Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology: (Manuscript Received April 19, 2007)

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516 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,p.

516-523(October 2007)
Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
V Izumi Nitta V Toshiyuki Shibuya V Katsumi Homma
(Manuscript received April 19, 2007)
With CMOS technology scaling down to the nanometer realm, process variations
have been increased. In particular, the increase of delay variations has seriously
affected the design periods and timing yields. To estimate more accurately these
delay variations, statistical static timing analysis (SSTA), which considers delay
variations statistically, has been proposed. SSTA is expected to shorten the
design turnaround time (TAT) and predict the timing yields. Research on practical
applications of SSTA has already been conducted at Fujitsu Laboratories. We have
developed SSTA tools for use in designs for processors and application specific
integrated circuits (ASICs) in cooperation with Fujitsu and Fujitsu VLSI. This paper
describes the delay variations and basic SSTA techniques and introduces SSTA
applications to Fujitsus processor and ASIC design ows.
1. Introduction
The scaling down of process technologies
has increased the process variations. Among
them, delay variations that impact the frequency
performance of circuits have increased and now
seriously affect the design turnaround time (TAT)
and timing yields, which are the ratio of chips
that achieve the target frequency.
In application specific integrated circuit
(ASIC) designs, sufficient margins for delay
variations are required to achieve the target
frequency at the expected yield. In process
technologies above 90 nm, the margins for delay
variations are small enough and their impact on
design can be eliminated. However, at 90 nm and
below, the increased delay variations enlarge the
margins in circuit design. This results in overes-
timations of circuit delay and makes design work
difcult. Because of the overestimation, design-
ers have to tune a design iteratively to achieve
the target frequency performance, which length-
ens the design TAT.
In high-performance microprocessor designs,
excessive margins make it difcult to achieve the
target performance. Therefore, nominal values
are used at the design phase. After a batch of
chips has been fabricated, the frequency selection
process sorts them into several ranks accord-
ing to the measured maximum frequency. Then,
the chips are priced and shipped based on their
ranks. In such designs, it is important to predict
the timing yield at the design phase because,
at this phase, we can consider the trade-offs
between chip performance and yield.
Statistical static timing analysis (SSTA),
which analyzes circuit delays statistically by
considering delay variations, is attracting our
interest as a solution to the above issues.
Fujitsu Laboratories started researching
SSTA in 2003, and has applied SSTA technolo-
gies to processor and ASIC designs in cooperation
with Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu VLSI Limited.
This paper describes the delay variations
caused by process variations and introduces the
517 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
basic SSTA techniques. It then reports on the
SSTA research conducted by Fujitsu Laboratories
and outlines examples of SSTA application to
microprocessor and ASIC designs.
2. What are the delay variations?
The delay variations are due to various
types of process variations. Figure 1 shows
examples of the major process variations.
Figure 1 (a) shows the threshold voltage varia-
tions in transistors caused by density variations
of impurities in the transistor material. The
upper part of Figure 1 (b) shows pattern varia-
tions that occurred in the lithography process.
These variations are caused by light interference
between adjacent patterns. The lower part of
Figure 1 (b) shows silicon-surface atness varia-
tions caused by layout pattern density variations
during the chemical mechanical planarization
(CMP) process.
The variations described above can be
classified as random variations or systematic
variations. Random variations occur without
regard to the locations and patterns of transis-
tors within a chip; the variation in transistor
threshold voltage, for example, is a random
variation. Systematic variations, on the other
hand, are related to the locations and patterns;
some examples of these variations are exposure
pattern variations and silicon-surface flatness
The variations between the elements in the
same chip are called within-die (WID) variations,
and the variations between chips in the same
wafer or in different wafers are called die-to-die
(D2D) variations [Figure 1 (c)].
As technology advances, these process
variations have been improved on the manufac-
turing side. For example, variations of exposure
patterns have been improved by using better
Manufacturing phase Design phase
Pattern variations
Silicon-surface flatness variations
(b) Systematic variations (a) Random variations
Within-die variations
Between lots
Within wafer
Between wafers
Die-to-die variations
(c) Within-die and die-to-die variations
Impurity density variations of transistors
Gate electrode
Gate insulator
Figure 1
Examples of LSI process variations.
518 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
lithography exposure techniques. On the design
side, one of the main techniques for assuring
the expected yield has been to provide sufcient
design margins. In nanometer technologies,
because it will not be sufficient to reduce
the process variations in the manufacturing
phase, it will also be necessary to use design
for manufacturing (DFM) methodologies that
take process variations into consideration on
the design side. As one of the DFM techniques,
SSTA estimates circuit delay and frequency
performance by considering delay variations
3. Basic techniques of SSTA
This section describes the basic SSTA
3.1 What is SSTA?
In the conventional design ow, static timing
analysis (STA) is used to estimate the circuit
delay and maximum frequency. To assure suf-
cient yield, STA analyzes corner cases, in which
all the factors of the delay variations are at the
worst-case or best-case corner values. In actual
chips, however, the probability of all factors being
at the corner values is very low. Therefore, STA
estimates a delay that rarely occurs in actual
processes; that is, it analyzes using excessive
margins for delay variations.
The main concept of SSTA is to statisti-
cally consider the random variations of WID in
order to analyze circuit delay more accurately.
The simplest method of statistical calculation is
Monte Carlo simulation. However, the compu-
tation time of this method increases drastically
according to the number of variation factors and
the circuit scale. For this reason, Monte Carlo
simulation is not practical for analyzing actual
designs. Therefore, many researchers have
studied the basic SSTA method, and many of
their results have been reported, starting from
about 2000.
The basic SSTA method defines
the random variations of the delay as random
variables and calculates the probability density
function (PDF) of circuit delay. The method saves
computation time while producing results equiv-
alent to those of Monte Carlo simulation.
3.2 Basic SSTA operations
In SSTA processing, a circuit is expressed
by a graph that represents the gates and inter-
connects as nodes. Traversing the graph, the
PDF of the delay in each node is calculated using
the statistical sum and max operations with the
delay variations of the gates and interconnects as
Figure 2 shows the basic operations for two
circuits with the interconnect delays ignored to
simplify the calculations. Figure 2 (a) shows a
circuit with two gates connected in series, and
Figure 2 (b) shows a circuit in which two signals
converge at the output pin of a gate. The delay
of the series circuit in Figure 2 (a) is calculated
using a statistical sum operation. With the delay
PDF of these gates denoted as f
and f
, the delay
PDF at the end point is the statistical sum of f

and f
. The statistical sum is calculated using
convolution integration. However, when f
have normal distributions, a simple formu-
la can be used. In Figure 2 (a), when f
has a
normal distribution with m
(average) and s

(3s), and f
has a normal distribution with m

(average) and s
(3s), f has a normal distribu-
tion with m
+ m
(average) and s
+ s
The value equivalent to 3s of this distribution is
+ m
+ s
+ s
. In this case, when this delay
is calculated using the conventional STA method,
the delay is the sum of the worst-case values.
When the worst-case values are equivalent to
3s, the delay is m
+ m
+ s
+ s
. Therefore, the
delay of the series circuit calculated with SSTA is
smaller than that calculated with STA.
The output delay of the multiple-input gate
in Figure 2 (b) is calculated using a statistical
max operation. It is generally difcult to calcu-
late an accurate value for the statistical max.
However, when the two random variables for f

519 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
and f
are independent of each other, an accurate
solution can be obtained. Conversely, when f
correlate with each other, it is difcult to obtain
an accurate solution of the statistical max opera-
tion and only an approximation is possible by
using the upper-bound or lower-bound of the PDF
calculation or by using the moment matching
When f
and f
are independent, the
result of the statistical max operation is known
to have an upper bound and the value equivalent
to 3s is greater than the delay calculated with
3.3 Path-based and block-based SSTA
The delay of an entire circuit can be
analyzed by using the basic calculations shown
above while traversing the graph. There are
two types of graph analysis methods: path-based
SSTA and block-based SSTA.
Figure 3 (a) shows the path-based SSTA.
In this method, the delay PDF of each path is
calculated individually, traversing from the
source to the sink of the path. The advantage of
this method is that it accurately calculates the
delay PDF of each path because it does not use
statistical max operations to analyze sequen-
tial paths. Also, it can consider the correlations
between paths easily. However, its computation
time drastically increases with the circuit scale
because the number of paths increases exponen-
tially with the circuit scale.
Figure 3 (b) shows the block-based SSTA.
In this method, all paths are analyzed simulta-
neously by traversing the graph, with the delay
PDF of the entire circuit also being calculated
at the end of the traversal. The advantage of
this method is that it requires less computation
time than the path-based method because more
than one path can be analyzed simultaneously.
However, the correlations between paths must be
considered for the statistical max operation when
multiple paths converge at a node. Therefore,
there are trade-offs between accuracy and compu-
tation time.
(a) Statistical sum
(b) Statistical max
Delay PDF of gate

Delay PDF of path is statistical sum of 1 and 2

Delay PDF at output pin is calculated as
upper bound of statistical max of 1 and 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 1 2 2
1 2
Figure 2
Basic operations of SSTA.
520 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
4. SSTA research by Fujitsu
In 2003, Fujitsu Laboratories started
researching SSTA as a theme of DFM technolo-
gy. At that time, many study results about SSTA
techniques were reported, although there were
no reports of an SSTA application to an actual
design. Consequently, general researchers did not
know about the effects and practical-application
problems of SSTA.
We initiated research to determine the
effects and problems of applying SSTA to Fujitsu
processor and ASIC designs and developed the
SSTA engine as a basic tool for this research. In
this development, we considered it important
to easily realize various SSTA techniques and
incorporate these techniques into existing design
ows. We therefore developed an SSTA applica-
tion program interface (API) that implements the
basic statistical operations described in the previ-
ous section and the path-based and block-based
Next, in collaboration with Fujitsu Limited,
we incorporated the SSTA engine as an SSTA
tool for processor design and evaluated the effects
of SSTA. Then, by using the technical knowledge
acquired during our evaluation, we developed
and evaluated an SSTA tool for ASIC design in a
joint project between Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu
VLSI Limited. As a result, we claried the effects
of introducing SSTA and identied practical-use
problems in processor and ASIC designs. We also
improved the tool for practical use, constructed
a design ow, and launched a production run for
chip design in the latter half of 2006.
5. Applying SSTA to processor
The advantage of applying SSTA to proces-
sor design is that, because we can predict the
timing yield with SSTA, we can consider the
trade-off between circuit performance and timing
yield during the design phase. To accurately
predict the timing yield, SSTA must analyze
the entire circuit. Also, the analysis must be
completed within a practical amount of time. For
these reasons, the SSTA tool for processor design
uses the block-based SSTA method. The SSTA
tool can statistically handle D2D variations as
well as WID random variations, so the timing
yield can be predicted more accurately. Figure 4
shows the SSTA ow used by the tool to predict
the timing yield of manufactured processors.
this ow, we predict manually the WID random
Individual analysis of paths from S to E Simultaneous analysis of all paths from S to E
(a) Path-based SSTA (b) Block-based SSTA
Circuit delay PDF
Path delay PDF
Scan direction
Figure 3
Path-based and block-based SSTA.
521 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
variations of the gates and interconnects that
are inputs of the SSTA tool using the manufac-
turing data of older-generation technologies. For
the D2D variations, we use the standard values
of the existing technology of the target circuit
because we do not know the actual values at the
introduction of a new technology. However, once
the manufacturing conditions are fixed and the
operating frequencies of the chips ring oscillators
can be measured, we use the values of the D2D
variations from the variations of the measured
frequencies of the ring oscillators. Also, once
we obtain the results of frequency selection, we
can feed them back to the flow and correct the
difference between the timing yields acquired
by frequency selection and the SSTA-predicted
values. As the manufacturing proceeds, the
feedback operations conducted after manufactur-
ing produce a system that improves the accuracy
of prediction. For example, for one particular
design, we conrmed that the yield errors were
within 10%.
6. Applying SSTA to ASIC design
ASIC design uses SSTA for timing sign-off,
which is done at the last stage of timing verica-
tion in the design ow to conrm that the circuit
frequency acquired by timing analysis flow is
within the target frequency. In timing sign-off,
all paths must satisfy their timing constraints.
Therefore, our SSTA tool uses a path-based
algorithm that can accurately calculate path
delay. We also devised a new technique for
alleviating the timing constraint of each path as
compared with the conventional SSTA technique
and incorporated it into the SSTA tool.
apply our SSTA tools to Fujitsus design ow, the
following two conditions must be satised:
1) If the STA check results are replaced by the
SSTA check results, a yield equivalent to the
conventional yield must be assured.
2) The designers workload must be minimized.
First, to assure a yield equivalent to the
conventional yield, we must improve the accura-
cy of the SSTA tool to prevent the estimation
of optimistic delays. Errors in the outputs of
our SSTA tool are unavoidable because of the
Within-die variations
Between lots
Variation quantity
Measured values
Actual timing yield
Error evaluation and
feedback to SSTA
Predicted timing yield
Frequency selection
Figure 4
SSTA ow for processor design.
522 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
errors in the models, algorithms, and inputs.
Especially, input gate delay variations are dif-
cult to accurately estimate because some of the
factors of the delay variations are difficult to
analyze. Therefore, our SSTA tool only extracts
random variations among the gate delay varia-
tions and processes them statistically. Regarding
the other delay variation factors, the SSTA tool
uses the worst-case conditions in the same way
as the conventional STA. Therefore, the risks
of optimistic delay estimations are avoided and
yields at least as good as those of the convention-
al ow are assured.
Secondl y, to mi ni mize the desi gner s
workload, the additional load due to statistical
information handling and the additional time due
to SSTA processing must be reduced. Therefore,
we propose that the SSTA tool analyzes only the
critical paths that are detected by the conven-
tional STA tool. Figure 5 compares this new
design ow with the conventional design ow.
If the sign-off processing using the conven-
tional STA tool indicates the NG state, the
developed SSTA tool is used for postprocessing.
The critical path list detected by the STA tool and
the delay variation information are both input
to the SSTA tool. The SSTA results are added to
the input critical path list, which makes it easier
for the designer to conrm the SSTA results.
In this SSTA design flow, the SSTA tool
analyzes only the critical paths, which prevents
an increase in processing time. Moreover, we
adopted a yield assurance check technique

that determines how many critical paths must
be analyzed to assure the expected timing
yield. Therefore, a timing yield equivalent to
the conventional yield can be assured using this
SSTA design ow.
Figure 6 shows an example of applying this
SSTA design ow to a 90 nm technology circuit.
The graph shows the timing yield distribution
calculated from the circuit delay probability
distribution using SSTA. The frequency equiva-
lent to a yield of 3s is 221 MHz. Compared with
the conventional STA estimation frequency of
209 MHz, this SSTA estimation frequency is
an improvement of about 5.7%. This frequency
improvement reduces the time needed for timing
optimization: whereas the conventional design
flow for this circuit took one month, the new
design flow only took 20 days. Therefore, the
SSTA design ow can reduce the design TAT.
path list
Physical design
design fIow
design fIow
Figure 5
SSTA and conventional ASIC design ows.

Frequency (MHz)
Timing yield distribution
results: 209 MHz
results: 221 MHz
230 240
Figure 6
Results of design ow applied to ASIC design.
523 FUJITSU Sci. Tech. J., 43,4,(October 2007)
I. Nitta et al.: Statistical Static Timing Analysis Technology
7. Conclusion
This paper described the basic techniques of
SSTA and its application to solve problems that
occur due to increases in delay variations. It also
described the use and effectiveness of SSTA in
the design of Fujitsu processors and ASICs.
In the future, we will improve the correla-
tion with actual yields by adding more examples
of applying SSTA to processor and ASIC designs
and provide solutions for improving design
efciency by feeding back SSTA results.
Several vendors have released SSTA tools
since late 2006. In the future, we will be able to
quickly apply these tools to Fujitsus design ows
by using the technical knowledge acquired from
our SSTA applications.
1) S. Tsukiyama: Statistical Timing Analysis:
A Survey. (in Japanese), The 18
on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa, 2005,
2) A. Srivastava et al.: Statistical Analysis and
Optimization for VLSI: Timing and Power.
Springer, 2005.
3) H. Komatsu et al.: Statistical Timing Analysis
and its Application to Microprocessor Design. (in
Japanese), IPSJ Symposium Series, Vol. 2006,
No.7, p.1-6.
4) I. Nitta et al.: A Study of the Model and the
Accuracy of Statistical Timing Analysis. (in
Japanese), IEICE Technical Report, VLD 2005-71,
105, 442, p.61-66 (2005).
5) K. Homma, et al.: A Study of the Execution
Path Number and the Accuracy of Path-Based
Statistical Timing Analysis. (in Japanese) IEICE
Technical Report, CPSY2005-74, 105, 669, p.61-66
Izumi Nitta, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Ms. Nitta joined Fujitsu Laboratories
Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan in 1991, where
she has been engaged in research and
development of VLSI physical design
analysis and optimization. She is a
member of the Information Processing
Society (IPSJ) of Japan.
Katsumi Homma, Fujitsu Laboratories
Mr. Homma received B.S. degree in
Physics from Hirosaki University in
1985 and M.S. degree in Mathematics
f rom Ni i gat a Uni versi t y i n 1988,
r espect i vel y. He j oi ned Fuj i t su
Ltd. in 1992 and moved to Fujitsu
Laboratories in 1994. His current re-
search interest is VLSI physical design
and optimization. He is a member of
the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE) of Japan.
To s h i y u k i Sh i bu y a , F u j i t s u
Laboratories Ltd.
Mr. Shibuya joined Fujitsu Laboratories
Ltd., Kawasaki, in 1985, where he
has been engaged in research and
development of VLSI physical design
analysis and optimization, and paral-
lel computing. He is a member of the
Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers (IEICE) of

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