Emergency Martin Armstrong Needs Our Help
Emergency Martin Armstrong Needs Our Help
Emergency Martin Armstrong Needs Our Help
This move is completely illegal. We believe that they know it and are just
playing dumb and hope that no one complains until it’s too late. Aside
from this move is an obvious attempt to silence him and punish him for
speaking out. It is absolutely illegal to move a prisoner with an open
habeas before the courts. Marty has not one, but two open habeas before
the court at this time.
#1 A habeas in Camden Federal Court # 08251
Rule 36 of the Supreme Court states that Marty can’t be moved while
there is an open habeas.
They did not go to the judge because they know that the judge would say no and
that it would open them up to scrutiny and more bad press. Instead they tried to
slide this past everyone on a holiday weekend. They are breaking the law. Later if
they get caught, they will just say they made a mistake. Bottom Line, Marty needs
your help. We have gotten him a lawyer, but we are in a race against time to stop
them from moving him.
Please Call email and fax the following people and tell them you know what they are
doing and demand that they stop. Try to get through personally but if you can’t
then at least leave a voice mail. This is a numbers game we need to let these
folks know that we are watching and we won’t stand for it!
Email dzikefoose@bop.gov
Please note that we are not 100% sure that this is the right email (95%) they don’t publish
their email addresses but it follows the exact naming convention for emails for the BOP.
Phone: 609-723-1100
Phone: 609-723-1100
Zikefoose Superiors
Traci Billingsley, chief public information officer for the entire BOP
Tell this woman we are involving the press and she has a mess on
her hands, thanks to the Warden at Fort Dix.
Email tbillingsley@bop.gov
Public Information Office of Prisons, U.S. Department of Justice, 320 First Street
NW, Rm. 654, Washington, DC 20534;
phone: 202-307-3250;
fax: 202-514-6878.
200 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2979
(215) 521-7300