Serv2 02e HW Sw-Comm
Serv2 02e HW Sw-Comm
Serv2 02e HW Sw-Comm
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Insert Station
You insert a new station in the current project by selecting the menu options
Insert -> Station -> SIMATIC
400 Station.
You can then change the name that is automatically given to this station -
select the PLC -> Upload Station menu.
2. In the HW Config tool:
select the PLC -> Upload menuor click the icon.
Storage on PG/PC The actual configuration read fromthe hardware is insertedas a newstation in
the selected project on the PG/PC.
Note When you readout the actual configuration, the order numbers of the modules
cannot be completely identified. For this reason, you shouldcheck the
configuration. If required, insert the exact module type of the existing modules.
To do so, choose the module, and thenselect the Options -> Specify Module
Date: 02.12.2005
File: SERV2_02E.16
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Uploading the Actual HW Configuration to the PG/PC
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Address Views the I/O addresses of the station configured.
Overview Select: View -> Address Overview
R Rack number
S Slot number of the relevant module
DP Relevant only when Distributed Peripherals (I/O) are used
IF Interface module IDwhen programming the M7 system (in C++).
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Module Address Overview
Address Overview
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SITRAIN Training for
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HW Config: Edit Symbolic Names, Monitor/Modify Variables
Once with right
Edit Symbolic Names You can directly access the symbol table from the "HWConfig" tool. This allows
you to assign symbolic names to the inputs andoutputs during hardware
configuration or at a later date when you can make suppliments or changes.
You open the symbol table with a right mouse click onthe module. Select Edit
Symbolic Names in the follow-up box. A section of the symbol table with the
relevant addresses is then opened.
Monitor/Modify You can monitor or modify the addresses of the configured modules directly
Variables from the HWConfig tool. The signals of the input modules can be "checked" and
the signals of the output modules can be "controlled" using the Monitor/Modify
(Variables) function.
Product Support Directly from the Internet, you can fetch informationon modules or components
Information from the Product Support pages. As well, it is also possible to update HWConfig
by incorporating individual components such as newCPUs or newDP devices
into the current STEP 7version.
The PG/PC has an Internet connection, a browser for displaying Internet pages,
and the function is enabledin the HWConfig Settings along with the
specificationof the Internet address.
Note "Symbolic Addressing" andthe editingof symbol tables is dealt with in depth in
the "Symbols" chapter. The Monitor / ModifyVariables function is dealt with in
the "Troubleshooting" chapter.
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Monitor You can monitor variables in two ways:
The monitor values can be updated once when you select the Variable ->
Update Monitor Values menu optionor click the icon.
The monitor values can be updated every cycle when you select the
Variable -> Monitor menu option or click the icon.
Modify Procedure for modifying variables:
1. With the left mouse button, click the line in the Modify Valuecolumn for
the variable that you want to modify.
2. Enter the value in the correct formfor the data type selected.
3a. To activate the modify values once, select the Variable -> Activate Modify
Values menu option or click the icon (or item3b).
3b. To activate the modify values every cycle, select the Variable -> Modify
menu option or click the icon.
4. Use the "Monitor" function to confirm that the modify value has been
entered in the variable you selected.
Modify Value Valid You can make the "Modify value" entered in a table invalid by selecting that
value andclickingon the icon.
The now"invalid" value is displayed like a comment. You can make the modify
value "valid" again when you click on the icon again. Only valid modify
values can be activated.
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Monitoring and Modifying Variables
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Saving the You canuse Table -> Save or Table -> Save as... to save a variable table.
Variable Table The first time a variable table is saved, the Save As... dialog windowopens.
The Save as ... windowallows the user to select the Blocks folder that the
variable table will be stored in.
You cangive the variable table anyname youchoose. The name is insertedas
the symbolic name in the symbol table.
You can reuse saved variable tables for monitoring and modifying, making it
unnecessaryto re-enter the variables.
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Saving the Variable Table
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Area of Use You candouble-click to reopen variable tables that are stored in a Blocks folder
of an S7programat a later time for test purposes.
However, before you can activate the "Monitor" and "Modify" functions, an online
connection to a CPU has to be established.
Using the menu commands PLC -> Connect to . . . provides three connection
choices: Configured CPU, Direct CPU and Accessible CPU. There are toolbar
icons for connecting to the Configured CPU or Direct CPU.
Configured CPU If the variable table is stored in the Blocks folder of a hardware-dependent S7
program(assignedto a CPU in the project view), a connection to the station with
the MPI address is established. This station was also assigned to the higher-
level CPU with the help of the HWConfig tool.
If the variable table is stored in the Blocks folder of a hardware-independent S7
program folder (assigned directly to the project root in the project view), the MPI
address of the hardware-independent S7program can be established using the
Properties dialog of the program folder while in the online viewof the SIMATIC
Direct CPU This menu command establishes an online connection between the active
variable table and the CPU to which the MPI cable from the PG/PC to the
programmable controller is connected. The PG can determine to which PLC it is
connected through the MPI cable.
Accessible CPU This menu command establishes an online connection between the active
variable table and a CPU that you select. If the user program is already linked to
a CPU, this menu command can be used to change the CPU.
Select a CPU to which you want to establishan online connection in the dialog
box. You can choose between configuredandaccessible CPUs.
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Opening a Variable Table and Establishing a Connection to the CPU
(VAT from
HW Station
" Station 2" )
Station 2 Station 1
Station 1
Station 3
Accessible CPUs
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SITRAIN Training for
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Modifying Outputs in the Stop State
Function and The "Enable Peripheral Outputs" function can only be activated when the CPU is
Area of Use in the STOP state. It switches off the output disable of the peripheral outputs
(PQ). This enables you to modify the peripheral output when the CPU is in the
STOP mode.
The "Enable Peripheral Outputs" function is used mainly to check the wiringof
the peripheral outputs. It can, however, also be used to continue to control
actuators in the process, even though the CPU has gone into the STOP mode
because anerror has occurred.
What To Do To enable the peripheral outputs, proceed as follows:
1. Openor edit a variable table (VAT) that contains the peripheral outputs that
you want to test or modify
(specify the peripheral outputs byte-by-byte, word-by-word or doubleword-
by- doubleword; you cannot modify individual output bits!)
2. Select the PLC -> Connect tomenu option to establish a connection to the
CPU you want
3. Switch the CPU to the STOP state
4. Enter the appropriate values for the peripheral outputs you want to modify in
the "Modify Value" column.
Examples: PQB 7 Modify Value: 2#01000011
PQW 2 W#16#0027
PQD 4 DW#16#0001
5. Use Variable -> Enable Peripheral Outputs to activate the modifyingof the
6. Use Variable -> Activate Modify Values to modify the peripheral outputs.
7. To assign new modify values, enter these andthen activate them with
Variable -> Activate Modify Values
Note Modifying or "Enable Peripheral Outputs" remains active until you deactivate it
using Variable -> Enable Peripheral Outputs or you press the ESC key. When
you change the operating mode of the CPU from STOP to RUN or STARTUP,
the Enable Peripheral Outputs is deactivatedanda message appears.
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SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
Exercise 1: Performing a CPU Memory Reset and Warm Restart
From the PG
- Mode selector
in RUN-Pposition
- Menu options:
PLC -> Diagnostic/Setting
-> Operating Mode -> Stop
- Menu options:
PLC -> Diagnostic/Setting
- Confirmmemory reset
by clicking the OK
button (fast flashing of
indicates memory
reset being performed)
- Menu options:
PLC -> Diagnostic/Setting
->Operating Mode ->
Warm Restart
- Mode selector in
- Insert Memory Card
(slowflashing of
"STOP" LED indicates
request for memory
- Switch the mode
selector quickly to the
"MRES" position and
release (fast flashing
indicates memory
reset being performed)
After Inserting a
Memory Card
- Switch mode selector
to "RUN" or "RUN-P"
- Mode selector
in STOPposition
- Hold mode selector
in MRESposition
until the STOPLED
flashes twice (slowly)
- Release mode
selector (returns
automatically to the
- Switch the mode
selector quickly to the
"MRES" again and
release (fast flashing of
indicates memory
reset being performed)
- Switch mode selector
to "RUN" or "RUN-P"
Memory Re
set Function
Warm Restart
Task You are to performa CPU memory reset and check whether the memory reset
was successful.
What to Do 1. Carry out the memory reset according to the steps in the slide above
2. Check the success of the memory reset (only if you have a CPU previous to
Oct. 2002. The memory reset was successful when only systemblocks
(SDBs, SFCs, SFBs) are left in the CPU .
In the SIMATIC Manager -> switch to the Online View using
-> double-click on MPI=2 -> double-click on Blocks
Notes When the CPU memory is reset, all user data in the CPU are deleted.
To make sure that no oldblocks are left in the CPU, a memory reset of the
CPU should be performed. The following takes place during a memory reset:
All user data are deleted
(with the exceptionof the MPI parameter assignments).
Hardware test and initialization
If an Eprom memory card or a Micro Memory Card is installed, the CPU
copies the memory card contents back into the internal RAMafter the
memory reset.
If no memory card or Micro Memory Cardis installed, the preset MPI
address is retained. If, however, a memory card is installed, the MPI address
storedon it is loaded.
The contents of the diagnostic buffer (which can be displayed with the PG)
are retained
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Exercise 2: Retrieving a Project and Save As
Task You are to retrieve a project and save it under the name "My_Project".
What to Do 1. Start the SIMATIC Manager
2. Delete the old project "My_Project" (should it exist):
File -> Delete -> User Projects -> select "My_Project" from the list ->
3. Retrieve the project SERV2_A":
File -> Retrieve -> select "SERV2_A.ZIP" from the list ->
acknowledge with "OK" -> select "S7-Courses" from the list of target
directories -> acknowledge message with "YES"
4. Save the project under the name "My_Project"
File -> Save as... -> User projects -> enter "My_Project" as the name ->
Notes The project contains the program for the conveyor model as you edited it in the
previous course - ST-SERV1, a hardware stationand a ProTool/Pro project for
the TP170B.
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Task Since different training units and CPUs are used for the courses, the available
CPU has to be integrated into the setpoint configuration.
During the course, corrections to the hardware configurationalso have to be
Note If you have an S7-400training unit, use the HW Station "S7-400".
What to Do 1. Start the "HWConf" tool
2. Adapt the hardware configuration for the training unit
3. Exchange the CPU for correct one
4. Save andcompile the configuration
5. Download the configuration into the CPU
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Exercise 3: Adapting the Setpoint Configuration
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SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
Exercise Preparation: Attaching the Fault Simulation Connector
Fault simulation connector
Task In the following two exercises, youare to check the wiring of the sensors and
actuators of the conveyor model to the digital input and output modules.
The errors that you are to determine are simulatedusinga fault simulation
connector. This connector must first be attached to the conveyor model.
What to Do 1. Remove the 32-pin Sub-D plugon the conveyor model
2. Attach the fault simulation connector to the conveyor model
3. Attach the 32-pin Sub-D plug to the fault simulation connector
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SITRAIN Training for
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Exercise 4: Testing the Sensors Wiring on the Conveyor Model
Task In this exercise, you are to check the wiringof the conveyor models sensors to
the digital input modules according to the symbol table (see slide). You will
check the wiringof the actuators in the next exercise.
Note The errors that occur are simulatedby the fault simulationunit that you just
attached. Your task is to determine the errors, not to eliminate them!
What to Do 1. Start the "Monitor/Modify Variable" function