Astrological Research Institute: Timing Events
Astrological Research Institute: Timing Events
Astrological Research Institute: Timing Events
H 2 , M.I.D.C. AREA , SATARA ,
MAHARASHTRA .. 415004.
A door to a New World of Astrology
Astrology is a noble science. Some say that it is indeed an art. Some others
reject it as they would an idol or an illusion. Some people who have no
disappointments or difficulties in their lives say that they have no faith in
astrology. I submit that astrology is not only a science, but that it can very
accurately guide you in making correct decisions at every level of your life. It can
give very precise results, such as a persons educational path and career in life,
the sharpness of his/her mind, or the degree of an individuals brilliancy for
Astrology is not fortune telling. It is based on the scientific calculations of the
different aspects of planetary constellations at a certain time. People born into
this world at any instant have certain characteristics which are related to the
positions of the heavenly bodies. These characteristics are different than those
people born at other times, according to the planetary positions at their birth. The
horoscope is the time chart of the person at the time of birth and from this
horoscope, by reverse calculations, one can determine the birth time, birth date
and birthplace as well.
However, it should be noted that as soon as a child is born, his environment
begins to modify his character. Mostly, education and upbringing molds the
personality of any individual. We all have certain qualities which, according to our
environment, develop in a positive or negative manner. Thus, selfishness may
emerge as unselfishness, kindness may become cruelty, and a constructive
person may, through frustration, become destructive, and so on. The apparent
character depends upon so many variables. . . the country, the area, the
surroundings, the family and their customs, the mother and her education, the
foods they eat, the teachers and of course, the friends.
The latent characteristics with which we were born can therefore, through
environment and good or bad training, become something superficially different,
and act in contradiction with the astrological descriptions of the character. The
true character will be buried deep beneath these essentially superficial traits.
As of today, the knowledge of astrology, is still incomplete. This is due to a
misinterpretation of the writings of the ancient sages because of language
barriers and the inability to correctly translate the inner essence of these
teachings. Most of these works have been lost through the course of time. The
translations of the verses, interpreted by individuals, may not be correct or may
be colored by personal opinions. Major untranslated portions are either
unavailable or known to certain people and yet have remained hidden. Therefore
the present concept of this science contains only a certain portion of it. The same
case applies with the Ashtakavarga system. The major portion of it is lost, and
therefore not available. That is the reason why this very important system is not
followed. The Upachayas are referred to in all the textbooks, but its use in
finding the results of timed events is not described anywhere. The Ashtakavarga
system is a very precise and systematical way of finding the true strengths of the
Not only can this system give the strengths of the planets for each and every
house, it can also give the shares of the planets, as well as the results of all the
All planets aspect the 7th house from themselves, always. The lords of opposite
signs are always enemies. Similarly, the opposite house denotes opposite
functions. It is easy to note that the seventh sight is always on either the
enemies house or on its opposite criteria house. The planet in its Uccha sign
(exaltation) looks on its neecha sign (debilitation) or vice versa. It should also be
noted that in the horoscope, opposite signs have opposite meanings. Consider
the 3rd and 9th house for instance. One stands for Initiative and using ones own
efforts to acquire things. The other stands for luck and good fortune. These are
opposing factors. Where some people receive many things through sheer luck
without expending any effort or struggle to acquire them, others have to struggle
long and hard to get any thing at all. The Fourth house gives family happiness
and its opposite sign, the tenth house, represents Power and authority. Family
versus Career. . .If one has power, fame or authority, it becomes difficult for him
to assign quality time for his family thus imposing a certain type of conflict. Such
is the case with the remaining houses. So, if a planet is in an exalted position in a
house, how can it give the same or good results for its opposite sign? Surely it
will spoil the results of its opposite sign. Hence it should be noted that any planet
that is situated in any particular house will give the opposite results of equal
strength but in a negative direction. The strength of the planets should be
considered only by the amount of benefic points the planet receives in any
particular house. The exaltation or debilitation of the planet according to sign, will
definitely increase or reduce the overall result, but this will be based only on the
benefic points that any planet gets in any particular house.
While learning this great science from my guru, the late Shri BrijGopal Shastri
of Amravati (vidharbha), I came across some handwritten books in his
possession on Ashtakavarga. He had explained to me the meaning of so many
verses written in that book. Those verses were not available in any of the current
books. Meanings of some of those verses have been noted down in my diary. In
1966, I had moved to Satara. There after I had no contact with my guru. While
doing detailed study on the subject, I had found that those verses were very
important, and had be studied in detail. After a long time, I returned to my native
place, and came to know that my guru had passed on and all his hand written
material on this subject was no longer available through his heirs. My guru had
married very late in life. When he passed on, his children were much too small to
understand the science. All his treasures of books were of no use to his heirs, so
they discarded all of it, and sold it as raddi to kabadi. I was very disappointed
and tried to recollect his teachings from my notes. The write-up available with
me although not adequate, was sufficiently enough however to study and apply
in a brand new direction.
There are 150 nadis in every sign. The duration of each nadi is in the range from
8 to 115 seconds. The nadis of twins will be different, and so will be their fate.
But unfortunately details about this are not known. Actually the nadi is nothing
but the shodasavarga (16th harmonic chart). If we cast all the shodasavarga
charts, definitely there will be a change in some of them after a time lapse of
even 8 seconds. That is the main reason why the fate of twins is not necessarily
the same.
The Ashtakavarga system is based on the relative positions of the planets. The
benefic or malefic places are determined with respect to the other planets.
Therefore this system can be employed for all the 16 divisional charts. Hence
only this and this system can give much better results then any other system.
I have been a student of astrology from 1961 for nearly 43 years and have
experimented in my own way with various methods of interpretations of
horoscopes mainly derived from ancient classical sources. The Ashtakavarga
System, on which I have received notes, has engaged my attention for a long
time now. It occupies an important place in the general scheme of Hindu
astrology and offers considerable scope for further research, especially in the
matter of timing events. A large number of horoscopes have been studied in the
light of Ashtakavarga and a few important discoveries have been made. My
specialty lies in finding the period for marriage and timing events. With the help of
this Ashtakavarga system and with some research experience in the field, I have
full faith in the accuracy of this system.
The Ashtakavarga method of prediction has been quite popular with the rank and
file of Hindu Astrology. But as usual, the method is so indiscriminately employed
that its practical utility is often lost sight of. Under some wrong impression, it was
known only as a system for finding out the longevity. It was discarded for some
other reasons also. The main reason is the complicated method used for casting
the Ashtakavarga of the planets manually. It was a time consuming job, requiring
much concentration. But now with the help of computers it is a very easy job. I
have also developed an "Ashtakavarga Chakra which can give the
Ashtakavarga and Sarvashtakavarga within a few seconds. With the help of this
chakra, people who dont have a computer can also cast the Ashtakavarga
tables very easily.
The particular Ashtakavarga system that was taught to me by my guru, when
used in the interpretation of a horoscope, can give very accurate results. I have
found this system to be highly useful in making predictions and it is very reliable.
Of course, it requires a thorough knowledge of the various principles and rules of
astrology, as well as a capacity for interpretative skills.
While studying various horoscopes, Ive found vast differences between textbook
law and the actual results that come to pass. For instance, as per the text of
Hindu astrology, the marriage of an individual is performed when Guru (Jupiter)
transits particular houses or makes aspects to the seventh house from itself (i.e.
its transit through lagna, third house, seventh, eleventh etc.). So many times, it
does not coincide with the fact, although it may do so accidentally. It is also said
that when the marriage is related to the seventh house, it is partly true. But it is
not always performed in the dasha or antardasha of the lord of seventh house.
Jupiter is said to be a very benefic planet. Its aspect on any house enhances the
good results. Some say the presence of Jupiter in any house takes away from
the results of that particular house. Saturn and Mars are malefic planets and
mainly their presence spoils the results of that house. I always observe the
discrepancies in such rules. Mostly the results experienced by the person were
quite opposite the results given in the textbooks. I have discussed this topic as
well with the most renowned personalities on the subject. But unfortunately no
one was able to answer exactly to the point. Moreover there was not a single
system that was able to consistently give the timing event. The same is the case
with the dasha system. There are so many various types of dashas, yet there is
no clear understanding given in any text as to which one is correct, or when to
follow which dasha system. As per my experience, the Vimshottari dasha
system is correct, and gives very satisfactory results.
The Ayanamsha factor is also a very important matter in calculating the dasha
and the correct value of the ayanamsha can give the correct result for the
Vimshottari dasha.
In general, it is said that there is a direct relationship between the lord of the
house and the dasha or the antardasha lord for considering the timing of an
event for the outcome connected to any house. But such a relationship is not
experienced. There is no perfect rule which can give the correct timing for an
event regarding any house. The dasha system does not always match up with
the houses (for which they represent) nor its lord. As a result, many other dasha
systems have been introduced by various research scholars.
In the Ashtakavarga system the powers of the planets are mainly determined by
the relative positions of the planets. This power is greater then the power of the
planet by itself in any particular sign or house, thus giving results that are more
closely aligned to the facts.
All the planets, except for the Sun and the Moon, have dual lordships. Mars is the
lord of Aries and Scorpio. Venus is that of Taurus and Libra. Mercury for Gemini
and Virgo, Jupiter for Sagittarius and Pisces, and Saturn for Capricorn and
Aquarius. There are so many results related to the lordship of the planets,
especially the lordship of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses. If the lord of any sign or
house is situated in either the 6th, 8th, or 12th, then the result of that house is
considered to be spoiled. Though this statement may be correct to some extent,
it is not perfect. Regarding the lordship of the sixth house, it is very confusing,
because except for the Sun and Moon, all other planets have dual lordship. For a
Cancer ascendant, Jupiter is the lord of the sixth and the ninth house. Confusion
arises when we have to consider which lord to take into consideration. If it is
situated in seventh house, then what will be the effect? Should it be treated as a
ninth lord or a sixth lord? When testing the experiences of many people, the
results, when applied strictly by the book were vastly different than expected. The
planet that is said to be debilitated due to its position in its neecha rashi, or in the
house of its debilitation, is experienced as giving good results. Similarly, the
planet said to be exalted by sign, was found giving the worst result. This same
concept can be stated in a more precise terms in this Ashtakavarga system. The
planet should be said to be debilitated when it gets less then 3 points in its
Ashtakavarga. The planet that gets more then 4 points, should be said to be
exalted. The planet that gets 4 points, is said to be neutral. It is immaterial which
sign it is in. The actual results coincide with the results given in the text when
they are judged to be exalted or debilitated only on the Ashtakavarga power. It
should also be noted that only the planet alone by its rulership or its placement in
any particular house is not sufficient. There are some other houses, which are
equally responsible for the results of a particular house. In the textbooks, the first
house is said to deal with beginning of the life, health, means of earning (by own
effort or by serving others) personality, character and childhood. In general the
results related to the first house are judged by its lord, the placement of its lord,
the planets situated in first house, planets aspecting the first house, or planets
aspecting the lord of first house or situated with it. By applying only these
concepts, perfect results will still not be ascertained. Some times the answer
cannot be found in texts. The same applies here to other houses.
The Ayanamsha is an important factor. The sayan (tropical) longitude of the
planet less the Ayanamsha is the nirayana (sidereal) longitude of the planets.
There is no reliable and perfect value of the ayanamsha. The nirayana Longitude
of the planets is based only on the ayanamsha, while the Vimshottari dasha is
based on the nirayana longitude of the Moon. The Mahadasha (main period) of
Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury or Venus is longer, so a difference of even one
degree in the ayanamsha can make a difference in the Mahadasha by one and a
half years or so, which changes everything. Suppose we are calculating the
timing of an event for a marriage. If we find the significator that can indicate
marriage in any particular case, but the Antardasha of such a planet differs by
one year or so, then the outcome will not be correct. Hence, the Ayanamsha is a
very important factor in timing the event. I prefer to use my own customized
ayanamsha which is shorter than the Lahiri by 1 degree, 1 minute and gives me
the most accurate results. In some cases the answer only differs by
approximately 18 days.