Early Childhood Numeracy: Assoc. Prof. Bob Perry, University of Western Sydney

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Early childhood numeracy

Assoc. Prof. Bob Perry, University of Western Sydney

This paper was commissioned by the Australian Association of Mathematics
Teachers Inc. and funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education,
Training and Youth Affairs.
This paper was prepared in 1998/1999 and some information in the paper may
not reflect more recent developments.
The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily represent the views of the
Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs or the
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc.
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Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Early childhood and its characteristics ............................................................................. 3
Importance of 38 age range in childrens learning......................................................... 6
What is numeracy in the early childhood years?............................................................11
Planning and teaching for numeracy in the early childhood years...............................15
Assessment of numeracy learning in the early childhood years ...................................23
Technology and numeracy in the early childhood years ...............................................30
Professional development and initial teacher education in numeracy for early
childhood teachers.............................................................................................................32
Overall summary...............................................................................................................34

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In this paper, I have attempted to survey the area of early childhood numeracy and
to offer my thoughts on best practice in early childhood learning and teaching as it
applies to the learning and teaching of numeracy knowledge and skills. Exemplary
early childhood numeracy programs are considered against established norms of
early childhood learning and teaching and suggestions for best practice are
The opinions expressed in this paper are solely those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the sponsoring bodies. The paper is meant to be
provocative as it is only through discussion and argument that progress can be
Early childhood and its characteristics
In an internationally accepted definition, early childhood refers to the period of a
childs life between birth and eight years of age (Ball, 1994; Bredekamp & Copple,
1997; Organisation Mondiale pour LEducation Prescolaire, 1980; Schools Council,
1992). The definition of the early childhood period equates roughly with the first two
stages of cognitive development as described by Piaget (1926; 1928): the sensorimotor
stage and the pre-operational stage. While the link to Piagetian stages has resulted in
the development of some significant programs, materials and approaches to early
childhood education (such as Early Mathematical Experiences in the United
Kingdom (Schools Council, 1978) and the Bank Street and High/Scope programs in
the United States of America (Cohen, 1972; Hohmann, Banet & Weikart, 1979)), it
also has meant that young children, until about age 8, have been considered lacking
in logical representational ability and incapable of using logical and abstract thought,
resulting in the perception that children in the early years are cognitively deficient
(Berk, 1997, p. 232). Challenges to this position have cited the nature and complexity
of the tasks employed (Donaldson, 1978; Gelman, 1972; Newcombe & Huttenlocher,
1992) during observations of childrens competence in naturally occurring social
interactions (Gelman & Shatz, 1978), childrens understanding of magic (Rosengren
& Hickling, 1994) and other appearance-reality contrasts (Woolley & Wellman, 1990),
as well as categorisation (Keil, 1989). A great deal of research relating to young
children has indicated that while they have limited cognitive understanding
compared with older children, they do demonstrate logical ability in a range of
circumstances. Such understanding is likely to develop gradually, hence the early

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childhood period represents a time over which children rely on increasingly
effective mental as opposed to perceptual approaches to solving problems (Berk,
1997, p. 235).
In recent years, the emergence of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) has
highlighted the reliance of early childhood programs on the Piagetian model of
development. DAP was developed as a response to the practice of pushing down
the curriculum, so that formal academic instruction, developed for older, more
experienced children, was being implemented with younger and younger children,
on the basis that the earlier they learnt it the better (Elkind, 1987). DAP aimed to set
out a reasonable level of expectation for children aged birth to 8 years, and
encouraged those working with young children to consider appropriate
developmental levels and expectations in their planning for learning experiences.
However, many early childhood educators were critical of DAP because it seemed to
lack an awareness of the cultural and social contexts in which young childrens
learning occurs (Fleer, 1995; MacNaughton & Williams, 1998).
This focus on the social and cultural contexts of children highlights a growing
awareness of the impact of these areas, not only on what children learn, but also on
how it is learned and how it is taught. A shift towards a consideration of Vygotskian
principles relating to the social mediation of knowledge has prompted a focus not
only on what it is that children are capable of on their own (for example, as assessed
through Piagetian tasks), but also, what they are capable of achieving with the
assistance of more knowledgeable others through scaffolding, and through teachers
developing and implementing tasks that target the zone of proximal development
(Berk & Winsler, 1995; Bodrova & Leong, 1996; Dockett & Fleer, 1998; Fleer, 1992).
Lists of fundamental principles underlying young childrens learning have been
developed in the United Kingdom (Ball, 1994), the United States of America
(Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) and in Australia (Dockett, 1995). While the wording
varies, there is much coherence, as can be seen from the principles of learning in all
areas of early childhood which are collated below.
1. The learning which occurs in the early years is important, both in and of itself
as well as in relation to future success (Dockett, 1995). Development occurs in a
relatively orderly sequence, with later abilities, skills and knowledge building
upon those already acquired (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
2. Development proceeds at varying rates from child to child as well as unevenly
within different areas of each childs functioning (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
3. All children have potentials which can (and should be) identified and promoted
(Ball, 1994). All children are capable of learning and should be encouraged to
regard themselves as competent learners (Dockett, 1995).

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4. Domains of childrens development physical, social, emotional, and
cognitive are closely related. Development in one domain influences and is
influenced by development in other domains (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
5. Children are active learners, drawing on direct physical and social experience
as well as culturally transmitted knowledge to construct their own
understandings of the world around them (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
6. Children who feel confident in themselves and their own potential have a
headstart to learning (Ball, 1994).
7. Development proceeds in predictable directions toward greater complexity,
organisation and internalisation (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
8. Play and conversation are important means by which young children learn
about themselves, other people and the world around them (Ball, 1994). In
addition, children learn through social interaction with adults and other
children and through teacher-initiated as well as child-initiated experiences
(Dockett, 1995).
9. Development and learning occur in, and are influenced by, multiple social and
cultural contexts (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
10. Development advances when children have opportunities to practise newly
acquired skills as well as when they experience a challenge just beyond the
level of their present mastery (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
11. Children demonstrate different modes of knowing and learning and different
ways of representing what they know (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
The relationships which children make with other children and with adults are of
central importance to their development (Ball, 1994). Children learn most effectively
when there is a partnership between parents and teachers, when there is a sense of
community between home and school environments (Dockett, 1995) and where they
feel safe and valued, their physical needs are met and they feel psychologically
secure (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
One time in which the importance of these relationships and the need for safety and
continuity are highlighted is when the young child starts formal schooling. This can
be a time of great excitement and drama as well as a time when the childs social
context is changed radically. It is clear that the experiences of children as well as the
expectations of teachers, parents and children change as the setting changes (Hadley,
Wilcox & Rice, 1994; Margetts, 1997; Perry, Dockett, Clyde & Tracey, 1998; Perry,
Dockett & Tracey, in press; Richardson, 1997). These changes can have a marked
effect on the childrens opportunities, dispositions and potential to learn.

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Early childhood commences at birth. The years before the children commence
schooling are critical to all their learning, including their learning of numeracy. In
these years, the foundations are laid for the childrens effective numeracy via play
and language development (personal communication from Dr N. Yelland, Senior
Lecturer in Education, Queensland University of Technology).
Importance of 38 age range in childrens learning
Prior-to-school years
Bredekamp & Copple (1997, p. 97) note that the prior-to-school years are recognised
as a vitally important period of human development in their own right, not as a time
to grow before real learning begins in school. While there remains a body of
research to suggest that children undergo a significant cognitive shift between the
ages of about 5 and 7 years (Flavell, Miller & Miller, 1993), resulting in a greater
ability to reason in more adult-like ways, it should not be assumed that this ability is
totally lacking in younger children. Considerable growth is observed in all areas
during the prior-to-school years and this has relevance to the development of
numeracy skills and understandings, particularly when the developing
understandings are integrated, rather than separated into specific domains. Growth
and development which occur at this time in relation to fine and gross motor skills,
understanding and expression of emotional and social competence and developing
language capabilities, as well as cognitive changes, have the potential to influence the
development of numeracy. Bredekamp & Copple (1997) note that:
as children develop physically the range of environments and opportunities
for social interaction that they are capable of exploring expands greatly, thus
influencing their cognitive and social development. childrens vastly increased
language abilities enhance the complexity of their social interactions with adults
and other children, which in turn, influence their language and cognitive
abilities. Their increasing language capacity enhances their ability to mentally
represent their experiences (and thus, to think, reason and problem-solve), just as
their improved fine-motor skill increases their ability to represent their thoughts
graphically and visually (p. 98).
One of the major issues in early childhood in recent years, and part of the rationale
for Developmentally Appropriate Practice, has been the move towards formal
academic programs for children in the prior-to-school years. Elkind (1987) has been
particularly strong in labelling such forcing of academic programs as miseducation
Other researchers have noted that young children benefit from being intellectually
and perceptually challenged (Katz & Chard, 1989; Edwards, Gandini & Forman,

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1993), by focussing on issues of relevance and interest to them through child-initiated
as well as adult-initiated investigations (Dockett, 1998a; Tinworth, 1997), rather than
by adhering to a specific academic program which has not been tailored to the
specific needs, interests and abilities of the children in a particular group. Such a
view does not preclude adult involvement or guidance. Rather, developing a
challenging learning environment by targeting learning in the learners zone of
proximal development necessitates some level of involvement by an adult, or more
experienced other.
First years of school
The age at which young children may start school varies across Australia (Senate
Employment, Education and Training References Committee, 1996). One result of
this is that children in the first years of school are a diverse group socially,
cognitively, culturally, emotionally and in terms of their expectations (Morrison,
Griffith & Alberts, 1997). Of course, age is but one of the myriad of reasons for such
diversity, although it is one which is seen as important among teachers and
educational administrators (Biggs & Potter, 1995; Schools Council, 1992; Senate
Employment, Education and Training References Committee, 1996). Starting school
is a significant event in the lives of children and their families and it brings with it a
range of challenges and changes (Griffin & Harvey, 1995). One of the changes is that,
generally, the curriculum within a school setting is structured according to learning
or discipline areas. This is in spite of the range of research which suggests that an
integrated curriculum for young children is most likely to support the development
of meaningful links (and hence transfer) in learning (Bredekamp & Rosegrant, 1992;
Caine & Caine, 1994) and helps children establish a depth of understanding that
facilitates the development and application of concepts (Krogh, 1995). Numeracy
development in the first years of school could provide an integrating factor which
might facilitate such links.
While the notion of best practice in childrens education is relativistic, early
childhood educators seem able to, at least, reach a consensus on what constitutes
reasonable or good practice. The Schools Council (1992) noted that good practice
in the early years of school depended on:
seeing the world through each childs eyes, registering objectively their interests
and existing competencies, and understanding sufficiently the principles of
development to know how to help each child learn effectively, efficiently and
meaningfully. Good practice does not permit asking children to learn now, with
difficulty, something they will manage more easily later. Nor does it include
busy work, the teaching of isolated skills development through memorisation
and rote, or a reliance on work sheets (p. 8).

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There is no suggestion from the Schools Council that young children should
experience a watered down curriculum. Rather, the suggestion is that effective
teaching and learning in this period is based on a sound knowledge of each child and
their background, a recognition of their potential and a thorough understanding of
the principles of learning which were espoused in the previous section of this paper.
Some early childhood educators suggest that, in Australia, at least, there is a mixture
of top (or push) down and watered down curricula apparent in early childhood
settings. For example, in the first years of school, teachers are highly likely to be
influenced by the push down curriculum because of the nature of the system
and high parental/community expectations of evidence that the learning of formal
concepts is taking place while parental/community/political expectations of the
under 5 settings generate a watered down curriculum in which there is usually no
desire for tangible evidence of a formal conceptual agenda at all (personal
communication from Dr Agnes Macmillan, Lecturer in Education, Charles Sturt
University Albury Campus). The end result can be confusion on the part of the
teacher and a disjunction as the children move from prior-to-school to school
settings. This has particular importance in the area of numeracy development.
Home-school links
The Schools Council (1992) and the New South Wales Department of School
Education (1995), among others, have promoted the view that partnerships with
parents are an essential element of effective early childhood education. There is
evidence that parents and the home exert at least as strong an effect on childrens
educational outcomes as do schools or teachers. For example, the Schools Council
(1992, p. 21) has noted that the Coleman report in the United States and the Plowden
Report in the United Kingdom asserted that family background and attitude had
more to do with a childs school success than input from school. Studies have shown
a positive relationship between parental involvement in their childrens schooling
and the achievement of these children in areas including numeracy (Brown, 1989;
Civil, 1998; Greenberg, 1989; Reynolds, 1992; Young-Loveridge, 1993a; Young-
Loveridge, Peters & Carr, 1998). For example, Reynolds (1992) reports that parental
appears to represent a way for parents to invest in their children that is
independent of parent education and background characteristics. Children may,
as a result of their parents activity in school, develop more confidence in their
ability, show greater motivation, and experience a greater sense of cohesiveness
with their school that enables them to perform better. Family-school relations
may also denote an attitude of optimism among parents that carries over to the
children (p. 457).

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Early intervention
In this section, exploration is made of the term early intervention from a general
education standpoint. Later in the paper, this discussion will be applied and
expanded through consideration of early intervention in numeracy.
There are many connotations of the term early intervention. The Senate
Employment, Education and Training References Committee (1996, p. 131) noted that
[I]ntervention carries somewhat authoritarian and patronising overtones which
suggest a deficit model of the child and his or her family. While this concern was
expressed in relation to early intervention services for young children with learning
disabilities, the same reservation needs to be considered when using the term in
relation to young children who are deemed to require additional assistance in
specific areas of learning. The Committee further noted that:
Early intervention must not be construed simplistically as operating out of a
deficit model of education that is, intervention construed solely as
redemption. It may have a remedial dimension, but it is also profoundly about
ensuring that children will maximise their development during those critical
early years (p. 131).
In the early childhood field, the use of the term intervention is often questioned.
While there is a recognition that some children may have specific needs which
require such intervention, many early childhood educators suggest that the best sort
of early intervention is effective teaching. That is, what is needed is an orientation
to prevention rather than remediation (Wright, Mulligan, Stewart & Bobis, 1996, p.
299). Later in this paper, a number of programs designed to help develop childrens
mathematical and numeracy concepts will be considered. Many of these involve an
intervention approach but all of them aim to provide effective teaching.
Developmental plasticity and cost-effectiveness are the two planks on which the
platform of early intervention is built (Senate Employment, Education and Training
References Committee, 1996; Ysseldyke, Algozzine & Thurlow, 1992). The first of
these responds to the neuroscientific fact that brain connections develop quickly in
response to outside stimulation and that [A] childs experiences good or bad
influence the wiring of his brain and the connections in his nervous system
(Newberger, 1997, p. 5). This brain development research leads to the notion of
critical periods or windows of opportunity when particular types of learning take
place in young children. Consequent upon this is the belief that there are particular
periods in the young childs development which are best suited for particular facets
of the childs development. This notion of developmental plasticity is the
justification for an array of early intervention programs for children the
assumption of developmental plasticity directs assessment of young children and the
goals of intervention (Ysseldyke, Algozzine & Thurlow, 1992, p. 260). However, a

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note of warning about reading too much into the neuroscientific basis for early
childhood programs has been sounded by some neuroscientists.
[w]e should be wary of arguments that use this neuroscientific evidence in
arguments for highly specific early childhood environments, experiences, and
policies. Despite what we see in the policy literature and read in the newspapers,
as far as this developmental process is concerned, it matters little, if at all,
whether the child is at home with Mom or in a Montessori preschool (Bruer,
1997, p. 9).
There are strong arguments for the cost-effectiveness of early intervention programs
with young children deemed to be at risk, in terms of the avoidance of costs later in
the childs life when interventions would need to be more frequent and more
intensive to achieve similar results, if, in fact, these can be achieved. For example, in
their study of significant benefits of the High/Scope preschool program in the
United States of America, Schweinhart & Weikart (1994) note that [O]ver the
lifetimes of the participants, the pre-school program returns to the public an
estimated $7.16 for every dollar invested (p. 98). These returns are calculated in
terms of social costs derived from intervention or support which may be required in
later years. There is substantial evidence that quality preschool and early school
programs have the potential to provide cost-effective strategies for the assistance of
at risk young children. However, as always, the quality of these programs is
paramount. Early intervention can be successful and cost-effective but only if the
programs implemented are of very high quality, reflecting the principles of early
childhood learning which have been described earlier in this paper.
Concerns expressed about early intervention include the view that such intervention
is only as good as the follow-up that is provided and that short term intervention is
often insufficient.
[e]arly intervention can in no way be regarded as some brief tactical incursion
into a childs life for the purpose of correcting a developmental fault, or propping
up fragile progress. It is the first step albeit a most crucial one in a longer
program of assistance and support which must be provided by families, carers,
specialists and teachers as the child makes the transition from early infancy,
through preschool and into the primary years (Senate Employment, Education
and Training References Committee, 1996, p.132).
Clearly, early intervention without later support is problematic. Programs such as
Count Me In Too in NSW which was built on the early intervention Mathematics
Recovery (Wright, 1996b), Maths in Schools in Victoria, in part relying on the work of
Mathematics Intervention (Pearn, 1998a; 1998b) and Flying On in some Tasmanian
schools, built upon Flying Start (Department of Education, Tasmania, 1997) have all
recognised the importance of this quality follow up.

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What is numeracy in the early childhood years?
What is numeracy?
A brief history of the term numeracy is given in Numerate students - Numerate adults
(Department of Education and the Arts, Tasmania, 1995), resulting in the following
description of numeracy:
To be numerate is to have and be able to use appropriate mathematical
knowledge, understanding, skills, intuition and experience whenever they are
needed in everyday life. (Department of Education and the Arts, Tasmania, 1995,
p. 6)
In England, the following brief definition of numeracy has become accepted:
Numeracy is the ability to process, communicate and interpret numerical
information in a variety of contexts (Askew, Brown, Rhodes, Johnson & Wiliam,
1997, p. 7)
This is expanded in the final report of the Numeracy Task Force in Britain to the
[N]umeracy at Key Stages 1 and 2 is a proficiency that involves a confidence and
competence with numbers and measures. It requires an understanding of the
number system, a repertoire of computational skills and an inclination and
ability to solve number problems in a variety of contexts. Numeracy also
demands practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered
by counting and measuring, and is presented in graphs, diagrams, charts and
tables(Department for Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998,
p. 11).
The key points in all of these descriptions and definitions have been summarised in
the report of the Numeracy Education Strategy Development Conference convened
jointly in 1997 by the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers and the
Education Department of Western Australia. This conference suggested that:
numeracy involves using some mathematics to achieve some purposein
a particular context (AAMT, 1997, p. 13).
and agreed that the following statement should inform future numeracy education:
To be numerate is to use mathematics effectively to meet the general demands of
life at home, in paid work, and for participation in community and civic life.
In school education, numeracy is a fundamental component of learning,
performance, discourse and critique across all areas of the curriculum. It involves
the disposition to use, in context, a combination of:
underpinning mathematical concepts and skills from across the discipline
(numerical, spatial, graphical, statistical and algebraic);

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mathematical thinking and strategies;
general thinking skills; and
grounded appreciation of context (AAMT, 1997, p. 15).
Such an understanding of numeracy brings together many ideas important in the
early childhood context. Clearly, there is a recognition that the sociocultural context
of the learner, as well as mathematical concepts and skills, plays a key role in
numeracy development. Equally, the learners disposition to use the mathematics
effectively is critical. There is a lot more to numeracy than a set of mathematical
knowledge and skills. However, at the early childhood level, such distinctions can
become quite blurred.
Relationships and differences between mathematics and numeracy in the
early childhood years
It is clear that numeracy and mathematics are simultaneously similar and different
(Department of Education and the Arts, Tasmania, 1995, pp. 89). This is particularly
the case in the early childhood years, where children are beginning to develop their
knowledge and skills in mathematics while applying them to their own contexts. For
example, a child learning to count will use this to find the answers to questions of
how many in many meaningful situations. The development of the knowledge and
skill go hand-in-hand with their application. On the other hand, a child reciting the
standard forward number word sequence may simply be reciting a poem formed
by the number words and may have no intention or no context in which to use this
knowledge. We have moved beyond statements such as [N]umeracy is basic
competence in mathematics (Mannigel, 1992, p. 35) to a realisation that the
principles of early childhood education require that mathematics provides the
procedural and conceptual basis for numeracy, with the using of the mathematics
the reason for learning it as well as the mode for learning it.
However, even at the early childhood level, numeracy goes beyond mathematics, as
children, for example, strive to satisfy all of their friends by sharing out their lollies
evenly to thus avoid social turmoil, or by using timers to ensure that children
playing with a computer program can be assured of having a fair turn. The
application of mathematics to a contextual problem or challenge confronts young
children throughout their day in prior-to-school settings, home, shopping centres
and schools, to name just a few contexts. To solve these problems and meet the
challenges, young children need not only to have developed their mathematical skills
and knowledge but their dispositions and self-confidence so that they are willing to
apply these in novel situations.

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The contextual learning and integrated curriculum apparent in many early childhood
particularly prior-to-school settings means that differences between the
development of mathematics and numeracy can be small. Just as mathematics is
learned in context so it is used in context to achieve some worthwhile purpose.
While the differences between mathematics and numeracy may become larger as the
learners move through the school system, there is a sufficiently early childhood
approach to learning in many classrooms in the first years of school to suggest that
the contextual learning of mathematics and numeracy can go hand-in-hand.
Relationships and differences between literacy and numeracy in the early
childhood years
While there has been a historical link between literacy and numeracy and, even,
some attempt to suggest that literacy includes numeracy, it seems clear that the
foundation on which numeracy is built mathematics is clearly not the same as
the foundation on which literacy is built. Even at the early childhood level, this
distinction remains valid, in spite of the curriculum integration with its focus on the
whole child rather than specific discipline areas (Arthur, Beecher, Dockett, Farmer
& Death, 1997).
In spite of this distinction, there is clearly an important role for literacy in numeracy
development, both in terms of the language of mathematics and numeracy and the
use of language in the childrens contextual problem solving. Examples include the
role of language in the learning of mathematical vocabulary and the importance of
language in the assessment of numeracy development. There is little doubt that
language and mathematics development are mutually supportive (Ellerton &
Clements, 1996; Pengelly, 1990) and this is continued in links between literacy and
numeracy. Nonetheless, the mathematical foundations on which numeracy are built
are clearly different from the linguistic foundations of literacy.
Early intervention in numeracy
In Section 2 of this paper, the notion of early intervention was explored in general.
When this notion is applied to numeracy at the early childhood level, we find that
there is very little evidence for or against such intervention. Partly, this is because of
the reluctance of the early childhood field to distinguish between early intervention
and effective teaching in the early childhood years. Partly, it is because of the
reluctance of the early childhood field to recognise that there is a place for early
numeracy development in the prior-to-school years. As one of the critical friends for
this paper has put it:

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[T]he implication is that children could be at risk with their future numeracy
development if specific instructional teaching programs are not undertaken in
the prior-to-schooling contexts. The term intervention implies that the
experiences are not naturally occurring events integral to the childs play or other
informal learning experiences. Rather, I see the facilitation of early numeracy
development as a matter of awareness for those responsible for young children
for them to be able to recognise where and how the mathematical dimensions
are already present in many purposeful everyday (or imaginative play)
experiences. In other words, its not really a matter of MORE or OTHER (though
maybe some of this could be appropriate in some environments) but a matter of
HOW to encourage access to and appreciation of mathematical concepts and
skills which are interesting and meaningful to children in whatever contexts they
find themselves (personal communication from Dr Agnes Macmillan, Lecturer in
Education, Charles Sturt University - Albury Campus).
The importance of the childrens social context is emphasised also by the Queensland
School Curriculum Council in their Preschool curriculum guidelines:
numeracy development is influenced by the childrens social and cultural
contexts. Differences in the understanding developed within these contexts
should not be viewed as deficits or advantages but as different sets of
experiences upon which teachers can build (Queensland School Curriculum
Council, 1998, p. 58).
On the other hand, there has been some work, dubbed as intervention studies in
early numeracy, which claims to show the value of specifically targeted approaches
in numeracy and mathematics development (Pearn, 1998a; 1998b; Peters, 1993;
Wright, Stanger, Cowper & Dyson, 1996; Young-Loveridge, 1993a, 1993b; Young-
Loveridge, Carr & Peters, 1995). For example, Young-Loveridge (1993a; 1993b) has
compared school-based intervention, home-based intervention and no intervention
with classes of 5 year olds in New Zealand and has found that the effects of the
school-based intervention were large and were maintained for at least 15 months
after the intervention, while the home-based intervention was less successful, both in
terms of the size of gains and their maintenance. It is important to note that the
school-based intervention reported here involved intensive intervention of 30 minute
classes each day for seven weeks and was based on number rhymes, stories and
games, thus reflecting some of the approaches which have been described earlier as
appropriate in early childhood settings.
Wright and his colleagues (Wright, Stanger, Cowper & Dyson, 1996) have reported
progress for children involved in their Mathematics Recovery program and have
shown that this progress is maintained over later years. Once again, the Mathematics
Recovery program is resource-intensive both in time and personnel but it does
seem to be producing the desired results.

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Whether or not these two examples are dubbed early intervention programs or are
simply categorised as effective teaching is a moot point and probably of very little
importance in the long run. What is clear is that there are some programs in
Australasia which seem to be able to help young children develop their mathematics,
and, hence, their numeracy, potentials.
Planning and teaching for numeracy in the early childhood
In this section of the paper, the crux of the issue of numeracy in the early childhood
years will be addressed. We ask What is it that needs to be done in order for young
children to develop appropriate numeracy behaviours? and we answer this through
reference to current research and practice in Australia and overseas.
Prior-to-school years
It has generally been accepted that certain mathematical knowledge and skills are
desirable outcomes of childrens prior-to-school experiences, whether they be in the
home, in a child care centre or in some other context. However, the nature of early
childhood curricula in prior-to-school settings, as has been outlined in previous
sections, is such that it is difficult, and often seen as inappropriate, to separate these
mathematical ideas from other knowledge and skills which are being developed by
the children. In many ways, this fits well with the numeracy agenda in that it ensures
the application of the developing mathematical knowledge and skills in a meaningful
context for the learners. This is very well illustrated in the document Foundation areas
of learning (Department for Education and Childrens Services, South Australia,
As a direct consequence of this early childhood approach to an integrated
curriculum, there have been very few attempts to articulate an approach to
numeracy in prior-to-school settings. In many such settings, it may not be
appropriate or feasible to do so.
The first years of school
In spite of the espoused adherence to many of the principles stated in earlier sections
about an early childhood approach to education, the first years of school, particularly

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 16
in areas such as mathematics, have both suffered and benefited from the
downthrusting of curriculum content and approaches from the later years. The rush
into formalisation, the apparent need for all young children to write and talk in the
proper mathematical language and the need for these children to acquire numerous
disconnected pieces of information information disconnected within itself and
certainly disconnected from the childrens contexts, particularly, in many cases, their
social contexts have resulted in not only poor learning but in learners who are
disaffected by the learning of both process and content (Pengelly, 1990; Perry, 1979).
Too little cognisance of the childrens own strategies, approaches and dispositions
has been taken in the past (Mulligan & Mitchelmore, 1996a; Perry & Conroy, 1994;
Wright, 1996a; Yackel & Cobb, 1996). This seems to be changing, with the emergence
of projects about learning and teaching mathematics, and applying it to the
childrens own contexts. The recognition that learning and applying mathematics is
not an individual sport but requires the active participation of the learner and the
teacher within a community of inquiry has resulted in many exciting programs.
Some of these projects will be highlighted later in this section.
Home-school links
The importance of links between home and school in young childrens mathematics
education has long been recognised in Australia (Australian Education Council,
1991b; Commonwealth Schools Commission, 1987; Perry & Barry, 1985). Each of the
exemplary programs which are discussed later in this section recognises the
importance of these links. While there is a great deal of recent research about the
importance of links between home and school (for example, Parr, McNaughton,
Timperley & Robinson, 1993; Reynolds, 1992), the situation is summed up, in spite of
its poorly weathered language, in the following classic piece:
Parents want to help their children learn. When children are in their first years of
school, we know that parents are especially important. Teachers want children to
do well. Parents want children to do well. People have done a lot of research
which shows over and over again, that when home and school work together,
children have the best chance of being good at schoolwork (Winder, 1987, p. 1).
Prior-to-school experiences
In 1978, a set of booklets, entitled Early mathematical experiences (Schools Council,
1978) was published in the United Kingdom. These grew out of the Nuffield
Mathematics Project which was so influential during the 1960s and 1970s. In many
ways, this publication represented the first attempt to systematically document
appropriate practices, based on Piagetian epistemology, for the development and

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 17
application of mathematical knowledge and skills in the prior-to-school years.
Because of its emphasis on the contextual development and application of
mathematics, it is justifiably claimed that this represents one of the first attempts to
address numeracy in the prior-to-school years. It is also worth noting that nothing of
this scope has been attempted again in the intervening 20 years, in spite of the
massive increase in our knowledge about childrens learning and their
mathematics learning in particular over this period. It is time for it to be attempted
again and it is one area in which Australia could take world leadership because of
the expertise it enjoys in both the early childhood and mathematics education fields.
Current programs to develop numeracy knowledge and skills in children prior to
their school years include Te Whaariki: Early childhood curriculum in New Zealand
(Ministry of Education, New Zealand, 1996; Young-Loveridge, Peters & Carr, 1998),
the Singapore preschool syllabus (Sharpe, 1998), Flying Start in Tasmania
(Department of Education, Tasmania, 1997), Preschool Curriculum Guidelines in
Queensland (Queensland School Curriculum Council, 1998), and the Foundation Areas
of Learning in South Australia (Department for Education and Childrens Services,
South Australia, 1996). In all cases, these programs are established in line with the
characteristics of appropriate early childhood practice which emphasise the
importance of learning evolving as naturally as possible from childrens social
contexts. They recognise the importance of activity, relevance and social context to
the childrens numeracy learning and strive to work in collaboration with the
childrens home setting. They recognise the integrated nature of childrens learning
in the prior-to-school years and use this to strengthen their approaches to numeracy
development. While numeracy is a key component of each of these approaches, it
does not form the major emphasis of any of them due to the integrated nature of
curricula in prior-to-school settings. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that
comparatively little specific mathematics instruction occurs in the prior-to-school
years and most of that is incidental (Young-Loveridge et al., 1998). Many early
childhood educators, including the current author, would feel that this is the way it
should be.
In the early years of school, approaches to numeracy development abound, reflecting
the importance placed by educators and curriculum developers on both early
intervention (Gaffney, 1994; Ysseldyke, Algozzine & Thurlow, 1992) and new
developments in brain research highlighting critical periods or windows of
opportunity for learning (Bruer, 1997; Newberger, 1997). Key examples of programs
in the early years of school are: the National Numeracy Strategy in the United
Kingdom (Department for Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998),

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 18
Count Me In Too in NSW (New South Wales Department of Education and Training,
1998a; Stewart, Wright & Gould, 1988; Wright, 1998); Mathematics Intervention in
Victoria (Pearn, 1998a; 1998b) and Flying Start in Tasmania (Department of Education,
Tasmania, 1997). It is tempting to enter into a debate about whether or not these are
programs in numeracy or mathematics development. However, in view of the
integrated early childhood approach one hopes would be adopted in the early years
of school, as well as in the prior-to-school settings, this seems fruitless. Even realising
that this ideal is not always reached does not defeat the opportunity provided in the
early years to develop mathematics and numeracy hand-in-hand. Many of the
programs to be investigated aim to do this.
National Numeracy Strategy, United Kingdom
It is fair to say that the placement of this program under a heading of best practice
could be questioned (and has been by some of those whose advice has been sought in
preparing this paper). Nevertheless, this program has the potential to impact
strongly on practice in Australia and does need to be studied. The key points in the
approach to numeracy education in primary schools recommended by the final
report of the United Kingdom Numeracy Task Force include:
teaching all pupils a daily 45 to 60 minute mathematics lesson;
teaching mathematics to all pupils within a class at the same time, with a
high proportion of lessons concentrating on the development of numeracy
teaching mathematics to the whole class or to groups for a high proportion
of the lesson, promoting participation from, and co-operation between,
including oral and mental work within each daily mathematics lesson; and
providing regular mathematical activities and exercises that pupils can do
at home (Department for Education and Employment, United Kingdom,
1998, p. 16).
The report goes on to specify what it sees as a typical lesson within the approach.
This typical lesson, while on the surface seeming to match much of the approach
espoused by the Purdue Mathematics Group (Cobb & Bauersfeld, 1995), in fact relies
much more on the notions espoused by proponents of explicit teaching (for
example, Westwood, 1995). The report does suggest that teachers should use their
professional judgement to determine the activities, timing and organisation in each
part of the lesson (Department for Education and Employment, United Kingdom,
1998, p. 19), although it is clear that the expectation is for conformity with the
recommended model.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 19
The Numeracy Task Force sees that mental calculation methods lie at the heart of
numeracy and that, [t]hey should be emphasised from an early age (Department
for Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998, p. 51). Moreover, it is
agreed that the use of calculators should be limited, particularly for younger pupils
(Department for Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998, p. 52). These
statements will be welcomed by the Australian proponents of mental calculations
(for example, Cooper, Heirdsfield & Irons, 1996; McIntosh, 1996) and will not
surprise those who have spent a great deal of their professional lives investigating
the role of calculators in mathematics education (for example, Stacey & Groves, 1996;
Welsh, 1992).
For this author, one of the most telling features of the Numeracy Task Force report is
its characterisation of the purpose of the prior-to-school years. Given the broad status
and importance given in previous sections of this paper to these early years, it is
difficult to agree with the statement that:
[T]he most important experience that pre-school education can give is to prepare
children for learning, in particular, training them to listen closely, to concentrate
for reasonable periods, to respond quickly, to sit still when necessary and to
value the contributions of other children (Department for Education and
Employment, United Kingdom, 1998, p. 66).
This seems to reject the notion that the early years of a childs life, and education in
these years, has value in its own right, that school communities might give some
thought to how they might adapt to the children coming to them, as well as having
the children adapt to them, and that these school communities might consider the
individual needs of their children. A great deal of the work which has been done in
studying childrens transition to school suggests that schools need to be made ready
for the children as well as the children being made ready for the school (Kagan,
1992; Perry, Dockett, Clyde, & Tracey, 1998; Perry, Dockett, & Tracey, in press).
In the authors opinion, it is most appropriate that the situation in Australia has not
adopted the United Kingdom model which does little to achieve an early childhood
approach to numeracy development, even though there are some features which
could be attractive, particularly in terms of the overall approach to assessment which
is discussed later in this paper. Instead, there are a number of excitingly positive
approaches to the numeracy of our young children, or, at least, to the mathematical
underpinnings of this numeracy, some of which will now be considered.
Count Me In Too, New South Wales
This program is a system-wide intervention in early numeracy which is currently
operating across New South Wales Department of Education and Training primary
schools. It is based on sound research conducted over many years, particularly by the
Australian mathematics educators Bob Wright and Joanne Mulligan (for example,

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 20
Mulligan & Mitchelmore, 1996b; Mulligan, 1998; Wright, 1996a; 1996b; Wright,
Stanger, Cowper & Dyson, 1996; Wright, 1998) and others (Steffe, Cobb & von
Glasersfeld, 1988; Steffe, von Glasersfeld, Richards & Cobb, 1983). The program is
based on the learning framework in number, developed from this research and on an
explicit set of principles:
the teaching approach is problem-based. Children are routinely engaged in
thinking hard to solve arithmetical problems which, for them, are quite
teaching is informed by an initial comprehensive assessment and on-going
assessment as part of the teaching process. The latter refers to the teachers
informed understanding of the childs current knowledge and problem-
solving strategies, and continual revision of this understanding.
teaching is focussed just beyond the cutting-edge of the childs current
teachers exercise their professional judgement in selecting instructional
settings and tasks appropriate to the needs of their students. These tasks
are varied on the basis of on-going observations.
the teacher understands childrens arithmetical strategies and deliberately
engenders the development of more sophisticated strategies.
teaching involves intensive, on-going observation by the teacher and
continual fine-tuning on the basis of observation.
teaching supports and builds on childrens intuitive, verbally-based
strategies and these are used as a basis for the development of written
forms of arithmetic which accord with the childrens verbally-based
the teacher provides children with sufficient time to solve a given problem.
Consequently, children are frequently engaged in episodes which involve
sustained thinking, reflection on thinking as well as the results of thinking.
teaching supports children gaining intrinsic satisfaction from their problem
solving, their realisation that they are making progress, and from the
verification methods they develop (New South Wales Department of
Education and Training, 1998a, Foreword).
Key features of the Count Me In Too program are its assessment regimes, including
the Schedule for Early Number Assessment, and its professional development
component. It honours the characteristics of early childhood learning and teaching
through its provision of challenge for the children and recognition and use of their
developing numeracy strategies. It is characterised by a constructivist epistemology
and certainly questions the notions of developmentally appropriate practice through
this recognition of the need for challenge within a supportive environment.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 21
Mathematics Intervention, Victoria
This program of withdrawal for Year 1 children deemed to be at risk in their
mathematics learning was first implemented in 1993 in one Melbourne school. It has
subsequently spread to many Victorian schools, partly through its links with the
professional development program Maths in Schools (Mathematics Association of
Victoria, 1996) and has achieved great success (Pearn, 1998a; 1998b). The program
has similar bases to the Mathematics Recovery approach pioneered in NSW (Wright,
1996b) and:
offers students the chance to experience success in mathematics by developing
the basic concepts of number upon which they build their understanding of
mathematics. Students are withdrawn from their classes and work in small
groups with a specialist teacher to assist with the development of their
mathematical skills and strategies (Pearn, 1998a, p. 2).
As with Count Me In Too, Mathematics Intervention is underpinned by a learning
framework based on extensive research about childrens early number learning
(Gray & Tall, 1994; Steffe, Cobb & von Glasersfeld, 1988; Steffe, von Glasersfeld,
Richards & Cobb, 1983) and requires teachers to use a clinical interview to assess the
extent of the childs mathematical knowledge (Pearn, 1998a, p. 4). While this
program is not yet as widespread in Victorian schools as Count Me In Too is in New
South Wales, the soon to be implemented Early Numeracy Research Project in Victoria
may serve to stimulate such a growth.
Flying Start, Tasmania
As well as the prior-to-school components discussed earlier, the Flying Start
program, which commenced in 1997, focuses on numeracy development in the early
years of school. While the program is designed to assist all students, it does this by
targeting individual students through an explicit teaching cycle of assessment,
planning, intervening, monitoring, recording and reporting. Flying Start resource
teachers are provided in every primary school in Tasmania to reduce the pupil-
teacher ratio for a period of every day and to allow the class and resource teacher to
work as a team. A number of action research projects has grown from the program
and there is an extensive evaluation program currently being undertaken by the
Office of Educational Review. There is an extensive and obligatory professional
development program associated with Flying Start. Anecdotal evidence from
teachers suggests that they feel the program has been successful because they are
now much more aware of areas on which they need to focus and have strategies to
do this. They seem to be more confident about what they are doing in numeracy
development and can articulate the basis for this. The program has also helped
schools in their development of links with parents.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 22
All of the programs mentioned here address the affective issues which are so much
part of numeracy learning. In all cases, the aim is not only to develop appropriate
skills and knowledge but also the confidence and dispositions in the children to
encourage them to apply these in contextual numeracy challenges or problems.
Games form an integral part of all the Australian programs discussed, recognising
the importance of play in young childrens learning.
The integrated nature of curriculum in the early childhood years, especially in the
prior-to-school settings (Bredekamp & Rosegrant, 1992; Caine & Caine, 1994; Krogh,
1995; Sharpe, 1998), encourages the application of childrens mathematical
knowledge in a number of different contexts (Department for Education and
Childrens Services, South Australia, 1996; Department of Education, Tasmania, 1997;
Ministry of Education, New Zealand, 1996; Queensland School Curriculum Council,
1997). As the children get older, this approach is weakened in favour of a more
subject-based organisation of the curriculum. This is reflected in the specifically
mathematical nature of the school programs discussed, even though all of them
recognise and facilitate the application of the childrens numeracy knowledge and
skills in a variety of contextual areas. However, it is reasonable to suggest that
Australian systems still have some way to go if they are serious about the
development of genuine numeracy programs in both prior-to-school and school
contexts. Most of those mentioned above have much stronger claims to be
mathematics rather than numeracy programs because they lack the contextualisation
which is so important if students are to use some mathematics to achieve some
purpose in a particular context (AAMT, 1997, p. 13).
The elements of best practice which can be drawn from this section and the
programs described here include the following:
regular observation of childrens existing knowledge, skills and
building upon this existing knowledge to provide opportunities to challenge
the childrens thinking;
facilitating success for individual children by linking their learning experiences
to their context;
focussing on childrens areas of potential, thus aiming for the children to feel

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 23
having access to teachers who know what to expect in terms of childrens
mathematical development and who are adept in facilitating the childrens use
of increasingly sophisticated strategies;
a daily time allocation for the learning and teaching of mathematics and
numeracy integrated within the overall educational program.
of numeracy learning in the early childhood
The definition and purpose of numeracy assessment in the early childhood
Assessment is an integral part of all learning. Teachers who are responsible for the
facilitation of learning are also responsible for the valid assessment of this learning.
There are a number of perspectives which can be brought to bear on this task.
Assessment is the comprehensive accounting of a students or group of students
knowledge. Assessment is a tool that can be used by a teacher to help students
attain the goal of a curriculum. Assessment, and its results, are not and should
not be interpreted as the end of educational experiences; instead, as a means to
achieve educational goals. Different purposes are served by assessing students
knowledge in the mathematics classroom measuring students understanding
and use of content, obtaining instructional feedback, grading, and monitoring
growth in mathematical achievement (Webb, 1993, p. 1).
Being a good teacher requires continual information on the progress of ones
students; that is, what have they learned in their classroom lessons and what can
be expected from them in the future (van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Gravemeijer,
1993, p. 54).
Assessment is an integral part of the learning process. Indeed, the major purpose
of assessment is the improvement of learning. Assessment provides feedback
about students mathematical development to students and their teachers. This
feedback should inform the future action of both learners and teachers.
Assessment can also be used to report students progress to parents, prospective
employers, and other educational agencies (Australian Education Council, 1991a,
p. 21).

The term assessment is used here because of its more general educational use to indicate the gathering of information
about individuals. In some prior-to-school contexts, evaluation is the preferred term for this activity but, in more general
contexts, evaluation refers mainly to programs rather than individuals.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 24
In summarising these statements, this paper will use the definition of assessment
contained in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Assessment standards
for school mathematics
assessment is the process of gathering evidence about a students knowledge
of, ability to use, and disposition toward, mathematics and of making inferences
from that evidence for a variety of purposes (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 1995, p. 3).
This definition is not specific to early childhood numeracy or mathematics. The
application of the definition is considered in the next section.
The nature of numeracy assessment in the early childhood years
While assessment of numeracy in the early childhood years needs to address the
characteristics discussed above, it also needs to address the more general
characteristics of exemplary early childhood practice. In particular, there is a need for
the assessment to recognise the childrens particular needs and contexts. One of these
which can be critical is the childrens language abilities (Ellerton & Clements, 1996;
Newman, 1983). The forms of assessment used and the ways in which they can be
administered should reflect these abilities while, at the same time, trying to develop
them (Bickmore-Brand, 1990). In the prior-to-school years, assessment is seen as a
seamless part of learning, undertaken mainly informally through observation and
conversation while the children undertake their normal, self-chosen activities.
Before any assessment task is given to a child or group of children, the teacher needs
to be clear about a number of things, if the assessment is to adhere to the principles
espoused by good practice. Teachers need to know:
why they are assessing the numeracy knowledge or skills of their children;
what knowledge or skills they are going to assess;
for whom they are assessing we would like to think that this is usually the
children but sometimes it is the state education authority, the program
developers, the school principal or the parents;
how they are assessing the knowledge and skills; and
when the assessment will take place.
These questions are interrelated in such a way that the answer to one of them may
determine the answer to subsequent ones. For example, if what is required is
standardised data on childrens numeracy performance in Year 3 which will allow
results for all the children in a given State to be compared against previous years and
within itself, then we may find that what is appropriate is a basic skills test very

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 25
much like that currently being used in New South Wales (New South Wales
Department of Education and Training, 1997). If, however, a teacher in a prior-to-
school setting is interested in assessment information which will help plan for future
activities in the development of early number, it could be that observations of the
children at play may be the most suitable method of assessment (Arthur et al., 1997;
Perry & Conroy, 1994). On the other hand, the Third International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS, 1998), provided information on how States and Territories
compared in terms of their students performance on particular tests, thus facilitating
political decisions at the level of these systems.
Dockett (1998b) raises a number of issues about assessment, in general, in the early
childhood years, which are quite pertinent to the assessment of numeracy in these
years. She notes that such assessment is rarely objective, with the biases, expectations
and beliefs of the assessor clearly affecting the outcome. One way in which this is
manifested is through philosophical congruence (p. 5) the idea that our
philosophy of learning and teaching will be reflected in our assessment. While, in
general, this has to be seen as an appropriate situation, it may lead to a teacher being
philosophically opposed to an assessment procedure which may be of great benefit
to the childrens learning. An example is the opposition found among early
childhood teachers to testing of childrens numeracy or other knowledge and skills
through written class tests. However, perhaps with some variation on the types of
tests offered, there may be great value in even such a strongly opposed technique.
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Gravemeijer (1993) suggest that:
tests need not function only marginally in the instructional process but can be
integrated into the curriculum. Tests not only help students create clever
strategies but also can help teachers gain a better understanding of what children
are able to do. Finally, they help teachers develop richer didactics. This implies
reversing the usual thinking about the role of tests in innovation. Rather than
thwart innovations, tests can contribute to improving education (p. 64).
While there may be situations where testing of children is appropriate, this will not
always be the case. In particular, one-off testing is usually poorly matched to the
ways in which children grow, learn and develop. McAfee & Leong (1997, p. 7) note
that some children may suddenly put it all together and achieve unexpected
insights. Some children progress in tiny increments that few tests are sensitive
enough to detect, yet the progress is real and significant for that child.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 26
Australian and international best practice in numeracy assessment
All of the programs described under Planning and teaching for numeracy in the early
childhood years earlier in this paper recognise the central role played by assessment in
their programs and have specific procedures or suggestions for the assessment of
childrens numeracy knowledge and skills. While each program suggests a variety of
assessment methods, there have been some particularly appropriate approaches
National Numeracy Strategy, United Kingdom
This program recognises that [T]he effective use of assessment has been shown to
make a significant impact in raising the standards of attainment overall (Department
of Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998, p. 59) but does not specify a
particular assessment regime. Rather, it is:
concerned that all assessment should be purposeful, manageable and
informative Pupils need to be well informed about their strengths and
weaknesses and, wherever practical, assessment procedures should involve the
pupils themselves. It is important that teachers spend time with pupils
discussing their progress in mathematics. Talking to individuals, pairs or small
groups of pupils each term allows teachers and pupils alike to review progress
and set new goals. This approach motivates pupils to take an active role in their
development by judging their own progress and recognising their success over
time (Department of Education and Employment, United Kingdom, 1998, p. 60).
While the author of this paper has major misgivings about the overall National
Numeracy Strategy in the United Kingdom, the assessment procedures outlined in
this quote do introduce a refreshingly child-centred approach to assessment. In the
development of childrens numeracy, such an approach fits well with the overall
focus of early childhood teachers on their childrens individual needs.
The National Numeracy Strategy encourages testing of students oral and mental
mathematics as well as their written work. It also recognises that there is a great deal
of standardised data on childrens mathematical performance available from the
statutory tests given at the end of Key Stage 2 and suggests that this be used to assist
in the development of the childrens numeracy learning.
Count Me In Too, New South Wales
A key component of the Count Me In Too program is the Schedule for Early Number
Assessment, or SENA. This is an individual clinical interview based on the Learning
Framework in Number and is designed to be administered by the classroom teacher.
The SENA reflects the program through its specific questions about the critical steps

This paper was prepared in 1998/1999 and some information in the paper may not reflect more recent developments.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 27
in childrens development of number skills and concepts. It gives the teacher a
detailed view of what each child in the class can do as well as leading the teacher
through the stages of the Learning Framework. While the SENA is quite time
consuming to administer, especially for a classroom teacher, the results of its use in
classrooms across the State have shown how important it is seen to be for the
teachers, both in terms of their access to the thinking of their children but also in
terms of its use in illustrating the mathematical ideas which are so critical to the
program. The SENA is also a central part of the professional development approach
incorporated in the program.
It is important to note that the SENA is not the only assessment technique
recommended to be used in Count Me In Too. Teachers are reminded of the
importance of observation, discussion, work samples and other more traditional
forms of assessment of mathematical knowledge and skills. They are also reminded
clearly that assessment should be an integral part of each childs learning and that
the purpose of assessment is to facilitate this learning.
Mathematics Intervention, Victoria
In a similar way to the Count Me In Too program, Mathematics Intervention uses a
particular clinical interview technique and instrument specifically constructed for the
program (Pearn, 1998a; 1998b). This instrument the Initial Clinical Assessment
Procedure Mathematics (ICAPM) was devised initially in 1993 because it was
felt that there was no comprehensive test available that allowed Grade 1 students
to talk about their mathematical strategies and determined each students place in
the counting stages (Pearn, 1998a, p.4). While not as extensive in its coverage as the
SENA from Count Me In Too, the ICAPM is based on the same research and covers
basically the same areas. Again, it is not the only assessment component of
Mathematics Intervention and is complemented by a wide range of other techniques,
including teachers own observations in the classroom.
Flying Start, Tasmania
This program is designed to facilitate the achievement of the Key Intended
Numeracy Outcomes (KINOs) (Department of Education, Community and Cultural
Development, Tasmania, 1997) and its assessment is built around these outcomes
and their associated developmental indicators. The KINOs for Year 2 are particularly
relevant to this paper. Detailed indicators are given for each KINO at both the
Kindergarten/Prep level and the Years 1/2 level, thus encouraging a developmental
approach to their use. Further, the KINOs are designed to be numeracy outcomes
rather than just outcomes in mathematics. That is, they involve not only the
mathematical knowledge but the application of this knowledge in real-life

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 28
Other programs/resources
There are numerous other programs which have relevance to the process of
assessment of numeracy knowledge and skills in the early childhood years. The
project Assessing Literacy and Numeracy in the Early years of Schooling (Curriculum
Corporation, 1999) provides information to assist schools, teachers and education
authorities to select early assessment tools consistent with their numeracy policies.
The project report describes the wide range of approaches to entry assessment
evident in schools in the States and Territories. Following the examination of both
national and international assessment approaches, the report recommends some
suitable materials for use in schools and systems around Australia. Others
considering possible outcomes of learning in numeracy for children in prior-to-
school settings include the Foundation areas of learning from South Australia
(Department for Education and Childrens Services, 1996) and Early school assessment:
Numeracy (New South Wales Department of Education and Training, New South
Wales Catholic Education Commission and Association of Independent Schools,
New South Wales, 1998) from New South Wales. These are similar in many ways to
the United Kingdoms Nursery education desirable outcomes for childrens learning on
entering compulsory education (School Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 1996).
All of these have great potential to assist teachers in the prior-to-school years gain
much better assessment data on their childrens numeracy knowledge and skills.
This data could then be shared with the childrens school teachers, making it more
likely that smooth transitions to school might occur.
As the children grow older, there are many numeracy assessment regimes which
have been put into place. Some of these have already been noted. Others will only be
mentioned here.
In 1995, the Queensland Government initiated The Year 2 Diagnostic Net
(Metropolitan East Literacy Team, 1995) which was designed to assist teachers
promote the effective teaching of literacy and numeracy.
The Net involves a process in which teachers:
observe and map all childrens progress using developmental continua for
aspects of literacy and numeracy;
validate observations of children requiring additional assistance through
specifically designed assessment tasks;
provide appropriate learning support to children by way of intervention
report to parents about these aspects of childrens literacy and numeracy
learning and development (Metropolitan East Literacy Team, 1995, p. 1).
In Victoria, the Board of Studies has produced exemplary assessment tasks in
mathematics for Years P 2.

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 29
This publication shows teachers how assessment can be part of instruction to
provide rich information to teachers on students mathematical thinking, and to
show how their performances and achievement can be interpreted in terms of the
Levels of the Curriculum and Standards Framework (Board of Studies, 1995).
Assessment information derived from these tasks can be used to guide
subsequent teaching. It is also possible for these tasks to be used as tests at the
end of a topic to indicate a students level of understanding and what has been
achieved (Board of Studies, n.d.).
The consultation on a preliminary draft of Early Stage 1 assessment (New South
Wales Department of Education and Training, 1998b) in numeracy has been
completed in New South Wales. This document, which is designed to assist teachers
to make informed judgements about the numeracy achievement of students who are
completing their first year of schooling (p. 2) is closely linked into the Mathematics
K 6 Outcomes and Indicators (Board of Studies, New South Wales, 1998) where the
early Stage 1 outcomes were originally presented. Again, these are designed to
provide a learning and assessment framework in mathematics.
Similarly, South Australia has released its draft School entry assessment: Planning for
learning which supports teachers to collect information about the knowledge and
understandings children bring to school and will support them to observe
childrens existing knowledge and skills in literacy and numeracy, as they start in the
school setting, and to describe this using a common set of criteria (Department of
Education, Training and Employment, South Australia, 1998, p. 4).
Affective issues in the assessment of numeracy
As children develop their knowledge and skills in numeracy and are assessed in
them, they also develop attitudes and dispositions (Yackel & Cobb, 1996). If children
are going to have the confidence to take on the numeracy challenges which will
confront them in their early years and later, they will need to sustain positive
dispositions. Clarke (1988) has developed a simple inventory which can be
implemented with young school children to ascertain how they feel about their
learning. The tasks, suitable for school-aged children, which can be read by the
teacher or the child, include the following:
Write down the two most important things you have learned in maths
during the past month.
Write down at least one sort of problem which you have continued to find
What would you most like help with?
How do you feel in maths classes at the moment? (Circle the words that
apply to you) a) interested, b) relaxed, c) worried, d) successful,

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 30
e) confused, f) clever, g) happy, h) bored, i) rushed, j) Write down one
word of your own.
What is the biggest worry affecting your work in maths at the moment.
How could we improve maths classes? (Clarke, 1988, p. 47)
Assessment is a major component of any teaching and learning program. The key
purpose of all the assessment regimes discussed in this section of the paper is the
improvement of the numeracy knowledge and skills of individual students and
groups of students. In each case, the principles of meaningful assessment have been
applied within the overriding context of early childhood education. As well, the
assessment regimes have achieved the standards set by the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics that:
1. assessment should reflect [what] all students need to know and be able
to do;
2. assessment should enhance learning [by being an integral part of the
planning process]
3. assessment should promote equity
4. assessment should be an open process
5. assessment should promote valid inferences about learning
6. assessment should be a coherent process
(adapted from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1995, pp. 9 22).
Technology and numeracy in the early childhood years
Over the last 15 years, there have been sporadic bursts of interest in the use of
technology (here taken to mean electronic technology such as calculators and
computers) in the early childhood years. The mid to late 1980s was a zenith for
research and experimentation into the use of computers in early childhood
education, both in prior-to-school and early school settings (Blemings, 1985;
Campbell & Fein, 1986; Elliott, 1985; Porter, 1988) but it has not lasted. This is despite
findings such as those reported in an analysis of research relating to young childrens
computer use, which noted improvements in mathematical understanding,
expressive and receptive language development and also childrens social-emotional
development when computer-based learning experiences were combined with
carefully structured adult assistance (Fatouros, Downes & Blackwell, 1994, p. 57). In
a recent survey undertaken in a group of prior-to-school settings in Sydney, it was

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 31
found that fewer than 33% of the services responding had a computer available for
children to use (Dockett & Perry, 1998). It would seem safe to say that the advent of
computer technology has had little effect on the numeracy development of most
children in prior-to-school settings (Hall & Elliott, 1993). However, this is not
necessarily the case for children in the first years of school or for children who have
access to computers at home.
One of the advantages of computer use by young children is that they are able to
work at levels which are not constrained by their fine motor skills (Burgess &
Trinidad, 1997; Clements, 1992). For example, pressing keys, rather than struggling
with correct forms of notation, can mean that children focus on the nature of the task,
rather than the ways in which it should be written. Technology is part of the lives of
young children. On the basis that numeracy involves using mathematics effectively
to meet the general demands of life at home, in paid work, for participation in
community and civic life (AAMT, 1997, p. 15), it seems reasonable that such
technology should be an integral part of young childrens numeracy experiences.
The creative potential of computer use with young children is noted by Yelland
(1997) who suggests that the potential of computers to enable children to encounter
and play with ideas has been increased over the past five years with hardware and
software that allow the child not only to manipulate objects and ideas that are
available in the real world but also to do things that are not possible (p. 7). The use
of open-ended programs, as indicated by Yelland (1997), can facilitate young
childrens involvement in problem-solving and collaboration, as well as forming the
basis of an enjoyable experience which promotes feelings of confidence and
competence (Clements, 1992).
The effect of electronic calculators on the numeracy education of young children has
been much more profound than that of computers. In many ways, the advent of
electronic calculators has changed the very nature of numeracy because of the ways
in which they encourage experimentation, estimating and approximating. Quite a lot
of work has been done in Australia by the Melbourne group led by Susie Groves
(Groves, 1993; Groves & Cheeseman, 1992; Stacey & Groves, 1996) to show the value
and nature of the calculator in early childhood mathematics lessons. It seems that the
strengthening of the drive towards mental arithmetic (for example, McIntosh, 1996),
has decreased the impetus for studies using calculators and supported a return to
their use only when the basic operations have been mastered (Department of
Education & Employment, United Kingdom, 1998). It is hoped that the value of the
calculator as a learning and teaching tool is not lost to students in the early years of
In summary,

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 32
computers and other related technologies have become an integral part of our
daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space and time So many
aspects of the ways we communicate and handle information have been altered
and will continue to be altered by technological development (Downes &
Fatouros, 1995, p. 3).
It is not surprising that such experiences have a significant impact on the
development of numeracy.
Professional development and initial teacher education in
numeracy for early childhood teachers
As there is another paper which is devoted entirely to professional development and
initial teacher education in numeracy, the issues will be treated only briefly here.
However, there are some important points to be made.
Numeracy and reasons for people becoming early childhood teachers
Early childhood teaching, particularly in prior-to-school settings but also in the first
years of school, is largely a female occupation. The negative links between women
and mathematics have been documented by numerous authors (for example: Barnes
& Horne, 1996; Forgasz & Leder, 1996). Hence, it came as no surprise to this author to
be greeted one day by a student teacher with, What do you mean I have to do
two mathematics units! I chose early childhood teaching because I couldnt handle
primary mathematics (Perry, 1989, p. 139). It is not unusual for early childhood
student teachers to have less than the equivalent of Year 12 mathematics and to have
quite negative attitudes to the subject. Many early childhood teacher education
programs do not alleviate this deficiency in experience, although they do try to work
on improving the attitudes of these students. (In New South Wales, the major
employer of school teachers, the Department of Education and Training, insists that
any teacher seeking employment in Departmental primary schools has a minimal
standard of Year 12 mathematics.) Very few early childhood teacher education
programs in Australia meet the time allocations recommended by the Discipline
Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science (Speedy, 1989).
Hence, it is not surprising that many early childhood teachers feel much more at
home with literacy than with numeracy and, as a consequence, concentrate more on
literacy. To alleviate this feeling of inadequacy or to strengthen the already strong
commitment to mathematics which is held by some early childhood teachers,
early childhood mathematics teacher education courses must involve their
students learning mathematics. That is, the students need to be involved in

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 33
creating significant mathematical ideas in a manner which will allow them to
experience the excitement and joy which they will help engender in their
children.The type of mathematics introduced in these courses is critical,
particularly for those students for whom school mathematics does not carry fond
memories. More of the same is not likely to produce the desired learning nor
attitudes which are positive towards mathematical learning (Perry, 1989, p. 146).
Characteristics of effective professional development in numeracy for early
childhood teachers
The characteristics of effective professional development are common across all
subject areas because they have to do with the general process of learning rather than
the particular features of the material being learned. A recent New South Wales wide
evaluation of early literacy highlighted key features of exemplary professional
development programs in early literacy. There seems to be no reason to suggest that
these features would not hold true for early numeracy professional development.
The features are:
funds are directed to these programs
there is a clear focus to the programs, often building on past programs and
extending programs over several years
more than one school/educational setting is involved
the beliefs, understandings, expectations and practices of teachers (and in
some cases, parents) are challenged
opportunities for the classroom application of new or different approaches
and the reflection and evaluation of these efforts are incorporated
there is a coherent theoretical and philosophical base which informs
classroom application
time and opportunities are provided for teachers to develop collegial ties
with other teachers both within and beyond their own school
mentoring and other forms of support within and beyond the school are
used to maintain the programs.
Each of these features is important, yet it is in combination that they lead to a
professional development program likely to influence teacher thinking and
practice, school culture and student learning outcomes (Dockett, Perry & Parker,
1998, pp. 203204).
In summary, for the particular case of numeracy, there is a need for professional
development to address:
teachers understanding of their own mathematics
teachers understanding that mathematics teaching is problematic

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 34
teachers understanding of what constitutes effective mathematics teaching
the development of a rich sense of what comprises numerate behaviour and
how mathematics and other curriculum areas might contribute to it.
The Senate Employment, Education and Training References Committee (1996) notes
that, since the emergence of subject specialists who are responsible for professional
development across a range of grades (for example, K6 or K12), there are fewer
early childhood specialist consultants within education systems. While this is not the
only reason for the decline, the result is often a neglect of the early childhood area as
a whole, although all States and Territories have targeted the early school years in
specific areas, particularly literacy and numeracy.
In prior-to-school settings, there is a number of other issues which must be
considered in the context of professional development of staff. Different employers,
different industrial awards and different licensing requirements can mean that
professional development in prior-to-school settings is often either unavailable or
haphazard. This is exacerbated by issues such as lack of funding for release of
licensed staff and the geographical isolation felt by staff in small centres, particularly
in rural areas.
Turnover of staff in early childhood settings and the effect of this on
professional development
One of the aspects of the early childhood field which makes professional
development problematic is the relatively high level of staff turnover, particularly in
prior-to-school settings (Wangmann, 1995). The effect of a professional development
program can be severely diminished if staff leave the setting before they are able to
either implement changes arising from the professional development initiative or, at
least, pass them on to colleagues. In the high stress field of early childhood,
unfortunately this scenario is played out all too often (Senate Employment,
Education and Training References Committee, 1996), thus diluting the effect of what
often are highly effective professional development schemes.
Overall summary
This paper aims to establish the significance of the early childhood period in
childrens numeracy development. By outlining the general principles underlying
young childrens learning at this time, it seeks to highlight the characteristics of
young children and appropriate educational responses to these. Several innovative
and exciting projects aimed at enhancing childrens early numeracy development are

Commonwealth of Australia 2000 35
highlighted, and the elements of such programs are discussed. Several themes recur
in the discussion, and are worthy of emphasis in conclusion.
Early childhood numeracy does not occur only in school contexts much has
happened, albeit often on an informal or incidental basis, before children come
to school. Programs which are effective in promoting numeracy among young
children recognise this and aim to build upon it. It seems clear that one way to
enhance numeracy outcomes for young children would be for those involved
with children in the prior-to-school years parents and teachers to work
together with those in school settings. This proposal does not imply that school
curricula have a place in prior-to-school settings. Rather, it suggests that there is
much to be gained in terms of a planned approach to numeracy development,
in relation to establishing childrens numeracy interests, understandings and
dispositions and exploring the contexts in which they operate, by working
Early intervention (or simply, effective teaching) in early childhood settings
has the potential to enhance the numeracy development of many young
children. However, the quality of the intervention and the follow-up provided
are critical to this outcome.
Planning for numeracy in the early years can take many and varied forms. Such
diversity is to be encouraged, as teachers, parents and school communities
respond to the needs, strengths and interests of their children.
Assessment in numeracy needs to recognise the complexity of mathematics
learning as well as the responsibility of teachers to engage in an ongoing
process of assessment, with the aim of informing further learning and teaching.
The impact of technology on the lives of young children, and its subsequent
influence on numeracy, cannot be ignored.
While again reiterating the danger of pushing down the primary curriculum,
there is a need for early childhood teachers to develop and enhance their own
competence and confidence in mathematics and to use this to plan appropriate
in-depth numeracy learning experiences for young children. Closer links
between teachers in prior-to-school and school settings could facilitate this.
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