Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris B

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Choose the correct answer!
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #$%
My father is a teacher. He teaches history in high school. My father likes history very
much, especially the history of the world. Thats why, we have many books on history at
At school, he is also a staff adviser of the school basketball club. I must say that my father
is very good at playing basketball league when he was young. ometimes he watches his
students play basketball, then gives some advise or teaches them how to improve their skills
in basketball. My father really loves his !ob very much.
". #hat is the te$t about%
a. The writers profession.
b. The writers father.
c. A history teacher.
d. A basketball adviser.
&. #hy are there any books on history in the writers house%
a. 'ecause the writers father likes history.
b. 'ecause the writer takes a ma!or on history.
c. 'ecause the writers father wants to be a historian.
d. 'ecause the writer likes reading such books.
(. #hat sports is the writers father skillful at%
a. occer.
b. 'asketball.
c. 'aseball.
d. Athletics.
). #hat does the writers father give to this basketball team%
a. Instruction.
b. A solution.
c. ome advise.
d. A simple training.
*. +My father really loves his !ob very much., -last sentence.
The opposite meaning of the undelined word is . . . .
a. /ikes
b. 0egards
c. atisfies
d. Hates
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions &$'

1. #hat is purpose of note%
a. To know the price
b. To remind the money
c. To list the thing to buy
d. To inform the shop assistant
2. #hat do you call the note above%
a. Advertisement
b. Time schedule
c. A shopping list
d. Announcement
3. 4oes the writer buy shoes%
a. 5es, he does
b. 5es, he do
c. 6o, he does not
d. 6o, he do not
7. How many item are listed%
a. 8ive
b. 8our
c. Three
d. si$
& pair of shocks 9 & pair of glasses 9 & T9shirt
" bag 9 " belt 9 & skirts
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #($#)
":. #hat is the function of this te$t%
a. To describe the sport competition.
b. To amuse the readers
c. To greet someone
d. To announce something
"". #here do you probably hear the announcement%
a. At school
b. At home
c. At market
d. At mall
"&. #hen will the competition start%
a. This week
b. Two weeks later
c. 6e$t week
d. Tomorrow
"(. +Today is the last day for anyone to enroll in the sport competition., The antonym word
of ;last is<
a. finish
b. start
c. chase
d. ultimate
"). +The competition will start ne$t week., The word ;start has a similar meaning to the
a. finish
b. begin
c. chase
d. halt
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions #%$*(
My Hero
Michael =ordan is a famous basket ball player. Michael =ordan certainly looks like a
star. His tall well built, and handsome. He is always well dressed. His personality is as good
as his playing ability. He is confident. He is also generous. He gives a lot of money to charity.
His hobby is playing golf, base ball and cooking. He often cooks for his family.
"*. #hat is Michael =ordan%
a. A singer
b. A player
c. A chef
d. A basketball player
"1. Michael =ordan is good man, confident and generous. #hat are the underlined words
categori>ed as%
a. Michael =ordan personalities
b. Michael =ordan attitudes
c. Michael =ordan abilities
d. Michael =ordan skills
"2. #hat sport does Michael =ordan like%
a. ?olleyball
b. 'asketball
c. 8ootball
d. Table tennis
"3. How is his body%
a. He is tall, bad built, and handsome
b. He is short, bad built, and handsome
c. He is tall, well built, and ugly
d. He is tall, well built, and handsome
"7. #hat are Michael =ordans hobbies%
a. @laying golf, baseball, and cooking
Attention +lease!
Today is the last day for anyone to enroll in the sport competition.
@lease meet Mr. Taufik, the @.A. teacher, to enroll yourself.
The competition will start ne$t week. /ets participateB
b. @laying golf, baseball, and fishing
c. @laying card, baseball, and cooking
d. @laying golf, football, and cooking
&:. +He is always well dressed.,
#hat does the word +he, refers to <
a. Handsome
b. #ell built
c. Michael =ordan
d. His family
Read the following tet to answer the !"estions *#$*%
,ried Eggs
- & teaspoons of butter -or olive oil.
- & or ( large eggs, depending on
- alt and pepper to taste
- A small -":,. frying pan
- A spatula
- Cas ring, at medium heat
". 8irst, melt the butter in the pan over medium heat
&. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and let fry until the yolks begin to harden at
the edges -indicated by a lightening in the yolk color.
(. Dsing the spatula, flip the eggs over and allow to cook ten seconds for over9easy, or
up to one minute for over9hard
). 8inally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve
&". #hat does the te$t tell us%
a. To describe fried eggs
b. To amuse the readers
c. To tell how to make fried eggs
d. To announce about fried eggs
&&. #hat ingredients do you need to make fried egg% -A$cept<.
a. & teaspoons of butter
b. & or ( large eggs
c. alt and pepper
d. ?egetables
&(. How much butter do you need to make fried egg%
a. two teaspoons
b. three teaspoons
c. four teaspoons
d. five teaspoons
&). #hat should you do before cracking the egg%
a. 8irst, melt the butter in the pan over medium heat
b. /et fry until the yolks begin to harden at the edges
c. Dsing the spatula, flip the eggs over and allow to cook ten seconds for over9easy, or
up to one minute for over9hard
d. 8inally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve
&*. #hat is the last step about making fried egg%
a. 8irst, melt the butter in the pan over medium heat
b. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and let fry until the yolks begin to harden at
the edges
c. Dsing the spatula, flip the eggs over and allow to cook ten seconds for over9easy, or
up to one minute for over9hard
d. 8inally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve

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