Bata New

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Bata being the international player also implement its SOP in all part of the world where

it is appropriate. It has played a vital role in the economic progress of Pakistan. It has
transferred sophisticated technology and business skills to the country and provides
direct and indirect employment to about 10,000 people.
Bata develop its social capital as a talent pool of employees by implementing the new
techniques and procedures in talent management which ensure the best people is hired
and provided with the incentives and compensation linked with the performance
appraisal leading to retention of the employees with greater satisfaction. And it is well
researched area that a employee with greater satisfaction result in enhance
I interviewed a store manger MR. NADEEM to get to know the real facts about the
problems and incentives Bata is offering to its labor force that are the earning hands of
the company rest of the information is gather from the desk research. Almost 99% of all
the outlets are Bata owned.
I try to make my point by presenting Bata social capital as a competitive edge over the
Centralized HR department is the key to success where all the recruitment is carry out.
All the jobs are advertise on internet and then pool of the applicant are tested against
the develop tests for each post and on second stage the interview is conducted where
the screened applicant prove their self worthy enough to join the Bata.
i.e Panel of interview include two people from HR and one from retail (regional
manager) for the post of store manager.
So having the centralize hiring and giving the direct payroll to all the 400 outlets
employees and other divisions like manufacturing unit, wholesale division and exports
result in more effective hiring if not efficient in short run unlike the other competitors.
Performance appraisal
The performances of the employees are appraised by the immediate supervisor or
immediate boos on the set criteria for different level and roles of employees. For the
outlets store manger apprise the sales staff on their behavior, inventory handling and
sales of each individual. While the store manger is evaluated by the area manger that
visit the store every week. Templet for the store manger appraisal include the sales,
maintenance, VM, inventory management, reporting and drafting.
These appraisal are send to the HR department and then they linked the career
progression and compensation on the basis of the appraisals. So this blend of centralize
and decentralize arrangement provide double check sometime.
All the employee in the outlets is the employees of the Bata enjoying all the benefits that
Bata offer to its permanent employees.
That include
Base pay against the designation.
Commission ( based on the sales of the outlet)
Annual leaves
Casual leaves
G.P fund

So in a country like Pakistan where most of the factories paying less than the
minimum base pay and exploiting the labor are not observed. And on a average
sales staff getting around RS 18000 TO 2000, while the store manager is getting
around RS 22000 to 27000 including all the benefits. But in good locations this
compensation may reached to RS 60000plus.So on the basis of these primary
data we can say that Bata is offering good compensation to its employees that is
also one of the primary construct of employee satisfaction.

All the sales force have given training once a year and even twice if required and it will
help to make the sales force update with the new lines of products and also any new
standard operating procedure internationally.
When I asked all the staff outlet to rank yourself on a scale of 1-5 for satisfaction where
1 Represent lowest level of satisfaction
5 Represent highest level of satisfaction
Then they all rank them self in 4 mean that they are satisfied with the organization
where they are serving so this is a good signal. All also analyzing all the aspect of the
talent force of the Bata I can say that Bata are doing good in boosting the level of
satisfaction but it can even be more better if they used.
1. 360 degree feedback mechanism where input of the concerned people are
consider while evaluating a single employee inducing a electronic system that
ensure the privacy of feedback.
2. Provide the employees more incentives plans except giving straight commission
on sales i.e annual trip, motor bike for best performer.

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