A Single-Stage Variable-Gain Amplifier With 70-dB Dynamic Range For CDMA2000 Transmit Applications

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6, JUNE 2003 911

A Single-Stage Variable-Gain Amplifier With

70-dB Dynamic Range for CDMA2000
Transmit Applications
Sudhir Aggarwal, Senior Member, IEEE, Abolfazl (Saeed) Khosrowbeygi, Member, IEEE, and
Anton Daanen, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A variable-gain amplifier (VGA) circuit is presented and implementation details with the simulated results. In Sec-
with a gain range of more than 70 dB in a single stage. Vertical tion IV, experimental results obtained from the measurements
stacking of multipliers in a single-stage VGA results in a consider- made on a transmit IC are presented. This is followed in
able saving of power, which is a prime requirement in cellular sys-
tems. The gain-in-dB is a linear function of the control voltage and Section V by the conclusions drawn from this work .
has excellent stability over temperature. The amplifier is a part of
a code-division multiple access cellular transmit integrated circuit,
and provides good linearity and noise characteristics over a wide II. VGA REQUIREMENTS
range of IF frequencies. The circuit is fabricated in a 30-GHz Our objective has been to design a VGA for the transmit sec-
BiCMOS technology and consumes 8 mA at 2.7 V.
tion of a CDMA mobile station operating in both the CELL
Index Terms—Code-division multiple access (CDMA), gain con- (TX 824–849 MHz) and PCS (TX 1850–1910 MHz) frequency
trol, variable-gain amplifier (VGA).
bands. A block diagram of the signal path for a typical transmit
IC is shown in Fig. 1(a). The base-band current input is up-
I. INTRODUCTION converted to an IF signal by the modulator driven by a
very high-frequency oscillator. For the gain control, it is fol-
I N CELLULAR wireless communication applications, the
received and transmitted signals can have a wide range of
amplitude depending on the instantaneous signal path and other
lowed by an IF VGA. The IF VGA has an external LC tank as
its load, which is used to reduce the noise in the receive band.
The external tank is tuned according to the different IF frequen-
obstructions, and hence, the transmitter and receiver must be de-
cies used in the CELL and PCS bands. The output of the IF
signed to handle this. In code-division multiple access (CDMA)
VGA is again converted to a quadrature ( and ) signal by the
systems [1]–[3], the mobile transmitter is required to provide at
phase shifter for upconversion by an RF mixer. For the RF up-
least 80 dB of the dynamic gain range. Normally, this is split be-
conversion, a single side-band (SSB) mixer is used which is an
tween the intermediate frequency (IF) and radio frequency (RF)
image-reject type and, thus, results in saving a filter. The signal
stages, with typically 60 dB at IF and another 20 dB in the RF
up to this stage is a differential current. At the output, the signal
stage. The variable-gain amplifier (VGA) must also meet strin-
required is a single-ended voltage, therefore, the final stage is a
gent linearity and receive-band noise requirements consistent
single-ended power amplifier (PA) driver. The RF stages have
with the various air interfaces, while operating on battery supply
about 20–30 dB of gain control. The CDMA mobile station is
voltages as low as 2.7 V with minimal current consumption.
required to meet the overall system specification imposed by
There are practical limitations in realizing a wide dynamic
CDMA2000 [1] as well as the earlier IS-95 standard [2]. There-
range from a single stage because of device nonlinearity and par-
fore, to meet these overall requirements, the IF VGA specifica-
asitics associated with a large excursion of operating point. In
tions were fixed as follows.
order to cover such a wide dynamic gain range, existing VGAs
use multiple stages of amplification or attenuation [4]–[6]. Mul- 1) The gain range at IF frequencies (100–500 MHz) was
tiple stages require more supply current, and the noise and lin- chosen to be 70 dB. In the transmit IC, where this VGA
earity degrade at the output of each stage as more stages are has been used, the preceding modulator stage and the
cascaded. following up-mixer stage were current mode [7]. There-
In this paper, an IF VGA circuit is presented that is specif- fore, the VGA was also chosen to be current mode with
ically intended for cellular transmit IC applications [7]. In a typical signal input of 1.5-mA peak current. In order to
Section II, the specification requirements of a mobile station save current consumption, the maximum output was also
transmit VGA are discussed. Section III describes the circuit fixed to be 1.5 mA peak. Therefore, this VGA actually
provides a current attenuation range of 0 to 70 dB.
2) For CDMA systems in the CELL band, the receive band
Manuscript received December 4, 2001; revised February 24, 2003.
S. Aggarwal is with Philips Semiconductors, San Jose, CA 95131 USA has an offset of 45 MHz with respect to the transmit
(sudhir.aggarwal@philips.com). band. The transmitter is required to maintain a noise floor
A. Khosrobeygi was with Philips Semiconductors, San Jose CA 95131 USA. below the receive-band noise limits. For the VGA, we de-
He is now with RF Micro Technology, Cupertino, CA 95014 USA.
A. Daanen is with Philips Semiconductors, San Jose, CA 95131 USA. fine the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2003.811868 single-tone output current signal (in dBA) at IF frequency
0018-9200/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 2, 2008 at 07:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. (a) Block diagram for a typical dual-band transmit IC used in CDMA cellular applications. (b) Block schematic diagram of the proposed VGA.

and the root-mean-square (rms) noise current per root 6) For the automatic gain control (AGC) loop to function
hertz dBA Hz at 45-MHz offset. Keeping in mind properly, the gain should vary at least monotonically with
the noise degradation in stages following the VGA, this the control voltage. If the gain control is linear in dB, a
output SNR at 45-MHz offset was set to be 152 dBc. With simplified system level AGC design is possible for the
this SNR, the IF surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter which mobile handset, and this was made a target for the design.
is normally used in the IF path is not required. This SNR
degrades at the lower control voltages, but as long as the III. DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION
noise floor is maintained, this does not matter.
For the IF VGA, a block schematic diagram is shown in
3) In order to avoid interference with adjacent channels,
Fig. 1(b). The circuit can be considered in two parts, one
CDMA2000 standards impose certain limits on the
part dealing with the preprocessing of the control voltage and
linearity of the transmitted signal. Normally, it is spec-
the other part providing the actual gain control. Each part is
ified in term of adjacent-channel power ratio (ACPR),
described in detail below.
but for this design, we translate this requirement into
a third-order intermodulation (IM3) specification, as it
can be easily simulated with a two-tone analysis. For the A. Main VGA
VGA, the IM3 requirement was fixed at 42 dBc over The circuit schematic of the proposed VGA core is shown in
the entire control range. Fig. 2. It consists of stacked multiplier cells with a common cur-
4) The gain-control characteristics should not vary sig- rent source. The complete gain stage operates in current mode,
nificantly with the supply voltage and the temperature. with both input and output signals as signal current instead of
Further, there should be only minimal variation over the voltage. The input signal in the form of the ac differential cur-
process tolerances. A common requirement is for less rent is fed at the common-emitter node of the lower multiplier
than 1 dB variation with respect to all of the above cell as shown in Fig. 2. The circuit has a tank circuit tuned at the
mentioned factors. required IF frequency as its load. The output signal is taken via
5) Additional design constraints are imposed by the require- ac coupling capacitors at a low impedance into the succeeding
ments of the minimum current consumption and min- mixer stages. The tank circuit maximizes headroom at the col-
imum usable voltage for longer battery life. Therefore, lectors and redirects the ac signal current into the next stage.
these limits were fixed to be 2.7 V with current consump- Thus, the vertical stacking of two multiplier stages still allows
tion of 8 mA. for a minimum of 2.7-V operation. As the bias current is reused

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Fig. 3. Simulated gain characteristics of the basic single-stage VGA if a

differential voltage is applied directly to control input terminals. Observe the
nonlinearity and the spread due to the temperature over a small dynamic range.

the control voltage or rise sharply with

Fig. 2. Circuit schematic of the main VGA to provide linear-in-dB gain. the control voltage . With the two stages stacked upon each
other as in Fig. 2, we can obtain about 70 dB of gain range while
in the upper pair, this results in considerable saving in current still meeting linearity and noise constraints. The linearity of this
consumption. topology is mainly determined by the degree of modulation of
The control voltage is applied to the bases of the transistors, bias current by the maximum signal current. The noise of the
as shown in Fig. 2. There is a dc level shift between the control topology is mainly determined by the noise of the bias current
voltage applied to the upper multiplier and the source and the noise accompanying control voltages.
voltage to the lower multiplier cells for proper
operation. For the lower multiplier cell, it can be shown that the B. Control Block
output current coming out of it is related to the input current as This block contains the circuitry to transform the raw control
follows: voltage in such a way that the resultant control signal provides
a linear-in-dB response and gives a stable gain over the supply
(1) voltage and temperature. The control voltage coming from the
AGC control function is normally a single-ended dc voltage
with a typical range of 0.1–2.3 V. Hence, it is initially converted
where is the current gain of the lower multiplier cell. Equa- into a differential current signal; a simplified circuit schematic
tion (1) can be rewritten in the log form using of the – converter is shown in Fig. 4(a). The converted cur-
as rent equal to flows equally into transistors Q1
and Q2, developing a voltage across the base–emitter junction of
(2) these transistors. This output voltage coming from the – cir-
cuit is temperature dependent. In order to stabilize the gain with
A plot of the current gain with a control input voltage respect to temperature[8], a compensation is applied to the con-
, without any temperature compensation and lin- trol input using a proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT)
earization as in (2), is shown in Fig. 3. The raw control voltage current source in a translinear circuit, as shown in Fig. 4(a). For
coming from an AGC circuit is a single-ended voltage this circuit, it can be shown easily that the output control voltage
which is converted into a differential input of appropriate level is related to the input control voltage as follows:
by a voltage-to-current – converter circuit, which will
be described in Section III-B. It is important to observe from (3)
Fig. 3 that even for a small dynamic range, the current gain
curve is not linear and it varies with the temperature. where
When the two multiplier cells are stacked as shown in Fig. 2, current PTAT;
we get one more stage of attenuation, and hence, the gain-con- constant current;
trol range is doubled in dB scale. This does not require any addi- reference voltage;
tional dc bias current, thus saving supply current compared with differential output resistance;
two stages of VGA. Practically, each stage of the multiplier can input resistance.
provide about 35 dB of linear control range. The practical limit From (3), it can be seen that the output control voltage is pro-
of about 35 dB is fixed by the linearization circuit which makes portional to temperature, due to current. By making use

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Fig. 5. Control signal waveforms with respect to the input control voltage V
at the output of (a) the temperature compensation circuit and (b) the curvature
linearization circuit from simulation.

of transistors Q7 and Q8. It can be shown that the relationship

between the output voltage and the input voltage for this circuit
is given as


The control signals at the output of the – converter after

temperature compensation and at the output of the linearization
Fig. 4. (a) Circuit schematic for the V –I converter and associated temperature
compensation. (b) Curvature linearization circuit to generate control voltage for
circuit are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively.
linear-in-dB gain. It can be seen from (2) that the gain will be linear-in-dB with
respect to control voltage if the right-hand-side function of
of constant current and PTAT current in this translinear multi- control input is made proportional to . This is ac-
plier, we can get the required relationship of the control voltages complished by (3) and (4) when these are implemented for the
so as to make the gain control independent of temperature. control voltage. Also, observe that the gain is temperature inde-
After obtaining the control voltage with temperature compen- pendent as the effect of in (4) and in (3) compensate
sation, we need to make the gain control linear-in-dB. This is each other. Thus, by implementing (2), (3), and (4), we can get
done by means of a “curvature linearization circuit” [9], which linear-in-dB gain control which is temperature independent.
applies a correction, that is, the inverse of the main VGA circuit
gain. C. Simulation Results
The simplified schematic for the linearization circuit is shown A complete VGA stage has been designed using the
in Fig. 4(b). In this circuit, transistors M6 and M7 form a current above-described circuit principles for use in a transmit IC. The
mirror and, thus, the current in transistor Q6 is forced to be con- circuit has been simulated using device models of a BiCMOS
stant by fixing the current . The current is chosen to technology having n-p-n transistors with of 30 GHz [10].
be a fraction of current. As the current in Q6 is fixed, its For the bipolar devices, a Mextram model has been used which
emitter terminal follows the applied voltage . The emitter of is well known for its accuracy.
Q6 is also a common point for Q7 and Q8. Therefore, the rest The simulated gain defined as
of current is steered between Q7 and Q8. The current in with respect to the control voltage is shown in Fig. 6(a)
Q8 has an exponential relationship with the applied input differ- for three temperatures ( 40 C, 40 C, and 120 C) and three
ential voltage . Therefore, the applied input voltage supply voltages (2.7, 3.0, and 3.3 V). The nine curves corre-
develops an output voltage across the bases sponding to the different supply voltages and the temperatures

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Fig. 7. Plot of the VGA tank output as measured with RF probe with respect
to the control voltage. A gain range of 68 dB can be seen (between 0.1–2.3 V).
The gain variation with the supply voltage is negligible within the experimental
errors as predicted by the simulations.

IM3 improves with the signal level. For the maximum signal,
the IM3 is more than 70 dB below the signal level. This value
of the IM3 is a strong function of the bias current modulation
by the signal. The required IM3 can be obtained by making the
bias current in the main branch of the amplifier more than the
maximum signal. The IM3 reduces with the control voltage for
this topology because the bias current in the multiplier branches
reduces compared with the input signal as it is steered to supply
by the control voltage.


The VGA was implemented as part of a transmit IC which has
an modulator, VGA, an upconverter mixer, and PA drivers.
The output signal of the modulator is fed to the input of
the VGA. The output of the VGA goes to the input of the next
mixer stage as shown in Fig. 1(a).
In the complete chip, the VGA output is available at the tank
Fig. 6. (a) Plot of the simulated current gain in dB of the VGA with the control
voltage V (in increments of 100 mV) which is linear. The markers (nine curves) load as a voltage, which is external to the chip. Therefore, an
are for three different supply voltages (2.7, 3.0, and 3.3 V) and temperatures attempt has been made to get an idea of the VGA performance
( 40 C, 40 C, and 120 C). (b) Plot of the simulated signal level and IM3 by making direct measurement using an RF probe at the IF tank
with the control voltage at different supply voltages and temperatures.
load terminal.
To confirm the linear-in-dB gain, we used a single tone in
are one above another and very close to each other. As per (1), quadrature at the chip inputs. We measured the IF VGA tank
the maximum gain of this circuit should be unity when the load output power by putting a RF probe on it. The observed varia-
is not considered. However, the maximum current gain shown tion of the VGA output power at the different supply voltages
is more than unity because of the impedance transformation is shown in Fig. 7. This gain variation correlates well with the
(loaded factor ) by the tank circuit, which is not ac- simulated gain range of the IF VGA alone. Also, the effect of
counted for in the gain equation. the supply voltage on the gain range variation is negligible and
It can be seen from the figures that the spread in the gain over matches the simulation results.
the temperature and the supply voltage is less than a decibel. In real applications, the transmit IC is tested with CDMA sig-
This is a significant improvement compared with previously re- nals and linearity is measured indirectly by the ACPR. The side
ported values [4]–[6]. lobes outside the signal bandwidth of 1.23 MHz are caused by
The simulated IM3 from a two-tone test with respect to the the IM3 and, therefore, the adjacent channel power is an indi-
control voltage is shown in Fig. 6(b) for the three temperature cator of the linearity. The measurements reported here have been
values ( 40 C, 40 C, and 120 C) and the three supply volt- made at an IF frequency of 263.6 MHz as used in a CDMA PCS
ages (2.7, 3.0, and 3.3 V). It can be seen from the figure that the band transmitter. The values of the IF tank components are tuned

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Fig. 9. Plot of the measured ACPR and RF output power at the chip RF output
port in PCS band with respect to the control voltage.


As per design, a total gain range of 88 dB can be seen from this

figure with a good ACPR in the most useful middle region. The
mixer block limits the ACPR at low control voltages, while at
the top end the PA driver limits it. This is confirmed by the mea-
sured and simulated data. Thus, the IM3 of the IF VGA is not a
limiting factor, as shown by simulations.
The noise at the output of the VGA was measured indirectly
Fig. 8. CDMA signal (single-ended) observed by RF probe at the tank terminal by measuring noise at the output of the complete chip. The noise
of the VGA for different control voltages. Note the marker (MKR) readings.
floor at the chip output was measured to be 132 dBm/Hz in the
PCS band at the maximum power output. From the simulation, it
to get the peak at the right IF frequency to account for the board is observed that this value of noise floor at the output is possible
parasitic capacitances. if the SNR at the VGA output is more than 152 dBc.
The CDMA output signal for different control voltages at the The simulations of the VGA circuit have shown that, with
tank load terminal is shown in Fig. 8. For CDMA signals, we the appropriate tank circuit components, an IF frequency greater
have measured the ACPR of better than 62 dBc (in a 30-kHz than 500 MHz is possible. The important performance parame-
resolution bandwidth at an offset of 1.25 MHz) at the maximum ters of the VGA are summarized in Table I. The measured per-
VGA output. The gain control range can also be inferred from formance parameters are in good agreement with the simulated
the marker readings on this figure. Also, the absence of side values, as we have used the Mextram bipolar model which pro-
lobes, especially at low control voltages, indicates a good lin- vides the most accurate results. Therefore, we consider the other
earity. simulation results also reliable. The contributions of the VGA in
Because the VGA has been fabricated as a part of the com- the overall performance of the chip has been observed to be very
plete transmit IC, it is possible to make accurate RF measure- good at the dual-band PCS/CELL IF frequencies. All the mea-
ments only at the chip output RF ports. As an example, a plot of surements made at the chip output have corroborated the VGA
the observed CDMA power and the ACPR at the final RF ports simulation results. The chip microphotograph of the complete
with respect to the control voltage is shown in Fig. 9. The chip transmit IC chip is shown in Fig. 10, with the VGA circuit por-
output has contributions from all the blocks including the VGA. tion of the chip marked.

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[7] S. Aggarwal, A. Daanen, M. Locher, A. Landesman, M. Judson, F. Gar-

rigues, M. Bracey, H. Xu, O. Charlon, and M. Gao, “A highly inte-
grated dual-band triple-mode transmit IC for CDMA2000 applications,”
in Proc. Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 2002, pp.
[8] D. Seremeta and R. G. Eschauzier, “Converter circuit and variable gain
amplifier with temperature compensation,” U.S. Patent 6 028 478, Feb.
22, 2000.
[9] R. G. Eschauzier, “Current Steering Variable Gain Amplifier with Lin-
earizer,” U.S. Patent 5 999 053, Dec. 7, 1999.
[10] A. Pruijmboom, D. Szmyd, R. Brock, R. Wall, N. Morris, K. Fong,
and F. Jovenin, “QUBIC3: A 0.5 m BiCMOS production technology,
with f = 30 GHz, f = 60 GHz and high-quality passive
components for wireless telecommunication applications,” in Proc.
Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1998, pp. 120–123.

Sudhir Aggarwal (S’84–M’89–SM’03) was born in

Ballabgarh, India, in 1960. He received the B.S. de-
gree in electronics and communication engineering
from the Regional Engineering College (REC), Ku-
rukshetra, India, in 1981, with top rank, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Insti-
tute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, India, in 1988.
From 1981 to 1989, he was with the Centre for Ap-
plied Research in Electronics, IIT Delhi, working on
Fig. 10. Microphotograph of the complete transmit IC chip. The VGA block various industrial and defense sponsored projects in
is marked. the area of MOS analog integrated circuits for signal
processing applications. From 1991 to 1995, he was with STMicroelectronics,
Grenoble, France, and Noida, India, where he developed statistical circuit/de-
V. CONCLUSION vice models and optimization tools for analog circuits in BiCMOS technology.
He is currently with Philips Semiconductors, San Jose, CA, as a Senior Principal
A single-stage VGA has been designed and implemented in a Engineer. His current research interests include RF ICs for wireless communi-
BiCMOS technology as part of a transmit IC for cellular appli- cation, in particular for CDMA and WLAN systems.
cations. It is shown that an excellent linear-in-dB gain control
with good temperature compensation can be realized. The VGA
Abolfazl (Saeed) Khosrowbeygi (M’96) was
circuit is shown to provide a wide gain range of about 70 dB in born in Tehran, Iran, in 1958. He received the
a single stage. The stacked architecture of the VGA results in B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif
considerable current saving and provides the noise and linearity University of Technology, Tehran, the M.Sc., E.E.
in microwaves and modern optics, Postgraduate
to meet the requirements of the current and forthcoming CDMA Diploma in microwave engineering, and Ph.D.
systems. degrees in microwaves and communications from
University College London, London, U.K.
From 1976 to 1979, he worked on developing
ACKNOWLEDGMENT analog and digital hardware for wireless commu-
nication with the Sharif University of Technology.
The authors would like to thank Prof. B. Redman-White for In 1980, he joined the Iran Telecommunication Research Center, Tehran,
his suggestions and assistance in preparation of the paper and where he worked on different wireless and wired communication projects and
developed a number of wireless communication systems from high frequency
the reviewers for their constructive comments, which resulted to microwave frequencies. From 1988 to 1994, he was with University College
in numerous improvements in the manuscript. They would also London, where he worked on developing a wide range of microwave and RF
like to thank the Philips management for encouraging this work. systems, including radio altimeters, automated systems for measuring electrical
and magnetic properties of materials at microwave and millimeter-wave
frequencies, and microwave and optical communications. In 1994, he joined
REFERENCES Philips Semiconductor, Sunnyvale, CA, where he developed RFICs for TDMA
and CDMA standards. In 2000, he founded Adaptive RF, a fab-less company,
[1] Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for CDMA2000 developing chipsets for wireless LANs. Since 2001, he has been a Consultant
Spread Spectrum Mobile Station, 3GPP2 Doc. C.S0011-A. for developing wireless products with RF Micro Technology, Greensboro, NC.
[2] Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for Dual-Mode
Wide-band Spread Spectrum Cellular Mobile Station, IS-98A.
[3] Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for 1.8 to 2.0 GHz
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Personal Stations, ANSI Anton Daanen (M’90) was born in St. Agatha,
J-Standard 018. The Netherlands, on August 23, 1961. He received
[4] O. Shoji, G. Takemura, and H. Tanimoto, “A low-power low-noise ac- the M.Sc. degree from the Technical University
curate linear-in-dB variable gain amplifier with 500-MHz bandwidth,” Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1987.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, pp. 1942–1948, Dec. 2000. He joined Philips Semiconductors in 1987,
[5] G. S. Sahota and C. J. Persico, “High dynamic range variable-gain am- working on mixed-signal IC design for ISDN. In
plifier for CDMA wireless applications,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Cir- 1990, he moved to Philips Semiconductors, Zürich,
cuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 1997, pp. 374–375. Switzerland, to work on DECT baseband processors,
[6] D. Coffing, E. Main, and M. Randol, “A variable-gain amplifier focusing on the mixed-signal parts. In 2000, he
with 50-dB control range for 900-MHz applications,” in Proc. moved to Philips Semiconductors, Sunnyvale, CA,
Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, Oct. 2001, pp. doing RF IC design for CDMA applications. He is
155–158. currently working on WLAN.

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