrument
Society of America, 67 Alexander Drive, PO Box
12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
12 CBEMA publications are available from Computer
and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association,
1828 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.
13IEC publications are available from the Sales
Department, American National Standards Institute,
1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
14OSHA publications are available without charge
from the nearest regional or area office of the US
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Complete 1987 Edition
The documents in the C37 series include definitions, applications guides, test methods and proce-
dures, requirements, and specifications for circuit breakers, switchgear, fuses, relays, and substations.
Purchased separately, the standards in this book of more than two thousand pages would cost
nearly $550. At $75 this is probably the most remarkable standards bargain you can ever expect to
This collection includes 62 standards, 15 supplements and 17 draft documents. Users of C37 will
experience a degree of convenience in utilizing this valuable collection that will save weeks, possibly
months, of waiting time each and every time it is consulted.
Draft documents have been included in the format in which they are currently under consideration.
They are unedited and may contain errors in spelling and inaccuracies regarding the other documents they
reference. Because these draft documents are still under review and subject to change prior to publication,
both the draft and the current ANSI-approved standards are included in this collection. Users should be
cautioned that both editorial and substantive changes may occur in the draft documents prior to final
approval and publication.
Available from
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018
Wiley-Interscience, A Division of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331,
New York 10158
Piscataway, New Jersey 08855-1331

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