Review Article: CORDIC Architectures: A Survey
Review Article: CORDIC Architectures: A Survey
Review Article: CORDIC Architectures: A Survey
VLSI Design
Volume 2010, Article ID 794891, 19 pages
Review Article
CORDIC Architectures: A Survey
Copyright © 2010 B. Lakshmi and A. S. Dhar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
In the last decade, CORDIC algorithm has drawn wide attention from academia and industry for various applications such as
DSP, biomedical signal processing, software defined radio, neural networks, and MIMO systems to mention just a few. It is an
iterative algorithm, requiring simple shift and addition operations, for hardware realization of basic elementary functions. Since
CORDIC is used as a building block in various single chip solutions, the critical aspects to be considered are high speed, low
power, and low area, for achieving reasonable overall performance. In this paper, we first classify the CORDIC algorithm based
on the number system and discuss its importance in the implementation of CORDIC algorithm. Then, we present systematic and
comprehensive taxonomy of rotational CORDIC algorithms, which are subsequently discussed in depth. Special attention has been
devoted to the higher radix and flat techniques proposed in the literature for reducing the latency. Finally, detailed comparison of
various algorithms is presented, which can provide a first-order information to designers looking for either further improvement
of performance or selection of rotational CORDIC for a specific application.
and hyperbolic coordinate systems using the same CORDIC
algorithm, embedding coordinate systems as a parameter. (xin , yin )
During the last 50 years of the CORDIC algorithm a
wide variety of applications have emerged. The CORDIC
algorithm has received increased attention after an unified
approach is proposed for its implementation [7]. Thereafter, O x
CORDIC based computing has been the choice for scientific
calculator applications and HP-2152A co-processor, HP- Figure 1: Two dimensional vector rotation.
9100 desktop calculator, HP-35 calculator are a few such
devices based on the CORDIC algorithm [1, 8]. The
CORDIC arithmetic processor chip is designed and imple- Section 4, general architectures being employed in literature
mented to perform various functions possible in rotation for the implementation of the CORDIC algorithm are
and vectoring mode of circular, linear, and hyperbolic discussed. In Section 5, the complete taxonomy of rotational
coordinate systems [9]. Since then, CORDIC technique has CORDIC algorithms is presented. Section 6 presents the
been used in many applications [10], such as single chip low latency nonredundant CORDIC algorithm. Sections 7–
CORDIC processor for DSP applications [11–15], linear 9 provide different redundant CORDIC algorithms along
transformations [16–21], digital filters [17], [22–24], and with the architectures being proposed in the literature for the
matrix based signal processing algorithms [25, 26]. More rotational CORDIC, followed by the comparison of different
recently, the advances in the VLSI technology and the advent methods in Section 10. Finally, conclusions are presented in
of EDA tools have extended the application of CORDIC Section 11.
algorithm to the field of biomedical signal processing [27],
neural networks [28], software defined radio [29], and 2. Redundant Arithmetic [32, 33]
MIMO systems [30] to mention a few.
Although CORDIC may not be the fastest technique to A nonredundant radix-ρ number system has the set
perform these operations, it is attractive due to its potential {0, 1, . . . , ρ − 1} and all numbers can be uniquely represented.
for efficient and low cost implementation of a large class of To avoid carry propagation delay in addition, redundant
applications. Several modifications have been proposed in binary number system is employed. The two common redun-
the literature for the CORDIC algorithm during the last two dant number systems employed in CORDIC arithmetic
decades to provide high performance and low cost hardware are the signed-digit (SD) [34–37] and the carry-save (CS)
solutions for real time computation of a two dimensional [38] number systems. In a SD number system for radix
vector rotation and transcendental functions. ρ, the numbers are represented with digit set {−β, −β +
A new type of arithmetic operation called fast rotations 1, . . . , −1, 0, +1, . . . , α}, where α ≤ (ρ − 1) and (1 ≤ β ≤
or orthonormal μ-rotations over a set of fixed angles is (ρ − 1)). For symmetric digit set, α = β, and each digit s of SD
proposed [31]. These orthonormal μ-rotations are based number system is represented as (s+ , s− ) by (p, n) encoding
on the idea of CORDIC and share the property that such that (s+ − s− = s). In the radix-2 SD number system,
performing the rotation requires a minimal number of shift- numbers are represented with digits {−1, 0, 1}. In the carry-
add operations. These fast rotations methods form a viable save number system, numbers are represented with digit set
low cost alternative to the CORDIC arithmetic for certain {0, 1, 2}. It may be observed that, in both SD and CS number
applications such as FIR filter banks for image processing, systems each number can be represented in multiple ways.
the generation of spherical sample rays in 3D graphics, and The redundancy in SD and CS number representation limits
the computation of eigenvalue decomposition and singular the carry propagation from each stage to its immediate more
value decomposition. significant bit position only. In both the SD/CS adders, all
We have carried out the critical study of different sum bits are generated with two full adder delay independent
architectures proposed in the literature for 2D rotational of the word length. Hence, the application of redundant
CORDIC in circular coordinate system, to initiate the work arithmetic can accelerate the additions/subtractions due to
for further latency reduction or throughput improvement. carry-free or limited carry-propagation.
In this paper, we will review the architectures proposed
for rotational CORDIC. Specifically, we focus on redundant 3. CORDIC Algorithm
unfolded architectures, employing techniques suitable to
increase throughput and reduce latency. The CORDIC algorithm involves rotation of a vector v on
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the XY -plane in circular, linear and hyperbolic coordinate
Section 2, the basics of redundant arithmetic are presented. systems depending on the function to be evaluated. Tra-
In Section 3, we present a review of generalized CORDIC jectories for the vector vi for successive CORDIC iterations
algorithm, radix-2 and radix-4 CORDIC algorithms. In are shown in Figure 2. This is an iterative convergence
VLSI Design 3
algorithm that performs a rotation iteratively using a series where ki denotes the elementary scaling factor of the ith
of specific incremental rotation angles selected so that each iteration, and K is the resultant scaling factor after n
iteration is performed by shift and add operation. The iterations. The computation of scale factor and its compen-
norm of a vector in these coordinate systems is defined sation increases the computational overhead and hardware
as x2 + my 2 , where m ∈ {1, 0, −1} represents a circular, depending on the number system employed in the CORDIC
linear or hyperbolic coordinate system respectively. The arithmetic.
norm preserving rotation trajectory is a circle defined by x2 + With the appropriate initial values of x, y, and z, both
y 2 = 1 in the circular coordinate system. Similarly, the norm rotation and vectoring modes can be used to compute
preserving rotation trajectory in the hyperbolic and linear commonly used elementary functions [39] given in Table 1.
coordinate systems is defined by the function x2 − y 2 = 1 and
x = 1, respectively. The CORDIC method can be employed 3.2. CORDIC Algorithm for Circular Coordinate System. We
in two different modes, namely, the rotation mode and the present in this section the detailed description of 2D plane
vectoring mode. The rotation mode is used to perform the rotation in circular coordinate system, since this is used
general rotation by a given angle θ. The vectoring mode in many applications. The CORDIC algorithm calculates
computes unknown angle θ of a vector by performing a finite trigonometric functions, rotation of a vector and angle of
number of microrotations. a vector by realizing two dimensional vector rotation in
circular coordinate systems. Figure 3 shows the rotation of
3.1. Generalized CORDIC Algorithm. The generalized equa- a vector with length Min by a sequence of microrotations
tions of the CORDIC algorithm for an iteration can be through the elementary angles αi . Equation (2) represents the
written as [7] iterative rotation by an angle αi in circular coordinate system
for m = 1 and is given by
xi+1 = xi − mσi yi ρ−Sm,i ,
xi+1 = xi − σi yi ρ−i ,
yi+1 = σi xi ρ + yi , (2)
yi+1 = σi xi ρ−i + yi , (6)
zi+1 = zi − σi αm,i ,
zi+1 = zi − σi αi .
where σi represents either clockwise or counter clockwise
direction of rotation, ρ represents the radix of the number The values of αi are chosen such that tan (αi ) = ρ−i and
system, m steers the choice of circular (m = 1), linear the multiplication of tangent term is reduced to simple
(m = 0) or hyperbolic (m = −1) coordinate systems, Sm,i shift operation. It may observed that the norm of vector
is the nondecreasing integer shift sequence, and αm,i is the in (i + 1)th iteration is extended compared to that in
elementary rotation angle. The latter directly depends on Sm,i ith rotation, that is Mi+1 = Mi 1 + tan2 α. The increase
through the relation in magnitude of the vector in every iteration depends on
√ the radix of the number system and number of iterations
αm,i = √ tan−1 mρ−Sm,i . (3) and is represented by the scale factor K. The direction of
m iterative rotation is determined using zi or yi depending on
The shift sequence Sm,i depends on the coordinate system and rotation mode or vectoring mode respectively. The number
the radix of number system. Sm,i affects the convergence of of microrotations to be performed in both the modes
the algorithm and n affects the accuracy of the final result. depends on the desired computing accuracy and can be
A detailed discussion on these is presented later. The value constant for a particular computer of finite word length. The
of σi depends on the radix of the number system and is number of microrotations in turn decides the number of
determined by the following equation assuming that vector elementary angles. The iterative equations of the CORDIC
is either in the first or in the fourth quadrant: algorithm for radix-2 and radix-4 number systems will be
presented in the following sections.
⎨sign(zi ), for rotation mode,
σi = ⎩ (4) 3.2.1. Rotation Mode. In rotation mode, the input angle θ
− sign yi , for vectoring mode, will be decomposed using a finite number of elementary
angles [3]
where z and y are the steering variables in rotation and
vectoring mode respectively. The required microrotations are θ = σ0 α0 + σ1 α1 + · · · + σn−1 αn−1 , (7)
not perfect and increase the length of the vector. In order to
maintain a constant vector length, the obtained results have where n indicates the number of microrotations, αi is the
to be scaled by the scale factor elementary angle for ith iteration and σi is the direction
of ith microrotation. In rotation mode, z0 is the angle
K= ki , accumulator initialized with the input rotation angle. The
i direction of vector in every iteration must be determined
to reduce the magnitude of the residual angle in the angle
ki = 1 + mσi2 ρ−2Sm,i , accumulator. Therefore, the direction of rotation in any
4 VLSI Design
z0 = θ zn = 0
x0 = 1/Km xn = cos θ
y0 = 0 yn = sin θ
z0 = θ zn = 0
x0 = 1 xn = 1 + a2
y0 = a yn = sin θ
z0 = π/2 zn = 0
2 2 1/2
x0 = xin xn = Km · sign(x0 ) · (xin + yin )
1 (Circular) Vectoring
y0 = yin yn = 0
x0 = xin xn = xin
0 (Linear) Rotation y0 = yin yn = yin + xin · z
z0 = z zn = 0
x0 = xin xn = xin
0 (Linear) Vectoring y0 = yin yn = 0
z0 = z zn = z + yin /xin
z0 = θ zn = 0
x0 = 1/Km xn = cosh θ
y0 = 0, z0 = θ zn = 0, yn = sinh θ
x0 = a xn = aeθ
y0 = a, z0 = θ zn = 0, yn = aeθ
2 1/2
x0 = xin 2
xn = Km · sign(x0 ) · (xin − yin )
−1 (Hyperbolic) Vectoring
y0 = yin yn = 0, zn = θ + tanh−1 (yin /xin )
x0 = a xn = a2 − 1
y0 = 0 yn = 0, zn = coth−1 a
x0 = a + 1 xn = 2 a
y0 = a − 1 yn = 0, zn = 0.5 ln(a)
x0 = a + b xn = 2 ab
y0 = a − b yn = 0, zn = 0.5 ln(a/b)
VLSI Design 5
y v1 y v1
x (i) y
v (i) = v3 v1 y=x
y (i) x (i)
v4 v3 v (i) =
v3 y (i)
v2 v2
O x v0 x
v0 O O v0
x=1 x x2 − y 2 = 1
y = −x
x (i)
x2 + y2 = 1 v (i) =
y (i)
(xout , yout )
t an
θ= Mi tan αi
i=0 αi
(xin , yin ) ∞
ROT(θ) = Yi
i=0 ROT(αi ) Mi
θ αi
O x O Xi+1 Xi x
(a) (b) (c)
iteration is determined using the sign of the residual angle 3.2.3. Radix-2 CORDIC Algorithm. The iteration equations
obtained in the previous iteration. The coordinates of a of the radix-2 CORDIC algorithm [7] in rotation mode of
vector obtained after n microrotations are circular coordinate system at the (i + 1)th step are obtained
by using ρ = 2 in (6) and are given by
xn = K xin cos θ − yin sin θ ,
xi+1 = xi − σi 2−i yi ,
yn = K xin sin θ + yin cos θ , (8)
zn −→ 0. yi+1 = σi 2−i xi + yi , (11)
zi+1 = zi − σi αi ,
3.2.2. Vectoring Mode. In vectoring mode, the unknown
angle of a vector is determined by performing a finite number where αi = tan−1 (2−i ) and
of microrotations satisfying the relation [3]
⎨−1, for zi < 0,
−θ = σ0 α0 + σ1 α1 + · · · + σn−1 αn−1 . (9) σi = ⎩ (12)
1, otherwise.
The vectoring mode rotates the input vector through a
predetermined set of n elementary angles so as to reduce the In order to maintain a constant vector length, the obtained
y coordinate of the final vector to zero as closely as possible. results have to be scaled by the scale factor K given by
Therefore, the direction of rotation in every iteration must
be determined based on the sign of residual y coordinate −1
the carry propagate addition remained a bottleneck for nonredundant radix higher than 2, and redundant number
further throughput improvement. Two major methodologies system. For radix-2, the
√ scale factor needs to be computed for
have been employed in the literature to increase the speed n/2 iterations as ki = 1 + 2−2i becomes unity for i > n/2 + 1.
of CORDIC implementation. One reduces the delay of In redundant radix-4 CORDIC [43], scale factor (15) is not
each iteration by adopting redundant arithmetic to radix- constant. In addition,
√ it is sufficient to compute K for n/4
2 CORDIC [42] to eliminate carry propagate addition. The iterations as ki = 1 + 4−2i becomes unity thereafter.
other technique involves reducing the number of iterations
by increasing the radix employed for the implementation of
3.2.6. Scale Factor Compensation. The scale factor compen-
CORDIC algorithm [43].
sation technique involves scaling of the final coordinates
The redundant radix-2 CORDIC [42] is proposed by
(xn , yn ) with 1/K. The most direct method for scaling
employing redundant arithmetic. The direction of rotations
operation is the multiplication of (xn , yn ) by 1/K using
σi , are selected from the set {−1, 0, 1} in contrast to {−1, 1}
the CORDIC module in linear mode [7]. This can realized
employed in the conventional CORDIC. These σi values are
using the CORDIC module in linear mode [7]. However,
computed by evaluating a few most significant digits of zi ,
this method requires n shift and add operations which are
since the determination of sign of a redundant number takes
comparable to the computational effort of the CORDIC
long time. This redundant CORDIC algorithm performs no
algorithm itself. Since K −1 is constant for radix-2, the
rotation extension for σi = 0 and affects the value of scaling
computational overhead can be reduced by using CSD
factor K, thus making it data-dependent. Therefore, K has
recoded multiplier. On an average, the number of nonzero
to be calculated for each microrotation. This calculation and
digits can be reduced to n/3 using CSD representation
correction increases the computation time and hardware.
[32] and hence, the effort for multiplication using CSD
recoded multiplier is approximately one third that required
3.2.4. Redundant Radix-4 CORDIC Algorithm. As men- using conventional multiplier. Further, scaling can also be
tioned above, the speed of CORDIC algorithm implementa- implemented using a Wallace tree by fully parallelizing
tion can be improved by reducing the number of iterations. multiplication and is preferred for applications aiming for
The iteration equations for the radix-4 CORDIC algorithm low latency at the expense of more silicon area [44].
in rotation mode derived at the (i + 1)th step by using ρ = 4 Scaling may be done by extending the sequence of
in (6) and are given by CORDIC iterations [9, 16, 17] to avoid additional hardware
required in the direct method. A comparison of several scale
xi+1 = xi − σi 4−i yi , factor compensation techniques proposed in the literature
along with two additional methods, additive and multi-
yi+1 = σi 4−i xi + yi , (14) plicative decomposition approaches, for radix-2 CORDIC is
presented in [44]. It is observed from the presented results
wi+1 = wi − tan−1 σi 4−i ,
that additive technique offers a low latency solution and
multiplicative technique offers an area economical solution
where σi ∈ {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2}. The final x and y coordinates
for applications of CORDIC employing array and pipelined
are scaled by
architectures. An algorithm is proposed [45] to performs
1/2 scale factor compensation in parallel with the CORDIC
K= ki = 1 + σi2 4−2i . (15) rotation using nonredundant and redundant arithmetic,
i≥0 i≥0
thereby, eliminating the final multiplication [3] or additional
Here, the scale factor K depends on the values of σi and scaling iterations [9, 16, 17].
hence, has to be computed in every iteration. The range of
K is (1, 2.52) for radix-4 CORDIC. In this CORDIC, the 3.2.7. Convergence. The CORDIC algorithm involves the
direction of rotation is computed based on the estimated rotation of a vector to reduce the z or y coordinate of the
value of wi [43]. The w path involves the computation final vector as closely as possible to zero for rotation or
of estimated wi and evaluation of selection function to vectoring mode respectively. The maximum value of rotation
determine σi resulting in increase of the iteration delay angle by which the vector can be rotated depends on the shift
compared to that of radix-2. However, the number of sequence [7]. The expected results of the CORDIC algorithm
iterations required for radix-2 CORDIC can be halved by can be obtained if the z or y coordinate is driven sufficiently
employing the radix-4 CORDIC algorithm. close to zero. In addition, it can be guaranteed to drive z or y
The Scale factor computation and compensation, to zero, if the initial values of a vector (xin , yin , zin ) or (xin , yin )
CORDIC algorithm convergence and accuracy aspects are lies within the permissible range. These ranges define the
presented in following sections. domain of convergence of the CORDIC algorithm.
For n-bit precision, the given rotation angle can be
3.2.5. Scale Factor Computation. The CORDIC rotation steps decomposed as
change the length of the vector in every iteration resulting in
the distortion of the norm of the vector as shown in Figure 3 −1
and is given by (5). In nonredundant radix-2 CORDIC, K is θ= σi αi + ϕ, (16)
constant since σ = ±1. However, K is no longer constant for i=0
VLSI Design 7
where ϕ is an angle approximation error such that |ϕ| < αn−1 CORDIC
and is negligible in practical computation [7]. This angle architecture
approximation error in rotation and vectoring mode can be
computed as
Folded Unfolded
ϕ(rotation) = tan−1 (zn ),
ϕ vectoring = tan−1 . Bit serial Word serial Pipelined Parallel
The magnitude of elementary angle for the given shift Figure 4: Taxonomy of CORDIC architectures.
sequence may be predetermined using
n 3.3.2. Rounding Error. The second type of error called
|θ | = αi + αn−1 . (19) rounding error is due to the truncation of CORDIC internal
i=0 variables by the finite length of storage elements. In addition
The convergence range of CORDIC algorithm can be defined scale factor compensation also contributes to this error. In a
for rotation mode as binary code, the truncation of intermediate results after every
iteration introduces maximum rounding error of log2 n bits.
n To achieve a final accuracy of 1 bit in n bits, an additional
zin ≤ αi + αn−1 (20) log2 n guard bits must be considered in implementation of
i=0 this algorithm [7].
and for vectoring mode as
4. CORDIC Architectures
tan−1 ≤ αi + αn−1 . (21) In this section, a few architectures for mapping the CORDIC
xin i=0 algorithm into hardware are presented. In general, the
architectures can be broadly classified as folded and unfolded
The expected final results cannot be obtained, if the given
as shown in Figure 4, based upon the realization of the three
initial values xin , yin and zin do not satisfy these convergence
iterative equations (6). Folded architectures are obtained by
values. The range of convergence of the CORDIC algorithm
duplicating each of the difference equations of the CORDIC
can be extended from ±π/2 to ±π using preprocessing
algorithm into hardware and time multiplexing all the
techniques [7, 27, 46].
iterations into a single functional unit. Folding provides
a means for trading area for time in signal processing
3.3. Accuracy. The accuracy of the CORDIC algorithm is architectures. The folded architectures can be categorized
affected by two primary sources of error, namely, angle into bit-serial and word-serial architectures depending on
approximation and rounding error. The error bounds for whether the functional unit implements the logic for one bit
these two sources of error are derived by performing the or one word of each iteration of the CORDIC algorithm.
detailed numerical analysis of the CORDIC algorithm [47]. The CORDIC algorithm has traditionally been imple-
The approximation error and the rounding error derived mented using bit serial architecture with all iterations
are combined to yield the overall quantization error in the executed in the same hardware [3]. This slows down the
CORDIC computation. The overall quantization error can be computational device and hence, is not suitable for high
assured to be within the range by considering an additional speed implementation. The word serial architecture [7, 48]
log2 n guard bits in the implementation of the CORDIC is an iterative CORDIC architecture obtained by realizing
algorithm [7]. the iteration equations (6). In this architecture, the shifters
are modified in each iteration to cause the desired shift
3.3.1. Angle Approximation Error. Theoretically, the rotation for the iteration. The appropriate elementary angles, αi are
angle θ is decomposed into infinite number of elementary accessed from a lookup table. The most dominating speed
angles as shown in Figure 3. For practical implementation, factors during the iterations of word serial architecture are
8 VLSI Design
carry/borrow propagate addition/subtraction and variable σi values for the first n/3 iterations are determined itera-
shifting operations, rendering the conventional CORDIC tively using the sign of angle accumulator zi . The rotation
[7] implementation slow for high speed applications. These directions from iteration n/3 + 1 onwards can be generated
drawbacks were overcome by unfolding the iteration process in parallel, since the conventional circular arc tangent radix
[41, 48], so that each of the processing elements always values approach the radix-2 coefficients progressively for
perform the same iteration as shown in Figure 5. The main increasing values of CORDIC iteration index as evident from
advantage of the unfolded pipelined architecture compared the expression
to folded architecture is high throughput due to the hard-
wired shifts rather than time and area consuming barrel tan 2−k
lim = 1. (23)
shifters and elimination of ROM. It may be noted that the k→∞ 2−k
pipelined architecture offers throughput improvement by a
factor of n for n-bit precision at the expense of increasing the For the range of iterations (n/3 + 1) ≤ i ≤ (n/2 + 1), all
hardware by a factor less than n. σi values are determined from the recoded representation
of remaining angle z(n/3+1) . These σi values are used to
obtain z(n/2+1) from z(n/3+1) . For i > (n/2 + 1), the CORDIC
5. CORDIC Taxonomy microrotations are replaced by a single rotation using the
The implementation of CORDIC algorithm has evolved remaining angle z(n/2+1) . Thus, (11) is modified as
over the years to suit varying requirements of applications
x f = x(n/2+2) = k(n/2+1) x(n/2+1) − θr y(n/2+1) ,
from conventional nonredundant to redundant nature. (24)
The unfolded implementation with redundant arithmetic y f = y(n/2+2) = k(n/2+1) θr x(n/2+1) + y(n/2+1) ,
initiated the efforts to address high latency in conventional
CORDIC. Subsequently, several modifications have been where θr = z(n/2+1) , k(n/2+1) is the scale factor in the (n/2+1)th
proposed for redundant CORDIC algorithm to achieve iteration and (x f , y f ) are the scaled final coordinates.
reduction in iteration delay, latency, area and power. The
evolution of the unfolded rotational CORDIC algorithms Scale Factor. The low latency nonredundant radix-2
is shown in Figure 6. As this taxonomy is fairly rich, the CORDIC algorithm achieves constant scale factor since
remainder of the review presents taxonomy in top-down σi ∈ {−1, 1} and performs the scale factor compensation
approach. concurrently with the computation of x and y coordinates,
CORDIC is broadly classified as nonredundant CORDIC using two multipliers in parallel [49]. This is in contrast to
and redundant CORDIC based on the number system two series multiplications required in the algorithm [50].
being employed. The major drawback of the conventional
CORDIC algorithm [3, 7] was low throughput and high
latency due to the carry propagate adder used for the 7. Constant Scale Factor Redundant
implementation of iterative equations. This contradicted the Radix-2 CORDIC
simplicity and novelty of the CORDIC algorithm attracting
the attention of several researchers to device methods to Redundant radix-2 CORDIC methods can be classified as
increase the speed of execution. The obvious solution is to variable and constant scale factor methods based on the
reduce the time for each iteration or the number of iterations dependence of scale factor on the input angle. In redundant
or both. The redundant arithmetic has been employed radix-2 CORDIC [42], σi ∈ {−1, 0, 1} and hence scale factor
to reduce the time for each iteration of the conventional K is data-dependent. Therefore, K has to be calculated for
CORDIC. We have analyzed and presented in the following each microrotation. This calculation and correction increases
Sections, features of different pipelined and nonpipelined the computation time and hardware. Several redundant
unfolded implementations of the rotational CORDIC. CORDIC algorithms with constant scale factor are available
in the literature [51–53] to address data dependency of
the scale factor as shown in Figure 7. In these methods,
6. Low Latency Nonredundant the iterative rotations of a point around the origin on the
Radix-2 CORDIC [49] XY -plane are considered (see Figure 1). The direction of
each rotation depends on the sign of steering variable zi ,
A significant improvement for the conventional rotational which represents the remaining angle of rotation. Since
CORDIC algorithm in circular coordinate system is pro- the computation of the sign of redundant number requires
posed [50], employing linear approximation to the rotation more time, estimated value of zi (zi ) is used to determine
when the remaining angle is small. This remaining angle is the direction of rotation. The estimated value is computed
chosen such that a first order Taylor series approximation based on the value of the three most significant digits of
of sin θr and cos θr , calling θr the remaining angle, may be zi . Constant scale factor is achieved by restricting σi to
employed as sin θr ≈ θr and cos θr ≈ 1. The architecture for the set {−1, 1}, thus facilitating a faster implementation.
the implementation of this algorithm using nonredundant The constant scale factor methods can be classified based
arithmetic is presented in [49]. The iteration equations of on the arithmetic employed as redundant radix-2 CORDIC
this algorithm for the first n/2 + 1 microrotations are same with signed digit arithmetic and carry save arithmetic (see
as those for the conventional CORDIC algorithm (11). The Figure 7).
VLSI Design 9
X0 Y0 Z0 α0
σ0 σ0 σ0
+/ − +/ − +/ −
X1 Y1 −sign (Y ) sign (Z)
σ1 σ1 σ1
+/ − +/ − +/ −
X2 Y2
−sign (Y ) sign (Z)
σi σi σi
+/ − +/ − +/ −
−sign (Y ) sign (Z)
Xi+1 Yi+1 MUX Zi+1
Scale Factor. The scale factor need not be computed for the 7.1.2. Correcting Rotation Method [51]. This is another
implementation of all the constant scale factor techniques method proposed to achieve constant scale factor for the
discussed in this section. In these methods, no specific computation of sine and cosine functions. This method
scale factor compensation technique is considered. It may avoids rotation corresponding to σi = 0 and performs one
be noted that a specific compensation technique can be rotation extension in every iteration depending on the zi .
considered depending on the application. Further, extra rotation extensions are performed at fixed
intervals for correcting the error introduced by avoiding
σi = 0 and to assure convergence. If b fractional bits are
7.1. Constant Scale Factor Redundant CORDIC Using SD
used to estimate zi , the interval between correcting iterations
Arithmetic. The redundant radix-2 CORDIC using SD
should be less than or equal to (b − 2) [54]. This method
arithmetic can be further classified based on the tech-
also requires 50% additional iterations, if three or four most
nique employed to achieve constant scale factor (see
significant digits are used for sign estimation. The increase in
Figure 7). These methods are implemented using the
latency of rotational CORDIC due to these double rotation
basic CORDIC iteration recurrences (11) with necessary
and correcting iteration methods is reduced using branching
algorithm [52].
Nonredundant Redundant
Radix 2-4
Radix 2 Radix 4
Radix 2 low latency radix2
(1959) (1989, 2008) Variable
scale factor
Variable Constant σi
scale factor (1987) scale factor prediction
scale factor
rotation with σi = −1. The direction of rotation in the next factor using CS arithmetic have been proposed to reduce this
subsequent rotation is decided by the sign of that zi module overhead, the details of which are discussed below.
whose value is small. In every iteration i, angle accumulator
(z+ or z− ) computes the remaining angle (zi+ or zi− ) to 7.2.1. Low Latency Redundant CORDIC [55]. This algorithm
determine the direction of rotation for the next iteration. The is proposed to reduce the latency of redundant CORDIC
direction of rotation is determined by examining window of [51] by subdividing the n iterations into different groups and
three digits of zi+ or zi− . using different techniques for each of these groups. For all the
The disadvantage of branching method is the necessity iterations, if σi = ±1, conventional iteration equations (11)
of performing two conventional CORDIC iterations in are used. This method avoids σi = 0 for iterations between
parallel which requires almost two fold effort in terms of 0 ≤ i ≤ (n − 3)/4 and employs correcting rotation method
implementation complexity. In addition, one of the modules [51]. For iterations (n − 3)/4 < i ≤ (n + 1)/2, σi = 0 is
will not be utilized when branching does not take place. considered as a valid choice. Since for this group of iterations
However, this method offers faster implementation than ki = 1 + 2−2i = 1 + 2−2i−1 holds within n-bit precision,
double and correcting rotation methods [51], since, it does vector is not rotated for σi = 0. However, the length of
not require additional iterations to achieve constant scale the vector is increased by the scale factor for that iteration,
factor. as the final coordinates are scaled assuming constant scale
factor. For the iterations i > (n + 1)/2, no correcting factor is
7.1.4. Double Step Branching Method [53]. The performance required as the scale factor becomes unity.
of branching algorithm is enhanced by the double step
branching method to improve utilization of hardware. This 7.2.2. DCORDIC [56]. In the sign estimation methods [51–
method involves determining two distinct σi values in 53], half of the computational effort in the x/ y/z data
each step with some additional hardware compared to the paths of rotational CORDIC is required to allow for the
branching method, where the two modules do different correction of possible errors, as the sign estimation is not
computations only when branching takes place. Double entirely perfect. This problem is reduced by high speed
step branching method determines the two direction of bit-level pipelining technique with CS arithmetic proposed
rotations by examining the six most significant digits to do a in [57]. This algorithm involves the transformation of the
double step. These six digits are divided into two subgroups conventional CORDIC iteration equations (11) into partially
of three digits each, and each subgroup is handled in fixed iteration equations, given by
parallel, to generate the required σi using zeroing modules (z
path). Although double stepping method introduces a small z zi − αi ,
i+1 =
hardware overhead compared to the branching method, it is
better than the latter since it increases the utilization of x/ y xi+1 = xi − sign(zi )2−i yi , (25)
rotator modules.
yi+1 = sign(zi )2−i xi + yi .
7.2. Constant Scale Factor Redundant CORDIC Using CS It is clear from these expressions that the computation of
Arithmetic. It is worth discussing here one more classifi- x and y requires the actual sign of zi , while the angle
cation related to constant scale factor redundant radix-2 accumulator requires only the absolute value of zi . The
CORDIC (see Figure 7). The implementation of redundant actual sign of zi (σi ) can be determined by taking into
CORDIC with constant scale factor using signed arithmetic account the initial sign of z0 and providing information
results in an increase in the chip area [51–53] and latency about sign changes during the absolute value computation of
[51] by at least 50% compared to redundant radix-2 zi . Similarly, all σi values are computed recursively. Later this
CORDIC [42]. Low latency CORDIC algorithm [55] and technique is implemented with SD arithmetic and proposed
differential CORDIC algorithm [56, 57] with constant scale as Differential CORDIC (DCORDIC) algorithm [56]. Since
12 VLSI Design
n/2 −1
iterations at a time rather than for all iterations together.
CORDIC This architecture does not allow rotation for index i = 0.
Hence, the convergence range of this architecture is less
than (−π/2, +π/2). On the other hand, the requirement
of redundant to binary conversions of intermediate results
Low-latency Hybrid CORDIC PCORDIC in the z path restricts the pipelined implementation of
(1992) (2002)
this architecture. In order to reduce the latency of this
parallelizing scheme further, termination algorithm and
booth encoding method have been proposed.
Partitioned Mixed
9.2. P-CORDIC [61]. The sequential procedure in the com-
putation of direction of rotations of the CORDIC algorithm
Flat CORDIC Para CORDIC Semiflat CORDIC is eliminated by the P-CORDIC algorithm, while main-
(2002) (2004) (2006) taining a constant scale factor. This algorithm precomputes
the direction of microrotations before the actual CORDIC
Figure 9: Taxonomy of direction prediction based CORDIC
rotation starts iteratively in the x/ y path. This is obtained
by deriving a relation between the constructed binary
representation of direction of rotations d, and rotation angle
θ [40, 62] given by
compute the scale factor for remaining iterations with the
combinational logic. This is designed by realizing the first σ = 0.5θ + 0.5c1 + sign(θ)0 + δ, (31)
few terms of Taylor series expansion of scale factor. For this
redundant radix-4 implementation, the number of iterations where c1 = 2 − ∞ i=0 (2
− tan−1 (2−i )), δ =
i=1 (σi i ),
−1 −i −1 −i
are reduced at the expense of adding hardware for computing 0 = 1 − tan (1), and i = 2 − tan (2 ). Here, δ is
the scale factor. computed using the partial offset i and the corresponding
direction bit σi for the first n/3 iterations, since the value
9. Parallel CORDIC Algorithms of i decreases by a factor of 8 beyond n/3 iterations. The
direction of rotations for any input angle θ in binary form are
The CORDIC algorithms discussed so far have represented θ obtained by realizing this expression taking a variable offset
using a set of elementary angles αi called arc tangent radix set δ from ROM. The unfolded architecture proposed for the
[3] implementation of this algorithm eliminates the z path and
reduces the area of the implementation. This architecture
θ = σ0 α0 + σ1 α1 + · · · + σn−1 αn−1 , (28) achieves latency and hardware reduction over the radix-2
unfolded parallel architecture [55].
where αi = tan−1 (2−i ) and σi ∈ {−1, 1}, satisfying the
convergence theorem [7]
Scale Factor. The scale factor in the implementation of P-
n CORDIC algorithm remains constant, as σi ∈ {−1, 1} being
αi − α j < αn−1 (29) generated for the implementation of x/ y path. The scale
j =i+1 factor compensation is implemented using constant factor
multiplication technique as discussed in Section 3.2.6.
in contrast to the representation using a normal radix
θ = σ0 20 + σ1 2−1 + · · · + σn−1 2−n+1 . (30) 9.3. Hybrid CORDIC Algorithm. For n-bit fixed point
CORDIC processor in circular coordinate system, nearly n/3
The direction of rotation σi for the ith iteration is determined iterations must be computed sequentially. This is true for
after computing the (i−1) iterations sequentially. It is evident both generation of direction and rotation without affecting
from this sequential dependence of the radix system that the accuracy [60]. The subsequent rotation directions for the
speed of CORDIC algorithm can be improved by avoiding last 2n/3 iterations can be generated in parallel since the
the sequential behavior in the computation of σi values or x/ y conventional circular ATR values approach the radix-2
coordinates. The various redundant CORDIC algorithms coefficients progressively with increasing iteration index, that
proposed in the literature employing either one or both these is,
techniques are shown in Figure 9 and are discussed in the
tan 2−k
following sections. lim = 1. (32)
k → +∞ 2−k
9.1. Low Latency Radix-2 CORDIC [55]. The low latency This behavior is exploited by introducing the hybrid
parallel radix-2 CORDIC architecture presented for the CORDIC algorithms to speed up the conventional CORDIC
rotation mode [55] predicts σi ’s by eliminating sequential rotator. This algorithm involves partitioning θ into θH and
dependency of the z path. In order to minimize the θL . The rotation by θH are performed as in the conventional
prediction error, directions are predicted for a group of CORDIC algorithm and the iterations related to θL can be
14 VLSI Design
simplified as in linear coordinate system. This algorithm led the circuit complexity. In addition, the implementation of
to the development of several parallel CORDIC algorithms flat CORDIC needs complex combinational hardware blocks
[63–65]. These can be categorized broadly as mixed-hybrid with poor scalability.
CORDIC and partitioned-hybrid CORDIC algorithms. In
mixed-hybrid CORDIC algorithms [65], the input angle θ Scale Factor. The scale factor in the implementation of the
and initial coordinates (xin , yin ) are used to compute the flat CORDIC algorithm is maintained constant, since σi ∈
rotations for the first n/3 iterations as in the conventional {−1, 1}. The scale factor compensation is implemented using
CORDIC. The remaining angle after these first n/3 iteration a multiplier designed with CS adder tree.
is used for computing directions for the last 2n/3 iterations.
The implementation is designed to keep the fast timing
9.3.2. Para-CORDIC [64]. The Para-CORDIC parallelizes
characteristics of redundant arithmetic in the x/ y path of
the generation of direction of rotations σ from the binary
the CORDIC processing. In the partitioned-hybrid CORDIC
value of the input angle θ by employing binary to bipolar
[63, 64], the first n/3 direction of rotations are generated
representation (BBR) and microrotation angle recoding
using the first n/3 bits of θ and last 2n/3 direction of rotations
(MAR) techniques. This algorithm computes x/ y coordi-
are predicted using the 2n/3 least significant bits of θ.
nates iteratively while eliminating iterative z path completely.
The input angle θ is divided into the higher part θH and
9.3.1. Flat CORDIC [63]. The flat CORDIC algorithm is lower part θL . The two’s complement binary representation
proposed to eliminate iterative nature in the x/ y path for of input angle θ is
reducing the total computation time. This algorithm trans-
forms x/ y recurrences (11) of the conventional CORDIC into l−1
a parallelized version by successive substitution to express θ = (−d0 ) + di 2−i + di 2−i , (34)
the final vectors in terms of the initial vectors, resulting in a i=1 i=l
single equation for n-bit precision. The expressions for final
coordinates of 16-bit sine/cosine generator are where di ∈ {0, 1} and l = (n − log2 3)/3. The (l − 1) bits
of input angle are converted into BBR, and MAR technique
x16 = 1 − σ1 σ2 2−1 2−2 − · · · − σ1 σ23 2−1 2−23 is employed to determine the direction of rotations σ1 to
σl−1 . Since tan−1 2−i =/ 2−i , this method performs additional
− σ2 σ3 2−2 2−3 − · · · − σ9 σ10 2−9 2−10 microrotations for every iteration depending on each posi-
tional binary weight 2−i for i = 1, 2, . . . , l − 1. The remaining
+ σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 2−1 2−2 2−3 2−4 + · · · angle after the first (l − 1) rotations is added to θL . The values
of σl to σn+1 are obtained from BBR of the corrected θL .
+ σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 2−2 2−3 2−4 2−5 + · · ·
This method eliminates ROM for storing the predetermined
direction of rotations. However, it requires additional x/ y
+ σ3 σ4 σ6 σ7 2−3 2−4 2−6 2−7 + EC−X ,
stages for the repetition of a certain microrotations and array
y16 = σ1 2−1 + σ2 2−2 + · · · + σ16 2−16 of adders to compute the corrected θL .
− σ1 σ2 σ3 2−1 2−2 2−3 − · · · − σ5 σ7 σ8 2−5 2−7 2−8 9.3.3. Semi-Flat CORDIC [65]. The iterative nature in the
implementation of the conventional CORDIC algorithm is
+ σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 2−1 2−2 2−3 2−4 2−5 + · · ·
partially eliminated by semi flat algorithm. This is designed
−2 −3 −4 −5 −6
for the semi parallelization of the x/ y/z recurrences, to
+ σ2 σ 3 σ 4 σ 5 σ 6 2 2 2 2 2 + EC−Y ,
(33) improve the speed of a rotational unfolded CORDIC without
increasing the area requirements. The internal precision is
where EC−X and EC−Y are the error compensation factors taken higher than the required external precision in order to
in x16 and y16 , respectively. xin and yin are initialized with reduce the quantization error encountered in the CORDIC
1/K and 0 respectively. The 16 sign digits (σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σ15 , σ16 ) algorithm as discussed in Section 3.2.6. For the first λ bits
for 16-bit precision represents the polarity of 16 microrota- of σi , x/ y recurrences are computed iteratively using the
tions required to achieve the target angle. These equations double rotation method [51] resulting in xλ−1 / yλ−1 . Then,
demonstrate the complete parallelization of the conventional xn−1 / yn−1 can be expressed in terms of these xλ−1 / yλ−1 , if
CORDIC algorithm. This technique precomputes σi which all σi ’s are predicted. The σi ’s for (nint /3 − λ) bits (nint
takes values from the set {−1, 1} to achieve constant scale = internal precision) of input angle are precomputed and
factor. The σi ’s for the first n/3 iterations are precomputed stored in ROM, which is addressed by (nint /3 − λ) bits of
employing a technique, called Split Decomposition Algo- input angle. The remaining (2nint /3) number of σi ’s are
rithm (SDA), which limits the input angle range to (0, π/4) predicted from rotation angle [60]. It may be noted that
[66]. The last 2n/3 number of σi ’s are predicted from the neither the description nor the reference is provided for split
remaining angle of n/3 iterations. The internal word length decomposition method employed to precompute (nint /3 − λ)
of the architecture proposed for this technique is considered number of σi ’s.
as (n + log2 n) for n-bit external accuracy [47]. It may be The computation time and area of the chip are affected
noted that the complete parallelization of x/ y iterations lead by the choice of λ, which is clear from the simulation
to the exponential increase of terms to be flattened, affecting results presented in [65]. It is observed from these simulation
VLSI Design 15
results that the best trade-off is obtained with λ = 6 and Branching algorithm using signed digit arithmetic is
λ = 8 for a 16-bit CORDIC (internal precision 22 bits) proposed to achieve constant scale factor. The latency of non-
and 32-bit CORDIC (internal precision 39 bits) respectively. pipelined and pipelined implementation of this algorithm
After λ iterations, all the terms of (xn / yn ) were added using is ntstage . This algorithm achieves 50% latency improvement
the Wallace tree, flattening the x/ y path. However, this over [51] to compute final x/ y coordinates iteratively.
architecture has poor scalability. However, it requires double the hardware as two sets of x/ y/z
modules are employed.
The direction of rotations computed using the sign
Scale Factor. This algorithm achieves constant scale factor, estimation methods [51, 52, 55] may not be accurate,
since σi takes value from the set {−1, 1}. therefore, half of the computational effort is required for
correction. DCORDIC algorithm is proposed to determine
the direction of rotations iteratively using the sign of steering
10. Comparison variable. However, this method requires an initial latency
of ntFA before the CORDIC rotation starts, to obtain the
We have presented a latency estimate comparison of first direction of rotation. The signs are obtained for the
unfolded architectures available in the literature for 2D remaining iterations with one full adder delay using bit level
rotational CORDIC in Table 2. Latency is defined as sum pipelined architecture with n stages. This implementation
of the delays for the computation of redundant x/ y coor- requires latency of ntstage + (n + 1)tFA to compute the final
dinates, scale factor compensation and redundant to binary x/ y coordinates iteratively. In addition, this method requires
conversion of final x/ y coordinates. The design detail of scale 2.5n initial register rows for skewing of input data.
factor compensation and redundant to binary conversion All the methods presented so far reduce the latency by
stages is not made available in the literature for all the decreasing the iteration delay using redundant arithmetic.
architectures as discussed in the previous sections (Sections Since the latency reduction can also be obtained by reduc-
6–9). Hence, we have compared all the CORDIC algorithms ing the number of iterations, the same has motivated to
with respect to the latency required for the rotation computa- implement radix-4 pipelined CORDIC processor [58], which
tion, excluding the scale factor compensation and redundant results in latency of (3n/4 + 1)tstage .
to binary conversion stages. All the architectures presented The mixed radix CORDIC algorithm [59] is proposed
in this table are implemented using redundant arithmetic using radix-2 and radix-4 rotations for designing a pipelined
except the conventional CORDIC [3] and the Low latency processor to operate in rotation and vectoring modes of
nonredundant CORDIC [49]. circular and hyperbolic coordinate systems. The latency of
The nonpipelined and pipelined implementation of the this pipelined architecture requires (3n/4 + 1) stages with
conventional radix-2 CORDIC algorithm [3, 7] requires three different stage delays (tstage ) as 31tNAND (1 ≤ i < n/4),
n iterations to compute x/ y coordinates iteratively. The 34tNAND (n/4 ≤ i ≤ (n/2 + 1)) and 36tNAND (i > (n/2 + 1)).
iteration delay depends on the fast carry propagate adder, This architecture takes more stage delay as this is designed
which is the bottleneck to increase throughput and reduce for various modes of operation.
latency. The advantage of applying radix-4 rotations for all
The application of redundant arithmetic [42] to the iteration stages is exploited in [43] with less number of
conventional CORDIC makes σi to take values from the adders as compared to [58]. For the microrotations in the
set {−1, 0, 1} instead of the set {−1, 1}. The σi values are range 0 ≤ i < (n/6), the pipelined architecture proposed
computed iteratively and the choice of σi = 0 resulted in the for this algorithm implementation determines σi values
variability of the usually constant scale factor. The variable sequentially using angle accumulator. For the microrotations
scale factor increases the area and delay for scale factor in the range i ≥ (n/6), the σi values are determined from
computation. The latency of this implementation is ntstage , the remaining angle after n/6 iterations. The latency of this
where tstage is the iteration stage delay in terms of full adder architecture to compute the final x/ y coordinates iteratively
delay tFA . is (2n/3 + 2)tstage .
The double rotation and correcting rotation redundant In [61], P-CORDIC algorithm is proposed to eliminate z
CORDIC methods using SD arithmetic are proposed in path completely, using a linear relation between the rotation
[51], to reduce the cost of the scale factor computation. angle θ and the corresponding direction of all microrotations
The nonpipelined and pipelined implementation of these for rotation mode. This algorithm computes the x/ y coordi-
methods require latency of 1.5ntstage to compute final x/ y nates iteratively. The latency of the nonpipelined architecture
coordinates iteratively. These methods achieve constant proposed to implement this algorithm for n-bit precision is
scale factor, increasing the latency by 50% compared to (n/12 + log2 n + 1.75 + 2n)tFA .
[42]. The iterative nature in the x/ y/z path is eliminated
Low latency CORDIC algorithm [55] reduces the latency at the cost of scalability by the flat CORDIC algorithm
to ((9n − 3)/8)tstage compared to that 1.5ntstage in [51]. This [63]. This algorithm transforms x/ y recurrences (11) of
algorithm computes iteratively the direction of rotations and the conventional CORDIC into a parallelized version, by
x/ y coordinates. In addition, a nonpipelined architecture is successive substitution to express the final vectors in terms
also proposed in this paper using prediction technique. The of the initial vectors, resulting in a single equation for n-
latency of this architecture is (n + log3 n − 1)tstage . bit precision. The direction of rotations are precomputed
Table 2: Comparison of various rotational CORDIC architectures, (SD: signed digit, CS: carry save).
Flat CORDIC (2002) [63] 2 SD 34 for 16-bit, 50 for 32-bit — combinational × Constant
Para-CORDIC (2004) [64] 2 CS (2(s(n) + n/2 − l + 2) +
log1.5 n + 2) — × Constant
Nonredundant low-latency (2008) [49] 2 2’s compliment — (n/2 + 2)tadder + tmultiplier (n/2 + 1)/multiplier n/3 Constant
VLSI Design
VLSI Design 17
before initiating the computation of x/ y coordinates. The can be reduced by employing prediction technique for
final x/ y coordinates are computed using combinational the precomputation of direction of rotations. Further, the
blocks with the latency of 34tFA /16-bit and 50tFA /32-bit. The latency reduction of this can be achieved by integrating the
expressions for x and y variables need to be derived and prediction technique with the redundant radix-4 arithmetic
combinational building blocks have to be redesigned with trading the area for variable scale factor computation.
change in precision. Another important observation about the solutions pro-
In [64], Para-CORDIC algorithm is proposed to pre- posed with fully parallelization of x/ y path is that it affects
compute the direction of rotations without using ROM, the modularity and regularity of the architecture leading to
while eliminating iterative z path completely. This method a poor scalable implementation. Finally, we conclude that
uses additional x/ y stages for the repetition of a certain the solution which can allow the design of scalable archi-
microrotations to predict the direction of rotations in tecture, employing prediction and x/ y path parallelization
contrast to ROM employed in [61, 63, 65]. The latency of this techniques to redundant CORDIC algorithm can achieve
Para-CORDIC is ((2(s(n) + n/2 − l + 2) +
log1.5 n + 2))tFA , both latency reduction and throughput improvement.
where l = (n − log2 3)/3 and s(n) represents the total number
of microrotations required in MAR recoding of (l − 1) bits of
the input angle. The values of s(n) for 16/32/64-bit precision References
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