Uni Belt

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Belt Catalogue
©2002, uni-chains A/S. Copying or reproduction of this catalogue is
prohibited without written permission.
uni-chains reserves the right to make changes without notice.
The drawings belong to uni-chains and are not to be used or copied
without the permission in writing from uni-chains.

uni-chains A/S manufactures products under one or more of the following
U.S. Patents: 4.754.872, 5.000.312, 5.027.944, 5.127.515, 5.305.869,
5.307.923, 5.379.883, 5.482.156, 5.697.492, 6.073.756, 6.216.854,
6.332.531, 6.390.288, 29/039.113, 29/039.114.
Other U.S. and foreign utility and design patents pending.
European patents and other patents in Europe:
0480863, 0.652.169, 159544, 152689, 169602, 0439/96, MR09251995,
MR09261995, M960477.4, 145290, 170664, 94610049.2, GB2309062,
0680898, G9316589.7, DE431286402.
With reservations of printer’s error.

The quality assurance system of uni-chains A/S

is certified according to ISO 9001.
Probably the most comprehensive belt Thank you for reading
this belt catalogue. We
programme in the industry
hope that it will be use-
In this catalogue you will find a wide range of quality ful to you and that we
products: Innovative belt systems patented by can meet your request
uni-chains for all kinds of applications, e.g. food for standard and speci-
processing, packaging, canning, bottling etc. al or custom made pro-
We use both industry standard and special materials ducts.
with e.g. chemical resistance, antistatic, flame retar-
dant characteristics etc., uni-chains uses F.D.A. Our telephone number
approved materials and offer U.S.D.A. Accepted can be found on the
products for food contact. back page of this cata-
Competitive prices and quick delivery
We offer quality products at competitive prices.
Furthermore, a quick response to your inquiries and
on time delivery of your orders can be essential suc-
cess criteria to get and keep your business.
Our technical experts and employees will always do
their utmost to meet your requirements and expecta-

More than just belts

If you need other conveyor components than belts
and sprockets, we also offer one of the widest ranges
of conveyor chains, and a comprehensive accessories
To learn more about this, please contact us, and we
will send you our special chain or accessories cata-
logues, or send a sales representative to call on you
for a discussion of your specific requirements.

For a detailed description of our entire product range,
sales organisation, and application information please
refer to our homepage www.unichains.com.

Ordering Belt Systems

8 Ordering Belt Systems

Material Properties
9 Standard Grades
10 Special Grades
11 Approvals

Belt Specifications - Straight running

uni M-SNB M2 and M3 Pitch 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging
12 uni M-SNB M2 and M3
13 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
14 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets

uni M-QNB Pitch 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) Beverage - Packaging

15 uni M-QNB
16 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
17 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets

uni Light Pitch 19.1 mm (0.75 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

18 uni Light
19 Standard Materials
20 Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
21 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
22 Accessories


uni SNB M1 Pitch 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

25 uni SNB M1
26 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
27 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
28 Accessories

uni SNB M2 Pitch 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

29 uni SNB M2
30 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt Weights
Max. Load per Sprocket
31 Standard Sprockets

uni QNB Pitch 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) Beverage - Packaging

32 uni QNB
33 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt Weights
Max. Load per Sprocket
34 Standard Sprockets

uni CNB Pitch 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) Food

35 uni CNB
36 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
37 Max. Load per Sprocket
Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
38 Accessories


uni Light EP Pitch 38.1 mm (1.50 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

39 uni Light EP
40 Standard Materials
41 Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
42 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
43 Accessories

uni SSB Pitch 38.1 mm (1.50 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

45 uni SSB
46 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
47 Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
48 Accessories

uni L-SNB Pitch 50.0 mm (1.97 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

49 uni L-SNB
50 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
51 Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
52 Accessories

uni OPB Pitch 50.0 mm (1.97 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging

53 uni OPB
54 Standard Materials
56 Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
57 Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
58 Accessories


uni MPB Pitch 50.8 mm (2.00 inch) Food - Packaging

60 uni MPB
61 Standard Materials
62 Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
63 Max. Load per Sprocket
Max. Load per Roller
Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets
64 Accessories

Belt Specifications - Side flexing

uni Flex SNB Pitch 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) Food - Beverage - Packaging
66 uni Flex SNB
67 Standard Materials
68 Standard Belt Widths
69 Max. Permissible Load in Curve
Max. Permissible Load on Straight Section
Belt Weights
70 Belt Control and Tracking Systems
71 Standard Sprockets
72 Accessories

uni Flex Belt Pitch 50.0 mm (1.97 inch) Food - Packaging

73 uni Flex Belt
74 Standard Materials
Standard Belt Widths
Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt Weights
Standard Sprockets

Reinforcement of Belt Systems

75 Reinforcement of Belt Systems

Disclaimer and Warnings

77 Disclaimer
78 Warnings

Ordering Belt Systems

Reference no. for belt systems

D - PP - uni MPB - C - 335 - W Belt colour *

Belt width in mm

Surface opening

Belt type:
uni M-SNB M2 and M3,
uni M-QNB, uni Light,
uni SNB M1, uni SNB-M2,
uni QNB, uni CNB,
uni Light EP, uni SSB,
uni L-SNB, uni OPB 8M,
uni OPB 8, uni OPB 4V,
uni OPB 4, uni OPB 8P,
uni MPB, uni Flex SNB
and uni Flex Belt

Pin material:
SS = AISI 304 Stainless Steel
Belt material: PP = Polypropylene
PE = Polyethylene
Regarding standard belt and pin materials of the individual PA6.6 = Polyamide 6.6
belt systems, please refer to the belt specifications pages for GR = Glass Reinforced
the individual belt types. Polyester

uni M-SNB M2 and M3: See page 13

uni M-QNB: See page 16
* Standard and
uni Light: See page 19 alternative belt
uni SNB M1: See page 26 B = Blue
BR = Brown
uni SNB M2: See page 30 D = Red
uni QNB: See page 33 DG = Dark grey
E = Green
uni CNB: See page 36 G = Grey
K = Black
uni Light EP: See page 40 N = Natural
uni SSB: See page 46 O = Orange
P = Purple
uni L-SNB: See page 50 T = Tan (Beige)
W = White
uni OPB: See page 54
Y = Yellow
uni MPB: See page 61
uni Flex SNB: See page 67
uni Flex Belt: See page 74
Material Properties Standard Grades

Polyoxymethylen - POM
Colour options: Standard pin material
Other custom-made colours are optional on request.
Polypropylene - PP
POM is a thermoplastic material with very good mechanical Polyethylene - PE
and thermal properties. The material is also characterised by Stainless steel
high strength, elasticity and dimensional stability. POM is Polyamid PA6.6
resistant to a limited selection of chemicals. POM has low coef- Glass Reinforced Polyester - GR
ficient of friction and good resistance to wear.
POM polymers with self-lubricating components.
POM - I Please note: Regarding
POM polymers with self-lubricating components and improved standard materials and colours of
impact resistance. the individual belt systems, please
refer to the "standard materials"
POM - LF boxes under the product photos for
POM polymers with improved self-lubricating components. each belt type throughout this
POM polymers with self-lubricating additives to obtain the
lowest possible friction resistance.

Polypropylene - PP
Colour options:
Other custom-made colours are optional on request.
Polypropylene is a thermoplastic material with very good
chemical resistance properties. PP is an economical material for
applications with high temperatures.
PP - I
PP with improved impact resistance.

Polyethylene - PE
Colour options:
Other custom-made colours are optional on request.
PE is an economical material for applications with low tempera-
PE - I
PE with improved impact resistance.

Recommended Temperature Range

°C °F
POM (D, I, LF, SLF) -40 to +90°C -40 to +194°F
PP & PP-I +1 to +104°C +34 to +219°F
PE & PE-I -50 to + 80°C -58 to +176°F

Material Properties Special Grades
Glass Reinforced Polyester - GR
Colour options:
uni-chains also manufactures
Glass reinforced polyester is a material with an extremely high resist- plastic belts in Special Grade
ance to wear and heat. materials in order to meet
Note: For use in hot water: Max. temperature +60°C (+140°F). For belts customer requirements in
operating at high temperatures please note that heavy loads will cause longer applications where the stan-
permanent elongation. dard materials would be
The dimensions of belts made in GR material can be approx 1.5% inadequate.
larger than POM belts.

Antistatic Material - AS
Colour options: The following Special Grade
materials are offered:
Electrically conductive POM is used where static electricity buildup must be
avoided e.g. in the aerosol and electronics industries. AS is black because of
the carbon contents. It has low impact resistance and approx. half the tensile Glass reinforced polyester - GR
strength of POM.
Antistatic Material - AS
Flame Retardant Polyamide - FR
Colour options: Flame Retardant
Polyamide - FR
Flame retardant polyamide is a fire restricting material used in surroundings
with danger of igniting the belts.
Polyvinylidenfluoride - PVDF
Polyvinylidenfluoride - PVDF Polyamide - PA6
Colour options:
Polyvinylidenfluoride is characterised by a very high chemical resistance. Polyamide - PA6.6
PVDF also has high wear resistance and good friction properties.

Polyamide - PA6
Colour options:
Other custom-made colours are optional on request.
Polyamide PA6 is a thermoplastic material. The combination of its mechani-
cal properties and chemical resistance makes this material suitable for many
situations. This material is used for our nylon sprockets. For belts operating at high
temperatures please note that
heavy loads will cause longer
Polyamide - PA6.6 permanent elongation.
Colour options:
Other custom-made colours are optional on request.
Polyamide PA6.6 is a thermoplastic material with many fine properties. The
material has a high resistance to wear and high strength and great stiffness.
Polyamide has an extremely wide temperature range.
The material features very high impact resistance and toughness.

Temperature range
°C °F
Glass Reinforced Polyester - GR -40 to +125°C -40 to +257°F
Antistatic material - AS -40 to +90°C -40 to +194°F
Flame Retardant Polyamide - FR +1 to +104°C +34 to +219°F
Polyvinylidenfluoride - PVDF -40 to +100°C -40 to +212°F
Polyamide - PA6 -40 to +120°C -40 to +248°F
Polyamide - PA6.6 -40 to +140°C -40 to +284°F
Material Properties Approvals

Approval of Materials
F.D.A. (US Food and Drug Administration) F.D.A.
US Federal Agency that approves materials for use with food contact. uni-chains uses F.D.A.
approved materials of the
following types:
Approval of Products and Equipment POM-D, POM-I
U.S.D.A. (US Department of Agriculture) PE, PE-I
U.S.D.A. evaluates and accepts products and equipment for use in the PA6.6
dairy industry and in meat and poultry plants. The uni-chains belting PUR rubber for inserts
products listed on this page are listed in the U.S.D.A.'s Accepted
Meat and Poultry Equipment book as accepted for food contact and
packaged goods respectively. In addition, U.S.D.A inspectors accept
belt styles on an individual plant basis.
U.S.D.A. Accepted Meat
and Poultry Equipment
U.S.D.A. Dairy Grading Branch has issued Equipment Acceptance (Food Contact):
Certificates for the belt types listed on this page under U.S.D.A. Dairy uni SNB series,
Accepted. uni OPB:
uni OPB 4C, uni OPB 4V C,
For uni-chains U.S.D.A. accepted chains please refer to the uni OPB 4V 23%,
uni-chains Conveyor Chains Catalogue. uni OPB 4V 36%,
uni OPB 8C and
uni OPB 8 25%

U.S.D.A. Accepted Meat

and Poultry Equipment
(Packaged Product
All the above plus
uni Light

U.S.D.A. Dairy
Accepted :
uni MPB, uni MPB-G,
uni MPB-GE, uni MPB-N,
uni MPB-NE, uni MPB 18%,
uni MPB 20%, uni MPB 22%,
uni CNB C, uni CNB 18%,
uni CNB 22%

uni OPB C

Belt Specifications uni M-SNB

uni M-SNB has a pitch of only 12.7 mm (0.50 inch).

Combined with the special relieved underside a per- Pitch: 12.7 mm (0.50 inch)
fect fit onto nose bars and transfer rollers is possi-
Straight running
ble ensuring a continuous and stable product flow
which eliminates can tippage. uni M-SNB is suita- Backflex radius: 20 mm
ble for accumulation systems with back-line pres- (0.8 inch)
sure. The open surface structure facilitates cleaning
and enables drainage and airflow through the belt. Locking type for
uni M-SNB has great strength and resistance to uni M-SNB M2 and
uni M-SNB M3:
Endlock system

uni M-SNB M2: Suitable for long Surface opening: 14%

conveyors with full cans and
U.S.: 5.379.883
Designed for heavy-duty applica-
EU: 0.652.169
tions. This belt has solid edges to
withstand side wear.
Special low contact area belt surfa-
Industries and

uni M-SNB M3: Suitable for up-
side-down can transport applica-
tions, PET bottles, and items with
Can Manufacturing
fragile surfaces. It has heavy duty
edges to withstand wear. This belt
is available with prepolished surfa-
ce for raw-edge can applications.

Belt Specifications uni M-SNB

uni M-SNB M2 uni M-SNB M3

Standard materials: Standard materials:


Other available materials: See page 9 and 10
Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE T

Standard Belt Widths

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
mm inch
76 3.0 836 32.9 1598 62.9 2358 92.8
E 5.1 0.20
152 6.0 914 36.0 1674 65.9 2434 95.8
L 4.4 0.17
228 9.0 990 39.0 1750 68.9 2510 98.8
P 12.7 0.50
304 12.0 1066 42.0 1826 71.9 2586 101.8
379 14.9 1142 45.0 1902 74.9 2662 104.8 T 8.8 0.35

456 18.0 1218 48.0 1978 77.9 2738 107.8

531 20.9 1294 50.9 2054 80.9 2814 110.8
608 23.9 1370 53.9 2130 83.9 2890 113.8
685 27.0 1446 56.9 2206 86.9 2966 116.8
760 29.9 1522 59.9 2282 89.8 3042 119.8

Belt widths for uni M-SNB in POM, PP and PE.

Please note that the values in the table are max. values.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ
from the widths shown in the table.
Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled.

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni M-SNB 15000 1028 7500 514 4500 308

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS pins, PE and PP pins.

Belt Specifications uni M-SNB
Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni M-SNB 6.3 1.29 8.6 1.76 4.1 0.84 5.6 1.15 4.4 0.89 5.9 1.21

Standard Sprockets M2 and M3

No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
10 41.8 1.65 41.5 1.63 28.0 1.10 ø 10.0 ø 0.39 2233MSNB210N
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB219N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB219N10SQ
19 78.5 3.09 79.0 3.11 64.0 2.52
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2233MSNB219N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB219N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB228N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB228N10SQ
65.0 2.56
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2233MSNB228N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB228N40SQ
28 115.4 4.54 116.2 4.57
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB228NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 2233MSNB228N20SQBB
100.0 3.94
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2233MSNB228N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2233MSNB228N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB238N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB238N10SQ
75.0 2.95
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2233MSNB238N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB238N40SQ
38 156.4 6.16 157.4 6.20 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB238NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 2233MSNB238N20SQBB
100.0 3.94 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2233MSNB238N25SQBB
sq 50.0 sq 1.97 2233MSNB238N50SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2233MSNB238N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 20 mm (0.8 inch).
Tooth width: 7 mm (0.3 inch).

Rubber Inserts uni M-SNB

A C Accessories

mm inch
A 14.0 0.55
Standard material: Santoprene B 8.0 0.31
C 3.0 0.12
Rubber inserts can be assembled in any pattern on belt surface per customer’s

Belt Specifications uni M-QNB

uni M-QNB is a strong 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) pitch

closed surface belt which can achieve a tight trans- Pitch: 12.7 mm (0.50 inch)
fer. The uni M-QNB features a unique new locking
Straight running
system and has colour coded locks giving increased
security of correct locking under assembly. Backflex radius:
Furthermore the belt has a low noise level and is 20 mm (0.8 inch)
capable of bi-directional travel. This, together with
the optional placement of sprockets across the en- Locking type for
tire width of the belt gives you a belt that is very uni M-QNB:
versatile. Lockpin

Surface opening:
uni M-QNB offers good support of Closed
the transported products. In the
corrugated industry e.g. the small Patent pending
transfers eliminate sheet creep.

Industries and

The special tight transfer feature
eliminates can tippage. The bottom
design allows tight transfer
Can Manufacturing
without use of dead plates when
Corrugated and cardboard
using a 19.1 mm (0.75 inch) nose-
bar and no vibration even with
high speed applications.

uni M-QNB
Belt Specifications

uni M-QNB
Standard materials:

Other available materials: See page 9 and 10
Standard pin materials: PA6.6 red and natural E

Standard Belt Widths mm inch

mm inch mm inch mm inch E 5.2 0.20
76 3.0 683 26.9 1292 50.9 L 4.4 0.17
152 6.0 759 29.9 1368 53.9
P 12.7 0.50
228 9.0 835 32.9 1443 56.8
304 12.0 912 35.9 1519 59.8 T 8.8 0.35
380 15.0 988 38.9 1595 62.8
456 18.0 1063 41.9 1670 65.7
531 20.9 1139 44.8 - -
607 23.9 1216 47.9 - -

Belt widths for uni M-QNB in POM, PP and PE.

Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ
from the widths shown in the table.
Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled upon

Permissible Tensile Strength

Belt material POM PP
Pin material PA6.6 PA6.6
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni M-QNB 19000 1302 13000 891

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.

Belt Specifications uni M-QNB

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP
Pin material PA6.6 PA6.6
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft
uni M-QNB 7.5 1.54 4.8 0.98

Max. Load per Sprocket

POM belt PP belt
N lbf N lbf
1000 225 800 180

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
10 41.8 1.65 41.5 1.63 28.0 1.10 ø 10.0 ø 0.39 2233MSNB210N
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB219N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB219N10SQ
19 78.5 3.09 79.0 3.11 64.0 2.52
sq 38.1 sg 1.50 2233MSNB219N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB219N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB228N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB228N10SQ
65 2.56
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2233MSNB228N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB228N40SQ
28 115.4 4.54 116.2 4.57
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB228NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 2233MSNB228N20SQBB
100 3.94
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2233MSNB228N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2233MSNB228N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB238N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2233MSNB238N10SQ
75 2.95
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2233MSNB238N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2233MSNB238N40SQ
38 156.4 6.16 157.4 6.20 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2233MSNB238NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 2233MSNB238N20SQBB
100 3.94 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2233MSNB238N25SQBB
sq 50.0 sq 1.97 2233MSNB238N50SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2233MSNB238N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.

Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 20 mm (0.8 inch).

Tooth width: 7 mm (0.3 inch).

Belt Specifications uni Light

uni Light is suitable for transport of various kinds

Pitch: 19.1 mm (0.75 inch)
of light products. A pitch of 19.1 mm (0.75 inch)
enables smooth transfer between belts. Straight running
uni Light is available in 10 different versions, in- Backflex radius:
cluding closed, open, vacuum, rough and rubber 25 mm (1.0 inch)
surfaces. Backflex radius, rib:
It is a strong belt with secure pin locking options. 50 mm (2.0 inch)

Locking types for

uni Light:
uni Light endlocks
uni Light rodlocks
The open surface versions of
uni Light are used e.g.
where drainage or airflow
Surface opening:
through the belt is required.
Please see page 19

US: 5.305.869

Industries and
uni Light is available with a moul-
ded rubber surface in a rough and Automotive industry
a flat version for increased friction Bakeries
between belt and conveyed items. Beverage
The uni Light Rough Rubber and Can Manufacturing
Flat Rubber links are supplied in Food processing
two different material combina- Fruits
tions: Black PP with black rubber Packing
and white PP with natural colour PET bottles
rubber for direct food contact. Tissue

Small juts on the uni Light 10%

open belt surface provide a space
between belt and conveyed pro-
duct e.g. wooden mouldings being
sprayed with a stained finish.

Belt Specifications uni Light

uni Light C uni Light CR: Has a granulated sur- uni Light 10%
face for higher friction.
Standard materials: Standard material:
Moulded to order


uni Light 10% SR: With "juts" to uni Light 18% uni Light 22%
provide a space between the conveyed
product and the belt.
Standard material: Standard materials:
Moulded to order

uni Light Flat Rubber: Available uni Light Rough Rubber: For incli- uni Light Rib: For accumulation
with indented side 15 mm (0.6 inch). ned transport. Available with indented applications. Finger plates are avail-
side 15 mm (0.6 inch). able for this type.

Moulded to order Moulded to order Moulded to order

Materials for uni Light with rough and flat rubber:

Food industry: White PP-belt with Thermolast K natural rubber (approved for
food contact)

Non food industry: Black PP-belt with Thermolast K black rubber

uni Light Vacuum: 4 different holes

sizes from ø3.2 mm (0.12 inch) to
ø5.6 mm (0.22 inch).

Moulded to order
Belt Specifications uni Light


uni Light standard programme:
See materials and colours on page 19

Other available materials: See page 9 and 10 T

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE L E

uni Light

Standard Belt Widths R

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch T
76 3.0 840 33.1 1604 63.2 2369 93.3
153 6.0 917 36.1 1681 66.2 2445 96.3
uni Light Rib
229 9.0 993 39.1 1757 69.2 2522 99.3
306 12.0 1070 42.1 1834 72.2 2598 102.3
382 15.0 1146 45.1 1910 75.2 2674 105.3 B
458 18.0 1223 48.1 1987 78.2 2751 108.3
535 21.1 1299 51.1 2063 81.2 2827 111.3

611 24.1 1375 54.1 2139 84.2 2904 114.3 L E

687 27.0 1451 57.1 2216 87.2 2980 117.3 uni Light 10% SR
764 30.1 1528 60.2 2292 90.2 3057 120.3

Belt widths for uni Light in POM, PP and PE. P

Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width. A
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with T
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ L E
from the widths shown in the table.
uni Light Rough Rubber
Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled.
Max. recommended temperature for uni Light Rib in PE is P
+40°C (+104°F). For higher temperatures uni-chains recommends A
PP or POM.


uni Light Flat Rubber

mm inch
A 2.0 0.08
B 3.0 0.12
E 5.0 0.20
L 4.3 0.17
P 19.1 0.75
R 7.3 0.29
T 8.5 0.34

Belt Specifications uni Light

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni Light 10250 702 5125 351 3075 211
uni Light Rough Rubber/Flat Rubber - - 5125 351 - -

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS and PP pins in POM and PP belts.
Load ratings for PE belts are with PE pins.

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni Light C/10%/10% SR 6.9 1.41 13.9 2.85 5.1 1.04 12.0 2.46 5.1 1.04 12.1 2.48
uni Light 18%/22% 5.9 1.21 12.9 2.64 4.4 0.90 13.4 2.74 4.5 0.92 11.5 2.36
uni Light Rib 9.3 1.90 16.5 3.37 6.3 1.29 13.5 2.76 6.5 1.33 14.0 2.87
uni Light vac. 6%/7.5% 6.8 1.39 13.8 2.83 5.3 1.09 12.1 2.48 5.4 1.10 12.2 2.50
uni Light Ro. Rub./Fl.Rub. - - - - 5.3 1.09 10.7 2.19 - - - -

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
7 43.9 1.73 42.6 1.68 31.0 1.22 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL07N
10 61.7 2.43 61.7 2.43 45.0 1.77 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL10N
17 103.7 4.08 105.0 4.13 65.0 2.56 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL17N
70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL24N
24 146.0 5.75 147.3 5.80 70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2833UL24N15SQ
120.0 4.72 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL24NBB
70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL25N
25 152.0 5.98 153.3 6.04 70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2833UL25N15SQ
120.0 4.72 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2833UL25NBB

sq = Square bore.

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.

Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 25.0 mm (0.98 inch).

Tooth width: 4.8 mm (0.19 inch).

Belt Specifications
uni Light
Tabs Accessories

When the belt goes from horizon-

tal to inclining travel it is an ad-
vantage to provide the belt with
K H tabs in order to hold it down. The
tabs can be placed in the entire
width of the belt as required.

Standard materials:
mm inch
POM-LF POM-D G 3.5 0.14
H 15.9 0.63
J 20.0 0.79
Note: uni Light with tabs can be used with sprocket size min. z = 24.
K 11.9 0.47

Note: In belt systems with tabs the temperature of the conveyor should be

Product Supports If the products are separated into

TRAVEL portions or are transported on in-
clined conveyors it is an advantage
to use product supports.

mm inch
S 25.4 1.00
S 50.8 2.00
S 76.2 3.00
Standard materials:

Side Guards
Side guards can be very suitable in
TRAVEL many cases where they can secure
that the products do not fall off the
belt during operation.

mm inch
P A 31.4 1.23
B 15.0 0.59

Standard materials: C 25.0 0.98

P 19.1 0.75

Belt Specifications uni Light
Finger Plates
75.4 mm (2.97 inch) All uni-chains belt systems that
are available in a raised rib ver-
sion can be supplied with
matching finger plates, also
Type 1A called combs.
G The finger plates can be instal-
led with plastic screws.
The finger plates are supplied
with cover caps which can be
A Snap-On attached when the finger plate
Cover Caps has been installed. The cover
caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
between the cover and finger

Type 2

Cover Caps

Type 3 E
J mm inch
K A 3.8 0.15
H B 132.9 5.23
C 80.0 3.15
D 14.9 0.59
E 75.4 3.00
A F 40.0 1.57
Cover Caps G 12.0 0.47
H 10.0 0.39
I 197.1 7.76
J 90.3 3.56
Standard material: K 40.0 1.57
POM-LF L 54.5 2.15
M 98.9 3.89
N 20.0 0.79
O 45.2 1.78

Belt Specifications uni Light
Finger Plates
All uni-chains belt systems that
151.5 mm (5.96 inch) are available in a raised rib ver-
sion can be supplied with
Type 1A matching finger plates, also
called combs.
E The finger plates can be instal-
G led with plastic screws.

The finger plates are supplied

with cover caps which can be
attached when the finger plate
A has been installed. The cover
caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
Snap-On between the cover and finger
Cover Caps plate.

Type 2




Cover Caps

Type 3 mm inch
A 3.8 0.15
I F B 132.9 5.23
J C 80.0 3.15
D 14.9 0.59
E 151.5 6.00
F 100.0 3.94
G 12.0 0.47
H 10.0 0.39
A I 197.1 7.76
J 90.3 3.56
K 40.0 1.57
L 54.5 2.15
Cover Caps
M 98.9 3.89
Standard material: N 20.0 0.79

POM-LF O 45.2 1.78

Belt Specifications uni SNB M1

uni SNB M1 is a 35% open surface belt system with

Pitch: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)
a pitch of 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) and considerable
strength. Straight running

Backflex radius: 30 mm
(1.2 inch)
Backflex radius, rib:
60 mm (2.4 inch)
Products are very stable on the
Locking type for
uni SNB M1 belt due to a very
uni SNB M1:
tight surface pattern.

Surface opening: 35%

U.S.: 5.379.883, 5.482.156
EU: 0.652.169

uni SNB M1 is also available with

ribs which, together with finger Industries and
plates, ensure product transfer applications
without any products tipping over.
Food processing

The very smooth surface makes

uni SNB M1 well suited for accu-
mulation systems with back line

Belt Specifications uni SNB M1


uni SNB M1 uni SNB M1 Rib uni SNB M1

Standard materials: Standard materials:


Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE
Standard Belt Widths uni SNB M1 Rib
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
76 3.0 838 33.0 1600 63.0 2362 93.0
152 6.0 914 36.0 1676 66.0 2438 96.0
229 9.0 991 39.0 1753 69.0 2515 99.0
305 12.0 1067 42.0 1829 72.0 2591 102.0 mm inch
381 15.0 1143 45.0 1905 75.0 2667 105.0 E 5.1 0.20
457 18.0 1219 48.0 1981 78.0 2743 108.0 L 4.4 0.17
533 21.0 1295 51.0 2057 81.0 2819 111.0 P 25.4 1.00
610 24.0 1372 54.0 2134 84.0 2896 114.0
R 5.5 0.22
686 27.0 1448 57.0 2210 87.0 2972 117.0
T 8.8 0.35
762 30.0 1524 60.0 2286 90.0 3048 120.0

Belt widths for uni SNB M1 in POM, PP and PE.

Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ
from the widths shown in the table. Belts wider than mentioned in the
table can be assembled.
Max. recommended temperature for uni SNB M1 Rib in PE is
+40°C (+104°F). For higher temperatures uni-chains recommends PP
or POM.

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni SNB M1 30000 2055 15000 1028 9000 617

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS and PP pins in POM and PP belts.
Load ratings for PE belts are with PE pins.

Belt Specifications uni SNB M1

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni SNB M1 5.7 1.17 10.7 2.19 4.0 0.82 8.9 1.82 4.4 0.90 9.2 1.88
uni SNB M1 Rib 8.9 1.80 14.0 2.90 5.8 1.20 9.1 1.90 6.2 1.30 9.6 2.00

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2333SNB10N
10 82.2 3.24 82.6 3.25 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2333SNB10N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2333SNB10N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2333SNB12N
12 98.1 3.86 99.3 3.91 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2333SNB12N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2333SNB12N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2333SNB18NBB
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2333SNB18N15SQBB
18 146.3 5.76 148.7 5.85 110.0 4.33 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2333SNB18N25SQBB
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2333SNB18N40SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2333SNB18N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2333SNB19N
65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2333SNB19N15SQ
19 154.3 6.07 156.6 6.17 sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2333SNB19N40SQ
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2333SNB19N25SQBB
110.0 4.33
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2333SNB19N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2333SNB20NBB
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2333SNB20N15SQBB
20 162.4 6.39 165.0 6.50 110.0 4.33 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2333SNB20N25SQBB
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2333SNB20N40SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2333SNB20N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 25.0 mm (0.98 inch).

Tooth width: 3.3 mm (0.13 inch).

The sprocket positions are determined by the bottom design. An application

running in both directions must therefore have two sets of sprockets - one for
each direction.

Belt Specifications uni SNB M1
Finger Plates
All uni-chains belt systems that
are available in a raised rib
version can be supplied with
matching finger plates, also
Snap-On E called combs.
Cover Caps F
The finger plates can be instal-
led with plastic screws.
The finger plates are supplied
with cover caps which can be
attached when the finger plate
has been installed. The cover
caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
between the cover and finger
Type 2 plate.



mm inch

Snap-On A 2.5 0.10

Type 2S Cover Caps B 165.0 6.50
C 95.0 3.74
D 51.0 2.01
E 152.1 5.99

Standard material: F 100.0 3.94

G 12.0 0.47
H 10.3 0.41
I 76.0 3.00
J 6.0 0.24
M 135.0 5.31
N 23.0 0.91
O 57.0 2.24

Belt Specifications uni SNB M2

Pitch: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)

uni SNB M2, 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) is a heavy duty
belt for the can industry. Straight running
The open structure facilitates cleaning. uni SNB M2
has chamfered edges for easy sideways transfer. Backflex radius: 30 mm
The belt has solid edges to withstand side wear. (1.2 inch)
The placement of the sprockets is optional over the
Locking type for
entire width of the belt. uni SNB M2 can travel in uni SNB M2:
both directions. This requires the installation of Endlock
two sets of sprockets.
The secure locking system makes assembly and Surface opening: 34%
disassembly easy.
U.S.: 5.379.883, 6.073.756
The patented surface pattern redu- EU: 0.652.169
ces the friction as well as the dirt
and the aluminium oxide remnants
on the belt.

Industries and
Can manufacturing
Can palletizing
uni SNB M2 provides great stabi- Cooling conveyors
lity and support as well as a Can accumulation conveyors
smooth flow. Compared to roller Millboard
installations the belt is safe for Newspaper
personnel to walk on. PET bottles

For uni SNB M2A Multi

Hinge chains for single
liners see the uni Conveyor
Solid edges to withstand Chamfered edges for Chains Catalogue.
side wear easy sideways transfer

Large teeth ensure

optimum transfer of
the force from the
sprockets to the belt

Placement of sprockets
optional over the entire
Secure locking system belt width

Belt Specifications uni SNB M2



uni SNB M2 L

Standard materials:
POM-D PP PE mm inch
E 5.2 0.20
L 4.4 0.17
P 25.4 1.00

Other available materials: See page 9 and 10 T 8.8 0.35

Standard pin materials: PP or PE

Belt widths for uni SNB M2

Standard Belt Widths in POM, PP and PE.
Please note the tolerance is
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
0.2% of the belt width.
76 3.0 836 32.9 1596 62.8 2356 92.8 The dimensions are valid at
152 6.0 912 35.9 1672 65.8 2432 95.7 +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths
228 9.0 988 38.9 1748 68.8 2508 98.7 vary with temperature.
304 12.0 1064 41.9 1824 71.8 2584 101.7 Please note that if special mate-
379 14.9 1140 44.9 1900 74.8 2660 104.7
rial is used, the width might
differ from the widths shown in
456 18.0 1216 47.9 1976 77.8 2736 107.7
the table.
532 20.9 1292 50.9 2052 80.8 2812 110.7 Belts wider than mentioned in
608 23.9 1368 53.9 2128 83.8 2888 113.7 the table can be assembled.
684 26.9 1444 56.8 2204 86.8 2964 116.7 For higher temperatures
760 29.9 1520 59.8 2280 89.8 3040 119.7 uni-chains recommends PP or

Permissible Tensile Strength

Belt material POM PP PE
The values in the tables are
Pin material PP and PE PP PE for belts at +20°C (+68°F).
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft Please contact uni-chains for
uni SNB M2 23500 1610 15000 1028 10000 685 data at other temperatures.

Belt Weights Max. Load per Sprocket

Belt material POM PP PE uni SNB M2 N lbf
Pin material PP PP PE POM 1400 315
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft PP and PE 1100 247
uni SNB M2 6.3 1.29 4.3 0.88 4.4 0.90
Max. load for two-part double
rowed sprockets: Multiply above
values by two.

Belt Specifications uni SNB M2

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no. reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch one-part two-part
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB10N -
10 82.2 3.24 86.5 3.41 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 75332SNB10N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 75332SNB10N40SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB12N -
12 98.1 3.86 103.2 4.06 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 75332SNB12N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 75332SNB12N40SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB18N -
65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 75332SNB18N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 75332SNB18N40SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB18NBB -
120.0 4.72
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 75332SNB18N60SQBB -
18 146.3 5.76 152.7 6.01 40.0 1.57 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 - 75332SNB18NT
50.0 1.97 ø 25.0 ø 0.98 - 75332SNB18NT25
60.0 2.36 ø 30.0 ø 1.18 - 75332SNB18NT30
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 - 75332SNB18NT15SQ
- - sq 40.0 sq 1.57 - 75332SNB18NT40SQ
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 - 75332SNB18NT60SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB20N -
65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 75332SNB20N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 75332SNB20N40SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 75332SNB20NBB -
120.0 4.72
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 75332SNB20N60SQBB -
20 162.4 6.39 169.1 6.66 40.0 1.57 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 - 75332SNB20NT
50.0 1.97 ø 25.0 ø 0.98 - 75332SNB20NT25
60.0 2.36 ø 30.0 ø 1.18 - 75332SNB20NT30
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 - 75332SNB20NT15SQ
- - sq 40.0 sq 1.57 - 75332SNB20NT40SQ
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 - 75332SNB20NT60SQ

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
One-part sprockets
Width of sprockets: 25 mm (1.0 inch).
Tooth width: 6 mm (0.2 inch).
Two-part sprockets One-part sprockets
Two-part double row sprockets
Width of two-part sprockets: 50.8 mm (2.00 inch).
Note: For heavy wear applications the toothed rim can be supplied in stainless

Product Supports T TRAVEL uni SNB M2

Standard materials:

mm inch
S 25.4 1.00
S 50.8 2.00
T 76.2 3.00
Belt Specifications uni QNB

uni QNB is a strong 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) pitch all

purpose belt. Pitch: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)
The uni QNB has chamfered edges allowing easy
Straight running
side transfer and symmetrical edges making
assembly and disassembly simple. Furthermore Backflex radius: 40 mm
uni QNB has a colour identification of the lock (1.6 inch)
which assures correct locking during assembly. The
belt’s bi-directional travel feature and the optional Locking types for
placement of sprockets allow uni QNB to be used in uni QNB:
Endlock system
many different applications.

uni QNB has become very popular

in the corrugated and cardboard Surface opening:
industry. Its flat, solid, smooth and Closed
even surface increases safety for
the workers and eliminates sheet Patent pending
warp, pressure damage and marks
on the lower sheets. A steady run
eliminates stack tippage. Industries and

uni QNB is the strong 1 inch pitch
Bulk packs
belt for heavy duty applications,
e.g. in the canning industry.
Industrial conveyance

uni QNB with rubber moulded

into the links ensures a steady
work flow and good friction. The
rubber pattern allows space for
return wearstrips.

Belt Specifications uni QNB


uni QNB C uni QNB with rubber

Standard materials: Standard material: mm inch

Rubber material: E 5.2 0.20
Thermolast K, black
L 4.4 0.17
P 25.4 1.00
T 8.8 0.35
Other available materials: See page 8 and 9
Standard pin materials: PP, white and PA6.6, blue or red

Standard Belt Widths P

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
76 3.0 683 26.9 1290 50.8 1898 74.7 2505 98.6
152 6.0 759 29.9 1366 53.8 1973 77.7 2581 101.6
228 9.0 835 32.9 1442 56.8 2049 80.7 2657 104.6 T
304 12.0 911 35.9 1518 59.8 2125 83.7 2732 107.6
379 14.9 987 38.8 1594 62.8 2201 86.7 2808 110.6 E
455 17.9 1063 41.8 1670 65.7 2277 89.6 2884 113.6
uni QNB with rubber
531 20.9 1139 44.8 1746 68.7 2353 92.6 2960 116.5
607 23.9 1214 47.8 1822 71.7 2429 95.6 3036 119.5

Belt widths for uni QNB in POM and PP.

mm inch
Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with temperature. B 4.5 0.18
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ from the E 5.2 0.20
widths shown in the table.
Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled upon request. L 4.4 0.17
P 25.4 1.00
T 8.8 0.35
Permissible Tensile Strength
Belt material POM PP
Pin material PA6.6 PP PA6.6 PP The values in the tables are
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft for belts at +20°C (+68°F).
uni QNB 35000 2398 35000 2398 20000 1370 20000 1370
Please contact uni-chains for
data at other temperatures.
uni QNB with rubber - - - - - - 20000 1370

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP Max. Load per Sprocket
Pin material PP PA6.6 PP PA6.6
POM belt PP belt
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft N lbf N lbf
uni QNB 8.3 1.70 8.4 1.72 5.3 1.09 5.4 1.11 2300 517 1300 292
uni QNB with rubber - - - - 6.9 1.41 - -

Belt Specifications uni QNB

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB10N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 1433QNB10N10SQ
10 82.2 3.24 80.3 3.16 65.0 2.56
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1433QNB10N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1433QNB10N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB12N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 1433QNB12N10SQ
12 98.1 3.86 96.8 3.81 70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1433QNB12N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1433QNB12N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB15N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 1433QNB15N10SQ
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1433QNB15N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1433QNB15N40SQ
15 122.2 4.81 121.5 4.78
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB15NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 1433QNB15N20SQBB
100.0 3.94
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1433QNB15N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1433QNB15N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB18N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 1433QNB18N10SQ
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1433QNB18N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1433QNB18N40SQ
18 146.3 5.76 146.1 5.75
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB18NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 1433QNB18N20SQBB
100.0 3.94
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1433QNB18N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1433QNB18N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB19N
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 1433QNB19N10SQ
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1433QNB19N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1433QNB19N40SQ
19 154.3 6.07 154.2 6.07
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1433QNB19NBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 1433QNB19N20SQBB
100.0 3.94
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1433QNB19N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1433QNB19N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 25 mm (1.0 inch).

Tooth width: 10 mm (0.4 inch).

Belt Specifications uni CNB

The hygienic 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) pitch belt for light

Pitch: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)
food products.
Due to the unique hinge and sprocket Straight running
design the uni CNB is very easy to
clean. The hinges are closed when the Backflex radius: 40 mm
belt runs flat. (When passing over the (1.6 inch)
sprockets the hinges open wide and any
Locking types for
dirt can be rinsed off). The hinge-driven sprocket
uni CNB:
design prevents particles from clustering between uni CNB Rodlocks
belt and sprockets. Lockpin
uni CNB is locked with the reliable
rodlock or lockpin system which will Surface opening:
not disengage and mix with the con- Please see page 36
veyed items.
uni CNB with closed surface is
suitable for light food applications.

Industries and

Accumulation tables
Cookie and roll conveyors
Depanning conveyors
Dough depositing conveyors
Draining processes
uni CNB 18% open is used for Food processing
applications requiring draining, air Incline transport
flow, e.g. for drying or thawing of Infeed/discharge to trimming
products. and filleting
Max. hole size is 5 x 5 mm Metal detectors
(0.2 x 0.2 inch). Ready meals conveyors
Salad baggers
Surge conveyors
Thawing of frozen food

uni CNB 22% open has a max.

hole size of 5 x 10 mm
(0.2 x 0.4 inch) and can be used
in applications requiring draining
or air flow.

Belt Specifications uni CNB

uni CNB C uni CNB 18% uni CNB 22%

Standard materials: Standard material: Standard material:


Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE


Standard Belt Widths
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch R
76 3.0 835 32.9 1594 62.8 2353 92.6
152 6.0 911 35.9 1670 65.7 2429 95.6
228 9.0 987 38.8 1746 68.7 2505 98.6 L
304 12.0 1063 41.8 1822 71.7 2581 101.6
379 14.9 1139 44.8 1898 74.7 2657 104.6
455 17.9 1214 47.8 1973 77.7 2732 107.6
531 20.9 1290 50.8 2049 80.7 2808 110.6 mm inch
607 23.9 1366 53.8 2125 83.7 2884 113.6 E 5.2 0.20
683 26.9 1442 56.8 2201 86.7 2960 116.5 L 4.4 0.17
759 29.9 1518 59.8 2277 89.6 3036 119.5 P 25.4 1.00
R 3.0 0.12
Belt widths for uni CNB in POM, PP and PE.
T 8.8 0.35
Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with tem-
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ from
the widths shown in the table.
Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled upon request.

Permissible Tensile Strength

Belt material POM PP PE The values in the tables are
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft for belts at +20°C (+68°F).
uni CNB with steel pins 15700 1076 7500 514 5800 397 Please contact uni-chains for
data at other temperatures.
uni CNB with plastic pins 13500 925 7500 514 6200 425

Belt Specifications uni CNB

Max. Load per Sprocket

POM belt PP/PE belt
N lbf N lbf
600 135 500 112

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic plastic plastic
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft
uni CNB C 5.8 1.19 3.9 0.80 4.0 0.82
uni CNB 18% 5.0 1.02 3.5 0.72 3.6 0.74
uni CNB 22% 4.8 0.98 3.4 0.70 3.5 0.72

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB10N
10 82.2 3.24 80.6 3.17 70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1933CNB10N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1933CNB10N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB12N
12 98.1 3.86 96.8 3.81 70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1933CNB12N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1933CNB12N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB15N
70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1933CNB15N15SQ
15 122.2 4.81 121.5 4.78 sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1933CNB15N40SQ
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1933CNB15N25SQBB
96.0 3.78
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1933CNB15N60SQBB
ø 19.05 ø 0.75 1933CNB18N
70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1933CNB18N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1933CNB1840SQ
18 146.3 5.76 146.1 5.75
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB18NBB
96.0 3.78 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1933CNB18N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1933CNB18N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB19N
70.0 2.76 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1933CNB19N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1933CNB1940SQ
19 154.3 6.07 154.2 6.07
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1933CNB19NBB
96.0 3.78 sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1933CNB19N25SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1933CNB19N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 25 mm (1.0 inch).

Tooth width: 12 mm (0.5 inch).

Belt Specifications uni CNB
Product Supports
If the products are separated into
Product Support (No Indent) uni CNB product supports are portions or are transported on in-
available with moulded indents. clined conveyors it is an advantage
to use product supports.
Thus, machining of links is a-
voided, and optimum clean-
ability assured.


Standard materials:
The heights are mentioned in
the table below.

Product Support RI (Right Indent) uni CNB Product Support RI

(Right Indent)
uni CNB Product Support LI Height
(Left Indent) mm inch
uni CNB Product Support DI - 25.4 1.00
indents in both sides 50.8 2.00
(Double Indents) 76.2 3.00

Standard indent is 27 mm
(1.1 inch)

Standard material:

Side Guards Side guards can be very suitable in

TRAVEL many cases where they can secure
that the products do not fall off the
belt during operation.

mm inch
A A 25.4 1.00
B 50.8 2.00
P C 76.2 3.00
P 25.4 1.00

Standard material:

Belt Specifications uni Light EP

uni Light EP is the belt system with the widest Pitch: 38.1 mm (1.50 inch)
range of designs and surface openings (closed to
46% open). uni Light EP has a pitch of 38.1 mm Straight running
(1.50 inch). It is suitable for transport of light
Backflex radius: 75 mm
products. (3.0 inch)
Backflex radius, rib:
uni Light EP has a very good price/strength ratio. 150 mm (5.9 inch)
For increased strength it can be supplied with
reinforcement links. Locking types for
uni Light EP:
uni Light EP endlocks
uni Light EP rodlocks
uni Light EP 28% open
Surface opening:
Please see page 40

U.S.: 5.305.869, 5.000.312

Please note:
uni Light EP can be
supplied with steel reinforce-
ment links. See page 76.

uni Light EP 8.5% open For uni Light EP Multi

Hinge chains: Please see the
uni Conveyor Chains

Industries and
uni Light EP 8.5% open Bakeries
Manufacturing of plastic

Belt Specifications uni Light EP

uni Light EP C uni Light EP 8.5% uni Light EP 18%

Standard materials: Standard material: Standard material:


uni Light EP 22% uni Light EP 22% fine meshed uni Light EP 28%
Standard material: Standard material: Standard material:

uni Light EP 33% uni Light EP 46% uni Light EP Rib C

Standard material: Standard material:
Moulded to order

uni Light EP Rib 33% uni Light EP Vacuum

Standard materials:
Moulded to order

Belt Specifications uni Light EP

uni Light EP standard programme: TRAVEL*

See materials and colours on page 40

Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE

uni Light EP
Standard Belt Widths
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch TRAVEL*
102 4.0 661 26.0 1170 46.0 1678 66.0 2186 86.0
152 6.0 712 28.0 1220 48.0 1728 68.0 2236 88.0
254 10.0 763 30.0 1271 50.0 1779 70.0 2287 90.0
305 12.0 814 32.0 1322 52.0 1830 72.0 2338 92.0
355 14.0 865 34.0 1373 54.0 1881 74.0 2389 94.0
406 16.0 916 36.0 1424 56.0 1932 76.0 2389 94.4
458 18.0 966 38.0 1474 58.0 1982 78.0 2440 96.0
uni Light EP Rib
509 20.0 1017 40.0 1525 60.0 2033 80.0 - -
559 22.0 1068 42.0 1576 62.0 2084 82.0 - - * uni-chains recommends this
610 24.0 1119 44.0 1627 64.0 2135 84.0 - - travel direction. However, travel in
both directions is possible.
Belt widths for uni Light EP in POM, PP and PE.
Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with tempera- mm inch
ture. E 5.0 0.20
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ from the L 4.3 0.17
widths shown in the table. Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be
P 38.1 1.50
Max. recommended temperature for uni Light EP Rib in PE is R 7.3 0.29
+40°C (+104°F). For higher temperatures uni-chains recommends PP or T 8.5 0.34

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni Light EP 10250 702 5125 351 3075 211

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS and PP pins in POM and PP belts.
Load ratings for PE belts are with PE pins.

Belt Specifications uni Light EP

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE

Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel

kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni Light EP C/8.5%/vac. 5.7 1.16 9.3 1.90 3.7 0.76 7.3 1.50 4.0 0.82 7.6 1.56

uni Light EP 18%/22%/28% 4.8 0.98 8.4 1.72 3.4 0.70 7.0 1.43 3.6 0.74 7.2 1.48

uni Light EP 33%/46% 4.4 0.90 8.0 1.64 3.1 0.63 6.7 1.37 3.3 0.68 6.9 1.41

uni Light EP Rib 7.1 1.45 10.7 2.19 4.6 0.94 8.2 1.68 5.0 1.0 8.6 1.76

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP07N
7 87.8 3.46 86.0 3.39 65.0 2.56
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP07N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP09N
9 111.4 4.39 110.6 4.35 90.0 3.54
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP09N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP10N
10 123.3 4.85 122.7 4.83 100.0 3.94
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP10N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP11N
11 135.2 5.32 134.9 5.31 110.0 4.33
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP11N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP12N
12 147.2 5.80 147.1 5.79 120.0 4.72
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP12N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2533EP15N
15 183.3 7.22 183.6 7.23 120.0 4.72
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2533EP15N15SQ

sq = Square bore.

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request

Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 23.2 mm (0.91 inch).

Tooth width: 11.8 mm (0.46 inch).

Belt Specifications uni Light EP
When the belt goes from horizon-
tal to inclining travel it is an ad-
vantage to provide the belt with
tabs in order to hold it down. The
K H tabs can be placed in the entire
width of the belt as required.

Standard materials:
mm inch
G 3.5 0.14
H 15.9 0.63
uni Light EP with tabs can be used with sprocket size min. z = 11. J 26.0 1.02
K 11.9 0.47
Note: In belt systems with tabs the temperature of the conveyor should be

Product Supports If the products are separated into

S portions or are transported on in-
clined conveyors it is an advantage
to use product supports.

mm inch
S 25.4 1.00
S 50.8 2.00
Standard materials:
S 76.2 3.00

The product support is also available with drain holes in various versions.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Side Guards Side guards can be very suitable in

TRAVEL many cases where they can secure
that the products do not fall off the
belt during operation.


mm inch
A 31.7 1.25
B 15.0 0.59
C 23.0 0.91
P 38.1 1.50
Standard material:

Belt Specifications uni Light EP
Finger Plates
All uni-chains belt systems that
are available in a raised rib ver-
Type 2 sion can be supplied with
matching finger plates, also
called combs.

Snap-On E The finger plates can be instal-

Cover Caps F
led with plastic screws.

The finger plates are supplied

with cover caps which can be
attached when the finger plate
N has been installed. The cover
caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
M between the cover and finger

Standard material:

mm inch
A 3.3 0.13
E 152.4 6.00
F 101.6 4.00
G 12.0 0.47
H 10.3 0.41
M 135.0 5.31
N 23.0 0.91
O 57.0 2.24

Belt Specifications uni SSB

uni SSB, 38.1 mm (1.50 inch) pitch, has been desig- Pitch: 38.1 mm (1.50 inch)
ned specifically to meet the demands for conveying
of filled and empty cans or plastic bottles but with Straight running
its closed and open designs it is also suitable for
many other applications. For easy side transfer uni Backflex radius: 45 mm
SSB is made with chamfered edges. (1.8 inch)

Locking type for

uni SSB is a very strong belt assembled
uni SSB:
with the solid uni Endlock system. uni SSB endlocks
uni SSB has a proven chain/sprocket Surface opening:
interaction. Please see page 46

For uni SSB Multi Hinge

The closed version of uni SSB is chains: Please see the
suitable for heavy duty applica- uni Conveyor Chains
tions. Catalogue

Industries and
uni SSB is available in two open Canning
versions, 29% and 32%, which Heavy load/duty
are used in applications requiring Glass manufacturing
air flow or drainage.

For easy side transfer uni SSB

is made with chamfered edges.

Belt Specifications uni SSB

uni SSB C uni SSB 29% uni SSB 32%

Standard materials: Standard material: Standard materials:


Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or GR TRAVEL


Standard Belt Widths T

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch L

76 3.0 835 32.9 1595 62.8 2355 92.7
152 6.0 911 35.9 1671 65.8 2431 95.7
mm inch
228 9.0 987 38.9 1747 68.8 2507 98.7 E 6.5 0.26
304 12.0 1063 41.9 1823 71.8 2583 101.7 L 6.4 0.25
380 15.0 1139 44.9 1899 74.8 2659 104.7 P 38.1 1.50
456 18.0 1216 47.9 1975 77.8 2735 107.7 T 12.7 0.50
532 20.9 1291 50.8 2051 80.8 2811 110.7
607 23.9 1367 53.8 2127 83.7 2887 113.7
683 26.9 1443 56.8 2203 86.7 2963 116.6
759 29.9 1519 59.8 2279 89.7 3039 119.6
Links K300 and K600:
Belt widths for uni SSB in POM, PP and PE. Closed and open versions can
be combined to different belt
Please note that the values in the table are max. values. widths.
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with

Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ
from the widths shown in the table.

Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be assembled.

Belt Specifications uni SSB

Permissible Tensile Strength

The values in the tables are
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
for belts at +20°C (+68°F).
uni SSB with steel pins 36000 2467 18000 1233
Please contact uni-chains for
uni SSB with GR pins 19400 1329 13000 891 data at other temperatures.
uni SSB with PP pins 9300 637 11000 754

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP
Pin material GR PP steel GR PP steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft /m2 ft m ft m ft
uni SSB 11.3 2.31 11.1 2.27 13.6 2.79 7.4 1.52 7.2 1.47 9.9 2.03

Standard Sprockets
uni SSB single row
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic steel
19 117.3 4.62 117.1 4.61 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB19N 1631SSB19S
21 129.3 5.09 130.0 5.12 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB21N 1631SSB21S
23 141.2 5.56 142.0 5.59 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB23N 1631SSB23S
25 153.2 6.03 154.2 6.07 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB25N 1631SSB25S
27 165.2 6.50 166.6 6.56 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB27N 1631SSB27S
29 177.2 6.98 179.0 7.05 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB29N 1631SSB29S
31 189.3 7.45 191.3 7.53 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB31N 1631SSB31S

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).
Tooth width: 15.0 mm (0.59 inch).

Two part uni SSB single row

No of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
19 117.3 4.62 117.1 4.61 58.0 2.28 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB19NT
21 129.3 5.09 130.0 5.12 58.0 2.28 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB21NT
23 141.2 5.56 142.0 5.59 58.0 2.28 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB23NT
25 153.2 6.03 154.2 6.07 58.0 2.28 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1633SSB25NT

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).
Tooth width: 15.0 mm (0.59 inch).
Belt Specifications uni SSB

uni SSB double row

No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic steel
19 117.3 4.62 117.1 4.61 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382019N 303182019S
21 129.3 5.09 130.0 5.12 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382021N 303182021S
23 141.2 5.56 142.0 5.59 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382023N 303182023S
25 153.2 6.03 154.2 6.07 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382025N 303182025S
27 165.2 6.50 166.6 6.56 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382027N 303182027S
29 177.2 6.98 179.0 7.05 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382029N 303182029S
31 189.3 7.45 191.3 7.53 63.0 2.48 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 303382031N 303182031S

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).
Tooth width each row: 15.0 mm (0.59 inch).

Two part uni SSB double row

No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
19 117.3 4.62 117.1 4.61 58.0 2.28 ø 19.05 ø 0.75 303382019NT
21 129.3 5.09 130.0 5.12 58.0 2.28 ø 19.05 ø 0.75 303382021NT
23 141.2 5.56 142.0 5.59 58.0 2.28 ø 19.05 ø 0.75 303382023NT
25 153.2 6.03 154.2 6.07 58.0 2.28 ø 19.05 ø 0.75 303382025NT

Standard material: Polyamide.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).
Tooth width each row: 15.0 mm (0.59 inch).

Product Supports uni SSB


mm inch
S 76.1 3.00
Standard materials:
Can be machined to other
POM-LF PP-I heights on request.

Belt Specifications uni L-SNB

Pitch: 50.0 mm (1.97 inch).

uni L-SNB, 50.0 mm (1.97 inch) pitch, is designed Straight running
for heavy-duty applications, such as mass handling,
palletizers or pasteurizers where the different heat Backflex radius: 70 mm
zones demand a strong belt system. (2.8 inch)
Backflex radius, rib:
140 mm (5.5 inch)

Locking type for

uni L-SNB:
uni L-SNB Endlock
The special surface profile of the
belt is designed to give minimum Surface opening: 36%
resistance against products and
wearstrips. The open design is Patents
easy-to-clean. U.S.: 5.482.156, 5.379.883
EU: 0.652.169

Please note:
uni L-SNB can be supplied
with reinforcement links

uni L-SNB is a strong belt for

pasteurizers as it is able to with-
stand the extreme conditions in an
application with different heat Industries and
zones. applications

Cooling tunnels
Fruit and vegetable industry
Mass handling
Meat and fish industry
uni L-SNB is also available in a Microwave
rib version that can be used with Packaging
finger plates and thus is suitable Pasteurizers
for product transfer applications. Poultry industry

Belt Specifications uni L-SNB

uni L-SNB uni L-SNB Rib

Standard materials: Standard materials:


Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE

uni L-SNB
Standard Belt Widths
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch TRAVEL
152 6.0 912 35.9 65.9 1673 2433 95.8
228 9.0 988 38.9 68.8 1749 2509 98.8

304 12.0 1064 41.9 71.8 1825 2585 101.8

380 15.0 1140 44.9 74.8 1901 2661 104.8
456 18.0 1217 47.9 77.8 1977 2737 107.8
532 21.0 1293 50.9 80.8 2053 2813 110.8
608 23.9 1369 53.9 83.8 2129 2889 113.8
684 26.9 1445 56.9 86.8 2205 2965 116.7
760 29.9 1521 59.9 89.8 2281 3041 119.7
uni L-SNB Rib
836 32.9 1597 62.9 92.8 2357 3117 122.7

Belt widths for uni L-SNB in POM, PP and PE. mm inch

E 8.3 0.33
Please note that the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.
L 8.0 0.31
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with
P 50.0 1.97
Please note that if special material is used, the widths might differ R 6.0 0.23

from widths shown in the table. T 16.0 0.63

Belts wider than mentioned can be assembled.
Max. recommended temperature for uni L-SNB Rib in PE is +40°C
(+104°F). For higher temperatures uni-chains recommends PP or

Belt Specifications uni L-SNB

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni L-SNB 35000 2398 17500 1199 10500 719
uni L-SNB Rib (55000) 3768 29800 2042 17800 1220

The values in the tables are for belt widths 1 m (3.3 ft) at +20°C
Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS pins, PP and PE pins.
( ) = with PA6 pins only.

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni L-SNB 10.2 2.09 16.7 3.42 6.7 1.37 13.2 2.70 7.3 1.50 13.8 2.83
uni L-SNB Rib 14.8 3.03 21.3 4.36 9.6 1.97 16.1 3.30 10.6 2.17 17.6 3.61

Standard Sprockets
No of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
6 100.0 3.94 92.5 3.64 70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB06N
70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB08N
8 130.7 5.15 128.6 5.06
85.0 3.35 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB08NBB
70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB10N
10 161.8 6.37 159.8 6.29
117.0 4.60 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB10NBB
70.0 2.76 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB12N
12 193.2 7.61 192.5 7.58
117.0 4.60 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2033LSNB12NBB

Standard material: Polyamide.

Sprockets in steel and split sprockets are available.

Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).

Tooth width: 7.0 mm (0.28 inch).

Belt Specifications uni L-SNB
Finger Plates
All uni-chains belt systems that
are available in a raised rib
Type A version can be supplied with
matching finger plates, also
called combs.
E The finger plates can be instal-
Snap-On F
G led with plastic screws.
Cover Caps

The finger plates are supplied

A H with cover caps which can be
attached when the finger plate
N has been installed. The cover
O caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
between the cover and finger

Type B

Cover Caps G

mm inch
K A 2.5 0.10
E 152.1 5.99
F 100.3 3.95
G 12.0 0.48
H 10.0 0.39
I 80.0 3.15
J 114.0 4.49

Standard material: K 192.0 7.56

M 135.0 5.31
N 23.0 0.91
O 57.0 2.24

Belt Specifications uni OPB

Pitch: 50.0 mm (1.97 inch)

The uni OPB series, 50.0 mm (1.97 inch) pitch, with
its many variants and combination possibilities is Straight running
the most versatile straight running belt in the
uni-chains range of belt systems. Backflex radius: 75 mm
15 combinations of top and bottom surfaces and a (3.0 inch)
Backflex radius, rib:
wide range of accessories makes it suitable for
300 mm (11.8 inch)
almost any application from direct food contact to Backflex radius, side
the transport of people. guards: 200 mm (7.9 inch)
uni OPB is a very strong and easy-to-clean belt. It
is available in two thicknesses and in closed and Locking types for
many different open versions. uni OPB:
uni OPB endlocks
uni OPB rodlocks
Product supports and side guards Surface opening:
in different heights enable e.g Please see page 54
inclined transport. Various open
versions are suitable for applica- Patents:
tions with drainage or air flow. U.S.: 5.305.869, 5.000.312

Please note:
uni OPB can be supplied
with steel reinforcement
links. See page 76.

uni OPB 8 20% open and 25%

open are very popular in the fish
industry, providing a solid basis
for the transport in wet surroun- Industries and
dings. applications

Car wash
Fish processing
uni OPB with a rough non-skid Food processing
surface is used for transport of Fruit
junior skiers and also for person- Snack food
nel in the auto-mobile industry. Ski industry

Belt Specifications uni OPB

uni OPB 4-C uni OPB 8-C uni OPB 4V and 8-C rough: Rough
uni OPB 4V-C with improved non-skid surface.

Standard materials: Standard materials:

Moulded to order

uni OPB 8-20% uni OPB 4V-23%: E.g. washing of uni OPB 4V-23% fine meshed:
vegetables. E.g. for rice in a boiling process.

Standard materials: Standard materials:

Moulded to order

uni OPB 8-25%: E.g.conveying of uni OPB 4V-36%: For maximum air- uni OPB 4V-Rib 23%: Can be used
fish. flow through the belt. with finger plates.

Standard materials: Standard material: Standard material:


uni OPB 4V Vacuum uni OPB with rubber inserts

Standard material:
Moulded to order

Belt Specifications uni OPB
uni OPB 4
uni OPB standard programme: P
See materials and colours on page 54

Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP or PE T


uni OPB 8/OPB 8P

Thickness 4.0 mm (0.16 inch) V
and 7.8 mm (0.31 inch).


uni OPB 8M P
uni OPB 8

Thickness 7.8 mm (0.31 inch).


uni OPB 4V uni OPB 4V

With reinforcement ribs on the

bottom of 4.0 mm (0.16 inch)
thickness belt. V



uni OPB Rib P

uni OPB 8P
Thickness 7.8 mm (0.31 inch). R

Combinations of top and bottom surface: * uni-chains recommends this
uni OPB 4 uni OPB 8M uni OPB 4V uni OPB 8 uni OPB 8P
travel direction. However, travel in
both directions is possible.
uni OPB C X* X X* X* X
uni OPB C rough X X
mm inch
uni OPB 20% X
E 8.3 0.33
uni OPB 23% X*
L 8.0 0.31
uni OPB 23% fine-meshed X
P 50.0 1.97
uni OPB 25% X*
R 10.0 0.93
uni OPB 36% X*
S 7.8 0.31
uni OPB Rib 23% X*
T 4.0 0.16
uni OPB Vacuum X X
V 16.0 0.31
* Note: These types are listed in the U.S.D.A "Accepted Meat and Poultry
Equipment" publication as accepted for food contact.
Belt Specifications uni OPB

Standard Belt Widths

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
151 5.9 503 19.8 905 35.6 1960 77.2
185 7.3 536 21.1 938 36.9 2111 83.1
268 10.6 570 22.4 988 38.9 2262 89.1
302 11.9 603 23.7 1022 40.2 2413 95.0
335 13.2 636 25.0 1055 41.5 2564 100.9
386 15.2 703 27.7 1206 47.5 2714 106.9
403 15.9 754 29.7 1357 53.4 2865 112.8
418 16.5 788 31.0 1508 59.4 3016 118.7
452 17.8 804 31.7 1659 65.3 3167 124.7
486 19.1 872 34.3 1810 71.2 3318 130.6

Belt widths for uni OPB in POM, PP and PE.

Please note the tolerance is 0.2% of the belt width.

For belt widths for 23% fine-meshed add 0.35% to above values.

Please note that if a special material is used, the widths might differ
from the width shown in the table.
Belts wider than the mentioned can be assembled.

The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with

Max. recommended temperature for uni OPB Rib in PE is

+40°C (+104°F). For higher temperatures uni-chains recommends
PP or POM.

Permissible Tensile Strength

N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
uni OPB 8 and uni OPB 4V 22000 1507 11000 754 6600 452
uni OPB 4 11000 754 5500 377 3300 226
uni OPB 8P and uni OPB 8M 8900 610 8900 610 6600 452

The values in the tables are for belts at +20°C (+68°F).

Please contact uni-chains for data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for SS and PP pins in POM and PP belts.
Load ratings for PE belts are with PE pins.

Belt Specifications uni OPB

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic steel plastic steel plastic steel
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft
uni OPB C/C rough/ vac. 11.7 2.40 18.3 3.75 7.5 1.54 14.0 2.87 8.1 1.66 14.6 2.99
uni OPB 20%/23%/25% 10.1 2.07 16.1 3.30 6.9 1.41 13.4 2.74 7.3 1.50 13.8 2.83
uni OPB 36% 9.5 1.95 15.3 3.13 6.3 1.29 12.8 2.62 6.7 1.37 13.2 2.70
uni OPB Rib 14.6 3.00 21.1 4.32 9.3 1.91 15.7 3.22 10.1 2.07 16.5 3.37

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS06N
6 100.0 3.94 94.5 3.72 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2433OPBS06N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2433OPBS06N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS08N
8 130.7 5.15 129.0 5.08 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2433OPBS08N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2433OPBS08N40SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS10N
65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2433OPBS10N15SQ
10 161.8 6.37 160.1 6.30
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2433OPBS10N40SQ
120 4.72 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS10NBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS12N
65.0 2.56
12 193.2 7.61 191.5 7.54 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2433OPBS12N15SQ
120.0 4.72 sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2433OPBS12N40SQBB

sq = Square bore.

Standard materials: Polyamide, stainless steel and carbon steel.

Split sprockets are available.
Square bore in steel sprockets and other teeth numbers are available upon
Please contact uni-chains for further information.

Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).

Tooth width: 11.0 mm (0.43 inch).

Please note: For uni OPB 8M and uni OPB 8P it is necessary to use special

Standard Sprockets for uni OPB 8M and uni OPB 8P

No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
6 100.0 3.94 89.1 3.51 65.0 2.56 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS06N8P
8 130.7 5.15 120.5 4.74 65.0 2.56 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS08N8P
10 161.8 6.37 153.0 6.02 65.0 2.56 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS10N8P
12 193.2 7.61 185.5 7.30 65.0 2.56 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2433OPBS12N8P

Belt Specifications uni OPB
Tabs When the belt goes from horizon-
tal to inclining travel it is an ad-
vantage to provide the belt with
tabs in order to hold it down. The
tabs can be placed in the entire
K H width of the belt as required.


Standard material: mm inch

G 4.2 0.17
H 22.0 0.87

Note: When using a belt system with tabs, the temperature should be con- J 23.2 0.92
stant. K 17.0 0.67

Product Supports S
If the products are separated into
portions or are transported on in-
clined conveyors it is an advantage
to use product supports.

uni OPB product supports without

reinforcement ribs are also avail-
able in bent versions.
uni OPB product support with reinforcement ribs Please contact uni-chains for
further information.
Standard materials:
PP-I PE mm inch
T S 50.7 2.00
S 76.1 3.00

S 101.5 4.00

mm inch
T 50.7 2.00
uni OPB product support without reinforcement ribs
T 76.1 3.00
Standard materials: T 101.5 4.00
PP-I PP-I PE PE T 152.6 6.00

Side Guards Side guards can be very suitable in

many cases where they can secure
that the products do not fall off the
belt during operation.

mm inch
A 102.6 4.04
B 77.2 3.04
C 51.8 2.04

D 29.0 1.14
E 42.0 1.65
P G 38.1 1.50
P 50.0 1.97
Standard material:
A special side guard (160 mm (6.3 inch)) is
PP-I E E also available. Please contact uni-chains for
further information.
Belt Specifications uni OPB
Finger Plates
All uni-chains belt systems that
are available in a raised rib ver-
sion can be supplied with
Type 1A matching finger plates, also cal-
led combs.
G F The finger plates can be instal-
led with plastic screws.

The finger plates are supplied
with cover caps which can be
attached when the finger plate
has been installed. The cover
caps can be removed by using a
screwdriver that can be inserted
Snap-On between the cover and finger
Cover Caps plate.
Type 2



Cover Caps

Type 3

mm inch
E A 2.8 0.11
J B 220.0 8.66
C 150.0 5.91

H D 75.0 2.95

G E 149.0 5.87
F 100.0 3.94
G 12.0 0.47
H 9.0 0.35
I 259.0 10.20
J 120.0 4.72
Cover Caps
K 60.0 2.36
L 119.0 4.69
Standard material: M 123.0 4.84
POM-D N 22.0 0.87
O 53.0 2.09

Belt Specifications uni MPB

Pitch: 50.8 mm (2.00 inch)

The 50.8 mm (2.00 inch) pitch uni MPB is designed
for hygienic and heavy duty transport in the food Straight running
industry, mainly in the meat industry. The strength
lies in the reinforced underside, the sprocket design Backflex radius:
and the ø8 mm (ø0.3 inch) pins locked with hygienic 65 mm (2.6 inch)
locks. The hinge and sprocket designs enable fast and
effective cleaning and prevent particles from cluste- Backflex radius
ring between belt and sprockets. All planes are angled with sideguards:
for water and dirt to run off easily. The smooth sur- 200 mm (7.9 inch)
face prevents the growth of bacteria.
Locking type for
Smooth surface =
Totally closed belt surface = Optimum cleanability uni MPB:
No dirt will be caught
Hygienic locking system
Open hinge = Easy
No clustering of particles cleaning
between belt and sprocket
Hinge drive = ø8 mm (ø0.3 inch) pins
Improves transferable load 30%
Angled areas = Water and
Easy-to-clean locking system U.S.: 6.332.531, 6.390.288
dirt run off easily Reinforcement ribs Secure pin retention system
Surface opening:
uni MPB is available with 7 diffe- Please see page 61
rent surface designs: Closed, Grip
top, Non Stick, 18%, 20%,
22% open and with rollers.
Industries and
The uni MPB Grip Top has a
special grip surface for holding applications
products on inclined conveyor
Accumulation tables
Deboning lines
Deheading lines
uni MPB 22% open enables drai- Draining processes
nage and/or air flow in the food Fish processing
processing industry. General transport
Incline transport
Inspection/grading tables
Packaging conveyors
Poultry and meat processing
Transfers (breading,
cooking, freezing, etc.)

The uni MPB Closed is used for

meat chopping and cutting opera-
tions. It has a smooth surface pre-
venting dirt from getting caught
between the hinges. A very smooth
surface means optimum cleanabili-

Belt Specifications uni MPB

uni MPB: Closed top belt. uni MPB-G: Grip surface. uni MPB-GE: Grip surface with
indent 35 mm (1.4 inch).

Standard materials: Standard material: Standard material:



uni MPB-N: Non stick surface. uni MPB-NE: Non stick surface uni MPB 18%: Max. hole size is
with indent 35 mm (1.4 inch). 2.0 x 11.5 mm (0.08 x 0.45 inch).

Standard material: Standard material: Standard materials:



uni MPB 20%: Max. hole size is uni MPB 22%: Max. hole size is uni MPB PRR: Up to 6 PRR kits per
2.5 x 15.0 mm (0.10 x 0.59 inch). 8.0 x 12.0 mm (0.31 x 0.47 inch). 6 inch module in travel direction or up
to 3 PRR kits transversely.

Standard material: Standard materials: Standard material:


Belt Specifications uni MPB

uni MPB standard programme: P

See materials and colours on page 61.

Please note: All uni MPB belts in POM are supplied in a special impact T
resistant POM-I.
Please note: All uni MPB belts in PE are supplied in a special impact uni MPB, 18%, 20% and 22%
resistant PE-I.

uni MPB PRR: As standard the base link is supplied in POM and the TRAVEL
rollers are supplied in white PA6, the roller bed in white POM and the
roller pin in stainless steel. P
Other available materials: See page 9 and 10

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS, PP and PE. T

uni MPB-G

Standard Belt Widths TRAVEL

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
151 5.9 637 25.1 1106 43.5 1608 63.3 2077 81.8
184 7.2 653 25.7 1156 45.5 1625 64.0 2110 83.1
200 7.9 704 27.7 1173 46.2 1658 65.3 2144 84.4 T
251 9.9 720 28.3 1206 47.5 1692 66.6 2161 85.1 E L
268 10.6 754 29.7 1240 48.8 1709 67.3 2211 87.0
uni MPB-N
302 11.9 787 31.0 1256 49.4 1759 69.3 2228 87.7
335 13.2 804 31.7 1307 51.5 1776 69.9 2261 89.0 TRAVEL
351 13.8 854 33.6 1323 52.1 1809 71.2 2295 90.4
402 15.8 871 34.3 1357 53.4 1842 72.5 2312 91.0
418 16.5 905 35.6 1390 54.7 1859 73.2 2362 93.0 V
452 17.8 938 36.9 1407 55.4 1909 75.2 2379 93.7
486 19.1 955 37.6 1457 57.4 1926 75.8 2412 95.0
503 19.8 1005 39.6 1474 58.0 1960 77.2 2446 96.3 E L
553 21.8 1022 40.2 1507 59.3 1993 78.5 2462 96.9 uni MPB PRR
569 22.4 1055 41.5 1541 60.7 2010 79.1 2512 98.9
603 23.7 1089 42.9 1558 61.3 2060 81.1 - -
mm inch
Belt widths for uni MPB in POM, PP and PE.
E 8.3 0.33

Please note that the values in the table are max. values. L 8.0 0.31
The dimensions are valid at +20°C (+68°F). Belt widths vary with tempera- P 50.8 2.00
ture. R 3.2 0.13
Please note that if special material is used, the width might differ from the
widths shown in the table. Belts wider than mentioned in the table can be S 2.0 0.08
assembled. T 16.0 0.63
V 15.3 0.60

Permissible Tensile Strength

Belt material POM PP PE The values in the tables are
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft
for belts at +20°C (+68°F).
Please contact uni-chains for
uni MPB 27500 1884 16000 1096 13000 891
data at other temperatures.
Load ratings are the same for
SS pins, PE and PP pins.
Belt Specifications uni MPB

Max. Load per Sprocket

uni MPB N lbf
Recommended minimum num-
With snub roller 2000 450
ber of sprockets: 1 per 150 mm
Without snub roller 1250 281 (6 inch) across shaft.
Contact uni-chains for details
Max. Load per Roller about use of snub rollers.
uni MPB PRR N lbf
Max. permissible static load 2000 450
Max. permissible dynamic load (accumulation) 300 68

Belt Weights
Belt material POM PP PE
Pin material plastic plastic plastic
kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft
uni MPB/G/GE/N/NE 11.9 2.44 8.3 1.70 8.8 1.80
uni MPB 18% 11.1 2.27 7.5 1.54 8.0 1.64 * For total belt weights add
uni MPB 20% 11.2 2.29 7.4 1.52 7.9 1.62
0.011 kg (0.024 lb) x no. of
roller kits
uni MPB 22% 10.8 2.21 7.2 1.47 7.6 1.56
uni MPB PRR Base* 9.3 1.91 - - - -

Standard Sprockets
No of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1833MPB06N
6 101.6 4.00 99.5 3.92 65.0 2.56
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1833MPB06N15SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1833MPB08N
8 132.8 5.23 132.9 5.23 65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1833MPB08N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1833MPB0840SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1833MPB10N
65.0 2.56 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1833MPB10N15SQ
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1833MPB1040SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1833MPB10NBB
10 164.4 6.47 165.8 6.53 sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1833MPB10N15SQBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 1833MPB10N2SQBB
120.0 4.72
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1833MPB10N25SQBB
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1833MPB10N40SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1833MPB10N60SQBB
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 1833MPB12NBB
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 1833MPB12N15SQBB
sq 50.8 sq 2.00 1833MPB12N2SQBB
12 196.3 7.73 198.6 7.82 120.0 4.72
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 1833MPB12N25SQBB
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 1833MPB12N40SQBB
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 1833MPB12N60SQBB

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).
Tooth width: 10.0 mm (0.39 inch).
Belt Specifications uni MPB
Product Supports If the products are separated into
Bent Product Support Standard Product Support S-types portions or are transported on in-
clined conveyors it is an advantage
to use product supports.

Standard materials:
Standard materials:
Bent, Cupped and Perforated
Product Supports
Cupped Product Support No Cling Product Support NC-types
mm inch
76.2 3.00
101.5 4.00
152.6 6.00

Standard Product Support

mm inch
Standard materials: 25.4 1.00
Moulded to order
PP-I PP-I PE 50.7 2.00
76.2 3.00
101.5 4.00
Cupped Perforated Product Support No Cling Product Support with drain
152.6 6.00

No Cling Product Support

mm inch
50.7 2.00*
76.2 3.00
101.5 4.00

* Only available with drain.

Standard materials:
Moulded to order
PP-I PE Micro Product Support
Micro Product Support M-types Micro Product Support 22% mm inch
5.0 0.20
10.0 0.39

Micro Product Support 22%

Standard material: Standard material:
mm inch
3.0 0.12

Belt Specifications uni MPB
When the belt goes from hori-
TRAVEL zontal to inclining travel it is an
advantage to provide the belt
with tabs in order to hold it
down. The tabs can be placed
K H in the entire width of the belt as
G required.

mm inch
Standard material:
G 4.2 0.17
POM-D H 22.0 0.87
J 23.2 0.91
K 17.0 0.67

Note: When using a belt system with tabs, the temperature should
be constant.

Side Guards
Side guards can be very suitab-
le in many cases where they
can secure that the products do
not fall off the belt during ope-

Note: Backflex radius when


A side guards are used:

B 200 mm (7.9 inch).

P E E mm inch
A 101.7 4.00
B 76.4 3.00

Standard material: C 50.9 2.00

D 32.0 1.26
E 16.0 0.63
P 50.8 2.00

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB

Pitch: 25.4 mm (1.00 inch)

uni Flex SNB, the 25.4 mm (1.00 inch) pitch side
flexing modular belt. Side flexing
uni Flex SNB can flex in all directions allowing it to
be used in countless different applications. The Backflex radius: 50 mm
many accessories such as product supports, rubber (2.0 inch)
supports and side guards as well as numerous belt Locking types for
tracking and control systems give uni Flex SNB an uni Flex SNB:
outstanding versatility. Lockingplate
Wearpart lock
The “closed” version for hygienic
transport. Surface opening:
Please see page 67

U.S.: 5.379.883, 6.073.756,

Further patents pending

uni Flex SNB-W with reinforce-
ment links and rubber supports. Breweries
Food processing
Various manufacturing

Please contact us to get

our special uni Flex SNB
See contact nos. on the
Conveying shrink-wrapped

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB

uni Flex SNB-L: Standard radius. uni Flex SNB-CR: Tight radius. uni Flex SNB-W: Standard radius
Min. inside radius 2.3 x belt width, Min. inside radius from 1.5 x belt fitted with reinforcement links and
55% open area for max. airflow/ width. steel pins.
cooling. 47% open hygienic solid grid surface. Integral moulded edge wearpart.

Standard materials: Standard materials: Standard materials:



uni Flex SNB-WT: Standard radius uni Flex SNB-WO: Standard radius
fitted with reinforcement links and fitted with reinforcement links and
steel pins. steel pins.
Integral moulded edge wearpart. Integral outer edge tab system.
Integral underside tab (S-Tab.) Transports products wider than
the belt.

Standard materials: Standard materials:


PP PP PA6.6 PA6.6 PP PP PA6.6 PA6.6

uni Flex SNB Programme uni Flex SNB

Refer to this diagram for the material combinations, surface Open hinge
openings and turning radii of the five different uni Flex SNB types. (55% open area)

Belt type Material Hinge design Flex ratio

uni Flex SNB-L all plastic open hinge 2.3
uni Flex SNB-CR all plastic closed hinge 1.5*
uni Flex SNB-W plastic/steel open hinge 2.3
uni Flex SNB-WT plastic/steel open hinge 2.3
uni Flex SNB-WO plastic/steel open hinge 2.3
uni Flex SNB
Inner curve radius = Flex ratio x belt width. Closed hinge
(47% open area)
* For widths W ≤ 229 mm (9.0 inch), when W > 229 mm (9.0 inch) flex
radius is 1.6 x W-18 mm (0.7 inch).

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB

uni Flex SNB standard programme:

See materials and colours on page 67
Standard pin materials: PA6.6, PP, AISI 304 SS or AISI 316 SS
(acid resistant)


Standard Belt Widths for uni Flex SNB-L (WL) P

mm inch mm inch
76 3.0 608 23.9
uni Flex SNB-L, W, WO
152 5.9 684 26.9
228 9.0 760 29.9
304 12.0 836 32.9
379 14.9 912 35.9
456 18.0 988 38.9
532 20.9 1065 41.9
Non standard cut widths are possible in multiples of 12.7 mm
(0.50 inch). P

To find the belt widths for other uni Flex SNB tracking systems and uni Flex CR
belt types use formulas below.


uni Flex SNB-CR:

W = WL E T

uni Flex SNB-L or CR with wearpart:
W = WL + 2 x 3 mm (0.1 inch) uni Flex SNB-WT

uni Flex SNB-L or CR with O-Tab:

W = WL + 2 x 3 mm (0.1 inch) mm inch
A 12.0 0.48
uni Flex SNB-W, WO or WT: E 5.1 0.20

W = WL + 2 x 3 mm (0.1 inch) L 6.5 0.26

P 25.4 1.00
T 13.0 0.51

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB

Max. Permissible Load in Curve

Belt material POM-D/PA6.6 PP PE
Pin material N lbf N lbf N lbf
uni Flex SNB-L/CR PP, PE or SS 600 135 600 135 400 90
uni Flex SNB-L/CR PA6.6 1000 225 600 135 400 90

Max. Permissible Load in Curve

Belt material POM-D/PA6.6 PP PE
Pin material N lbf N lbf N lbf
uni Flex SNB-W/WO/WT PP or PE 600 135 600 135 400 90
uni Flex SNB-W/WO/WT PA6.6 1000 225 600 135 400 90
uni Flex SNB-W/WO/WT SS + rl* 3300 742 3300 742 3300 742
* rl = Reinforcement links

The values in the tables are for

Max. Permissible Load on Straight Sections belts at +20°C (+68°F).
Belt material POM-D or PA6.6 PP PE For relations between speed and
N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft N/m lbf/ft load refer to uni Flex SNB techni-
uni Flex SNB-L/CR/W/WO/WT 30000 2055 15000 1028 9000 617 cal manual or contact uni-chains.

Belt Weights for uni Flex SNB-L

Belt material POM-D PP PE PA6.6
Pin material kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft
PP 6.7 1.37 4.6 0.94 4.8 0.98 5.6 1.15
PA6 6.9 1.41 4.8 0.98 5.0 1.02 5.8 1.19
SS 12.1 2.48 10.0 2.05 10.2 2.09 11.0 2.25

Belt Weights for uni Flex SNB-CR

Belt material POM-D PP PE PA6.6
Pin material kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft
PP 7.5 1.54 5.2 1.07 5.3 1.09 6.2 1.27
PA6 7.7 1.58 5.4 1.11 5.5 1.13 6.4 1.31
SS 12.9 2.64 10.2 2.09 10.7 2.19 11.6 2.38

Belt Weights for uni Flex SNB-W

Belt material POM-D PP PE PA6.6
Pin material kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft
PP 7.1 1.45 4.9 1.00 5.0 1.02 5.8 1.19
PA6 7.3 1.50 5.1 1.04 5.2 1.07 6.0 1.23
SS 12.5 2.56 10.3 2.11 10.4 2.13 11.2 2.29

Belt Weights for uni Flex SNB-WO

Belt material POM-D PP PE PA6.6
Pin material kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft
PP 7.3 1.52 5.1 1.04 5.2 1.07 6.1 1.25
PA6 7.5 1.54 5.3 1.09 5.4 1.11 6.2 1.27
SS 12.7 2.60 10.5 2.15 10.6 2.17 11.4 2.34

Belt Weights for uni Flex SNB-WT

Belt material POM-D PP PE PA6.6
Pin material kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2 kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft m ft m ft m ft
PP 7.4 1.52 5.1 1.04 5.2 1.07 6.1 1.25
PA6 7.6 1.56 5.3 1.09 5.4 1.11 6.3 1.29
SS 12.8 2.62 10.5 2.15 10.6 2.17 11.5 2.36

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB
Belt Tracking and
Control Systems
uni Flex SNB-L (Standard)
Basic belt types can be combined with the belt tracking
and control systems below to enhance performance. Belt width (WL)

Wearpart system made of heat and wear resistant nylon to
reduce the friction between belt edge and wearstrip. Only Belt width (W)
this part needs to be replaced when it has been worn out, W - 6 mm (0.2 inch)
not the whole belt.

Outer edge tab system made of heat and wear resistant
nylon to reduce the friction between belt edge and wear- W + 12 mm (0.5 inch)
strip. Using a slotted wearstrip the O-tab will track the belt Belt width (W)
and allow the transported products to be wider than the W - 6 mm (0.2 inch)

Intermediate tabs are placed on the bottom side of the belt
to hold the belt down on incline conveyors.
The intermediate tabs will fit anywhere across the belt
bottom and at pitch multiples of 12.7 mm (0.50 inch).

Side tab for holding the belt down, normally used for wide Belt width (W)
belts. With S-Tabs the radial forces in the curve are trans- W - 68 mm (2.7 inch)
ferred to the outside radius (uni Flex SNB-WT).

Reinforcement link

In below diagram you will find the options for tracking the different
types of uni Flex SNB.

Belt tracking and control combinations

Belt type Wear-
O-Tab S-Tab I-Tab
uni Flex SNB-L + + - +
uni Flex SNB-CR + + - -
uni Flex SNB-W ✔ - - +
uni Flex SNB-WT - - ✔ +
uni Flex SNB-WO - ✔ - +
✔ Standard + Optional - Not possible

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch one-part two-part double row
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB09N -
9 74.3 2.93 73.8 2.91 56.8 2.24 sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB09N10SQ -
sq 30.0 sq 1.18 2133FSNB09N30SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB10N -
10 82.2 3.24 82.2 3.24 65.2 2.57 sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB10N10SQ -
sq 30.0 sq 1.18 2133FSNB10N30SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB12N -
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB12N10SQ -
12 98.2 3.87 98.8 3.89 70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2133FSNB12N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2133FSNB12N40SQ -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB15N -
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB15N10SQ -
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2133FSNB15N15SQ -
15 122.2 4.81 123.5 4.86
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2133FSNB15N40SQ -
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2133FSNB15N60SQBB -
96.0 3.78
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2133FSNB15N25SQBB -
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB18N -
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB18N10SQ -
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2133FSNB18N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2133FSNB18N40SQ -
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2133FSNB18N60SQBB -
96.0 3.78
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2133FSNB18N25SQBB -
18 146.3 5.76 146.1 5.75
40.0 1.57 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 - 2133FSNB18NT
50.0 1.97 ø25.0 ø 0.98 - 2133FSNB18NT25
60.0 2.36 ø 30.0 ø 1.18 - 2133FSNB18NT30
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 - 2133FSNB18NT15SQ
- - sq 40.0 sq 1.57 - 2133FSNB18NT40SQ
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 - 2133FSNB18NT60SQ
ø 19.1 ø 0.75 2133FSNB19N -
sq 25.4 sq 1.00 2133FSNB19N10SQ -
70.0 2.76
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 2133FSNB19N15SQ -
sq 40.0 sq 1.57 2133FSNB19N40SQ -
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 2133FSNB19N60SQBB -
96.0 3.78
sq 63.5 sq 2.50 2133FSNB19N25SQBB -
19 154.3 6.07 156.2 6.15
40.0 1.57 ø 19.1 ø 0.75 - 2133FSNB19NT
50.0 1.97 ø 25.0 ø 0.98 - 2133FSNB19NT25
60.0 2.36 ø 30.0 ø 1.18 - 2133FSNB19NT30
sq 38.1 sq 1.50 - 2133FSNB19NT15SQ
- - sq 40.0 sq 1.57 - 2133FSNB19NT40SQ
sq 60.0 sq 2.36 - 2133FSNB19NT60SQ

sq = Square bore.
Standard material: Polyamide.
Other sprocket sizes are available upon request.
Please contact uni-chains for further information.
One-part sprockets
Width of sprockets: 25.0 mm (0.98 inch).
Tooth width: 6.4 mm (0.25 inch).
One-part sprockets
Two-part sprockets
Width of two-part sprockets: 50.8 mm (2.00 inch). Two-part double row sprockets
For heavy wear applications one-part sprockets or the toothed rim for two-part
sprockets can be supplied in stainless steel.

Belt Specifications uni Flex SNB
Product Support 51 mm (2.0 inch)

Product Support 25 mm (1.0 inch)

• Product Support low

• •
• Rubber Top

Rubber Supports

Side Guards
Rubber Supports
Rubber supports are 4 mm (0.2 inch) high with a width of 43 mm
(1.7 inch) and a length of 14 mm (0.6 inch).

Side Guards 30 mm (1.2 inch) high

Used to prevent the products from falling off the belt.

Product Supports 25 mm (1.0 inch) and

51 mm (2.0 inch) high
These product supports have a width of 76 mm (3.0 inch).
They can be placed in a line over the total width of the belt.

Product Support low

A 4 mm (0.2 inch) high POM support with a width of 42 mm (1.7 inch) and
a length of 10.5 mm (0.41 inch).
Note: Side guards and product supports cannot be mounted in the CR type,
but can be incorporated on standard radius systems using uni Flex SNB-L

Rubber Tops
Used to prevent products sliding on inclined conveyor sections.
High friction rubber pads 3 mm (0.1 inch) tall are moulded directly onto
the top surface of standard 76 mm (3.0 inch) and 152 mm (6.0 inch) wide
polypropylene links.

Belt top accessories

Belt type Rubber Rubber Side Product
top supports guards supports
uni Flex SNB-L + + + +
uni Flex SNB-CR +* + - -
uni Flex SNB-W +* + + +
uni Flex SNB-WT +* + + +
uni Flex SNB-WO +* + + +
+ Optional - Not possible
* Minimum indent from the side of the belt 38 mm (1.5 inch).
For build patterns please contact uni-chains.

Belt Specifications uni Flex Belt

Pitch: 50.0 mm (1.97 inch)

uni Flex Belt is a side flexing belt. A wide surface
opening of 75% ensures an optimum flow of air or Side flexing
water through the belt.
Backflex radius, tab:
125 mm (4.9 inch)

Backflex radius, tab and

side guards:
140 mm (5.5 inch)

Locking type for

uni Flex Belt:
uni Flex Belt endlock

Surface opening: 75%

Please note:
uni Flex Belt can be
supplied with reinforcement

Industries and

Fruit and vegetable
Snack food

Belt Specifications uni Flex Belt



Standard material: E

mm inch
Other available materials: See page 9 and 10 B 11.5 0.45

Standard pin materials: AISI 304 SS C 18.0 0.71

D 5.75 0.23
E 15.0 0.59
Standard Belt Widths F 11.3 0.44
G 24.0 0.94
mm inch mm inch
H 12.7 0.50
417 16.4 1222 48.1
I 35.7 1.41
618 24.3 1434 56.5
P min. 50.0 1.97
819 32.2 1625 64.0
P max. 50.4 1.98
1021 40.2 1827 71.9

Other widths can be supplied upon request. For further details, please, con-
tact uni-chains. All dimensions are subject to changes.
Center radius for uni Flex Belt and
uni Flex Belt with tab and side
Permissible Tensile Strength guards: Min. 2.2 x belt width.
N lbf
uni Flex Belt 1000 225
uni Flex Belt with reinforcement links 2500 562

Belt Weights
kg/ 2 lb/ 2
m ft
uni Flex Belt with tab 8.7 1.78
uni Flex Belt with tab and side guards 9.4 1.93

Standard Sprockets
No. of pitch diameter overall diameter hub diameter bore reference no.
teeth mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch plastic
11 179.2 7.06 184.0 7.24 45.0 1.77 30.0 1.18 2733FB11A

Width of sprockets: 42.3 mm (1.67 inch).

Tooth width: 7 mm (0.28 inch).

Reinforcement of Belt Systems

By including reinforcement links it is possible to: Reinforcement links

can be used with the
- reduce elongation caused by temperature following belt systems:
uni OPB
- reduce the permanent elongation which occurs in uni Light EP
all belts. uni L-SNB
uni Flex SNB
Use of stainless steel pins is required for construc- uni Flex Belt
tion with reinforcement links.

Reinforcement links are available in stainless steel and

acid resistant stainless steel.

Belts, pins and reinforcement links

Reinforcement and Pitch Control
of Belt Systems

On long conveyors used in

applications with high tempe-
rature variations changes in
the length of the plastic mo-
dular belt calls for large take-
up systems.

uni-chains can offer a soluti-

on that reduces the change in
the belt length to only 10%
of traditional modular plastic
belts. If steel pins and the uni
stainless steel reinforcement
Reinforced uni OPB links are installed in the belt
the demands of the take-up
system will be reduced.

It is optional for the the fol-

lowing belt systems:
- uni Light EP
- uni OPB
- uni L-SNB

Load Capacity per

Reinforcement Link
N/pcs lbf/pcs
uni Light EP 1000 225
Reinforced uni Light EP uni OPB & uni L-SNB 2500 247

uni-chains recommends max.

3 reinforcement links per
module (152 mm (6.0 inch))
for uni OPB and
uni Light EP.

For uni L-SNB it is recom-

mended to use max. 3 rein-
forcement links per 2 modu-
les (304 mm (12.0 inch)).

Reinforced uni L-SNB


uni-chains provides this catalogue as a service and for

information purposes only. The material and contents
are provided without warranty of any kind. This cata-
logue is not intended to be used as a substitute for
advice from our engineers and our official guidelines.
While we attempt to maintain the information in this
catalogue as accurately as possible, it may contain
errors or omissions for which we deny any and all

uni-chains is not responsible for any property damage

or personal injury, direct or indirect damage from fail-
ure or down time in production caused by improper
equipment construction. uni-chains cannot be held
responsible for the incorrect application, operation
and/or abuse of our products.
uni-chains does not guarantee that the design and/or
operational function of any equipment that incorpora-
tes uni-chains products, conforms to local, state,
and/or federal regulations. Nor does uni-chains war-
rant that standards relating to safety aspects such as
public and worker safety, safety guards, fire and sani-
tation safety, or any other safety regulations are met
by such equipment or products.

All users should read our "Warnings" and "Design

Safety Guidelines" before using our products.

uni-chains plastic products are, unless clearly specified, made
from materials which support open flame.
Products made from POM material (D, I, LF and SLF), when
so exposed, will emit toxic fumes. uni-chains plastic products
should therefore not be exposed to extreme temperatures or
open flame. Special care should be taken when undertaking
repair work particularly when welding at a conveyor if the con-
veyor is fitted with plastic chains or belts.

Personal Protection
Always use safety glasses when mounting or repairing chains
and belts and while securing or removing pins.
Use only suitable tools in good condition.
The weight of some products calls for the use of safety shoes.
When installing/removing or repairing chains or belts on a con-
veyor, the motor must be turned off.

Design Safety Guidelines

Most plastic products will lose their mechanical properties if
exposed to the sun or ultra violet beams, which can lead to
chain or belt breakage. This can also happen if the products are
exposed to strong chemicals. Generally, this is a problem with
pH values lower than 4.5 or higher than 9.
Always make sure that there is enough space in the conveyor
frame to allow chains and belts to retract or expand when expo-
sed to temperature variations.
Never exceed the maximum or minimum temperatures given by
Note: The different materials have different temperature limits.

Care should be taken with high chain/belt speeds with which

friction can lead to heating and subsequently melting of
chain/belt as well as wearstrips. Do not exceed speeds recom-
mended by uni-chains.
Use only original uni-chains sprockets with uni-chains belts and
When constructing conveyors it is important to always include
sufficient cover around the moving parts to prevent fingers and
clothing from being caught in the machinery. uni-chains can
also supply safety chains and side flexing belts which leave
minimal gaps when turning through curves making them
incredibly safe.

Headquarters uni-chains Manufacturing Inc.
Denmark USA

Tooling department, R/D department uni-chains A/S

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Steel production uni-chains Deutschland GmbH

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Plastic production
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017 266 45 78, 285 64 67 055 5341 8131

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Tel: 05971/91437-0, Fax: 05971/915475
e-mail: admin@unichains.de
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(905) 826-1100 014939209

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026 963126 70 12 08 89, 91 71 61 55
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uni-chains A/S Colombia Poland
Coombs Wood Business Park 4262 03 23 (022) 664 3887
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West Midlands Czech Republic
0651-648079 (02) 29478090
B62 8BH
Tel: 0121-559-0377, Fax: 0121-559-0373 Egypt South Africa
e-mail: admin@unichains.co.uk 02 45 10 793 011-7479500

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06 684 400 02 8037411

Ireland Finland Spain

uni-chains Ireland Limited 09-852661 (91) 507 28 38
Unit E6, Centrepoint Business Park
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Dublin 12 (03) 24 27 03 29 040-18 10 00
Tel: 01-450 1922, Fax: 01-450 1909
e-mail: unichains@eircom.net Greece Switzerland
(0210) 4111841 Plüss (01) 824 88 00
Renold (01) 824 84 84
Iceland Taiwan
05 54 47 73 02 22182201
uni-chains Italia s.r.l. India Turkey
Via Umbria 16 080 2242588 (0212) 637 89 46
42100 Reggio Emilia
Tel: 0522 • 922470, Fax: 0522 • 922508
e-mail: unichains@unichains.it Iran UAE
021-8722237 04 299 4828

Israel Venezuela
03-5593164 (212) 991 9911

uni conveyor chains Asia Pte Ltd.
57 Ubi Avenue 1
# 07-06 Ubi Centre
Singapore 408 936
Tel: 67498513/4, Fax: 67498515
e-mail: unichains@pacific.net.sg

uni-chains Manufacturing Inc.
500 Brentwood Drive,
Reading, PA 19611, USA
Tel: (610)-372-1800, Tel: (800)-937-2864
Fax: (610)-372-3590
e-mail: sales@unichains.com
©2002, uni-chains A/S 012070/1202

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